Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, April 17, 1861, Image 3
pak -&ztegrapb,. lIARRIBBURG —.— Wednesday Memnon, April ft 1861. lloas MILITA.I2.—The Logan Guards of Lew istown, arrived here this morning. Several Allegheny companies are expected to-night. 1==::1 Tai GEFERAL of this division, E. C. Williams, has appointed Cols. David J. Unger, Joseph Knipe add Isaac S. Waterbury, as his aids, They will leave in a day or two. They are all old Mexican soldiers, and good appointments. Ar.roma COMPNNT. —A muster roll for a military company to be styled the "Constitu tional Guards" has been opened in the North Committee room of the Capitol, under the aus picious of a well known military gentleman• of this State. The company is rapidly filling up. ATTENTION, CAMERON GOARDE.—You aro re quested to be at the Armory this evening at 7 o'-clock for the transaction of important busi ness. All men who are willing to join the corps are invited to be present, as the the roll book is still open. Attest, Lot BARTHOLOMEW ; Esq•, the young and talented member, who in part represent the county of Sohuylkill in the House of Represen tatives was, 'this morning commissioned as Judge Advocate on the Staff of Major General Beim, of the Third Brigade, Fifth division, Pennsylvania Militia. EVERYBODY NEEDS THEM. —We again remind our readers of the new shoe store just estab lished in this city. • The very best assortment isitept on hand, and our readers may rest as• cured that it will be to their benefit to patronize him. Remember the sign of the "American Rag." Everybody loves it. Musrnows or WAR.-It is uow'time to pre pare for war, and procure the proper materials to crush 'rebellion; 'and we call the special attention of our military to the advertisement of Mr. Wheeler, in another column. He has a full assortment. of the very best on band, manufactured by a firm that needs no recom mendations on our part. • i=:=2: WOOD'S ldmarans.----Our readers must not forget, during the present excitement, that this famous troupe nightly appear at Brant's City Hall. They have fully sustained their wide-spread reputation EIS the best company. of Ethiopian Delineators in existence. We never saw such a general expression of satisfaction and delight as was evinced last evening by the audience. Again we say do not forget Wood's Minstrels. THE ORDINATION RTEROISES of W. S. Wood, pastor elect of the Baptist Church of this city, will take place to-morrow, the 18th inst., in the Church, on Pine street, corner of Second. The council will meet at 2 o'clock, r. it, and the ordination services will commence at in the evening. The sermon, on the occasion, will be preached by Rev. Prof. Curtis of Lewis burg ministry. The exercises will be public, and a cordial invitation is hereby given to the clergy and all such as may wish to attend. , DOINGS AT THB MAYOR'S OrllCE.—Ellen Gray, a lady without shoes froin Pittsburg: She was supplied and went her way rejoicing. John Dermont, Charles Blineheart, Levi Naylor and John Black who had freely imbibed were dis charged, after paying their fines and costs. Thos. Cordon, drunk and entering our office was sent five days over the way. Messrs. James M. Wheeler and E. Byers were each fined five dollars and costs for back ing over the pavements, and unloading coal in cellars. =C=CI 'llicannto ltrvarmay.—We point with pride to' this noble company which arrived here last evening, the first on greund, amidst the roar ing of the little cannon. We are proud of them because they come from our old home and rep resent a peeks who might have been consider._ ed as sympathising with the South, because they have been considered Democratic. But, thank God, the noble hearted German Demo cracy are riroused, and woe to the Traitors at home or in the South. The men are all anx ious to leave for the seat of war by the very first opportunity; and we know that they will bear the stars and stripes triumphantly aloft. --o•-- TH1812178 or EBTscom.—At a meeting of the Physicians of the city Ca Harrisburg, held on Tuesday afterricion, on motion of Dr. E. W. Roberts, Dr. Wm. W. Rutherford was chosen President, and Dr. Wm. H. Egle, Secretary. The following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted : Wasnass, In the dispensations of an all-wise Providence it has pleased Him to remove from the well-tried scenes of his earthly labors Dr. EDWABD L. Omar, one endeared to this comma ty by every tie of humanity, by his deeds of philanthropy and acts of kindness in the pro fession which he so nobly adorned and honor ed. Therefore, Rescolve4, That it is with emotions of the deepest regret that we are called upon to mourn the loss of one of the seniors in our profession; and as an humble testimonial to his undying worth, we offer to his' bereaved family our heartfelt sympathy in this, the dark hour of their affliction, and commend them to the con solations of Him "who tempers the wind to the shorn lamb." Resolved, That as a further manifestation of our respect and esteem for the departcd we at tend his funeral in a body. Resolved, That a copy of these proceedings be communicated to the family of the deceased, and also furnished to the newspapers of the city for publication. ...,---..4..--. ,The Germans for the Tinton. All the German citizens who are determined to stand by the Union as it is, and the Govern ment in all its plans adopted for the preserva tion of the Union and the repelling of revolu tion and rebellion, are invited to meet on THURSDLT evening next, April 18th, at Wag ner's Rotel, at eight o'clock. Film a LAM—We print the following letter from a lady of Harrisburg, because of its lite racy merit as well for Its mingled pathos and patriotism. In the hbur of trial, when danger seems most portentious and overwhelming, the council and the warning of brave women have been instrumental in more than one glorious rescue. In the hour-of our country's gloom, it is fitting that women should be heard—for of all other human beings who are interested in the perpetuation of free instituties x ,tbe in- : terests of our mothers, and wives and 'daugg ters, rise transcendently higher than any which man may have in_ the perpetuation of the Union. The letter of our•fair correspondent is. worth pondering after perusal : HARRISBURG, April 16, 1861. "General Taylor never eurrendere was the laconic and emphatic reply of the hero of Palo Alto, to the haughty demands of Santa Anna, and we would have wished that Major Ander son had adopted and clung to this motto to the last ; but we are told it is in, accordance with the usages of war that the flag must be•struck by the vanqUished, before hostilities cease ; and so to save the life of Maier Anderson and his little band our beloved banner, the "Red White and Blue," that has floated proudly to the four winds from every rampart, pinnacle and dome in this 'broad land for more than eighty years, and every day told anew the story of our union, strength and prosperity—this noble badge and pledge so dear to the heart of every true American, had to be, or has been, ignominously hauled down and delivered up to the enemy ! It does seem to us that had Major Anderson been our husband or brother we would far soon er have seen him borne from Fort Sumter with the Star Spangled Banner around him, as was, air, John Moore's • martial cloak, than that by any word of hie the flag of our country should give place to another. But so it is, and perhapsit does not become those of the softer sex to discuss the propriety of the act—but President Lincoln has declared his determination, if possible, again to take Fort Sumter,,and place that flag just where it was, and for this purpose he "appeals to all loyal citizens to favor, facilitate and aid this effort to maintain the honor, the integrity and the ex istence of our National Union, and the pros perity of the popular government, and to redress the wrongs already long enough en dured !" Now, women of Pennsylvania, it is the bounden duty of each and every one of you to rise up and lend a helping hand to do this ! Let every wife, and mother, and sister, and lover say to the one nearest and dearest to her "Go; if need be, answer to the call of your country 1" Let there be no fainting nor dis solving into tears at the bare thought of. my husband, brother or son's going to, war!. Shall we say in excuse that an army7alwaji, Tarries' deep vices in its train, and thus our sons may be returned to us corrupted ?Bather Bather let those of the better classes among us, train their sons to virtuous bravery at home, and then give them to our country, filled with love and loyalty to their own fireaidesi and see if the same instincts and impulses that would guard and protect and ele vate the one, would not suggest the elevatioriand improvement of -the representatives of every home in this Union when they come to sit together around the one - big "camp fire !" "Oh 1" -there again one :will say, "what-hard ships they mast endire--•-to think of our pre cious boys who night after night at home have only to step from balmjnrooms • to drowsy pil lows—being obliged to dive in tents and obey the beating' of the. drum and the calling of the roll—why -the very thought is agony." The fact is, we have brought up our boys all too tenderly, we are willing, to be sure, that they should learn to swim; but we bid them "don't go near the water!" So' they may mount a horse; "but first, my son do learn to ride !" and so, if brought up in battle array, we would have them exclaim: "don't fire this way, this field is fall of people ?". Now, this should not, be. lig True, we should bring up onr sons in "deeds of peace," weehould teach them as I hinted before, to speak ' gently, and tread softly and to be subdued, and loving and cautious in the home circle'', and brave boys will be so; but do not let us keep them tied to our apron-string! God and our country has something better and nobler for them to do. Oar Government;:onr Federal Capitol is in dan ger ! An enemy frop our very midst (that alas! whilom was our friend and brother) has impu dently and audaciously declared that; before the first of May, the flag of the confederacy Would float over the dome of the Capitol at Washing ton ! Mothers, wives, and sisters, shall this be No ! By the blood which has lean spilt for us;. by the freedom which has been won for us; by the Union which we live by, let us, in deep and thundering tones, declare, No ! No Our Governor has very properly taken meas ures in these times of peril toplace us on a'war footing, and the Legislature has come promptly and nobly up to the help. They have gener ously given us money, and there will be more. men wanted, and for a longer stay than we now dream of. Then,' under these circumstances; if` there if one of the sterner sex about us whom VAL 13. HUMMEL can influence, (and Re, ail-have our sphere in, that way,) lei ns not mawkishtiona- - bility or silly pride, about having "my son. or. brother a common soldier," drive the love of country from his bosom_ and bid him stay.— They can't all be officers, and - the "honorable private" is the'one after all to whOin we`look for the salvatiorrofpurconutry SoAhen, while we stay meekly at • home, (at least till we are wanted, with linti and bondinti,)- h aiid.'teust in the God of battles, let us help our boys to buckle on their armOrk,..and :bid/tliein4.3 and show how fields are won; and , when, in months to come, it shall be settled' tliat <am liag=the flag of our "Union and Constitution"—with its , twenty-four stars," (seven are now in paten thesis, but we trust will read loud enough in future history,) is the Only -It:along banner which dare be unfurled to the breeze in all these' United States. Then; and 'then only; will we bid them ground-their arms'and come loiringly to ours ! o' o a a • , . Here 113 another beautifel offering and.womanly suggestion, which we received an'. hour after the above had been hanAed to us. It deserves a place in our columns, as Much liecanse of the. high reputation and abilities of the wrltor, as for its practical and patriotio-advioe•:. • Woman's DlAL—What, can our. women . do, to favor our loyal devotion` `MA the ilditOus . Union whose daughters we.are I" • While our brothers are so nobly periling their lives in its defence, - shall we stand" -by, content - 46 give them theVittance of our smiles 'eland 'as thri` tokens of our approval and sympathy ' ? or sit with folded hands, brooding over the deso lation which ever follows in the track cif 'war ? When we think of, our brave . volunteero,vh4e, hearts, burning With love' for ' their country, yet sicken with thought of the homes their ab sence will darken, and the , dear ones deprived of their watchful care, shall we, as usual, meet to chat over spring fashions and summer styles, and in memory, of ei4 :otlierte wardrobes, squander dollars as idly-as . we scatter rose leaves? Will we not rather cast away . such contemptible vanillas; and_ Consecrate 'the money hitherto expended in a _ home fend for the use of - those families? Harier rivalry be;, who can save the wori. : .in Ora' to give:the . i ll° Bl our patrioism.told in deeds riot words, and our highest - pride - that the "stars and fitripetr• covers the altar of our,, sacrifices, anti; thp: daughters,,ris,well as the mei; hai4kit degen erated the spirit of Srags rsr LAX. BARNHART. DAM= Waxing. Lsomum Faxima Prunogthank ;Daily, Zelegraph, lUtbutobav - Afternoon, 'April 17, 1661. We add still another to the evidences of wo man's patriotism and devotion to thellnion, in a poetical effusion, as follows : . THE WAR OF 1861. Fort Sumter's taken ! This is the sound That now from lip to lip goes round, From day to day, As ttroagh the streets I take my way. At every corner stands a little knot In discussion, with words high and hot, And thus they say : -Liberty can and it Mali win the day. Seven rebel State have gone from 'neath our sway, And they'll with sorrow fiod'it wilt not pay, And very'soon • "Let us come back," will be their tune. Even "Texas, the false," who years ago We saved from the hands of Mexico— Itwas when she Wanted from them, with us to be free. But;let them go, they'll soon repent The day.they from the Union went, And their folly see • When in their face stares poverty. They shall find though they have Sumter now, They will and shall 'fore long before us bow, For still comes the cry, "To the rescue ;" for the Union fight and die Miss Jane (a very young lady) of course makes a merit more of her patriotism thin her ; poetry, which of she will improve as she grows older. TEM STABS AND &RIP= float gaily from a hun dred different points in the city—from domes, and steeples and house tops, the glorious em: blem of our greatness and power, casts its rich folds to the light of the morning, to float in majesty and beauty throughout the day, and with Heaven's blessing to be continued throughout all time. The very- fact that the people are'thus eager to evince their patriotism by displaying the national emblem, is a happy indication. We hail it as the evidence of our union, for the preservation of the Union, and offer it as a pledge to the people of Pennsylva nia, to stand by the Federal Government as long as the Federal Government stands by its own powers and prerogatives. Along Market. street, from the river to the railroad:depot, the eye is pleased with a repetition of banners that are glorious to belold..Coverly, of the Jones House, has a'flag flung from every window (more than a hundred) in his house, • while from the top are two large flags floating; and immediately over the main door is another. -From the towering dome of the European Hotel, ,the. Stars and Stripes can be seen, for miles from the ally ; from Herr's Hotel, the White Hall, the United Slates, and others that we cannot now call by name, the Star-Spangled Banner has been unfurled, to the credit of the proprietors and the satisfaction of the , people. Many private residences also display the flag, while the same display is made from the stores and officers iu various parts of the city. How wonderful is the influence of our liberty? Who will doubt its power to vindicate its own pu rity ? . • To those who gallantly displayed the flag of their country, we offer our tribue of AN OLD SONG FOR A NEW - OCCASION. Oh ! say can you see by the 'dawn's early light What so proudly we haird at the twilight's last gleaming ? Whose_broad atripe,s and bright stars thro' the • perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watch'd were so gal lantly streaming ; And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there ! Oh say does the star spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free ttud the home„of ' the brave? On the,shoie,dbuly seen thro' the mists of the . deep, Where the foe's. haughty host in dread silence reposes, What is that which the breeie, o'er the tower , • tower lug steep .A.Sit fitfully blows, half coneeals r half die closes ; Now it catches the gleam of the , morning's first beam ln' full: dory`reflected new shines on. the stream ; . • • 'Tit; the star spangled banner ! oh long may it wave, O'er the land of the free, and the home of the brit , ve - • - . - • - And *herti is that band who, so vauntingly swore, v . Idid , the havoc of war and the battle's con fusion, A home and a country should greet Us no.more? Their blood shall wash out their foul foot t:steps, pollution No refuge: an sate the hireling and slave, From the terrer,of flight; or the gloom of the 'grave, . • And the star-spangledbanner ! in triumph shall wave, • ' • :_ . _ O'el• the land of the free, and the home of the. brave! Ohl 1 44 belt ever, when free Men shall stati , ii Between their lov'd homes, • and the war s desolation. - - Blest with tat'ry.and peace, 'mei the beaT r il • l'raise the power that -bath made and pre served us a - nation : V• - Then 'conquer we must, for our cause it is Let this be our Motto— In Gal be our trust, And the star-spangled banner ! in triumph shall wave, O'er the land of the free, and the home of the brave ! MIiXTANT APPOINTMENTS —General .Wm. H • . Heim, of the Second Division Pennsylvania Vol unteeis, bas appointed the following staff: _ Wm. A. Sands, of. Reading. Samuel Young, Thomas J. Jordon, of Harrisburg. 'Bartram A. Shaeffer of Lancaster. D. Aped, of Norrist4n. ATTE:4IION, &tom VERNOM—A stated , meet .r of the Nount Vernon - Hook and Ladder Croinpanir; will be' held la the Hall, this (Wed needay) evening, at 8 o'clopk: By order:. NEW A- 13 1 4 V0E NEW _ ceived &large assortment of New . Spr44 Of* We name:in part : ; 10 pieces of beautify! ies, 14 worth 14; pieces travelinto# goods, 8 worth 12i ;, 50 pieces:.bleached ,and unbleached =slicks, at 10 w0rth,..114 ; 50.Pleim of bleached muslin, at 12i worth . ls. Alsb a very, large assortment of Camimeres and other summer,*ff ;for men arid hoys '4lso Stella Shawls, very 'Cheap. - Broche bordering, 37 and 50 cents. ,AIIOY a, large stock of - Catuhrliii and iptt 1614qaP! - PPW I43. Oaderamine at Sz Botta‘o.OidAtand, ' Cor. Mstiet'and Flocond streets. t Mr. Enrrou :—lf there is any one thing more than another demanding the attention of the people of Pennsylvania at this time, it is the duty of selectinglegislators who are capable and honest. Our country is now suffering from the evils brought upon her by corrupt and in competent law makers and Executives. And now we, as Pennsylvanians, should take warn ing from the management of our National Go vernment during the past few years and see to it that those whom we elect are men whose moral character and political integrity are beyond doubt, and whose judgment is such as will ena ble them to discriminate between that which is for the public good and that which is impolitic and disastrous. And when we find such persons in any public position, it is our duty, as lovers of our country and her institutions, to speak out in their behalf and let *ern see that faith fulness, honesty and ability are duly appreciated. I have spent some time in this city during the session of the Legislature that is now coming to a close, and have formed quite a Dumber of acquainthiceif among the memberti of the House, as well as the Senate, and I have watched the legislation pretty closely and noticed the course pursued and the votes gtien by the different members, and I must say, that there are many able, eloquent and moral gentlemen In both Houses. Without drawing invidious.or casting imputations upon any, you will allow me to re fer particularly to one member in the House who has attracted my attention, both as a man and a legislator, I refer to Mr. ALExANDEE, the Member from Indiana county. He is always at his post—diligently attending to his duties—al ways voting for those measures which enlight ened judgment sanctions, and then to crown all' ' evidencing by his "daily walk and conver sation," that he is governed by moral princi ple. He is not a public speaker—does not can sume time by retaking long harangues nor many pop-gun . epeeches—yet he is one of the most efficient, influential and, working members Of the House. Indiana county usually sends re spectable members to the Legislature' t and yet, I think, she was never represented by" a more honest, clear•headed and - reliable MED than Mr. ALEXANDER. EOM Tirooa's Ham Raeromarva.— . --Among all preparations for the hair that have been introduced as infallible, none has ever given the sattsfacticin or gained the popularity that Prof. Wood's Haliftestorativenow has. Ella Restorative has passed the ordeal of innumer able fashionable toilets, and the ladies', wherever they have tested it s pronounce it a peerlesa article. They find, wherever they have tested it, pronounce ti a peer less article. They find, where the hair is thinned, that It creates a fresh growth--that it fully restores the ve-• genitive power of the roots on the denuded places, and causes the fibres to shoot forth anew—that tt dissolves and removes dandruff, prevents grayness, restores the hair to its original color when graynesa has actnallran pervened, gives a rich lustre, imparts the softness and flexibility of silk to the hair, and keeps it always Wri!. ant„ healthy end in full vigor.— ,, N. Y. Tribune." Sold by all respectable Druggists de2llm. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY SLR JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE mu. Prepare/rota Piitcriphion of Sir I. _ Clarky°d4 .D Phystefatt'Ateraordifutry to the Queen,: This Invaluable medicine is entitling In the care of those painfurend dangerous diseases to which the female constitution is subject. It moderates all excess and re moves all obstructions, and a., speedy cure may be relied on. - TO Ilikialtikti IA:OMB it is peculiarly suited.. It will in a shoretime, bring on the monthly period with regularity... . • - - Each bottle; priee Bee Dollar,„beark• the Government Stamp of Groat Britain, to pro Vent Otinuteitintit. ,These pats s hould not he taken i lepoisies diving the rmar THBERAfg.NORSq'f PregrattCY, (Ohre are lurk to: 7Ming . oit Miscarries/8 1 '4d ok. any - other time-they . are - - - In all easel ..iterreett7iind-iiiitefaffiatlene, , Pein in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue ow alight-exertion; Palette"; %ion of thb elearti, Hysteric:3.lmA Whites, honor rug stria effect a cure when all other LOMAS have - .felled ; and al: though a : powerful remedy,.do not.contain Iron, calomel, antimony, or any thing imetatto the acwilton. Full direetheukin thopeniphlot around 'each.package,. which should be carefully preserved. - - N. 8.--al.oo and 6 postage atampeetielosaito any au thorized Agent, will insure a bottle, containing 60 Plib3, by return mall ' • • . Far tall by C. A. Ban/maw. ,Iyildeivly =PORTANT To sinmAitaaw, • DR. OFFRESMAIVE PILLS, Prepared by Cornelius :1 4 . Obeeseramilil. D., NEW-YORK CITY L=combination of ingiedients in these Pills are the result of a:long and - extensive practice. ey are mild In their operaini‘and.bortelp. In correcting all Irregalailliee, Painful removing all ob structions, whether from cold or otherwise, , headache, pain in the aide, palpitation of the heart, whites; all ner vous alfecelomyhystegios,. &tom, ratings thetack and limbs, &c., disturbeirsleepwhiSb arise Troia interruption of nature mARRIEDIAII63,... Dr: Dheenetnilles Alin:tila bring on the monthly period with regularity. Ladlea-W.rmhore. been disappointed in the use of :cither.Pills emplace the utmost amildonarin Dr..Cheesemante.fidle :doing all that . they represent to do. - • . N (t) Vlre There it one ,coys4tiOn of Gyi fenidesysieni iw.which the Pat catio4Cl444en.:Wial:prodawsnivis!PsowmAß RESULT. The condition referT ed iLERBOIVANCT— Um result, MISCARRIAaIf..- .htteh , is—Me irtesietitge tendency of,ihe tnedte4tecAhnitiont; he seg#o, .Imt , mti to a normat benditioni-thie'icen iiprodtionik Tinter of nature cannot rebut it. • Warranted purely v_egetapte ) and Creo - ifte&iitnythlig K lariGW V liMididte46l44,o9 ac companyeach bOX. Price SI *ot by mail on enclogeg. to DR - cirthomut . L-Clunoidali,'Bo!i'dVal; Post °M ea t Neer York My r . • „ Sold by one t Vgglelltriveryhttinthicalirated Stites Aenetakt itgrmatiht the United Statee, Bircidway;New teytt;z 0 latOM au wrialesik qraerishot#7;64,l4r•sse4,,) ; 8014 in „liarkehtirg Ruk*apt._ . . , A CARD TO THE LADIES. DR. DUP_ONDO'S_,GOLDENZILS FOR FEMALES'.' Infallible in ‘ -r]A . Ek.• removing ail obstructio .whatev,e . use, endal ways mom-Will- as a - - even.' riIHESE PILLS - HAVE EN USED BY the doctors for many years; both to' France.and- America,' wittomparalltded success in every case ; and he is or,gekhY.inal./Y-Dieueoutt ltelies-who-used:theio, to make the-Pillipublie for the alleviation of those matting from any irregularities whatever es well as to prevent an increase of family where health willnot Females particularlysituated,,,or Wows - Epp - posing them. selves co, are cautioned againstthese Pill's' While Millet conditioniest*Y g,eAsurtliO t ,PrealfoO Mlscarriage,..and. theproprwtor assumno.reerponsibility after this'aduib nition, although their ; would Timed any mirk chief taliealth.-4theryrise the 'Mk are - reeemmended., Fall and corollate' 'directions acoompany each boa. Prigs $1 00 per boa. ]?old Wholesale and'retall'hy , MAID2OB A.-BANNITART, Druggist, ' . No. d'lonesikiw,Harrisburg, "Ladies,^ by sending him 01 00 to the Harrisbuit Poet Office, can baTe the Mlle sent free of ebtervation to' any part of the country(confidentially) and2“free of peg. tags" by mail. also by S: S.mromm,...Reading, JOHNSON HOLLOWAY & COWDlCf,'Thilailelplna, J. L. Lies. mamma, Lebanon, - Damn 11.thansu, Lancaster, - J. A. Won', Wrightsvi Ile ; IL T. ' Mllll2a, York; and by. one druggist in every city and village in the Union, slid S. D. Hoivic,inle proprietor, New York. out for counterfeits. BrY Golden Pills of any kind. unless every boa is signed 'S. D. Howe. all others are a base imposition and one ere; therefore, as you Value your lives and health, (to say nothing - of be, tag humbugged out of your tioney;) buy only of those who show the signature of D. D..llowe on every box, whick hag recently, been added .oe., account ,ef theßilk3 baing omuknytelted "' 1 ; ' dert7dWagrily: MAN = OQD. HOW LOST , : RESTORED JUST PUBLISHED ON THE NATITRE, TREATMENT AND RADICAL CURS OF SPRRMAYOR BREA or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Nervous. ness, Involuntary Rthjealous and Impotency, resulting from Seit.abuse, &a. By Robt. d. Calverwell, M. D.— Bent under awl, la a plain envelope, to any address, pest paid on receipt of two stamps, by Dr. CHAS. 3. C. RIME, 127 Bowery, New York. POst, Office Box, No. 4,586. m'2o.6indaw Spersinto's Peeneauni Giwt is designed for repairing - furniture in all 'cases. , :whereccabinet, i naltifia , glue Is used. It is excellent Or niending.hOoks;refist: ening the loosened leaves and noverikodickly and Irmlx. It is put up in a.bottle ne-glass glae-pot; Wit 'S; fbilisly 01 . 1011 beuone indispensable, to itleboue ekeeper, evenr-esiors - ' For the Daily Telegraph D. W. GROSS & CO., D RUGGIS TS', MARKET STREET, DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE- We are daily adding to our assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would ; respectfully;call your attention to the . _ largeSt and besigieleoted.stoolf. in' this city, of DRUGS, CHEMICALS & PAINTS, EtnrningiSidd and Alcohol, Lard; Sperm and Pine Oils, Boltla; irliEdo: and . Lo t inik . Globes, AN ()Negev= Castile Soaps, Sponges and Corks, arc, 44-r e.r d‘C.,. 4sl kt t 'So., dz., 4 1 r 40 . With a general variety of PERFUMERY & TOILET'ARTICLES, selected tram the beit!manufacturers and Per fumers-otgurgfilie aniPthfe'country. - Being vettliiige dealers in " • COLORS, _PAINT AND ARTIST'SI:PattrdENS We respectfully invite a call, feeling - con dent that we Lcan supply the wants of anon trims to their satbgeetion. ; ;- JUNE'S AND WHITE'S PORCELAIN TEETH. PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR Of all kinds,- direct from - the Proprietors.,_, Saponifier. and Conoentrated Lye I Wholesale Agents for gaponifier, which we sell as low as it can be parclussed la the cities. THAYER'S MEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS, COAL 011, - I CARBON OIL 1 Mug large Purokasers in.4hese Oils, we eau offer inducements to eloed buyers. Coal Oil Lamps of the most improved pattel.:6, very cheap. All kinds of ,lamps,:cheinged to burn moose of you who liaVe not given our. HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS linow not .their superiority, and the advantage they are in Aieepinglforsei and Cattle healthy and In good condition. Thousands can testify to - tlie profit they - have derived from the use - of our Cattle Powders by the Increasing quantity and quality of milk, besides improving , the general health and an— pear i, ance of their Cattle. Sur long experienee' in the business gives us thkadvantage of a tboicugh . ,kruCiiledge of the We, and our arrangements in the cities are such that we can inttTNeMiikort• ti t . :Le - furnish anything appertaining to our,buSiness on the best of terms. Thankful for the liberal pa#onage bestowed on our house, we hope by 'strict , attention to business, a•carefollifileetion of_ 0. 113. erase & go . gimp WHOLESALE AND RETAIL NO! 19 HARRISBURG, PENIVA. KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, Oils, Varnishes and Glues, 110:,p-Stuffm,Glass and Putty, Artilit 'Caldra and Teo* Pure Ground Spices, PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, VARNISHES, *ENDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES, . COLORS AND BRONZES OF ALL KINDS, TEETH! TEErTH ! RESTORATIVES FARMERS AND GRAZIERS,' NISI 1 iiMIT..REI. - 1(1) . .R U.:GB ;.. at fair priceti, ina4.163 desire to please all, to merits eontiorknance of the favor*: of_ riating RuVrPO v NEW COAL - 'OITiCE.• HE UNDERSIGNED having entered in tolhee COAL:WADE in this city, wooldalklPeotiollY solicit the patronage of the citizens. I will keep on band Coal of all sizes„ . from the most celebrated and approved mines, which will be delivered to any part of the city, free': from dirt andvether :ireparities. Fvu 'firmer GUAILUTLEED. VIAL on ELAM By ran BOAT. LOAD, CAA L°AR OR ' SI N G/3 ,=". Persona Purchasing by the Moat , or Car Load wilt receive 2,240 pounds to the Ton_ Office No. 74 Market !greet, second door from Dewber ry alley. Yard on the Canal, loot of North street. or liers left at eithorplaise w tn-recetve iirerSpFS,trititiort: Sta6-Iyd j. JOHN ir:.HALL, , agent. Wti- , TT?tdrl - p„ theFOUR STORY ERICK HOME No. 93 *Nit etreet: Possonaiee-Inou ha the Ist of April nail. For articulars req eire of Lima 3. B. snioN. Nen 21:613L 'ali3ING. r--;like-balf square Eto PENNSYLVANIA R 7: SUMMER TIME TAu t ••• • j c ' u 4 u '61,;),A 6 00 60 - • FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA. ON AND AFTER MONDAY., APRIL 15th, 1861, The passenger trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany will depart front and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows : EASTWARD. • THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.15 a. tn. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.10 a. m. FAST LINE leaven Harrisburg at 6.2011. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.05 a. In. FAST MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.16 -p. in., arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.10 p. m. These trains make close connection at PhLadeipida with the New York Lines. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 1, via Mount Jay, leaves Harrisburg at 7.10 a. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12.30 p. m. HARRMBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Colum ' bia, leaves Harrisburg at 4.10 p. na., and arrival M West Philadelphia at 9 25 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, via Mount Joy, leaves Harrisburg at 4.20 p. m., connecting at Diller ville with HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, and arrives at West Philadelphia at 9.25 p. in. WESTWARD. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 10.45 p. m., Harrisburg at 3.05 a. in., Altoona 8.06, ar rives at Pittsburg at 12.40 p. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves' Philadelphia at. 7.30 a. m., Harrisburg 1.10 p. m., Altoona, 7.05 p. m., and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.20 p. In. FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 11.40 a. m., Harris burg 4.05 p. m., Altoona 8.40 p. m , and arrives at Pitts burg at 1.00 a. in. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 2.35 p. m., Lancaster 6.05 p. m, Col umbia 6.40 p. and arrives at Harrisburg 8.05 p. an. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Philadelphia at 4.00; p. Lancaster 7.44 p. m.,Mount Joy 8.28 p. m., Eliza bethtown, 8.48 P. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 9.45 p. In. Attention is called to the fact, that passengers leaving Philadelphia at 4.00 p. m., connect at Lancaster with MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, and arrive at Harrisburg at 9.45, p. m apl2 60.41tf JOHN WALLOWER, JR, Agt, GENERAL FORWARDING LSD • COMMISSION MERCHANT. GOODS . AND MERCHANDISE promptly lb/warded by Philadelphiaand Reading, Northern Corral, Cumberland Valley and Pennsylvania Ballroads, and Canal. HAULING AND DRAPING to and from fall parts of the city to the different Railrocd, depots will be done at the very lowest rates. FAMILIES removing will be promptly attended to. Orders left at Brant's European Hotel, or at the store of E. S. Zoilingee, will receive prempt attention. Can eignmente of freight respectfully solicited. JOHN WALLOWER JR., Agt., apt Office Reading Depot. UPHOLSTERING.. HUSK MATTRESSES, COTTON TOP MATRESSES, COTTON COMFORTS, FRENCH CARPET HASSA.CES, CHAIR CUSHIONS, LOUNGES, &c., On hand and fot sale wholesale and retail at the very lowest rates for cash . HAIR MATRASSES and SPRING BOTTOMS MADE TO ORDER. SOFAS, LOUNGES, CHAIRS, HAIR MATRIESIM, Repaired and made -equal to new very reasonable, all at lio.loo Market street between Fourth and Fifth. by mar J. T. &OMITS. MI II Glorious Star Spangled Banner 1 . • A TsTOTHER SUPPLY OF WALL PAPER, „a& BORDERS, &a., SPLENDID WINDOW BLINDS to which we call the attention of our friends, and - cordially invite them to examine our'goods and prices. - We are determined to sell cheap. Mind the place. SCHEFFER'S BOORSTORE, t Near the Harrisburg Bridge. aplB *I WORCESTER'S ROYAL *QUARTO DICTIONARY I ?TIRE best defining and pronouncing Dic- J tionary of the English language ; Alan,, Worceeter'e Sonoot:Die,tionaries: Webster's' Pictorial' Quarto and School Dictionaries for sale at .SCHEFFEIVS BOOKSTORE, • apl3-tf Near the Harrisburgßridge. ARRIVED THIS MORNING. L :Ai:superb lot of new style Foulard Chintzes. . New style-English; Mourning Singhams.. • d(r.: do Colored. Gfughapaa. , . , littilidiiirencit Chintzes, extra quality. Persians, do French Challis. -Pare CameP.4 Hair Lustre, (desirable goods ) Extra quality SilkWarpLavellan. Neapolitan Silks, (new article.) English Step Mourning Silks. A LARGE VARIETY OF OTHER GOODS. This kit of goods just received, have been purohased very tow and will he disposed of accordingly. Call at. CATHCART'S, Next-doer to the Harrisburg Bank. MS I MPORTED BOLOGNA SAUSAGE.-A verprarOlot just received and for sale by spa_ • WM. DOCK JR di 00. FARMER'S HOTEL. frgEtnbaort er begs leave to inform his 1, Mends and the public that he has taken the YARN- Etvs MOTEL, in Market street opposite the Pootonee, tornieriy J. Stahl's, where he Is prepared to accommo date them on reasonable terms. Ilayiug rellttel and furnished the Hohse entirely now, he hopes, by strict at ontion to business, to receive a liberal share of Dwell age.. • 13:e. Pfiarsits. TEERAIXONLETEREI 1. • TELE gmomETEitkoinat*titii mkiztio, iviv3 Metal. THEHHOMETERW . do do Bronzed do TtIEBMONBTERB, Distillera Tin Case, 12 inch. TEBBMOMITERS, do Brass -Bound liouble Scan. THERMOMETERS, Union Case, 10.12 inch. ' THERMOMETRES, Bataan Frame, 8-10 Inch. THERM.OIIEMBiItIack Walnut Case, 10 Wen. THERMOBItTE2B, Tin Case, 1.8-10 !nob. We have jest received a fine lot of THERMOMETERS of various styles, and are selling them low. . KELLER'S DRUG STORE, ,• - ' • 91 Market street. CITY 'BONDS FOR SALE. .NE OR TWO CITY 'BONDS of $l5OO giicA. beg iingif per cent. inter_t„ being a safe and good; investalSeet4 Apply ao •, felvt3aid. . REMOVAL. T HE SUBSCRIBER has - removed his 2, = PLUMBING r i.RD DRAI4 FOUNDRY frotn : Marirel street to Fourth street above Market, opposite the Bettie church. Thankfid for patronage, he hopes, by strict 113 , 00900. 3 0 ,inn0e, to merit a continuance of M. ". mar2(tclattlOi4 .. WM. PARRIED - . TUX 'MOS tUIAIE ReLROAD & COAL CO 2 . . .;. NOW. or,-4prite3,l.B6t. 1 TOtryi.iiiiiiiiii Meeting of a inn Stocklioldiers . . t and,n ,--; a .40tfor 9.- . r r "aside at, : even Nonagon . , and la. Ottii. t . i • , ;it:Treastirer of the Lyk.ens' Valley Rail roattl,.,:i .-11, t , mpany will be held ia , Philadellptila a at Le o iirr,. ~.- ",ARJ) GRAIL, N 0.2 South Ttb. strreti P. ..i. m on*A,ty, , ilk - day, of May nert,.at 10 o'clock A. M. Tb pollswill open at 10 o'clock and close at 2 °tole& Wiil. HAWKINS,. ap 0,-tawto - ' Secretary". ..,.. , OFTIQB OP ; 788 VIKENS' VALLEY COAT. CO., t , '.• "" . - ' New York, April 8, 1881. T J 'E..kanual,lieettng of the Stockholders semi laredera or. thoLyat kethnse Val/•,07 Coal companyyja he lied kik Pailadelphie fik kt 01 ~ E DWARD. G RAZ, 40. 2 South Tin etre , * 0 3 f Mk' idsietheetkdak if May nest, at illo'clistr;;A.,ll. '. 'l , he iallls,Tto, open at 10 o'clock And closest 2 . 6 4 c10ck., P. I 111. - ~ - . l'ild. 11A9k11, IC St•Sti%Wie Secretary. Triittingl 'earn Power Presses, we are d BOOK PRINTING of every ea be doze at any other es SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Supt. East. Div. Renna. Railroad SIGN OF THE W. EC. VEYIBEKE