THE TELEGRAPH Is PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, (SUNDAYS EXCIPINV By GE°R9 I O BYaRCINP,B. IttlllB.Ef4taia tkiatadyttat4 The fiAthy Tatatautlrta aitiredatr Forough at 03)( tentii:;per trepl4:: • (' t . 7. Al i xill be ehaiged . ft4.4 . - WJWT-AND 1 8lifl.Wilitilti l i/XGRA Ph. The tascetsea is also published twice a week during in , . session of.thiLegislatare and weeklyduring the n ut:toiler of the year, and furnished to subscribers at the Mk - wing rates, , via : . Riegle SolserAbere per year • Vibe .ii.ven Tc u THI LAW OP IWEWSPAFXRA. I subscribers order. the, discantlananeeet:their dews papers, the publisher may .contMue to send them anti] all arrearages are pelt. - If subscribers .Derect or 'refuse to take their newsmt pors from the Mace to - which they are, treated, they di responsible until they hay- settled the Ws and , ordered them dituiontlnued . 1 t ttal THE'ORIGINAL' AND GbNUINE DR. TOWNSEND'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF S AR SAPARIL4,A., The Great Renovator of THE BLOOD. THE SOVEREIGN REMEDY FOR ER I:TT-19AS OF THE SKIN, 11161.11ATED MIMS, AND ALL ;FORMS OF' bUTANEODS - , DISEASES. These.cialoplalps can be speedily and effeetnally.enied by the use orthis WORLD RENOWNED BAR SAPA RILL,A. Thoitiands have experienced its salutary effects, and tens of thousands have witueescd it, until it has ceased to be a:gammon amour the intelligent portion of the core When the Blood becomes lifeless-and stagnanteeither: from the effects of Spring weather,- change of cliMate want of exercise, the use of a uniform-saline diet, or toy other cause ; thlacompound kxtract of Sarsaparilla, will IitIENSW the BLOOD, carry. off. the putrid .humors', mourn timorous!, REGULATE THE: BOWELS. And impart a Tone of Vigor to the Whole Bpdyi TO THE PUBLIC The public are hereby notified that the preparation Ex tensively known as Dr. S. P. Townsend's Compound et tract of Sarsaparilla is bow manufactured , under my di reollon and supervision, from the original recipeobtained , from Dr. S. P. 'Townsend; and) . certify that, it tenement!' ed of ingredients'PUßßLT VEGETABLE; and WITHOUT Jd li. CURT; and also that the ingredients are judiciously co blinded, so as to otititin from them their greatest medicinal pffect. . • JAMSIt CHILTON, M. D.; Chemist. Dr. S. Y. TOWNSEND'S . COXPOUZiD EkiHneor or .Ssinat, rearma, has a reputation among all civilized nations as the beet pireparatlon for .• • • Renovating and Purifying the BLOOD , which science 'has ever offered to mail: In this mides Its PECULIAR EXCELLENCE, and to this Is due ihilrorld wide renown. . It contains all the vegetable principles' W. Ifieh expert.' me has proved' useful in 'clearing thiSYSIEM - frcon DISEASE, extracted and combined with theNghest skill which the refinements of modern chemi.b.v - enable us to' employ. . - . Whatever they' be said- 14. mortified Competitors or splenetic physicians, the fact that thisi medicine is EVERY= WHERE 1113.11 D, and that its use creates an increased' de' mend, shows conclusively that it poeticises medic:Arial merits stilts first cider • . " ' .0 A.,su I 0 N To good imposition it will be necessary to see that - DR, JAM. N 8 , oxiturawmi as :nil ;as t,ba.fIIGNATURP 84, Townseed, is be the Outside wrapper oteacrebounsz , r BE VERY ONEFUL TO USE . ND OTHER: • Proprietor's ogles, N0..41 Fulton street, N, Y. And far. sale lay every Druggist in this , ity. apBo-dBtaur DRUGS AND -CHEMICALS DRUGS. AND OHEMICALS DRUGS "AND' GREMICALS. . Patent Medicines. Family. Patent Medicines. lanalliMedloines. Patent Medicines. Family Medicines. Tresses, Supporters, Shoulder - Brae4. Triunes, SuppbitOrs, Shoulder Braces. Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces. PERFUMERY. PERFUMERY. PERFITMERY. FANCY AND. TOILET ARTICLES:- FANCY ANWTOLLET ARLICILES. FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES. PRIME HAVANA . CIGARS, TOBACCO. PRIME HAVANA CIGARS, TOBACCO. PRIME HAVANA CIGARS,•'TOBACCO; We endeavor to buy and sell the very bast of every-,. Ming in our line, and alwa's have a good assortinerigin store from which customers may choose . , And at . fair prices we do command a fair sharevif - patratiage. C. S.IIEILLER'S DRUG STORE, . • No. 01 Narliegitreet. . • EDUQATIONAL...„,:.".:. AC6NTROLTAI7G ELEMENT-6P NA TIONALITY is the system of educatlen (mutt try. "In proportiowas the structure of a go•vernMent gives force to public opiniOn, that public opinioniShnuld, be enlightened."—Waskittg'tm's Farewell Add 'red. this end the people in general should 60,6M/ceded into a correct and familiar acquaintance with the' matuttand principles of our government and civil instittithins. i .' • "OUR GOVERNMENT: Ann explanatory etatinriente'd , the system of Government:or the Country, die; A 'MAW. ,L FOR SCHOOLS, AOADBMIES-ANIf. POPULAR is a work which, with prosier:histories' notices, liver the construction of Use provhdons ot the Oclistitutlen of the United States and ef those.of the several. Staten, its: determined by.hulicial authority,ior derived !Yea Stand ard writers, Including some referenced to adminlityntiVe am and praotlce, so as to show the actual worithigtif oqprr general system or Government. It is free trent speoula tive opinions, oensertative in its tenderfoy, audialonlited• to cultivate the love of our country. .Itlian.been. deed to a considerable extent, in the EDUCATION OF YOUTH In -different Rates, and is recommended: by -illtristit,• Statesmen and Presidents, and Professors of Colleged. Prtarksloo... - Sold by M.. WKINNEY., del Harrisburg, Fa': d BERGAER,'S CHEAP BOO , KSTOHE 51 MARKET - STREET IS THE CHEAPEST PLACE 1.14 'THE cITY TO GET SCHOOL BOOS • -- SCHOOL STATIONERY ; Coinpriffing an the valleys BEADING AND:. RPM,LINO BOWILA • - • ARTHIEETICS -ALGEBRAS; F. • • CRANE:ABS; ETTNOLOSIES, • - 'DICTIONARIES, moronigt4- • PHILOBOPIHIS,• ' all the tOHOOL BOOKS used in the various-Public " and Private Schools of tno , Olty,fogiAtier COPY AND COMPOSITION ROOKS; • LESTBR; CAP and NOTE PAPER, - ' • BLANK DOOKS,ELAI74 : LEAD AND SLATE PENCILS, , ' • PENS ,AND HOLDERS, • , • ; INESTANDSi.RUIERS'aIIE the most complete assortment of SCHOOL EITOMMY constantly on hand 'and fbr sale at THEMWEST Elting?' OF ANTIPLAOII the city. at • •-• • .EIHRONBR'S CHEAP BOOKBTORB; 6l lfsileet ' S~eet` r Liberal discounbi made' to temoheree midi Any , artiste not on UM/ promptly' fdinislituPiilthont' extra Charge, • • • • • '• .; • .ekt . to4' . . POOKE'r BOOK . LOOT; rilitu UNDERSIGNED !oat a pocket AL in Hairisberg the ' 22d nii,cdentaining xiOitt Daniel Balebach for 2140, .nroineted , at ;Übe:dere Bank in 1880, and various other •inpere and 'teceipt4 of no value to any one bat the owner:_riir . An:des_will attn fer a favor by returning them. • Jila' • • Pinegtove,'Solinii . .. „. Et. , L. rGO D.BOL D -'s pRACTICA.L. , Tuner , and• Repairer . 1 of AMA Malaboile;,9o., dim, will receive ordiirs:in lame at M. KNOCHE% Musk More, 92 Market street AllordertliMalt tlMiboternitmed ?Maya alitheßuiihMr, Boom w !- ill meet with prompt &IMMO; ;: •, : a *t^.... . . ilnit claw TUMOR for sale. 1iep113417 . . . / . -....... ,1., - " 4 - /, -.< 4 ;l ' ------ • • 1 2 V . ' A - , 1 g f' l : 1: _ c" '°lli h - ) . w_ip.,!....t_7__ ~ til t al p.t l ., . L 4 i . r x , , C %„..-,. %, ~. •., , E ~.,: 1. e I . 6 ' ..T . . - - , 4 -171" jib 'IL-5,71- . ,•. - ' ..,.. 12.00 ,VOL. , 'XIV. Penniylvania Legislature. Tumniy, March 19, 1861. The Senate met at,lo o'clock, A. M., Mr PENNEY in the Chair. Prayer by Rev. W. pl: CAITELL. The Journal of ieister7day was partly read, when, - 7. .., :A s i . 11,,,,C"'; * i `Ora motion of lar.:finimu, the, further read ing of the same was'aiwnsed with. re ' PkTITIONS, HEMONEURANCIS, &0., - PRISENTISD. Mr. CONNELL p 3httd _a petition of nine hundred citizens an la•te , ...f the 19th ward, asking for the -• : Act to dila' le said Wird; and create a 3 • • ard.- I.aid upon the table. , , Alio; a remonstrance 9f qty - five citizens of theisecond precinct, 0,414*,4, against any di- Vision. of said ward. • .. . mid uion the table. , , 21*, a remonstranp2Acitizens of Philadel p4 against the• , -~?:, Van Act depriving the Supreme Court of , t_l* . wer of appointing' therpuardians of tlie,V;Prison Inspectors *.rtinembers of the Board Health. f,Referred to the Judiciary,,,Committee. lAr. PARKER presented 33„iiie remonstrances 1) f A.:similar import Referred to the Judiciarygommittee. • , Ibi SMITH presented sixteen remonstrances *f its,sbnilar import. 1 geferred to the Judiciary Committee. ' ixiMle ! SERRILL presiented,one of similar im ir _ 'Referred to the Jult,,, 4 - ommittee. ,e Kt. SCRINDEL presented two of similar im port., .. I Referred to the judiW4grommittee. ' Kr:CRANFORD riirlienled two of similar AmPort• Referred to the JuitoW•eommittee. Mr, WPTSH presented two of similar bit - 113 tie'rred to the Judicary Committee. Mr 2 WHARTON presented a remonstrance of similar import.{_ Referred to the Juarylommittee. : 111::;BLOOD preseC c ,two of similar Ira- Referred to the Judiciary Committee. _ __ . Mr. PENNEY presented two remonstrances of similar import . , if . k -. AP(erred to the Ju. .‘. - .mmittee. --14 • 7,ift..t GREGG preseil • . . remonstrances of a similar import. Iferred to Judiciary Co ' - "ttee. . e "SMITH preseptql tition. of citizel f Philadelphia , askilg 4 16 - a State appropria -4,* aid free colored pe ID3 to emigrate to, f-Awrift• . I Referred to the Committee on Finance. ' '-.. IifrPSERRILL presented &petition of citizens 4 ! ) 7 *Leater county , county , y. a /awl.° 4airied women .1 - or tneir own: eah , eah*ga. " - "4 Referred to the C. the Judiciary. Mr. THOMPSON . d a petition of citi zens of Frederick township, Monkonuny coun ty, asking fora chmiger.ip_ 442 pace of holding elections in said towniisol4 Referred to the CokM; Me"- on Election DlE tricts.- Also, a remonstrance against the same. i Referred to the Co.. .. 'nee on Election Dis tricts. ''_.•.„R Mr. SCHINDEL p,. : .. .." ..Awo remonstrances of citizens of North allif ~ th Whitehall town ships, Lehigh county, sgainat_the _formation. ..A. a new election district.pnt of,partsof said town ships. / ~ - . ` L ' Referred to the Committee on Election Dls- Mr. * BOUND' presented a petition of citizens of Derry townshigkilforitteit'ecirbityi.ln favor of 4 .,.. i cha A :Ig_eLin ia gie PW 4 of , hold.4 l 6":lo9ctieno. in r--:''.........P• -I, 4 rcii 1; ! ~+ i.,, J :. i Referred tf?,,t4P Committee 94:'4iPii4W Ali' trlc ts. Y-r• lii.*TAl4o(pFfsquted ,Eypptitioxi oil niti siens"Of ta"neagter county hi favor of a State ap-. in.094 4 ;1X.P ) ..Jhe l'efiDVlTaT4 /Clolon l2 4tAon oCietY. Aeferred toe ConunittmonfEhninco,-: Mr: ttAv3Ett, presenterlicem-'.of-P3 l 4lar r import f:dn(cillzeils - of WasitingtqrrootintylL .. ) ' Referred 'to the Coiamittee on Finance..;..., ii q i. Mr. EP 8 '4449 5 ,..„4 5 9 mail A PetitiOa. of 0 47 0 3 of lafftm ' _:4W. , :klWio toWnehiris, aslibgait Tot authorgYJ , , l -pasessail tax for ;the eirection of abridge over Egteee t !Nei*- . ' Mr. MURTON' priieritect a Petition Of citi 'liens of Napier, township, :Bedford. county An 'favor of a ohangb'itilhe 'plitoe'of holding their township eleatonß. '' * Referred-AO-the Committee onAsction Dia lects. f , - ! , .%),T:) i t ,'l f ;?.1 i Mr . Ha l t iii * ented a -reni . ce of Giti c ions of Blair &imply ''agahisttherwsltgpArs43r i . Aet to incoiporate'4lhoid ) comp es,, 3,r 11 with vieww to abandon tlte . . 641.. .' - ”- 1 Referred to the'COmniittee on Railroads. , . I 1 iStr.--Varty ilitmtprcloatatr liatitioti 0f44. F 414 , 0 ~— !/(0 , raini - Iralkiaidlidertuleiegre an an Act t9 / aptg9rlpa. lbs,,,Clonept .. , Entltliniii4e id(erebt 'A laidge".;_bl'A ' ! ' ' ' '- 1 :'. *ea,* 01%4 StOire'S . rerry. . Ileferreci. to- the --CfrFopiiireyon - Roads - and Itridges. 0. el.: t, lilt ' 1 . • 74re• _ l 4-ww4T4Plrented o a Ilehide4, seals of - WashiiigtOWdonfitk, in iti,v9r of a phands' in the mode. of..nolleatink taxes in mid county. Refeiredii4he.Oommittekon the Jvulldialy, ; .Also - , a petition 3 - g --- eii , : ;C:f ;Wprititen eormty, asylnklf4f fielti pli fi. e 17th 'section of an 4.9 t, passed,Marh i l, 18q2crela tirtit4 ItlectioreCiillanais .r ertco -•A intyl9: o l4'. be. extended to Washinfted leount)% . . :- i j - 1 - ' Referred to #le/datatkiiiicia on ;tlection .I*- ; 'Mi. ItOßTßOlkl:liesaateif-'a . iettion '694 cii4geru3 Atf . LanTaai2e-- and liercer countieeripmy r InefOr:an '2l4.titito • antgOriso `0. f ,'.. / i rg iiit u ji of ~:* liblid - road the western . line of.the:state : ,.. :. , IBWeifP4 tP, i t 31 9!°,te.e , .011.1 R. ekkthr (.01# rea6, a petition. fromtitisensiofMercer ,coluk.. liNjutt..vor of the Acta& danneetilie .-farniii of `John YklireifflottghflindaiiiMN-I'WillizMnion, ;Loathe Coll Spving Scheidt diatiticti..l.l:l ~ f tiiferrato the . CominittSe- -, ion , Blectlakpi: , i acto. . .... .. I , from citizens of aeitsfieldicOttity;•ttgainst' Ulla attthif Cie Shore boom bill. - " ekiprefilia-tbiii-ialittaii±on-Oanals an& In 'land Navigalinall i T 1 . I. . - t• Mr. BLOOD' presented tliree,iensonstranees #ontiiiiiiiiinfit Oltiarfieldecnini3e, - -4 iiinPailin lleferrea to ' the 16omMittet on Canals and In. land' Navigation jlXT;'llAMlLlVg:****.'it;.oo l *nt at* #4l4:o;.tinosateivountyipmayinwinr an alter: stlimi l il ike ' Di fq"r rl '4, tO t i l A t( s#;W ri hOM IM:tetkirr,....'"vit t w- , (rlat Yi i ' . 'mP4107A4. - Wthe oonnut ea' km ,i 1 orality:: '- ' "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGrS-NEUTRAL IN NONE." HARRISBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON', MARCH 20, 1861 SENATE Mr. HEISTAIIn preoenticl oneof similar im- Port ' -Referral to the Committee on Vice; and. morality. • • REPORTS op miaow. colif:Kamm Mr. GREGG, (Finance,) as committed, an Act to reduce the eurolnient . on Acts to in corporate Hose, Fire Engine and Hook and Ladder companies: Mr: ROBINSON, (Corporations,) with an amendment, an Act to Incorporate the kneri cati and'lndia:Commercial company. Mr. , SMlTH,;;(same,) as"committed, House bill No. '460, entitled "an Act to incorporate the Mount Sinai Evangelical.Lutheraii Church of Lower Mount Bethel township,_Northamp ton county." • - : : Also, (same,) as eortimittelVan' Act to pro vide fer the more correct and faithful assessment, of real estate in the city . of .Philadelphia. • Also, (same,) as committed, House No. 462, entitled "an Act to 'incorpOinte the Elk! County Mineral and_ Oil company. at _Saint Mr. - LAWRENCE, from the , C,onsinittee !ova; Banks, to which had.: been referred the entire subject, reported a bill entitlert,' an Act requir ing•the ' resumption of specie payments by the . , banks, and for the equalisation of the currency of the State." • •• Mr. MEREDATE,, -(Agrtcultureaad.-Zomestio lianufactures,) as committed; an Abt to prevent the„clitching of, fish in Slippery Rock Creek, Bitter-014ft. AlsOAsaine,) as committed, HOnseln:ll, No. 880 . "entitled an Act to protect'diekpiTizi;' Dela ware county: '' Mr. SMITH, (Judiciary,) as oenni4 Mame— bi11,..1NT0.44445, entitled an Act to"•eiltend the provisions of an Act relative to Sheriff and Pre thOnotary costs in Lizeme county, to Berks county.. ,Also, (same,) with an amendment, House bill, entitled an Act, regidating the sale of stone coal in the city of Philadelphia. • • - Mr. LANDON&Ice and Inniniorality;) as committed, an Act relatirigltci licensing of beer houses and.restaurants. in Laricagitercouri.; liEr• CLYMER, (FatetSliend'EschcatB,):as cum )nitted, an Act to authorise Paidel lraylot, ad ministrator of the estate of Peter Ifehus, de : ceased;•to sell and convey - certain reaVestate. BILLS READ IN PLA.OI4. ' CONNELL read in place-afilit:ct,appoint ing commissioners to lay out a State • road in Delaware county and Philadelphia._ 'Referred to the ,Commiftee on Roads and Bridges. an' , THOMPSON, anAct to change the place of. holding elections in Frederick , township, Montgomery county. _ _ Referred to the Committee orL NI - mtio4 Dis Also;, an Act concerning turirpikh plank road , 'bridge companies. • Referral- - Bridges. - Also; a supplement to an Act %impending the Fishing Creek inaprovenienA . poinpany,, , ap proved February 19, 186 r. Referred to? the Comrrdttee t onrcofforations. Mr. LAWRENCE,anAct" empower the commissioners of Washington, coun t y to proniise with the holders of.,count ; bonds; and for the more effectual and, economical inede of collecting ;taxes in said tountf.', Referred to the ComMittee on the Judiciary. Also, an Act to extend the proirisiOni :i)f the 17th section. of arrActi approved „March 1852, entitled, 4i.ri'let relative 'alai, and election districts, to Washington count. _ - Referred to thepoimiiitts . biL'EleOtiina Mr. SMITH, an Act to authorize the diSsottiT tion of the corporation entitled the Philadel- Ph i a'St eaul Tu g CoIUPPYI:Pr:g and the. Committee on the :judiciary., f r CONNELL, an Act to change the name &Reit.. Welsh, Referreditpthseommii i tae c4:thaltadiciary. Mr. PENNEY, an Ait vacating part of Straw bey-69441e Utlfe,RoierTe tract oppoalti,Pitta burg. , • . Itaibrratip the.Colimittee onithe Judiciary. Mr. CLYMXR, a supplenient'ao the several Acts of .Assembly relative to the sale of utiseat adlaiids. • i" • • , Referred to the Committee` cai 'the Judiciary Bum arroolocrrixo. CIA -motion of- GlLF.Gil,,House hill,. No. 101, entitled ..tet - relative to rmseabid lands," was re-committed to the Committee on the fudicia7 ,:., 4. bRDERs - dr'TELW DAY:' - '"' .i •-. Senate bill, :Untitled 'fa shppleinerit . to. the several Acts relative,to covorti t tions," came up in order on second reading. 4Mr.kCONNELL suggested tliat, as the Siniatki from Allegheny (Mr: heeler) was in The 'Cintir l k the n lie over. i 'The bill was accordingl laid over. • . - . BUM CIONSIDr 7 W.,- Mr. BOUGETER. Called ni) "House, - bat - bat No. P 7, entitled supplement` to au Act authori zingtthe Goyinner td incort:Otate conaffut foi mitkilig an aitillcikl road froth' thi Enui' 'end of the bridge "over 'Clarlds creek, MX the road leading fromHanisburpnEunbury, across Peter's mountaW; tlte'sontliend of tlre bridge cveri.PowelPs' creek; :on - ,rthe _said.. road, lll the cotmty. of ,Dauphin-2' ; . - • f:.l Passed finally. • ; • ' Mr. BOUND, called 2up i lltuuse 10: 268, entitled :EiCti• Act:relative to hucksters in Northumberland. and Union cotm tiea - Passed finally. , Ur. CLYMER Galled up House bill,. ,666; entitled au 4:qt i relntlyftc,thq ppiough of`Kuts town Berke bounty.' 1 Wised finally< I • I Mil CONNELL called up an Act to: change the nam.e of Ben. Welch. ' . Pawed finally. _ !_ xie=AiimAx.Jza Mr. SMITIeCidIiSL - ittintilbifilin." 427, en titled "Au Act to regulate -the sale of stone coal in the city of The fist section of the bill was ' Mr. SMITH. The objeclt of this bill is to Satisfy the consumer that he has before his door, when his coal is delivered, the means of testing the truth of the declarat ion of the sell -, er that that person has aokihini the full amount of coal for which he . bargidiked:l It is very well known that there is a'great deal of compe tition in the retail coal of Philadelphia. It is also very well knoWn that some coal dealers sell at a lees price than others, though the fact is appirent 3everi ton of` coal on its way to that city from the pit's mouth costs; the Arne anionnt. ERN thiioiint; *On, can sell. Cool at aleis.price than ariiithirf IA bea3aUse he does not gtve good weight. We liktk..*4. 4 ttitillitingi' l l4, ix4lppt 'Tke - city ot it net/cony for her own protection to pnagas ordinance regulating the manner of delivering coal, and the result of the passage of that or dimdiee was that the bins which formerly con tained a certain number of tons of. coal were unable to hold the same number limier, the new regulation. The city having Palsied an onlinarice of a character similar to the, provi sio lof this bill, we ask 'that this shall m •bnifiral law'fot• the Ent* city of Pldla= d.. 0, • , 11 ' AND: l it stolr, ts(ine.that there is scuktking behind this bill, which is not alto . ether apparent. I have had an inkling of certain intelligence , 'Mere is a particular kind of scale intended t and a certain kind of cart manufac -- - t t'"itt a gentleman in Philadelphia, designed tor- ,rought into public use by the passage of this bill ; that it is not so much intended for the Protection of the poor man who buys a ton of Coal as it is for the pecuniary benefit of a certain:patentee. I would:inquire of the Sena tor from Philadelphia.• ,whether there is not something 'bill, and if there is, whether whether we had , not better lay it aside, for the present or at least until we know more about it. C M' ,SM.IIVH. - I am not_so capable of discov ering What little things , or big things may be behind bills, as is the Senator from Lancaster. This bill is particularly and explusively design ed for the protectibn _ gf the citizens ofPhiladel phia. I would, 'Nat vote for spch a bill , against theSepatOr's wishes, to impose it upon his con stituents. I haVe no silence to ,mani.feat in regard to this matter. There are tree different kinds of carts PrePPid - ii>,- - tic,unfif, any, one of which may be adept,t4t by any party Who chooses.— Thia bill.adirocittes the adoption of no particu lar *kid, but merely forth _the fact that •the coal - dealer will be.compelled, at the option Of the buyer, to weigh the,coal by some means at the place of delivery.. - ,Citizens. of-Philadel phia, bythtiusimds, have petitiorredhere , for, the passage of such , law as this bill contem pli_tea4 Mr. YtirlplETON. It appears to me that this bill V{O,Old cadse more eipense to `theseller of _coal thah is now incurred; by ;titatiindivicluallA the city of Philadelphia. That city is 'perfectly 6 3 1 petent. *4.442.ffseif7:tifiltegulp.tEi, its own Weights andinmaures In relation tolhe buying and coal. a7dr. FINNEY.. I consider the ,bill te be per fectly far, as affecting. the interests ofany coal dealer is concerned;:becauseAt pro vides tlettilLny iShall _weigh .their. coal at the place Of delivery; which: I understand to be the. AUCLIMB. Lwould enquire_ of the gen tladtanironOrldladelphia whether it is not in telfower of the municipalauthoritiesto make in psoilsionicontemplated in , the. bill Y The cify anthorities passsd an ori . :Lance in relation to the matter, but the 'Owiwct that.they havenot the trio reguiattrAne - method - -of 'delivery Of _ . ' - :M'CLPatV. w I knonottung aborit thd manta of thisllili slid do rtotkno* how to vote on 't Ireikiiindltietterthiaino lfrOmameinb Of a . firtn in Pfilia,delphia engaged in the coat brth:tn . & The Wrier states that the bill IS - de: signed fOr 'the benefit of certain patentees of weighing Carts or 1 7 0,,lo t :and that it would 'operate;with ;great severity ; 'on. that blase df people in - the 'City: whO !oNin. and carry on: the traitspditatinn Of Colas abiisiness.--- These"tent Wes WOuld ekgbisaut of repair: and - be-a-greet exParise . nAhOie eking . them.. 1, Mr. SMITH. rwould state that all of my col leagues unite in tusking for . tide bill, in order to protect tbgir constitrtenti. I lutie known in- Stances where. purchases of coal were made, when on examination it was ,found that ,three hundred pounds of coal , were wanting.inAe_amountrequired to be furnish- M.r.)4t1;14. I would enquire whether the tax *hick would probably , be, originated by the passers of, t,his bill„ would not bt3 takenooff the people of my district, which;is largely interest ed in the coal btdnessf. • SMITH stated that no. such contingocy Mr.. PALMER: This . bill• has presented an old story to most of those Senators whohave been here for several years..; There is no doubt what the:bill is,meant for. It is for the pur pose of introducing and bringing into general use, a self:weiging actin the city of. Philadel phia. Ido not know that would have any objection to the bill, for the patentees have a right : to ,"dispose of their articles, were it not that no good is to grow out - of the, passage of the bill. The &nate will • remember that in ten cases out of otuquindred tlin purchaser of coal is not at his residence, to see the article weighed when-it delivered, It is for the benefit of the poor that, coal should be lessened in Price as much' as possible, but the effect of this bill ~would,: b e to_ several hurt:: died . dollars woth of , property out of the bands of these • retailers and compel them to purchase . ,these self-weighing carts. These men, out of Self defence, will be compelled to put his additional cost on their customers. If a man has a thousand dollars woith of proper ty and is compelled tcdayit aside and-purohaeo new material, he will make the consumers pay the cost. That is -- so that, the whole Cost will fallbaceoialte:Prodiuiers of "coal in the anthracite coal.regions of Pennsylvania: Now when the proposition was made to the Councils of Philadelphia to, compel the use of these self weighine*lfic' . :o3e rimpells,. Philadel phia refaced to .cOmpel , their use._ this is the third tithe•this bill las Toile& in the Legislature. Npw,'a.maii Wha t Wish6s to' purchase coal will,the yard sae his coal weighed in the cart; he will never follow it to his home , to see it weighed in the - street.. On the question, • "Wilrthe Senate agree to the filet and only section ' The :-yeas ; and nays were required by Mr. HIZSTAND and Mr. SMITH,. and were - as fol lows, vis • YEAS. *Ors. Connell, Imbrie, Nichols, Pen*sDA l l,ol/ 11 Thompson—U. ,XAMI3mr-Ideargi Blood;ound/ Clynier, Craw, -ford, , Finney; :Fuller ; Hall, Hiestand,"Ketchemcs 'Landon, M'Clure,- Mott, - Parker; `ltozkirtseq, Schindel; •Serrilly.Welshand:Palmer, So the question was determinQd in Abe And the bill fell. - FMNEY (for -if .Box) culled' up 657;:tiititiOd. authi,r.Fiz= mBbe mmioners PtEirren-muitY4so- tlelvith, Mathias FoLiman: • - Leesed_linelly; up Rollie 13% No. 5 4 90, entitled "kilefreiative to the farm, of Aelmel'One, is Wgrelk9Kl county entitled' " an "an Act to reduce, the enrollment tax on Acts incorporating hose, fire engini) and hook and ladder companies." . Passed finally. Mr. IDESTAND called up Senate bill' No. 462, entitled "a supplement to an.Act.entitled. `an Act relating; to bridges in Lancaster county, apprOved February 27th' 1847."'"• • Passed family. • . , Mr. LANDON called up Senate bill No. 417, entitled "an Act to confirinthe title of the Wes leyan Female College, Situated intWiluitagton, State of Delaware, to certain realestate situated in -Philadelphia, State of 'Pennsylvania." Passed finally.% Mr. HALL arllal.up, House bill No. 431, en *tied, "an Abtrekulating the fees of Ju,sticeaof . the Peace in Cambria county." - Plumed finally. : .Mr. LAWRENCE moved that the Cinturdttee mit the JudiciarY be- discharged Min 'the far ther consideration of an Act to empower the Commissioners of Washington county' to coin promise with holders of county bonds; and' for the more effectual and economical collection of taxes in -$*4 p Oll 4 . - L. - The motion was agreed_ to. M. LAWRENCE then called the said' bill up arid, it. Passed family. Mr. BIESTAND called up Senate bill, No. 445, entitled. "en Act to' incorporate the Oxford and Peachbottornliallioad company." ' Passed finally. • Mr. CLYMER called, up anAct to extend the Act relat,ive to Sheriff and Prothonotary costs in Luzerne county,' approved February 17, 1859, to Auks county. Passed finally. M. PENNEY called up an Act vacating Part of Strawbcrry . lane, in the, reserved tmot, op posite Pittsburg. Passel finally. • Mr. BOHM:IEL called .up Home bill, No. 460,, entitled "in Act to. incorporate the mit Sinai Evangelical Lutheran church, of Lower likount Bethel township,. Northampton conn- Passed finally. Mr.. KETCHAM called up lions° bill, No. 01, entitled "an Act to provide for the erec tion of atbridge over the Lackawanna river, near the ?Allege of Oliphant, Blakely township, ; f.inzeriie county. Passe& fulally. • ' Mr. SMITH called up, Senate bill, No. 190, entitled "a further suppletherit to an Act to in corporate the city Of Philadelphia." Passed finally. . . ELK courrrz KIEKEBALOIL COMPANY. Alrir . Mr. BLOOD calred 'Hone° bill - So. 462, 'entitled "an Aceto incorporate thellik - comity mineral and oil commy; at . Saint Mary', s.P The bill-being-before.the Senate on second reading,- 7 , - - • Mr. "WELSH' moved to aniend by inserting the followhig as a new-Section:- ' • - ffiliatthis corporation , into IreatiaTl-prthe half per centum. the stock hereby authorized, or, hereafter created, in four equal. Oiklatbittiditientii; and such taxes on dividends az is:or may lie 'Provided , by law; end : the sti?cirbolderkof..asid. company shall be ipdividg -41y liable for ill 'debts 'due' mechanics, -work men and laborers employed_ by :Said company, and for all materials and:. provisions. , furnished to said cornimiy; to'be . Sued for "and' eidledted .apis_Provided in the thirteenth.. and fourteenth sections of the Actincorporating the. tickairanna coal and iron company; approved the fifth day oflAprili: one thoasantheight hun dredsind_ fifty-three; ..,and - that, the privileges herein"gtgaited „shall ,continne - for :a. term of twenty years. 7. • • The amendnient was agreed to, and the bill so, amended . • Pfthisaa . fittall PIMISILYANLS. COAL cdwetrr Mr. MOTP called up;Senate-bill No. 345; en titled aiurther supplemmt to an Act corporate the Pennsylvania Coal company." In Committee, of the: Whole, (Mr. Pew:Rain the Chair,) the bill was amended, so reported, Passed finally. • . Hotiß OF AWOL:MOM , , . • The hour of One isaybag very - nearly arrived, Mr. CONNELL nitide a motion to axtend'the hour, of adjournment. ' CM the question, • • the SepaWagree to the motion?" The Yeais and ,naya were: reqi(fr ' ed by, Mr. WELSH' and kr:CONNIML, and Weiti lows, nz• . YEas—Measre. Connell; ; EieStsiiii;ketehaan, • Landon, Iliehols, Paiiker;?enny, Smith and Ness—Aresers: Bopghter, Bound, : "Plyipef,, Imbrie, Meredith, Schindel , Serrill . and Welsh so.o.l2:queoi9wywietenxiimicl. the :alma 'SUPPRESiION OF 'FOUTUiDA4III=O, &C. , NICHOLS o:Loved toldischarge .the Com- Mittee on the .I"kilipAiry from the, further consid oration House bill No. 184, entitled, an Act for the )happressian Of fortune telling and.sirni lar purposes. The *is *rood to, and the' Senate brocleeclaittraheemadderatian ..ln,Contruittee of the Whole,;, Mr ; SCPINDEL iirthe Chait,Lthe - bill was agreed to, and so-re ported, to the . Serrate. - .on,Seecnad reaujng, WELSH moyed,,tu, athend inthiv thirteenth and last line of the' Oat seetion - _by nudring it resoll's:kot-moye thug fiVe years imprilmnment. ner . more than five, hundred - dollars fine." , The ameralment was *reef", to.- Mr. FDTN - 4Y moved further to amend, so as to makeit disdretionar *iththe Court to sen tense to botb. fine and 41 1 P08914tent, *het- The section was . se amended, , Mr. PINNEY motel to atillM,ChitAhat tart relative to 'Exixituai ra ppin g 4,, Which waa.agreed mr. QREGG , iinoved .further to, emend by striking mit the"word LL"ores," - in the eleventh 11110 ()LOW tiection • ' • was,.Nreed to. , • , The' bill - so unaided was agteed to,, and pealed to thirdreading, when waglatt over. Noz 14 tledft . her pildrn eent tolheltetta , incorporate dP, the ar 'city qE iPhilidelphia"---relatirtg Ito the =Spring elec tiOn l3 7 - - -01 940• 1 4)* Older- • • ' The llad6 atnerided inserting a prOvzio: 4 1°rocidati Mit the provisions •ol_this Act shalt, riot affect t4e Sr4lq.felectloo Of ?,861" - • Oil the Lcineetion; . , • -Will theillenatemmond 214ke esp 49.4 ;lays were rep/req., Pa' "t 44. and- Mx' P.AIUM' and *ere 88 lot* trta ••t • Lykw-t ? Meseas.„ 61 3 7 4PFKAPTI4IPPT9r. - lletil.ndel and elate 'Menstiong.Botey,htlit, • 'Midi gkoogiprEisciey.; lErmisfsluttleibziw, ir t eighlow Imadon,towience, Meredith; Nichols, Parker, ittax tint* atm Having procurei - fSteam Power Presses, we are prepared to execute JOB and BOOK MINTING of every description, cheaper that It can be done at any other es tablishmentin the country RATES OF ADVERTISING. ,—Four lines or lees constitute one-half square. Ett lines or more than four constitute a square. Halllquare, one day one week.... one month,,.. it three months .‘ six months one year.... One Fqnaro one day ". tine week.. 200 . one month . 3 00 three months. • • •• • . 600 six months.— ' 800 one year 10 00 saridness notices insereA in the Local, column or befbreld So arriages and Deaths t , FIVE CENTS PER LINE or each insertion. NO. 64. Jormiftbiges and. Deaths to be charged as regular advertisements. Penney, Robinson, Serrill, Smith, Thompson and • Wharton-18. So the question was determined in the nega-, tive. • • The other House amendments to said bill were severally considered, and non-concurred =Ewa COUNTY CONTESTED . ELECTION CASE , Mr. PARKER called up House bill, No. 12g, entitled an Act to pay the expenses of the Com mittee in the contested:election case in Lucerne county. The bill being before the Senate on second reading. - • Mr. NAI3IER moved to strike out "$26" and insert "t 50." Themotion was agreed to. Mr KETCELM. moved further to amend by. , adding thdfollbwing"prirvis — o : Provided, The Committee receive no mile 'age; . - The amendment was agreed to. ' The bill was "agreed to, And the bill being on its final passage, Mr. FINNEY. I desire to know whether we are about to establish the precedent of paying membera of the Legislature for services in con tested election cases. • Mr. KETCHAM. The compensation of mem bentrof the Legislature is already fixedby law. The legal :contemplation of this Act of Assem bly is to pay the expenses of members, and I am of the ()Pinion that it would be most ad visable for all Acts of Assembly to -clearly and explicitly express their purpose. The object of the bill before us - is to compensate members for the additional expense -to which they have been subjected in the fulfilment of their ap pointed mission. Mr. LAWRENCE. The . law specifies what mileage this Mutilate - )shall receive. They ;were compelled to rent a room, etc., at Scran ton, to which place they were called for the exercise of their duties; and ontheir return, they asked to receive the sum of $75, without mile lege, which amount they thought worthd pay them for all expenses incurred. We now pro pose that the amount shall be-fixed at $5O. Mr. FINNEY. lam in favor of' the propo sition to - fix the su.m. at •$5O, but I object to the House establishing this idea of paying mem bers for services; forgetful of the law as it.exista. Mr. KEICHAM moved to strike dut the word 'fserviees,". where it occurred in the bill, and insert lexpenses." Agreed to.. - The bill then / Passed finally. On motion of Mr. DORM, the Senate . Adjourned. FAy.HIONLI3LF. °LOU:MG. SPRING , AND SUMMER STYLES. 1 .9. 6 1 PKWELKLIA PAW- 0 44. . aziAlcvnit i r •stioires' ONE PRICE GIFT TIINGr EMT' 0 . 11.1 U M No. 1307 CIERSTNUT STRNEL A superb stook of Roo 'Frond', Engll3l3 and Ataerksut CIATHS, CASSIBIERHS, . • • ' ' and VESTINGS • For. City and Coontrytrade; with's.WitnapproMituthie as aortmentlf IMAM( blenz CLOTHING 'at the 'Jewett. cash :,t Bat .ONE PRICE 'stoked, and a OIIT of intrinsic ...wortli and Wurpresented with each article Skid. Partitailar attention paid the Customer department, and garmentit made - andsent to order to any. address. . In inaugurating this new system of doing business, GRANVILLE gTOIIIS would impress on the minds of the patrons MIAs establishment, that the cost of the gift Is deducted from, and Nor added io the price of the arti cle Bold.. His immensely increasing sales enabling him to act. thus liberally, and at the same time to realize a ,remunerative profit._ - ' all articireguaranteed to give entire satisfaction. GRA.NVILLE STOKES' ONE PRICE CLOTH • ING}EMPORIUM 607 CHESTNUT STE r.. ocU9 emd—rd=r6-att , • • WASVING.MADE 411:1TOK AND EASY HARRISON'S HOUSEHOLD SOAP. TT.i$_DET>, It'removes all dirt, and j. Washes Wit r without rubbing.' • it fs=meeivi }:' Ite--reenwes all stints' by OP, Paint, ;Printers' Ink, Wagon. (*.Machine Grease., . Itisa ipmessft.o it bleaches brown clothes white; and wate-bletlics - whiter. . , It is Ritotaiurr. Ittives it rich permanent lather, and makes therharidil soft', iwhite end .It knit prAsEcrwaerince, in any water, bet or bold, hard or Bolt, salt. el...fresh, finest lawns, and grades, to the COarsest•Clbthes. ' ' " , It is lesinfe.':lt does' much washhig with little coat. It is acormincet.';"ltsaves wear and tear, -time, labor It combines ail the good, and none of the bad proper nee or every ether Boap,lberefere it is a renifeci Bose. is- aTerfect Sean for all Imes of the EknAebold. the 'laundry, for clothes of ,eyery-twieription-4or the Wash stand—for cleaning: paint, ghksa-ware i porcelain , crockery, table, kitchen and dairy,utencila, Directions accompanyeaCheake:- • - Sitioplesfcan be bad' OMB 01! tIkARG; nPrin: application; at--our .stere, The cakes *lift about one pound, ani}aopot cost more. than any of thooiy soaps now in - The - Market. • Agents for nairrisliurg., mu:4 A Ne w 411 . ' 41141013.. - Titui' DIENIETANTIITO - :!.IIOI , IBEKEERERIE • -E.. It. DURgiEls . &COM. S In Tin /F 4/, (Litied wfithi,PaYpt,) and,En/l-Il r e4ht. BLACK PEPPED GINGER, NUTMEG, WERE PEPPER, 1.7 AMSPICI74 - (CAYENNE PEPPER, • CINNAEGIS- =VA.! ? • ' MOSTARD. - lIWO' VA of adulterated. apjt.4 121 ,110 ° less bpioes t it is with confidence that we introduce to-thix 3 Attention-or bougekcepern th - esd - superior', and':; genuine articles. X° guarantee them not only „ - TERtEditYlkalA, .:• 7 ; Wigrpns Au/4.4110 SpiceS i Polcoted . 1 4d cleaned 1 01 :-- as expioseiplor the purpoito,vidiigiti ieferencatfaii.— TWIT aro: be:4I4OONY packed in ;tin Sop, (lined; per) to pritv6nt injury by Ictepiny,, and are MIL wEIGHT, whild tlln'ordinory. gdottdd - adrafelpipog-, invariably short. We warrant then„, in point of strehgth and rlohnosti Of flavor, v ". :7L nEircalip , A!..r; colinsip[tropr. trial Win 'Abutidiintlk prove -- Rvery - package bears our Trado lit DtßKErk ir i ll 61:, ° :;YNo b .- 7 --i — iirk. For, 031 6 .47;Wi11•Mg-gl &Plc= ' e2B/ "ITOHNt;; ErvA3IIOITHS BOOTS e.SHOE , •STORE; ,, : , ivaiaa,szcontatio wimplara,: • an l'Agfiksloug,iPlL ott Foga alariffillffoirtmeot of j tea, tivoid , GArricasp&coo the misty: beat litiles for ladies, .gentlemen and, ldress'arear.— itUittluititheser All ffi , ndeifi W Mogg - IiADR , Or 08. DER in Ike best style by superior workmeo REPAIRING done at short notice. 00118.dtf JOHN B. OKETII, Harrisburg. su: ~ 1.. 00 ,00 4 0 fi 00
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