Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, March 23, 1861, Image 1

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Pennsylvania Legislature
TatrasDAT, March 21, 1861
The House met at 10 A.. M., and was called
to order by Mr. SHEPPARD, Speaker pro tern.
The Clerk proceeded to read the Journal of
yesterday, when
On motion of Mr. HOOD the further read
ing of the same was dispensed with.
Mr. CE/Warone from A. Irvin, of Warren
connty 4 e purehstepf old .
letters, Ste., relating to Ihe ear o
Pennsylvania.. "
Referred.lto the Connuittee on Ways and
Mr. BRESSLER, one from inhabitants of
Logan and Potter townships, Clinton county,
Sir the release of the State tax from said town
ship, and that the same be appropriated to re
pair Sugar valley road.
Referred to the Committee on Ways and
Mr. CLARK, one from the Friendship Fire
company, No. 1, of the city of Harrrisburg,
praying for aid in the purchase of a first class
tire engine.
Referred to the Committee on Ways and
Mr. AUSTIN, one from inhabitants of Ful
ton county, for a law abolishing annual assess
ments in said county.
Referred to the Committee on Ways and
Mr. GORDON, one from one hundred and
eighty inhabitaxitg - of Pennsylvania, for an ap
propriation to cleat the.Stisquehasina.
Referred to the Committee on Ways and
Mr. PRESTON, one from the marble masons
of Philadelphia for the passage of an Act sup
plement to the Act for the measurement of
marble and the appointment of a measurer.
Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary,
Mr. SHAFER, one from inhabitants of Chea
ter county, for the extension of the Mechanics
lien law so as to embrace materials furnished
for repairs.
Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary,
Mr. EILENBERGKR, one from inhabitants of
Northampton county, for an Act divorcing Si
mon and Margaret Lieb.
Referred to the Committee on tho Judiciary,
Mr. BLANCHARD, one from inhabitants of
Lawrence county, for the passage of a law rela
tive to the erection of a new township.
Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary,
Mr. TRACY, one from inhabitants of Brad
ford (aunty for the passage of a law authorising
the erection of a poor house in the county of
Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary,
Mr. GOEERING, a remonstrance from tax
payers of Allegheny county against the passage
of an Act to change the modeof collecting taxes
and creating a controller in said county.
Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary,
Mr. MULLIN, a petition from inhabitants of
Cambria county to change the Act entitled "an
Act to provide for the erection of a house for
the employment and support of the poor of
said county.'
Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary,
Mr. TRACY, one from inhabitants and tax
payers of Overton township, in the county of
Bradford, for a law to legalize the assessments
of road taxes in said county, for the year 1868.
Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary,
Mr. ARMSTRONG, one from inhabitants of
Mount Inlyre township. Lycoming county, for
a law to authorize the citizens of said township
to elect a township treasurer.
Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary,
Mr. DOUGLAS, a remonstrance from 186 in
habitants of 6th ward, Pittsburg, against Sen
ate bill No. 161 which contemplates abolishing
the office of Auditor in said county.
Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary,
Mr. BURNS, a petition from inhabitants of
North Fayette township, Allegheny county,
in favor of changing the financial system of
paid county.
Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary,
TRACY, one from inhabitants of Asylum
township, in Bradford county, for a law to pro
vide for the purchase of a farm and the erection
of a poor house for the employment and sup
port of the poor of said county.
Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary,
Mr. ARMSTRONG, one from inhabitants of
Pine township, Lycoming county, for an Act to
appropriate $5OO out of the funds of the town
ship for the construction and improvement of a
certain ward in said township.
Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary,
Mr. ASIICOId, a remonstrance of the board
of Directors of the Bedford Mineral Spring com
pany, against the passage of Senate bill, No.
899, entitled "a further supplement to the Act
to incorporate the Bedford Mineral Spring asap-
Referred to the Committee on Corpora
Mr. BURNS, a petition of inhabitants of
Pittsburg, in of a law to prevent the cir•
culatlon of foreign bank notes of a less denom
ination than five dollars, and for the banks of
this State to issue small notes.
Referred to the Committee on Banks.
Mr. BRESSLER, one from inhabitants of
Clinton county, for a law to enable the banks
of this State to issue small notes.
Referred to the Committee on Banks.
Mr. ARMSTRONG, one from inhabitants of
Lyeoming county, for an Act to tax dogs and
protect sheep.
Referred to the Committee on Agriculture,
Mr. BRESSLER, one of similar import.
Referred to the Committee on. Agriculture,
Mr. AUSTIN, one from inhabitana of Frank
lin county. for the repeal of a law preventing
the catching of fish in Conococheogne creek,
and Felling Spring.
Referred to the Committee on Agriculture,
Mr. WILSON, two from inhabitants of Bea
rer county, for a law for the protection of fish,
War* to the Conunittee on 4Aricsature,
Ur. PAITERSON, a remonstrance from In
habiteata of Jualata county, against the pas
e.of slaw to tax doge in said county.
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Referred to the Oisinmitteo on Agriculture,
Mr. HECK, a pedAon from inhabitants of
Highspire and LowipilTwatara townships, rela
tive to streets, lan4alleys.
Referred to the . ttee on Roads, Bridges
and Canals. •,
Mr. REFFF t one pa' Inhabitants of the bor
ough of Dillsburg, ark county, for the open
ing of a street In saidtms•eggh.
Referred to the_ b on Roads, Bridges
and Canals. i
Mr. RANDALL, a setrunidrance against the
extension of the Wissahickon turnpike to the
Ridge turn • - 'c.o.
.4 1 •• ' • 9. - '^ o n Roads, Bridges
Mr. (HERONRY, a pet en•from inhabitants
of Bretton township, Mifflin county, for a law
authorizing the selling and repairing of public
roads in said county.
Referred to the Comtnittett on Roads, Bridges
and Canals.
Mr. BRESSLER, ono from inhabitants of
Clinton county to vacate a road in Lamar and
Allison townships.
Referred to the Committee on Roads, Bridges
and Cimils
. _
Mr. PATTERSON, one from inhabitants of
Tell township, Huntingdore county, to be an
nexed to Juniata county.
Referred to the Committee on New Counties
and County Seats.
l•lr. DUEFIELD, one from inhabitants of the
late townships of Bybergrand Moreland, in the
twenty-third ward, Philadelphia, to be annexed
to Bucks county.
Referred to the Committee on New Counties
and County seats.
Mr. FRAZLEIt, three from inhabitants of Sus
quehanna county for a change in the place of
holding elections.
Referred to the Committee on Election Dis
Mr. BISEL, one from inhabitants of Chillis
quaque township, Northumberland county, for a
change in the place of Ma:* elections in said.
Referred to the Comfnlfte - e on Election Dis
Mr. BOYER, ono from inhabitants of Muh-•
lenberg township, forks county, for a reduction
in the price of store licenses for the sale of
spirituous liquors.
Referred to the Committee on Vice and Im
Mr. ELLIOTT, one from inhabitants of
Tioga county, for the passage of an Act relative
to obtaining licenses for the sale of malt and
spirituous liquors in said county.
Referred to the Committee on Vice and Im
Mr; AUSTIN, one from inhabitants of LiCk
ing Creek School District,l'ulton county, for
an Act- enabling them to draw appropriations
for school year 1862.
Referred to the Committee on Education
Mr. 1100.11 E, a .reznonstamate from inhabit
ants of Philadelphia whist the erection of
Public Buildings.
Mr. WILDBY one of similar import.
Both of which were rs.ferred to a special
Committee of the Representith , es from Philadel
Mr. HUHN, three remonstrances from inhab
itants of Schuylkill county, against the incor
poration of the Nesquehoning railroad.
Laid on the table.
Mr. AUSTIN, a petition from Huntingdon
and Fulton counties, askingthat a part of Dub
lin township, Huntingdon county, be amazed
to Fulton county.
Laid on the table.
Also, one from inhabitants of Pennsylvania
for an appropriation to the Penbsylvania Colon
ization Society.
Messrs. BLAIR and ARIISTRONG presented
petitions of similar import.
All of which were laid on the table.
Mr. BLAIR, a remonstrance frominhabitants
of Dublin township,Huntingdon cotlntYAgainst
annexation to Fulton county.
laid on the table.
Mr. HUHN, a remonstrance from inhabit.
ants of Tamaqua and Vicinity, Schuylkill
county, against the incorporation of the Nes
quehoning Railroad Company.
laid upon the table.
Mr. SELTZER, one of similar import.
Laid on the table.
Also, six renionetranoes from inhabitants of
Philadelphia against the repeal of the Act giv
ing the Supreme Court power to appoint mu
nicipal officers.
Laid on the table. •
ON LL&VR Ginnlr
Mr. HAPPEB, a petition of inhabitants of
Washington county in relation to the collection
of county and military taxes.
Also, a petition of 180 inhabitants of Wash
ington county for an appropriation in aid of
the Pennsylvania Colonization Society.
Both of which Were referred to the Commit:.
tee on Ways and Means.
WILLIAMS, one from inhabitants of
Lawrence county for the repeal of the laws
authorizing the appointment of collectors of
taxes; and for a decision of the State.
Referred to the Committee on Ways and
Mr. MANIFOLD, one from inhabitants of
York, of Stewartatown, and the township of
Hopewell, York county, for the passage of an
Act to aim= their lands, now included within
the limits of the borough of Stewartstown, to
Hopewell township.
Referred to the committee on the Judiciary.
Arnarraw Mdds
Mr. ABBOTT submitted the following :
.Resoireci, That this House will hold a session
this,afternoon, commending at three o'clock,
for the consideration of the general appropria
The motion was agreed to.
Mr. RANDALL submitted the following: _:
Resolved, That this House will hold a session
on Monday evening next to consider the Gover
nor's Message relative to the proposed amend
ments to the Constitution of the United States
and the accompanying documents.
Mr. ROBINSON moved to amend by striking
out "Monday evening next" and inserting
"next Monday evening a week"
The consideration of the resolution and
amendment was postponed to permit Mr. ARM
STRONG to read a billin place.
Mr. ARMSTRONG, (on leave given), read in
place a bill entitled "an Act to ratify, on be
half of the State of Pennsylvania, an amend
ment:a) the Constitution relating to the power
of Congress to abolish or interfere within any .
State with the domestic institutions thereof."
irbe bill was referred to the Committee on the
Jury 4'914=1-)
.Thin oration of the resolution of Mr.
i .
.‘ resq*
iiiiagen being on the smea2dmerrt of Mr,
RO : 1 1 101/1; Ili; to strike out "next Monday
evening" and insert "next Monday evening a
--Mr. FRAZIER. I move to postpone the subject
for the present. I will explain my object in of
fering this resolution. The bill which has been
introduced and referred to the Judiciary Com
mittee covers the whole ground. When that
bill shall be reported,by the Committee, the
House can then at any time proceed to act upon
it. Therefore I think the resolution of my
friend from Philadelphia (Mr. RiNDALL) is un
Mr. WILSON. I hope that the gentleman
from Susquehanna will withdraw his motion to
postpone for the present, or that it will not be
adopted by the House. If we appointresperibl
seision, , the bill will no doubt by_ that time
have ixteit reported from the Committee, and
the minds of members will be prepared to act
upon the subject.
Mr. ABBOTT. There is en
tire absence of necessity for the resolution of
fered by my colleague, (Mr. Ilabilasr.,) in view
of the action already taken on the bill relating
to the same subject, which has been read in
place by my friend from Lycoming, (Mr. Aim
sreoNo.) My own impression is that that bill
should have been the creature of the action of
this House, and that, if the. House wished to
,have suck a bill before it, the Judiciary Com
mittee should have been instructed to prepare
such a bill. But as the proceedings have taken
a different course, it is certainly not proper when
this bill has been read in place and referred to
a Committee, that a resolution of the same na
ture should co-exist. The one dispenses with
the other. I think it best by fax that the rm .
lution should be suppressed or withdrawn.
On the motion of Mr. FRAZIER to postpone,
The yeas and nays were required by M. BILL
and Mr. MOORE and were as follows, viz
Yeas—Messrs. Abbott, Acker, Alexander,
Anderson, Armstrong, Austin, Ball, Barnsley,
Blair, Blanchard, Bliss, Burns, Butler, (Craw
ford,) Clark, Cowan, Craig, Douglass, Elliott,
Fount', Gibboney, Goehrhig, Gordon, Graham,
Happer, Harvey, Hayes, Hood, Roans, Koch,
Lawrence, Lowther, brGonigal, Mullin, Ober,
Patterson, Pierce, Reny, Robinson, Schrock,
Seltzer, Shafer, Strang, Taylor Teller, Tracy,
Walker, White and Williams-48.
Nays—Messrs. Bartholomew, Bisel, Thaler,
Boyer, Brodhead, Butler, (Carbon,) Caldwell,
Cope, Dismant, Divins, Donley, Duffield, Dun
can, Dunlap, Ellenberger, Gaskill, Heck, Hill,
Hillman,. Huhn, Kline, Lichtenwallnedy' lir,
Donough; Manifold, Moore, Morrison ..Idyers,
Osterhout, Preston, Randall Reiff, RhOadeoltol
ler Sheppard, Smith, ( Berke ,) Stone - bads
Wildey and Wilson-89.
So the question was determined in the alma
Mr. SCHROCK asked and obtained leave to
withdraw certain documents.
Mr. MOORE, (Waytrand Ifeaid4),aa-eommit
ted, an Act for the relief of the securities of F.
Knox Morton, late treasurer of the county -of
Mr. MOORE moved to suspend the rules and
proceed to consider the bill.
The motion was agreed to ; and
The that and only section of the bill was.
It appealing on discussion that the bill in
volved legal pants,
Mr. TRACY moved to commit the bill to the
Committee on the Judiciary, general.
The motion of Mr. TRACY was agreed to.
Mr. BRODHEAD, (same,) as committed, Sen.
bill to authorize the State Treasurer to
the Towanda bridge company a balance re
maining in the Treasury due them, in pursuance
of a contract made with the Board of Canal
Commissioners July 12, 1886.
Also, (same,) as committed, joint resolution
to purchase the manuscript of the State book
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Mr. ABBOTT, (same,) as committed, an Act
to provide for the payment, of certain charm.
Mr. GORDON, (Judiciary, general,) as com
mitted, an Act to annex Lehigh county to the
22d judicial district.
Mr. DU - MELT), (same,) as committed, Sen
ate bill, No. 484, an Act to authorize the
guardians of the minor children of Jas.-A.
Benade, dec'd.„to sell certain bank stock, and
to authorize the trustee of real estate belonging
to said minors to mortgage the same.
Mr. 'HOOD, (Judiciary, local,) with a nega
tive recommendation, an Act relative to county
Mr. WILSON, (same,) with amendment, an
Act relative to the payment of costs in minor
offences and relative to the Jail in Allegheny
Mr. RANDALL, (same,) as committed, an
Act relating to the Courts of the county of
Mr. TELLER, (same,) with a negative recom
mendation, a further supplement to an Act - re
lative to agencies of foreign humnatee, trust
and annuity companies. '
Mr. HOOD, (same,) as committed, an Act to
authorize the Chestmut Hill Iron company, to
borrow money and secure the payment there
Mr. ROBINSON, (same,) as committed, an
Act authorizing the borough of Warren and the
township of South West in Warren' county,
to levy an additional tax.
Mr. BOYER, (same,) as committed, an Act
authorizing the Chief Burgess and Town Coun
cil of the borough of Middleton, Dauphin coun
ty, to erect a lock-up house in said borough.
Mr. TELLER, (same,) with a negative re
commendation, an Act to divorce Edwin Geo.
Wells from his wife Ellen.
Mr. ELLIOTT, (sante,) -with a negative re
commendation, anAct to authorize L. B. Singe
bury to maintain and keep up grounds for
training and improving horses and stock.
Mr. BUTLER, (Carbon,) (same,) as commit
ted, a further supplement to the Act for the as
sessment and recovery of damages upon the
North Branch and Wyoming canals.
Mr. WILSON, (same,) with a negative re
commendation, an Act relative to Treasurer's
sales in Warren county.
Mr. ROBINSON, (same,) as committed, an
Act changing the place of holding the appeals
to commissioners for change on assessments in
Washington county.
Mr. BUTLER, (Carbon i ) (same,) with amend
ments, an Act to repeal pp of an Act approv
ed May 14, 1867, increasing the width of Dia
mond alley, and for other purposes.
Mr. RhNDALL , (same,) as committed, an
Act granting further powers to the Inspectors
of the Philadelphia county prison.
Mr. BOYER, (same,) as committed, an Actto
authorize the school directors of the District of
Honesdale,. Wayne county, to borrow money.
Mr. =MALT A (same,) with amendment, an
Act supplementary to an Act-entitled "an Act
to consolidate the city of Plautelphia"
Mr. BOYER, (same,) with 'amendment, .It,
supplement to the Act of )(arch 20th, 1888, en
titled "a supplement to an Act regulating the
sale of intoxicating liquors."
Mr. HOOD, (same,) with' a negative recom
mendation, an Act authoriAng the extension of
Dunn street, in the city of:Philadelphia.
Mr. TELLER, (same,) as committed, an Act
to authorise the School Directors of the borough
of Newport to borrow money.
Mr. nuopr, (same,) as committed, an Act
to secure to farmers certain rights in the mar
kets of the city of Philadelphia.
Mr. MILER, (Carbon,) as committed, an
Act relative to assessors and assessments in the
city of Philadelphia.
Mr. WILSON, (came,) as comrsttted, an Act
'relative to the pay of jurors in:Clintosand Cen
tre counties.
Mr. RANDALL, (same,) asilsonimittecl, an
ALI 4a/dhoti:Wog' the Governor to appoint an
auctioneer for the borough of Ebemsbing.
Mr M . MOTT, (same,) with a negative re
commendation, an Act to vacate and annul a
certain trust. -
Mr. BUTLER, (Carbon,) (same) as commit
ted, an Act to relinquish the purchase money
and interest due the Commonwealth, and freer
tain piece of land'in Lehigh county to the Jor
dad German Reformed congregation, and to per
fect the.title.
Mr. TELLER, (same,) as committed, an Act
relating to constable's fees in Runtingdoncoun
Mr. WILSON, (same,) as committed, an Act
to allow. the Sheriff of FRyettee county a fair
compensation for, trouble and expense in cap
turing escaped prisoners and convicts.
Ft. - LTOTP, (same;) with amendment, an
Act for the better securing the compensation of
labor in the county of Columbia.
Mr. BOYER, (same,) as committed, an Act to
vacate Filbert street, in the twenty-fourth ward,
from the river Schuylkill to Lancaster Avenue.
Mr. HOOD, (same,) as committed, an Act for
the relief of the sureties of John H. Biggs, for
merly Prothonotory of Clarion county.
Mr. BUTLER, (Carbon,) (same,) as commit
ted, an Act to provide for the appointment of
An additional Com Missioner, to take depositions
to be used in the Courts of Philadelphia.
Mr. TELLER, (same,) as committed, an Act
for the relief of the estate of Townsend P. De
wolf, late of Butler county.
Mr. HOOD, (same,) with a negative recom
mendation, an Act to allow the State tax of the
townships of Logan and Porter, Clinton county,
to be appropriated to the construction of a
wagon road.
Mr. WILSON, (same,) as committed, an Act
- relative to the township of Greene, Indiana
Mr. t BOYER, (same,) as committed, an Act
to resettle the acco u nt of F. H. Martin, late
Treasurer of Venango county.
Mr. ARMSTRONG, (Estates and Fschats,) as
committed, an Act relative to certain real estate
of Edward Shippen. Bard, decd.
The following bills were , reported from the
Committee on Agriculture and Manufactures :
Arreorturritted, aztAct - to prevent the catch
ing of fish - in ShipPenrack creek, Butler
With a-negative recommendation, an Act to
extenil the provisions of an Act to prevent
cattk,' horses,' sheep and hogs.frozn running at
large in-Delaware county to Allegheny county.
As committed, an Act to repeal an Act to tax
dogi in Allegheny county.
With a negative recommendation, an Act to
prevent cattle - running at large in Philadelphia
city and the counties of Delaware and Mont
committed, an Act for the protection of
dogs in Delaware county.
With a negative recommendation, Sen. bill
128, an Act for the protection nf speckled trout
in the lakes, streams and ponds of Pike county.
As committed, an Act to repeal , the bounty
on fox, scalps in Mercer county.
As committed, an Act to prevent the hunt
ing of deer with dogs, in Wayne county.
As committed, an Act to prevent ashing in
Head's creek, Chestnut Hill township, Monroe
As commited i an, Act to. Protect sheep and
tax dogs in LypOphil bOanty.' •
As committed, an Act to extend the provisions
of an Act for the protection of sheep and tax
ing of dogs in Blair county to Cambria coun
As committed, Sen. bill 418, an Act to pro
tect trait, &c., and purdah trespass.
As committed, an Act to extend certain pro
visions:4)f the Act of.lB4B t iaying a tax on dog,
to boroughs and townships in Chester county.
As committed, an Act relative to fox scalps
Minn county.
As committed ; an Act for the protection of
deer in the counties of Cumberland, Franklin
and Adams.
With a negative recommendation, a supple
ment to an Act to.protect fruit, &c., and punish
trespass in certain counties. -
With a negative recommendation, a supple
ment to an Act for the protection of sheep and
taxing of dogs in Blair county.
Mr. WHITS, (Vice andirmnorality,) OS Com
mitted, an Act; relative toilet - ming eating and
beer houses in this Commonwealth s
Mr. DONLEY, (same,) with. a negative re
commendation, an Act to restrain. - the sale of
intoxicating liquors in'Lawrence county.
Mr. SHAFER, (Education,) as committed, an
Act to extend the provisions of an Act relative
to the selection of sites for school houses in
Chester and Delaware counties to the county of
The following bills were reported from the
Committee on Claims:
Senate bill No. 294, with amendment, enti
tled "an Act to authorize the Auditor General
and State.Treaeuror to examine the - claim for
damages of J.ll Bitner &Brother of - Lancaster
With amendment, an Act relative to the
claim of Samuel Copper, of Lawrence county.
With amendment, an Act authorizing the
examination of the claim of Sherman Bills.
Also, with amendment, au Act authorizing
the examination of the claim of 'Sherman Bills
and Geo. L. Foreman.
With amendment, an Act mlative to the
claim of Thos. Keating.
With amendment, an Act relative to the
claim of James Digman.
With a negative recommendation an Act
authorizing the vatuination of the claims of
Chas. Miller and Stephen A. and Peter Moyer
for wood furnished, and of Barnard M'Colgan
for coal furnished and cars broken on' the Alle
gheny Portage Railroad. '
With a negative recommendation an Act
for the relief of F. and J. Gardner.
As committed, an Act 'for the . relief of
Samuel Anderaon.
- Mr. BMCEIG, (corponnintwa as coanulted, a
fOithar'simpleMent to AOr. indorPoratint
the Allentown:Water Uoidpitiy, and its several
amendments. ,
MeIEDNICITRMI, tsami,Tua comintted;
supplement to an Act taineorpOzate tlic West
ern Tmumpertation company.
Mr. HUHN, (same,) as committed, a sup
plement to the Act incorporating the Wetherill
Zinc company.
Mr. WILDEY, (same,) as committed, an Act
to incorporate the Columbia OR company.
Mr. SMITH, (Berks,) (same,) as committed,
an Act to incorporate the Oakland Fark Cor
Mr. HUHN, (same,) as committed, an Act to
incoporate the Ashland Cemetery company.
Mr. ROLLER, (same,) as committed, a fur
ther supplement to an Act to incorpo rate' the
city of Philadelphia.
Mr. LAWILDTCE, (same,) as committed, an
Act to incorporate the Fowelton Coal and Iron
Mr.,HARTEY, (eame,) committed, an Aot
to incorporate the 'ilvola Steam - giro Hose com
pany.of. Philadelphia. .
Mr. DUNCAN, (same,) as committed, an Act
to incorporate the Venango Pretolenm com
Mr. BISET., (same,) as committed, a supple
ment to an Act to incorporate the Farm Stook
Association of Delaware county.
Mr. SMITH, (Berke,) (same,) as committed,
an Act to incorporate the- Tideoute Brigade
Mr: , WILDEY, (same,) as wmtnitted, an Act
to incorporate the Pawner's Loan Association.
Mr. ROLLER, (same,) as committed, an Ac
to incorporate the Erusca Oil company of Arm
strong county.
Mr. HARVEY, (same,) , aa committed, a sup
plement to the Act incorporating tho borough
of Columbus, Luzern() county.
• Mr. 'DUNC.AN, (same,) as committed, an Act
to incorporate the I\-augh creek coal and iron
Mr. WILDEY, (same,) so committed, a sup
plement to tho Act incorporating the managers
of the poor of the borough of Germantown.
Mr. LAWRENCE, (same,) as committed, an
Act relating to taxes in the borough of Down=
ington, Cheater county.
Mr. BISEL, (same,) as committed, a supple
ment to the Act incorporating the Shamokin
steam ferry company.
Mr. SMITH, (Berke,) (same,) as committed,
an Act relating to corporations.
Mr. M'DONGUGH, (same,) as committed,
further supplement to the Act to perfect the
charter of the Samaritan beneficial society of
Mr. LAWRENCE, (same,) as committed, an
Act to incorporate the Shawumt cannel, coal
Mr. DUNCAN, (same,) as committed, a sup•
plernent to the Aot incorporating the Bethlehem
water company.
Mr. HUHN, (cams* with amendments, an
Lot to incorporate the New Castle gas light
Kr. BbilTif,_ (Philacielphia i ) *map) aaJcom
mitted, an Act to incorporate. the Allegheny
oil company.
Mr. HUHN, (storie,) as committed, a further
supplement to the Act incorporating the Don
aldson improvement company.
Mr. COWAN, (Railroads,) as committed, a
further supplement to an Act incorpbrating the
Erie and Pittsburg Balboa' Company.
Also, (sartte,) with a negative recommenda
tion, supplement to an Act to incorporate the
Western Railroad Company.
Also, (same) as committed, an Act to incor
porate the Bald Eagle Valley Railroad Com
On the question of suspending the rules and
considering the said bill,
The yeas and nays were required by Mr.
SMITE, (Berks,) and Mr. BUTLER, .(Carbon,)
and were as follow, viz :
Ysas—Mesars. Abbott, Acker, Anderson,
Austin, Ball, Bartholomew, Bisel, l3ixler,
Blanchard, Misr, Bressler, Burns, Butler, (Car
bon,) Butler (Crawford,) Cowan, Craig, Divi, a t
Douglass, Duffield, Duncan, Dunlap, Elliott,
Gaakill, Gibboney, Gordan Graham Hopper,
Harvey, Hayes, Heck,-Hillman, Hood, Ronne,
Koch, Lowther, M'Gonigal, Moore, Morrison,
Mullin, Ober, Osterhout, Patterson, Peirce,
Preston, Pughe Randall, Robinson, Roller,
Schrock, Seltzer, Shafer,
Sheppard, Smith,
(Philadelphia,) Stehnian, Strang, Taylor ' Tel
er, Thomas, Walker, Wildey, Williams and
Non--Messrs. Barnsley, Boyer, Brodhead,
Cope, Dismant, Donley, Hill, Lichtenwallner,
M'Donough, Manifold, Myers, Reiff, Rhoads,.
Smith, (Berks,) Stoneback and Tracy-16.
So the question was determined in the affirm
The bill was then considered and,
Passed finally.
Mr. PRESTON, (same,) as committed, an
Act to extend the.charter of-the Greenwich Im
provement company.
Mr. HOFHTS, (same,) as committed, a fur
ther supplement to an Act incorporating the
Fayette county ; Railroad.
Mr. SELTZER, (same,) as committed ) an Act
to prohibit the Philadelphia, Wilmington and
Baltimore Railroad from running locomotives
in the city of- Philadelphia.
Mr. GRAHAM, (same,) as committed, a sup
plement to an Act incorporating the Reading
and Columbia Railroad company.
Mr. ACKER, (same,)with a negative recom
mendation' a supplement to an Act incorporat
ing the North Pennsylvania Railroad company.
Mr. ALEXANDER, (same,) as committed, a
further supplement to an Act in reference to
running locomotives . and cars on .connecting
Also, (same,) with amendment, a supplement
to an Act incorporating the Butler county Rail
road company.
The following bills were reported from the
Committee on Roads, Bridges and Canals :
An Act to lay out a State road, commencing
at the public house of Samuel Muldenberger,
Monroe county, to a public road leading from
Aferwinsburg to White Haven, in Carbon
An Act to extend the Act relating to the
selling of the repairing of the public roads in
certain townships in Schuylkill county, to
Zerbe township, _Northumberland county.
As committed, an Act relating to roads in
Bratton township, Mifflin coun t y.
As committed, an Act to incorporate a com
pany to construct a plank road in Brie, Craw
ford and. Venango counties.
As committed, an Act to lay out a State road
in the counties of Lancaster and Lebanon. •
Aircommitted, with a negative recommenda
tion an Act relative to a certain mad in Pine
township, Lysxuning county.
As committed, an Act relative' to a publics
road in Walla's township., Fulton county.
A supplement to an Act to lay
,out a State
road in Clarion and Venango comities. , -
With an amendment, an Act to lay out a
State road in (Dion and Venango counties.
Ittam tiutiug fats.
flaying procureu Steam Power Presses, we are
.prepared to execute JOB and BOOK PRINTIN G of erea7
leacription, cheaper that it can be done at any other es
Ablishmentin the country
RATES or eallisaTISING.
iarYoUr lines or lees eanatitule one-half square. 21"
ice- or more than tour constitute a square.
Hall Square One day
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a threw months
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One i'quare One day
onii s week. .• .......... ... . 2 00
one month . - 8 00
Weis m0nth5........ 600
six months_ 8 00
am) earlo 00
'foramina's Mimi Inserted In Um - Local *ohms, or
miens Marriages and Deaths, Filirlt 122g8 Pith LIM!
or each insertion.
fir larrtages and Deaths to be charged as regular
orrerileemeine. _
NO. 67.
As committed, an Act authorising itie Com
missioners of Clarion and Armstrong counties
to erect a bridge over Redbanli Creek.
As committed, an Act declaring Soldier Run,
in Jefferson county, a publio highway.
As committed, an Act declaring the east and
west branches of Muddy Run, in Clearfield
county, public highways.
AB committed, an Act to lay out a State road
in Columbia and Lycoming counties.
As committed, an Act for laying out a State
read in Schuylkill, Dauphin and Lebanon
As committed, a supplement to an Act, wa
ded "an Act relative to turnpikes in Puma
As committed, a further supplexuan*Ao
Act to incorporate the Senkesset andlebustovve
plank road company.
As committed, a supplement to an Act inaek
porating the Pittsburg and Steubenville turn
pike road company.
As committed, an Act to incorporke the
Union Mills and Oil Creek plank road com-
As committed, an Act to vacate a State road
in Clinton county, between Lamer and Allison
'As committed, an Act relating to the Kris
canal company.
As committed, an Act to incorptifirte the
Conestoga and Big Spring Valley turnpike road
As committed, an Act to appoint commis
sioners to take charge of the Miles - burg' and
Smethport turnpike road.
As committed, an Act to incorporate the TM
eoute bridge company.
As committed, a supplement to an Act au
thorizing the Glen Hope and Little Bald Eagle
turnpike road company to erect a bridge over
the Susquehanna.
As committed, supplement to an Act relating
to the selling of the repaizing of •the public.
roads in certain township; in Schuylkill
Mr. SELTZER moved that theHonee itteparat
the rules and proceed to the consideration of
the Bill entitled a supplement to the Act ap
proved April 20th, 18b8, entitled a supplement
to the Act regulating the sale of intoxicating
The motion was agreed to,
And the said bill was considered and
Passed finally.
Mr. HOOD moved that the House suspend
the rules end proceed tothe consideration of Ben
atea bill, No. 188, entitled an Act to authorise
the Chestnut Hill Iron company to borrow
Money and secure the payment thereof.
On the motion,
The yeas and nays were required by Mr.
CLARE and Mr. * BItODBMD, and were az fol
lows, viz.; 4
YILI.--Messra. Acker, Anderson, Austin,
Ball, Barnsley, Bisel, axle; Blair. Blanchard,
Boyer, Bressler, Burns, Butler, (Carbon,) ,
ler, (Crawford,) Caldwell, Cowan, Craig, Dwg
lass, Duffield, Duncan, 'Ellenberger, Elliott,
Frazier, Gibboney, Goehring, Graham, Happer,
Harvey, Hayes, Hill, Hood, Roans, Huhn,
Koch, Llchtenwallner, lit'Donough,M'Gonigal,
Manifold, Moore, Mullin, Myers, Ober, NW
hout, Patterson, Pierce, Pughe, Reiff, Rely,
Rhoads, Robinson, Roller, Schrock,: Seltzer,
Shafer, Sheppard, Smith, (Berks,) Smith, (Phil
adelphia,) Stehman, Stonebach, Strang, Taylor,
Teller, Walker, White, Wildey, Williams and
NAYS —Messrs. Brodhead, Clark; Mama
Donley, Heck, Morrison and Tracy-7.
So the question was determined In the agfrm
The said bill was then considered and
Passed finally.
Mr. CLARK, (Public Buildings,) as commit
ted, an Act to authorile the Seoond English
Lutheran Evangelical Congregation of the city
of Harrisburg, to connect gas pipes within the
enclosure of the public grounds.
The deputy secretary of the Commonwealth
being introduced presented a message from the
Governor, which was read as fohows:
1b the Senate and House of Representatives of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania:
I have the honor to transmit to you here
with a copy of the report of the Commission
ers appointed by me, under the resolution of
the General Assembly authorizing such appo!nt
ment, .to meet Commissioners from Virginia
and other States.
I feel it my duty, in this connection, to call
the attention of the Legislature to some of tire
provisions of the "Joint. Resolutions for :tite
payment of the recently appointed Commis
sioners to Washington," of the second day of
March, 1861. It is therein provided that the
State'Trefusurer shall pay such portion of other
expenses of said Commission as shallhe just
and, equal among the States represented, the
amount whereof shall be•certified by the said
If the Commissioners were together, it would
he difficult for them to certify definitely as to
the character and amount of these expenses;
but they have separated, and it would, there
fore, be almost impossible to obtain such cer
tificate. The gentlemen of this Commiseden
were charged with a high trust ; they have dis
charged it with an ability and fidelity • which
have well maintained the honor and dignity-of
the State. The expenses were necessarily large,
and it ;is proper that their prompt Payment
should be provided for, and in a manner• that
will neither embarrass nor annoy the number,
of the Commission. . .
Tb .114 Excellency, Andrew G. Curtin, Govarnor of
the Commonwealth of l'lmmtlylvanict;
The underOgnecl, Commissioners nppoluted
by your Excellency, by virtue of the Resolu
tion of the General Asset:ably of Pennsylvania,
to meet Commissioners from Virginia and other
States, respectfully beg leave to report:
That, in. pursuance of the authority conferred
upon us, we met in Convention in the city of
Washington, on the fourth day of February,
1,861, and.were joined there by representativtioi
of twenty of our sister States. The Convetiv
tion contined in seamon until the 27th ult. . The
settieieed Propoied — Article of, mendment to
bin Omotltuttee, ,was Passed by se ctim ". ale *
seirtionty the vote annexed thereto..
By reelargiOn of thatbsdylhesaid article, as
adopted, was transmitted to the Senate and
antinued on lard
I:l.4flii: I
THURSDAY, March 21, .186 L
HARRISBURG, March 21, 1:..1.
..4 0
. 600