Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, April 16, 1861, Image 3
pait g ret.tograpb,. fIAiI,RIEIBURG --is.— Tuesday Afternoon, April 16, 1661 The Union Has Been Assailed ! "WE MUST BE BRIEF WHEN TRAITORS TAKE THE FIELD." FRIENDS OF FREEDOM TO THE RESCUE. A mass meeting of the citizens of Harrisburg, and the public generally, will be held this (Tuesday,) evening, April 16, in the Court Room, Brant's Hall, to express the sentiments of the people on the present alarming *mdition ajrational affairs. A blow has been struck at the Constitution of the United States, which calls for. redress—the flag of our Union has been disgraced, and the honor of the loyal States outraged. Sub mission is now treason. The Government has called for aid—let the people respond. Able speakers will be present to address the- meeting. PROVISIONS POD, TUE SI:MD=S.—We invite the attention of the proper officers to the advertise ment of Messrs. Eby & Kunkel, in another col or:nu: who are prepared to supply every kind of provisions, in large quantities, at reasonable rates. VIOLATING AN ORDINANOO.-A man named Frazier Clendenin was before the Mayor last evening, charged with violating the ordinance prohibiting the running of hand-carte on the pavements. The fine and costs in his case amounted to $2 64, which be paid. THE ALARM OP FIRE about twelve o'clock last night waa occasioned by the burning of a foul chimney in the bakery of Mr. Finley, on Market street. The firemen promptly respond ed to the alarm, but their services were not required. No damage was done. COL. JACOB S. H.ALDESEAN.—This gentleman left yesterday for Washington. There is some doubt as to his acceptance of the mission ten dered to him by President Lincoln, as since the breaking out of war he desires to remain and raise a company of volunteers in York county, where he resides. York being a border county, her citizens are much interested in the result of the war. dons &merman SILENOED.—Last evening an individual who is tainted with the secession heresy ventured among the crowd of Union boys at the Esohange, and commenced to talk treason, when he was assaulted and knocked down. One of his chums undertook to defend him, when both were warned to seal their lips and leave. They promptly acted upon the hint and thus avoided the punishment thatall traitors merit. =I PLISIOIIO.-SOlllO of the carters pf our city manifest their Union sentiments by decorating the horses they drive with miniature American flags. We also no.ticedanumber of persons on the streets to-day sportinitnion budges. These exhibitions of patriotism are highly commend- Alf, and give evidence of the strong feeling of Asirotion to tho Union which pervades the massos of ottr'peoplo. .411,7th0 have American flags in their possestie)Olihonld fling them to , limos A.,filftir: roK, the superintendent of-' thew garhine shops belonging to the Penn sylvilithi)iallroad, has adopted a very just and commendable rule in receivinqprentices, and' i one which is alike creditable, ,T&self and the company which ke represents. Among i . the first which will be received are to be the eons of, *4widows ' hose husbands have met death while in th - lop of the company, next 'the sons • .of those who are still in the active service of he woe, after which other young men will be received in the shops to learn the various trades pursued therein. We mention this rule for the benefit of those seeking apprenticeship in these shops. . Ta■ lhuox Mturrnict.-4 Mass meeting of the citizens of Harrisburg, of all parties, in favor of sustaining the President in his efforts to enforce the laws against.the armed rebels of the South, will be held in the Court room this evening. We have no doubt the demonstration will be every way creditable to the patriotism of the people of the old Keystone Capital. The Mayor of the city has consented to preside, and addresses will be delivered by a number of eloquent gentlemen. Let there be 'a grand rally of the friends of the Union, and measures adopted at once to sustain the Administration in crushing out treason and rebellion. "We must be brief when traitors take the field." -....-,49,---.- ANOTHER BUDD= DBATH.—It ie our melan ,choly duty to-day to chronicle the sudden death -of Dr. E. L. Orth, a prominent member of the medical profession, and one of our most highly esteemed citizens. He was about yesterday, and last evening;visiting patients, apparently in the enjoyment of his usual health. On go ing home between nine 'and ten o'clock, he complained of feeling pain about the region 4:4 the heart, and sitting down beside his wife, suddenly expired. No man in community had more friends or fewer enemies than Dr. Orth, minis unexpected decease will be universaily lamented. We sincerely sympathise with the family in the heavy affliction which half thus suddenly fallen upon them. The constantly recurring sudden deaths in this community keep forcibly reminding us ot4e uncertainty of life, and that our "halts, like muffled drums, are beating funeral marches to" de . grave," Tim UNION FEELING IN HARRIER:MG.—ENTRE SIAM° DEMONSTRATION.—A SECESSION ORGAN GROANED.—Tan BONE AND SINEW IN THE FIELD. The Military Meeting at Exchange Hall last evening was very largely attended by the young men—the real "bone and sinew" of the city— who rallied at the tap of the drum to manifest their loyalty and devotion to the Union. The hall was decorated with large and small Ame rican Flags and presented a gay appearance. Shortly after the organization of the meeting Col. A. J. Herr was introduced to the audience and delivered a very able and patriotic addre,. explanatory of the causes which led to the civil war just inaugurated by the South, closing with any.eloquent appeal to the young men pre sent totally in defence of the Union, the Con stitution and the Laws, and march to battle against the rebels now in armed resistance to the Government. The speech did credit to the head and heart of its author, and elicited thun ders of applause. When Col. Herr retired from the stand, the roll.wae opened for signatures, and about thirty additional names attached, increasing the list to over sixty. A motion to tender the command of the company to Lieut. Isaac S. Waterbury was adopted by acclamation amidst long-continued and enthusiastic cheer ing. The entire body of people present, to the number of some two bundled, then formed into ranks, and headed by martial music and the American Flag, marched through the prin cipal streets cheering for the Union. While passing the TELEGRAPH office, where we had the "stars and stripes" hung out, the crowd honor ed us with three hearty chews. At the Patriot and Union office, they manifested their disap probation and disgust of the recent treasonable course of the secession organ by giving three groans. The company continued on the march until a late hour, notwithstanding the rain fell in torrents. But one sentiment pervades this community, which is that the Government must be sustained, rebellion crushed out, and the Union preserved. Another meeting will be held at Exchange Hall to-morrow evening, when it is expected that the roll will be com pleted, officers elected, and the services of . the company the Governor. Twa CAMVION Guano Mow:No.—At a meeting of the Cameron Guard last evening, a com mendable degree of patriotism was manifested, and measures were adopted to fill up the ranks of the company, with a view of tendering their services to the Governor. Some. thirty-five young men signed the roll, which will be kept open for additional signatures until to-morrow evening. The following preempt° and resolu tions were adopted: WHIRBRAS, The President of the United States has issued a proclamation, calling upon the Governors of :the several States to furnish seventy-five thousand volunteers, to aid in the I,:ppression of all unlawful combinations, and t.:3 enforcing the Constitution of our beloved country. Thereforo, Reg)bed, That we, the Cameron Guard, of the Third Brigade, Fifth Division Pennsylvania Voluntears,call upon all patriotic young men to rally around the standard of the Union, and en roll themselves in the book-of the company, to fill up the ranks of said corps, to defend the glorious "Stars and Stripes'.' of our country from being trailed in the dust, and to maintain the dignity and melesty;•of the Con ;II tution and laws of the United State'. Resolved, That the roll book of the company be kept open day and evening, until the com pliment is 'obtained. Resolved; That when the roll is filled, that we offer the said corps to the Governor of the Com monwealth. COUSTBRITIT No's.—A good deal of counter feit money—both coin and notes—is now in circulation, and in these times of general set: tlement, it passes rapidly from hand to hand without detection. Bogus gold dollars, and silver quarters and dimes, are most common, but the loss on them is proportionately small. A very dangerous counterfeit is that of the $5 bill of the Western Bank, Philadelphia. Scarce• ly any one but a professional dealer in money can detect them. They resemble the genuine in ,every particular, and the safest plan is to Oise them entirely. Counterfeit two dollar bills, with a vignette of a forest scene, man copping wood, female on the right end, and coat of, arms on the left, purporting to be on amil'armers' Bank of New Jersey, at Mount were put in circulation in Philadelphia, last week. This Bank has never issued two dollar notes. The National . Bank Note Reporter says that the plate above described has been altered to several banks, is well engraved, and is likely to, deceive tolerably good judges of paper money., Tr xHARD Tucus JawErsiY Donna.—The Ameri• can AgrOuligrise gives the following exposition of the way in which those who run after cheap jewelry are sold Only yesterday we_overheard one lady telling another how cheaply she had just bought sev eral coveted articles of jewelry. She said : "A large house in New York, to avoid failure, on account of the 'hard times,' had Sent out a man to her village to sell off a lot of valuable articles for what he _could get, and be was dis posing of- them at one quarter their value." Etiquette did not allow us to say anything, but if that lady sees this, she Will learn that the "five dollar article" which she bought for $l, is gilded (galvanized) brew, or "oreide"—rnanufac tared at a cost of 17 cents I And this leads us to say that, just now, there are several scores of bogus jewelry concerns in this city, and they are turning up in almost every large town and small village throughout the country-4trider the "Hard Times" cloak. When one of them opens a temporary "branch of a New York House" in your town, better pass by on the other side. All is not gold that glitters. In geniously colored gluts is not precious stones or pearls. Gold is always worth its weight in coin, and more, whenmanufactured. Nobody sells $5 worth of gold !manufactured for $1 in coin. ..--..••-•-•-••• SHRY/013 TINDERBD arm ACCEPTED.—A - large number of military companies in the State bave already tendered their services to Gov. Curtin, and been accepted. The probability is that the full.quota required from Pennsylvania is nearly f not wholly Made up. Philadelphia furnishes three full regiments, and Allegheny county one or two'rekiments. The old Keystone 3s good for fifty thousand volunteers, if that number should be requited to fight the Southern trait ors. • A Snow. iittlate/NG of the Washington Hose Company will be held this evening at the usual hoar, to take action in regard to the death , of our late fellow-member, Dr. E. L. Orth. By ordtir.' Pennsylvania Malty (lr elegrapl), ifruesbay afternoon, 'April le, :1861. TENDER OF AfILITARY COMPANIES.—We subjoin a list of the military companies which have tendered their services to Governor Curtin, un der the call of the President, and been accepted. A portion of the companies will arrive here to night, and others within a day or two : Monongahela Artillery—Capt. Ti. F. Cooper. NegleyZouaves—Capt. 0. M. Irvin. Washington Artillery—Capt. J. D. M'Far land. . Washington Infantry—Capt. Thomas A. Bos ley. United States Zortave Cadets—Capt. Wm. G. M'Creary. Scott - Legion—Capt. 0. H. Ripley. Pittsburg Turner's Rifle Company—Capt. H. Armstrong. - • State Garde- Capt. R. P. Wawa. Ist, Reg., 4th Brig., 16th Div.—Col. J. Hig gins. Hollidaysburg Fencibles—Capt. F. P. Miner. Altoona Rifles. Altoona Guards—Capt. Wayne. Juniata Centre Battllion-3 Companies—Major Chas. H. Hale. Third Brigade—Brig. Gen. Jonathan Wolf. Cameron Infantry—Capt. Robert M'Farland. PREGADELPHrA. - First and Second Regiments—Washington Guards—Gen'l Wm. F. Small. Washington Blues. Light Artillery—Capt. Max Einstein. Young Men-,—John Birkinbine. First Regiment Artillelly—Lieut. Col. D. B. Burney. First Rifle Battalion, Ist Brigade, let Division —Major Com. Jno. T. Ballion - Philadelphia Guards—Capt. J. F. Staunton. ' Port Clinton Artillery—Capt. D. B. Kauff man. National Light Infantry—Capt. E. lirDonald. Washington Artillery—Capt. James Wren. Marion Rifle Company, sixth Division, at Port Carbon—Major J. H. Siegfried. Woon's lilmsrsam.—As we anticipated, not withstanding the drenching rain, this celebrated Troupe were greeted with a large and enthusi astic audience, who gave expression to their ,satisfaction and delight in shouts of laughter and applause. The songs were all given with great tette. The comicalities were now and original. At the conclusion of the first part, the national airs, "The Star Spangled Banner," "Hail Columbia," and "Yankee Doodle," were performed, which roused the patriotism of all present. (Gentlemen, repeat it every night, we will never tire of them.) To-night they appear for the second time, with an entire change of programme, concluding with the piece of "New Year Calls," which had a run in New York of over one hundred consecutive nights. To one and all we say, go and hear them. Dram Carmen GLIAJID.—This company will hold another meeting at F t zohange Hall to-mor rownight. Handbills wereloaned to-day inviting all young men in the neighboring towns and villages of the county, who are disposed to arm in defence of the country, to attend the meet ing and sign the roll. We have no doubt that by to-morrow evening the State Capital GuarA will be prepared to make a tender of services. The signers, thus far, are able bodied, active and brave young men, who will do credit to themselves and the old Keystone Capital in de fence of the stars and stripes. FORESTALUNGL—We trust that, the. Market Master will be more watchful on market days than is usually the case. On last Saturday morning a huckster purchased some poultry from a farmer, who had just arrived, at three shillings a pair, and then went to another por tion of the market house and sold them for six shillings. Such offenders should be looked af ter by the proper officer. Aamver. OF MIT:iTABT.—We learn from the Secretary of State, that a number of volunteer companies are expected to arrive here during to-night and to-morrow, when they will be mustered into service, and proceed to Washing. ton. The Military, while in the city, will be quartered in the Park grounds. FBA:TU.OTM Merrn4.-=The protracted meet ing continued in the West linnisbnrg ?lathe dist elm& will be continued dminitho week; ( 4 1V#,J. ALLECOTENY COUNTY BBRIES. Ringol3 Artillery—Capt. H. A. Lantz. lEM! OADIIIRIA Johnstown Infantry—Capt. F. H. Lapsley OARBON. Anderson Grays—Capt. Eli. P. Conner 1=131! ELI. Elk M'Kean Cavalry—Thos. L. Kane I= Uniformed Militia—Capt. F. P. Stambaugh Ea:=3 Brookville Rifles—Capt. A. N. M.`Knight arNIATA Juniata Cavalry--Capt. J. J. Patterson LEHIGH. Allen Rifles—Capt. T. H. Good. Allen Infantry—Capt. Thos. Yeager. Jordon Artillery—Capt. W. H. Gassier .LUZEIRNB. Cattasauqua Rifles—Capt. H. P. Hart. Pittston artillerists—Capt. Sol. Stamer Lackawanna Blues—Capt. Half. Shultzer Guards. Montgomery Guards. Lackawanna Vaegers. ITEIEI Mifflin county Cavalry—Capt. 0, V. Mitchell NORTHAMPTON. Capt. Yoke—tender of men' and money = TIOGA. Uniformed Militia--Maj. Gen. Harding. WASHINGTON Lincoln Invineibles—Maj. A. G. Williams Monongahela Artillery—Capt. Potter. I=2:=l Written for the Daily Telegraph OCCASIONAL LINES. My country, torn and bleeding, Why art thou to anger stirred ? Why are hostile armies moving ? Why is martial music heard f Answer, oh ! resplendent Heaven, Glittering in your star lit dome. Is the truth forever given, Here, that Freedom has no horns? Shall our banner, bright and glorious; Loose its lustre In the fight, And no more to float victorious, Flaunt its tatters In black night ? Hearken t freeman, In this battle, If fraternal blood is shed, And amid the carnage's rattle, You should find a brother•dead, Woep not, It is God's decree, Weep not, If in fight he lay, Struggling for the brave and free On some dreadful battle day. Arm then, freeman I Lo I On9trlte Rings its notes upon the air; Arm I for 'tit for all in life, That Is beautiful and fair. If we perish, God of freedom, Bless our lest expirleg breath I • While in Heaven, Angel's Z& Daum, Chaunt us to the realms of death 1,1 Where, at least the spirit, soaring, Ransomed through a bloody strife, I Will be free in its adorning, Of a pureand endless life. Weep, oh weep, you stricken mother, For a child has east you forth ; Weep, oh sister, for a brother, In the slow but steady North I You have spurned our free proolalmloge, We have loved you many a year. You have wasted all our earnings, Now you part without a tear And In strife, not valor's You would end our !lighten high, Shouting as our tempter's falling, Shonk the earth and rent the sky. Be it so, but more In sorrow, We will meet you in the fray, And as dawns the eon to-morrow, Spreading glories far away—. So the light of freedom glancing, Oa our path will glory shed, And our banners high advancing, Float fore'er o'er slavery. dead I Harrisburg, April, 1581. W. F., PHILADELPHIA AND ERIK EALIMOAD.—The ar rangements being consummated by the mana gers of this great improvement—important' to Pennsylvania in every sense—are of such a nature as to warrant the assertion that they will soon be able to resume operations upon it; and it is also.probable that within the next year the road will be completed and ready for business. This is another evidence that the course of the present Legislature toward the great railroads of Pennsylvania was wise and politic. Withont that legislation the Phila delphia and Erie would have languished in an unfinished state for years, and the people would 'have suffered great losses. With it a • new field of enterprise will, soon be developed, and all 'the interests of our. Commonwealth, greatly advanced. Govausort Comm, who has been absent from the Stato Capital for several days, on a visit to Washington, itasLiad,y4 returned. Thespecial object of Ms missionli;kYta k'edendtietropolls, in this crisis, is not generally known. TO Kukla , ExPitisi.--ifi. Davis has per fected his arrangements * and• Is - now prepared to carry baskets from the Market-housa to any given part-of the 'city. The 'charge for each will be tad five cents. lir. Davis will hold himself responsible for the faithful delivery Of all goods entrusted is Misers. All baskets to be left in charge at the upper end of the meat market. - , Nsiv ARRIVALS NEW .Artarvmal.—Just re ceived a large assortment of New Spring Goods. We name 'in part ; 10 pieces of beautiful dud les, 14 worth 181 ; 10 ,pieces of - traveling dress goods, S irbitli ;60 plebes bleached and unbleached muslin, at 10 worth 121 1 ; 6.0 pieces . of breaChed _at 12} worth 15. Also a very large assortment of Cataimeres and other, slimmer stuff for men and boys wear. Also Stella Shaurja, Teri cheap. Broche bordering,, at 25, 37 and , so - cents." Also - , a large stock of Cambrics and Side's iffuSlibi; Vary cheap. Please Call and examine at S. lonvy, Bond's old Stand, Cor. - Market and-Seconffistreets. -1'40710121. changes of our climate are sources of Palitionary,-firdneltiat- and 'Asthmatio Af fections. Exiteriiiice having , nitivadZhat simple reme dies often act , speNdly and:wish:fly when taken in the early stages uf the disease,- recourse should at once be had to eqtrojizes Bronbbial Troches,n or Lozenges, let the Cold;ltotigh; or Irritation of ;the . Throat be ever so as by;thil precaution a entire serious attack may be warded olf. POWs Speakers nnd Bingors . will find them effebtial for clearing ands-,treongthening the voice. Bee advertisement. . . delo4l-swaWfint BIBBY MorrAT's MU) AcENTE-7 Preell all IfieteinalPOitofts.—lli:onses of ScroNla Ulcers, Scurvy, or Eruptions of the. Skin, the operation of the Life Medicines is truly. astonishing, often removing In a few days, every vastly of thane loathsome diseases by their purifying erects on the blood. &Moos Fevers, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Drotey,,,Piles and in ` sho rt, moat all. soon soon yield to their CuradiurAroperibm No family steroid be without them, as by_their timely sea mash silfikauir end expettse marbe Prepared. by, W.M. B. MOFFAT, M. D., New York, and r said by ell.Drugglits uevo-wly A N .EXTRA. FINE lot of FONGTAI NOUOHONG TEA. This la the:lAA:braid Of Black Tea imported. A sma ll invoice just received and Ipr sale r . ( m2s] WM. D .74.'aripo. Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad Company, HE Annual Meeting and election of the stockholders of the Schuylkill and Susquehanna hat T road Company, as required by their charter, will be held at the Continental Siete', city of Philadelphia; Penn sylvania, on gonna; May 6th, at 12 o'clock 11., for the purpose of choosing a Prefddent and Six Manager' to serve for the ensuing year, and also for the consideration of such other business as may properly be brought before said meeting. - PIIANa. S. BOND, apl6-Stoaw Secretary. . _., ...... . Harrisburg Broom Man ufac to ry. TWO DOORS FROM FRONT S2'., DT WALNUT. LiROOMS sold wholesale and retail 20 per cent. Cheaper than can be bad elsewhere.— ant °wain° ear stock. • , ' ag4dicr ~., J. E. PRICE & CO. SPRING.Bi SUMMER MILLINERY. •.. ...,... ...., . • • . - V. E. CHLYIN wilt open, on THURS .--; AY AikviiMpt'ltratsortotent of SPRING AND su . 3111.1.218AY, fisher store room No. 20, oppo. site the finebitin.liatei9l: ahe invitee her friends to eat and see her assptispell. ' 1.5-I.w GREATEX CITEMENT IN State street - east of the Capitol, be tweet 4th and - ritf ace streets. X. hew,. Lager Beer Saloon just opened;Where everything in that line is ,ge nerally kept, and would respectfully solicit the Dimon. age of my macterons friends amities puhfie g eneri tny• - • /wde; • •• B. it 1111. ID. Oros $ (go WHOLESALE AND RETAIL RITGGJS TS, No! 19 MARKET STREET, IMME PENN' A. MEWS RUGOISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE• . I:4EEPERS AND CONSUMERS, We are daily adding to our assortruent of goods all such articles as are, desirable, and would respectfully call your attention to the largest and beat selected stock - in this city; of DRUGS, CHEMICALS & PAINTS; Oils, Varnlshei anti Glues, Dye-Statro,Cdass and Patty, Artist Colors and Tools, Pure Ground. Spices, Burning Fluid and Alcohol, Lard, Sperm and Pine 0110, Bottles,-Vlals and Lamp Globes, Castile Soaps, Sponges and Corks, &c., .1.4 c., tilt., &C., 4Sio n 65.-13., ike With a general variety of PERPMERY & TOILET ARTICLES, selected from the best manufacturers and Per fumers of Europe and this country. Being very large dealers in PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S COLORS, PAINT AND ARTIST'S BRUSHES I,N ALL THEIR VARIETIES, COLORS AND BRONZES OF ALL KINDS, re , P. - We ,respietfully invite a call, feeling confi dent that we can supply the wants of all on arms to their satisfaction TEETH TEETH 1 ! JONE'S AND WHITE'S PORCELAIN TEETH. -PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR RESTORATIVES Of All kinds, direct from the Proprietors. Saponifier and Concentrated Lye Wholesale Agents for Saponifier, which we sell as low as it can be purchased in the cities. THAYER'S MEDICAL FLUID *EXTRACTS, COAL OIL! CARBON OIL! ! Being large purchasers in these Oils, we can offer-.[nducemeute to close buyers. Coal Oil Lamps of the most improved patterns, very cheap. All kinds of lamps changed to burn Cold Oil. FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, Those of you who have not given our HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS a trial know not their superiority, and the advantage they are In keeping Horses and Cattle healthy and in good condition. Thousands can testify to the profit they have derived from the use of our Cattle Powders by the increasing quantity and quality of milk, besides improving the general health and ap pearance oftheir - Cattle. - Our long experience in the business gives us the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our arrangements in the cities are such that we can in a very short time furnish anything appertaining to our business, on the best of terms. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed on our house, we hope by strict attention to business, a careful selection of PURE DRUGS, at fair prices, and the desire to please all, to merit a continuance of the favors of a discrrmi eating public. ", NEW COAL OFFICE. /FHB UNDMIGNED having entered in -11 to the COAL 'TRADE in this city, would respectfully solicit the patronage. of the citizens. I will keep onhand Coal of all SNOB, from the most celebrated and approved mines, which:will be delivered to any part or the city, fret from dirt and other impurities. FULL WEIGBT GIIAZANTBID. COAL NOR OA= ar rue BOAT LOAT4 OAS LOAVORIINC4LH-20N. -persons. purchasing by the Beat or ear,Load will receive 2,24.0 pounds to th e e fro m Dewber- Ton. Once No. 74 Market Wrest, second doo r _ ry alley . Yaid ; ort the - Canal,.toot of North street. Or. leis len at either place will receive prompt attention. JAW( W. HALL, agent. '' 'LI, BLACK . TERRIER A sMA . IP ST.— ' ' bawa. Answers to the name of -- , DaG - * (11 1' 0 _17 1 ;,, llbeiiagy rewarded' by . leaving TV:" WilOsicii Q . EINSTEIN . - - I„ta* i at lhe store • kNz n ., ,- New 2hertisements PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD SUMMER TIME TABLE. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, APRIL 15th, 1861, rho paoseuger trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows EASTWARD. THROUGH EXPREM TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.15 a. m. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.10 a. an. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 6.20 . ;a, m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.05 a. in. FAST HAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.15 p. m. arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.10 p. in. • -' These trains make close connection at Philadeipida with the New York Lines. -ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 1, via Mount. Joy, leaves Harrisburg at 7.80 a. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12.30 p. m. HAIOIMIRG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Colum bia, leaves Harrisburg at 4.10 p. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 9 20 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, via Mount Top, leaves Harrisburg at 4.20 p. m., connecting at Diller vale with HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, and arrives at West Philadelphia at 9.25 p. m. WESTWARD. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN" leaves Philadelphia at 10.45 p. m., Harrisburg at 3.05 a. m., Altoona 8.05, ar rives at Pittsburg at 12.40 p. m. MAIL TRAIN, leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a, m., Harrisburg 1.10 p. m., Altoona, 7.05 p. in., and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.20 p. m. EAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 11.40 a. in., Harris burg 4.05 p. m., Altoona 8.40 p. m , and arrives at Pitts• burg at 1.00 a. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 2.39 p. m., Lancaster 6.05 p. m ambit' 8.40 p. and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.05 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Philadelphia at 4.00 p. m., Lancaster 7.44 p. m.,Mount Joy 8.28 p. m., Eliza bethtown, 8.48 p. in., and arrives at Harrisburg at 9.46 p. m. Attention is called to the fact, that passengers leaving Philadelphia at 4.00 p. m., connect at Lancaster with MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, and arrive at Harrisburg at 0.45, p. in. SAMCIIKL D. YOUNG, Sept. East. Dlv. Henna. Railroad. apl2 60-dtf JOHN WALLOWER, JR., Agt. GENERAL FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANT: GOODS AND MERCHANDISE promptly forwarded by Philadelphia and Reading, Northern Central, Cumberland Valley and Pennsylvania Railroads, and Canals HAULING AND BRAYING to and from all parts of the city to the dillerent Railroad depOts will be done at the very lowest rates. FAMILIES removing will be promptly attended to. Orders left at Brant's European Hotel, or at the store of E. S. Zollinger, will receive prompt attention. Con signments of freight resp ectfully solicited. JOHN WALLOWER JR., Agt., a .2 Mee Reading Depot. UPHOLSTERING. HUSK MATTRESSES, - COTTON TOP MATRESSES, COTTON COMFORTS, FRENCH CARPET HASSACKS, CHAIR CUSHIONS, LOUNGES, &v., On band and for sale wholesale and retail at the very lowest rates for cash.. . HAIR MATRASSES and SPRING BOTTOMS MADEyriao OREPETt. SOFAS, LOUNGES, CHAIRS, HAIR MATRESSES, Bsc.. Repaired and made equal to new very reasonable, all al N 0.109 Afarlat street between Fourth and Fifth, by Mar 29 J. T. BARNITZ. SIGN OF THE ' Glorioue Star Spangled. Banner I A NOTHER SUPPLY OF WALL PAPER, fIORDERS, &c., SPLENDID WINDOW BLINDS, to which we call the attention of our friends, and cordially invite them to examine our goods and prices. Wo are determined to sell cheap. Mind the plane. SCIIEFFER'S BOOKSTORE, ; Near the Harrisburg Bridge. apl3 tf • WORCESTER'S ROYAL QUARTO DICTIONARY TILE best defining and pronouncing Dic tionary of the English languago ; Also ; Worcester's School Dictionaries. Webster's Pictorial Qiaarto awl School Dictionaries for sale at SCREFFER'S BOOESTORE, WS-if Near the Harrisbnrgßridgo. ARRIVED THIS MORNING. A superb lot of new style Foulard Chintzes: hew style English Mourning Gingham. do do Colored Ginghains Wide French Chintzes, extra qaality, New atyle Mourning Persians, do trench Challis. Pure Camera Hair Lustre, (desirable goods) • Extra quality Silk Warp Lavellas. • . Neapolitan . Bilks, (new article.) English IMP !damning Silks. A LARGE VARIETY OF OTHER GOODS. This lot of goods just r eceived, have been purchased very low and will be disposed of accordingly. °lll at CATIICAAT'S, Next door to tbe.Harrisburg Bank. api2 - IMPORTED BOLOGNA SAUSAGE.-A Very rare' lotjusi received end for sate by see WM. DOCK JR & Co. FARMER'S HOTEL. THE subscriber begs leave to inform his .A. friends_ and the public tuat he has taken the FARM.- .. I:VG HOTE, hi Market etrect opposite the Post Office, formerly d. Stahl's, where he is prepared 'to. ttecommo date them on reasonable terms. Haring refitted and tarnished the Rouse euhrily now he hopes by strict at tention to besiness, to receive a liberal share of patron age. [api-3md] E. G. PETERS. THERMOMETERS THERMOMETERS, Ornamental Maude, Japanese Metal. THERMOMETERS, do -do Bronzed dos THERMOMETERS, Distillers Tin Case, 12,Inch. THERMOMEVERS, do -Brass - BOund Double Scale. THERMOMETERS, Union Case, 10-12 inch. •- THERMOMEIERS, Metaltc Frame 8-10 inch. THERMOMETERS, Walnut lase, 10 inch. TriERILOMETERS, Tin Case, 7-8-10 birth. We Dave just received - a ilnelot. ee THERMOMETERS or various styles, and are selling them low. ILECIER'S DRUG STORE, ap3 . . 91 Market street. CITY BONDS FOR Ramp.. I OR TWO CITY BOAS of $5OO Nj each: bearing a per cent lateral, being a sate aed good inveatukont. Apply to_ i. teb4.ilmd K. MEMO- REMOVAL. T" 'SUBSCRIBER has removed hie PLUMBING.AND DRAM FOUNDRY from M.trkei Street-to Fourth nEreet above Market; oppokke the c Church.' Thankful ibr past patronage, he hopes, by z.lrla littbnikahle bilsineSEl, to:merit a continuance of it. ,-roar2G-Sced. - WN. PARRIML• . OFFICE otrrna MIMS' VALLSY RAILROAD SE COAL' CO., t 6,.1,861. THE Annual Meeting of-the , Stockholders and an election fora President; Eevew Managers, and a Seoretitry and Treasurar - otrihe Lykens' Va'ley Railroad and Coal Company will lie held in. Philadelphia at the taboo or EDWARD . GRAT'4, NO. 2 South' 7th street, on dtaarlay, the 6th day of Mayfiatt,; ati. 10 o'clock A. M The polls will open at 10 o'clock and close at,2 o'clock P. 3t. - WM. HAWKINS aps.l.syte ' Secretary. . OFFIOR oI 1113.. re VA11,13.T COAT, Co . 1 rg V LI ~171 1 1 C 1r 1C,. #P ra P, ,l46l ' 9111E-Ainltuttaitegoi cf. the Stockholders and.= kleotlek.flafisetest Illretizro of the Lykens' Valley,Coalconilotty *,t be heltLia",philaifolalla at the °Mee , EIMiIgIeGIVATT., No. 2: South 1411` 'Street, O. Months% the Elidali.of May nert, , at 10 ecinek, A. M. The pollrifilleieftlaCap;ol9ol‘ and.olose at 2 o'clock, mss, aps.2tAjw. - secretary. EN :11