Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, April 17, 1861, Image 1

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The DAILY TIELEORIPII is served to subscribers in th.
Borough at 6,ti heats per weet. Yearly subscriber
. ill be charged $4.00.
The Tatainitasa isalso published twice a week durini
Ina session of the Legislature, and Weekly during the ro•
alainder of the year, and furnished to subscribers at tit(
•nllowing raise, viz :
Single Subscribers per year
t subscribers order the discontinuance of their news
psters, the publisher may continuo to send thorn until
arrearages are Paid.
if subscribers-neglect or refuse to take their newapa•
pars from the elllce to which they aro directed, they are
r esponsible untgoey yaw. %WO the Ms Rnd ordered
them disc:Oa:Wind'
2i the Good Will Fire Company of
• Harrisburg, givo notice to all fire companies t hat
we offer for Sale a good secono hand SUOIION FIRE
ENGINE. in good repair and ready for servieo, which
would Mt any new prgatitsA company'. wlto ,wishea a
small andiood machine, can procure her at - a IoW price.
For any further information you.will.please address
Secretary of Committee.
, •
S 0 P E D
• , WITH A FULL esortmeia
trove the Plitiadelphfn and New York moat fashionable
eetablislurtents, to ;which, during the season, additions
of the latest novelties, from those establishments will be
conatently received.
Formerly A. Carkiesiter, t•igis of the two Golden
Fagles, first bonnet store from the Harrisburg Bridge.
QPl:fb ENTS prepared for College or bug-
Hess. Location pleasant, healthy and earl of ac
cess by Pennsylvania .Railroad. For circulars contain
ing toms, ike., address the Principal.
ap6•lUtda4tw E. L. MOORE.
18431. • ism..
PILLOW Gass Bireirss, all widths.
Bussraes ' 6
UNBLEACURD AND aIVD Muffin, 811 prices.
TICIONGS, all prices and whlths.
Towaraaus, all kinds.
Cerarrssralsak *cry low.
Caicos, very cheap.
PitdoW Cass I rsinss;llifferent qualities;
LAapr '4 , roctr or 4 RAMS,
STAIR. 'Oic Citprtr4.
Ilser Maas or Marcum, '
Any House FUrnlshing or 'Domestic Goode will be found
Vela CHU; At
Next to the Harrisburg Bank
T"partnersbip..heretofore. ting be
under the flrm of DAILY & BROTHER, was dissolved,
on the 'With ultimo, by the decease oe WILLIAM L.
BAILY. The bednuess of the Firm trill be settled by the
surviving partner. '
C :,:k:1 , V:,V.4 - 'l' ; ,:' - : - .• ST .O C L.,
In order to close up the beakless of the late
, .
Bally, AA, .13'0c:41:Lew,
Their large sod fresh stock of
Fine ` Oftipaingsi Oil Cloths, &oil
MU be qjfered fur sale d Reduced Prices.
Housekeepers and Storekeepers will ilnd it to their in
terest to call, as everyhrtiele will be dared low.
_ .
VIAPTY BARRELS. .--Two Hinidred
_12.1 Empty Flour, Sugar awl Wine Barren' of all do
se'', pitons and prices,
TWO BTOIer nousE; with
b%ck balidingOoCated in 'n revectablo neighbor •
uod, or a ,stiolt.pottapeitiep will not be wanted for eigth
menthe. ' Aptiltat {a2) TNIS'OF.FICB.
BUILDING STONE or Stone suitable
f a rt o rppildng porpores will be dellveied to any
part otthe.eitjcar_lts . . .
mar 23 CIOLDER, JR.
Tlhe old dock of cars ,beirie:digtoos ed 0f.,,.
the ti 4 idersigned has broke out in a new place and es
ta ieled`glinily frgghtllntrbeTlVeSlX:riltedel4hKNeW'
York; Harriebueg . and.ail-pribibs op; spe`porther (tetra],
Sunbury gt Erie filldtfidkaWendl - BRibtpibdigliikeids."
Thankful for the fiber al patromomheintoforo extended
ho hopes, by promptness Sri delltreil,lo retain all his old
oustomdrs and patrons.; 4LI gocx4l4utectled 114'414 line
must be delivered at the depot of the Philadelphia and
Reading railroad, Broad and. Otllesitall greets, P 'Model-
Plda. AU golds delivered at.the depot up to Ave,' o'clock,P. 1.i...,!*111 reach ilarthiberg next morning.
J. WALLOWER, Jr., General Agt.
Rending Depot, Harrisburg.
AVERY superior article of BOURBON
WHISS itr,,) in quad bastes, lu Jtore itiardt saki "by
73 Mdrket Street.
mar 4 ,
36 91 . 7K17 *N J ' 4
lig "Orin sucteseful operation and proved to carry
reight ,I.DW an any other 'indiviitual line between
Pnflad~l a , Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, Williams
port, Jere eli shpra, Lock Haven, and all points on the
blorther4DentralvPhiladelphia and Erie, and Williams
port and Elmtra,Btillroads. , •
Loeal Agent at Harrisburg,
Goods sent to PEACOCK, ZELL Sr NINGHDIAN, Nos. 808
and 810 Market street, above Eighth, by 4 &clot*, P. M.,
will arrive at Harrisburg, ready for delivery, ihe next
morning. • . C. F. MIIKNCE,
nPB-tt Traveling Agent.
A New Featmie the Spied Trade
• B. R. VCRICEE It CO.'S •
In Tin .IFbil, (Lined with ; and on Freight.
. .
IN THIS AGE of adulterated and taste.
less bream, it is with confidence that we introduce
to the attention or housekeepers these euperier. and
genuine articles. We guarantee them not only .
bat ground from fresh Spices, relented and cleaned by
ns expressly for the purpose, without reference to cost,—
They are peautifally packed In tin foil, Owed with pa
per,) to prevent injury by keeping, and are FULL
WEIGHT, wblle the ordinary ground S pices are almost
i ti y a riabbt Amt. We warrant them, in point of strengtb
and ricaSafcglavori ,
t .
ims a slngto trial jiijottpadantly prove. Every paokage,
bona oar Trade. Mark. ,Xv•oa(actured only by
E. R. EURKEE &CO., New York.
For sale by W. "KICK JR. it CO. TM]
. 1 •
- -
". ••• •
C 'f )
Frnii '411.'
lig •
: . •
.2 2.00
. 12.00
. 16.00
D. tkr. xi:xl43min
OFFICE hie .own dwelling, a few
doors west of the Eranknikßallread- Depot, where
he may be consulled on all diseases,. but mgro.:Parl4ou' , ,
laxly on Disetses of a private nabire:'TheroLare inert) , '
persons in Hagerstown, Harrisburg and elsewhere, who•
nave been restored to alter all-Mbar treat.
meet failed, by the nse oft& tiaiverfui.vegeiable
Dr.:JONES may be consulted personally Or biletter,de , '
scribing every symptoms.' And. moOolne sont t ici any,
part of the country. Any atalatisi. person thatilt4
personally and make a.bargitu -with Dr. JONErrie'*lo.
keep them in his own dwemcg, anti if not (Alfa , no pay
will be rtqatred. -
Dr. JONES otters the only satramittseitalnlentedy for
Gonorrhea, Glee, Strietnre, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia;
Costiveness, almall - Derangements orthe, Stomach. qbts
preparation wilt" cure Gonorrhea in M M
Tic ' tutee to five
days, and eau be hadut any timtr °Mr:JONES; at biaof
ace, at One Dollar per bottle, and ona.bottle Is sufficient
to cure a mild case. , 4 • 1
This is one of the worst of all diseases.. Mr. JONES
pledgers himself to cure Syphilis in its worst forms.. This
%Sean makes its appearance in so many different forms,
there single plan of treatment wilt not reach it in all its'
fea:tares HO it may require different remediesoiccording
to the natnre of the case. Dr. JONES will make a writ
ten article with any one—NO CURE NO PAY I The re
medies used by Dr. JONMS,'areyntrely segstabfa;and need
no change of diet or hindrance from business.
• •
Thiii habit of youth Is Indulged in while alone, and )3 o
Often learned from evil companions when at schOol, suit ;
If 'net cured will destroy . both mind and body. Both
sexes fall victims to this disease. The symptoms are—
Pahl in the Head, Dimness of Sight, Ringing in the Ears,
Pimples en the Face, Loss'f Memory, Frightful Dreams
at Night, Weakness in the Bsck, Fain , in the BreaSt, and
Cough, (indicative of Donstimptlen,). DYSPepsia,, great
Derangement of the Nervous System, and so, on till Death
puts an end to their sufferings.. To snub Di. JONES of
ibre a perfect restoration,lith, such Mid Balmy
Juices of Herbs, that - *lll perfectly restore ctim of
th is Distressing Disease.
Speedily restored to sound health.
All letters must contain a stamp. to, ensure answer.
Address DR. D. W. JONES, .
apl 3md Hagerstown, Md.
peal, New York and Philadelphia Steynsltip company
intend despatching; Clyde-built iron
Steamships as follows.: - - -
EDINBURG, Saturday, 20th April ; GLASGOW, Sat
urday, 27th April; CITY' OF WASHINGTON, Saturday,
sth April ; and every Saturday, at Noon; from Pler 44,
North Diver.",
FIRST CA81N......,V5 03 1 STEERAGE.. ape oo
do to Loudon.::...sBo 00 1 do to London.4BBoo
Steerage Return 'rickets, good for Six Months ' ISO 00
Passengers forwarded. - tO Parls, Wire; Hamburg.
Bremen, Rotterdam, Antwero,`ltto., ati:retittoed through
persons wisbias to bring outthelr krietids can:buY
tickets hero at the following rarer, to New York): From
Liverpool or Queenstown; let 0abin,475, - $435 and $lO5.
Ste.orage from Liverpool $4O From Queenstown,
WO; 00,.
These Steament .have; )3upgricela§tillitacTdifliniavi
passengers, mid:carry experiehoett-Eurgeonts. They are
punt in Water-tight Iroii SeetiOne„th4 have Patent Fire
:Annihilators on beard." 'Phi fartlfei Irifinimitloit apply
the Company% °Mem. JNO'Ailt DALE, Agent,
aptl-tf , 16._Broadwar,_New
Or O. O. ZlMmatipini kient Harrisburg.
_ . .
The West OhOfitei. .;A:Oademy ,
A T WEST CHESTER, within two
1 - A., hones ride from Phibitelpiala brShe Pennsylva•
nra Central or the West Chester direct raiLrowl,-zalill-re
sume the duties of the SUMMER TERM on the FIRST `DAT
OF MAT NEXT, and 01030 them onAtte LAST DAT OF SEFTFOI•
SM. The school, therefore, la .in; session • during the
SUMMER MONTHS. knolls are readrad. at any time at
proportionate charges. :Rtfe'aVerage number of students
is 85, under the charge of nine teachara. , : The Vteikeh,
German and Spanish languages are taught „by
Rdsidentlnstruotor3. For eitaloneeToipirlyro.
WM. F. WYERSOL. M.,'Prlnelpal, 1 '
At West. Cheater Ta.
, - r
CaRSTNUT.B2 7 .)SIBorproIaRD,
PlllthibEttllll - ' '
IN 'the, immediate 'neighborh9.o"9f the .
Jobing Houses' onitairet , ThfiT.!ititiel ()twat:tut
streets, the Banks, PoitiMity Meictipii"giaiLuge,
tut tag 'ON TRH
115A131);.PELR DAY i• .
'Dinner-between rand S O'clock, 50 semi.
ibefiefrnm'so oentshipitit.l. l
kftrate class Reatauratit'attached;" Piloetyticeoi4lfrgte,
Bills orPare. r , ' . i• . -
The:qity:Cars take PasserigneslroriV4iy Station , to,
close to the Hotel.
mai-English, French,' Gifiniatt.and Spanish spoken. •
Agaignoes ) S n alelpf Real ,Estittk; - , •
TEE SUIiSCR - will ae
, outcry at the Court:Elotietyler , trisrPabinwrbalSattr,
day the 16th day of Jtine eat, at two Weld; F:
Tho Farm of John Wallower, Senior, tonalsting`Ofl,BB
-- simit,ed in Sasquehanna , ,t,ovitahlKabout- A ttie ,
miles from Harrisburg, adjoining lands open, in, nr
John Zinn and others. ; our .fl,
-There are erected on theilrarinwil, n,
Mello . a Hank Barn, Tenant
..,OXlStittition "---
'There is also a largo (gel seven are now in
elterri , trees of eheleild - trust will read loud en r
der. • ' )is the Only' national
• Also, several vel ' •
been and can be worked Varied to the breeze in a
, The property will be sold it. lit tiourly
it'ehllasers and the sale be peremptorp. , :
Condittons.--One fourth rthq..purchase money
paid, within one week of , the;dar.oft sale ; when possee
don Will be Oren anhjeot to a lease, limning to the Is
Of April ;mkt, sec to be added:to.: cce.a •
the crops . ; one-fou.rth,on day , or , October; ill:
residue on theist 4.401 ;Tile twolastpayinents
carry interest from the day of ealei and to be , 'ailiefae
toFily secured.,
Ihefe will also be offered fotsale at the same time-an.
Place fheershYldedhalf,Aderefd , 0f,.150 nareat , of
Lands sltrated on the:Short Mountain, in Lykene Valley
Diriplilu county.
Assignees. •
l a ' piii l 2-d2aw-wtd
Reinoved to No. 8, Market Slutsre' ,
4 DOORS Anima likwsinict BANK.
MV' friends and the public - are•invitoil to
'..ean and examine my dock China, Glass 'and
QUeonBW6r9, at my new lOcallon;.tokiither - with 'a gene.:
ral stock of Groceries of , alt. inds,.whith ITV 111 sell as
olleaplOr: easkas , ther can le.hought in'this'etty: • • -
apo:Btdeod* IVALENTIOR alt.
. .
DASID 11.A.YN,EP, 1 10 .11fARKET;
)IARROPIRE4 igout fqr
. ,
Wrouglit , . , ,on4 ChUled k 4
stietlyi the eoftleasfeiCouitut ihat. iiotli
Fire and Barglerrroor. mar29.dly
11011.A.MB:---Three Eitiall.SugAr
Cured Hams just is bs— ;.1 ••.• .;
aro3 3V7a.:3;001C.-..;141:•i;i01.
FRESH G9.41.44,,F1ELD and 14'LU Witt
SKlll#3.o;*.aailre=nOrTiltoo)c pt,laTge, app i small
- paakilgat iecel*ed ab •
mull • 81 Market Wed.
Nau 2lrricrtisiments`
, 12md
, .
(Itifikfrifferning Edition.
-, • f
Charleston Harbor Blockaded,
• CHARLESTON, Aprill6.
, The Federal fleet stopped three vessels which
d iere coming into this harbor last evehing, one
of the vessels displayed - the Spanish flag; one
the British and the other-the American ensign.
{they were detained - arsliort 'time and then,
',alloired i to Proceed.' Ititi intderitood that the
fleptino determined lolitterfere no more with
our ccirftmerce untiffurther orders are received'
from Washington'
Troops gontioue to ,peor,la from all parts of
the State, half dtsciplineCas„ many of them
are, they under4o•rigid'drills.' - Vie estimated
that tensthionsandtlarociiow iri and itbout the
Horse regiments are encamped-at the; Race
Coursdand two at Pikesville,*threw miles be
• . ,
. Oen. Beuregard is very active in strengthen
ing every position. He has offers of the services
of , regiments from .illabanaa, and: Georgia, but
the South Carolinians are so eager to serve that
he declines any, ether, and he,says. he can get
flfty_thensandemen from.this State. . ,
At Columbia eeery man from 16 to 61:1 •years
of age is under arms. ,Teaeompanies from the
State Capitol are ripWlere end. more want to
o.t . by gdod'irithoritY . that the Sri=
fish government :will .recognize the Southern
independence at very early day. ',The same is
true ofTiance.
The steamer Isabel has just Come into 'port'
frem the ontside. She bringi inferMation that
the'Faderal fleet has weighed' anchor'aud Silied
in cxmqpany with the steamer Baltic, for, ldew
ma K ial on board: '
From Washington City.
Viers' is no truth in the report of the coml. I
termini:ling of orders for troops to come hers
from New Eniland..
A prominent gentlemen high, in, the conftL`
dense of the AdmlniStration, , todhfsp
pointed:li Coromissidnef- to visit= RattaidS and'
tecthe Govern:merit there the trite Mate'
of affitts in this conntry.
It is generally 'believed , •that this ports in the
seceded States will blockaded; the mouth;
of the , Mississippi; also = , '
LThtiNfar departnii,tt-dat dery busy
*kg orders to varrodirbillgblYes-of the sei-tice.‘•
The mill fficilitiesof tl^ie kieverdedi Mites Will'
be 'cut ,oft,tbis wsek:.
i Aaministragonlistkilr,ingie6ve measures
to Ofehdl'the pUblic,p,roperty r in , •Virginia, by
, garrOMinig *144 dsfsnding the arse
Threats have been made here against the
Stites newspaper; on, account of its secession
Gfterbor litagrotkm; of Kentucky,' 'refnssii to
fratusb.lira quota of volunteers, , te,es.
gripbed`tO WarDepartmenttollirit,effect.
TEtILADELNITA -LOYAL ID "Y#E 13 . 11.0!T" . :
• • • -P.Exup' "74. 11 ; 4 6, 1 4 :•;
A.0 1 :44 hfite,isined theifollpyrixtg procla
meiti9.4,:. •
OFF= OF THE Masoit or THE CAT.. offs PHIL/a-'
tiELPH6I...-Filool,AllATlOii.—:GratiZila ThiadiV
tt.'- ,, Tteasora.gilinstfthw State of Penn BY Iva: ,
pia,or against the United 'States, Will' het he' ,
Sufered within this.OitY-;Cont'Will violence to
the persona or property of the inhahitants, be
tolerated:- . 1,, .
do lierOl 3 7. Pcit4o , • 4ll 496 d citizens /to- dAB - 1
.olos knoifiLro the autheri r
every person rendering, this city, aid to, open war, against 'thifttate.nna4lel
Fo i ttgt l - A,tftes j by enlisting or procuring- others,
?iltiAt; ictitha &moose, or by furnishing such
6 ik0 32 1 1 #9 'o',4liarmSi:!PArg o P Ul PP , PrP*l ol l B or
oher 143618r"Ce.
X iiereby, require - and, command that all
persons. shall refrain from assembling in the
ighways of this city, anlaWfully, riotously or,
turniittously, warning thein thatthe,wne
be [at' their peril., crli f ijiitTos of our State and
Federal G-overnrOiat must beolieied T itlicipeace
add credit of Philadelphia Shell, ibe pWIiCitYPII.
.B4Y qed save our Union.. Given under the,
seal of the city of Philadelphia, tbfp,s,ixt.eextth,
April,day of one, gtooeand henflpiQnnd
situ aide..,ADAK 'AIq•DINB HENRY • •
Mayor of Philadelphia.
10 .
BOtligiThgawar.o: True 1 , /14 , Maio)].
' • • •Witqasetosr, Del lApril 16.
Ane;:bf the largest meetings eystr"convened
in Delaware is noWin; :110g - rns's at itke
the : Mayor presiding.; ' The following reffpliitittin
Wad unanimouslY,adopted.:
i.lßesedved, That,wo 'easure . and tenderer' the
course of Seinator Bayard in the U. B. se4ate . ,
inOttairocating compioniise between:the'
North and South, and that we feel cnnfideirt
,tra j ae lib 'course had Placed. us in a false pe*lon
I?4fOre the world ; that we repudiate his teach=
14gs, as having an antifaiion 'tendency, and
uhlrerthy,of a patriot and a-D,elawarian. ••
. , • . ,
irrnitnition of , liVAr at'Washingtoil.
' •VPes t xox,'ll4o. 16:
wenty:tens.ot onell.and grape that were
d; from ,the Washington Navy, Yard - .t°
13Aorgetown ;to-day, view of , a possible , at - r
takir on , Waskingion- from that direction,. Sev-.
.enil additional companiei of j qolanteexa. were:
mustered into service today. The govonment
hrVa'diregWl,,that no rnere r copiecof thOi.Coast ,
Stirvey:shail be;sertt thefieceded States- '
The followirq. Appicgritmente were made to-
F. L.Tallock-4avy Agent at Portsmouth
N. H. Sola Bosworth—Post Master at Mallet-
Reception of President Lincoln's
j: , AlowaoAitas, Ala., April 16.. ,
• Por,dent read
the Cfibiziakraeeting yeeteidayaildgrectedwifb,
ilidlilthi4,lf9o 4 "'!) l .4 e q eo mOgYl o, '7rt h ft s,
autkionact idateleaat that' B XoWAPtuiiii, , i
11 troops will be called mit to-day meet the
Federal army.
The, North Briton at Portland,
Bank kates Reduced to Six Per bent.
,ZONSbIA . 9,I4®9II .
, POETI"Ds 4P4/ 10 .
e steamer North Briton has arrived wit h
Liver Pool dates to Friday, the 6th base
The- Bank rates of discount have been' re
duced,6 per cent.
The warlike rumors are increasing, . -
Lvov - son, April s.—Sales of cotton for the
week 413,000 bales, including 6,000 bates for
speculation• and. 6,500 for export. - The Market
oliened„ with little inquiry, but rallied Under.
the advices by the steamer Etna and
duction in the Bank of Aiscount, and 'closed,
Last week's prices are -mtrintuined t i , ;,The; (Tuesday) are-10,000 bales, teclud-,
ing 2;o9o`.baleifor speculation and export The
markilieloges litm at he folliiiiinV autlicirizeif'
quotations :., .; • • : ~ . ; ~ • ,
, 1 .. 1, - . Fair. Middlings.:
New "Orleans..., . . ...... .. ..8 7,6-16
Mobiles ............ , .... . . ...71- 74- ' •
tp1and5......... ..... . . . ."'.•.7f 7 11'6 ''•
The stock of ".cottonin port is .962,000 bales,.
Of w,hieh.799,000 b ales ftl:e American . Meefirs.
Hewett quote fair Orleans at an advance of id.
for the week: . ' - • . - ' ,
33readstuffa are dull, with- a declining ' ten-.
dency. „: - .
Provisions qpiet. ,
LONDON. Friday , April6.--Censols for money
and accounts are quoted at 911@,914.
The cireulars of Messrs. Wairefield,,,Nash ,&
Co., rePort, wheat, and flour slightly lower.
Mests. Itidhaakin report flour quiet Nit steady
at, 285:0,81s. 'Vilest dull and partially' de.'
, clined; ; red, lie. 3d,®l2s: 9d.: , white 12s. Bd.
14140. Corn dull and quotations barely maitt-.
stained ; Mixed 81s.,
PrOviSions dull. Beef dnll; NeW India mess
9th. Bacon dull lat 40s 6d®sos, for CiitibeilMid
and longimiddlea. Lard ftrnant:66s.: „Fine 'tat
loW,quiet at 645@,565. : .Spirits turpentine dull
at , Bl'.lB 6.11(g8ls. Rosin firm..' BUgar stoady. T -
Coffee4diet. Rice quiet. - . - '
Loniscor; April s,—Breadatuffs quiet lrtfirM.
Sugar firm. Coffee firm. Tea quiet hut Steady.
Rice firm. Tallow _drooping ; sales at 58. 6[l.
-' Illinois. Central Railroad 24 per cent. dis
411;OiriXot Mousy MaluMApril , "6, the Bd,
the funds' declined I-, bat closed steady; on the
4 4th theinarket opened ftriner, and cobsiderable'
quimtitiee ,of gold arriving, the Bank reduced:
the rate of discount to 6 per cent. 485,000 , in
gold arrived at the Bankto-day.. ,
PIa TI AND. - The Coucepkills granted :t9 the working . men of 'London will probably terrain
ate itw strike "in the building . trade: '
• Mmi - iffairr. has been nominally fined on the
bOssals t int,pf obstructing the streets of-. Dort-,
lIIPY hiri.,Wrie,railieed, from which lat;thas
appealed. - '
Fneame:—.-The Frendirtaiyluis'fieen'idontean'-
ized into five divisions; one division is ordered
__,lt is announced,that the_Emperer isabontto
rview the garrison of Paris_
ciovernment Meagurniao being h&en. te_sup
press rinlegtilizedieligitios aliOciatiOhle ''
, The .reported ,, modifidations in' thi Ministry
'The Pule gourse was depreatied and rents
Were lower.
• krers.arib.dr — watileleljred:
—G witligreat
enthusiasm at Wahl: ,
' 'The Opitrume, of Tprin; -- advocates, the with
drawal of the FrebililtrobiliTican Rome, as the
National Italian army will soon perform their
',The military'force in the Boutherrarbvinces
.ate to be increased. • .
•It is reported that Giaribeldiand the gunge--
a 4 Packers rhaVe a • ported- understanding..
hvexpected that tho.Bungarian• Diet willr
call thelAnngarlan troops- from, other parts of
'Ankirla,•44•99444atorata Hungary, :and if op ,
hYrAttatFlop 1310 Alungarians will reftwe
pa..Y.ltaxeSa4d andriatureetion , takeplace.
riAtfarati...--T.he. - Eraper+ s .r -has decreed the re•
sinep.tioe;ot silver in Lombardo-
ArenOtia,' • r•
, :Thei:provitlOxiil judicial administration at
-Perth Is suppreseedo and , the , installation! of - the
.oarie 'Witt of Rummy had tateliplace.;
~.“.ipingtelt...±.F.The. Porte; has ordered a:blockade
of the Qoatit of: Montenegro. 4 ••-r
1 4 1 401‘• Pasha. letto.lM the Commander-iti;Ciiief
Ant 4 3 0644.;..,f , 4 1.1 - y• , • ; .t,: 'I t
• ksPauc..:44anaro, April 2.—Morroeco is trans.
Virginia Conventlon—Harbor Blockaded.
' :P9g# l 4. 4Prx l
c*r:atiol3,, )s Wrkfri
,secret Peg'
R 9. 4,/44 A 46 ippooop are exuded .` A tele-,
papule 'dispatch - ,',,reee "q4ernor,. Pi4ens, to
#4o . o.q.ctx . 1 4. 6
noT 441:the harbor, and I;ay - P ItcippeA vessels
on thd k r trads with that cit:y• •
here ' ex; CODfidf3ll6: in r
rnmdr that Ccen:Sciott,
VW/ 'has hauled, diiwp,,lbe,
Union - LW ana ra n Ili, the fls of
Cumberland County , In Notion.
- = • • CA.aauma, 441 H.
Adjatant d4aral, Efalbert by order Of 034:
I'en.Qeq.hag lostiba wcidl for lila k0p . x49(0. of
Ctimbeklatui 'eouritf. A patriotic; responsein
bebaff of thri:Unfon will once gven.
Littleßlalr Ail
•Arrrooae, 9pril 16.
PlAlitaT644cil.tattipes are.flyingifrpm the Deox
• • llew York Markets.,
I T 6r
Tux, Apt 1 6
Cotton fni3oo bilen 1 .
it 1240.
heavy, ajid declined 6c dales 8 )0 0'
- .
orders douiiitergiaride d
• •r. 1• .wiitomptivs,
fe that the ptclerni for the. Rhode le
l4tid and Massachusetts regiments under the
recent levy tcrrdoodritili; t. 4 6 - 6 -64 to Wash
ington haveleeck.eduadichanded, for the_ rea
eons that arringements lave pot been made Ter
their neeernicintlatieb....
, .
-glitkidelph44,floidiers Ready.
, :Fumh.ronzau, April 111. .
114)the)iti .Iw6thid‘lirigade; 42101
Oonxoy,Aelidered.thciii:hdiricei to thiitilivax
riteitt tb iiiee3giag4 Thfirthibiedt Nii,boa
- „
, , , ,
CbbiArITTEE''READi r li7 -
men and maiey fledged.
I n rt4cerdance with previous notiee, a very .
la ge and eilthisidestk Mee:ting," of our citizens,;
W a held at :the Court House last evening for
t43:inipose ol'exPreesin.g, their sentiments and
tetiiiigion the present state of the country"
pol: A. J. Herr oPened file meeting in an
p i le sPeech. He sikike;oftii ` el crisis now upon
us and. said i t'here Should be no party lines
known--thaf patriotism alone should animate
Eh i e hearts of the people. He pictured the loss
otforts and ,Gpvernment property in the South,
an'slappealekin stirring strains to every man to
reipond to the call now made by the country.
His, speech was eloquent,rand was , rapturously
applauded: After the conclusion of which, he
nominated the following gentlemen as officers:
President- - -Nirm.Af. Ir.iisma. . , , ,
Vice Prisideats - --.=Tion: - Wm. Dock; Gen. - Wrn.
114 Kelm, Rudolph F. Kelker; Charles C. Mat'-'
till"Oli James Wurralls James. J.. Dull, Henry;Gilbert, Joseph , Sbeerer,,Geo t Trullinger„Hoh-,
ert, L. Muench,' Jacob' D. 'Boas, - John Edwards,
Theodore Shaffer,-"Cyrus Haase, H. C. Alleman,
Charles' Buehler, Gen. li. 0.-Williams; David I
linger; Geo. Bergner, John Till, Alexander 1
Watson,:David 'Mumma, jr., Captain Andrew,
Faanse, 'Allen Sfurgeon," Charles 'Carlon, .Di. ,
John '.'llefsley, ;- Henry 'Petrel,' Wm. ' Bostick,
John Shannon, Geik_Pritice. Jacob.Krihn; Sam
net .Holman , James B.Aoyd, DavidlHastrip
Gen. J. Heisley;Geo.. 'McKnight, Phillip Stink.
m 1
;--John . Stahl, P John' H. liriggs;'Esii., A.
B d 'Hamilton, E. 'AI {Limberten, 'John J.'
cab. croaker, Harris • Fahnestoek, Wein Forney,
Al render Kew, 1 John H. Zeigler,Jain Ir.:
8i) 0, 'Jactih * D.,..HOffinati; William Colder, : J.
'D'ald‘Cainaron,' Michael' Burke, Jhn T.
..iiir leon; Eqther;Hagrq-joluiH..l3rant, Daiid
K. Krause, Achanklierempli , Ftederick . Trace,
Ge .. jno. -Eorster„,Abljor , J 110.; Shell, JEKII43S •
Co :bait, Daniel' Mali, Geo. s Want, • Joseph
Thointon, , jaeoli , Mier; 134.vid' Hartz; Joseph
Lytle; Ebenezer Ward; Goa. • edrikel, , Leonardo
... p eer
all ke ll AO, QO4/101.7 il-, ,-. i , r. _.. 1 ~ ...1: . , .
— .;ltariek-r-Geo......tipb„,Th , J. Jones, Wm.;
„Ca IWWirit''CbOt gi
el ,- . , 'Win: 'WilSon, : - Isaaß,
ThencriairiatiOntiliere'-iineTidliOnsh opted`
i i , eE.-
1.- . 1,--
Mr': Stem' ribii‘d fiat NizVinfitire'bi ''T'tir
, I
teen liapbointadler the iniipOliaOfi4ressing .
the sentiments of theldeb?hid: 2 . • " '' '
,The President appointed the following gani
tleinen as said-Coramitfcle''' . --
• ,Villlarii , Pz Sipes;:Cliarlas":6. ( RaWri, 7 4lniticliti
R. i Migsr_., John C, . Kunkel, James.' Worrell;:
General Roumfort, Robert,"L., Muenoh,-Jemee
Peacock, John A. Fillier,:jaine4 ,Thompspe ;
William .130stie,' Sr., 'Afeitintier , Watson and,
s .oiirsoid ': .i I 1 - ;:,. . '
lam' WiiH: Wicii, gelialfii freiii the Ibrie
districtLaratchairliiml of the l3ifletrhiridg'ettatfl
Central Committee Waif Callcillott for anstidiffeis
and his[prisencevasilgreatfitt irlfW:trenieliddtc,4
. :
applause : rHz.'Waratureinarlied: tlifit'-"lie '4iis•
Mb hindebte:d for the 'crill•that'lla il bietiriiittild
riP rbhim , Olathe had but a few brie f I:4infarki
, to rake; aslis time was Occhpied in'lliel''Sifil!
stein the last hours - of the session iiii titiittgisl i
lat4rei , , Hemaid itt the hour _of- petit' there pi .
,no time. to •warite.ihl *Ads i'''fivfett-c - -ioite 'lrii4
ththe tole a Democrat itt the Stricbelit kb:kit
tilt that he p led g ed 'his deviittert tOitlie"UPfBil
. 2
- Uhl --' s " ti it, pi o- `
,44 the Presidint of4the ted Of ite prp
teat -the: lawv7and - Consititatidni'l EliiiiiieUie
Apillausep. it Thad - been . his - I kuide 'to ` fideilfe
'frii floating lb foreign landS,Virid'iticiact or ak:ii
of his should preirent its folds Irbin"-bii. - 4 liti:
fured. -, Ali, laws and 0 briitithitibil 'must' be
eri oreed , ateiderrhasarel. 'IV kife*' . 'of ri - dr
vision 'of , seritimeritk- andias 'Patittite -we must
;all stand by-the EzdeutPad'on&Thiitbil States
to enfoitie its - liar& hid - Piii . ktctlikPitOkii* : of
'thei -United 2, Statda. l 'tDeitee z niiii' f iiiittlaiii, j e.);
, Mr ,
1 Welsh =spoo k s in an e en m acn
~.le ran
liakneolisis Ithidly aPplatl eil'throughou—t- ,
If 1- . : r 4iiiisixi . " ' thiaTiViiiimbefofflic dues of
)I,e prdseniahVeifri*':Lyethidng c ounty, was
neit i Called - uPoite iiddiess the meeting._
1!,ir'.41.: thanked the'iciUblege".,toraiirepiei
tunltY to express i the sentifreets of ,his, heart. ‘
lie felt proUfl ,to stand aiii?fig a band,, cf pa
triciti, 'Thi; state of 'affairs h . ,4 net, beein. l of
; our : seeking,' we Yld tried !al 4013Prfkbfe means
to avert it but it is oar duty now : to facet it:
He; thanked God that We had at last, found a
t Goireiniiient determined to iesiit tb.e..urtlier,
aggression of the south ana he considered..the;
question of slave r y n ow fTirx(4Bo4Pgf,l4-1
ILI spoke for , some, time in an cloqu i ent
,eti-4454 .
"language; and his remarkli eficite, t i freq 4 Ago
and loud , applausc. • , ~
` ti l7
"..„R i ..42. -1 4A 111123 PN , teg • ; A1e4,00.11,„Ab ciiatAp
'ad& delivered a,v,ery ehiquent; d ritkgx •
R-P.c 0( 4.4 ,- Mis:r01910*"0,70r014104001Y-APPlandrr
eth ';
T 4• Pgge, o f:the. 111s.grKt clPTlqs9gJ( l 4g:tir=
'iorrtlierri traitors, pnd deciageCtliaktheAge-.11
,verriment had been, patient under ail ..tlie put-:
rages,: and thatnow, was tlie : lipul &o av,ipe -out
that; disgrace, in blood if
,need. .11e, ~ lie ~ closed
_wit4 arc appeal for every,plau:to 'do - his duty in
our Country's . por4. inAtlrPglerks Yew)oor
" dituY: 94119.r.50.4 by. t.4o.Amt.iTtg.i.k , :, ‘,...-: -1i .
e , I ' 4 ' sqfg' , fr_94Abei committee i 0P- AleSoln,
ttionet‘reflo)sLeci the IfoPo.tnfly:WtickAleTO:relid Z 3
K iWiiKaAti,!, War 12F0 brcxr 9.9W l . 3 l,,APPillt,t,the,
*w i led stemls,cif sou.* LwVllTPS.* r &ta;l,Nsti
Issii#,llliraisiaria; Alabama, orida . and exas, ,
upon the American Union without Just cause,
tgal girtts.
Having procured steam 'Pieper Presses, we are
prepared to execute JOB and BOOK PRINMNO of every
description, cheaper thatit eau be dew at any other ea
tchlichinentin the country.
ii Four lines or less constitute one-half Bluer& EIS
'tiles or more than four constitute a squctrth
llali Square, one day ' SOS
one Week , ......... .a• a A. OP
1,, •
one !Wall ' .... A r . t . •
. ; '" • three months ' ' ' - ' ' ..., Ai,
~; 7,
~ '" shumontbs - - ' ''. ' -,,' ~,,'" '
{ one year.... , ...... „ ..,, • .. !....,, • ,‘ --
Ons Square' one' day
one week 200
. ~ " ' one month.. .;
- - .&oa : 1
it three mouths.. : .....'. .......... 6 00
i , d , ..' , SIX months.... . . .... . .... .:.r. .?..'. 'S 00 •-- -.
. I - .. . one year • "10 oo
Herstagagsa notices inserted in the LocalTS . ,, . -
:before Marriages and Deaths, FIVE CENTS Ittt • '
or' , east!. Insertion. •
Sfitininges; and Dandle to be ihargell arr'ir - egalhil:'
NO. 88.
.. i
end against the dictates of rearin and justice ;
Ann Wirezzes,, Fort Sumter, erected by the
common treasure of .alrthe American people,
a* ganisomd „hy a. noble Po feel le band of
anshrieali Saddlery, haiheert assailed and` Oen.
q ered, hy f ftn. overwhelming force r acting under
th authority of the self-styled Sorithern don
fe erady*; AND Wmatathi, Threats have been
openly and boastingly made, by high officials
'un the - seceeded States, that the Capitatrif the
Union would speedily be attacked and subju
gated arid the Nerthern States invaded .' There
fore be it •
clued, That we,
the people of the capital
of e
h E3
nnsylvania, actuated by a sincere love for
t institutions bequeathed us by the fathers of
the Union, pledge our irviE4 — otiffortunes, and
our „sacred boners id defence of our National
• and`the Conatitution of the United Stites,
aclthat,we will` resist, unitedly and fi refly, all
'of aggression .on the part of those who have
wantonly insulted our Governinent, outraged
our honor, andassalled our rights as oitizens of
aireat and hitherto happy country.
Resokeid,', That we hold it to bethe duty of all
good citizeens; no matter what their political
predilections maybe, to respond 'promptly to
the idernand: of the President •of the United
States for t men to "maintain the honor, their".
tegrity and the existence of our National
Union and the perpetuity of our popular Gov
ernment, and •to redeem the wrongs already
long enough endured," and that those who by
voice or ;act endeavor to prevent the accom
plishment of these ends, and thus give aid and
comfort to our . enemies, can only beeonsidered
, a ii, tiaitOrs. ga.the abettors . of treason.
' Vosolved, That the message of . Governer Cur
tin, recommending that measures, be adopted
telslace the military of Pennsylvania in an ef
ficient condition, was eminently agile - Pilate and
patilotie ; and the prompt and liberal' manner
in which the Legislature responded to that de-
Maud, as well as its more recent act, pledging
all the resources of the Commonwealth, to aid
in thddefenne of theF,ederal government, Willi
tifying to all loyal' itizens and true Patriots.
Resolved. That the martial Spirit - . evinced'. - by
b.:in...gallant - volunteers and-citizens generally;
in rallying; at their country's Gall to march to
its, defence, is Conclusive eVideriae that they are
riot degenerate sons of Ehet3 who fought for 11-
lierty and honor in the Revolution and in = the
War of /Sig, and is a cartain l guarantee.that the
Keystone State will , be found now, as she. was
in thelate war with Mexico, foremost in the
c paiiiterianee of our national rights;
A motion was ttten Made to adopt the same.
114.'13;smitiss. moved to amend the;report of
the committee nddipi:ithO 'following resoin-
E,Fived, That webail with proudsatisfacflon
the unanimous passage of the following resolu- 1
tion• ;by the Legislature' of 'Petinsylvania, and.
'that we adopt thelsame iurintr motto, via:
t.: Molved,l.erths Seizedtj 81q., That the faith,
credit and:resources of the - State, iniboth. men
Menu are hereby pledged to any amount
angltrevery extent which the Federal Govern.
'taent may determine to subdue the rebellion',;
to 'punish the to enforce to' jays ; to
protect the Iffeitillbertiesfiand Pdpertylof the
.pe4lo, and to;maintain inviolate the•Contititu
tfonand,theaoyereignty of the nation.
41'49n(#1911t was agFeed . tO.'find the
I:"DrtA)figrsCommittee as funfknclAd was • nnani-
mogsjy asiopted.,•
fax. , ‘A.. B. Hahtimwt offered the following
resolution which was: unanimously adopted,
"./Ziscived, That Gen. E. O. Williams, :Capt. '
isaac,F t . Wateybnty and Major. Leander N. Ott,
bb requested to sere as, committee to act for
, this meeting fi.4 'coltecte a
rg, and "custodians of
sucli-Oionet as may come to their liands; as a
fund-for the siapporis.'and sustenance of those::
Citizens ppauptiin county,-who may volunteer
`under call of the :President, during .the time
of theirlirkitiiitory services at home, and as
far . tas'posstibletti comfort and sustain the fa-
Otlee of‘ those who shall be thus absint, en
iaked, in the service.of their country.
In accordance with the above resolution, Mr.'
anclMr. , .Geo. Bergner, subieri
)3,ed earth, for thisi" object. The •
Caramittee will wait el • citizens at once arid"
. port
solicit their aid for this laudable :pnrpose. r'
paper, pledging> ourselves a's-igal eitrzens
tpis'State and Of tho'ffnitedStii‘ wets next
every one that 'liiiiirc;ach' the
tab)e.t 'lt Will be bed. for 'Signathree'for r e few
.dayS, -ittid ; then sent - do 'the -PriLident of the'
_United States.
The Neetipig ialloiirried with _three
tvid i ttrtheed foi the 17f1i0q...
After the pireeting had adjourned Col. Woy
ron.r.Wiisinacil3;Cidled upon for a few remaririt
He responded, in a neat. Union speech ,nar.d
wasllCUdly cheered. ,
'l"ll4? .. csowil gradually full of: patriot
is tn.: tip& deterniqation- .resist Southern
aggre*ori• • : •
I =D4PF.!lalgtq. Sq9?T-Psl 4PYPq...7--;_143.4 ,r4.11t,,,
the. Oate capital quar_da,,qf,liarlielm,rg, rapt, .
Lti ,W,49rlipm,T l *aderfd4 3 l-eir %Or.N.lo3.4ckVet;
G'''vnlc'T'A and #,7,l4ll:3llR4R.,.bl'uthejlakitale4,, .
dorinrt.PifitAhPY Iliay.ei?eViaMPOJ. ,-, ' This
is a' )49v'eln1.9P ithP (.P4 - 1111 , -P'F-alg rk ' d° '
Ythirig , mNi !Npkvpm ,,44 ,to , XtLe.. fol- '
in .. iia j tt ti. i !?'9f a 4 -J A7-aNttq le 9sfißuY'ffmt r y' s.
,""P 6ri l !l ava TlF YR l ,3l 4 l;92 l fiff ai ki l .,. ol ?? PromPt'
' ...
t64 'RPT KL, ( - ) l3e a9P..tzil , . ,caVia4 4 : tb; ?-PFefi nt :
tender on the part of,.9lo,S!ate Capft4Gllard9,;., i•
Olidvis frtat, 1),,ey..,a1e, imalieto ttie crpis :: :,
1 --5.,,„,,; I, -- STATE OF Rstiek.-, ._ I_ , . 71if:
_ f i t
l''''' 9ffictf gFiTxu - sFitiKt OF com:Awfti lo -...
To` - '• ?JAI I S, Waterbury, of the. State g A *,,
t., :tali Ettus”: - . ,
, ~f tL.l.Tfief (ender of the service - of 'yOur &fin,. •
pan tortlaeaovemnr of :this !Co'intiorfriaidefiltliP' -
Intl aired the General ,Groyernmeriti J R b e fo.
.brilreeptoot . , You, .will - llold.. )101#r .943313PW;7% ,
N ub: Rh. furtUer;'apil pixiiblyinitizeiliede order,. „.
pythe•Governor:- - -•- 1 . 'E d iki r f au f , .. _
i . ...r•Rec,rotary of tife'Coieth. , :
...A:Mayer, or Marren.—Last iboat '
eight, o'clock, -the-PdropSicitem
gri,, thtiftcioskinFlMLifei;iriit treir'e;
r(zia 4-tPhelditiettifine Ilialyttrnial, ILO
iiiilitteparedt,niaikliiiiiriziadlte iieiilvh;iieP
aiit?• the present crisis. Our dtiehaiieir :
aimed them with hearty chars.
,-a --z~~- ~ v