Pailt Etlegra:A. HARRISBURG. I=7=l Tuesday Afternoon, April 23, 1361 Extra Telggraph We have concluded to issue a regular Morn ing Edition of the TetzeltAPll hereafter and made arrangements accordingly. All the tele graphic diepatlhes that appear in the Philadel phia and New York papers will appear in our morning edition, twelve hours in advance. The morning edition can be obtained at BERG runt's BooKsrous every morning. DISTINOVISIISD Varrous. —Hon. David Wil mot, United States Senator, and Hon. Caleb Cushing, were in thq city yesterday. Ws ARE nem many obligations to the mem bers of the Scranton Brass Band for the very fine serenade with which they favored our of fice last night. Ix Tows.—A number of the members of the Legislature have returned to the city to be in readiness for the re-assembling of that body neat Tuesday. .• . • -...-__-. Mona 'foramens, several hundred addition al,Nolunteers arrived from Pittsburg and West • moreland county this morning. They obtained quarters at Camp Curtin. Ponca.—A strong and effective special police force has been appointed by the Mayor, who ttre on duty night and day to preserve the peace and quiet of the city. ATTENTION, PAXTON.-A special meeting of the Paxton Hose Company will be held in their room this evening at half past seven o'clock. The members will please be punctual in their attendance as there is business of importance to be transacted. Nomrsarron Nicarr—The regular meeting of Washington Lodge L 0. of Good Templars will be held at their hall this evening. Nomina tions for officers will be made, and other busi ness of importance transacted. A full attend ance is requested. STREET PAR*DR—ThO "Ross Guard" of this city is now fully organized, and we presume have tendered their serviees to the Governor. The following officers of the company were elected last night:--Oaptain, Gen. Wm. H. Miller; First Lieutenant, Wm. D. Earnest; Second Lieutenant, James O'Donnell; First Sergeant, George Hynicka. The company par aded seventy-eight men hilt night. Aim Fran Rmanvo.—A large and handsome American flag was raised over the new machine shops of the Pennsylvania Railroad above this city yesterday morning, by the workmen em ployed in that establishment. From a thou sand points in our city the proud flag of our country now With an eagle's Mot TO Alm tar blue sky And Its fame shall never die." Tufo Nustinut.—The following is the number of Pennsylvania volunteers sworn 'into the ser vice of the United States at Camp Curtin since the Camp was formed up to last evening : April 18 . 5 companies. " 20 82 companies. " 21 15 companies. " '22 - 19 companies. Total 71 companies. Making in the aggregate a force of 5,467 men um.N.ol.l.o4•Nwea To Tin Crrizeris Or HARBISHIJIM—The Cleve land Grays desire to express their sincere and heartfelt thanks for the universal kindness which has been shown them during their stay In this city. We can assure our friends that, In the hour battle, the thought of their atten tions and kind wishes so often expressed, will, cheer us on to deeds of faithfulness and zeal, and we shall ever remember them with grati tude and love. (Signed) Officers and - members of the Cleveland Greys, Company E. First Regiment, 0. V. M. • We HAYTI been assured, by an old and re spectable colored resident of Harrisburg, that the report of an intended outbreak among the colored population, after the soldiers have left, is without foundation in fact. He assures us that no such intention could possibly exist without hi's knowledge, and alleges that the report was only put in circulation to destroy the little peace and repose the colored people of this country enjoy. So far as we are con cerned, we never had faith in the report, or fear of the threat. The home guard will be on duty for any emergency. Passarmsaiss AND LI7TENBAN SERVICE:I.—We understand that in consequence of the occu pancy of the First English Lutheran church of this city by the soldiers, an arrangement has been made by which that congregation and the Old School Presbyterian will worship together, for the present, in the church of the latter cor ner of Third and Pine streets. The pulpit will be occupied alternately by the pastors of the two churches, Rev. Dr. Hay preaching at one service each Sabbath, and the Elev. Mr. Cattell at the other. This arrangement will take effect next Sabbath and be continued as long as the Lutheran church is required for the use of the military. THE AUIPICAN MECHANICS AND THE WAR.— The following preamble and resolution was unanimously passed at the last meeting of Ful ton Council, No. 86, 0. 11. A. M. of this city : Winamas, Many of our Brothers, members of our Order, have enlisted to fight the battles 01 our country, and more being desirous of so doh; ; therefore be it Resolved, By Fulton Council, No. 85, 0. U. A. M.. That all such Brothers ag have enli=ted 0!m. y so enlist, 13.5, an, are hereby ex •mpt fr m the payment of all dues .I.,uut the d.tu of Cal.. enlistment until their return; and, in case such Brother or Brothers are injured, or meet with death, their benefits or funeral dues shall be paid the same•as if such Brother were a contri buting member. Which was unanimously agreed to. AM= Brans, Bec'y. Tnu PENNYLVANIA Fond.—The following is a complete list of the volunteer companies of Pennsylvania mustered into the United States service at this point, Since the formation of Camp Curtin up to yesterday evening : APRIL 181h.—Ringgold Artillery, Reading, Capt. IsPllnig b t ; Allen Infantry, Lehigh coun ty, Capt. Thos. Yeager ; Johnstown Zouave Cadets, Capt. J. M. Power ; National Light Infantry, Capt E McDowell ; Pittsburg Rifles, Capt. Henry Amling. Ann 20tb.--Lanctister Fencibles, Union Rifles, Tyrone Artillerist, Cameron Guards, Bellefonte Fencibles, Jackson Rifles, Chambers Artiflery, (Com. A.) Washington Greys, Union Rifles, Delaware, Independent Itifantry, , Scott Guards, Reading Artillery, Johnstown Infantry, U. S. Zouaves, Pittsburg, Turner Rifles, West Chester Rifles, Union Light Infantry, Logan Rifle Rangers, Chambers' Artillery, (Com. B.) State Capital Guard, Chambers Artillery, (Com. Lewisburg Infantry, State Guards, Negly's Zouaves, Piston Fencibles, Holidaysburg Fen cibles, Juniata Rifles, Wayne Guards: Shawnee Guards, Citizen gouaves, Citizen Artillery, Na tional Grinds. APRIL 218 L—Wyoming Artillery ; Scott Ar tillery, Schuylkill Haven, Capt. F. B. Medler ; Brigade Rifles, of Minersgille, Capt. Lawrence; Norris City Mies, (Com. A.) Capt. It. E. Tay lor ; National Artillery, Capt. Wm. Allebaugh; Wayne Artillery, Capt. Win. J. Bolten • Col umbia Infantry, Capt. Jas. Brenner; Norris City Rifles, (Com. B.) Capt. Walter H. Cooke, Keystone Rifles, Capt. Geo. Amweg ; Eagle Guards, Capt. A. B. Snyder-; National Artil lery, C pt. Reuben T. Schell; Madison Guards, Capt. Jno. R. Brooke ; Standing Stone Guard, Capt. Miller; Minersville Artillerists; Capt. Ww. Horner ; Lebanon Guards, Capt. Jno. Wench. . APRIL 22d.—Washington Rifles, Capt. Rich ard White; Burns Infantry, Capt. H. A. Bol linger; Allegheny Light Guards, Capt. Francis P. Robinson; Cdmeron Infantry, Capt. Robert M'Farland, Ashland Rifles, Capt. Jno. E. Wyn loop; Kitten Rifles, Schuylkill county, Capt. Joshua K. Feigfried; Wyoming Light Dragoons, Capt. M. Brisband; First Peun'a. Zouaves,Pittts burg, Capt. Joseph Gerard; Brady Alpines, Armstrong county, Capt. M. Sirvel; Allegheny Rifles,Capt.Casper Gang; Port Clinton Artillery, Capt, D. B. Kauffman; Lhewellyn Rifles, Capt. Hiram Chance; Pittsburg Inviucibles, Capt. M. H. Trovile; Tower Guards, Schn7lkill county, Capt. C. Toyer, Nagle Guards, Pottsville, Capt. Daniel Nagle; Scranton Union Voluateers,Capt- Chas. Minor Stout; Anderson Greys, (company A.) Capt. John Craig; Anderson Greys, (oom pany B.) Capt. Thos. Wilhelm. ARREST AND HONORABLE DISOSARON.—Ka May or Weaver, from Pittsburg, now here on a visit, received the following dispatch last evening Prirssurea t April 22. H. A. WEAVER, Harrisburg. Stop and examine Lieut F. A. Parker, as re gistered (of United States Army) from Fortress Monroe. He tasked secession here, but left be fore we could get hold of bum. Be de a small sharp looking man, with six ladies in charge. He left by the nine o'clock train this evening, Signed, This dispatch was received here last evening about eleven o'clock. Mayor Weaver made the contents of ft known to" several citizens here who at once.accompanied him to the May or's office. The Mayor was aroused, who, af ter examining the matter took it in charge and made arrangements to have Lieut. Parker ar rested on his arrival here. The train arrived about seven o'clock this morning, and the Vig ilance Committee made the arrest, assuring him and his lady however that if the charges could be disproved he would be permitted to depart. He at once preceded to the Mayor's office, sent for his baggage and gave all proper information about himself. The papers from the different Naval officers give him the very highest character, and his leave of absence for three months was also produced. From all the evidence and explanation before the Mayor we were perfectly satisfied that Lieut. Parker was innocent, and a Union man, but his brother having resigned a commission in the Army, and joined the secessionists, his name has been confounded with the gentlemen under arrest.— After his discharge the crowd outside the Mayor's office gave him three hearty cheers and he responded by proposing three cheers for the Union and Government which, were heartily given, and so• Parker departed. Lrrrin Pram MOVING.— At a meeting of the citizens of Petersburg and Penn townships, Perry county, Pa., held for the purpose of ex pressing their views as to the rebellion in the Southern States. The meeting was organised by appointing the following officers : President.—Roseut Vic. Vice Presidents.--Lawreace Gross, Samuel Shetler, Irving Offidholtn, William Allison, James McLaughlin, Wm. W. Dickinson and David H. Miller. Secretary.—John Wister, 3d. The following resolutions were unanimously adopted : Resolved, That a committee of five beapPoint- A, whose duty it shall be to solicit and collect subscriptions from the citizens for the support and maintenance of those at this place who are volunteering their services to support the Constitution and punish traitors. Resolved, That we acknowledge no flag but the stare and stripes, and that under that flag, the C,,nstitution and Laws must be maintained. Resolved, chat in view all persons who give utterance to sentiments- avorable to southern dieunionists as enemies, and that we will treat them as traitors or rebels. The following were appointed the Home Re lief Committee : Irving Chisholm, Albert L. Wetheralti, William Lindley, Dayld H. Miller, John Jones and John Winter, ad. Resolved, That the thanks of this meeting be tendered to all those who volunteer to sustain the liberties of their country against aouthe►n despotism andmismtle, and especially to the com pauy from this'place. One thousand do pars were subscribed before the adjournment of the meeting. Itoss. L Kum, Prea(dent, loam WISTEA, 3d. Sec'y. RELIGIOI79.—There is services every morning In the Catholic church, at 7 o'clock. Ile vast number of Catholics'in the military, companies will please take notice, as Bev. P. Maher de sires an opportunity to address'them. trZTION Bemons.Z-A beautiful rosette formed of red, white and blue silk, with a silver center piece, and trailing ribbons, are becoming very popular in this city, and meet with a ready sale. They are worn on the breast or lappel of the coat, and make a very fine appearance. • Patttopjuania iriattp iteligrapt), -Zutotrav afternoon, 'April 2a l 1861. CAMP Comm—The exceeding fine weather of to-day served to draw a large portion Sf our population to Camp Curtin, and our livery sta ble men and omnibus proprietors, in conse quence, reaped an abundant harvest of dimes. The camp, throughout the day, presented its usual scene of bustle and activity. Everybody, except civic visitors, seemed to be full of busi ness, and, under these circumstances, to gain any information was almost impossible. The visitors, therefore, had to be content with looking, and rely upon the fertility of their imagination to satisfy their curiosity. The troops, as fast as they arrive on the ground, are furnished with quarters, after which they report to Captain Simmons, U. S. A., who swears and musters them into the ser vice. After this duty has been performed, they report to the Adjutant General, who furnishes them with arms, and they then form a part and parcel of the camp. The raw recruits are portioned off into squads, and first instructed in the marching evolutions, after which they drill by companies, and then with muskets. These manoeuvreings form the most interesting feature of the camp, and always attract crowds of spectators. About two thousand men left the Camp last night for active duty, and more are to leave to-night, but as fresh troops are constantly ar riving, one perceives little or no diminution of 'the number. ORGANIZATION OP REGINIINTS.—The following regiments were organized to•dap at Camp Curtin: Allegheny Light Guards, Burns Infantry, Cameron Infantry, Pennsylvania Zouaves, Reading Rifles, Washington Artillery, Perinsyl. vania Artillery, Gettysburg Infantry, Scott Legion, Pittsburg Rifles. Colonel—W. H. Irvin. Lieutenant Colonel—Oliver R. Rippley Major—Frank P. Robinson. • EIGHTH HEXHISENT. Wyoming Light Dragoons, Wyoming Jack son Wyoming Artillerist, Scranton Union. Voluntaer s , Wyoming Yeagers, Covington Fen cibles, Luzern() Guard, Pittston Volunteers, National Guard, Lackawana Yeagers. Colonel—A. H. Emley. Lieutenant Colonel—Samuel F. Bowman. - Major—j. S. Phillips. NINTH REGIMMT. National Guard, No. 1; National Guard, No. 2 ; National Guard, No. 8 ; Sumner Rifles; Kaston Yeagers ; Keystone Rifles; Wethill Ri fles; Catasaqua Rifles; Washington Light In fantry ; Brady Alpines. Colonel—H. C. Longenecker. Lieut. Col.—Wash. H. R. Hanger. Major—Charles Giants. GOOD ron CARBON COUNTY. —The Anderson Grey Battalion of Mauch Chunk, which arrived here yesterday, numbers in all 260 men, or ganized as follows : Anderson Greys, No. 1, Capt. E. T. Conner. Anderson Greys, No. 2, Capt. Jno.. Craz. Anderson Greys, No. 8, Capt. Thos. Wilhelm. Besides this fine battalion, the following com panies in Carbon county are organized, and about to march : L. D. M'CORNION.. J. P. Mt s. S. FoLLEMBBET. Summit 'Hill Artileriets. Irish Infantry. Mauch Chunk Janus. lefahoning Artillerists. Also, a company of Guerrillas now being or ganised, to lio,nsist of about sixty men, armed with Colt's revolving rifles, pistols and bowie knives. This company will be independent of all brigades or divisions of the army. Including this company, little Carbon county furnishes in all 660 men, with good material for five hun dred more, if required. ARREFiI or OIM or Tan "Carvarar." —A stout, burly looking customer, with a rubicond coun tenance, who gave his name as George M. Me ilen', said to hail from Virginia, was arrested this morning, charged with pulling a pistol on the bar-keeper at the Franklin House. He was taken before the Mayor, who after an dimi nution of the case permitted him to depart upon a promise to leave the city within two hours. Subsequently, Modem by false pre tences gained admission into Camp Curtin, where he got into a dispute with some volun teer from Berke county and pulled apistol upon him. He was immediately disarmed, and brought back to the city under the guard of a file of soldiers. The Mayor committed him to prison for thirty days. Tam Dss or ll'Car.x.—The friends of Ro bert a private in one of the Delaware county companies, who was accidentally killed yesterday at the Jones House, by the Red dental discharge of a pistol in the hands of Lieut. Blakely, will be pleased to 'learn that previous to his death the unfortunate man re ceived every care and attention that could pos sibly be bestowed to ameliorate his sufferings. Medical attention was promptly rendered - by Dr. Charlton, one of our best physicians, who was untiring in his exertions to save his life. The remains of the deceased were taken to his friends in Delaware county last night, in charge . of a detachment of the members of his company. TILEGRAPH Osziusza.—Some gentlemen are of the opinion that our article in yesterday's paper might convey an idea that some of the telegraph operators employed in this city sym pathize with secessionists. Such was not our intention nor our idea. We believe all the men engaged in them are loyal and true to the Union. No matter whether they were Demo crate, the question is now, do you sympathize with rebels, traitors and murderers? We must be all one party now; and our motto mint be "the Union must and shall be preserved." Tim WOODWARD ,GUARDS, numbering eighty, rank and file, commanded by Captain Dodge; the Williamsport Rifles and the Union Guards, of Middleburg, arrived at Camp Curtin about two o'clock this afternoon, and were mus tered into the service of the United States. TER ELSTON Mum= BAND—a good musical or ganization—favored his excellency Gov. Curtin with a handsome serenade last night. The same band also serenaded, Representative Ellen berger, at the Buehler House, Rev. Mr. Cat t;l, Gen. W. H. Miller, and Jno. A. Sam Esq. DXPARTURS os Taoops—The seventh and eighth regiments Pennsylvania volunteers will leave Camp Curtin this evening for Philadel phia. SIIVBNTH REGUdEM. ............... C=l • - • -. "4-..-.... THE arra of confirmation will be administered by the Right Rev. Bishop Bowman, of this dio cese, in St. Stephen's Episcopal church, in this city, to-morrow (Wednesday) evening. Service to commence at 74- o'clock. TELE Loog-up was welt filled last night with belated stragglers, picked up from the: streets by the night police. They all had a hearing before the Mayor this morning, who properly disposed of their cases. .----...,-..... ADDITIONAL TROON.-At the time of writing, 4 o'clock P. M., about four hundred volunteers from Columbia and Luzernecountiesare march ing past our office towards Camp Curtin, hav ing just arrived in an extra train. NOTICE POST OFFICE, Harrisburg, Aprill9, '6l. For the convenience of the Soldiers at Camp Curtin, J have deposited a Box at Head Quar ters, where all letters to be sent way can be deposited. They will be taken from the ground by a duly authorized person and properly mailed. GEO. BERGNER, P. M. April 22, 1861 1=1:1:1 DEPAETORE OF THE ft/MORON AND STATE CAP ITAL GUARDS.—Harrisburg has witnessed many a day of rejoicing and festivity, but never be fore has she witnessed such a scene as that of Saturday last in the departure of the Guards. When the Boman matrons brought their sons 1 to the Roman Senate and offered these their , only jewels to be lavished for the State ; when Spartan mothers bade their eons go forth ad- monished only that whatever woundsthey show ed should be in front, they were not surely con- tributiog more to history than the mother who I gave her six sons—Saturday was a day to be re-. membered in the annals of this city, and the muse of history will smooth down her fair est and whitest page on which to record, could they be gathered together, the acts of hero ism to which many a home bears with stiNlet us all hope that their mission may b SACCOB- ful ; and in conclusion permit us to say th t many of the Guards were io the habit of buy ing their - Dry Goode at Erma Sr. BOWMAN'S, corner of Front and Market streets. ap22-2tt Nsw Analysis ! Naw Aaarvsm !.—Just re ceived a large assortment of New Spring Goods. We name in part ; 10 pieces of beautiful chal ies, 12f worth 18t- ; 10 pieces of traveling dress goods, 8 worth 12}; 50 pieces bleached and unbleached mtudlns, at 10 worth 12i ; 60 pieces of bleached muslin, at 12 ,worth 15. Also a very large assortment of Cassimeres and other summer stuff for men and( boys wear. Also Stella Shawls, very cheap. Broche bordering, at 25, 87 and 60 cents. Alsb, a large stock of Cambrics and Swiss Muslims, very cheap. Please call and examine OS.. Lewy, Road's old Stand, Cor. Market - and Second; streets. t 11111'OIVIVART TO 141BILIMES. DR. CIIEESMAN'S Prepared by Cornelius L. Obeimentan, M. D., NEW YORK CITY. THE combination of ingredients in these Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice. They are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting all Irregularities, Painful Minitlir44l9Pti, removing all ob. structious, whether from. cold or otherwise, headache, pate In the side, palpitation of the heart, whites, All ner vous affeCtions, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back and limbs, am., disturbed sleep, which arise - from mterruptiori of nature] T'•• • ' Dr., Cheiostrants Pills are 'lnimitable; as they will bring on the Monthly period with regularity. Ladles who have been disappointed in the use of other Pills min place the utmost confidence in Dr. Glietternati'dPilid doing all that they represent to do, N - liT Id K. Ware it one condiCion of As fcalate system in sesta the Pals cannot be tam uathout pseduou—sgs a PECULIAR RESULT. .The condition rofer+ed to is PREGNANCY— Ow rend; MISCARRIAGR.. Such Is the srraistele tendency or the tnerkuine_to restore he sexual functions to a nomad condition, :had soon thi reiroductise prates of nature cannot rend if.- . . Warranted purely vegetable, 'and free from anything injurious. Raplicit dlieVtions, which should be read, ac company each box. Price $l. Sent by matt on enclosing $1 to Da Commune L. Omesmataa, - Boa. 4;581, Post Office, New - _ - _ - Sold by One Niggistin everytownin the United Staten R. B. HUTCIUNGS, General trot for the United States, 14 Broadway, Now York, o whom an WhoWeis orders shi>uld Bold in Harrisburg by C. A. PANIMICSUG nv29•dhwl... - Ncw 2bttlibunitritg. SPRING SI SUMMER MILLINERY. MRS. E. CHAYN will open, on THURS DAY, April 12. th, an"assortinent of SPRIG AND eI:ULMER MILLINEkY; In her store room No: 20„ oppo. site the Bneblir Bone n. Dhe invites her friends to eall and see her assortment. - 15-I.w ORKNLNG OF SPRING' AND • SUMMER Black. and Second 'downing D h RESS- GOOD.b. &C. Baser' Rep. Mourning Silks; Plain Black Foulards, • Black ,adi Whde Dress and Foulard Si Purple and Black .‘ 15 Li Lupin's Crepe Tammatans, 8 4 Mousselaines Pelting, Pena Cloth., (new article), Lupins Extra Alpacas, Neopolitau Bilks and new goods, Paris Poplins, Summer Valenclas, "Madonna Cloths, Black and Purple All Wool Delaines, White and Black all Wool Lelaines, Dwaine . Cloths, Dehisce, Cashmeres, - ffiohairs, Parlaiindes, bilk Warp Lavelle', Lupin's S. 9. Bombazines, 8 4 Crepe De Espange, Camels Hair Lustre, new goods,FrenchOinghdnis, Splendid English Chinlzes, Demons) Guighams, ilk Warped k lain Bleak-Challis, Lupin's urenadines, Croton Cloths, ecc., &c . Our stock or all sleds of DRESS GOOD 3 in . Black and Second Mourning, was never more complete than new, or prices more favorable to purrs balers. Lupin's square Thiobet Shawls, Cashmere Square Shawls, Lupin's Long lhibbet Shawls, Second Mourning Shawls, English Crepe Veda, (every size,) Grestodme " do English Crepes, FrenehOrepes, Shrouding Cashmere-+, Shrouding Flannels, Black Bordered Handkerchies, Salk Hosiery, Black and Grey Ganntletts, Black Gloves, (all !ninth) Black earl Lead Colored Hosiery, Plain Black Ribbons. A large stock of Engllsh Crepe, Collars and Aeeves. New stytes of Second Mourning Sleeves and Collars. Notwithstanding tne difficulties in securing a full assortment in this department,we are confident oar friends and the public cannot fall to be pleased.— For styles, make a• d prkes, we can fairly compete with any of the larger establishments in the east era cities. `CA faCART St BROTHER, N 0 . 14 Market Square Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. W. A. CAsiceirr. T. L CARACAS; JR. UPHOLSTERING. HUSK MATTRESSES, conoN TOP MATRESSES, CO'ITON COMfORTS, • FRENCH CARPET RANSACKS, CHAIR CUSHIONS, LOUNGES, &c., On hand and rot sale wholesale and retail at the very lowest rates for cash HAIR MATRASSES and SPRING BOTTOMS mom TO ORDER SOFAS, LOUNGES, CHAIRS, HAIR MATRESSES, Repaired and made equal to new very reasonable, all at N 0.109 Market street between Fourth and Fifth. by mar 29 J. T."BARNITZ. . A WNELCGS aewed at the office _ of the 11. IeWILSON SEWLNO ittatmna co.; spU-2wd Third. and Mtorket Minx% "One Hundred Thousand Dollars." THE CONSTITUTION MUST BE PRESERVED AND THE SOLDIERS SUPPLIED ! THE SUBSCRIBERS have at their com mand ONE HIINDENOTHOUBAND OOLTAR3 worth of the following goods : FLOUR, SUGAR, CORN, COFFEE, OATS, TEAS, BACON, SYRUPS, HAMS, SPICES, PICKLED PORK, SALT, SALT BEEF, FISH, DRIED BEEF, TOBACCO, BEANS, OIL, DRIED FRUIT, &o. POTATOES, And all the leading artless in trade for sale COUP by EBY tit KUNKEL, Wholesale Grocers, eittprill62w* ri.barg, SIGN OF THS Glorious Star Spangled Banner ANOTHER SUPPLY OF WALL PAPER, BOR,Delte, eru., UPLENDID WIIeDuW Bf4ND3, to which we osh the etteurn of our Mende, and deddially Invite theta to carmine our good. and prices. We are determined to soli cheap Wad the place. BOBElngit'S B.rOg RUBE. aplg-tf mar the Harrisburg Bridge. W ORCESTER'S' ROYAL QUARTO DICTIONARY! • rpHE beat defini n g. and proneun4ll4 tlonary of the Beef& language ; Also, Woreeeltees School Dictionaries. Werister , s Pictorial Quite and School Dictionaries for sale at SCEOEMR'S BOOKSTORE, apl3-tf Near the Harrisburg Bridge. FARMER'S HOTEL. rrHE subscriber begs leave to inforrahis friends and the public teat he has taken the FARM PA'S HOTEL, In Market street opposite the Post Office, rmeriy J. Stahl's, where he la prepared to 11000/3014)• date them on reasonable terms. Ravin refitted and furnished the Bones entirely now, he hopes by strict at, tention to business, to receive a liberal share of atron.• age. [api4nad] B. G PETEttS. THERMOMETERS 1 TIITSMOMEUBS, Ornamental Mantle, Japanuaa Metal TYLORRIOMETERS, do do Bronzed do TuaItMOMETBIW, Distillers Tin Case, 12 Inch. TEIBBOIOIit VMS, do Brass Bound Doable Scale. THERSIUMETdRS, Union Case, 10-12 Inch. THERMOMB MILS, Meta& Frame,B-10 inch. THERMOMETERS, Black Walnut Case, 10 inch. THERMOMBTERB, Tin Case, 7.3 10 Mott. We have just received a dna lot or THERMOMBIZRB of various styles, and are selling them low. ICALLBIVS DRUG ROM apl 91 Market street. CITY BONDS FOR SALE .ONE OR TWO CITY BONDS of 41500 each. bearing 6 per cent. interest, being a safe and good investment. Apply to febthind W. K. MUM A NEW LOT OF LADIES' SHOPPING- & TRAVELING BAGS • Comprising a number of new styles GRNTS' and LA. DIES' Money Purees and Wallets. tine aniornnekt net received and for sale at BERGE/WS OBELP BOOKSTORE, 61 Market Street. A. New Feature in the SDIOB Trade,- IMPORTANT JO HOUSEXEEPERSI E. R. DURKEE & CO.'S SELECT SPICES, In Tin Fai t (Melon Paper ,)) cued .Niill Weight. BLACK PEPPER, OINOEA, NUTMEG, WRITE PEPPER, AILSPI E, MACE, CAYENNE PEPPIER, CINNAMON, CLOVEP, MORTARD. • TN THIS AGE of adulterated and taste. J. less tspices, it Is with confidence that we introduce to the attention of housekeepers these superior and genuine articles. We_guarantee them not only ABSOLVIZLY AND PEEFEQTLY PUMA but ground from fresh Spices, selected and °leaned by ns expressly for the purpose, without reference to cost.-- They are beautifully packed In tin foil, (lined with pa per, to prevent injury by keeping, and are FULL WEIGHT, while the ordinary ground Spices are almost Invariably short. We warrant them, in point of strength and richness of Savor, BEYOND ALL COINPARASON, as a single trial will abundantly prove. Every package bears our Trade Mark. Manufactured only by R. R. DURKEE it CO., New York. For sale by WM. COCK. JR. &CO. [226] 200 CARRIAGES AT AUCTION. SECOND SPRING SALE FOR 1861. TN consequence of the extraordinary -± money pressure of the times and the amiumulittlon or his stook of NEW CARRIAGES. the subscriber will hold a second sale for this Sprlng,lB6l, which will take place on' Wednesday Morning, May 8, 1861. AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M:, • AT TRB PHILADELPHIA BAZAAR , NINTH AND SANSOM STS., • PHILADELPHIA, The assortment (abow, Two Hundred) will be lhlly equal to that °Wend at the first Bale, including all the most modern stylt.s. and Rom some of the beat mercers of Philadelphia end Wilmington. ,i-The Sale wl.l be positive. . rorNo postponement ..n account of the weather. 19 3:d ALFRED b. HERKNEEIz, auctioneer. rthOSING OUT oar still large assortmen ‘..; of FURS, consisting of • handsome Dark Sable Setts, Handsome Dark Siberian equine! Setts, ' doe line stock of all kinds of low price furs, A chance for Bargains in Fine Furs. - Call• at CATEICARTS, N 0.14 Market Square, an 24 eat to tee Etarriabar2 Sink. • riIHE ATTENTION OF GENTLEMEN is solicited to oar very large assortment of UNDERSKIRTS AND DRaWEIS Of every size arid muddy. Oscar' Jonvis KID Groom, best article manufactured. All the different kiwis Of WOMB GLOVES. Largest assortment of HESISIIT in the city. CDAVATs, &WEEDERS, HANDIEBECIIUSFS, Beady Hemmed. And everything in Gents' wear, at CATHCART'S, Next to the Harrisburg Bank. PkPLR: 0:, , f1 de):44:14114 CHANGE OF LOCATION. WALLOWER'S LINE.: Tribe old stock of care being disposed of, the undersigned has broke out in a new place and tao is bed a daily freight line be iween Philadelphia, New York, Harrisburg and all points on the Northern Central, Sunbury & Erie and lackaWana & Bloomsburgralizoads• ThankMl for the litter el patronage heretofore extended he hopes, by promptness in de.ivery, to retain all his old customers and patrons 411 goods intended fur the line must be delivered at the depot oi the Philadelphia and Heading railroad, Broad and Glilowhill streets, Phliadel= phia. All goods delivered nt the depot up to Ave o'clock, P. hi., will reach Harrisburg next morning. J.,WALLOWER;Jr General Agt. marll Reading Herat, Harrisburg: -4- JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF BRANDIES! • 0085IDTING OP CASTILLION & CO. BISQIIET, MICOORE & CO. - JAMES ECEINI3ESSY & CO. OTARD, MKT & CO. J. tz-F. MABTI,T. ' .TIMES - ROBIN & CO. . MAREIT, & .CO. For WO by 11 . 21416428, 17d IS Market Et', es. EMPTY BARREW.B.—Two %Hunred Empty Flour, Sugar and Wine Barrels or all da:' scrlttens and priors. aIIS D• W. GROSS & CO., DRUGGISTS, MARKET STREET: DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE. We are daily adding to our assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would respectfully call your attention to the largest and best selected stock hi this city, of DRUGS, CHEMICALS If; PAINTS, Burning Slnid and• Alcohol, PERFUMERY & TOILET ARTICLES, selected from the best manufacturers and Per fumers of Europe and this country. Being very large dealers in Mths - rs tittlsalg We respectfully invite a cell, feeling cad- dent that are can supply the wade of all On terms to their satisfaction. JOKE'S AND vv tang's PORCELAIN TRIO. PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR RESTORATIVES Of all kinds, direct from the Prorcieteri. Saponifier and Concentrated Lye I Wholesale Agents for Saponifier, which we sell as low as it can be purchased in the cities. THAYER'S MEDICAL 'FLUID 'EXTRACTS, Being large purchasers in these Oils, we can offer Inducements to close buyers. Coal Oil Lamps of the most improved patterns, very cheap. All kinds of lamps changed to burp Coal Oil. Those of you who have not given our HORSE AND Oil= POWDERS a trial know not their superiority; and the advantage they are in keeping Horses and Cattle healthy and in good °audition. Thousands can testify to the profit they have derived from the use of our Cattle Powders by the increasing quantity and quality of milk, besides improving the general health and ap pearance of their Cattle. Our long experience in'the business giVes us the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our arrangements in the cities are such that we can in a veep abort time furnish Anything appertaining to our business, on the best of-terms. Thankful for the liberal!patronage bestowed on our house, we hope by strict attention to business; a careful selection of at fair prices, and the desire to please all,_to merit a continuance of the favors of a discrimi nating public. Harrisburg Broom Manufactory. .TWO DOOM' FROM IRONY Sr., Dr wArafirl: - OROOMS eold wholesale and retail 1,4 l ier cent. cheaper than can be had etiewbere.-4 Call and examine ear stook. aps-3ind ° . - IN State street' east of the Cspitot, be •t*een 41i7l and Spruce streets. A new Laser Ber OCII just opened, where everything in that islets .0 - .. ninny kept, and would respectfully solicit the patron age of my nuinerOus frkrids and tturpuhlingenenalY• . awds •' annual election ft* ele . Ven e - dtorg willoct Wit itzta awe, or the Frankta - iliffraag mpany, 4Harriaburg, on Wedneadai. MaY Ist. arnate S. C. FAHNEVOCir, Ir. WM. DOCK JR. & 00. W. ill Oran & (to WHOLESALE. AND RETAIL NO, 19 HARRISBURG, PENA'A. KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, Oils, Varnishes and Glass, alms and Platt, Artist Colors and TeoLs Pure Ground Sp►eea; Lard, Sperm and Pine Oils, Bottles, Vlaba and Lamp Globes, Cantle Soap, Sponges and Corks, ao., Btc., &43. 7 atc., as., &a With a general_variety of PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, VABNISTLEA WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S COLORS, PAINT AND IN AZ, 7111323 VARIETIES, COLORS AND BRONZES OF ALL KINDS, _ Ci rO2 , 3•. TEETH ! TEETH H COAL OIL ! CARBON OIL I- FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, PURE DRUGS, GREAT EXCITEMENT - ..1 I J. E. PRICE & CO