Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, April 04, 1861, Image 1

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Pennsylvania Legislature:
WEIVBiDAT Moame, April 8, pa.
The Senate met at ten o'clock, A. at., Mr
PENNEY in the Chair..
Prayer by Rev. A. X. Bllontaxen.'
The Clerk read the Journal of yesterday
Mr. SMITH, (Judiciary,) with a negative re
commendation, House bill No. 569, entitled
"an Act to confirm deeds not acknowledged in
conformity with the 'Act of Assembly of this
Commonwealth, passed the eighteenth day of
April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty
three, entitled 'au Act relating to the sale and
conveyance of.real estate.' " - - •
Also, (same,) as committed, House bill No,
882, entitled "an Act to ratify a contract rona,e;
by-the Philadelphia and Lancaster Turniiik.e
Bold company with the borough of Downing
ton, Chester county."
Also, (same,) with a negative recommenda
tion, an Act appointing Commissioners to lay
out a road through the old thaion 'burying
ground in Blair county.
Also, (same,) as committed, an Act relating
to Coroners and Sheriffs in Ariustrong county.
Also,. (eame,) as committed, an Act to repeal
the second section of an Act for the widening of
Diamond alley, in the city of Pittsburg,Mr. YARDLEY, (same,) si . .contnutted,
House bill, No. 642, entitled an ACt for the
better security of the wages of laborers in Co
lumbia county.
Also,, (saute,) as committed, ; House bill No.
910, 'entitled an Act authorizing the Commis
sioners-of Fayette county to pay certain moneys.
Also, (sense,) as committed, an Act relative
to liens of legacies.-
Also, (same,) as committed, an Act to grade;
curb and pave Main or Marltet street in Ann
ville,Lebanon county.
Also, (same,) with a negative recounnenda
tion, House bill, No. 488, entitled an Act rela
tive to corporations of this Commonwealth.
Also, (same,) with 'a negative recommenda
tion, House bill, entitled an Act to decimalize
the fee bills of prothonotaries in certain noun-
ties of this Commonwealth.
Abm, (same,) with a negative recommenda
tion, an Act relative to the rights of widows
and children of decelents, to retain $BOO out
of the estate of said decedents.
• -Mr:34 - A•LTT,•• (same;)-as - committed, a supple
ment to an Act relating to judicial districts of
this Commonwealth.
Also; (same,) as committed, House bill, No.
MO -entitled an Act . vacating. Filbert street in
the 2,4 th 4161 of the:city Of Philadelphia.
Also, (same.) AB committed,. a further supple
ment to an Abt relating to the support and em
ployment of the poor.-
Also, (same,) with a negatlie recommenda
tion, House, bill, No. 861, entitled an Act re
latixe_to lunatics in Wyoming actuAty,
Also, (same,) with a negative reoonnerida
tion, House bill No. 272, entitled an Act regu
lating the standard weight of barley.
Also, (same,) as committed, House bill No.
911, entitled an Act relative to the, borough of
Rome, Bradford county.
Also, (same,) as committed, House bill No.
912, entitled an Act to authorize the btirgess
and town council orthelkiitiiighiir I'ranklba,
Venango county, to levy an additional_ tax.
Mr. MEREDITH, (Agriculture and Domestic
Manufaotures,) as committed, Eloise bill No.
661, entitled an Act for the protection or deer
in Cumberland, -Franklin and Adams counties
• , (fittixtei) as oCuurdtted,Alocuse bill No.
666, entitled an Aet to prevent the hunting of
deer with dogs in Wayne county.
Also, (same,) as committed, Hoese bill. No.
660, entitled an Aot to prevent fishingin Heed's
creek, Chestnuthill township, MorLroe county.,
Mr. THOMPSON, (same,) as eommttted,
House bill, No. 661, entitled "an Act to ; pre•
vent the destruction of Ash in Idian Creek, in
the county of Fayette."
_ _ _
Mr. SERRILL, (same,) as committed; Home
bill, No. 662, entitled " an Act to extend i cer
tain provisions of the Act of 1846, laying a, tax -
on dogs, to certain boroughs and. townships in
Chester eountY," -‘ 1
Mr. LAWRENCE ,. ( Roads .and Rridges,) as
committed, a supplement to anAot'to inocrpti;
rate the Andalusia and Hubneville turnpike
road company. I
Also, (same,) as committed, House bill, No.
696, entitled ' an Aot to repeal an Act laying
ont o State road in Clarion and Tanangoeoun
his".Y i'1 , ,1., , , • ,
"•, i _,'-ildr.,. ' l43tirtiroigi (solo e 4*.ronunitted,
`golisiibili, No. 678, entitioitd4r ' laying
- Mit a State road in Morir'eff it ! 4:ifio 2 -n Conn
. , ties ",.,.,,,,, , -4.
Also, (same,) as committed , an Act , to repeal
Certain road laws of Northumberland county.
Mr. THOMPSON, (same,) as am ended , , a tip;
plement to enAct authorizing the Governor to
aPP9int Commissioners to lay out and oonstruct
en.artificial road• from the river '• Schuylkill; at
Reading, Bona county, to Humniehitown, Dau
phin county. , : .. ~
Also; (saine, as ' com mitted, House bill NO.
890, entitled "a supplement to the ;Act t ,.to t in
corporate the Johnstown and , Scalp Levettgrnz
pike road company."
_ 'Mr._CONIT.M.L, (Corporation,s,}:an Act to
incri y irperatothe .Alleglardy marl . ;,Hotel corn
-i el Mr .: SMITH, (same ;) as committed , ; H o use
'bid ltd: 90, entitled' "an Act tO incorporate
the Rainbow FireecZniiiii,f,NbA, of Reacting
pity, Berke county." - , i
Alse, (same,)' as committed,' HOll4llll To.
728, entitled "an Act to incorporate the New
Castle,Gas Light company."
Mr. BOUND;- (Compare Bills;) presented a
iaport, which was read and approved." .
Idr. THOMPSON, (New Counties and County
Seata,) witit anegativerecornmendatiort, anlAct
Motive to the late townships !If 1!..0. 3 0rrY, Sind
Moreland, now in the twenty third ward of the
city of Philadelphia. . • t
Also,Asame, as committed, A .furthei supple
ment to an Act erecting Arts, ,of. Clinton, Elk,
M'Kean and totter • coutities into a county to
be called Cameron, approved March; 28, 1T 1.
Mr: CONNELL, (Corporationic) as 'mini t
ted, a supplement to an,ACt to incorporate e
Chestnut Hill. Water company of the Twenty
second ward, city of Philadelphia, ~ a pproved April 4,1868 . - ..., ' i .
Mr. IRISH, (PriVate Claims and Darnages,,)• •
as committed, an Act authorizing an bxwmina
• ,tion of the Clam of Charles Miller, of ,Cambria
county. ' „ „ . i
• • ,
=foam. lIMAOTED,
Mr.. MIDI, on leave given, presented the
memorial of the Society , for the alleviation' of
miseries of Prisons, which was
Referred to the Committee on the Jnelithary.
7 . 467olonr _ rerid _ .
.! •
supplement toitui
Aot teiligio to P.r lBo n•diseks'
Referred to the Committee on the..Tndlaski.
Abed "alitliier itikilomut to an Act moor
, 1
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- 'I .
.I . .
. .
I 2.00
porating the trustees'Of the Fire Association of
thorcity .of. , PbiTadelPhia, approved April 8,
Referred to the Caamittee on the Judiciary.
Mr.:WO-AA; a further supplement to an Act
incorporating ..the Shrewsbury and Hopewell
Plank:Road company of York *gouty.
Referred to the- Committee on Roads and
Mr. C..,...u....u.,, 'au Act to confirm part of the
survV.Pft:thq!, 1104lott of the survey of
BrockleY7 COY : 'of
Referredto the Committee on the Judiciary,
Also, an Act to segue a . greater protection of
life and propertyin'tida pqmpionwealth.
Referred bathe Committee on the JudiciarY.
Mr. BOUND, an Act to _incorporate the Mid
dle COalfield Railroad einnpany:
4.oo:' , AS4.tue , aggaittee on Railroads. . , : .-_
Also, an Act to extend Paradise street, in
borough of' l'Utbetirille,: 'Northumberland
cOintY•io "
Referred .to thaCothinittce on Roads and
Mr. MOW, an Act providing for a stay of
execution In certain-cases.,
"'Heferiedte; the Corainittee on the Judiciary.
Mr. LANDON, — in Act to inoorporate the
Wfraig company.
Referred to the Committee on Railmads.-
Mr. WE the following resolution,
which:wag Awice read: •
Resolved, That hereafter the Senate will hold
sessions on Tuesday and Thrirsday afternoons,
from three:to,five o'clock, for the consideration
of private bills.
Mr. 1-1isISTAIII) moved to strike out that
part of be resolution providing for the con
sideration of private bills.
The,motion was not agreed to.
.Mr. T(IESTAND then= 'Moved to amend by
making the resolution . provide for asession on
every afternoon.-excePt.Saturday.
Mr. SMITH rnoVed . that the L further consider
ation of the subject be pc.stpcded , for
- the pre
The.teotioii_Wasmot sad to. --
Tb,..e4neihiPleilt - i:d4r.c - ITIESTAND was then
wit agreed to atkl the 'resolution
Passed filially.
Mr. LAWRENCE, rose to -a privileged ques
tion, and moved to re-consider the vote by
which Senate bill No. 442 entitled "an Act to
exempt from.ta*.sition the real estate ' of the
Protestant Ilall - AkkobiatiOn of Philadelphia,"
was negatived: - -
Mr: IMBRIE *mended The motion.
The SPEAKER decided that the motion had
not.been made within the required, time, Inas
mnakee the Fourth Rule of the Senate , requires
all motions to. I re-consider to be made - within
five days of actiatsasaionefter the action which
it is desired to re-consider has taken place.
zdx,,,. RAJA, 1. move, that,witk,regard_to
this particutal":l7lll, ffie fourth ; rule of the
Senate be suspended. -
Mr. WELSH. I have no particular objeotion
to the bill which 'has been alluded to, as I.
really know nothing, about its merits, but I
trust that this _motion to suspend the rule will'
not prevail. If the motion is, agreed, to, .it
will establish one of the most dangeroui3 prece
dents Which we have ever attempted to create
in this Senate. The object of ; the fourth rtle
is to protect Senators from being unfairly
treated ; as it often happens that after a bill,
having been defeated by, the efforts of the Sena 4
tor who is the most deeply interested in its
provisions ' and the time in which a reconsid
eration of the final action upon that, bill can be
had, having elapsed, that Senator is disposed',
to believe that no further `proceedings con; pos
sibly be bad relative to the bill. ills Vigilance
being thu relaiced, the fries:Want the defeated
measure might, under such a precedent milt is I
now proposed to establish, secure its adoption
in en unfair 'xianaer
my. it& f e L. I am ..very well aware,z, Mr.
Speaker,, that for the' government ; of
bodies there must be ,oerfain well es
tabilahed and well.defined rules., The partiCular
ride allialect tti-bY this &Miter-from York no
doubt, a yery . salutary one. But, sir, the ;very,
fact,"thrit Makes it necessary for 'the ,Senate V.
have cerfain . iiiediTujes for its !ge'Verrtino,, itli
order io Preservethit order anddecorum which,
should always exist am p oag•ite as a body, makes
it necessary that in certain 'muss th'em'e 4ules"
skould not axist ; in other , words, there ars
ways good, and valid exceptions to the best
rulqs that ever were, formed. Now, let us look
at thirease fora single instant.' I am one of
the number,of those Senators on this floor who,
a very few days ego, voted 'against the.wish of
this Protestant association in the city of 'Phila
, voted,suLainst exempting them from
taxation; end free to , you, #l.r.,
Speaker, and to "other Senators' on, this floor, <
I was miatiken ; that r wailnider:the im
pression, when Iso voted, that Was. tasting
intletetnW - ardsiekiklipting:4rbiiit.tikatieni an
association: hich derived a revenue, and which'
could afford to pays tax to•diagorturtonistes4th:,
I understand, - sir, _front in
gent, as. any in the State, and as 'honorable
as-any, - any,where;; - tifat — thle7salitiron: is
one ofichatity end'deisigned 'purely lei' #llt
glows peiTese ; for;tlibifthtlierance a the spirit;
of christianity ; that the, institution derives , no
revenue; but is'srippOrted alone by the philan;
thropy and aid ot citizens of Philadelphia, who.
contribute money and , means to enable than to
subserve the cause of religion, wherever its; in
fluence 'ettends:, - 1 This rule of the Senate; re
quiring. a motion of ,the character made by the
Senator from Washingten, to be made within
five days, is no more sacred than any otherrule
which we haVe been in the habit of suspending do
zens and 'dozens of times, during this session:
There is a rule of .the Senate, a, very atifirtary
one, requiring that ,bill shall 'be read more
than once on thesame day, and yet that is a
rule which suspend everyday.
The Seriatio-Will,''Upon examination, perceive
thatthis hill 3 toWhich reference is now made is
right and proper, for this property should, be
exempt from taxation ;' and, considering this
fact, I the Senate to agree to rescind a rule
which is no more, inviolate than any other of
the: rulesof the Senate and which must have
its exceptions as have all others. Its scarcely
nec warp to remind the Senate 'that upon al
mosteVery queitiOn wherein it Wea.proposed to
iiiiiiPt.certainprer44, - ,frOm tainitilkw
may have been intrOduced here this , winter; I
have voted " • tAs a 'genera linlet," I am
opposed to exempting property from taxation. ;
but I do think; sir, that there are somecharita,
ble religious institutions, in,which the objectis
not to make money but simply to do good, up-,'
on which the State of Pennsylvania alieuld,not
levy tribute, when they . are sealOi,islyendeaver
ing to sustain themselves. It is not necessary
that. Pennsylvania should do this. The wants.:
of our treasury do not demand it put it
Senators who are ,•acquaintedwitk, mss,
whether this is not an institution shotil4 l
be exempt fralzilitatiOn ?
Mr. CONNELL. The reason why this mol
tion was not made yesterday. *as because I
was deceived with regard to Vie holding of an
afternoon session, at whiCh. time it was con
templated to make the motion:
On the question,
Will the Senate suspend the,fourth rule?
The yeas and: nays were required by ,Mr.
WELSH and Mr. BLOOD, and were as follow,
• Ysai4kiedars. Hiestand,
brie,. Lawrence, Nichols, Parker, Robinson,
Schindel,'Smith, Palmer, ~..qpealeitr--1.1,
Nan—Messrs. Blood, Bound; °lima . , Craw
ford, Fuller, Irish, Lancron, Meredith, Mott,
,Penney, Serrill, Welsh, Wharton- 7 13.
So the Senate refused to suspend the rule:
mans or THE ilia.
Senate bill N0..,627; entitied..f 4 an g
to railroad companies," .caroo up in order on
third reading.. _
On the queStiim,
Shall the bill pass Y'
The -yeas and nays were, pequired by Afir. CONNELL, and woke as foll 6 w,
Ysas—biesars. Benson, Blood, Connell, tal
ler, Hall, Hamilton, , Ellestand,' Bahr* Lan
don, Lawrence, Nichols, Pirker, Sobindel,,
Smith, Thompson, 'Wharton, Palmer, "Speaker
Naga—Messre. Bound, Clymer, Crawford,
'lrish, Mott, Penney; Robinson, Serrill, Welsh,
So the bill passed finally.
'Senate bill; No. 602, entitled "an act re
quiring the resumption of
s specie payments by
the banks, and fot the equalization of the 'cur
rency of the State," came up iii , order on Second
reading. .
_ _
The SPEAKER, pro toni., statedthat the cues
tion pending at the timetif adjournment, of the
Senate yesterday, Was on the motion to post
pone the hour of adjournment. -'
The motion was not agreed to. • •
. _ The fourth section of the bill was then read
'RH follows : ' t. , • • , .
L Sec-4/ That - bank
.every . orincorporation
which suspended specie payments on .or
the nineteenth day of November, onelhonsand
eight hundred and sikty, ;and 'thus violated the
law, shall pay into the Treasury of the pout
monwealth on or before •the first:, 7 day of ;J.gly,.
Ann° Domini, one thousand efeelrandred and'
sixty-one, a sure, equal. to one-fourth lif niie
Per centuMbn . the capital stock: of inch 'bank
or incorporation, in addition to the amount
they are now by law required.. to pay, ', .
Kr- mai SMITH, ' This 'm): preVideti that
every bank which has 'suspended specie( Pay
ments shall: be L liable to 'pay . one 7 to,n4h- per
vent: of its capital into the State tieem4 - ea a
penaltY for its suspension, and as a boris" to
the State for the passage of this Act. Now,
sir, as was remarked yesterday, by the Seinatoor
from Bucks, (Kr. Taairtiv,llt Will. lit'initioThei-,„
ble to ascertain what hankshays . and twlnit
banks have not suspended. , We have noilegel,
method of ascertaining that fact. The reit:milli;
of the Senate are not such records or such bit-'
.deuce as will be- taken in a court-_9f juStice,
.upon a qinsition to be tried by the °our ,t ;as to
whether the bibaka have violated their Charters
or not ; , and nntilthie fact has been ascertained
and-establiabed in legal form; it -will be impos
siblerhFrutkelhis;Actoperative ; it will not be
worth the paper on which it is written. There
Islint'iiiie mailed lifwideli.thia• .bill..' can be
made operative, and that is, for us to declare
the charttni3•4sf all banks; 'of the State Which
:have suaponded, to be,forforfeited„ unless theie
instituthins accept the PiroVisions of 'this jAot, at.
a formal meeting of their stockholders., That .
is the only method by which the banks can be
reached, and the only•way in which they can
be toreed to Pei one_lfourtit ofs one - per cent. of
their capital into the State treasury. Here lies
the - great defect of the bill. 'Whether' 'ori net,
such on omission as this 'Was **Signed ' in' the
fOrmetion of the bill„l'ani not able to 'say c
but any lawyer will perceive the :ferce, of the
objection I have Made:
But, ; Mr. Speaker, I am opposed "to tidal Sec.;
tion on principle ; it is wrong in itadf. ; We
have admitted in the former part of this; trill.
Xliakgßiuslkoßchiiie ; specie, • p_a,ynienta by, the
. ; . . :.was a,lusti„ciebleact4'-ithat iiirCam • judg
, ihent,", &id inAliii julginenteftheleoWof the
State, le was sinctiOned itdctiatitiefecitel be ne
,cessary, and, it is Doti* for, us to say . to, these
institutions; "we have now, got ,you 1 4 4. 116 4 ti 1
position that we will either make 'youdisgorge'
to the - State or forfeit'yeim charters:" ;.;This is
exactly the position in Which the Legislature is'
now.placing itself:. .
. • Furthermore, these banks do not ask for any
legislation'. We have not a single petitiehfrein
any bank intliewholeStitte, asiiing,for.legisla
tion of thii kind. I We. are: actually fOreliag the
Passage of a bill demanding: of them a.portion
of their capital, because"th - ey'cledthed'it wices-,
sary'for the preservation of - their ekbitince, and
the benefit of the business interests of.oir corn_;
triunity, to suspend specie
Because' they committed this aot, ,we i are
to take adVantage' of 'their - weakneas at pits'
time and say to them, .you must now pay one
fourth of one per cent: of your capital or we
will not let you up? ' We_shouldnot levy:black
mail uPen - theTbanica, - for that is the true object
of this act. ~. -:: '' : - •
Xr.'_WßlSlE:'.:l'llit_tiotrito' hear. the Sena;
for from ghwelpbia t arpe,,th4 question in
the inturnerbe iii .
liki, su.Wit.ri'argtinient is cer
tainly unfair: , When the. bank suspended in
1857, and the Legislature was , called together
for the purposelof legalizing' that act, precisely.
the Same section which is mitv before the Senate
was then engrafted in: the bill giving the hanks
relief. The object of that section was to pay
the expenses of the,,Legislatare, incurred in
vomSeqiienne of their being obliged: o. act upon
his question. Now, sir the motive that
prompted the: Bank Committee to include this
same section in the bill now betore the Senate,
Was precisely the Seine as that which induced
the. Legislature to adoptit in 1857. It is well .l
known, sir, that the expenses 'cf this body willi.l
i be materiallkinereaSed, owing to thil very, bank
question—that the session 'has been! and will
be lengthened in consequence of tine bill pend
ing before tus l -4inethat in both' Houses'of 'the
Legislature, as I understand, (I know it is se in
the Senate,) the - Bank Committees have , heen
compelled to employ cleritif.i_.The'consideration
of this question may also entail expense upcji,
thik Legislature of an additional charaeter.—
The object of the Rectibn ' therefore, is not to,
levy black mail upon the banks, nor to aCcorn
plish any purpose indicated by the. Senator frbm
Philadelphia (hlr. Swink) but is rather 'a-plain
and simple proposition to make the banks of
the Commonwealth, who will receive relief un
der the Act now pending, to contribute towards
the payment of the expenses eftthis bed):;:zei
teriallY increased by the pendency of tine *bill.'
The section is proper, wise and just; and I have
no doubt it will meet with: the ;approbation of
the scrum
Mr. LAWRENCE In the illieusiion of this
bill yesterday, _the,, Senator from Bucks, and
other Senators, supposed that there was no
power 'vested in the Auditor General Fir any
one else, to ascertain what banks,were liable to
pay thii tax, if liable at all. The section is
perhaps indefinite in that respect. It piovides
that all banks which. have suspended shall pay
'a certain'. Jai. In order to make it more defi
nite, I offer the following amendrileat'to i be in
serted at the end of the section . : ,
( And *lien any doubt, xists in the ixond`
the Atiditor General as to= the liability of - any
bank to pay the additional tax imposed by this
section, he shall have p,ower to coinp§l - the
attendance and exiininition of the prebsident
and cashier of any such .bank as to ant . Bath
liability; and on any bank refusing or neglebt
ing to pay the same, it shall be collected •by
law, as other takes on such institutionitiare now
collected." • •
Mr. CLYIYIER. I understand the - amend:
merit of the Senatorfrom Washington to confine
an investigation to the examination of the
pre:tided and cashier of a bank. Should not
the'Audibir General be directed to call on other
parties? lam aware of a number of cases in
which banks*have reported here that they have
not suspended, when in reality they have been
in a state of suspension from the 19th of No
vember last, fir a period thereabouts.
Mr. LAWRENCE. Loffered the amendment
because I supposed that many cases of the kind
stated by the Senator fix:int Berks reallyekisted.
With reference to the question of - suspension,
the President or Cashier of a bank will be able
to testify to the, facts before the Auditor' Gen
'eral, and that testiniony-, I suppose, will settle
the question." If the Senator thinks it would
be more definite to amend the amendment as
helms piciposed, I will be Satisfied.
. Mr. CLYMER. I suggest the addition of the
words.after the word "Cashier," "or any other
officers." • • -
The amendment was accepted by Mr. LAW-
Mr. THOMPSON. I can see no difficulty that
'can possibly arise with regard to the investiga
tion by the Auditor General. The. ank law of
1850 provides that in case of any violation of
the charter of a bank the officers of such insti
tution shall be compelled to notify the Auditor
General relative thereto. I know that this no
tice has been'given by some of the banks
• Mr. LAWRENCE. In reply . to the Senator
from Montgomery, I have, to say that all the
bankis of the State are not managed as is the
'bank of Pottitown: If they were managed in
the same manner as is that bank, there would
be no di l culty. But some of the banks of the
dainoinvealth tell us that they have not sus
pended specie .payments, when we have the
best living evidence .to the contrary. My
amendment provides for 'obtaining the best ac
curate testimony that can be obtained with re
gard to the matter.
Mr. HAMILTON. I move further to amend
the section in the sth line, kylittiliire§pi t .the
words "otili:ihtathv rtui#ll3l3 - liilieu there
pf,! the wool*fhtilL"'
bir !acid - 11441W Senator better in - -
Oki& th 9 'A* liapjtal '6l ithe hapliii'l„ That
vl)slid;• `perhaps;_ be'more acceptiblo to the
Mr. WELSEC I shall. vote against the
amendment merely because this section as it
now stands is nearly the same as was adopted
1857. If there was, any necessity for a tax
of the kind proposed by the'Senator from Lan-
caster, that necessity certainly existed then; to
aegreater extent. than . it does now.l i -think
that, one-fourth .per cent., is all that is lloeseiry
to ineet the - regiurements of the Legislature at
„this tithe:
SMITII. 2 If we are to `adopt the
pie all,l do not see Why we Should not take
as Moth money as'we Can.
Mi. WELSH. . Thi• - Senitior from Philadelphia
has, - I suppOS - 6;lse*ie a convert to the plinci27
ple. 'I hope that 'he will now vote for; the*
section. . ' . •
On motion of Mr: BLOOD the word "July"
vras.stricken. ontand the word - " June" inserted
in place thereof. . . •
The •tuftelidment of Mr. LAWRENCE 'was
then agreed to. • ,
.On the question, ' • '
Will the Senate agree to the section as
amended?: • • ; • 7 -
The ,yeas: and: nays , were required by Xi..
SMITE and. Mr. .BLOOD, and 'were as fol
low, viz: . . .
YEas—Messrs.-gßenson, Blood; Bound, Oly
tiler; :Connell; CraWford; Faller; Haniiltoni
Irish; Landon, Lawrence,
Meredith, Mott, Nichols, Parker, Penney, Rob
inksa,'Schindel, Sernll, Weish,lVharton, Yitrd
leYinnaliney, Byeeker-215,
• -" . ..Sinith and. ' —2 '
Ati—Messrs.: Smith ! Mat •-1/9PAPO/I—"Z' ,
Se thespetion,*.imended,,was, Agreed tO.-,
On 'the amendment of Mi. ItiAMILTQN,
The yeas and, nape-were required by
ILIiktILTON,.. and. were as,
follow,. viz : . . . 1
TEAS Blood, Crawford, Fuller,H
:ilton, Mott,'Nibliols Parker' and Schbadel-8.
Na.vs.fessit!'Eimiund, Clymer,'Coi4.ll l
Hiestand;' Imbrie, Irish, Landon, Lawieneto;
Ifereditl4 •Penney, Robinson, 'Smith;
ilicenpson,Welsh, Wharton anePalmer
So the amendnientinis not agreed to. I ~;
Kr: HIESTANIi offered the following as a
new section : .
hio, 4. That the provisions of - this Act behp-,
plicable'to any bank which clops not, within
thirty des aftel,ii*Oge. ottilie. Act, notify the
Auditor General,tpo the. same has been accept-:
ed by. a iiiiAitiOn Of the Board of Directont.
Mr. HIESTAND.. The Senator from Phlla
delphia has;stated that nobody is asking
Passage of this bill, that the banks do not want
it, and 'that we are plundering them to .the
amount of One-fourth per cent. of their `capi
tal. Ido not wish them to come under this
Act unless they say they desire so to do.
Dir. - smiTlEL — SO•far as I am.noncemed, I in
tend - ti; vote -against the bill as being unjust,
unfair and discreditable.
Mr. LAWRENCE. I cannot see the neceisi
ly for Allis 'section, as there aPpeart , to bent
force in it. It may, on the other hand, give'
those banksiwhich have been acting' hones ly,
and have fulfilled their obligations to the Co -
monwaelth, sorne . trouble in making out a e
port to the Anditch. General in reference to this
Mi. HIESTAND. The banks to which the
Senator refer* will be required by:this =mid
mem; to show to the Auditor General that they
.are not liable.toAhe tax imposed by, the foulth
,The object .I have in view is to facili
tate the 'business a the Auditor General's (fie
Fixtment in carrying, out the'provisions of this
bill I
The amendment of Mr. TTTESTAND was not
agreed to. 6
' Mr. MOIT offered the following 'as ah ad -
tonal section
Sao. 4. That.uponall judgments entered in
any Court of this Commonwealth; or befdre any .
41dennan or Jtiatice , Of 4.Loa.' Peace since the
4, 1861
lgth day of November;A:Di,-1116C4; tht de erid
ant shall, if
,possessed of, an petite fee simple
in the county wherein auQh judgment is entered
worth in the opinion of the Klinirt;'isikTvaLidg
the Peacti t or Alderman, the amount
judgments over and *above all encuirtlirencea.
and ,the amount now byelaw dietairtecf'fibrie.
levy and execution, be entitled to tt,ptfflof. exe
eution thereon, for the' 'tennof One Ye f ar from
the date of the :passage of :this Act; and Upon'
all other judgments for, the term of one year
'frintuthe date Of the . entry of the'stima.
-- )Szo: . f). That:'any tiefendant in artyjtidgMent`
entered in any Court , of this Comniton.wettlthror
before any Alderman or' aitici of-theiPeace
_shalt havethe like.slay of mention , Provided
he shallgive-securityjvithin thirty „days from
the 'passage of this to ` be by such
Court or justieez - of ' the :geese Or AldertoarP fo'r"
the amount of such judgment t ,interelft-Agd
cost": Provided, - ThaethitieehtiOn shill riot pp:
ply to the-wagicoftlabOrmoitwthe'delits upoh
which astay of execution, is exPreidy,walved
by debtors, norl • to'' 'judgments= 'upon `,which
stay of execution: as already seen tiken under
existinglaws;,thatthe provisions of , this sec
tion shall extend'to , judgments entered,:to be
entered as well upon bond and *arrant of at"-
torney as upori mortgages to secure the same
and to' any subsequentgrantee'or owners of the
premises so hound as well as to - the • original
obligor or mortgagor : Provider' further, .That
said stay of execution shall not apply to judg
ments or mortgages, or on bonds secured by
mortgage, unless the intermit. thereon, shall be
paid within sixty days after the accruing of the
same in such funds as the banks are authorized.
by this Act, to use."
The SPEAKER, pro an. The Chair is of
opinion that the amendment is out ot order,
not being congrUous with the title of `the bill.
Mr. CONNELL offered the following as an
additional section :
SECT. 4. That so much of the twenty-forst sec
tion of an Act entitled "an Act regilating
banks," approved April 16th, A. D. 11&50,
provides for the number of votes to which each
stockholder, shall be entitled, be e road the .same
is hereby repealed, - and_ in lieu thereof it tis
hereby enacted that at all elections for Directors
of any bank every stockholder shall'be entitled
to one vote for each" share of stock held by him
or her. - . .
Mr. HIT&STAND. I rise to a point of order,
that we are not.going into a - general revision of
the bankinglaws, on a bill intended to provide
for a legalisation of bank sruinenskins., We
should stick to the subject of the ,text, upon
which we started out; and not wander off in
order to fix up.a.generel lawron the Subject of
banking at thistime. • . • •
If intacdece my amend
ment in the form of ;a. support 13111; will' the'
Senator'froin. Lancaster vote for it? • '
Mr. 'HIffSTAXIX l'am not acquainted, with
the proyfaionsof that bill.
Mr. SMITH. I think the Senator from
casters right in lila:toil:4 of order. . bill
before-the Senateis one;compelling banks
to resume specie- payments, and state's :the
•claima' on which they shall prOceed with the
transaction of their business; - • The s:riteridinent
of mY • colleague WT.; Co/ o q m l 4, Prfloslers
change . the . generarbaiik'lavr of the State in'
relation to„the- goiebnitent . of. bank
tiono. • ' -
Mr; LAIGMENCHI- hope” the Sentihn from
witUrt.m. his; alneadant
The section, winch pro ores, to ty. l 4,Nnol,
.gativeit by the:C6tteel-'-iiiitiliich it Was 're:,
ferred.. 1 believe I state4ito.thatLifitinator that
I Wouldli&e'for it when. it came before' the
Senate as 'a, distinct ;Lilt , '•
Mr. CWIELP, 9a the assunsna.:6f the
Senatiir fiord l'irsiithigtoii.that he will support
the 'bill „which I propesed•kraild'tirtliit bne
,fgre.the Senate whenever I ruiay call it up, I
Witkohnw'llte amendment.'
On . j.ln s otion Mr . 1 LAW-ItlEtt 'the ruleis
were .6141:landed? and the - bill, was; reed' a third
time hYrits • .
On;the final passagvoithebill,
The yeas and nays ware;rea, `uired l , by Jr. ,
MtITH. and Mr. TEO34.ESON, and were as fol::
low, !viz • • ,
• Yass—Messrs. Benson,.4lonn4,:Fuller, f assn-,_
Hieztand,"lnibilet, 'Laudon, Liiv
ranee, Meredith; : Prozbinioni -
Th0a,i.,139n; Welsh/ Wharton , :Tar.gclY 4 1 4 P 847
mar ' . .spahkir—' 2l B.°
NAXs4. Resins: Blood,
ford, ,Mott, Nieho*, ?ary.,,er,§elzinde,l,,audfinzith
SO the , Ell passed finally • ' '
Mr. CLYMER, (whed. his name was;caileib) ;
said : In casting my vote on thislli; desire
to briefly state xrit itations. — I should not hate
voted for any, section in this bill= it !was Con
sidered'by the Senate, hadl no .0 at
before the formialiniof theibill w :doiligeted,'
some:provision should bp =Opp ,raut etqn
slot' to the people of t e Commonwealth 'as
*ll , as:the banks Therefdrey. ps!:thei Speaker
has rifled out oforder, the amendment .offered
fbp theggiittrai. *aid' twg' - in:tertaed' to ieti,4l'
that purpose, shall vote soil
Mr. MOTT, (whelk his ; nameWas_called„). said:
For' tlig taasena l giveil 1* the 1 4iinifoi
:T.ter4B,:Tata,ll,vOte ~,,, „
Mr. BLQOD, his . ,nrune ,was, called,
said':Faithe same ,
ator from' Barks I WO
sma cofisrokum
.15.r.,0111 1I moped tbatothe ;Sande ]prmeiNl
to the consideration of Senate bill No. 622, en
titled "au AcfloY'repeal" all raini 'eicantank•
certain re 4 a#44 311 '914 taX441.!.1.1
• • , •
The motion was agreed to, and the.Sgtate
resolved itself- into Corniiiittee Hof- the 'here;
(Mr. . HALL in the Chak,.oe,said.MlL):., I
On motion of Mi. SMITH the word."special"
was inserted ln thettftkline;betWeen the words
"by" . .arid " d "Acta. „ , • ~
Mr.- PENNEY: It - seeing tro - rae that.thla
has not been as pioperl# • prepared islibilld;
have,been, inorder r to meett,the .purposes
tended. That portatkethe title which referi
to "certain laws" is very ' , indefinite; andlOat ,
doubt might to what Ig9Per
ty ought to be exerag ce4 from taxation by this
Mr. SMITH. While pie Senator from 41:
gheny is•preparingtany amendments ,he may
have to'suggest, Ifoffer tha folio*ing provi4o,,
to be added to the end of the section. .
Provided, That thid ` " Act .. elittll not be con=
strued 'to apply , kY l church :edifices - .arid the
ground. upon which such edifices are erected.:
Mr. IMBUE inbiefiloainendtitifoneridideiit
br,inss-.l,ing therein, tbh words "exec* v,here
the seeme shall he assessed at a valuation ex.- .
ceading ten thtuetand dollars."
.Irhe ainendment If,,M.r. .111BBEE sras'innt,
~.agrel to..
The amendment of ,1r SMITH' was fluiiittit
-airree4, _
The section was thennegatived ttee
-and - I-
g , Willthe Senate agree to ilie.. report of he
Committee?" . •
itsam riding fit,
Having prottdrea — Straun - Power - Presses, we are
prepared to execute JOB and BOOR MMHG of every
description, cheaper, that it can be done at any other re
tabliaurrentbi Ora coupttr• •
' • - 'EATEs.tik• Auveatisoro.
.13 - Your lines or leas constitute one.balf square. let
lines or more than four constitute a square.
Half apare, one day *it
s one week .l V
one montb. •...... .•
" three monta J 00
" six months- .. • 4 4
one ,
year........ ......... • 6 56
One - li ptare one day 60
one week 2 00
!!. , .Pres. Month.. . ... .3 00
'three ....... • • 6 00
six montba.... ...... ....••• 8 00
one year 10 00
lErßselness notces inserted In the Local what r
before Dtarriages and %aft, FIVE CINTE PER, VA
or each insertion. .
. O. :1
'est — d Deaths be be charged ee regale:
advertisements... • .
yeas, and nays were required by Mr.
PABHERaid :Hr. IRlSH,Viiftiere as follow,
'TE;s.—lfessis' Blood, Band, Connell, Ful
ler; Hamilton, 'Labile, Irish, /Auden, Law
rence, Nichols, Penney, Robinson, Thompson,
Yardley - and Palmer, Spwka.--14.
Nits--r4tears. 'Benson, ;Clymer,: Crawford,
Hall, Hamilton, iliestuaddifott, Parker, &bin-
Sidth; Welsh and Wharton-18.
Soithb report:of the Committee or the Whole
Was agreed , torand the i bill fell. ..
BUM& called up a farther supplement
to the Ace incorporating'Cameron county.
Passed finally. -
Mr: BLOOD called up House bill, No. ao,
entitled an Act to repeal an Act declaring Ker
sey, Run in Elk county, and ; Laurel Bun in
Clearfield fad 114 counties, public highways,
and also to 'repeal the Act 'declaring Medic's
Bun in Clearfield county, a public, highway.
nuked finallY. •
Mr: LANDON, 'moved to resume the consid
eration of Senate bill, No. 701, entitled a sup
plement to anAct authoriziig President . Judges
to hold-Court-outof their - several districts in
The mciticai wari agreed to,
The bill being on second , reading,
The several sections was read and agreed to,
And the bill
Passed finally
_ Mr. YARDLEY moved to re-consider the
vote** which the report of the Committee of
the Whole had been agreed to, thus negativing
Senate bill No 622, entitled "an Act to repeal
all IaWS exempting certain real estate from tax
On the question,
'Will the Senate agree to the motion?
The yeas and nays were required by EU.
IIdI3RIE and Mr. LAWRENCE, and were as
follow, viz
Yaas—Messrs Benson,Bound, Clymer,
Crawford, Hamilton, Hietand, Landon, , Mere
dith, 'Mott, Parker, Schindel, Serrill, Smith,
Welsli,'Wharton and Yardley-16.
Nev.—Messrs Blood, Connell, Fuller, Irish,
Lawrence, Nichols; Penney:Robinson, Thomp-
Son and Palmer, Speaker-11.
So the motion to reconsider was agreed to.
The question then recurring on agreeing to
the,report : of the Committee of the whole, on
The yeas' , and nays were required by Mr.
PALMER and Mr. YARDLEY and were as fol
low, cis :
` YEA'S.--Messrs. Blood, Bound, Connell, Craw
ford, Imbrie, Irish, Nichols; -Penney, Tobinson,
Thompson and Palmer,
',Nats.4-Messrs..lßenson; Clymer; Hall, Ham
pton, IMestand i Landon, 'Lawrence, Meredith,
Mitt, Parker, Schindel, Serrill, Smith, Welsh,
Whaefori and Yardley-16.
Sp the report of the Committee of the Whole
iias.not agreed to.
motion was made by Mr. SMITH that the
fmthermudderation of the . bill be postponed
for the present.
Widch was agreed to.
Mr. SOUND called up an Act repealing cer
4in road Ittws in Northumberland county.
Teased •
~AIr..OLYMER called ; up House;No. 9 1 0 ,
erititled '"an Act' to incorporate the Rainbow
Paned finally
Fibrelaupanyv No. 1, oflteading, Berke county.
. - •
liff. - CONNUAL called' UP an Act to confirm
the,surtrey-of!ft part of the twelfth , section of
the surveyof Blocltley city of Philadelphia.
• Nr.;ittiLLEft called up an Aot to Terfect the
division of the township of Union, county of
Fayette. • -
Mr. CONNELL called up a supplement to the
Act to incorporate the Chestnut Hill Water
pompany of the twenty-second ward, city , of
Passed' finally.
fir. SAMIL7~UN calleclnp a supplement to
an Act to incorporate the Columbia and Read
hag Halkonkompii.rty.
Corttee of the -Whole, (Mr. Magus in
thealr,) the :bill was amended and so re-
Ported: -
!Pp. awond reading, the first section was read,
iWillthe,Sepate agree to the same?
Ticie`j , Yea and nays were required by Mr.
,CL,YME.II and Mr. HIESTAND, and were as
fellow, viz
Banion, Clyrriei; -Crawfold,
-Fuller; Hfunilton, Hiestand, Lan
den, ,Lamencei:Meredith,-Mott, genngy,. Bob
inlaM,Sertill, Wharton, Yardley and Palmer,
: _
Nichols,„ parker and Smith
ilßo y tthel section-was agreed to: '
The reinaining.seetions,were then severally
agreed to; and 'We bill
! iLaid over on tidrdieadinr.f „.
. Mr. HALT, calle4 agpplementle an Act
ixteorioraing ' the' Johnstown and Scalp 'Level
.P4rnPlikezrottil! conipaity.l Fl
Passed finally,
Bit1.11:131tIE`• Moved 'that- when the ' Senate
I .adjourn,jt, - he;t4::,, Meet at 3.o'clock P. M. this
Or the' qliiistion,"
W. 41, t}}e, Senate s gree to the: motion?
'The yeas'and nays were required by Mr. IM
BBIE and' were as follow,
Inm- 4 Messrs. Bound, Conriell, Fuller, Hie-
Irithrie,liiih, Landon, •Nichols, Robin
son, Thompson and , Yardley-12..
Nays—Messrs. Benson, Blood, Clymer, Craw
ford, Hall, Meredith, Mott, Parker, Penney,
89104e1, Benni e Smith, Wharton and Palmer,
Speaker I 4 `
=• So the qtestion was determined in the nega-
iiad hoar of ona'vliag arrived, the Senate
• Adjetirned.
EIW sigv icis„ ; ' tci;thtS: citizens of
I„_,/ Harrisburg and its step:dry. Be solicits a share of
the litletic Patronage, anee.givestimatiracce was hieihset
andeaviirs shall be gtrpn to rencrergatlsfactten in hls pro
fessioti.t Beftignin old; *ell tried dbrittit hisfeelti Safe in
asitiog thit public sgetdrallj to call on him, assuring
.nehaltadShhii not lie dinsatinted:stith . .blit terfici
Hifiee No. 128 ;Casket street, in the house formerly cc
nob. the Miffed 'States' 'Hoed,
Fiar.osnure.,P4 . - navg 41r
_ _ . .
fri i na - lubsc,.riber respecitulty anfikAirioeo
Haarlaburg 411 , 1 vlblaity.tba- be
nas takou roqua over KIELKEKt;HARDWAX.E Kr.
soitgeigi," rbroi rbf Mailiet•Sabere; Where he is:rrera
execote. , every:a!ra oP ,A,tlattvryPe-S, ;jet 7 /44_ kV at
itri4fo/11`25;e4AtEl andtiStitrdik,VAGOEK RS
AartoWlscopte4, ivtd Piatures
Pins: 'Casa otallvdesefiitioki Constantly cmliarti•
lop a call tfyou_ o want a pod and, cll-paw:pre.
OEOO R.P.ollll34!Anibik,