Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, March 28, 1861, Image 1
THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, OUNDAYB Excarnao By GEORGE BERGNER. TERM.-B[:ffaLl Susacairriox The DAILY TIMEGRAPB is served to subscribers in thr Corough at 6tj cents per week. Yearly subscriber* ill be charged $4.00. WMIKLY AND StMI-WZIMLY The 'MEG/WM is also published twice a week during ane session of the Legislature, and weekly during the re mainder of the , year, and furnished to subscribers at the ibliewing rates, viz: Single Subscribers per year Seven a :4 Ten as = .t subscribers order the discontinuance ol their news papers, tare publisher may continue to Bend them until ail arrearages are paid. If subscribers neglect or retuc:4 to take their newspa pers from the °thee to which they arc directed, they are responsible until they hay^ lettird the bills and ordered. them discontinued £Uebicat Sa.lq'FORD'S LIVER INVIGORATOR NEVER DEBILITATES r"g compoimded entirely from l'x'ume, and has become an established tont_ %Standard Medi clue, known and approved a by ell *ha have: used it and is now resorted tit! with. confidence in all lb( diseases for which it is re- IP commended. It has cured thousands [ d within the last two yearn who had given up all hopes ,o of relief, as the numerous unsolicited certificates in mi my possession show. The dose must be adapt. pet cd to the, temperament 01 the individual taking %and in used in such quantities 1/ to act gently on the bowels. X Let the dictates of your IV see or the I IVER INVIGO- .1" 4 Lrateitemartanrrs, 'hums p 10 mAxxxom, son= cox- t i , OT SOUR- STOMMEI, EMIT- rj CHOLERA Mosses, Cuotsse '—' JAUNDICE, FEMALE WEAK successfully as an ORBINA- Cd will cureSICK EP...WACHS m in wwwrrr Moors" n TWO PI, mass p at commencement of ALL Wu° noire ANS ore I-i favor A he month with the In ow both together ,-Mix Water in • •.Igorator, and sand DRKTR ONN DOLLAR iIAR ROTTLI -ALSO SANFORD'S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS COMPOUNDED FROM PURE VEGETABLE EXTRACTS, AND PO UP IN GLASS CASES, AIR TIGHT, AND WILL KEEP IN ANY.CLIMATE. Tht. FAMILY CAVIAR- TIO PILL is a gentle us active Cathartic which the W proprietor has used in pi practice morethan twenty 1 .1 years. The constantly Wrests- tugdemandßromthosewho have long used the PIUS 04 and the satisfaction which all express in regard to 14 their use, has induced me to place them within the reach of all. The Profession well know that different Cathartics act on different portions of the bowels. The FAMILY OATH AR- ta TIC PILL bas, with due re: ference to this well estab- H fished fact; been compoun ded from a variety of the 14 purest Vegetable Extracts, which act alike on every i7 e ,, part of the alimentary ca. nal, and are good and safe 1 1 4 in "all cases where a ca. thartic is needed, such vs Derangements of Stomach, Sleepiness Pains in "...31 .1 Back and Loins, antsveness Pain and Soreness aver t le , pl body,Restiessness, !leo/ache or weight in the head, all„.. Infiamnustory Ds seasa s, Worms in Children or Ad- n tuts, Rheumatism, a great Purifier of the Blood, and Ai many diseases to crhtcb flesh is heir, too numerous -9 1 to mention In this IVOT. tisement. Masi, Ito 3. 0 PRICE 30 CENTS. 'IBB LEVER INVIGORATOR AND FAMILY CATELAR. re Puts are retailed by Druggists generally,and sold wholesale by the Trade in all the large towns. S. T. W. SANFORD, M. D., Manufacturer and Proprietor je2.o-dawyi) 356 Broadway, New York THE ORIGINAL AND GANIIINE DR. TOWNSEND'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA, IS • The Great Renovator of THE BLOOD. THE, SOVEREIGN REMEDY FOR ERUPTIONS OP THE SKIN, • ULCERATED SORES, AND ALL FORMS OF CUTANEOUS DISEASES. These complaints can be speedily and effectually cured by the use of tnie WORLD RENOWNED SAE SAPARILL A. Thousands have experienced its salutary effects, and tens of thousands have witnessed it, until it has ceased to be a question among the intelligent portion of the corn triunity. When the Blood becomes lifeless and stagnant, either Prow the effects of Spring weather, change of climate want of exercise, the use of a uidlOrm saline diet, or any other cause ; this compound Extract of ViirMtpurillit, will MINIM the BLOOD, carry off the putrid •huniors,-curams the amines, BEGIJLAIE TILE BOWELS. And impart a Tone of 'Vigor to the Whole Body; TO THE PUBLIC. The public aro hereby notified that the preparation Ex tensively known as Dr. S. P. Townsend's Compound ex. tract of Sarsaparilla is now manufactured under my di rection and supervision, from the original recipe obtained from Dr. S. P. Townsend ; and I certilg that ft is compos ed of ingredients PURELY VEGETABLE, and WITHOUT MEI CURT; and also that the ingredients are judiciously cog.' °wiled, so as to obtain from them their greatest medicinal effect. JAMES R. CEITLTON, M. D.,;Chemist. . . . Dr. S. P. TOWNSEND'S COMPOUND EXTILIOr OP Rama vaan.ta, has a reputation among all civilized nations as the beat preparation for Renovating and Purifying the BLOOD which science has ever offered to man. in tins resides Its PECULIAR EXCELLENCE, and to this is duo its world wide renown. It contains all the vegetable principles which expert mice has proved nseful in clearing the SYSTEM from DISEASE, extracted and combined with the highest skill Which the refinements of modern chemistry enable us to employ. Whatever may be said by mortified competitors or splenetic physicians, the fact that this medicine is EVERY wHERE USED , and that its use creates an Increased de mand, shows conclusively that it possesses medicinal merits of the first order CAUTION. To avoid imposition is will be necessary to ace that DR. JAMES R. CHILTON'S CERTIFICATE as well as the SIGNATURE of Dr. S. P Townsend, is on the outside wrapper of each bottle. BE VERY CAREFUL TO USE NO OTHER. Proprietor's office, No. 41 Fulton street, N. Y. And far sale by every Druggist in this city. j ap3o-d3taw • EDUCATIONAL. ACONTROLLING ELEMENT OF NA TIONALITY is the system of education in a coun try. "In proportion as the structure of a government gives force to public opinion, that public opinion should be enlightened."—Wathirgebn's Farewell Adorass. To this end the people in general should be educated into a correct and familiar acquaintance with the nature and principles of our government and civil institutions. "OUR GOVERNMENT: An explanatory statement of the system or Government of the Country, are. A MANU AL FOR SCBOOLS, ACADEMES AND POPULAR USE," Is a work which, with proper historical notices, gives the construction of the provisions of the Constitution of the United States and of those of the several Stales, as determined by judicial authority, or derived from stand ard writers, including some references to administrative wa and practice, so as to show tbe actual working of our general system of Government. Itie free from specula, tive opinions, conservative in Its tendency, and calculated to cultivate the love of our country. 3 has been used to a considerable extent, in the EDUCATION OF YOUTH In different States, and Is recommended' by Jurists, Statesmen and Presideats, and Professore of Oellegee.— Price 1./00. Bold by M. WHINNBr, 'del Etarrieberti . . t 1 , I'it • o A * comb, t .til\ 119/ ,41 , , . N.. ... _ ~ 1 rie t s 4 2 -- ;: r.L.. 7--.;‘ ) . _,-- -.,---- , f,-. .<,... ;z7; - ritetalli...•;4 . e ~„,,,,...,,,,5,„,_,, ,VI ~..$ 2.00 .... 12.00 .... 15.00 SOMETHING MORE VALUABLE THAN SILVER OR GOLD, IT WILL RESTORE THE WEAK, REINSTATE THE BLOOD IN ALL ITS ORIGINAL VIGOR AND PURITY. RESTORATIVE CORDIAL, judgment guide you in th RATOR, and it will cure Arrecks, DYSPEPSLA,CORON- Puna's, DYsstrancr, PROP. UAL COSTITINRSR, CROLIC, Irmayrtm, FLATIIL RNCR NIMES, and may be used RY EMILY hIRDICLIYE. It (as thousands can testily) ox ruses TRARPooNFIILSA RR attack. ma their testimony IR iii Is precisely what its name indicates; for, while pleases to the taste, it Is revivifying, exhilarating and strength ening to the vital powers. It also revivifies, reinstates, and renews the blood in all its original purity, and thus restores and, renders the system invulnerable to attacks of disease. It Is the mily preparation ever offered to the world in a popularform so as to be within the reach of all. So chemically and skillfully combined as to be the moat powerful tonic . and yet se perfectly adapted as to act in perfect , accordance with the laws of nature, and hence soothe the weakest stomach, and tone up the di gestive organs, and allay all nervous and other irritation. It Is also perfectly exhilarating in its effects! and yet it is never followed by lassitude or depression of spirits. It Is composed entirely of vegetables, and those thoroughly combining powerful tonic and soothing properties, and consequently can never Injure. As a sure preventive and cure of CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, INDIGESTION, DYS PEPSIA, LOSS OF APPETITE, FAINTNESS, NERVOUS IRRITABILITY, NEURALGIA, PAL PITATION OF THE HEART, MELAN „ODDLY, 'HYPOCHONDRIA, NIGHT SWEATS, LANGUOR, GIDDINESS, AND ALL THAT CLASS OF CA SES SO FEARFULLY FATAL GALLED FEMALE WEAKNESS AND IRREGULARI TIES. THERE IS NOTHING ITS EQUAL. Also, Liver Derangements or Torpidity, . and Liver Complaint, Diseases of the Kidneys, or any genera /de rangement of the Urinary organs. It will not only cure the debility following CHILLS and FEVER, but prevents osil attacks arising from Miasmatic influences, and cure the diseases at once, if already at tacked. TRAVELERS should have a bottle with them, as It in fallibly prevents any deleterious consequences following upon change of climate and water. As it prevents cestiveness strengthens the digestive organs, it should lye in - the hands - of all persons of seden tary habits. . LADIES not accustomed to out-door exercise, should always welt. • MOTHERS Should use it, - for it is a pertect relief. Taken a muniii or two before the final trial, she will pass the dreadful period with perfect ease and safety., And to you we appeal, to detect the illness or detilne not only of your daughter before it be too its, but also your sons and husbands,.for while the former from fal-e delicacy, often go down to a prethatnre grave ,rather than tat their condition be knownfil time, the latter are so often mined up with the excitement of business, that lift were not for you, they t 0, would travel in the same downward path until it is too late to arrest their fatal fall. But the mother is always vigilant, and to you we coufidently appeal ; for we are sure your never-failing affection will unerringly point you. to i-refeasur WOOD'e RaaIORATIVE CORDIAL AND BLOOD RENOVATOtt as the remedy which should be always on hand in thine of need. head what the Press say after thoroughly testing the matter, and no one can have a doubt. PROF. WOOD'S. REITORATIVE CORDIAL.—It is. ree corded in classics that Payche was once sent to a climate warmer than the West Indies to procure a sample of the beauty of Proserpina in a box. Atter Some delay the messenger returned, and 'as soon as the lid of the box was removed"but flew all the ills that flesh is heir to.— Fortunately Mee - was found in the ' bottom of , the box. Prof. Wood's Ristorative Cordial revives the recollection of the story, forlt invigorates the blood, aids the - organs of digestion, imparts strength to the - nervous system, sea for iflesthe citadel of health, so as to bid' defiance to the assaului of disease. .It is.a healthy tonic, composed en drely of vegetable productions and-while it is exullara. Ling as pure wine, no thj Mew results can possibly follow ,ts use it is a deelderaturn la the medical world, and those who are afflicted with loss of Appetite, Dyspepsia, Consumption, Faintness, Giddiness, Neuralgia; Paloita. Won of the Heart, Sta., will here find an infallible panacea. 'St. Louis Daily Express.. PROF. WOOD'd RESTORATIVE CORDIAL and BLOOD RENOVATOR is, without doubt, the best Tonic Cordial in the world. To those who are suffering from general de.' billy we would recommend its use ;tor, while It is pleas es:UM the taste, it is 'strengthening to the system, and will at once tend to remove ail impurities of the blood, and eradicate all traces of disease. It can be taken by the weakeat stomach, while.those in good heal h will at once feel its exhilarating power. We are continent that after using one bottle of this cordial none will be for a day without it.—" New York Leader." A PURE, HEALTHY TONIC, and one free from th deleterious and injurious effects sure to fellow those in ordinary use, has long been felt to be a desideratum in the medical world. Such a tonic, and one so skillfally combined from the vegetable kingdom as to act in per fect accordance with the laws of nature, and thus soothe the weakest stomach, and at the same time allay ner vous and other irritations, and tone up all the organs of which the human bedy is composed, is offered in Prof. Wood's Restorative Cordial and Blood Renovator. Hence, it is perfectlradapted to cid and young. Reader, try it. Thousands have already done so, and the testimony is universal in .its favor.—" New York Atlas." PRUFM:IR WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL AN BLOOD RENOVATOR, for the cure of OeneraiDelaility, or Weakness arising from any cause, also Dyspepsia, Nerv ousness, /eight Sweats, Incipient Consumption, Liver Complaints, Biliousness, Loss of Appetite, Female Weak.' nese, in all its stages, also, to prevent the contraction of disease, is certainly the best and most agreeable cordial tonic and Renovator ever offered to the afflicted, and so chemically combined as to be the most powerful tonic ever known to medical seiecee„ Baader, try IL Iz 1141.1. DO YOU 0000. We have no Leslie ion in recommeneng it, since we know it to be a sale, pleasant, and sure co medy for the diseases enumerated.—. New York Dis patch." Before noticing a patent medicine, we have to he car fain that it will prove itself to be all that it is recom mended. And we would say that the Ibutorative Cor dial and Blood Renovator of Prof. Wood will stand the' test fully, and, in fact, it is without any doubt the.first article in market for purifying the Blood and strengthen. mg the systeth. We have no he tenon in recommending its use to all.—. The New-Yorker." LOOK TO YOURSELF IN TIME.—How many in conse quence of a false delit,acy sutler from suppressed, pain , iul, or obstructed mensuration, and think because they are young that by -and-bynatilre will work itself clear from obstructions, and all come In right In the end, little dreaming that the seeds of death are already germina ting in the system, because the vital energies are im paired, and the entire animal economy deranged, debill tated; and yet, careless of themselves as they are, if a remedy were set before them which would restore all the functions of the system, and reinvigorate the body, they would take it, and thus be in time te save their /Ives.— Parents, think of this, and at once give them a - bottle of ProL Wood's Restorative Cordial and Blood Renovator.— "The NeW York °curler:l 0. J WOOD, Proprietor, 444 Broadway, New York, and 114 Market street, St. Louis, Mo. SAC No. 444 Broadway, ad the Family and Patent medicines constantly on hand, always fresh and genuine. Ford Macomber, Washington Avenue, Sole neat& ibr Albany; Dr H. Snell, agent for Schenectady. Sold also by A. B. Sands & Co., corner of Fulton and William streets. Jan2s-eo Stirs, PROF. ADOLPH P. TEUP SER, WOULD respectfully inform his old patrons and the public generally, that he wit, continue to give Instructions on the PIANO FORTE, ME. LODEON, VIOLIN and also In the science of TFIOROUGH. ROB. He Will teth Pleasure wait upon pupils at their homes at any hour: desired, or lessons will be given at his residence, in Third street, a few doors below the German Reformed Church. decl6.-dtf AUGUSTINE L. CHAYNE. CARPENTER AND BUILDER. Residence No:- 27 'Ant% Stormy I stre4.3 N. B—JOBBING ATTENDED TO "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS--NEUTRAL IN NONE." VOL. XIV. Indrical BKOAIISE EE3 PROF. 0. J. WOOD'S BLOOD RENOVATOR: There is no mfetake about it. ' THE CORDIAL I 9 ALL WE CLAW NOR MOTHERS, TRY IT! HARRISBURG, PA., THURSDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 28, 1861 Iniscellantous, FLINT! ' WM. FLINT! WIL,FLINT WM. FLINT! r - Wht. FLINT I No. 807 MARKET, No. 807 Maw; No. 807 Kum; • No, 807 Diemurr„ No. 807 MARKiT, No. 807 blazzit . PHILADELPHIA, PHILADELPHIA, PAILLADEINIIIA, PA. PA. TREMENDOUS SACRIFICE $lOO,OOO WOILTH. OF ,TEWELRY, ALL - .FOHONE DOLLAIr EACH. A Large and Splendid Assor talent of Jewelry, I- onsisting or CAA IN 1, 8' lAC I :LETS, CAVAiO SE TS, &C.,,&C. And all styles of French Plated Chains, Gold and Plated Jewelry. . We do not keep or sell any gilt, gifted or galvanised goods. Ours is what are sold by the best Jeweler as Gold Jewelry. We receive jar goods, from the best Gold Jewelry . Manufacturers in the Ptatirri, • , WHO ARE FORCED TO SELL. WHO ARE.FORCED TO SELL. WHO ARE FORCE!) , TO SELL -WHO ARE FOROED-TO . SELL. The following is only &partial listef our-immense stock. TAKE YOUR CHOICE FOR SI EACII. TAKE YOUR CHOICE FOR $1 , Large Size and Splendid Cameo . Sets, General SetaiL Prices 82 to $lO Do do Lava do 10 to 80 Do do Carbuncle do Bto 30 Do - Ladies'Snamelled and Coral do 7to 20 Do do and Carbuncle do 7to 30 To „do and Ruby do 7to lb Do Gold Cluster Grape Setting sets do 10 to 80 Do do de - Vase do est 10 to 12 Do do do. Jet Sets do 6to 12 Do do Black Mosaic do 6to 10 Do do Gold-Stone Mosaic do 6to 21 Do do Calico Sets do 6to 82 To Ribbon. Twists, with brilliants do 6to 33 Do Baguet Sete, new style do Bto 07 Do Enameled Cluster do do 10 to 2 Gold Thimbles, • do .3 to 60` Diamond Pointa4 Gold Pens and Cases, 3to 60 jy doz. Silver Plated Spoons, 2 00. Silver Plated Bugs, , 400 Over 1,000 other different styles Ladies' Jewelry; Me dallions, all styles, patterns and sized; Lockets of every description ; Gold Pens, 14 karat, With Silver Extenalon. Holder ; Gold Pencils, Sleeve But ons, Studs, dm. ,'&c.• Coral, Lava, Cameo and Band Bracelets ; Gents' Test Chains, warranted to wear ten years without changing color, a d will stand the acid—they are usually sold by- Jewelers as solid gold -chains—all made in Paris. - You ran take your, bamae I'ol%B -each. Ladies' and Gents' Guard Chains, 2.1 each, nosily sold by Jewelers at from 85 to $BO each ; Ladies' and Children's Neck Chains,. beautiful patterns; armlets, brilliant, enameled and ruby settings; Crosses, plain and enameled, for 21 eacti, retail from 86 to 2 0 each. Zany - style and var lets of Jewelry and desirable goods for 81 each. This Sate, at the above prices, will continue long enough to sell off our immense stock, which was pur chased at a great Sacrifice from Ifinufacturers who have , . . _ TAKE Y OUR GEM= EA)It $4. EA^Hs — SPECIAL NOTICE. ,SHOW TO SEND ITONEY.44A lat. Write your Name, Place or Residence, County and State, plain and dutince, at we can make no.hrsig` owtaf Post marks. • . Beal all letters with WAX, as Eairempes' sealed with gum or wafers can be easily opened-the contents taken ont and re-sealed. Attend to this , and we will be re sponsible for your money. INDIiCEIIEWTS TO AGENTS Any person acting as agent, who will send us at one time, $lOO, we will give s Gold Hunting Case Watch, extra. $5O, " " Goldlever riatCh. V 25, 44 ' 44 Aver Watch. A Watch and the articles selected from the above List at ON N DOLLAR EACH, . • Persona-orderings by mall mug send $1 and 15 cents in postage stamps, GIVE US A TRIAL. -- All oomaainlcattons - mnst be addreised to .WILLIAM FLINT, No. 807 Market street, Jan3o-Btaw Philadelphia,Pa. WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE O. CONRAD, FORMER OCCUPANT,- 'No, 148 . North Second „ _ Street coitrto.R: QUARBi.k sruEET. TE UNDERSIGNED . has leased the above premises, where he will keep a large assort. Went of Gold and Silver Watches, Of American, English and Swiss Manafacture of the most celebrated makers, in addition to which; will , be. found always on hind (and made to order) an extensive variety of Jewelry, Silver, and Silver Plated ware , together with general amscirt ment of such goods as are - usually kept in a first class Watch and Jewelry Store. The patrons of O. lonrad, and those .of the subscriber, together with.the , public generally...are invited to call, where they will 'receive a good article for their money.— As I am determined to do strictly a 'cash business, goods will be sold. ery low. "Stasix Pawns AND Qom flame,” is the motto of this establishment. LEWIS R. BROOMALL, Je2o-lyw FormerlyO. CONRAD, No. 148 North Second St., corner Q arry, I hi'da. PH 0 TO G-RAPH Y, In 1111i - tie:Bran' cies, Executed in the bestlityle known in the art, at . C. G. .C.RANWS.. ,GALLERY 582 Arch Street, Etch Wasik, rigaa. LIFE SIMIN OIL AND PASTIL. STEREOSCOPIC PORT RAITS, Ambrotypes, Daguerreotypes, he., for Cases, Medallions ins, Rings, &e. • noVI4 wly BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE 51 MARKET STREET, • IS THE CHEAPESP PLACE IN THE CITY TO OTT SCHOOL BOOKS SCHOOL STATIONERY, Comprising all the various READING AND SPELLING BOOKS, ARITHMETIC'S ALGEBRAS, GRAMMARS, srrmoLocuas,_ DICTIONARIES, nisromiu, PHILOSOPHIES, and all the MEWL BOOKS used ta the various Public and Private Schools ef toe City, together with ' COPY AND-COMPOSITION 800 LETTER, CAP and NOTE TAPER, BLANK BOOKS, SLAVA% LEAD AND SLATE PAMELA PENS AND HOLDERS, .INIC INKSTANDK.RIT.LERS - and the most complete assortment of SCHOOL STATIONBBY constantly on hand and for We at THE LOWEST PR/CBS es ANT PIACI In the city at __ BEKOKBRI3 CHEAP BOOKSTORE. 51 Market Street. Sy-Liberal discounts made to leachers and dealers. Any article not on hind 'prbraptly furnished without extra charge. . . aflii24 BLANK BOOKS - O ALL IMAGINABLE SIZES, PRICES, STYLN AND QUALITIES onland and manufanturt o.i order at the cheapest rates, at ARNONILR'S CligaP BOoasTOftg. REDUCTION IN PRIOEBI MERINOES, Plain and Figured. • OASEGIFIths, Plain and Figure& ALL WOOL DeLAINES, Extra Styles and Quality. BROCA LONG SHAWLS, different erica& FINE STOCK :OF BLANKET. SHAWLS. The prates in all the abeie - Geode on examination ' Will be found "lower than peer, , ? aC , CATHCART'S, in 24 Next door to the Earrillburli Da*. MOB Pennsylvania LegislatiFe. • SENATE. - Wzmissnii, March 27, 1861 Tie taquitirrniet at ' TO ik• M. afile blerk Celled the Senate to order and said : The Speaker being still absent, the : Sen. ate will please designate a Speaker pro tan Mr. CLYMER. I move that the Senator from Allegheny (Mr. PENNEY) act as Speaker pro tem. The motion was agreed to. Mr. PENNEY then took the Chair. The Clerk proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday. • On motion of Mr. WHARTON, the further reading of the same was dispensed with. LEAVE TO-WITHDRAW PAPERS Mr. WHARTON asked and obtained leave to withdraw certain papers. IV 4 3:io:4k:lo4:l4.VPOlUM.;•Nu.siovv..l l Mr. PARKER, (Canals. and Inland Naiga tion,) as committed, House bill . No. 896, dnti tied "an Act declaring Jack's run, in Warren cdunty, a public highway." Also, (same,) as committed, a further suPple ment to an Act to incorporate the Lock Haven boom company. - Mr. CRAWFORD, (same,) as committed, an Act, to incorporate the Mnncy boom company. Mr. MOTT, (same,) as committed, House bill No. 898, entitled "an Act to establish a pubiic ferry across the Allegheny river at the village of Tidioute, Warren county." Mr. BOUND, (stune,) as committed, House 801 1 entitled "an Act to authorize a company to erect a boom across the Susquehan na river, at or near Jersey Shore, Lyeoming county." Mr. MEREDITH, (Agriculture and Domestic Manufabtftres,) as committed, a sUpplement an Act for the protection of game. Mr. CONNELL, (Corporations,) ascornmitted, an Act to incorporate the Empire Hook and Ladder company No: 1,.0f Lancaster city. Also, (same,) as committed, House bill enti tled "a supplementt,o an Act to incorporate the Tuscarora Female Institute." Adso i (same,) as committed, an Act to incor porate the tOwn. cif Newburg, in Cumberland county, intoa borough. Mr. SMITH, (same,) as committed, a supple ment to. an Act to incorporate the East Water ford, Perrysville and ,Waterloo plank road cont . pany. Alio, (same,) as committed, an Act to incur: porate the 'society of the . Alumni .of the Law Department of the . University of Pennsylva . Mr. HAMILTON, (Roads and Bridges,) as committed; an Act concerning turnpike and plank road companies. 33111.9 HEAD Itt. BOUGHT= seal ii Place an Act; to ex tend an Act relative to Sheriff and costsProthono tary, in Lemma county to Dauphin cottn- Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. 'CONNELL, an Act relative to passengers using this Pennsylvania Railroad. Referred t 6 the Committee on the Judiciary; Also, an Act relative to Prothonotaries of the city of Philadelphia. • Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Also, an Act for the relief of George Jordan. Warred to the Committee on Private Claims and Damages. Mr. FINNEY, an Act relative to plank roads in Crawford county. • _ Referred to the Committee on Roads and Bridges. Mr. WHARTON, an Act relative to the rights of widows and children of decedents to retain $BOO. Referred _to the Committee on the Judiciary 011,DK68 01 THE DAN Senate bill, No. 238, entitled !'an Act to ex empt the Conewago Island from taxation for road and school purposes," Came up in order on third reading.. The question being on its final passage, Mr. BOUGHTER. AB this island is entirely in my district, and as I see no good reason why it should be exempt from these taxes, I' hope the Senate will negative the bill. The question being taken, the bill was nega tived. House bill No. 116, entitled "an Act to pro tect fruit, et cetera, and punish trespass in the several counties of this Commonttealth," came up in , order on second reading and was laid Senate bill entitled , "an Act to incorporate the Girard-.Avenue Mutual Insurance company of tie city of Philadelphia," came up in order on third reading, and Passed finally. House bill N0..650, entitled "an Act concern ing the sale of . railroads, canals, turnpikes, bridges and plank roads," came up in order on second. reading, and Passd finally. - DELIS CALLED VP AND CONSIDERED. Mr. BOUGHIIIt called up an Act to extend the poovia' ions of an Act relative to the Sheriff and Prothonotary costs in Luzern county, to Dauphin county. Passed fatally. Mr. CRAWFORD called-up auAct to incor porate the town of Newburg, Cumberland coun ty, into a borough. Passed finally. Mr. FINNEY called up House bill. No. 689, entitled "an. Act to define the location and boundaxies of certain lanes, streets and out lots adjacent to the city of . Erie." Passed finally. Mr. • GREGG -called up House bill. No. 59, entitled "an Act re-annexing , part of Brady township, Lycoming county, to Union county." On the final passage of the bill, The yeas and nays were required by Mr. SCHIN DEL and Mr. OBEGO, and were as follows, via Ytts:—Messrs. Blood, Boughter,Bound,Cm . nell, Finney, Gregg,.Hall, Hamilton, Hiest and, Lnbrie, Landon, - Lawrence, M'Clure Meredith, Nichols, Parker, Robinson, Berrill and Penney, Speaker, lira tent-20. Ners—lilemm. Benson, Clymer, Crawford, Mott, Schindel and Welsh-6. So the bill Passed finally. Mr. HIESTAND called up Senate bill, No. 666, entitled an Act to incorporate the Empire Eiook and Ladder company of the city of Lan caster. . Passed finally. Mr: HALL called up House bill, entitled an Act to authorize the Governor to appoint an auctioneer. In the..borough of. Ebensburg, Cam briecounty. . • Laid over on third reading. Mr. IMI3BIE called - rip Jima bill, No. 89, entktied an AO te Preventfishing in SliPPery hock creek Butler county. • Passed- tbally. Mr. LANDON called up Senate bill, No. 632, entitled a - supplement to the road laws of Rush township, Susquehanna county.' In Committee of the, Whole, (Mr littnii in the Chair,) the' bill was amended to inelude Auburn township, same county and on being reported as amended.' Passed' finally. ' Mr. FINNEY called up Rouse .bill, No 113, entilted an-Act to tax dugs in Erie,county and 'SW Abeth township, Allegnexty county • In. 'committee of the whole; (Mr: .13LboTr, in the, chair.) Mr: PENNEY moved to amend by striking "Elizabeth township, Allegheny county" from the bill. The amendinent was agreed to. The bill was so reported and passed finally. Mr. BENSON called up an Act to legalize the election of school directors' biGeiagsiee Indepen 'dent school district, Potter county. Passed finally. Mr. MEREDITH called up an Act relative to Greene township, Ladiana, county. Passed finally. • Mr. WHARTON called up Housebill, entitled an Act to authorize the county surveyor of Somerset county to make transcript of all the official reeords. . Passed finally. Mr. lIILSH called up a supplement to an Act to incorporate• - the Pittsburg, Manchester and Allegheny Railroad' oompay. laid over on third ,reading. Mr. CONNELL' called up House bill No. 607, .entitled, a "supplement to an Act to incorpo rate the North Philadelphia Passenger Railway comPany." • _ Laid over on third reading. kr. LANDON . called up Senate bill entitled, a further supplement to the Act for the assess ment and recovery of damages upon the North Branch and Wyoming canals. • Passed finally. Mr. BENSON called up House bill entitled, an &Otto authorize the borough of Warren and Sou tfi Weit township, Warren county, to levy an additional tax. Passed finally. Mr. ROBINSON called up a further supple ment to the Act authorizing the citizens of the borough of Meicer to erect a union school house. Passed finally. SMITH' called up Senate bill No. 472, entitled, an Act , relative to the Philadelphia, Germantown and Norristown Railroad corn- Passed fmally. • , Mi. PARKER - called up bill entitled, an Act to incorporate the North Eastern market company iof the City of, Philadelphia. Passed finally. • - Mr. IRISH called.up Senate bill No. en titled "a supplement to an Act relating to the rights of property of husband and wife, ap proved April 11,1866," , In Committee of the Whole, (Mr. LtiliDON in the Chair,) the bill was agreed to, so reported and laid over on second reading. Mr. GREGG called up Senate bill No. 496, entitled "an Act to incorporate the Sugar Val ley Firelnsunuace company, ofClintoncounty." . Passed finally. , - THE MIATE dIEENDEENTS To House bill No. 4.29, "an Act relating to sales at auction in the counties of. Beaver and Carbon," were non -concurred in by the House. On it otion of M.r. .1.1.01 T the Senate insisted on its amendments, and appointed a committee of conference on the part of the Senate. Messrs. Moir; LALBRIE and Wats:roll' were ap pointed on said committee. gotratz AMENDMENTS To... Senate bill, No. 294, entitled "an Act authorizing the Auditor General and State Treasurer to examine the claims, for damages, of J. R. Bitner and Brother of Lancaster city," were read, and On motion of Mr. HAMILTON concurred in. To Senate bill, No. 776, entitled "ail Act to pr,ovide for the collection of additional taxes in the township of Homer, in the county of Pot ter," were read, and On motion of Mr. BENSON concurred in. To Senate bill, No. 300, entitled "an Act sup plementary to an Act to incorporate the borough of Easton, in the county of _Northampton, ' were read, and On motion of Mr. SCHINDEL concurred in. ' To. Senate bill, No: 423. entitled "an Act to protect fruit, et cetera, and punish tresspass in certain counties," were read, and On motion of Mr. HALL concurred in. IiBITATB BILLS PASSED Mr. SERRILL called up Senate bill No. 890, entitled "an Act suppleinental to an Act rela ting to hawkers and pedlers." Passed finally. Mr. HALL called up House Dill No. 653, en tled "an Act to extend the provisions of an Act for the protection of sheep and taxing of dogs in Blair county, to Cambria county." Passed finally. M3-CONEILDNIIATION Mr. IM:BRIE moved tore-consider the vote by which the Senate concurred in House amend ments to. Senate bill No. 413, entitled "an Act to protect fruit, - etc., and punish trespass in cer tain counties." Onthe question, Will the Senate agree to the motion ? The yeas and nays were required by Mr. IM- BRIE and . Mr. HALL, and were as follow viz Ynes---Messrs. Benson, Blood, Boughter, Bound, Crawford, Hall, Hamilton, Hiestand, Imbrie, Irish, Landon, Lawrence, Meredith, Mott, Nichols, Parker, Robinson, Schindel, Smith, Welsh, Wharton and Penney, Speaker, pro•tem-22. Nays—None. So the motion to re-consider was agreed to, and The question 'recurring, • Will the Senate concur in the amendment made by the House ? It was determined in the negative and order ed that the Clerk inform the House according ly. BLESS COMO:DER= Mr. CONN - ELL called up au Act to incorpo rate the society of the Alumni.of the Law De partment of the lgiOersity of Pennsylvania. Passed finally. . Mr. IMBRIE called up House bill, No. 126, entitled "an Act to change the place of resi dence of Cyrus J. Anderson and James J. Mar shall. In Committee of the Whole, (11r. leis in the Chair,) the bill was negatived, and so 're ported to the Senate. On agreeing to the report of the Commit tee, Tho yeas and nays were required by BRIE and Mr. IRIS R, and were as follows, • viz: .YEas--Blessrs. Benson, Boughter, Bound, Connel, Crawford, ;Finney,. :Irish,,.Landon ! Xichols, Welsh, Wharton. and . Penney—,Szkek pro teen.-12. ( fttam, riding Mats. Having preoureit Steam Power Presses, we are prepared to execute JOB and BOOK PRINTING of every description, cheaper that It can be done at any other es tablishmentin the country RATES ye auVERTIRIRO. :O.W'/our linea or less constitute one-half squerb 11.14 BLe, or more than four constitute a square. Bah Square. one day ..... ••• ••• •• • one week ..• . .......... three months • Mx months t One year....b 00 "ae . 1 13 kria One day .. .. 50 it one week......... .............. 2 00 • one month 3 00 • three m00tba........ .......... . 5 mouths.. .... 8 0 00 0 one )ear 10 00 Redness notices inserted In the Lead cubits_ before Marriages and heaths, FIVE CE:NII3 PER LUSE 'or' each Insertion.. NO.' 71 ngrnareages and Deaths to be chargad as regular advercisemeats. J' Nays—Messrs. Blood, Hiestand, Irabrie, Lawrence, M eredith, Parker, Robinson, Schin del and Sethi]. -9. So the report of the Committe of the Whole was agreed to. And the bill fell Mr. HALL moved to resume the comddera tion of House bill; No. 622, entitled an Aet authorizing the Governor to appoint an auc dower in the borough•of Ebensburg, Cambria county. The motion WAS agreed to ; and the bill again considered and Passed finally. Mr. WHARTON called up House bill No.. 647, entitled an Act, to change the place of holding elections in Napier township, Bedford county. Bagged finally. ANERIOAN AND DiDL:t. COMMERCIAL COMPANY. Mr. CONNELL moved to resume the consid eration of the motion to reconsider the final vote had on the passage of Senate bill, No. 48, entitled an Aet to incorporate the American and India commercial company. The motion was agreed to. And the question then recurred on the mo tion-to reconsider the final vote had on said bill, On the latter motion, The yeas and nays were required by Mt. CLYMER and Mr. CONNELL, and were as folk low, viz : YEAS—Messrs. Benson, Blood, Boughter, Con nell, Crawford, Gregg, Hall, Hamilton, Lan don Lawrence, M'Clure, Nichols, Parker, Robinson, Serrill and Whaton--16. NAYS—Messrs. Clymer, Mott, Welsh and Penney, Speaker, Pro tem.-5. So the motion to re-consider was agreed to; and the question recurring, Shall the bill pass ? A motion was made by Mr. CONNELL to postpone the further consideration of the bill for the present, which was agreed to. Mr. BENSONcalled up House bill No. 70, enti tled "an Act relative the road laws of RcHean county." Passed finally.. Mr. BOUGHTER called up an Act to change the place of holding elections in Upper Ma hontango township, Schuylkill county. Passed finally Mr. CONNELL called up "an Act to incotpo rate the Artillery Corps of the West Philadel phia Greys, Twenty-fourth ward, city of Phila delphia. - Passed finally. Mr.' ROBINSON called up Senate bill No. 862, entitled "a supplement to the Act direct ing the manner of serving writs of summons in certain cases in the county of Mercer." The hour of one having almost arrived, On motion of Mr. SMITH the hour of ad journment was extended indefinitely. Mr. CRAWFOB,I) called up a supplement to an Act to incorporate the Perryville, East Wa terford and Waterloo Plank road company. Passed finally. Mr. CONNELL moved to resume the consid eration of Senate bill, No. 48, entitled an Act to incorporate the American and India Cora mercial company. The motion was agreed to, And the bill being again before the Senate on its final passage, Mr. IRISH asked the unanimous consent of the Senate to insert the following amend ment : " Provided, That nothing contained in this Act shall be construed to authorize the said company to issue any bill or note in the sim ilitude of a bank note, or to exercise banking privileges." Objection being made, Mr. IRISE moved to go into Committee of the Whole for the purpose of Special amend ment,.as follows: "Provided, That nothing contained in this Act shall be construed to authorize the said com pany to issue any bill or note in the similitude of a bank note, or to exercise banking privi leges." On the question, Will the Senate agree to the motion? The yeas and nays were required by Mr. CONNELL and Mr. IRISH, and were as fol low, viz' Yu&s.—Messrs. Boughter, Bound, Clymer, Gregg, Hiestand, Irish. Meredith, Serrill, Smith, Welsh and Penney, Speaker pro tem-11. NAYS.—Messrs. Blood, Connell, Hall, Lan don, Lawrence, M'Clure, Robinson and Whar ton—S. So the motion to go into Committee of the Whole, for special amendment, was agreed to. Mr. CLYMER then took the Chair, and the proviso was read and agreed to; and so re ported. The question then being On the final passage of the bill, The yeas and nays were required by Mr. WELSH and Mr. CONNELL, and were as fol low, viz: YEAS. —.Messrs. Blood, Connell, Crawford, Gregg, Hall, Hiestand, Landon, Lawrence, M!- Clure, Meredith; Robinson, Serrill and Whar ton-12. NAYS.-Messrs. Boughter, Clymer, Smith, Welsh and Penney, Speaker pro tem.-5. So the bill passed. On motion of Mr. WCIAITRE, the Senate then 3EL 3M NI 0 "VP A L. You will please take notice that I have removed my place of buainess from No. 187 South Fourth Street, to my Manufactory NOS. 114 and 118 REMFF STREET, Between Lombard and South. and Front and Second Sts., Philadelphia. Thankful for post favors I solicit a continuance•of your orders. As I have enlarged my manufactory so as Ao enableme to have constantly on hand a large assortment of well seasoned Soaps, all of :the best quality,and free trom Fish Oil. PALM, VARIEGATED,`: WHITE, HONEY:, CASTILE, and all kinds of TOILET SOAPS CHEMICAL OLIVE SOAP of pure material. SETTLED, PALE and BROWN SOAP English Sal. Soda and PEalt iTARCII COTlStal.ny on hand :PERM, ADAMANTINE Mn CALLOW CANDLES of a Having adopted the cash system I am enabled totter my goods at the lowest co ices Hoping that you will call and examine for yourself both the goods-and prices, before purchasing else Where. I am Very Respectfully, F. CONWAY, Philadelphia. al-wly* •• • -APPLE WHISKY ! • • E • • DER JERSEY APPL., ! In store and foriale by .jullN ZIEGLF,R, • • 78 Market Street. BILLS CONSIDERED Adjourned AO l DC