THE TELEGRAPH pustisno EVERY DAY, (maws Excrnvo By GEORGE BERGNER. TERMS.--Seetrn Sre.eturrioN. .cr. MILT TELISORAYtt ts get" ve: 1.1 to sab Teari%ter,,il.ers I C t L ()rough at 6,t; eats per we:.aberit.: 111 be Charged 11,00. Wilda ANP ;5111. 1 IC LitiN Thergia/lArd tea l publikbed twice a tv , •et. durink ins eaten of the LegiSIIIIXTe, dad weekly' durlci; the re. tnainder of the year, and Parciabed to .11.'7; T 3 nu renewing rater, vtz : Single Seheorlbero per year..... Sever Ten ot, Inn LAW OP NXWSPAPIPL PuSOrbera order the iliPeontnuatteo tbPlr LewS . ers, b the i publisher may continue to prni rna until pe t arrearsges are paid. If t h eta neglect or ref ta'ai their newspa pers from the Mils° to which they are •Irected, they are respollsll4o until they har , totti4 , ! !hot WIN and, or4ered them disoontinued gtiotellaneouo NOTICE TO FIRE COMPANIES. WE the Good Will Fire Company of , Ehirrigourg, give nati.:o to all dr^ B ump rl4. t hat we offer for sale a good seeema hand SUCTION VIRE IiNGINE. In good repo r nud wady far 9ervleo, would sot any new 04:31112 compmq vr t li p a mall and good machirm, eau procure her all , a low price. for any further Information you w 11 pl , aFe. ade , B G. 'W. W.r.LTEIF, :•reretm y of Committee. EMI PHILADELPHIA. NEW;''' 1: "c: - •!..„... . . 11 i ..' . -- -' i BONNET ' 0. I „ ‘ i ,-,-•''' 14 . :. ,- ..j , 'l'.%' STOWE ... . ~. ._ . 'WITH A FULL s ssorttnen from the Philadelphls and Aew Yo:k most fisLionable establishments, to which, dui log tho sea4on, additions Of tlio latest novelties frlino th e se eotabkhrneolA will be constantly resolved. Mlle. A. R. BICKFBTON, Formerly A. B. Caren:or, #iiin of the two Golden eagles, Brat bonnot store from Go , Ilarristntrg Bridge. wor.l9.Bmd BNGLISH AND CLASSICAL BOARDING SCHOOL, MR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS, Nowa JOY, LANCASTEtt COUNTY, PA. STUDENTS prepared for College or bul ness. Location pleasant, healthy and easy or ac cess by Pommylvania Railroad. For circulars contain ing terms, &a, address the Principal. $95-lutdeatw E. L. MOOIIII. 1861. 1801. BARGAINS IN Pelee , CATE MUSLI-1114, an widths. Somalilei o I; UNBLIAOHID AND BIZACHID ItO7Mlrte t all prices. nooses, all prices and widths. TOWLLINar, fin kinds. CeenaRILLINIII, very low. Csticos, very cheap. Mum Case I rszse, difFerent qualities. Lonef surartsas, all quiallea. Feb:MORO CHOCKS. LIBOR !..TOCIt Or ( MUM. iTAIR OIL CLOTHS. IRLST MAOS OP DRZOOWTS. arty House Furnishing or Domosilu Goods will be found SORT CHIAP, at CATHCARY & BROTHER% Next to tho Harr tiburg Rank NOTICE. THE partnership heretofore ()xis ring bo tam SAMUEL L. DAILY and WILLIAM L. DAILY, soar the firm of DAILY & BROrfISR, was dissolved, os the 26th ultimo, by the deoevo of WILLIAM L. DAILY. The business of the Firm will be settled by the kurviviug Partner, CARPET STOCK, SELLING OUT, NO. 920 CHESTNUT STREET, PIIIILADICLPEtIA In order to close upbottoms or the lato rs ELII3T 11,0 313x•otlier, Tnelr barge and fresh stock of Fine Carpeting!, Oil Cloths, &oi l WM be offered fir sale at Reduced Prices Ileasekeepery and Storekeepers will and it to their in. Weal to call, ee every article will be offered low. apB-fwd EMPTY BARRELS. --Two Hundred 1111 Empty Flour, sugar and Wine Barrels of ail de. mar,idlons and prices, apB WANTED TO PURCHASE. TWO STORY BRICK HOUSE, with Hack building, located In a respectable neighbor ut which possesalon will aot be wanted fur elgth months, n7,QP/Y at fal] THIS OFFICE. S'iPNE FOR SALE. BUILDING} CONE or Stone suitable for turoplkina p u rcosoi will ao delivered to any part (Me city or its victua77. Apply to mar 23 WM. COLDER, JR. NEW ARRA.NG.EMENT. CHANGE Or LOCATION. W A.LLOWER'S LINE. the old stock of cars being disposed of, the undersigned bee broke out Ina new place and ea lobed a daily frelght hue beoweou Philadelphia, New York, Harrisburg and all points on the Northern Central, Banbury &Erie and lackaWana lc Bloomsburg railroads . Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended be hopes, by promptness In delivery, to retalo all Ms old customers and patrons all goods intended far the line meet be delivered at tho dopot of the Philadelphia and Beading railroad, Broad and Cillowbill streets, Philadel phia. All geode delivered at the depot up to Ave o'clock, P. M.,`Will reach Berrlsburg next morning. .I..WALLOWER, Jr., General Agt. marll Beading Depot, Harrisburg. - - BOURBON WHISKEY I AVERY superior article of BOURBON WHISKEY, In quart bottles,ln store and for sale by TWIN 11. ZIEGLER, mar 4 78 Market Street. C. NI. Atr.l:7 3111 lokT 0 'XX , TRAVELING AGENT OF THE OLD WALLOWER LINE. rrnlS OLD TRANSPORTATION LINE atlll In successful operation and prepared to carry freight u LOW as any other indlrbtual line between Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, Williams port, Jena t , Ettore, Leek Raven, and all points on the Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie, and Witham& Pert and Elmira Railroads. Local Agent at liarrlaburg, D. A. lIIIENCH Hoods sent to PEACOCK, ZELL di HINCHMAN, Nos. 808 and 810 Merkel street, above Elgbth, by 4 o'clock, P. M., arrive at Harrisburg, ready for dotivery, the next morning. C. N. bIUi.NCH, sPale Travelog Agent. I Ie w Fe ature the Spice Trade! /11IPORTART TO HOUSEKEEPERS! E. R. DURKEE & CO.'s SELECT SPICES, ht rin PWt , (Una with . Paper.) and Fall Weigh( BLACK PEPPER, GINGER, NUTMEG, WHITS PEPPER, ALLaPICE, iota, CAYENNE PEPPER, CINNAMON, CLOVES, MUSTARD. IN Tills AGE of adulterated and taste. less boleti, It is with confidence that we Introduce to the attention of housekeepers these superior and genuine article.. We guarantee them not only AI 3 SOLDTELY AND PERFECTLY PURE, but ground from fresh Spices, selected and cleaned by us expressly for the puma's, without regrows to They era beautifully packed In tin foil, (lined with pa to prevent i n by keeping, and are FULL WEIGHT, while the ordinary ground Spices are almost and ric kmaris h hilY short. We warrant them, In point of strength est of flavor, IIEITONI) ALL COMPAMISON, es a single trial will abundantly prove. Every Package beam cor Tiode, Mark. Maimfactured only by R. Mang CO. , Now Tort 'OP soh by mt. Dom JR. *CO. . 111 , 15 ' •• . ' . . „..... ,-• e ji,9fri- . -, --, ~, . aill : b . _N I / 4 ,,„\\6,le...,,________ .......,....,„ ... -- - • .-- i 4 ~. . . .._-- . %.. , ..v...,...., _ ...... .. it- b 2.00 12.00 15.00 VOL. XIV. Dr. 1". .16C;11V13305 HA.GERSTOWN, MD. OFFICE in hie own dwelling, a Jew doora meat of the Franklin Railroad Depo , , where he may be columned on all diseases, but more Particu larly on Dlselses of a private nature. There are many persons iu Hagerstown, Harrisburg and elsewhere, who nave been restored to sound health alter all other treat ment tailed, by the me of his powerful vegetable reme deo. • - . Dr. JONES may be remitted personally or by letter,de analog every symptoms. And medicine sent to any pan of the country. Any afflicted person that wilt call personally and makes bargain with Dr. JONIt3, he will keep them is his own dwe ling, sad if not cored no pay will be ft flaked. GONORRHEA. Dr. JONES otters the only safe and certain remedy for Gonorrhea, Gleet, Stricture, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, and all Derangements of the Stomach. This preparation will cure Gonorrhea in frcm three to five days, and can be had at any time 01 Dr. JONA at tds al• lice, at One Dollar per bottle, and one bottle is sulliclent to car° a mild emu. This is MO of the worst of all diseases. Dr. JON pledges himself to cure Syphilis In lie worst forms. This disease makes its appearance in so many different forms, that a Single plan of treatment will not reach it In all Its reatnrea ; so it may require different remedies; according to the nature of the case. Dr. JONES will make a - writ. ten ltrticle with any one—NO CORE NO PAY I - The re medies used by Dr. JONN3, are purely vegetable, and need no change of diet or hindrance from business. This habit of youth Is Indulged in while alone, and a o often learned from evil confpanions - wltin al. 'shard, and if not cured will destroy 'both' mind and'' - holly. Both sexes fall victims to this disease. The symptoms see—. Pain in the Head, Dimness of fight, Ringing in the Bars, Pimples on the Faoe, Loss of Memory, Frightful Dreams at Night, Weakness In the Back, rain In therßresSt, and Cough, (Indleatilre of Consumption,) Dyspalisia, great Derangement of the Nervous System, and ao on till Death puts ec end to their sufferings. To such Dr. JONAS of fers a perfect restoratlor, with such mild `and Balmy Juices of Borba, that will perfectly restore the' s , this Distressing Disease. restored to sound health. All letters mot contain a stamp to ensure answer. Address DR. D. W. JO] R, apl Bmd Hagerstown, Md STEAM WEEKLY BETWEEN NEW YORK Or4l : AND LIVERPOOL. LANDING AND EMBARKING PAS j_j SENGERS at QUEENSTOWN, (Ireland.) The Liver. pout, New York and Philadelphia SieamahlP company intend despatching their fall powered Clyde.bnlit Iron Steamship' as follows : EDINBURG, Saturday, 20th April ,• GLASGOW, Sat urday, 27th April; CITY OF WASHINGTON, Saturday, 6th April ; end every Saturday, at Noon, from Plei 44, North Kim. FIRPT CA81N...... .375 035tERRA.021.... $3O "00 do to London ISO 00 1 do to, Loudon—S33 00 Steerage Return Tickets, good for Six Month. 10 00 Passengers forwarded to Parts, Havre, Hamburg, Bremen, Rotterdam, Antwerp, &a., at reduced through tares. narPorsons winning W bring out their friends can buy tickets here at the following ra es, to New tork : From Liverpool or Queenstown; let Clatinn $75, $B6 wad 1106. .7 , ttersigo tram tUll 00. ' ANNE' • ilseettosooVzry $lO 00. Those Steamers have superior accommodations for, pasieugore, and carry experloocod Surgeons. They are built In Water-tight Iron SuoUons, and have ratoot Fire Annihilators on board. for further .infOrmatiott apply at tho Company's Onions. JNO: G. DALE. Agent, aptl•tr 15 Broadway, New York. Or 0.0. Zimmerman, Agent, Barriaburg. The West Chester Aoademy T WEST CE ESTER, PA. , within two bones ride from Philadelphia by the Pennsylva nia Central or the West Chester direct railroad, will le gume the duties of the SUMMER MK on the MIST DAY or Mar tern, and close them on the LAM DAV 07 111,77 X. SIR The school, therefore, is in session during the SUMMER MONTHS. Pupils are received at any lime at proportionate charges. lite average number or dada te is 85, under the charge of nine teachers. The French, German and Spanish languages are taught by Native Resident Instructors. For eatalogues, apply to WM. F. WYERS, A. M., Principal. apl 2md At West Mester Pa Wff. DOCK JR. k CO CHESTNUT ST., ABOVE TETRA PHILADELPHIA. TN the immediate neighborhood of the j_ Jobbing Houses on Market, third and allsinnnt streets, Ow Banns, Post Hake, Ilerobantle agobange, do., de, KM BOTH Olt nue ARIERIOAN AND EUROPEAN PLAN. BOARD PER DAY.... $1.40. Dinner between. 1 and 8 o'clock, 60 cants.. sines room from CO centß upward. A Brat c.ass Restaurant attached. Prices according to Bibs or Fare. The City Cara take Passenger. &Om any Station to or close to the Hotel. , fir Eagdeh, Frame, German astiSpanlatt spoken. apl Btad Assignees' Sale of Real -Estate. lIE SUBSCRIBERS will sell by publio onvtry at the Court Rouse, at flarttsbergon day the 15th day of June next, at two Wolok, P. IL, The Farm of John Wallower, Senior, oonsisting or 188 acres, 'guided in Susquehanna townshln,sts 3 sl three miles from Harrisburg, adjoining lands of John IL Pox, John Zinn and others, here ere erected on the Farms lugs Two 2101 1 111 4 0 . e House, a Bank Barn, Tenant HoomilitoPlONAte..: , '• There is also a large orchard Grapple, pear, peach ono cherry trees of choice varieties In excellent Wallas or. der. Also, several veins of good Lime 'atone, Which: - Ye been and can be work,ed to advantage. The property will be sold in a body or In pareels toinn punbasers ; and the sale be peremptory. Conditions.—One fourth the purchase money to be paid within one week of the day of sok, when posses sion will be given. subject to a lease running to the let of April next. The turehamer to be entitled to ono-half the crops ; one-fourth on the first day of October, the residue on the lst of April. The two Lae payments to carry interest from the day of sale, and to be satisfac torily secured. There will also be offered for Ws at the same time and place the undivided half Interest of DO acres of Coal Lands sitcated on the Short Mountain, In Lykena Valley, Dauphin county. aprll2-d2aw-wtd V. HIIMMEL'S GROCERY Removed to No. 8, Market Square, 4 DOORS ABOVE HARRISBUG BANK. MT friends and the public are invited to' call and examine my stook of China, Glass and Queensware, at my new location, together with gene. ral stock of ' Groceries of all Made, which I will sell as cheap for each as they can be bought in this city. aptUtdeoe VALENTIN" nummsr.„ JR. DAVID HAYNES, 110 MARKET, ST. HARRISBURG, Agent for LILLIE'S PATENT Wrought and Chilled iron Fire :and Burglar Proot ift.A3Erm3l3. Strictly the ONLY tieroantile Safe Inada,, th at both Fire and Burglar Proof. mairtikily FTAMS .—Three Hundred Extra Sugar Cared /lama gnat reaalved spB , MIL. /ACK JR. & CO: GARDEN, FIELD and FLOVirEE 11 r3EXD9. An enure new Mock of large end , etsil Nakages jastriNisived at , ffiLSßbgCu .` niarll 91 auto area. "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRAL IN NONE." Nap Wmtrtitientento. M . ..71Tg SPEEMATORRHEA. FEMALE COMPLAINTS. RAM 07 MUGS. ST. LOUIS HOTEL, A. 0. TIMM, 0. F. MIIENCH. HARRISBURG, PA.. FRIDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 19, 1861 UNION FURNITURE DEPOT GOULD & 00., 203 and 206 North Second street, and 145, 147 and 149 Race St., PHILADELPHIA. [From the Philadelphia Ledger.] UNION FURNITURE DEPOT.— Every head of a family has a house to furuLh, and, no matter whether rich or poor, every one wants the beat Furniture his or bet' money will buy, and every home can be WELL FURNISHED if the money intended for that purpose be carefully expended. The safest way to purchase is to send an order to a tbh dealing firm, who hive the facilities to manufacture and sell at the lowest prices. But no matter how honest a firm may be, tides; they have the beat machinery t , manufacture and the trade which will enable them to makfe large purchases of stock and materials at the low est Myces, It is folly to expect them to sell as low as a larger establishment. The .'UNION FURNITURE DE NTE, combines, perhaps, the greatest advantages t 3 be found anywhere by housekeepers ; its extensive ware rooms, which occepy a front of SIXTY feet on &coact street, with use HONOR'S feet in depth and man , feet on Rime street, with esvitarr-nve feet depth, are well stored with an assortment of the best made FURNITURE, of the latest and best styles, which cannot fall to satisfy any family want in that direction. Messrs. GOULD & CO., the proprietors, have every manufacturing facility known to the trade, and any order entrusted to them, whether a single article or a general assortment, at whole .ate or 'v isa, is aro to. be filled at the lowest price for which the same articles can be procured anywhere, and for much less than is paid at some places. There is some Benefac tion, too, when sending orders , kt them t to know that you have a lair dealing firm to transact business with, Mare.6mw CONSTITUTION WATER THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR DIABETES. THE CURATIVE properties of this me- J. &due direct themselves entirely to the organs of secretion, and by so altering the condition of the stomach and liver, that the starchy principle of the FOOD 13 not converted into sugar so long as the SYSTEM is under the Influence of the, Constitution Water ; which give those o , gan3 time to recover their healthy tone and vigor. We are able to state that the CONSTI TUTION WATER has cored every case of DIABETES in which ilium been given. IRRITATION OF THE NECK, OF THE BLADDER, IN. FLAbilittllON OF TBE lIII,NeYS, Ann CATARRH' f F THE BLADDER STRANGU ARP, AND BURNING OR PAINFUL URINATING For these diseases it is truly a sovereign remedy, and too much cannot be said in Its praise. A single dose has beenicnown to relieve the most urgent symptoms ' • TRY rr, WI BEG OF YOU, in th ese cases , and you will give your praise to OONSTITUION WATER. ULCERATION OR THE KIDNEYS, GLADDIR AND 13RINAP.T PAS. SAGES, RETENTION OP ram, DISEASES OP THE PALS._ TRATE GLAND, SCONE TIN BLADDER, CALCULUS, GRAVEL, BRICILDIMY DEPOSITS ADD MUCUS OR MUCUS OR MILEST CIECEIARGES, 'API= URINATING. Diseases all occurring from one and tho same canoe will be entirely cured by the Constitution Water. There in no class of diseases that produce such exhaus ting effects upon the human constitution as Diabetes and Diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary Passages, and through a false modesty, they are neglected until they are so far advanced as to be beyond the control or ordinary remedies, and in a malority of cases little can be drum by the physicians, and we preemt the ;COIVSTITUTWN WATER Aruntteltiblits witlitlio - conviciams tnat - u nes no equal la relieving the class of diseases for which tt has been found so eminently successful fn curing; and we trust that we shall be rewarded for our {Norte in pl in 4 so va , uable a remedy In a form to meet the re quireinents of patient and physician. Nor sale by all Druggists. WX. H. GREGIi co.,&PrOprielore. ~SSORNAN & ALLEN, general agents, marSO•listw's-wr No. 46 Cliff Street, New York. ' AUDITOR'S NOTICE. rpm Auditor appointed by the Orphan's 1„, Court of Dauphin county, to distribute the balance remaining in the hands of Ali/118AXMusaa , Administra tor of George W. Miller, late of Lykone township, in said county, deo'd., will meet the parties interested at his of. no; in the borough of Gratz, In said county, On &SCR. us; the 18th dty of April next, at ID o'clock ♦. 11., at which 14mnand place they are hereby notified to attend and *seat their claims. marl 6 81w JONAS LOIMENSCHLAGER, auditor. NOTICE. --The account of ISRAEL EARLEY, Assignee or Daniel Ftlegal ti as been dl ed hobs Court of Common Pleas or Dauphin county, and win bo confirmed by said Court on the 26t3 day or April, 1861; hullo cause be shown to the contrary. marBo-hoBf WU. MITCHELL, Prothonotary. ILIMUNISTILATOR'S NOTICE. WHERFLAS letters of Administration on tits estate of JOHN 3111.11NGSR, late of East Hanover township, have been granted to the subscriber, all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make' Immediate payment, and those having claims against the estate of the said deceased, will make known thilaine without delay to JAMES. T. HAMPTON. Mcdte-etw East Hanover Township. :ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. r !WHO of Administration have this ..1.4 day Issued upon the estate of DAVID MARCH, late or Dauphin courtly, aoe'd., to the esbscriber. All persons kilos/tug themselves indebted to saia estate are requested to make payment Immediately, and those hating claims to present them fOraettlement. mar23:l3tw °MAGDALENA MA.RCR, Adimaistratris. NOTI.OE. .HE annual election of Directors of the Cestrallnsurance Company, will be bold at their In)liarket Square, on Tuesday the 7th day of May nest,•betweeu the hours of /9 o'clock A. M., and 12 o'clock Y.; of said day. April/0-w4t, D. FLEMIRG. Seery. HE citizens of the different cities and T toWne throughout the State are invited to com poll lien thr the place at which the next Annual State Fair shall be held. .Proposals containing inducements and •advantages directed to the undersigned Committee, ap poMted by the Ksecutive Committee, will be received up to add including May Slat neat. Communications should be addressed to eitheiof the Ibllowing persons WM COLDER., JR, Mi. RUTIARPORD, JACOB lIIISH, JOHN B. MIDLER, flarrisbnrg, Pa. AMOS B. KAPP, Northumberland, Pa. apt td Committer. DRURY 'b EMMY' ALLED UNION CEMENT, Approved by every one who has used it, and admitted by all to be far esocrier to anything of the kind yet orered to the public ! Assipses Will mend all kinds of Crookry, China, &c., &o. FARMERS can mend the handles of their hoes, oho Vela, Wm. Moir harness, boots, paces, &o. ILMUFACTIIRERS can splice and mend their belting With Ur CABINET MAKERS, PICTURE FRAME 11A KIPANJOINERS, in short all who we GLUE or CEMENT fa Mott Wino, will derive snare satisfaction from the use of this admirable Cement. or Those who try i once wilt use no other. 154 air MRRCHANTS MAKE A NOTE OF TM I Narnifactured and for sale by C. A. DRURY, 1202, Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia. PR/OE 25 CENTS A BOTTLE N.R.—Agent—s wantedin every 2bwn , aunty and Mate in tks Union. marls-Bmoew ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. T HE undersigned havin been granted WWI o f on the ellitte of John J. Shell, dated., late or Sast-Hanoyer township, Dauphin county, nerobr noisy ail persons indebted to said estate to make t nitnaut,debit and thoseitaylog claims to pre. • properly authenticated tbr settlement. JOHN SHELL ligiLehr JOHN GAHVIIHICH. Misallantous. fiLsccilaittaug. Care Cough, Cold, Hoarseness, in flu ma, any Irritation or Sorerauss r - the Ihmed, Relies the Harking geon Conrunaption' , Brae -BRO NC H itc‘l2 asks, Asthma, and Catarrh, Ow and gi a: strength to 1 ;900 \k (4, the voice of PUBLIC ..SPEAIEE RSI and SINGERS. Few are awase or the Importance of checking a Cough or "Common Cold" in its first stage ; that which In the beginning would yield to a mild remedy, if neglected soon attacks the Lungs. "BROWN'S BRONCHIAL mans,' containing demulcent ingredients, silty ruhnenary end Bronchial Irritation. "Thnt trouble 10 my Throat, (for which ate “TROCRlier are a epecthe) having made me often a more whisperer." N. P. WILLIS reccrantrint their use to Publl Speakorr" BROWN'S TROCHEES BROWW3 REV. R. H. CHAPIN. "Have proved extremely serviceable for Hoarseness." REV. HENRY WARD BEECHER. "Almost Went relief in the distressing labor of breathing peculiar to Asthma." TROCHES BROWN'S TROCHES REV. A. O. EGGLESTON. "Contain no Opium or anything iojnri• IM8," DR. A. A. HAYES, Chorelot, Boston. "A simple and pleasant combination fat Ootighs, BROWN '0 TRocnes BROWN'S T itUOSIDS t•.eactal in Bronchitis DR. J N. W. LANR, Boston. “I have proved Om excellent for Whooping Cough." I(EV. IL W. WARREN, Boston. “Betiofiehil when compelled to speak, entering from Cold." REV. S. .1. P. ANDERSON, St. Louis. BROWN' TROCHES gRoWk.'S 11 OGRES snow leg "Effectual In removing Hoarseness and Irritation of the Throat, so common with Speakers and hingers. ' Prof. M. STACY JOHNSON, La (Image, Ga. Toucher of blued°, Southern Female College. TROCEIES BROWN 'S TROCHES BRO iT N 'a "Great benefit when taken before and after preaching, as they prevent Marge ness. From their past effect, I think they will be of permanent advantage to me." REV. E. ROWLEY, A. President of Athens College, Tenn. iar-Sobl by all Dreggista at 25 centsaboa. n0v2641Aw6 m TROCHEES BiloWN'S TROCHES GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES ! WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES, WITH NEW IMPROVEMENTS'. AT REDUCED PRICES. THE WHEELER & WILSON Manufac- A. turing Company having gained au. their suits at law, with Mir nigh/ manufacturera of Sewing Machines, propose that the public should be benefitted thereby, and have accordingly reduced the prices of their Sowing Machines. After this date they will be sold at rates that will pay a fair profit on the cost of manufacture, capital invested, and expense of making sales ; such prices a will enable them to make first class machines, and, as heretofore, guarantee them in every particular. In accordance with the announcement above I will sell. their ardendltilewing Machines at prices from *A to see tk.r the Una Rili case Machinee. It is a well estab lished fact that the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine is the beat ono in the market, the best made, most triple and least liable to get out of order, and they are now as low as the inferior machines. Call and see them a Third and Market. det.fim W. 0. lIICKOIC, Agent 351 NOV FAMILY DRUG STORE. TIRE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED 1_ a Wholesale and Betel! Drug and Prescription Store, in the Iron Front Butining, No. Pa Market street, lately occupied by Mr. Eby, wohre can be found an enti renew stock of Fresh and Pure Drugs Perfumery, Sew". COAL OIL, COAL OIL LAMPS, Burning Fluid, Ale ant Patent Medicines, Stationery, Fancy Articles, & c., fie. We have the agency . for the sale of Kline's Celebrated Arti ficial Teeth, to which we would invite the attention of Dentists. By strict attention to business, and desire to please, we respectfully ask a share or rablic Patronage. G. W. HMS. N. B.—Prime Barns &gam and Tobacco constantly on band. apr6-diy DB. T. J. MILES, SURGEON DENTIST OFFERS his services to the citizens o Harrisburg and Its vicinity. Ho solicits a share 0 the public patronage and gives assurance that his best endeavors shall be given to render satisfaction in his pro fession. Being an cad, well tried dentist, he feels sale in milting the public generally to call on him, „ assuring hem that they will not be dissatisfied with bli services, Office No. 113 Merged street, in the house formerly oc cupied by Jacob R. Itby, near the United Metes Hotel, Harrisburg. Pa mvB,d)y iIIitBROTYPES FOR 25 CENTS. THE subscriber respectfully announces to the citizens of Eaartsburg and vicinity, that he has taken rooms over MEER'S HARDWARE SPORT, south•eust corner of Market Square, where ho is prepared to execute every style of AMBROTYPES, at the lowest prices, from 25 outs and upwards. DAGUERREOTYPE. , carefully copied, and Pictures inserted in Lockets and Pins. Cases of all descriptions constantly on hand. Give me a call if you want a good and cheap picture. m7dlm CAORGE R. PaßßEß.,Ainbrotypist. ALDERMAN HEIsTAY PEPPER, OFFICE-THIRD STREET, (SHELL'S ROW, NEAR MARKET. Residence, Chestnut Street near F9UFa. CITY OF ILiIIIB.I3IIRG. PFSN'A. rayl2-du LIQUORS AT COST ! - HAVING couoluded to discontinue the business, wo °ger our large and complete assort ment of nun Whrss„ B Luau is, and liquors of scription at cost inthout reserve. WM. DOCK JR. & CO., Orposite the Court House. H. L. GODBOLD, PRACTICAL Tuner and Repairer of Pianos, Melodeons, &c., dm., will receive orders in future at WPC KNOCHE'S Music Store, 92 Market street All orders left at the above named place, or at the Buehler ouse, will meet with prompt attention. First class PIANOS for sale. seplB-dly 1861. 1861. INTERESTING TO ALL! CATHCART & BROTHER, No. 1A MARKET SQUARE, ouva NOW OM TEL= DECAL LARGE LEBORYWIRTF OF SPRING DRY GOODS ALL KEEN, ALL PEI®, ETERY BMA ENTRY QVALITY, ' ANY YARN, PRIOE3 LOW ACCORDINGLY. DRESS GOADS IN GREAT VARIETY 1 MANY now OR DOMESTIC GOODS, PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. Every inducement purchasers at CATHCART'S, mar2B Next door to the Harrisburg Rank. UTANTED.-AGENTS TO SELL PACK !! . y AGE& of ETATIONBEY tied JEWELRY, at prices one third lesseutheen be potables& elsewhere. eall on address (stamp enelosedg J. L. BAILEY, m st26.3and Be. 744 net Streit, Beaton, Mass. LIST OF DEALERS In Merchandise, in Dauphin County, POE 1861. . LIST of persons engaged in vend i ng g or calling meroluindble withta the county of Dau phin, Pennsylvania, for. the year 11161, es classified by the undersigned, duly appointed. Appraiser Cit Mercantile Taxes OLAS9 $ chi. cuss. $ ets. 9 £by & Kunkle, 25 00 24 Elias Kline, 700 n jno Wallower, agt, 15 00 14 A K Steddart, 7 00 11 JM. Wheeler, 10 00 11 Boger & Bon, 16 00 13 0 A Patterson, 10 00 14 J 3 Espy, 700 18 D L Fortna, 10 00 -12 Urich & Bowman, 12 00 14 John Till, 7 00- 14 Joseph Knipe, 700 14 John M ahan, 700 13 0 A Bannvart, 10 00 14 Jacob Messinger, 700 18 C S Seglebanm, 10 00 14 11 Ritter, 7 00 13 T J Burnett, 10 00 14 John Frier, 7 00 11 3 T Jones, 16 00 14 George Shoop, 7 00 12 II Gilbert, 12 60 14 John Simply, 700 12 Wlll Dock k Co, 12 60 14 Frederick Snyder, 700 13 George Bergner, 10 00 11 john L Lingle, 700 12 Aathony King, 12 50 14 Joseph Felst, 7 00 14 Anna Miley 7 00 13 J B Cox, 10 00 14 J Hallman, 7 00 13 Tlantel D Boas, 10 00 14 WA& J It Croft, 700 14 A Bureett, 700 14 James Crawford, 700 14 B J Harris, 7 00 14 .1 Jones, T 00 14 & Singer, 7 00 18 S E Zollinger, 10 00 14 P Ensminger, 7 00 14 11 Lee, 7 00 13 GII Bell, 10 00 14 J H Ziegler, 700 14 Margaret Heisley, 7 00 14 R Davis, 7 00 14 David Janes, 7 00 14 Wm Sayford, 7 00 14 James R.Boyd, 70314 II Wagner, 700 14 Frederick Trace, 700 14 J A Stahl, 700 10 Relkor & Brother, 20 00 14 J R Kemblo, 7 00 14 Anna Bell, 7 00 14 C K Keller, 7 00 14 G M Gro ff , 7 00 14 0C B Carter, '1 00 14 S lionsberger, 7OD -14 A Lambert & Son 700 18 Houser a Lochmanlo 00 14 Wm Sible, 7 00 13 ES Zolllnger &Co, 10 00 14 D Leedy, 7 Oa 14 D Shelieueerger, 700 14 Jaoob shell, 700 18 EM Pollock, 10 00 14 T F Boyer, 7 00 13 C A Boas, 10 00 9 B Byers , 25 00 10 I) Epley, 20 00 18 John &ln, 10 00 10 It A Cathcart, 20 60 11 G Trulluiger & 00,16 00 10 M G Einstein, 20 OD 14 T Uhler, '1 00 14 Peter Myers, 7 00 14 V Egle, 7 00 14 W Belly, 700 14 George Firster, 700 9 M Wller & Co, 25 00 14 J Nicholas, 700 11 Leo Nusbaum, 15 00 14 A H Waltman, 700 14 C Evy 700 14 Mary A Pennington 7 00 14 L Weiler, 7 00 14 Theo Dewy, 7 00 12 D W Grose, 12 00 DR. G. V .BIGILLOW. Bostoo 14 John Kosher, 7 00 14 0 0 Marlins, 7 OG 14 C Schreiner, 7 00 14 W Sturgeon, 7 00 14 A M'Affee, 7 00 14 M V Wilson, 7 00 14 J H Haas, 7 00 14 Wash Barr, 7 00 14 C J Reese, 7 00 14 John Smith, 7 00 34 0 Haynes. 7 00 13 J K.hnWiler, 10 00 14 Wm Parkhill, 7 00 14 DJ Krause, 7 00 14 G Mites, 7 00 14 Jacob Boohor, 7 00 14 Wm Knoche, 7 00 14 00 Matthews, 7 00 14 J I!siinger, 7 00 14 J S Oliver, 7 00 14 D A Kepner, 700 14 John Edwards, 700 14 J Loewengert, 70034 A K Pahnestock, 700 14 Lewis Valley, 7 00 14 Mrs Chayne, 7 00 14 Jackson & 00, 7 00 14 JKepple, 7 00 14 8 Holman, 700 14 Kdgabolh Peelen, 700 14 A Hummel,. 7 00 14 0 Schwan, 7 00 14 J Weise & Co, 700 14 WEI Schaeffer, 700 14 J Cook, • 700 14 J L Sped, 700 14 George Kunkle, 700 14 J J Ball, 700 34 Wm DJaoir, 400 13 Henry rens, 10 00 14 .1 Loamy,' ' 700 T 4 Geo A Oglesby, 790 14 AT Zimmerman, 700 14 SchweltZer &0o 700 14 J Brady, 7 00 14 Wm Duncan, 700 14 I W Glover, 7 00 14 " 7 00 1.1 A Hummel & Co, 10 00 14 John Wyeth, 7 00 14 W H Doman, 7 00 14 Mrs Cooper, 7 00 14 George W M'Clalla, 7 00 14 J Reel, 700 14 John Kopple, 7 00 14 Mrs &hill, 7 00 14 Catharine Kepple, 7 00 14 Mrs S Jones, 7 00 14 Israel Reims, 700 14 Jacob Walters, 700 14 Brownold & Bro, 700 14 WM K Verbake, 700 13 S Lewy, 10 00 14 5 Vert, 7 00 14 JIL Lutz, 700 14 John Shoop, 7 00 14 J& J K Greenawalt 7 00 14 H Rothermal, 7 00 14 Leopold Nusbaum, 7 00 14 N O'Donnell, 7 op 18 Theo F Shaeffer, 10 00 11 Roger Sheehy, 700 14 Lyman Gilbert, 70014 N ii Weaver, 700 11 Rummel a Killinger 1500 14 Levi Weithipr, 700 14 Pager & Mayer, 700 11 A Robinson & Go, /5 00 14 11 Hess, 700 14 Geo P Wiestling, 7 0.. 14 Jeremiah Burch, 700 14 Geo G Kunkel, 700 13 V HommolJr, 10 00 13 BOWS do Foster, 10 00 14 Miss F. Hoffman, 700 14 S Miller, 700 14 John Orth, 7 00 14 S b Cole, 7 09 14 Richard Nolan, 700 14 Isaac Kohrer, 700 14 8 H StUs, 7 00 14 John Milier, 7 00 14 Gee Krichbaum, 700 14 Mrs Weitzel, 700 14 Mrs E Brenizer, 70014 Wm Black, 700 13 Wm Garrett, 10 00 14 Jacob Frees 7 00 14 W H Bostick, 7 00 14 George Hic kman, 7 00 14 krs J M Bryan, 700 14 John Wasbondafer, 700 14 Samuel Staufor, 700 14 Sarah H Bustin, 700 14 Wm 11 Armstrong, 7 00 14 John Denglor, 7 00 14 Mrs Brook, 7 00 14 0 Looker, 7 CO 14 Mary I/ Patterson, 7 00 14 JWeaver, 7 00 14 A Derr, 7 00 14 D Stevick, 7 00 14 Thomas Grier, 700 14 Abraham Millings, 700 14 Joseph W Lewis, 700 /4 Adam Kremer, 7 00 . 14 Thomas Collins, 700 14 Geo W Miles, 700 14 Nicholas Neuenseu, 7 00 14 P Glonett, 7 00 14 Matilda P Flaming, 7 00 14 Harrisburg Car C0.,7 00 14 Daniel Emanuel, 700 14 Horatio W Stroep, 700 14 1 homes Fraley, 700 14 David WOormick, 700 i. 4 Geo P Murray, 700 14 Benin Machbubach,7 00 14 John Miller, Jr., 70014 S OppeNhelmer, 700 14 Mrs Hone, 7 00 14 11 M M'Onons, 7 00 14 David Neel, 7 00 14 S Bryan, 7 00 14 A Foltz, 700 18 Fll fAuman, 10 00 14 DE Martin,7 00 13 G L Croll, 10 00 14 GUI Lenhit, 700 18 J Lana?, 10 00 14 W D Blenainger, 700 14 M Brestle, 700 18 Wentz Si Hake, 10 00 14 3 Saner, 700 13 Fisher & Smith, 10 00 14 W / 31 , Clure, 7 00 18 Etter, Sipe 4 Ger -14 Dee Leaman, 700 many 10 00 14 John Hepplck, 7 00 13 Kendt; & Johnson,lo 00 14 John Ringland, 700 14 Isaac Stover 700 18 Misty & Brother, 10 00 13 Hainnel Landis, 10 00 14 Joseph Ross, 7 00 11 M Blltunler, -1b 00 14 le Koerper, 700 14 Geo Kurtzman, 700 14 Jacob Rife & Son, 700 IS Thomas Fairinan, 10 00 14 We & Croll, 7CO 18 HIS Brubaker, 10 00 14 J Albert, 7 00 14 J Shafer, 7 00 14 Edward Stover, 700 14 Margaret A Snyder ,7 00 14 L F llemperly, 700 13 Yetman Eves, 10 00 14 John ROse, 7 00 14 J. Zimmerman. 7 00 14 JK. Oren, 700 13 Henry hilly, . 10 00 14 $ Kiefer, 700 10 James Young, 20 00 14 A Fernley. 7 00 14 Adam Ernst. 7 00 14 Michael Brestel, 700 14 Samuel Antrim, 700 14 .1 H Searing, 7 00 14 John Murphy, 7 00 14 Henry Bear, 7 00 14 Martin Stoop, 7 00 14 J H Boyer, 700 13 Geo Emrich, 10 00 18 Swab & Brother, 10 00 13 Wm Hoffman, 10 00 14 J D Snyder, 7 00 14 Fria* Lierch, 7 00 13 lark & Eaterline, 10 00 14 Geo D Moyer, 7 00 18 Aligatte, 10 00 8 Goo M Brubaker, 80 00 14 B Steever, 700 9 Geo Bowman, 25 00 14 S Eberly, 7 00 9 Gilbert & Brother, 25 00 14 J . B Miller; 7 00 14 Levi Bowman, 7 00 14 Elias Kehler, 7 00 14 J J Bowman, '7 00 11 Adelaide Decant, 7 00 14 B,Burangton, 7,00 14 Henry Martin, 7 00 /4 A 'Mattis, 7 00 13, M Wiest, 10 00 13 D Lsbr, 10.00 14 Sol Laudenslager, 700 13 Bock & Lebo, 10 00 14 J Mover, 7 00 14 A Wolend, IT 00 14 A Rhoads, 141 Rack, 148 P Bleeds, 900 147 J le Guard, 700 14 J riskier, . 700 11 H Holleigswlrrth, 70.10 14Aaborwr. 70013 A Romer, 1: 10-g 14 - oae der a Lan- H Bowel' d[ Co. 10 4 00 meeker, 00 NO. 90. Nan 21Iveliistmettte. RARRIRBIIRQ.-9OIITf WARD 8/LEESBURG.- -NORTE( WARD MLDDLETOWN. MIFFLIN TOWNEIHTP. MILLS2BBURG. WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP BOROUGH OF GRATZ 'UPPER PAXTON WEST HANOVII.R. 7 00 14 J Zone's, 700 900 SOUTH HANOVEa• ittam i t. Having procured eteam Power Prawn, we are prepared to execute JOB and BOOK PRINTING of every description, cheaper that it can be dole at any other et tablishmentin the country. ' 1 -• Aultle=lll/1021. BfirPour Roos or less constitute one•balfuloam lines or more than four constitute a square. Half Square, one day SU 1 one week One month is thread months ........... 3 00 six months 4 '‘• One year..• , . 00 One Square One day BO ono week 2 00 {I one month . 3 00 three mouths.. ... • .......... 600 Mx months.... ......... ........ 800 csm year ;A 00 rarilusinstee notices Inserted In the 'LeastMenu% er before Marriages and Heaths, FIVE CBMI Pia Mil or each insertkm. • • na-iterziagee and Deaths to be charged u regula; eAlverttsementn EAST HANOTBR. 14J D Felty, 7 00 ICE W rll lO 4 7 09 13 Amos Early, 10 OD 14 Dead Wegner, 700 13 J D Gaverteo, 10 00 13 B 8 Peters, 10 03 14 Peter Hots, 7 00 14 P Maws, 7 09 13 14 Stketk, 10 00 14 Fame.' Bert 7 7 0 0 II," DERRY. 12 Jacob Hershey, 70018 J r Hummel, 1000 18 Jonas Miller & Co, 10 00 14 J 3 Kessler, ' ' 700 18 Martin Hecker ' 10 00 14 Ft T Hummel, 700 18 J H Balsbaugh, 10 00 143 Greenawalt, 200 14A;Pishourn, 7 00 14 A Mita, 7 00 18 DJ Hummel, 10 00 14 11 Baum, 1 00 14 John Wolbaber, 70012.1 90 Nasky, 12 80 14 Shoop it Orth, 7 00 14 A Landis, 2 00 14 E Matlack, 700 14 Orth & Stickler, 709 14 G•Wolf, 7 00 14 Samuel Sphtle, 7 00 LONDONDERRY. 14 II Bleb, 7 00 13 Henry Gross, 10 00 corizwAGo. 10 00 13 J 8 Foltz, LOWER SWATARA /4 0 Allemap t 700 14 Josepn Walter, 700 14 Banke Ai . WIWI; 70014 B Klocp, 709 14 al & H Etoner, 700 LOWER PAXTON. 14 9 B *Rion. 700 14 Samuel NPRibeony, 700 14 Daniel Kohl, 700 14 John /Ulm, 7 00 18 Wm Yeager, 10 00 BWATAPA. 13 P Ersman, 10 00 Rutherford & Wick tat 700 PIISQUERANNA; 14 Ethor LaOkay, 700 14 BM ,ter 700 14 Isaac G. Updegrove, 700 14 M 104enholder, 700 14 Corbet& Welker, 70014 J 0 Shoop, 700 14 J Weczer, 7 CO REED: 700 14 II Roach, 00 14 J Smith, 14 C }Wide, MIDDLE DAYTON. 700 14 Gulick it Gilman, 700 700 14 J Winn, 700 700 14 Frabs, 700 7OD 14 0 Froidand, 700 JACKSON. 14 J Clark, 14 J H Fox, 14 J Stevenson, 14 Wilson Tally, 14 William Enders, 70014 J Melva, 700 14 A J Stamm% 700 14 Conrad Enders, 700 14D G Hoffman, 700 14 Daniel Tohlw, 700 HALIFAX; 1 14 C 0 Meredith, 700 14 G W MoConnell, 700 14 Henry Zeakhig, 7 OD . 14 A W Loomis, 700 14 F J Byrodo, 700 14 Win Lodge, 700 14 Win Bbamato, 700 14 0 Hammel, 700 14 .1 Fors. neon, 7.00 14 .1 II RAW, 700 14 Wm B Reed, 700 13 9 Landis, 700 14 110 Witman, 700 14 Reiter & Sheet, 700 JEtrEIISON 14 J Eater/Ina, 14 (J. Park, 14 " 700 14 0 Ehusley, 7 00 14 Joseph LlOO, 700 14 litehluil WICONISCO; 14 B G Stewart, 7 00 14 J M Bloom, 100 14 P Kline, 700 14 A 8 B Matter, 700 14 L F Nolen, 700 14 Cbsrlee Marta, 700 14 Mary Meitner, 700 9 H Tarlator, 25 00 14 3 Gorman, 700 14 3 0 Yoder, ,7 00 14 Jacob Rife, 700 14 D X Moamar, 700 14 William Job= & Col'oo - 14 Chrbstianilartni, 700 HAIRD3BURG—BREWERIBB .AND DLITELLEIIOB. 9 Leonard Cramer, 15 00 11 Henry Frith, 75 00 9 Bre M B Garman, 10 00 80 C Baratta, 25 00 8 Lucas Koenig, 21100 KILL3ESIO7IIG. 10 Boners] Whitman, 100 D BORGIIII OW GRATZ 10 00 9 Leobold Liba, UTTER PAXTON le oo 9 J M Groslt, EIWATARA: 9 Robert Wilson. 16 00 6 J Leiby, 6 Peter & - Hoffer, '6O 00 6J G Loucir, JACKSON. 16 00 9 Daniel Tobias, 9 David Frank, LOWER PAYTON. 18 00 9 S Shoop, 9 George Hate, Income° 10 00 10 H Mak, MIDDLNOWN-TEN PIN ALLY, 40 00 2J Wilson, * HARBI3I3I=O--1/11LARD. 60 00 2 Ten Pin BUy, 2 Three fables, ~,tu Q~i47~~~lYiG 7~Y+'~iY~~~~~7 f•Pi[ ~1 4 Jacob Benner, 5 00 4 7 Itingland, HARBIBBIIIIO—PATENT =morns. 40 It Keller, 5 00 4 J Wyetb, 40 A Itsztnvart, 6 00 4J Id Lutz, 3Dr W Grose & Co, 10 00 4 S Holman, 4'J W Bally, 5 00 An appeal will be held at the Treasurer's omee, In' ilk county of Dauphin ,on Tuesday, the Ttlt day of May, 3.1161 WILLIAM ENDOW hiercandle BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE M MARKET STREET, IS THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN THE CITY TO OST SCHOOL BOOKS AND SCHOOL STATIONKRY, Comprising an taa vations - READING AND &P.M.LDIG BOOKS; ARIMMETIa4 ALGEBRAS, GRAMMAR% ETYMOLOGIMY, DICTIONARIES, HISTORERS, PHILOSOPHIES, sad all the Solloof. BOOKS used in the various Publio end Private Schools of the City, together with COPY AND COMPOSITION BOOKS, LE2 TEE, CAP and NOTE PAPER, BLANK BOOKS, SLATES, LEAD AND SLATE PENCILS, - PENS AND HOLDERS,: INK INKSTANDS, RUMMY and the moat complete assortment of SCHOOL STATION) RY constantly on hand and for sale at THE LC WEST MOM OF ANT rue' in the city. at BERGE/WS CHEAP BooKstoßt 51 Ihigket Street. sir Liberal discounts made to teachers and dealers. Any article not on band promptly furnished without extra charge. senat FOR THE SEASON. FLAVORING =TRACTS. Vanilla, best In market, Rom, Leman, Pine Apple, Strawberry, Celery, Pump:ll3oll3d EOEO Water, • Seat English Baking So da, Caro Cream Tartar, Extra Pare 2.9lces, Freab Maui THerbs. • KRUM* EiRll43- STORE, 91 Market Streit., 2. .70881% OA9BY. JOHN W. BROW: CASEY & BROWN, ATTORNEYS -Al"-LAW EIAILAISBURG, PENN,q.. T_TIVING allsociated together in the Jl-I._Pr &atlas of the Law ' will attend faithfully and promptly to att professional businesta oar/Wad-to their office in nitre -oared three (Mora trim Market lq• C i Plisnilat i g ns - I.4gliall and Getman. LPGRTED BOLOGNA SAUSAGB.A ld vrory Taro lot just recedved and for sale by 111P5 WY. DOCK JS. & CO 6009 'soo 18 00 EEO wOO 6 40 6 06 6 06 6 00 Nutmegs, Praglw
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers