lailg Eelegrapt. HARRISBURG, PA. Thursday Afternoon, March 28, IS6I. Auditor of the National Treasury. We have incidentally heard that Col. W. W. BROWN of the Centre Democrat is likely to be appointed as third Auditor of the Treasury under Secretary CHASE. The election of Col. BROWN to this im portant office is one of the best that could possibly be made. We have known the Col. porsonally and politically for a num ber of years, and always found him bat tling for the right. The Col. is located in a strong hold of Lecofocoism and no man has done more to revolutionize the "Bigler district" on the stump or through the columns of his excellent paper thaw he has done. The Senatorial, Congres sional' and Representative districts are all at the present that represented by Repub licans on the floor of their. respeetive Houses, whilst he himself fills the respell sible,post of County Treasurer. If the administration rewards such• men, who have spent their energies, time and mo ney for the advancement of the Republi can party, they will never have cause to regret it and at the same time pay just tribute for services already performed. A Rogue at Large. The ease of John B. Floyd presents another sad fact that rogues in broad cloth generally . escape the punishment justly due them. Through his counsel he has virtually admitted his guilt in regard to the fraudulent character of the "accep tances," by pleading the statute which exempts witnesses before Congressional ComMittees from trial before the courts of law. It seems there, were two indict ments against him. The first, in regard to the bonds stolen from the Indian Trust , Fund by Bailey, which he was charged With aiding and abetting, was dismissed, on the ground that no sufficient testimony had been . addueed to implicate him, and, accordingly, the District-Attorney enter ed a ‘nolle prosegui. The other indict ment, charging corruption and malfea sance in office against Floyd, in the mat ter of the "acceptances," was submitted _ to the Court on a state of facts agreed to between the proseeutiow and the coun sel for the accused; and among the "facts" agreed to was the important one that the culprit had been examined be fore - a Committee of Congress relative to the same matter, and Carlisle, his shrewd and able counsel, entered this "fact" as a plea to the further prosecution of the indictment. The counsel affected to put this on his own motion, with Out con sultation with the accused, but Floyd has rested his case on this plea, and the Court on Wednesday let hint off under it, thus making it palpable to the world that he is guilty and dare not come to trial. This escape through the imperfection of the jaw, or the unfaithfullness of those whose duty it is to put the same in force, will only serve to deepen and rivet the verdict of public condemnation of the criminal. He will henceforth stand con fessed to the world a degraded, guilty man, a public peculator, who escaped condign punishment by availing himself of a technical plea, which has ever been regarded as the infallible sign of moral guilt. POSITION OF Goy. HlcKs.---Gov. Hicks, of Maryland, has written a letter to Mr. Wm. Price, denying that he has been or intends to be an applicant for of fice under the new Administration ; that he has indorsed no candidate, nor will he do so unless his advice is asked by - the appointing power; that he has never pre pared, or begun to prepare, a proelama tion to the people regarding the crisis, consequently none could have been des troyed, as was reported, and that had he ever doubted the correctness of the stand taken by , bim regarding the call of a Con vention he should consider his course as fully endorsed by the refusal of Delaware, Kentucky, Tennessee and North Caroli na to call conventions. OUT OF THE UNION.—SOMO of the journals in Texas are sorely lamenting - the position of that State, in being rush ed out of the Union by a few persons, without time being allowed for any de liberation. The Alamo Express, publish ed at San Antonia, says : "By a meagre vote of the people we are out of the Union—the strong arm of the federal government is being withdrawn, and the fron tier lays bleeding at the hands of the merciless savage ; the mail facilities will be stopped, and the gaunt and hungry figure of direct tax - ation will 'stalk in at our doors. This is the prospect now ; b tif things do was to the worst, we know there ill be change, as inevitably as the darkness of very night has an end. The people have so ght a remedy for existing evils in secession ; ay they not seek a remedy of coming evils n a return "to old landmarks? Latest Reports about Sumter. A 'Washington telegram says that all statements alleging that the President has issued or sent peremptory orders to Charles ton by Surgeon Fox, Mr. Lamon, or any body else, for the evacuation of Fort Sumter, are fabricated, and wholly un worthy attention. Ever since Major An• derson made his report in detail to Mr. Holt of the state of supplies in the Fort, before this Administration came into pow er, and Gen. Scott advised the withdrawal of his command, it has been clearly evi dent that it was a military neosskty, which could not be avoided. The President has, however, as already stated, determined to satisfy himself by other means of informa tion beside the official reports of all the facts, and no decision can be made until it is received. He has nothing to do with Issuing orders for the withdrawal. Gener al Scott did not choose to take the exclu sive responsibility, and hence 'referred it to the 'Cabinet more than two weeks ago, when he was convinced that no other al ternative was presented. From first to last it has only been a question whether the President would sanction the decision of the highest military authorities in the Government, and not one in any degree involving his own individual or official ac tion. This approval or rejection necessa rily involves a certain degree of responsi bility, under present circumstances, which the President has endeavored to meet by relieving his own mind of any misgiving as to the necessity of evacuating Fort ; Sumter. .In sending personal agents there to make inquiries, and see for themselves, he has not intended to reflect upon Major Anderson or the officers around him, but to assure himself with testimony which will go far to convince the' country that he is compelled to allow the withdrawal. Col. Lames, the. President's: special messenger to Fort Sumter; arrived at Washington yesterday from Charleston, and has ere this made his report as to the exact condition of things in the fort. From what has been learned, the evacua tion will take place on Saturday next. Sam. Houston Ready for Battle. A special Washington telegram to the New York Post says that stirring news may soon be expected from Texas. Sam Houston, although formally deposed from the Governorship of the State by the Rebel Convention, does not intend to give up his place without a struggle.— Despatches from him just recieved, draw a gloomy picture of the condition of affairs, and declare that civil war is inevi table. He has the Convention and a host of the rebels arrayed against him, but he is not the “Old Sam" of former days if he cannot find backers enough to show fight. The latest information indicates that he has studied his position, and taken a firm stand against the seceders. He expresses no fear of the ultimate result of the conflict, which he seems to regard as very near. Official information of the machinations of the secessionists in 'New Mexico has been recieved. A few of the rebel lead ers are known to be busily at work in that territory trying to revolutionize it. The territorial Governor is strongly suspected of active complicity in the plot. "THE SNEAKING TRAITORS OF THE NORTH "—The New York _Atlas, one of the ablest old line Democratic papers of the North, has a strong article with the foregoing heading, and though stronger in language than we can approve, yet doubtless, in its facts, substantially true. It calls things by their right names, and may be the only way to meet a "class of persons, who, under a thin veneering of pretended love for the Union, are . pro foundly steeped in treason. They talk of patriotism, and at the same time are chuck ling at the humiliating position in which the administration is .placed by being ob liged to give up Fort Sumter, and to toler ate other ants of the secessionists which weaken our government at home and ren der it contemptible abroad. These North ern secessionists, in their disguise, are the very men that the Southern secessionists rely upon for encouragement and assistance in their resistance to the general govern ment. They are cunningly poisoning the public mind, and are continually inforin ing the people of the South that the North will be divided in the case of a collision between the secessionists and the general government." Fou nearly thirty years it has been a question in this country as to what consti tutes an Abolitionist. It will be a satin• faction to many to have the question set tled, and we accordingly take pleasure in copying the following authentic definition of the term from The Southern Literary _Messenger, a respectable Richmond Maga zine : An Abolitionist is any man who does not love slavery for its own sake, as a-divine insti tution ; whogioes not worship it as the corner• Pumplnania IDaltv Zelegraph, Z"lpirobav 'Afternoon, Maul) 28, 1561. stone of civil liberty : who does not adore it as the only possible social condition on which a permanent republican govet nment can be erect ed ; and who does not, in his inmost soul, de sire to see it extended and perpetuated over the whole earth, as a means of human reformation, second in, dignity, importance and sacredness alone to the Christian religion. He who does not love African slavery with this love is an Abolitionist. THE Confederate States having abolish ed Yankee Doodle as a national air, it is suggested that they abopt the "Rogue's March" as a substitute. The chaplain of the Southern Congress, . it is under. stood, opens the sessions with prayer and reading the hymn which commences,i . love to steal , " &c. • ,• BY MEM DAILY TELEGRAPH. Arrival of the Steamer City of Baltimore The steamship City of Baltimore arrived at half past seven o'clock this morning, with Liv erpool papers to the 13th inst., and telegraphed advices via the -14th. The steamers Jura, Kangaroo; Nova .Spotlart And Fulton had arrived mit; The Parliamentary proceedings had been tirthnportant. The main features of the navy estimates had been voted. The new steamer Hibernia, Of. the Galway Line, had made a successful trial trip, and was adver tised to sail for New Yorkon her first trip, on the 26th inst. The French cofpi.legislatif was engaged in debating the address to the Empe ror. The main topic wasthS. Italian , policy, which several members strongly denounced, asserting that the English' policy had proved victorious in Italy. One ,mernber warned the Government against its suicidal policy, and predicted' that . internal; dangeis were ahead. The Minister protested against his speech and defended the Emperor's course. : . Ant:other Con ference was held on the Sicilian .111OstiOn on the llth inst.,and an agreementi.was , soon effected. The French papers publish diSpatches announcing that the Musselnien . had: assumed a threatening attitude towards the Christians in Syria. The Paris Bourse was flat at 68®,68f. sc. The Turkish Goverminent drafts on wires for 400,000 pounds were day, paid on the 12th inst. It was rumored that Francis the. Second had ordered Gen. Fergota to surrender Messina, and "another report says that the garrison will be compelled - to surrender. Count Cavour bad presented the project of a law proclaiming the Kingdom of Italy to the lower branch of the Italian Parliament. It is denied that Sardinia is negotiating at Rome. Affairs continued quiet at Warsaw, but it is asserted, that the ea citement, though. unruffled, was Increasing. Russian troops continued to entire.'Differences have occurred between Sir H. Bulwer and the American Minister in Turkey; "Bulwer having declined to attend the reception on Washing ton's birth-day. Latest by Telegraph to Queenstown% Timm, March 13.—The Citadel of Messina surrendered to the Sardinian troops to day. BERNE, March 13. —The Sardinian government lodged ,a complaint with the Federal Council against Bishop Morrely on account of his pas toral letter hiving contained ketnarkidis'ap prove] of Victor Enimanuet The Government of the Canton of Fribourg before whom the com plaint was presented, as the only competent tri bunal, has rejected it. , LIVERPOOL, March 14.—Advices from Shang hai have been received to-the 24th of January. Pekin was quiet. The troops at Teinsin were healthy, and the treaty was working-satisfac torily. Affairs at Japan are peaceful.. The Canton dates are to the Ist of February. Lord Elgin had left. The American shipHespefushas been burned. Trade was depressed. The Java cable has been lost. The French troops have been - Victorious at Sagon. The French transport Weser has been wrecked. New Zealand advices to the 14th of January t state that the war continues with ` the same advan- Mge to the troops.. • MELBOURNE, . Jan. 20th.—The ships Result, Alliance, Lightning and Southanipton have sailed with 110,000 ounces of gold. •. , 'CAIATTA, Feb. B.—The famine continues in the northwestern provinces.• • • WARSAW, March 13.—A separate Council of State has ben granted by the Emperor to the kingdom of Poland. Zomoisky has been ap pointed President. • . • :Pears, March 18.—The Petri denies that Prince Napoleon is abbut to visit Italy. The de bate on the address to the Emperor was contin ued to-day in the Corpse Legislatif. Mr. Kel ler criticised the policy of the gev'erntnent and demanded that should state what pOlicy it would pursue in the future. " - • LivErtroin:, March 13.—The mails' from the west coast of Africa have`arriVed. A cannibal festival had occurred at Bonny 'and the heads of their victims were Out off•and' exhibited in. front of the public places of worship. The ship Roderich Dhu has been wrecked,off Cape Palmas, the officers and crew : were saved, the wreck was plundered-by the natives.. , A war has broken' out between. the British and the Mindingoes on the Bathurst river;,the town of Saba was attacked and the Mindingoes defeated with great loss. The &Wall loss was slight. LONDOIi, March 14.—The court of ;the bench of England made no alteration ila 'the rate 'of discount. It is announced that - the Grand Trunk railway of Canada will be unable to meet the interest due on the' 10th, on the stock of the• Atlantic and St. Lawrence comPany, leased by-them:- • A rencontre occurred a' few days sinca be- tween a French regiment and 700 of the Papal Zonaves. The French Colonel was killed. and 43 men were Wounded. Romano has tendered his resignation as Minister of the Interior at Naples. The Italian army will:be divided into six corps d'armes. The foUrth corps under: Ci aldini goes to Bologna. Consols are glinted at 921g921 for account. Illinois Central 26i® 26i dis - count. Erie railroad stock 27®28. New York:Central 71@.,75.! Warlike Horemets of the C. S. A.. Five hundred Mississippi troops passed thro here for Pensacola to-day. They had.a..mill tary reception and were enthusiastically re ceived. - . Tsio companies of Zouaves left for'PensaCola today, for active service. Mobile advices say that troops and munitions , are constantly mov ing t o P ensaco l a . several companies 'were ex pected from North Alabama. t • The Iteamahip"Citi of-Biltitaore arrived 'figs morning from Liverpool. ' She briitightliB2B SPECIAL DISPATCHES LATER FOREIGN NEWL.,_ Ntw Yowl, Match 28 SING PORE, Feb. 7. Term. March •27 Nnw Onram, March 27 Arrival of two Steamers. NEw Yoas, March 28 pounds sterling. The steam Ship Vigo also ar rived and brought 248,640 pounds sterling.— The papers by the steamship City of B.iltimore report the wreck of the ship Danube, Irom New Orleans, off Port Madre, England. The crew were saved. ittarritb. March 24tb, by &ev. G. J. Martz, Mr. JOAN C. Hama to Mho MART Azurl'artnE, all of Olark's Valley, Dauphin county, Pa. • ' On ibel'Oth Wit, by Rev. Obarles A Hay, Mr. DAVID L. FORMA and Miss MARY 0. Kama; boat or Harrisburg. New 2thrertigemeuts. NOTICE. $130.00 CHECK LOST. CHECK drawn by the subscriber on "Mechanics' Saving Bank," dated .Allegbeny, January '2, 1861," to Ato. A. Weir, Esq., for $130.00, and enclosed in aletter midiedio , Dr. JOHN OURWEN, Penn sylvania Hospital, Harrisburg, 1 1 / 1 13 Wen looter stolen. 'All persons are cautioned againetrecelithig the same. .Payment hs beenCtopped. it. H. DAVIS, Director or Poor, Allegheny county, mar2.9-3td* Pittsburg. 1861: 1861. INTERESTING TO. ALL , cA.T.u.,c4.RT & . BROTHER , sk 14 MAREET SqUARE, • RAVE NOW OPEN MIR USUAL L MG& ASSORTMENT OF SPRING DRY GOODS S AIL RUMS, ALL PRICES, SPIRY STYLE, STEW QUALITY, ANY MIKE, PRICES LOW ACCORDINGLY. DRESS GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY! HEAVY STOCK OP DOMESIIO GOODS, PRICES LOWER _ THAN EVER. Every Inducement off red red to purchas c ep r i E t AßT, mar2B Next dooi to the Hairieourg Bank. FOR SALE. A FRESI MILK COW ; by mat27.lwir JOHN H. BRA\T SPRING MATRESSES, BEDS, • No. 109, Market Street, _Harrisburg Pa. TITHE UNDERSIGNED is permanently 1. located at the above place where he keeps constant ly cn band, and to prepared to manufacture, all kinds of - HUSK lIATIRESSU. COTTON TOP MATTRICBSEB, • Corms CONFORTNRS RIVION CARPFT S F HASPILON; • Cnfl Manion, Lottsora, &c., HAOL kfAITRESSZS, EMUS% BOTTOMS. Ad of which will be sold either wholesale or retail at the very lowest rates for cash. kOFAS, LOUNGES, CHAIRS and ETATSGES will also be repaired at the shortest notice and on the most reason able terms. [rusr27-2md] .L T. BaRNITZ. REMOVAL. THE - SUBSCRIBER has "removed his PLUMBING AND BRASS - FOL'ADRY fions . Marfrot street to Fourth etreet above Market, oppoaits the Bethel church: Thankful for past patrouage, he hopes, by strict attention to bueiness, to merit a continuance of It. mar2B-3mti WSI..PARBI-111,L, TO - BUILDERS. rrHE UNDEESIGNED is prepared, to dig, take -up, excavate, construct and west sewers, drains and ditchiss of every description, within, the city limits tipm the shortest notice,and on reasonable terms. . FREDERICK TRACE, Second Street near Chestnut, ta2s-st , • Harrisburv, Pa. BLANK BOOKS.. THE FIRST OF APRIL is fast approach -1 log, and many business men and citizens generally will be making changes in their business, whi !It will is quire them to procure new 'Blank Books. In view at these changes the subscriber woald rope. tinily inform !hem and the public at large, that a very large stockun hand—the largest and best selected lain the city—he WILL NIKE TO ORDER ANY AND EVERYTHING IN THE RUNK BOOK IME, AT TDB LOWEST PRIOF4 4 . Can and examine stock and prices before procuring your Blank Books elsewhere. OEO. PERGNHR, M. Market street, Harrisburg, Pa I= H. L. G 0 D B . OL D 2 PRACTICAI, Tuner and Repairer of Pianos, Melodeons, &c., &0., will receive orders in future at NM. KNOCHE'S Music lore, 9'2 Market street All orders left at the above named place, or at the Buehler House, will meet with prompt attention. First class PIANOS for sale. sepia •dly NEW BOOKS AT BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, 51 iIfARKE7 'STREET. ELSIE VERNER : A romance of - destiny. By Oliver Wendell Holmes. - GUADALOUPE : A tale of Love and War. By a Military gentleman of Philadelphia. THE AMERICAN QUESTION in its national aspect. COUSIN WILLIAM : A tale of fashionable life. PIONEER PREACHERS AND PEOPLE OF THE MISSISSIPPI, by the Rev. Wilburn. JACK HOPETON ; or the adventures of a Georgian. SONGS OF IRELAND, by. Samuel Lover. THE WITS AND BEADX.B OF SOCIETY, by Grace and Philip Wharton. - All the new books of the day for sale as soon as pub lished. Books not on hand; will be procured in a short time at publishers prices, without additional prices; at BERGNERM BOOKSTORE, mar 9 61 Market atreet. NEW ARRANGEMENT, CHANGE OF LOCATION. W-LLLOWER'S LINE. The old stock of ears being dispose,d of, the ucdersigned has broke out, in a neW place and ee tanllshed a dallrfieight ltinkween Philadelphia, New York, Harrisburg and all points on the NOrthern Central, Sunbury &Erie and LackaWana & Bloomsburgrailreads. Thankful for the-fiber al patronage heretofore extended he hopes, by promptness in delivery, to retain all his old customers and patrons- VI goods intended far the line must be delivered at the depot of the Philadelphia and Beading railroad, Broad and Oallowhill streets, Philadel: phia. All goods delivered at the depot up to five o'cloek, P. N. will reach Harrisburg next morning. J. WALLOWIHt, Jr., General Agt. marll Reading Depot, Harrisburg. A NEW LOT or LADTPS' SHOPPING & TRAVELING BAGS' Comprising a number of now styles GENTS' and LA DIES' Money Purees and Wallete. fine assortment net race' Ted and for sale at BERGNER'S CHEAP.BOOSSIORE, 61 Market DR. T. J. MILES, SURGEON DENTIST OFFERS hiw services to the citizens of Harrisburg and Its vicinity. He. solicits a share of the-public patronage, and gives assurance that his best endeavors shall be grven tovender satisfaction in his pro. fessiols. Ben an old, well tried dentist, be feels safe in 'lnning the public generally - to call on him, assuring hint that they will not be dissatisfied with his services,, Ofece No. 128 hlarket street, in the house formerly oc- copied by Jacob H. Eby, near the Waited States Hotel, 'HarrisbUrg, Pa. znyB-dly M. M. HATTON'S LIVER Y STABLE. Strawberry - Alley between Fifth and Sixth Streets. THIS ESTABLISHMENT is stocked with excellent HORSES; Calt&laatS,T BUGGIES, &0., whiabradlrbe tired on reasonable terms' - • marl-3m J. Q. ADAMS, agt. ALBUMS 1 ALBUMS 1 The finest assortment of ALBUMS ever offered iII this oity, ranging in price from 50 cents to $l.O 00 each, bound in an styies,ofßindmg, at B.IIatGRERM CHEAP BOOKSTiNtEi . 12ney ' 51 Mark Street. New `2thertisemmts SAVING FUND • NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST CO. OFFICE, Walnut St., S. W. Corner of Third. Arrangements for Business during the Suspension of Specie Payments by the Banks. 1. Deposits received and payments made every day. 2. current Bank Notes and specie will be received on deposit. 3. Deposits made in Bank notes and Specie will be paid back in city Bank notes 4. Deposits made in Gold or Silver will be paid back in Coin. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. PER -7, ANNUM. HENRY L. BENNER, Pr silent. ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice Preeideut - WILLIAM. J. REED, Secretary. rnarll.-d and w AMBROTYPES .POR 25 CENTS. THE subscriber respectfully announces to. the citizens of ,Haarisburg and vicinity, that he has taken rams over KELfCER'S HARDWARE STORE, south-east cotorr of Market Square, where he is prepared to execute (Wray style of AMBROTTPES,_aI the lowest prices, from 25 cents and upwards. DAGUERREOTYPE, carefully copied, and' Pictures inserted in Lockets and Pins. Cases of all , descriptions constantly on band. Give me a call if you want a good and cheap picture. m7dlizt DECIRGE R. PARKER:Ambre& wet. LIQUORS AT COST I'AVING concluded to discontinne the business, we offer our large and complete assort ment of Irnim B stacons, and liquors of every de. soriptiOn at cost without reserve. WM. DOCK JR. th CO., o.vosite the Court Rouse. CENTRAL NURSERIES. York, Pennsylvania. EDWARD J. EVANS & CO.. Proprie i WEL Bruit and Ornamental Trees, grapes, small iruiw, Rhuisarbs, Asparagus, Shrubs, Roses, Bedding plants, Be., in great variety. Orders lett with G. IL Small at the Slate Capital Bank will receive prompt attention. Catalogues gratis on application. marl6-Imdaw G. B. SMALL. PROCLAMATION. WHEREA& the . Honoiable JOHN J. Putts" President of the Court or Common Pleas in the Twelfth Judicial District, consisting Of the Goliath - E. of Lebanon and nauplain, and the Hon. A. 0. HeIi6TER and Hon. Faux - Namur, Associate'Jsillges in Dauphin county, having issued tecir precept, betriog date the 16th day of February, 186 L, to me direCted t 10F holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace at Harrisburg, for the county of Dauphin, and to commence MUTES 4rn MON. DAT of APIUL MT. being the 22n DAY OF APRIL, 1861 : and to continue two weeks. Notice is therefore herehYgiven to the Coroner, Jus tices of the Peace, 'Aldermen, and Constables of the said county of Dauphin, that,they be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, with - their records, inquisitions, examinations, and their own remembrances, to uo those things which to their office appertains to be done, and those Who are bound in recognizmcas to p i °smite against the prisoners lb are or shall be in the Jail of Dauphin county, be then and there to prosecute against them as shall bait( t. Given under my band, at Harrisburg, the 15th day of March, in the year of our. Lord, 1861, and in the eighty third year of the independende of the United States. • J. D. BOAS, Sheriff. Sesaips's OFFIORI 'Harrisburg, March 15. 1861. f • marlBdawtd WASHINDE3 MAE QUICK ABD EASY HARRISON'S HOUSEHOLD SOAP. TT ie DETERSIVE. It removes all dirt, and washes with or WittiOnt rubbing. ,t is BRASIVH. It removes all stains by Oil, Paint, Printers' Ink, Wagon or Machine Grease. It is a BLUCHER. It bleaches brown clothes white, and White clothes whiter. - It is amount:T. It gives a rich permanent lather, and makes the bands soft, white and elastic. . It is a - pzßssce NUMB; in any water, hot or cold, hard or sat, salt or fresh, of finest laWns, and . all grades, to the coarsest clothes. It is LASTRTG. It does muzdi. washing with little cost. It is scononicat. It saves wear and tear , time , labor and Money. - It combines all the good, and none of the bad proper ties of every other, Soap, therefore It is &PERFECT Boaz. lt.MaTerfectSoap for all uses of the Household. In the Laindry, for clothes of every description—for the 'Wash-stand—for 'cleaning paint, glass-ware, porcelain, crockery, table, kitchen and dairy utensils. Directions accompany each cake. Samples can be bad FREE OP caws; upon application at our store. The cakes weigh about one pound,and do not cost more than any of the ordinary soaps now in the market. DOCK JR. & 00., mird Agents for Harrisburg. A New Feature in the Spine Trale! IMPORTAPT TO HOUSEICIEEP.RRSI E. R. DIJRKEE & CO.'S SELECT SPICES, — ln Tin Foil, (Lined unglePaper.) and _Foil Weight. BLACK PEPPER, * GINGER, NUTREG, WHITE PEPPER, • ALLSPICE, MACE, CAYENNE PEPPER, CINNAMON, CLOVES, =SURD. IN THIS .AGE of adulterated and taste. 1.3.4,„p43,4, is with confidence that we introduce to the attention of housekeepers these superior and genuine articles. We guarantee them not only ABSOLUTELY AND PERFECTLY PURE, but ground from fresh Spices, selected and cleaned by no expressly for the purpose, without reference to cost.— They are beautifully packed in tin foil; (lined with pa per,) to prevent injury by keeping, and are FULL WEIGHT, while the ordinary ground Spices are almost invariably short. We warrant them, in point of strength and richness of flavor, BEYOND ALL COMPARISON, as a single trial will abundantly prove. Every package brows our Trade Mark. Manufactured, only by E. R. DURKEE & CO., New York. For saleby WM. DOCK JR &CO. tr 2.61 HERR'S HOTEL! NEWLY REFITTED ! THE UNDERSIGNED having teased this well known and popular hotel, In the ray of Harrisburg, la now refil li ng and furnittling 'tha same with NEW FURNITURE in the very best modern Style. It is located in the moat central part of the City, Within a short distance of the depots of four different railroad and also near-the , litate Ca pitol buildings. The house is large and the sleeping apartments are veil ventilated. The TABLE iswell provided with all seasonable arti cles • This city is well known throughout the State as having the best market outside of the Atlantic eitlirt, ant consequently no complaints shall be ma de on that score. The BAR has also undergone changes and will be k e ptstocked with the best and purest Liquors in the country No exertion will be spared to make the traveler and sojourner comfortable in every respect. A continuance o. the patronage of the old customers, together with new additions is respectfully solicited. J. H. BENI'ORD & - Co. Harrisburg, August 23-tf CITY LIVERY STABLES. BLACKBERRY ALLEy, (Er THE REAR ON BERWSHOTEL. LHE undersigned has re-commenced-the livery business in his NEW and SPACIOUS STA B , _located as above, with a hirgoand varied stock o HORSES, CARRIAGES and OMNIBUSES, which be wit hire at moderate rates. K. SWARTZ. septS-dly. BUEHLER HOUSE, MARKET SQUARE:, HARRISBURG, PENIsi'A. GEO. J. BOLTON, PROPRIETOR. CARD. . The ab eve well known and long established. Hotel 18 now:Undergoing a 'thorough renovation, and being In a great degree newly furnished, under the proprietorship of Mr. Gaon= J. Boman, who has been an inmateof the house for the last three years, and is well known to ta guests. Thankful for the liberal patronage which- it ban m— oped I cheerfully commend. Mr. Bolton to the public vor. UeB wtfl da WILLIAM BugHELER. ALDERMAN HENRY PEFFER, OFFICE-THIRD STREET,. (SHELL'S ROW, NEAR MAIOEET... . _ Reiidenee - Chestnut ^Str e et near Fourth. myl2-d cop FLAREjsgm, PHINN'A. -- New 2.bvertisernents WANTED.-AGEN I S TO SELL PA AGES of STATIONERY and JEWF.I,RV, prt one third less than can be purchased el-ewh.-r or address (stamp enclosed,) mar26-Smd No. Hi Court Street, ti) , tou, JI AN EXTRA FINE lot of FONGf-Vi POUCHONG TEA. This is the best breed f , t . L 1.1,, Tea imported. A small invoice just received and 1 - ,,, „., 1 ., by [m2s] -M. DOCK JP.. A. co. PUBLIC SALE. WILL BE SOLD at public sale. a the resilence of the subs. riber township, Dauphin county, Pa., Utisegrov)'s kin: mi above Harrisburg, on SATURDAY, APRFL SRI. the folio-clog property, to wit : A line One Horse Rockaway and Hararsz. Trut'itiz Sulky and Harness, Farm Cait, alld Harness, stn,;,. Truck, Stone Bled; Two Straw and Feed Craters, On and Cure Grinder, ONE MULE, TWO MILCH COBS, of Harness, Locust Poste, 'One Ground 11.Thr; d Crusher, three Ploughs, Cultivator, Harrellw, Wu - diet. Picks, Shovels and Hoes; Three Iron Shoi sir ! t s , Sleigh, (One.) one light Two Horse Tont ue, with Y . i e.d.:e. Wagon Break, Blocks and Tackel, Fred iurraee told I.a or Pails for Fencing, two large Wira Cagy, tot or o t u pt , Whisky B.rrels, Carpenter Tools, Two Wile, lb tare., Chairs, Ohl Iron, and a number of articl .3 not c otne , c trd. Also, Furniture, Clucks, one limo, Side Bridle, one Large Easy Chair. Sale to commence punctually at 10 o'clocl:. Attee l ance given and terms made known by mar2S-d tw ISAAC B. UPDEGROVE. ADJOURNED - PUBLIC SALE. IN PURSUANCE of an order of the Or phan's Connor Dauphin county, will he exposed to sale, on TUESDAY EVEN MG, March 28, 1861, at ERANT....; HIM, a certain LOT OF GhOUND, situate on South St. . between Front and Second streets, in the city or IlarrZ. burg r lt being 16 8 feet on South street and extendaig back 100 and 1 feet to a public aPey 12 feet wi :e, ren which are erected a two-story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, and a FRAME BACK. BUILDING, containing • '?a"II i I_ , six rooms,late the stAtte of CHARLES J. DORRIe, of, the city of Harrisburg : de&d. Sale to commence at 7 o'clock P M., wbea attemi trcc wiil be given, and conditions of sale made known by AMISS. R. DORRIS, m25-dtd Executrix of said decea, *. TREES! TREES ii TREES ! ! GREAT BARGAINS ! LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST ! ()THING PAYS SURER than, an ill - vestment in FRUIT TREES. Also, GRAPE VINFS a SMALL FRUITS of all kinds. Shade and Ornament al-11 TREES, PLANTS, an., tkc..ovillTbe sold at reduced prices, to suit the times: t. , - . Specimens of the above can be aeon in the Lower Mar ket Rouse during market hours, where orders wlll be taken, or at the Nurseries immediately below the e'ty. m2.5-Steow STEAM WEEKLY r.- BETWEEN NEW YORK - AND LIVERPOOL. LANDING AND EMBARKING PA:i- SENGEIIS at QUPENSTOWN, (Ireland.) The Liver. pool, .New York and Philadelphia Steaslship commly intend despatching their full powered Clyde-built 0., Steamship! as follows : VIGO, Saturday, 30:h March ; CITY OF BALTISIOIT. Saturday, 6th ApriI;KANGAROO, Saturday, 13th April, sad every Saturday, at Noon,from Pier 44, North I. irer. RATES OF P.ALWAGE. FIRST CABIN $75 0? I 8 i ENRAGE_ ..... 00 -do to L0nd0n.....580 00 do to L00d0n..543 00 Steerage Retain:l !Tickets, goo.i•for Six Months -00 00 t Passengers .forwarded to Paris, Havre, Humbug Bremen, Rotterdam, Antwerp, &c., at reduced through fares. - Vs-Persons wishing to bring out their friend; can buy tickets here at the following ra es, to New York : From Liverpool or Queenstown; Ist Cabin, $75, TB5 asd Slrs. erage from Liverpool $4O 00. From Queenstown, These Steamers have superior accommodations for passengers, and carry experienced Surgeons. Tbcy a re built in Water-tight Iron &Winn+, and have Patent Fire Annihilators on board. For further information apply atthe Company's Offices. JSO. G. DALE. a gent , m 25 -tf 15 Broadway, New I al:. Or C. O. Zimmerman, Agent Harrisburg. STONE FOR SALE. 11QUILDING STONE or Stone suitable for thrnpilringpurposet will tut delivir,'.d to any part or the city or itt vicinity. Apply to mar2B . WM. COLDER, J. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED` having been grifibted Letters Testamentary on the estate of Wll. COLDER, Sr., dec'd., late of the city of Harrisburg, he by notify all persous indebted to slid estate to maho payment Without delay, and those having claims to pre sent them properly antnentioated for settlement. WIC COLDER, JR , mar 22 et, JAMES LO dt. THE ROOM now in the occup'aucy of L.Alderman Kline, in Thirdstreet, opposite this of fice.,, Enquire df [ml9-taiil] R. J. FLEMING. • T-RENT.—The Two-Story Brick House _l_ and premises situate on the corner of Dewberry al ley-and Chestnut street; now occuPicd by John Bantus. Possession given first of April, 1861. For terms apply to Alderman Puffer, city of Harrisburg, Pa. xnl9tf JOHN svnum. PHILADELPHIA NEW fr BONNET ; ii - STORE •= WILL OPEN April 4th, with a fall assortment from the Philadelphia and New York most fist - den:o3w establishments; to which, during the season, additiow4 of the latest novelties from thuso establishments will he constantly received... MRS ..' MR& ,B. BICKERTON, Formerly A. B. Carpenter, sign of the two Golden Eagles, first bonnet store from the. Harrisburg Bridge. marl9.3md ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. J4ETTERS of Administration have this day issued upon the estate of DIVED MARCH,Iate of Dauphin county, dec'd., to the s abserlbor. All persons knowing themselves Indebted to said estate are requested to make payment immediately, and those Laving dams to present them for settlement. mar23-6tw MAGDALENA MA RC -I, _ • Ji,dminittratrtx. FOR SALE. FROM One to Five Hundred Dollars worth of CITY BONDS. Enquire C. 0. - ZIMMERMAN, marl 4 C. 28 South Second street. JOHN B. SMITH'S ..1300T &SHOE STORE, CORNER SECOND AIM WALNUT STS., Harrisburg, Pa. A LWAYS_on hand a large assortment of Lit. BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, of the very beg tualittes for ladies, gentlemeni.and übitdreue wear.— Prices to snit the times. All kinds of WORK NA OE 10 ORDER in the best style by superior workmen REPAIRING done st short notice. octlll4tf ' JOHN 11:1311I1ITI, Harrisburg. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES, inire NEW IMPROVEMENTS AT REDUCED PRICES. rrHE WHEELER & WILSON Maintfac- A; taring Company having gained au their suits at law, - With infringing manufacturers of Sewing iiiklethae 3 , propose that the public should be benefitted thereby, and have accordingly reduced the prices of their Sewing Machines. After this date they will be sold at rates that will pay a fair profit on the cost of manufacture, Capital Invaded, and expense of making sales ; such prices s will enable them to make first class machines, and, ss heretofore; guarantee them in every particular. In accordance with the announcement above I will sell their splendid Sewing Machines at prices from $ 45 to 5.90 for the fine full case machines. it is a well estih lishedfact that the Wheeler &Wilso Sewing Machine isthe best one in the market, the beet made, most suple and , least liable to get out of order, and they are tow as lowtte the Interior machines. Call and tee them a Third attd hL delft, = GIVE US A CALL FOR RENT. W. 0. RECKON, Agent