T HE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, (scrroays sircersu,) By GEORGE BERGNER. —Sisrits `n-ii.resurne,, II , L! DAILY TiatliFLAr'll t. 4 ,1 to sub:-,:rivers thr orough at 6,14' cent; er t; Year.. ,•01,,,,:nr,cr. • ill be charged 84.00. Wilms AND :.AIAI-14 RAMS ALA:MAY. I . r!:: . iIIIZGRAFFt Tv a! lorblisbed , lee wrob during Me session f the Legislature, and weekly during the re mainder of the year, and lerreshed to sub—Al:erg at the rollowing rates, viz : since subscribers per.... ~ I 2.00 ......... .... 12.00 " ............... 16.00 Sal LW DT SHWAtAYEAA. cu, order the discontinuance ot their news , the publisher may COnt)000 to send them until A 1 arrearages are paid. I subscribers neglect or returc to take their newirpa• pers from the Klee to which they aro directed, they are responsible until they hav" settisd the bills and ordered them discontinued _ _ .Icbital SOMETHING MORE VALUABLE THAN SILVER OR GOLD, 13 , CALAK IT WILL RESTOIIE THE WEAK, EMTATE THE BLO!)0 IN ALL IPZ. ORIGINAL VIGOR AND FURITY. PROF. 0. J. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL, BLOOD RENOVATOR. 18 precisely what its name unlicate• ; for, while plosean to the taste, it 13 revivifying, exailarating and strength ening to the vital powers. it mkt, ronvill?s, reinstates, and renews the blood la all its original purity, and thus restores and renders the systeminvulnerable to attacks of disease. It le the ooly preparation ever offered to the world in a popular forth to a, to lie within the reach Of all. So chemically and rkiillully combined as to b e th e most powerful tonic, and yr eo perfMly adapted as to act in perfect accordance with the laws of nature, and hence soothe t h e wee k e ,t stonrolt, and tone up the di gestive organs, and allay roes and othor Irritation. It is also perfectly eXhilarating ln Ito effectsl and yet it is never f o ll o wed Ity laLaitud , or depression of spirits. It Is composed entirely of vegetables, and those thoroughly eointoiong powerful tonic and soothing properties, and consequently Coll never injure. As a sure preventive sad cure of CONoIISIPTION, BRONGILInS, INDIGESTION, DYS PEPSIA, LOSS OP APPETITE, FAINTNE:A NERVOUS IRRITABILITY, NEURALGIA, PAL PITATION OF TIIE HEART, MELAN- OfloLY, HYPOCHONDRIA, NIGHT i.WEATS, LANGUOR, GIDDINESS, AND ALL THAT CLASS OF CA SES 80 FEARFULLY FATAL CALLED FEMALE WEAKNErS AND IRREGULARI TIES. THERE IS NOTHING ITS EQUAL. Liver Deraugraneuti or Torpidity, and Liver Ca.ollauu, Diseases of the Kidneys, or any genera :de• tangement of the Urinary organs. It will riot only cure the debility following CHILLS and FEVER, but preveote all attacks aq rig from Mia3matlc lelluences, and cure the dlsearet at once, If already at tacked. TRAVELERS shout' have a battle with thew ' as it in• fallibly prevents any deleterious consequences following th , a chug° of climate and water. Asst prevents cestiVetteS strengthens the digestive orgies, R should he in the h.coils of all persons or seden tary habits. LAKES not accustomed to Ot eiere/Se, should illiVage use it. MOTHERS should use It, for it Is a poriect relief. Taken a mush or two before the final trial, ithe will pass the dreadful period with perfect ease and safety. ' There is no mistake about TUE CORDIAL IS ALL WE CLAIM FOR MOTHERS, TRY IT ! Arid to you we appeal, to detect the Illness or detaine 110 t only of your daughters before it be too I de, but also your sons and husbands, for while tbo former from fake delicacy, often go down to a premature grave, rather than let their condition be known in time, the latter are so often mixed up with the excitement of business, that II lt were not for you, they tro, would travel in the same downward path until It is too late to arrest their fatal fall. But the mother Is always vigilant, Red w you we confidently appeal; for we era sure your never-failing ni4 cline will unerringly point you to 'Professor WorlD'n itit.loitaTtV4oolll.dol ASD 060011. meirrOVATOlt 11.1 the remedy which ehould he always ou hand in time of nucd. - head what the Press lay after thoroughly testing the Luger, and no one can have a &wit. PROF. WOOD'S RIMORATIVII CORDIAL—It is ree corded In ClllBBlO5 that Payche was once sent to a climate warmer than the West Indies to procure a sample of the beauty of Proserpina In a box. After some delay the messenger returned, and as soon as the lid of the hex was removed out Sew all the Ilia that flesh is heir to.— Fortunately hope was found iu the bottom of the box. Prof. Wood's Restorative Cordial revives the recollection of the story, for it invigorates the blood, aids the organs of digestion, imparts strength to the nervous eyslem, and fortifies the citadel of health, no as to bid defiance to the assaults of disease. It is a healthy Wide, composed en Orely of vegetable productlnis sent while it is exhilara ting ae pure Wine, no injuilOUS resells can possibly follow its use It is a desideratum in the medical world, and those who are afflicted with loss of Appetite, Dyspepsia, Consumption, Faintness, liiiitimess, Neuralgia, Palpita tion of the Heart, &e., will here dud au iciallibte panacea. LOUIS Daily hixpreas." . . PROF. WWI' S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL and BLOOD ENIIVATOR is, without doubt, the best Tonic Cordial In tits world. To those who are suffering from general de bility we wwll4 recommend its use; for, while it is pleas not to the taste, it is strengthening to tbe system, and will at once tend to remove ad impurities of the blood, and eradicate all traces of diocese. It csn be taken by the weakest stomach, while thoze in good heal h will at once feel Its exhilaratiug power. We are confident that after using one bottle of this cordial nun° will be for a day without it.---" New York Loader." A PURE, HEALTHY TONIC, and one free from th deleterious and injurious ellects sure to fellow those In ordinary one, has long bean felt to be a desideratum in the medical world. Such a tonic, and one so skillfully combined from the vegetable kingdom as to act in per fect accordance with the Laws of nature, and thus soothe the weakest stomach, and at the same time allay ner vous and other Irritations, and tone up all the organs of which the Mon in body La composed, is offered in Prof. Wood's Restorative Cordial and Blood Renovator. Hence, It is perfectly adapted to cld and young. Reader, try it. Thousands have already done so, and the testimony is universal in its favor.—" New York Atlas." PROVESSoit WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL AN D BLOOD RENOVATOR, for the cure of General Debility, or Weakness arising from any eat'ee, also Dyspepsia, Nerv ousness, Night Sweatt', luemient Consumption, Liver Compleinle ' Biliousness, Lore or Appetite, Female Weak ness, is all Its stages, also, to prevent the contraction or disease, Is certainly the best and roost agreeable cordial tonic and Renovator ever altered to the afflicted, and so chemically combined as to be the moat powerful tonic ever known to medical nelocoe. Reader, try it. Ir wax DO von 00313. We have no besita.tou iv recommending it, since we know it to be a sale, pleasant, and sore re needy for the diseases enumeroted.—•.lslow York Dis patch." Before noticing a patent medicine, we have to be cer Lain that It will prove Itself to ho all that It is recom mended. And we would say that the Restorative Cor dial and Blood Renovator of Prof. Wood win stand the test fully, and, in fact, lt is without any doubt the first article In market for purifying the Blood and strengthen- Mg the system. We have no br. Innen In recommending its use to all.—" The New-Yorker." LOOK TO YOURSELF IN TlAlki.—How many In conse quence of a Oise delicacy suffer from suppressed, pain ful, or obstructed mensuration, and think because they are young that by-and-by nature will work itself clear from obstructions, and all come in right in the end, little dreaming that tho seeds of death are already germina bug In the system, because the vital energies are im paired, and the entire animal economy deranged, dobili• fated; and yet, careless of themselves as they are, if a remedy wore net before them which would restore all the functions of the system, and reinvigorate the body, they would take It, and thus be In Limo to save their lives._. Parente, think of this, and at once give them a bottle of Prot Wood'a Restorative Cordial and Blood Renovator.— "The New Ynrk Courier." 0. J WOOD, Proprietor, 444 Broadway, New York, and 114 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. //ip•At No. 444 Broadway, all the Family and Patent Medicines Constantly on baud, always fresh and genuine. Ford di Macomber, Washington Avenue, sole lipids or Annoy; Or H. Snell, teens for Schenectady. Sold also by A. 13. Saudi R Co. corner of Fulton and William streets. pui2Awo Sum A NEW LOT Or LADIES' SHOPPING & TRAVELING BAGS Comprising a number of new styles t ENr and LA.- Money Purses and Wallets. nno assortment nst recol Tolland for sale at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSIGRE, 61 Silarket swot. IosEPH CANNY. JOHN W. BROWN. CASEY & BROWN, .A.T T ORNEYS-AT-LAW HARRISBURG, PENN'A. J'AVING associated together in the practice of the Law, will attend faithfully and promptly to all professional business. entreated to their WM. Moe In Third street three doors from Market ki 01. Osestmattess to Maghill and German. • 1 11 t , ‘\, ' \ Alivt, ,- Vv r -tree 4 VOL, XIV. inisteUantons THE ORIGINAL AND GLNITINE DR. TOWNSEND'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF S A R SAPARILLA, IS The Great Renovator of THE BLOOD. THE SOVEREIGN REMEDY FOR ERUPTIONS OF THE SK INS DICEBATED SORES, AND ALL FORMS OF CUTANEOUS DISEASES: These complaints ran be speedily and etbctually enred by the use of tbis WORLD RENOWNED SAR SAPARILLA. Thousands have experienced Its salutary effects, and tens of th ousands have witnessed it, until it has ceased to be a question among the intelligent portion of the com munity. When the Blood becomes Melees and stagnant, either from the effects of Spring weather, change of climate want of exercise, the use of a uniform Maine diet, or any other cause ; this compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, will wassw the BLOOD, carry off the putrid humors, MUMS the ermine, REOWLA7E THE BOWELS. And impart a Tone of Vigor to the Whole Body: TO THE PUBLIC. The public are hereby notified that the preparation Ex tensively known as Dr. 8. P. Townsend's Compound en tree t of Sarsaparilla is now manufactured under my di rection and supervision, from the original recipe obtained. front Dr. S. P. Townsend; and I certify that is compos ed of ingredients PURELY VEGETABLE, and WITHOUT CURY; and also that the ingredients are judiciously co n i °united, so as to obtain from them their greatest medicinal effect. JAMES R. OHTLTON, M. D., Chemist. Dr. S. P. TOWNSEND'S COMPOUND IMAM' or Was. ?emu, has a reputation among all civilized nations as the best preparation for . . . Renovating and: Pnrifyirig the BLOOD' which science has ever offered to man. In thus resides its PECULIAR EXCELLENCE, and to this is due its world wide renown. It contains all the vegetable principles which expert• mice bas proved useful in clearing the SYSTEM from DISEASE, extracted and combined With the.higheat skill which the refinements of modern chemistry enable us to employ. Whatever may be said by mortified competitors or splenetic physicians, the fact that this medicine is EVERY WHERE USED, and that its use creates an increased de. mind, ahowa conclusively that it possesses medicine merits of the first order CAUTI'ON.. Tu avoid Imposition Is will be necessary to 800 that DR. JAMES R. CHILTON'S CERTIFICATE as well as the SIGNATURE of Dr. S. P. Townsend, is on the outside wrapper ot each bottle. BE VERY CAREFUL TO 'USE NO OTHER. Proprietor's office, No. 41 Suitor/ street, N. Y. And far sale by every Druggist in this city. anitO-dfilaw. 'ED * - A CONTROLLING ELEMENT tIF NA TIONALITY is the system of education In a coml. try. "In proportion as the structure or a government gives force to public opinion, that public opinion Should bo entightened."-IVoshingfon's InreteeLl Address. To this end the people la general should be educated into a correct and familiar acquaihtance with the nature and principles of our aulernlnent end civil institutions. "OUR GOVERNMENT : .An explanatory statemient et the system of Government of the Country, ato, AL FOR SC EOOl4, ACADEMIES AND POPULAR USE, , ' to a work' which, with proper historical notices, gives We construction of the provisions of the Constitution of the United States and of those of the several States, as determined by Judicial authority, or derived from stand ard writers, including some references to administrative wa and practice, so as to show the actual working of our general system of Government. It IS free from specials tive opinions, cenSerVISUVO to Its tendency, and calculated to cultivate the love of our country is his been used to a considerable extent, in the EDUCATION OF YOUTH in different Slates, and is-recommended by Jurists, Statesmen and Presidents, and Professors of Colleges.— Price $lOO. Sold by M. Id'KINNEY, ' del Harrisburg, Pa. TO FARMERS, 80,000 is,,A,ofttPlj POUDRETTE, Ippdl Manufacturing company, for sale in lots to'suit purchasers. This is the csaerzsr rstrrnizatt in market. $3 worth , will manure an acre of corn, will increase the Mop Item one-third to one-half, and will ripen the crop two weeks earlier, and, unlike guano, neither injure the seed-nor land. A pamph let, with satisfactory evidence and fall particulars, will bo sent gratin to any one sending addreturto LODI MANUFACTURING CO. feb26-wlot 180 South Wharves, Philadelphia. _ _ BAILEY'S ORIGINAL PACKAGES Of STATIONERY and JEWELRY. VW BUT IN MA MASKET: ' These packages contain 12 sheets of inite and Colored Note Paper, and 12 White and Colored Envelopes •, also, some one article of Jewelry, lb° Jewelry constsba of ever, description of goods used by am (la Book dealers, ed valued by them from Ft cents to $2O. PRICE *5 CENTS A PACKAGE. Bea are of y•oor imitations. Buy only Bailey's Pack ages i—you will get more Dr your money than by any other source. Inducements for getting itp Clubs 6 Pack meg fur $1 2S, 16 Paoxagee for SS 00, 93 Packages for *0 25. The postage on each Package sent by mail 1116. cents, which must be pild inadvanne. Traveling Agents and Podlera supplied with a better article, and at a lower price than con be obtained elsewhere. 'Our agents write that they can sell ten of our packages to one of any other. Give us a. triel,And judge for yourself. Jew elry told at wholesale at about one-half the usual price. Address, J. L. BAILEY, reb2o4:w 151 Court St., Boston,- Mass, NOTICE: NOTICE is hereby given that an assoeitt non is formed itYr the purpose of establishing a Rank of issue, discount and deposit wider the provhdons of the Act establishing a system of Free Ranking in Peonsylvania—said Bank to •be called the ' , The State Bank of Pennsylvania, ,, to be boated at Ede, Fa., with a capital of FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, with the pre• clings of =awing the same to Five Hundred Thousand L i J a tr, de2o-wOm To Farmers, Gardners and Truokers A. PEYSSONS' DISINFECTED POURDETTE ! Especially Itanutacted for Corn, Tobacco, Peas Grassi, Cabbage, and every kind of Crop and Truck ing. PRIM - M -11 Th 00 AND $l2 00 rim Tos, on 40 omit AND 80 Cs rite Boar, Also :—Pure Disinfected Nightfloil, packed in tight bar rels at it 75, delivered only at A. Peysscm'a Wharf, Gray's Perry.—(Liberal discount to Dealers. ALLNUTACTIMFD AT GRAY'S FERRY ROAD, BELOW THE ARSENAL. PHILADELPHIA, AND AT Pe' sson's Farm Woodbur7 toad GLOUCESTER, N. 3.3 DEALERS :—French Richards; & Co., N. 4th - Street and York avenue; John Craig, west end of Market Street Bridge; Office of A. Person, Library street, Goldsmith's Hall, No. 12. A. PEYSSON & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS Nos. 2 and 4 GOLDSMITIPS HAW, import to order all kinds of seeds, FrAtt Tram and Ag rioultetel imPlemestli from Frump.. tebSt.ilia "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS---NEUTRAL IN NONE." HARRISBURG, PA., SATURDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 13, 1861 PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY One of the largest and :moat completo Galleries in the United States, where the beet Pictures, known to the Photegvaphio art, are taken at prices no higher than are paid for miserable caricatures. 'TIRE PROPRIETOR , A PRACTICAL 1 PHOTOGRAPHER, attends personally, every al t ting—aud allows no ,picture to leave the Gallery unless it gilt§ perfect satislitctlon. Daguerreqtypes and Ambrotypee of absent or deceased friends, photographed to any required site, or taken on Canvass, life &se, and painted in 011 by the beet artists At this Gallery pictures can be taken in any weather— aa Perfect v i sitloudy days areahen,the Sun shines. Persons ing the city arespectfully Invited to ex amine oar spechnemi,w*cla ter price and quality defy competition. Oirlnstructione given in the art of. Photography. Gallery Art, TM Arch Street, Philadelphia: : My family and friends all concur in t h e opinion that the (Newell) Picture is mere llfe-like than anything they ever saw. My likeness has been repeatedly taken by different Artists in various ways, but I have never yet had ene which presents so true to nature, all the features and expressions 0( countenance as this. From Hon. N. Joy Morris, late Minister to Italy. The exquisite finish, beauty and softness of your per trilits, conjoined with their durability of color and faith fulness as likenesses, cannot thll to commend them to the attention and patronage of all who ,appreciate true rat. From Col. James Page. Having occasUm for a portrait, I procured one from Mr. Robert Newell, of the city of Philadelphia, a minia ture to Oil Colors, under the now process discovered by hilit, and take great pleasure in expressing the satisfaction given me, not only by the accuracy of .the likeness, but its artistic finish In all respects; and recommend him to the patronage of thosellteposeet to encourage the beefs tiful art. JAWS PAGE; jan2•lyw 3E3 8U C3V IX ' IS RAW BONE SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIKE I WAMPUM= ST BAUGH & SON S. No. 20 South Wharves, Philadelphia.. 'Cass PPICH, $45 rsa 2,000 IDs., xrt Encores Sums. FARMERS, REMEMBER.' 91W3 article is prepared from RAW BONES, jr. and contains a large amount of fertilizing constitu ents, embodied ta no other similar preparation. • - I. It is superior to Peruvian Guano, producing, In some cases, 60 per cent. more. 1 2. It costss// person. less. S. It has all the 4irturo of Pure Bone, while you lots no Ume in waitmg for it,--it acts at once: a, It furubrhes ely the food required , for th e ,, growina.m..r.- -- . • , . 1:I " u P ernlan ly Improves the sad. - - . It produce s, • I. It prevents MA I M: ot 8. It does not exhaust the roll. 9. The last reason why you should use it, is that thee , you can make a practical testes to the truth of all Mean assertions. It winced butaltde to give It a trial. 1 , WE ALSO ILINCIFAVIWRI AS AIIIICLII OF . . "GROUND RAW BONES, 'i (Guaranteed Pure,) , GASH PRICE, SU PER 2,OOOIPOUNDS. The above Manures we warrant.. entirely freo from adulteration, being manufactured under the personal superintendence et one of our Firm. BAUGH Sr. SONS, N0.,20 South Wharves, Philad'a. Melba highest Cash Price paid for BONES, fe b2O-3m ME. w AM. R3:10 , Manufacturer of and Dealer is STRAW GOODS Noe. 103,106 and 107 N. Second St., PHILADELPHIA. E ARE NOW RECEIVING our SPRING STOCK, which will comprise a large and desirable assortment of all kinds of STRAW AND LACE GOODS. Also, a large assortment of Lamas' S CHILDREN'S Ram Our stock of FLOWIRSandRUCEDiroriII be unusually large this season, and we would invite your special at. tentlon to that department. Please call and examine them before wafts your purchases. R. WARD. ml6w4t Roe. 103d03 & 107 N. Second St. above Arch. VAN INGEN & SNYDER, Designers and EnoTavers on Wood' • N. N. am. & CHESTNUT STS., Philaddphia. - • EXECUTE all kinds of Wood Engraving with beauty, oorrecar.ess sod dispatch. Original designs furnished for Fine Book Illustrations. Persons wishing cuts, by sending a Photograph or Daguerreotype, can have views of fftlieges, : Churches, Store Fronts, Machines, Stoves, Patents, kc., engraved as well on pen . semi application. Fancy a:uvelopee, Labels, Bill Endings, Show Bats, Visiting, Business and other Cards, engraved in the bigheet style of art, and at ttm lowest prices. For specimens of fine engraving, see the Illustrated works of J. B. Lippincott & Co., B. H. Butler &Co. ect264yd 1 DR. ;ESENWEIN' Tax and Wood Naptha Pectoral, Is Yu isin MEDICINE ax Tel WORLD. 1 For the Owre of Cow& and Oaldt, Croup, Bronealitis, At4l that Difficulty in Breathing, Palpitation of the ' Bead, DiPthes and for the relief of patients in the advanced stages - of Costurapan, togeth er with all diseases of the Throat and Chest,and which predispose to Consumption. It la pe. cullarly adapted to the radical cure of Asthma. Being prepared by a a practical Physician and Druggist and one of 011212 EXPlatooll in the Coss of the no ams to which the wax ma is Lusts. .4 in It is offered tb the afflicted with the greatest mad . Puy rr and be convinced that it is invaluable in e 01711 ol Baosrontai Avacnoms. Price b 0 cents per b Prepared only by A. BSIDIWEIN, k CO., . Druggist and Okada, W. W. Cor. Ninth & Poplar tits., Philadelphia.. sa- Sold by C. A. Bannyart, liesare.Lmilffer & Do.,ad C' K. KeKertiliwirißbbilli Jacob Bener, Middletown; Oa K. Smith & Lw., Philadelphia, and by all Druggists aid Storekeepers generally 4 TIE unit) , of Government, which con stitutes yon one people, Is now dear to yon.n— W Wen's Airmen Addrecr. A nationality is eaten tial to the enduring pro/pertly of our country. True pa triotism must arise from knowledge. It is only a proper understanding of our civil institutions that can induce strong and settled attachment to their principles, and Impart ability for their maintenance. "OUR' GOVERNMENT : An explanatory statemeM,or the system of Government of the Omuta," containilthe text of the Constitution of the United States, and the Om stitutional_provisions-et , the weveralnwith their meselag and coiretradon, as determined by dioial an tiwar-yr .11.111' Ficedent and' practice, or ved from MOM "Titers; digested and arranged for popular um Pries $1 UT WA toyWICINNEY.„ Barrist!urg, Elk Matti! mucus. R. NEWELL'S ENO. 724 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. com..,cp9N . s - Prom Hon. Lewis D. Cmanbell,ll. C., Ohio. "OUR - GOVERNMENT." Miscellaneous. keidiCeßo4g)lsP4its4o4:l•llq GOULD & CO., 203 and 205 North Second street, and 145, 14 and 149 Race St., PHIL A DELPHIA. (From the Philadelphia Ledger.] UNION FURNITURE DEPOT.—Every head of a family has a house to furnish, and, no matter whether rich or poor, every one wants the best Furniture his or her money will buy, end every home can be WELL FORIIIBIIED if the money intended for that purpose be carefully expended. The safest way to purchase Is to aend an order to a fair dealing Brm, who have the Atoll ities to manufacture and roll ak the lowest prices. Bat no matter bow boned a Orin may be, unless they have the best machinery to manufacture and the trade which will enable them to make large purchases of stock and materials at the low est prices, it is folly to expect them to sell as low as a larger establishment. The “UNION FURNITURE DE POT" combines, perhaps, the greatest advantages to be found anywhere by housekeepers ; its extensive were rooms' which occupy a front of cuss feet on Second street, with writ ninon e) feet In depth and sixxr feet on Race street, withsterxermrtim feet depth, are well stored With an assortment alba best made FCIRMTURE, of the latest and beet styles, which cannot fail to satisfy any family want in that diree.tion. Messrs. GOULD tit CO., the proprietors, have every manufacturing facility known to the trade, and any order entrusted to them, whether a single article or a general assortment, at whole:de or re tail is sure to be tilled at the lowest price for which the same articles can he procured anywhere; and for much less than is paid at some places. There is some satisfac tion, too, when sending orders to them, to know that you have a lair. dealing firm to Ow/met business with. mart-omw CONSTITUTION WATER I • THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR DIABETES. THE CURATIVE properties of this me dicta(' direct themselves entirely to the organs of secretion, and by so altering the condition of the stomach and liver, thilt the starchy principle of the FOOD is not converted. Into sugar so long as the SYSTEM is under the influence of the, Constitution Water ; which giro these . Crg4l/5 UM!) Lo reCO,Ver_ttleir healthy tone and vigor. Wenre able to state that the CONSTI TUTION WATER has cured every case of DIABETES in Which tame been given. IRRITATION OF THE NECK, OF THE BLADDER, DI , FLAMIKAITON OF THE EIONeYS, AND CATARRH OF THE BLADDER, STRANGU ART, AND BURNING OR PAINFUL URINATING For these diseasee it is truly a sovereign remedy, and UM much cannot be said in its praise. A single dose has beewknown to relieve the most urgent symptoms ' • TRY I; WE 1150 OP YOU, In these cases, and you will give your praise to OONSTITUION WATER. Ukcsaanort Os TUN I{DINNTS. Br DMAN AND URINARY PAO. SAGES, RETENTION OF URINE, DISEASES OF 7IIE PECS. ; IRATE GLAND, STONE EV EDE BLADDER, CALCULUS, GRAVE; BRICILDUS2 DEPOSITS AND !NOLTE OR ' GFOL'S OR Mk== Discaatioss, lama DELNAIIND. Diseases all occurrlug from ono and the same cause will be entirely tiered by the Constitution Water: . There is no class of diseases that produce such exhaus ting °libels upon the human constitution as Diabetes and Diseases of the - ifidneta;-Bladder and Urinary Passages, and through a false modesty; they are, neglected until they are so far advanced' aslabe biyond We control of ordinary remedies, and in a maiority of cases little can be done by the physicians, and we present the: • • MIVSTITUT — ' lON 'WATER To the public with tbo conviction that it hall no equal 1 , wsHeving the Mass or diseases for which it •• .1191.„-t aTittrtinewarded tor our-effortsin placing so va , rtable a remedy to sierra iw meet the requirements or patient and pliyriclan: For sato by all Druggists. Wll. H, GREGG St CO., Propriet ors. • • hICIII.IIAN 41c ALLEN general agents, 1air30.404 No. 46 Cliff Street, New York. :AUDITOR'S NOTICE. VIVO Auditorappointed by the Orphaife sa. iltoirtUf Daiiphin comity, to distribute the balince Irestine*ln thehands of AngenAx Mau's, Administra, tor of George W. Miller, late of Lykeni township, in said Countyydeed., will meet the parties interested at his of, 'llee,to the borough of Gratz, In said county, on SNUB* DAY, the 13th dsy of April nom; at 10 o'clock •.114 which time and place they are hereby notified to attend and present their claims: warl6-3tw JONAS LOCIDENSCHLAGRFt, auditor. NOTICE.—The account of ISRAEL' BARLEY, Assignee of Daniel Biegal h as been filed tu the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin county, and *IU bi confirmed by said Court on the 26ta day of April, 'net, unless canto be shown to the contrary. ular3o.wBt WM. MITCHELL, Prothonotary. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. WHEREAS letters of Administration on tha estate of JOHN KILLINGER, late of East Hanover township, have beengranted to the subscriber; all .persons indebted to the said estate, are requested to hiake Immediate payment, and those having claim* against the estate of the said deceased, will make known t4e . fame without delay to iner3o-61w ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. LETTERS of Administration have this day issued upon the estate of DAVID MARCH, late or-Dauphin county, deced., to the sabscriber. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested Irvnlidte piOment immediately, and those having claime to present them for settlement. ntar2343tvr ' MAGDALENA MARCH, Admmistratria. NOTICE. /TULE annual election of Directors of the 1. Central Insurance Company, will be bold at their office, in Market Square, on Tuesday the 7th day of May nazt,.between the boars or 10 o'clock A. M., and 12 o'clock M., of said day. ApriLLO.w4t D FLIIIIING. Beery. al: citizens of the different cities an d A. towns throughout the Slate are invited to competi-; Ikea Yor the place at which the next annual State F air; shall be held: Proposals containing Inducements and. advantages, directed to the undersigned Commit tee,-app pointed' by the Executive Committee, will be 'nerved up! to and Including May. Slat next. Communications , shoul.d be addressed to either of the following persons COLDER,JII., JNQ,!'• 'MEIN H. ZIEGLER, Harrisburg, Po. :MILOS Sr RAPP, • Northumberland, Pa. Committee. aps td DRURY 'S UNRIVALLED UNION CEMENT.; Approved by every one mho has used it, and admitted by all tb be far superior to anything of the kind yet ofered to the public ! Will mend all kinds of Crockery, China, Glass., Marble, &c., &e. FARMERS can Mend the handles of their hoea, aho vels,-rakes, their harmed', boots, shoes, ex. MANUFACTURERS can aplicoand mend their belting with Ea CABINET MAKERS, PICTURE FRAME MA. HERS; JOIN€BS, in short all who tUe GL UK or CEMENT its their has** win derive entire hatiidaction from the use of this admirable Cement. Those who trY it mescal use.= other.' • ar MERCHANTS MAHE A NOTE OF TEM, S I Manufactured and for sale by C. A. DRURY, No. 402, Ridge Avenue, 'Philadelphia. , , PRICE • 25 CENTS A BOTTLE - N. B.—Agents wanted eo every 2bwri, aunty and Stale is the'Union.:. marls-Bmosw MEI ALDBEINISTRA.TOR'S NOTICE. MILE undersigned having been granted A. Letters testamentary bn the estate ofJobn 7 . thslt, dee'd:, late corltast Hanover township, Dauphin county, hereby.not4r all persons lndebted_to said estate to make. MA** !lithPuttad three harm w Me. stint m ,properlt 'authentleeled or t t _ • , • wwa NEW IMPROVEMENTSJ AT REDUCED PRICES. THE WEIEELEIC& -WILSON Manufac turing Company having gained au their suite at law, with infringing manufacturers of Sewing Machines ' propose that the public should be benefltted thereby, and Save accordingly reduced the prices of their Sewing Macbinea.. After this date they will be sold at rates that will pay a fair profit owthe cost of manufacture, capital invested, and expense of making sales ; such prices a will enable - them to make first clam machines, and, as heretofore, guarantee them in every particular. ' In accordance with the announcement above I will sell their splendid Sewing Machined at prices from $4.5 to Woe the gas foll case nuusignes. IS is a welt aka): -rn0.....t aut - Mit the JAMES T. HAMPTON, East HatlOVer TORil23lllp. illitallanouo Care Ceimb, 0:41, Hoarseness, In"- 4 , , QM k J .... - enta, o4 viroa4 any lirttattou ßdive ofor me Sonenett aacking RONC II Al . Cough in Connaaption, Brow dolts, elsthwea . , and °stares, Clair and me: itrength to m ln k .k<s,' 1.14 voles of vc' .. ' P 1711114 IO SPEd.KE Rfij and SINGERS. Ireir are 'aware of the Importance of checking a Cough or "Common Cold" in its Brat stage ; that which in the beginning would yield to a mild remedy It neglec soon snacks tho Lungs. "BROWNS BRONCHIAL ) containing demulcent ingredients, allay Pulmonary and Bronchial Irritation. '"That trouble In my Threat, (Tor which the "TROCHES" are a speedo) having made me often a mere whisperer." N. P. WILLIS. "I recommend their use to Pupil Speakers." BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S REV. E. H. CHAPIN. "Have proved extremely serviceable tbr Hostreenese.” • REV. HENRY WARD BREMER. "Almost Ingest relief in the distreesing labor of lireatidng peculiar to Asthma." REV. A. O. EGGLESTON. "Contain no Opium or anything hilari ous." DR. A. A. HAYES, TROCHES BROWN'S TROCHEES BROWN'S TROCHES Chentlat,Bostan. simple and pleasant oombhunlon let tughs, n.O _ _ _ BROWN'S TRGaiIE tneilclikl Jo Bronchitis D11..1 F. W. LANK, "1 have proved tiserr excellent for Whooping Cough." BROWN'S TIWCILES BROWN'S REV. EL W. WARREN, Boston. 4 Benellolal when compelled to speak, soaring from Cold." REV. S. J. P. ANDERSON, St. Loon!. TROCIER BROWN'S TROCHES 91ffectual in removing Itoarsoneas and Irritation of the Throat, so common with Speakers and Singers" RROWN'S Prof. M. STACY JOTINSON, • La Grange, Ga. . Teacher of Ennio, Southern Female College. "Great benefit when taken before and after preaching, as they prevent HOarßO ness. From their past effect, I think they will be of permanent advantage to me." REV. E. ROWLEY, A. If., Presideet of Athens College, Tenn. arSold by all Druggists at 25 centea box. nov2e•dawti m TROCHES BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S TROCHES GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES, Mm). 10171 • m nen gemenrurlirsattina . . Is the beat one in the market, the beet made, most maple and least liable to get out oPorder, and they are now as low am .the Inferior machines. CoU and see them a Third and Mirka. dee-6m . W. O. ITICYOK, Agent 3133 FAMILY DRUG STORE. SHE UNDERSIGNED 'HAS -OPENED a Wholesale and Retail Drng and Prescription Store, in the Iron Front Bunning, No. 128 Market street, lately occupied by Mr. Eby, wehre can be Dined an anti renew stock of Fresh and Pure Drags Perfumery, Soaps .014,1 OIL, COAL OIL LAMPS, Burning Fluid, Ale cool Patent Medicines, Stationery, Fancy. Articles, tro., he. We have the agency for the sale of Kline's Celebrated Arti ficial Teeth, to Aid" we would invite the attention oi Dentists. By strict attention to business, and desire to please, we respectfully ask a share of Public Patronage. Q. W. MILES. N. B.—Prima Havana Began and Tobacco constantly on hand. aprB•dly DR. T. J. MILES, SURGEON DENTIST OFFERShis services to the citizens of Harrisburg and its vicinity. He solicits a share of the public patronage, and gives assurance that his beat endeavors shall be given to render satisfaction In his pro fession. Being an old, well tried dentist, he feels safe in writing the public generally to call on him, assuring hem that they will not be dissatisfied with bis services, Office No. 19S Market street, in the house formerly oc cupied by Jacob R. Eby, near the United States Hotel, Harrisburg, Pa. AMBROTYPRS FOR 25 CENTS. THE subscriber respectfully announces to tho citizens of Haarisburg and vicinity, that he ban taken rooms over ICELICER'S HABDWAIUtt STORE. eouttreast corner of Market &pare, where be is prepared to execute every-style of AMBROMW, al Oat lowest prices, from 26 cents and upwards. DA.4II:IO3IIOTYPE.o carefully copied, od Pictures' inserted in Lockets and Pins. Casos of all descriptions constantly ou band. Give me a call if yon want a good and cheap picture. m7dlm • GEORGE it. PARICER.IAmbroty Met. ALDERMAN HENRY ,PE_FFER, OFFIOE--THIRD STREET, (SHELL'S ROW, NEAR MARKET. • Resicknce Chestnut Street near Fourth. CITY OF HARRISBURG, PRItleA.-, LIQUORS AT COST ! lIAVING concluded to disecintintie the business; we offer Our•largoaid complete assort ment. of FINZ Worms, B rANDIIB, and liquors of every . de tioription at cost with - mit reserve. • WI,L DOCK JR. at VU., Opposite the Court loose. H. L. - G ODB 0 L "PRACTICAL Tuner: and - Repairer! of Pianos. Melodeons; &ci, &c. will receive orders in funire at WM. KNOCHE'S Music Store, 92 Market atrpoi All ardent IA at the above named place, or at the BuM' er cruse, will meat with promnistlestion. . j . 'First claws PIANOS for WS. seas 1861. 1881- „: INTERESTING TO ALL! CATHCART & BROTITNI4 No. 14 MARKET SQUARE, ' iILANSINOIT co= Tams yam Laws Assoirraw Oa SPRINGjaltl 7 ‘ ' GOODS i. ALL imps, ALL math, • NVEHT STYLI, SySIT 'clirAury, ANT km', Maas LoW Acoolmal.y. DRESS GOODS .IN'. GREAT VARIETY MOST STOCK OP DOMESTIC GOODS, PRICKS LOWER TITAN STEL Every ilr/14 f en 1, 11% offered taPurci* VrirOAßTl mar 23 ; ,AoCle to the Harrieberg Pi MrAIMI6.—A(gENTS TO SELL' PXCIE. _ ettztutnapty JEWZGRl,:athitkei, one urai l:an purchaldf elsewhere, mow %or Ilk ) J. L.T.ALtAllip : 112 Vireft ' PreaSk *OA WO% M*4: 4 l. t , - t_. rzst,,i) ittam riutingi Of. Having procured Steam Power Presses, we are prepared to execute JOB and BOOK FEINTING of every description, cheaper that it can be done at any other ra iabliebmentin the country. . . . _ ... ra-Four lines or less constitute onaltalf Neer*. Slit hues or more than four constitute a square. user *oar% one day l.'s a one week t Or one month. .... • " threo months 3 Ov " six months 4 0 one year.... to 04 One Square' one day 60 " ' 0120 week.. ...... 200 64 one month 8 00 4. three months 8 00 " Mt months—. 'a One year 10 00 inf-Ettudneas notices Inserted to the Local column, iir bairn Marriages and Deaths, FIYR CF.N•ig PER LINM or each Insertion. NO. 85. ,q-Marriages and Deaths to be charged as regular advertisements. 1,500 PICTORIAL ILLUSTRATIONS. 9,000 to 10,000 NEW WORDS In Vocabulary. Table of SYNONYMS, by Prot. GOODRICH, with ether new features. Together with all the matter of Prom Prof. IL N. Day, ancirmati, Feb. 20, 1861. " The immortal work of the Prince of English Lexicographers The wonder is, not that there are proofs of his partaking of our common imperfect and fallible humanity, but that there are so few, and that ho was so far in advance of his age To be, I will not say 'the best,' but the cnly desirable Dictionary of the language." DR. 0. "Webster was the first lexicographer of English who placed definitions and etymology on a proper heeds Webster, the chief of English lexieographers.*—Prof. Haldeman in the Treveiyan Prize Buoy. From Harvey P. Peet, LL. D. Principal Deg( and Dumb Institution, Kew York, Jan. 24, 1861. "I can hardly express my admiration of its value. I rejoice that it is used so extensively, end should rejoice still more If it should be introduced Into all our schools and seminaries of learning, und be recognized as the lILLYDAILD by every American writer No considera tions of this nature can overcome the convictions of my judgment in favor of the superiority of Webster:, Si/rSENTMIENT OF NEW YORK. More than ten thousand copies of Webster's Un abridged Dictionary have been placed in as many of the Public Schools of our State by the voluntary action or their several School Boards. Heartily approving the general introduction of this standard authority in Dethg- Ilona, Orthography, and Pronunciation, now rendered yet mere valuable by the Pictorial Synonyms, 10,000 24er Words and other attractive and useful features, and de sirous of that uniformity of usage in these partioulars, which Dr. Webster's works are. so eminently Sited to secure,we cordially recommend the School Abridgements, the Primary, the Common School, High Senool and Acad emic Dictionaries, to all our schools, as better fitted for their nee than any others with which we are acquainted. January, 1801. H. H. Van Dyck, State Surt. Public Instruction. D. H. Cochran, A. 111., Prin. Nor. School, Albany.' R. G. Kimball, A. M. Prof. Math. in State .Nor. School. A. G. Busted, Ass't Prof. in Maths, in State Nor. School. W. D. Huntley, Supt. Exp. Deptartnient, State Nor. Selz. Prof. H. W. Benedict, A. M. Collegiate Ins. Rochester. S. S. Randall, Supt Public Schools, Now York City. S. B. Hunt, Superintendent Schools, Buffalo. Oliver Aroy, Principal High School, Buffalo. And more than two hundred other School Commission era, Principals of Academics and leading educators. Webster's School Dictionaries Viz I. The Primary. IV. Academie. IL Common Sdhiscil. V. Couut.legfEcnnw. 111. High School. VI. University. onalrlolliionnkVilliliau l iffiliVlffrial-Asedtut been thor. extensively regarded as the atendard e atZ,." , ,,__belze t3ography, Definition and Pronuncietio.,..24-112 TEM BM Dictionaries in use, aro respectfully commended to teachers arid others. They are much more extenalve ly sold and used than all other 3 combined. G. a: O. leniftßiall, Poclishers of Webater's linabridged. Sold by George Bergner, Ilarrishurg, and all Book sellers. Get the Best! 'Get Webster ! Aprlll-3td-Btw • BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE 51 MARKET STREET, IS THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN THE CITY TO GET SCHOOL BOOKS AND SCHOOL STATIONERY, Comprising as the various READING AND SPELLING BOOKS, ARITILURTICS ALGEBRAS, GRAMMARS, ETYMOLOGIES!, DICTIONARIES', HISTORIES, PHILOSOPHIES, and all the 41:11300L BOOKS used in the various Public and Private &hoots et the City together with COPY AND COMPOSITION BOOKS, LESETER, CAP and NOTE PAPER, BLANK BOOKS, SLATES, LEAD AND SLATE PENCILS, PENS AND HOLDERS, INK INKSTANDS, RULERS and the most complete assortment of SCHOOL STATIONERY constantly on hand and for sale at THE LOWEST PRICER or ANY PLAIN, in the city at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, 51 Market Street. sir Liberal discounts mace, to teachers and dealers. Any article not on baud promptly furnished without extra charge. Berea ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of Administration on the estate of JOHNATEIAN Fiume, late of Lower *waters to wnship,Dauphin Co.,deo'd., have this day been granted to the subscribers. All persons har ing claims against the estate, are requested tomako known the same without delay, and persons knowing themselves indebted are requested to make Immediate payment to the undersigned. ADAM FISHER POLLY FISHER, mitt.* Administrators of es tate of Jonathan Sieber. NOTICE ie hereby given that the account • joi or d. K. FAHNESTOCIt, Seguestrator alba Down ingtown. Ephrata and Harrisburg Turnpike, has been filed to the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin county, 'and will be confirmed by the said Court on the 26th day Of April next, unless cause be shown to the contrary. m 164011 Wit. inrcsau Prothonotary. (ARCS ST• CARPET WAREHOUSE IOLDDEN & BICKNER, gig ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. A RE now receiving for SPRING TRADE la. a splendid lino of English and American CARPET -IMM, bought at Panic Prices, and to bo sold very low. Velvet, grustels, Three Ply,lngrain and Venetian. with an Immense stock of low priced OARPkTINGS ; Ott Cloths, Drnggets, Mats, Sztl.; Fitly pieces of Canton I:lettings, all the difiaantwidtbs very cheap. Portion in *kilt of CARITTINGS are reminded that this stock of Givds is very extensive, and as we buy and sell exclusively ler CASH we are prepared to offer goods at very low prices, at least 10 per cent. cheaper than any other hoyee in the trade. mar 23 3mw ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. " undersigned having taken out let -Itereof adednibtrat len on the estate of John utger, late of Swatars township, Dauphin county, deed. here by polities all persons having claims against the Aid es tate to present them for settlements and all persons tnowteg themselves to be indebted to-the said °State wit, come forward and settle the sa ARGme. • MARET BIGGER. spdetw Adminiotratrix. FOE SALE, EXCHANGE Oft TO LET, A STEAM FLOUR MILL, AT 'EIGHTH AlcfiD WILLOW STS., . PHILADELPHIA. ; 10FAS' THE RUN of. 4 ft.. Stones, a 40 , --A....L.410m 'Engine. la Ai • go - . 4 order, Weil located, r a now doing a fair rete ll trade. i .li - Will.bo soldsrrmitision r etscilitltble terms. Apply on a Oplaases. xn2o,lmiw . i RATES AuY.KSLISENO illisaliantous. GET THE BEST. WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY. NEW PICTORIAL RDMON. previous editions, in one volume of 1,760 pages LATE TESTIMONY:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers