11_), aitp Etlegrapb. RARRISBIIRO• Thursday Afternoon, 'March' 21, 1861. WANTED AT TlllB Orrice an active and intel ligent boy, who can read manuscript readily and accurately, and will make himself gene rally useful. SPEAK= DAVIS has been absent from the Capital for several days on a visit to Washing ton. According to rumor, he is an applicant for a Territorial Governorship, with a fair chance of success. Nov. Isom, Dzonuox.—Judge Low, of St. Louis; has decided that a paper published in the interest of a religions sect, is not a newspa per, and that the legal notices phblished in such journals are null and void. FUNERAL OF AN OLD SOLDIER.- Wrn. T. Wil liams, for many yearn an Ordnance Sergeant in the army, died at Carlisle on Sunday morning last, and was burled on Monday with military honors—the command at the garrison, and the Carlisle Infantry. and Sumner Rifles participating. EXHIBITION THIS EVBNING.—An exhibition will be given in the Hell of the House of Rep resentatives this evening by the pupils of the Pennsylvania training school for feeble minded children. No persons will be admitted to the floor of the House but members of the Legisla ture,officere of the Government, and such "out siders" as may be introduced by them. • Tin OM HOSPITAL. --Last night five unf9r ttniatea sought shelter from the "peltings of the pittilese storm" in the asylum forvagrante, andwere properly cared for by the attentive su perintendent. Moat of them were dilißidated silloimens of humanity, "without local habita tions," and by friends and fortune quite dis owned. This morning they were 'provided . with refreehments, and then discharged to aye . sumo their weary tramp. IMPORTANT iiMASURN.-A bill is now before the liegislature relative to licensing beer-houses and restaurants. It provides that no beer house, brewery, or eating-house licenses shall hereafter be granted except by the Court of Quarter Sessions. 'lli petitions must be pub lished according the eighth section of the Act of March 81,1866 ; and the tenth section of the Act of March 1868, repealing the above.— The Court has discretion to grant or reject a license. 813PPOISBD MUM —A drunken Irish woman was picked up on the street yesterday of ter noon by officer Wiekert, and taken to prison. A few nights previous she was an inmate of the lock-up, and on being discharged begged a quarter from the Mayor to purchase food, as she stated. The money, however, was spent for whiskey, on which she got excessively in. ebriated, and hence her arrest yesterday. Her bundle was examined in *km, and among other articles contained a whole web of calico, no doubt stolen from some store in this city. The woman•ie a stranger here, but evidently an "old traveler" and professional thief. I=C:=l Foram Tramo.—The bill to suppress for tune telling—the main features of which we have already published—passed the Senate fi nally yesterday. The provision relative to "Spiritual Rapping" was very properly strick en out. The bill, in its present shape, is a good one, and will effectually crush out the swindling impostors who have long imposed upon and filched money from 'the pockets of the uturophisticated and credulous. There is one or two of these "planet-readers" and "card-shuffiers" in our city, whose hitherto profitable occupation will be gone when the Governor signs the bill, which we presume he will do as soo iv as it is presented to him. ..........-.... WINTER still "lingers in the lap of Spring." For several days past the weather be been de cidedly January-like, and this morning our cit izens awoke to find old mother earth robed in a mantle of white, about two inches of snow having fallen during the night. In common with our reportorial brethren we were "slight ly previous" in announcing the advent of Spring, at the beginning ofethe month., The little birds which then aerated us to such charming morning conoerts have folded their wings, ceased their seats, and sought shelter from cruel Jack Fre*, who makes such hideous face's at them as to freeze them with terror.— The "oldest inhabilints" say that they do not remember a colder month of March than the present has been thus far. We long to chroni cle the departure of the old frost-crowned Win ter Bing, and Welcome the advent of youthful blooming Spring— "In light and airy dress arrayed, Festooned with bud and flowers." I=o= Pacerreors or Taanz.—The gradual breaking away . of the clouds which, for the last three months, have darkened the political firmament, is hailed by everybody as the dawn of return ing prosperity. To no class are these hopeful indications from the National Capital more grateful than the mercantile world. The reasons for this are obvious. With their own paper maturing, their trade prostrate, and a large portion of their capital in the hands of non-paying customers, their position has been a trying one. That some should have failed to make time under the pressure of such a pro tracted calm, is not surprising. It is fortunate, however, that the real causes of this stagnation are likely to be remedied. The internal ele ments of our national prosperity have probably never been more abundant than at the present moment. What they need is to be restored to a healthy circulation. In this particular, our country at the present time may be said to resemble a powerful young Athlete, suddenly paralyzed by an act of injudicious indulgence. With a remedy promptly administered, capable of removing the dangerous obstruction, life may not only be saved, but return to vigorous health becomes almost instantaneous. The course of the new President, it is generally con ceded, will be such as to restore not only peace butto reinstate confidence and renew the vigor of our commercial interests. Pennspluattia IDatip edtgrctph, qEhurobap lfternoon, ,arch 21, 1861. Tim NEw CEMATION.—Every Spring, God works countless wonders. (We do not call them miracles, because we see them every Spring). Out of a little bud he brings a branch with leaves,. the flowers and fruits. From a tiny seed be evolves a whole plant, with its system of rodts and branches. And more won• derful still,we . see springing into life a new generation of insects and creeping things, and birJs anebeasts:: ”In wisdom bast Thou made them all." 4 Ationiernr.OnTriday morning last a man named Thomas Hand, working in the Big Run Gap coarmines, was struck by falling coal and instantly - The deceased was an admi rable workman, and was much esteemed by all who,knelf, him. He leaves a wife and child in a semewhat destitute condition. On Mon day evening a man named John Shenan was seriously injured by falling coal in the mines of the Lykens Valley company. On Tuesday evening a man named Thomas Booker was dangerously injured by being caught between two coal cars His condition is reported critical. THAT NIIHIANCE.—An anonymous correspond ent calls our attention to an underground res taurant on Market street, , "patronized princi pally by a low class . of blacklegs," which be says "is conducted in such a manner as to ren der it a public nuisance." If our correspond ent is booked up, as he professes to be, it is his duty to make coniplaint against the establish ment referred to, and crush it out by legal proms. If he is a good citizen, and a man of moral courge, he will do this, and not trouble us with anonymous notes on the subject. PLUM Husmes.—Appointments to office are as opportune now to the unemployed politi cians, as are shad to the appetite.of the good liver. The depression in business has made as many idlers as a carcass attracts flies. The ap petite is as keen with the one as with the other ; but the former have a , poor prospeCt of appeasing it. It is a matter of regret that of: flees cannot be trebled in number, so that there would be ascarcity of employees in mechanical and mercantile pursuits. There would then be no disappointments, nobody in want, and no struggles at elections. Corruption would disappear,' and everYbody would rejoice that the greatest good, instead of being distributed to the greatest number, was given to all alike. Tax "On, Fxvira."—The papers of Western Pennsylvania continue to bring us accounts of "oil" discoveries and wonderful "strikes." In fact one half the population in the oil region seems to have gone wild on the subject, though there is not a few that have strong suspicions that land speculators have got up the excite ment with the view of "greasing" their own pockets. lOrte of our Pittsburg exchanges says "Large quantities of oil continue to reach our city daily. Six hundred and thirty-eight barrels were received yeiterday, of which near ly four hundred barrels came up the Ohio. Since the discovery of coal oil in Pennsylvania, seventeen thousand barrels have teen received ' in Pittsburg, and $21a,600 worth of purified. oil Etas been sold. Great activity prevails among manufacturers of machinery, and large sums have been expended in purchasing steam engines and other necessary apparatus for bor ing the earth in search'of oleaginous wealth. The generally received theory that the recent discoveries of oil are indicative of the speedy destruction of the world, is done away with-thy the following evidence of the antiquity of the "oleaginous." We give it for the benefit if our more apprehensive, readers :—'When washed my steps with batter, and the roek poured me out rivers - of oil.' " —Job xxix, b. hems= To Thurman Coicemmes.—Surr cos DAMAGES.—The case of Lewis Smith vs. the Northern Central Railway Company, which was tried last week before Judge Pearson, in volves a question of considerable interest to Railroad Companies having lateral connections. The plaintiff was a brakeman in the employ of the Trevorton Railroadpompany, which con nects with the NOrthem Central .at Port 'lre vorton,from which point their coal cam are run over the latter road to the city of Baltimore. It was whilst returning from a trip to that city teat the injury was sustained whioh resulted in the'loss of his arm. It appeared from the testimony that the plaintiff was riding upon the cars of which he was brakeman, which was attached, with other Trevortoneare, to a freight train belonging to the Northern Central Rail way, and drawn by one of their locomotives. Some two miles above Harrisburg, whilst mov ing at a reasonably rapid rate, the engineer gave the signal fin' " down brakes," which was immediately obeyed by , the plaintiff and other brakemen, and the train came almost to a halt. A moment after, without giving the usual signal for-" up brakes," a-full head of steam was put on, and the train started with a sudden and violent jerk which broke the link connecting the car on which the plaintiff was riding, with the front part of the train, and threw him on to the track. In this fall the in jury was received which finally reoulted in the amputation of hie arm. The question of negligence upon the part of the engineer, or plaintiff, or both, was left to the jury, but the case turned mainly upon an other point. It was contended by the counsel for defendant that sosoon as the care of the Treverton Company left their ,own road and' entered upon the track of the Northern Cen tral road, the employees of the former Com pany, who remained at their posts on the cars and discharged their duties as brakeemen throughout the whole trip, became for the time being the employees of the Northern Central Company, and as such could not recover for injuries sustained through the negligence of another employee of the same Company. The Court, however, after fall argument, held the contrary, and instructed the jury that if they believed that the plaintiff had been guilty of no negligence hiniself, and had been injured by the negligence of the engineer of the North ern Central Company, he was entitled to recov er from the Company—that he was to. be re garded as the 'brakeisman, not of the Northern Central, but of the Trevorton Company, and as such did not come within the, principle of the case of Ryan vs. the Cumberland Valley Railroad CoMpany, reported:in 11 Harrill. The jury found in favor of the plaintiff and assessed his damagesat $4,675. The case will doubt be parried to the Supreme Court. Loma Bum Pessrm.—The bill to change the place of holding elections in the Fifth ward of this city, from the house of Gen. Foster to Raymond's tavern, passed the Senate finally to-day, and was sent to the House for concur rence. I=l APPROPRIATION TO Taub Fnuntas.—Yesterday pending the consideration of the appropriation bill in the House, another effort was made by Dr. Heck, seconded by Col. Patterson of Juniata, to insert as one of the items an appropriation of one hundred dollars to each of the fire compa nies of this city. The proposition failed, how ever, not more than twenty members voting for it, among the number Kr. Clark the Re publican member from this county. &motion to amend, by inserting fifty dollars each, was also defeated. The impression having been made upon the minds of Republican members that the defeat of Col. Wallower, last fall, was mainly the result of a conspiracy among our firemen, accounts for the action of the House in this matter. We hope, however, that our legislators, upon "sober second thought," will grant.the small boon asked for by the men upon whom the State is dependent for the protection and preservation of her public buildings and, their valuable contents, to case of conflagra tion. Similar appropriattims have beeri made in former years, and the present - Legislature should not be less liberal than those which have preceded it. CORPORMION MOONLIGHT.--We certainly think it Is about time that the people of Harrisburg should decide whether they are living in a "one-horse" village, or in a populous city.— The trouble is not in the unfaithfulness of the gas company or the lamp-lighter, but in the Common Council, who neglect to order the streets to be lit at such times as the almanac tells them the moon will be visible. They eon tract partly with the moon and partly with the gas manufacturers; and the mooh fails to fulfil her part of the agreement. This was the case last night. The "bright silver moon" was to tally obscured by clouds, and - after the stores and shops closed, darkness black as Erebus pre vailed, rendering locomotion both difficult and dangerous for belated pedestrians. For the convenience and safety of citizens, as well as strangers, the street lamps should. be lighted every night when, according to the almanac, theonoon ought to shine but does not. Last night after ten o'clock it was impossible to travel the.streets without coming in collision with lamp posts and tree boxes. We do hope our "city fathers" will hereafter let their light shine on nights when the moon fails to make its appearance. A. BOLD SWINDLE. = A friend in this city yes terday exhibited tone a lithographed circular from the office of "Hering & C0.,N0. 610Mar_ ket street, Wilmington," settlhg forth that hundreds of dollars haie lately been distrib uted, by the renowned " Delaware Lottery," in all parts of the country, but by some'Keens the business has sadly declined in. and bout. Harrisburg. The circular pep goes on to state that the proprietr are WittattOsdttd a tific—fre age Oftickets to „the -party . addressed, whicli;' from calculations neadelhey are alnilist confi dent will draw $3,000. The conditions are that the recipient shall exhibit the money to his friends, keep mum, and do all in his power to advance the lottery business here. Another very important conditionis, that the party ad dressed shall send Messrs. Herring & Co. $lO . "to pay the State," and the lucky package of tickets will be immediately, forthcoming. Men of ordinary intelligence will at once perceive that the proposition of Herring & Co. is decided. ly fishy. It is a bold attempt at swindling, and one which we have more than once exposed. Hundreds of these circulars will be sent here, and there are no doubt fools enough in this community to make it pay the lottery dealers. We hope none of our readers, should they re 7 ceive a circular, will be green enough to part witlian Xin hope of getting a cool $3,000 in return. The cheat is too transparent. RORRIELN RAILROAD Acomme.—An accident occurred about half-past nine o'clOck yesterday morning on the Northern Central Railway, by wlticia.one man was mortally and another se riously,injured. The freight train was coming north, and when about a quarter of a mile above Love's tank, in consequence of a swift rail breaking, the locomotive was thrown from the track. The rate of speed at' the time was not great, but the engine turned' entirely around, headed south, and capsized. William Whitely, the engineer, stood at his post until the safety _valve broke and the steam rushed out, completely enveloping his whole person. William Hertzberger, the brakesman, was caught by one leg between the boiler and a cross-tie, where he was held for nearly half an hour before he could be released. ' Harmon, the fireman, jumped from the engine, and sus tained but little injury. Whiteley and Hertz berger were removed to a house. near by, and a physician called toAttend them. He at once pronounced 'the case of Whiteley hopeless. Hertzberger had one of the bones of his leg fractured, and he was considerably scalded about the face. The skin was completely strip ped from the body and faCe'of Whiteley, and it was suppceed that he 'inhaled the steam, as he was entirely free from pain, but had an-un quenchable thirst. At ten o'clock last night he was supposed to be dying. At the time of the accident the engine jumped from the track on one side and the tender to the other side. Several of the cars were broken, but the loss is of little consequence. I=2=l Mune I Mususe I Musussl-1000 yards of the very best unbleached Muslin, 10 cents ; 2000 yards of beautiful bleached Muslin, 10 cents ; 2000 yards of the best long cloth Mus lin, 127} cents, which I will sell by the piece at 1171 cents ; 2000 yards of remnant of Calico De Leine, to be sold very cheap ; remnants of colored Silk, cheap ; De Lanes and other dress goods at cost ; Brodie Shawls and other Shawls at cost; Camdmere for pants; Black Cloth, Cassinette, and a large lot of pants stuff at cost ; a splendid assortment of Cambrics, Jaao netts, Cambric Bands, Elemstiched Handker chiefs, which I will sell at auction prices; white and colorol Flannel at cost.' For cheap goods call at 0. WIT% Rhoads' old corner. t Lamm Ix THE CAPITOL.—A resolution was adopted by the House yesterday, granting the use of the Hall to-morrow evening, to Mr. E W. Whelan, of Philadelphia, to deliver a lec ture on the origin and progress of the educa tion of the blind. The use of the Hall on next Tuesday evening; has also been granted to Wm. H. Armstrong, Esq., member of the House from Lycoming county, to rdeliver a leetile on "Egypt," before the Young Men's roam =I PAN - TEC - NA-THEO-A I—Two NIGHTS MORE OF TIER GREAT PAN-TEO-NA-THRO-A AT BRANT'S Harm. —The proprietor of the Pan-Uic-na thee a is the most liberal man we ever knew. Besides showing - one of the finest exhibitions in the world, he makes elegant presents to the people who patronize his exhibition. These presents consist of a splendid large gold clasp Family Bible, valued at $2O; a silver Cake Basket, valued-94 slb; a heavy gold Bracelet, valued at $lO a silver Goblet, valued at - $lO, about twenty elegant Books, with numerous seta of Ladies' Jewelry. He told the audience that he gave them these presents to advertise his exh'i bitten. To-night he will give to the audience who are present after the exhibition is over, another gold clasp Family Bible, another Cake Basket, another silver Goblet, another gold Bracelet, with about fifty presents, consisting of, nice books, jewelry, and among them will be given away, on each evening, an elegant silver Watch. We would advise all our read ers to go and see it, and we'will assure them it isone of the finest exhibitioneever given in Har . oh urg. --.•._ ORIGIN AND PROGRIS9 OF ma EDUCATION OF Tas Biwa.—The public is respectfully inform ed that p. W. WHELAN, an experienced teacher of the blind and now interested in the estab lishment of a Literary Magazine, adapted to their use, will deliver a lecture on the above subject in the Hall of the House:of Represent atives on Friday evening, the 22nd inst., commencing at half-past seven o'clock. The public, and especially the members of the Le gislature, are invited to attend. Admission free. - • ==l Ferzow (Alums :—lt is the duty and privi lege of every individual to contribute to the advantage and general welfare of the commu nity in which he lives. In brief, we are sent into this world to show that the world is better from our having lived in it; In view of this Messrs. MumYr BOWMAN take pleasure in an nouncing to their fellow citizens that they have now received their full and complete stock of Spring Liry Goods ; in Which they have used much care and judgment in the selections, both in regard to beauty of styles, and large abate ment of former prices. mar2l-211. TJE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY SIR 4IAIifES CLARKE'S • CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS. fled from et- Prescription of Sir J. Clarke, M. A, ilkystetart Extraordinary to the Queen. -invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all • painful amidangereas diseases to which the female csaititntiou Lc subject. It moderates'all excess and re es all obstif4ens, and ,a_simettly...cure may be relied on. • TO MARRIED LADIES it to peculiarly suited. It will in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits. CAUTION. These Pills should not be taken by :females during the FIRST THREE MONTHSqf Pregrsauczas:they, are sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at any ether time they are Inan mutts of Milhous and Spinal Affections, Pain in the Back and Limbs; Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpita tion of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, hese Pills wil . effect a cure when all other means have failed ; and al. though a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. N. 8.-41.00 and 8 postage stamps enclosedto any au thorized Agent, will insure a bottle, containing 50 Pills, by return mail. Par sale by C. A. HAffecctue. lye dawly SAVING FUND NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST CO. OFFICE, .Wainut St., S. W. Corner of Third. Arrangements for Business during the Suspension of Specie Payments by the flanks. 1. Deposits received and paymentelinade every day. 2. Current Bank Notes and Specie will be received on deposit. 3. Deposits made in Bank notes and Specie will inTiaid back in city Bank notes. 4. Deposita made in Gold or Sliver will be paid back in Coin. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. PER ANNUM. HENRY L. BENNER; President. ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Tice President WILLIAM J. REED, Secretary. marll-d and w NEW ARRANGEMENT. CHANGE OF LOCATION. W ALLOVTER'S LINE. • The old stook of cars being disposed of, the undersigned has broke out in a new place and ea ten hed a daily freight line between Philadelphia, New 'fork, Harrisburg and all points on the Northern Central, Sunbury & Erie and LackaWana & Bloomsburg railroads. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended he hopes, by promptness in delivery, to retain all his old customers and patrons, all goods intended for the line must be delivered at the depot of the Philadelphia and Bawling railroad, Broad and Oallowhill streets, Philadel phia. All goods deliveied at the depot up to live o'clock, P. 11., will reach Harrisburg next morning. J. WALLOWER, Jr., General Agt. marll. Beading Depot, Harrisburg. NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED has opened hie LUMBER OFFICE, corner of Third street and Black berry alley, near Herr's Hotel. Dry Lumber of all kinds' and qualities, for sale by W. F. MURRAY. The undersigned will sell Horses, Carriages and har ness low for cash, ALSO—Homes and Carriages to hire at the same Mike. marll FRANK A. MURRAY. AIIBROTYPES FOR 25 CENTS. TEE subscriber respecbfully announces LL to the citizens of Haarisburg and vicinity, that he has taken rooms over KELIKEWS HARDWARE STORE, south•east corner of Market fiquare, where he is prepared to execute every style of AMBROTYPIO3,_at the lowest prices, from 26 cents and upwards. DAGUEBREO'fYPM6 carefully copied, and Pictures inserted in Lockets and Pins. 'Man of all descriptions constantly on hand. • Give me a call if yea want a good and cheap picture. roam GEORGE B . pAßKEß.eAmbrotmist. LIQUORS AT COST I HAVING concluded to discontinue the Business , we offer our large and complete assort ment of Fren Wm% B UNDIES, and liquors of every de- IlOrlptiOn at cost without reserve. • . DOCK JR. & CO Opposite the Court Mow illiortllantons POPULAR REMEDIES. MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP for ehildrenteething, and SPALDING'S CEPHALIC PILLS for headache. A fresh supply received at SEL LER'S DRUG STORE, where you can purchase all the saleable Patent Medicines of the day. 91 Market street, two doors east of Fourth street, south side. APPLES 1 APPLES ! I 500 BARRED of superior APPLES, just received from New York State, for sale at lowest cash price, by febll JAMES M. WitazLEß. FOR RENT.—The Tavern Stand on Ridge Road, now ocoupled by Samuel W. Roberta la offered for rent from the let of April next. Enquire of feb9-dtf MRS. BOSTREN, No. 30, Fourth Street. STORE ROOM FOR RENT. qinE STORE ROOM next to the Court House, bite in the occupancy of Mr. Glover. Pos session given on the first of April. Enquire of j an.27-t . F. WYETH. STATE CAPITAL BANK. CAMERON, COLDER, EBY & CO. CORNER SECOND AND WALED! MS, HARRISBURG, PENN. FOR RENT.-THE DWELLING PART of the FOUR STORY BRICK HOUSE No. OS Market street. Possession given on the let of April next. For particulars enquire of 0509. ] J. B. SIMON. MADERIA WINE. WELSH, BROTHER'S OLD WINE.. WINE fall bodied and fruity. In store and for sale by JOHN H. ZIEGLER, fable 73 Market street. SSTORAGE! STORAGE!! TORAGE received at the Warehouse JAMES M. WHEELER. COM GARDEN SEEDS. AFRESH AND COMPLETE assortment just received and for sale by teb2o WM. DOOR JR. & CO. EXTRA SUGAR CURED HAMS I'm Bale by rict22 WM.. DOCK JT.. gr. CO OUR UNION & CONSTITUTION. iThIIR GOVERNMFacT," by M. j BS; is a work containing the Corrsurintorr or me Umm Sims, giving the construction of its Terms and Provisions, showing the relations of the several States to the Union and each other, and explaining gene. rally the System of Government of the Country. Price dl 00. Sold, and orders supplied, by him, at Harris burg, Pa. feb2l Agents for Counties and States wanted. PUBLIC NOTICE THE undersigned, Commissioners of Dauphin county, Pennsylvania, hereby inform the public in general that in consequence of the approaching completion of the new Court House of the county, in the city or Harrisburg, a number of County Loans are so licited, for which coupon bonds payable at from three to thirty years, will be excated to the lender clear of all taxes, ann semi-annual interest will be paid punctually at the Dauphin County Tveasury. Therefore per sons wishing to make safe investments will, it is expected, avail themselves,pf this opportunity. JOHN S. MUSSER, JACOB BERM, feb26 lmwad GiOROE HAMMEL M M CO i 7 AL L. DR. D. W. JONES, HARBISBURG, PA., lIAS moved hie office to the National House In Market street, opposite the Post Office.— Be particular and observe the mime on the window.— Dr. Jones may be consulted on all diseases but more particularly dieases of a private nature. Dr. .TOMS has cured a number of private and other diseases in this city and elsewhere, and some of them had almost given up all hopes of recov.tr y , and was restored by the use of his powerful vegetable remedies. GONORRHEA. Dr. JONES offers the only safe and certain remedy for Gonorrhea, Gleet, Stricture, liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, and all Derangements of the Stomach. This preparation.will cure Gonorrhea in from three to five days, and can be had at any time of Dr. JONES, at his of fice, at One Dollar per bottle, and one bottle is sufficient to cure a milirease. 1 , 3V1:11AK1 This is one of the worst of all diseases. Dr. JONES pledges himself to cure Syphilis in its worst forms. This disease makes its appearance in so many different, forms, that a single plan of treatment will not reach it in all it.s features; so it may require different remedies, according to the nature of the case. Dr. JONES will make a writ ten article with any one—NO CURE NO PAY 1 The re medies used by Dr. JONES, are purely vegetable, and need no change of diet or hindrance from business. SPERMATOBBBEA. This habit of youth is indulged In while alone, and a often learned from evil companions when at school, and if not cured will destroy both mind and body. Both sexes fall victims to this disease. The symptoms are— Pain in the Head Dimness of Sight, Ringing in the Ears, Pimples on the Face, Loss of Memory, Frightful Dreams at Night, Weakness in the Back, Pain in the Breast, and Cough, (indicative of Consumption,) Dyspepsia, great Derangement of the Nervous System, and so on till Death puts an end to their sufferings. To such Dr. JONES of fers a perfect restoratior, with such mild and Balmy Juices of Herbs, that will perfectly restore the victim of - this Distressing Disease. FEMALE COMPLAINTS. Those suffering from Golds, and Derangement of the Nervous System, can speedily be restored to sound health and vigor. Dr. JONES may be consulted at all times at his office, personally or by letter, describing all symptoms. All letters must contain a stamp to ensure answer. Address feb7 M'ALLISTER'S ALL-HEALING,-.OINTMENT 14 • *I 14 , TRY IT TRY, IT I • A Radical Restorative of Insensible Respiration. IT is a fact, beyond the power of contradiction, that It is isfallibie in the cure of Barns, Scalds, Nervous Diseases, All Tumors, Plies, Scrofula, Brytapeias, Chilblains, Sore Eyes, Quinsy, Croup, Rheumatism, Colds, Cold Feet, _Liver Complain; Asthma, and all DISEASES OF bill OHEST. It is rightly termed All-Heallog, for there is scarcely a Disease external or internal that it will not benefit. FOr sale at the Grand Depot, No. 143 FUTON STREIT, NEW YORK. ti And by all Druggists throughout the United States. 0 " J. MoAIISTER, 143 Fulton Street, N. Y. 04 Agents wanted immediately to introduce it into 0 families, who may receive it on liberal terms, for ig El cash. mars4l3m BOURBON WHISKEY AVERY superior article of BOURBON winsgElf, In quart bottles, in store and for sale by JOHN H. ZIEGLER, mar 4 - 73 Market Street. FRESH FRUIT OF every description in cans and jars, each package warranted. mar 4 WM. DOCK JR. & CO. TO BUTCHERS: SEALED PROPOSALS to furnish the Dauph in County Poor House with such meat as may be wanted from time' 10 time, will he received by the. Directors up to the 27TH DAY OF MARCH, and opened and contract awarded on TUESDAY, the 2d of April, 1881, to the lowest and best bidder. The meat must bo of good quality and delivered at the building. All proposals to be handed to the steward of the Poor House. JOHN RA TSOR, SIMON DANIEL, PETER BISHOP, m6-3tdaltw Directors of Poor. FR" GARDEN and FLOW . I.a SEEDS. The largest stock in the city. All kinds of Garden Beede in large papers at three cents per paper, for sale by DAVID HAYNES, marl2.lm 110 Market street. FRESH GARbEN, FIELD and FLOWER sEEDB. An cadre new stook of Lrge and small packages just received at SELLER'S DRUG STORE, merit 91 Market street.. SPERM CANDLES! A Lataz BUFFET JUST mKnavr.D BY 17 WM. DOCK JR. & CO, JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, FANCY GOODS, &C. ALFRED F. ZINK:ERMAN •i• CO, O. 52 MARKET STREET, Harrisburg, . Pa.,opposite Haaa's Horn and adjoining the Xnc uomm HOTEL, having purchased the stock of E. P Jennings, and added a large assortment of NEW JEW - ELRY, we will sell the same at the lowest cash price, and solicit patronage. .. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neatly and promptly re paired and delivered. Having disposed of my stock or Jewelry to A. F. Zim merman At Co., I cheerfully recommend them to my ter mer customers as practical and experienced Watch Makers, and solicit Mr them a continuance of the patron age which has been so generously extended to me during the last six yearn. jan29 Al the Nita Exhaition of the Mass. Charitable Mechanic Association, 1860, MESSRS. CEEKERING & EONS WERE AWARDED THE GOLD MEDAL FOR THE BM GRAND, SEMI.GRAND, & SQUARE PIANO-FORTES; AND WA OEM PREMIUM, A SILVER MEDAL, FOR. THE BEST UPPIGHT PIANOS, WM. KNOCHE, SOLE AGENT .FOR THE SALE OF THRAE PIANOS, No. 921 REARKET ST., HARRISBURG. P 3136-01- that Cough, add, 'Manama, injtu ,- L OWAr• enter, any/mt./calm or &reruns of r tf the Throat, /Mae the Hacking BRONGH I AL itis, A Olga in Conewnption, Bron chsthma, and Catarrh, C D' Clear and gtv3 strength to 4POC\A(V the voice of PIIBLIEG SPE/AKERS and SINGERS. Few are aware of the importance of checking a Cough or "Common Cold" in its first, stage ; that which In the beginning would yield to amldremedy,tfnegleded, soon attacks the Lungs. "BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROOMS, , containing demulcent ingredients, allay Pulmonary and Bronchial Irritation. BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S TROVIJE BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S “Great benefit when taken before and after preaching, as they prevent Hoarse ness. From their past effect, I think they will be of permanent advantage to me.” — REV. R BOVVIAS, President of Athens College, Tenn. gold by all Druggists at 25 cents a bor. nov2i3-daw6m TROCHES BROWN'S TROCIDIS I Select Schools for Boys and Girls FRONT STREET ABOVE LOCUST. TirFall term of 'ROBERT ELWEFIS i'tool ISV for boys, will open on the last Monday la August. She room Is well ventilated, comfortably fur nished, and In every respect well adapted for school purposes. CATHARINE WEIMER'S School for girls, located in the same buildings will open for the Fall term at the same time. The room has been elegantly fitted I/pi:luring the Vacation. to promote the health and comfort of scholars. janSl-dtf HERRING, No. 1; COZFISH, No. 1, DIACKEREL, No. T. Of he above, we have all the different sized packaged from the inn to the Daium, in store and for sale at the owest marketrates. febl6 wit. DOCK, JR. & CO. FIRST GLASS GROCERIES! LARGE ARRIVAL! HAVING JITST RETURNED from the Eastern alas where we have selected with the GRMATSEIT MBA a large and complete assortment of su perior goods which embrace anything kept in the best city groceries,we respectfully and cordially invite the public to call and examine our stock and series ova PRIME. febl6 WM. DOCK JR. 8t CO. DE. D. W. JONES, National House, Harrisburg, Pa HOMONY, BEAM, Bets, Giurrr ' HOMONY, SIM= CORN Mrs Pass BdltLit; MIRROW FAT Buss, WHOLE. Pass, &o Just received acd for sale at the I.OWP9T oesa MIMS. ebl6 WM. DOOR JR. & CO. SCOTCH WHISKY. ONE PUNCHEON of PURE 'SCOTCH WICISEY just received and for saleby JOHN H. ZIEGLER, Jan]. 73 Market. Street. CITY BONDS. FOR SL&E. ONE OR Tw,p CITY BONDS Of 100 each, bearing 6 per cent. interest, being a safe and good investment. Apply to feb4 3md W. K. VERIIIIKE. DENTISTRY. THE undersigned, DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY, has returned and resumed hispracque n State street opposite the "Brady Rouse," where he will bo pleased to attend to all who may desire his ear vices. ' [sep27] B. M. GILDER; D. D. S. MOURNING G 0 ODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Hoisery, Gloves, Gauntletts, in large Twiddles. Great armament of Embroideries. Ladies Underwear, different sizes and quality. Gentlemen's do do do Misses' do do do Boys' do do do Cloths, Caselmeres, Sailnetts, Jeans, And everything for Men and Boys wear. GGentlemen' Shawls. • Ali goods, without distinction to style or quality, wilt be sold at a very alight advance, and less than cost of importation, •ipe dl7 SEVERAL COMFORTABLE DWELLING HOUSES in different parts of this City. Stabling at tached to some of them. Possession given the first of April next. sU2Am] • CHAS. C. RAWN. :LL/ . QUINCE, PEAR, CURRANT, PEACH, APPLE, BLACKBERRY, ORANGE, RASPBERRY. Just received from New York and warranted super Arm. ' Ifeb26 Wm. TWOS. Jr., &Co. L"ENS'VALLEY NIIT COAL I—For sale at 11111% 00 per ton. ALL COAL DELIVIMED PATE:NI WEIGH aAnTs. JAMKG MEMOILEG. IlOrScoal atiract iota yards. liovP Mistellautoue. ALFRED F. ZJEKERMAN & CO ELMER F. JENNINGS. "That trouble in my Throat, (for which the "TROCERI" are a spec o) haying made me often a mere whisperer." N. P. WILLIS. "I recommend their use to Public Speakera." REV. E. H. CHAPIN. "Have proved extremely serviceable Sr Hoarseness." REV. HENRY WARD BEECRER. "Almost (natant relief in the distressing labor of breathing peculiar to Asthma." REV. A. O. EGGLESTON. “Contain no Opium or anything 'Mari one." DR. A.A. ITATIE3, Chemist, Boston. "A simple attd pleasant combination for Coughs, aus." DR. G. F. BIQELOW. Bog= "BeneficisJ in Bronchitis " DR. J F. W. LAMS, Boston. "I have proved thew excellent for Whooping Cough." REV. H. W. WARREN, Boston. "Beneficial when compelled to speak, suffering from Cold." REV. S. J. P. ANDERSON, St. louts.. aMffectnal in removing Hoarseness and Irritation of the Throat, so common with Speakers and Singers." Prof. M. STACY JOHNSON, La Grange, Ga. Teacher of Music, Southern Female College. mixenzr SHAD, No. 1, SALMON, No. 1 , FRESH ARRIVAL CATHCART & BROTHER, Next door to the Harrisburg hank Market Sqikarie FOR RENT