THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, ; GEORGE BERGNER. TERM2o-SERGI3 tiMI:KMMON the DAILY TriGRAPH Is served to subscribers In the tur eugh at IN costa per week. Yearly subsseriberS ill be charged 9.4.00. IVA= AND Snin-Wassyr Titasuarst TIL3O2APH is also published twice a week during 010 Besalon the LegisWare zed weekly Maine there malodor of the year, and furnished to intbsoriberz at the rGilowing rats, eft : • Single Subeeribm per year , Seim 46 Ten TEX 14W OP stwearAPlnte. t subscribers order the discontinuance of their news ,pore, the publisher may continue to send them until .'1 arrearages are paid. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newliPs ers from the ace to which they are directed, they are responsible until they hoe* settled the bills sect ordered ,irm discontinued Ely Celtgra,A. HARRISBURG, PA Monday Afternoon, April 22, 1861. LOCAL, ITEMS_ Otra TROOll3.—We can assure the families and friglds of the troops that left' here on Saturday night, that they are perfectly safe, and they will arrive id Washgiagton very shortly. We are not permitted to give particulars this morn ing. _ ftranzan'TzooPs, with the famous Sherman's battery. men and horses, arrived here last evening frog" Minnesota, and were at once shipped on for the seat of war. They will give the rebels a warm reception. The implements of war underwent general admiration by a large number of our citizens. DEPARTUBB OP TROOP& —The Montgomery regiment, the Sunbury and some other com panies left here for Washington, last night. They are the finest set of men that can be found anywhere. We were particularly plea sed with a party In one of the cars, who sang a very familiar religious hymn, showing that they paid a proper respect to the Sabbath. FRAISEWORTHIL—The Trustees of the English Lutheran church offered their large edifice for the use of the-trodps -that are expected here every hour, and for whom no quarters could be obtained. Too much praise .cannot be given for such—liberal offers. We understand, since the above was penned, that the Rev. Mr. Col der's ohurch, the Fourth Street Bethel, and the Methodist Church in. Locust street have been offered for a similar purpose. ' —•s•---- TBs_lffty AT Worac. :l 7-The ladies of this , city deserveespecial 'notice for -their- praise worthy efforts to assist:theinen who go out to -tight for. their country. A large number of them were working yesterday afternoon pre paring haversacks for the soldiers. The mus lin was furnished them and they were gathered In parties preparing them for the battle. The Sunday-schools were'dismissed in order to give theyoung ladies an opportunity to prepare the bags. MOSS THOOPIL—About two thousand of the Ohio quota of volunteers accompanied by Gov. Dennison,arrived - berelast - Saturriera _ • , are billeted at - the several notcls and - taverns in the city., the troops from dui west en Tiff for Washington will pass through this city. =lZ==l A Wino= Ausammi FL/awes raised. to the top ofultbertypolebilront of the-P-axtoriTfoSia' company's house in Second istreei, last Satur day evening. The 'Paxton boys 'are composed of the right material, and should an occasion present —ltieWthey mill _be found in the. fore most ranks' of iho_keefi,step to the music of the Union. ~~ A Tpuituta Isormr.—During'tifecaislng of the American flag to mast-head at Camp .CUTtin lait yesterday, a large Eagle was observed blgh. in the air ar.proaohing !ROM THE sountwaßo. When directly over the Camp, the majestic bird suddenly paused and descending: slowly in graceful circles to a distance of a few hundred feet from Cm, earth, slowly continued its flight northwart4 amid the irrepressible adclamation of the thousands who witnessed the incident. Tme an or OUR Crrs to day presented a !scene of bustle and activity the like of _which, was scarcelTever before- witnessed in our chatty. From early dawn up to thehonr of go ing -to press, the sidewalks were crowded with militarylvisitors, mostly of the Ohio regiments, and .our awn citizens of all sizes, ages, sexes and conditions drawn out by the excitement- of the hoar to lee the sights and learn the latest Tan "Ross Hinz" is the name of the new military: company recently organized by the Members of , the Hope Fire Company of this .„ . city. We tinderataod that their muster roll containsmearly, if not quite, the requsite com plement of flames, and that their offer of ser vices will be accepted by the Governor. The Friendship Fire Company are to meet to-mor row night for the purpose of organizing a mi litary company to be styled the "Friendship 'Effie " Similar organizations are about being made - by the other fire companies. All honor to the gallant 2diStfELIJA ,AEOISS • Dr. E. 8. Pantain died at Davenport, la., on the 29u1t. He bad_ established a high reputa tion,in—thrti-ccaintry and Europe, and was in-, veetigating the medical properties of chlorate of potash for the cure of consumption. The report is, that he had been experimenting on himielt with small doses of this medicine, gradually increasing them till he took an ounce, which proved to much for him and finally caused hie death. Tan Hon. Andrew Jackson Hamilton, late Representative in Congress from Texas, has been elected lltate Senator in the Austin Dis trict. Hamilton is a Union man, and made a sweat, the other day, that the fanatical papers styled "Abolition.': He is a supporter of Gen. Houston, and the open enemy of the Montgom ery usurpation. Teartirrent gives us the following paradox: "Old dog Tray's ever faithful," they say, But the (tog that it healthful can never Be Tray. Taitieheirline of battle ihips are complete ly overhauled and scatted every two years. . . \ - . . .. - . • -N, ‘li • • .. ...,,_ e.,:461"n1i,' 1 . . ...‘ __:,_._ ...,..,....„., x --. :----, - --_--, -- . ..,... . . . . . , 2 2.00 12M 15.00 VOL. XIV. THE - PENNSYLVANIA CONTINGENT. It is stated that the Northern Central-Ball road Company has officially given notice that it will decline carrying any more troops to. Baltimore. This is,not exactly to be left to the will and pleasure of the oomp my, which is a Pennsylvania concern, _built pftirely by. Penn sylvania men. General Carrteron, the head of the War Department, is a member" of the board of diiectors. If any such notice has been given, we presume that it has hean done without his knowledge. At any rate the matter ought to be inquired into at once by Governor Curtin. We should like to seithe Railroad in Pennsyl vania which will refuse to catry nationaltroops. If any such there be, the running of its •trains should be stopped Until it cornea to reason. We clip the above from the Lancaster. *as, and we hasten to contradict the report and denounce it as false in every respect. Our co temporary musthave confounded the Northern Central Railroad with that of the Washington Branch of the Baltimore and Obioßailroad. We believe that the latter company has ex pressed such a determination; but we are as-. cured that the Government has taken oharg of the railroad ore this reaches the eye• of on readers. The whole Rne of railroad from this point to Washington is guarded by autlicent troops to keep the rebels in check. RIOT AT BALTINORE-RME72N OF.GBN. SMALL'S.I3IZIOAD.7I; Gen. Small's Washingt!'.m.l3rigade, cianipond of Philadelphia troops; returned yeaterday, morning. The Bulletin of last evening says : One of the most mortifying:incidanis of the. week was the return home of General Sinatra Washington Brigade, composed entirely of Philadelphia troops. This body of", Men went trout Philadelphia with the Sixth Regiment of Massachusetts, yesterday morning, and they cane in for a share of the id treatment heaped by the Baltimore Plug I:Tg lies mon the Bay State volunteers. Philadelphians were entirely unarmed, and they *ere of course . unable to contend with an immense mob - of armed ruf fians. They were brutally treated, and finally tientback to Philadelphia by. the: authorities of Baltimore. They reached home at a late hour late night, and they "proceeded at once to their rendezvous in the Northern Liberties, 'Where their arrival caused the most intense -exoite rnent. The feeling of indignation was_extrema.. GEN. SMALL'S STATEMENT General Sraall gives the following account, of the affair One half of the Washington Brigade, coi2- slating of six companies of the First Regbilent, under the command of Lieut. CoL Berry, and four companies of the Second Regiment, under Lieut.`, Col. Schoenleber and Major Gunman, muttered at depot,,Broad and Prime, at ten o'clock on Thursday night, and were ready to pr6ceed at once. They were delayed by the ar frekohtMmtlaswe^l^"t" vittiva t efi r ata.2 acci en e - of the cars, the depot until three o'clock , yesterday morn ing. The train-wrara-heagyonerhaving nearly 000 men on board, find ;moved =very slowly. aoinsquently., -it- did -not..arrive-in .13altleaore until-nearl3rAmonaresterday;:instend of .reaching and.paising it, as ' was anticipated,'at or: before daylight. the streets were full of reople at that hour, the arrival of so large a train" excited much attention; and before more than one half of the Masiachusetts regiment could be skit through the city by the horse - cars, to the Washington depot,.great excitement-was cili ated. Four cars, cpntaining the,Bosten troops, got safely through. Beforathe next detach went reached .the Washington depot, the rail road on Pratt street had been partly taken tip and a large =Ember of .anchors from the ship ping, with other obstructions, had been placed upon-the road. The rear guard of the Massa cliusetts troops wore Ihirc ore ebligtid . to - kfive thn cars and march thritnezit; the streets. Be fore, they ,started from the Baltimore depot, a disorderly crowd, headed bla than - carrying a secession flag. had, gathered around them and threatened - their advance. They, • however, proceeded on their. march,,but had not gone far before - they - were - assailed -- hy tilesiles- of every kind, and pressed upon by an immense mob. A conflict beaame Inevitable; several of the Massachnsettalifen "were - strtick; and iris reported that four were killed. The first man of the B ston troops injured , was struck on the. head by apiece of. - ken thrown from a build. : ing, and Ea c n, Et instantly killed. Then the troops fired upon the crdivd killing and wound ing a number:of itbdtri. - They 'resumed their march and . passed successfully through. In the meanwhile the Pennsylvanians re tnained in the cars at the Baltimore Depot,, awaiting transportation through the city. This soon became impossible in consequence of the excitement, and the placing of other obstruc tions on the road. General Small.then made every effort to have the troops sent backnut of the city, beyond the reach of -danger, as his men were entirely nnartned. The confttsion which prefelled presented as, prompt action as was necessary, and before the cars could' be re moved, they were assailed by the mob return ing from the conflict with the Massachusetts troops. The windows of the cars were broken. by missiles thrown in, and a number., df the men injured. The Pennsylvanians behaved 'gallantly, 'and many of them sprang.froin the cars tipon their assailants, and engaged in a hand to band con flict with them. It was impossible,. hoviever; to distinguish friends from foes, as the - mob was composed of Union men and Secessierdsta. who were fighting:among themselves; and the Pennsylvanians not beinguniformed, could not be distinguished from either. This state of things continued more than two hours, when Marshall Kane, the Chief of Po lice of Baltimore, appeared upon the ground, restored something like order, and placed the Pennsylvanians in the cars, ready to be return ed North. The officers and men from Pennsyl vania conducted themselves during the whole of these trying and,perilons tlinieWith,the ut most courage and deliberation. Regtdartroops could not have behaved better. Wass TILE BESPONSIBILITT Rum P—The Louisville Jirtirna4 says:. "The revolutionists, and nottbegovernuaerd..firstsdolated the exist-. lug status or state gueant#• bellusm. And upon the beads of the revolutionists falls the respon sibility of this lamentable collision. They have assumed the awful' respconsibilitY.deliberately and in cold blood." • • Tama who believe - that sgoney cap, do every- thing, - alw-frequently.piepared to dO • •- of money. "INDEPENDENT IN ALTA ‘Ixg`EIINGS --- . NE I JTRA.L IN NONE." HARRISBURG, MOD 11 , • &FT I° NOON, APRIL 22,1861. BY TELEGRAPH. ROUTE TO WASHINGTON OPEN. SAFE ARRIVAL OF TROOPS Smnder of Fort PLl'HenryDemmided. GXEMMANDER REPLIED BE WOIlleD FIRE TM! CITE TRAIN STOPPED.. BY A NOB, Gen. Cadwallader's Residence Burned. •The liassachusetts teeiment which left here on tact Friday evening by railroad, were eels, veyed via Susquehanna, river and the bay. to Annapolis; Which point is now held well, as thee Annapolis f unction of, the 'Washington . troops A gentleman who left Washington yetterday reports all quiet there. The -President was about to call for, additional troops. At Baltimore the surrender of Fortentenry had been demanded. The commander had ye spondee that if attacked he would be OOM pelled to fire on Baltimore. The draws of the bridges over the Bush and Gunpowder Rivet", and the bridge at Can ton, on , the line of the B3ltimore road, - were burned on Saturday, morning, `the mob taking poesession of a train that had just arrived from Philadelphia, turning out the passengers and compelling the engineer to run his train back on the road, when they burned the bridges in succession and then returned to Baltimore. The mansion of Gen. Cadwallader, nineteen miles from Baltimore, was .a splendid mansion and cost one hundred thorniand dollais. ATTACK ON FORT MaENRY APPRE HENDED. - - pasexingers. last eyenfing. Tho passengers: report': active preparations going on : tio - nsptuni Fort Heniy. The garrison was prepared to resist any at tack, and glans were pointed against the city Highlflmpoiaitt teivoifibiurape; Aininua OF niz STEMISHIP COMMBIA A MOVE, PRiaA2t TO AID MP DAM- PRANCE TO iIEatIVE THE SUPPORT RUSSIA, _AUST*AAND ENGLAND. The steamship Columbia, from Liverpool, on the Bth lust., arrived at this port to-day. It was rumored that France has sent a frigate to Charleston at•the suggestion of President Davis. The British Parliament le-assembled on the Bth inst. Some of the leading men of Greece were pro ,p,osing Prince Alfred of England; tor • Sing of Greece, as the best means for settling the pre sent 'dynasty dielcaltifit. It is reported that Prince Napoleon intends making a rapid incursion into_Syria. . It Is asserted theta treatfhas been concluded between Russia and France. . , The Opinion Nationale says that in the-event - Of. a collision, France has ;secured the support of Russia and Andtria. . COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE. LriessPoot Carrot.: Mazirer.—April Bth.—The sales of to-day, (Monday.) are estimated at 20- 000 bales, including 6000 bales to speculators and for export. Messrs. James Hewit Co., report that all qualities have advanced fully. id. The market 'suave. Orleans middlings 7 7 16. STATi or. Tw:in.—The Manchester advices are favorable; there has 'been no market since the departure of the Nicaragua, and the market .elcocl _quiet but ate tdy. LIVERI'OOL Basansrurys Mmuckr.--The mar let is dull ; there is but little inquiry, and prices are weak. LIVERPOOL PROVISIONS MARKET. —Provisions Are steady: ;Lorroon Moszr Masursr.—Consols are quoted at 911®911. for money, and 913,a91{1 for ac count. The Opinion Nationale says that in the event of a collision France has secured the support of Russia, Austria and that of England. The French army is to he increased nearly 200,000 men. Garibaldi is said to be opposed to Count Ca vour's policy. The Magyars have invited Garibaldi to lead atm into action, assuring him that half a mil lion of men are all ready. The steam tug. Mercury has ben chattered by the:Govprnment She will be suitably arm-. ed, and stationed at the Narrows, under Capt. towber, of the revenue service, and :will, ": amine 14!:cleorances and cargoes of- all out ward lxiunci Teasels, TO VERY LATEST. Bridges "Destroyed. ~~~ PELILADIMPRIA, April This opens thq rente to the Capitol to onr, Witadiziarox; April 22. heie with „M./AE.1E41,9A 1 ID abilli.CEjlpd io'Aotion. St. JOHNB, N. F., April_ 20 SECOND =PATON. The Ports to be Blockaded. NRW Yoitz, April 21 From - bur Sunday Edition. gIG portANT. NEWS • , . L GREAT -UNION TINGs4t.T,WY4II • . TOR EXCITEMENT AT B MORE TROOPS 2! • 'PARS. THR • ': 77 : 491 / 7 ' " ' BALTIMORE. - Run Lord intention to Attack. Fort X'Hew, GEN, OALDWALADER'S PROPERTY IN DELAWARE DESTROYED. MeVAnderson at a Union Meeting - —Bas Departure_ for Wash ington. ===l The ,Philadelphia, Wilmington & Bald more R. R. in possession of the Government . DELAAVAIIE LOYAL TO TEE UNION, . 1 AND • OFFERS TROOPS The "Star of the West'".Captured by the !Rebels in Texas. DESTRTJCTION OF NORTHERN CENTRAL R. R. BRIDGES. 11. 8. .GOVERNMENT IN POSSESSION OF THE - RAILROAD - BETWEEN- -PH LA DEL :FRIA 'AND :BALTIMORE- EXCITEMENT AT WILMJNOTON, DELAWARE. PIELADELPHIA, April 21 . . All communication by railroad South of this city is cut off, the Government having taken possession of the'road -between this city and the Susquehanna. WILMINGTON, Delaware, April 20.—An in tense excitement prevails here. There has been no train on the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore railroad-..below the Susquehanna xriverfo-day.. . ' J. EL Tritable. is .reported _as killed. It is said' thatte• led- , the rioters' to the . destruction of the Philadelphia; Wilmington and Balti more rallioactproperty. ' - Atit iaeotiog Of the City Couneila Of Wll - $B,OOO dollars ware cippio fed- for. the'llefence of- the itr tine parsed approving of the President's call fox' troops, and . asking - G?vernor Burton to Issue a proelainationfor tbelante purpose. WmatNaTozi o April 20 Gen. cadwallader's residence at Ilagnolla Stagon on tbe.P. W. and B. R. R. was burned By the rioters, The Brandywine, bridge and all the bridges on they Fp,a4 het t Ween the Susquehanna and Philadelphia are guarded by front fifty to one hundred reen,each,. The death of Trirable is discredited. The Delaware Guards, Capt. Bayard and Lt. Allmbnd Two:conipanies.=:-theCarimbiaßifies, Capp, Barr and the i l 9waPaa44. CaPt' Lam mot have tenderedtheir services to the city and The : City Councils hare called a meeting of citizens for Monday to provide for th3 . fam4les of the'volunteers. • r ; BATiMOR, Aprll.2o, 11 P. M The city is in great excitement. Military and'armed men are moving in every direction. The'filaior and Governor have notified the President that'no more troops can Tess through Baldmore•rinlesi they fight their way. Thelnidges on th 4 ,liorthern Central rail road haire all been destroied: . . The President has replied that no more troops will ibe.brought through' /Jaltimote, provided they axe.allowed to pass around the citylviitt. out molestation. - The number,of killed yesterday was eleven Baltimorians and three Massachusetts soldiers: Wounded, four citizens and eight soldiers. SECOND. DL9PATOU The streets are aowded with , military mov ing in various directions. " There are reports of an , intention to attack Fort M'Heory in free circulation. Several ar tillery companies are out, which seem! to give consistency to.the-reperes. THIRD DIBRATCH.* The following deipatCh was sent to Mayor Brown, of this city, this morning by the dele gates, which were sent to Washington, .-to ob tain from President Lincoln art- explanation as to the sending of troops through- Baltimore: • WABII4%'GTOII, April 20. 2l '.314,y0r Brown, Baltimore: We have seen' the President and General Scott. We bear from the former aletter to the Mayor and Governor, declaring that no troops shonbi he 'brongttiihrOughsßaltimore if, in a military point of view:and without opposition, they can be marched around Baltimore. (Signed,) •L;BoND, • f. 0.• Bausz, • Gito.:..W. Downs, Cilia ;MOUES IN NEW YOBS 0111i1ANIZ-• ING NEW Yoni April2o Californiazhe residents of this cityand Slate A .tire'abOat to to = form a mounted ?i?mpatiy for .the• serioloe . of tlibviiteinniint •- • - - INTENSE EXCITEMENT AT BAL. TIMORE. POPUL ACE 'UNITED POE THE SOUTH • The Minute Men Ilive Taken Don te , Their Flag, Thi has , b al arm, sem. ins that Mw Al city York, and other Northern troops, are march ing from Havre de Grace, upon Baltimore. This report has been contradicted. The City Councils have appropriated half a million of dollars to sustain the internal police defense. " PROCEEDINGS QUASHED. Nzw Yam, April 20. • Gov. Morgan, has quashtd all proceedings agalost Col. Corcoran of the 69th regiment for refusul to oli - ey orders on the reception of the Prince of Wales. THE AMERICAN FLAG' ON CATHOLIC OATH- EDSAI:. FLITEZURG, April 20. The American ensign, was displayed from the Roman Catholic Cathedral of St. Paul's to day. This' is one of the largest churches in the United Stites. Our Irish citizens are rap- idly voluuteering. • - ' • . . CANADIAN SYMPAHTHY WArri THE U. GOVERNBIENT. . - • TOROYTO, Crrr, April 20, The Toronto Globe has a long article advocat in; a sincere alliance between England and the The Noith has the justmuseott Canada hope to see .rebellion pat down and traitors dealt with according to law. • NEW YORK LOYAL Leading•Demserats Fiedgingth: eir Lives --- and Fortunes. Nit* Yorac, April 20.-r-10 P. hi The grand Union demonstration isnow being made in Union square; the assemblage is nu rnefoug; all the 'nicer part of the city is de sorted, and business generally suspended. Hon. John A. Dix preisides at the cider stand, and Hamilton Fish, Wm. F; .4a , 79251er and Moses H. Grinnell at :the ethers. The Speakers include our most eminent citi zens. Resolutions have been submitted, arid will be adopted unanimously, pledging the support, of the people of New - York' to tit; Govern-' went to the extent of, laying down their lives, if necessar. ; declaring that secaxeictu is unjusti fiable and treasonable, and appointing, a com mittee of twenty-five to'collect funds, and , tratitt act such other business in -aid - of .the I:loverri meat,as the public interest may require. MAJOR ANDERSON AT A UNION MEETING • NM YORK, April 20. • Major Anderson attended thellnien meeting to-dsy, and was meat enthusiastically cheered. Be will le ave for Washington"to-night. A-sword from the citizens of Sattnton, Mass.; was prevnited to the Hero to-day: CAPTURE OF THE STAR 'OF'THE WEST Nzw OuLT.I.,Is; April 20 , . The Steamer Star of the West . was boarded off Indianola on Wednesday last by the Galves ton" Voluuteers, who captured her without re. sistauce. She has.arrived st the bar. She hal, 800 or 900 bbls. provisions on board. PURCHASE OF THE S fEAIIER EfABANA BY THE RE6ELS The steamer Itabana has been purchased by the . Confederacy, and will be converted into a war steamer to carry eight Outs in addition_to a pivot gun- SPECIAL JURY TO TRY TRAITORS.-A SCHOONERS SEIZED.' NEw Aux, April 21 11. B:District Attorney Smith has called on the Judge •of the S. District- Omit- :fora jury to bring to justice parties .sympathizing with the South in this oity. The schooner IL C. Waists has, been seized with a large quantity of arms, Hart ford, Coon., for the South. : : AFFAIRS IN NEW YORK. INEw YOICK, April 20. • The Scott Lite Guard, numbeting I,oooMeni proceeded to Governor's Istand•to-dty. The government has chartered the steamer! Columbia, ..Ltmes Ad4er and 14ar10p... . will sail to-morrow morning. The 89th regithent has been'ordered to , his ready.for march by-Tosday. morning. • • A susER SEIZED. .• " NAVY.Corati April The schooner 00s*?:01 bie - beeh'Aeized ash . suPPimed eleven • Ittam tinting' Ms. Having procured Status Power Preset, - we are prepared to execute JOB and BOOK PRINTING et every lesertptlon, cheaper that it can be done at any ether ea' .ablishmentiu the country. . RATES OF ADVERTISING. eirrour lines or less constitute one-halt squats , 2Ali lines or more than four constitute a equals. . Itaif Square, one day . ROI b one week 4...4 OP . _ one month " three mambo - . .1 Ou 41 - sir 'manila , . 4 0 • 0118 JOLT . ..... 600 One Equare one MIT . - -60 . ono week 2 00 14 one month .. 8 Gil 44 three m0ntb5........ . 6 00 .., Bix mamba.... . 8 oo . «, one year IDM igrßusinees nodose Inserted In Ibe Urea agog% _DP nave Marriagen and Reatha; Me QOM PEE LINN or each Insertion. NO. 92. *le -Marriages and poatba to be charged an regular I.dvertieementa. . EXCITEMENT AV NORPO'LL Steamer Spudding with Voltmteera put Back to Sea. Wont MIN OFFIOII2S AT 449VilptitetT • FORTRESSES lUOGFR/35. STATE ARMS SEIZED. The Bt. Patrick Catholic evolent Associa don has subscribed $6OO, and.t Ci . Councils has passed a resolution to-night hi care of the families of all those who have v teered. $2600 was subscribed ha one hour ay -by citizens for ,the same. purposes. . • The second company, under command eV Capt. Abbott, is rapidly ailing up. A company of cavalry, is forming. A company of Some Guards, under com mand of Capt.. Roes, have been organised. The attack at Baltimore on the troops has caused much excitement and increased the war like feeling. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Nmv Yon; April 20. Cotton firm, 2000 bales sold. Flour heavy, 75,000 bbls. sold at $5 00345 10 for State. $5 45®55 50 for Ohio, southern firmer at $5 46®55.80. Wheat heavy., Corn firm, 88,000 bus. sold at 69c. for old. _. Mixed Pork firm at $1.9 00 for Mess and $l3 GO for prime lard'dull t9+ Whiskey dull at 19.1 e. Trzurom is responding to the call of the gov ernment with a will. From every-part of the State we have the same unanimity manifesting itsetf,--the same embodies - tic loyality to the Widadalimbrhoma . • the Curistitcitlon, and the Eutorcemen •g Inas. Springfield challenges Chicago "to pet in bigger licks or more of them, according to akze. for the.. Union, the Constitution, ;and the Stars and, Stlipes Even the. land of . Egypt, on the Southern Border, is almost as demon strative as the Northern counties. Wisconsin, too, responds to the call in no uncertain tones. Her Legislature reconsidered their vote of ad jOuriament, and are now prepared to strengthen The hands of the Government by the ready votingof both troops - and supplies. STEAM WEEKLY BETWEEN NEW YORE • AND L IVERPOOL. f:aiiNDESTIa AND MiIIkRKIND- PAS • tSENGERbit'QUEENSTOWN, (Ireland.) Thu Liver. hew ork and Philadelphia Bleamaldp company mead' despatching their fall powered Clyde:balk icon Steninships ea follows ' • EDIaBu AG, Saturday, Seth April ; GLASGOW, Sat , irddy; 27th April; CITY' OF WASHINGTON, HatiirdaY i 6th April; and every Saturday, at Noon,frout Pier ,sorth ftiVer. ' BATES OF PA534.311. ( MT CA81L.v:....570 07 I S.R.RRAGR_ --APO 00 do to L0nd0n.....580 001- do io London..s3o 00 ":iteerage Return Tickets, goo for Six Months - *BO 00 -Passeagers forwrded to garia, Havre, Bamberg. . Bremen, Rottordam, Antwerp, ad., at reduced through far-Persons wishing to bring outtbelr friends emilmy 4ekece here at the following ra - es, to rfew . Tort : From Liverpool or Queenstown;- bit old-$T6;$B6 - and 4- - erage frJm. Liverpool $4O 00. ?met. QAtlettnOffs• Sal 00. - Theta Steameri_have superior accomaitalations for passengers, and tarry experienced Burgeons. They are butt in Water:tight Iron Swamis, and baveT'ateit fire iantbilators on board. For !briber information 'apply it tho Company.% Offices. Jao. G. DALE, Agent. apll4e • 15 BrOadway, New Tort. Or 0.0. Zimmerman, Agent, Harrisburg Assignees' Sale of Real Estate. 11HE SUBSCRIBERS will sell by publi4 1 . manes* ,tt. the Court. iimum,jitt Basel* - rg. on Sitar. day the I.sth d.y of Jape next, at two o'cick, P. at., - ,The Farm of Wallower, Senior. consisting of 188 acres,• sku ..ted Busqueltinna township, aboat three miles from Ha. rtsbarg, adjoining bade of John H. Fox, Jam Zino,and others. _ there are erected on the Farm a large Two Story Stone abuse, a Bank Barn, Tenant Houses, Stables, Bev - There is also a large orchard of apple, pear, peach and berry trees of chnice varieties in excellent bearing or der. Also, several veins of good Lime 'Stone, which have been and can be worked to advantage. The property will besoldte'a-body or in parcels tosuis piuchasers ; and she Bale be peremptorv, • COtidttioits.=-Orielourth" the purchase money to be odd .iviirldit one week of the day of sale, when posses don will be given, settled to- a leads, running to the it of April next- The i urehaser to be maltledle one•half toe crops ; one-feeptkon the first day of Qelebetilke 'residue on the Ist of April. The two lest payments to carry Interest front the day of sate, and to be satiate* , tally secured,. . Tltcre.wid alto be pieced for @ale in the same Mt, and RAGE, tkieiiiidnicfed half' interest of .leo aerie or Qat Lerattteltrhon the Short Mountain, in Ly kens Yelkrr, C. F. NUM& Assignees. aprl4,d2twmUl ,AVID iIA a s k u A R Y O,, N .. A E 0 6 14 111! . • LILLIE'S PATENT , Wrou g ht And Chilled, Iron. Wire' :end Brdilsx Proof ALWIERS: Strictly the ONLY idereantllwdaterrnesie,-that is bstit fire and Burglar Prii9r. AllrAq ll 7 • AMS.---Three :Huhdrocl-Extra {3lzigar 'Cured Hama just received by apS WM. DOCK *.'a Co: 0,141 I !An,. 0 eii, 'new retfoeli of utilot• - 024 - sman PazikAtesaltqwWeAlt, ' r - • z;;II lila JAILER'S 191 01 mom 91 nista woes