Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, April 27, 1861, Image 2

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Edtgrapb ) .
Forever float that standard sheet
Where breathes the foe but tails before us
With Freedom's soil beneath our feet,
And Freedom's banner streaming o'er us
Saturday Afternoon, April 21, 1861.
Such has been the custom governing the dis
cipline and•concentration of forces for bellig
erent purposes. No Sabbath in war! May we
not offer an objection to this custom, and plead
Jot.. the observance for the Sabbath. War itself
is sufficiently barbaric and anti• Christian with
out an utter disrespect of the Sabbath. Re
member the Sabbath day, and keep it holy, is
a divine injunction, with which the policy of
`no Sabbath in war" can have no effect. For this
purpose we suggest that the camp to-morrow
be closed to all idle intruders, that large
Crowds be prevented from congregating in the
vicinity, and that the sanctity of the Sabbath
- be maintained as strictly as possible by the of
. fleeirh in charge of Camp Curtin. It is no in
terference thus to urge the observance of the
iSibixtth on our brave defenders, as we believe
that they themselves desire a day of repose
and reflection, which they cannot enjoy if they
are to le' disturbed by the intrusion of idle
The news which we published this morning
fir regard to the safety "of the Capital, was
cheering and satisfactory to the readers of the
.TIELKGRAPIL It has been the secret design of
the traitors to get, possession of all the property
belonging to the Government in Washington,
occupy its departments, and then proclaim them
selves the government ide tado of the kUnited
States. The ?act heretofore stated of the willing
ness with which Southern Senators and Represen
tativeshave voted money to embellish thecity of
Washington, to enlarge and improve its limits,
to add to the extent and magnificence of its
public structures, is now explained by the open
declaration that this money, amounting to mil
lions already, and requiring millions more to
complete these designs, was voted simply be
cause L it was expected that Washington city
would become eventually the Capital of a
Southern Confederacy. Unfortunately for the
South, this base and cowardly calculation was
frustrated by the action of the Administration,
and Washington city is now entirely safe from
their piratical designs.
This is not perhaps the proper time to sug
gest terms of settlement in this difficulty, but
the necessity is fast forcing itself on the convic
tion of the people of the free States that the
limits of slavery must be curtailed within the
vicinity of Washington city. The Capital of
the nation must be open to the freemen of that
nation without the necessity of passing through
slave territory. The past three months have
taught the people of this country a lesson which
they must apply in the settlement of this ques
tion. The Capital must be free to the ingress and
egress of freemen,
In this melancholy state of telegraphic
communication between the Capital and the
North, why not run a light cable from Perrys
ville to Annapolis, or across the Bay, so as to
connect with lines in Delaware? If this were
done we should have a safe and reliable line.
It is believed that the necessary cable could
easily be procured in New York, and put into
working order in the shortest time. The im
portance of such an enterprise cannot be esti
mated. We make the suggestion at the in
stance of the Piesident of our Telegraph Com
pany in this place, and have the fullest confi
dence in its practicability.
The Eleventh Regiment of Pennsylvania vol
unteers have elected this gentleman their Lieu-
Unapt Colonel. Col. Coulter had offered the
services of the Westmoreland Guards, and was
therefore already enlisted for the campaign.
The promotion to the Colonelcy was sponta
neous on the part of the regiment, and is a
a compliment as creditable to those who be
stowed it as it was deserved by the recipient.
During the Mexican war Col. Coulter served as
a private In the Westmoreland Guards, and he
arida comes forward, relinquishing an =ten.
elve law practice and the most important busi
stess interests, to march to the defence of his
country and the vindication of its majesty and
_nn'Dzrraaaxca betwein the army in the
South atutin the North is, that in the South
they force men under arms, while in the North
men volunteer. Those who refuse to enlist,
are driven from the chivalric soil—those who
are too old, have their property seized in lien
of service, while those who fly rather thanraise
tux arm to strike the nationality they love,
have all they own confiscated to the ruthless
lies of treason. This difference must be es
phdned some day, and bitter will be the re
coning from these outrages.
Tas Naw Yoax TRIBUNE cautions those who
have the disbursemen of the war fund is that
State to be careful in all their accounts, and
says further "let those who handle patriotic
funds be watched. It will do no harm. It
may do some good." The advice applies all
over the states that have appropriated so lav
ishly to defend the country. Let those who
handle these funds remember that their ac
count) will be carefully scrutinized. The mon
ey of the people, given for patriotic purposes,
And not be thrown away on speculators.
IF, in a crisis, the country was compelled to
depend upon the theorist, its practical opera
tions would be both limited and useless. It is
an easy task, too, for a man to remain in the ease
and luxury of a sanctum, and there write long
criticisms upon what others are endeavoring to
perform for the good of the country, under the
moat trying circumstances. These were our
Impressions after reading a long article in the
North American, of this week, which was writ
ten apparently with the deliberate design of
canting disgrace on the State of Pennsylvania,
and bringinging its military energies and re
sources into disrepute. Aside from this, it was
supplying the Breckenridge press of Pennsyl
vania, the semi-official organs of the South,
with the very material of attack in which they
no longer had courage to indulge, but which
they seized with peculiar avidity, because it
came from so respectable a newspaper as the
North Antatiszn.
The organization and disciplining of a large
body of wen, fresh from the field, the mine and
the workshop, is a work of stupendous magni
tude, and particularly when the public mind is
excited to the highest degree for the public
safety. If the brave men who left their avo
cations, theirhomes and their firesides, did not
meet the exquisite taste of the North American
critic, or if their appearance, blackened with
the dust of labor, shocked his sensitive nerves,
he should never venture beyond the portals of
his sanctum, because in Pennsylvania the char
acter of such men give credit to the Common
wealth, and the dust which covers their faces
is esteemed as the jewelry of that labor which
has made, perhaps, this fastidious critic and his
ancestors comfortable during their lives. Brass
buttons and bright epaulettes do not constitute
a soldier, anymore-than petty fault-finding and
misrepresentation are the true quajities of an
impartial critic.
So far as the state authorities are concerned,
they deserve the fairest credit for the prompt
ness with which they have been acting in this
crisis. In the organization of the military,
they were governed entirely: by the pressure
from Washington, and their efforts to satisfy
the public. The, sensation press of Philadel
phia were exaggerating the danger and de
manding the forwarding of troops, even with
out arms and equipments, and now to write
the least of it, it was harsh and ungrateful in
the North American thus to attack these men.
And so far as Camp Curtin is concerned, what
Is said in the article referred to, is entirely
false. There is of course great activity in the
camp, which the .North American - mistook for
confusion. Every effort that mac could make
has been made, to insure the success of Penn
sylvania's contribution of men to assist in
maintaining thi law. Those who cannot dis
cover the order and precision of these move
ments are ignorant of military discipline. So
far as Camp Curtin is concerned, we speak frdza
observation, and do not hesitate in pronounc
ing it one of the most orderly and rigidly con
ducted military encampments ever organized in
the State of Pennsylvania. _
It was the remark of that profound reasoner,
Bishop Butler, that entire nations, like indi
viduals, are subject to-fits •of insanity. Who
that observes the present condition of the pub
lie mind in this country can doubt that we are
now suffering from the access of a popular
phrenzy which threatens to steal away.tie good
sense for which our countrymen have hereto
fore been distingniahed in, every walk of life ?
Not only are the. arta of peace exchanged in
many quarters for the trade of war, but as if
to write in ineffaceable characters the self.con
demning record of the infatuation under which
the people are acting, whole communities pro
ceed in a transport of rage to destroy the sour
ces of their prosperity. Who can calculate the
injury which the city of Baltimore has done to
her own population within the last few days I'
In seeking to block up the avenue of communi
cation between many States of the Union and
the Federal Capital, she has at least succeeded
most effectually in destroying the railroad con=
nections which are most important to the busi
ness facilities and interests of her own citizens.
Some seltdestroying fury would deem to be the
presiding genius of the hour, but we have too
much faith in the returning judgment of the
American people to believe that such madness
will not soon be succeeded by a lucid interval.
It has been the object of the secessionists
during this entire struggle to destroy the
property belonging to Union men, and appro
priate that belonging to the Government under
the most cowardly circumstances. Thus, it is
necessary to counteract by such retaliatory
acts as will bring these desperados to their
senses, or at least intimidate them in the per
petration of further acts of aggression and out-
rage. In this spirit we hope that the approach
ing session of the Legislature will make some
provisions in regard to the dam at Columbia,
on the Susquehanna river, so as to cut off the
water from the canal connecting with Balti
more. In this manner the bullies and mer
chant abettors of assassination would be brought
to their sense ,of right and honor. All that
would be necessary is to remove the em
bankment of the Tide-water Canal near Wright's
mill, and Baltimore would be as badly block
aded and shut out by the trade which sustains
it, as if it was surrounded by a hostile army
and &at. These miscreants who murder the
brave defenders of the national honor must
be taught a severe lesson.
IT is reported that , there are 6,000 volunteers
in Richmond ready for service, 4,000 at Har
per's Ferry, and 8,500 at Norfolk ; and it is
said that by the end of the week there will be
25,000 troops at Richmond. In all Virginia it
is said that there are now 16,000 men in arms.
These figures must . be taken with considerable
grains of allowance. The official report of the
arms in vatetandon of 'Virgin* butt year stated
that she had enough (only for 6,000 men ; and,
though some seem; to have been seised at Har
per's Ferry, she hps Aug, at present the means to
eqtap such 4 force. •
lieunovluattiv elegravh, flaturbav "Afternoon, 21. pril, 27, 1661.
The approaching extra session of the Legis
lature begins to impress us with the importance
of the objects for which it has been called. It
is not out of place to discuss some of these ob
jects, and endeavor with caution, as well as
courtesy, to point out certain means of defence
and measures of utility which it would be pro
per at this time to adopt, in order to enable
Pennsylvania fully to co-operate with the gov
ernment at Washington. Since the adjourn
ment of the Legislature, the most startling
events have occurred, in which the honor of
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania was in
volved, and the lives of our fellow citizens
ruthlessly assailed and brutally destroyed,
while on a peaceable and patriotic mission
through a neighboring state, to defend the cap
ital of the nation. Pennsylvania cannot afford
to remain quiet and inactive while the blood
of her citizen soldiery is being poured out in
defence of her honor, nor will she permit her
sons to be struck down, without raising her
arm to avenge the insult and wipe out its au
It is now apparent that the capital at Wash
ington must be occupied and held for a period
at least, until treason can be effectually obliter
ated, and the fall measure of the law meted
out to every traitor in the country. So far as
Pennsylvania is concerned, she has only a plain
and simple duty to perform in the occupancy
and possessing the city of Washington. She
must concentrate a larger force than that just
called out, say from ten to fifteen thousand
more men, and with such an army, extending
from her capital to the borders of Maryland, to
some point where these troops could co-ope
rate with like numbers from the States of Ohio
and Indiana, the city of Washington would
soon become surrounded by an army of free
men such as would strike terror and dismay to
every traitor in the land. There must be an
uninterrupted, open road between the Free
States and the capital of Washington. The
country around that city must be purged of trea
son, and the authority and power and force of
the general Government must be established
and vindicated in a manner that will forever
hereafter establish them in strength and invin
cibility. Aside from these considerations such
a force will be necessary to establish peace. We
must not adjust' the question of treason by com
promise and conciliation. The people who
have taken this matter in baud, will not sub
mit to conciliation, nor will they abide by the
decision of any diplomaoy that seeks the settle
ment of-the wrongs which have been heaped
upon this nation by permitting a band of trai
tors and assassins quietly to subside into the
repose of a hypocritical allegiance, forced on
them by the overshadowing influence of num
bers. The fame and the glory of the American
people have been tarnished by a blow. By a
blow, only then, can they be rescued from the
diegrace into which they have been plunged.
The first cbject of the Legislature will of
course be to increase the military force of the
state. This will necessarily require an' addi
tional appropriation. It must be borne in
mind that all these operations for defence can
not be carried on without incurring great ex
pense, and that the organisation of armies
from raw material, is a work easier described
and criticised than suocessfully performed.—
This, of course, the Legislature will under
stand and appreciate. In the forthcoming
message of the Governor, we expect to see
these suggestions largely increased and set
forth, believing that the government here is im
pressed with the importance of the crisis, and
the necessity of the most extensive prepara
tions. and prompt . action. Pennsylvania must
put forth all her energies and strength in this
emergency. She must not pause at expense when
the liberties of her people are in jeopardy, nor
hesitate to strike a blow in defence of the lives
of her children or the honor of a nation, of
which she is a component part.
DIPLOMACY has had its triumphs over many a
bottle of Port and Sherry, and has settled many
a vexed question while digesting salads, omo
lets and .fricasee. But the settlement of the
great question now agitating the public mind
of this nation, can never be accomplished by
diplomatic art or coquetry. The people have
become confounded and disgusted with the
conciliation and compromises of diplomacy,
and nothing now will satisfy them, but the
most practical measures. They are weary of
discussion, and now pause only for a decision.
If this Government is to be destroyed by force,
they demand an encounter with that influence,
and if force is to be used against force, they
are ready for the action. Here are eighteen
millions of busy, enterprising and ambitions
people, aspiring for their own elevation and
zealous for the good of the nation. Shall these
be dictated to by eight millions of men, who
proclaim themselves the masters of all labor?
Shall these eight millions arrest the progress
and developments of eighteen other millions of
men? This is what is to be decided. It is not
contemplated in this decision that the rights of
minorities are not to be respected, or that the
majority should rule with Absolute power. But
it is the will of the majority of the people of
this Government that all who have enjoyed its
protection shall respect and obey its laws, and
that treason, in any shape and in any quarter,
shall be put down by the strong arm of the
law, and not allayed by the soothing persua
sions of diplomacy.
TIM POW= OF rim NORTH was manifested in
the march and passage of the New York Sev
enth Regiment through Maryland. The men
repaired the track of the railroad, erected
bridges which had been destroyed, repaired and
manned locomotives, reconstructed cars for the
forwarding of baggage, and other achievements
which mechanics only can accomplish. Against
an army of such men we should imagine the
poor negro drivers and breeders of the ;South
would make a most miserable resistance—and
it is this power, the mechanical force and geni
us of the country, that has been so much un
derrated at the South. It is this power that is
sought to be degraded by refusing to allow it
expression either at the ballot box or in the
halls of legislation. Time will teach the de
luded people of the South that the power of
the American mechanic is the true element of
strensth in the American government, in peace
as well ac
We publish below the conclusion of the cor
respondence petween General Beauregard, the
leader of the rebels, and Major Anderson, the
gallant defender of Fort Sumter. It will be
seen by this correspondence that the assault on
Anderson and his brave companions was both
brutal and unnecessary, and that, by their own
confession, the assailants were guilty of a great
We commend this correspondence to the
careful perusal of our readers.
CaraLEsToN, (8. C.) APRIL 11, 1861, 2 P. M
Mal— Hobert Anderson,Cbtaraanding at
Fort Sumte, Charleston Harbor, S. C.
Bra : The Government of the Confederate
Stites has hitherto forborne from any hostile
demonstration against Fort Sumter, in the
hope that the Government of the United States;
with a view to the amicable adjustment of all
questions between the two Governments, and
to avert the calamities of war, would volunta
rily evacuate it.
There was reason at one time to believe that
such would be the course pursued by the Gov
ernment of the United States, and, under that
impression, my Government has refrained from
making any demand for the surrender of the
fort. But the Confederate States can no' longer
delay assuming actual possession of a fortifica
tion commanding the entrance of one of their
harbors, and necessary to its defence and secu
I am eltdered by the Government of the Con
federate States to demand the evacuation of
Fort Sumter. My aids, Col. Chestnut and Capt.
Lee, are authorised to make such demand of
you. All proper facilities will be afforded for
the removal of yourself and - command—to
gether with company arms and property, and
all private property—to any post iu the United
States which you may select. The flag which
you have upheld so long, and with so much
fortitude, under the most trying circumstan
ces, may be saluted by you on taking it down.
Col. Chesnut and Capt. Lee, will for a reason
able time, await your answer.
1 am, sir, very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
_.G. T. BIALBEGAB.D, Brig. Gen. Com.
1113ADQUARSZE8 Fors Storms, 8. C.
APRIL 11 , 1861
To Brig. Gen. G. T. Beauregard,
Commanding Provisional Army C. S. A
GENERAL : I have the honor to acknowledge
the receipt of your communication demanding
the evacuation of this fort, and to say in reply
thereto that it is a demand with which I regret
that my sense of honor and my obligation to
my Government prevent my compliance.
Thanking you for the,fair, manly and cour
teous terms proposed, and for the high com
pliment paid me, I remain, General, very re•
spectfully, your obedient servant,
Major U. S. Army, commanding.
OnsavorroN, (S. C.) Anil. 11, 1881, 11. P. M.
Major Robert Anderson, Commanding at
Fort Sumter, Charleston Harbor, S. C.
MAJOR : In consequence of the verbal ob
servations made by you to my aids, Messrs.
Chesnut and Lee, in relation to the condition
of your supplies, and that you would iu a few
days be starved out if our guns did not batter
you to pieces, .or words to that effect, and de
siring no useless effusion of blond, I communi
cate both the verbal observation and your
written answer to my communication to my
If you will state the time at which you will
evacuate Fort Sumter, and agree that in the
meantime you will not use your guns against
us unless ours shall be employed against us Fort
Sumter, we shall abstain from opening fire
upon you. Col. Chestnut and Capt. Lee are
authorised by me to enter into such an agree•
meat with you. You are, therefore, requested
to communicate to them an open answer.
I remain, Major, very respectfully, your
obedient servant, _
Brigadier General Commanding
2.80 A. M., APRIL 12, 1881
1b Brig. Gen. G. T. Beauregard,
Commanding Provisioned Army C. S. A.:
Gamer, : I have the honor to acknowledge
the receipt of your second communication of
the 11th instant, by Col. Chesnut, and to state
in reply, that, cordially uniting with you in
the desire to avoid the useless effusion of blood,
I will, if provided with the necessary means of
transportation, evacuate Fort Sumter by noon
on the 15th instant, should I not receive,
prior to that time, controling instructions from
my Government, or additional supplies, and
that I will not in the meantime open my tire
upon your forces, unless compelled to do so by
some hostile act against this fort or the flag of
my Government by the forces under your
command, or by some portion of them, or by
the perpetration of some act showing a hostile
intention on your part against this fort or the
flag it bears.
I have the honor to be, General, very re
spectfully, your obedient servant,
Major 11. S. A. Commanding
Amin 12, 1861, 3.20 A. M
Major Robert Anderson,United States Army,
7ointnanding Fort Sumter
Sut : By authority of Brigadier General
Beauregard, Commanding the Provisional
Forces of the Confederate States, we have the
honor to notify you that he will open the fire
of his batteri on Fort Sumter in one hour
from this time.
We have the honor to be, very respectfully,
your obedient servants,
Stamm D. Lea,
Captain S. C. Army and Aid•de Camp.
A PATRIOTIC Lnrrue.—The following letter,
from a young man to his mother, has been
handed to us for publication., It breathes the
spirit of a true patriot :
Tszvorros, April 20.
MT DERR MOTHER : To-morrow I leave as
an enlisted soldier of the United States Army
for Washington ; I have been long intending
to do this ; and Ido it because I fee] that my
country is in eminent danger ; and that al
though I can do but little, yet that little should
be devoted to the service of my country in this
her hour of great need. I know that my
mother's blessing will rest upon her son in this
moire, and that if I fall (as God only knows
whether I shall or not,) He who is my Saviour
has laid up a crown for me in heaven. lam
sure that my mother will not weep if I am
among the dead, for she will know , that -I
died for the good of my country. If God or
ders it so, I will at least be shot , with my face
towards the enemy. YOTIE ONLT SON.
Ws learn from late New Orleans papers that
the Legislature of Texas had almost completed
its business and was nearly ready to adjourn.
The loan bill had become a law, and Texas
bonds, it is stated, will soon lie abundant The
act authorizes one million of bonds to be sold,`
redeemable in sixteen years, and four cents on
a hundred dollars additional taxes levied to pay
interest and principal.
A Wife Repudiates her Traitor Hus
[From the N. Y. Timm]
It will be remembered that Lieut. Abner
Smead, of the First Artillery, was sent, a few
weeks since, by Lieut. Slemmer, to Washing
ton, to apprise the Government of the absolute
necessity of supplies and reinforcements at
Fort Pickens. Forgetful of all obligations of
honor and duty, Lieut. Sewall took Montgorn
ery in his way northward, and having sub
mitted his dispatches to the perusal of the rebel
authorities, proceeded to Washington, whither
the news of his treason having anticipated
him, he was not shot, as he deserved to be,
but his name was simply struck from the roil
of the army. The wife and children of Lieut
Smead, with the families of several officers on
duty in the South, were at Fortress Monroe.
The Lieutenant hastened from Washington to
obtain his family, and remove them southward,
but his movements were not so rapid but that
his crime had been reported before him. When,
therefore, he presented himself at the fort, he
was refused admission, the officer on duty de
clining "to , adniit a traitor" Within a Federal
post, the only favor conceded being that he
might have an interview with Mrs. Smead
without the walls. That interview the un
happy miscreant Is not likely to forget. At
tended by a few female friends, one of which
furnished the account which we give of the
scene, the lady met her husband, and in terms
of scorching eloquence, reproached him with
his shame.
Go t home =with you I" she exclaimed.
"lieVer! Oar piths in this world ate here
after separate. I disown you. A coward and
traitor, you are no husbend of mine. Hence
forth you are to me as if dead. As long as I
live I shall wear mourning, and be as a widow;
and rest assured I sballeducate our children to
execrate and despise your memory as that of a
recreant and traitor?'
Turning with these words, the noble and pa
triotic woman reentered the fort, and gave way
to her very natural feelings. We may add
that Dirs. Snead is, like her discarded hus
band, a native of Georgia, and that while the
latter went southward to obtain the reward of
his treason, the former, with her children, has
come north, passing 'through this city on
Tuesday, and is now at Morristown, N. J.
It is an illustration of the temper of the mob
now ruling at Baltimore, that it seized upon
the baggage of the party of unprotected wives
of officers with which Mrs. Snead and our in
formant traveled; and but for the Interference
of an officer of Fort McHenry would have de
tained their persona. A greater part of the
baggage of the party, with many articles of
value, was taken away violently, and, of
will never be recovered.
Our informant states that the garrison of Fort
Monroe numbers 1,200 men, having ample pro
visions for a year, and that mon nod officers
have united in a solemn oath not to surrender
the fort, and believe they can hold it against
the largest force that can be brought against it.
The fortress it surrounded by a plain, so that
the approaches will be exceedingly difficult.
TIM MIIIBII3SIPPI 'lnter--The announcement
by telegraph yesterday, (17th,) that steamers
had been brought to and arms and provisions
destined for the South had been seized at Cin
chmnati excited considerable indiguation in
lids city. Daring the day we were assured
through the medium of the telegraph that the
steamer Lehigh had left St. Louis with a quan
tity of muskets and perhaps other munitions
of war, destined for the barracks at Newport,
Kentucky. It was rumored, however, that
the arms were consigned to Pittaburg, and the
more excitable of those who had been incensed
by the condtict of the Oincinnatians toward the
Sonthern-bound steamers deemed it a fair op
portunity to retaliate. A council was held,aed
it was resolved that the Lehigh, with her cargo,
should not be permitted to pass this port. Ac
cordingly, at an early hour last evening, a
Party of young men, led doubtless by older
heads, proceeded to the armory of the Louis
ville Battery, on First street, near Green, forci
bly opened the doors and took possession of the
cannon in charge of Col. D. C. Stone, of the
Enrolled Ifilitia,and availed themselves of such
munitions of war as appertained to Col.Stone'e
head-quarters, embracing forty rounds of car
tridges, and one twelve pound cannon-ball
The guns, two six-pounders, were speedily run
out, horses were attached, and, amid tbo
wildest enthusiasm the crowd sorted fOr West
Louisville, a point at a bend In the river about
six miles below this city. Other councils were
held, however, and an assurance from Gen.
Buckner that the arms on board the Lehigh,
or a portion of them, at least, were the pro
perty of the Kentucky State Guard, seemed to
satisfy the crowd ; the guns were housed. and
the indignant party quietly diepersed.—Louis
trille Journal.
A SonssicatorNaaara Hmco.—lt would seem,
says the Lancaster Express of the 26th inst.,
if some won were born to be fools, and such we
take any man to be who expresses any sym
pathy with secession within the limits of Lan
caster county. We learn that a citizen living
near the Maryland line, in this county, made
. a
narrow escape from hanging, a day or two ago,
for "talking secession." The rope was actually
around his neck, and signs of evidently sincere
repentance alone saved him from a hasty exit
into eternity. We advise our county friends to
send all such scoundrels to the Lancaster
oounty prison for safe keeping ; if guilty, our
Lancaster county court and juries will do them
full justice.
ara.. Mural . WILSON, who went on to Annapo
lis with the Massachusetts Eighth, has gone
hoine to raise two more regiments. They will
like the Massachusetts boys better down South
when they get used to them.
SENGEELS at QUIIIENSTOWN, (Ireland.) The Liver
pool, New York and Philadelphia Steamship company
intend despatching their full powered Clycle•built Iron
Steamships as follows :
GLASGOW, Saturday, 27th April; CITY OF WASH.
INGTON, Saturday, 6th aprll ; VIGO, Saturday, 11th
April ; and, every Saturday, at Noou, from Pter 44,
North River.
FIST CABIN. ..... .$7O 0 3 srEKRAGE.... ..... $3O 00
do to London $BO 00 1 do to London-833 00
Steerage Return Tickets, good for Six Months 60 00
Passengers forwarded to Paris, Havre, Hamburg,
Bremen, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Ike., at reduced through
gm-Persons wishing to bring out their friends can buy
tickets here at the following riVes, to New York : From
Liverpool or Quemustown; let Cabin, $75, $B5 mid $lO6.
Steerage from Liverpool *4O 00. - From Queenstown,
$BO 00.
These Steamers have superior accommodations for
passengers, and carry experienced Burgeons. They are
bull in Water-tight Iron Sections, and have Patent Fire
Annihilators on board. • For further information apply
at the Company's Offices. JNO. G. DALE, Agent,
asl4f 16 Broadway, New York.
Or 0..0 . Zimmerman, Agent, Harrisburg.
C0N81912113 0
J. & F. mAitmt.
• JULEEb 8080 & co.
For sale by JOHN Et. ZargaLES,
73 garket Street.
Nrtu t2thertietintuts
the paesonger trains of the PeonsyliaLl,R,ur
puny will depart from and arrive a* titrrri,.
11.!a , Mpb!lt as rnitown
Ti:41.14 leave
ot. st.l arrives at Wets/ Phllade:m a ..[
S> t I.l\E learcr Harrisburg at c
ett Weat Phiiadelpbia at 4;
FAIT THAt\ arm bur, :•
trrivis• 41 IVPrt 11311.141elptila at 6.10
I Les* irate& make alma causectioo at
11- New York Lino&
leaves Harrisburg at Y.ZO a. m., and
Philadelphia At 12 30 p.
bia. loaves klarrisbuts at 4.10 p. m., Rod ,
Phlta felphla .1 9 '2 i p. m.
i.C.,...0‘119,11. 1 A11(iN TRAIN, N. 11 . 1 .1-1
loavot Harrisburg at, 4.20 esoowt Le .
riur with ITAREISPIJRO AC001.1110i1A11..„
arrives at Weal. Philadelphia at 9,25 p r n .
tNaUliGll F..XPRZ&S TRAIN leaves
10.45 p m., Harrisbura at 3.05 a. in., AI •-,
rive: at Pittsburg at 12.40 p. m.
NAV. TRAIN 14`1Ve3 Phiiidei phi&
H rrisburg 1.10 p. m., Altoona, 7.05 p. n L ..
tt t' Vsburg ai 11,1.0 p. tn.
r UNE. loaves etaladelphla at 11.40 ~
berg 4.05 p. m., Aitwmt 6.40 p. in., and ad.-
burg at 100 a. in.
ebtlacielphis at 2.8, p. nt. , laocaster C
umtna 0.10 p. m., and arrives at
, Lanuaater 7.44 p. m.,,lfount Joy S.,i p.
betrdown, 8.46 p. to., and arrives at thr , -;
9.46 p. m.
Almaden la called to the faet, that puiru,
rbilll4l6iptd& at 4.00 p. conuect at lan •
tlarilsborg at 9.45, p. tn.
BAUM. U. Yul. - Nti
Supt. Ent. Dlr. ROLP.:a.
One Hundred Thousand Dollar,'
TIRE SUBSCRIBERS have at then- e • .
oi L teMeTi ll ag 13-rAREO THOUSAND Ait • •
And all the loading articles In Witte for oak 011CP -F
1113Y4KUNKEL Wholesale Grocer,
r kl•
WOULD reepectfully inform hid
patrons and the public generally, that li
,xintinue to givo iosiructiona on the PIANO VoitTF, is
[ODEON, VIOLIN sod also In the science of Ti!..,2 cti
He will with pleasure wait upon pop, T
homes at any hour desired, or lemma will i e et
his reAdence, is Third street, a few doors beix
tierman itefOrMOil Church.
Glorious Star Ppapgled Banner!
which we call the atteut'on of our friend'', and
Wylie them to C 5311.11130 Ottr sopa. and Prices.
We aro determined to cell chea ? the p
&tar the liarrixburg
THE best defining and pronouncing Di.:
llonary of the English lingnaga ; Also, Worco;,, •
School Dictionaries, Weo3ter's Mctarhl Q
School Dictionaries for sale at. •
Near the Ilarrishere
THE subscriber begs leave to inforn,:. •
friends and the potel:c teat he has taken the Fes
Ilia's nom, in Market street opposite the Nit C.
tarmorly J. Stahl's, where he is prepared to
date theta on ran:ramble terms. Having rot:te ,-
Purnlrbod tho BOnse entirely now, he hopes by !.t.: e:
teution. to basineas, to receive a liberal share of rare=
agO. , , ratit..3m4) B. PETE,
TFaRIiOIiV.TERS, Ornamental Mantle, ,Tapsti, se is
THARMOMENNMS, do do Firm zsJ
T.IERMONIETERS, Distillers Tin Case, 12 Inch.
TBER.IIOIILTCRS, do Brass Bound Daublc
THERMOMETERS, Union Cage, 10 12 Inch.
THERMOMETERS, Me Ude Frame, 8-10 inch.
THERMOIIE: CERA, Black WAilltlt. Case, 19 iLell
THERMOMETERS, Tin Case, 7-8 10 Mob.
We have just received a flea lot or THERSIiiME.L
of various stylea, and are soiling them low.
H.ELLDR'S DRUG srot:i.,
ap3 91 Market sir,
OTICE is hereby given that an elec:2:l ,
bo held In the Second Fresbyterum rhu t-
(Armory building). on MONDAY, the 6th diy 01 II.%•
commencing at 2 o'clock and closing at it o clock It.
afternoon, for the purpose of electing sereu pe.2,
serve at Trutemea of the Harris Free Cemetery, Ir'
first Monday Monday in May, 1861, to the that 110n.13y ID 1/..:
1863. livery free male colored person of tha Ise .!
yosrs and upwards, is entitled to vote. By crier o;
Board of Trustees. JCS- C. 111::A•I
ap22 d2w SPerftnr,'
Schnyllrill and Susqueha,una Railroad
Company , .
MILE Annual Meeting and election or It .e
-,i_ • stockholders of the Eigiuy fn and t•toqw -L ":'
Railroad Companyout ' , required by their charter, s '
hell et the Continental 'tote!, city of Ptalaielpl.u. I,to
sylvan, on Monist Slay &h, nt 12 o'clat g.,
purpose of choosing a President and Sit klanlgeri
for the ensuing year, endo.lso for the Cou,hlerat
such other - business as may prOper!y be brought 1,..vr.
said meeting. - FRANK S. ROD,
aplb4tot e .
AWNINGS' 'Hewed at the otlice of
apll-2wei Third and Mar;,et sdret
Harrisburg Broom MatalfaCtOrY .
S sold wholesale and retarD
Per cent. clasper than can be had elsextdre
and examine oar stock.
aPS-3md J. E PR'CE
On hand and for sale wholesale and ret.o at tile col
lowest rates for cash.
Repaired and made equal to new ß
reason.lble..4 • t,
04).100 Marti* street between fourth and FdiniNai