pailp ____-.0 SP . r' .0 r- Wed' P i Oa ,-.... Ci 2 111 g CO 15c;;Ii 'lei of the LIVER INVIQO LTvss COMPLAINER, Bazaars /0 DIARRHOEA, SUIENNE COM eous aromas, atom °Boum& Moaeue °mounts JAUNDICE, Fseaell WEAN successfully as an OEDEMA- Will oure SIMI:DUDA : TIVISITT rs rwa mix at commenaemento ALL WOO ÜBE T ARS GIE rEVOM web: Water In the month with the In• rigorator, and mallow both together. PRIOR on MILLAR PAIR BOTTLE -ALSO-- SANFORD'S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS 'IMMFOONDED FROM PURE VEGETABLE EXTRACTS, AND PC UP IN GLASS OABES, AIR TIGHT, AND WILL KEEP IN Ayr CLIMATE, The. FAMILY CATHAR active Ofthartio which the practice more than twenty The constantly increas have long used the PILLS all express in regard to to place them within the The Profession well know on different portions of the The FAMILY O.&THAR. ference to this well estab ded from a variety of the which act alike on every nal, and are gaud and safe thereto Is needed, such vs ; Sleep:m.lo , Pains in. Mei Pain and Sorenede otter i're' or weighE in the head,att Worms in Children or dd- PUrifieT of the Blood, and flesh is heir. too numerous tasement. Don, 1 to S. MUM 80 CENTt3. TIIII MYER' 1311140ILLTOt , CATILIIII* 10 Pm* areiret,ailedbv Druggists generally t and sold Wholesale by the Wade in all the large towns. S. ,T. W. BANII V ED, Manufacturer arid Proprietor, je2oldavyi] 836 Broadway, New York.. MA:DERIAw • INE. IXTELSH, BROTHER'S OLD RESERVE VV WINE full bodied and fruity. In store and for sale by JOHN H. ZIEGLER, febl6 73 Market Janet. S STORAGE ! STORAGE TORAGE received at the Warehouse JAMBS M. WILFRupe XTRA ErU GAR CtrREDH ARS For sale by act 22 PROCLAMATION: . WHEREAS, the .tfitiorable JOHN J. Puss* President of the Court of Common Pleas in the Twelfth Judicial I/Istria, consisting of the counties of Lebanon and Dauphin, and the Eck. A. 0. Humus and Don. $lGx. ,Ndetufv, Associate Judges' in Dauphin county; h a ving' issued their precept, bearing date the 16th day of February, 1861, to me direbted tor holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace at Harrisburg, for the county of Dauphin, and to commence OE THE 4TH MOH. DAY OF AY= NEXT, being the 22n DAY OP -ARBIL, 1861, and Weentintle two weeks. Notice le therefore hereby given to the Coroner, Jus , tines of the Peace; Aldermen, - and Constables of the Said. county of Dauphin, that they be then and there In their proper. persons, at 10 &Mackin theforonoon of said - day, with their records, inquisitions, examinations, and their Own remembrances, to uo those things which to their Mice be done, rind those Who are bound is recognixances to p .ioseente against the prisoners that are or "shall be inAlie Tail of DauPhln bounty, be then and there to prosecute against them as shall bejust. Given tinder my band, at Harrisburg, the 28th day of March, in thelear of our Lord, 1861, and in the eighty. third year of the independence of the 'United States. _ J. D. BOAS, need*. SIEEXIVE OFFITE Harrishurg, March 15. 1861.1 CENTRAL, NURSERIES. York, .Pennoylvania. EDWARD; ,LOANS & CO.,:Proprie tors, Fruit and Ornamental Trees,. Grape', small Irma, Rhubarbs, Agparagns, Shrubs, Roses, Bedding plants, great, variety.. Orders - left with G. H. Small at the State Capital Bank will receive grump, atyeation. I Cataloguat dread on application. ' marl6-Imdaw G. a. SMALL. OUR UNION & CONSTITUTION 6 6 911 R GOVERNnNT," by M. WICIN NIT, is a work containing itie.Commoilow OF ins BIM SIMS, giving the construction of ipt Terme and Provisions, showing the relations or the :several States to the Union and each ether, and explainfn& gene rall.y the System or Government of the Country. Price $1 00. Sold, andorders supplied, by him, at Danis burg, H. feb2l AgentarorNonnties and Stefan wanted. ISTER'S ALL-HEALING OINTMEN T .14 TRYITI TRY IT I I A Radical Reslorativeoflnsmak Perspiration. a ;feet; beyond the power of contradiction, that it Is infallible in the cure of .4:firm; Scalds, Nervoui Diseases, .All. Tamar; Pites,„Serefala. Er ysi Chitbialns pplas, iSare Eyes, Quinn", Croup; Rhemnati sr* Colds, -- 'COM Peet, Liver Complain; Asthma, and- giA DISEASES OF THE CHEST. It rightly termedyjill•Realiag, for there Is scarcely, a Disease external or internal that it will : not ballet. . . For sale at the Grand Depot, No. 143 FULTON STREW, NEW YORK. And by all Druggists throughout the united State 3. .4" . J. MoALISTER, t 4 143 Fulton Street, N. Y. Agents tranted r innaediately to introduce it into id RIO -may receive it on liberal terme, ger 03 mare -dam NOTICE; ITHE- tthaiERBIGNED , has ope ned. his 1. UMBER, OFFICE, corner of Third street andaleelc. berry alley, near.Herris Hotel. Dr" Lumber - of alt kinds timiAnallthis; fo r sale by . 4 ^.W. F. MIIRSAY. • The undersigned will sell Horses, Carriages and. Year n= lor.for cash, . . ALSO.-Horses and Carriages to hire at the•eame office. marll , FRANK A, MURRAY.' PREBECFRVII: • O4veTYdesoriponn in-ca na and jars, eikohOokage warranted, mar4,_ . WIC Dom ;JR. & CO. OR' .I.H GARDEN and FLOW.K.E. SEEDS. ju The largest' litoppg`the oily. All kitis, eg. - .Gareen s ee d, i n ism papersest three eents'per paper i for sale by DAVID HAYNES, xnarl2-1021' . nO Market street. - A.ND LEMONS. 1610 , btalli3in prime order jttst re - oetytil and sale by 1„,, Wig JR & GARDEN NEEDS. FRESH AND COMPLETE assortment Jud midireit lOW* bale by D I X* at , & Co. EOM NGE OF SCHEDULE. RING ARRANGEMENT. AND AFTER FRIDAY,. MARCH 111 Ist, 1861, the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Hallway will leave Harrisburg as follows Judgment guide you in th BATOR, and it will cure Auxecics, Dratsursie,Omtos• ruins, ThcaramßY, DROP. UAL Coßummy Csouo, Iszesesuw, FLA TnLCFCR, Nam, and may be used RY FAMILY AIRDIGIRII. It (ae thousands can testify) OR TERRI TRfiSPOONFOLSAIII attack. ueu their testimony in Its •GOING A ocoimmunoN TRAIN will leave . iat..3.00 A. DI IMPRESS TRAIN will leave at 7.40 A. RI VAIL. " " " "...... IOD P. /11. MAIL TRAIN will leave at =PROS TRAIN" The may Train leaving Harrisburg_ on.Bunday p. will be the ACCOMIIIODATION TRAIN - Smith at 8, a. M. at: For further Information apply' at the Office, In Penne.' Railroad Depot, • 3011MIV. HALI,, Agent Harrisburg, March 1, 1861.-1411 170 PILL Is a gentle bit proprietor has used in hi years. leg demand from these who and the satisfaction whieb their tale, has induced me reach of all. that different Catharhcs act bowels. TIC PILL has, with due re lished fact, been compoun purest VegetablitExtracts, [Arta' the - alimentary ca, in all cases' there a ca. Derangements of Spinach, Back andioine, Cathveneal borly,Ruaawnen, Headache hifianaoratory Di/eases, ultr, Rheumatism, a great many diseases to Which to mention in this e Ivor- • CAN . D AS ! PARAFTINE 'CANDLES, SPERM CANDLES,, ADAMANTINE CANDLES, STEARINE - CANNA% STAR CANDI.V.S, CHEMICAL SPERM CANDLES, TALLOW CANDLES. - A large lot of the above in-store and for sale:atlthe lbw. est prices by WM. DOCK JR. &DO., Opposite the, Court House. Jan 2 HAVANA .CIGARS I A film assortment, comprising Masao, • FLY, • . FARACIMANA, Ls Sms, . BBNINTO, • -'BIRD, CAPITOI.IO. Of all sizes and qualifies, In quarter, one-fifth and one tenth bane% iit'neceivedand for' sale low, ibp JOHN H. ZIEGLER, .rf: Market Bisset. Jana° • FIRST CL ASS GROOERIES 1 Iat.RGE..ARRIVAIA! RAPING JUST RETURNED_from the al. pastern elties - where we have ielend with the ananner cans a large and complete asshrtment of sit. perior goods whico-embrace anything kept in the best city grooeries,we respectfully and cordially invite the public to call and examine our stook • and NOT= one mess. febl6 WM. WOK JR. & CO. WV- DOCK Jr..a. at, do M. M. HATVOIT'S . . LIVER Y . STABLE. Siravherry Alley -. &toe* Fifth and Sixth :4"er6e* , 9IMIS ESTABLISHMENT` ei.stocked with excellent HORSES, OARRIAGi 8, BUGGIES, &a., which will be hired on , reasonable torma marl-am - J. Q. ADAMS, agt. WASHI2O4I MAE form ma EASY HARRISON'S HOUSEHOLD SOAP. TT is DETERSIVII, It removes all-dift, awl washes with or:WitiMut rubbing. it is musrva. It removes oil stains by Oil, Faint, Printers' Ink, Wagon or Machin Grease„... It ts a Amiens's. blaaches 'brown clothes White, arid white clothes whiter. It is Josoustsr. eyes s rteli nermantsit t ilather, and makes the hands soft,' white It is a PERFECI . WASHER, in anY.WaterOlOt Or cold, hard or soft, salt or fresh, of finest latritei stilt - till trades, to the coarsest clothes. marlBdawtd his Lamas, It does much wtkishingwith cost. le scosomutt. It saves wear and tear, time, labor `end :money. Wcombiuee all thergood, and none of the, a pro r• ties of every other Beep, therefOre it is a tau= soar. lths a PerfeetSoap for all uses of the Household. in the Laundry, for clothes of 'every description—for the Washstand—for cleaning paint, glassware, porcelain, crockery, table, kitchen and dritry utensils. ' Directions accompany each cake. Samples can be had rasa os mum; upon application at our, 'lstore. The cakes weigh about one pound, and ao not costmore than any pf the ordinary soaps now in the market. • Waf: DOM. JE...84 Agents for Harrisburg. mar 4 FRES AIiRI AL oP 1101102rf,' BIAN• k ll " ' RAMP, 418.1111 t, • osiorir,'Srtutsit CORN, SPIV Pius, 13.11a8r, MAIiBOI, Far Muss, WHOLE Pus, &0., &O. Just received and for sale at the LOWEST CARE PRIORS. able WM. DOCK JR. & CO. DENTS rim undersigned. DOCTOR : OF DENTAL SURGERY, has returned and restined his practise nßtate street opposite the "Brady Hetsse,' where he will be pleased to attend to all - Who may desire bia war Ideas. teep27,l m. 61114),EA., D. B. S. OtrRN I G gl 0 D .13 . • , • . OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. . Hoisery, Gloves, Gauntletts, in largo quantities. Grhat assortment of Embibideries : La linderWear, different sizes and quality. fSentktraen's do , . : 'do • 'do ' • hiLssea , do do do Boys , do ido do ' • • Cloths, Casshneres, Satinatts"Teans, And everything for. Men :and Boys wear. • Sentlemens , Shawls. An goods, without distinction to style orqualitY, will be wild at a very slight advance, and lass than cost of impciitation. ' - • ' • ; CATHCART & pßonigg t Next doer 'lO the Harrisburg Bank dri• Market. Square. ' QUINCE, PEAR, PEAR, CURRANT, PEACH, APPLE, BLACKBERRY, ORANGE' RASPBERRY. JIM, received from Now York and 'warranted IMPer fbm. (feb26) Wm. DOCK, Jr., & Co. SCOTCH WHISKY, ONE PUNCHEON of PURE . -SCOTCH wzlGETjost received and for sale by JIMIN H. :ZIEGLER, 73 Market Street. CITY LIVERY STABLES. .4AEBBBRYTEX REAR OP .11:141P•S'aorpz,... . . • THE undereigned . hai3 re - c ommenced the livery busi4eee in his NEW. and • SPApIOUS STA. 81314, located as above, with a largeand varied stack HORSES, OARRIAGES and 08011.81M4, tibia lie wbi hire moderate'rates. F. K. SWARTZ, sep2B-diy AUGUSTINE -L ()RAYNE. CARPENTER AND BUILDER. Reaidence No 27 .fforthAcond Street. N. B JOBBING A:l 9 mm= ro "APPLE WHISKY PiURE JERSEY APPLE 1 In store 'and. for BaksbY JOIN 9 ranch to be dreaded--Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ide l se„De• ptession of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion Self-distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, &4i.,are Some °Ube evil effects. _ Thousands , of persons of all ages, can now j udge what lit the oans. of their ileelino In •healtti. Whig tl3eir•ilt s ror, 'beconnwg wasic,'pale,nervous emaciated, *ye stiigalar appearance - abont the byge, - Cough, - and Frymp , ttm of conaumptlon. ; , tor : • ; • 1 -,YOVhlfl , who have injured themselves by a certiin prachne, in juiced iu when alone—a. habit - fret&iitif-leartied",. - frein il zomroulemo, or, at school, the dregs of , utalehritre Meal); felt, even when asledp, and if not cured, renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind - and body, .shouldupply immediately. • What a pity that a young man, the hopes otitis' cons: try, the darling of his parents, should-be-snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life by tliti consigner:Cs of deviating from the path of nature, and indulging : in a -vermin secret habit. Suctrperne must, before contem placing BIARWAGhti. --(-) .elfeet that a Sound mind•and body ar