Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, April 23, 1861, Image 2

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    Park Eettgrao.
Tuesday Afternoon, April 23, 1861.
Tam Muntams ow was COUNTRY, after we have
forever put to rest the rebellion which now dis
turbs its peace, will become a subject of grave
consiaqation. • From what we have learned in'
the lait six weeks, the free States of the nation
will be compelled to organise their military
strength on some basis of security, or at any
moment: the success of trade and busineM maY
be interrupted by the revolutionary movements
of those who deem themselves . aggravated by
any constitutional act legislation. We must
either do this, or crush the' influence of rebel
lion. Literally it is now proven that the inter
est of,one aection'cannot rest its;claim to legal
jurisdictiOn even in theAerritory where it is re
comgzed4-end it becomes necessary in the judg
ment of its advocates to arm for its promulga
tion where best it can But:eery° their ambition,
even if the welfare and prospects of whole com
monwealths are ruined and destroyed. Here- .
tofore the cry has been against a - standing army,
the policy of which, pro or con, it is not our pur
pose now to discuss. But it will appear to any
candid mind that a government so vast as the one
which we recognize should have more of the
central power of self-protection, more of the
means of enforcing its laws, or more of the
backbone of that influence which can demand
where it cannot now win the obedience and sup
port of the.people. This cannot be had by the
organization of a standing army, because a
standing army is not in the spirit of our in
stitutions, resting their highest claims of
success in the loyalty of the people.—
To freemen, standing armies are repugnant,
because their presence imply a certain force
that is' ()Only inimical to'freedom. The only
means of acquiring this defence, and increasing
the security of communities, aswell as ensming
the full force of the law, is by a more general
recognition of the volunteer force of the coun
try, and its encouragement by Government.
Pennsylvania should never have less than fifty
thousand thoroughly drilled, fully armed and
completely equipped volunteers. Distributing
such a force among the sixty-four counties of
the State, it will be seen that with little energy
on the part of the people, and as little expense
to the State, such a volunteer force could be
maintained, and in an emergency like the
present, brought forward with tremendous force
and power. The mere enrolling of men, or
their training in awkward squads, companies or
regiments, is not the achievement of a military
organization. These were the defects Of the
militia system; and unless the State adopt
some plan of encouraging the volunteer aye
tem, that, too, will fall Into disrepute, except
in the larger cities, where "soldiering" is-made
too often a pleasure instead of -a , duty.
Hereafter we must practice the old and sage
advice of " in time of peace prepare for war."
A State that has the material is to blame for
not organizing the means of defence. Penn
sylvania now shows the ex tent of the martial
feeling that pervades her people, and we trust
that it will be cultivated for , good in all future
The New York Tribune of this morning says
By private and special advises to the 2libtms,
received late last night, we learn that Gen.
Scott was satisfied on Sunday that his force was
sufficient to defend Washington against any at
tack that couldbe made within a few days, and
that the troops which were expected there this
week would be ample for its protection in any
poallble contingency.
The Government is in regular communica
tion with Philadelphia by private couriers.—
Gen. Wilson, of Massachusetts, left Philadel
phia for Washington yesterday, bearing dis
patches to Gen. Scott from Gen. Patterson.
Baltimore was tolerably quiet yesterday. A
Vigilance Committee of sixty was exercising stir
veillanee over all strangers, and travelers were
exposed to much annoyance from them.
Fort Mlienry has been reenforced by volun
teers from Massachusetts, and the commander
of the fortress has positive orders to shell Bal
timore in case of any attack on the United
States troops.
The Baltimore Sun of Sunday morning says :
"It will be seen that the Seventh Regiment
has arrived safely at Asupolis. The Seventh
Regiment of New York, whose passage through
this city was prevented by the burning of the
bridges on the Philadelphia Railroad it is ru
mored this morning took a boat at Havre-de-
Grace, and have landed at Annapolis.
It is ascertained that the number of troops
landed at Annapolis exceeded 2,000 including
the Seventh Regiment.
Savant! REGUDINT.—The Seventh New York
Regiment, numbering 1,100 men, left Perry.
vllle, Cecil county, at six o'clock, m the ferry
boat of the Philadelphia Railroad Company.
They will probably reach Washington either by
railroad or on foot.
We have just seen a gentlemen who left Bal-
timore last night and arrived in the train from
Cockeysville. He states that the city is under
the entire control of a mob and that the sol
dien are occupied in the city with watching
the stores and goods of citizens, who fear that
their families may be murdered.
Tire waxers of Chicago have been closed to
the traitors. Henceforth, until the difficulties
are settled, the enemies of the country can ex
pect toleceive bullets Instead of bacon from
the West.
We'taidersband, from rentable authority, tha t
arrangements have been perfected .. by, which
from sm to -vinyl ruouseum tosiopia can te
carried froniVhllidelphia to Wiebington per
There are manYgood people in the north and
west and east, who get puzzled to account for
the great crisis in which we are involved. The
steady industry of the free States, which has
contributed so much to the prosperity of the
whole Union, is-embarrassed because it is die
turlied inthat peaceable pursuit of its business
which is essential to success, and not because
there is no actual demand for its productions.
These are the people, then, who demand to
know wy the tranquility of the Union should
be thu.silisturbed, and why all our commercial
relations are thus litterly antagonized. The
question is easily explain ed,if care is taken to ban
ish every prejudice while all the circumstances
are being explained. During a long course of
years, the political patronage and power of the
country seemed to have been reposed in a cer
tain class of people, aa by the necessity, or
afleast by-the-unanimous . 'acquiescense of an
other. The conclusion was proclaimed that
there was one class in this country born to
rule, while the balance of the people ,were ex
pected to submit to this ruling, with ;the free
and easy grace of knation that was blessed In
being thus favored. We:all remember the ho
ly horror that was exWed:in' the bosoms of the
people when one Daniel Webster dared to plaCe
himself on an equality in debate with a certain
individual named Hayne. ' Both gentlemen
were members of the United States Sen
ate, and both, as it were, represented the
idea of the ruler and the ruled, as it was
popularly accepted in ithose palmy days of
chivalry, imperious political emieence, and
forced acknowledgement of sectional qualifica
tions and statesmanship The proOlety of the
Senate was dreadfully shocked when the Yan.
kee dared to,reply to, the scion of Southern ar
istocracy—but the intellectual encounter struck
so wide a distinction in the abilities of the men
and the mighty interests of the sections, that
ever since a political and social rivalry has been
kept up, to:the loss and chagrin of the one,
while it was to the advantage and develop
ment of the,other party. And thus running
parallel in a race of expansion, these two great
influences have been in silent conflict for many
years; the one assuming the moat arrogant po
sitions, while the other was silently gathering
victory and - power in its prosecution of holy
purposes, until it stands forth to-day the pos
sessor and 'the actual- controller of a hemis
phere. With this possession, by this certain.
interest, came other 'priers and other influ
ences. New States created both this power and
these influence's. While this was going on, the
feeling which scoffed at the Mastachusetts law
yer for daring to reply to the South. Carolina
intellectual giant was also at work. Every
advantage which it last created some new jeal
ousies, and upon these jealousies has culmina
ted the rebellion that for a time threatened the
stability of our institutions, but whichis hap
pily subsiding before the mighty uprising of
the American people.
The loss of power, by the failure to improve,,
may be set down, then, as , one of the main
causes of this rebellion. The loss of political
cast, the consciousness of having failed in main
tabling position by the' practical use of the
resources and powers of both mind and body,
have also had their influence in'briuging about
this rebellion—so that the counter influence
which must be brought to bear in arresting the
rebellious cause, is the dissemination of that
knowledge which elevates labor. This done,
and the machination of parties cease to be ef
fective. And when parties once cease to gov
ern the actions of men, and the _mass of men
guide and direct the power and influence of
party, the country will be blessed with practi.
cal legislation, having for its end and aim Only
the benefit of communities by the elevation of
labor. '
The real cause of the rebellion, then, is the
effort of an aristocracy that yet exists in our
political system to gain the ascendency. It is
neither an aristocracy of money, muscle or
mind. Its claims to recognition are all pre
sumption—the power which it wields is made
up alone of brute force over ignorance—and it
has managed to maintain position so long only
by the courteous permission of the actual rul
ing influence of this nation—free and intern
gent labor. And the changes which are being
wrought are the natural consequences of in
defensible error. As this error is eradicated,
and the power of the people made manifest in
their determination to enforce the law and de
fend the Union, both will be made more secure,
and their psmancy established on sounder and
stronger foundations than ever they rested be
CorroN RAB BUN Sawa, but by its own indis
cretion, cotton will be sing no more. Thomp
son's New York Bank Reporter thus traces the
gloomy prospects which the future presents - for
this immense interest, so far as its influence in
the government is concerned :
"The 'material aid' is ready for the army
and navy movements of the country. Money
will come in any amount on the call of either
Federal or State governments, and judging from
the spirit of the people, upon , the physical power
of the North, and of even the Border States of
the South, is enlisted and resting Its arms,
ready and 'on call,'
"What a magnificent but sad spectacle is be
fore tia--500,000 freemen in arms marching
southward to battle? for what? Because a
handful of demagogue politicians refuse to let
a legally elected citizen preside as President for
the constitutional term of four years. There is
not a national principle in this war, except it
be the question Of free or slate labor in the
Territories. Every other reason for secession,
revolution and war is sheer insult to common
sense—`rule or ruin' is the only honest motto
that a secessionist can unfurl.
" We have come to the conviction that the
Lord has turned Abolitionist, and that.Cotton
dom will be to the African - what Canaan was to
the Jew. The dictators at Montgomery have
invited the Northern hordes to battle. They
boast of having Indian warrora in their camp ;
arid do they expect us to undergo the smut on
of the tomahawk and forbear to use the brutal
force of a slave in our de'ense? If so, they are
but novice in the science of human nature.
They boast of the aid and comfort that faithful
slaves are to give them in the war; shall t 1
North refuse to conquer an enemy with his ow❑
weapons? Mark the end, or the prediction
rather. Thelma of secession will be a negro repub
is, on the soil of Cottonclom, under the protection
.ho United States.
Journal publishes a liet of appointments' - for
senator Crittenden. He has entered the field
for his country, and says the Union must be
Pientived.- •
ptunspbaania iDailp Zetegraph, eutobap 'afternoon, 'apt% 23, 1961.
defensive. It has no conquest to achieve where
it has never surrendered its authority. The
States that have seceded have by that act vio
lated the first security of the government by
attempting to destroy the Union. These States
have assumed an aggressive attitude, against
which, for the highest and holiest reasons of
public safety, the government is placed in the
defensive. This fact has already disarmed the
secession movement of much of the force which
its leaders hoped to get for it, by forcing the
government into a position in which it would
appear to the world that a people laboring to
maintain Oast right were tyranically opposed
by an unjust government. But such is not the
condition of affairs in this crisis. The govern
went,. so far, has only defended its property.
It has done nothing more than this, and in
this it will be sustained by all the laws gov
erning the rights of property. The blockading
of the ports, which is now so bitterly complain
ed of, is another defensible act, and justified
bylhe condition of affairs, which:threaten to
defraud the government by refusing to enforce
the revenue laws. If the people in the seceded
States attempt and actually do, (as they have,)
open their ports to free trade, the government
must protect itself, and it can only do so by a
blockade. The offer of Jeff. Davie to issue let
tern of Marque, will place the government again
on the defensive, by forcing it to adjudge as pi
racy, any attempt to interfere with its com
merce. These defensivepositioniof the govern
ment are beginning to have an immense prim-
Veal effect, and in the end will doubtless result .
in restoring the country to order. The concen
tration of a large force at Washington is, also,
another of the defensive movements of the gov
ernment which some even are now declaring
will put an end to any further encounter be•
tween the rebels and the government. We
can Word to note the progress of this defensive
`policy, particularly if its future developements
are as healthy as its present experience is en
ccuraging and effective.
As OLD sormsa, writing to the New York
Evening Post, gives the following timely hints
to the volunteers who are now hastening to
the defence - of the country:
ItemeMber that in a campaign more men
die from sickness than by the bullet.
2. Line your blanket with one thickness of
brown drilling. This adds but four ounces in
weight, and doubles the warmth.
3. Buy a email India rubber blanket (only
$1 30) to lay on the ground or to throw over
your shoulders when on guard duty dining a
rain storm. Most of the Eastern troops are
provided with these. Straw to lie on is not al
ways to be had.
4. The best military hat in use is the light
colored soft felt; the crown being suffichntly
high to allovr space for air over the brain. You
can fasten it up as a continental in fair weather,
or turn it down when it is wet or very sunny.
6. Let your beard grow, so as to protect the
throat and lunge.
6. Keep your entire person clean ; this pre
vents fevers and bowel cobiplaints in warm cli
mates. Wash your body each day, if possible.
Avoid strong coffee and oily meats. Gen. ficott
said that the too free 1183 of these (together
with neglect in keeping the skin clean) cost
many a soldier his life is Mexico.
7. A sudden check of perspiration by chilly
or night air often clauses fever and deatli.—
When exposed do not forget your blanket.
Qua Government should at once largely in
crease the mechanics at the various northern
arsenals, cannon foundries, &c. and in every
possible way add to the supply of .the latest
style of arms and munitions of war. The
South—all the Border States included—has
been seeing these articles for months past,
and we have been defrauded by villains in all
quarters. The Cincinnati anantercial of Battu,
day, says :
Thirteen boxes of guns, cannon, Sm., were
taken from the steamer Moses McLellan yester
day by the Chief of Police, and stored. The 3
were re shipped from the Baltimore and 0131 e..
R. R. at Parkersburg, by steamer, and consign
ed to Napoleon, Aikansas.
Tim assoLusswr of negro
.companies 141 en
tirely-useless in Pennsylvania, as their servicer
cannot be accepted by the Government. Tht
colored people of the free States can mak,
themselves useful, however, as workmen and
laborers to accompany the army, but the law
forbids their acceptance as volunteers.
IN TREASON Tams every man should drill,
arm, "pray to God" and "keep his powder
dry." The mere expression of a devotion to
the Union should be illustrated, to make it re
liable, with a step towards some practical mea
sure for its preservation. '
(From the Pittsburg Gazette of yesterday.
Seizure of Contraband Goods—Tre
mendous Excitement.
On Sunday afternoon, about one o'clock, an
unparalleled excitement was raised in the city,
by a report that a large lot of war material had
been brought to th.a city, by Adams' Express,
by the Pennsylvania Railroad, destined"for
Charleston, B. C., and other points in the
The information was conveyed to Dr. Mc-
Cook, a member of the Committee of Public
Safety, by a young man who saw the goods ou
the cars, which had just reached the city. The
report spread like wild-fire, and the patriotic
blood of the veteran doctor was soon up to boil
ing heat. He posted off immediately to the
depot, followed by" animmense mass of people,
the great body of whom knew, nothing of the
cause of the excitement. , • .
Mayor Wilson ' Chief of Police Patterson,and
a member of the Safety Committee, repaired to
the depot, and the Washington Infantry, Capt.
Rowley, were ordered - out to protect the prop
erty of the Railroad Company.
There were no demonstrations of violence,
and after consultation it was agreed to search
all the boxes and bales which wore supposed,to
contain articles contraband of war. The boxer
were opened in the cars, and those not contra
band were carefully closed, while all army
equipments Were seized and taken to the
Mayor's office, with the stars and stripes proudi)
waving over them.
The articles seized were principally army
blankets, shirts and materials for manufactur
ing uniforms.
A very large bale of blankets, enough to sup
ply several companies, was addreaead to "Nev
itt, Lattrop & Regan, &varnish, Ga."
Another very heavy bale of shirts and shirt
ing material was directed to "Henry Lattrop
& Co., Savannah, Ga."
Large box of army cloth, to Nevitt, Lattrop
& Co., Savannah, Ga. •
Boxes marked "A. X. Abratiate, Charleston,
S. C." Williams & Brew', Charleston," "Girard
Coutenx, N. ~'Thos. J. John, & Co.arto.
bile, Ala." In t 0"`
his lot *ere laige qtutntities of
army gloves, cap fronts, and material for [mak
ing Zouave uniform.
There was also a small bale of loather "muz
zle guards," used in putting over the muzzles
of cannon while in action. They were directed
"C. O. Masao, Savanah, Ga."
The goods, which amounted to two or three
dray lueds were conveyed to the Mayor office's,
and are now in possession of the Safety Com
mittee. They were all shipped from New York,
and marked "by rail, all the way through . "
This is supposed (nay, positively asserted) to be
the first shipment of contraband articles
through this city, and the damage done to the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, by the Secession
ists themselves, is supposed to have created the
necessity for this bOld movement.
The rebels may fled traitors. in New York to
supply them with such artiCles -as those,-but
they may depend upon it that our citizens will
not let a dollar's worth pass this point. Our
own cien need equipments, sod this shipment
will be found very serviceable just at present.
The rebels are d iven to great extremity when
they are compelled to resort to such measures,
but they will be in a severer extremity yet be
fore their treason is atoned for.
We anxiously await, the next shipment for
the South !
Tniatr naturalized
. citizens, Germans and
Irish, who had been compelled to enlist in the
Rebel army, positively refused to fire on the
American flag, during the. bombardment of
Sumpter, and were consequently arrested and
put in prison in Charleston, where they yet re
main. The naturalized citizens know that
their allegiance is to the United States Govern
ment, and that none other can protect them
from the claims of European Governments up
on them for service owed before they became
citizens of the United States. . •
INFORMATION has reached the War Depart
ment that Ohio sends her quota of 13 regi
ments, (10,000 men,) and holds 20,000 in re
serve, equipped and supplied at the State's ex
muse. General Wood says he can bring 100,-
opo men, if necessary, into the field at short
Tin London Standard, of the 4th inst., says
"We learn, although no authority is vouch
safed, that the custom authorities at Havre had
notified that ships from the seceded States
would be received on the same footing as those
sailing under the "Stars and Stripes."
Norfolk and the Gosport Nave Yard, on
NEW YoAlt, April 23.
Captain Lowry, of the ship Julia E. Tyler,
from Hampton Roads on the 21A, reports that
the pilot informed him that Norfolk and the
Gosport Navy Yard were in flames, and that
he could plainly see the fire when he was leatv
log the Roads.
The Pennsylvania Volunteers
The Cameron Guards, State. Capital Guard;
and other volunteer companies which left Har
risburg on Saturday night, and have since been
encamped at Cockeysvitle, were taken back to
this place this morning. They are all well,
and through the exertions of the Messrs.'Small
nave been provided with plenty to eat. They
will leave here this afternoon for Washington.
LOU/VILLE, April 28
A movement is on foot, and will probably be
adopted in a day or two, between the civil and
military authorities of Louisville, Jtffsrson
vine and New Albany, to prevent invasion by
hostile troops from either North or South, so
long as Kentucky preserves her present status.
Seven companies of the State Guard, embrac
ing an aggregate of 650'men, under Col, Tilgh
man, have been organized at Paducah, Ken
Reinforcement of Forts McHenry and
A United States naval officer arrived - here
states that the steamer Spaulding landed her
troops, reinforcing Furt McHenry very quietly.
Ihe Bsltimoreans were expecting her arrival,
.ntending to capture her, but she started down
the bay, frustrasirkg their designs.
Fortress Monroe has aleo been reinforced with
the Massachusetts regimeots.
It is also certain that the Sixth Massachusetts
regiment has possession of Annapolis.
Important Report from Washington.
Difficulties with the Baltimore Authorities Arranged.
—The Railroads and Telegsaph Lines to be re-
NEW YORK, April 23
Collector Barney states that a gentlernan offi
cially connected with the Government says that
ne has information from Washington that, a
co , respondence has been opened with the Bal
timore authorities, resulting in an undertaking
on the part of Baltimore to repair, the railroadbridges,
bridges, telegraph lines, and to keep the-com
munication open for passengers, mails and dist
piktches, as well as the troops.
Reports from Norfolk.
NEWARK, Aptil 23
It is reported on the authority of a• naval of
ficer, who arrived here this evening •from Nor=
folk, that the :United States steamer Merrimac
and sloop-of-war Germantown were both scut
tled and sunk, and the navy yard burned, by
order of the Government. This needs confir
mation. Another account states that the
steamer Merrimac had been towed out b"yond
the obstructions in the harbor, with great dif
ficulty; by means of floats ingeniously con
By private advices from NOrfolk we have
been led to the conclusion that by this time the
extensive buildings in the navy yard at that
place are a heap of ruins. The vessels in the
harbor are sunk, and the machinery in the
yard completely destroyed. This was done by
Gutted States troops, under orders from the
Government, to prevent the 'national property
trom falling into the hands of the Secessionists.
subsequent intelligence has demonstrated this
statement to be premature, but the advices, as
we have received them, seem to be direct and
The Confessions and Exiierienoe o
an Invalid.
pugrasEceti.for. the benefit and as a Warning
an d caution to young men who suffer from Nervous
Debility, Premature Decay, etc, supplying at the same
time, the means of Self Cure, by ,
pne who cured himself,
Vag being put to great expense through medical impost.
don and quackery:,_Bugle' copies Ina , r 4 b . 1 .
~t he
au _
thor, iIiTHANE6II fri a rnm, rag., Bedlord, Rings. county,
N. y., by enclosing a postpaid addressed envelops.
nfallible In correcting, regulating, and removing *ll
obstructions, from whatever cause, and al
ways successful as a preven
the doctors for many years, both in France and
America, with unparalleled' success In every case ; and
he is urged by many thousand ladies who used them, to
make the Pins publlc.for the alleviation of those suffering
from any irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent
an increase of family where health will not permit
Females particularly particularly situated, 'of these supposing them
selves so, are cautioned against these Pills while in that
condition as they are Bur, to produce miscarriage, and
the proprietor assumes nO responsibility after this adult.-
..ninon, although their mildness Would prevent any fins•
chief t6-health--iitherwise .thwPilis are recommended.
Full and explicit directions accompany each b
$1 ox. Price
00 per box. Sold wholesale and retail by
' - No. 2 Jones Row, Harrisburg, Pa.
"Ladles," 14 , Winding him $1 00 to the Har
P ost Odic°, can have the Pills sent free er observn
any part of the country (confidentially) and "free of pos
tage" by mail. Sold also -by S. S. Eirevaris, Reading,
'JbEnrooN, HOLLOWAY & COWDZN, Philadelphia, J. L. Lan
saw:lKß, -Lebanon, Denim H. Y o rkncaster; .J.
Wins. Wrightsville ; E. T. Mumis, and by one
druggist in every city and tillage in the Union, and by
S. D. How; sole proprietor, New York
N. B.—Look out for counterfeits. Rey no Golden Pills
of any kind unless Winery box ki signed 5. D. Howe. All
others are a base imposition and ens ale; thaefore, as
you value your lives and health, (to say nothing of be
ing humbugged oat of your money ) , buy only of these
who show the signature of S. D. Howe on every box,
which has recently been added on account of the Pills
being counterfeited de3-dwaswly.
'Prepared from , a Prefcripil?n of Sir T. Markt, if. D.,
Physician Ifirtrardina4 to the Qt OIM
This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the came of all
those painful and dangerous diseasmi to which the female
constitution Is subject. It moderates ail excess and. re•
moves all obstructions, and a speedy mire may be
relied on.
it Is peculiarly stilted. It will in a short time, bring en
the monthly period with regularity.
Each.boUle, price One Dollar, boars the Government
Stamp or Great Britain, to prevent eountertens.
- -
These Pill should not be taken by females during the
EIRBT THREE litaNTHEqf Pregnauey,akThey, unsure
to 'bring onHiscareiage,,ka .at any other time they are
In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affectins, Pain in
the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion; Palpita
lion of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, hese Pills wil
effect a cure when all other means have failed ; and al
-though a powerfnl remedy, do not contain iron, calomel,
antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitution.
Full directions in the pamphlet around each package
which should be carefully preserved.
N. 8.—51.00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any au
thorized Agent, Will insure a bottle, containing 60 Pills ,
by return mail.
A.' rale by C. A. litunrcsirr. ty9 dawly
preparations for the hair that have been introduced as
infallible, none has ever given the satisfaction or gains°
the popularity that Prof: Woad's flair Restoratty enow
has. His Restorative has passed the ordeal of inn inner.
able. fashionable tellets,.and the ladles, wherever they
have tested it, pronounce it a peerless article. They
find, wherever they have tested it, pronounce II a peer•
less article. Theyilnd, where the hair is thinned, that
it creates a fresh growth—that it tally restores the ve
genitive power or the roots on the denuded places, ano
causes the fibres to shoot forth anew—that tt dissolves
and removes dandruff, prevents grayness, restores the
hair to its original color when grayness his actually Cu.
pervened, gives a riots lustre, imparts the softness and
flexibility of silk to the hair, and keeps it always !Hart
ant, healthy and in Dilivigor.—"N„ Y. Tribune."
sou by all respectable. Druggists dell lm
Yon IC, April 23
AREA, or Semkial Weakness, Sexual Debility, Nervous
ness, Involuntary Emissions and Impotency, resulting
from Sed-abuse, &o. By Bebt. J. Cuiverweit, M. IA—
Sent Under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post
oald, on receipt of two stau4s, by Dr. CHAS J. C.
KLINE, 127 Bowery, New York. Poet Office Box, No.
4,686. -
Pennaybania, 83
®ln the name and by the authority of
the Commonwealth - of Pennsylvania.
ANDIt&W G. Cruurnr.
WE - EI:INA.% An armed rebellion exists in a
portion of the States of this Union, threaten
ing the destruction of the National Govern
ment, periling public and private'property, en
dangering the peace and security of this Com
monwealth, and inviting systematic piracy upon
our commerce; and
WHEREas, Adequate provision does not exist
by law to enable the Executive to make the
Military power of the State as available and
efficient as it should be for the common de
fence of the State and the General Government
Wilma; An occatrion so extraordinary re
quires a prompt exercise of the Legislative
power of the State; therefore,
I, ANDREW G. Cuatm, Governor of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania, by virtue of the
powers 'vested in me by the Constitution, do
hereby convene the General Assembly of this
Commonwealth, and require the members of
the Senate and House of Representatives to
meet in their respective Houses, in the Capitol
DAY OP APRIL, A. D. one thousand eight hun
dred abd Mity:•one, at tWelve o'clock noon of that
day, then and , there to take into consideration
and adopt such measures in the premises as the
exigency may seem to them in their wisdom to
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and caused the Great Seal of the Common
wealth to be affixed at Harrisburg, this twen
tieth day of April in-the year of Oar Lord one
thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, and' of
the Independence of the United States the
By the Governor.
me operations to-morrow morning, April
zitti.. Those employed will please be in their place at
the usual time of starting the mill.
HaVER-BACKS.—Tho i e still
their.pieseasion. will please return to the
Mill or to the 01/Ice of Mr. GEORGE BO Cotton
ER= at the
Buehler House and oblige
C. S. DAVIS, Sup't.
- IVAN TED RENT.—Two or three
ir rooms suitable fir a smell family. Enquire of
- WA 1
„L.4 SENORES at QUEENSTOWN, (Ireland.) The Liver-
PLHA, New York and Philadelphia Steamship company
trend despatching their full powered Clyde•built iron
Steamships as follows :
GLASGOW, Saturday, 27th April ; CITY OF WARE.INGTON, Saturday, 6t April 9100, Saturday, nth
April ; and every Saturday, at Noon, from Pier 44,
North River.
PATIO OP ranues.
FIRST CABIN $76 07 SIERRAGR.... ..... 00
do to London -$BO 00 I do to L0nd0e...533 00
Steerage Return Mel. ets, geol. for Six Menthe 80 00
Passengers forwarded to Paris, Havre, Rambo. g.
Bremen, Rotterdam, Antwerp, die., at redneed through
We& _
nirreractua wishing to bring outtheir frier tit canbuy
tickets here at the following ra es. to New Yore : From
Tiverton or Queenstown; Ist Oabin, $75, $B5 attd 6105
$3O 00.
•emse froze Liverpool 640 00. From Queenstown,
Time Steamers have anperior accommodations for
bpuilti assengers, antlearr
ht y experienced Serge:am They -are
n Water-tig Iron Sections, and have Patent. Fire .
Anuildlatons on board. For further infortnation apply
ase Cempenrs .INO. G. DALE, Agent,
11-tt _ 15 Broadway New York.
Or 0.0. rammpralao, Amt., Jarrilburg.
New 2013trtifieMtiltS.
Secretary of the Commonwealth
Ntto tbvertisantuts
NOTICE is hereby .given that an election
will be held to the Second Presbyterian church,
(Armory building) on MONDAY, the 6th day of May'
commencing at 2 o'clock and closing at 6 o'clock in thy
afternoon, for the purpose of electing seven persona to
serve as Trustees of the Harris Free Cemetery, from tha
first Monday in May, 1861, to the first Monday in May,
1661 Every free male coloret person of the age of 211
years and upwards, is entitled to vote. By order of the
Board of Trustees. JOS. 0. BUSTILL,
ap22-d2w Secretary.
MONDAY, APRIL I6th, 1.861,
The passenger Mans of the Pennsylvania Balboni Co=
pony will depart Rom and irrhre at Roviebnrg and
Philadelphia as follows
THROUGH FXPRESE , TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at Lli
a. m. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.10 a. in.
FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 6.20 a to, and
arrives at Went Philadelphia at 10.06 a. in.
FAST RAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at p .
arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.10 p. m.
These trains make clone connection at Phbadeipnla with
he New York Lines.
ACOOMMODATIOtTRAIN, No<. 1, Via Yount Joy,
leaves Harrisburg at 7.80 •a. ra,, and arrives at Wtst
Ptilladelpata at 1280 p. m.
HABRERURG A0139/11.110DATION TRAIN, vla Colum
bia, leaves Harrisburg at 4.10 p. m., and arrives at West
Pldlaielptda n 9 25 p. m.
ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, via Mount Jay,
1861'63 garriehms_ at 4.20 p. m., connecting at Diller
arrives at West Philadelphia at 9.25 p. m.
THROUGH EXPRES9 TRAIN leaves ''Phflagellums. ai
10.45 p m., Harrisburg at 8.05 a. in., Altosas 8.05, ar.
rives at Pittsburg at 12.40 p.
MAIL TRAIN leaves Phtladelotda at 720 a
Hirrisbnrg 1.10 p. m. , Altoona, 7.05 p. m., and arr vet
at Pittsburg at 12.20 p. m.
PAST LINE leaves Philadelphia 1411.40 a. in., Harris
burg 4.05 p. m., Altoona 8.40 p. m „ and &envoi at•Pitts
burg at 1.00 a- in.
Philadelphia at 2.80 p. m., Lancaster 6.06 p. m Col
umbia 6.40 p. m., and arfives at Harrisbirg it 8.96 p. m.
a.OOOdMODATIONTAAIN, leaves Philadelphia a 4.00;
p. Diameter 7.44 p. m.,tiount Joy 8.28 p. m., Eau,
betatown, 8.48 m., and arrives at Harrisburg at
9.46 m. •' •
Aub p.
mion r eillielto the that, that paitempirs leaving
Philadelphia at 4 p. m., convect at Lancaster with
Harrisburg at 9.46, p. IP,
Bupt. KEA. Div. ItAntis. &Brawl
apl2 8041tf
THE SUBSORIBKR has removed his
street to Fourth street abova Market, opposite the' Beth a
church. Thankful for past patronage, he hopes, by strict
attention to budneee, to merit a contannance c it.
mar26-Smd Wit. !UMBEL .
Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad
Oompany. - _
.._ .
HE Annual Meeting,and: election_ of the
stockholders of the 83buyildll and Ethquehesina
road Company, as required by their charte r will be
held at the Continental Motel; city of Philedelphfa, Penn
sylvania, on MONDAY, May Bth, at 12 o'clock 11., fee the
purpose of choosing& President and dis hlaussesswWriHrtm
for the ensuing year, end also for the consideistkiit of
such other business as may property be brought birore
said meeting. FRANK S. 8020,
TEE UNDERSIGNEP htiving entered .
to the COAL TR %Mtn this oty, W ould plejectfoily
solicit the patronage of the billet:ea. I wdl keep on head
Coal of all saes, from the moat oelebrated.enttapproved
mioesovhich will be , delivered tO''any'part of_toe
tree from dirt and Mier Impurities. FIIM. Was a
JuAnarrresa. Coat son, sere sr 222 BOAT Lois', Caa
Loan ort mom 'oar Pere Ins purotualL ng 'by the Boat
or Car Load win receive 2,240 pounds to the Ton.
. Office No. 74 Market street, second door from Dewber
ry alley. Yard on the Canal, toot of North street. Or
de.e lett at either place will receive prompt attention..
aplillyd • JOHN W. HALL, agent.
One to Fives Hundred Dollars
J. worth of CITY BONDS. Enquire tf
warl4 C. 0. ZIMMERMAN,
No. 213 South Second *met.
TEE WrIF,R,T, ER & WILSON Atanufac
taring Company hawing gained Am their angle at
law, with infringing manuracharere of Pairing Hactines,
propose that the public should be benelitted ,
sad nave accordingly reduced the prices of their dewintherebyg
Machines. After Ude date they will be sold mettles that
will pay a fair profit on the coat of inangacgack capital
invested, and expense of makibg sales; sash pries a
will enable them to make flat clam machines, and, es
heretofore, guarantee them in every pardcuhr.
-In accordance with the annouucenteut .abotielt will
sell their splendid Sewing Machines sit prima front $46
to 1.90 for the fine full case machines: Ultra trail °stab
dshed fact that the •
Wheeler & Wilson Sewing *thine
Is the beat one in the market;the best madei most maple
and least liable to get out of order, and they are new as
low as the inferior machines. ChM and ass them •
Third and Market.
del.fhn W.O. warm; A:gent
1861. " 1861.
ill Ate NOW OPEN =UR usual, Laws or
Every Veceutent offered to purchasers at
tuarZtt Next door to the Harrisburg Bank.
Go To ras Panama.= Bina Su*
• :Do 1011 want a BOOT or neon that will ne,
Go to the Philadelphia Moe Store.
For LAnins , nArrEns very cheap,
For MI Go to the PiduseapitigEhoe SW
MS' SHOES of all kinds,
Go to Knassn's, No. SW Market Street •
For BOYS SHOES of all hindtt,
Qo to Ifixams. , s, No. 383,‘ Marketfirfet•
Far CHELDIULVS 2110124 for 26 coots,
Go toe'. Philadelphia Shoe Btxao•
In fact for all kinds of BOOTS andBIIOBS, •
th to thg Phibulaiglso mom_
Remember the plow - •
No. um Karkei arms, "Apt of ghasaishailLßllo?'