Limes of arm' tO granovortatiou PH IL.A.DELPHIA AND READING RAIL It 0A D. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ON AND AFTER DEC. 12th, 1860 TWO PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE HARRISBURG DAILY, (Sundays excepted,) st 8.00 A. M., and 1.15 P. la tor Philadolphia, arriving there at , 1 26 P. M., and 5.1 f. P. E. RETURNING, LEAVE PHILADELPHIA at 8.00 A. M. and 8.80 P. M., arriving at Earriabprg at 1 P. M., an 8.15 P. M. FARES ;—To Philadelphia, No. 1 Qu's, $8.95 ; No. 9 (In rime train692.7B. FARES :--To Reading,. $1.60 and $l.BO. A Reading, emined with trains for Pottsville, Miners vile, Tamaqua, CatiViCiaSa, Ace. FOUR TRAINS LEAVE READING FOP. PHILADE4 PIIIA DAILY, at 6 A. M., 10.45 A M., 1280 noon and 8.43 P. M. LEAVE PHILADELPHIA FOR READING at 8.00 A. M., LOU P, M., 8.50 P. M., and 5.00 P. M. • FARES . :—Reading to Philadelphia, $1.75 and $1.45. IRX MORNING TRAM FROM HARRISBURG COR NELIS AT READING wlth up train for Wilkeebarre, Pl Mon and Scranton. For through t►akets and other Information apply to a. a. CLYDE, General Agent deo It4tl PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD I WINTER TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA. • ON AND APTIMI MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26th, 1860, The passenger trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows :- EASTWARD. • THROUGHIEXPRES9 TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 2.40 a. m. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.60 a. m. FAST LINE lefties Harrisburg at 12.55 P. In., and arrives at Wait Philadelphia at 5.00 p. m. MAIL TRAIN leaver; Harrisburg at 5.15 p. tn., mires at Wont Philadelphia at 10.20 p. m. These trains make close connection at Philadelphia with qt.) New Tork Lines. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 1, leaves Harrisburg at 7.1.,0 a. in., rune via Mount Joy, and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12 , 30 P. on. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Har risburg at 1.15 p. in., and arrives at West Philadelphia ail) 40 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, leaves Harrisburg at 5.25 p. m., runs via Mount Joy connecting at Diller. stile with MAIL TRAIN East for Philadelphia. WESTWARD. THROUGH..EXPRESS .TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 10.50P' #6,:arjtives at ilarAsliurg at 3.10 a. ra. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 8.00 a. in., ar• rives at Harrisburg at 1.20 p. m. LOCAL MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg for Pittsburg at 7.00 a, ra. FART LINE leaves Philadelphia at 12.00, neon, arrives at Harrisburg at 4.10 P. in. ILLARDIBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 2.00 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg 1t7.85p.0n. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Philadelphia at 4.00 . to., and arrives at Harrisburg at 9.45 p. m. Attention is called fo the fact, that passengers leaving Philadelphia at 4,00 p. m. connect at Lancaster with MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, and arrive at Harrisburg at 9,45, p. m. . . _ OAMOZL D. 'YOUNG, Apt. East Diodrion Poramadvaada Railroad nov2o 60-dtf Trifi v es 1T L . * rir x STEAK DYEING .ESTABLISIDIENT, :194Jfarket 'Street bdwen 40, and sth, Alt B 1 8 BIUB'Et; PA. y P 4 / 9 PlT'deldittitiiin,cif Ladies' nnentiGooda,63., are Dy CINasO Ai* aptabedita tfieckeillt.mauger andiat the shoyteekt.M~.. you IMD rit CO., R"/"Awir. • • r!. • fTligileor* falisteliameous UDOLPHO WOLFE'S EIALIOCC) SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS A SUPERLATIVE TONIC, DIURETIC, ANTI DYSPEPTIC AND INVIGORATING CORDIAL. To the Citizens of New Jersey and Pennylvaana4 Apothecariea, Druggists, Grocers and Private Families. Wolfe's Pure Cognac ktrandy. Wolfe's Pure Diaderia, Sherry and Pori' Wine. Wo'fent Pure Jamaica and St. Croix Rum Wolfe's Pure Scotch and 'lrish Whisky. ALL IIN BOTTLI9S, I beg leave to call the attention of the citizens of the United States to the above Wines and Loons, imported by Udolpho Wolfe, of -New Yorki•whose name is fami liar in every part of this country for the purity of his celebrated SentanArt Scaesrrs. •Mr. Wolfe, in his letter to me, speaking of the purity of his WINES and Laramie, Says : will stake my reputation as a man, my stand ing as a merchant of thirty years' residence in the City of New York, that all the BRANDT and Wines which I bottle are pure as imported, and of the best - quality, and can be relied upon by every purchaser." Every bottle has the proprietor's name on the wax, and a Ike simile of his signature on the certificate. The public are re spectfully invited to call and examine for themselves.— For sale at Retail by all Apothecaries and Grocers in Philadelphia.,GEOßGE M. ASHTON, • No. Bllarket fit.. Philadelphia. Sole Agent for Philadelphia. . Read the following from the New York Courier : ENORISOIR3 Brasses son Ores New Yeas alzacuasz.— We are happy to inform our fellow-citizens that there is one place in our city where the physician, apothecary, , and country merchant, can go and purchase pure Wines and Liquors, as purees imported, and of the best quality: We do not intend to give an elaborate description of this merchant's extensive brattiest', although it - will well re. pay any stranger or citizen to visit Udelpho Wolfeiseu iensive Warehouse, Nos. 18. and 22 Beaver street, and Nos. 17, 19 and 21; Marketfield street. His stock of Schnapps on hand ready for shipment could not have been less than thirty thousand cases; the Brandy, some ten thousand cases—Vintages of 1886 to 1856 ; and ten thousand cases of Madeira, Sherry and Port Wine, !crotch and Irish Whisky; Jamaica and St. Croix Rum, some very old and equal to any in this country. He also had three large cellars, filled with Brandy, Wine, de., in casks, under Custom-House key, ready for bottling. Mr. Wolfe's sales of betmapps last year amounted to one hundred and eighty thousand dozen, and we hope in less than two years he may be equally successful with his Brrudles and Wines. - His business merits thepatronage of every lover of his species: Private families who, wish pure Wines and Liquors for-medical use should nd their orders direct to Mr. Wolfe, until every Apothecary in the land make up their minds to discard the poisonous staff from their shelves, and replace it with Wolfe's pure Woos and LIQUORS. We understand Mr. Wolfe, for the accommodation of small dealers in the country, puts up assorted cases of Wines and Liquors. Such a man, and such a merchant,• should be sustained against his tens of thousands of ore portents in the United States, who sell nothing but imita lions, ruinous alike to health and human happiness. sep6-daw6mt C. K. Keller, 91 Market street, sole agent for this cit. Dyspepsia Remedy DR. DARIUS HAM'S AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT. This Medicine has ET.M used by the public for six years, with increasing favor. It is recommended to Cure DimpeimailVervottanas,H art-Darn, Colic Fain:, Wind in the BOrmach, or Pa.ns is the Bowe , Headache, Drowsiness, Kidney Cam. plaints, iota Bpirits D.lirium, Tremont, intemperance. 11 STIMUTATRB, NIR/LARATREI, I'V ATM, SOT ' WILL NOT INTOXICATS OR 5313. AA A MEDICINE it is quick nd effectu al, curing.the most aggravating case o Dyspepsia, tangy Complaint; and all other derange ent of the Stomach and Bowels, in a Speedy manner. it will Instantly revive the most melaucti •ly and :drooping spirits, and restore the weak, nervous as 11 sio ty Lealth, strength and vigor. Persons who, from the injudicious use of liquors, have 'become dejected, and their nervous systems shattered, constitutions broken down, and subject to that horrible aurae to humanity, the DRLIFIIVX TR2OIINR, will, almost 'immediately, feel the happy and healthy Invigorating efficacy of Dr. Ham's Invigorating Spirit. WHAT IT WILL DO. Leas.—One wine glass full as often as necessary One dose will remove all Bad Spirits. One dose will cure Heart Aura. - • Three doses will cure indigestion. One dose will give you a Good Appetite. One dose will stop the distressing pains offflyspopsia. One dose will remove the distressing and disagreeable effects of Wind or Flatulence, and as soon as the stomach receives the Invigorating Spirit, the distressing load ant' all painha feelings will be removed. One dosewill remove the most distressing pains of Colic, either in the stomach or bowels. A few doses will remove all obstructions in the Sidney, 'Bladder or Urinary Organs. Persons who are seriously afflicted with any Kidney Complaints are assured speedy relief by a dose or two, and a radical cure by the use of one or two bottles. NIGHTLY DISSIPATION. • • Persons who, from dlssinating too much over night, and feel the evil effects of potionons liquors,. in violent head aches, sickntes at stomach, weakness, giddiness, &0., Sod one dose will remove all bad feelings. Ladles of weak and sickly constitutions, should take the Invigorating Spirit three Game a day it will make them strong, healthy and bap*, 'remove all obstructions and irregu laritiea from the menstrual organs, and restore the bloom' of health and beauty to the careworn face. Darlng . pregnancy It will be found an invaluable medi eine to remove disagreeable sensations at the stomach. • All the proprietor asks is a trial, and to induce this, he 'has put up the Invigorating Spirit in pint bottles, at 60 cents, quarts Si. General Depot, 48 Water street, N. Y. Wholesale Agent, Philadelphia, D. YOTT, & CO. and for sale in Harrisburg by C. A. Bannvart, D. W. Gross & Co. and C. K. Kelluri and by all Druggists everywhere jel4-dawly FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. SPRING AND::SUMMER STYLES 18 e 1 PHILADIII2HIA FASHIONS. GRANITILL.E STOKES' ONE PRICE GIFT CLOTHING EMPORIUM No. 807 CELESTNU2 STREET A superb stook of fine French, English and American CLOTHS, OASSIMERES, - - - • .- - - and VESTINGS, yet City and Country trade, with an unapproachable as isortment of READY Mans Ctrannee at the lowest cash price 1.11 - -ut ONE PRICE is asked, and a GIFT of intrinsic worth and use_proagnteitwith each article sold. Peril eu attention paid Ito the Customer department, and garments , hide andsent to order to any address. In inaugurating this new system of doing business, GRANVILLE STOKES would impress on the minds of ' the patrans of his establishment, that the cost of the gift lis deducted from, and NOT Added to the price of the arti cle sold. Ins immensely increasing sales enabling him ; to act thus liberally, and at the same time to realize a remunerative profit. • AIL articles guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. GRANY.EGLE STOKES' ONE PRICE CLOTHING MIPOR TEM 607 CHESTNUT STEEk.T. octl9.6md—rdmar6-dtc NOTICE TO CONSUMERS OF COAL. ra. PATENT WEIGH-CARTS tested and certified to by the SEALER OF WEIGHTS' .MEASIMS. Mr, J 61149 M. WHlCltus—Jaaving this day tested your Patent Weigh tarts, and found them perfectly corre ct, therefore put My seal upon immoireit TRACE, to law. CE, Sealer of Weights and Measures. Harrisburg, January 17, 1801. jlB JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER;, LOT OF . THOSE EXTRA' PINE POINTED GOLD PENS F NEWTON'S (formerly Bagley's) O manufacture, warrants d to be the best in material, the finest pointed, most durable and as cheap as any tt market, for sale, with a variety of Gold and Silver Ones of various sizes and prices, Si aIIRGNER'S OBEAP - BOOSSTORS, 6i market street. pennapluania ait Zelegrapt), Zuesbap. Afternoon, 'April 2, 1861. ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW! STILL SOMETHING WHICH HAS STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS AND STILL MORE AND MORE POPULAR•EYERY DAY• PROF. WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE. OTHERS SAY 'OF IT, A. Distinguished St. Louis Physician Writes Er. Louts, July 10,1860. 0. J. WOOD, Esq.: Dear Sir IleA me the pleasure and satisfaction to transmit to you the beneficial effects of your Hair Restorative, after a trial of live F ears- I commenced using your Restorative in January, 1816, since which lima I have not been without a bottle on hand. When I commenced the use, my hair was quite thin, and at least one-third gray. A few applications stopped its turning, and in three weeks time there was not a gray hair to be noticed, neither has there been up to this time. _ After my hair was completely restored, I continued its use by applying two or three times per month. My hair has ever `c niinued healthy, soft and glossy, and my scalp perfectly free from dandruff. I do not imagine the falls above mentioned will be of any particular advan tage to you, or even flatter your vanity at this late day, as I am welt aware they are all known already and even more-wonderful ones throughout the Union. I have oc cupied my time in traveling the greater: part of the time tht past three veers, and have taken pride , and pleasure in recommending your Restorative, rind exhibiting its Offsets in my own case. In several instances I have met wills people that have pronounced it a humbug; saying they have used it and without effect. In every instance, however, it proved, by probing the matter, that they hat not used your article at all, but bad wed some new article said to be as good. as yours, and sell* at about half the price. I have noticed two 'or three articles my self advertised as above, which I have no doubt are humbugs. It is astonishinglhat people will patronize an article (l o ne reputation, when there is ono at hand that has been proved beyond a doubt. Apparently some of those charitaits have not brains enough to write an advertisement, as I notice they have copied yours word for word in seventh nstanees, merely Inserting some other name in place of spurs. I have, within the past live years, seen and talked with more than two thousand persons that have used. your preparation with perfect success—some for baldness gray hair, scald head, dandruff, and every disease the I scalp and head era subject to. I called to see you personally at your original place of business here, but learned. you were now living in New York. You are at liberty to publish this or refer parties to me. Any communication addressed to me, care box No. 1,920, will be promptly answered, Yours, trey, JAMES WHITE, N, D. Werth BMWS, Perry Co., Pa., June 7, 1850. Prof. WOOD, Dear Bir:=l was induced more than year ago to try your valuable Hair Restorative for th purpose of cleansing my bead of dandruff. I had suffered with it upon my head for years, and had never been able to get anything to do me any good in removing it, al though I had tried many preparations, until I saw your adverttsement in a Harrisburg paper. Being there at the time, I called at Gross & Kunkle's drug store, and bought a bottle, and now am prepared to recommend it to universal use, for It has completely removedall dand ruff from my head, and an application once in two weals keeps it free from any itching or other unpleasantness.— I must also state that my hair bad become quite white io places, and, by the use of your preparation, has been restored to its original color. Ia m now 50 years of age, and although I have used tare bottles of the Restorative, no one has any knowledge of it, as I allow a few gray hairs to remain in order to have my appearance com port with my age. My head is now of less trouble to me in keeping it clean, Re., than at any time since I have been a child. I consider your preparation of great value, and, although I do not like to expose myself, I consider it my duty to do so. You can use this or any part of it Is any shape you think proper, if it is worth any thing to you. Yours, &c., H. IL ETTER. BLOOMINGTON, bid., July 30, 1859. 6. Data But : I here send you a statement that I think you are entitled to the benefit or I am a resident of Bloomington; and have peen here for over thirty years. I am now over fifty years of age. For about twenty years past my hair has been turning considerably gray, and was almost entirely white and verystiff aud unpliant. I had seen a number of certificates of the very wonderful effect of your Hair Reetorative - but supposed• there was raor a fiction than truth in them: but entertaining a strong desire to have my hair, if possible, restored to its origi nal color and fineness, as it was in my younger days a beautiful black; I concluded I would make the expert ; meat commencing in a small way. I purchased one of your small bottles, at one dollar, and commenced using, following directions as nearly es Icould. I soon discot. ered the dandruff removed, and my hair, that was falling off' in large quantities, was considerably tightened, and a radical change taking place in the.color. I have contin ued to use it, till I have used three of your small bottles and just begun on the fourth. I have now as pretty a head of dark brown, or light black hair as any man, or as I had in my youthful days, when a boy in the hills of Western Virginia. My head is entirely clear of dandruff, and the hair ceased entirely falling off and is as soft and fine, and feels as oily, as though it was just from the hands of a French chanspooner. Many of soy acquaintan ces frequently say to me "Butler, where did you get that fine wig?" I tell them it was the effect of your Restora tive. It is almost impossible to convince them that it is the original hair of the same old gray head. Yours, truly, FREDERIC/1 T. BUTLER, Bloomington, Monroe Co. Ind. WOOD'S Rua Rssromolvs has acquired a reputatiot from aotual test and experiment which cannot be en. banned by newspaper puts. In our vicinity It has been extensively used, and wo believe in every ease with every deetred result, and received We universal endorsement of all who have tried It. We therefore recommend it as one of those few nostrums which accomplishes all It profess and all tho bald and gray could desire.—Gblumtia Si " Y. PROP. WOOD'S HAIR RESTORMITE.--Itt another column will be found an advertisement of this well known and excellent preparation for restoring gray hair to its origi nal oolor. Tito Hair Restorative also cures cutaneous eruptions, and prevents the'hair falling off. We have seen many authentic testimonials in proot of these asser tions some of which are from gentlemen whom we have known for many years as persons of the most reliable character. Don't dye till you have tried this Restorative. Boston Olive Branch. WOOD'S HAM Bauman - vs.—We are not In the habit of pulling every new discovery, for in nine eases out tit ten they are quack nostrums, but we take great pleasure in racommending Professor "Wood's article to all whosehair is falling off or turning gray. Our well known contribu. nn, Finley Johnson, Esq., has experienced the benefit of its application, and joins withus in speaking of its virtues. Let all try it, and bald heads will ,he as rare as snow in summer.—Baltimore Patriot. WOOD'S HAIR 11.88TOBATtvEt—Unlike most specifics, thia is proved, by unimpeachable evidence, to possess great efficacy as a restorer of the hair to pristine vigor. Where the head bad become almost bald because of sickness, the use of this article has produced a beautiful growth of thick, glossy hair. It is therefore a valuable prep.ra lion for all classes. Its ingredients are sunhats to effeetw ally "eradicates dandruff and other impurities, which operate so injuriously to the hair. It also has cu ra ti ve properties of another description. In many cases pim. pies and other disfigurements of the akin disappear wher ever it is used. There is no hazard attaching to the trial of his remedy, and its effects can only be beneficial, as the compound if it does not cause a mrntfest improve ment, is incapable of doing harm, as its component ele ments ore perfectly Innocuous.—Boston Transcript, April 22,1869. A OsNUIN33 Boon.—ln our capacity as conductor of a public journal, we are called upon to advertise the cure alls of the day each of which claims to be unadulterated in its composition and infallible in its curative effects, with what justice we leave Our readers to determine. b one instance, however—Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative —we are so well assured of the notable qualities of the article, that we give it our indorsement as all that its in venter and vender claim it to be. Its effect upon a felling head of hair is universally known to be magical. Like lime or guano on exhausted land, it brings its crop wher ever applied. Our own thatch is fortunately very heal thy, but we advise our friends with spareeiy-growing hair to try the Restorative.—Columbia Spy. ALL Hem Dsm Asszmomm.—Word's Great Artickhas Taken the lield.—Profossor Woed stands on an eminence no chemist, whose attention has been turned to inventing a hair tonic, has ever before reached. His fame is sod den but world-wide, and thousands who have worn wigs or been bald for years aro now, through the use of his preparation, wearing their own natural and luxuriant head covering. So much for chemistry, the chemistry of human life, and the laws which apply to the functions of the system. Prof. Wood studied out the human hair, its character, its properties and diseases, and how to re store the decaying vitality to that ornament - he saw, as in his own rase that gray hair is unnatural unless the age of the individual has reached four score, audits be lieved that the hair could be naturally revitalized. He tried his own case—almost bald and quite gray, at the age of thirty-seven—he restored his own hair in color, strength and luxuriance, and the article he did it with he gave to the world, Get WOOD'S HAIR RESTORA TIVE, and take nothing else.—New Tork'Day Gook, No. 441 Broadway, New York, and No. 114 Market street, St. Louis, No. ?kid in Boson by O. O. GOODWLN & CO., and M. S. RR &,CO• janiCeow.Bia illtbtal. EC= ell= DEPO Ts illieDical LIFE PILLS AND PHOENIX BITTERS. rI?HESE MEDICINES have now been be _L fore the public for a period of THIRTY YEARS, and during that time have maintained a high character in al most every part of the Globe, for their extraordinary and immediate power of restoring perfect health to pea sons suffering under nearly every kind of disease to which the human frame is liable; The following areannong the distressing variety of hu man diseases in which the VEGETABLE, LIFE MEDICINES Are well known to be Infallible. DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the first and second stomachs, and creating a flow of pure, healthy bile, instead of the stale and acrid kind ; FLATU LENCY, Loss of Appetite, Heratburn, Headache, Rest. lowness, 111-Temper, Anxiety, Languor and Melancholy, which are the general syMptoms of Dyspepsia, will van lab, as a natural consequence of its Cure. COSTIVENESS, by cleansing the whole length of the intestines with a solvent process, and without vio lence; all violent purges leave the bowels costive wlthi two days. FEVERS of all kinds, by restoring the blood to a regular circulation, through the precess ;:,respiration in such cases, and the thorough solution of all intestinal ob struction in others. . The LIFE MEDICINES have been - known to cure RREUDIA'EISIII permanently in three-weeks and GOUT in half that time, by removing lot,a- lintammation from the muscles and ligaments of the joints. DROPSI ES of all kinds, by freeing and strengthen ing the kidneys and bladder; they operate mostdelighte fully on these important organs, and hence have ever been found a certain remedy for the worst cases of GRAVEL Also WORMS, by dislodging Trout the turnings 01 the bowels the slimy mutter to which these creatures adhere. • • • . SCUIWY, ULCERS, and INVETERATE SORES, by the Perfect purity which these LIFE MEDI -0 NES give to the blood, and all the humors. SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD COMPLEX lONS, by their rilterate effect upon the fluids that teed the skin, and' the morbid . state of which occasions all eruptive complaints, sallow, cloudy, cud other disagree , able complexions. The use of these Pills for, a very short time will effect an entire cure of SALT nouuni, and a striking lin. provement in the clearness of the skin. COMMON COLDS and INFLUENZA will always be cured by one dose, or by two in the - worst cases. . PILES.—The original proprietor 9f these medicines, was cured of Piles, of 85 years standing by the use of the LIFE MEDICINES alone. FEVER AND AGUE—For this scourge of the Western country, these Medicines will be found a safe, speedy, and certain remedy. Other Medicines have the system subject to a return of the chielisc=a cure by these Medicines is permanent--TRY THE?d, BE SATISFIED, AND BE CORED. BILIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER COB PLAINTS.misau, Damns, Loss oP Arrmirs, and DI $86.918 OP Fractivis--the Medicines have been used with the most beneficial results In-cases of this descrip tion :—Kings Evil and Scrofula, in its,worst forms, yields to the mild yet powerful action of these remarkable Medi. cities. Night Sweats, Nervous Debility, Nervous Com• plaints of all kinds,'Pelp.tation of the Heart, Painters' Colic, are speedily cured. 111EILICURIAL DISEASES--Persons whose constitu ions have become impaired by the injudicious use of Mercury will find these Medicines a perfect core, as they never failto eradicate from the system; all the effects of Mercury, Infinitely sooner than the most power ful preparations of Sarsaparilla. _ _ _ Prep tared and sold by W. B. MOFFAT, 835 Broadway, New York. Forsale by all Druggists. jy2o.dawly DESIRABLE MOURNING GOODS. Black and Purple All Wool Figot ed Merinos, . Plain Black hnglish Veloue Reps. • Black and Purple Tamize Cloths,Silk and Wool. Plain All Word Cashmeres and Merinos. Black and Crar Worsted Poplins. Black and White All Wool Delaines. Black and Purple Figured Cashmeres. Lupin's Best Bombazines. Superior Black Lustfes. Lupin's Extra Alpaccas. Neat Style Striped Mohsirs. Ernelate StylePararnettas.! 61-4 All Wool Detail:leer English Chintzee. • Madonna Cloths.; Plain Mobairs. Calicos. SUPERIOR PLAIN' BLACK BEG. REP. .51OURELNG SILKS. do BLACK AND WRITE do do t:'o PURPLE. AND BLACK do do ao Pease CLOTHS, New and Desire - hie. - • Every article ot , the different kinds of DRESS GOODS in the BLACK and SFUOND MOURNING -line. Selected from the very beet makers. Lupin's Square thibbet Shawls., do Long • do \do Black French Blanket Shawls, 211 Mourning French Blanket Long Shawls, 2d Mourning French Blanket Square do, English Crepe Veils, (every size); Grenadine Veils, (every size), E:nglisb Crepes, French popes, SHROUDING GAGIBLIZRES, • SHROUDING FLANNELS, BLACK GAUNTLETT% all kinds, • BLACK GLOVES, all kinds, • BLACK BORDERED HANDKERCH /EFS, .(aßkinds). • BLACK BOISERV. (all RDAs), SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF COLLARS, PLAIN BLACK RIBBONS. An inspection ofbur stock will convince aIL • CATHCART & BROTHER, • n2T Next to the Efarriskarg Bank. INSURANCE AGENCY THE DELAWARE MUTUAL Safety Insurance 'Co., INCORPORATED 1535. • CAPITAL AND'ASSEIS .. . ... $904.907,11 - , .THE INSURANCE COMPANY • Of Northh-Ainerica l OF PHILADELPHIA. IN CORPO.RATPT) 1794. CAPITAL AND ASSETS • .41..219.475.19. /FIRE UNDERSIGNED, as ..Xgent for the above well known Companies, will make Insurance against loss or damage by fire, either perpetually or an nually, on property in either town or country. Marine and Inland Transportation Risks also taken. Apply personally or by letter to • • WILLIAM BUEHLER, detd&wly.' . Harrisburg, Pa. . . CANDLE'S! PARAFFINE CANDLES,- SPERM CANDLES, ADAMANTINE CANDLES, STEARINE CANDLES, STAR CANDLES, CHEMICAL - SPERM CANDLES, TALLOW CANDLES. A large lot of the above in. store and for sale at the low est prices by Va. : DOCK JR. & CO., Opposite the Court House. Jan 2 HAVANA CIGARS A fine assortment, comprising Rosso, Fins FL; • PAReclozen, Entarnu, La t3sis, Le. lIENENTO, BIRO Of all sizes and qualities, i n . qUarter; one•fiftlk CAPITOLI net on . e. tenth boxes, justreceived and for sale low, by JOHN H. ZIEGLER, 'fp Market Street. • ATM WAND:MM. MAR QIIICK EASY HARRISON'S : HOUSEHOLD' SOAP. TT is DETERSIVE. It removes all dirt, and washes with or without rubbing. it is ERASIVE. IL removes all ',tains by Oil, r2int, Printers , Ink, Wagon or Machine Grease. It is a atztonsa. It bleaches brown clothes white, and white clothes whiter. It is prortiorr- It gives a rich permanent _lather and makes the hands soft, white and elastic. It is a pm= Image; in:any water, hot &cold, bard or soft, salt , or fresh, of finest lawns, anti all grades, to the coarsest clothes. . It is Lamina. It does mu& washing with little ezeti..._ It is MO3NONIUL. It eaves wear and tear, time, labor and money, It combines all the good, and none of the bad'proper. nes of every other Soap, therefore it is a my= SOAP. It is &Perfect Soap for all uses of the Household. In theLaruldry„for,.clothes of , every deseription—tor the W as h Stand—for cleaning paint, glass-ware; porcelain, c r ocke r y, table; kitchen and dairy utensils— • ' t • r t: • Directions accompany each.cake. Samples can. e had Fltl4B 07 moos, open application at our store, " The cakes weigh'abbot onepound;and.donot cost more than any of the ordinary soaps now in the'rtisiketi- • ••• - WaLDOCKJB:dr,pii., ,j Agents for / . 10 04Yari' , MAT Illistellanrous. t e lY ciA ea rt •4' - CURE' eg fiervousHeadache CURE 41 1 Headache. . By the use of these Pills the periodic attacks of Ner vous or Sick Headache may, be , prevented; and if taken a the commencement of an attack immediate relief froth pain and sickness may be obtained. They seldom fail in removing the Nausea and Headache to which females are so subject. They act gentlynpon the bowels,—removing Lbstiamets. For Literary Hen, Students, Delicate Females, and all persons of sedentary &hits, they are valuable as a Laxa tive, improving the, appetite, giving tone and vigor to the digestive organs, and restoring the natural elasticity and strength of the whole system , The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of long invests gation and carefully conducted experimeats, having-been in use in many years, during. which time they have pre vented and relieved a min ailment of pain an'dentftring from Headache, whetheW originating 711 the maims Bye tern or from a deranged state of the stomach. They are entirely vegetable in their composition, and may be taken at all times with perfect safety without making any change of diet, and the absence cf any disa greeable taste renders it wry to administer thento children. - BEWARE OF COITSTRIIFEITS The genuine have five signatures-of Henry C. Spalding en each box. Sold by Druggists end all other Dealers in Medicines A Box will be Bout by resit prepald.on reosipt of the PRICE 25 CENTS. All orders should be addressed to - DENBY C.3PALDING, noclb-dawly - 48 Cedar Street, New York- THE FOLLOG nIx . )wVI;N'TF S' - .P A L'D I: N.G.' S CEPHALIC PILLS WILL. CONVINCE ex WHO, OMER .FROM HEADACHE, THAT A SPEEDY AND SURE CURE IS WITHIN THEIR REACH AU these gestimordats were wnwheitcd ly Mr. SPALD :MG, they afford unquestionable prof of the effi cacy of this truly Edna& disraoery., Ifesonvnix, Conn., Feb. 5, 1861 I have tried your'Oenballa Pills, and I like them towel! that I want yon to send me two dollars:worth more. : Part of these are for the neighbors, to whom I gave a few out of We first box I got from you.'" Send the Pills by mall, and oblige tour ob't. Servant, -JAMES KENNEDY. HAtsitsonn Pa., Feb. 6,1861. Ma. SrAtnneo, • —Sir I wish you to seed me one more cat or yeur Cephalic haveores eired a great deal tfbeneftt from hem. • Yours reipertfrdll, • ANN STOAKELOUSE. SPRUCE. Cerra, Iluntingden Co., Pa., • January 18,1801 j St.A.Lomo Sir : ; You will please send me two boxes of your Cephalic Tills. Send them Immediately. Rewp-ctfully yours, J 50.13. iPdfiNS. P. S.—l hare wed e tie box of your Pills, and And theme excellent. Buts Wrens, Ohio, Jan. 150.861. HENRI? C. SPAM/NO, Bab, . • Please find enclosed twenty-five cents; for wbiob send me another boa of your Cephalic Pills. They are truly the best Pals I have ever tried, Direct . A. STOV ER, P. M., Belle Vernoi2 Wyandot 00. 0. . lßswisq,-Mouf” Dee" lip WM. B. C. grAtinact, Ese„. wish for some circulars or largeesh - ow hUle, to bring: your Cepttallo Nis more particularly before my Gusto. mere. ' yOtt have anything'or the kind please send to Coe of my customeru;.who is subject to severe Btck Headache, (usually lasting-'two MLA) was citratof ari attack in one hour by pour Par, whichl soot her. Respectfully years, • tllsysotesinif*, Frimelin Co.; 0., t 4aucaryB 1861. I HENRY C. Sreumvo, Ne. 48 CedarBt„ll. Y. . Dear Sir Fleclotcd flnd ttVenty.five cents, t which send box of .Tephalic .Send to aadraSS a Rev. Wm. C. Filler, Reyiaoldsburg, Franklin comity, Ohio, Year .Palswera Wee a charm= eure Headache enlist Trtiiy gottra, • • WM.V.ITLLICR. Yreruum, 'Mich., Jan; - 14,1881. hin.Sralr4No; Sir : 1, 4 :Not long aitiee I sent to you for a box of CenballeTille 'for the cure of the Nervous Headache and Coatiyeneee, and reeeiveii the 221X10, - and they had's° geed an'eletlitti /teas induced to send - for.storai. • . • ..; Please send by return ntalL. Direct to. • • 'A. R. WHEELER,. ' I : . . . YPlAb34tikM.l43l4. [From;De ssamtner, Norrou Ys.]' CephalioPiUs accomplish the object ibr which they were Made; cure of headache in all its foibris. . , • (From the Examiner . , Norfolk, Va.) They have been tested in more than a thousand mem, With entire success. • [From the Demomat; St. Cloud, Minna IC yon are, or have been tentibled with th e headache, send for a' box, ,(Cephalic Pills,) so that you Mat have them in case of an attack. [From the Advertbmr, Providence, R. 1.1 • Eno Ce?hallo Pills are said to be a remarkably:effect. ive remedy for- the headache, and one of the very best fbr that very frequent complaint which boa .eve been discovered. [From the, ;Vattern R. R. Gazett M r C hica g o,lll4l jheailloMprtilistlyendorse Spalding, a nd hie unrivalled [From the Kasawhli. Valley Star, Feattwha, Va.], We are,sure that persons suffering with the headache, who try them, will stick to tlaeo. aarA single ' , bottle of HPALANGOSTREPAItiIifigiatI3E will Iwo ten Homo Its post atto4ll?-, 5 -5#4.:- • • SPALDING'S PRNPA.RED 'GLUE I-- • SPALDING'sP,AP.4.PAAED GLUE! SPALDING'S•TERPARID GLUE 1 • Skt*H Vag PIECES I - =— ECONOMY - DISPATCH I . Aro,. sp,mca sx Wel &MB tc2411.".491 • • As ilecidenltigail arrN oven in WaregtaatalnOtTilft 1t Is. very desirable to aye some cheap and. convent:alai *ay ttrinpicliiiiiliiiingure, ToS , a, Orockety, &o' ' : aphorgeetiquolutym GLUM' meets ell inteh.esneigeneles, end no hininebold eanAtford to be without it. It Js always readrand np to the ettok• lisg point. .932.271:11, WINTRY HOUSEV , - - ;41. 11.,-4. Brush ItOCOMPILIIieB mob bottle. Price 25 as. " Adtlreen - 11 11NR`i•OeSPALlielei • • .. Cedar etreAti.4.°37,Y.ork• As certain clap . . off on the inane cipled personsaretttelnPtblii toqalln PeCting ofmy PARED GLUBA-wcialdi•Cantiona perions eirAuilzte b ef o re -P U Sic b aal 2 gt_._an't lee that fallmaTria, , .03POALitThIEMS PREPARED' saLuz,:ef - *Am* 10,90 0 0- Wiliptier Coot. errettii., • - ilLtbitat. DR. JOHNSON 13..A.MATITVICINIM LOCK HOSPITAL HAS discovered the most certain, speedy and effectual remedy in the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. REIM L Ea[ TO IWKINS BOLTS, No Mercury or Noxious Drugs ear A CORI WARRANTBD, OR NO CHARGE, IN IRON ONE TO Two DAys.-64 Weakness of the Beck or Limbs, Strictures, Pains in the Loins, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organic Weakness, Nervous Debility, Decay of the Physical Pow ers, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Confttsion 'of Ideas, Pelt station of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddinms, Disease of the Stomach, Affections of the Head, Throat, Note or Skin—those terrible disor ders arising from the indiscretion or Solitary Habits of Youth—thoie dreadful and destructive practises which produce constitutional debility, render marriage impos sible, and destroy both body and mind. YOUNG .iLEN. Young men especially who have ,become the victims of solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructivi habit winch annually sweeps 'to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exalted talent and brilliant intel lect, who miget otherwise beim entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to en. easy the living lyre, may call wi h full confidence. MARRIAGE. Married persona or those contemplating marriage, be ing awarp of phy sical weakness, sbouldlmmediately con enit Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. ORGANIC WEASNEM cured and full vigor restored. He who places himself mider the care of br. J., may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and COIL ildently rely upon his skill as a Thysicign. 201-01fice leo. 7 S.outb F. oderick street, Baltimore. Md., On the lidt handlide going from Baltimore street, doors from the corner. Be particular in observing the name number,. or you will mistake the place. Be par ticular for Ignorant, rreing Quacks, with false names, Cr Paltry Humbug Ccaisficates, attracted by the reputa tion of Dr. Johnson, lurk near. All letters must contain a Postage Stamp, to use on the 'reply. • DR. JOHNSTON Dr. Johnson member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, graduate from one of the meat eminent CoLogEs of the United States, and the greatest part of n hose lire has been spent in the Hospitals of London, Parts, Phila delphia and elsewhere, has effected some. cd, the most es. tonishing cures that were ever known. Many troubled With ringing in the ears and head when asleep, great ner• vousness, being alarmed at sudden adandS, *whininess, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes With -derange ment of mind were cured imlnediately, iTAICE. PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. 1. addresses all these who having iujored.them• selves by private and improper indulgencles, that secret and eatery habit which ruins both body and mind, un fitting them for either businessor society. These are some Of the sad and melancholy effects pre &teed by early habits of youth, viz : Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in .the Head, Dimness of Sisbt, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dys pepsia, Nervous Irritability; Derangement of the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Consomp. don, &o. MENTALLY. titterraitY, the (earful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded .:—Loss or Memory, Confusion of Ideas. De pression of apirffs, Evil Forebodings, Aversion toiiocie ty, Self-distrust, Love of Solitude, 'timidity, are., are some of the evil effects. Thousands or Personae' all nee, can nowjudge what Is the cause of decline in health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, bayr a singular appearance about the eyes, cough; and Byrne ms of consumption. . YOUNG MEN win) have Injured themselves by a oeitala practice, la deleed in when alone—. 4 habit frequently learned from es ii zompanions, or at school, the uffects ol which ore Mghtiy felt, even When asleep, and If not cured, renders marriage imposstble, and destroys both mind and body, ahould apply Immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hopes of his cowl. try. the darling of his parents,. shouldbe snatched hem all prospecM and enjoyments of life by the consequences of deviating from tbe path of nature, and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persona must, before costar: plating PIARINAGE, effect that a sound mind and ara,the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed without these, the journey through life becomes a weary ! pilgrimage; the, prospect hourly darkens to the view ; the mind beedates sibidowed with despair, and tined with the melancholy redection that the happiness of another be 'conies blighted with our 00717 DB. JOHNSON'S INVIGORATING REMEDY FOR UR 13A1110 WEaIIiNUIL By thle great and important remedy, Weakness of the, Organs are speedily cured, and full vigor restored. Thousands of the moat been and debilitated who had lost all hope, have been Immediately relieved. an -impediments to Darriageßhysleal or Mental Disqualitl. cation, Nervous- TremblingoiVeakeess or Eshinstion o: the most'fearful kind, speedily oared. TO 81RANGE103 ..... . The many thousands cored. at this Instiution within toe last twelve years, end the numerous important Surgicai operations performed by Dr. J., witnessed by the re porters of the papere, and many other persenq, actices el which have appeared again and again before toe pad:a, .berides - /th stasidang as a gentleman 'or aczradv,r and re wcainhiliegr, is a suledient to the afflicted. hissang ogoltpgl4 NCE.,--When the misguided and areprudent vohaiy - allideascire finds he has imbibed tbeseeds Otthis painful' it too often happens that an ill-thned sense of shame or ad of discovery deters him 4orr applying to those wlioarion education and re apeetabilityieen alone befriend hina, delaying till the con stitutional eympteras of this &wild disease make their appeorance, , effecting the head, throat, nose, akin, sr., progressing on , with frightful rapidity, till death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings by sending him to "Mu bourne from whence no. traveler returns. , ? It is a mel ancholy fact that thousands fall victims to this terrib! ,- . disease„ Owing to the unskillhhiess of ignorant pretend- WhO, by the use of that deadiy poison, mercury, rum the constitution and make the residue of life miserable. - To Ernsarnens.--The Dodoes Diplomas' hang in his office. 4i Letters must contain:a Stamp tone on the reply , S - a - Remedies sent by 1011. marble. 7 Smith Frederic. seem, Baltimore. aprl.B.dsoly LQHI;.L.P . :'U.wi MRa wimiLow, - An anperterioed Nor and lamalaPhyalciaa, pre:W.3 to the attention of imbibers her SOOTHING syßur, For Children Teething. which greatly &militates the Masers of teething, by soft ening the gtunn;riteltiChig all inliammation—wirieflcir UL PAIN,' raid eparitnittitte ougi*atte to 13M -TO REGULATE THE WWII& De* nd - Lmintrit, - ft *lnglis rest to yourseives AND, :ItfiLiti, AND TH TO YOUR INFANTS We' have put up and sold this article for OVAT ten -P4 11411 11 11 0 tian &Won. warms= anD num, what vo bore never bean able to say of any other medicine— NNVNIt ft WALLED, IN A SINGLE INSTANCE 10 WiIISOT A CURE, when timely used. Never did ao knew SD 11111tIal06 Or dissatiafaction by any one who used Ain'thei contrary, all are delighted with its opera tiens, and speak in terms of highest commendation or itir magical ellieti and medical virtue. We spot ' n "witasyien no prow, alter ten Von' °P e. nonce, 1.1.2D8l OUR MUTATION Pas ass rcruff- 5151 bit waat w7.Haal DICILISZ In almost every ir,stato where the infant issuffering from pain and exhaustion, re lief will be found in lifteirn or twenty minutes slier In , syrup hiadmlnistered. This makable. preparation is, the prescript= of ooh of the meat CRD and SKIILFUL NUREES New liagiancl, and ]tau been need with awn rsitcol itian= to , 'THOUSANDS OF WEB. 09,4watEd Overcome.oteMomil7W'REN faliet only relieves the child from pain, but iuvig• Weiser the Monis& and bowels, correcte acidity, and gives tone 'Menem' to the whole system . It. wet al. MOO instantly relieve GRIMM IN -Mt BOWELS, AND WIND CO L l{l died, eauL In death.. We believe it the Baer and scrawl nines/ la eke Wein" In all' cases of DY2 ENTER): AN iJ which if not speedily Tome. teething or from any, other cause. We would say to every . mother who has a child Buttering from any Le Lr' Th - "fidnit Cehilditintece war. ran Yous ral:ocicts, vu= , whether it arisce ,roc tor rnanrounts Or Olareluic stand between you and poi is tafratog child and the relief that will be SlUßE—yeß , A l ' D‘WArntr-.T SUDIE—to fellow the use of this in cd ot,o, li tAniely, need... Full directions for psing will accocilm , •`: etio le bottle. ' Rolfe genuine unless the fac-simile r, Cini.Vl4 at PRESINS,New York, IS on the outside wr 9 plirt .:.130P1 by Druggists throughout the werld. ,SainStipal CllSett, , No.-111 Oedar St., New Telt. . !i.l .a riGib,„ ... pgkly 25 Cents nor Bottle. 4a1r7"":116 la garilisburli by D. W. Gross & Co., !. 11 Market"hirt .1 - .Martln Luta, .140. - `4 Market styes, t, 110.. K. -, Market street, below Feerriq and ii, VI Milk= ligiakehlitallet." :ttIigaIRAVIIIV, : 1