pail g EettgraA. HARRISBURG, PA Thursday Afternoon, April 4, 1861. Death - of Judge In'Lean.. The telegraph this afternoon announces the death of Hon. John M'Lean, one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. He died in Cincinnati after a short illness. The death of this eminent jurist and scholar will oreate a deep sensation of regret, and be mourned as one of the severest losses the country has experienced for many years. Judge M'Lean was, we think, appointed to the Supreme Bench by Jackson. He was identified with the Whig party by an earnest support of its great measures, and was often presented to Whig National Conventions as a candidate for the Presi dency, As a judge and a statesman, a patriot and a man, he had no superior while living, and few will come after him who will excel him in the possession of any of these attributes. The Position of Pennsylimnia. In the great. revolution which is now threatening the peace and' prosperity of this Union, and which has already aecom plished its partial dismemberment, the position of Pennsylvania must be both peculiar and important. In the Union of the States as first formed, that position was very, important, both in its geogra piaical-boundaries and political aspects. Occupying, politically, the position of an arbiter by reason of her conservative in fluences, the Keystone State has always been regarded with the most friendly feel ings by the extremists of both sections. In this .particular, the influence of this State has been directed to the peaceable adjustment of more than one vexed ques tion, and in all the compromises which have been asked and conceded by the peo ple of one section to those of another, Pennsylvania has played a most import ant part. Her people are dielinguiehed not alone for the genius which has made them renowned in their pursuits of the me chanic arts and sciences, or the develop ment and cultivation of the soil, .bnt for a• C)mprehensiop of and devotion to princi ple, which the people of few of the other Commonwealths evince or practice. Al ready in this crisis, through her Repro._ sentatives in the . Peace Congress, the voice of Pennsylvania was potential in proposing and passing a measure of ad justment that has at least temporarily arrested revolution in one motion, while it gave to the people of another section time to deliberate and prepare themselves for any emergency which might arise in the future. If, in the progress of secession and re bellion, the States of the Union should be permanently dissolved, and all hope of reconstruction removed, the position which Pennsylvania will then occupy will give a different aspect toter interests and a different direction to her energies. Geo graphically, Pennsylvania is located im mediately between the great 'west and , the States in the east whioh depend most on the trade and produetion of the west to support their manufacturers. The de -1)0049114 between the east and the west is in fact reciprocal, while the 'means of supplying, this dependency must pass through Pennsylvania, thus constituting her the great highway of trade between the most useful, wealthy and powerful sections of the Union as it once existed. The.direet shipment of goods from either Boston or New York for the west, would of course be the safest and cheapest by rail while .a continued !relish by railroad necessarily carries such goods through Pennsylvania, over our own great lines of travel. The transit by the lakes or any other route, renders trans-shipment ne cetlary; involving a cost and delay to which the trade between the two sections - would not submit. -The advantages to be derived from such a position are not now easily to be calcu lated, nor can we at once perceive all the beneAts which would flow from such ad vantages. This trade and travel, passing through Pennsylvania, would constantly keep her own resources and skill in labor employed, while, she would loose none of her ancient importance as the keystone of the Federal Arch, by becoming the key stone of an arch stretching from the At lantic ocean to the banks of the Minis . sippi. As trade increased, her iron and anal would be in demand beyond her eastern and western borders—while the .'oid indUstry which heretofore made her ." , eapable.of contending with foreign and 'domestic competition, will gather new vigor ,when 'She is , pjaced is a position where her strength will be aroused to new energies. If the worst comes to the worst, Pennsylvania will not be the worst State in any Union that may be formed of which she is a member. She has too many of the elements of greatness within her territory to suffer materially by sepa ration—too much energy to be dismayed by opposition from abroad, and has only to fear the political chicanery in her own midst, that has oftener humbled her inde pendence and pride, than it has affected her energy and prudence. No State has been less oared for by federal legislation than Pennsylvania. No State thrown more upon her resources—and no people compelled to contend against more obsta cles in trade and commerce, than the citizens of the - State of Pennsylvania. While the. material interests of other States were constantly mixed up with legislation—while the west was exhaust ing enormous grants of land, and the South was drawing from the inexhaustible treasury of the nation the meads - of pre serving their position in the nationality of States, and fostering and protecting their peculiar institution—while all these advantages were being derived from the Federal Government—the great State of Pennsylvania was compelled to behold English iron on its way for the erection of western railroads, and at the same time keep pace with the strongest of her rivals, and excel even those States in develop ment and progress, which were deriving all the aid and power of the Federal Gov ernment to accelerate tlieir improvement. Surely, however gloomy the future may appear, and whatever the changes may be that now threaten the destinies of the States of this once glorious Union, Penn sylvania has only to buckle on her armor to be ready to battle for and conquer any good she may desire. Wilma Is. ACCEPTABLE ?—the Secre tary ot the Treasury; Mr.' Chase, lately advertised for a loan of eight millions of dollars, and in response offers were made, tendering thirty-three millions. Immedi ately after the combination of the treason at the South, advertisement was made asking proposals also for a loan of several millions, but as yet no proposition has been made to supply Jeff. Davis with, a dollar. From this we can judge how ac ceptable the provisions of the new gov ernment are with the people whom it seeks to govern. If what, is true of the much boasted resources of the South, they lack confidence in their own leaders, and if they have confidence, why is not the loan of their government at once taken ? These facts speak with more force than any declaration of * principle which could possibly .be made by a convention of Southern politicians. They prove the difference of the people in both sections, and the justice of the cause animating each. The great majority of the people at the North, their labor and their capi tal, are devoted to the Union, net of States for seqiional objects or for purposes of defending impracticable dogmas, bat for ends and aims that are national and sa cred. The government that is unable to elicit the confidence and support of those whom it aspires to govern, is unworthy of the respect and recognition of others, and should not be permitted to obstruct the path in the progress of civilization and religion. MR. SANNORD, the new minister to ‘ . Belgium, carries with him for presenta tion to the various governments of Europe, a formal protest against any recognition by them of the Southern Confederacy.-- This will give a new phase to rebellion in the South, and teat the friendship and neutrality of nations with whioh we have been heretofore on the most friendly re lations. It will place Jeff. Davis and his confederates in the position of outlaws, while at the same = time it will only be responding to a principle of international law heretofore insjsted on by every gov ernment ,in Europe. In the meantime, we must be patient in observing what ef fect this new giaggression" will have on the fiery tempers of our estranged and belligerent cousins below Mason and Dix on's line. Adding this protest to the re sult of the late elections, in the East, it is not to be cape° ed than they will remain quiet under the bi rden, or cease to burn the powder which leis so long been kept dry in, their instruments of war. THE attack of a portion of the Demo dada press upon the - Kansas relief move matt is brutal. , i)emocracy. endeavors to make political capital even from the suf ferings of starvineEten, women and chil dren. It is •prepared to dissolve the Union, rather than fail in its object of bieaking up the RepublicanTarty. In or out of office, the Democratic •party is alike mean and despicable. . Peuttsvthania Elativ Zekgraph, (IThursitap /fternoon, 2l.vril I, 1861 RICHMOND, Va., responds to the Union men of Rhode Island, by electing a seces sion candidate for Mayor by over one thousand majority. In this manner the border States intend to repay the Union men of the North. Every effort made in the north, east or west to redeem the land from the dangers of civil war, is re sponded to in the South by that insolent repudiation of all terms of peace which has characterised that section of the coun try from the hour they agreed to a Union. Even now, Virginia is secretly arming for the future, and her citizens marshalling for a purpose that neither indicates peace or compromise, but which:must soon prove to the free States that there is no differ ence between the border and the cotton States in this struggle, but that all are animated with the single object of humb ling and destroying the influence of - free labor throughout the whole country. TELE WALL STREET BANKS, Of New York city, contain upwards of $41,000,- 000, which the Government at Washing ton can procure on loan on demand. Un. der the circumstances of the difficulty in the South, capitalists are unwilling to make investment, but perfectly satisfied to place their funds into the hands of the Government for official uses. The South ern Confederacy would doubtless be pleas ed to recieve part of this immense treas ure on loan, but unfortunately for the wants of that government, Southern cred it is rather low in New York. "BOLD SOUTHERN BUMMERS."-A com pany of young men paraded in Portsmouth the other day bearing the national flag, and small pennons incribed B. S. B. The unfamiliar initials having provoked some inquiry, a correspondent gratified public curiosity by stating through the Day Book that their true signification is the "Bold Southern Bummers," and that when next they parade it will be under the flag of the Southern Confederacy. WHAT A PHILOSOPHER THINKS.- Robert Dale Owen of Indiana, has put lished an elaborate review of Mr. Lincoln's Inaugural, which he pronounces conserva tare and conciliatory, but says that if the cotton States persist in secession we must acknowledge their independence eventu ally, and had better do it before than af t ` ter a war. BY TELEGRAPH. TO THE DAILY TELEGRAPH. v Latest News from Charleston. 1 CHARLESTON, April 4 Lints. Talbot and Sneider, from Fort Sum ter, reached the city about noon with a flag of truce. They are now having an interview with the Governor. Nothin, has transpired with regard to the object of this movement. PROVIDENCE, R. 1., April 3, Midnight. The State election was' held to-day, with the following result : The Republican ticket, headed by James Y. Smith for Governor, is de feated. Gov. Sprague, the Union candidate, is re-elected by a large majority. The Legisla ture is of the same political character. The Union candidates for Congress, William P. Sheffield, from the Eastern, and George H. Browne, from the Western district, are elected over the late Republican thembers—Messrt. Robinson and Brayton. A Pennsylvanian Tenders His Services to the Southern Confederacy. WASHINGTON, April 4. Captain Gorgas, recently resigned from the army, has tendered his services to the Con federate States. He is a native of Pennsylvania, and was formerly in command of the Charles ton Arsenal: • Texas.—Nesisage from Houston. NEw Onwais, .4pril 4 Advices from Galveston state that Governor Houston had sent a message to the Legislature protesting against the Convention, appealing to the Legislature to sustain him, and claiming still to lie Governor. The Legislature took not the slightest notice of it. - Death of Judge McLean. :. CINCINNATI, April 4. Judge McLean, of the United States Supreme Court, died this morning. Fatat Collision of• Vessels. BOStoN, March 4. Advices by,the America state that the ships Juniata, for Baltimore, and Joseph Fish for New Orleans, collided off Taskar, and the for mer was sunk. Capt. Wilson, the chief mate, carpenter and ten men were drowned. The rest of the crew were rescued. Movements of U. S. Military. WASHINGTON, April. 4. Capt. Barry's company of artillery left here to day for New York. The same•train carried away from 25 to 80 carpenters engaged here by Government, but for what purpose is not pub licly known. Mr. Mayo was to-day elected Mayor of this city, by 1,000 majority over Mills, the Union candidate. MOFFAT'S LIFE PLUS AND PHCENLX BITTERS.-- Ares /nee 411 MinerarPoisons.—ln cases of SiroDNA Ulcers, Scurvy, or h'ruptions of the Skin, the operition of the Life Medicines is truly astonishing, often removing in a few days, ev Cry vestige of these loathsome diseases ,by their purifying effects on . the blood: Billions Fevers, Fever and Agee, Dyspepsia; Dropsy, Piles, and in short, most ail diseases soon yield to their curative properties No family, should be without: ;theta, as by their timely use mueksuireringend expense may be saved. Prepared by WM.. B. MOFFAT, M. D., Nei/Jerk, and r sale by all Druggists'' 'novtl:wly SPECIAL DISPATCHES The Rhode Island Election. Election at Richmond RICHMOND, April 3 PURIFY THE BLOOD. Ncn i,biltrtisznitnto. FARMER'S HOTEL. THE subscriber begs leave to inform bis friends and the public that be has taken the TARSI ER'S HOTEL, in Market street opposite the Post Clam, formerly J. Stahl's, where he is prepared to accommo date them on reasonable terms. Having refitted and furnished the House entirely now, be wipes by strict at tention to business, to receive a liberal share of patron age. [apt-Smd] - B. (4: PETEnS. 1801. 1801. BARGAINS ,IN PILLOW CASE MUSLIN'S all widths. SI/7MM 46 ITHRLEACHED AND BLEACH./ tiuSLLys, all prices. TIMINGS, all prices and widths. ToIeSUNG; all kinds. CeIINTILEPAININI, very low. Caticos, very cheap. hums Cuss IINSN9, different qualities. Lion FHILET/NOS, all qualities. FURNITURE CHSCKS. LABOR STOCK OF (RASHES. STAIR CIL CLOTHS. BEST MARE OF DRUGGSTS. Any Mouse Furnishing or Domestic Goode will be found VERY carer, at CATHCART & BROTHER'S, ap4 Next to the Harrisburg Bank. PUBLIC SALE. IT'LL be sold at the EUROPEAN HOTEL, on Saturday Evening, Aprii . 61h, 1961, a valuable two story. WEATHER.BOARDED LOG DWELL ING HOUSE AND PIECE OF GROUND, situa'e on the. south east corner of Mulberry street and River alley.— For diMensions, &0., see handbills. Terms will be made known atthe sale by GEO. P. WEAVER. - Pima. Eilimustnat Auctioneer. ap4-3td* F. 2141:7 MT 40 . 1E1E , TRAVELING AGENT OF THE OLD WALLOWER LINE. riIEIIS OLD TRANSPORTATION LINE Is-still in successful operation and prepared to carry -freight as LOW as any other Indivilual line between Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, Williams port, Jersey Shore, Lock Haven, and all points on the Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie, and Williams port and Denim Rallrouls. Elcal Agent at Harrisburg, D. A. MIIENCH. Goads sent to PEACOCK, ZELL & HINCHMAI; Nos. BCB and 810 Market street, above Eighth, by 4 o'clock, P.M., will arrive at Harrisburg, ready for delivery, the next morning. C. F. MUENCH, ap3-tf Traveling Agent. THERMOMB RBl THERMOMETERS, Ornamental Mantle, Japanese Metal THERMOMETERS, do do Bronzed do THERMOMETERS, Distillers Tin Case, 12 inch. THERMOMETERS, do Brass Bound Double Scale. THERMOMETERS, Union Case, 10.12 inch. - THERMOMETERS, Metallo Frame, 8-10 inch. THERMOMETERS, Black Walnut Case, 10 inch. THERMOMETERS, Tin Case, 7-8.10 Mob. We have just received a fine lot or THERMOMETERS of various styles, and are selling them low. KELLER'S DRUG STORE, ap3 91 Market street. WANTED TO PURCHASE. ATWO STORY BRICKHOUSE, with back building, located in a respectable neighbor hood, of which possession wilt not be wanted for eigth months.. Apply at [...=] THIS OFFICE. JOHN WALLOWER, JR., Agt. GENERAL FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANT. ANMERCHANDISE promptli iul ll forwarded by Philadelphia and Reading, Northern Central, Cumberland Valley and Pennsylvania &Wrestle, .nd Canal. HAULING AND DRAYING to and from all parts of the city to the diderent Railroad depots will be dons at the very lowest rotes. FAMILIES removing will be promptly attended to. Orders left at Brant's Kuropein Hotel. or at the store of E. S. Zollinger, will receive prealo. ititeuticn. Om signments of freight respectfully solicited. JOIN WALLOWER JR., Agt., ap2Ce Reading Depot. T YKENS' VALLEY NIIT COAL just re- . ceived by canal and for sale at $2.25 per ton, de livnrad by PATENT WEIGH CARTS by ap2 = JAMES H. WHEELER. ST. LOUIS HOTEL, CHESTNUT ST, ABOVE THIRD. PRILADELPHIA. TN'the immediate neighborhood of the IJobbing Houses on- Market, Third and Chestnut streets, the Banks, Post' Office, Merchants' Exchange, &c., &C. BKPT BON ON TEM AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLAN BOARD PER DAY .... 81.60. Dinner between 1 and 8 o'clock, 50 cents. Single room from 60 cents upward. - A first class Restaurant attached. Prices according to BOW of Fare. The City Cars take Passengers from any Station to or close to the Hotel. -English, Frentsh, German and Spanish spoken. . . _ STEAM WEEKLY 'BETWEEN NEW YORK . ANDLTVERPOOL ANDING AND EMBARKING PAS •_Li FINGERS at QUEENSTOWN, (Ireland.) The Liver pool, New York and Philadelphia .Steamship 'company Intend despatching their full powered Clyde-pant iron Steamships as follows : . It CLOY (PIP-BALTIMORE, Saturday. 6th April ;'KANGA ROO, Saturday, lath April ; EDINBURG, Saturday, 20th April, and every Saturday, at Noon, from Pier 44, North River. = FIRST CABIN 075 • O 5 ..... 00 do to London $BO 00 I do to London..o3B 00 Steerage Return Tickets, good for. Six Months •80 00 passengers forwarded to Paris, Havre, Hamburg. Bremen, Rotterdam, Antwerp, atc., at reduced through fares.. . Am-Arson wishing to bring ont their friends can buy tickets here at the following ra as, to New York :.From Liverpool or Queenstown; Ist Cabin, $75, $B5 and $lO5. Steerage from Liverpool - 8.10 00. - From Queens tote; $BO 00. These Steamers have superior accommodations for passengers, And carry experienced Surgeons. They are bent Water-tight Iron Sections, and have Patent Fire Annihilators on board... For ,farther'-information apply at the Company's Ofileos. JNO. G. DALE, Agent, apl•tf 15 Broadway, New York. Or 0.0. Zimmerman, Agent, Harrisburg ,. REMOVAL OF COAL 'OFFICE. rTIHE gIIBSCRIBER has removed his Coal jl_, Office two doors from 4th and Market, near the Post °Mee, where he will be pleased-_ to supply.bis old custo mers with the different kinds of HARD AND SOFT COAL at as low prices as any regular yard In the city. Full weight guaranteed. apl4fid , DAVID McCORMICK. . . The West Chester Academy, A T WEST CHESTER, PA., within two bour's ride,ftom Philadelphia by the Penniylve-- nia Central or the West Chester direct railroad, will re seine the duties of the SUMMER TERM on the FIRST DAY of MAY ormcr, and close them on the Lear DAT OF. SKFTIOI BER. The school, therefore, is 1n session during the SUMMER MONTHS. Pupils are received at any time at. proportiondte charges. The average number ,of students ie St, under the charge of nine teachers. The French, German and Sponish languages are taught by N a ti ve Resident Instructors. For catalogues, apply to - WM. F. WYERS, A. M., Principal, eel-Sind At West Chester, Pa. PUBLIC AUCTION. WALL BE SOLD at public auction at the Boller Manufacturing shop or the under signed, No. 113 Market street, the entire stock apper. taining to the manufacture of Steam Boilers and }Ala.: sm i thing In general, consisting in part of the following artes, viz : Four pair of Blacksmith Follows ;six Anvils; Sett Roils for Bending Boiler Plates; Punching, Machine; Riveting and Blacksmith Ham:kers; Bar and tibeet Iron; Furnace Tcylron and Blacksmith Taybron; 1 good % Broad Wheel -Wagon; one Wheelbarrow; Fairbanks and other Heavy Draught Scales; a lot of Cemetery Railing, (assorted pat terns.) - Also; a large lot of Blacksmith Coal, to' be sold in quantities to snitpurckasers. Sale to commence . on SATURDAY , Aprll Bth , at nine o'clock A. M., when conditions of sale will be .made known by [3O-Iw] DENNING JVCORRAND. New "Abrettizements DAVID HAYNES, 110 MARKET, ST. HARRISBURG, Agent for LILLIE'S PATENT Wrought and. Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Print SSALFMIES. Strictly the ONLY Mercantile Safe made, that 13 both Fire and Burglar Proof. mar 29 dlv is,RHAVz, s Holland Bitters QM DYSPEPSIA., Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, &c. TUB successful introduction and use of this cele brated 'Remedy has been the 'signal for a literal flood of , compounds called " Bitters," offered in various farms, from a quart bottle to a live-gallon keg, until this word “Bitters" is but another name for "grog," or some viTlaroue whiskey mixture. But the really great relief derived from the minute dose, one teaspoonful, of our medicine, BCEJLHAVE'S IEOLLAND BrITERS, and the entire absence of after prostration, has esta blished for it a reputation which the host of imitations and counterfeits have failed to undermine. It is posi tively a vegetable preparation, with barely sufficient pure spirits to preserve it. But one size of the genuine, (Ilalf-Pint Bottles,) price Ores Botts. It is a medicine of long-tried efficacy ibr Purifying the Blood, so essential for the foundation of good health and for correcting disorders of the stomach and bowels. Two or three doses will convince the afflicted of its salutary effects. The stomach will speedily regain its strength a healthy action of the liver, bowels and kidneys will soon take place, and renewed health be the quick result. For INDIGESTION, Try Berbare , s Holland Bitters, For HEARTBURN, Try Berhave's Holland Bitters. For ACIDITY, Try Bo rhave's Holland Bitters. For VTATERBRAMT, Try Bcerhave's Holland Bitters. For HEADACHE, Try Boarhave's Holland Bitters. For LOSS or APPETITE, Try Beerhavels Holland Bitters. For COSTIVENESS, Try Berhave's Holland. Bitters. For PILES, Try Bo3rhave , s Holland Bitters. In all Nervous, Rheumatic, and Neuralgic Affec tions, it has in numerous instances proved highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided cure. Read Carefully! The genuine, highly-concentrated Damn Area not- LNND BITTERS le put up in half:pint 'bottles only, and retailed at One Dollar per bottle. The great demand for this truly celebrated medicine has induced many imitations, which the public should guard against purchasing. Beware of imposition! Ave that our name is on the label of every bottle you buy. Benj. Page l Jr. &Co. SOLE MANUFACTURERS, PITTSBURGH, PA Formic in the city of Harrisburg by D. W. GROSS & CO. m3Ord—sepl-d&wly UPHOLSTERING. HUSE MATTRESSES, COTTON TOP 'MATRESSES, COTTON COMFORTS, , FRENCH CARPET ILVISACKS, CHAIR CUSHIONS, LOUNGES, &c., On hand and for sale wholesale and retail at the very lowest rates for cash., HAIR MATRESSES and SPRING BOTTOMS MADE TO ORDER. SOFAS, LOUNGES, CHAIRS, • HAIR MATRESSES, &c. Repaired and ma ie eanai to new very reasonable, all at N 0.109 Market street between Fourth and Fifth. lsV mar 29 . J. T. BeI.RNITZ. REMOVAL. THE SUBSCRIBER has removed his 1. PLUMBING AND BRASS FOUNDRY from Market street to Fourth street above klarkertippoulte the Bethel church, Thankful for past patronage, be hopei, by strict! attention to business, to merit a continuance of IL mar26-3md WM. PARRIULL. APPLE WRISKY I - PIJRE JERSEY APPLE 1 In 'store and ' for sale by JOHN H. =GUS, 73 Market Street. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES ! WHEELER • & WILSON'S SEWING 'MA C HINE S, NEW IMPROVEMENTS AT REDUCED PRICES. THE:WHEELER & WILSON liftilitufao• taring Company having gained arx their salts at law, with infringing manufacturers of Sewing Machines, propogielluit the public shriuld be benefitted thereby; and-hava accordingly - reduced the prices of their Sewing Machines. After this date they will be sold at rates that will pay a fair profit on the cost o f manufacture, capital invested, and expense of making sales ; such prices s Will enable them td make first class machines, and, as heretofore, guarantee them in every particular. - In accordance with the announcement' above I will sell their splendid Sewing Machines at prices from $45 to 190 for the tine full case machines. It is a well. estab lished fact that the Wheeler &Wilson Sewing Machine IS the beat one in the market, the best made, most suple and least liable to get out of girder, and they are now as low - as • the inferior =Chines. Call and see them a Third and Market. del-6m • W. 0. HICKOK, A gent BERGNER'S CHEAP BOQHSTORE 51 MARKET STREET, IS THE ULEAPEST PLACE IN THE CITY TO (1L • SCHOOL BOOKS ' AND SCHOOL STATIONERY, Comprising all the various BEADING AND SPELLING BOOKS, ABITHMETICS 'ALGEBRAS; GRAMMARS, ETYMOLOGIES, DICTIONABLES, HISTORPHS, PHILOSOPHIES, and all the SCHOOL BOOKS used in the various Public and Priyate Schools of the City, together with COPY AND. COMPOSITION BOOKS, LETTER; CAP and NOTE PAPER,. BLANK BOOKS, SLATES, LEAD . ..that,gl,A.l.2? PENCILS; PENS AND HOLDER S, -IN K ' INKSTANDS, BC"f;BR A I and the:mOst complete assortment of SCHOOVSTATIONEBY constantly on hand and for sale at THE LOWEST•PRIM OF ANY rums in the city, at , 13E11"1"1911KAP :134)3 01 litit KETCI rli.J E. Str eat. .glarLiberal diecountimade to teachers and dealers. Any article not on : hand fpremptly furnished without extra charge. 9e024 B. SMITH'S . JOHN . BOOT. & SHOE STORE, CORNKRSEUOND , AND WALNUT STS., . . . Harrisburg, Pa. A LWAYS on hand a large assortment of jfliii„, BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, itra., of the very best entities for ladies. gentlemen, and childrens , "Lear.— Priam to snit the times. All kinds or WOE MADE TO ORDER in the beat style by-superior workmen REPAIRING done at ahortiaottee.' ontle-dtt JOHN , II'. SMITH, Harrisburg. AUGUSTINE CHAYNk.' • • CARPENTER AND . BUILDER. - Residence No 27 ifortii,Himui Streo.„. N. B--JOBBING' ATTENDED TO Nem '2thrtrtisements. Dr. D. W. a - clbiqms, HAGERSTOWN, MD. OFFICE in his own dwelling, a iew doors west of the Franklin flailroal Dapo', whers be may be consntted on all diseases, but more particu larly on Diseases of a private nature. There are nosy persons In Hagerstown, Harrisburg and elsewhere, wee nave bean restored to sound health alter all ether treat. merit failed, by the use of his powerful vegetable recto, &es. Dr. JONES may be consulted personally or by letter, le. scribing every symptoms. And medicine sent to any pare of the country. Any afflicted person that will call personally and make a bargain with Dr. JONES, be will keep them in his own dare:ling, and if nit cured no pay will be required. GONORRHEA Dr. JON offers the only sate and certain remedy for Gonorrhea, Gieet, Stricture, Liver Complaint, By s p ei , s4 Costiveness, and all Derangements of the Stoma. h. Tltia preparation will CUM GonOrrbsa in Item three to Ike days, and can be had at any time of Dr. JONES, at his ot flee, at One Dollar per bottle, and one bottle is sufficient to cure a mild case. SYPHILIS This Is one of the worst of all diseases. Dr. JONES pledges himself to cure Syphilis In its wort forms. iiie disease makes its appearance In so many different forms, that a single plan or treatment will not reach it m all lts restores- so it may require different remedies, accordiug to the mr.nre of the case. Dr. JONES will make a writ ten article with any one—NO CURE NO PAY I The re medies used by Dr. JONES, are purely vegetable, and used so change of diet or hindrance from business. SPERMATOREHEA. This habit of youth is indulged in while alone. and a o often learned from evil companions what at school, one if not cured will destroy both mind and body. Both sexes fall victims to this disease. The symptoms ar,-- Fain in the Head, Dimness of Fight, Hinging m the tars, Pimples en the Face. Loss of Memory, Frightful Dreams, at Night, Weakness in the Beck, Fain in theBBre t, and Cough, (indicative . 01 Consumption ' ) Dyspepsia, great Verangement of the 'Nervous System, and se on tilt Daub puts an end te their suLrerings. To such Dr. JON Mrs a perfect restoration, with such mild and thinly Juices of Herbs, that will perfectly restore the victim of this Distressing Disease.. FEMALE COMPLAINTS Speedily restored to sound health. AU letters must contain a stamp to ensure answer. Address DR.. D. W. JONES, api 3cod Hagerstown, M. FOR BALE. , A FRESH MILK COW, by maamwd* „TORN R. BRANT. 1861. 1861. INTERESTING TO ALL! CATHCART & BROTHER, No. 14 MARKET SQUARE, HAVE NOW OPEN MDR OSCAL LARGE ASSORTMENT OF SPRING DRY GOODS AIL RINDS, ALL FILMS, EVERY STIII3, EVERY QUALM, ANY MAKE, PRIOER LOW ACCORDINGLY. DRESS GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY! HEAVY STOCK OF DOMESTIC GOODS, PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. F.vory inducement opred to purobasera at CATHCART'S, mar2l3 Next door to the Iforriehork Book. WANTED.-AGEN'I'S TO SELL PACK AGM of STATIONERY and JEWELRY, at prices one third less than can be purchased elsewhere. Call on or address (stamp enclosed,) J. L. BAILEY, tnar2s.amd „No. 15.1 Court 'Street, Boston. Mass. A N EXTRA FINE lot of FONGTAI FOUCIIONG TJA. This Is the best brand of Black Tea Imported. A small famoicejust received and for sale by [m2s] WM. DOCK JR. St 00. KEYSTONE , NURSERIES - TREES! TREES ! TREES !! ! GREAT 'BARGAINS! LOOK •TO YOUR' INTE-REST ! WrOTEUING PAYS SURER than an in vestmentle FRUIT TREES. Also, GRAPE, 'MTH and SMALL FaUITA oral) kinds. Shale and Ornameut al TREKS, PLAN VS wzll be told at reduced prices, to suit the times. • GIVE US A CALL. Specimens of the above can be seen in the. Lower Mar ket House during market hours, where orders will he fallen, or at the Nurseries immediately below the city. tii2sBteow J. HIS6I. STONE FOR SALE. BIIILDING STONE or atones suitable for tornpiking purposes will be delivered to soy fart of the city or its vicinity. A.pply to mar 23 - WM. COLDER, JR. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. T" UNDERSIGNED having been granted Letter. Telabamentary - on the estate of WM. COLDER, Sr., deed., late of the city of Harrisburg, here • by notify all pumas indebted to said estate to make paymentwithout delay, aud Mime baytig claims to pre sent thorn properly authenticated:for settlement. WM. COLDER, JR., mar 22 et JAMES COLDER. FOR RENT.' . TEE ROOM now in thee - oecuparroy of Alderman Kline, in Third street, oppesluathla or. dce. Enquire of [Ml9.tapl] R. J. FIEKENG. TO RENT.—The Twii-Story Brick House and premises situate on the corner of ctikviberry el ley and Chestnut street, now oocupied•by Jelin Baulus. Possession given first of April, - 1.861. For 'terms apply to Alderman Peffer, city of Harrisburg, Pa. • - ml9ll . JOHN, MOILER. PHILADELPHIA. • NEW BONNET • Y'''% stoRE OPEN April V V 4th, with a full assortment from the Philadelphia and Mew York mostliabionable establishments, to which, during the seasenoiddidons of the latest novelties from those establishments will be constantly received. MRS. A. a. ticrcperoN, Formerly A. B. Carpenter, sign et the two Golden Eagles, first bonnet store from the Harrtsnarraridge. marl94md FOR SALE. • DROM One to - Five Hundred tfollars ju 'worth of OUT BONDS. Efiquire 0 . 0 . ZDIBBBRAN, marl 4 No. 28 South Second-ptrftt. NEW .ARRANGEMENT. CHANGE OP LOCATION - - • W /I..LX,OWER'S LINE. the old stock of cars being disposed of, the undersigned has broke out in a new place and cs ished- a daily freight line between Philadelphia, New Harrisburg'and all - points on the Northern Centra , , Banbury & Erie and LaokaWana & Bloomsburg railroad s Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended he hopes, by promptness in delivery, to retain all his old customers and patrons kit goods intended fir the lino must be delivered at the depot 01 the Philadelphia and Reading railroad, Broad and Callowhill streets, Philadel phia. Altgoods delivered at the depot up to five o'clock, P. 8., will reach Harrisburg nett morning. J. WALLOWER, Jr, General Ant. Reading . Depot, Harrisburg. QM M. M. HATTON'S LIVERY STABLE. Strawberry Ailey between Fifth and • Sixth, Streets. TaIS ESTABLISHMENT is stocked with excellent HORSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, Lt c ' , which will be hired on reasonable terms marl-Sm Q. ADAMS, Mi. - - CITY LIVERY STABLES. BLACKBERRY ALLEY,. IN THE BEAR OF HERR' SHOTEL THE undersigned has re•cominencerl th© livery bsininess in hls , NEW and SPACIOUS Sra BL L located an above,.wlth.aFlarge and varied stock o c s HORAES, OARKAGgi and 9A1211/114545, which he wii hire at - moderate iiites." ' - F. cr.. SWARTZ. sep2B.dly ,j - , : : .. ~.: ....7 FRESH GAR EN; Tur,D.and FLOWER r3EED.S. Ana .nTh , e' neir - sboth&t l irge and Email Plkokages Just received • co , zt. ro~~ -