Q .' i U - Saturday Afternoon, April 13 IS6I. Dlr. JOHN EPPLEY has Leer appointed a route agent on the Northern Central Railroad, be tween Baltimore and this city• A SEEOUL MEETING of the Friendship Fire Co., No. 1, will be held in their Hall on Mon day evening, at the usual hour. Every mem ber is requested to be preFent By orchr of the President of the Steam Engine Committee. 1=21:=1 THE PAXTON TRICE have completed their ar rangements for a grand ball in Davis' concert hall next Tuesday evening, The members of the tribe will appear in fall Indi in costume, and those who wish to ";VP Sight ," should attend the party. lINtTID STATES TROCIf3. —Se Ve; :11 car hratill Gt . United States soldiers arrived here last night over the Lebanon Valley Railroad and proceed ed directly to Carlisle barnicks, where they will remain until their services arc required by the government. No information could be obtain ed from the officers or i vivates, who declined answering all questions. it is expected that a large body of troops from the west will arrive here in a faw days on route for Washington city. QUITII A FAMILY Mss4. —Not long since a man mauled for his second wife, his own step mo ther, who was sister to his wife. The lady is therefore step-mother and aunt to her hus band's children, also their grand-mother, while the husband is a step-father to his stepsister. Her issue by this marriage, will not only be cousins to their step-brother, but uncles arid aunts also. And the lady herself, being grand mother to her children and nephews, may he regarded as mother to herself and child to 11(4- self, Red therefore her own grandmother. = FORMAL AND FEES PRAYDR.-Our Episcopal brethren justly glory in the simplicity, majes ty, beauty and variety of their noble liturgy. Yet free prayer often has power which no forms, however excellent, can reach. it is said of Summedleld, that his prayers were worth as much as his preaching. They were so full of earnestness, of pathos, of unction, that they melted every soul in the audience. Often a man of ordinary gifts, Intellectually, will yet have ouch enlargement in conducting publio service, as to carry a whole congregation with him up to heaven's gate. Directness, simplicity, perti nence, the true spirit of humility, the language of Scripture, and a teal longing of heart for the blessings asked—these are requisites not confined to a few, but open to all, and when at tained, they make a minister's devotional ex• ercises in the . pulpit a wonderfully useful ad junct to his sermons. ..'.--. VALUMILS DISOOVICRY.-A . German Chemist, with an unpronounceable name, has recently discovered a new method of preparing paper, so that It will be proof against forgers and other tamperers. He advises that the ordinary paper of commerce should be soaked in gallic acid, in the proportion of a few grains in a pint of water, enough to saturate five and twenty sheets. When dried, paper thus prepared may be written upon with common ink, which soaks into the substance of the paper to such an extent that it cannot be erased ; and any at temp to destroy the writing by means of chemi cal agents will leave evideace of the fraud in black blotches around the genuine writing. This proccss is a simple one, and if it should nave the effect attributed to it, the discovery will be invaluable to banks, and all others en gaged In mercantile operations. Let it be tried. Tausrunt To APPEARANCIM—Some friends are very like certain calicos----they aro capital things for show, and look very attractive in the sun shine, but the first rainy day proves how apt they are to run l Men closely resemble the cloth of which they make their nether garments —the poorest stuff has usually the prettiest gloss upon it. Don't trust to appearances is, therefore, a good .motto ; for of all deceitful things in crtation men are the most deceitful. Some moralists would say that women are "the lame—only more so ;" but we prefer to be both gallant and charitable, and so we leave the ladies out of the question. The copy-book fn which we wrote in our boyhood, told us that appearances were slightly pertidous; and one of the first acts of our young manhood was to take a superbly-executed counterfeit bill for a genuine one—which fact impressed the lesson indelibly upon our all•through-life memory. Hence we don's "trust to apprarannes," and we advise our readers to imitate ns in this respect. "All that glitters is not gold," nor even decent pinchbeck, as a look into any of the "Dollar Jewelry Stores," will convince you. Cuomo RIMEDY.—The following recipe has been published in the New York Observer for the past three years every spring. It is an infallible preventive against the ravages of the curcolio. It has been tried by hundreds of persons in the East, with perfect success In every case. The editors of the Observer are so confident of its success that they say the coat of failure may be charged to them. Now is the time, during this month, to apply it. As the whale oil soap may not be readily obtained here, its place may be supplied by making the requisite quantity of soft soap from whale oil ; in fact, we believe any soap made from fish ca would answer. The recipe is as follows : The MIXTEIRE.—To One pound of whale oil soap add four ounces of sulphur, mix thor oughly and dissolve in twelve gallons of water. Take one half peck of quick lime, and 'when well slacked add four gallons of water, and stir well together; when settled and clear, pour off the transparent part and add it fo the soap and sulphur mixture. To this mixture add four gallons of strong tobacco water. Apply this compound, when thus incorporated,with garden syringe to your plum and other fruit trees, so as to drench all parts of the foliage. If no rain succeeds for three weeks, one appli cation will be sufficient ; if washed ' by rains it should be renewed. We believe this wash is equally efficacious for shade and ornamental trees,.which are troubled with insects or caterpillars. NEW BANK.-A new bank at Downingtown, chartered under the free banking law, Is soon t') go into operation. I=l A RETIRED ScHoomisrstt excuses his passion or anglimr, by saying that, from constant iabit, he never feels quite himself unless he is laLdling the roil. A GOOD IDEA.—A correspondent recommends that committees should be appointed by County Agricultural Societies, for every borough and township in every county, with special instruc tions to inquire after and prosecute every one who disregards the laws of the State in regard to the protection of birds. Tits CITY HosPpric contained five lodgers last night, one of them a victim of tangle-foot, hailing from Kentucky, who was fulled "lying around loose." He was sent to prison for five days. The other occupants of the hospital be ing common vagrants, were discharged. NEW Scunwxa.—The summer time table of the Pennsylvania Railroad company goes Into effect next Notiday, on aid - after which date five passenger trains will arrive at and 4 . 04 t, from Harrisburg daily, affording our business citizens facilities for quick trips to and from Philadelphia, which will be of great benefit to them. The hours of arrival and departure of the various trains will be found in the time-ta ble published in our advertising columns. a CRIMP Dessert POI P4Xllf. PEOPLl.—Oranges, which are now abundant and cheap, may be economically need in place of preserves. Even the;ordinary fruit, which can be bought at this time for ten and twelve cents per dozen, when peeled, quartered, and covered with sugar for two or three hours, makes a more healthful and luiefts dish than the rich confectionaries found .upon many tables. The peel, packed in a jar with layers of white sugar, and covered with good brandy, makes an excellent flavoring for pudding, sauce, cakes, etc. GENERAL CAMERON has won golden opinions by , his reply to two young officers who were re certify ordered off with sealed orders. They asked the General whether their orders would lead them to any position of antagonism to the South, and were promptly told that they were then and there dismissed from the service. A few more such touches of Jacksonism will greatly tend to purge the army of spies and traitors, and serve to inspire that confidence, without which no cause can succeed. When President Lincoln selected Gen. Cameron for Secretary of War he got the right man for the right place. ARM= or A HARRIBBOR4 COLORSD MAN.—The District Attorney yesterday received a letter from a colored man named Joseph Bell, who formerly lived with Mr. Bomgardner in this city, announcing his arrest and imprisonment at Hawesville, Kentucky, on suspicion of being a fugitive slave. He states that he Ds a freeborn man, and to anxious that hisfriends hereahould make an effort for his restoration to liberty. The jailor at Hawesville adds a postscript to the letter stating that "the bey" will be given up, if his freedom is proved and prison charges paid. If this be not done soon Bell will be prat upon the block and sold into slavery. AN OLD PROM]) declares that "no one can tell where the shoe pinches save him who wears IL" The maxim has a thousand applications. A husband, who finds wie wife a good deal less of an "angel" than he had imagined in the days of courtship, lets out some domestic se crets is the following graphic style "I own that she has charming locks, That on her shoulders tall What would you say to see the box In which she kept them aIl? "Her taper fingere It la trno ; Are &Moult to match ; • I wish my friend you only knew How terribly they 'crotch." I==z A GOOD Law.—Whilst numerous bills have passed at this session of the Legislature, the effect of which will be to devalope rapidly the mate rial wealth of Pennsylvania, one Act has just obtained the unanimous vote of both Houses and the signature of the Governor, which boa the noble purpose of illustrating the early an nals of the State, preserving the memory of her brave sons, and restoring the traces . of her ancient patriotism. It is the bill for collecting, arranging in historic form, and . Preserving among the archives of the State; unpublished original and authentic manuscripts of officers and soldiers in the Amerleauwars. We under stand that W. H. Dwcr, Esq., of Pittsburg, has bean appointed the Commissioner. ........111V........ A Nssr or Taarroas.—We are informed by a prominent and reliable Democrst, who "keeps step to the music of the Union," that there ex ists in this city a lodge of the treasonable organi zation, of Southern origin, known as "Knights of the Golden Circle," the members of which are in league with, end sworn to support, the rebels of the Cotton States in their treasonable conspiracy to overthrow the government. If it be true that such an oath-bound tory league does exist here, the "toad spotted traitors" and midnight treason-plotters who comprise its membership, should be 'smoked out of thee se- - cret den, and held up to the scorn and contempt of all loyal citizens and true patriots. Judging from the tone of the Patriot and Union for a week past, we are forced to the conclusion that its editors are "in the ring," and That their pa per is the recognized organ of this nest of•traitora Tin MILITARY SPIRIT.--The circulation of the Extra TILIGRAPH this moral% containing the latest intelligence from the seat of war, created considerable sensation in various quar ters. At Davis' Exchange Saloon, a parts of young men were assembled, and when the news was read a paper was immediately drawn up and signed by all present. They intend holding a meeting at the Exchange this evening, pre paratory to forming a company and 'offering their services to the United States Government The patriotism of our young men is equal to any emergency, and when the tocsin sounds, the southern fire-eaters will find that Pennsylvania yet contains a few of theboys whohave "hearts to dare and arms to do." The meeting will take place in the large room at the Exchange ? at 74 o'clbck this evening, and we mild not be surprised to see a new company tramping the streets by Tuesday next, following the flag of our Union. pennopluania Mailv ateltgrapt), Saturbap littritoon, 'April 13, 1861. Bev. A. H. Fatostuircen will preach in the court room (Brant's Hall) to-morrow morning and evening, at the usual hours. EVENING C2C711011 BELLS.—With what sweet, low melody does the pealing of the church bells fall upon the ear when the air is clear and still, calling upon us to turn our thoughts for a while from the affairs of this world to those of the next. At first, with scarcely distinguished sound, comes floating to us the faint tolling of one in a distant part of the city, then with startling relief the deep clangor of another in our immediateneighborhood, then still another, and so they alternate with seeming regular ca deuce, until the town clock, with measured re sonant notes, appears to close this singular con cert by reminding us that time is fleeting. And what musical monitors ought the church bells to be to us, as if warning sounds from a dis tant land. How often they open the long-closed avenues of the heart. The hardened criminal in his cell, under the heaviest penalty of the law, weary of existence, with his heart impene trable to the agonized grief of an aged father, the speechless sorra* of a thooping mother, has had all the lir long Impressed virtuous feelings and memories of better anditappler days come rushing over him, as thaar-off rip pling gentle sounds of the evening bells come stealing in through the thickening twilight like an angel of light. How then the memory of former days comesgliding through his brain, the village church, its simple chimes, the old accustomed seat, thecdelight of his mother,- I justly proud of her boy. finder the influence of such thoughts as these, he bows his head, and his heart is at last softened. What a theme has the evening - vesper bells ever been to the poet in sunny Italy, as In the beautiful _Boast of that country the simple peasantry- leave the luxuriant vineyards and turn with solemn steps to their devotions. Even the stern and unim aginative Turk, who eschews the bell and pre fers as a eubstiate the 'melancholy cry of the muezzin, prostrates himself in the dust at the first sound of his voice. And at sea, with what solemnity does the usually thoughtless and careless sailor turn on deck at the solemn peals of the Sunday bells for afternoon prayers. To the reflecting :observer there is nothing more calculated to awaken pure and holy thoughts than the evening church bells.—Eirehange. Nsw Amnia! Naw AssivAsel.—Just re_ ceived a large assortment of New Spring Goods. We name in part ; 10 pieces of beautiful chat les, 124 worth ISt ; 10 pieces of traveling dress gooda l B-worth- 124 ; 60 pieces bleached and. unbleached muslin's, at 10 worth 124 ; 50 pieces of bleached muslin, at 124- worth 15. Also a very large assortment of Cassimeres and other summer stuff for men and boys wear: Also Stella Shawls, very cheap. Broche bordering, at 26, 87 and 60 cents. Also, a large stock of Cambrfce anttSwisslluslins, very cheap. Please call and examine at S. Lowy, Road's old Stand, ant "Iltereetind Second streets. 4.'af A letter from Galveston, Texas, sayethere are many who will give aid and comfort to the cause of the Union. In Collin county, the Union candidate for representative was elected by a majority of 312; and In Bastrop county, the same ticket succeeded by a vote of 66 over secession. A State Convention is to assemble at Dallas during the present month, to select candidates for the office of Governor, Lieuten ant Governor and Commissioner of the Land Office, in pursuance of reeolutions adopted by the Democratic State Convention last year. The expense attending the seizure and taking pos session of United States property is set down at two hundred thousand dollars, the value of said property being estimated at about two and a half millions. Tim Pads Constitutional, of March 27th, con tains a letter from a correspondent at Buenos Ayres, who tells the extraordinary story of a Frenchman having become Ring of Araucania, in the Southern part of Chili, a province whol ly inhabited by a hardy, intelligent race of In dians, who have, remained unconquered to this day. This Frenchman, if such a person really exists, calls himself Orulie Antoine 1., Constitu tional King of Araucania. His ministers are also apparently Frenchmen, at least they call themselves by French names. Louis Napoleon has amused himself by build ing an exact copy of a three-banked Roman gallery, adding all the classical ornaments that belong to it. Diamond; as well as_ gold, are. said._to_ be found in the mines of Georgia. One of these gems was sold by the finder for ten cent; and disposed of in France for eight hundred dol lars ! A diver of Kingston, Jamaica, recently re covered a thousand dollars' worth of ivory from a ship sunk in the harbor of that city, over one hundred years old. At a ball in Reedsburg, Va., a few nights ago the price of admission was a bushel of wheat The fanners were there in large numbers. Ciouorts.—The sudden changes of our climate are sources of Pulmonary, Bronchial and asthmatic af fections. Experience having proved that simple rams• dies often apt speedily and certainly when taken to the early stages of the disease, recourse should at once be had to • 'a Bronchial Troches," or Lozenges, let the Cold, Cough or Irritation of the Throat be ever so alight, as by this precaution a more serious attack may be warded elr• Pabbo Speakers and Singers will find them enbcall for clearing and a, trengthening the voice. See 114YerthMEItat. 401044WAWBill HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED JUST PUBLISHED ON THE NATURE, TREATMENT AND RADICAL CURE OF SPERNATOR. ERNA, or Seminal Weidman, Sexual Debility, Nervous ness, Involuntary Enslink= and impotency, resulting from Se!tabus., he. By Robt. 3. Culverwell, M. D.— Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, pest oald, on receipt of two atampe , by Dr. CRAB. 7. C. ELENA 127 Bowery, New York. Post °Moe Box, No. 4,585. 020.13indaw SPALDINa's PlumuutED Gun Is designed for repairing furniture In aU cues where cabinet-makers' glue is used. It is exselifint fin mending books, refast ening the loosened "leaves and coveasqdickly and firmly. li is maul/ran bottle eass glue-pot, with a brunt, lid will bacons indispensable to the housekeeper. AN EXTRA ME lot of FONGTAI 701MONG MIA. Ibis Is the best brand of Black imported. & small trmilochat received and Waal* 7 WS) WX. DOOM JB. & 00. IdISCELLA-NEOIIS NOTICE. PURIFY TEE BLOOD MOFFAT'S Lm Pala AND PFLOtIrEIE Rim ßL Pre: frost all Mineral Pottoot.—ln cases of Scrofula Ulcer,, Scurvy, or Eruptions of the Skin, the operation of the Life Medicin es Is truly astonishing, often removing In a few days, every vestige or these loathsome diseases by their purifying ,ctit on the blood. Billions Fevers, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Dropsy, ?ilea, and in short, most all diseases soon yield to their curve properties No family should be without them, as by their timely Use much suffering and expense may, be wed. Prepared by WY. B. MOFFAT, lf. 8., New York, and r sale by all Druggists noitn-wly MANHOOD. P=M fitarr itb OLI the 11th inst., in the First Presbyterian church of Harrisburg, by the Pati. Wm. R. DeWitt, D. D., 'my 11170; of Fittsburg, 'Ad Janos, daughter of the late Alexander Mahon, ISq:, of Harrisburg, Pa. • 11Pleb. On Saturday, Aprll 13th, of Scarlet Fever, CIidRUNI FILANOS, son ot Fronk' and Rebecca Webrick, aged 3 y. ars 9 tn'tnthF , , and 29 dais. Dearest Charley Mon has left to, And thytlces we deeply feel, But 'tis God that hath bereft us, Ile can all our morrows heal. Orem fabvertistmento. BRANVS CITY HALL ! FOR THREE NIGHTS ONLY ! Commencing Monday Eve., April 16. FIRST APPRARANCE IN THIS CITY EEO CELEBRATED AND DEBAT ORIGINAL. WOOD'S MINSTRELS! .symerria SLEEKER ......MANAGER. FROM' WOOD'S IL4RBM WIPLE OF MINSTRELST; 661 Red 663 Br:midway, New York For details of these GRAND ENT/LATAIN6IVT.3 see Programmes. ao Mammoth ftoograpbß at Post()Rica. Admission ' 6 Cents. Doors open at 7 Commence at S. . apUS•S( J. F. BIRCH, agent. PENNSYOVANIA RAIL ROAD! FATTER TIME TABLE iLI FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA• ON AND AFTER MONDAY, APRIL 16th, 1861, fhe passenger trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany Sill depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia M rolinwk • 4.ISTWARD. THROUGH'EXPREW TRAIN !waits Harrisburg at 1,15 a. m. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.10 a. m. FAIR LINE leaves Harrisburg at 6.50 .. a. m., and arrivoi at Wiet Philadelphia at 10.05 a. m. FAST Milli...TßAllo leavea Harrisburg at 1.16 p. m., arrivelfarWeitt Philadelphia at 5.10 p. tni These ' the New ' °* Linea. aCOOIIX ATM TRAIN, No. 1, via Mount Joy, leaves Barr* berg at 7.50 a. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia* 12.80 p. m. ITABRMIII4O ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, cla Cetera. bia, leaves riabmg at 4.10 p. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 9 26 p. m. ACCOMMODATIO?.i. TRAIN, No. 2, via Mouot Joy, leaves Harrisburg at 4.20 p. tn., connecting at Diller vßle with HARP.IRBORO ACCOMMODATION, TRAIN, and arrives M West Philadelphia at 9.26 p. m. W ESTWARD. THROUGH KXPRESS TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 10.45 p , to.; Hartisburs at 3.06 a. m., Altoona 2.06, at , elves at.PAilieburg at 12.40 p. m. HAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m., Havhburg 1.10 p. m., Altoona, 7.05 p. M., and arrives at Pittaburg at 12.20 p. m. PAST LINZ leaves Philadelphia at 11.40 a. in., Harris burg 4,0 Altoona 8.40 p. m , and arrives at Plitt. burg at LOP a. tn. HARRISBURG ACOOHMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia et 2.39 p. m., Lancaster 8.054. m , Col ombia 6.40 p. in., and arrives at Harrisburg it 8.03 p. in. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Philadelphia at 9.00. p. m., Lanealter 7.44 p. ni.,liount Joy 8.28 p. m., Mira. betbtotin, 8.48 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.46 p..m. Attention is called te the fart, that passengers leaving Philadelphia at 400 p. in., connect at Lancaster with MOUNT JOY ACCOBibiIiDaTION TRAIN, and arrive at Iturialiurg at 9.45, p,.0. _ . SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Supt. East, Div. Ronda. Railroad apl2 60-dtt SIGN OF THE Glorious Star Spangled Banner I A NOTHER SUPPLY OP WALL PAPER, Ll. BORDERS, &c.., SPLENDID WINDOW BLINDS, to which transit the attention of our friends, and cordially luvitethem to examine our goods and prices. We are determined to sell cheap. Mind the place. SCIIE:PEER'S BOOKSTORE, apl3.tf Near the Harrisburg Bridge. WORCESTER'S ROYAL QUARTO DICTIONARY! 91HE best defining and pronouncing Dic- L titulary of the English language ; Alao, Worcester's Sohool Dictionaries. Webster's Pictorial Quarto and School Thethinaries fur sale at • SCBEEFER'S BOOKSTORE, apls.tt Near the liarrisburgßrldge. ARRIVED THIS MORNING, A superb lot of new sty le Foulard Chintzes. hew style Noglish Mourning Glnghams. do , do Colored Gingham. Wide French Chintzes, extra quality. New style Mourning Persians. do French Challis. Pure Quad's Hair Lustre, (desirable goods ) Extra quality Silk Warp Lavellas. Neapolitan Silks, (new article.) English Rep litourningSWts. A LARGE VARIETY OF OTHER GOODS. This lot of goods Just received, have been purchased very low and will be disposed of accordingly. Call at CATHCART'S, apl2 Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. N . ORDINANCE IN RELATION TO. ThE COLLECTION OF CITY TAX:Nd AND WATER .--Sscrios 1. Be is ordained by the Common Cbunea of As city of Harrisburg, That (for the ensuing yes r and until otherwise ordered) there shall by one Collector of City Taxer, whose duty it shall be to collect and pay,over into the lily Treat cry, as now provided by the various ordinances on that subject, all the City Taxes that shall remain copaid, to the City Treasurer, on the first day of July in each and every year, as heretofore practiced and allowed by the provisions of the act of As sembly passed April 215 t, A. D., 1846, In relation to that subject, and that said Cellector shall be entitled toe com pensation or per centag of two and one half per centum on all monies so remelning unpaid, which may be col. 'acted by him and paid over Into the City Treasury; and before entering upon the duties of his office, the said Col lector shall execute a bond with sufficient security, as provided by the City Ordtnanances, for the fitithful per femme ofthe duty thus confided to him. Sso. 2. That (for the ensuing year and until otherwise Ordered) there shall be one Collector of Water Rental whose duty it shallbe to collect all- the Water. Rents of he ifityas heretofore, (except swab as have been usually Paid directly to the City Treasurer). and pay over the same into the City Treasury, as provided by the various ordinances on that subject; and the said Collector, In ad dition to the duties of Collector of Water Rents as above Provided, shall be, and is hereby appolatid, Superintend ent of Water Works, whose duty it shall be to exercise a general supervision over the said Works, under the di rection of the Water Committee, and see that they shall be kept in complete order and repair, as required by the various ordinances la relation thereto, and to report any defect, defloiency or breath In any part of the said werks, to the Water Committee without delay ; and for the faithful performance of the duties above specified, the said Collector shall be entitled to the compensation of four per COMM on ail Water Rents collected and paid over into the City Treasury by him : Provided, however, That said Collector shall, before he enters upon the du tiemof his dike, give a bond with approved security, as provided by the several ordinances, for the faithful per fbrmanoe of his duties. Sao. 3; That any former ordinance, sofa as the same may be tneonstabmt herewith, be and the same 0 hereby repealed. Pissed April 11 3 1881. D. W. GROSS, President of Comment .Cenitnn. Atloet DAvici Haps Clerk. APprofrid April 14 1, 8111; aftl2-Int - WSS. Krpniz,, 'plittift GARDEN, FIELD and FLOWER SEEDS. An entire new Mock of large anti small packers jut received at HELLER'S DRUG STORE, mull 91 Mutat street. New 2thertisenunts. Harrisburg Broom Manufactory, TWO DOORS FROM FRONT ST., IN WALNUT. (IROOMS sold wholesale and retail 20 percent. cheaper than can bo bad elsewhere. 1 and examine eur mock. aps.3rod J. E. NOCE itt CO. IMPORTED BOLOGNA SAUSAGE.-A very rare lot Just received and for sale by aps WM. DOCK JR. k. CO. JOHN WALLOWER, JR,, Agt, GENERAL FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANT. GOODS AND MERCHANDISE promptly forwarded by Philadelphia and Reading, Northern Central, Cumberland Valley and Pennaylraula Railroads, and Canal. RADLING AND DRAYING to and from all parts of the city to the different Railroad depots will be done at the very lowest rates. FAMILIES removing will be promptly attended to. Orders left at Brant'e European Betel o or at the store of E. S. Zollinger, will receive prompt attention. Con signments of freight respeettrilly solicited. JOHN WALLOWER JR., Agt., apti Office Reading Depot. D A ' ID HAYNES, 110 MARKET, ST. BABRIBBIMG, Agent for LILLIE'S PATENT Wrought and Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Prooi IBILIPIIIO3. Strictly the ONLY Mercantile Safe made, that is both Fire and Burglar Proof. mar 29 dly UPHOLSTERING. HUSK MATTRESSES, COTTON TOP MATRESSES, COTTON COMFORTS, FRENCH . CARPET HASSACKS, CHAIR CUSHIONS, LOUNGES, &c., Oa baud and toe Bale wholesale and retell at the vary lowest rates for cull. HAIR MATRASSES and SPRING BOTTOMS MADE TO ORDER SOFAS, LOUNGES, CHAIRS, HAIR MATRESSFS, &o. Repaired and made equal V) IN very reasonable., all at N 0.109 Market street between Fourth and FM, by mar 29 J. T. BARNITZ. FARMER'S HOTEL. THE subscriber begs leave to informhis friends and the public that he has taken the FARM ER'S HOTEL, in Market street opposite the Post WWI, i u rtnerly J. Stahl's, where he is prepared to accommo date them on reasonable terms. Having refitted and furnished the House entirely now be hopes by strict at bunion to business, to receive a liberal share of patron age. [apt-Smd) B. G. PETERS. F. - 11‘17 C7s, TRAVELING AGENT OF THE OLD WALLOWER LINE. TIIHIS OLD TRANSPORTATION LINE is still in successful operation and prepared to carry freight as LOW as any other individual line between Poibldelphla, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, Williams port, Jersey Shore, Loolt Haven, and all. points =on the Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie, and Williams port and Elmira Railroads. Local Agent at Harrisburg, D. A. !WENCH. Goods sent to PEACOCK, ZELL lt HIMOHMAN, Nos. 808 and 810 Market street, above Eighth, by 4 o'clock, P. M., wilt arrive at Harrisburg, ready for delivery, the newt morning. 0. P. MDENCH, apB•tr Traveling Agent. YKENS' VALLEY NUT COAL just r calved by canal and for sa by $2.25 par ton, d lvered by PATEN T WEIGH CARTS by JAMES M. WHEELER. TECERMOKETURB ! THERMOMETERS, Ornamental Us, Japanese Metal. THAMOMETERS, do do Bronzed doM TnERMOERTERS, Distillers n Oise, 12 Inch. THERMOMETERS, do ran Bound Double Scale. THERMOMETERS, Union e, 10-12 inch. THERMOMETERS, Metall° a 840 inch. THERMOMETERS, Black W Inut Case, 10 Inca. THERMOMETERS, Tin CaSe, 7.8.10 inoh. We have Just received a Ike lot of THERMOMETERS of various styles, and are selling them low . KELLFJPS DRUG STORE, apt 91 Murket street. CITY BONDS FOR SALE. ONE OR TWO CITY BONDS of $5OO each. bearing 6 per cent. interest, being a Bare and good investment. Apply to teb4-11md W. K. VERBEKE. REMOVAL. THE SUBSCRIBER has removed his PLUMBING AND BRASS FOUNDRY from Market street to Fourth street above Market, opposite the Bethel church. Thankful for past patronage, be hopes, by Strict attention to business, to merit a continuance of It. mar26-3md WM. PARKHILL. HAMS. --Three Hundred Extra Sugar Cured Hams just received by apB WM. DOCK JR. & CO. rims. D. ITC,NMISI HAGERSTOWN, MD. OFFICE in. his own dwelling, a few \J doors west of the Franklin Railroad Repo., where he may be consulted on all diseases, but more particu larly on Disesses of a private nature. There are many persona in Hagerstown, Harrisburg and elsewhere, who nave been restored to sound health after all other treat ment failed, by the use of his powerful vegetable reme . d'eo. • Dr. JUNES my be consulted personally or by lener,de scribing every symptoms. And medicine sent to any part of the country. Any afflicted person that will call personally and make& bargain with Dr. JONES, he will keep them In his own dwelling, and if net cured no pay will be required. GONORRHEA Dr. JONES oilers the only safe and certain remedy tor Gonorrhea, Cleat, Stricture, Liver Complaint, Dyspopeia, CoeUveness, and all Derangements of the Stomach. This preparation will cure Gonorrhea in frcm three to five days, and can be had at any time of Dr. JONES, at his of• lice, at One Dollar per bottle, and one bottle Is Butlcient to cure a mild case. tzil:4:lov.-0 This Is one of :the worst of all diseases. Dr. JONES pledges himself to cure Syphilis In Its worst forme. This disease makes its appearance In so many different forms, that a single plan of treatment will not reach it In all its features ; so it may require different remedies, according to the nature of the case. Dr. JONES will make a writ- ten article with any oneNo CUBE NO PAY I The re. mediae used by Dr. JONES, are purely roegeb:thle, and need no change of diet or hindrance from buldnees. SPRIIMATORRHEA This habit of youth is Indulged in while alone, and s o Often learned front evil companions when at school, and if nut cured will destroy both mind and body. Both sexes fall victims to this disease. The symptoms are— Pain in the Head, Dimness of Sight, Ringing In the Ears, Pimples en the Face, Loss of Memory, Frightful Dreams at Night, Weaknesti in the - Back; Pain In the Breast, and Cough, (Indicative of Consumption) Dyspepsia, great Derangement of the Nervous System, and so on till Nab pixtilin end to their sufferings. To such Dr. JONES ol fers a perfect restoratioe, with such mild and Balmy Juices of Herbs, that will perfectly restore the victim of is Distressing Disease. FEMALE COMPLAINTS apeedity restored to sound health All letters must contain a stamp to ensure answer. Address DR. D. W. JONES, apt 3md Hagerstown, Md NEW ARRANGEMENT, CHANGE OF LOCATION WAL.LOWER'S LINE. The old stock of cars being disposed - of, the undersigned has broke out In a new place and es taultabed a daily freight line between Philadelphia, New York, Harrisburg and all points on the Northern Central, Sunbury & Erie and LackaWana & Bloonusburgrallroads. Thanktal for the liberal patronage heretoftwe extended he how, by promptness in dellvery, to retain all his old customers and patrons, 44 goods intended for the line must be delivered at the depot of the Philadelphia and Reading railroad, Broad and Oallowblll streets, Phlladel- OIL -All goods delivered at the depot tip to Ave o'clock; P. M., will reachilarrisburg next morning. J WALLOWER; Jr, General AO , Reading Depot, Harrisbrg WHISKEY AVERY superior artiole of BOURBON wßisgEy, In quart bottles, in store and for sale by JOHN H. ZIEGLER, mar 4 13 Markel &zest Nap abvertiotmtnts. REMOVAL. THE SUBSCRIBER. would respectfully inform the public that he has removed Ws Plumb ing and Brass Founding establisbment to No. 22 South Third street below Herr's Hotel. Thankful for put pat ronage, be hopes by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of It apl2dtf Assignee? Sale of Real Estate. TIE SUBSCRIBERS will sell by public outcry et the WWI. House, at Harrisbur g , on Satur day the 15th day of June next, at two o'cick, P. M., The Farm of John Wallower, Senior, consisting or NO acres, situated In Susquehanna township, about three miles from Harrisburg, adjoining lands of John H. Fo r , John Zinn and others. 't here are erected on the Farm a large Two Story Stone House, a Bank Barn, Tenant Houses, Stables, &c. There Is aleo a large orchard of apple, pear, peach and Cherry trees of choice varieties in excellent bearing or der. Also, several veins of good Lime Stone, which have bean and can be worked to advantage. The property will be sold In a body or to parcels to amt. pruchaeers -, and the sale be peremptory. Conditions.—Ono tonrth the purchase money to be paid within one week of the day of sale, when posses sion will be given, subject to a lease running to the Jet of April next. The purchaser to be entitled to oniehatr the crops ; one-fourth on the first day of October, the residue on the Ist of April. The two last payments to carry Interest from the day of sale, and to be ottiefac tartly secured. There will also be offered for sale at the same time and place the undivided ball interest of 150 sores of Coal Lands situated on the abort Mountain, in Lykens Dauphin county. A. 0. NIVFEIL C. F. NUESOft. Assignees. april2-d2mr•wl , t A WNINGS sewed at the office of the WHEELER tc WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO. apil-Twd Third and Market Stride. STEAM WEEKLY BETWEEN NEW YORK - ;"4" AND LIVERPOOL. LANDING- AND EMBARKING PAS. SEEGERS at QUEENSTOWN, (Ireland.) The Liver pool, New York and Philadelphia titeamshlP utimPacy intend despatching their full powered Clyde-built iron Steamships as follows : EDINBUEG, Saturday, 20th April ; GLASGOW, Sat urday, 27th April; CITY OP WASHINGTON, Saturday, 6th April ; and every Saturday, at Noon, from Pier 44, North Elver. RAM OP PASSAGR FIRST CABIN 375 00 I STEERAGE.— ..... 330 00 do to London $BO 00 I do to London-388 00 Steerage Return Tickets, goad for Six Months 450 00 Passengers forwarded to Parts, Havre, Hamburg, Bremen, Rotterdam, Antwerp, &c., at reduced through tares. sgrPersons wishing to bring out their friends can buy tickets here at the following rives, to New York : From Liverpool or Queenstown; Ist Cabin, $75, VW and $lO6. fteerage from Liverpool $4O 00. From Queenstown, PO 00. These Steamers have superior accommodations thr passengers, and carry experienced Surgeons. They are built in Water-tight Iron Sections, and have Patent Fire Annihilators on board. For further information apply at the Company's Moos. JNO. G. DALE, Agent, apll-tf 16 Broadway, New York. Or 0.0 . Zimmerman, Agent, Igarrieb g. NEW SHOE STORE /. NEW SHOE STORE! I THE PHILADELPHIA SHOE STORE NO. .38i MARKET STREET. Next door to Geo. W. kr Calla' s Jewelry Store. As Cheap as the Cheapest and as Good as the Best. THE UNDERSIGNED begs leave to in form the Shoe buying public of llarrisburg that he has opened a Shoe Moretti the 'bete named place , where will be found a large assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, which will be sold VERY CHEAP FOR CASH. Give as a call and examine our goods Who Philadelphia Cheap Shoe Store, No. 38 MARKET STREET. aprillo4.B6l J. 0. KIMBALL. NOTICE TO FIRE COMPANIES. WE the Good Will Fire Company of Harrisburg, give notice to all fire companies t hat we offer for sale a good mono hand SUCTION FIRE ENGINE. In good repair and ready for service, which would suit any new organized company who wishes a small and good machine, can procure her at a low price. For any further information you w.ll please -address 0. W. WM TERB, apt3.lw Secretary of Committee. PHILADELPHIA NEW ",'• ": BONNET 4 '\C STORE . ~ .'..I=IAS OPENED WITH A FULL assortmen from the Philadelphia and New Verb moat fashionable establishments, to which, during the seasen, additions of the latest, novelties from those establishments will be constantly received. MRS. A. B. BICKERTON, Formerly A. B. Carpenter, sign et the two Golden Eagles, first bonnet store from the Harrisburg Bridge. marlilSmd ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL BOARDING. SCHOOL, FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER. COUNTY, PA. STIIDENTS prepared for College or bea noss. lAcatton pleasant, healthy and easy of ac cess by Pennsylvania Railroad. For circulars coma , b ing terms, &c., addraa the Principal. ap6.lotdretw E. L. MOORS. 1801. BARGAINS IN PULOW CASE MUSLIN; all Widths. Sunman . UNBLIACIIND AND BIEACHND MOSLINi, all PTIONi. Volum% all prices and widths. Towauxas, all kinds. OADWINSPAIWNN, very low. Cameos, very cheap. PILLOW Casa Llama, different quint les. LINNN Enzarixos, all qualities. •Foaarroan CHNCKB. CARON ItIOCK OF I:RASNES. STAIN OIL CLOTLIN. Ben MANN OF Damian. Any Bouae Furnishing or Domestic (loads will be Mend VERY COUP, at CATHCART AL BROTHXR I B, Next to the Harrisburg Built NOTICE. T" partnership heretofore existing be • tween SAMUEL L. RAILYand WILLIAM L. BAILY, under the firm of BAILY /S. BROTHER, was dissolved, on the 25th ultimo, by the decease of WILIIAM L. BAILY. The business or the Firm will be settled by the Bur/I - Wog tanner. CARPET STOCK, SELLING OUT. - NO. 920 CHESTNUT STREET, PMLADELPIIIA, • • Is order to close up the business of the late Firm of , ikei' m ist ily € lk, XI X" Clot , Their large and fresh stock of Fine Carpetings, 011 Cloths, wiz/ be offered for We at Redueed'Prioes. Pers will find it to their in- Housekeepers and Storekeepers terest to call, as every article will be elfered low. anB-2wd EMPTY BARRELS. —Two Hundred Empty Flour, Sugar and Wine Barrels of all do scr.ptions and prices, apf3 WANTED TO PURCHASE. ATWO STORY BRICK HOUSE, with back building, loilded in a retpectable neighbor hood, of which possession- Will sot be wanted for Ws* irmattp!. A'l at - a 2 -•-- TEIIB 001106. - - STONE FOR SALE. BUILDING STONE or Stone suitable for turspilting purposes will be delivered to any part of city or its vicinity. Apply to mar 23 WM. COLDER, JR. J. JONES 1861. WM. DOCK JR. St 00
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers