Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, April 16, 1861, Image 2

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    pailp Etiegraipt.
Tuesday Afternoon, April 16, 1861.
The Offering of Pennsylvania.
A resolution passed the House udanimously
this morning, tendering the unlimited resources
and credit of the State to the President, 'for the
purpose of adopting rigorous means to bring
the rebellion at the South to a speedy termina
tion. Adding this to the offerings of troops
which are hourly pouring into the Secretary of
State's office, we have cause to feel proud of
our noble old Commonwealth. And when the
encounter comes, that must end this unholy
and ungrateful disturbance, Pennsylvania _will
be there in all her ancient strength and glory.
We publish elsewhere in this afternoon's Tsui
GRAPH a list of the troops offered up to our
going to press.
Tas PEOPLE OP Prarierr.vasta regard it as of
little iinportance whether a single or a dozen
representatives change their votes on a bill
after that bill has become a law, and after these
representatives had joined in a caucus to devise
means, and made every effort on the floor, to
defeat such a measure. The representative
who candidly and fairly changes his position,
is entitled to our respect, but when a man, serv
party, and obeying thltaiolitical injunc
t•-4 '
tione of his masters, doe 3 all )can to injure
the reputation and the patriot ''''
_of . his State;
and then shrinks from taking the responsibility
before the indignant masses, he is entitled to
neither our respect or the confidenee of the
constituency whom he aspires to serve. As an
instance, Mr. Leisenring, one of the Democrat
ic representatives from Philadelphia, changed
his vote,from opposition to the "Military Bill,"
to that of support, because he was under the
impression in the first instance, that the bill
WB9 unconstitutional. Why did not Mr. Lei
souring assert its unconstitutionality on the
floor of the House, and with any of the lore of
jurisprudence or statesman-like sagacity with
which he is endowed, convince his colleagues
that they were engaged in unconstitutional le
gislation, and thus discharge his duty as a re
presentative? The reason why Mr. Leisenring
did not discuss the constitutionality, he and
his friends can best explain. The reason why
he voted against it, is perhaps better explained
because he was carrying out the programme of
the Democratic caucus, I o assist in embarrassing
the Federal Administration, and thus covertly
give aid and comfort to the enemies of the
country. But the voice of an indignant com
munity aroused these men to their duty. The
fear of just retribution, not the force of their
own reason, induced them to change their
votes. And because they have thus obeyed the
mighty influence of the people, they should
bow gracefully to the decree, and not attempt
to justify themselves with egotistical assertions
of constitutional investigations that were never
has been questioned by some as being uncon
stitutional. It is alleged that he has no power
to call on the States for men, or use the reserv
ed force of the army. We imagine that the
Constitutionality of the, subject was well di
gested and discussed in Cabinet meeting, before
the proclamation for troops was advertised.—
Perhaps, since the organization of the Govern
ment, there has not been as much legal ability
concentrated in the Executive branch, as is
contained in the present Cabinet. Some of the
most astute and brilliant Constitutional law
yers in the land compose the Cabinet, and
therefore the mere Constitutionality of a mea
sure can safely be accepted. • Joined to this
legal ability, there are also in the Cabinet men
of the most extensive business experience and
full knowledge of all the operations of fi
nanciering, so that the practicability as well
as Constitutionality of every measure of policy
of the present Administration may be safely
regarded as beyond a doubt. The Administra
tion, in this crisis, acting thus in concert in
its Cabinet deliberations, and its members join
ing each other in the free exchange of the re
sults of their experience and knowledge, ask
only the confidence and support of the masses
of the American people, to aid them in rescu
ing the American Government from the con
fusion and carnage into which it has been
plunged by revolution and battle. They
have a right both to ask and expect this
confidence and co-operation of the people.—
And while the people - are thus confiding,
among all the assurances that they may
depend upon, the assurance that the Adminis
tration will act in strict conformity with the
Constitution may be received without the un•
certainty of a single doubt.
We notice that the Breckenridge press of
Pennsylvania continues to teem with assaults
on the Aministration for attempting to enforce
the laws, in the shape of editorials copied from.
the Patriot and Union. These same presses must
give our neighbors the benefit of the confession
of faith they made this morning, and insert it,.
too, in their columns. We must be satisfied in
these days with the slightest renunciations of
treason, and continue to , hope that "while the
lamp holds out to burn, the vilest sinner may
return." The Breckenridge press will please
do the Patriot and Union this simple act of jus
Jona W. FORNEY, Clerk of the National House
of Representatives, at the head of all the clerks
and employees of his departmdnt, tendered his
services to the President, for the enforcement
of the laws and the protection of the public
JOON 0. P.RECEINIUDGF9 if rumor la correct,
has avowed his rear feelings by declaring for
the secession movement. Hie friends in the
Worth have been taught a lesson which maybe
of letvice to them hereafterfn the formation
of politiial assookitiona and attaahmente,
Out of their own Mouths are they
The Patriot and Union, this morning, yields
to the pressure of public opinion, by giving the
cause of the Union a tacit support. In doing
so, however, the opportunity was not lost to
give the Republican party one of those cet4
ardly thrusts peculiar only to the Pairiotaiig
Union. The reassertion that the cause * 0 irk
present difficulties can be traced to any .
of the Republican party, is a stale falseho.
an excited political ost*paign, excusable in the
heat and pbrenzy.o4attle, but unjustifiable
now, when men are , eipected to ponder delib
erately and act ccolly„nn all questions affecting
our nationality itlwe 1 as our individuality.
In the first place, w;e assert that the cause of the
trouble which has divided the dountry can only
be traced to the Democratic part use the
Democratic organization, in all ten
dencies and policies, was bat' ate
tive and embodiment of slay: „ay
itself is the cause of this conffic ••
and Units , :ad acknowledged the gr. .st
sibility:' 'Democratic party had assn
defendlitiabe.atasees and encroachmen
very, yetviauld %eve placed more reliance in
its re*ltittie: rite could have believed that
in thuscneltet r iiitig'itAtras about to renounce its
heresies; but Vsberythe J'atricopenly persists in
attempting tis *love the reasnsibility of this
revolution up4i the Republigla party, we are
forced to the conclusionAW:ihen the oppor
tunity again presents itst*Aat journal will
again teem - with laudatio&W the slave power,
at the expense of every 'free aspiration and
tendency of the age. "In common with the
Democratic party," says the Patriot, "we warned
the people against the very results which are
norupon us. We cautioned them against the
ins able consequences of sectional animosity."
Here is the old song, "still harping on my
daughter." This is the plea and the justifica
tion of the Democratic party - for all this treason
—for the assault on the flag and the,peculation
of the property of the government. They fix
the rule for slavery. They proclaim its limits
to be boundless. They assert its rights to be
unquestionable. They announce the doctrine
of buying and selling human flesh as divine.—
And after having proclaimed all these strange
and startling dogmas, they seek to place a rope
about the neck of every white man in the coun
try, drag him to the polls, and there force him to
vote a justification of these monstrous ideas of
modern Democracy. If he refuses, he is a fa
natic. If be declares that he abhors slavery,
he is denounced as a vile abolitionist, and if
his friends and neighbors join him in the resist
ance of such outrages, their organization ispro
nounced a sectional combination, and forth
with the slave power viplently seeks to break
up the government. They not citily seek to do
so, but they accomplish their piirstike by repu
diating the power of the feCiereladrabiletAtion.
They hasten events and , fo recrairthOrity , until
they are brought into confictrWttliAeVvern
ment. They inaugurate a civic•celifirct for' no
other cause then revenge, and they-ask, •the
civilized world to recognize . their' ob asirrevo
lution, seeking the elevation of an exclusiVe
class to the destruction of the rights of the: reP
resentatives of every race
i devoted to the pur
suits of honest industry.
We hope hereafter that the Patriot and Union
will forbear to offer any more excuses as lame
as the one it offered this morning in extenua
tion of its past sympathy for treason. , The
people of the free States understand this crisis,
and they are well aware of its causes and con
sequences. It is neither the result of a Repnb
lican triumph or a Republican Administration.
It is the natural effect of a train of policy pur
sued by the Democratic party for the past forty
years, in fostering slavery until its advocates
and maintainers deemed themselves the gov
erning classes, and sought the exclusion of all
other interests from the legislation of the coun
try. But as they failed in such an exclusion,
so will they fail in organizing a government on
the basis of slavery. The Christian world is
against all such attempts at barbarism. The
Christian sentiment and Christian gentlemen
in this Union are all against such a movement,
and to save itself from all further attempts at'
blundering apologies, to satisfy public opinion
and escape the honest indignation of the com
munity, we advise our neighbors of the Patriot
and Union to join in this Christian, snd patri
otic, and Republican undertaking of crushing
slavery forever, on the ramparts itself has
erected for the destruction of liberty.
Jowl . H. 8ER8.1111114 President of the Atlantic
and Ohio Telegtaph Company has just issued
the following order :
D. Baooms, Superintendent.
Atlaniic & Ohio Telegraph Co.
Government dispatches must have prece
dence. In times of peril our country Amt.—
Give orders accordingly.
J. H. llssaYsar., .President
This is a proper and a patriotic manner in
which to co-operate with the Government to
suppress treason. Mr. Bsrryhill is one of those
staunch Union men who are now so zealously
engaged all over the country in the cause of
law and order. He is, withal, one of the men
for the crisis, who never pause long when duty
points the way to action.
Rnstotrerrons.--It is stated that of the eleven
hundred and ten officers whose names are on
the Army Register, the number of resignations
to this date since the secession movement com
menced is eighty-six; and that of eight hun
dred and six commissioned officers of the Navy
thirty-three have resigned from all causes since
the first of January, to which should be added
four lieutenants who resigned in December
from their sympathy with secession. Ot the
seventy-six commissioned officers of the Navy
from the seceded States on the first of January,
Betty remain in the service.
It would be so refreshing to see a Republi•:
newspaper exposing the corruption of its party
friends.—Lancaster Inteliigencer.
The difficulty with the Republican press is
the fact that they are kept constantly busy
castigating the treason and the corruption of
their Democratic cotemporaries. When the
Herculean task of cleansing journalism of
toryi in ;has been accomplished, the Republi 7
can press may turn their attention to correcting
the error which has inadvertently crept into
their ranks by a laxity of proselytism.
pent-1) 4 ,11=1a lactity Zelegraph, entobriv 'Afternoon, ling 16, 1861-
The people of Pennsylvania will hailwith ex
ultant joy, the efforts of the Legislature to
give all the aid in their power to sustain the
federal administration, and it affords us a high
satisfaction to announce the fact that the fol
lowing report was unanimously adopted to-day,
in the House of Representatives. It will be
seen by this that there is at present but one
party in the Legislature of Pennsylvania, and
but one party in the old Keystone State, when
the cry is raised that the Union and the Con
stitution are in danger, or the law and order of
this country in any manner impeded or threat
Gideon J. Ball introduced the report, and we
need therefore not indulge in any compliments
upon its ability' and eloquence, as Mr. Ball is
justly regarded , as one of the very ablest men
in the Legislature And State of Pennsylvania.
With his name attached to such documents,
the reputation of -.0.1% friend from Erie will
loose nothing ininitk4 patriotism. We corn
the report to the people of Pennsylvania:
' LEMON to maintain inviolate the Con
, ution and sovereignty of the United
Wirsaces, The States of South Carolina,
Georgia, Alabama,
i Missiskippi, Louisiana, Flor
ida and Texas are n armed and treasonable re
bellion against the sovereign authority and
government of the United States and have con
stituted and are endeavoring to maintain a trea
sonable and rebellious government, intended
to subvert the Constitution of the United States
and to dissolve their allegiance to its authority,
and have with force of arms seized upon such
unprotected revenues, . forts, arsenals, navy
yards, and other exclusive property of the Na
tional Government as were within their power
of seizure and have coerced legal citizens 'with
in their borders to unwilling submission to their
usurped authority, and have raised, officered,
equipped and assembled large armies and ships
and munitions of war with the avowed purpose
to wage aggressive warfare against the Consti
tuted and lawful authorities of the Union, and
against the liberties of the people, and have be
seiged, attacked and captured a fort, in the ac
tual and peacable possession of the United
States troops, and have made the garrison pris
oners of war, whilst under the protection of the
National Flag and the Federal laws, and
WE:MEM, The President of the United States,
by his proclamation dated the 16th day of April,
A, D. 1861, has "appealed to all loyal citizens
to favor, facilitate and aid the effort to main
tain the honor, the integrity and the existence
of our National 17fig5i and the perpetuity of
popular government,:alid to redress the wrongs
already long enouglrendrired."
(therefore, Be it unikni t abusly
Resolved, By the Senate ante'llouse of Repre
sentmfives of the Commonwealth 41 Penney/roam an
General Assembly met,"- agd - - hereby resolved,
That the faith, credit, aud- resources of the
State in both men and money are hereby
pledged to any amount and to every
extent which the Federal Government may de
mand to subdue the - rebellioh.f: to punish the
treason; to enforce the---liwt;', to protect the
lives, the liberties and.-properWof the people,
and to maintain invielatitheConstitution and
the sovereignty of the nation. • -
Resolved, That the Crove,inorioe, and is here
by, directed to forward a certified copy of this
preamble and resolution to the President of
the United States. '
Reasons for Changing Votes.
- Messrs. Ellenberger, Leis' enring, Byrne, Smith,
of Berks, Boyer and Osterhout, Democratic
members of the House of Representatives, who
voted against the bill for the proper regulation
of the Military system of this Commonwealth,
and supplying them with arms and equipments,
changed their votes yesterday, by leave of the
House, and recorded them in the affirmative :
Mr. ErLIDTBERGER remarked :
I voted against the bill; and when I did so,
I did it because I desired, if possible, that
Pennsylvania should, by no act, throw the
least obstacle in the way of an amicable adjust
ment of our national difficulties.' I had not
then heard of the proceedings , at Charleston.
I was yet hopeful for a peaceable arrangement
of our troubles; lau!., since then I have learned
that the Federal forces have been:fired upon;
that there has been a positive refusal to let
Fort Sumter be provisioned, and that actual
war has been inaugurated against the Govern
ment of the United States.
I now feel that duty to my country, that
duty to the Commonwealth and to my constit
uency, demand that I should vete for this
measure. I had hoped that the evil of civil
war might be averted. I can only say it has
como, and the blame must rest upon those who
have began it. I- must stand for the Govern
ment. I must stand up for our defence against
the enemy. I must stand by the Constitution
and the laws, and I shall do so willingly, gladly,
not only by my vote, but in every other way
which may be required of me.
Pennsylvania has tried by kind words and
kind acts to avert this evil, but It is upon us.
I shall stand firm in her defence and in defence
of the national Government, let what come
may, and may the God of nations soften the
harshness of sectional feeling, and yet save
our blessed heritage.
Mr. LEISENRING said : When the bill,
entitled "An Act for the better organi
zation of the militia of the Common
wealth," was before the House, I voted against
it because I had conscientious scruples as to
its constitutionality. Since that time hostili
ties have commenced against the Government
of the 'United States, and an attempt made by
an armed force to seize its. property. The
President of the United States has issued a
proclamation calling upon all "loyal citizens
to favor, facilitate and aid" him in maintaining
"the honor, the integrity and the existence of
our National Chinn and the perpetuity of the
popular Government," and asked for 75,000
men to suppress combinations against the Gov
ernment. In view of there facts; and not
knowing how soon Pennsylvanians may be re
quired to "repel invasion" against the Corn
monweath, or suppress insurrection" within
her own borders, I deem it my duty to ask the
unanimous consent of this House to allow me
to change mfvote on the bill for the better
organization of the militia of the Common
Mr. SHAFER, the Republican member for
Chester county, who had been unavoidably ab
sent when the bill passed, sdso obtained leave
to vote on the same. He voted in common,
with all good patriota for the bill.
ning News, Charleston, announces that its pub
lication will be temporarily suspended "from
sheer physical impossibility of issuing a daily
sheet." It says: " The largest number of our
compositors are now on duty, our pressmen
and our clerks have been summoned to join
their respective corps stationed at military
points in the harbor, with the certainty of be
ing deprived of the small remnant of our force
left. We shall resume as soon as circumstances
Will permit." • -
Fon the information of those who are desir
ous of serving their country either in command
or the ranks of the volunteer force of the State,
we have prepared the following table, giving
he number of officers and men that will be re
quired to organize the regiments lately called
for by the Governor:
Major Generals 2
Aids, (Major,) 4
Div. Inspectors, (Lt. Cola.) . 2
Brig. Generals 4
Brigade Inspectors 4
Regiments 16
Colonels 16
Lieut. Colonels 16
Adjutants (Lts.) 16
Regular Quarter Master (Lts.) 16
Surgeons 16
Assistant Surgeon
Sergeant Dragoons a 16
Drum Majors 16
Fife Majors 16
Captains 160
Ist Lieuts e 160.
2nd , do 160.
Seargents 640.
Corporals 640.
Drnmmers 160.
Fifers 160.
Privates 10,240
Officers 612 -
Men 11,888
Aggregate 12,500
Companies not less than 78 officers and men
Unanimous Tender of Services by
the National Guard.
Gen• Patterson's House Besieged—He
Dispiayi the Flag of his Regiment•
Ten Thousand People in Chestnut Street
Intense Excitement.
Riotous Demonstrations Anticipated
Bob Tyler and Other Secessionists
Warned by a Vigilance Committee;
PHITADBIXHIL, April 15—evening.
By present appearances the military quota
from Pennsylvania will soon be made up, and
many to spare. The second regiment of Wash
ington brigade of this city, composed of Ger
mans, is already full. The first regiment, Brig
adier General Small, is nearly complete. Com
panies are forming in every ward. The Na
tional Guard regiment have tendered their
services unanimously.
The crowd to-day, after visiting the news
paper offices and Government property, marched
in a body uplfarket street, bringing the flag out
at all points on the route.
Searches weremade for the publication rooms
of the Southern Monitor, and the signs of that
establishment were broken up, but as the paper
has suspended, the mob were unable to carry
out their intention of destroying the forms.
During the afternoon General Patterson's
mansion, at Thirteenth and Locust streets, was
visited. The crowd became uproarious, and a
violent attempt was made to force open the
door. General Patterson finally appeared at a
window bearing the colors of his regiment. It
is understood that the cause of this visit was
a report that he intends throwing up his com
mission, which is false.
The crowd then visited General Cadwallader,
who made a Union speech.
aliesers. Perkins and Bolton, in the employ Of
the 'Government at the Frankford Arsenal
charged with making cannon primers for the
Southern confederacy, deny the charge, saying
that they have ceased manufacturing noir.
At least ten thousand people have been
gathered on Chestnut street all day. Happily
a heavy rain is now falling, which causes scat
tering., and may check apprehended riotous
proceeding to-night. The Mayor has bad a
large police force on duty all day, who are worn
out with fatigue in restraining the mob from
violence. People here have just coins to realize
the truth of the capture of Fort Sumter, and
the inflammatory articles in some newspapers
regarding secessionists in the city have unduly
excited the disorderly portion of the commu
nity. Several prominent Southerners, with
secession proclivities, including Robert Tyler,
have received visite from a vigilance comMit
tee during the day and warned.
ASOTHEII DISPATCH, April 16.--Our city is still
decorated with flags, though the storm has re. ,
duced many of them to tatters. The Union
spirit pervades all classes. The residenee of
Major General Patte.son was visited on account
of a doubt as to his sentiments, but the stars
and stripes were promptly displayed, and he
has issued his orders as commander of the First
Division Pennsylvania militia in relation tothe
enrollment of volunteers, putting to rest the
rumors of his intention to resign his post.
Regiment of Roaaves to Organized by
Col• Ellsworth.
Col. Ellsworth, of Chicago, has had strong
inducements offered him to proceed to New
York city and organize a regiment of Zonaves.
He probably left this morning, and will be
joined at New York by a number of the mem
bers of his old corps, who will take an active
Fortin the organization and instruction of the
regiment. If he does not go thither, he will
repair to Illinois for a similar purpose. He last
night declined the commission in the army,
which has been at his disposal for some weeks.
The Cradle of Liberty Occupied by the
Massachusetts Trhops.
BOSTON, April 16.
The city authorities have appropriated Fan--
ieul Hall for the use of the troops, and the
Stars and Stripes are now flying over the Cradle
of Liberty.
Tender of Money for the Support of the
General Government.
NBNY HATRas, April 16.
Th e _ 'ant* Bank has tendered to the
Goon •„ P,ioo for the suPport of tke Na
tionar .• • ermirant.. - • -
Latest from Charleston
The War Fleet Still off the Bar.
The excitement here is subsiding. There was
some stir late this afternoon on account of the
firing of guns in the offing. Various rumors are
afloat about it. One account says that the Fed•
eral troops were going to land at Stone, but no
attempt of the kind was made. Again it was
rumored that the salute was fired in honor of
the British consul, and that Great Britain had
acknowledged the independence of the South
ern Confederacy.
There are many small boats with the fleet
which remains outside. All these boats have
muffled oars and oar-locks.
Great curiosity is manifested to know bow
the horses aboard will be used.
The fire in Fort Sumter is out, and the en
gines have returned to the city.
Fort Sumter is occupied by two companies of
Palmetto Guards—by Capt. Cuthbert's and
Capt. Hollongaisis companies. There is no
officer of high grade in charge, but Major Rip
ley will probably be stationed there.
Workmen and mechanics are busy in clear
ing away the wreck of burned quarters at Fort
Sumter. A large number of troops came from
the country to day. Companies are encamped
all around the city.
As the Carolinians hope that a land attack
will be made, they want to have a mortality
list in the next engagement.
Eight thousand men are now under anus.
The news of the seizure of thelorts,in North Caro
lina is received here with great delight.
The news frOm Virginia is considered hope
Duties of Mustering Officers.
Each Regiment to Consist of Seven
Hundred and Eighty Men.
WASHINGTON, April 15—Evening
The following is the form of the call on the
respective State Governments for troops, issued
through the War Department to-day:
Snt:—Under the Act of Congress for the call
ing out of the militia to execute the laws of
the Union, suppress insurrection, repel inva
sions, etc , approved February 28th, 1795, I
have the honor to request your Excellency to
cause to be immediately detached from the
militia of your State, the quota designated in
the table below, to serve as Infantry or. Rifle
men for a period of three months, unless sooner
discharged. Your Excellency will please com
municate to, me-the time at which your quota
will be expected at its rendezvous, as it will be
met as soon as practicable by an officer or offi
cers to muster it into the service and pay of the
United States. At the same time the oath of
fidelity to the United States will
.be adminis
tered to every officer and man. The mustering
officers will be instructed to receive no man
under tke rank of commissioned officer whose
years are, apparently, over forty-five, or tinder
eighteen,'or who -is not in physical strength
and vigor.
The quota for each State is as follows
Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Is
land, Connecticut, Delaware, Arkansas, iii :hb
gun, Wisconsin, lowa and Minnesota, one
regiment each ;'Massachusetts, North Carolina
and Tennessee, two regiments each ; New York,
seventeen regiments; Pennsylvania, sixteen ;
Ohio, thirteen ; New Jersey, Maryland, Ken
tucky, and Missiouri, four each ; Illinois and
Indiana, six each; Virginia, three. It is ordered
that sash regiment shall consist in the aggre
gate, officers and men, 780. The total thus 'to
be called out is 78,891; The remainder, to
constitute the 75,000 under the - President's
proclamation, will be composed of troops in
the District of Columbia. -
Federal Appointments.
WASEEMITON, April 16,1861.
The President. has appointed the following
officers for Baltimore:
Henry W. Hoffman, collector of customs.
Wm. L. Marshall, surveyor.
Franbis S. Corkran, naval officer.
Frederick Schley, John F. Meredith, and
Charles P. Montague, appraisers.
Washington Bonifant, United Ssates marshal
for Maryland. • -
John W. Inglis has been appointed , collector
far the district of Cape Vincent.
Philander W. Crandell for collector at Gene
see, New York.
The following appointments for Rhode Island
have been made :
Ara B. Waite, surveyor at North Kington.
Martin L. Salisbury, surveyor at Warren and
Nassadore L. Bennett t surveyor at Bristol.
• Seth W. Macy, collector at Newport.
Thomas B. Burk, surveyor at Newport. sis
And the following for Massachusetts :
Wm. Stanley, collector at•Marblehead.
John S. Webber, collector at Gloucester.
Charles G. Hildreth, surveyor at Gloucester.
Enoch G. Currier, collector at Newburyport,
Franklin R. Palmer, collector at Stonington,
Andrew Stephan, collector at Miami, Ohio.
John C. Baum, postmaster at Cincinnati,
John W. Deal, postmaster at Chamberebarg,
E. 3; Blamire, postmaster at Portsmouth
Va. •
The following appointments for California
have been made :
John T. McLean, surveyor of customs at San
Francisco. • ..
Willstird Farwell, naval officer at San Fran
deco. -
Edward F. Beale, surveyor general at Ethel
hart. • "
P. Oliphant, associate justice for Washington
Thomas 3. Power, of %Pennsylvania, Indian
agent for the Tfpner Missouri agency.
John B. Hoffman, of New Tork, agent for
the Pawca Indians in Nebraska.
B. A. Pendergast, receiver of public money.
Frank A. King, register of the land office at
Henderson, Minnesota.
George A. Metzger, register of the land of
fice, at La Crosse Wisconsin.
Joseph H. Barrett, of Ohio, United States
Commissioner of Pensions:
The New York War Bill.
Matra, N. Y., Aptill6.
The war bill, appropriating three millions of
dollars for the defence of the Government,
passed the Assembly this morning, with only
one negative vote. The Governor will sign it
Appropriation for the Benefit of the
Families or Volunteers.
Ls - vrsimoz, Mass. April 16,
The city" government' this morning appropri
ated $5,000 for that benefit of the families of
those yoliMterinifof tlieir'bOtintry's defence.
Warlike Movements at Norfolk.
. Noßrom, Ce , April PI
A salute of one hundred guns has been fired
as a rejoicing over the fall of Fort Sumter.
Orders have been received to fit out the Merri
mac immediately, and to tow all the war ve.ssels
now here out of the port.
Arrival of the Steamer North Britain.
PORTLAND, April 16.
The steamer North Britain has arrived with
Liverpool dates to Friday, the sth inst.
The bank rates of discount have been reduced
6 per cent.
The warlike rumors are increasing.
Suddenly, of disease of ths heart, on Monday, 4011
15, 1851, at his residence on Frent street; Ilirsisbur
Oa. E. L. Cam, aged 47 years.
[rue vtry sudden death of this highly esteemed citi
zen has cast a gloom over a very large circle of friends,
cut off in the midst of an extensive practice as a phys:.
clan, without warning, his loss Is well calculated to ciq
a Sadness over a community In which he was so much
beloved. Less than an hour before his death lta WAS in
attendance. upon hts patients, participating in the eagagr•
meets of an active man in his usual, and in his fatuity
exhibiting more than hit ordinary, amiable cheerfulaese.
Verily, in the midst of life we are is death.]
Apt ii 13, by Rev. Robert J.Oarsou, Mr. Geo. W. Wu.
LIA3IO2ItO MISS HARM& DAVIP, All of tbiS City.
At the residence of the minister, on the evening or ti
24th Mt., by the Rev. E. S. Johnston, the Hon. DANIFL
RSIFF, representative from York county, and Miss Lmii:
Mann, also of York county.
On the 14th Inst., by Rev. James Colder, Mr. NUE!,
LANDIS, of Cumbermud county, and MIFS CERISII•NNA E.
&stay, of Shiremalstawri.
Nem abrertistments.
"One Hundred Thousand Dollars."
riptal SUBSCRIBERS have at their corn:.
of the following goods
And all the leading articles in trade for sale CHEAP by
EBY & KUNKEL, Wholesale Grocers,
lgether with several other cheaper styles, tiny be
found at the mauufact'ry, at exceedingly low prices.
Also, a great variety of WATER COOLERS, of supe
rior 13,isb
Cor- Deck and Pear streets, Philadelphit
MURMUR°, April 16
THE SUBSCRIBER returns his grateful
Maths to the firemen f , r their prompt and friendly
attendance on the alarm of fire at his bakery last Mehl.* THOS. FINLEY.
HEAD QUARTERS, Sd Brigade nth Div . P. V., 1
Harrisburg, .4prii lea, 1861.
14. Captains of,Companies will muster their men im
mediately, and report to head quarters _the number of
men that will be reaoy to march at a moment's warning.
2nd. Captains may recruit their companies to the num
ber ores men or upwards rank and die; • -*
3d. Captains of companies will be r e quired to obey
this order immediately, a nd report to HeadAnerters.
4th. Any new companies forming, will report imme
diately, and arms and equipments will be furnished
them on being mustered into servico.
Any commanding officer of a company foaling to obey
this order. will be subject to the penalties for disobedi
ence of orders. By order of
Brigadier General.
Jos. F. Ksins, A. D. C
EIGHT GENTLESIEN will be aecommo
dated with good private boarding, on moderate
terms, by the undersigned, residing in north Third greet
second door below Colder street.
&pie 3t* JOSIAH' WFARLAirD.
DR. D. W. JONES, of Rageratown,
jir Maryland, will be in Harrisburg, on. TUESDAY,
April 23d, at the White Hall Hotel, where he May be
censultad from one o'clock in the afternoon until nine at
night, no longer at present. Dr. JONES Itzsinany calls
by letter to come to Harrisburg again.
Dr. JONES will consult patients r e day out of each
month in the citirof Harrisburg. S,i the regular adver
tisement in another part of this paper.
All afflicted persons. wanting to consult Dr. JONES
must call between the hours above mentioned.
Advise gratis. [al6-dtap2B] DR. D. W. JONES.
WE have the pleasure to-day of an
nouncing that Mr. Bowman, of our firm, has
just returned from New York and PhiladelPhia with a
large stuck of New Style Dross Goods, conaprisiog in
part, White and Colored Embroidered Swiss Muslin
Robes for party dresses, Black and Fancy Silks, Foulard
Silks, Poil de Cheoves, Matinee Clothe ;Divans, Challe
de Leine, Chene Milanos, Mohalrs , Paris Poplins, Scotch,
Fieneh and English Gingham, 4-4 Baglbilt and }Tench
. .
The above goods were selected with special care for
this market, and permit us to say that they are well
worth the attention of those who ate about.naakin.; their
Spring purchases.
Special notice le asked - to our stock of CARPETS, For
want ot room we have determined to close out our Car
pets, without respect to out, •
Corner Front and Market Streets
Commencing Monday Eve,, April 15,
561 and 563 Broadway, New York.
w o r details or these GLUED ENTERTAINMENTA Sea
Programmes. . •
. See Mammoth Photographs at Poll Office.
Doors open at 7, commesee at 8.
-J. F. BIM
9111 E SUBSCRIBER would respectfully
inform the public that he has retnored,his Plumb
ing and Brass Founding establitahment to No. 22 Sawn
third Street below Hems Hotel. Thanirful for past pat
ronage, be hopes by staid, attention to bueinesain merit
a continuance Of it.
, .
apl2 Ott J..JONEo.
LiROM _ One to Five .Hundred Dollars
Worth, of orri BONDS. &Tani of
. :lit Ut r '
10.114 - No 2iretkloncltaxn.
'5 Cr.its
, aeent