Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, April 22, 1861, Image 3

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aitp Ettegrap4.
Monday Afte noon, April 22, 1161
Mons Aso Bereaso.—Col. F. K. Boas, one
of our most patriotic and loyal citizens, to-day
had a liberty pole front of bis law
office, from the top of which now floats a large
and handsome American flag.
Captain A. H. FAB; of the Wyoming artil
lerists, requesti us to return the thanks of his
company to the ladies of Harrisburg, for the
kindness and liberality with which they have
contributed to the comforts of his command.
TEL services of the Washington Rifles of Mt
Joy, Capt. J. R. Waltman, formerly of this
city, have been accepted by the Governor, and
will go into encampment at their own expense
near Mt. Joy, until called into active service.
A FIN® COMPANY of military arrived here this
morning from the Wyoming Valley. They had
the full complement of; 'Ma, arid were uni
formed in red shirts, cap and gray panteloons,
with dark stripe. They attracted much atten
Sgvna. loolting strangers were
observed to-day lurking around the city, aP
parently with no good intentions. They have
been "spotted" by activemembers of the Vigi
lence Committee whoi will take care to see that
their conduct is all right during their stay in
this vicinity.
COURT.—The regular term of the Conrt of
Quarter Sessions met in this city at ten o'clock
this morning, and received the reports of the
constables of the several, townships. Only four
teen jurymen answered to their names, in
consequence of which the Court adjourned until
two o'clock P. M.
Mkroa's PaoariusTrom.— In accordance with
a suggestion of Gov. Curtin, I hereby call upon
all patriotic citizens to meet at once at the
office of the District Attorney, to organize
themselves into a Vigilance Committee, to ar
rest spies and disaffected strangers. Citizens be
prompt. Was. H. KEPNER, Mayor.
This eloquent Divine preached an effective ser
mon on the state of, the country, in the Locust
street Methodist Episcopal Church, last even
ing before one of the largest, congregations
ever assembled within that edifice. He el
neatly admonished his hearers to stand fast to
the faith of their fathers in their constancy to
the Won.
A Emmons rumor ;prevailed to some ex
tent in onrcity this- morning that the water
in the reservoir was poisoned. Such a state
ment naturally enough created the greatest
alarm, and we are told that many families ln
consequence cliseard the use of the water alto
gether. We can azure our readers that there
is not a word of truth in the report, and that
the water to-day is just as pure and healthy as
It was One geolmago.
Gnu= PATRIOTISM. —The following has been
handed to us, with a request that it be pub
lished. It speaks for itself.
To the Editor of the Telegraph:— Please state,
through the columns of your paper, that the
families of tenants occupying any of my
houses, shall remain in the same free of rent,
while their husbands are abroad serving the
country in the present difficulty.
Yours, 0. 0. ZOIEBEBBMAN, -
No. 28 South Second street.
Goal Ont.—An additional detachment, con
sisting of about one thousand of the Pennsylva
nia quota of volunteers, started this morning
via the Northern Central Railroad for Balti
more. When, however, the train .convoying
the troops arrived on the opposite • side of the
river, it was recalled to this city by a telegraph
ic dispatch, and the cars switched off to the
Pennsylvania Railroad—it being determined to
send the troops,to Washington via Philadelphia
instead of Baltimore.
Ruircuraus Rintotm—We hear frequent ru
mors about certaia men connected with the
telegraph offices, and doubts are expressed sa
to their loyalty. We can assure the poblio at
large that no fear need be apprehended what
ever. The Governor controls the Hoes, and
Col. Berryhill, whose loyalty cannot be doubted
for a moment, has 'taken up his quarters in the
principal office, and is there in person day and
night. No dispatches are permitted -to pass
unless they are of the right stamp. 411 Union
men can depend upon this.. We steak not only
from a pereonal knowledge, but by authority.
Tim "Rosa Gomm*" will meet at the• E
xchange at 7ceclock this evening for the pur
pose of perfecting their organization, and re
ceiving additional names to the muster roll.—
The company is not, as inadvertently stated by
ua yesterday, composed exclusively of members
of the Hope Fire company, but embraces mem
bers of different fire companies and others not
firemen. The roll of the company is rapidly
filling up, and their services will no doubt be
tendered to the Governor in a few 'days. Per
sons desirous of signing the muster roll are
requested to be present at the meeting to-night.
Two "Summit Boys."—Two full regiments
of the Ohio State volunteers arrived here last
Saturday evening, and are quartered in the
State Capitol bnildings. They are a fine look
ing set of men, and commanded by experienced
officers. In a conversation with the Quarter-
Master this morning, he informed us that they
are the advance troops of seventeen regiments,
formed by Ohio in response to the call of the
President. The quota of the State was thirteen
regiments, but hearing of the refusal of the
State of Kentucky to furnish men, they imme
diately volunteered to fill the quota of that
State, and hence the additional four regiments.
In addition to this the Governor of Ohio has
ordered another levy of thirty-five thou
sand men, to he held , as a reserve in case of
the following proclamation of Mayor Kepner
and commend it to the sensible consideration of
the firemen of the city of Harrisburg. The
credit and decorum of the city are both in the
hands of the firemen, and we have no doubt
they will respond to the appeal of the Mayor,
who is one of their best friends :
iIIaitIBBITIIG, April 22, 1861.-}
I deem it important to urge upon our noble
hearted flremeu the - adoption of some media° to
prevent the running of their apparatus exe94
in case of need. The numerous false alarms'
tend to keep up- as 'well as to :add to the
painful excitement-already prevailing in the
community; and too much care cannot be ex.
ercieed to restrain that excitement within pro
per bounds. I would anggest to the firemen
that each company select a committee to take
charge of their houses and machines, and not
allow the latter to be taken out under any pre
text until it is clearly assertained that there is
fire. This will tend to allay much confusion
and aid in preserving quiet.
I would again urge upon all liquor dealers to
be cautious in the sale of intoxicating drinks.
Whenever it is known that one in this business
has sold to a minor or to one already under the
influence of liquor, his establishment shall be
closed and be himself placed in the hinds of
the District Attorney to be dealt with to the
full extent of the law.
Wm. H. Kulime, Mayor
rrai, Queens.-Harrisburg has witnessed many'
a day of rejoicing and festivity, but never be
fore has she.witnersedsuch a scene as that. of
Satutley last in the departure of the, Guards.
When the Roman matrons brought their song
to the Roman Senate and offered these their
only jewels to be lavished for the State; when
Spartan mothers bade their sons go forth ad
monished only that whatever wounds they show
ed should be in front, they were not surely con
tributing more to history than the mother who
gave her six sons—Saturday wee a day to be re
membered in the annals of this city, and the
muse of history will smooth down her fair
est and whitest page on which to record, could
they bo gathered together, the acts of hero
ism to which many a home bears witness ; let
us all hope that their mission may be success
ful ; and in conclusion permit us to say that
many of the Guards were in the habit of buy
ing their Dry Geode at Union 81 . , Bowman's,
corner of Front and Market streets. ap22-2tt
FATAL Acorossx.—A fatal accident occurred
this morning at Coverly's Hotel. Lieutenant
Blakely, of the Unlonßlues, was examining a
Colt's revolver belonging to a member of,
company, when one-of the barrels accidentally
exploded and shot Robert. reel, from Old
Chestertown, Delaware county. The ball en.
tered the right side and the bowels, producing
a mortal wound. Dr. Campbell was in the im
mediate vicinity, and rendered all. the aid that
could possible be given; but they proved una
veiling, and the unfortunate man died shortly
after the accident occurred. Not .the least
blame can be attached to Lieut. Blakely, and
Mr. Wean fully exhonerated him before his
death. We bear since then that Lieutenant
Blakely has taken very ill, and fears are enter
tained that his nervous system is ito,seriousli
affected that death may be produced bylt.
Since writing the above we understand that
an inquest has been held s of~ the body of the
deceased by Alderman llline;and that the jury
returned a verdict of "death` y accidental
Vieux/son Comzerrna.--This mo ning Gov.
Curtin sent. a communication to M. yor Kepner,
stating that spies and disaffected individuals
are in our midst, and suggesting that a Com
mittee of Vigilance be appointed. The Mayor
at once issued his proclamation, and the-loyal
citizens assembled in large crowds at the Dis-
trict Attorney's office, and enrolled themselves
for the purpose of preserving the peace. The
citizens are intensely concerned in this matter,
but they seem determined„ :their, work - in
a quiet and peaceable war. There is to be no
gag law or extreme measures adopted ; but
every man who spreads disaffection or treason
will be dealt with promptly. This is a good
move, and one very much needed. We warn
traitors to beware !
PRESEPTATION.—Each of the members of the
Cameron Guard, previous . to their departure,
was presented with small pocket testaments,
the gift of the estimable lady of Jas. W. Weir,
Esq., - cashier of the Harrisburg Bank.
A genHemarupf_ the city -also' presented this
company and the State Capitol Guard with the
sum of two - hundred dollars, which was equal=
ly distributed among.thit Members of the two
Such evidenm of
,ic.jnd . feeling and benevo_
lenee will long be remembered by our gallant
Tug Puma° Gamins, and State, Pine and
Locust streets this morning presented. a lively
and animated scene caused by the military ex
ercisef of the several companies composing the
two Ohio regiments. The men gave etideace
of good training in the marching evolutions,
and we venture to predict that with Minnie
rifles and sword bayonets in their hands the
gallant "Buckeye Boys" will give a good scant
of themselves.
THE CITY Comoro Ank THE Waz.--Pacorer.
Acrroo.—At a meeting of the City Councils
last Saturday evening, Dr. Bailey offered the
following resolutions; which wete unanimously
adopted :
Resolved, That the Common Councils of the
city of Harrisburg appropriate the sum of five
thousand dollars for the support of those vo
lunteering to support the honor of our flag.
Resolved, That the Ordinance Committee be
instructed to memorialize. the Legislature for
authority to levy an additional tax of two mills
on the dollar to meet the above appropriation.
Anima Musran x Corceaxr.—The members
of the Good W ill Fire Company hold a meeting
this evening for the purpose Of 'taking the ne
cessary steps to forma company.
Posy OFFICE, Harribu4, AprikPa, '6l.
For the commit:Ace theSokliers at Camp
Curtin, I have deposited 4 Bb* at'Head Quar
ters, where all letters to : b,e.sent, way can be
deposited. They will lie taken
, frOM: th e ground
by a duly au th orized person and properly
OICRONEIi, P. if..
April 22 j 1851. ' - • ".• '
pennoVltania OAR elegrapb, filtinbap 'Afternoon, 'April 22, 1861.
&c.—We had the pleasure of spending an hour
this morning at "Camp Curtin," above our
city, and found it, as we bad anticipated, full
of bustle and activity. Throughout the day
the main road leading to the Camp was alive
with pedestrians, military and civic, and omni
busses, carriages and other vehicles of all sizes
and patterns, beating passengers to and from
the Camp.
The main entrance is effectually guarded by
sentinels, who permit no • person to pass unless
they produce a permit Irom the - proper officer.
to consequence of this regulation many of our
atinens are disappointed in gaining an entrance,
and are only enabled to witness the domestic
econotn or : the interior by an occasional
glimpse throUgh the open gates.
We arrived upon the ground shortly after the
breakfast hour, and found the troops mostly
disengaged from duty, scattered promiscuously
over the grounds ingroups, many reading the
extra TaLsonapn, and others discussing the con
dition of affairs generally.
The tents, abouta thousand in number, occu
py nearly all the available ground northwest of
Floral Hall. They are regularly, laid out in
rows, with wide streets between, so as to facil
itate communicated and insu re a constant cir
culation Of fresh air.
They each contain abundance of dean straw,
andlook altogether quite comfortable places of
habittitiofi. T•
In addition to the tents, all the horse and
cattle pens belonging to the ground have been
thoroughly cleaned, weatherboarded and filled
with straw for the accommodation, of the
Stretched at intervals along these ranges of
sheds are a large number of cooking stoves, the
cooking utensils of which, during our visit,
were filled with edibles preparing for an ex
pected arrival of additional military. The
cooking is done by the privates of the compa
nies detailed for that purpose; and we most
confess that the little we saw of them, im
pressed ns very favorably with their culinary
acquirements. •
The first story of Floral Hall is devoted ex
clusively to the commissary . departmint, and
the piles of provisions in store there we opine,
would astonish' the eyes of some of our citi
The Commissary and his clerks are constant
ly in attendance to deal out the rations to the
companies as fast as the proper applications are
The second story
. of the main building is ap
propriated to the use of the Adjutant General,
and Major General Stem, both of.whom during
our visit we found busily engaged performing
their respective duties.
The judge's stand, near the trotting track
has been converted into an office for the use of
Capt. Simmons of the regular U. S. army, who
has been detailed here by the Government to
Muster into actual service the volunteers, as
feat as they report themselves.
The ceremony of mustering a company-into,.
service amides merely:fin peleCtirktherequialte ,
.ianniber -bof able -ibodieil*ten; mho
, officers Are duly sworn fb.:Protedt the COnStiti r .
*ion of the United States.
In a, number of instances companies have re
ported themselves with Wahl more man than
th.--10..--raueload.-_,ln,axidt-ima4artu, • • •
numbers are formed into separate companies,
who elect new officers and become attached to
a different regiment to that to which their
riginal companies belong.
The companies as fast as they are inns
tered into service, report at the Adjutant Gen
eral'a office, where they are immediately: ittp
plied- with arms and amunition—large quanti
ties of which are now constantly arriving at
the camp.
We should judge-that the camp had sufficient
capacity to accommodate ten thorrsand troops,
and more if necessary;
Being under the commend of experienced of
ficers, the most rigideamp ettiquette is Colistant
ly observed. The revelle is sounded at the
dawn of-day, when all the companies form on
the parade grounds to respond to roll call, af
ter which they are drilled for one hour.
Immediately after this drill the tents are re
quired to be put in order, and the streets prop
erly cleaned.
Seven o'clock A.X. is the established hour
for breakfast, and`the guards are mounted at
nine o'clock A. M. The regular hours for
drill by companies , are from.-half-past - ten to
half past eleven A. M., and from four to five
P. M. Dinner'call is sounded- at 12 o'clock.
The retreat is sounded precisely at sun set,
when the rolls are again called and the orders
of the day read. Tatto is sounded- at nine
o'clock P. M., at which time, unless, ; special
permission has been obtained, every soldier; is
required-to be in his tent, and all- lights-ex
tinguished. Soldiers coming into thee, camp
intoxicated, or bringing liquor in, are imme
diately placed under arrest by the officer of the
This morning there were about four 'thous
and troops in the camp, and were constantly
arriving by every Railroad train.
The following is a list of the "companies,
mustered into service from seven o'clock A.
M. up to two o'clock P. M., at which time we
left the ground :
Curtin Guards, Centre county, Capt. Stover.
The Brady Alpine, Armstrong county, Capt.
First Pennsylvania &awes, Pittsburg, Capt.
Pittsburg Fencibles, Capt. TraillC.
Cameron Infantry, Centre county, Capt
Alliquippa Rifles, Gaysport, Lieut. Snyder.
Kate Curtin's, Potter's Mills, Lieut. Hess..
Allegheny Light Guards, Allegheny City,
Capt. Robinson.
Ashland Rifles, Schuylkill county, Capt
Port Clinton Artillery, Schuylkill county,
Capt. Raveman.
• Warren Rifles, Schuylkill connty, Capt
Wetherill Rifles, Schuylkill county, Capt
Lawsllan Rifles, &Mirlkill colutty, Capt.
;Washington Light Inientry,gchazl.l4coniv
Y 1 C B t. Degllt e ll.
Burn's Infantry, Lewistown, Capt. Zollhager.
Washington Rifles, Cambria county, Capt:
Union Guards, Scranton, Capt. Charlei Ai
Union Blues, Chester county, Capt. Edwards.
`Reading Hides, Barks county, Capt. Right
`Pennsylvania Artillery, Barks county, Capt
Washington Atlißaty, Berke county, Capt
Dart Louden Artillery, Franklin county,
Capt Easton. •
Wyoming Artillery, Wyoming county, Capt
Ernlin. •
• Wyoming Light Dragoons, Wyoming county,
Capt. Brisbane.
Scott Light Guard, Pittsburg, Capt. Rippley.
Allegheny Rifles, Pittsburg, Capt. Casper
Sumner Rifles, Carlisle, Capt. Koons.
Aqiuncy company, Capt. John Bowman.
The Anderson Guard, about 400 strong,
marched into camp about 2 o'clock.
- THEOrn. SO DIBRI3 uv Morros.,--By reference
to the follolning placard it will be seen that
the gallant heroes of the war of 1812; still re
tain :the patriotic fire which impelled them
forwai'd in "days lang syne." All honor to
the Ohl Soldiers:
Motears of the War of 1812 I—Arouse and Co
Anitstf— Oor young soldiers, our sons and grand
sons have been mustered into the service of the
United. States, and in God's name, to conquer
,ours miss that have arisen up in our midet.
'Yon: are called upon again to step forth and
defend your homes, your wives and your fami
lies. You will meet at the house of S. R. Don
lap; in Second street of this city, at seven and
altilf o'clock, P M., this day, and all whose
situation makes it impossible to march to the
bittle-lleld but fit for home duty are called upon
inebt with us to form a company of Mine
FLAG RAISING Am PwrransoN.—A gentleman
informs us that two large Atherican fiags were
raisedlast Saturday by the hands employed in
the ' , Pennsylvania Railroad Machine Shops at
'Patterson, amidst the greatest enthusiasm. Ex
cellent music was fumbled on the occasion by
the Patterson Brass Band, and several_patriotio
speeches were made. ThePa4ersOn Guard and
a company of Aragdons also paraded - inhonor
of _the event. The fire of patriotism burns
brightly. in tke.olct , Keystone State, and from
every hill top andirala , the glorious fitig of
conntry flislieri out its meteor 'hues :
Flit it out to the breeze, spread abroad eveTY
For'on it inscribed are the deeds of the brave ;
Let the nations °Waged all its beauties behold,
As. it gleams from - our mountains, and floats
o'er eat% Wave:
The white and bine, what. is fairer to see
Than the banner inseribed with the aeeds o
the free ? - • •
Abas Thoors.—Abont -four - hundred troops
fr*Schnylfilif&itaii: itF:On7pani ir ointis
tn'a pi ali:4C4 4 .: l 4. l 4449mOrnYtaittilina'cf Manch
Chunk, numbering =abbot thkie hubdred Men,
arrived'ha the city at noon to-day, and have
obtained quarters at Canip Curtin. Several
Ore crei*/.."Tataa—fletmk—Fohcapileill,l4=4., aeries
counties have started;aud axe expecied to ar
ri e here some time to-night. There are now
ant eight thousand volunteers in this city
r dy for immediate service.
And Still They Come.—At the momertt of pen
ning this article a .coniriany, three hundred
strong, from Distort;'arid about eight hundred
volunteers from Wyoming, trre marching past
our office towards'Camp Curtin, having just ar
rived by a special train. _ _ --
MILITARY Queuxna.s.:The Senate and Repre
sentativeroliaMberia the COnithiffee looms
of the State Capitol, have been converted into
quarters for .itie inilitiny:l Last , night every
hotel, some of the I cburcbes, <the exchange,
and other pablic - ,blildings of, the city, were
used for like purpose 4, She tents at Camp Car
tin not.being half sufficient in number to afford
the requisite iciionarnodation. Our citizens
have evinced a comfuendable degree of patriot
ism hi this eniiritincy,' and have freely opened
their doors to furnish food and lodging to the
brave soldiers who have _so nobly volunteered
in defence pf the:libertici we enjoy.
Orrizzas or HarunSßUßG.—The members of the
Rover Guards company; a second;Regiment of
Ohio volunteers, beg leave •to tender to the cit
izens of ; HarrislArg ; tile - 1r h,eartfeiterattitncie.for
'the hospitality 'and liitiariess 4,shown •them du
,ring their sojourn ' at the,Capital of the State of
"Pennsylvania. We ,are now en route for the
seat of conflict, to do our duty to our country,
her honor and her flag ; but no matter
where we`may go, or however circumstanced,
we will ever remember with gratitude the
kindness of the citizens of Harrisburg.
Pexmonsia OF MIDDDETON. —A correspondent
writing to us_ from Middleton, this morning,
"Oar staid old borough is all excitement,
end everybody is anxious to do something for
the country. We are slow to move but when
once started we do not stop at trifles • eleven
of ourcitizens have already gone to swell the
ranks of your "Guards," and we are now form
ing a company of our own—about forty names
being already enrolled. The following sums
have been already proffered towards the aid cf
the volunteers and their families
James Young, Emil $500,00. •
Solomon Landis, E5q...... 600,00.
Capt.Hetiry Smith 500,00.
CoLJohri .
Raymond.: . '250 00.—51750,00
. . .• .
This was done without consulting other par
ties, but we are confident that others will con
tribute according 'to their means. Those who
go need have no fear that their families will
want during their absence. While there is a
,crust to be had it will be shared.
A • PIII4CRITL Cur.—Notwithstanding• the
great crowd of military and strangers in our
city, it has thus far been remarkably exempt
fiom scenes of drunkenness and violence. With
a solitary-exception,-we believe the police-h i nve
Made no arrests for these causes since thelroin
mencement of the prenut-ezcitement.
the ladies of Harrisburg every opportunity to
contribute to the wants and the comforts of
the troops encamped iu this vicinity. Any
instructions on the subject will cheerfully be
made public through the columns of the TELE
GRAM These patriotic offers of the ladies re
flect as much credit on the city, as the offers of
the men, and we take specials prida in giving
the following letter to the public :
Harrisburg, April 21st, 18131.
Gao. BMW= :—Dear Sir:—As the comfort
of the defenders of our lives and homes is the
universal theme.of the day among.the women
of the country ; and having heard that the
hams and meat are not properly boiled for - their
consumption, we would suggest that a depot
for said meats should be established from which
we could obtain the articles mentioned, and to
which we could retain them when properly
prepared. The women of Harrisburg are anx
ious to do everything in their power for the
comfort of our brave soldiers and all they need
is to be shown the way in wh ich t o make them
selves useful. There is not a housekeeper, I
hope, in Harrisburg or in this State, but would
be glad of the opportunity to boil hams or
make lint or sew for the soldiers of the Union.
Please inform us what we can do in this matter
of hams, as we are assured there is much waste
of food in consequence of improper cooking or
rather no cOoking at all. There could IW
record of 'meet taken, with but little trod
ble and so it could be arranged very comforta
bly for the warriors and satisfactorily to us.
Inform us also through the_ Trizortaisi col
umns where packages or lint shall be , dePosit
ed,and how to be put up? Making haversacks
is not all we can do certainly. (Old linen rags
make the best lint.)
At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the
Pennsylvania Female College, held this day,
Hamilton Alricks, Esq., Vice President, in the
chair, the following preamble and resolutions
were adopted:
Winasas, Through the sad dispensation of
an Mt wise Providence, the Pennsylvania Fe
male College has met with a grievous loss, in
the removal by death of the Rev. B. R.
Waugh, Principal of this Institution;--And
whereas, The present disturbed conditiOn oftne ,
country creates uneasiness on the;-minds of
parents about the absence of their children;
Resolved, That while we regret the necessity,
yet, for the present, we will-:be obliged thus
untimely to close the present collegiate term.
Resolved, That we hereby place the pupils
who are boarders in the College, under the
kind care of Miss Smith, the resident teacher,
with our special request that she will watch
over them., until they are restored in safety to
their friends.
Resolved, That we know of no safer place than
Efartisburg for pupils and others who are absent
from their homes.
Resolved, That the Board of Trustees hereby
tender their personal services to any parents
having pupils in the Institution, and who may
desire any protection at our bands, and that
Miss Smith be requested to communicate this
resolution to the parents of pupils residing at a
Readied, That we hereby tender the thanks
of the Board to Miss Smith, resident teacher,
and to Bev. Wm. Colder, Dr. Eagle, and Mr.
Tetipser, for the fidelity with which they per
formed the duties of their several departments.
Extract from , the minutes.
AARON Benemzes, See' y.
HARBISBIIRCI, April 22;1861.
SPiIIAL MUM? ' G.—A special meeting of the
Paxton Hose company will be held in their
room to-morrow (Tuesday) evening at half-past
seven o'_clpch. *embers .should... be, punctrad
in attendance, as business of impottatioe is to be
Na* ARRIVAIS 1 Naw ARRIVALS 1.-41111 t re
ceived a large assortment of New Spring Goods.
We name in part ; 10 pieces of beautiful chal
ies, 121 worth 18/ ; 10 pieces of traveling dress
goods, 8 worth 121 ; 50 . pieces- bleached and
unbleached muslins, at 10 worth 121 ; 60 pieces
of bleached muslin, at 121 worth 15. Also a
very large assortment of Cassimeres and other
summer staff for men and boys wear. Also
Stella Shawls, very cheap. Broche bordering,
at 25, 37 and 60 cents. Also, a large stock of
Cambrics and Swiss MUSIiIIB, very. cheap. Please
call and examine at S. Lewy, Road's old Stand,
Cor. Market and Second streets.
Prepared by Cornelius L. Cheesernan, M. D.,
THE combinationof ingredients in these
Pills are the remit of a long and extensive practice.
They are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting
all irregularities, Painful Menstruations, removing all ob •
etructions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache,
pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, whites, all new
onus affections, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back and
limbs, &c., disturbed sleep, which arise from interruption
of nature]
Dr. Cheeseman's Pills are invaluable, as thoy will bring.
on the monthly period with regularity. Ladles whci have
been disappointed in the use of:other Pills can•platof the
utmost confidence in Dr. Choeseman's Pills doing all that
they represent to no.
There is one eonditinn of the female system in which the
Pats cannel be taken wsthmzt producing a PEUULLIR
RESULT. dhe condition reforedto is PREGIVANCY—.
.the result, AUSCAARTIGE.--Arch_ is- the trrecistii*
tendency of - the medwine to restore he sated fttnetionito a
normal condetion, am : , even the rarnutfueting power of
nature cannot rent it. , ' •
Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything
htjurious, Explicit directions, which should be read, an
company each box, Ptice , SL Sent by Mallon enclosing
to Da Coutesuos CHICIMIXAN, Box 4,531, Post Office,
New York city.
Sold by one - oggiatin everytown in the United States
General Agent for the United States,
14 Broadway, New York,,
o whom WI. Wholesale orders should be addr"eed.
Sold in , Harrisburg by C. A. BAIINVAusr.
New '2lbratis ementL
MRS. E. CHAYN wilt open, on THURS
DAY, April 18th, an assortment or SPRING AND
tiUmAER. MILLINERY, in her store room No. 20, oppo
site the Buehler House. Slip invites her friends to call
and see her assortin-M. 15-1 w
"One Hundred Thouscind
HE SUBSCRIBERS. have. at - their cora
-1 mond ONE HUNDRED THBUSOD 11 1 , ' ,E+NEC 3 , 6 4 II
of the following goods : • _
• •
And all the leading articles 111 trade for eale CIPAPITi
EBY St ELINEEIy . Wholesale Groceesi
71242141 " 16
ItL Oran Sc ea
D• W. GROSS & CO.,
NO! 19
We are daily adding to our assortment of
goods all such articles int are desirable, and
would respectfully call your attention to the
largest and , best selected stock in this city, of
Oils, Varnishes and Glues,
Dye•Stulis, Glass and Potty,
Artist Colors and Tools,
Pure Ground Spices,
Burning Fluid andAlcokol,
Lard, Sperm and Pine 011 a,
Bottles, Vials and Lamp Globes,
4Caitdo Soap; Sponge, and Cork;
&e., &e., ote., &e.,
With a general variety of
selected from the best manufacturers and Per
fumers'ofEdrope and this country.
Belng,yery large dealers in
- ,
OF' ALL 1P!11).§k
_ 2 6'
~1 A
We respectfully, invite a call, feeling coact-
dont putt; we cum supply the wants of a/los.
term to their satisfaction.
Of all kinds, direct from the Proprietors.
Saponifier -- and Concentrate:l Lys I
Wholest& Agents for Saponifier, whioh we
sell as low as it can be purchased in the cities.
Being Jams_ purchasers is these Oils, we can
offer inducements to close buyers. Qoal Oil
Lamps of the most Improved patterns, vary
cheap. All kinds of lamps changed to barn
Coal OIL
Those of you who have not given out HORSE
AND CATTLE POWDERS a trial know not
their.superiority, and, the advantage they are In
keeping Horses arid Cattle healthy and in god
Thousands can testify to the profit they have: ,
derived from the use of our Cattle Powders by
the increasing quantity =and quality of milk,
besides improving the general health and ap
pearance of their Cattle.
Our long experience in the business gives lta
the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the
trade, and our arrangements in the cities are
such that we can in a very short time furnish
anything appertaining to our business, on the
beat of terms.
-Thankful.fii the liberal patronage beatowsd
on our house, we hops by strict attention to
business, a careful selection of
at fair prim; the desire to please all, to
merit a , contjnuance of the favors of a dis4wita:&
uating public.
Harrisburg Broom Itiam*tory....,.
viROOMS sold wholesale and . ri3tail2o
1 . " per cent. cheaper than can be htd
OW and examine our stock. _
.. ..
XN State street east of the Capitol, bo•
tweenith-an :Sprnee street& .A, new Ea
Saloon just opened, *Mere everydithig ist that line Is se
[lewdly kept, aI:AI.I,OMA recip.ecttldly solicit ttuspett
age of my nuMeroinsfriends and this panne genentl r
lltdo ".. A R' MUNI
• atitifitireblatifillirortretbsi d
wig be held, alb) oche of the Frank
aipkiiy, In iterribirg, sniVedneeday, May
.ap2o-ltd* FAUN •
.0 4
„T. E., pR.TCE Jk.01:1.