Lints of trawl & Cranoortatioit NSW AIR LINE ROUTU TO NEW YORK ! sIioRTEST ' DISTANCE AND QUICREST - N TIME BETWEEN THE TWO CITIES OF YORK NEW A N D 13A_T??.41$33.ITIZGI VIA READING ALLENTOWN AND EASTON. MORNING .I.IIPARSS, West, leaves .Netv York at 6 A M., -Marrlaburg at 1 F. M. only 6X hours between the two cities. • - MAIL,LINE leaven New York at 12.00 noon, and ar {WEI atawrisbergrat - MORNING ‘.IIIAIL LINE Fast, leaves Harrisburg at LOU A. M t , arriving at New York at 6.207.2. - AFTEEROCH,4t EXPIIESE LINE , East leaves Harris . berg et 1: MI. 11401riViii NeW York at 9.45 P. N. COnneeti_onsLalePtide at Harrisburg at 1.00 P. If. with the Passenger Trains in a t direction on the Pemstylva ela, Cumberland Valley and Rea thern.Central Railroad. AR trains consul rib - Reading-with , treble ibr Pottsville and Phiriolipw, - :ecnii: at Allentown for Mauch Chunk, Fasten, Be. No change of Patatenger Caroni. Baggage between New York and Harrisburg,-by the 6.00 A. M. Line from New York or Abe 116. P. N. rem-Harrisburg.. For beauty of scenery, and. speed, comfortand accom modation this route presents superior inducements to the traveling public. , • : • .• - Pare"between Nei York and Harrisburg FIVE DOL. ARS For tick* MO other' inferinition apply to dee -_ 'Z. .J. OLYDF4 General Agent, Harrisburg. PHILADELPHIA /33 REM - 00; . . RAIL. _ ROAD... WINTER ARRANGEMENT. aiNt ADD. AFTER DEC. 12th, 1860. TWO Piiff3FliGNll TRAINS LUNE 11,6111USBURG 11 4 11 4zelPhdaye-exoepted,) at11:00 A. hi., and 1.30 P. ;;foriftiladelphia; arrlying;there at 1 26 P. M., and RICIVINING,;IMELVM pELLADELPHIA. at SAO A. M. and 8.36,1 4 : at: Hatrlalwrg at. IP. Id., an . FARES :mL•To.:Phile - Dan, $8.25 ; No. 2 On •FAIOZ and . $l.BO. • -At Et:4ft% nOnntion with - tkains Dar Pottsville, Miners- Mtn, Parnaona:Datawbtsa, FOUR :TRAINS LEAVE - zeridumNa FOR PHILADEL PHIA DAILY, at 6A. M., 10.45 A H., 12.20 noon and . . .. . . !.RAPE PRILADELPRIA FOR READING at 8.00 A. M. 1.00 P, M., 8.80 P. M., and 3.00 P. M. FARES 6—Reading to Falladelphia, 81.78 and 81.43. • THE MORNING TRAIN HARRISBURG CON NELTB AT READING Nat 14 - al) train for Wilkeabarre Pittston and Ecranton. . .. For through tickets uhd other tnformation apply to J.J. OLYDR, General Ara dears -du PENNSYLVANIA_ RAIL ROADI WIiTTER timE TABLE. - • _ . . FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO , AND • FROM PHILADELPHIA. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26th, 1860, The passenger trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows :- EA S T WA RD. THROUGH EXPANSE; TRAIN leaver Harrisburg at 2.40 a. m. and arrives at West =Philadelphia at 6.50 a. in. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 12.55 p. in., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.00 p. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 5.15 p. to., arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.70 M. -- These Dabs make close connection at Phindeipnia with the New York Lines. * ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 1, leaves Harrisburg at 7.30 a. in., runs via Mount Joy, and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12.30 p. in. HARREBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Hari rishurg at 1.15 p. m. , and arrives at Weal Philadelphia • at 6 40 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, leaves Harrisburg at 5.25 p. m., runs via Mount Joy connecting at Diller- Ville with MAIL TRAIN East for Philadelphia . WESTWARD. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 10.50 p. m., arrives at Harrisburg at 3.10 a. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 8.00 a. in., ar shres'atHarrtsburg at 1.20 in. LOCAL MAIL - TRAIN leaves Harrisburg for Pittsburg at 7.00 a. m. • ~FAST-LINE leaves Philadelphia at 12.00, neon, arrives ritHarilsburg at 4.10 p m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 2.00 p. in., and arrives at Harrisbiirg rt 7.35 p. a ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Philadelphia at 4.00 . m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 9.45 p. Attention is called fo the fact, that passengers leaving Philadelphia at 4.00 p. in., connect at Lancaster with ' MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, and arrive at Harrisburg at 9.45, p. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, thard. Bast Division Pansadolata Railroad nov2SlWdts All Work Promised in One Week 3. 0 41 . PENNSYLVANIA WEAN DYEING ESTLIMISEIMINT, to 'lo4 Market Street between 4th and sth ..7. t HARRISBURG, PA., Icy HERE every description of Ladies' IRI Gentlemeas , Garments, Piece Goods e , r age_ cre fi ._,.. 2"vild sad Sulfa ..., edit* the bei rvxmez a ai int iwilArdkwry . ,r.,' ~ : e .I:_t."‘Z Noprietora ElisteUaneaus. UDOLPHO WOLFE'S ALR.C2O2IIE ZILTICP ; I Ii kI CHNAPPS SUPERLATIVEA TONIC, DIURETIC, ANTI DYSPEPTIC AND INVIGORATING CORDIAL. To the Citizens of New Jew , an Pennawlvania; Apothecaries, Druggists, Grocers and Private Families. Wolfe's Pure Cognac Brandy. Wolfe's Pure AtlatAeria,- Sherry and Por Wine. Wolfe's Pure Jamaica and St. Croix Rum Wolfe'a Pure Scotch: and Irish Whisky. ALL IN BOTTLES. I beg leave to call the attention of the citizens of the United States to the above Wilms and Immo, imported by Ildolpho Wolfe, of 'New York, whose name Is fared liar in every part of this 'country for the purity of his celebrated Scisixosm SCHNAPPS. Mr. Wolfe, in his letter to me, speaking of the purity of his Ennis and Lamm% says : "I will stake my reputation as a man, my stand mg as a merchant of thirty years' residence in the City of New York, that all the BRANDY and Wurni which I bottle are pure as imported, and of the best quality, and can be relied upon by every purchaser." Every bottle has the proprietor's name on the wax, and a fac simile of his signature-on the certificate. The public are re spectfully invited to call and examine for themselves.— For sale at Retail by all Apothecaries and Grocers in Philadelphia. GEORGE N. ASHTON, No. 882 Market St Philadelphia. Sole Agent for Philadelphia. Read the following from the New York Courier : ENOIIMOVB BITIBICSO Rat Ox's NEW YORK PILICIWITANI..-• We are happy to inform our fellow-citizens that mere is one place in our city where the physician, apothecary, and country merchant, can go and purchase pure Wines andliquors, as pure as imported, and of the best quality: We do not Intend to give an elaborate description of this merchant's extensive hrsiness; although it will well re. pay any stranger or citizen to visit IJdolpho Wolfe's ex tenaive Warehouse, Nos. 18. 10 and 22 Beaver street, and Nos. 17, 19 and 21, Marletfield street. His stock of Schnapps on hand ready for shipment could not have been less than thirty thousand cases; the Brandy, some ten thousand cases—Vintages of 1836 to 1856 ; and ten thousand cases of Madeira, Sherry and Port Wino, Scotch and Irish Whisky, Jamaica and St. Croix Rum, some very old and equal to any in this country. He also had three large cellars, filled with Brandy, Wine, &c.,in casks, under Custom. Rouse key, ready for bottling. Mr. Wolfe's sales of Wu:Lapps last year amounted to one hundred and eighty thousand dozen, and we hopein less than two years he may be equally successful with his Brrndies and Wines. His business merits the patronage of every /over of hie species. Private families who wish pure Wines and Liquors for unidicat use should send their orders direct to Mr. Wolfe, until every Apothecary hi the land make up their minds to discard the poisonous stuff from their shelves, and replace it with Wolfe's pure Wass and Inuess. We understand Mr. Wolfe, for the accommodation o small dealers in the country, puts up assorted cases o Wines and Liquors.. Such a man, and such a merchant, should be sustained against his tens of thousands of op ponents ia the United States,sell nothing but hnita Mons, ruinous alike to health and human happiness, sepl3-dlovend • C. R. Keller, 91 Market street, sole agent for this cit. Dyspepsia Remedy DR: DARDLTIS AROMATIC -INVIGORATING SPIRIT. nu //edict= hai been used by the public for AT( year', lath increasing favor. it is recommended to Cure Diespepsig;lVertiosaness,aart-Bwrn, Pains, Wind in the 'Stomach., or Asens in the•Benoeb, headache, Drowsiness, Kidney Cbm. plaints, Low. Spirit D Uri= Tremens,intempira zee, 61111.111,61T8, EXILILRATEB, t v - wirx-sair Isreemaira on-87a.. A S A MEDICINE it is quick nd effeotu id_ Si, curing the most aggravating case o Dyspepsia, Kidney Complaints, and all other derange ant of the Stomach and Bowels, in a speedy .manner. It will instualy, revive the most melaucu ly am, drooping spirits, and instore the weak, nervous d sic ly to health, strength and vigor. Persons who, from the injudicious use of liquors, have become dejected, and their nervous systems shattered, constitutions broken down, and subject to that horrible 'curse to humanity, the Dsumnis Taman, will, almost immediately, feel the happy 'and healthy Invigorating efficacy of Dr. Bam's Invigorating Spirit. WHAT-IT WILL DO. Doaa.—One wine glass full= often as necessary One dose will remove all Bad Spirits. One dose will cure Heart-burn. Three doses will cure Indigestion. One dose will give you a Good Appetite. One dose will stop the distressing pains of Dyspepsia. One dose will remove the distressing and disagreeable effects of Wind or Flatulence, and as soon as the stomach receives the Invigorating Spirit, the distressing load sue ail painful feelings will be removed. One dose will remove the most distressing pains of Colic, either in the stomach or bowels. A few donee will remove all obstructions in the Kidney, Bladder or Urinary Organs. Persons who axe seriously aillloted with any Kidney Complaints are assured speedy relief by a dose or two, and a radical cure by the use of one or two bottles. NIGHTLY DISSIPATION. Persons who, from dissipating too much over night, and fed the evil effects of polionous liquors, in violent head aches sickness at stomach, weakness, giddiness, &c., will A Hid one dose will remove hit feelings. Ladies of weak and sickly' conatitutions, should take tbe Invigorating Spirit three times a day i It will make them, strong, healthy and _happy, xemove all obstructions and irregularities from the menstrual organs, and restore the bloom of health and beauty to the careworn face. During pregnancy It will be found an invaluable reedi t:due to remove disagreeable sensations at the stomach. All the proprietor asks is atrial, and to induce this, he has put up the Invigorating Spirit In pint bottles, at 60 cents, quarts $l. General Depot, 48 Water street, N. Y. Wholesale Agent, Philadelphia, D. YOIT, & CO. and fox sale in Harrisburg by 0. A. HAidavart, D. W. Gross & liar and C. K. Keller, and by, all Druggists everywhere 1614-41Awly FASHIONABLE CLOTHMG, SPRING AND SIMMER STYLES. 186 1 . PHILADELPHIA FASHIONS. GRANVILLE STONES' ONE PRICE . GIFT CLOTHINGEMPORIUM No. 607 CHESTIW7 NTREE7 A superb stock of Sue French, English and American CLOTHS, CASSMIHRES, and VI:STINGS, For City and Countryfrade, with an unapproachable as sortment ol Rasnr.Msos Chorzow] at the lowest cash prima allb. ourA at ONE PRICE is asked, and aGIFF of intrinsic [worth and use presented with each articlesold. Pirtliniar attention paid to the Customer department, and garments made andsent to order to any address. In inaugurating this new system of doing business, GRANVILLE STOKES would impress on the minds of the patrons of his establishment, that the cost of the gift is deducted from, and aor added to the price of the art'. cle sold. Hisimmensely increasing sales enabling him to act thus liberally, and at the same time to realize a remunerative profit. dll,articles guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. GRANVILLE STOKES' ONE PRIOECLOTHING EMPORIUM' 607 CHESTNIIT BTREhT octl9.6rod—rdmar6-dtt NOTICE TO CONSUMERS OF COAL. ..THE PATENT WEIGH-CARTS tested and certified to by the SEALER OE WEIGHTS D MEASURES. Mr. TAKE M. Wnneran—llaving this day tested your Patent Weigh Carts, and found them periectly corre ct, I therefore put my seal upon them according to law. FREDERICK TRACE, Sealer of Weights and Measures. Harrisburg, January 17, 1861. jltt JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE EXTRA FINE POINTED • GOLD PENS , f *NWTON'S (formerly Bagley's) nmatiacture, warranted to be the best in materia/, the fined ;Voluted, moat durable and as cheap as any marked, ler sale, with a variety of Gold and Silver Auerti of IMAM sizes and prices at • atitGniarGGliEAP GOGYSTOBE, .` • Si Market street. Pennsylvania daily ettegrapt ) , Stionbay afternoon, april 8, 1861. ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW ! STILL SOMIETHING WHICH HAS STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS AND STILL MORE AND MORE POPULAR EVERY DAY PROF. WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE. OTHERS SAY OF IT, DisUnguithed St. Loots Physician Writes Sr. Louie, July 10,1860. 0. J. WOOD, Esq.: Dear Sir : wme the pleasure and satisfaction to transmit to you the beneficial effects of your Hair Restorative, after a trial of five years. I commenced using your Restorative in January, 1855, since which time I have not been without a bottle on hand. When I commenced the tise, my hair was quite thin, and at least one-third gray. A' few applications stopped Its turning, and in three weeks time there was not a gray hair to be noticed, neither has there been up to this time. After my hair was completely restored, I continuedits use by applying two or three times per month. My hair has ever °twinned healthy, soft and glossy, and my at alp perfectly free from dandruff. I do not imagine the farts above mentioned will be of any particular advan tage to yon, or even flatter your vanity at this late day, as I am well aware they are all known already and even more wonderful ones throughout the Union. I have oc cupied my time in traveling the greater port of the time the past three veers, and have taken pride and pleasure in recommending your Restorative, and exhibiting its effects in my own case. In several instances I have met with people that have pronounced it a humbug ; saying they have used it and without effect. In every instance, however, it proved, by probing the, matter, that they bad not used your article at all, but bad used some new article said .to be as good as yours, and selling at about half the price. I have noticed two or three articles my self advertised as above, which I have no doubt' are humbugs. It is astonishing that people will patronize an article of no reputation, when there is one at hand that has been proved beyond a doubt. Apparently some of- those charitans have not brains enough to write an advertisement, as I notice they have copied yours word for word in severali nstances, merely inserting some other name in place of yours. I have, within the past live years, seen and talked with more than two thousand persons that have used your preparation with perfect success-oewe for baldness gray-hair, scald head, dandruff, and every disease the scalp and head are subject to. , I called to see you personally at your original plate of: business bore, but learned you were now living in New York. • You are at liberty to publish this or refer parties to me. Any communication addressed to me, care box No. 1 ) 920 1 will be promptly answered. Yours, truly, JAMES WEME, M. D. WARM SPAM% Perry Co., Pa., June 7,1850. Prof. WOOD, Dear Sin—l was induced more than year ago to try your valuable -Hair Restorative'for th purpose of cleansing my head of dandruff. I had suffered with it upon my head for years, and bad never been able to get anything to do me any good in removing it, al though 1 had tried many preparations, until SAW your advertisement in a Harrisburg paper. being there at the time, I called at Gross as Kunkle's drug store, and bought a bottle, and now am prepared to recommend it to universal use, for it has completely removedall dais& ruff froni my bead, and an application once in two weeks keeps it free from any itching or ether unpleasantness.— I must also state that my hair had become quite white in places, and, by the use of your preparation, has been restored to Its original color. lam now 50 years of age, and although I have used two bottles of the Restorative, no one ban any knowledge of it, as I allow'a few gray hairs to remain in order to have my appearance com port with my age. My head is now of less trouble to me in keeping it clean, Ste., than at any time Sinai I have been a child. I consider your preparation of great value, and, although I do not like to expose myself, I consider it my duty to do so. You can use this or any part of it is any shape you think proper, if it is worth any thing to you. Yours Sm., h. H. ETTER. .671 E, BU Bieouneerme, Lad., July .11, 1869. &DRAB SIR : I here send.yoa a statement that I think you are entitled to the benefit of. I am a resident of Blosmington, and have been here for over thirty years.. lam now over fifty years of age. For about twenty years past my hair has been turning considerably gray, and, was almost entirely white and verystiff and unplfant. I had seen a number of corttficates of the very wonderful effect of your Hair Restorative but supposed there was more fiction than truth in them: but entertaining a strong desire to have my hair, if possible, restored to its origi nal color and fineness, as it was in my younger days a beautiful black, I concluded I would make the expert; ment commencing in a small way. I purchased one of your small bottles, at one dollar, and commenced using, following directions as nearly as I could. I soon discov ered the dandruff removed, and my hair, that wits falling off in large quantities, was considerably tightened, and a radical change taking plepe in the color. I have contin ued to use it, till I have used three of your small bottles and just begun on the fourth. I have now as pretty a head of dark brown, or light black hair as, or as I had in my youthful days, when a boy in the hills of Western Virginia. My head is entirely clear of dandruff, and the hair ceased entirely falling off and is as soft and,. fine, and feels as oily, as though It was just from the hands era French chatnpooner. Many of my acquaintan ces frequently say to me "Butler, where did you get that fine wig?" I tell them it was the effect of your Restful:, tive. It is almost impossible to convince them that It is the original hair of the same old gray head. Yours, truly, FREDERMIC T. BUTLER, Bloomington, Monroe Co., .Tud; WOOD'S Hera Rssronaurx has acquired a reputatior. from actual test and experiment which , cannot be ett• lanced by newspaper puffs. • In our vicinity it has bust exterieively used, and we believe in every ease with every destred:result,nnd received the unifersalendcrumnent of all who bate tried it. We therefore reataarderallt:as one of these few nostrums which aecoiriPliefied all itsiefess. es, and all the bald and gray could deeire.—Columhia PROP. WOOD'S MIR RESTORA.W7R.—IR another column will be found an advertisement of this well known and excellent preparation for restoring gray hair to its orikl. nal color. The Hair Restorative also cures cutaneous eruptions, and prevents the hair falling off. We have seen many authentic testimonials in proof of these asser tions some of which are from gentlemen whom .we have known for many years as persons of the most reliable character. Don't dye till you have tried tilt Restorative. Boren Olive Branch. Worm's Ham Ititsnnwrm—We are not in the habit of puffing every new discovery, for in nine cases out of ten they are quack nostrums, but we take greet pleasure in racotamending Professor Wood's article to all whosebair is falling off orturnhig gray. Our well known contribu tor, Finley Johnson, Esq., has experienced the benefltof Its application, and joins with es in speaking of its virtnee. Let all try it, and bald heads will,.be as rare as BnOW In' iummer.—BaliimerePatriat. • Woon's R&M BSEEMRATIVE.—trnIike most specifics, this is proved, by unimpeachable evidence, to possess great es a restorer of the hair to pristine vigor. Where the head bad become almost bald because of sickness, the use of this article has produced a beautiful growth of thick, glossy hair. It is therefore a valuable prepara tion for all classes. Its kagredients are such as to Wale. ally eradicates dandrW and other impurities, which operate so injuriously to the hair. It also has curative properties of another description. In many cases pim ples and other disfigurements of the skin disappear wher ever it is used. There is no hazard attaching to the trial of his remedy, and its effects can onl ybe beneficial, as the compound if it does not cause a mrnifest improve ment, is incapable of doing harm, as its component ele ments are perfectly innocuons.—Bostow Tranacn"pt April 22,11159. A Groom Boon.—ln our capacity as conductor of a public journal, we are called upon to advertise the care ens of the day, each of which claims to be unadulterated in Its composition and inlitllible in its curative effects, with what justice we leave our readers to determine. In one instance, however—Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative —we are so well assured of the notable qualities of the article, that we give it our indorsement as all that its in venter and vender claim it to be. Its effect upon a failing head of hair in universally known to be magical. Like lime or guano on exhausted land, it brings its crop wher ever applied. Our own thatch is fortunately very heal thy, but we advise our Mends with spersely-groveing hair to try the Restorative.--Columbia Spy. • Au Ham livss AnUDOMID. —Word's Great Artielehas Taken the Field. Professor Weed stands on an eminence no chemist, whose attention has been turned to inventing a hair tonic, has ever before reached. His fame is sud , den but world-wide, and thousands who have worn Wigs or been bald for years are now, through the use of his preparation, wearing their own natural and lazurfant h ea d covering. So much for chemistry, the chemistry . of human life, and thelaws which apply to the functions of the system. Prof. Wood studied out the human hair, its character, its properties and diseases, and how to re store the decaying vitality to that ornament ; he saw, as in his own case, thatt gray hair is unnatural unless the age of the individual has reached four score, and he be lieved that the hair could be naturally revitalized. He tried kds own case—almost bald and quite gray, at . the age of thirty-seven—he restored his oWil.hairin color,' strength-and luxuriance, and the article he did It with he gave to the :world. Get WOOD'S HAUL IIEgrORA TIVE and take nothing else.—Nero York Day Boa. No. 444 'Broadway, New York, and No. 114 Market street. St. I.crule, Mo. Sold In Boston:by O. C. GOODWIN &., and N. 8. RB& • Co. Jllebiral. I=l MX= DEPOTS ilfebitai wit4ot•Jui.v . ...r3m , fis LIFE FILLS AND PHOENIX BITTERS. THESE MEDICINES have now been be fore the public for a period of TGERTY YEARS, and during that time have maintained a high character in al• most every part of the Globe, for their extraordinary and immediate power of restoring Perfect health to per sona suffering under nearly every kind of disease to which the human frame is llabie,• The following are among the dietreesing variety of hu man diseases in which the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES Are well known to be infallible. DYSPEPSIA,. by, thoroughly cleansing the first and second stomachs, and creating a flow of pare, healt4 bile, instead of the stale and acrid kind ; FLATU LENCY, Loss of Appetite, Heratburn, Headache, Meat lessness, 111-Temper, Anxiety, Languor and Melancholy, which are the general symptoms of Dyspepsia, will van Ish, as a natural consequence of its Cure. COSTIVENESS, by cleansing the whole length of the Intestines with a solvent process, and without vie. lence; all violent purges: leave tbe bowels costive within two days. PE.W.iILS of all kinds, by restoring the blood to a regular circulation, through the precess of respiration in such cases, and the thorough solution of all intestinal ob. struction Mothers... ... The LIFE MEDICINEB have been known to mire BITEUDIATISIK permanently in three weeks and GOUT in half that,time, by removing Meal inflammation Prom the muscles and ligameots of the joints. • DROPSIES of allkinds,-by freeing and strengthen ing the kidneys and .bladder;. they operate most delight fully on these Important' organs, and hence , have ever been found at certain remedy flii* the-worst cum of GRAVEL - • Also wonms, by dislodging from the turnings of 'the bowels the slimy matter to whieti these ereattuns adhere. SCURVY, ULCERS,-and INVETERATE SORES, by the perfect purity which those WC MEDD C MiS give to the blood, and all the humera. SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and SaDCOMILEX lONS, by their alterate effect , upon the fluids.that feea the skin, and the Morbid'eate of which occasions all eruptive complaints, sallow; cloudy, and other disagree able complexione., The use of tii4e Pilhaor a very Maori time Will.effect -ea entire cureof SALT RHEUM, and a striking iia provement in the clearness of the skin COMMON COLDS and ILIVFLUENZA. will always be cured by one.dose, or by two !nth° worst cases. • PILLES.—The original proprietor of these medicines, was cured otPileti, of 85 years standingby the use of the LIFE MEDICINES alone. . - - . DEV:ER AND "A.Gtilff.—For this scourge of the Western country, theie Medicines will he-found Waste, speedy, and certain remedy. Other Medicines have the system subject to a. return of the disease.:4 Cure by these Medicines is per manent..-TRY THEM, BE SATISFIED, ;AND. BE CURED. , _ BILIOUS IREVEDS 'AND LIVER COD ELAlNTS..=ffintruus- Damn?, Lows or Arrnirra, and D/ MULES or , Erzase—the Medicines have been used with themost benelkial results in cases of this descrip-. :--Kings Rya and &refills, in Its worst .forms,yieldi to the mild yet powerful acne - nor these remarkable kleni cines. Night Sweats, Nertiens - Debility, IsTertrous - Co; a plaints of all kinds , Palp.tation of the Heart, Paint f.O Clone, are speedily - Cured: ' ' , BIERCU.BLILL DISIDASES.—Persons whose constitu tons have become impaired by the injudicious use of Merefiry, will - find these Medicines a perfect cure,. as they never fall to eradicate from the system, all the effects of Mercury, infinitely sooner quo . the most.power -11 preparationt of Ramat:aril& ' - Prep tared andsold by W. B. MOFFAT, BM Broadway, New York: Forest° by all Druggists. jy2o-dawly DESIRABLE MOURNING GOOi),§. Black and Piirile Ali Wool. Figured Merinos, Plain Black linglish'Veleue lleps. Black and PurpkiTareize Cleflis,Sllk and Wool. Plain All WrfolTibluneres and Merinos. j Black and Gray' Worsted Poplins.. Black and White . All Wool Baikl% ' Black end Enrple Eigured Cashmeres.: , Lupin'. llgst Bombazines., SUOLrior ' , Back Lusties. Lopin's Rxtr‘ Sinuses. 1 Neat Style Striped blohairs. El:feline Style Parareetkw. e 1.4 Noel %Wawa/ ; . Enggsb. Ghinizef.. Iffidoniii cloths. • Plain lelobairs. OaliCeS. I SOTERIOH PLAIN' BLACK ENG. REP. slouasipai do Butar AND. Wpm do do do PuETLE AND BLACK flti •"•• do do PEARL CLOTHS, New and Desirable. j Every article of the different kinds of DRESS GOODS in the BLACK and SEOOND MODRNINO line. Selected froth the very NAL mikers j • . • Lupin's Square ThlbbetShiwie,. . do Long do• do . ' Black French Blanket ShaWls, -2d Mourning French Blanket Long Shawlb, 2d Mourning French Blanket Square de, English Crepe * Dolls, (every also), • Grenadine Veils, (every size), . English Crepes, French Crepei. SHROUDING CASHBIBRES, SEIROUDING FLANNELS; BLACK GAIJNTLEITS„ all kinds, BLKOK GLOYIB, all kinds BLACK BORDERED HANDKERCHIEFS, Call kinds). BLACK HOISRRY, (all kinds), SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF COLLARS , PLAIN BLACK RIBBONS. An inspection of ocir stock convince all.. - CATHCART & BROTHER, . n 27 . Neva to the Harrisburg Bank. i IN'SURA'NCE - AGENCY ' THE DELAWARE' MITTUAL Safety - In.suranee- INCORPORATED 1835. CAPITAL AND ASSETS._ $004.907.61 THE INSURANCE COMPANY Of North. Anierioa OP PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1794. CAPITAL AND ASSETS .. /ME UNDERSIGNED, as Agent for the 1. above Well knOwn Companies, will makelnsuramie against loss or damage by bre either perpetually or an nually, on property in either t own or ommtry. • Nis Marine and Inland Transportation Risks also taken. Apply personally or , by letter to del-dswly. Harrisburg, •CANDL E S ! - PAI3AFFINR CANDLER, SPERM CANDLES, • ADAMANTINE DANDLES, sTEARINE cA.NDT,Rs, STAR 'CANDLER; CHEMICAL SPERM CANDLES,I • TALLOW CANDI - FA. large lottif the above In store and for sale:at the low est prices by . wm. :flocs. & CO., Opposite the Court Home. HAVANA . CIGARS I A fine assortineat, comprising Fioxeo, . Furs FLY, . FAILLGOZANA, STILVOrd, Le: Om; Bssnexo Of all sizes and qualities, in quarter; one-fifth and unit, tenth boxes, juettelseived and for saleoW, by JOHN. H. ZIEGUiIt, jan3o bfarket'alreet. .. • DELE.QIJICK A.. 1111 EASY HARRISON'S HOUSEHOLD SOAP. ITIP"DETERSIVE. It removes all dirt, and wasbeireith or without rubbing. 1t 'is ZR4SIVE. It removes all stabs by Oil, Faint, Printefs Ink, Wagon or Machine Grease. ; his a lunammit. It bleaches brown clothes white, and white clothes whiter. ItTs EliforlßlNT: It gives a rich parmanent-latlier, and makes the hands soft, white and elastic._ _ : It is a manor wassail, in any water, hot or cold„; hard or soft, salt or fresh, of. Attest lawns, and all grades, to the coarsest clothes. 'lt is unmet. It does Mach washing with MUG coat: It is Economical. It saves wear and tear, time, labor and money. It combines all the goody and none of the bad:proper: ties of every other Soap, therefore it is a PIERFSCT soar. It Perfect' Soap for all wen of the Household.' In the Laundry, for clotlies.of every description--fer: tbs Wash stand—for cleaning paint,. glass-ware, porcelain, crockery, table, kitchen and dairy utensils: Directions accompany eacheake. ,Samples can be had pass or mesas, upon application at our store.: The cakes'weigh about oneTatuid, not cost.more than any of the ordinary soaps nowin the market. ' . ' DOCK JR WOO:, ' Abets for Rammer& MU Itlizrellantous. THE ORIGINAL AND G.k.NIMIGI DR. TOWNSEND'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA, The Great Renovator of THE BLOOD. THE SOVEREION REMEDY FOR ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN, ULCERATED SORIA AND ALL FORMS OF CUTANEOUS DISEASM These complaints cataie speedily and effectually cured by the use of tills ' WORLD RENOWNED SAICSAPARILLA. Thousands have experienced its salutary effects, and tens of thousands have witnessedlt, until it nas ceased to be a question among the intelligent portion of the com mutiny: • 'When the Blood becomes lifeless and stagnant, either from the effects of _Spring_ weather, change of climate want otexermse,, the use or a uniform saline or any lid other cause ;s compound Ertiart of . ffmnipaMa, will IMO! the BLOOD, carry Off the putrid humors, smug: the siemens, REGULMR THE BOWELS. And impart a"`Tone •of Vigor to the Whole Body: TO: TEE PUBLIC. The public are hereby notified, that.the preparation Mx I °naively known as Dr, 0. P. Towlumad'a Compound ex tract of Sarsaparilla,' is now manufactured under itiy di • rectionand superyjnon„from the original recipeobtained, froth Dr. S. P. 'foviiisend - ; I edify that it is «Kaput ed ingredients P,OREL Y VEGETABLE,' andMECHOITP , cIiWY"; and alse that the Ingredients are jadiciO T tour ounded, seal; to obtain from them' their greatest, medicinaleffeet. • . JAMES R. CHILTON, M.D., Chemist. Dr. S. P. TOWNSEND'S COXPOLIND EktIRACZ 07 BAiRA• PABILIA, has a reputation among all olyilbted nations as the best preparation for , • , „ Renovating and Purifying the BLOOD which solenne hagever offered' to Oman. ,In this ' resides Its PECULIAR EXCELLENCE, thipis due its world. Wide rehown: It contains all the vegetable principles which experi ence has proved -useful; in -clearing the SYSTEM from •'DISEASE, extraeted.and combined with the highest skill' which the refinements of modern iihemiatry enable us to employ. Whatever May be said by 1330runea cosinietitoni or splenetic Physicians, thefaet that thin medicine is EVERY* WHERE,IISBD, and that its use createn an increased .de.. Mind, 'shoirs condludively that it palmitin:a °Wafted merlin ofthe first order . • CAUTION. _ To avoid Imposition it will be necessar y to see that DR. JAMES R. bEtnoTOWS . - CERTIFICATE as' well as the SIGNATURE of Dr. S. P. To wnsend, is on the outiside *rapper of ea& bottle, BE VERY CI REFUL , TO USE NO OTHER. Proprietor's office, N0..41 Fulton street, Pl. Y And far side by every Druggist in this ity. EDUCATIONAL: A"N•T , ROLLING •ENIE;qI OF NA ' • TIOHALITY is tho siitent'efediicatliM try.' "In' pro:portion ° as - the. structure of a government gives force to public opinion tbetliubße• Opinion should' be enlightened ." --Wasking r m's ItrreteelLAtictiait: To, this end the people-in 'general-should be educated into a , ° correct and familiar anunintance wall the, nature and principles of our go tierument and; gcil ' lus{itiitidos. "01111-GOVERNMENT : An exPlaintorraiatentent of the system of Government of, the Ottentry &c, A MANII. AT,' FOR "SCHOOLS, ACADEMIES AND' POPULAH USE," is a work.iviiich, with propecldsterical notices, gives the colmtmetion of the , provisions of the, Constitution of 'the United States seid of thole ofthe several States, as determined hyJndielalitntitorityi or derived from stand: and writers, incliidi*ff eanie ieferencento admintatritive wa andlirstolleKnOna to sbecithwatetnatworking of our, general system or Government..-It is free from specula. tiveoPinions; ceriservative in its tendeney, - ind ealcuhtted to cultivate the love of our country. It half been used to a considerable ° extent, in the EDUCATION OF YOUTH in different ltates, is reconiniended•: by Jurists, Statesmen and Presidents, and Profeesortoof Oelleges.— Price $lOO. Sold by 'M.WHINNHY, del llartliburg, Pa. . THE CONSTITUTION AND THE UNION. A T KELLER'S - DRUG STORE = Yon will - 11Litud an assortment'of flue ladies' Tiavoling Satchels. T KELLER'S DRUG, STORE you will ZIL find a•great variety. of Walking Canes. . 7 A TKELLER.'S DRUG STORE : you :will 11., And an unrivalled assortment 'Petraiaery, Po mades, Hair Oils, Cosinetica,.Solips, fro. • . A T KELLERIVDRUG STORE you will li find all kinds ofHrtishes,angliah Tooth and Hair Brushes,OlotliUnd Leather' Brnsbes. A T KELLER'S''DRUG'BTORE yon Will lad a fine lot orGilehrht't Pocket Cutlery. . , A T SELLER'S DRUG STORE you Will Wind a large Moak of Portmounaies, 'Parsee, Wallets, and' Nagar Cases. • -•-- • l• A T KELLER'S DRUG STORE you will li find a Choice lot of;Havana Cigars. No. 91. Market Street, . feb2l Two Dais East of Fourth S t reet. FOE TH:6 SEASON. - riAvoßoci . = Vanilla, :beat iminarket, Bose, Lemon, Pine Ipple, • Strawberry, Celery, - . Nutmegs, Pure Distilled Rose Water, Parsley Beat English Baking Soda, Pure Cream Tartar, -• Extra Pure Spices, ' Praia Calitiary Herbs ICELLIDPS DRUG STOItE, 2,3 . 91 Market Street . . A New Feature in the Spice -Tra de! , .. IMPORTANT TO HOUBREKEPERBI E.R DURKEE & Co. R. . ....... , SELEC SPIC ES , In Tail Ail; (Lined with:Paper! Pidi weight. BLACK PIPPRIt, GINOR ; , . - . NUTMEG, WHITE_ PEPPER, ALISPI E, _ RACE, CAYENNE PEPPER, CINNAMON, • CLO7Eri, MUSTARD, ma - ___ EN THIS AGE of adulterated- and taste lees Unless, it is with 'confidence that `we Introduce ' the 'attention• of housekeepers •these :superior land genuine articlta, We guarantee them not only _. ~. ; . ABSOLUTELY AND RERFECJI'LY TITRE .9 but ground from fresh Spit:us, selected and cleaned by tus expressly tar the ikurpoee, wafting. vethrerles Ie coif.— They are` beautifully Naked al Ma. NI, (lined.iiith pa per) to prevent injury, hy keeping„ and ate, .. MI. WEIGHT, while theordinary ground *sea are almost Invariably short. We WorreittbllN in PAM ..Pf far most and richness of flavor, . - BEYOND ALL COMPARISON; . . .. . . .. as a single trial will abundantly prov e . Every Package boars our Trade Mark. Manufactured only by - K. E. DCRIIME 4t co., NW York. For sale b WILBOCK. - JR; &CO.' .. -% (Mg CRAItpAGNE. was..l4lNlak Iforersamo, • Thaesasom as CO. • • Caesium •Elsmanserr . • •• - • :ALsono IVaasa-43sussit Itousssex" trtEE. ‘ umo MGM* .SP.OOOleO Is store and Per zier T 21 11'1 1 / 1 i sale by maim V tTr i • digzSEGLER, "VillarlsAt Err4et. , JUST REOEIVED,, A LARGE AND WiLL :SEZEO_TED STOOE OF BRODIESI .cosser. t i o Pixrr, CASITEZIONI & CO. IBISQLIET,TRICOCIEB,&qo. _I • JAMES HENNESSY' & CO °TARO, DIIPU.Y & CO. J. & IP. maxim J 131134 .11011tN &"00: cz .MADATTA. CO.. Jo RN H. Zl 7a marass: itataa_ stroes. For sale by 174 uaw. DR . JOHNSON. 33.A.1.M1111CC1 /MD LOCK HOSPITAL, HAS discovered the most certain, speedy and effectual remedy In the world tar DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. K<IT IN MS TO MAT HOURS. No Mercury or Noxious Drugs iar-A cosi WARRANIZO, OR NO CHLROZ, 'nom OAR TO Two Den.-6* Wealmees of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Pains In the Loins, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organic Weakness, Nervous Debility, Decay of the Physieal Pow ers; Dyspepsia, tamper, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas ref Ration of the Heart, Timidity, Trembling., Inem e d, of Sight or Giddiness, Thrum of the Stomach, Affections of the Head, Throat, &se or Skin—those terrible &or. lore arising' from the indiscretion or Solitary Habits of Youth—those dreadful and destructive practises which produce Constitutional debility, render marriage Impos sible, anddestroy both body and mind. YOUNG MSN Young men especially who have become the victimsol solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to ear untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exalted talent and brilliant intel lect, who might otheristai have entranced listening Senate* witlitheihunders of elnipience, or waked to ec. twp the living lyre, may call wth fall confidence. XARIGL&GE. Married persons, or those contemplating marriage, be ing aware of phys ical weakness, shouldlmmediateay coo • snit Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. ORGANIC WRAIIMBES Immediately cured and full ingor restored lie who places himself under the care of Dr. J., may religiously confide in his bonor as a gentleman, and eau, Meetly rely upon his skill as a: phystclan. sirollico r No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltmore, Md. ' on the left hand side going ftom Baltimore street, 7 doors tram the.aorner. Be particular iq observing the name or number, or you will mistake the place. Be par denier far t, TiVing Quacks, Stith false names, or,Paltry_ wabpg Certticates, attracted by the reputa tion Or Dr. Johnion; lurk near. All lintels meat contain a Postage Stamp, to use on the reply. DS. JOHNSTON. Dr. Johnson member of . Die Royal College of Surgeons, London., graduatefrem one of the meet eminent Colleges of the United states, and the „ greatest part of whose life hum been spent in the Hospitals of London, Paris, delPhia" and elsewhere, has of tionio of the most as tonishing cures that were ever ;mown. lawny troubled with ringing in theatre and head *rhea asleep. great nen voestiese, being Manned at sudden sounds, bashfulness. wittarequent blushing, attended sometimes with derange. 12161# . of illnd'*ere clered immedlataly, • ;TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr 1. addresses all Chose who having Mimed them selves by private and improper indulgencies, that secret and solitary habit which ruins both body and mind, un fitting them for either businessor society. These are some of the sad and melancholy effects pro duced by etirlY' habits; of youth, viz : Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in. the Head, Dimness of Sight, Lois — of Irwiertlar 'Power, - Palidtation of the Heart, Dye peptilarafervouslrritabffity Derangement of the Digeehre Functions,„General Debility, Symptoms of Consume lion;dic.„ MENTALLY. lanismar, the fearful effects on the mind are much to tai dreaded ":-Loss of Idernoiy, Conftiston of Ideas, Do premien of Spirits, Evil..Yorebodings„ Aversion to2ocie ty, Self-distrust, Love ofigolitncle, Timidity, &e., are some cl the evil tracts. "" Tiiodsaudeof peiscins ell aka, can nowiudge what le the Outgo of their decline in health, lofting their vigor, becoming 'weak, pale, nervons and emaciated, have a singular appearance. about the gyes, cough, and Byrne ma of consumption, YOUNG MEN who haie fAjnied themselves by a certain Oudot:, In Ovirscin when alone—a, habit frequently learned from stir zorimanione, or at baba,* the effects of width are Lightly felt, even when asleep, and, ifnot mired, renders marriage impossible, and destroys both Mind and body, should apply immediately:- - What a pity that a_ young man, the hopes of bin coun try. theAhuling of his par eats, matched worn :alf primpects and enjnymenti ot iiftyby the bonsequenueo Hof deflating from the Path. of iiodure;end . .lealulaing In • certain seeret.hahlt. !Suphoersone !nest, before contem plating effect that a sound mind and body are",thiamost necessary requisites to promote connubial. happiness. Indeed without these, the journey through life-becomes a weary pilgrimegW the promect hourly darkeriti tbilitilview;the mind:becomes shadowed with dermegriandffilled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness elMother be comes blighted with our own '• .• • "j - - DR. JOHNSON'S INVIGORATING REMEDY FOR OR , GANI( WEAMMRSII.-, M • By t great and important remedy,, Weakness of the ')rgans are speedily cured, and full vigor restored. thousands of .the most nervous and debilitated who bad" lost all hoPe, have 'been tromeiliately 'relieved. All impediment toMarriage Physlhal or YentakDisqualtl cation, Nervous, Trembling, Weakness or Habaustion or the most fearthlkind,,lipeedity'cured.• • .TO stitaxinsa • ' The many thousands cured at , this lostlutfon within me last twelve Tsars, and the *faineants Minorcan( Surgical operations performed by Lori: .1,9 witnessed by the re porters of the Papers,und_many other persons, notices of which havo appeared again and again before,the,pnblic, bearer hi/ siatadft as. a leiffiment ofekaretter and ro vonsoffoy,riea scient guarantee to the afflicted. DISEASES OF - lISPRITDMIC-When the misguided and imPendent votary ofigeasune finds he has Imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it toccata' happens that an ill-timed sense of shame 'dr dread of discovery deters bim;froluapplying to thone,Who, from education and re , spiv tability can alone befilendhim, delaying till the con. stittitiomd -symptenis of UM horrid.dfrease Make their appearance, affecting th e head, throat, nose, skin, a ft., progressing with 'frightful rapidity till death inns period toles dreadful suffermga:by sending Idol to "that bourne from whence fro traveler returns." It is a mel ancholy fifct that thonsmids.frafvfOttnisio' this terrible disease, owing to the nnskilftthices of .ignorant pretend ers, who, by the use of that/soap- witetwory, ruin the,constitution and make the Fad eaffierable. To Eirearaii.M.—The Doctor's: Diptinas bang in hie /rirlettete taut contain`a &map' tens ekt the reply AliP•Remetilea salt by Meiji ' Nir•NO. 7 South Frederick street, Balltraore. aprlB4lawly - WEIMOIMINWMSg ihS Tc'r-rw MRS.: An experienced Nurse a n d weenie 11137deini, presents to the attention of we:Ahern Aer SOOTHING SYRUP, For Children Teething which greatly faeMtalea the ineeassof teethim by soli sable. the gione,roduoing iidlainntetion— and epaamodie action, a nd will allay ALL SURE TO ULATE THe'BOWELS. Depend i!piAajt, motbeit will give: rest to ` yeareelvell AND, AND TO YOUR INFANTS We rhave put•up and void this irtteie • for over tea ,Ind CAE EC; COMPIDZIPOE ARO TOOT; what we have never been able to say of any other medicine— NEM ' Nes rr,FAILE:WIN AIiaNNLN DISTANCE 70 A ODRA when nraelY. need.- Never did we know . an matandt. Of dleattbfactlint by any one who used It Qn .the contrary, : a ll are delighted • with ite opera- Ane *onkel ew, and speak . in ter m s of bigheit:cenaenciatiou It erects and niedielevirtiele. Wits Peak aat thin matter nwsax. Tei, DO KNOW, alter ten years' ex la rienee, dED MOOT OEPOWION POE THE ITHMITINET OP WHAT we azen DITTAXIL' in almost load instance where the infantisainkeing from pain and exhaustion, re liar Wlll be. t " ll/4 ' 132 fille.4 , twenty mill,/ after the This valuable Inepareelon 'the reinnipuin et will et .the meet HipIIREINCED and 13 Nuns= in New Ragland; and Nut' been used - with• rams . .. , O mi t , wort O P It not only relieves the isbfkl 'Dom pain, tel WM' orates the Moinumb Ant bowels, corrects. acidity, sad : [MN lone and en ergy to' the whole muse. IV will 8 . 1 " wig instantly.relleve. . .. .. . , . RIMING IN TH g DOWELS; AND W/NfO MX mid overman oenvublkok which' if not aptedilY rei n. ' d1e,4: 01 4 indergh: We believe It the mar and. saris annul &min worto, In itlrinifie of DIthENTERY AND Xi DIARREDFA 'IN Mgoltigg t . whether' it seism' from m eve teet.l44l g Pr *Om any other m ..... use. We would BAY ....ry other irbki has* c hild mann* from air 01 L ''' foregoing compleinte.=tsrisur tarn vow/ rennanass, 001 ;Wink ?giaThigilr sop ensums„ gan between yoa saur suffering ebildnudthe relief that g will be SllRE—ymd fo. AD BOLDTBLY fiwur_to WA* the use of this trisleo, i l.— * A el Y 4 ised•emotions for nsbm will nooomPauf .....en bottle. " None ginadn'e unless 'the Inc-simile of .DOWym & rirdintuag,New York, ISIM the outside graPPet• Bold by Druggists througt the world. hinedgel Oils% No. 13Veder hou St.; New York. Pies obly 25 Cents Der Bottles i n ,x9r Link , M Berrisburg by D. W. Dross at Do., NI . m . 4" 1 ,,_ •••.rnef. L - Iferthelints, No. =Market stinsc, iisue*N.. ..400.1ferketakeek beiowirevltitilma a• ^ . .. 1.1