Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, April 23, 1861, Image 1

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The DAILY TYLIGIUM Is served to subscribers In the
t.orough at 8)g cents per week. Yearly subscribers
will be charged 14.00.
Will Ain Serri-Weany Teassittra.
The Tinigitarn teals° published tie a week during
see stiolon4 the Legitilat mre and weekly during the re
mainder of ihe . year, and furnished to'imbsoribera at tbe
following Mee, viz : •
single Elobwribers per year
SO9Oll " "
Ten "
PBS LAW OP wirwarersits.
,t subscribers order the discontinuance of their news•
pacers, the Publisher may continue to sen•l them until
sii arroarages are paid.
if subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newspa
pers froth the °Meet° which they are directed, they are
responsible until they her settled the bills and ordered
them discontinued
IN the immediate neighborhood of the
Jobbing Houses on Market. Third and Chestnut
streets, the Banks, Post Offlee, Merchants' E xc h ange,
se., Ste.
Dinner between 1 and 8 o'clock, 50 cents. Single
room frond 60 cents upward. •
A first mass Restaurant attached. Prices according to
Bills of Fare. ' .
The City Cars take Passengers from any Station to or
elate to the HMO.
FrenehiGerman and Spanish spoken.
apt 3m4
NEW• - **
WOE( A FULL essortmen
from the Philadelphia and New York moat fashionable
estahliahments, to which, during the season, additions
of the latest novelties from those establishments will be
constantly received.
Formerly A. B. Carpenter, sign of the two Golden
Eagles, first bonnet store from the Harrisburg Bridge.
STUDENTS prepared for College or bud
nen.' Location pleasant, healthy and easy of an
case by Pennsylvania Railroad. For circulars contain
ing terms, address the Principal.
ap6-11ridaltw E L. MOORE.
THE subscriber has just returned from
Philadelphia with a large and varied assortment of
NOTIONS, and everything usually kept In a first class
Grocery, respectfully calls the attention of Ins Gusto•
Mem, as well as theriblio generally, to his last arrival.
Thankful for past - patronage be hopes by strict atten.
ti - n to business, to merit a continuance of the same.
epl9•dtf Corner of Third and Chestnut Streets.
WAR:!. . WAR ! ! !
PUNT'S celebrated • . GUN AND
D'ma POWDER, and all other Powder and Fine
manufactured by E. I. DO PONT, DR NEMOURS & CO.,
Wilthington, Del. Per sale at manufacturers prices, by
their agent, JAMES M. WHEELER,
Harrisburg, Pa.
Orders received at warehouse, to any extent, for sup
plying the State Regiments, Companies, &o.
United States FlaiMbf all sizes, both afailfo and Bunt
ing manufactured aml sold, ap29-B.d
OFMCII OF sae Ditto , VdttitV COAL CO,
New York, Aprll6, 1861.
THE Annual Meeting of the Stockholders
andMi election for seven DireAes of the Lykons'
Valley Ooal Company will be held in Philadelphia at the
once of EDWARD GRATZ, No. 2 South 7th street, on
Monday, the 60tilay of lay next, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
The polls will open at 10 o'clock and close at 2 o'clock,
aps.2tawte Secretary.
DR. D. W. JONES, of Hagerstown,
Maryland, will be In Harrisburg, on TUESDAY,
April 23d, at the White Hall Hotel, where he may be
consulted from one o'clock in the afternoon:until nine at
night, no longer at present. Dr. JONES has many calls
by letter to come to Harrisburg again.
Dr.•JONES will consult, patients one day out of each
month In thkulty of Harrisburg. See the regular adver
tisement tnirtuittier part of this paper.
All allots:4 oone wanting to consult Dr. JONES
must call bis Alta hours above mentioned.
Advise gratis:: - * - .tilyt.dtap233 DR. D. W. ,TONES.
THE SUBSCRIBER Would respectfully
informilierpublic IW...herbs's removed Ms Plumb
ing and:BritailtonnEug 'establishment to No. 22" South
Thirctstreet below HerrTs Hotel. Thankful tor pat pat
ronags,le hopes by strict attention to basin eel to merit
a continuance of It.
sunlit( J. JONES.
l'invo-451AtitiN -- g - RgFRIGERATOR;
.6 .; -: .
gethei with several other cheaper styles, may be
pond at the manufactory, at exceedtngly low prices.
' , Also, aveat variety of 'WATER COpplAg, of supe,
ear finish.' ' . •
R. S. FAI_tION te OD.
(tor. Dock and Pear streeti, Philadelphia.
OPEC tor Tv - tiaras , Vail= Reancian & COM. C0. ,- 1
New York, April 6, 1861. J
TMeeting of the Stookhelders
and, an eleation,for a President, Seven Managers,
and a Secretary and' Treasurer of the Lykens' Valley
Railroad and Cmdtlompany will be held in Philadelphia
at the office of EDWARD GRATZ, No. 2 South 7th street,
ou Monday, the 6th day of May next, at . 10 o'clocle . A.m.
The polls will optM at ld o'clock and close at 21'clock
t 6
4awte WM. HAWKINS,
c. F. ACTT 33:1 CME
. • •
i 8 still -fit auceessfakeiarration and prenared:torearry
reight LOW'sui anytother -Individual line .between
l'itliattelpl4, - Harrisburg,Butibitry, Lealabirg,
Net, .lefteyjgwre,-Locirilavett, and all points online
Northern lential,Xbiladelsibia and Erie, and Williams
port and Eingrinallrosdel • -
Local'Agent at Harrisburg,
Goode sent to PEACOCK; ZELL di HINCHMAN, Nps. SOS
§loppnnd Market start, above Eigh th , by 4 o'clock, F. M.
Wall rrive at Harrlnburg, ready for delivery, the next
morning: C. F. IdUENCH,
kap tt Traveling Agent.
back building, located in a respectable neighbor:
hood, of wjgoll possession will Rot be wanted for eigth
months. - - A ly at [a2] ' onicrE.
BIIILDING STONE or ' tone suitable
for titinplkilhiPurposes wilfbiti delivered toan- y
Part or the city or its vicinity. Apply to
7 .. 11141 .WCO4 , I)BR, JR.
_. . . .
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;pt Ceiegrap,
Tuesday Afternoon, ,April 23,1801.
The following is a copy of the Treason bill
passed at the last eession of the Legislature. It
will be seen that Its provisions are well digest
ed and that it ought to be carried out to the
very letter. Let traitors read it and, pause over
its provisions, viz :
SECTION 1. Be it enacted B(c., That if any per
son or persons belonging to or residing within
dui State, and under the protection of its laws,
shall take a commission or commissions from
any person, State. or States,, or other the ene
mies of this State or of the United States of
America, or who shall levy against this. State
or governmenkthereof, or knowingly or wil
lingly shall aid or assist any enemies in .open
war against this State or the United States, by
joining their armies, or by enlisting or pro
curing or persuading others to enlist for that
purpose, or by furnishing such enemies with
arms or amunition or any other articles for
their aid and comfort, or by carrying on a
traitorous correspondence with them, or
shall form, or be in anywise concerned
in forming any combination or—plot or
conspiracy for betraying this State or
the United States of America into the hands or
power of any foreign enemy, or any organized
or pretended government engaged in resisting
the laws of the United States or shall give or
send any intelligence to the enemies of this
State or of the United States of America, or
shall with the intent to oppoise i prevent or sub
vert the government of this State, or of the
United States, endeavoring to pursnade any
persons from entering the service of the State
or of the United States, or from joining any vo
lunteer company or association of the State about
being mustered into service, or, shall use any
threats or persuasion,pr offer anybribe or hold out
any hope of reward, with like Intent to induce
any person or persons to abandon said service,or
withdraw from ,any volinteer conipany or as
aociation already ofgaiiied under the laws of
the Commonwealth' for 'that purpose; eve . Fy
person so,offending, and being 'legally vow*
victed thereof, shall be gailty of a high raisile- ,
meaner, and shall be sentenced -to undergo
solitary, imprisonment in the penitentiary at
hard labor for a term not exceeding ten years,
and be tined in a sum not exceeding five
saritldollars,.or"both,-at at:the AliecreticaLroLth6:.
wart : Provided, That this Act shall not pro
hibit my citizen from taking or receiving oivil
continiseions for the- acknowledgment of-deeds
end other instruments of writing. •• •
Sze. 2. That if any person or persons within
this Commonwealth shall sell, build; furiuisli
construct, alter or fit out, or shall aid or assist'
in selling, building, constructing, altering or
fitting out any vessel or vessilsfor the purpose
of making war or privateering or other purpose,
to be used in the service:of any person or par
ties whatever, to make war on ,the United
States of Anterior', or to resist, by force or oth
erwise, the execution of the laws of thaUrdted:
States, such person or persons shall .be, grfilty:
of a misdemeanor, and, on' conkielltiti,thereof,
shall be sentenced to undergo solitary •
meat in the Penitentiary at. hardlabOt not
ceeding ten years, and bellied In - a aura not
exceeding 'ten thousand &Mire, or both, atthe.
disCretion of the Catirt.
Sac. 8. That every person holding a com
mission as an officer in the volunteer or militia
forces of this Commonwealth, shall, within
thirty days after the passage of this Act, be re
quired to take the oath of allegiance to this
State and to the. United gate, and if, any per
son holding snob annuiiiidon shall refuse to
take such oath, the Governer shall have ttie
authority to revoke and annul the cominiOien"
of such person, and supply 'his place by ap T
pointrnent, until the vacancy thus created
shall be supplied as proVided for ,vaneaneies in
other cases by eiditinerairti of this common._
wealth ; the said oath of allegiance shall be
administered by the,Adjutant, General or' any.
Judge of the. Court atop:mon Pleas, and may
be transmittal° lh.e brigade inspec
tors of tbli commonwealth, who shall in turn,
administer the same to the officers embraced.
Witldn - the &Pads of their respective brigade:
SD): 4.. No civil process shall Jame or be
enforced against any. person mustered_ into the ,
service of this State or of the United States,
during the term for which he shall be engaged
in such service, nor until thirty days after he
shall be discharged therefrom. _Provided, That
the operations of all statutes of limitations
shall be suipinded ppon all claims against such
person during Such tenn.-: - -
CoMMENDAILEI Linsuarrry.—The two Qhio
regiments . who arrival is this city last. Sunday
morning left at 3 o'clock this morning for
Washington. During their stay here they
were furnished with provisions and other es
sentials free of all, cost by Jacob S. Haldeman,
Esq., whose liberality in this respect is deserv-,
ing of the very highest praise, and we opine
will not soonle forgotten by the recipients of
his Munificent bounty. Col. Jno. H. Brant,
also exhibited his kindness to the, "Buck-eye
boys" by refusing to make any charge for the
quarters furnished to a portion in his capacious
hall. The gentlemtuily . daportment of the sol-
diers composing these regiments elicited -gen
eral remark, anti the'y hear with them the best
wishes of our citizens.
Bssonnorr or Dunks. At a meeting held by
Company I, of the Ohio Regiment, the follow
ing resolution was unanimously adopted :
Resolved, By Company I, of the city of Mans:l .
field, Ohio, that we return - our thanks to OA
citizens of Harrisburg, and especially ,to the
ladies, and to Captain Brady, and others in
charge of the Capitol of State, fer their gentl6-
manly- deportment towards us, and for the
honor conferred in quartering us in the Sonata
Chamber of the Corrimonweldth of 'Nowt , '
alga- Wry. ll'ax4roxrix,:artain;
From our - Morning —Fidithil;
The' Treason Bill.
Cow SPRINGS, 4141 . 20, •1861
Ma. EDlTOR—Agreeably to notice.the people
of Cold Spring township, assembled at Bausch
Gap this afternoon, and participated in raising
the_glorious Stars and. Stripes of our Country.—
The ceremony was full of interest, and stirred
up in'the hearts of the people of these moan- .
tains an unalterable attachment to onr
. '
mon country. The Material for the Flag was
purchased by general contribution among the
.Iyorkmen employed by the Schuylkill andSus
queliamia Railroad Company,and Mannfactured
by the ladies under the leadership of Mrs. U.
B. Tracey.
Belem raising_the Flag to thetop of the staff,
erected on one of the long machine shops of the
Railroad Company at Bausch Gap,-Mr. D. Cert.
penter Forney delivered . the: following spirited
address : -
LADIES AND Gssrmanus:—The great purPosie
for which we haire assembled here td-day, is of
no idle significance. " It is not'o give vent to
any Fourth'of July bombast, nor to be enter
tained with any display of oratorical ability;. ,
but, my countrymen the events of the past
few months, the - particulars of - which you are
all well acquainted with, enjoins upon all-true
American citizens the duty of renewing his
pledges of devotion, and eternal allegiance to
his country. I will not attempt an analysis of
the causes that force this duty upon us, as the
task would be superfluous. Sufficient, then,
for us all to know that treason of the darkest
and most unholy character is among us. Every
breeze that greets us from our southern borders;
every mail from the same -locality, is freighted .
with the startling intelligence that this treason
is assuming a 'revolutionary aspect, and that
the purpose of its "wicked, unprincipled lead
ers, is the destruction of this, the happiest and
most liberal government mankind have ever
been blessed with. What te our duty with this
sad picture before us ? Are we to quietly and
silently submit, and "Nero" like witness the
dismemberment of this fair fabric of freedom•
indifferently? or does it not become us to min
gle our protestations with the millions of the
east, the north and west, whose-preparations of
resistance are already beginning to light up the
watch fires of liberty, and from the very depths
of our hearts catch up their glad echo, that by
all the sacred memories of the Past, the pros-
perity of the present, and eternal hopes of the
future, this government meat' nd albeit be sus
tained. 'I need tiotasitfor an =Wei frog jou,
here'to-day. NO; for if the - expressional of year .
fades are a true index to the emotions of your
he'arts, I am satisfied every pulsation is in unison
with those brave Writs who are already on their
march to wipe out the foul stain that has been
perpetrated upon the time-honored emblem of,
nationality-:the-fleg of this once gloriounsitrel - ,
unbreicen Union.. Yee, to air shame be it said,,
that - this great emblem of truth and that ia
sacredand dealt) a free tlitokgosperotes people)
hak been assailed, notlore. fOreiErkeuenlYr but.
by thoie who have heretofore claimed ite,pro--
tectitin, and enjoyed alike with; us the;freet
and independent governinent it represents. In
view of this unliapyq state of our affairs, we
purpose here to-day to renew our pledge of de
votion to our common country, not by any
vain civic or military demonstration, nor as
politicians, but as 'American citizens, looking
.fortiard to the general happiness of the' entire,
country; unfurFthese-stars and Stripes, dear .
to every true, honest heart, =and' which bite
ever been the ensign of victory in every battle:
it was ever' thrown forth the - braes:sr and
while these fair bailie shall:help to bear it aloft
flpon. •the staff erected here aniong these - moun
tain' cliffs, we will expresi to the country and
the world, that as long as the refreshing winds
of Heaven continue to keeii it afloat, no hand
shall ever disturb it while our arms are able
to 'defend and protect it, andliko Constantine of
old did,, gather beneath its inspiring folds, and
swear by the - great power that carried it to vic
tory inthe past; we will conquer or die.
At. the close Of .the. address, U. B. Tracy,
Esq.. •proposed three cheers for D: Carpenter
Forney, which was heartily responded to. Af
ter offering a few encouraging winds to' the
meeting, he requested the, ladies. to hoist the
Flag, which was led off by Mrs. U. R. Tracy,
Mrs. Henry W. Tracy, Mrs, 4'.
C. Forney, Misibroude, Missßoons, Mrs. Hen
ry Suitt; Hiss Boadarmel, and otters, arid
while the Flag stretched forth its -beautiful
- •
folds, cheer after cheer went up froneas - brave
,hearts as ever beat in the cause of Our Union,.
.The meeting . then adjourned to Cold Spring,
, - Wlieritldr. Adam Hank had prepared some re
:freflimentsin his • aerial epicureanetyle which
after being partakdn of, 'the' following resolu-_
bops were offered by ;Henry W. T r a c y, gm.,
a4imanimously adopted :
Waxes" The treasonable position now oc:
Supied by a portion of the citizens of this coun
try is contrary, and in direct viblation of the
General Constitution, and that - it has already
avowed a revolutionary purpose. , Therefore
4tßesebeed by She People of add Spring 2bus
dap in Xesiiny Aissenthkd, That we look upon all
those engaged in this unholy warfare astmitors
,and rebels to the present happiness of the isa
tlr .cotmtry, and that they deserve the execs- .
tide and scorn of all•true loyal citizens. •
itemized, That the time for argument and
cosnpromise if now past, and that it lathe duty
of every good citizen to help sustain ,the (km
ailment in its efforts to vindicate the Law.
Resolved,-That if necessary, westand ready
and willing to pledge our lives, our fortunes,
and our sacred honors to help sustain our law
fully elected President in his efforts to carry out
the true intent and purpose of his official pod
Resolved That the proceedings of this meet
ing be published in. the Harrisburg Deux Tex,
nutaPn and the Lebanon Courier.
Signed, U. R. Talker, Prat.
D. Caufeurrea ?mum, Seery.
%macs or Taoore.--The Cameron Guard
and State Capital Guard, in company with , the
other .troops which left here last Saturday night
for Baltimore via the Northern Central, were
to have returned to this city last or ihts
morning. They will remain here; for a couple
of 'flays, and then be detailed for active service
l'ffasliingtOn or vAoinity.
• j.TAINT. FORM, of the U.S; Army is in Env ,
ziebnra, stopping at the Jones Roue,
Tan WAR.=-11Pumi OF Carom
. r,-.on;Hoant
GIIMID BE Oackaarzae.-7•Plreuent. to public
notice a large aadletttlateißstio meeting 4:d AU-
Zane oPlierriebarg waelteld atthe , Pcur.t..ffoilee
last night, i,or klat purpose of„cougicloripg, the
prOpriaty_of organizing a,,.‘33orce
Ihni.J3ukl:TaildsoN .wasi.RleOted ,as Prod.
dank! rassi#edAby, - Gm; Ai .t .ROXIMPORT- and
3.34ddgalVal.labileme: esAtka Prest&nte:
limas. C. VAllinaroxi, Tuos..4. M'Dotials,
taiannsitantwatuiand.Win Binanu r officiated
Rs Seandades:l )*, , •
'9l)mi:taking, the; Phaio,... the-President ad
dressed' the meeting in a few iamails „highly
Pertinent to the eeettakei.
tisk; &mon, also. Medea short speech re ,
(014te , patriotih :sentiments; -
with:a motibn that tlie:Piesident appoint: a
coinmittee. of :public" safety; .a.part of whom
should Act inicordunction r, with the civic . au
thCritieson affairs of.* civic nature,:. and .the
remaining part - to act in,conjunction with the
authorities, on affairs of a, military nal
After flow) slight discussion .on the proper
mode, of%4PPOuting• the abode committee,. :
MIRA 1014(18 motion, which was accept
ed as:a modification. by Gen. lioumfort, that the
Chair appoint a-Committee' et thfiee gentle Men
from each ward, who duty it shall tie to re
putt, at a subsequent meeting of...eitkens, the
nem esof seven citizepirto,act as the,C6 - Mmittec
of Public Safetyit;iiraf t
°P9 Be . Y en * •
The motion, 'as modified, wae egreed to;.and
The Pawn" intr, hi accordance, with the rno
lion, appointed the following ,
w4'a 003MM1383.,
Fir 4 Weid=Aler. Hamilton, Richard Hong
!arid, - Wm. Kleckner.
AFecond Ward-141. - DairklHayris, Gen. A. L.
Ropinfortr, Charles L. Bailey. .
Third Ward—Jos: S. Royal, Wm. Colder, Jr.,
J. 2. Eb'k:
Fotirth Wird—Wm. H. Kepner, Major John
kftlauchlin, Wm. P. Hughes. -
ifth"-Ward—Aiderman J.. 8. Hutchinson, Da-
TlSBySter, lirm..t. Bee's.
lith Ward-JohnS);annon, Geo. Hammon,
John Brooks.'
Oen. Itorrarronv moved that phblic notice:be
gitien in the,daily papers that. the Ward Com
mitees be.reqested to meet hrthe Court' room
at even o block on Tuesday evening; and that
3 t 4 i en - tt 4 if izi gl u k l . 4 *.i 344- adieuriritf
ihea 'a at the same,placEnext Wednesday even
in atieven o'.olock - . ' •
motion-was agreed to.
, .
n motion; the'PresidenkHon. :T. J. PEAR..
iyas addedj to the Ward Committees as
Hon. J. C. Kuancer„moied the appointment
of i t t committee to aticertain the -names of the
volunteers of this city now in the-service of the
ll4tedState's,whia:have` left families behind
thire,-..their, number, and -Peouniary condition;
aisil) to malte.enquirjealin reference to • the ap-
Triipriatiere 0f45000 made by the -City, and the
. recOmmendation for an appropriation znade by
the Grand jury ; alto to , unquire Into the ex
pedieney ofraisitig-by subscription, a faild to
supply 4te,tiitilis of the familks of the volun
teers. .
The motion elicited considerable discussion,
as it was thought the appaintment might se
riopsly intarfere with the committee already
in existence having the' same matt* in charge:
!: Mgr onor Junua Pam= however suggest
ed 'pelt Modification of Mr.' Kusium's motion,
'that !I:it:Lotion be made by aome•gebtlemen re
questing, if eipedient, the ' committee alreadi
appointed on the Sul:debt to report progress at
thei meeting to .be held next Wedifieday night.
Manny aceordingly, , madi this motion
which wag:adopted :
4 suggestion was. made hy dol. B. A. LAX
that the `ladies of the city had expreqsed,
a strong desire to render themselves neeful in
the present exigency, and hoped that some gen
tleinan would suggest n'mode by which their
services might be,rendersitacceptable.
OrEir. - Itonikegg TP.Piirtika ommpli
ment thepatdottsrkand generosity .of the.
ladies of the city, and.add,ul- -that- the matter
prc i iperly-belonged'fo the coMinittee of Safety;,
who would - doubtless avail thernielves of their
liberal ; offer. .
T he meeting then Adjourned.
I I 'hp CO T LAST Ntater,—The principal thor
onthfares . of the city last night presented a
Itv ly appearance. The weather was mild, i i he
akt elendless, and a bright.shining menu over
he d_ illumined objects with. almost daylight
wil.• ' ctness. The sidewalks were . thronged
h military, strangers, arid . , our o w n, citizens
of th sons, drawn out to.witness . he 4 !sights."
From almost every direction came the rub-a
dub sound of the drum, the piercing fife, or the
more lively strains of brass bands, which, with
the measured tread of the military and the
quick,. emphatic voice of commanding officers
drilling scinads of their Compardesinthe march
ing e*ohnions„ all cOmbined to create a bustle
of. he most exciting:nature. The centre of at
triction appeared to be in Market stilet be
tween the
,Square and Third,street, and at one
time there:could not have been less than two
thousand persons congregated in front- of
Herr's Hotel, listening to themusic discoursed
by* brase band from Scranton, TAagrne.County,
who had :.takentheir station on the Market
street portico of '-that building for the impose
of practice, This band pima thenatiorial airs
admirably and with a thrilling effect. Their
rendition , ef . .4l,o„,"_Star Spangled Banner" we
have near tiefor4 heard' egtudled. ' : - ..'
l'citealthlnding, the iarge crowd- on the,
. ...,.. . .... .
23 1 . 1861.
streets, we saw- jidie Of no drunkenness, and
no in o 0 tiino. on Oie,Aorci•ii,
everybody seemed: obe
Partooli.4thhger*lii4l.lotir of the62tquil*:
Munn nett by inn CAStritozi • Graim.- 1 ;
The'foliorietla a complete muster - roll of the
-9aMeTOll Giliti4 of :tlllB city, seiiing their
.:' Veifitein = 4:3l - . tub& ' .
• Kir 'Lied :••7—Geo . Vr•;,•PT'Devia. •
' 2nd ' 4 ‘ !.:.-j. , ,Wedey .44,L i pi. . :
IS ;"18e . ..d-r-43a11e,n. Deeklebeneer.
2ad " ,-..—Ciuts. *.,,Ettont , r...
3id " '.f4iiill:llficriy.
4th "4 : --Vitiohiffie B. Maitatel. .: '"-
id Omp.—Geo. Meander: - .! • ..-.'"-
: 2nd " —Jae: A. Carman::
3rd ~' LeviNeaver, Si.
1, 7
4th „
_, Data. Bari. , . ,
'John Wm. Baeh, - • Davi Wired.
Henry Heikel, Aridrew J. Longneo ,
Win..Kiiirpatriek, Allen 0. Mager,
Edwin T. Tunis, John M:Hysiiiika,
Inched, M'Clai'n, - John H. Sullivan, ,
Johri " Thee. Jeff., Iff abk,
John Boat, John M'Collrini,
Samnel.F.%Wireman, 'John Dreher;
Wm. Hummel, Jageb- Hummel,
Wra:Eleary .0-ray, Robt. F. Bell,
Conrad Miller, John Duman,
Jerome Ham, • John Boughter, •
Edward o.lKnepley, Jacob• H. _Raymond,
Wm. A. Parkill, John V. Brady,
Pembroke Hooper , . Harper C. Waterhouse,
Elijah S. Muhl°, ' Win. W. Gti e y,
Harry O. M'Connell, Henry A. Midi,
WM. Longnecker Win. R. Rapp, ..:
Charles A . Etydan, Sobriski Leib,
'John r: Galbraith, Peter
Ellis L. Eck, ' nioh. Araane,
Harrison W. Miles, Rob't. Pensdnian,
Thos. Nellie, Henry ,Honeeehildt,
Theo..F. Schaeffer, Jr.,Jaeob S. Weichel,
Jameill.` Keene, Geo. - Reynolds,
Amos' R. Winters, F. H. Carman,
Henry- A. M.:Swartz, AMOS lib
Wm. F. M'Coy, Henry Pipher,
Robert D. Greer, Jacob Wilt,
Thos. J. WAllmn, Robl. Ehrmap
Seel; Rutherford, - John E. L. 8P . ;`,1 "
Wm. A. Riagler, Ensures'
J. A. Gardner, 41 Si , ov e n o n S. Child,
93 . B tOhnd tu!l been retained for one or two
weeks:in clerk to Capt.*S - ..G: Simmons of the
S. army, When he will be prdered on with
his couipany. -
hugely built man with a very red face, very
white hair, and , very, muddy, clothes, wasar
--.18.10.4. bet . * etiecif , Ptir Alder:inn, tab . Mora
rtke_ charge_ d ; druukeunese:,, • he gave
the -ratirie ef A Weldable
teetified pyitlaateverting hafound thirmodem
samisen be a,maCh.Vvelter Cuuditionlhan that
of 11 4 PrVic4. lo s after Delllaht useci.the
rdiseere- ga ttdaieeetgderktrlidTbad: beard/if
weake_ner l acrd it had.ield.,:the amoral= in
the gutter. , •
"Wherg are you from; Yalligan?"...asked"
the Alderman. . -
Wg9ISGU/StO frq Per* eQtua ty,';
"What Pett9f • rerrY eo,by
kelOng_ktoille or 500314•Neiwt,"
"Yon look- like a, rgewtableixtaa. Hew
came 110 1 2 to be, in this cendttionr
"Drink, sir. It's aniazin hard for a man to
talk.agin himself, but I niutsttell you thatarben
drink gets holdof me, it Wakes me•illuat."
"It brought youyery low thismitruing.: twit:
long have .yon been inthe -
"Only tame here en-Ststurdisi'."--
‘Dld yeti etimei'doini-fai 'a spree?".
Nary time; •But you- sket:,-eir, that 'your
whisky .dgwri here: poiterfalz-iitrimg, and I
waret used to it." ' -
"Well, it'a very. wrong -forin- old man like
you to•diink4", • '
"Mara a fack'r -
"And• le la hutoillating to -ice you- in that
condition." = "
"That's fad:" -•
. 4 ' Nye don't went to pupil* spy Amu only„to
the extent that will guarantee protection to the
coMmunity. As you are., and very weak
for a Sampson, we will only say to you, go and
Bin no niore."
The Priaeller,T,eiejeed,
_hat that,;that,o9p was "a
fact," and made instant headway for the dm*
to take the train .for , Newport. Hope he got,
safely home:-
P°Bl ' °Puck }lo 4 32l !far 41;411b,-1861
Maua CLass.:.
Pannaykaiaa* -R. R.
6 A..M.'
12.16 P. M.
3.30 "
12 M. Way Mail.
3.80 P. M.
Cblum is 137 ' 4 4 11 r- I '. B. R
-3.30 P. M.
Northern Central R. R.
12.15 P. M. Way Mail,
9 'I
1 P.M. '
Lebanon Valley S. R.
7.30 A, M. . -
, .
Dauphin to Sitrehatinct R. R.
1.30 l'. M.
Curnherlart4 Yalloy-R. R.
7.30 A. M. ,
IP.M.• '• •
• .
Bit Stage.
,_ . . . . - .
7A. M., to Gettysburg, on Tuesday, •- : tn , ••in ,- iy
and Saturday.
7 'kk^. 63'Toned°*.u2.0P3t*ditY,,,WOLPIP244Y:
d Friday ', '
IP. M., to LewlisbegY !es 4 1 tPrikY.' ' - • /VIM: AMR fiTITIOI•lt-POlt THE- scitriEE
offsce A ‘464 ZiOill4 7 :-T.14*.::2-1 to .% A?." Ns, -,
l ot
-----zwror:VoirgrAinit 22. ...
and Sto4P. M. ,-- • -*- _, .•7 .. - , .. i . T
Postage to_Californ*.Qol9ra&rNevada, Da- The ' btiginitine Tornwibiiaii - seized yesterouty
kotah and Oregon , 10 cents . ._,.— •- i , : •h i Alit ontbahl alarge anidunr of . powder_ for
. All:Letbna and transient 'AI/TIIMPIPitrtIAz olliguth. i -Mtaunwildwantluit4 l .9 1PTA1, ,2 " .
Wiwi tO 110 1044 IPT§tainti l Nicqg Aux p Alt A qee masied l2 °hw ne - r i7 a n d 77,Z
can'.belnalled. -- , • - -, ~., ,
.. iir,,jijos hia .. II ...far , iiir 'Pektle Amboy
-" ' • - Quo. Biitt i ft, P. M.... 1,1! etc.
a ei
~ , •
i Im •
Having procured Steam Power Presets, we are
prepared to exestdeaalland , ll oo E. PRMTING of every
dreeription, cheaper that it can be done at any other es;
latillahmentin the country.
all - Fonr lines oriels constitute one-halt square. Eli
bus or more than four constitute asquara.
Half Square, one day.... $Ol a
" one week. .......
4 : olo nrOidi. • ..... NIVI• 011141••
three month; .. .3 0u
" six nionths.• •• • • ... 4
0110318111 r•••• •••• •iii ... .. 06
One Ppm one day .. 60
00 0.. Week ..... ••• 2 00
one month.; ..... SOO
" - three - mont hs 5 00
stn months.... ............. 8.00
OM year 10 Ott
orßasdnese notices inserted in.the Lead corium, ot
before Marriages and Deaths, FIVE CENTS PER
of eachtbutertton..
• OrAlutrialpel and Deaths to be charged ea regular
~.: ~ ~T0.:,9;3.
I a
The Clisis• is Past.
;The` Road to Washington is Open.
Ti - AkyillifGroiv\ - SMV BEYOND
No Force at Harper's Perry:
Bombardment of Baltimore
Sil 7laffoP dOODS DE;S77IYED .149 R TILE
Ditatitittiori Property at Norfolk by
Special Dispatch to the TELicatita.l
tf April'
~ • , Atioviaz 22.
Capt..Jeniper, a southern , man by birth, sta
tioned at Carlisle, resigned hie commission In
formally yesterday and immediately left that
pliice, After obtaining all the mOvement of oat
troops for the rebel States in order to inform
them of thetnovements a_nd interc. t our men.
:lnitliet. Curtin kiacniint him to "be setes
-4.001184 had appointed several. gentlema to
*itch his movements. . . .
il was , immediately , after bisflight,
a at Hanoverjuaction, and from thence
t ssported back againsto Carlisle as a prisoner
of iwer. ' He will.. We - court niattlated in due
tiMe,:and receive a traitor's sentence. A man
Ithillt ; wl4e4-the firtsUlof the government, and
lia,ri - forßeikii it !tithe hour Of need,. is not fit
tq '&1 .ml honorable 'death. Gov. Curtin de
swivel great credit for vigilance: J' -
EARPIta'S-Flatalr, April 22.
'he ntunber of tu.e.4. l. e2cated3olbe in posses
skin of Harpees - Ferry has been, greatly overes-
Omelet' by, the dispatches sent froth here. The
is.sniall; and-they occupynow a worth
ies* phme. The Government arms had all been
,removed before its destruction.
RE 90 /" PlaWo/1/1
The Baltimore and ,Wilmington railroad_
in the hinds of the G o vernment . The roa dd
plant. of all obstruction and troops are
died to Washington by way
of Havre
eP Th Pwe e.laitea ' chiisetti; Beginient which left Phil
ridelPhia: on Saturday last has safely r eached
Annapolis and been quartered there for pro,
_M4tion. .
The New. York Regiment which left Phila.
delPhia at the same time have taken up their
riuttrtersa little nearer Baltimore, and has the
railroad underiti complete control, in case of
tisCeteity it isatt_seactt the city in a very short
rafdridgixat city hat( now more troops within
itailimita than-is necessary , for its defence.
.41.11.1king'..the borders of Penniyivania the
peepie• are joining themselves into Home
{Game, and are preparing to resist all secession
mcvements.: Theyarefor_theynion.
• . • YORK, April 22.
A private'digiateh gives na the important fact
that the - luna of Fort WHenry Are now bom
baidlnt . the city of Baltimore. - • •
The regular Finela to Baltimore is down; but
the report Ia
.generally &edited. • •
Way . Mail. ,
.PRELADEmmt, April 22
The Southern wires are still down. 4 gentle
mei from. WashingtOn ieports haring -passed
I to
C ' koystille,:, fifteen `-miles. .from Baltimore,
w epeetsaw lin. encampment' of U -. S. troops,
8 ..stronewhieh bad be en `thrown 'forward
o , r . the 'Northern Central road, the bridges
'virig been rebuilt by carpenters protected by
d*schmente.of troops.
ItThese troops arei expected hers, to-night.--
_ _
. ,
. Fouf,-By MR 11. S. GOVERNMENT.-.
• ' Nsw Yozuz, April 22.
It. is stated' by a gentleman •atrived from
BOtimore .t t hat • a report preyalled there that
sqn? - p - af. - the ships now. at.. Norfolk laid been
Sonttled:' The heavy`4erriekt, in ass .at the
v y Yard had been• thrown idoiiir - and much
Of the machinery-there had, been destroyed by
orderfot the United Efataattaireraniarit.
TtrellS;lPtaapgr l Pawriee .arrived•at Nor
7,to)!k,i;ai 4an.rday, from Washington.
The New York Regiment
the 13. S. Government.
WXWMITON, Del, April 22