Pailg Cetzgraph), HARRISBURG• Wednesday Afternoon, April 21, 1861. Extra Telegraph We have concluded to issue a regular Morn log Edition of the TaLIXIRAPH hereafter .and made arrangements accordingly. All the tele graphic illspat-hrs that in the Philadel phia and New York papers will appear in our morning edition, twelve hours in advance. The matting edition can be obtained at BERG Nees Booseroas every morning. VinQN ENVZLOP333, Note Paper and Badg e s canbe had at Bergner's Book Store. MourFLeo BArsiso" . .—A htige and. handsome American flag has been raised to the steeple of the new Court House; A FDal COMM? of "Continentals" arrived at Camp Curtin last night from Tamaqua. They are aline looking body of men. MILITARY Auttver.s.—Several hundred ad ditional volunteers arrived in the city, to-day, from Lanomger, Schuylkill and other eastern counties. --. Bator Gen t E. C. Wasieus, his aid, Col. J. J. Patteraon, and 'Major Onelough, arrived in town to-day, from the camp at York. They repreient matters there as being in a fine oon. &don. 1=1:= Was- ix TOWN.—Capt. Jones, of the egular U. army, in command of the Government property at Harper's Ferry, previous to its de striation by fire, was in town, this morning, stopping at the Jones' House. ~.~.._ Tim " Unita END m hlartow.—A fine look ing military company from Lykenstown, num bering About SO men, under the command of Capt. Savage, arrived in the city about 2 o'- clock this afternoon, and are quartered at Camp Curtin. 61111"Vmese Ewe is the name of a new military company now organizing in this city. Their "head quarters" is at the Exchange building, Walnut street, where active young men, desirous of serving their country, can have an opportunity to enroll themselves.— Over fifty names were on the muster roll at noon to day. PACKAGES AND CLOTHING EoR OUR MILrIAKE.— Those of our citizens who desire to send cloth intor other articles to their friends belonging to the Cameron Guardi and State C ipital Otuirds, now 'encamped at York, are requested to aloud their packages to the office of George W. Buehler, Eeq , at the Buehler lilouT, to morro*, where arrangements have been made to have them safely transported to York. Ws tismossreen that the immense cullinary resources of the State Lunatic Hospital, near' this city, have been placed at the dlspcsal of the Government, and that daring the last weed the attaches of that, establishment, tinder the Superintendence of Dr. Curwin and the estima ble matron Mrs. Wilt, have been engaged night, and meat and boiling coffee for the soldiers at C.,inp Curtin. Such a display of patriotism and self sacrifice is highly commen dab/e. TE Ileasammuo Tao OM —Capt. WM. B. Sipes, of the State Capital Guards, was in th.! city last night. Be reports that his cbmpany and the Cameron Guards, with the other troops that left this city last Saturday night, still re main encamped at York. The Guards are rep resented to be enjoying good health, and in the beat possible spirits. Capt. Sipes returned to York at noon today. Capt. Eystir and Lieut. Davis of the Cam non Guards were also in the city this morning on a visit to their (mines. They looked well, and spoke very encouragingly of their cotopany. mommralli...•... Ma M. I. FaitruruN, proprietor of au Optical Eetablishment In, Philadelphia has coma here ott a visit and, will have his office opened to morrow for the sale of his far-lamed Improved Spectacles, which stand unrivelled in perfec tion. As a .professional man he is able to snit amity person with weak sight and just the right kind of :glasses he needs. His stock of Optical ItirZ . treents is said to be of the first class or der, VW as he sells them at his factory prices,. we.are confident the citizens of Harrisburg will patronize him hilly. BIIIIGLART is Puma STAIBIT.—About 12 o'clock lastnight a burglar succeeded by means of false ketys'in entering the residence of Mr. Simon Qpster, in Pine street. The notes made by the intruder attracted the attention of Mrs. Oyster, who wagtail up with one of her children in a room partially darkened. She immediately turned'on the gas, the light from which sud denly dashing through the glass sash of a door coinmunieating with the room in which the burglar was pursuing his diabolical pursuits, caused him to take the alarm and beat a hasty retreat front the premises. -,......... A Pan 13uoic LIN Botm•as.—Our readers will recollect that we stated some time since that a colored man by the name of Joseph Bell was held as a runaway in Kmtncky, and that, nn his freedom was established and the jail feel paid, he would bo sold into slavery. Since then District Attorney Herr has received the following letter in reply to one sent by him. We now urge upon the colored population to make an effcrt to raise the necessary amount to free the man. They are the proper persons to do it, for our citizens are already heavily taxed in variobs ways by the many incidental m imosas attending the war. Hawievarar, April 18, 1861. A. J. Hiatt, - Yq.urPtvas received Thejallor's fee and magiotrate's fee and his rx pensecto come there will be $4O, aud by seed leg the papers allowing that he is free, I will re Have him and send him home. Yours, Jas. M. OLDHAM, Jailor, Hawesville, Hancock county, Ky. Corm Paocsannins.—The following is a sum mary of the Court-proceedings since last Mon day : Common Wealth vs. Joseph Meckley, fornica tion end bastardy: Bound over to appear at next Court. Cum. vs. John Espinshade, fornication and bastardy. Bound over to appear at next Court. Com. vs. Fred. Kerney, felonious assault and battery. Bound over to appear at next Court. Corn. vs. Rudolph OtaIMENI, Barbara;Ctarman, Jane Clamart, Abraham Garham, Fanny Gar man, Jacob Garman, David Schartzer and Fred. Baker, conspiraey:- Bound over to appear at next Court. • Com. vs. Jacob Shout, false pretence. Bound over to next Court: Corn. vs. Hairy Neaffer, nuisance. Bound over to next Court. • . Com. vo. Jacob Grubb, Robert M'Neal and Joo. P. Shindle, rape, on oath of Alike Mitchell. True bill.' Com. vs. Andrew Potts, colluding to screen property. Bound over to next Court. Corn. vs. Henry Resole, screening property. 'Bound over to next Court. Com. vs. Calvin Snoddy, laceny, Btc. Not guilty, and defendant discharged. Com. vs. Samuel Freeburn, selling liquor on Sunday. Bound over to next Court. Corn. vs. Adam Hoffman, assault and battery, on oath of Jonathan Lowery. Bound over to next Court, Corn. vs. Henry Hide, larceny, &c., on oath of Samuel Kauffman. Bound over to next Court. Com. vs. Sarah Price, fornication and bas tardy. Bound over to next Court. Cum vs. Catherine Buffington, larceny. Bound ov. , r to next Court. Oliver Simons, larceny. Bound over to next Court. Cl i eo. B. Cale, false pretense. Bound over to next Court. Edward Buffington, larceny. Bound over to next Court. Com. vs. J.P. Miller, =fault and battery, on oath of Tobias Garman. Bound over to next Court. Com. vs. J. P. Miller, aasault and battery, on oath of Samuel Miller. Bound over to next Court. Com. vs. Samuel Miller, surety of the peace, on oath of J. P. Miller. Bound over to neat Court. Com. vs. Job:an:imp, murder. Bill ignored, and defendant discharged._ Com. vs. John•ManhhiliVobberyi on`oath of David Crouse. Bill ignored, and Clefendeut discharged. COM. vs. Thos. Boylan. larceny, on oath of Herman Alricks. Found guilty. Corn. vs. F. P. Manse and Harriet Manse, as sault and battery, on oath of Wm. M'llbisick. True bill. Com. vs. Ann Seagrove, fornication and Itas tardy. Bound over to next Court. Cora. vs. Ann Beager, fornication and bas tardy. Bound over to next Court. Corn. vs. F rances Wert, adultery on oath of Lydia Crysty. True bill. Jury outlast night. Com. vs. henry Johnson, larceny on oath of J. G. Miller. True bill. Com. vs. Martin Lai, fraudulent voting on oath of Robert Simpson. Bound over to next Court. Cora. vs. Michael Bengler, fraudulent voting on oath of Robert Simpson. Bonnd over to next Court. Com. va. John Brutal, fraudulent voting on oath of Benjamin Stroh. Bound over to next Court. Com. vs. Geo. Zeigler, fraudulent voting on oath of Benjamin Stroh. Bound over to next Court. Cum. vs. Fred P. Moss, Jacob M'Cioud, Jos. kiillegan, Robert Nettles and Geo. F. Emerson, riot. Bound over to next Court. Corn. va. Joo. Hamilton, burglary, larceny, &0., on oath of Bepj. D. Reigle. Plead guilty on second count. Com. vs. N. A. Sutton, seduction, &c., on Oath of Louisa Honer. Bound over to next Court. Com. vs. Samuel Wright and Wm. M'Kis sick, assault and battery. /3ound over to,next Court. Com. vs. Ida Hart, bawdy house. Bound over to next Court. Corn. 1%. Elizibeth Forster, howdy house Bound over to 'next Court! Corn. vs. Wm. Cooper, et al gambling. Ig nored. Cora. vs. Jos. Hochhinder, Weeny= oath o Jas. Freeland. Bound over to neat Court. Corn. vs. Jeremiah Fisher, mama and bat tery, on oath of John Wallower, Sr. Bound aver to next court. • Corn. vs. Jacob Snyder and Isaac Paul, ob structing road &c. Bound over to next court. Corn. vs. Jacob Stout, false pretence on oath of Enoch Matlick. BoUnd over to next court. Com. vs. Patrick Brett, felonorui counterfeit log. Found guilty. Com. vs. James Marshall, Wm. Cromwell, Robert Lane, Wm. Lane, David Lane and Wm. G ray, riot &c. Not Guilty. Each of the party to pay one half the costs. . Com. vs. . AlerAnder Curdy, larceny &c., on oath of Moses Fleck. Plead guilty. Com, vs. Eliza M'Quirk, disorderly house. Bound over to next court. Com. vs. George B. Patterson, adultery, on oath of Geo. Garman. Continued to next session. Com. vs. Margaret Kenney, adultry, on oath of Geo. Garman. Continued to next session. Com. vs. John Preston, assault and battery. Ignored. . . . Com. vs. Samuel Anderson, fornication and bastardy. Plead guilty. Corn. vs. Henry Loudenslager, fornication and bastardy. Bound over to next court. Com. ye. Fanny Gish; bawdy house, on oath of James Lewis. Com. vs. Samuel Anderson, fornication and bar.tardy. Plead guilty. Com. va. Samuel Barton; larceny. Guilty. Com. vs. Juhn)WDertnot, felonious counter ftiting. Guilty. Cum. vs. Ann lelackin.ton, assault and bat tery. Plead guilty. • Corn. vs. Wm. Elmex. Tree bill; penitspinania elegraph, ItlebnesZtap 'Afternoon, Itprit 24, 1861. Com. vs. John Yengtt. Bound over to next Court. Cora. vs. Edward Zerbe. Bound over to next Court. Coin. vs. Elizabeth Jones, disorderly house. Case continued. Com. vs. Rebecca Seiders. Bound over to next Court. Ckim. vs. Andrew Fanniman, assault with intent to ravish. Bound over to next Court. Coro. vs. Samuel Soo; and Levi G. Huber. Jury out. Com...vs. Henry Neafers, nuisance. on oath , of Jim'. M. Shick. True bill. Com.vs. Mary Avey, bawdy house. True bill. Cora. vs. Thomas Bennett; disorderly house. Qom. vs. Richard Carter, larceny, on oath.of Henry Radrdnugh. True bill. Corn. vs. Richard Carter, larceny, &c., on oath of 0. W. Whittier. True bill. Com. vs. Geo. Fisher, Adam Fisher, Amos Manley and Cameron Mish, riot, &c., on oath , of Geo. W. Looker. Ignored and prosecutor to pay costs. Corn. vs. Geo. 'linter and Wm. M'Kissick, assault 'and_ battery, on oath of F. P. Maus. Ignored and prosecutor for costs. Com. vs. John Bradley, assault and battery, on oath of Mary M'Csrty. Defendant's ball forfeited. Com. vs... Henry Hollingsworth, assault and battery, on oath of John Landis. Defendant's recognizance forfeited. Tan Carr Loolic-11p contained several tenants last night, all of, whom had a hearing before his honor the Mayor this morning, who dispos ed of them in a proper manner. Tga Ntamsa.—The whole number of Penn sylvania Volunteers mustered into the United States service at Camp Curtin up to last evening is six thousand six hundred and ninety-nine. Mrtrraar Masonlie of all patterns can be obtained, upon the shortest notice, at the store of John W. Glove; Merchant Tailor, Market street, in the building formerly occu pied by the Mechanic's Bank. Mums Bans FIIND.-A meeting of the committee will be held this eyening, 24th inst” at half past seven. AU the members are re quested to attend, as business requiring imme diate action presses upon them. By order of the President. 0. EDRADI3, See y. Plum, Tmsr.—A negro named James Clark alias "Clem," was arrested this morning on a warrant issued by the Mayor charged with stealing a revolver from Capt. George Rinehart of the Eighth Pennsylvania regiment of volun teers. The pistol was recovered by, the police, and the owner declining to ptosecute, the negro was discharged from custody with an in junction to "sin no more." THE MARIETTA CAMERON GUARDS, Capt. J. Congdon, numbering 80 men, rank and file, arrived in town - yesterday afternoon and are quartered at Camp Curtin. Capt. Congdon was formerly afiesident of this city, and is a son-, In-law of Vini. T. Bishop, 'Esq. lie- will 'give a good account of himself when the proper mo menu arrives. Annum= Msarrso.—An adjourned meet ing of the citizens of Hairisburg,will be held at the Court House, (Brant's Hall,) at 7 o'clock! this evening, for the purpose of hearing the se- port of the ward Committees en the formation of a Committee of Public Safety. Frau Eamon Ltmuums Cstracm.—The notice in yesterday's TEzxaeaPa concerning the First . English tutheran and the Od &hoot Presbyte rian churches, was premature. Such an ar rangement was spoken of but not agreed upon, as the services of the pastor of the Lutheran church may be required in behalf of the troops to be quartered in that building. DUI TS= Bum/am—Brigade Inspector Jonas Louder's&lager has issued his orders for the companieti composing the Third Brigade, Fifth Dirision,,Pa.:Volunteers, to meet forin spection at Uniontown, on Friday, the 17th of May, at 10 o'clock, A. M. The companies are required to parade thirty.two men each, and to be in readiness to march at one day's notice when called upon by the Commander-in-chief. VIOLATION, or ORDINANONS.—There was quite a rush of business at the Mayor's office this morning, caused by the arrest of no leas than eight countrymen, charged . with violating an Ordinance of the city requiring them to un hitch their horses from their market wagons during market hours. Fisch of the parties were fined one dollar and cods, whieh they paid, and were then discharged. Information has been made against Mr. A. G. Keet, also charged with violating a city , Oidinance, by emptying the contents of a chaff bed in the streets. A hearing of the case will probably take place before the Mayor this eve ning. ca Conn at Third and Karketsts.,seems to be the regularly constituted depot for the arri val and departure of omnibuses and other ve hicles running to and from "Camp Curtin," and the bustle and confusion almost hourly visible in that quarter will remind one very forbibly of the palmy days of omnibuses _ , Philadelphia. There are some eight or !Abuses on the line, besides an infinite number of carriages and other vehicles, all of which are abundantly patronlard. DUST, Oul—The streets of our city, and par ticularly Third street, abound with dust which, stirred by the wheels of passing vehi cles, rises in dense volumes, filling the eyes, ears and noses of pedestrians in the most pro voking manner. A "peck of dust before death" is man's portion; but Sanders, in his generosity, seems determined to give us a bushel. TEE Lam OF MIDDLSTOWN.—We understand that the patriotic ladies of Middletown have expressed a wish to do something for their country in this the hour of need. They offer to sew, make. bandages, lint, or anything else that will be useful for the soldier's. In their own language, they "do not want to behile when there is so much to do/' All honor to , the ladies of Middletown. ' ' ~~~: I=l ......ie1,,,..., I== NOTICE BM ORM; Harrisburg, Aprlll9, '6l For the convenience of the Soldiers at Camp Curtin, I have deposited a Box at Head Quar ters, where all letters to be sent way can be deposited They will be taken from the ground by a duly authorized, person and properly mailed. GEO. BERGNER, P. M April 22, 1851 I=l Now ARRIVALS ! New Aaravars 1.--Just re ceived a large assortment of New Spring Goods. We name in part ; 10 pieces of beantitui chal ieb, 127 worth 181. 10 pieces of traveling dress 'goods, 8 worth 12} ; 50 pieces bleached and unbleadied muslins, at 10 worth 12.7 ; 60 pieces of bleached muslin, at 12.1 worth 15. Also a very large assortment of Oassimeres and other summer stuff for men and boys wear. Also Stella Shawls, very cheap. Broche bordering, at . 25, 87 and 50 cents. Also, a large stock of Cambrics and Swiss kimonos, very cbeap. Please Call and examine at S. Lewy, Road's old Stand, Cor. iarket and Second streets. IMPORTANT TO PRINALLNIN. DR. DIIEES-MAN'S PILLS, Prepared by Cornelius L. aheeaemark, M.D., N•EW YORK CITY. rTHE combination of ingredieOts iri these Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice. They are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting all Irregularities, Palate) Menstruation , removing all ob. structioiss, whether from cold or othertrise; headache, pain in the side, palpitation of tho heart, whites, all net , vow, affections, hysterics, fatigue, pain In the back and limbs, &c., disturbed sleep, which arise Prom interruption of withrei TJ miummo Lewes, • lir. Cheeseman's Pills are invaluable, as they will bring on, the monthly period with regularity. Ladies who have been.disappointed In tbo use of other Pills can Otte() the utmost confidence in Dr. Cheeseman's Pills doing all that they do. • NOTICE. There is one (=Mom of the female system, in which the paza cannot be taken without prod= stag a PECULIAA RESULL The condition referred to is PRBONANOY— the renal, NI :4=AG* Such is the wraititude tendeoqj of'the meduine to restore he wawa functions to a *,nisi condstion, that even the reproductive power of nature cannot retest it. Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything injorioins. Bapllcit directlone,whloh should be read, ac company each boa. Price $l. Sent by snail on enclosint Si to DR.. Conrwares L. Onseintsit, Box 4,631, Post Office, New Vora Clty Bold By one i .4agglatin every term In the United States B. 13 . HUTCHINGS • GonoralApat for the United States, . 14 Broadway, New York,' o whom ail Wholes* orders should be guldr Boltin Harrisburg by C. A. litasterrimr. 0v29-dawl • A CARD TO THE LADIES, DR. DIIFONOO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES. pliable In correcting, regulating, and removing all obstructions, from whatever cause, and at. successful as a preven. ave. /I~HESE PILLS HAVE_ BEEN USED BY I_ the doctors for many years, both in France and America, with unparalleled success in every case ; and he is urged by many thousana ladles who used them, to make the Pills public for the alleviation of tho,e sulibring from any irregularities.whatever ' as well as to prevent an increase of fam il y, where hea lth will not permit it.— Females particularly situated, or those supposmg them selves so,:are QM/Honed against these Pills while in that conditicin, as'thef are - Sur" to prodtice - miscarriage, and the proprietor assumes no responsibility after this admo nition, although atir-mildness would prevent any mis chief to titalth.,othebwise the. Pills are recommended. Full and e*pllwit directions accompany each box. Price $1 00 per boa. , 401 d wholesale and retail by - aamo-us A. DANNVART, Druggist, No. 2 Jones Row, Harrisburg, Pa. "Latta," by sending hint 11'00 to the Harrisburg Post 011icse,-:can have the Pllliiient free of observation to any part of SA Country ponfldentially) - and "free of pos tags" by mail: 'sold' NSO by -S. 8. Simms, Reading, Jotutson, COWDOVPhiladelphia; J. L Lan. saunas Lebanon, ,Derazz. H lido Lancaster; J. A. Foltz, Wrightsville ; Matint, York,-.and by one drugglit in 'every city and tillage 'ln the HOMO, and by S. D. Homy ofe proprietor,-New -York N. .13,-J-look Vitt fOr`cbunterfeiti. Dry no Golden Pills of aelithid'wiled?! eVeiyhoris Signed S. D. Howe. All others are iu-baie Imposition and unsafe; therefore, as yeti value your livei:end health, - ,(m say nothing of be lag humbugged out of your money,) buy only of those who show, Ahe signature of S. •D.'Howe on every box, which has recently been added. oir iceboat' of the Pills being cotuitertelted . • dellkiwaawly: THEGBIAT-ENGLISH REMEDY SIR JAMES MARIE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE Prepared front a f;ramiption of Sir J. - Clarke, dt. D., Pbyssctan Extraordinary to theßuien. This invaluable unfailing In. the cure et al thoiltP 0 40 11 .4. 0 4"...407 1 . Oni a 183 . 1 . 3 tg rink tho remit constitution is subject. It moderates all . excess and re moves- all obstructions, a s . p . eudy cure may be relied - oat, • • - - TO MARRIED LADIES it is peculiarly suited.. Masitort time, bring on the menthlYPerinti - Withiegulaiity6 Bach bottle, price Ono Dollar, bears .the .Government Stamp of Great RritalM to proventecranterterts. • . -: - These Pills should not be •,teketc. by Jengsles during the 17P pirfigli-1101V-TifSeif It i _rf . flu euey, as esti ars surf to briitiontlA.Maritage, 'beit at any other time they are seef In e. all eases of Nervous and illphraiMisedetes, Pain in the BackLemdMitbarFatitine im slight exertion, Palpita OM of tie Heart, Rysterics and Whites, nese Puns wif effect a cure when &troffer Mi tanl taiie failed ;:and at though a powerful rameenflO pot coataln.lron, Calomel, antimony, or any- thing hurtturto the constitution. Full directions In the pamphlet around- each package Ishii* should he carefully preserved. ' N. I:L=44A aluMttolittige IstimprOolosellte any au thorized Ageit, will insure a bottle, 0=1.11.611m .60 Albs, by return mail. ' - • Fve• eels by 0. A. BANNVATif. iy ,lowly MANHOOD. . HOW. LOST HOW 'RESTORED JUST.. PUBLISHED ON A:TUBE, T RE:in:MKT hi.ND BADICAL CORR OUBPSECKATUK , Bk.a, or Seminal Weakness, Sqatutl. Xarvims. p ess, lnioluiltary" Emissioicur and Impotency,. resulting from Bel-abuse, &c. By Bait: J. Culvert's - a,' M.D.-- Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any s;ddrests, post riald, on receipt of ,;tsict staittlaVbylDr. CHAS. J. C. KLINS, 127 Dowery;.New;yrirli.: Poet•Bilica Box, _ m2o.6mdaw The Confessions -aid.Tiperience n IpalitL Prnaramenjni .benedt and as ,a warning and a italitrorilb4Ortig mien who suffer from Nonviion Debility, Premature Decay, eta., supplying at the MUM tone, the means or Self Cure, by, one who mired himself, after being put to great expeosq through medical impost• don and quackery. :Ingle copies may be had of the au thor, dancer a:, bi&IIIWIti Paw, Bedford; Kings_county, N.‘Y. by enoloAtig a postpaid addreaaed eneelope. apikamd • . Nero 20±iertisementiL FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY ! M. L FRANKLIN. SoientAc and Praotioal Optician, (St)re and Factory '11.2 Eolith Fourth street, below [Chestnut; Philadelphia.) • IiCrAB arrived in tlaitfcittaad opened an I.i office for a Short Ufa° for the sale of his cel.brated latrxoFED SPECTACLES,' with the finest , Periscopic Motto Lemons, forming the Contrive Convex surface, in accordance with the philosophy of Fature, surpassing in purity and transparency any other glasses offered before to the pubilo,'groducing a clear and (deduct eight, rend ering e *e and coinforh in reading the most minute print, seating altogether the near WIMP vox Ties DIMMED fn , F , VV,gagy, ll o4 4 9thetling alt 4 ristorine the ellofgar 'these glasse s ar e correctly and earl:laity auttoa for every age; Also for sale hie world rEIIOWned_MICROSCOPE3 TRLICS6OPSI3, MILITARY SPY Gl.Aagal?,, MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS, - at the Tomtit city Prime,, M. I. FRANKLIN. Optician, Office Third street , nest door to : the DAWP,Ticaßitapa ffice. ap24 New 'Aiwtrtigements. STEAM WEEKLY BETWEEN NEW YOKE AND LIVERPOOL, LANDING AND EMBARKING PAS SENGERS at QUEENSTOWN, (Ireland.) The Liver. pu,L New li ark and Philadelphia Stearnahip company intend despatching their full powered Cyde•bitilt iron Steamaldps auloilows4 GLASGOW, Saturday, 27th ; CITY OF WASE: INGPON, Saturday, eth April ; Vli/O, Saturday, 11th April ; and every Saturday, at Noon, from Pier 44, North River. AVIS OP PASPACIII. FIRST CABIN $75 02 I .... $3O 00 do to London $BO 00 do -to London..B3B 00 Steerage Return Tickets, good Or Mt Months AO 00 Passengers forwaided to Paris, Havre, Hamburg, Bremen, Rotterdam, Antwerp, am., at reauced through Se-Persons wishing to bring outthear friends Can bny tickets here at the following ra es. to New Torn : From Liverpool or Queenstown; Ist Cabin., $76, $B5 aad $lO6. tzteerage from Liverpool $4O 00. Fromillineenstewn $3O 00. Thee Steftl2lloTS have superior accommodations for passengers, and rarry experienced Burgeons. They are built in Water-tight Iron SOOtiOni, and have Patent Fire annihilators on board. for mrther mrormation apply at the Company's Offices, JNO. G. DILL agent, 15 Broadway, New York. Or 0.0. Zimmerman, Agent, flarrt•bnrg. NEW COAL UFELCS. THE UNDERSIGNED having entered in to_ the COAL Tit %DB In this city, would respectfully petit% the patronage of tho ottigens. , I eta" seep on hand Coal of all sizecfrom the moat celebrated and approved mines, which will be delivered to any ' part of , toe city, free' from dirt other Imparitleg. Feta WHIG. T litlAßAllingD. COAL FOR eats BY Ma BOAT LOAD, OAR LOAD oil :ox.. Pere ms percherdng by the Boat or Car Load will receive 2,240 . p0unds to the Ton. Office No. 74 Market street, second door from Dewber ry alley. Yard on the Castel, loot of NO* street. Or des lett at either plane will receive prompt 'amino% apl6-Iyd JOHN , W. HALL,-sgent. • FOR SALE, FROM One to Five tiundred Dollars worth or CITY BONDS. Enquire rf - O. 0. ZIMMERMAN, merle No. 2S South Second street. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRIORS WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES; NEW_IMPROVEMENTB/ AT REDUCED PRICES. *IIHE WHEELER & WILSON Manufao- A, luring Company hatiing gained au their snits at sioar, with irskinglop numeracturers of Sewing Machines, propose that the public should be benefitted thereby, And nave accordingly reduced the prices of their Sewing Machines. After this date they will be hold at rates that will pay a fair profit on'the cost ormanufactare, capital .ovested, and expense of making sales; such:prices s will enable them to make first class machines, and, as nem ofore, guarantee them In every particular ' in accordance with the announcement above I will sell their splendid dewing, Machloes at prices from 145 to S9O for the fine fall case machines. It WA well cash. dshed fact that the Wheeler dc Wason.Sewing Machine Is the best one in the market, the best made, most supki and least liable to got out o f order, and they are now as low as the inrarior ma chines. Call and see them a Third and Market. del-ern W. 0. HICKOK. Agent 1861. 1861. INTERESTING TO ALL CATHCART & • BROTHER , N 0.14 1011?KET SQUARII; Jun Now OP TEEM =AI, LIEGE Amon/tam or SPRING DRY GOODS .1 ALL KINDS,ALI nun, Win STYLE, WIRT MUTT, iNT HAKE, 15US$ LOW AOCORIXNGVA DRESS GOODS IN GREATITARIIETY Ef EAVY STOOK OF DOMESTIC GOODS, PRICES LOWER 7072 R." ' Every induaement offered to purchasers at CATEOLIAItP3, mar2B Next door to the Herrisearg Bank. OPENING OF SPRING AND BUMMER Black and Second litnurning DRESS GOODS, &C. English Map. mourning Bilks, Pisa Black Foulard's, • Black and White Dress and lotiburd 01 Purple and Black " ' " Lupin's Crepe Tammatans, 84 Mokseelaines Detains, 84 " Pena Cloth., (new article), Lupins Extra Alpacas, Neopullimn BMus and new 8 0 08, Paris Poplins, Sommer Valencia% Madonna Cloths, Black and Purple All Wool Delaines, White and Bleck - ail Wool /minutes, Eatellne Cloths, t halite , DeldneS, Caahmeres, Mohair's, Parleiennes, bilk Warp Lovelies, Lapin's S. 9. Ilombasines, 84 Crepe De Espange, Camels Heir LUMP, neirkipOdEl, FrenchGlogherns, splendid style, kLg6 _ h Chintzes, Domestic Guighams, Eilk Warped lain Black Challis, Lupin's Grenadines, Croton Clothe, dc , do., dm . Oar mock or all kinds of DRESS GOODS in Black and. Second Mourning, was never more complete than now, or prices more leveret:de to porn baser% eqnsre Thlobet Shawls, Cashmere Square Shawls, Luplu's Long hibbet nhawls, Second Mourning :shawls, English Crepe Veils, (every size,) Grenadine " do Pnglish Orepes, French Crepes, Sbronaing Cashmeres, Shrouding Flannels, Black Bordered Handkerchies, Bilk Hosiery, Black and Grey Gannustta, Black Gloves, (all kings,) - Black aed Lead Colored Hosiery, Plain Black Ribbons. a large stook of English Ore* Collars and . Miniver. New styles of Second Booming Sleeves and Collars. NotWidetsileing ine difficulties In securing a full aa:ortment in this department,we are confident oar friends and the public cannot fail to be pleased,— For styles; make a'• .1 rater, we can Willy compete with - any of tne larger estabilsbnients In the east ern cities. CA ffiCaRT 8:' BROTHER; No. '4 Market Square Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. W. A. OSTROM T. L CATRO4RT, Js. 11PROLSTERING - . - Ercrsic MATTRESSES, ,__ COTTON 101) MATRESSES, CCrITON. COMFORTS; FRENCH CARPET /ASSAM, CHAIR CUSHIONS, LOUNGES, ate., On hand and foe sale wholesale and retail at the very rams for oath . HAIR Min . :IAMBS and SPRING BOTTOMS ;1 , I 0 ; SOFAS, LOUNGES, CHAIRS, HAIR MATRESSIS, &o. Repaired and made equal to new very reasonable, all at N 0.109 Market street between Fourth and Fifth. by mar 29 5 - VBARNITZ. AWNINGS sewed at the, office of the WHEELER Et WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO., apU-2wA Third and Mar, et *trePts. 'UNITY - BARRELS. —Two Hundred .Empty Maur, Sugar and Wine Barrels of• all de .o pitons and prices, Hazrishurg Bwom Mandstotory, TWO,. DOORS PAW 172.010.-EZ,,IN WALNUZ ROOMS , sold *Aitreltiii land of il`2o per cent , chenpic..6 xitt ;el4w #i"" Cal and examine ear sum.: 1-- aps-Srad , ' Jc E. PitTCE & OM GREAT EXCITEMENT IN State street east of tbe , CapitOl, be tween 4th and Spruce streets. A newlager Beer Saloon just opened, where everything in that line la ge nerally kept, and I would respectfully solicit thapatrOn. ve of my auwerocfs friends widiao.Ounllagene"- Iwda D. R libiAND 7L. OTICE.—The acco unt of CHRISTIAN 13; Mru u, Atlallnee a:Jacob taiveleh hes been aunt in the Court ef_cosuaori PleihnLDsuphimeottikty, and fritihelkilitioned on the 215112 4e)lof 9pd1,1861, less OLEN be ittibirrito die 'contrary ! Warn- 1111. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD! FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA• The passenger trains of the ?enneylvaula Relined V piny will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg Philadelphia as follows THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.16 a. m. and arrives at Weal elphla at 6.10 a. m. FAST LINE leaves tarrisburg at 6.20 a. M., and arrives at . West Philadelphia at 10.06 a. m. FAST. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.16 p. m., arrives at. West Philadelphia at 6.10 p. m. These trains make close connection at Phrtadeipiiht with the New York TAnee:. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 1, lila Haat Joy, leaves Harrisburg at 7.50 a . m., and arrives at Walt Phi Adelina& at Jam p. HADRIBRIIRG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Colum bia, leaves Harrisburg at 4.10 p. m., and arrives at west . Philadelphia A 9 25 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, via Mount Joy, tams Harrisburg at 4.20 p. m., connecting at Diner vino with HARRIS BUG ACCOMMODATIOci TRAIN, and arrives at West Philadelphia at 9.25 p. m. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Philadelptda Li 10.45 p m., Harrisburg at 3.05 a. m., Altoona 8.05, ar• rives at Pittsburg at 12.9.0 p. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m., H.rrLsburg 1.10 p. m. , Altoona, 7.05 p. m., and arrive& at Pittsbnrg at 12.20 p. FA% LINE leaves Philadelphia at 11.40 a. m., Ba berg 4.05 p. m., Altoona 8.40 p. m., and arrives at Pita. burg at 1.00 a. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leavet Philadelphia at 2.30 p. tn. Lancaster 6.05 p. m., osa. umbta 0.40 p. m., and arrive; at Harrisburg to 8.05 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Philadelphia at 4.00; p. m . LaneaPtPr 7.44 p. m.,Mount Joy 8.28 p. m., Eliza. betntown, 8.48 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 9.45, p. Attention fa Called to the feet, that passengers leaving Philadelphia at 400 p. m. , connect at Lancaster wit* MOUNT • JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, and arrive at liarriabarg at 9.45, p.m DAMCIEL D. YOUNG, Sart. East. Div. Retina. 11.11 road pl 2 6O.dtf "One Hundred Thousand Dollars.' THE CONSTITUTION MUST BE PRESERVED Airs THE SOLDIERS SUPPLIED ! THE SUBSCRIBERS have at their cora mand ONE HIINDROD THOUSAND LKILLAIit3 worth Of the following goods : FLOUR, SUGAR, CORN, COFFEE, OATS, TEAS, BACON, SYRUPS, HAMS, SPICES, PICKLED PORK, SALT, SALT BEEP, FISH, DRIED BEEF, TOBACCO, BEANS, OIL, DRIED FRUIT, &c. POTXTOES, And all the leadingrileiee in trade for sale emu by BBY aiIiGNICHL, Wholesale Grocers, Maprill62we Harrisburg.. , SIGN OF THE Glorious Star Spangled Banner I ANOTHER SUPPLY OF WALL PAPER, BORDEBS, acc., SPLENDID WINDOW BLIND 4 to which we.oall the attention of our Mende, and'eordlally invite them to examine our goods and prices. We are determined to sell cheap. Mind the pia. BCHEFFER'S BOORSIORS, ;sear. the Harrisburg Bridge. apl3-tf WORCESTER'S ROYAL QUARTO DIOTIONARY I THE best defining and pronouncing Dic tionary of the Engle& language ; Also, Woroesteea SAW. Dictionaries. Weoster's Pictorial Quarto and Sohoof Matto:taxies for sale at SOIEFFERi 800 TORE, aplS-tf Near tee Harrisburg Bridge. FARMER'S HOTEL. THE subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and the pntlhe teat he has taken the FARM- Ita'd HOTEL, in Market street opposite the Post Mee, t rmerly T. Stain's, where he is prepared to aCCDMII/4)= data them on reasonable terms. Having refitted and rornished - the House entirely now, he hopes by Strict at , tension to business, to receive a liberal share of pal%ti age. • [apiand] B. G. PEnnS. THERMOMETERS, Ornamental Mantle, Japanese Metal THERMOMETERS, do do Bronzed de TrtERMOMETERS, Distillers Tin Case, 12 inch. TammOlitTEßB, do Brass Bound Double Sable THERMOMETERS, Union Case, 10-12 inch. , THERMOMETERS, Batelle Frame, 8.10 inch. TELERMOIDITEReI, Black Walnut Case, 10 inch. • THERMuIiSTERS, Tin Case, 7-8-10 inoh. We.have init received a Ano lot or THERIMOMBtE is of vaVons styles, nod *reselling-them low. • KELLER'S DRUG STORE, ap3 91 Market scree • CITY BONDS FOR SALE. ONE OR TWO CITY BONDS of $5 each. bearing 6 per cad. interest, being a sate good investment. Apply to febt-Smd W. K. MOM& A_NEW LOT _OF LADIES' SHOPPING & TBAVELitiG BAG Comprising a number of new styles GEMS , and L DIES' Money Purses and Wallets. fine assortme : net rseeliredand fonsale at • =WIMPS CHEAP BOOKSIORE, 61 6 Market Stroet. • NEW -ARRANGEMENT. CHANGE OF LOCATION WELLLOWEWS LINE. • - the a old kook of cars being disposed of, the undersigned has broke out In a new place and tab bed a daily freight line between Philadelphia, New York, Harrisburg and all points °nibs Northern Central, Sunbury igglie B,nd LackaWana k Bloomsburgrallroads. Thankfulleir,the Ilber al patronage hereteroiwwitelided he hopea, by promptness in de leery, to retain all his old customers end patrons All goods intended for the Use must be deliVered'at the depot or the Philadelphia and Rending railroad, Broad and 0 tllowhil streets, Philadel phia. Ali goods delivered at the depot up to fivon'clock, P. H., will reach Harrisburg next morning. J. WALLOWER, Jr., General Agt. mull • Reading Depot, Harrisburg. .REMOVAL. EE SUBSO ttil3 NIB hss removed. his T Pitafinxii - litb BRA 33 FoUNDRY from MtriLet street to Fourth street aboOa Market, opposite the Bathe church., Thankful for past patronage, be hopes, by strict 'attention to business, to merit a continuance it. mar2tl-3m'd PAIIMML Zoliny&ill and Susquehoxaia, Railroad • Company. - , • , T41 1 .0. 1F; Annual Meeting and election of the stockholders or the S !buylkili and dnagnehonos Bs &company, as 'required by their charter, will be iheld:edithe Continental hotel, city of Philadelphitypegb. : sylvania,on Nkomair, Nay eth-, at 12 o'clock M., for the , r urpcue of cbooiing a President and etc Managers to servo ?for the ensuing year, and also. for the eeaskteratiee of ,sa Elti l e d h m a t te4 g bu . silless as may pin—NOY be brought batons FRANK 51.110ND,r apls-3totier . srrotaw•_. WV. 1:(101r. JR..4 CO NOTICE OF ELECTION. jOTICE,itt hereby given that an election • will beheld in,the Fetond Preabyterlan church, (Armory b nildlng on MONDAY. the eth day of 'May, comm eating tirir foamy aid closing at a" o'clock fn the afternoon, for thepirpoge of etecitng seven petsoos to Bey re al Tr aMitpro tbe'lluria Free Omeeterr, mirai qie find Monday in May, 1861, to the first Monday -Way, 184,3_ Alreigfree mahre.lored lemon of the age or It Y iiikand.upwarder is.entaled to vote. By order of the Board or Tralactst. - JOO. 0- 00S-TILL" • `.• Aiisullantons. SUMMER TIME TABLE. ON AND AFTNN MONDAY, APRIL 15th, 1861, E'AST'WARD. WESTWARD. THERMOMETERS ! 0