pailp (iittzgrapb. HARR, tABURG Thursday Afternoon, April 4, 1561 LEBANON VALUES RAILBOA.D.—The afternoon train for the east, over this road, now leaves at 1.80, as will be seen by-reference to the time table, published on our fourth page. HON. SAMUEL liiirnanny, one of the Associate Judges of Cumberland county, died at Phila delphia on Tuesday last. The vacancy thus occasioned on the bench will be filled by Gu bernatorial appointment. RAILROAD ACCIDERT.—On Tuesday afternoon, whilst Mr. Wm. IL Curry, a freight conductor on the Northern Central Railroad, wae•engaged In coupling two of the cars of his train, near the Bolton. Depot, the engine backed up, catch ing him between the two bumpers, and injur ing his thigh in such a manner that it is thought he will be lame for life. Ts® Sesurxr Fs.vsa prevails to a cousidera ble extent among children.n this city and vi cinity. Several fatal cases have occurred with in a few days. One family lost two children in quick 'succession. In other sections of the county homes have been visited by this much• dreaded h red demon of the nursery," and pa rents robbed of their household jewels. The season, thus far, has been more than ordinari ly unhealthy in this region. . THE FETHT TRADE.—Foreign fruit continues to pour into Philadelphia from Messina and Palermo. This week two vessels arrived, bring ing in the aggregate seven thousand five hun dred and fifty boxes of oranges, and nearly two thousand boxes of lemons. Much of this fruit finds its way to our city, and oranges are ped dled about the streets by little boys and girls, who are glad to dispose of them at the rate of ten cents per dozen. At ruling prices even the poorest in community can afford to luxu riate on this delicious aid wholesome fruit. RHEUMATISM Kmaip a MADNISS.—ii., young matt named William Hammel, of Pottsville, now an inmate of the State Lunatic Hospital near this city - , for four years past was so lame from rheumatism as -to render locomotion, without the aid of crutches, impossible. On Thursday last, to the great surprise of all who saw him, be walked away from hisbouse wit L out crutches. It was discoiered also that he had suddenly became a maniac through the se - - verity of his sufferings ; the;same cause which had restored him to the use of his limbs de priving him of his reason. He was brought here and placed in,the Lunatic Hospital by the Odd Fellows, of which order he is a. member. "Hamm on earth can smile 'but. man," says the famous Beecher. And a facetious co temporary replies: "Henry Ward, you're right. Nothhe—nothin' on earth can 'smile' but man. Flowers have cups, but they can't crook the elbow. They can't 'smile.' That's what's the.matter. Birds, also, can't come in neither, too. They have beaks, but no break ers. What do they know about .The babbles that swim on the beaker's brim?' What do they care about juleps ? Not a straw. Their only idea of `a cocktail is a bunCh of feathers. No, a 'smile' is the krogative of man with a sixpence in his hreeches—or, at least, three cents " =L:',==l nap Don Krumo.—A dog; supposed to be mad, was killed about a mile from this oily on the_Jonestown road, yesterday afternoon. The country seems to be overrun with rabid canines Just now, and a number of persons and ani inals have been bitten in various localities. oOr readers are familiar with the particulars of the recent violent death of two little girls in Lancaster county, from hydrophobia. An ex change paper, received this morning, contains an account of the death of a lira Townsend, of Susquehanna county, resulting from the bite of a mad dog. While riding in hearriage with her husband, she was attacked' with 'spurns, which continued after her arrival at home, and were so violent 'that it required Several men to hold her, she attempting to bite every one within her reach: No city of the , same size in the Union is cursed with a larger number of worthless canines than Harrisburg, and the public safety requires that they should either be confined or killed. -,•,...-- Tours Alm lirreourrue look cheerful and In viting on the window sash, with the lace and damask curtains behind them. When the aka are so uncertain, and Atekwind blows so obsti nately frorka dreary and ithospitable'quarter, the smallest specimen of flowering vegetation la: a bait for the eye and a cOmfort for the soul. The rough and common bulb, be fore it receives the care and nurture of female hands, gives but small promise, of fra grant fiowereand resplendent colora. Heat and moisture gradually develop the hidden beauties , : and in due season the wisdom of Hia handiwork, preaches a wonderful lesson. Could the hu man bulb be so cared for and developed, what better specimens should we bave among us.— The new drop of humanity would be especially improved by more attention to its 'habits and growth. It runs loose on the streets e neglects wardrobe and abhors water,' breatheimephitic vapors, and grows up diseased, deformed amide voted to vice in all its ramifications. The suf ferings from mead and scanty food, are not always fatal, , but rather indurate thepoor body and make it more able to .resist exposures. With snob training it can hardly be wondered if the little human grows up with savage pro clivities, and preys upon those who did not divert its youth from wrong to right. It is of no use to have schools, and societies of refor- Walton, unless this material can be brought un der their influence. It may grow up to man hoOd and blooin, but its flower will be deadly and poisonous, contaminating more delicate plants and defiling the moral garden. Be not satisfied with the bloom of the bulb, but de vote a little time to the class of plants on the streets, the gene of which is not described by. botanists, or noted in any booke save Milne called "prison records." amopWant° atl Zettgrapi), ehuroban /fterttoon, 'April 4, 1861. Smatm).—The supplement to the Harrisburg city charter, which recently passed the Legisla ture, and was published in our c dunms, has been signed by the Governor and is now a law. A STATED Mnarrro of the Washington Hose Company will be held at the hose house to- morrow (Friday) evening at 7i o'clock.— Punctual attendance is required. MONEY is being raised by subscription in va rious parts of the county to procure the ser vices of Hon. John C. Kunkel, of Harrisburg, to defend Howder at the neat term of Court. --/uniata Sentinel. Who is this man "Howder," and fofivhat crime is he to be tried? Rsv. Jong COLDER, of this city, is announced to deliver a lecture on China, at M'Connels burg, next Saturday evening, for the benefit of the German Reformed Sabbath School of that place. We can assure our M'Connelsburg friends that Mr. Colder will entertain. them pleasantly and profitably. 1=2:1 MIDDLNIOWN Irshis.—TheTournal says that OD last Monday night M. Clumph, an aged man, residing near that town, accidentally fell into the Aqueduct and was drowned. His body was found on Tuesday evening and taken from, its watery grave. Justice Schaeffer summoned a jury, and 'held . an inquest on the body, when a verdict of "accidental drowning" was rendered. The same paper records the death •of an ':aged and esteemed lady, Mrs. Dr. Brown, who died at her residence on Tuesday morning, aged about sixty-three years. ..,....y......,.,..... ELM. DIDICATION.—The Lykaistoon ,Journal says the members of Wiconisco Lodge, No. 588, I. 0. of 0. F. laid the corner ethos of their new lodge building, with appropriate and char acteristic ceremonies, on Saturday afternoon last. A copy of the Journal, the Constitution and By-laws of the Wiconisco Lodge, By-laws of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, names of the President and Vice President of the 'United States, and of the Governor of Pennsylvania, &c., were deposited in the corner stone. A large number of citizens were in attendance ae spectators, and the Brassltand enlivened the ceremonies with good music. IN DEMAND.—There is an increased demand for cheap dwellings houses in this city. Many of the mechanics who have been transferred from Parkesbnrg to the Pennsylvania Railroad machine shops here, are without "local habita tions" for their families. Would it not "pay" some of our enterprising capitalists to erect a number of small, comfortable and cheap dwell ings for the accommodation of working men? Considering the steady and rapid , increase of business and population, men of capital would certainly run no rieli . by investing it in this way. If we wish to keep mechanics in our city, and induce others to locate among us, we must provide for their accommodation. ACCIDENT Off VIM PRIINCIIVAZI/L RAILROAD.— MOBS XIILS &WED.—The mail train west due 'at Pittsburg , yesterday forettooni•was-tintwu from the track thirteen miles this side of that city, by the breaking of an axle. The forward car went down anembankment of fifteen feet, and tie other cars ran off the track. About eighty passengers were in the than, but only, five were injured. Their injuries are slight, and they will be able to leave tomorrow for their places of destination. 'The mails caught fire from the upsetting ,of the stove, and the contents of several pouches , were badly damaged or destroyed. The Washington letter mail es caped damage, and the New York and Phila delphiayouches were but slightly damaged.— The Baltimore and Harrisburg pouches were considerably damaged, and the way Mails be tween Pittsburg 'and Harrisburg were almost entirely destroyed. .._,~.-- Tun Panama Coaaaaox Questriou.--The businetz men of Pittsburg and Allegheny cities appear to eitandfiriri f iri :their - resolution, and deterinitied not to receiye in VnYmnnt of debts or for sales, either Virginia,. Missouri or other poor currency, other than at broker's rates.— Thirty-two Illinois banks have gone down, or are thrown out now in Chicago, so they : will not be troubled with the money any longer. The Dispatch says •;,.. • • " now - dyidently a strong feeling manifested, more enthusiasm and determina tion, on - the 'subject of currency than ever be fore, and a hirge.increase in number. of new houses . , other .branches of trsule, who have iinw.'gorkihitntt itith si hearty seal`which will Make it go and who did not manifest any in terest in th i emovement heretofore. There is some talk now, tif discrediting entirely all de predated blink notes and pitting every busi ness transaction on a par bash.. The effect of this movement will be, if suc - cessfel, to itive the Pittsburg banks a local circulation they have not hitherto enjoyed. The rate no*, for Mis ..souri and :Virginia money is four per cent." =1 Homes vs. Hot:ism—The fact that a 'vast amount of money is every year:ihrown away in this country, In the construction of houses which, after all, are not what they might to be, and• might be built for less money-is very gen erallY conceded. The art of irehitectuie, as adapted to the individualities of each house owner, has got to make.great advances. It is far ahead of its position ten or twenty years since; but we have no dciuht that'twenty years hence it will be far ahead of what it is now.— As. a writer on this subject says . : "Every fam ily has its eharacter,.-its tastes and-its wants, and'a_ haisn'that',that character, ' satisfy those tastes, and fulfil'those wanti, will be a home to it—a proper setting for the jewel, whether diamond,:oeritby, or garnet, or what not. There may be more than rooms enough in s house to supply the wants of a family, and the family may yet find it impossible to make a home for itself in any part of- , it. Als most hundreds of thousands of American fam ilies move into , new bouses only to find a great disappointment—to 'find - that -they have not come into heroes at all: , They thought that a great amount of money expended Upon a house would make _a hdrui;, and. were griei vonsly mistaken. The truth ii; that building a house is,next to metrhtioah•the great exteri ment of a man's life, and _much oftener than gnat rendts in- failure. There is not one good , gortek—one well made and well appointed `,liMie—mhare there are ten good wives. men aro so superior to brick, as a materiai. Vrozatum ex ORDINANCIL—This forenoon we saw a colored mall propelling a wheelbarrow on the pavement in Second street, to the great annoyance of several lady pedestrians, and in violation of the new ordinance. The police officers should capture all such offenders. COLD BeTa.--This morning a small boy, while amusing himself on the towing-path above the furnace bridge, accidentally fell iato the canal, and but for the timely intervention of a gentleman in the vicinity would have drowned. The lad was terribly frightened, and without waiting to thank his, preserver, ran home wet and shivering from the effects of his cold bath. FINAL ADJOURNMENT. —This morning the Senate concurred in the resolution recently adopted by the House, fixing upon the 18th of April as the day for final adjournment. An immense amount of business bas been done up to this time, and two or three important =en sures remain ,to be disposed of---among,.the number the apportionmenthill, upon which no progress has been made. From present indi cations the resolution will have to be rescinded, and the final adjournment postponed until a later period than that now designated. _...,.-: THE FAMILORABLE COLOR.--riALLO THE Rivas. Speaking of the Spring fashions, the spicy edit ress of a New York paper, in her "Promenade and Boudoir" departnient says : Lilac, which was first inaugurated by the fair Empress Eugenie, with whom it is the colorpar excellence, is, as ever, fashionable, though each season undergoing some change in shade. At present, it is mauve, of the blue-violet tint— rather an ordeal for some complexions to an; dergo ; still, La Mode, whose laws are inexor able, wills it. The hats are exquisite to the eye ; to wear—c'est une autre chose! "Nova Rosa" is another very fashionable tint, latterly termed fuchia pink, before - which all other pinks seem faded and yellow. This is also a trying color; but courage,mes antie,s / it is not absolutely neces sary to disfigure your pretty faces by wearing perforce a color which is not becoming. There is also a lovely shade of sea-green, just the tint of the foam-crested Nave ; and white in lace crape and tulle completes the list of colors in chief for this season. YelloWs,.blues and reds, are passe. AN Anvattrunaus HUNTER having visited the interior. of Africa in search of game, often no ticed a little gray bird, twittering and chatter ing on a branch of the-nearest tree. It seemed greatly excited, and anxious to attract hie at -tention.. Whenit had fairly woiChis notice, it darted forward in wavy lines, still keeping up its incessant twitter, as if inviting him_to follow its flight. Alfhred by , strange man ner, he one day followed it until it reached a hollow tree. Hovering over this tree a mo-. ment, it pointed to it with its bill; and then, quietly perching on a neighboring branch, watched his movements. Guided by the action of the bird, the hunter looked into the hollow of the tree, and found a nest of wild bees, well stocked with honey and wax. He afterward learned that the little chatterer was named the "honey bird," and that the natlyes were in the - habit of relying upon its guidance when in quest of, the, sweet. stores. of the bees... Now, just what theitoney - bird.witti to the hunter, this notice is to thoSe persons - *ho are about purchasing their sq3ring dry goods. 133n0n & Bowareses cheap store is at the, soutlveast cor ner of Front and Market streets: - t Tventrrr-sivz pieces of beautiful white Curtain Muslin, needle-worked ;- 50 pieces of beautiful broche Borders for Shawls at 26, 87, and 50 cents ; 100 yards of splendid black Merino for Shawls, six-fourths and five-fourths wide ; another new lot: of bleached Muslin at 10 and 12i cents ; splendid black Shawls, with broche bor der, at all prices ; a large lot of single and dou ble Broche Shawls oi cost ; remnants of Calico and DeLaines I will sell very cheap. I have just received a very large lot of white goods of all descriptions from the New York auction; also Cambric,Bindpnd Blighty, pew Calicos, new bleached Muslins - and pant stuff, very low. Black Silks and colored Silks verylow hemi stitched Handkerchiefs and gentlemen's linen pocket-handkerchiefs. For cheap goods please call at:„LitiVieli, Bhoad's old stand.:. -t NOTICE. Couans.—The sudden changes of our climate are sources of Pulmonary, Bronchial and Asthmatic Af fections. laperbincif having Proved that simple reme dies- often act speedily and certainly when taken in the early, stages of the disease; recourse: should at once be had to dliroWn'filironchlal Troches," or Lezeriges, let the Cold, Cough or Irritation of the Throat be ever so slight, as by this Orecautiott a more serious attack may be warded off. Public Speakers and Singers will find them effectual for clearing and s. trengthening the voice. See advertisement. delo-d-swew6m W. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR.DYEt THIS .SPLENDID HAIR. DYE has no equal—instantaneous hi effect--Beautiful Black or ral Brownno staining the skin or-Injuring the Hair—remedies ihe absurd and ill effect of Bad Dyes, and invigorates the Hair for life. None are genuine unless 'signed' "W: 11. - Batchelor:" ' Sold Sr erywhlire.. . : CHAS. BATCHELOR, Praorietor. atria dawly .81 Barclay Street, I air York MANHOOD. HOW LOST HOW RESTORED. JUST PUBLISHED ON r THE • - NAT i- Twiertemyr AND RADICAL CUM Or BPDR/LiTtill- BREA or:Seiviitial" :Weaknism I , Sexual Debility, Nervous ness, nvoluntary . gysraiOns and Impotency, resulting hem Self-abuse, _n. By Robt..J. Culverwell, M. Di:— Bent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, pest Paid, on receipt of , two Stamps, by D. CRAB. J. C. KLINE, 127 Bowery, New York. Post Office Box, No. ...m24lAnailaw A CARD -Ti) irirE LADIES DR• DUPONOO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES. nfallible In correcting, regulating,' and rem oving obstructions, from whatever cause, and al ways anacessful es a preven tiro. TH_ ESE PILLS HAVE BEEN USED BY - the doctors for many Yesii, ,both in France and merles, : with unparalleled success .11a every case.; and he is urged. by , many thousand ladies who used them, to ,make the tpills,public for, the alleviation ef those suffering from any irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent an increase' of family where health will not permit 1t.., Females particularly situated, or those supposing them selves eo, are cautioned turainathese Piths while in that condition as they are sure to produce miscarriage, and the proprietor assumes no responsibility after this mime , Intim, although their mildness would prevent any mis chief to healtlb,etherwise, the. Pills are recommended. Full and explicit directions accompany each box. Prise $1 00 par box, ; Sold wholesale and retell by • OHARLIE A. BANNVART, Druggist, No. 2 Jones Row, Harrisburg, Pa. • ' , Ladles," by- sending him El 00 to the Harrisburg Post Office, can have the Pills sent free of observation to any part of the country (confidentially) and "free of pm Digo" by mail. Sold also by S. S. 'Prams, Reading, Jetsam', Houeway & COWDEN, Philadelphia, J. L. taw iiimmizajabanon, Dam B. Hamm; Lancaster; J. A. ' Weis, Wrightsville ; B. T. Morse, York ; and by 'one, ,druggist in every city and village in the Union, and , by S. D. Howu• sole proprietor, New Perko , -0..13,-Look out for counterfeits.: Buy .no Belden Pills o f any kind Anima eVery,htlx tasigned B. D., Howe. All others are ; a; base imposition end:unsafe; thereforei.. at I . you value your lives and health,; (to way nothing.of he: mg humbugged Out,Of your money,) buy only of these; whdetietrAideignature of S. D. Howe on; every Wa x which has recently been added en account of the Pills beim counterfeited de3-dwailwly. WOOD'S Mara RESTORATYVE.—Among all preparations for tho hair that have been introduced as InYallible none has Wer given the satisfaction or gained the popularity that Prof. Wood's Hair Restorativ onow has. His Restorative has passed the ordeal of innumer able fashionable toilets, and the ladies, wherever they have tested it, pronounce it a peerless article. They find, wherever they have tested it, pronounce it a peer less articii. They ilnd, where the hair is thinned, that it creates a fresh growth—that it fully restores the ye. gotative power of the roots on the denuded places, and causes the fibres to shoot forth anew—that tt dissolves and removes dandruff, prevents grayness, restores the hair to its original color when grayness his actually su pervened, gives a rich lustre, imparts the softness and hesibility of silk to the hair, and keeps it always lutri ant, healthy and m full vigor."N. Y. Tribune." Sold by all respectabla Druggists dell lea TO OONSIMPTI VES ThEI ADVKIITIBER, haying been restored to health Is a fevr weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affect ion, and that dread disease, Consumptiem—is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire lt, he will send a copy of the pre scription used (free of charge), with the directions for preparingand using the same, which they will and a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Rm. The 'only object of the advertiser in sending the Prestription is to benetlt.the afflicted, and spread information which heuonceives to be nvaluable, i and he hopes every suf ferer will try his remedy, es t will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. ' Nikes wishing the prescription will please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Wiliiamsburgh, Rings county, New York. octbl-wly THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY SIR JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS. Prepared front a Prescription of Sir J. Clarke, M. D., Phyhtcian Daraordietary . to the Queen. This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure ef all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitution Is subject. It moderates all excess and re moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. TO MARRIED LADIES it is peculiarly united G will in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterleita. CAUTION. These Fills shouid not be taken by, females daring .the FIRST TUBER JIONTIIStif Pregiiatitcy, as:they are sure is brinion Miscarriage, but at any ether time they are safe. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain in the-Back and Limbs, Fatigue.on slight exertion, Palpha lion of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, base Pim ail effect a cure when all other menus hivie failed ; and al though a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, oalomel, antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitution. Frill directions in the pamphlet around each package, Which should be carefully preserved. N. H-61.00 and "6 postage stamps enclosed to any au thorized Agent, will insure a bottle, containing 50 Pills, by return mall. Fa , sale by O. A.Bewerviser. lye dimly IMPORTANT TO FEMALE& CHEESMIAN'S PILLS, Prepared by Cornelius L. Cheeseman, M. D., NEW YORK CITY. MEET; combination of ingredients in these X Pills are the result of a !Ong and extensive practice. They are mild to their operation, and cerlailkincorrecting all irregularities, Painful blenstruationx, removing all ob - Mt-actions, whether from cold or othgrwise, headache, pain in the side, palpitation of the hewn, -whites, all ner vous affections, hystertcs, fatigue, paid in the back" and limbs; Ai., disturbed sleep, which arise from interruption of nature ILIBRIED LADIES, Or; Cheeseman's Pills are invaluable, as they will bring on the monthly period with regularity. Ladies who have been disappointed in the use of other Pills can place the utmost confidence in Dr. Cheeseman's Pills doing all that they represent to do, NOT/CE There fs ,one omattion of the female system fa which the Pals Godard he taken mahout produmng a PECULL4.I2 ASSUL2. the condition referred to la REGNANCY— . the result, MISCARRIAGE. &eh is the stresiatade fewhmay of the inechoWtO restore he Maud functions to a normal condition ] that coca the reinwhoctive power of nature osnnot rase it. . Warranted purely, vegetable, and free from anything Injurious. Expliait direetionig which shoubd be readout. compimysitittlftecT"Prreirst — WittifiisMlsll - 43161114,. 3T -to flif , eonlefune Ongesztain; 10% 4 ,S*l - Pitit MOB,' .NevrWorkVityy. - -. 4 Soirlby one': everi town thetrgited SM4 R. Wo 9 enr"l Ar v frth g'Unitota, 14 lecaw r Urork o whom al Wholade or sirnad be ali Sold in Harrisburg by 0: A. BAYNTART: 0v29-dowl ' A NEW AND FINE ASSORTMENT int LADIES' TRAVELLING SHOPPING BAGS At all prices,for sale at BERGNIMS OMEAP BOOKVORE, 51 Market Stree STATE CAPITAL BANK. CAMERON, COLDER, EBY & CO. WRYER SECOND AND WALNU2 HARRIS BURG, PENN. OR RENT.-THR DWELLING PART F the FOUR STORY BRICK HOUSE No. 93 Market street. Possession given on the Ist of April next. For pertieulars enquire of ay.& J. -B. SIMON. POPULAR REMEDIES; wirrisLow's SOOTHING SYRUP Ill_for_cliihiren teething, and SPALDING'S CEPHALIC PILLS for headache. , A fresh supply received at KFJ.; LER'S DRUG STORE, where you can purchase all the saleable Patera Medicines of the day. • 91 Market street, two doors east of Fourth street, south side. FOR RENT.—The Tavern Stand on Ridge Road, now occupied by Samuel W. Roberts is offered for rent from the let of April neat. Require of jeb9-dtf. MRS. BCWGEN, No. 80, Fourth Street. ALDERMAN HENRY PEFFER, OFFICE-THIRD. STREET, (SHELTIS ROW, NEAR MARKET. Residence, Chestnut Street near Forth CITY OF ILLRRISBURG, rFeNN'A. myl24ltf . - 14P1 , BIBLES 1 ' BIBLES I ! ' . . 0. Al.„- and thoroughly 'complete stock of gyp• - COMPRISING EVERY VARIETY ... 'a Smallest Pocket to the largest sized and tines • FAMILY BIBLES, - - Has Just been purchased and received from the Fall Trade Sales. Having purchased these at - EXTREMELY LOW RATES, they Will be sold at a very Small advance. Please call and examine the stock at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, • . - SI. Market Street. 2aT3EI FAMILY DRUG' STORE. 11HE UNDERSIGNED RAS OPENED a Wholesale and Retail - Drug and Prescription Store, lathe Iron - Front Bunning; No. 12ff , Market street, lately occupied by Mr. Eby, webillNan be found au cub re lieu stock of Fresh and Pure Drugs , Perfumery Soar . ..WA! OIL, COAL .OIL LAMPS, Burning Fluid, Alo ebol Patent Medicines, Stationery, Fancy Artielei, & c., &c. We have the agency for the sale of Mille% Celebrated Arti ficial Teeth, to Wiiich we would invite the attention of Dentists. By strict attention to business, and desire to please, we respectfully ask a slime of Public Patronage: N. B.—Prime Havana &gars and Tobacco constantly on hand. " aprOdly JOSEPH WIRT. JOHN W. BROWN. CASEY •& BROWN, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW HARE TS BIT P EN N' A . HAYING associated together in the practice of the Law ' will attend faithfully and promptly to' all profdssionalbusiness entrusted to their roue: OmLe in Third street three doors from Market -- N. B. .Goitindations in Nnglish and ilermau.' AVIATXB I ALBUMS. I I lnelloost assortment of .A.LBllll9.ever offered in this ot.ty, ranging,W.prieerfrow 50 centa-to:$10:00endb, bound In o•ff,etylee of Binding at • • : MigeNERV CHEAP BOOKSTORE, 121207 51 Mark Street, alistellantons. SANFORD'S LIVER INVIGORATOR NEVEA .DEBILITATES T is' compounded ' entirely from Gums , 1 and has become an established Net a standard Melt eine, known and approved .; by all tha have used it, and is now resorted to isf with acadlifithete in all the diseases for -which it is re- 0 iimmitended. It has'cured thousands Eg within the last two years who had given up all hopes -g of relief, as the numerous unsolicited certificates in "V my peesesidon The dose must beadapt- ga , ed to the temperament cd the individual taking stand e used in Bach quantities ar to act gently on the bowels. Let the dictates of your judgment guide you in use of the LIVER INVIGIO- I d- I BATOR,. and It will onre ATUCKB, iSISPES3S.,CHEOS PLASS, Drassmay DROP UAL. COSMOSES, ' OEOLIO, INFASTEN, Flat TO' L N OE, mess, and may be need IVZ Feting SIDICSE.".. it (as thousands can testify) OESSUOI Tatatocerimalint attack. ma their — testimony to 1111 Lrvaa Comma Java, Batious iolluataosa, Sulam COM sit Soule SWIM, ROM OHOLYNA MORBUB, OHOIXRA DATHIHOI, FINALS WHAH succenrally as an OIIHINI, will core SICIEHEADA Lit two= Mims% a twe ' mom at commencement o 41. m. WHO TAIIT ART 01Y fayoy M-idlit Water in the month with the In. vigorater, and swallow both together, PRIM 011 DOL4II 110761. A L 5.0 SANFORD'S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS COMPOUNDED, nom PURE VEGETABLE EXTRACTS, • AND PH UP IN GLASS CASES, AIR TIGHT, AND WILL KEEP IN ANY CLIMATE. Ai l v Tht. FAMILY CATHAR- _.: active Wharf:le which the lOU practice more than twenty a The constantly Mores& . have long used the PILLS 1.1 all express in regard to 11w1 to place them within the fti The Profession well know '''' On difierent portions of the ~,,, The FAMILY ' OATH 16.1 Terence to this well estat e 14 ded from a variety of the which act a ll ke on even' ha nal, and are good and oa f Pe Willie is needed, such as ha Sleepinen, Pains in ihel -11 Pain and Soreness over gull or weight in the head, all, .., . Worms in Children or id- E l Purifier of the Blood, and A flesh in heir, too numerous . .1 tisement. Don, Ito 8. 0 PRICE 30 CENTS TIC PILL is a gentle be proprietor has used in hi years. tng demanditomthesa who and the satisfaction which their use, has Induced me reach of all. that different Cathartics act bowels. TIC PILL has, with due re lished fact, been compose. Parma Vegetable Extracts, part of the alimentary ca. in an cases where a ca. Doran/meta* of Stomach, Bach andLoine, Cositvasest body,Resacernem, Headache tlagammatory Diseases, ilts,.Theamestism, a great many diseases to tam% to mention in this a tsar. Tina lawn brndOBATOII. MID Fexua Oman xi Pura are retailed by Druggists generally,and sold wholesale by the Trade in all the large towns. a T. M D. ,w• o•rZd.propp,etors je2o4sewsi . 8355 a aC seawa y; New York. • • _•VIADERIA WINE. IXTELSH, BROTHER'S OLMRESERVE V WINE foil bodied and fray. In store and for sale by 3 . 011 N H. ZIEGLER, feblo' 78 Markat'otroet. STORAGE 1 STORAGE 1 K- I TORAGE received at the Warehouse JAMES 11..WIDEELEIL 1521 Call) .a ' :;SE.BDS. A FRESH AND 'COMPLETE assortment just received and for ego b y , feb2o . - WM. ROOK .TB: it CO:. IXTIIA.SUGAR• CUBED HAMS For gala by .4122 OUR UNION- 00118TIVITION; . .. 1711 GO VERNMENT,': by 1 , 1, NJ , N ~i s a work containing the ()executrixes OF ins Uarrso Bram, giving the construction of its Terms and Provisions, showing the relations of the several States to the Union and earrh,other, and explaining gene rally the System of GOVerement of the Country. Price 51 . 00. Sold, and orders supplied, by him, at Harris burg, Pa. feb2l AgentrPfer Counties and States wanted. WIC DOCK J &CO IVEALLISTER'S ; 4 1 ALL-HEALING OINTMENT ! 4 TRY IT I TRY . IT S i A Radical Reotorativo of Insensible Re:liraion. . IT 4s a fact, beyond the power of contradiction, that it is infallible in the cureet Barns, Scalds, Nervous _Dinettes, All' • Tumors, Piles, Scrofula, Eryelpelae; ClOUblalne, Sore Eyes, quinsy, Croup, Rheumatism, Coldli, Cold Feet, Liver Asthma, and nil I DISEASES OF THE OAT. It is rightly termed - All-Healing , for thcro scarcely a 11 ease external or internal that it will not benefit. : For sale. at the Grand Dapot, No. 143 FUITON EiTRILIZT, NEW YORK. And byali Druggists throughout tha 'United States. w J. Ma ILLSTER, 143 Fulhin Street, N. Y.' Agents wantea immediately to introduce St into g &Dillies, who may receive it on liberal terms, for 13 E - 4 cash . mar,s-d3ai - 'NOTICE TTIHE lINEiERSIGNED - has opened hie OFFICE, corner . ' of Third street and Black berry alley, near Uerr's - RoteL iffy Lumber of all kinds and qualities, for sale by - W. F. MURRAY: The - undersigned will sail horses, Carriages and har ness low for cash, ALSO--Rorses and Carriageeto hire at the same office. main . - FRANK A. MURRAY. FRESH FRUIT ' Q • F every description in cans and jars, each package warranted. mar 4 NM. DOCK & CO. pRESH GARDEN arid FLO W.r.:11 SEEDS. -The largest stock in the city. All kinds of Garden Seeds ia. large papers at three cents per paper, for sale DAVID. HAYNES, marl2-1m 110 31deltet street, PROCLAMATION. VATHEREAS ` the tHcinorable .Joint J. PEARSON. President of, the Court of Common Pleas in the Twel ft h J udicial District, consistingef the counties of Lebanon and Dauphin, and the Hon. Ai o. , Bresnit, and Hon. rums NUISIZY, Associate Judges_ in ,Dauphin county, having issued t heir precept, hearing date the day of February, 1861, to me directed, torliolding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and HeneratJail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace at Harrisburg, foi the county of Dauphin, . cowmeoca,glr, 77131 Wzn Alow. DAY 05 API= NEXT, . blank the 22n i.DAW.OF AMIE, 1861, and to continue two weeks. , , Notice is therefore hereby given to ifforener, Jus tices of the Peace, Aldermen, and Constables of the mid county of Dauphin, that they be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock in the fctionoOn of saidl nay, with their records, inquisitiolis; exatfiftilitichti; Witten own remembrances, to 00 thote:intingn , w - hiett lneit efficeappertains to be'done; and those Wheiar9.; bound in recognizstices te'p rosecute against the prisoners !hit are or shall ,bc,in the Jail of Dauphin county be then and there to prosecute against them its shall be pist. Given under my httnd, at HWrrisbUrgs the 15th day of March, in the year of our Lord, 1861, and in thO' eighty. third year of the independefK4 of ineUnlted States. _ .1. D. BOAR Sheriff. Strentrre Gmes! - Harrisburg, March l5„,1801.1 CENTR.&L NOSERIES. Yell . Pennsylvania. - EDWARD J. EVAN &/00., Proprie ton. /Fruit and: Ornarientat Trees; Grapes, eingt , fruits, Bhubarba, Asparagus, ,Shrubs, Roses, Sodding plants, &0., In great variety. - Orders leftwith O. H. Small at the State Capital Bank wiltreteiVe niompf attention. thialogues gratis on applicatlen. • marig-lindsw , *. •G. EA , • ORANGES ANP.: "Amon.- FORTY BOXES in prime order just re , correct arid for sale by a' Wit. DOOR JR. & CO. Si t IL au too JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, FANCY GOODS, &C. ALFRED F, ZERO:ERMAN ft 00; NO. 52 MARKET STREET, Harrisburg, Pa., opposite Rsates ROTA and akuoiniss the mart Hoist, having purchased the stock of E. P Jennings, and ad.ded a large assortment or NEW JBW. lia.n, we will sell the same at the lowest cash Woe, and solicit patronage. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neatly and promptly re paired and delivered. Having disposed of my stock of Jewelry to A. F. Zim merman & Co., I cheeringy recommend them to my ter mer customers as practical and experienced Watch Makers, and solicit fbr them a continuance of the patron age whichha been so generously extended to me during the last . Si% years. Jan 29 ELMER F. JENNINGS. At the .Ninth Exhibition of the Mass. Meltable Mechanic Association, 1860, MISSES, OBIOKERENG & SONS WERE AWARDED THE GOLD MEDAL ADZ TEM NM GRAND, SEMI-GRAND, & SQUARE PIANOFORTES; AND INS ONLY ritinrux, A SILVER MEDAL, FOR THE BEST lIPPIGHT PIANOS, WM. KNOCHE, SOLE AGENT L FOR THE GALE OF THESE PLUM, No. 9E MARKET ST., HARRISBURG. reba-+:11i _ Care Cough, aca, Hoarsenan, /iglu , 4 0:0W4, , aufa, any Irritation or dorm re cl:r J ` the Throat, Relieve the Hacking eRoNGHI c _ etis AL Cough in Conttemption., 4 Brox ok,Altthma out Catarrh, .1.. Ckar and 91 strewth to 4)oo\kvc.d the PUBLIC S e ras Few are aware of the Importance of checking a Clough or “Common Cold" in ite first, stage ; that which in the beginning would yield to a mild remedy, if neglected_,_soon attacks theLtings. “BROWN'S BRQRCHIALTIIOCHRS,' containing demulcent ingredients, allay I'tdmonary and Bronchial Irritation. "That trouble in my Throat, (for which the oritOCHFS" are a specific) haring I made me often a mere whisperer?' N. P. WILLIS. K. recommend their use to Path Speakers." . . _ BROWN'S TROCHES' 13ROWWE T=ICHES REV. HENRY WARD BEECBER. "Almost Instant relief in the distressing labor of breathing peculiar to Asthma." REV. A. C. =GORTON. "Contain no Opium or anything injuri ous." DR. A.A. HAM BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S TROCHES DR. J F. W. LANE, • Boston. "I have proved Paw excellent for Whooping Cough." BROWN'S TROCHES Bnow - rs ENV. H. W. WARREN, Boston. kßenefichil when compelled to spook suffering from Cold." TROCHES' BROWN'S REV. S. J. P. ANDERSON, St. Loehr. "Effectual in removing Regrown= and Irritation of the Throat, so common with Speakers and Singers." Prof: Ilk, PPACY JOHNSON, La Grange, Ga. %Mbar of Music, Southern „Female *Mega. _"Great be 'taken before and Wiser.prataldwr f - event Hoarse ness, Procalithar „ I think they will be of pennamentadvantage to me." Bac. $; ROWLEY, A. M., Presidents! Athena Oollege, Tenn. ney26.dawB m AnrSold bran Druggists at 25 cents a boa. tuovEms BROWN'S TROC4IES I BROWNS TitocEm BROWN'S TROCHES Select Mods for Boya and Girb FRONT STREET ABOVE LOCUST, THE Fall term of ROBERT M'ELWER'S 11 School for boys, wilt open on the last Monday in August. The room is well ventilated, comfor 'ably fur nished, and In every respect Well adapted for school purposes. °ALLOWS M'SLWSE'S School for girls, located in the Rime bulkUngi will open for the Fall.term at the same time. The room has been elegantly fitted up during the vacation, to promote the health and comfort of scholars. JanB/-dtf • FIISIEE SHAD, No. 1, SALMON, No. 1, HERRING, No. 1, COD FISH, No. 1, MACKEREL, No. 1. Of be above we have all the different sized packet/tit from the MT to the BLERRIL is store and for sale at the owest markt rotas. rebl6 • WM. DOCK, JR. & CO. FIRST CLASS GROCERIES I LARGE ARRIVAL! TIAN - IP4 JUST RETURNED from the Eastern cities where we have selected with the GREATEST CA= a large and complete assortment of an ,, perior goods which embrace anything kept in the best city groceries, we respectfully and cordially Invite the public to call and examine our stock and metros ova PRIORS. feb d • WM. DOCK JR. & CO. • •• F ' RESH ARRIVAL • • OF Homan'', Bus; Sew, Gann ' /Iomozrz,SHAEBR CORN, • SPLIT Flue, BARLEY, • bLessow FAT listara, WHO= Plus, &a , &a Just received, and for sala_at.the Lowza aan-rsp4. abl6 WM. DOCK JR. & CO. SCOTCH WHISKY. ONE PUNCHEON of PURE SCOTCH. WKISKY Just received and for saleliy JOHN H. ZIEGLER. 73 Market EtreeL EMI CITY. BONDS FOR SLAB. ONE OR TWO CITY BONDS of $5OO each, bearing 8 per cent. Interest, being a safe and good. InveatinentV Apply to relit 3md W. K. TERSEST. DENTISTRY. D THE undersigned, DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY, has returned and resumed his practice it State street opposite the'..Brady HOMO," where he will bo pleased to attend to all who•may desire his err [sep27] GILDEA, D. D. S. 'GOODSMOURNING OF EVERY, DESCRIPTION. Hoisery, Gloves, Ganntletts,to large quantities. giest'assortinent of Emt.iolderies. Ladies Under , wear„dillerent sizes and quality. Gentlemen's do do _ do Misses' do do do • cloys' do do do Glottis, Cassitneres, astinetts, Jeans, •- And everything her Men and Boys wear. Gentlemen' Shawls. All goods, witholit distinction to style erq_uitli&y, will bottidlotat Wltiry alight advance, and - Ida-than -Mist of importation._ CATHCART & BROTHER,- Next door to the Harrisburg Bank dl7 Market ware. 43 WEL OEVERAL GONFORT L..ED LING 0 HOUSES In'illifetwit partrot WI otky. Stibling at tached to _some or Hiltdr; .Ppileasi9n':given the -ant of April nod. ' . 1412:3m1 - GaAs, a Kgwic matiBdawtd QUINCE„ - TEAR CURRANT, - PEACH 'APPLB, BLAOKBERRY, ORLNOE RASPBERRY. Just reaavedtfrom New York and - Warranted mar- Rao. febk6 Wm. DOCK Jr. &Co. BOIIIIBON WHISKEY! *MRY.superior artiela of BOXIMON wingur, In !part bottles, IS store and for sale by JOHN IL ZIEGLER, mat 78 Malbet Strith ALFRED F. EMC!MktAN & CO own REV. E. R. CHAPIN. "Have proved extremely serviceable or Hoarseness." ettembd., Boston. "A simple and pleaaant combination fa. DR. G. le BIGELOW. Boston *Bane&!al In Bronchitis' FOR RENT E?s::gPf