lines at &awl $ (Iranoortatiott NM AIR LINE ROUTE TO NEW YORK SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUICKEST IN TIME BETWEEN THE TWO CITIES " OF NEW YORK A N 0 PI7,..ALEZIZTS33 .- CTRG - I VIA READING. ALLENTOWI AND EASTON. ORNING iRPRESS, West, leaves New York at 6 A ti., arriving at Harrisburg at 1 P. N., only 6K hours between the tine cities. biAll LINE leaves, New York at 12.00 noon, and ar , urea at Harrisburg 4 ; 6.16 P. M. _ a.O 'MAIL LINE - East, leaven - Harrisburg at s.OO A.i M., arriving St New YOrk at 5.20 F.M. AFTF_RNOON EXPRESS LINE, East, leaves Hari Is lucre, at I,lb P. M., arriving at NOW York at 9.45 P. M. Connections are made at Harrisburg at 1.00 P. N. with Pallite'dgei Trains in'each direction on the.PennsylVa nia, Cumberland Valley and Northern Central Railroad. All trains connect at,Reading with train* for Pottsville and Philadelphia, and at 'Allenterwn for Mauch Chunk, I Aston, ke: No change of Passenger Cars or MaggagAbkttreittliew York and Harrisburg, by the 6.00 A N. title MU'S Nem. York or the 1.15 P;,lf. roan Fiarrisburg. For beauty of scenery, and speed, comfortatuletccimi7 niodatlen, this rent* , presents superior indnetnineritEr fo the trareling ' • • Fare between NeW York and Harrisburg FIVE DOL LARS Per tickets an :I otherinformation apply,tr decl i J. J. CLYDE, General Agent, Harrishirg. PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAIL ROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. OR AND AFTER DEC. 12th,1860 TWO PASSENGER .TRAINS LEAVE' HARRISBURG DAILY, (Sundays excepted,) at 8.00 A. 11., and 115 P. M. for Philadelphia, arriving there at 1 25 P. 22. 1 and 6.11. P. G. RETURNING, LEAVE PRILADITIPHIA at 8.00 A. M. and 8.80, P. M., arriving at Harrieberg at 11'. Id., and 8.16 P. 11:. _ • . • . _ FARES Philadelphia, No. 1 Cam s $8.25 ; No, 2 (in same train,) $2.75. FARES :—To Reading, $l.OO and $l.BO. Al Reading, connect with trains for Pottsville, Miners elite, Tamaqua Gatawleaa, Am. FOUR TRAINS LEAVE READING FOR PHILADEL PHIA DAILY, at SA. K., 10.45 A M., 12.80 noon and 5.43 P. K. 11 PHILADELPHIA FOR READING at 8.00 A. If.; 1.00 P, hf., 8.30 P. M., and 6,00 P. M. - FARES :—Reading to Philadelphia, 81.75 and $1:46. THE MORNING TRAIN FROM HARRISBURG MIN- N SOTS AT READING with up train for Wlliesbarre, Pittston and Scranton. For through tickets and othei information apply to deol44lU PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROM WINTER TIME TABLE. FROM PFIILAIDELPHIA ON. A4ID AFTER`' `' " . - MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26th, 18,60, The lialeOliVr trains of the Pellpfsylvalaa Rapeced Com . . pally - will depart from and arrive at liarrielnarg arid Philadelphia ail follows ' EASTWAft.p. TERMGH MPS= TP.AJN leavee Harrisburg 'at 2.90 a. m, and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.50 a. m. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 12.65 P. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.00. p. m._ RAIL TRAIN leaves farrislittrtkt 6.15 p. in., arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.20 p. These trains make close connection at Plikadeipnia with ha New York Lines. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, Nei . I, Raid's. Harrisburg at 7.L0 a. m., rune via Mount. joy - , endmrnves at West Philadelphia at 12.30`p. ID. . RARRISRURII ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Har risburg at 1.15 p. m., and arrives at West Philadelphin ate 40 , , ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, leaves Harrisburg at 6.25 P. in., runs via. Mount Joy connecting at Diller. vino Sith - HAIL 2ltALNll:ruit for Philsdelphie. • • • EITWARIP. lymiouon RXPRRSS TRAIN leavei Philadelphia at 10.50 p m r arrives at Harrisburg at 3.10 a, m. • . • MAIL IpAIN leaves Philadelphia at 3.00 a. in., er.- rivea atllarrisburg at 1..20 p. lOCAL:MAIL TRAIN-.leaves Harrisburg for Pittsburg rasa lin leaves Philadelphia at 12.00, noon, arrives at Harrisburg at 4.10 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia - at 2.00 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 4.00 . m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 9.45 p. Attention la called In the feat, that passengers leaving Philadelphia at 4.00 p. in., connect at .Lancaster with MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, and arrive at Harrisburg at 9.45, p.m. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, rapt. Boil, Divitfon Porawdvania Ra il road nov2B rO-dtf ' Ali Work Promised in One Week PENNSYLVANIA STEPL DYEING ESTABLISHMENT, 10A4Narket B ereethetween4th antlsth l • Vattuvostyry.descoption of Ladies' , and Gentlenes s, Garmentei Piece Goode, &Li e Drestagespeed 4Yd Actleilisclpf the best miner and * the thortannottoet a „AXIOM & Ar1ar4111473, Proprictors SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS TONIC, DIURETIC, ANTI DYSPEPTIC AND INVIGORATING CORDIAL To the Citizens of New JerseW and Pennr.rivaina; Apothecaries, Drugnitts, Grocers and Private Faminess. Wolfe's Pure-Cognac mrandy. ' Wolfe's,-.Pure 3iaderlaj ;Sherry and Port Wine. Wolfe's Pure Jamaica and St. Croix Rom Wolfe's Pure Scotch anti ,Ixish Virhisky. ALL:IN BOVTLES. • • I beg leave to call the attention of ' the citizens of the United States to the above Wises and-Drums, imported by Udolpho Wolfe, of New Mirk, whoee name iseami lier in every part oft this Wintry. for the purity Of his celebrated Sananitt SCHNAPPS. Mr.:Wolfe, in his letter tome, speaking of the purity of his Woo and LIQUOks, says : oI will stake my reputation as a man, my stand a merchant of thirty, years' residence in the City of New York, that all the Bitssny and Winn which I bottle are pure as imparted, end of the best quality; and can be relied upon. byuvery pnrchaser. , ! Every bottle bek the proprietor's pante' On the War,- and a fan of his signature on the' certificate:- The' public are 're- , spect fully_ invited to call and examine for themselves.— For sale at Retail by all Apothecaries and Grocers is Philadelphia. ' GEORGB M. ASHTON, No. 832 Market SC. Philadelphia. • • • . Sole/gent-for Philadelphia, Read the following from the New York Courier ENORMOUS Boasum,soa Dug New Yona - aisuomorr.— We are happy to inform our fur ow.citizens that tnere is one place in our city where the physician, apothecary, and coruitrt Merehant, can go and purchase pure Wines, and Ifiquors, as pure as imported, and of the best quality: We do not intend to give an elaborate description of this reerchant'S extensive boldness, although it will well re pay any stranger or citizen to visit Udolpho Wolfe's ex tensive Warehouse, Nos. 18. 10 - and 22 Beaver street, and Nos. 17, 19 and 21, Mark °Weld street: His stook of Schnapps on band ready shipment could not have been less than thirty thousand- cases; the Brandy, some ten thousand cases :- Vintages of 1886 to 1858 and ten thousand. cases of 'Madeira Sherry and - Port Wine, Scotch - and Irish Whisky, Ja maicai -and St: Croix Rum, some very old and equal to any in this country. He also had, bree large cellars, lilted with Bran4v, Wine, &c., in casks, under Custom House key, ready for bottling. Mr. Wolfe's.sales. of:bchnapps . last year amounted to one hundrtd hod eighty thousand' denim, and we hope in less thin two years lie May' he equally successful with his arrndies;and3Winee. • • His filminess merits the patronage.of every lover of his oecies. Private familiee who wish pure Wines and thlooro for medical use should send their orders direct to Mr. Wolfe, until every Apothecary in the land make up their minds to discard the-poisonous stuff from their' shelves, and . replace it with; Wolfe's pure W'ness and Liquors. We understand Mr. Wolfe, for the accommodation of small dealers in the country, puts up assorted cases of Wines and Liquors: Such a mini apa.such a merchant, should be sustained against his tens of thousands of op ponents iathe United States, who Belt nothing but holt& florl,. ruinous.. alike to=-health and human happiness: C Li Keller, PI Market Street, sole agent for this eit: . . .. • DESI RABLE --• MOURNING GOODS. Black and Purple All Wool Figured Merinos, Plain Black English Veloue Reps. • • Black and Purple Tamize Cloths,Sllk and Wool. 'plain All-Wool Quahmeres and Merinos. Black and Gray Grar orsted-Mains." - Black and White All Wool Delalnes. Black and PurpldFigured Cashnieres. Lupin's Best Bombazines. Suporicir Black-Lustres. • Lupin's Extra Alpaccaii. - Neat Style Striped Mohairs. lanoline Style Partimettas. 614 All WiltdDelaines3 English Chintzes. Madonna Cloths. : • - ' plain Mohan's. SUPERIOR PLAIN' BUCK Eno. RIP: MOURNING MUM do BLACK AND Winne do • a do do Purim AND Buck 'do do do Palma OLOPRO, Neer and Desirable. Every article ot the different kinds of DRESS GOODS In the BLACK and SECOND MOURNING Selected from the very best makers. . . Lupin's Square Thibbet numb, do Long do do - Black French Blanket Shawls, 2d mourning French Blanket Long Shawls, ad-Mourning French - Blanket Square do, English Crepe Veils, (every. else), prenadiSe Veils, (every size) . ittiglleh Crepes, French Crepes. J. J. CLYDE, General Amt. SHROUDING CASHMERES,. • SHROUDING FLANNELS ; BLACK GAUNTLLT/S, all kinds, BLACK GLOVES, all - lOads, BLACK BORDERED HAN DKERCHIEFS, BLACK HOISBRY, (all kinds), SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF COLLARS, . . PLAIN BLACK RIBBONS. • • Anlin4pootlon of our stook will oonvitkoo all; CATHCART & BROTHER, • Nett to the HairrlilitirgEta*k. Dyspepsia Remedy DR. DARIUS HANS AROMATIC . INVIGORATING SPIRIT. . . This Kedicine has been used by the public for de yen* iner.ezring favor. ft is recommended to Cure Dyridepate,Bervourness,ll art-Burn, abh Paint, - Wind in the;Btomac74 Qr Rum inthelnee Headache, Drottainetti t X plaints, Low Low Opiral 'D idn /aeylum M•eneens, Intempi ranee. I3UI AT 0; : 1 6aa nts, J* 13 C't • nrimi'rror lawmen's' OR Sin • S A 114DICINE it . is quick nd effectn- Lk' curing ineinieriggravating csie Dyspepsia, dney Complaints; and all other derange ont of the Stomach and Bowels, in a speedy manner. It will instantly revive, the most. melanch and drooping spirits, and restore the weak, nervous al d sic ip to lealth, strength and Vigor. Persons wbio,tfroni tbelnjudiefous use of liquors, have become dejeoted,!and their nervous systems shattered, meditations broken.doWii, and. subject-to that horrible nurse to humanity, the Thnutmar Tratemes, will, almost Immediately, feel the • happy tied healthy Invigorating efficacy of Dr. Ham's IniiparatingStdrit: WHAT IT WILL • • • Deestne *ice &sit Trill as - often as necessary One daze will remove all• Bad. Spirits. f, One dose will eure Hearthurn. Three dazes will cure Indigestion. One d e you ..--Coed One d9se will P the-distressing pains of Dyspepsia. One dose will remove the distressing and disagreeable effects of Wind or,P.latillence and as soon as the stomach receives the lailgorbiMg Spirit, the distressing load ano all painful feelings willbe removed. One dose will remove the most distressing pains of Colk, either In the stomach or bowels. A-few doses will remove at! Obstructions In the Kidney, Bladder or Urinary Organs, Persons who 'are ebri&edy afflicted with any'Kidney Complaints Arerfleeured speedy relief , by a Maze nriwe • and a radical cure by the use of one or two bottles. NIGHTLY DISSIPATION. ! Persons who, from diesipatingtoo much over night, and feel the evil effects of poistmous liquors,,in - violent head aches, idekuess at stomach, _weakness, 'giddiness, ke., "Will Ind one dose will remove all bed feelings. , Ladies of weak and s ickly constitutionk should take the Invigorating Spirit three times a day; make Mein strong, healthy and happy, remove all obstructioni and irregularities from thefinnstrualnrgans, and restore the bloom of health and beautyl:l the 'eareitrbin face. During pregnancy It found an invaluable eine to remove' disagreeable sensations` t.thehtenutch:' All the proprietor asks is a trial, and to Induce this. lie' half 'pet up the Itiiigorating.tiPirit in pint 'potties, :al5O tionti4 quarts $1: . • General Depot, VI Water street, N. Y. Wholesale Agent, ,rkiiadelphia, _ & and ihr sale in Harrisburg by C. A. Bannvart, D. W. Gtoeelk Co. and O. K. Keller, and by all Druggists everyivhere. jol4-divel,.p • ADOLPH . P. TEUPSER, WOuLD respectfully informhis vl4 Ty. patrons and the .public; generally, that: he wilt matiane,tocins4rnotiotusLon the PIANO FORTE, ME LODEON, and also in the science of THOROUGH Ha& He. VW . pleasure wait upon pupils at their somas ar any hour 'desired, or lessons wtil - he:ggivens% reeidence,3i Third 'street, a few doors below 'the German Refinmed Church: - decllSldte AUGUSTINE L. CHAIM.. CARPENTER - 41%,igall&EAL _ Besieknes No. 272.64 fid.Orett.l N. iti,-.IO44OTWA,TL4TMAI Pennopthania Meg &gap!), 113tbncetap 'Afternoon, Maul) 20,. 1861. ittisullantous A SUPERLATIV X !JUElital. ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW ! STILL SOMETHING WHICH HAS STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS AND STILL = MORE AND MORE POPULAR EVERY DAY PROF. WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE. E:3i= OTHERS SAY OF IT, A Distinguished St. Louis Physician Writes ST. Loins, July 10,1860. 0. J. WOOD, Req.: Dear Sir A lle sr me the pleasure and satisfaction to transmit to you the beneficial effects of your . Hair Restorative, after a trial of ;five years.. I commenced using your Restorative in January, 1855, since which Urns I have not been .without a bottle .on hand. When I commenced the use, my hair. was quite thin, and at least one-third gray. - A few applications stopped Its turning, and in three weeks time there was not a gray hair to be noticed, neither has there been up ; After my hair was ,completsly restored, I continued its use by applying two or three times per month. My hair has ever c Minuted healthy, soft and glossy, and my scalp perfectly free from dandruff. I do not ;imagine the Casts above mentioned will be of any particular advan tage to you, or even Hatter your vanity at this late day, as I am well aware they are.all known already and even more wonderful ones throughouttheNnion. I have oe• onpied my time in traveling the greater p.crt of the time eh,: put three years, and have:taken pride and pleasure in recommending your Restorative,.and, exhibiting. its effects in my own case. In several instances Lbave met with people that , have pronounced it a humbug ; saying they have used it and without effect. In every, instance, however, it.proved, by probing the matter, that they had not used your article at all, but had need some new article said to be as goof as yours, and selling at about half the price. I have noticed two or three articles my self advertised as above, which I have no doubt. are -humbugs. It is astonishing that people will patronize an article of no .reputation, when there is ono at hand that has been proved beyond a putt.. Apparent!) , soine of those cbaiitans hatie not brains enough to write an advertisemeetties.,l.notieestiey have copied yours worlifor is f ordinieviiralfreitincee, merely inserting some other namein place of.yenie. I have, within the r pasillerayears, seen and talked with more than two thousand persons that haft, needled. preparation with, perfect success--some for baldness gray hair, scald head, dandruff, and every- disease the scalp and head are subject to. I ealledlo see you personally at your original place of bu - slitese here, but learned you were now living in New York. You are at liberty to publish this or refer parties to Any communication addressed to me, care box No. 1,920, will be promptly 'answered. Yours, truly, JAMES WHITE, M. H. Wenn SPRWAIS, Perry Co., Pa., Jinni 7,1850. Prof. WOOD, Dear. Slr:—l was induced more than - year ago to try your valuable Hair Restorative for th purpose of cleansing my beadofdandroff. I had suffered with it upon my head for years, and had never been able to get anything to do me any good in removing it, al though I had tried many Preparations, until I saw your advertisement in a Harrisburg paper. Being there at Ike time, I called at Gross & Kunkle's drug store, and bought a bottle, and now am prepared to recommend it to - universal use, for It has completely removidaß dand ruff frommy head, and an application once in two weeks keeps it free from any itching Or other unpleasantness.— I must also stnte that my hair had become 'unite white in places, and, by the use of your preparation, has been. restored to ite original color. Ism now 60 years`of age, and although I have used two bottles of the Restorative, no one ba any knowledge of it, as tallow"&few gray hairs to remain in •order to have my appearance 'corn , port with my age.. My head is now of less trouble to me in keeping it clean, &0.., than at any time since hav e been a child. I consider your preparation of great -value and, although 1 do not like to expose myself, ' , consider it my duty to do so. You can uSe this Or any 'pail of It ha any shape you think proper, if it Is worth any thing to you. ' Yourt H. R. EITEL Brommurront, Ind., July 30, ISM.' DEMI ha : I here send you a statement that I think you are entitled to the' benefit of. I am a resident of 'Bloomington, and have been here for over thirty' years, I ton_now over My years of age. For abolit twenty years past my hair has been turning conelderably, gray, and was almost entirely white and very star and nnpllant. I had seen a number of derttfleates of the very wonderful effect of your Hair - Restorative - but supposed there was more action thantrutffin them: but entortainirigWatrong , desire in have my hair, if possible, restored to its "orfgP nal color and fineness, as it was in my younger days a beautiful black, I concluded I would make the expeit; meat commencing in a small way. I purchased one.of your small bottles, at one dollar, and commended using, following directions, as nearly as f could. I aeon discov‘ ered the dandruff removed, and my hair, that was falling off-inlarge quantities, was considerably tightened, and 'a radical change taking place in the color. I havecontin-. zed to use it, till I have used three of your small bottled and Just begin on the fourth. I have now as pretty a' head of dark brown, or light black hair as any man, or as I bad in my youthful days, when a boy in the bills of Western Yfrgiula. My head is entirely clear of dandruff, and the hair ceased entirely falling off and is as soft and .finizi", and fee% BA oily, as though it was Just - from the hands of a French champoomir. "Many of my acqualtitan; . COB frequently say to me "Butler, where did you getthat line wig ?" I tell them it was the effect of your Restore, 'live. It is almost impossible to convince them that it is the original hair of the same old gray head. Yours, truly, FROBRICK T. BUTLER, Bloomington Monroe Co. Ind. WOOD'S Rant Blooms:re tuis acquired a reputation pm actual test and experhnent which cannot be en. hoed by newspaper puffs. In our - vicinity It has been ensWely used; andswe belleteinevery case with every. desired result, and receivedttte universaleiadorsement.of: all. who, have tried it. We therefore 'recommend. It ea one of thosefewnostrunis which accomplishes all it profess,. es 'and all the bald and gray, could desire.-00,wmtiu . PROS. WOOD'S HMS ESSIODATEVD .-111 another coin inn WM be - found an advertlseinent of thil Well known and excellent preparation for restoring gray hair to its origi: oat color. The ,Hair Restorative also cures cutanedus eruptions, and prevents the - hair fidllpg off. We have seentiany atithinatic of these asser tions some of which, are from_ entlemen whom we have known for many' years. hrthir :most reliable character. Don't dye till you have tried:this-Restorative. DorMSOOtiveßranbh: . • . „ . • , . Woon's Hers RasTosizrva"--W.e are not in the habit of Jading every new discovery, for. in nine cases.out of ten theY are.oackincOinnis i but we take greatkpleasnriiin recommending Professor Wood's article to all whosehalr ii facing off or turning gray.. . Our well known contribu-. ter,linley has eirperieneoe this benefit of its application, andjoins with Us in spetdtjagOf its virtues. Let all try it, and bald heads will _la e as rare Snow in summer:—Baltintore Patriot. - • Woona Him Itzsrosiztvz.—Linlike most specifies, this is proved, by unimpeachable eviden oe, to',,possiSeis great efficacy as a restorer of the hair to pristine vigor. Wade the head bad become almost bald pecans° of. sickness,' the: se of this article has produce d ttbeautiftdiroadh p 1 thick, glossy hair. It is therefore a valuable prepara tion fur all classes. Its ingredients are such as to effectu. ally eradicates dandruff and:: other . impariltini; Which • • . properties of another dederlption, many oases Pim* roles and other distlgnrementrof the skindistippear wher ever it is used. There is no hazard attaching to the trial of his remedy, and itseffecna can - maybe' beneflcial, as the 7 does inotfecuSaltr Millifedriinprove .ment, is incapable of 'dolifibitrinkiki4is oblnpofient ele ments are. perfectly innocura 77 .Borket frany ;_j, j A GENUINE /30927.—in our rapacity as coadoctor of , a public juntas.; we are called.Opon'to, advertise the Cora', alls of the day, each of Which clainte to be tthaduiteriitett 14 Its couipitsitiott sad: infallible , hi Ito curative effects , , with whit justice we leave our readers to detere4tne, one inatance;:liciwever—Prof. Wood's 'deetOktpin ß =we are no well assured of the notable qualitletretbe article, that give it..buriindorsintent as all that ite In venter and vender 'claim it to be. Its elfeet bead of 'bah , is Oeivertially'hnowarto . he llme or iel= on exhatistlidishd'i it briiimide crop whet ever applied. Our own-thatch' is fortunately very heal. thy, but we advise. our , frleadit With ..apaisely-growtog hair to try the Restorative:-.Columbia Epy. Au Hem Muni kassuinisisid's Great Article has Men the Thld.—Prohniso — Weed stands tn. an eminence no chemist, whose atteethinluis been turned tobirentlife a hair tonic, has ever ; before reached. His fame is auct den but world-Wide, and thousands srhe have worn wila or been bald for years are now, through the , nse..of his preparatibb„ wearing their own natural and luxuriant head covering. So muoh for chemistry, the chemistry of human life, and the laws which apply tope functions of the system. Prof. Weed'studied out therheman hair, its character, its properties and diseasee, and how to re- Store the decaying vitality to that ornament ; be saw, es in his ewe case, that gray hair is uneaten& unless the age of the individual has reached four score, and he' be lieved-that-the hair hatild:hanatura ll y.revitalized. . He tried his own' case;4lniest bald' and quite grey, at the ago of thirti-seven—he _restored his own hair in color,' strength and luxuriance;and 'the 'article be. did it with he , gave to the World. Oet WOOD'S LIM ItHEITORA:- Tf.bili and take nothing talet...-treie l'orkllaY Reek. DEPOTS No. 444 !hood-twat, NOw Vork aniriro. NOrkaft stroeUNt. Lou% . • Sold in Boston, G.Q. goonlygras . , .0; ,a314:101. BURR ape! " ' ' laiumovir4bis JleDital BOERHAVE'S HOLLAND• BITTERS. THE CELEBRATED HOLLAND REMEDY MR DYSPEPSIA., DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, LIVER COMPLAINT, WEANNESS , OF ' ANY. KIND, FEVER And the various afflictions coil/eminent riPoiri disordered AND ACUE;,' STOMACH OIL LIVER, Such as Indigestion; :Acidity - of the Stitinicl4 Celia); Pains, Heartburns,..Less of Appetite, Despondency,,Gos tiveness,•&Blind and. Bleeding Piles. In all ()ramie, Rheumatic, and Neuralgic affections, it bail& numerous instances proved highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided mare. ' • • • This is a purely vegetable compound, prepared en strictly scientific principles, after the manner of the cele • brated Rolland/ Prefessor, Boat have Its reputation at home produced,its introduction here, the demand com dimming with those of the Fatherland scattered over the face of thin mighty country, many of whom brought with them and handed down the tradition of its value. It is nowoffered lo the American public, knowing that-ifs 1714 wonderful madicinal virtues mutt be acknowledged. . is particularly recdmmended to those persons whose constitutions mayhave neen impaired bythe continuous use of ardent spirits, or other formd of dissipation. Gen erally instantaneous in•effect, it finds its way directly to the seat of life, thrilling_ and quickening every nerve, raising up the droopincspirlt, and ; in fact, infusing ne health and vigor in the system: - • • N0nG13...,--/Whoever expects to.find this &beverage will be - Mimi/pointed; but tollie sick; weak and low spirited. it win • prove a - grateftil, aromatid cordial, possessed of of singular remedial properties. RBIAD CAIMPULLY I The Genuine highly - Concentrated , Brerhaveqt 'Holland Bitters is put up in half-pint bottles only, and retailed at . Ova DOLTAa per bottle; or six bottles for Flan DOLLAML— The'great demandrfor this truly celebrated Medicine has induced manyimitations, which the public should guard, against purchasing. • - •r. airßew{tre of Imposition. See that our name is on the label of every bottle you buy. • ' Sold by Druggists generally. It can be forwarded by Express to.most pints. SOLE PROPRIETOR'S, BENZ/WIN PAGE, %TR & CO, it.& - Ntri isrli iv Tito Pharmaceutists and Chemists. PI FTSIVIIIIG, PA.. For sale In ti city of parrisburg by Ft; W. Grails az sePtl-dawly .. • . • 3111CONIFIALITIPSS I;IFE PILLSAIIIIIIIOENII. BITTERS. T RESS .MEDICINES now been be fore the public fer a perilid'of THIRTY 'YEARS, and dur ing;that. time love maintain ti , a high character in al ined, every part of the Globb, for their extraordinary and immediate power of restoring perfect health to per; sons, eutferingi under nearly, every kind of disease to, which the human frame Is liable• -The following areamoeg the distressing variety of ha 'nuin diseases in which the . VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES Are well known to be Infallible. DYSPEPSIA ; by thoroughly tileanshig the first and wi l litit second stomas ' Mid creating a flew of -pure, healthy hile,' liettided: . -. 'ifiltale ;and acrid kind ; Fiaortu ILENcir • ClAPpetite, Reratburn,Eleadaehe, Rest leastwise,: f it-Temper , Anirley,,Litnictior and Melancholy ,, which are.thirgeneralsymptement Dyspepsial;willvan . ishias a natural consequence of its , care. COSTIVENESS, by - cleansing the - whole length of the intesttnes with a• solvent probess, and without vio. lame' all violent purges leave lie bowels pied ve within two days FEVERS of all kinds, by restoring a reichir aim:baton, through dui preset's priespiratlonin such Cases, and the thorough solution of all intestinal ob. Struction In others._ , .; , . . : The - LIFE intildnail litre ` - been - known' to mire iIiaIEVRIATIAIIt permanently int three weeks and. GOUT in half that time, hy removing local inflaritmatlOn from the muscles and ligaments of-the joint S .- DROPSIES,of all Ithuis,.by freeing and strengthen, iiiithekiihiejis and bladder; theY operate most delight , folly'otr.these }important organs and ;honea. have ever been , found a certain remedy f or. the worst cases of, ; . Also WORRIN, by dislodging from the turnings of Info bowels the slimy matter to Which this,, creatures . . _•• SCURVY, ULCERS, and INVETERATE SORES, by the parted purity which these LIFE MEDI. a NYS We telthe Eno& and all the limners.:' • •, SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD coMpiarl lONA-by:their alterate effect upon the fluids that -feed the: kin, and :the morbid state of which:occasions all 'ernpthie complaints, afilitav,iblondy, and otnei disagrad- . , , . Thuuse of these Pills for a very short time will effect ,tui iktire a &re SALTILELELifit, and mstrikitiglin: provement .in ,the clearness , of the skin.. CDIGIBION OLDS and INFLUEI ZA. will be mireilby one doingairilirtwo in the worst:esais.d_ ..1 .. : . ' 1 ' PILES,-I-Theorigimil proprietor of these medicinal, was Oired'of Piles; Of 85years 'Stain:lug by the use of the LIFICKEDICINSS alone..l:_*„: ..:` 7.. ..: .ti .. . : „ . ' PRYER AND AGUE.-For this, scourge of the Western country, these - Medicines will be found a safe,. speedy, and certain,remedy, . Other Medicines , have ,the system. subject to a reittiziorthe'diseassi Cure* Wee Medicines 18 . tier mitnent.4Ry THEN, „BE SaTISFIER,' AND BE. COW. _ BILIOUS'-10.E vmatS AND' otallf.' IPLAINTS..,antisa4 Disnrry.,lLoss i aspirrus,and ; DI snails ,or' Piussias--the Medicines, have been used With thous* cif this , descrip. gen :—.Eings Evil and Sorefula,,in,itswurst fortns,ylelds to theifilldletPoiverini Rottener tlieteriithhrkable NNW' Night ~ threw, Nervetia NerNetiii ;D:001 , plaints of all kinds, PalpAtion of She Painters! car ra speedily oared . •: . . Ext.cuisiAL DISEASES Persons, whose monatitti have become impaired by the, injudicious use of Metintryotill.and:thesiStiedislites tt . perfect cure; es they never 6.11 to eradicate from the system all the , difecte of MercutY,' Infinitely similes thinihe niestpoiver:' ail preparations' of Sarsaparilla, •.- Prep tared and sold byW2B, 1110FRAT,'” . • -1385. Broadway, New Yor. Forsale by Druggists. :1920-drarlY • . . INSURANCE A'GSNCY DELAWARE 111.411, Safety Ins ranew INCPRPOAATED 1433 q. re 4.17.0 rQ oirr rAy.„ ARD • a", $ 90 4.9074 . 4 * 1 126° •••• THE INSURANCE COMPANY : • Of North America OF PRELAIMEIXHIA. INCORPORATED 1794. terr AL AND MEM ...........$1.219.475.1,9„ Tl7' UNDERSIGNED, as Agent for tilt,. above well known Companies, will make Insurance against loss or damage by :fire, elther perpetually or an nually, oil property In eitbar town or country. Marine and Inlaliftlransportation Riske also tater,. Appiy, personally or by letter to t 'WILLIAM ' S Harrisburg, =N_ \ 0:A-NAIL ES I PARAFMNE CANDIES„-: : ME 4 M DANDLES,, MARVA '...4 1 .1 1 NE,941TD, r ... ; , aNDixs, "STAR/CAND * "STAR/CANDLES,' • .011.EMICAL SPERM CANDIES,. : • TALLOW_ ' . A large lot of the aboln store anti for Atte at the low eat-prices by .. . !:_jpposito theConit Ho,use. HAVANA CIGARS A ..fine ainprtment, compriang • rnplo, FhE , TMUOCOM, BIZMA, q ii/ F":4 . 1 1 tO/P Wpm Of au E wes and, qnslig , es, In koarti t 04 * 40 1 4 opo, with boxes, lustradekiVnlV e t rienald 4 032 5 11 :ZniatiW: intiBo 70111Mtlire0V ,.. INisitilmuouL 9 11 C4) tuft 46, 0 4 '04 11 ' 4 14 C - cuRE e Nervoustleadache CARE 4 11 kfragr lie adathe. By the; tWenf .thlite.Pills.. Own° clod . lo s attacks of Net-. vow or Sick Headache may be pretented ; • and if taken a the commencement of an. attack trintindiate'rellef from pato and sickness may be obtain ad, They neldoni fail in remciVinglhe Dress es and Headache to which females are*, sub,lost: , 1 ~- i. • - ''' • - They act gentlyupon the.bowels,lvseimorvisg Codinenam. Per Literary Mei, Stititsiti, - Dellcale Tanaka, and all persona 01 Sediniary habit s , they ere.aluable 111111,ZOira• . • :five, improving tht, apputte, giving done. and vigor to, the digestive Organs, and Teetering the Illitiiii'lnlaiticity and strength oftite whole system, • .: '. .' , • The CEPHALIC PILLS are the r es ult of long inve sts - gation and carefully conducted experimente,lntying been In Ilse in many, years during which time.they time ors vented' and'relieved a vast amount of pain and sidfering from Headache:: whether . originating-an the tannons ars • tem or from a deranged state of the stomiach. - , They are entirely vegetable in eir composition, and moic,,, may be taken, at all times with rfect safety without making any change of diet, a absenee 'et ang disa greeable taste maulers it easy to administer diets to cAsldres. BEItARE OF COUNTERFEITS! , The, genuine have Rye signatures of Henry C. Spalding en 'each box. , .. told by Druggists and all other Deniers in likedloinna. A Box will bea sent by mail pretend on reeetp t of the • PRICE 2'5 CENTS: AD orders should be addressed to' HENRY ,O. SP &LDINfi 48 CodarStreet, New York poolErclary THE FOLLOWING. EN] OESET4ENTS OF SPAL CEPHALIC PILLS WILL CONVINCE ALL WHO 'SEVIER FROM HEADACHE, THAT. A SPEEDY AND RIME CURE IS WITHIN TAIICIMICH. Ati these gestimoniate were: iLmsobeited, ty 711 r. &WALD MO, they ,offord estrothonable preof of tho my of this friellficiestifie discovery.. MABIiNVILT.I t 0015i3., Fa. 5,11361: ' Mit..EPALDIZIG; . _ ;. i ; Sir : thave tried your Cephalic Pills, nand Iftlethem so WU , that I want!ou to send me two dollers'worth.more. Part of these are for the neighbora, to,whoml gave a few out of the first from you. . , ) • Send the Pills by mail, and oblige ; l - Your . • ' • ' ..HAirgitonn, Fa:, Feb. 6,1861. , I wish you to send me One m Der of your Cephallo 01;3,1/ harem vivid isigreat deal if bandit f rom them. .11 - XpArs respectfully, .-161ABY ANN BTODKHOUBIi. I , • January 1 , 1861; - • . iLlsa• EPPnE ,O 9 • von will please, send me two:boxes of • your, Cephalic Pills. Bend them immediately, • ' .Besprolfully yours, , - MO. B. snaoNs. Moe used o ne,biirs of your PlTti, Mid'find thesis • Yam* OW; Jan .15, 1861. Mums 41 Branum, Eno.; i s • - Please find enclosed twenty-five °mas t for Whloh send LeMaticither hex of YouriCephalio , ~• .21 A steraisirsely thO'belrg F:ilighave, ever. tried. ' • Dlreot • " 4 ♦ bmoVER, P. 4.; • . . • BelleNernioillryandot 004 A ' • ; Deb;.ll, 1860. 4 . . C. SPALDINA , , , , • , •,• 1-• . '•., :- •1 I wish for some cliorilitre'er large idi • Ow Our Cephalic Pills niore.partioularly.befose: my nate mero. if yon nave anything of an/ond, plow send to tne: One of my 'enstonters,whe MiesPient t9,,a o Ycire Sick Headache, (usually listing two days)was cared of 'an, a/Main one liur your-Pigs; *bleb I gentler. • AIRIKIGUI,INIPIIT. • . , ' W. Wittig!: • , • ‘ ltiourothesuso, Freiman gm, O.y( ; ' ' ' " ' • echuark 9;1861.. Hagar 0. SPALDINM No 48 V, • i Enclosedaudlwentytive cerdi, (2,50f0r whieh, WA . Bei eOlialf61 0 111s." 3ehd io ' iddreik of ' Writ 10:Mler,,rfreynbldsbergv Frankith - Cortain reciriVlll work iga a- charm= - corn HemillehO plmeOi ; ; ; i •. v'I'TIMYYon3BI; • • • - wM FI LLER. •, , IfriFwayx, Hia tt Jan. 14,1861. Mx EfiLtlitoi Not long since T sent to yeti for a hex of Cephalic Pits tor the cure of the Nervous Headache send CoMfeeriesk, and received Oa MtMee 4 1, 4 1 hq _s . o . ,9o?4,,cosgrevidhfri 4toss induced send for more. - Please sendbylketeralnalL. titre:AU : /- • - nediatiti; fFronitthe . 4llwlAper, Norfolk„yt] Cephalic fllla,vmsaptleh the object, Tor whiph they were made, Via . : Care of headache to all its forms. [From the Examiner Norfolk, Va.) They have been tested in more than a thousand cases, .vilth entire success. _ - romthinkr . [F: i nicsnat, "CHend, Minn.] /I'34l4e:re, or hav bijou trenbled With eid h!hidablie; send far lv-box, (Ci3phatto. Pills,)eo that:you/nay have them in case of au attack. • , - - -Mem the Aliviartisek,Providenee, ; l . frli Ca PPalu r lliwere - eleit4 4 . - tevetTicehty - eirea. Lye' remOdy.:for-the headaeheland'oe'of the very beet :fek Ast yen , - frequent; 0941 04 1 41 1 141 Nis. everigieu. ,ItiteoVeced. • •' r 1 -4. : [ Fr O la i t 4 l2 Western R 43,7 04e!, 1 41 1 .4, Ill.] We heartily endive! Mr, Spalding, and his upit (Aphafo Pills [ffeein the KaUiiirha Yallop Star , Kanawh a, *al Wuare sure that peiwne suffering with ihe who try Wein, iielliketlek %Ahem: , - - • OM wii-A single Votab of SP iiirollfilli.lllWAßED OMR' will saTeY,Miffoxits-,collt SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! , SPALDING'S PRFF',ARED, GLUE I SPALDING'r% PREPARED GLIJEI MAN% UM 1:110ES ECONOMY•I DMIPATCII4I ' • 415 r". CrI I E.P 4 : 2 PuI °tiro P9 l 3"iitif I As ( ICCidegf..lifirkffplidit, , eats iliutribiewukaatfewaliee It is very desirabl e _, to bare • MAP conv, waeniept y for re 1r rurnitute,'Yoysi=okerfiao„' t . 0 lir:4llomi Uffilitit meets all such emergetusiKatit niv Waist& d'aidr 444 to be without it. tJtjs alwaylt reatlyatud :up* theattok l i big • • mt - mvNItY-HOUNIMY f N. BrushuccoompleamuiltisotileeA_Prfae24 Adam, ' /ECM C. aPaion4o, t N 0.48 Cedar BWeet, New York!) CAUTION -An certain 11141141101ded *inmate altemPtimilliktialm- P, ou ,t,wwloospoollog ENyl.Rik NW OLTEIVI irk* 'caution all• perginulki P! P iirgIyrIMIXISUMW.I ...onuolpoutidacoMipperothithawipzi• 4 0 6 1 , :lt Mts. .%/WRlKlFlrrigifigt,cl, DR . 41.11LSON. LOCK HOSPITAL HAB dilicoyered lhemostcertain , speedy and (actual remedy in the Arabi for Disrasm OF IMPRUDENCE. RELIEF IN FIX TO TWIT MOSS No Mercury or Noxious Drugs iarA Cuss WARRANIND, OR NO CHAIM; IN FROM pas 11) Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Paine to the Loins, Affections orthelfidneys and Bladder Organic Weakness, Nervous Debility, Decay of the Phys ical pow. ors, Dyspepals, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, ralritatkm of the Heart, Timidity, Trembling% Dimnese of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of, the Stomach, Affections of the Bead, Throat, Mee or Mri—thoee terrible disor ders arising froth the indiscretion or Solitary Debits of `Youth—those dreadful and destructive practises which produce constitutional debility, render marriage hoot sible,- and destroy - both body OM mind. Young men especially who have become the victims of solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annhally Sweeps .to an untimely grave thousands of . young men of the most exalted talent and brtUiaot intel lept; • who 'night othertahie have' entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to ec. May the living lyre, may call ;tO, la full confidence. Married persons, or those emitemplating marriage, be ing aware of phyisical weakness, shouldlmteediatelyoon. snit Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. Immediately cured and full vigor restored. ' • He who places himself under the cart) of Dr. 3., may A religiously conddein his honor as a gentleman, and con, fidently rely upon his skill as a physician. grOfiloo No. 7 Booth INederick 'street, Baltimore, lid., on theleft hand-side going from Baltimore street, 'doors iron the corner. Be particular• in observing the amansor number, oryou will , mistake the place. Be per tinnier for lintorcirit; Trifling Qitackt, with false names, "or Paltrilltstabso Dert(featiet, attracted by the reputa tion of,Dr. Johnson, lurk near. All letters must contain a TostageStamp, to use on the Dr. Johnenn member of the Royal Collates of Surgeons, London, graduatefrom one of the mete ebullient Colleges of the United States, and.thelreatest part of whose life has, been spot. in the Hospltsja of futon,,. Yetis, Phila. delphia and.eisewhire,has erected Some of the most as. tonishinectires that w ere ever itnoviti: "Yang troubled with ringing In Meows and head when asleep : . great ner :smokiness, being alarined at Sudden SoandS, bashfulness, With frequent blabbing, attended sometimes witladerange -seult of mind were cured immediately, iTAKE PARTICULAR ; NOTICE. Dr. ,T. addresses all those who haviogjkjured . them selves by private and improper indolgeecidh, -dist secret and solitary habit which nine both body, and !clad, on them Air either b tadnetiehecitity. • i • These are seme of the sad and. melanebalredecto Pro ducedtby early habits of .youttrvls-: Weakness of the Baq and Limbs r Paine io the Head, Dimness of hoes orMaidular PoWer;LialpDation of Uiii pepsta, Nertrotwlrritabillty, Dereageoseutorthetegeptlye Venetians, General Gebillty, dynpteme: of 9)118111111p- • ifia-ramT, the , fearful erects on themindare,-m nab to be dreaded •.--Leas ot'ldemery,.Conlhxdoti - or Ideas, De ,pression of - Spirits, 'Atli Forebodings,:oritoßoele• ty, Relf-distrustLove of Solitude , TintfiDtbike., are some ci thiievil erects: - " Yholguiaillie of PeMilis uj alliN an nowittlige what ages, is die peso of their deolino.ln health, ioe g vigo r, beaming tweak, pale, serval:dr sad einialated; hay a singular appearance about the eyes, cough, and symp me of consumption. , • YOUNG AEC , Who have injured themselVes by a 'pendia Offence, in &dyed in when alone—A habit frequentlYllearned from zompardons, or at school, the effects, of which are alghtlyTelt; even When-aakep; and it not cured,' renders marriage impossible, mad destroyti„both mind and body, should apply immediately: • What a pitY that fgyounginaniidieluipits of his coca. 1fr.15 1 4 9 darling of his phould,be. snatched from giliptrospects and enjoyments &life bYthe CoMasOnences ofal,eadaling from inelpetti. of nature, and in a certain secret habit. Such.penionaiinun t ore oantem plating ; MARIAGE, ofibot that a sound mind and ß bildy axelthe most mammary reinislies to promote connubial- - happineee. 'lndeed without Woe, the joureey i through life becomes; weary pilgrimage; the prospect hourly darkens the view; the mind-becomes shadowed with destadri and with the nullaneboly reflection that the happinetx of another be minims :blighted with our obis DL JOHNSON'S: IEVIGORATINW IUISIERT FOR OE 6AW,IVE4ENIiSB, sy . wit great and Inittiant remedy ; weakness of the Organs are speedily: ourediand vigor featoied. Thousands of the ; most nervous and debilitated who hope, htiVe been iminediitalterelieved. All kuppgimenta to Marriage ; rlysioal *nal. Disooaliil eation, Nervous, Trembliag, 'Wbalciiess or Exhaustion or the attoetlfeartlil speedily . TO STRANGERS,: ' The many thousands eurednatbislnstintion within the last twelve, years, and , the i numerquit impogtemt Surgical • Operations porfbriataf by' Di. J 4; viitneasfurhy the re porters o[llo paten% andattanY other peersons,.. notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, berfoliEW slanding ' as &enemas ONatirritir , and atsruslady, is a snificient ipsaranteerio Viirded. • DISAIMES - 0 IMPRUDENCE - - When' the infigeldod add lmprudent votary of pleasure finds lie hag imbibed the seeds of this.pgnful _disease, it too often happens that ip d sense ' shame or dread eflllicavery 'deters Sint from applying to:those' who, pant faiipcajank and re, apeotabilitt can alone befriend him - 'delaying till the' con atitutkynal it , inptoma of this harrid dlinstne•zes' ketheir appearance, affecting the head v lbrost, iraese„eV% ; &c., • progressing on with frlghtfur"rapfdity, tiNdaitli'Vbto a peried to his dreadful snifferings.lT aenelaqhitratutiattat bourne from whence no traveler returns." . It is a Mei inctioly fact that thousands fall victims' OilitaktiAble disease, owing to the unskilfulitess - of . ignorant pretend ers, who, by the use , of that deadly ungoelt. ruin Obtuditution and Make' tlie rest d Oflife 'ffi.flesessrow,-r-The Docter's Liiplountal hang iP , his .41,-Lbtters -Mast contain a Stamp lots no the wirßemedies sent by Mail. ,g -No. 7 South Frederick street, Ballinnri." aprlS . • ;I •; - • Sii=32B ME !am virnaluncr, AlmporseausedsuiroaaadVemogefiviicloa, prosento to 1 4 0 . . - .11 't ! 1 ?. "*. PC i P C P9 I II 3 + r : •. . , - * OWING - , SYRUP 1 1 ' 4, • ; 1:!;ico 4' ,1 • 4,' . ~,.. , ' v4pr,„of*eß*,eihiilic, ' ;1 '; Zdalfra — pmethap-atuiethin, by son Mt .8 F I M!,' Sred9d4griAinl4l:llwill a ll a y ALL LA i teid - speantodlo - aolson,;and to - '" - ' 111FREM itlintitiATE' TEE 'BOWELS. AND, upon it, mothers,' tt win. give rest to yourselves •1 AND, =LEP AND HEALTH TO YOUR WANTS ! We have rat up and - soldlathia-artiole for over ten ears, !lid :c.IAILSAYO IN .PR I MP I K 3 A P, TRuTai 1441 We ye never- been =abl e loamy .of any Other -medicine— ozkAp„srAllivn, .IN 4 seal .g TO tilitl *hen' timely mo il . Never did we JAMAS ett:bmiancieef•dissittsfbottonhy anyone who used 11. o Xl al tr vgilltrarY, all. are , delighted with Its opera done, opeek in'terms of Wighest - edniiiiindatlon of 1 4 1 .:4 1 031 1 4. ~,.. . erects,. :; and mO4lOOl-orl4Bl. :We Via , in !LIB matter Ni no =OW - altar ten years' exPn• elite, AID -risistiOStrif sketritioiti roil Win-ionnwant o„lrnale we.,Nww tiniatoss. , In nlinootevery lopnoxi *bars thiMaiolitifilikingffentUnind iiihaustfoa, re nistpwindoe pi/40,4111110W or twenty paint* after the 'Syrup Isadmlnisterefl„ . %V %MIMS ''prepormfthf ii :the ' iiiitilon't of one ot,the Most- ELPAIIIIKKED and 8 ODOM is NeW ltigilicinid Vas" been acid ' with win MUM 61:4:11:1111Saft:'Ti ,/ r ' ~.. . 7: , ;11: : . • . • • • 12191:113ANDS Ii relieve. the °Slid fro& Piati,,.but 144 30 _, tAttudf bWirraft, •tiorrects Acidityi and gives tone atm nem , . to the whole system, Jt..w r ill - / MBPWELS, pillaWna) COM 4 910 ' - OWE Ons,Ni lifoh al ill** rem- W;ientilatieetb.r Sgii, beliefs- kat, Wee wiai ' UMW, IN TRII ironlikall oases of, prelENTllar. AND 412LERBou - IN @iv whether It Oki* from teeth) gr. from 'LINZ 9th! 42.4 e; iwo would say (*yin , m trfitei who has n child outtiy4 from any ot the ,fortwoltnr.binnidaitite-no: min* roostridentratas, NOI =Mita; irMiWZ:litlint,l7_ AlOkin 2 ll. l l -1 1 1 3/014$)flow ,the line •.of.this iniedtomy it timely med. full.clireallons for nab* will accompany uholvliotflo. No •wirnolno - irnatati of q U a l g il t ß U N air rt ri7tkcii# ll l 2 ,p.4 l ** TraPPL Waists ug 'nethe world. . . Prinoltail.o3dloo, No.UCedatadt.,llterWATal ateied;w l ag. ardro4llol4‘ glerkai Two DAIS.-lES YOUNG.MEN• liWn=4E. OBGANI9 WkAKN DR. JOENBTON MEN ALLY. - .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers