[Continued from First Page.] , • Me forty-sixth-section'was read as follows Sao. 46. For the publication of Meteorologi cal observations, made by order of the State un der the direction of 'the Franklin inititate, One thousand five hundred dollars,: • • Mr. SHEPPARD moved to amend by striking out "onethousand five hundred dollars" and inserting "two thousand dollars." Mr. GORDON moved to amend the amend ment by striking out the entire section. The amendment.of Mr. GORDON was agreed to. The forty-seventh section was read as fol lows . 47. For roofing and repairing'of the State arsenal in Philadelphia, the awn of two thousand five hundred dollars in lieu of the appropriation of kit year, to be expended by the map} general of the fast divison Pennsyl vania volunteermand accounted for to the Aud itor General. RI& i kUSTIN: . would inquire of the Chair= , man of the Commitiee of Ways and Means; whether the appropriation made last year was not expluffiedl" ' •• Mr. SHEPPARD, I JOH state, for the in fonnatien of the . gentleman, that it was not ex pended; from the fact that • there was no per- Bon authorized to it No authority was given,th anYlibay to apply it. The appro priation has notbeen drawn. • • _ Mr. PATTERRON, I would like to ask the chairmau of the Committee why it is that this moneyricit expended under the superintend ence'of 'the' Adjutant ' General r Whyis it're ferred to the. Major General of the first divb3kinf I wish to know the propriety of •this provision. Mr. SHEPPARD. It is by the request of all the officers of the , first division •Peruisylyania volunteiirs that the Major General has keg. designated as the party - to' expen&t,biejtiM...l4l , do not know of taw one who could'ateMPlitii -i i priately be;deaignited to discharge the ditty. Mr. PATTERSON. I think this is setting a l very bad pridedent. We have an Adjutant! General-Whose autrit is.to take 'Charge of the arsenals of the• State. If any repairs are to,. be made, certainly he should be the one to super-: intend thoserrepairs; and to disburse the money. , think thereAS no such precedent in our legis lative.hiatcay, addesignating a person in this way to perform that which is strictly within the province . of the Adjutant General. Y theretire nioye to amend by striking, out in: the third fine, after the ward "the" the words ." Major General of the first division `Petmayl-vmda Volunteers," and inserting "Adi• jutaartGen'endof the State." • • :14.4175T1N. I second the. motion of the gentleman from Juniata. Ido this, notaith stendihg the Circumstance that I am , nob very partial to the Adjutant General of this State, from thelact that. I think that he did not show goodinangement with reference particultulyao this,arsenal and to the.grounds belonging to it :_'that he did not fake properly into iieWithe interests.of the State with, referenen,to,those grounds. , But I entertain hopes - that we shall s h eitly hive's - Wormer in his position -discharge the duties of the post faithfull.y,; -and I think it proper that the management •orthis affair should be placed in the hands of the jutant General. I hope the amendment will Mr. SELTZER. I hope the amendment of , the gentleman from Juniata will not be, „adopt -Wehave had enough experieride *Ulf the Auditor General. I, for one, am not- - -willing tout:any money go into his hands to, be ap-, prepriated for any purpose.. The' tisatiat, ceLwilli, of course ) holduntil term,exidreFo ; and the expenditure of this money may fall WitidPihiaAutiej. ,• • .) Furthermore;'the'lfa)Or Cliii‘d_in Philadel phia,. can superintend-the.matte ilia {',; well as 4g)." , thq.4udit4:ll3l'enerpl.. r TherAdjutant-fSene nil - Of the'Statis -tlieietore neglected --Thintfore ath ;entirely opposed , to any, appropriation-,by —which the States money shall, be 'put ins his hands for expenditure. , ! . - Mr. RAIMALL. - r Isist to make a statement inregard to' the 'manner in which the Adjut ;ant-General has' noted with reference to this' ar .senal, This, arsenal has a lot attaeled to it as a drilling ground - AA. 'the use of the different military companies-in the-city of Philadelpkia. The Adjutarit-geuetßiff*kthat property to a market company, takingdow,n thefencearouud the ground, and thus hodCiatfes the peoplelof ' the city of Philadelphia of "the: use of it. He rents that prOperty fU or A sinii'Of three hun dred dollars,'Whicluient, the hundred del- , lap has; so far as I hiadosi,' never been account • e.dfM•• .I y, the disbursement Of ~thia money in his hands, Should 'he dqlng, ijus tide to ourselves and to the interests of.the frd aitlaint that nitYl 7 .6ll"liiradelphia.. As„-another tif-theijadnettflitinf- the JAlljlititiii-Gene ra4 maylmentinn that, as appears by the Journal of 'Councils; he proposed to 'run a a street right-through these grounds. L'thive reegyed letters, from different officers the .olty. of PldhulelPhie,-'ettaelled' to, the.'militia, calling the matter to my,notlOe, and I Would '' call the attention of other , city members to the fact that a bill will be introduced into this Le gislature for bepurpose of authorizAng_ the pottage of a street through the grounds of , State Arsenal: 'ln'Olew of `these! facts, I ask whether the Adjitant-General is gto t proper person in whose hands to place thesUpernatend ence of this work and the disbursement of this money against solemn protest of the )ni 4 litiaof , the fast division. 1 PATIMISON , , modified.-Ids amendment. ' ' Sena 'l4 rad - 'the "next Adjutant Generall of the State."' . - mr. THCAtAsi ' , Nis' Sate isissilai. is inthe', disttict which Irhave the; honor; to; reprepont; tlnd kaur familiar with its .conditionerktAesks :Ukki,sleirikiiiid - it is in the most wretched eon .dtion:hriaginable. I have implicit &adduce do w h at ratte t tsgu,,andl.bellevn that he ."40. do What ii - perfectlY;liiiit niellotiorable. "" - 1 believe thatevery dollariPladedJin= MS charge be faithfully apprepriatairtki the wZrk!, .10.,;swint judiciously and darefedlY: -trust that:the members oftbis nate Imes the officer to fsapprid ‘ tbis mon*: T gTA4F.a. kvisited the arsewij.,in t _pliik t : ,winter, and I*iio* ' that ' It 43 - in a most deplorable :condition. It if a very iati, , vandio g ; but is without the necessary roofing: ' • IrtlertMli it, , there was ice over the -Mt--esesed-by-tlre--- water- - which - 'had run itlirtfiglii' the roord think ;there ~s : great necessity-PA - We ono.ney should, be promptly Makg the neces rooting 014140€04*. hir...l)ANlS.,..4yara very sorry - to near in , this 1 Hot tet-day reflections upon thapersonal4a ideter of 'one of;:titie beads of departments of thisstateihly,-maa,:with Whom I ant well ac quatted.-I =snot 4i:tabled:to speak in rdgard ca ity..: 'But personal; • • *-ju " , Stand in CoMPariaon, 'with \ that of Ihhfi k yinGeneriit 'the first, - -, 7 1 hate ktiawnligrit Nagai ever 'since I was a - Would -.L% never knew anything against hip' *Ons.l character. I do not-like to snag nt,le-! - being - made, drag the Personal dkieA:eter of a man beforls the /.I.Hcitiag , and..bring;it-fnp : rebinds , .; -Si . tch a 43seirse is not right— It Might be justifa if the ; but those 'who ar e amst onl en lfoa.widozbalieraiseao foundation " I *al not vote for this arßepigpit-' would prefer ! i thnje hie disburpemeht; bt3 this mett,shOuld tits isisignaltienordink to the u ge.3l& 33 eigtaxi'fthi lk .' • Juniata - (4 1‘ ; • I •Jlikrifigitcfri,yto the' liieltdpatant Gefietttl' rte this man ner 868 we Ifffito E v 8 'that. hops - pYrkwk worth y. Adjutant , %Mend -isatitcproNr 41ruielffor 'wo *Orkl.imd he is 44431014 ad t . proposed #n the ADM. tATI:-. OP: d mum ia rrull-jda I ;), • Mr, littnalt, (Carbon.) it /ma boon caged in favor of assigning the superintendence of this work to_General Patterson, that the offi cers of hisTriglide ,havii , desired Ids • appoint ment. Now it strikes me that that fact is one of the very reasons why this duty should not be assigned to him. Certainly it is proper that matters of this sort should be kept in the hands of the appropriate officer of the State. When ever a party comes here from any locality of the State, urging peculiar claims; lam suspi cions of such claims. I know nothing of Gene ral Patterson; but the fact that .he has been urged as -the officer to whom this duty shbuld be assigned by departing from the ordinary Course, is the ground on which I take excep tion to his appointment. I think it wrong to establish's precedent of that kind. Mr. EiftEPPAILD. tI have listened very at tentively to - what bas_beensaid. in this _discus ision, and I certainly cannot sewthelorce of the Objections whickare urged ,to the, adoption, of the section as it stands. If the Adjutant Gen eral is the only. person who.should, expend this money, why. did he not expend it under tbs, 'proprialoil (gloat yea ,The fact thst,the np propriationhas not illeeni3xpended is a infficient answer to the assumption that, he is ,the only officer who can 'proPerV superintend' ei penditure.; - • . , „ Now I think that in, order that, this money may be spent jUdicionsl, the Pinion to 'Super intend. its' expenditure Should be on: the WhobVer.mayhe - designated, he can certainly attend'td it better by being orrthe ground.than if he be in Some other portion of the State: , There is no certainty that the Adjutant General, *lid amyl be appointed, will come from •sugh. a section of the-State, that he- could be at MA . ... delphia, nu& give his personal supervisicn'to this work. 'I think it would be unwise for this Houk° to inumit the Section AS is 'proposed by thegentlenalia fromJuniata. I consider At a, sniall bud:newt° attempt to make of this a: patty-question. 3 . 1 r. PATTERSON. 1 disolaim,any intention tto Make,t4is alpart3i question I have spoken Of the improper precedent which I think wohid beestablished.nby the adoption of the section as, reported. I would ask ,the Chairman of, the Corrimittee'of Ways and Nelms whether 'the: Legislature does not.pay the Adjutant General, for tlmariertals? 7 4r.' isHEITP-R-R r, That is a, part of bis.duty; l• sn• • :Mr. ' PATTERSOIT: 'ls he not paid for it ? Does not. the gentleman know that:we pay - that Officer for Visiting the arsenals, and for perform ing just such as .are designated in this section? With regard-to the statement that it is necessary that the officer should 'be on the ground to superintend the work, I would ask how long will it take him to go deiin there and make a contract for tht, rooting ? It is not neceteasy, for him to be there. and see. every Xr:BIEEPPARD. If what was required was :merely the roofing of the arsenal, that' could he contracted for very easily.; but many other things are to be done in .connection with it; many necessary 'repairs are to be made in order to Pirt.the arsenal in a fit Condition...Or _Use' as designed by the Act of Aiisernbly. . Mr-PATTERSON. As I understand, the chief.necessity is the roofing ; that is the prin cipal repairing 'needed. I ask he* long it would itirke thsvAdjutant General to: go down there and-contract for this new roof and for the necessary repaixt' , In`' addition 'to that, these are jniitsinchea the Adjutant General is paid. tO , perfOrin. Fie is the military officer of the State. Ifelis'presimied to be' a• gentleinan , ivied in Military rotten] and able to 'deter mine What , is needed.' • • elitie - SEEEEPARD., iwould ask the.gentleMan Whether - he' is aware that - this arsenal is set 444.fet the' rise Of ' the ?list Division of the Pennaylvania Volunteers:: that tile tinder thelf direction, that theirofficers -have the charge and control of it.' , If he is not aware of this Iwould t ne 4 7 1 0 -41 . 10--4 'aot FATTEBSO.N., : know. this that the , State Arsenal belongs;to tho State; and l know that here 'called upon to 'vote Money out of the State Treasury Vrepali that'aiserial.' , If the arsenal• belongs to, the First Division of the- Pennsylvania Volunteers, let 'them furnish Money terepair rt - Mr STIV.PPAItti. did,not say that 'the are Serial ,belongs to the city of Philadelphia,, or to the Frst Divisioh of : the I::ennsylvania,Volen 'tear- 'era verYwell aware, that it belongs` to the State bet" ! a 'large portion of it has been donated to the State by the city of , EhiladelL Ids FA.TrOSON. Very I understand'' the gentlemen to use this argument,-that, be, causes, large portion of it has been ,, donatedby. the city of Philadelphia : and becanseithas . been assigned "the 0 . 3.e.df the Fliat Divitilo4,,thEire foreythey aught:to have charge of the disliOrs.- ing ;of the money which the State , appropriates. Waif; r say thee - the Wends beleoga tO the. State, arid wheo . the, State - called 'Upon to. make repairs, , the , State officer ,is 't,h„ 'proper- person ',to' ' , have chaige of the disbursement of the money: - Whey 'is 'that , 'Officer r The Adjutant General, Would any persondireet -the Anditor General :4":u the• &IT T , veyor Geoerallti'attend to such duty/ 'lt i ts a duty which appropriately comes within the pro -vince-tof the Adjutant General • it is part of duty.whjd4,6,Aptgd 1, - e_perform; Mr. SHEITARD: The only point of differ- . ence betwee , wrnyfriendand myself- is _this. a; vhigibitiktelapirsdilvdAsignatid 4 , lrifisig uyop. the i growid and will see that the work is properly_ perfofrhed; triat the iiidiAy . `ftppreirift ; teedforthe faithfilly , expended.' T do net want ; the, appropriation s to be • made in such a way that the pesSon:xaay contract. with some favorite, Ar.m.sierneWay, act , so, : that ! the money will.mot .be.properly applied: 4"1 1 193e4K,, ,",•Ali n :itie'rit of friendinealliNilnki4o,bOAttili intik. 'What guard is therefor, the 'proper appropriation. of it , h 4 PnemPY itthemerkite; , he2aeld,g . lledr to! the lititibitienerat i rtay iii.dre c tlikitiflittgassigned to , the Adjutant General ? • What, security have we that the'litrajarr General . of the PiratDivision will not give this contract to a:fail:ate; just as might-the Adjoin:of General? • iitY;iiv%itli dfiedefer once tei-,the:, from Venango, Ofr:- Davia;) that: I'-have fvery.little confidence in the Adjutant General Of 'theltatel' 1-Thelman which-he has -managed affairs' terabit :VC in refit/eke telthb anientildig MelPbia, is one. reason of this , want of confidence on my Part: If the duty of ''snfierinteirding these. re paha .should " assigned to GenOita' Fgtierson, according:tot.he provision of the bill, la/neonfi ; deft - that that, gentleman would have themoney faithfully'eXPernded;iiiiiiii6h a way, as to Place thatimenal iii ciiiiipleferepaie-z-liith i fifeebdiP tion ,in which. the interests 'Of the . SMte•teqn.i.ii that, it should `be. Mr. GOBH .d 4.There is one reason foi , tldir amendment which , had. :40t beer; given .. in the course of this dismission. ,-;:The' 4 4 Ariutagtt Gone ral of this State-is r one:of its - officers: , : • tinder bonds tti:t4 State; j aact, Otta" belkel , to a strict i 14 cottat: , lint` , iorat. 7 ,pro!NiB4,lli :there which secures the. accountability or the:, Blikfor, General-of the Tinitg..Divisioreof•Pemisylviiik W/O:teats l', 'He is not under bonds-lo this Cominonweath for the faithful approisiation , of , anymoneys that may come Into-his hands. d - be - assigned - to-hira„,- it *Mild 4 1 :23= E 11ai3•6i 'ills'4t lb *bait the oa i s. , l ile% isnot i:ireld' - ki the -- cOnimoharapith by any ilet:WbiOli'lifibrit ii i iibdizety for the • faith— fuLexpenffiture of this money. ~ ityythe se on 44 - 4ti#,Slid - ,l — fkgrfx;itiC i , t:Tßinyiht tloir - expenditl We' tp,Pie t h4P4.9V6'R4o4 4 .0';16 4t as the } GOratboniiealth is 'Auppilgl4, 0 ,tit4v7, 'tre; vordtdeli, •Ileartay be a person who:, Word :o#. - pena the :Money judiciously and confide/din ... y; I do not know - whathr.s..ker-js risAst,.p,._ Are i c igi should prove teiVelVilthn - tto - bta won Xerinl! sylvattteXedbirtlWlNlCtill ihiirtJtei amount* attyltretwrod hi* in the transactor, Ilf. l hg *KU put tine money into his-own pocket, it 14 pennovltutnia )]Dally ifelegrap4, Zutotiap afternoon, illccrcl) 19, 1861. hard for me to see how the State of Pennsylva nia could ever recover it. I consider it a very bad precedent for us to take from our public officers duties which properly fail Within - their province and assign them to irresponsible indi viduals. Mr. RANDALL. I would call the attention of the gentleman from Jeffesson to the provi.. sion in. the bill that this money shall be "ac counted for to the Auditor General." Is not that an answer to the argument which he is now advancing? Mr. GORDON. This officer may or may not account, as he choses. He is not under bonds to do so. Suppose he did not chose to do so, what remedy would the State have ? • Mr. RANDALL. I presume that the Major General of the First Division is worth $2,600. and that he could be prosecuted for any ml!lap propriation of the fends. • - Mr. GORDON. I know Major Generals who are not worth a quarter of that. The Major Generals throughout the county`(l do not kilo* ,how it is in the city) are pretty gerLerally ;solvent. • . • . The SPEAKER, pro tem. (Ma. Berm) I would 'state for the information of the gentleman; that the character of the Major Generals of the First Division is undoubted so far as pecuniary re sponsibility is concerned; and in addition to that, his standing in'the community7-- - forhonor and integrity is an entirely sufficient gnidantee , for his fidelity. Mr. GORDON. Did' I madershuld the Chair man to say that he. Would go his ? ' The SPF AKER, pro rem . : I would most as- Mr. GORDON, = What is the officer's name ? The SPF ' EE, pro tem Major General Robert Patterson. - Mr. GORDON. Undoubtedly he is a very i good man. r believed lie'served in the Mexi-', can War before Vera Cruz, did he not? He , may be, as I said, a viry,honojabbl, high-i minded Man, and I 'beheld is ;" he may' i , bei for aughtildnawJtvorthifiyeid°llP43,l and Ipresume nut for every cent of this proposed expenditure. But these' facts do not meet at all the objection which have stated. He is not an..officer of the State ; we cannot so regard him,..,he is not bound. to the State.'' . •L • i Mr. RANDALL. He holds a commission. under' the State. • . Mr. I'ATTERSON. Will the gentleman troM Jefferson allow me-to give him a. Hale lamina tion ? Major General Patterson won-his laurelO in the Buck-shot War. gmlgtter•l Hr. GORDON. I have heard just now (and it would induce me' to go against= him very strongly,) that he is in favor of , emotion. The SPEAKER,, pro tem., and severel bers. That is not_eo•. . . . . Mr. Dlit•l'M D. Reled theAmericanarmY at 'Chaplin - 4w. lir. GORDON. There seem to be . varional difficulties attending this case ; mull think`the 'best way to relieve otuselyes'is to place eta; dence int:* own oflicers., if we lia - Ve not that' confidence, welid_better not make apProPria-• tions at all. •• As ..I have said,-it would be every. bad precedent to take from t - he . handsof our own officers that which pertains to-their legiti; mate duties, and.to place it in;the hands of, ii-‘ responsible individualsr for, so far as the State. is concerned, the 'Major General of - the'Finit Division is not at all responsible :to. the Eile:t4; nor will the terms of this appropriation, make him so. • _ --- --! - It has' beeniiaid thee his eiirainitarion.•lissuee . from the State.: But so does the commission of i a justice of the peace:; yet that would.notraitini . him - responsible to the State t if• money were placed iii his Minds lif Ole ,inanner for I,l4•lffiri - pose of being appropriated ton, perilkirder,pia•-. pose. No one 'would 'pretend to say that: a, bustice of the peace would be responsible out& onds and suretiefritcsuch a case. It is for! lit t differlinhiii4teithatldiel eebirniiiiibttU been sh•cor• - - ficr , • - fuE-e e.... in•:•-An,64.:, ie 7 Coipzerii ed - , --- tllis officer is wholly and htteify irresponsible. • '•-7-40 precedent #l l 4 would )d9s $44, 1 4W led by the, doption of the provision of' t'l e' a very bad :one.. It is said that we „Cannot trOst. • this'appropriation in the hands , of•the•Adju General. I do.not know .why it islaid that , e Adjutant has not accounted . for monies coming, into: ' i hands. . I have not.had any.officialinformstion of the sort. If he has not, done so.,..ursloubt: eclly hie tail are responsiblev It is the busiribet of the Anditor`Gederal: to' 'see ' that he •settlesi his accounts satisfactorily. - Welanst-• presuiee i that he either has - settled-or will settle ;fol. all the' 'monies • - coming 'into- -Ids handt—' So far ao; • 1., ='sm ; personally acqumnii , ,ed. with-Generail,,Wilson, .INertabal y, think. . him an honorable and trustw.Ort.4 Trlar4 and IMu . .f.arrY- to , hear,bis chfirictrimPPitc44: l :lPO4 gkd floor-of this Rouse. Du that question has niiii..' thing.particalar,to dp.,with the cage . one )a' or another.. -Ns7 should 1?e, e@tio l 4 g. l )ll4, lsre r' qedent 11 . ,,theidoxtioiof:tfi wiision 0i #4p, ,bill,, and we 4wl better'rote `down'ltie..appro _ priation altogether than e-Stablisii-aricha'preed dent. , - . • ', ; l'• Mr,..iiANDALI-6,. ... I. think. that Jai& tithe course which this discussion has takenr it is Ane'to'lllejOr Gerieral'ltotielt - Patterson ' , that `l' should 'state 'that he Inis 'been, ,:deks'ol4d.'tir kn this•bill probably without his owledge•-perr ~,'... , • otrbrhis-request...Re-was,suggesto•i„ as I understatukto.the.,Contnittee of Ways:a l nd Means, by the'reerrites' cif thl4 First Division ti • ' n "`eV en d rip.:7o 6titig ta on with. Law. Tile" ~Li K ili .reiv gird to lailitairiodalinefits, whether he wars • 4; , wits r , fet innip, lipckshot i War,whother,he isi a Secessionits-4hetliVi hels - il t Deffifte.VOr; Da . '-' pgc9P77/..j. , W.9t regard as pertinent to; the! T a es t i,9 4 lo4:___ _P *i. , ' 1 ' 4r o 18 4 a1-611t4 1 11 Prt' he bas en o...direirinttirs'biu. without any mfficitstlint•eiLhislgirt; bit 4Ctlie, twg*tioil 'dr the Militia of the first division, Pennaylisiiia• 'V•olfditeers:'''' -' ' ' " .." >(., , „i =I =., •• i. tit? Mr..!DITFFIELD.i. JitheSiii;rlsii i iiigit.rer to be made at all, they should be made •beforii the Mime wlfiere tbei'tettdi of #1o.:. MiLiti" General will twinv i ghat should be a suffieieiat reason. for the ,re.j.•kron of the._amendment eft .the - ,g'plitler i aell.' ) ficail;rudiAtk,"lf !we are Wilt ,u4Pi f the' ' ll.4l±%Apima i llbiieral stalled I w6hia better hot lai.oo apprOp u rial' .tion. • '4f I.:1): •,, Ze 111 IQ ..-. . -- MPVIA 1 1 '1 '. V' y he retnattlig o f , - mv co .& e Li r. i . . in,: Thosi)-.rall . . , 'antrifietalCohi. • . • erteislibridiliaiti4.4s..A once. „.41,.smAse. i lie j vintr r comes ' is m poir' ti arthx J-11remansolch,,Lif..ouldyertabizetefrthcl i Swirl - tlemen•whcr seem•to iimderstandi••this i ceiliti . ll:g& * h4 t l i.O'M rofd *Y:TYY t t,* 3 'Pieter' : "" 4 il ' ..pAi-- B .lllVOR''o7.o.Amdigg, - ,qoosti,' kr:WILSONt. , ; I These lanne l liarkiindersthe ciiirdOffth . ent volunteer Idompatdeeoadd tfjok -i liefik-:Wit I iKATIA N:Me,, , f om i t' ~, xter.',s •TA4p„ xav:ol44,lWW.Autle',.,,,len tlertian that , the f• Slate • 1 haitscapprOpria •L. 3 veryki*ltal fcir'llialvi t eeepri inn _v. .9: wil I • r •Mrt .VititiSONoi - ellit is not Aoswering*:' "int: - . --- i - believe - that-the-volunteer eemlianieS . : merely depd4l ,• : arms there from choice.— They, are Oho • •• • iy,lsw to_do so. Thniqvif dettisltto4 0,13 - h , Ailcatg i tlibu44y . . seii,-' ..% l'f..:: , t • : Mr. surgegAiitl.;:tieiA. Zjilrii p iy: g o. Iteithe•expense of renting armories. ; .acre Mr. PATTERSON. I would ask the 'phag,-:. niiiie•of th 6 titittee n 'thWient.lthe roof been in this leaky condition"?"." w° l 81,60 ; oolil. .1 1 4 t. 0. 1 7 7 .- zffu mi,:piiawsnib6i4. ow,'us nipippi44:l4 —. Senate Mit shalltit. ,• 1641df. rain.ooigtionallit.dutint that , au k ti Rad 1 . , t;‘ , 7 not • :so" that oh :wcifild , domcolobEiharlibi)Vosbo o'oofTeikdisioltge:lotilef..4tirtho4 , 1,111),' .5.1U:P17.4 4)1 .19,14 1 / 1 I :lfro .FILTBIBEPN / Itit.viimandoiTitAir# Rot , i4 r t ie d Andt91,....10,. hag t.-5,411,1 v,iru9usra if.llll# s • (IF 4 .1 ' ) 'u° b1:00'a ,f 1.1/0 n sit( tra. r tor AI ; • t utr,upa 113 OA" low. Sac. 48. For the State freight tonnage agents on the Pennsylvania and Northern Central Rail road, the sum of twelve hundred dollars for the year. The section was agreed to. The forty-ninth section was read as follows: Sze. 49. For repairs to the powder magazine,' ihe sum of three 'hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.. . Mr. SHEPPARD moved to, amend, by adding the, words "to be expended by the superin tendent." ' The amendment -was-agreed-to.._ The section, as amended, was then agreed to. • Mr. SELTZER sobndtted tOfellowing to come in as section fifty: • ' "That the State Treastrer•is hereby autho rized and directed to pay to each of the officers 'of the House and Senate,. except the Speakers, folders and pages, an extra allowance of one ihundred dolla'rs" each Eli Seivides - during the 'pre - sent' sessidn, and to the several folders or :patens the: sum of fdly.dollars extra; .to _ the several Tages, the mu of fen dollars extra; to the several women employed by the olerks - 61 Ithe'twO honses to cleanse the hall,-the sum of ten - dollars extra:" - • - Mr. GOADON , moved to amend. so aa.lo.give the pasters or : folders the, saute: extra compen &Sop as thp ()flier officers: one hifildiced hire. " The - aniendtnent=was not agreed-to and the section offered by-Mn REIIMER_Fes. Agreed to,. 1dr.443t, moved‘thikt the committee rise, report progress and iisieleirg' Tlie motion *as it& ambit to ';' and The question reeurringpn the amendment of, Mr..130111:10N, net. agreed to , section suhmittedlby MI; SEINDER, agreed. to. ' " • - Mt HECK submitted-therfollotving, to , eomo in'as seetion.sl- :- „ , "To: each.of the fire companies of the city of X[arKist.urg,, one hundred dollars" Not itgreedl6. • ' ' • " • - I Ths sotli, how the 51st section 'of the bill, as -reported , bythe Committee,.wag: read,, as fol-: REC. 51. That all annual saltines lideirilifao vided for; ind - also@1" opYoptilitiong tb - pad:. letitlaries; housioofrefuge and •oharitable tutions,• aiming*. paid quarteriyakthe pfpoq,pk the State Treasurer, unliss Otherwise specified by law, and that no money approprhited by tins act for any specific °Sleet shell be applied to anothergn-any ; of.-the= elnuitable.,inatitutions, rpeeihmtiaties. or hgusekof 'eke. Thesec en was agreed:42 - (PhilidelPhitt,) HtibMitted the fol-, loWing; 'to Vane in• as section-52-:.r. , "For. the St. Joseptes HceOtal.in, the_ol#,.Of ,Philrullphia.,. the sum of, two thousand dol -lays r • -.; 4 . "--- The bill haviikirbeen tone through with,..,: ' Committee..r ?se, : and the gtatinwkiii : re ,potted..the same ,te the House with amend ments. , The' Ta& bf otie hatin - g arrived; the House -:••-••••,: 3 • •-• 4 .• • . 4.i019.Y.Ped. -- !:4 •..--lioilLCij l o- 1 . , ,0 f 94r - -•- 1 • 10-11-PILES AND PHOENIX. . BITTER S,: . . 111ll'ESW - MEDICINES - 418N° mow, sipled4,44-. : j,tore the puhliokrAperted of,Tifiltrt- - 04E5, andi 'during that ti th e have maintain. ! tl a liliWeintranteY In el :incse wierY !part crtbefwk.Nfor.4heir,..entteordltutt' 4 and,lpareeplate power of restoring pmfeet...health toper-. 'scan' - sufferyfe'rnildbY tilltitly %Vett 'kind' dfc - - disease to moth .thehtunan,traine ysilahloi;.., in; ... - .... , ,,L!,,.... ; ,The rollowiDg at eattiong the distressing . variety .or h e. ! ician"dlfeati6l4 ir which the .' ' -”,":' 'L ?f'' „i 111:!•71..4 1 - `il l Ettl"lk B LE' AAPE , !MEDI 01 ist E*, Are weiLknotmte. l o, ll 4 4 l4bl(ii .1 .L. L. iI JI '4 1 . 1 DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing Die life% and !litibonillstoinnchi, andk.reittingi*tAiourt.4lppyibj_bcp , Ay i boo, ingioAd,, 1g; the stale and solid jund ; PIiA.TV LENCY;Iciss dappetitgkrailitOUrig , Heada6heOlost i , lessness; dil - Temper,..dnFletygontOßLl. 51 1 M.04, which exe.the general sympt omsof Drtpept a, ylTi rap?, iibi;'Wrii nittfralreoniketenteti of lid card, r 4 ~F ! -I ! !.....t, ~, - - c osTrirENRSS, by cleansing 1,44 . 11101 e iength j or the intestines with a solvent proceki-, - add IVltbontlkie, lence; all violent purges g leavelhe bowels costive within two days. l FißlitEatiffloralTt*tedttaulremollowitita blood to a regular circulation, through the prccesa of respiration lie ktch - juttent, l end , :thtt.. ttb.95910 , 1,,,P1i011., flcp . llpteftitial Ohl:, tl,o9l,ion.in others. ~ t. , • -The law MEDlClAllitrava I Weivr, .4tkownilto.,,cnre - ,KairdDR.U.,TX.W.., man tlyin three week? andt. BOUT in &ill' Ow time,* r • ~ °Wei rdbillldfietittifillop - ; , Irciiii - the , mdsclesancldiginnottta,ef,theipirds4 i ~; • • -. 11 1 '.'!-- ', N1,f 1 4)P5 1 :, p..,9f ailkin4a, by freeing and strength en ; , 'tog the kidneys arid bladder; I they.operate , most-deßght '. ftd* ort:theaei tipportont, organn . and Wince, have ever, be n found a certain - *remelt Tor *the - w or st' anew ot. etitrgiate 1F., . 74.1604-ORVitt Vd4lBl*Nrjin-, t he turnings PA 1 ' the heivels thi - 8 my . matthr.l6 eh tee: creatures , imu l eio e w . i...... piisvh,j,:it4,,,. , T,.uJj.,.,._..... j it it ‘, 4 4 'BORES;WSIRVI( x PERS, Plitt !A v..Frlt; %rule tfiktrtritgrwhiolitizetstalrg KEN. 'C DlEE,give,todihn t bleepkatulull,the humors. t .ro.: SCORBUTIC BILI.W.TIONS anti EA D cox 4024'8,40 ,, stieir alteratmetriet aponLilol,Pn* tpst,fiped the skin, and the morbid state of which - occasion* m : eruptive complaints, sallow, cloudy, and other theatre , liblweoinpleacjoret, f!'lijji . l rr, zti 1 7.'.:liii ;:di I '“l._ ./.. I t 7 The We of thee.° Ma for a very snort'ume - tnn enpet, :tie irillia bitittf fl l SANPlßllleallDkanitn%llriiciaggli° re e l °. 1 Mi l .carilik'iit h iff°,l l 4§4'adv:4" . "lt otusw*rebywoixi utcwolt,..mir..,,, , ~ , ,t-Afin)r, lI;NS.,—„ „Thep:lewd proprleter of these meow ph, *as beiltorPildit,lol* 85 iftligis siteridingbythehaem 'the ' • 1 , I. f Cl' . MEDIW ArVer-i l'... i V 'oil iiiierdtx FEVER , A ~ or B 0 i .1 'hidiniatryilthese Vectiolinst will-,br k fe ...awl,* . i ) - Alutedgi andprtaill remedy.. Other Medicines - bi t .y th e system. mimed. to ti rcitertotthellabase=ektirety- eae imaibbiew 19.4ternuoMmt,TARY.11MAAIOWINF ' ,CURED. "IBILIfitTW 16MiffirlAltaivI , WER r t , p it -I .AAWS•mfiltaLSTiriMe ...,oK FA#l.rf— e eth n n C, • a • tritV tlidthbarrtrenetiolidkresidtaAteweaSlO 11#4., OW r e n ARThigricrf VrIA I r d Sorpfula, inAtsworsttorms, as i ' to mai ni 4 e poi - trirattildilettliedelieharkable edit ronna.k:Bight - ,Bwfteei„Nerypus Bekliity, i Neryoui Tu. is of all hinds:aip,tation of 'the Illea*llai : 4 i t yoi sr sedn ytt 4 f.:l g:T. mild I. ,-. I ,intc ',di i viol yi 7 lifigt37./3,14.1-A. DiOndlSES.—Persons whose 1 coriitatax fonif bix4ie - bieddif iiiibiltieit Witiii ifijudibinue 1 viieleflaitinly *ifilimtiittikt,l44onlafait P er & ~ IR/ I I t e krbs Y tgle e rVi 4 ;Tigal e gl e Atl e : tht . ger e ' wer e :. nil proziaratintA r oiArellMP.V . V , nitimiiikt l i if y i Prep tared and sold by ."$3 Broadway, New Ye4ib7,. Polpalo by all Druggists. jy2,o-daWly i ,t . :u 4 t oe -..o,:tuitt .t.ti..t. •kr ',..t.)1- -- tut - 1...0' - . , ;T i rRIV ` lL l it i t 'f h l) WE I R . 43 • ‘lll t +9,isrloiq ten )3 I sett ii / ion I tr i ttihAlmoe 0 04 , 9IWYPfalt.. ,ClBl , 971 io '( INCORPORATEDA it.36.ciruci lel 1 , , taitfk, ;OW kftfitPi miX0 , 0 1 0(0 1 ,J)1 LI .Il,26.l4,l2wrollittAvvi t 7 `ivt ott t 4" ., . 7 J447.. 111 0 1 g 'ffTl:74N3 WWI .1 trily7l ) 01,, 3N,1 0 rot Axtterable 11 .1 LII 1314 [ l:64l. l thitliatitapAp t tsitia '.l" b e c L ov 1.' 1 ) '' l) DICORPOIRATED /171941T,Ifi(Llilsa • itiii 4 D{RtigNM-mitttri tr , • I:4 1 ,1"Ni t7* ell wit 1431.41D t?ro cviu ? atA frof tortitt gen ,onxin, IS w r ili norgesantagottatVgrAigi AVMr*, l ota % ntu k yy pTopoy, in Ober town ott„TAII . b f anto witt w i n a tr ra *mut. apousf, usc6pp4x porttittoollZorfPYMUlßl ffle k faialdayt . c tii tai Asia& .a.gal .1 412:43871117a8t`t , ttl n t '7, i tiVEitri,zykeiNTELlN , ' Frealp , , 4, i , yi. it ' °PenatiCAINDLESOIt io , , d *.7.,7 u_ii Tit, I f , ii t ,WlLVAMiraTriggriF4fmq OW:: i lr ;; 11 :, (JO nittli3lN l lP ;•1111:7 UM:: , Ali t) 1 I,la i ` 1 - inaat r ePtitlVlOANDlAai ,1 , 1 i 1 bifit 1 L ~....A......)„, ,i,i), ~, ~,,:,,, ..„1„,p, 5 ,,, i kI NY e ja r!rr'l 'PA f . " Bal"" t l ie ' lwire (*Led 'b - '" ~ ~ , lai...t ~(1 ~ ; wilo infalot , oiej: 4.-Vir44XWX,a. 84 Mt! 1, J t 1/0 2 .11.1 it El:I - tail 0.1 )0 7R P Tfelt"? Fr i l , ,F D, Tlh I ..;..) - 7, - . .... .4 Kka i k ri. ' 4 , --.11 77.'7. . A is i , ,t.:,, h Li 0J04,1 4 4AN1 ~,YA A s tlne,aseortmeat, mp i n , trajawn,l :0 II rim PirifiliFilto , l.q. n , : 73i.:, tats 01 adl I.iffik4sl9f4r4_ nt , no i , , ih t, 4Mitifilt mown ,. tv ..,.4,1 ewii nolbun In I" tJt: ataNt Lit - 1 /6iva ,6109.6iiikie es artd nol lia e rettaiW itlee. in Au r one- 4aireorwor: juWr ' ' A 1 .ita i t Avnio9 In 'abnoLlll jis 'AEI IRAN 1 - eel. :;~~:~r : ALES! Lines of (Ararat 8z Cramortatiott NEW Alit LING ROUTE TO NEW YORK! SITORTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUICKEST IN TIME BET Eglsl T TWO CITIES NEW ,yomK. 131...PAL . :RaZIBMICT.P./G IEADING -` ALT.,ElirrowN West, Mecca New York at 8 A tri ring et Iliribibiirg at re If ; only' BX-beurs - , prit.--es±thr womths.. . 4 , aii ,leuvss New York ai, 12.0 acne, and sr rives at Harfisburg at Cid Md.:" - • 7 tifiNlNG!'llAlL 'UNE Emit, leaves rEftwristrargi•af sytai A. M., utrivilnget NOW York k r t. p 4 (.! P, ; /1 1 1_ ,E.XPREPB 115 E, • East, Itave43 Hari 'l;e ai 1.15 14:' air I+ lei 'at bfew!Yerk- at -9.45 P. 31 - Csanuettond artrthade 'At Barrieburp, at 1.00-P. 5L .with ins Passe tiger_ Thins in each direction on the Pennsylva nia, Cumberland Yallei - tuid - 4‘tt trains connect:et Reilding with train, for Pottsville_ and Phillidelphili,tind 'at Itentnwu - fole MatiCh. -1 048k t 4 Flisl. oo , - • o • So change at Paintenicer Cartier 'Baggage tiefireen blew, likrifstrufg, bYtAiWil.ol:l , it, Lin:- from Nei vatic. Air .the rpm 14reVburg... . Per ;Jean ty Of scenery , speeCebititonandimidmi larriatithi; this route- presents. superior -tudunomentd Act e. 4 PO llO . ENO' between *CWT. :irk acid' flirrialtirrg'FlVß:DOLt =Aft4. • • Pot , tiekelk ntit- tithechtforniattollsCl,PlY, tC I dee; . _J..A.-„AJLYgilf,GodierAl Agent, Hailiebarg . 1 p,ri..T•LA •• . • -14-14)&14:1De.0 , --1AIL. , -11 0 A ARRANGEMENT. , . .40 11 itiiiItial.i3oi (IWO ..2AI:22.NGKEt.:„III;AMS LPAVE .14 , ‘,11 ) 1161313116 DATLY, (p.uridays excepted,) at 8 .00 A. ifir ULNA 7414 !toil Ptillakiliddararrivddg.there at. 1.25 114 T app fiETURiad, dAPg 11411:liLiELPHIA 1 0100 Ae;Bl i aad 3.30 P. IL, arriving ot ! 1 1„ 1 .rt ..."PP' 8.15 P. M. 'ea KALp.EBO—to NO Cars, 53.26; No 2 (10 mi $ M: ' • f , • I Iteadlomll.oo and AlrAf: l ,"; d T i geadrut, 00aidiet - witti trairis f'or Patisirftio," Wien! • Catiwomak , 456. c , O , s . •',• • • FOUR TRAINS LEAVE REAI/INI.4PEULADP4, eau 04111 Y, at A. If., 10.45 A 111:, 0.00 0000 and Wei _ ri j . LEAVE PHILAMILPIIIA I , Oll . llKAInlm A'l . lil l oo , , 1 00 P„.11., 8.30,P. IC, *Ad 5.00 . : ......BAdifiptimmixtenihuii wt. ir) v - 1 . 1)310 1141:32N11412 - 'RAM MIMI ..111624a31141 . 4.4C41 INS At !..2241342(1i.With ', ll O PUb3tol/ 8t,4, *VRI tbrougli 14Oketikon8'Oifiwinoftyfiummi*Tity ~; #-:7401z• PENNSYLVANIA. A ;„ f•-.I;DIME.TOM. •.040.71111,...; If n , NOVVIMOL.2.4O_! Mt . ' • ontriamietigee.naltra of , the Panandeanla MmlroaAt.:l phaylA.vta rrqa4ll444TYPPA4!.r.ifP7sf,,r 4:411:Ta-tal e • 11 pi . THMOTICIRMAIMe TI4IIIIIV-Sit ‘ T•T 1 ' a. m. and arrives at West P eiPma tittle/ aat / i M : ie.- ' L'aihs, 66 li r riva i kal'7l 4l Ph l 44o.o44 A 49 ; - " n-T RA A' Iie tTPI PaPis,PAY, 4r, ! , ,t, s,ar. I': 1 9.: Yrril i at Wes PhUddelp 'a ai 10:se of‘ tralaWinakiithateconniatioitatlidiadeeptda,Mtb; I iiW/t 7. 4a r ,KPA..;;( ACCOMMODATION TRAW No. I, leaves Marrtab trs at 7.W a. nt., runs via Mount Joy, and arm:Nes: l t I:filadel?bia: at 12:80 ,„:1 ;, MAMILLSDIDIG '2,O2(MMODATIOW , TRAINDmir • , ar t , risbneg at 1116 34 5. 1 112451 d ttiTivea ateFentaltia#al is cat° lig:AM:10 :11 ill rA02.0,,,rf0rt4,10$ VOL A N, No. 2, leaies Mahis pr. lidint9Nrftantistlnß, at hrukiouharPotAftPoll4f•PNlPleb ' ANSA f i tr 0.1,41Ac0UR1,E.M1110.51,7 1 1140, Thpil . delpto.loll.l. l 101.0 p m , arrives at Riairlioraktit . VlaliadeViintait4lB.ollawatr.i t ilv owa taar chtat9.9,4_ , PM,Airiaso. w is %i. MATlaMAlN.leav , es Man;i4nrg for yfitailarg t Ara al - 11LO .11 .11,,nit'1.41..1-4! lialoiVaPingl6/6114/oVat 12490,i000110V11V01e gt Bartisburg at 4.19,p,m. . - -1 "" Alt4l9lloßo Accohimmitibli viuttp.vitimap PhOldMpiala rat ri.otx.ip.innii.*;bakTNetki* Jeh S i at . r.ssal. 4 , .. 1.1.5t. " • • et Actt • diSATADI iiih t ieTbakftitadiai Vfo m and .arriretta erg at 9.46 p. m. „- °"{ eirenttlina Jilligi L id - 0141411, 1 110919iti leafs uttaboaphisiatatooakoma.myeitA.&,__VA MOUNT JoY AccommoDA-rwly T t r d atimmivaitift946;ll,Ao 0:100101Vnii .1 1 144 1 14 liiiphifeAVHlM:ll7Pdfltifiir E 01514 1 ill' ;tw 131-S Cr _ 1.,;;„ t ems; ANCOPOF fiEDIRiE4 vi fluivi. t,..34.1 31 'En i l e.fla ntri k rei / ARLAWGEBERNAVII 11;411,4WMWAirta IrAtiff*l t4 2 2 , 15:11 d r latattflteMffOd•glitYlbllkoil .tivq . o3 I q s ,iornltt,.. edGO P/Wrilsl4 .„.„40,,T i name_ goAtt tt ReTtnr ..nyvt,t e , ufr tt • -ariso Pouc h .4=7. 3 * 7- '''' , c) tillyrA e-to 111 t Grit oygiTidiove rte}pgsto4RAiN.i~llt 0313 r‘Jinz'a %SAO P i , Ina atild g . .11../1 174;h L Q f aIIta:PAMANC J , _ ,41 mtecer4nu &Harm mpavrlnltillt ;LIOIAT 3u 1:14.49 Marv" emg -`Fr 3 L, I- it CUM • BITMUSYMENG) 28 1 413 h ii:jf, I ,e -, 'lll /4144rhAlatelgairliVee* 51141 d& 0 w IaIAiiii4LIeSRATIR z u r ramakavehdhseripti ftwed yffltmuititteueonwestintmemierm k6;We iiitoitaXlDSMfttaa., at ir Alaiarrisi 4`r4 - Niße-dAw CM 012 a , 1 l 177:1a VVI-I,iti/D titatiWid .1111iscrManama. TIDOLPHO WOLFE'S ...1.. SCHTMDAM SCHNAPPS A ECUPERLAtivkI, TONIC, DrURETIC, ANTI DYSPEPTIC INVIGORATING CORDIAL 'To the Citizens of NO , Jeraev and , • .. Pennrivanuti A pothecarles, , Druggists, Grocers and Private '.ll-11es. Wolfe's Pure Cognac Brandy. Wolfe's Pure Mader's, Sherry and Port nue. Wolfe's Pure dasuiles. and St. Cross Rom WoWe's. Pure . Scotch Mid. Irish Whisky. _ _ ALL' IN BOVILIK.S. Theg itave to eall the attitinfoit of the citizens of the United Stales to the above WINE and Liqqoas, Imported by 115dolpho Wolfe, or New York, whore name is fami liar :be every pan of this csuat,-y for the purity of his oolu_kkate.d. Sizuweat SCOSAIT.i. 511*. Wolfe, in his letter to me, speithing'of the purity of his' Masa Mad irotorie, says - : "I will stake my reputation as a men, My stead sag as arrierchant.of thirty years' residence to the Qty of New York, that all the BROW and Wilma which 1 holtierake pare as imported, and of the best quality, and can be reliqd upon .hy.every purchaser." livery bottle bag Elie proprietors name on the wax, and a lac simile rof Lis signature on the cerillicste. The public are se apectibilly Invited to call and examine for themselves.,_ For seta at Retail by all' Apothecaries am; tiruceni to Philadelphia ÜBORHE 11. eitnroN, No. 831 Market ;A. Philatkluhia. Solo Akeint ibr Philadelphia. Raid the following from the Now York Com ler : t . routtuotat Busuans roe Use New Yotuc Itencti.orr.— Verfrithapprto infOrm our folew-cltixens that mere is pe Viaciatin Our r atty where tbo Magician, apothoctry, and country merchant, oan'ggo and purchase pure Wines Auld Llquorsi as:pumas tmported, and of tba•best quality: We do not Intend to Mvo an elaborate description of ibis Iniatiatit' A ireifenidre bistdomechlthough it will well re . pay anystranger or citizen to visit Udolpbo Wolfe's en toughie Warehouse Nos. 18. :0 and 22 Beaver street, anid Noe: 17:19 anti 21, Mara etheld etreet His stuck of Schnapps( on hand ready for shipment could not bate been less than thirty thousand cases; thii Brandy, some ten thousand cases—Wintage s of 1886 to 1856 ; cud ten thonsadd - wade Of i Madeira, -Sherry and • Port Wise, 'Spaeth and Irish Wtasky,,J . antaks. and St. Croke Hum, stone very old and equal to anylit thliciltftrY. He sign !bad throttler& cellars, tilled with Brandr, Wlce, Rc. , io aka, under Custom House key, ready for bottling. Mr. Wolfe'sWalla of lschdlippe Wet' year. amounted to one luedre d. and eighty. thousand dozen, and_we }cope in s than two Years he may be equally successful wan his :11yradies ind'Vines. ' • • ' His byginests,merits tbe patronage . of every lover of his ' vendee. Payette tanarilies whittlinte Wines and ,Mquors for medical use should r acndtheit„ordt re direct to Mr. Wolfe, until every Apothecary in the land Wage up their minds to discard the poisonous stuff' front !than shelves, and replace it with- Wolfe's pare Wl:ire and We understand Mr. Wolfe:l°r the acerakniodall'ou of smelt 'defilers in - die vountryi-puts ip 'II , BBOOIA gagea of liViDeltaKLhoors. Such a man and such a merchant, shale be sustained his taint df thorgsiads Moe patients , la the United States, who sell nothing hut imita UOO9 ruinous alike to health and human 'happineo.. • ' ' • oep6-daw6mi a Keller..l4.ldarket, qrcet,, sole agetit for this rit .•-• ..I)EBIRAT9tEr.: MOURNING - GOODS. Baer nit Pepre Idearied*Metinos, „ Plaid Mock Epio.o.7feloue R e ps. Blaill'an4j'erpleTamioe'dft atd Wool. • A - ENNA Cothoperes.or.d Merinos. Bl igott P dt T lLTAlOngidneß. ISuPrd Best Nu bmerei.r iol t m 'efor Elnerfastree. 4 1 i rtliP t I r iter=oh El TTATVoo l l i irtla t = •••• -,- aignokcidnuiig. i nrin a ittits . . Summon Pioira_Ex-.4A_Kaa. REP. Motreima saes. ,do Dr..na oxo",Nuaz do do -- " 110 ." ai r ICIL°E9a,g4T4IIIO- Desirable. Every - 'or ale of tbe - &rent: kinds of DRESS GOODS Id 'the 'BUM oodtEROOND MOURNING UR "'; I - 10 ? - for-Y.,0 8 10. , PlqicP• -, . 4l 4 lo . 4 # 4 o l4 otlikkl?PßlAb s aYibln 'do do' ao " • - , !,,Blook-groncloßlipice,M(ShoodB4-, . 7' ‘ l alt i garg r g* C ter l i n ille i nfurrent, 41 4rV131210( 1 , Wery Yerl iz s e tze ), ), it a ! , ,z!", Ike"? 4f:on s et' ' , Crepe& + r'!EIHMOMDING -PUREE - 141 kt [ 4 , 744llNT vi vAll o k .i in . d.: l 7 o oiiikAPß.olPPM#gpiCrtCl3lEFS. 1111 '' lll ACt - 1101111EiV - 4 , (all Riods), SPLENDID ASEQUEI.-MrOE COLLARS, 7 t . 41 11 NCH IMPANtoloto AnjWspection Ordilf4lo4 Wll convince all. ! e.A.THekEr ` .1; tro.* !II to ovif i •• *421.1, a • • it-spvsta::,Re* -- 4 --. DR.' polo- ff-Am's 1 ...o.,..m.ms*lftworiNG SMUT' . i llßine,AF:6, efird fry,4lcbliefer riz Ye" h: 7474iii/Pikglaire '.O 1. ; , , , t r, splaiwta,LZota Opffirs 4/ Wipe , 2ire= i t, A z u , i ~. II ''!, balthatir f tm . . 1 manEl, eci 1",, Jiß i r.. ROT /*MOOR OR R tt. , -r-B liGrAtilqr if 11/ 1 4 . 1ak lid effeetu ' 1 4 h i ditritlhii hlbiltalteigAttligtese , 0 • priPelmia. Kidney ComPlektelidalLother derange ent 01 lb , .IV V iltl =rte t iVega l art r ii r dliti C 19 au; rilro k ilat il a plfitcoludkeitaussithaiwCalt,titirvous . d std Yrri gatildVArelthiadithie of liquors, have baniaipeAkier4t r NA 1441,140rWr SYStems shatt°"4 ' crjalgtntione broken down, and subject to that horrible 'aline fo l hbnienrepitilfi gdIROMEIRRIRM, WM, RODO trßdoe(),Yed ths„ptly and healthy invigorating eirey of (),Ye cii s ell navytkpalt,ie Valit,, Do, J ult _Ri t „.6%,l , l "or. 0,14,0,41ttc1i al Iter"wY 'dose willremove all j3ad Bpiritill 10 figatai fi killimirtilleilik.bitim , . '', ' „ t ''" S tfa tM v anrairf i atttlitti. P t thaeldimieiwkltelop thealleemiine , palue olllysfelt ' hlfeZ d A w nre r rtdelliihe, he 51"e " Bsin et g lertis d f li r t:2 6 t it e r ws intif.J3** 4 the. distressing dad ant kebtral f wil er rernovel i Vbirebidwi ll neaktiv dimaxisidistiesstug pains of C AI ' 1174 =2:11t r iire.h ir itiirnetioniln the &idol, RlVladdiibr tretnartitiftewa, dog Persons who are , serionitly L euilieted with an y El 3 / 3 iiiifilittftireitfirtillifillliNkdrielfet 'by a dose or two, Wilifill..Viwi bYiAlie newer „mem. pre bottles. GATLY'DIWITATION. Persons who, tronLdisidna' ' "tin' itoOln` nub over nigh!, fili,'! feel the evil eifeehißrebleih3ons liquors, hi relent ne ''' iiihelic - Eictfilidalfateditcluatabrwegiumig, giddiness, b'., warilm vAxgracnteaq bad teelors.„ . tte ' alewavegaWiaittitifoite,siould sige,, em i Tryittonttintofildrit ibtxe Ow** day ; itlvi! m t ni ,`" a o I Atg i f il k i ter and thi hr e i li tart ail i "Z u r c e aioretto ' Milrrit"jari=l"ireWhPiftfaegie won 4gligettriTLipsZilada=r at the fit 4 mit atriaegol. and to , induce dna I-41Painvirkl Nfilit In Wilt betties, ill 0 1N 1 0N....-.--m-,mygold fij ,i, R i) 3, .: . lijakeiVilliuDepry 48 tr i zz i rr i l l, h , f, b N orr, & co . au: t., 2l :trtrtri 9t ItMgiVl . Lr w y ::: ! , ___ __.,.— . RitinV i rt.i b i ) i '' , .11, .I I j ~...._..... , :') I ..T,Al ii ik , TP V P S ELI his old iy,2IILII, Teri#MlLYt 4 iV f g ruk tb . t ha will ~ pelt m end 0 putili9, igeneL%Ti or m tit go toliiiiii ' etas AVM”' rm.'. yen tant i rpluittalsotypieirf4 9 47„ t thee tri gamma liPon P' T ait hbidegatiiia W , deslretri leiteorie wll-be tow to 1211"1114."" f g" qs" d b ei e eidil ii=iiinfilij: I l f ). Lig C I . IV. tililinfaß L gM l ' i ttriLD Eß ' g 4 ° Rellgt&e l laigliir etith - hthWig SAM N. N44olllll4GiliallinNOM N 4.0