pailp Ettegraph. HARRIBBtrRG Wednesday Afternoon, March 20, 1801. WANTED 'AT THIS OPTION an active and intel ligent boy, who can read manuscript readily and accurately, and will 'make -himself gene rally useful. Tao CITY HosprrAL contained three lodgers last night ; two white vagrants, and a colored man a,ireated.for disorderly conduct. This mom; ing the trio were introduced to the Mayor,, who reprimanded and discharged them. =I Imenovnso.—The chief of Police, who has been confined to his room by severe indisposi tion for several days, is gradually. improving to-day, and bids fair soon to he convalescent: We hope to see him at his official post again before the close of-the week. Boons Coin. — The shovers of bogus silver coin opendedin marketthis morning with their usual success. Several countrymen were vic timized. Some of these coins are so well exe cuted that even good judges are liable to be de ceived. FRIIII Lamm —Prof. Sinning, of Copenhagen; Denmark, now in our city, has been offered the use of the Hall of the House of Representatives this evening, and contemplates delivering a free lecture,on the Sardinian Mythology. The Professor comes highly recommended, and we have no doubt his lecture will be an interesting and instructive one. I=l ATTBMPT AT ARSON.—Last night an UnSUC medal attempt was made to burh the Dauphin County House, kept by Mr. Gross. Some com bustible material was placed under the door fronting on Third street, and the incendiary torch. applied. :The door was slightly burned, but - no othef damage 'done. What motive, could have prompted this fiend-like act, we are at a loss to conjecture. EXPIANAIELON.-It seems that we did injustice to Capt. Eyster yesterday, in our notice of the . Moss and McKeesick affair, owing to formation. The Captain states that -he suc ceeded in dispossessing the Moss family peace ably, and that the row growing out of it oc curred after hie departure. Moss subsequeßtly took repossession of the premises, which he held until ousted a second time by Sheriff IlOas on Monday last. Tent TAXLTIO?I or Vire.ronas.--An effort is be ing made in the Legislature to obtain a'repeal of the act authorising the taxation ofgold and silver watches for State purposes. A few days ago a bill to this effect was read, with a clause added prohibiting the Commissioners from tasing pleasure carriages at a.higher rate than any other species of property. Tea GOOD SAMARITAN FAIR last evening was : largely attended and liberally patronized by white citizens. The hall is decorated with, a commendable degree of taste, the display of useful and fancy, articles is highly creditable, and every variety of refreshments are served up in the best style of the culinary art. The where affair is conducted in such a way as , to do credit to our colored friends who have the management of it. The Fair wilfbe continued throughout the week. Sham Noe.—A bill will shortly be intro duced into our Legiplature authorizing the banks Oithis State to issue notes of a lees de- nomination than five dollars, and there is a prospect that it will pass. Better have small notes of our own than that portions of the State shall be flooded with the ehinplasters of other States, as is now the case. - We learn that the country - banks generally favor the movement, and will urge its adoption at - the present erasion.' Friar Ammacen PONlZlLY.—There,are few girls or boys in this country who have not heard the nursery rhyme sung - by par mothers *ldle rocking the cradle : "Lul-a-by baby upon the tree top ; When themind blows the Cradle willIock; When the bough breaks the cradle will M -fill And down will come cradle, baby and all." But how many of them know the origin of the simple lines I We' ays the following account from the records of, the Botiton Historical Soci ety. ,Shorgi nfter our forefathers landed at PlyintMth, Ma as.; a party were out in the fields where the Indian women were picking straw berries. Several of these women, or squaws as they are called, had papooses, that is babies, and having no cradles, had them tied up in In dien fashion and hung from the limbs of the trees. Sore enough, "when the wind blew, those cradles would rock." A young man of the party observing this, peeled over-a-Moos of bark, and wrote the above lines, which were, it is believed, the first poetry written in Amer ica. ' ' I== A Mums Inst.—With the revival of the spring trade, buSiness of all kicds must assume a new phase, and -put _on its best clothes,•to keep up appearances, if nothing else. A new impetus will, be given to commerce ; manufac turing ought to recover, its wonted vigor, and labor will look for a more ample reward. - all this hopeful general indication of better times coming, we must remind our readers that the, press is the great lever that :Moves the world, as well the commercial as the world of thought, and we hope we shall not be consid ered immodest if we remind the business world of this city that our paper is an excellent me dium through which they can make the ac quaintance of a large circle of customers. We only throw out the hint, and if. our business' men do not avail themselves of the 'advant ages thus offered, it will not he our fault. •The circulation of the DAILY Tstsorisra is increas ing-..very rapidly in the direction in which 13aay•risbnrg commerce can legitimately extend, and-every facility is afforded the advertiser of publishini his goods, ware and merchandise to thousands daily, at a less cost than he could spend his tigor in talking to the varied Midi once, if heldid them all before him every morning. Pennsylvania Daily etlegrapll, Illebntsbay 'Afternoon, 20, 1861.- New Fritz ComeAss.--A meeting of the citi zens of the fourth ward will be held at the store room of John Miller, Jr, on East State street, this (Wednesday) evening at 7 o'clock, for the purpnie otfOrmiog'n new fire company, to be styled the "State onplial Hose Company," and to be : located in the rear of the , Capitol. All persons'wholnel interested in this move ment arieiTilied to attend. 'joint B. TOMLINSON, Sec'y. pro tem. --•r---- "Huoup, - ppua i mpt! von Form . Carrni4- Among ilie"eliseStin the list now before the 'Su preme Court of this State is.a most curious one. It seemstifnt away up'in Luzerne county, lived a man named Elisha Harris. He owned a large farm, and was supposed to have saved consid arable money: , He was an eocentringandelqw fisted:indiVidual, andihe lived entirelysecluded and alone. In July, 1858, he died. His ad ministrators could find no property beyond the ordinary household , furniture, &c. According to custom, they had a vendor). " The vendne was well attended, it:being inferred that the money which it was supposed the deceased died pos sewed of had been concealed - somewhere, and old chests and bureaus probably never'before sold so well at an up country sale. Well, one David Aluthrtiaclier, an -honest Dutchman, went to the sale,- and :a nondescript article of furniture was struelc,off to him for fifteen cents. It was a square btoctitof pine wood, about three feet long and ten or twelve inches square, sup ported by four legs,'each about a' foot and a half in length. On the top was a horizontal wheel, with an iron spindle attached to it. It was an outlandish affair, and'it might, for-all we know, haveconie out of the Ark, and been applied to antediluvian uses. David paid his fifteen cents, hauled his purchase home, and threw it on the wood-pile. In course of time it came to be split open for firewood, when, lot it was found to contain 18,754 50 in gold and sil" vercoinand promissory notes. David, tho' poor, .s honest , , was-honest ', and die rinformed the. adrninistra-. tors of his &ion - very. The result was that a suit' was entrred to determine to whom the treasure should belong. The lower Court decided against honest David, and he Appealed. Such , was the case that came up a few days ago, and it occa sioned much merriment. No decision has yet been made.: r • ' . PENNSYLVANIA STATII AGRICULTURAL SOCLETY. —The Stated Meeting of the PennsYlvania State Agricultural Society was held at their office in Harrisburg, Tuesday, March 19, 1861. A Committee was appointed, consisting of Messrs. Rutherford, Colder and Zeigler, to de-: tide upon contested seats, who made the fol-. lowing report : Your Committee appointed in relation to the members elected in •tlie 2d, 3d, Bth, 12th, 17th and 28d districts, beg'leive to make the follow ing report : That they find by the Constitution that the 2d, Bd, Bth, 17th and 23d districts are vacafit, no persons, being elected therefrom: All of, which is reapectfu)iy submitted. J. P. •Rtrrazaroan. JOHE H. ZEIGLER. ' WM. Comas. Committee. , The report was adopted. The Secretary laid before the Societythe drawings and communi cations of P. IC Goodwin, of Luzerne county, with regard to the laying of drain tile, and moved ,that the thanks of the. Society'be re turned to Mr. Gondwin, and that the drawings and communications -be" incorporated in the next volume of transactions. -Adjourned. The Committee met at 7 o'clock, r. M. Pre sent Messrs. Haldeman, (President,) Buck, Ba lker, Baker, Colder, Curwen, Drisbaok, Drinker Eberly, Eby, Geary, S. B. Haldeman, Kapp, Mish, Miles, Murdock and Rutherford. The Secretary, A. 0. Heister, read his report h the course of which he remarked : "Our ex- peuses during the past year were as great as those of forreer „Veers, while our' receipts, as will be found by the detailed reportof the Treasurer, were less. Yet he has the satisfac tion in tesigning the onerous and important duties of ,the office, of knowing that he has to the best of his ability discharged his duty, and thOugh out funds have 'been somewhat dimin ished, that we have an amount in the treasury sufficient to defray 'the expenses of the year, and to' carry , the Society safely through the risks incident to another_ exhibition, and he now tenders to every member of the Executive ,Committee his thanks , for 'their uniform °our tesy toward hint.'!•,' - ' The Comniittee proceeded to -telect a Record ing Secretary and &Treasurer, when John. H. Zeigler mui,eledted &Cretary, and John P. Ru -therford; Treasurer. The Committee on the Esray on Veterinary Science, by Mr. McLure, made a repOrt and were discharged from the further consideration of' the subject. Colder, Rapp and Peters, Committee. The Committee on the Essay by General Stokes on Farm. Failures, rePorted favorably and awardeci him a silver goblitt, 813 offered in the premium list. Gowen, Hamilton and }He ger, Committee. The Committee appointed to examine and report upon - th -- 0 - . ll#itysrOtp • , Gayer and, .Goodwin, made report, and awarded reporting premium of a silver goblet to Mr. Spangler, with a recommendation that all Possessed merit, that each be - permitted to speak for himself by publishing the Essays in the next volume of transaction. • On motion, Messrs. 'Eby, Drinker and Cur wen wereappointed a Committee•to revise and report a list of premiums for the next exhibi tion, and appoint the required number of Judges.' . • _ , Messrs. polder, Kapp, miqh, Zedgler and Rutherford' were appointed a ComtaitMe to make:a .4111100 10 4th for ; the 10th annual exhi bition. . On motion,. it, was resolved that the Vice 'President 'Of each Congressional District be re quested to send to-ihesSecretary the names of twitable . persons to act - as judges. On motion , of P . eter#, Mr. Mish and Mr. Rutherford were appointeda committee to settle the account of the retiring Treasurer; On motion of Kr. Murdoch, - it was wad. mously Rooked; That the Executive Committee of the Pennitylvania State Agricultural Society earnestly recommend to the members of the Legislature an .appropriatiOn frdficient to win p,letO the building of thAfirtners: 4E010001; and that a 4xtßy of 'II?, .09 713 , 'rfrleeiqn iie .ftirnisheel to`tbelioankint of Sepia And ofii of BetiresOlitatives. Loo Bm.—Amongthe bills read - in place in the House on Monday, was one to authorize the Second English Evangelical Lutheran con gregation of this city to connect gas pipes with those In the enclosure of the public grounds. The object of the bill is to furnish the church on State street with gas light, there being no pipes laid along.that street. A CiOOD A2PODPMENT.—The President has appointed Hon.' Robert M. Palmer, of Schuyl kill county, (9 - ow Speaker of the Stabs Selig%) Minister to - the Republic of Ecuador. This office isnow held by Mr. Buckelew, of Colum bia county, who was himself SPeaker of thk Senate under the Democratic regime. Mr.':Pal xner,,being in delicate health, the probability is that that he will at once resign his position in the Senate, and enter upon - the mission to which he has been appointed by the President, and which he is so admirably qualified to fill with honor to himielf 'arid to the country. THE MAR WHO DON'T Go TO CHITBOH: —Of course the mere, reading of such-a heading as the above will be sufficient to horrify the entire church-going, world, and it ought to do so, hinting as it,does at the existence of persons who will persist in doing as they please, heed less of _public reprobation. T The non-aurch goer, althotigh he may derive some small satis faction from having his own way, does not find life Altogether pleasant, as will speedily, be . shown. His society is called the company of the wicked, and he occupies a-seat among the scornful. Society on, its. way to its favorite to: bernacle meets him on , the street, and glares at him with indignant eyes as the Sunday papers are seen peeping oat of his pocket If he as pires, to the great happiness of one day leading to the altar the object of his affections and petty cash expenditures, he finds that the way of the transgressor is hard and that he will en counter severe fathers, perfectly correct mothers and aunts terrific, on his journey. If he suc ceeds in his matrimonial endeavor* he is brought , to book like a deserter, and usually he is de stroyed by 'a volley of patented phrases, and his body is so deeply buried uhder the sod of propriety that no friend of his bachelor days may ever gaze upon his face again; Before he is captured by the moral man, stealer, he„,may excite in one breast'some , little:intereet. the "nice young lady," , a _ creaturetoo good for this world, looks upon him as being a brand,which it will pay very well to snatch from the, fire, and accordingly subjects him to the combined attack of smilekand sermons, bright eyes and dull hon4as, hymn books and handkerchiefs, until his idea of worship gets to be of a'rnited' kind, and his prayer a confused mingling "of Maria, Jane and mercy upon tad If he is rich he finds many creatures too good for this world, ready to convert him, in spite of the gibes of society, Which is vulgar enough to say that they have metalic reasons for welding him to the 'church. ' The don't.go-to-churcher is also' exposed to the attacks of the 'clergy. The pleasant jocular parson takes a dook.witia him and smokes a sager, and inviterkhim-.round;its. if -tea game of billiards. The persuailve cler gyman gets him into a coiner- and tells him of his duty, then takes him by the coat button and leads him to the door of the fold, men tioning by name the - sheep whieh have already entered it, and desires him to "hush!" sons to hear them bleating in their surprise Rad, hap . - piness within. The sensation parson, With the raw head and ,bloody bones of Iris childhood stack upon a polemical pole,..shakes it in his face until hie knees shake in sympathy, and he staggers away. to hide. He may declare, that he offends no law, injures no man, and only asks to be let alone, but society will not leave him - in peace. Tracts treating' of the 'Toot steps of the wickedr—"The evil of Moving at hothe"—"The Boneless Skeleton," and 'other literary productions containing unpleasant per sonal allusions, are being continually thrust under his plate and into his pooketS, and' turn up at times and places when they seem to im ply that he should - 'be in the prison and not at large. Bill discounters preachathiro, he is Obliged to listen to exhortation fromreformed 41dermen, and to hear m o ral` maxims from Bank Presidents: Fven at , home, where he might expect a little quiet, his chair is full of moral pins bent into agravating, forms wbich punish him unmercifully if he attempts to sit down for a quiet cogitation. He Is asked to "sit under the stoutest clergymen in the land, and When he is told that a new minister "sup , plies the pulpit"' he is obliged to'incur wrath by saying that the "supply" is better in quan tity than in quality.. It the man who does not go to chnrch is married, he* is looked upon as being a hems naturcs,,anort of social "What is it ?" and the only 'advantage he possesses over his unmarried compeer is that his wife defends hinKoutside his home by : saying that : hejs deaf and constitutionally afraid of crowds. _Perhaps, however,ihis advantage' is more aPparenttban real, andhe avuty.heirindon : the dormiktic 6-04- c114,/iko other men. The man who don't go to Church is an unhappy tieing, and it is hoped that if he 'should pursue the above catalogue of his miseries, he may realize how ; wicked he is, and be induced to join the ranks of church going peOple. - : .t . , Mumma! Musiana I litlcimmt-rlOOO yards of the very beat unbleached Muslin, 10 cents ;, 2000 yards of beautiful ; ; blinchitd Muslin;. cents, 2000 •yards of Abe best long cloth Mus- Su 12i cents width I ; will, sot by the piece, at 111 cents ; 2000 yards of remnant of Calico Loe Laine, to be sold very cheap; remnants of colored Silk,"cheap ; De Laines and other-dress goods at cost; Brioche f34WIS and other Shawls at cost; Cassimere for -, pants ; Plank Cloth, Cassinetts, and a large lot - of pants stuff at cost ; a splendid assortment of Cainbrics, Judo- netts, Cambric Bands, 'Bemidji:444i Handker chiefs, which I will sell at auction prices; white and colored Flannel at omit. For 'cheap SIN& call at 13."Lawr's, Rhoads' old corner:' t PURIFY TB:B BLOOD. Mormes Liyi Puma Ann Pito= Balms.— Ins from oil Mineral Beisons.-;4lv.chitee- Af;;Sercala , Ulcers , Scurvy, or NruptiOns of the 'Skin,lhe,operation Of the Life Medicines is truly astonishing, often removing in a few days, every vestige of these loathsome diseases by their purifying effects on the blood. Moss Fevers, Fever and Ague, DYBPaluda, Dropsy, pies, and in abort; past air *WOOS soon yield to;toot o t tve p ro perties o mit,aoshouhkhe lull be mit i a . dr" timely . ri.. 4 enerect by TM . Mr, D., New York and r ofi tik n0v91137 IMPORTANT TO FEMALES. DR. CHEESMAN'S PILLS, Prepared by Cornelius L. Cheesenon, M. D., „NEW YORK CITY. TIME combination of ingredients in these , Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice. They are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting allirregniartties, Painful Menstrnations, removing all ob structions, whether from cold or othertrise, headache, pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, whites, all ner vous affections, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the batik and limbs, &c., disturbed sleep, which arise from interruption of nature • Y.) MARRIED LADIM, • Dr. Cheeseman's Pills are invaluable, as they will bring on the monthly period with regularity; ,Ladies who have. been= disappointed In the use of other Pills can' place the atmost confidence in Dr. Cheeseman's Pills doing all that they represent to do. NOTICE • There is one condition of the female system is which the Puts minuet be taken nuthout - poduaria a PEW:ad/St RESOLI. the condition record:l to is PREON.A.NCY— the result, HISCARRE4GR. .YOl4l the srmaistate tendency of aselnedscine to, restore he salmi functions to a format amihtion, that eoess the reproductive power of nature cannot remit it. Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything injurious, Explicit directions, which should be read, ac company each boi. ~ P rice W. Sent by mantel enclosing 31 to Da COssonsus L. Oassmitsiti Box 4533. Post Moe New York City, - _ Sold by one L in evelto w n in the United States It. - General Arnt for awl - Jetted States, . - • - 14 Broadway, New)Yorit, o Whom all orders should be addr•oust Bold in Barebilinig by 0. A. Items:vain . • NOTICE. , Cloitona.—The sudden changes of out climate souroosior Pulmonary; Bronchial " mid Asthmatic At; (ections. Experience having proved that simple rem& dies often act speedily and certainly when taken in the early stages of the disease, recourse should at once be had-to "Brown% Bronchial Trochee," or Lozenges, let the Cold, Cough, or Irritation of the Throat be ever so slight, as by this precaution a more seriousidtack may be warded oti. Public Speakers and Singers mill And them effectual for clearing and strengthening - the Voice. See advertisement. delo-dzaw&wfini A CARD TO THE LADIES DR. DIIPONOO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES. linable in correcting, regulating, and rem eying all obstructions, .from whatever oausei and al- • ways successful. as a preven live. 7HESE PILLS HAVE BEEN USED BY ' the doctortylor many years, both in France and merino., with unparalleled success in every case ; and be is urged byanany thousand ladies 'who used them; to make the Pine public fbr the alleviation of those anffering, from any irregularities whateVer, as well as to prevent an increase of family where health will not permit it.— Females particularly situated, or those supposmg them selves so, are cautioned against these Pills while in that condition, as they are sum to produce miscarriage, and the proPrieter assumes no responsibility after this admo nition,. although their mildness would prevent any mis chief to health—otherwise the Pills are recommended. Full and explielt directions accompany each boa. Price. $1 00 per box. Sold wholesale - and retail by CHARLES A. BANNYART, Druggist, . . No. 2 Jones /tow , Harrisburg, Pa. "Ladies," -by sending _him $1 00 . to the HarriSbUirg Post Office, can have the Pills seat free of observation to anypart of the country (confidentially) and "free epos tags" by math Sold also by S. S. antvatis,*Reauling, JOHI.B3ON, HOI.IOjAY & Clowns; Philadelphia, J. L. Lott. antactEn, lobandn, Thum H. Hiarratm, Lancaster; J. A. Wins, Wrightaville ; B. T. hlnmut, York ; and by one druggist in every , oily and village in the 'Union, and by S. D. lbws, sole. proprietor, Now York. N. .13.r.,—.Lookont for counterfeits. _Buy no Haden Pills of any kind =testi every box is signed S. D. Howe. All others are a base imposition and misafep-thereford, as yon value your lives and health, (to say nothing of be ing' htunbugged not of your. money,) buy only of those who show the signature . of S. D. Howe on every box, "WbiOlt,b4 . B recently been 'added, on account of the Pills being counterietied. . , - . dea-dwaawly. W. A:BATOBELOR'S HAIR DYE! fiIHIS SPLENDID HAIR DYE has no I:..equalinatahtaneous in effect—Beautiful Black or Nattiral Broian,-no staining gie akin or injuring the Hati-4emedles ffieitbsurd and ill effect of Bad Dyes, and inyigoratas tbe'llair for life. Nene are genuine. Onion A.-Batchelor." Sold everywhere: CHAS. BATCHELOR, Proprietor. nnliedawly Sflkutlay Street, a* Cork THE GRUT ENGLISH REMEDY JAml 3 q. oRrinRATRA FEMALE PILLS. Prepared from a' Pramlyilion of Sir J. Clark!, .11.11, Phyncian Bograordinary to the Queen. :This Invaluable medicate isAirchtling M the career all those painful and- daugdieue cherries to which the femule constitution - 1s subject. l lt moderates all excess and re miss all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be • • TO MARRIED LADIES ' it it peculiarly silted.'ll in a short time; bring on the monthly period witkreig'ularitk. iactubettle, price One Dollar; bears the Government Stamp of Great .Briblixt; t o prevent 'counterfeits. CAUTION. These P4 7/2 shouldinot be. taken byremala during the 7/RAT n274.1* YONTSSof Pregnancy, turkey are ottre to] brivan atircarrkge, but at any other time they are In all cases of Nerypos . and Spinal Affections, Pain In the Bach'and.4.4anbe, Fatigue an alight eitertion , Palpita •of thelleari, Hysterics and Whites, hese PM wil ailbot a hire when all other means have failed ; and al though anowerfid remedy, , do not contain iron, calm* antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitution. • Full directions In the pamphlet around each package, w . hich should be carefully preserved. N. 11.-41.00 and 8 - postage stamps enclosed tci . any cut- Wend agent - , will insure a bottle, containin g 50 by return =al. . ti'?'' . gabby C. A. ilansVear. iy9 dowlY SAVING FUND . NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST CO. OFFiCE, Walnut Bt., S, W. Corner of Third. Arrave,ments for Business during. Su.spensilz ,4f Specie Payrttaits by the Bar*. . 1. Deposits received and payments made every day. - 2. Current Bank'Notes and Specie will be received on deposit. 3. Deposits - made in Bank notes and Specie will be paid back in eitylkink notes 4• Deposits tL ads in'Cold or Silver will be paid Back in'Coin. - ' INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. PER ANNUM. HENRY L. BENNER, President. WITZIAM J. BM, Secreti4ry. mall-d and w NEW IiEItANGEMENT. CHANGE OF LOCATION. WALLOWER'S LINE. • es tab old stank of oars ; being dispbeed of, I the undersigned ; has broke entin.a new place and bed a daily freight line. between Philadelphia, New . York, Harriahurg and , all;whits on the Northern Central, Sunbury &Erie and Lacl4Wana & Bloomiburgrallroads. Thanhhil for the liberal patronage heretofore extended he liOpes,Vproniptness, to retain all his old customers and patrons, ell goods intended for the line must be dalivereffat the depot of the Philadelphia. and. Beading railroad, Broad and, Oallowhill streets, Philadel phia. All gouda delivered at. he depot up to ilve,o'clock, P. 4., will rear* Efirrieburg next morning. .:WALLOWER, Jr.,, General Agt. marll . Reading Depot,..Harrieburg. - • NovoT„ TIE. UNDERSIGNED bas opened, his LOMOND, OFFICE, Corner of Third street aid Black berry &nog, near Herr'a Hotel.. 4 Dry •Lumher.of aR kiridorand qualities, for isle by • ' ' W. F. MURRAY. The tuideisigtied Horsed, Carriages end har ness low fottaSit, '" 'ALEO-41cesteband Carriages to hire alibi) same office. ontrll, . 'FRANK .A. MIIRR&Y. .A.IIIBROTYPtiI FOR 26, CENTEL Embscriber:. respectfully arknounces io'theistipeps — of ,Hiiirfaverg and viol/MY Met 'he has takenrconis 'over. liLlgainVd: HARDWARIL. ST9RE: sopthysura corner o r Market Hew ,e wherein la prepared to execute every etre of• AIatROTYPES, at the lowest .tqdcs, flungi OW and uproar RAGUEFIRRoymis. eariturtycol*,joi, Plea Weeded In.Lookets and Pine., antes dr altiescriittions aonabantlp en hand,t, VOW ale ate if you want a good and cheap optima. ia74lm ' BIME B,PARlENAzabrotyplat. Miscellaneous. POPITLAR REMEDIES. It/I - RS- WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP 11,1„for children teething, and SpALDING'S CEPHALIC PILLS for, headache. A fresh supply received at KEL LER'S DRUG STORE, where you can purchase all the saleable Patent Medicines of the day. , 91 Market street, two doors east of Fourth street, south side. APPLES! APPLES ! 1 500, B us t2p ve L d S tr o o f m r e n o i r O t raP f L or E s l at lowidt cash price, by feb4 JAMES M. WHEELER. OR RENT.—The Tavern Stand on F Ridge Road, now occupied byßatouel W. Roberts Is offered fort ent from the let of April next. Enquire of feb9-dtf MRS. BOSTEIMN, No. 30, Fourth Street. STORE ROOM FOR RENT. THE STORE ROOM next to the Cenrt rouse, lath in the obanpaney of Mr.' Glover`. pos session given on the first of April. 'Enquire ef len27-t F. WYETH. STATE. < CAPITAL BANK. CAMERON, COLDER , EBY & CORNER SECOND AND WALNUT Vat HAR EIS BURG. PENN. FOR RENT.---THE DWELLING PART _ of the F OUR. STORY 11RICK. HOUSE No. 93 Market street. Possession, given on the Ist of April next. For particulars enquire of Oro& ] J. B. SDION. MADERIA WINE. n'TELSH, BROTHER'S OLD RESERVE v WINE fall Willed and fruity In store and far sale by JOHN H. ZIMMER, febll3 73 Market street. SSTORAGE ! S ORAGE I ! TORAGE redeived at the Warehouse JAMES M. WHEELER. CM GARDEN. SEEDS. i t FRESH AND COMPLETE assortment A just received and for sale by feb2o . . -Wl4. BOOK JB. k CO. EX,TRA SUGAR CIIIrED HAMS For tabby War. DOCK J. aOO oct4 OUR UNION & CONSTITIITION4 6 6 OUR GOVERNMENT," by 11"..11'llni m, is a work containing the Consorrronos or TartiJ_Nnpr. STATES , giving the construction of its Terms and -Provisions, showing the relations of the several States to the Union and each other, and explaining gene rally the System of Government of the Country. Price yt CC Sold, and orders supplied, by , him, at Harris burg, Pa. feb.2l. Agents for Counties and States wanted. PUBLIC. NOTICE THE underitigned, Commiesioners of Dauphin county, Pennsylvania, hereby inform the public In general thatin consequence of the approaching completion of the new Court House of the county, in the city of Harrisburg, a number of Countyjnans are - Ea idi :Which coupon bonds payable • at frem th ree tolhirty years, will be excnted to the lender clear of all taxes, ana semi-annual Interest will be paid punctually. at the, Dauphin County Treasury. Therefore p arsons wishing temake safe investments will, It is expected, avail themselima of this tippet:lenity. JOHN S. MIISSKR, - . JACOB BERM, feb2B lmwad GEORaE GARTEItICH. 1111 1141 C CO 17 AI. La: DR. D. W. JONES, }-lARBISBIIRG, PA., 1141TAS - moved. hie 'office to thd National 1.1. Howe in Market street, opposite the Poet Office.— Be particular and observe , the name on the window..—, Dr. Jones may be consuled on all diseases but more particularly dimes of a' priiato' natUre. Dr. JONES. has coma a number of . private and other diseases. in this city and elsewhere, and some of them bad almost given up all hopes of reoo,,, t y , and was restored by the use of his powerful vegetable remedies. . . • GONORRHEA. . Dr. JONES offers the only safe andcertain remedy for Gonorrhea, Gleat, Stricture, Wier Complaint, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, and all Derangements of the Stomach. This preparation will cure Gonorrhea in from three to Ave days, and can be had at any time of Dr. JONES, at his of fice,at One Dollar per bottle, and one bottle is sufficient, niter* a mild ease. SYPHILIS .This is one of the worst of all diseases. Dr. JONES ' pledges himself to cure Syphilis in its worst forms. This disease" makesits appearance in ao. many different forms,. that a single plan of treatment wiltnot reach it in all its features ; so it may require different - remedies, according, to the natnre of 'the case. Dr. JONES will make a writ teh article with `any one—NO CUBE NO PAY I The re• "medics used by Dr. JONES, are purely vegetate, and need, no change of diet or hindrance from business. SPERMATOBEREA. This habit of youth is indulged in while alone, and often learned from evil companions whan at school, and if not cured will destroy both mind and body., fall victims to,this disease. The symptoms are— Pain in the Head, Dimness of Sight, Ringing in the Ears, Pimpleton the Face, Loss of Memory, Frightful Dreams at Right, Weakness in the Back, Pain in the Breast, and Cough, (indicative of Consumption,) Dyspepsia, great Derangement of the Nervous System, and so on till Death puts an end to their sofferings. To such Dr. „TOBS of fers a perfect restoration, with such xrdid,and `Balmy Juices of Barba, that will perfectly restore the victim 91 th isHistresaing Disease.. ' - CO/IPPOii3. These suffering from Colds; and Derangement of.the Nervous System, can speedily be restored to sound health and Vigor. • -, Dr. JONES may be consulted at ail times at his office personally, or by letter , describing all symptoms. Ali letters must contain a stamp to ensure answer. Address feb7 M'ALLjSTER'S •it • - 0 . ALL-HEALING. OINTMENT - I 4 TRY IT I TRY, IT'S S A Radical Restorative of Insensible Respiration. T is a fact, beyond the power of I contradiction, that it, is intsllible in the cure of • Burn", Scalds, Nervous Diseases, ,•All Tumors, Piles, Serofula, Erysipelas, Chllhdalns, .Sore Eyes, Quinsy, Croup, Übeumattmu, Colds, Cold Feet, Liyer Complaint, • Asthma, and ail DISEASES OF TEE CHEST. It is rightly termed All Healing, for there is : scarcely a Disease external or internal that it will : not benefit.- Grrand Dopee,_ -- --it N 0.143 FULTON .erstaar, - Narw Yang. n . And by all Druggists throughout the 'United States. a . 1.1 NOALISTER, la Fulton Street, N: Y. Agents wanted immediately to introduce it into families, who may receive it on Übangi terms, for le s cash. marb•dBm . BOURBON WHISKEY I AVERY superior article of BOURBON winsg.Ey, quart bottles, In store and for'sale by JOHN H: ZIEGLER, mar 4 . 73 Market Street. • FRESH -FRUIT OF every description in cans and jara, each package warranted. • mar 4 root JH. & CO. '. TO. BUTCHERS; QRAT,ED, PROPOSALS' to firnish the 1,3 Dion% in County Poor Heise with such meat as may be wanted from time to time, will be received by the Modem up to the 27TE1 DAY OP L MAROEI, and opened and contract awarded oIiqUID3DAY, the 24 of April, 1881, to the lowest and beat bidder. 'fhe meat must be of geed quality and delivered at the bandies. All'proposale 10 be handed to the steward of the Poor House. ' JOHN BAYSOR, SIMON DANIEL, • PETER BISHOP me•atdaltw Directors of Poor. LIRESH GARDEN and FLOWER SEEDS. The largest, stook in the city. All kinds of Garden Seeds in - large papers atthree cents - nor paper, for sale bY DAVID 'HAYNIE., roarl2-1m - 1.1.0 Market street.. ' . REBEt GARDEN, FIELD and 'LOWER ' dEEDS: Air entire new aleck at large and email packages just recemed at , SELLER'S. DRUG STORE, Marti- ... - -.-., , 91•3lorketetreet. SPARK - CANDLE,S I - is Luigi liOrnle 17 • WM. ThX9l.-Jl/. a co. JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, FANCY GOODS, &C. ALFRED F. ZIMIERMAN is CO: N 0.5 2 MARKET - STREET, Harrisburg, Pa., opposite HsuWs Harm and adjoining the EUROPEAN HOTEL, having purchased the stook of - E.l Jennings, and added a large assortment of NEW JEW ELRY, we will sell the same at the lowest Gash pride, and solicit patronage. Vetches, Cloaks and Jewelry neatly and promptly re paired and delivered. Having disposed of my stock of Jewelry to A. F. Zim merman & Co., I cheerfully recommend them to my for mer customers as practical and experienced Watch Makers, and solicit Or them a continuance of the patron. age which has been so generously extended to me during the last six years. jan29 ' ELMER F. JENNINGS. At the Ninth Ex.hibition of the Mass. Charitable Mechanic Association, 1860, MESSRS. CIEWKERING & SONS WERE AWARDED THE GOLD MEDAL FOR TIM BM GRAND, SEMI-GRAND , & SQUARE PIANO-FORTES ; AND TOT ONLY YZNINV/I, A. SILVER MEDAL, FOR THE BEST UPPIGHT PIANOS, WM. KNOCHE, SOLE AGENT [FOR THE SALE OF THESE PIANOS, No. 92 MARKET ST., HARRISBURG. feb6-dtf Our Cough, Cold Hoarseness, in c,...0W /1., ensa, ant/Dreg:hot' sor Sorene s s of il° Cti V ' the Ihroat, Baas the ckb @RoNGHIAL ehitt,lsthnsa, ' B h, e c ") . - ek\V r anti gies strasgfh to the voie e PBof PUBLIC Iea C SAIEB RS and SINGERS. Pew are aware of the importance of checking a Cough or "Common Cold'.' in its first stage ; that which in the begirmbag would yield to a mild remedy, if neglected, soon attacks the Longs. "BROWN'S BRONCHIAL MOMS,' containing demulcent ingredients, allay Pulmonary and Bronchial Irritation. BROWNS TRocur.s BROWN'S TROCHES IlltqW2l TROCHES BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S TROCRES BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S intocitas BROWN'S TROCHE BROWN'S MOM - HSI BROWN'S TROCHES BSGWN'S TREWMAS Select Schools for Boys and Girls FRONT STREET ABOVE LOCUST. THE Fall term of ROBERT M'ELWER'S 1- School for boys, will open on the last Monday in August. The room is well ventilated, comfortably fur- Dialled, and In every respect well adapted for Bohan purposes. . . CATHARINE WELWEWS School for girls, located In the same building! will open for the Fall term at the same time. - The roombas been elegantly fitted up during the Vacation, to promote the health and comfort of scholars. lanSl•dtf • - MMISIXX SHAD, No. 1, SALMON, No. 1, lIERRING, No. 1, COD FISH, No. 1, MACKEREL, No. L Of he above we have all the different sized packages from the KITT to the IWIRELL in store and for sale at the mast market rates. febl6 Wht. 1)00K, JR. & CO. FIRST CLASS GROCERIES! LARGE ARRIVAL! HAYING JUST RETURNED from the .1.11 Eastern cities where we have selected with the untuvwfr am a large and complete assortment of su perior goods -which embrace anything kept in the beat any groceries, we - respectfully and cordially invite the public to call and examine our stock and nonce ace MMES. . WM. DOCK JR. & CO. D. W. JONES, National House, Harrisburg, Pa HOMONY, BRAN% Saxe, Garay, lioxornr, Sams CORN SPLM PRA9 BARia, MARROW FAT Batas, Wocaa PRA; &O Just _received and for sale at the LOWEST rasa PRIORS. 016 WM. DOCK JR. & CO. SCOTCH WHISKY. ONE PUNCHEON of PURE SCOTCH. WKISKY just received and for sale by JOHN H., ZIEGLHE 73 Market Street,. Janl CITY BONDS roR . ONE OR TWO CITY BO N D S cif . $5OO each, bearing 6 per cent. interest, being a safe and good investment. Apply to fabl-Btad— • DENTISTRY. THE undersigned; DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY, has returned and resumed his practice a State street oppasite ibe "Brady House," where he will be pleased to attend to all who may desire his ser vices. . [sep27] B. B. GILDEA, D. D. S. MOURNING. GOODS - OF BV.KRY DESCRIPTION. Hoisery, Gloves, Gauntlett; in large quantities Great assortment of Embroideries. Ladies Underwear, different sizes and quality. Gentlemen's, do do do Misses' do do do Boys'do Glottis, Cassimeres, Satinetts, Jeans, And everything for Men and Boys wear. Gentlemen' Shawls. All goods, without distinction to style or quality, will be sold at a very slight nivanne, and: les than coat of importation.; . CATHCART & BA6MEII4 rroit door to the Harriabeig . Bank ' dl7 - Market Square. S EVERAL COMFORT - MILE DWELLING HOUSES in dilibrlinl parts of thisiclityt Stabling at tached to some of, atom Poasoasion given' the *at of Aped next. LU2-2461 tWA& C RAMC 073E111 4 x, 5 QUINCE, 'PEAR.' CURRANT, . PEACH, " APPLE, . E , BLACKBERRY, G RASPBERRY. Just. - -rkieived from New,roric and warranted super fine.' geb2B Wm. BOCK, Jr., fit Ce. TENS' VALLEY NUT COAL !—E4, atsll OD per ton. V 'Fir Al 4. gat,. Dzrargaen ?SIY PAMTLVI WNW I,CLLE2I9. JAME IL MEWL Nr:WeddidTeredital Dow yards. aoyld inistellantauc ALFRED F. MMMitAN & CO "That trouble in my Throat, (for which the "TROCHES" are a specific) having made me often a mere whlaperer.ll - N. Y. WILLIE. "I recommend their use to Public Speakers." . . REV. E. H. CHAPIN. “Have proved extremely serviceable for Hoarseness." .REV. HENRY WARD BREMER. "Almost Ingtant relief In the distressing labor of breathing peculiar to Asthma." REV. A. C. EOII.II3TON. "Contain no Opium or anything Injuri ous." DR. A. A. HAVE, Chemist, Boston. "A simple and pleasant combination for Coughs &e." DR. G. F. BIGELOW, Boston "Beneficial in Bronchitis " DR. J F. W. LANS, Boston. "I have proved Cletr • excellent for Whoopingeough." . REV. H. W. WARMS, Batton. Glleneffcial when compelled to speak, suffering from Cold." . • ,REV. S. J. P. ANDERBO4, St. Louts I "Effectual in removing lloaraeuess and Irritation of the Throat, so common with speakers and Singers." Prof. M. STACY JOHNSON, La Grange, Ga. Teacher of Music, Southern Female College. "Great benefit when taken before and after preaching, ee they prevent Hearse mar Fr o m their past t ad er tag l e to le t "? ' lISOWLEY, Pro's Went of Atkins College, Tenn. Sold by r all Druggists at 25 (=tea box FRESH ARRIVAL FOR RENT.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers