THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, (131INDATB EXCIVIZIO By GEORGE BERGNER. TZRIM.--Smola 13inwommon The Dans Tatscasen Is served to subscribers in tht oruugh at 6ti cents per week.. Yearly.. subscribers 111 be charged $4.00. WuKU AND Saan-VirsasLY TZLIGRAPR The laitsimuill is also published twice a week during ino session of the Legislator°, and weekly during the re• minder of the year, and furnished to subscribers at Ow 'el lowing rates, viz: Single Subscribers per year Seven a .4 Ten THE LAW OP NEWWPAIMRS t subscribers order the discentimuutee of their news papers, the publisher may continue to Bend them until all arrearages are paid. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newspa• pers from the office to which they are directed, they are responsible until they hat - ^ Settled the hilts and ordered them discontinued itiebiral Sik./41 0 0HD'S LIVER INVIGORATOR NEVER DEBILITATES TT is compounded entirely - iron Gums, JL and has become in established tact tranndard Medi cine, known and approvedl,,J by the have need it, and is now resorted tote" with oonfldence to all the diseases for which it is rep commended. It has cured thousands Et within the last two year* who badgiven up all hopesl.,t, of rebel, as the numerous unsolicited certificates in me my possession show. The dose must be tidapt.lZ ed to the temperament of theindividuai taking it,audtg used in seep quantities ar to act gently on the bowels.' Let the Mendes .of your use of the LIVER LAVER CoMeikele, BILLIOUS lO lusatinenta, WM:WM Cox- UT HOME SSOMAOR, HABIT COOLEILe MORBIIB, Cumuli& JAUNDIOR, FiEbIAL3 successfully as an °Rama will cure SICK HEADACHE Lle MINTY MINIMS, IF ewe T.11311J5 AteOMMelleeMeet ALL WOO Mt? ARB cgv favor tar-Mix Water lu the mouth with 11at . In vlgorntor, and swallow both together I= ..-.-flAO= SANFORD'S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS COhIPOIINDED FRbM PURR VEGETABLE EXTRACTS, AND PU UP IN GLASS OASES, AIR TIGHT, AND WILL KEEP IN ANY CLIMATE. TIC PILL is a gentle b n proprietor has used In ti years: log demand from thorn phe and the satisfaction which thew use, has induced me reach of all. that different Cathartics so bowels. TIC PILL has, with due re. lished fact, been compoub. purest Vegetable Extracts, part of the alimentary ca. in all oases where a ca. Derangements of Stomach, Back and Loins, Costiveness body,Restleseness, Headache htfiainouvory Disease; tells, Rheumatism, a great many diseases to which to mention in this a Ivor- TM, FAMILY COLLAR- Ohre Cathartic which the practice more than twenty The constantly boreal , have long used the Palk all express in regard to to place them within the The Profession well know On different portions of the The FAMILY OATS C) Terence to this well'estate 1.4 dod from a variety of the which act alike on every nal, and are good and safe Pe thartio is needed, such Ns Ai Sleepiness, Pains in ltei Pain and Sarcoma over t or weight in the head, all Worms in Children or dd- Pun:her of the Blood, and At flesh ia heir, too numerous toonztent. Don, Ito 5. Ca PRICE 80 CENTS, TER LIP= INVIGORATOR AND FAMui OATBAR- I 0 Pule are, retailed by Druggists generally,and sold wholesale by the Trade in all the large towns. S. T. W. SANFORD, M. D. Manufacturer and Proprietor, je2o-dawyl] 835 Broadway, New York. THE ORIGINAL AND GANUTNE DR. TOWNSEND'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF S ARSAPARILLA, The Great Renovator of THE 131.400 D. TILE SOVEREIGN REMEDY FOR ER UPTIONS OF THE SKIN, ULCERATED SORES, AND ALL FORMS OF CUTANEOUS DISEASES.: These complaints can be speedily and effectually cured by the use of tuts WORLD RENOWNED SAE SAPARILL A. Thousands hiave etperienced its salutary effects, and tens of thousands have witnessed it, until it nee ceased to be a question among the intelligent portion of the corn Munity. When the Blood becousesdifeless and stagnant, either from the effects of Spring weather; change ;of climate want of exerms; the use of a uniform iodine dlett,,.ot any other cause ; thin compound.Extract.of Sump trine ; will imanw the Dimon, carry off the putrid. htimors, =AIM thesreauen, BEGULAIE TILE BOWELS. And impart a Tone of Vigor to the Whole Body: -TO THE PUBLIC. . The public are hereby notified that the preparation Ex tensively known as Dr. S. P. Townsend's Compound ex.• treat of Sarsaparilla fa now manufactured under my di motion and supervision, fronithe original recipe obtained from Dr. S. P. Townsend ; and I certify that it is compos ed of Ingredients PURELY VEGETABLE, and .WITHOUT ME I CUItY; and also that the ingredients are judiciously eon.r °ended, so a to obtain from them their greatest medicinal effect. JAMES It. MILTON, M. D., Chemist. Dr. S. P. TOWNSEND'S COMPOUND Navas= or Sauk Lama, has a reputation among all civilized nations as the best preparation for Bettovating and Purifying the 13L0011 which science b0..9 ever offered to man. In this resides Its PECULIAR EXCELLENCE, and to this Is due its world wide renown. It, contains all the vegetable principles which expert• ence has proved useful In clearing the SYSTEM from DISEASE, extracted and combined with the,highest skit , Which the refinements of modern chemistry enable us to employ. Whatever may be said by mortified competitors or splenetic physicians, the fact that this medicine is EVERY WHERE USED, and that its use creates an increased de mand, shows conclusively that it possesses medicinal merits of the first order CA UTI ON. 7o avoid imposition it will be necessary to see that - DR. JAMES R. CHILTON'S CERTIFICATE as well as the SIGNATURE of Dr. S. P. Townsend, is on the outside wrapper of each bottle. • BE VERY CAREFUL TO USE NO OTHER. Proprietor's once, No. 41 Fulton street, N. Y. 4114 far sale hy every Druggist in this city. 11.00-datew EDUCATIONAL. A CONTROLLING ELEMENT OF NA TIONALITY is the system of educatlen In a coon. try. "In proportion as the structure of a government gives force to public opinion that public opinion should be enlightened Washinfords Farewell Ad rear. To this end the people in general should be educated into a correct and familiar acquaintance with the nature and principles of our government and civil institutions. "OUR GOVERNMENT: An explanatory statement of the system of Government ortbe Country, ffo A MANU AL FOR KBOOLS, ACADEMIES AND POPULAR USE," Is a work which, with proper historical names, given the construction of the provisions of the Cun,titutlon 01 the United States and of those of the several States, as , determixied by judicial authority, or derived from sfand and writers, including some reterences to administrative wa and practice, So as to show the actual working of our general system of Government: It is free from specula, tiro or listens, vmservative le its tendency, and calculated to cultivate the love of our country. It has bean used is a considerable eatent, in the EDUCATION.oF YOUTH in different elates, and is recommended by Jurists, Statesmen and Presidents, and Professors of Colleges..-. Price $lOO. Sad by - bl. WRINNNY, - de Harrisburg, Pa. . s / - \ A f r it4;-: 7 - ,** ii/cei_ .- -: C."' t ' 4 I . „,.....j , ,,_;, e -Z - ,". P.G . -::: - :i i ..'" ) ._ . tun i 0 ,5 tila . '..) ir:rif, --- P - :74,:,',.::„ - '7 - 7 --- ;; -- :),,„ ,111 S 2.00 12.00 15.00 SOMETHING MORE VALUABLE THAN SILVER F OR GOLD, BMW= IT WILL RESTORE THE WEAK, REINSTATE THE BLOOD IN ALL ITS ORIGINAL VIGOR AND PURITY. RESTORATIVE CORDIAL, Judgment guide you in lb ft.APOR, and it pill Cure AT ORS, DYSKEPSIA.,CBKOK. PLAINTS, DYSENTERY DROP. VAL COSTIVRNES0 2 LIMO - TON, FLATUL itscs, assess, and may be used KY FA KILT biRD/CLNR. 11 (as thousands can testily) OR MIRK TERSPOONFULSA Yt attack. . Is precisely what its name indicates; for, while plectsan to the taste, it la revi exhilarating and strength ening to the vital powers. It also revNifias; reinstates, and renews the blood to all its original pcsity, and thus restores and renders the system invulnerable to attacks of dis...ase. It is the o ly preparation ever offered to the world in a popular form so as to be within the reach of all. So chemically and • skillfully combined as to be the most powerful tonic, 'and yet so perfectly adapted as to act to perfect sec >Malice with the laws of nature, and hence soothe the weakest stomach, and tone up the di gestive organs, and allay alt nervous and other irritation. It is also perlectly exhiiarabag in its effectsl and yet it Is never followed by lassitude or depression of spirits. It is composed entirely of vegetables, and those thoroughly combining powerful tonic anti soothing properties, and consequently can never injure. As a sure preventive and care of MO their testlinonv In its CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, INDIGESTION, DYS PEPSIA, LOSS OF APPETITE, FAINTNESS, NERVOUS IRRITABILITY, NEURALGIA, PAL. PITATION OF THE HEART, MELAN CHOLY, HYPOCHONDRIA, NIGHT SWEATS, LANGUOR, GIDDINESS, AND ALL THAT CLASS OF CA SES SO FEARFULLY FATAL CALLED FEMALE WEAKNESS AND IRREGULARS THERE IS NOTHING FIB EQUAL. Also, liver Derangements or Torpidity, and Liver Complaint, Diseases of the Kidneys, or any genera lde rangement of the Urinary organs. • It will not only cure the debility following CHILLS and FEVER, but prevents ant:tacks arising from lilia‘.matic influences, and cure the diseates at once, if alreadyat tacked. TRAVELERS should have a battle with theta , as it in fallibly prevents any deleterious consequences following upon change of climate and water. As it prevents costiveness strengthens the digestive organs, it shoilld be in the hands of all persons of seden tary habits. LADIES not accustomed to out-door exercise, should always use it MUTHEILS should use it, for it is a perlect relief. Taken a 1111/11 h or two before the final trial, she will pass the dreadful period with perfect ease and safety. And to you we appeal, to detect the illness or dethne not only of your daughters before it be too I de, but also your:sons and husbands, for while the former from fal delicacy, often grr down to D. premature grave, rather than let their condition be known In time, the latter are so often mixed up.with,the excitemamt of businessi-that int were nut for you, theY to, would travel , in the. saute downward path until tt Is too late to arrest their fatal fall. But the mother is always vigilant, and to you we confidently appeal; for we are sure your never-failing Amino will unerringly point you to trofessrr WOOD'S BillalOttATSE: DOEtrila.L AND BLOOD RENOVATOtt as the remedy which should bealways on hand M. time of abed. need what the Tress say after thoroughly testing the matter, and moue cast have a doubt. - PROD'. WOWS RESTORATIVE CORDIAL.--N -is Yes corded in classics' that Psyche was once sent to a climate warmer than the West Indies to procure a sample-of the beauty of Proserpina in a box. Atter some delay. the messenger returned, and as soon as the lid of the box was removed out flew till the ills that flesh is heir to.— Fortunately hope was found in the bottom of the box. 1". of. Woud'a Restorative Cordial revives the recollection of the story, for it lavigorates the hlood, aids the organs of digestion, trepans strength to the nervous system, ens f or hies the chauel of be,,ith so as to bid defiance to the assaults of disease. It, is a healthy tonic, composed en tirely of vegetable prodwalons and while it is exonera ting as pure wine, DO inj MOUS results can possibly follow is use it is a desliletatom in the medical world, and those who are eillieted with loss of Appetite, Dyspepsia, Consumption, Faintness, Giddiness, Neuralgia, Paluita: lion or the Heart, &a., will hare and anuifellible panacea. 'St. Louis Daily =press."' Roy, WOOD 7 B RESTORATIVE :CORDIAL and BLOOD RENOVATOR is, withourdoubt, the beat Tonic Cordial in the world. To those who are suffering from general de bility we would recommend-Its nee; tor, while it is pleas. ant to the taste, it is strengthening to the system, and will at once tend to remove ail impurities of the blood, and eradicate alltracee of disease. -It can be tracers by the weakest stomach, while these in good beal'h will at once feel its exhilarating power. We aro contident that after using one bottle o 1 this cordial none will be for a day wiihout it.—" New York Leader." A PUKE, HEALTHY. TONIC, and one free from th deleterious and injurious effects sure to follow those in ordinary use, has long been felt to be a desideratum in the medical world. Such a tonic, and one so skillfully combined from.the vegetable kingdom as' to act in per fect accordance with the laws of nature, and thus soothe the weakest stomach, and at the same time allay ner vous and otherirrltatipas, and tone pup all the organs 01 which the human bedy fa composed, is offered In Prof. Wood's Restorative Cordial and Blood Renovator. Hence, it le perfectly adapted to cld and young. Reader, try it, thousands have already done so, and the testimony is universal in its favor.—" New York Atlas." PROFeSSOR RUtuRATIVB CORDIAL AN I aLOOD RENOVATORi-for the cure of General Debility, or Weakness arising fromeny move, also'Dyspepsia, 1e erv: oasness, bight Sweats, Incipient Consumption; Liver Complsints, Biliousness, Use of appetite ,_ Female Weak ness, in all its stages , also, to prevent the coritractlen . of disease, is certainly the best and most agreeable cordial tonic and Renovator ever offered to . the afflicted, and so chemically combined as to ba the mast peweital. tont, ever known to inerical ecietce. Reader, try it. Is W.LLI DO TOO 0000. `we htive no hesita ion in recommeedi g tOLICI3 we know it to be a sale, pleasant, and ,sure re. medy for the diseases enumerated.--'.'New .York patch." • Before noticing a patent medicine, we. have to be cer Will that It will prove itself to be all that it is recom mended. And we would say that the Restorative Cot , dial and Blood Renovator. of Prof. 'Wood will stapd tho test fully, and, in fact, it is Withobt any doubt the .first article in market ter purifying. the Bloott and strengthen ing thesystem. We have nu b' tattoo in recommending , to use to all.—" The New-Yorker." LOOK TO YOURSELF IN TIMM—How many In conse quence of a false delicacy suffer from suppressed, pain ful, or obstructed metisuratlon; and think because they are youtig teat by-and-by nature will work itself clear from obstructions, and all come in right in the end, little dreaming that the seeds of death are alreadygerminw ting in the system, because the vital energies are lm paired, .and the entire animal economy deranged, debit! tated; and yet, careless of themselves as they are, if a remedy were set before them which wouldresthre all the functions of the syStem, and reinvigorate the body, they would take it, and thus be In thine to *mire their lyres.— Parents, think of this, and at once give them a. bottle of Prof. Wood ' s. Restorative Cordial and Blood Renovator.— uThe New 'York Courier." CI. J WOOD, Proprietor, 444 Broadway, New York, and 114 Market street, St. Louts, PIM .03 - At No. 444 Broadway, all the Family and Patent Medicines constantly on baud, alwayalresh and genuine. Macomber, Washington Avenue, Sole agents Or H. Snell, agent'for Schenectady. for F A or ib d ap h y; earner of Fulton and mui Seil am d al: tre o. e b ts y . A. Bands : ix:Co , 3,41:5 e. auni PROF. ADOLPH P. TELP SER.' ? WOULD respectfully inform his old T V patrons and the public generally, that he wil. ;ontinue to give Instructions on the PIANO FORTE, ME. WDEON, VIOLIN and also in the science of THOBOUGB 3A6E. He will woth pleasure wait upon pupils at their comes at any noel desired, or lessons will be given si tis residence, is Third street s a few doors below the merman Reformed Church, d•o164111 AUGUSTINE L. CHAYNE. CARPENTER AND BUILDER Malaga' No. 27 Nora &and &red.} -N. B—JOBBING ATTENDED TO "INDEPENDENT- IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRAL IN NONE." VOL. my. lllaical CM PROF. 0. J. WOOD'S BLOOD RENOVATOR. There is no mat4ke ebout U. TUE CORDIAL 18 ALL WE - CLAM FOR XOTELERS, _mgy IT I HARRISBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 27, 1861 Peu - nsylvania Legislature. ROUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TinamtT, March 26, 1861 The House met at 10 o'clock a. m., and was called to order by Mr. SHEPPARD, Speaker pro tem ; and Opened with prayer by Rev. Mr. Robinson. The Clerk read the Journal of yesterday. BILL PASSED. Mr. SCHROCK moved to suspend the rules and proceed to the consideration of Senate bill No. 160, entitled "an Act for the relief of John Mona., of Somerset county." The motion was agreed to, ind Said bill was taken up and Passed finally. • Mr MYERS moved to suspend the rules and proceed to consider Senate bill No. 75, entitled "a supplement to an Act for the better preser vation of game." . On the motion, . • The yeas and nays were required by Mr. BITERS and Mr. FRAZIER, and were as fol lows, viz : YE/as—Messrs. Abbott, Alexander, Anderson, Austin Ball Bartholomew Blanchard, Bress- ter, Brewster, Brodhead,Burns,Butler,(Carbon,) Butler,(CrawfOrd,) Byrne, Collins, Cope,Cowart, Craig, Dismant, Divins, Donley, Douglass, Duffield, Duncan, Dunlap, Ellenberger, Elliott, Gaskill, Gibboney, Gordon, Rapper, Hayes, Heck, Hill, Hillman, Hofius, Huhn, Koch, Lawrence, Leisenring, Lichtenwalbaer, Low ther, M'Donough, M'Gonigal,. Manifold, Mar shall, Moore, Mullin, Myers, Ober, Osterhout, Patterson, Peirce, Preston, Reiff, Rely, Rhoads, Roller, Seltzer, Shafer, Smith, (Berks,) Smith, (Philadelphia,) Stoneback, Strang,White, Wil dey and Wilson-66. Nara—Messrs. Barnsley, Bisel, lazier, Blair, Frazier, Graham and Sheppard-7. So the question was determined in the af firmative. . • The bill was then taken up. Mr. lIIIHN moved to go into Committee o the Whole for the purpose of general amend ment. Not agreed to. , • , Mr. AUSTIN asked the ijiliiiil72ooB cOnseartof the House to amend the bill by excepting "Ful ton county," in the operations of the bill. Objected to. Mr. WILSON made the same request for Beaver county. • • Objected to. Mr. M'GONIGAL made the same request for Westmoreland county. Objected to. On motion of Mr. .ACILIER •th_e bill was' Referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Domestic 'Manufactures. WaVT, OP AII%IINOE Mr. TELLER, on.leave, given asked for and obtained leave of absence for'M r. Picket, Door, Keeper of the_House,lor a_few da,ya Lir= _tii• Agreeably to order, The House proceeded to'contider bills on the private calendar, when the following were agreed to, and laid. elide for a second read- No. - o 660. An Act to repeal in Act declaring Kersey run, in Elk. county, Laurel "run, 'in Clearfield and Elk counties, public—highways ; and also to repeal an Act to declare Medie's run, in Clearfield qtd, .Elk, counties, a public highway ; also, to repeal an Act authorizing the appropriationof certain taxes to the Making of ti certain road leading from the borough If Brookville to John Conger's; in Polk township, in Jefferson county. - Sen. 875. An Act to provide for . the collec tion of additional taxes in the township of Ho mer, in the county ; of rote. No. 676 An Act to appoint , an auctioneer in the county of Bedford. No. 676. An Act to change the place .of holding the elections in Derry township, Mon tour county.: Mr. - Mr.-BUTLER, (Carbon,) 'Withdrew his objec: tions to Senate'hill N0..69, entitled "an Act relative to 'of lands for, the non-pay ment of taxes in Wayne county. Mr. BYRNE renewed the objections. Sen. 481. An Act to: change tha the borough of 2.eallsville, in the county of Washington. No. 68/ Supplement to the Act to incorpo rate the Tuscarora.female institute, approved 12th March, 1860. Ben. •284. An Aot to incorporate the Media gas light company. • •No. 684. An Act to incorporate :the Warren and Tideoute railroad ,company. - Mr. LAWRENCE offered the following amend meet : , . Add at the . end of , the first . section the fol to "And it shall be lawful for the said company, in the construction of its bridge WIVES the Al legherty river, to, provide for the -p .sage of wagons and other travel, and to receetva toll% therefor, according to the provisions.. of the general Act regulating, bildge companies, ap proved April 12th, 1865. The amendment was agreed to. Sen. 128. An Act relative to the catasauqua and Fogelsville railroad company. Mr. LICHTENWALLNER moved to amend the first section. by adding the following "Provided, That such Company shall first ob tabi the consent" of the land-ovmers thrceigh whose land such giant or giants are: to pass.' Agreed to. . Mr. LIOHTENWALLNER also moved to amend the first the last line : by, in troducing the words "to Foglersville be extend ed two years and to" • . The amendment was agreed to: No. 589. 'A 'supplement to an Act to incorpo rate the Mahanoy - and Broad Mountain rail-. road company, approved the 29th day of March. A. a 1959. . • No. 600. An Act to incorporate the Siucon railroad and mining company. • No. 613. An Act to allow the sheriff of Fay-, ette county a fair compensation for trouble and expense of attempting to re-capture escaped prisoners and convicts. No. 614.-. An Act in relation to the township of Greene, in the county of Indiana. No. 616. An - Act regulating the payment of costs in minor offences, and relative to the jail, of Allegheny county. .... No. 619. An Act relating to the courts the county of Delaware. No. 622. An Act'authorizing the Governor to: `appoint an auctioneer in the borough of Ebens burg, in the county of Cambria. Ito. 628 An - Act to provide for taking jag: menus by default in the city of Philadelphia andlcounty. of Fayette, and for assessing dam ages:thereon. lici r 625. An Act for the relief of the sureties of J.ll. Ikons, formerly Prottionotary.Of Clar ion county ' • • - • - ' No. )629. An Ad anthoride t theThiroxigh of Warren and the . tbiinithiii - cif Schitt:Weik in Warreakeousty, to levy an additional tax. No. 631. An Act to repeal the second section of an Act, entitled "an Act increasing the width of Diamond alley, and extending Union street, in the city, of Pittsburg," approved the 16th day of May, A. D. 1857. No: 632. A further supplement to an Act, entitled "an Act for the assessment and recov7, ery of . damages upon the North Branch and. Wyoming canals. No. - 634," An Act to relinquish the purchase money and interest due the Commonwealth on a certain piece of land in Lehigh county to the Jordon German Reformed church congregation and'to perfects, title to said congregation. No. 638. An Act to authorize the school di rectors of the boroogh of Newport, Perry coun ty, to borrew money. No. 639. An Act relating, to constables' feed in Rinith/gdnscowlty.., No. 640. An Act for - the relief. of.the estate of Leonard R. De Wolf, late of Butler coun ty. No. 642. ,An Act for the better securing the compensation of labor in the county of Co lunabia. No. 646. An Act vacating Filbert street, in the Twenty•fourth ward, in the city of Phila delphia. No. 648. An Act to authorize the school di rectors of the district of Roueadale, Wayne county, to borrow money. • No. 649. Au Act for the relief of T. H. Mar tin, late treasurer of Venango county. No. 651.- An Act for the protection of deer in the counties of Cumberland, Franklin and Adams. No: 653. An Act to extend the provisions of an Act for the protection of sheep and the tax ing of dogs in the county of Blair, to the coun ty of Cambria. Sen. 804. An Act to repeal the bounty on fox scalps in the county of Mercer. No. 666. An Act to prevent- hunting deer With dogs in Wayne county. • Sen. 413. An Act to protect fruit, et cetera, and punish trespass in certain counties. Sen. 201. An Act to protect sheep and tax dogs in Lycoming county. Mr. 'RUNE moved to amend by including the county of Columbia. " The amendment was agreed to. No. 660. An Act to prevent fishing in Heed's Creek, Chestnut Hill'township, Monroe county. No. 661. An Act to prevent the destruction of fish in Indian Creek, in the county of Fay ette. No., 662. An Act to extend certain provis . ions of the Act of 1846, laying a tax on dogs, to cer tain boroughs and townships in the county of Chester. No. 665. An Act extending.the provisions of certain Acts of Assembly relative to selecting sites for school houses in. Chester and Delaware counties. to Pike county. hrGONIGAL moved to amend by inclu ding the ".county of Westmoreland." " The amendment was. agreed to. No: 656 An Act _drithariTirig.the exami -,of—the-claim of ,ant Bills against thtz• Commonwealth. 294. An Act `authinizing_tb.e Auditor General, Attorney General and state Treasurer to examine the claim for damages of J. R. Bitt ner and Isrother, of Lancaster city; Lancaster county. - - No. 668. An Act to settle the claim of Robert S. Howell. No. 669. An Act to authorize the settlement of the claim of Thomas seating. No. 670, An Act authorizing the examina tion of the claim of Shermanßills and George D. Foreman against the Commonwealth. No. 671, An Act relative to the claim of James Dignam, of Allegheny county. No. 672. An - Act relative to the claim of Samuel Copper, - Or the county of Lawrence. • The following bills objected off the last pri vate Wender, were read and disposed of as stated. No. 499. Joint resolutions grating State Geological Reports to the Common School De partment,, State Normal Schools and Farmers' High School. -. The House refused to lay the bill aside for second, reading. Sen. 463. An Act in relation to the claim of Bell, Johnston, Jack & Co. On the question, Will the House agree to lay the bill aside for second reading ? The yeas and nays were required by Kr ACKER and Mr. WILDRY, and were as fol lows, viz YEas—Messrs. Abbott, Alexander, Anderson, Armstrong, Bartholomew, Biiiel, Bixier, Blan chard, Bressler; Brodead, Burns, Butler, (Carbon,) Butler,(Cntwfordd Byrne, Caldwell. Clark, Cowan, Craig, Divins, Douglass, Duf field, Duncan, Dunlap, Ellenberger, Elliott, Frasier, Gaskill, Goehring, Gordon, Graham, flapper, Harvey, Hayes, Heck, Hillman, Hood, Hofius, Lawrence, Liesenring, Lichten wanner, Lowther, Donough, Manifold, Mar shall, Morrison, Myers, Osterhout, Pughe, Ran dall, Reiff, Reily, Roller, Sheppard, Smith, (Philadelphia,) Stehman, Strang, Taylor,Teller, Walker, White,'Williams and Wilson-68. Nays Messrs; Acker, Austin, Barnsley, Brewster, Collins, Cope, Dismant, Donley, Hill, E.och,Rhoads, Ridgway, Schrock, Seltzer, Sinith,(Berks,) Stoneback and Wildey-17. So the question was determined in the af firmative. • No. 627. An Act to lay out a State road in, the counties of Barks and Lebanon. On the question, • "Will the House agree to lay the bill aside for second reading ?" The yeas and nays were required by Mr. RHOADS and Mr. SMITH, (Barks,) and were as follow, viz Yass--Messrs. Abbott, Alexander, Arm strong, &Mom, Austin, Barnsley, Bisel, Bixler, Blair, Blanchard, Bressler, Brewster, Burns, Butler, (Crawford,) Clark, Collins, Cowan, Craig, Douglass, Duncan, Frazier, Gibboney, Goehring, Gordon, Graham, Rapper, Harvey, Hayes, Hood, Hofms, Koch, Lowther, Mullin, Presto3a,Pughe,Reily,Ridgway,Schrook, Seltzer, Shafer, Sinith, (Phlladelphia,) Stehman, Stone back, Taylor, Walker, White, Wildey and Wil liams-49. ' Nears—Mean. Acker, Boyer, Brodhead, But ler, (Carbon.) B,yrne, Cope, - Dismant, Divine Donley, Duffield, Dunlap, Ellenberger, Gas : kill, Heck, Hill, Kline, Lawrence,Leisenriug, Lichtenwallner, M'Donough, Maifold, Mor rison, Myere, - Osterhout, .Reiff, Rhoads, Shep - - pard, and Smith, (I3erks,)-27. - So the 'quesiAon was determined in the affirm ative. The following bills were objected off the cal ender : • - By Hr. BUTLER, (Carbon,) Sen. 69. An Act relativelb the Sale of lands for the non payment of taies , in the county of -Wayne. By Mr.--GORDON, Sen. 422. .An Act to change the place of holding electioni in the township of Barnett, Forest county. By Mr. DIJITLAP, Sen. 802. An Act to set off a portion of •the borough of liiinersville in the county of gichuylkill, into a separate ward. By Mr. ARMSTRONG, No. 680. An Act to fix the place of holding elections in the borough of Williamsport, in the county of *coming. By Mr. LICHTENWALLNER, Sen. 148. An Act for the organidation of a new school dis trict out of parts of Macungie and Weiseriburg townships, in Lehigh county, and Maxatawny township, in Barks county. By Mr. RIDGWAY, Sen. 418. A supple- ment to the. Act incorporating the Ironton raili road company of Lehigh county. ,' By Mr.II:DONOUGH, No. 5188. An Act to incorporate the Juniata 'Valley •railroad com an P y. By Mr. GASKILL, No. 594. An Act rela tive to the police force-of the city of Philatiel- By Mr. SELTZER, No. 699. Au Act requir ing,the East Pennsylvania railroad company to, place ca tle guards at the crossings of said rail road over the public roads, in the county of Berks. - By Mr. KOCH, Sen 117. An Act authorizing the State Treasurer to pay to the Towanda bridge company a balance .remaining in the treasury due them. id pursuance of a contract made with the board of canal - commissioners, July 12, 1856 By Mr. SELTZER, Sen. 484. An Act to au thorize the guardian of the minor. children of James A. Benade, deceased, to sell certain bank stock, and to authorize the trustees of real ei tate; Velonging to said Minors to mortgage the same. By Mr. DUNCAN, No. 616. An Act relative to the pay of j urors in Centre and Clinton coun teS,.. 43Y. Mr. MORRISON, No. 620. An Act to va cate certain-portions of Tnonapson street, in the city of Philadelphia. . ' By Mr. SELTZER, No. 621. in Act granting further powers to the inspectors of the Phila delphia county prison:. By Mr. LE.IbENRINCr, No. 624. An Act sup plemental town Act to consolidate the city of Philadelphia, passed the -- February,-1854, and to prevent frauds at elections. By Mr. MOORE, No. 633. An Act relative to assessors and assessments in the city ,of delphia. . , By Mr. DUNLAP, No. 635. An Act for the more convenient dispatch of public business' in the courts of. Philadelphia. By Mr. SMITH, (Philadelphia,) No. 643. An Act to secure tt - ,) farmers certain rights in. the markets in the city, of Philadelphia. -By Me. CLARK, No. 647. An Act authorizing the chief burgess, assistant, burgess and .town council of the borough of Middletown., in the county of-Dauphin.,•tcverect a lock-up house in the said borough:" • By Mr. ROLLER, Sen.2lB. An Act relating to certain of the real - estate of the late Edwatd Shippen 13urd, deceased. By Mr. DUNCAN, No. 654. An Act relative to premiums -on fox scalps in the county 'of SECO . ND - I .. tEADIKG OS BILLS ON Tit?. FRIVATE CALEN- On motion of, Mr. BRODELEAD, the House proceeded to the second reading and considera •tion of the bills on the private calendar, when the following were disposed of, as stated.; - No. 560. An Act to repeal All Act - declaripg Kersey Run, in Elk county, Laurel Rim, Clearrie4 and Elk counties, public highways; and also to repeal au Act' to declare Medic's Run, in Clearfield. and Elk counties, 'a .public highway ; also,.to repeal an Act authorizing the appropriation of. certain taxes to the mak ing of a certain road le.oding from the 13,rough of Brookeyille to John Conger's, in Polk town ship, Jefferson county. Mr. GO.RDON moved to ,amend the title by striking out all after the word "highway." The amendment was agreed to, and the bill then Passed finally. Sen. 876. An Aot to provide for the collection of additional taxes in the township r of flomer, in the county of Potter. Air. STRAND moved to amend as follows Make the word "township" in the fourth line read "townships," and insert after the word "Harmer . " in the same line the words "Sylvania and Illysses.". Agreed to. The title was also amended to correspond with the foregoing amendment of the bill. The bill passed finally. No. 5Th.. An Act to appoint an auctioneer in the county of Bepford. Passed finally. No. 576. An Act to change the place of hold ing elections in Deriy township, 4ontoUr court ty Passed finally. Sen. 431. An Act to change the limits of the borough of Beallsville, in the county of Washington. _ Passed finally. • - No. 582. -Supplement to the Act to incorpo rate the Tuscarora Female Institute, approved 12th March, 1860. Passed finally. Sen. 254. An Act to incorporate the Media Gas Light company. P - td finally. No. 584.. Au Act to incorporate the Warren and Tidieute Railroad conipany. • Passed finally. No. 128 An Act relative to the Catasaqua and Fogelsville Railroad company. ,Passe.d finally. No. 589. A supplement to an Att to incor porate the Mahanoy and Broad Mountain Rail road company, approved the 29th day of March, A. D. 1859. - • • Passed finally. No. 600. An Act to incorporate the Saucon Railroad and Mining company. - Passed finally. • • • No. 613. An Act to allow the Sheriff of Fayette county a fair compensation for trouble and expense - of attempting - ta - re-capture es caped prisoners and convicts. • Passed finally. - No. 614. An Act in relation to the:township of Greene, in the county of Indiana. Passed finally. ' • No.` 616.., An Act regulating the payment of costs in minor offences, and relative to the jail of Allegheny county. • Mr. WILLIAMS moved to postpone the. WI for the present. Thimotion was agreed to. No. 619. An Act relating to the courts of the county of Delaware. Passed finally. No. 622. An Act • authorizing the Governor to appoint an auctioneer in; the borough , of kbensburg, in the county of Cambria. Passed finally. No. 623. An Act to provide for taking judr ments by default in the city of Philadelphia and county of Fayette, and for assessing damages thereon. • • Passed finally. ... , No. 026. -An Act for the relief- of the 'Ore ties of 4. H. Boggs, formerly ?rot ho aan of Olaron coltty. On the Cum' pumps of the bill, _ kttam ptinting Cam Raying procured steam Power Presses, we are prepared to execute JOB and BOOK PAINTING of eves 7 description, cheaper that i$ can be done at any other es uibliehmentin the country RATES tir AuVER :I ' • SiE-Your lines or less constitute one-half ignore. F 1( Uses or more than four constitute a square. line Square. one day.... sol one week .. ....... I. Of one month " three months 300 u six months 4 0 one Xesx••• , . • 66666 a 666666 •• ••• • 609 One Square one day _ ... IS one week., .. 44 one month.. w three months, a six months., one year 10 09 Inp-Basiness maids inserted in the Local 'Jo/ before Marriages and Deaths, FIVE DENTS PER lINI or each insertion. my-marriages and Deaths to be charged as regales advertisements. NO. 70. The yeas and nays were required by Mr. WILDEY and Mr. Mu, and were as follows, Ilats.--Messrs. Abbott, Alexander, Anderson, Ashcoin, Brodhead, Butler,(Carbon,) Byrne, 'Cowan, Divine, Dunlap, Eliott, Gordon, Gra ham, flapper, Hayes, Irvin, Lowther,Mandutj., Mullin Osterhout, Ridgway, Schrolt, Smith, (Philudelphia,) and Wilson-24. -,Nets—Messrs. Acker, Austin, Barnsley, Bressler, Brewster, Burns, Butler, (Crawfoid,) Clark, Cope, Dismant, Donley, Dnghies, Dun can, Ellenberger, Frazier, Gaskill, Gibboney, Goehring, Hill, Hood,. Koch, Lichtenwallnee, 111.'Donough, Manifold , . Morrison, Myers ' Ober, Baudall, Reiff, Belly, Rhoads, Seltzer, Shafer, Sheppard, Scotto, (Berke,) Stoneback, Teller, White, Wilder and Williams-40. So the question was determined in the nega tive. No. 629. An Aot authorizing the borough of Warren and the township or South-West, in Warren county, to levy an additional tax. • Passed filially. No. 63L An Act to repeal thosecond section of an Act, entitled "An Act increasing the width of Diamond alley, and extending Union street, in the city of Pittsburg," approved the 16th day of May, A. D. 1857. Mr. WILLIAMS moved to postpone the fur ther consideration of the bill for the present. The motion was agreed to. No. 632. A further supplement to the Act, entitled "An Act for assessment and recovery of damages upon the North Branch and Wyo ming canals.' The bill was disagreed to. 'No. 634. An Aot to relinquish the purchase money and interest due the Commonwealth on a certain piece of land in Lehigh county to the Jordan German. Reformed church congregation, and to perfect a title to said congregation. - On the final passage of the bill, - The yeas and nays were required by Mr. COLLINS and Mr. TAYLOR, and were as folk lows, viz : YEas—alesars.Abbott, Aleaander,Armstrong, Ashcom, Austin, Blair, Brewster,Brodhead, Butler, (Carbon,) Byrne, Clark, Cipe, Divine, Donley, Duffield, Duncan, Bilenlierger, Gaskill, Gordon, Graham, Heck, Hillman, Ho , Sus, Irvin, Kline, Lichtenwailner, Lovither, N'Donough, M'Gorugal, Manifold, Moore,Mor rison, Mullin, Osterhont, Preston, Ra ndall, Reiff, Beily, Rhoads, Roller, Smith, (Berlia,) Smith, (Pbiladelphie,) Taylor, Teller and Thomas--46. Nats---Idessrs. Bartholomew, Bisel, Bizler, Bresiler, Burns, Butler (Crawford,)Collins Craig, Dismant, Douglass, Frazier, Giblooney, Happer, Harvey, Hayes, Hill, _Hood, Koch, Diarehall,Ober,Peirce, Ridgway, Seltzer, Slutfer, Sheppard, Stoneback ,Walker, Wilder, Williams and. Wilson-80. - . - So the question was determined m the attim ative. To Honee - bill, No. 819, entitled an Act to is corporate the Bethlehem Railway and Mining company, Were read and concurred in: . - Adjourned. MORNING GOODS Black and Purple All Wool Figured Merinos, Plain Black Mnglish Veloue Beira. Black and Purple TRIXII26 Clolha,Sllk and Wool.:: ;Plain All Wool Cashmeres and Merinos. Black and Gear Worsted Poplins. Black and White All Wool Delainea. Black and Purple Figured Cashmeres. Lupin's Best Bombazines. Superior Black Lustres. Lupin's Extra Alpaccas. Neat Style Striped Mohair.. - Emelme Style Paramettas. . 614 All Wool Debduesj ' - English Chintzes. Madonna Wolk& Mohairs. Mew. - SCIPEREOR PLAIN Bunk ENG. Raz. Mouitteiei Suss. do BLACK AND Warn do do PURPLE AND Buck do do do PICRRA Mores, New and Desirable. , Every article of the different kinds of DEEM GOODS in the BLACK and SEIX/ND MOURNING line. Selected from the very boat makers, Lupin's Square Thibbet Shawls, long do do' Black French Blanket Shawls, 2d Mourning'French Blanket Long Shawls; 2d Mourning French Blanket Square do, - English Crepe Veils ; (every size), Grenadine Veils, (every size), English -Crepes, French Crepee. SHROUDING CASHMERES, , • SHROUDING FLANNELS, BLACK GAIINTLETIS, all kinds, BLACK GLOVES, all !clods, ' BLACK BORDf REO HANDERCIHEM, (all kinds). BLACK 1101SERY, (all kinds), SPLENDID_ASSORTSIKNI OF COLLAR?, PLAIN BLACK RIBBONS. Lnltaspection of our stook will convince au. CATHCART & BROTHEIS n 27 Next to the Barrisbius BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE MARKET STREET, IS TILE CELEAPESI' PLACE IN THE CITY TO GET SCHOOL BOOKS SCHOOL STATIONERY, Comprising all the various READING AND SPELLING B 0 OSA • - ARTINMETICS ALGEBRAS, GRAMMARS, ETYMOLOGIES, DICTIONARIES; ,HISTORIKei,` • • PRILOSOPITIES, and: all the SCHOOL BOOKS used In the various Public and Private Schools of trie City, together ilth COPY AND COMPOSITION BOOKS,, .LE2TER, CAP and NOTE'PAPER, BLANK BOOKS, SLATES,- __• ' • - LEAD AND SLATE PENCILS, PENS AND NOLDER.49, ' 47‘ 1 :4 INKSTANDS RULERS and the roust complete assortment of .SCROOLBTATIONBRY 'eoastantly on-hand and for *ale at THE LOWKST PRIME OF ANT maint lu the city. at - ' BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, . ' 51 Market Str,eafir! jar•Liliaral discounts made to teachers and dealers. Any article not on baud "promptly furnhated at extra charge. BLA.NIC .BOOKS (" -- 1 to ALL IMAGINABLE BIZ ha t PRI , .SriLli AND LIUALITIt. 6n haD4 anp erder Ut etierkpest rates, at • mrsaNisif+sLOßFAi . . . REDUCTION' IN' PRIDES! iiPatoltig-, Plain anii4igurea. pArIaISIFRA6, Plain anti Vigurei. - . -ALL WOOL D vLaIN'ES, Mara dtyleo. and. BROOA• LONG SHAWLS, Offerent prices. FINE. STOCK' OF BLANOLEr SHAWLI: Vie - prides in all the above Ghiodd, on exanio?ogong_WW. lie found •"lower than ever," at • - • CATHCART 8,.. nn24 irmit - door to Ate ElArTiqnnytetionik., APPL.NI W.1116.11.Y I PIIRE JERSEY APPLE ,In • storitimfi for sale b y JOHN B. ZIEGLER. lb Mar* eN Brie. 2 00 . 3 00 6 00 . 8 00 RENAME AMENDMENTS DESIRABLE