Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, March 16, 1861, Image 2

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    Superior City,
contract from that
plat. settlement, in the Hud
son 1, ~orities. The following is
an extra, ..rom an editorial in the Lake
Superior Guide, which presents the case
forcibly :
The Lake Superior region, comprising the
northern peninsula of Michigan, Douglas,: La
Pointe, Ashland, Burnet, Polk and allas
counties, Wisconsin; St. Louis, Lake, Carlton
and Pine counties, Minnesota, and "The North
Shore,"- haiing separate interests from the
Statesio Which we are 'attached; with ample
resources of every description within ourselves
to . form a powerful State, should be set off by
the joint action of theie States and Congress
into a separate government. The necessity for
the protection of our interests is dilly becoming
more evident from the rapid increase of popu
lation and mineral and other exports. We are
separated by vast foiests and lakes from our re
spective State Capitals, with the distance
ranging from two hundred to six hundred
miles. A proposition of this kind met with a
favorable reception several ; years ago in the Le
gislature of two of those States. It appears to
me that the time has now arrived for having
our rights protected, and our region recognized
as a sovereign State. To this end I suggest to
the citizen's of Lake 'Superior the calling of
county conventions at the earliest practicable
moment, and election of delegates to meet in
Superior to. take immediate action in the pre
toie million papers of vegetable and flower
seeds have been put up at the Agricultu
ral Division of the Patent Office within
the put Sixty days, and sent to members
of Congress for distribution. The seeds
were selected in Europe, by Hon. T. G-.
Clemson, with great care, and comprise
many varieties heretofore unknown on this
Continent. Eachcollection comprises one
hundred and fifty-four different varieties
of vegetable seeds, and nearly the same
number of papers of each variety vary
ing from one to forty, as the peculiar soil
or climate for which they are destined may
Make them more or less desirable. The
members of Congress from the seceding
States had sent to them the quota they
would have been entitled to when in the
Union; _ .They took them of course. In
or oat of the Union, they take all they
con lay their hands upon.
following extract of a speech by ex-Presi
dent Tyler, delivered in the Virginia
House of- Delegates, a number of years
ago, sounds strangely, now that this same
man, his head whitened for the ingather
ing crop of eternity, is spending his de
clining years in trying to break up the
Union he then so eulogized :
"Sm :—I have looked into the distant fu
ture, and have there beheld the greatness of
free America. I have beheld her walking upon
the face of the mighty deep, and carrying glad
tidings of great joy into distant nations. I
have seen her stretching her arms over the
whole earth, and overturning the strongholds
of despotisms in the old world. Wo, wo betide
the man who shall endeavor to sow the seeds
of disunion and anarchy among ns. Better for
him he had never been born. It he call upon
mountains to hide him—nay, if he bury him
self in the very centre of the earth—the indig
nation of man shall find him out, and blast him
with its lightnings."
THz editor of the Mo bile Register tries
his spite on Yankee Doodle, calling it a
"musical abomination," and saying it has
never been heard by him since a boy with
out indignation. He says : "It was ever
a cold bath to every throb of patriotic
emotion, ever made our flush creep and
our soul sink into the bottom of our boots
—not on account of its name, 'Yankee
Doodle,' but because it is a mean, sneak
ing, belittling, contemptible tune. If we
were on the eve of battle, and were at all
doubtful whether to stand or fly, we be
lieve the sound of the abominable strain
would decide the question, and we would
tale to our heels." Of course such a
man would run. It always had this effect
upon sell people.
amendment to the Constitution which
was passed by the last Congress, before it
can become a part of that instrument
must be ratified by three-fourths of the
Legislatures of the States. If North
Carolina and Arkansas secede, there will
thin be nine States that- would not re
cognize the Constitution, and would,
take no action on any proposed amend
ment. In that case the Constitution can
never be amended unless some one of
these States be brought back, or the in
dependence of the Southern Confederacy
the na
st this moment,
_0,000; and adding
satisfy the Choctaw and
ax debts, to make good the
.st fund, and other bpecial ob
ae amount of debt becomes $96,
,004. The public debt, four years
ago, was only $29,090,386, against which
there was a balance in the treasury of
$17,710,114, making the net actual debt
at tbat time only $11,850,562. The in_
crease of debt in four years has been no
less than 884,838,722, or at the rate of
$21,500,000 per annum.
4CL or
than the
Atal in our
THE Pown. or TRUTH.—The secession
journals 'denounce Mr. Lincoln's inaugu
ral with characteristic vehemence. The
Richmond Enquirer says "it is couched
in the cool, unimpassioned, deliberate len
guage of a fanatic," and with other fire-eat
ing papers the calm, circumspect and self
possessed manner of its delivery is a mat
ter of •much fault finding. Onr traitorous
friends should know that Mr. Lincoln has
no reason for excitement or passion. They
may remember the anecdote of Swift.
When the Dean was arguing one day with
great coolness, with a gentleman who had
become exceedingly warm in the dispute,
one of the company asked, "How do you
keep your temper so well ?" "The rea
son is," replied the Dean, "I have truth
on my aide."
THE Wheeling - papers state that Rich
ard Hadden, the man who was shot by
young M'Lane at the Sprigg House on
Tuesday morning, died on Wednesday of
the injuries received. M'Lane, ,after
having shot Hadden, went across the Ohio
river near Belle-air, and commitpd sui
cide by shooting lkimslf through the
heart. It is thought, from the situation
of the earth where the body was• found,
and the body itself, that the' unfor
tunate young man, before firing the ball
into his heart, must have laid down fiat
upon his back. The terrible tragedy cre
ated much excitement in Wheeling where
the parties were respectably connected.
Sic NC OF ANAROEY.—The contrast be
tween the Texas Convention and Gov.
Houston is very significant, for it shows
that the secession spirit is anything but
universal in that State. Houston will,
probably refuse to take the'new oath of
allegiance, in which ottse he will be super
ceded. Should that happen, we may next
look for the the old veteran at the head
of a reactionary party. By cunning
combinations, combined With bluster and
terror, Houston may be thrust out of of
fice; but for all that he is by far the
strongest man in that semi-barbarous
Commonwealth, and he is able to rally
whatever conservative elements it may
Samuel Marsh, president, and Horatio N.
Otis, secretary of the New York and Erie
Railroad Company, have presented a pe
tition to our Legislature asking to be ex
empted from the payment of the ten
thdusand dollars taxes assessed for the
privilege of running through forty miles
of the State of Pennsylvania. They
place it upon the ground that the road
has benefitted the State in other respects
—has cost forty millions of dollars—has
sunk nearly all the money invested in
the stook, and pays in addition all the
taxes imposed upon corporations in the
the "champions," little and great, spring
ing up daily, the last one we have heard
of is an oyster opener in New York, who,
after eating an ordinary dinner, on a wa
ger of five dollars only accomplished the
wonderful feat of eating fourteen large
sized bull-nosed clams in six minutes and
ten seconds—ten minutes being allowed
by the terms of the wager. The clams
weighed, after being opened, five pounds
and a half, clean meat. The man was
alive the next day, and expressed himself
as feeling "all right."
vices from San Antonio show that the
Union men carried that town after all, at
the late election, nothwithstanding the
presence of Ben McCulloch's 800 rangers
to overawe the people, and to swell the
disunion vote, The issue of Union and
Secession was squarely made, each party
parading with flags, banners, &c. There
need be no doubt of the overwhelming
strength of the Union sentiment in West
ern Texas.
QCcltgaph, Saturbag 'Afternoon, itlarch 16, 1861.
_,REWELL SERMONS.—Rev. Dr. Bishop,
the Locust Street Methodist church,
will preach his last sermons in Harrisburg
to-morrow. His subject in the morning
will be, "Civil Government," and an in
teresting and instructive discourse may
be anticipated.
TE Frankfort Commercial raises the
name of Mr. Crittenden at the head of
its column's as the people's candidate for
Congress from the eighth Kentucky dis
trict. •
SPURGEON sometimes comes out with a
good thing : "Brethren," he said, "if God
had referred the ark to a, committee on
naval affairs, it's my opinion it wouldn't
have been built yet."
Southern Pacific Railroad Company.
Lotrurvium, March 18.
The Southern Pacific Railroad Company calls
on the stockholders to take one dollar's worth .
of new stock for each share held.
Secretary of the Peace Congress.
WEST CHESTER, Pa., March 16
Dr. 3. H. Pulesten, late Secretary of the Peace
Congress, passed through here to-day on his
way to Washington. He has been classedwith
the leading politicians of the State. The result
of his mission over Pennsylvania has not yet
Sailing or Two - Steainers,
NEW Timm, Maioh 16
The steamships Bremen and City of Minches.
sriled for Europe to-day with 190 pmsengers in
Southern Rights Meeting at Louisville
LOVI'LLII, March 16
A large. Southern rights meeting was held at
the Court House last night. The, proceedings
were attended with much confusion, and the
meeting finally broke up in a row'.
A Conservative Republican Elected
Chief Burgess of West. Chester.•
Hon. Henry L. Evans, the Conservatiue
publican condidate, nominated at a town Meet
ing on Thursday, for Chief Burgess,"was yestre
day elected by over 200 majority over Addi
son May, the Ultra Republican candidate. Re
publican Judges were chosed by the usual ma
j ()titles.
The Charte#Jilection in Reading City
The election in this city yesterday resulted
in the election of Joel. B. Wanner, the Demo
cratic candidate for Mayor. The Democrats
also elected their Tresertrer, Auditors, ;and
eleven out of the siateenCoinmon Councilmen.
The Republicans elect their candidate for Se
lect Council in the North. West and South West
wards. • .
The total vote polled for Mayor is 2,982.-
1,037 less than the vdte cast for Governor last
fall. Many leading Republicans voted for Mr.
Wanner, the Democratic candidate, who is per
sonally popular and unexceptionable. In ad
dition to this, there was tedious opposition
made by professed Republicans. The feeling
in this city is as strong in favor of the Consti
tution and the laws as ever it was, and we
have yet to see the man who regrets his Vote
for Lincoln.
Prepared from a Prescriplion of Sir J. Marks, N. D.,
Physician Ealraordinary to thigucert•
This invaluable medioine Is unthtling in the pure of all
those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female
constitution is subject. It moderates all excess and re
moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be
relied on.
it is thoullarly suited. It will in a short time, bring on
the monthly period with regularity. ,
Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government
Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits.
These Pile should not be taken INi/elides during Ms
FIRST THERE MONTH:VoI Pregroar,est,a4they unman
to, brtng_on Miscarriage, but al any other time they are
In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain in
the Back tatut Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpita
tion of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, Ilene Pills wit
effect a cure when all other means have tilled; and al.
though a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel,
antimony. or any thing hurtful to the constitution.
Full directions in the pamphlet aronittl'ettoh package,
whioh should be carefully preserved.
N. 8.—51.00 and 6 postage stamps enclosedte fty an.
thorlsed Agent, will insure a bottle, containing 60 Pins
by return mail.
No , rate by 0. A.B.ussvater. fyy dewily
Tan Al:Miamian, having been restored to
health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after
having suffered several years with a severe lung afoct•
lon, and that dread disease, Consamptien—is anxious-to'
make known to his fellow-sufferers the means enure.
. .
To all who desire lt, he will send a copy of the pre
scription used (free of charge), with the directions for
preparing and using the same, which they will dud a
sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, dm. The
only object of the advertiser In sending the Prescription
is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which
he conceives to be nvaluable, and he hopes every Suf
ferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing,
and may prove a blessing.
Parties wishing the prescription will please addressi
Sings county, New York.
tree from all Miseral.Poisons.—ln oases of Scrofula
Ulcers, Scurvy, or Eruptions of the Skin;the operation
of the Life Medicines is truly astonishing, often removing
in a few days, every vestige of these loathsome diseases
by their purifying effectson the blood. Sfigoas Fe vers ,
Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Piles and in short,
most ail diseases soon yield to their curative properties
No family should be without them, as by their timely
use mush suffering and expense may be saved.
Prepared by WM. B. MOFFAT, M. D., New York, and
r sale by all Druggists novc‘wly
O .
FFERS his services to the citizens of
Harrisburg and Its vicinity. He solicits n Share of
the public patronage, and gives assarance that his best
endeavors shall be given to render satisfactionsin his pro.
Cession. Being an old, well tried dentist, he feels sate in
aviting the public generally to call 011 him, essiiiiicg
hem that they will not be dissatisfied with his services.
Office No. 1,28 Market 'street, in-the house formerly oe
copied by Jacob FL Eby, pear the United States Ratak
Harrisburg., Ps.
At Elizabethtown, Lancaster county, Pa., on the 15th
inst., from PUTpUra. or Spotted Fever, Mawr IEL•ZiI
daughter of Dr. David and Jane Mellinger, aged ten
years. Funeral on Sunday afternoon at 2 &dock. •
MAWHETS.—Siscrios 1. Be it ordainaiby the Com
mon COWICii of the City of Harrisburg, That there stall
beheld two markets to each week during the year, the
one on Wednesday and the.other on Saturday; and <the
market hours shall be between the hours of five and
eight o'clock, a. m., during the months of April. May,.
Jnne, July, Starlet and September ' and between the
hours of six and nine o'clock, a. m., during the residue
of the year; and each. and every person who shall buy
or sell anything in market before the hour appointed
for the opening of the market as aforesaid, shall pay a
due of one dollar for each and every offence and the
coots of auk: Provided. That no thing
. contained in this
ordinance shall be _ construed `as to Interfere with the
evening markets; "tie litiretefofe - held.
1-ac 2., And be it further ordained by the.,authority
.aforgaizi; Teat the stalls in both Market houses be num
bered as follows
READING, March 16.
0° 0 0
0 0
0 0 0
0 0
And that the Clerk of the Market be and to hereby att.
thorised and instructed to lay off and designate by
numbers, on a plan or draft to be prepared for
that purpose, all the stations or stands between
the two market houses and at the ends thereof,
and false similar stands or stations "from time to
nme,r as the occasion may regain', for the nee of
country people and others attending the markets, from
the aide of square out Market street, on botiksides
thereof, as WM Bottrth Street, and oat ntrof
Nan gtbioirtioements.
2 i 1
I 6 1 8
0 0 0 00
0 1 0
0 0 0 00
o o o c o
2 o
o o o 0
Arm 'ADvertisements
towards the Harrisburg Bridge as far as River alley;
and also along both sides of Second street from the
Square as far as Chestnut and Walnut streets, and also
around the Square Itself.
Sec. 3. And be it further ordained by the authority
aforesaid, That it shall be the duty of the Clerk of the
Market, on the fleet Wednesday of October next, and on
the first Wednesday 01 October annually thereafttr, to
rent for the term of one year from seta day, by public
aucitio.a, to the highest and best bidders, the stalls in
both market houses, or as many as may be desired.—
The inside ranges of stalls In the upper market house,
to be rented to butchers for the purpose of vending meate
an d the outside IN nges of stalls In th t Upper market house.
and all she mall' iu the lower market house, to be rent
ed to the persons for the veudihg of country produce
and other commodities. The rests for said stalls to be
paid to the Clerk of the Market half yearly in advrines,
waose duty it shalt be, immediately on the
thee'recipt there
or, to pay it over to the City Treasurer for se ofthe
city. And it guilt also be the duty of tne Clerk of the
Market, as Welles the said stalls shall be rented, to re
port to the Council the numbers of stalls rented, accord.
trig to the plan prescribed in the second section of this
or. inane, the names of the persons to whom cud the
prices at which they shall .be respectively rented, with
which amounts be shall stand chat ged in his settlement
with Council: Provided, That Council shall have power
to etenerate him from payment of such portion of said
rents as be may tot be able to receive, after due dili
gence on his part used to collect the same.
Sea 4. And he it further ordained by the authority
aforesaid, That it anyof the stalls should nor be rented
at due s timti appointed for. rented., according to the pro-
visions of the third section of this ord Mance, it shall be
the duty of thedDlerk of the Market to rent the same, by
private agreement, to such persons as may be desirous
of renting them fer the best prices he can obtain there
for, payable as prescribed' in the third section, but not
for a longer time than torhe end of the time for which
the other staffs shall be rented; and when any stall shall
be so rented by private contract, it shall be the duty of
toe Clerk Of the Marker forthwith to pay over the
am.innt of resits received to, the City Treasurer, and to
- make ti epOrt UiCouncil, is directed in cases of renting by
public auction: -
Sao. 5. And be it farther ordained- by the anther ty
aforesaid, that it shall be the duty of butchers to pro
vide their own hooks, and lied their own blocks and ac
commadatioas, and nit to extend their benches or
blocktririsre than live feet and a half from the pillara of
thomarket bottle Inwards; they shall leave no offal inor
about the imaraet house, and shall also clean and re•
move their blocks after market lour& and place them
under their respective benches; and no butcher shill,
during 'flaseket uours, keep mere than one dog- at his
siail,'Which shall be kept tied or chained to the itell der
ma the continuance of ma ket. , '-
SEM 0.. And be it further orduised 'by tie authority
aforesaid, That ell beef, pork, mutton, lamb, veal and
all kinds of poultry and fish, and all other articles of food
whatever, that shall be brought, or publicly
exposed to sale in the city, and ehall be found diseased,
tainted pr in any manner rendered iniwhOlesome, or un
til for elle ;,end all veal which, wean killed, shall not
have been et the age of four week's, shall be forfeited ;
and the person or nerwans eiposing the same for sale,
shall moreover, on .conviction thereof, forfeit and pay a
fine of four dollars for the use of the city.:
biped 7. ,dred be if further ordained by the authority
aforesaid, That the occupants of stalls on the inside
ranges of the :ewer markethousee shallnot occupy with
tables, barrels!, baskets or produce, more space . during
market 'hours than floe feet and a half from the pillars
of the market house inviardri, : n4 slialt the occupants of
stalls in either market house , on thelOutside ranges, oc
cupy, as aforesaid, more space dining said boars than
three feet' from' said pillars , outwards ; and no person
shall occupy or obstruct in any manner the main or ere.
passages in said 'market heuse, during market hours,s
with marketing or otherwise; 'but said passages shall be
kept open and free for the convenience of purchasers
and others attending , market,
Sect 8. And be it further ordained by Ms authority
aforesaid, That no person shall occupy a stall in either
of the,market bosses, or a' stand or. station.which has
been lid off by Ilse Clerk of the Market, during Market
hours, unless he, she or they shall have rented the same.
aro. 9. Be it ftkher ordained by the authority afore
said, That ntfriteramt shall, during market hours, sell
meat of any kind by lees quantity than a quarter of a
carcass, unless it be from a stall or bench In one of the
market houses, or from a stand or Million laid off by the
Clerk of the market ; and unless thear id Meat no offer
ed for sale shall be of their own raising: - Provided,
however, That this Bean shall. not the regular
butchers, who are by this ordinance ,00nfined to the in
sidaringes of stalls inthe'imper market hOuse, and to
such stations or stands outside of the sipper market
thighs as maybe set apart for them by the Clerk of the
,Be it further ordaitwi byth etratkority afore
said, That no person shall buy or sell any provision of
any desedption during market hours, in any part of the,
city, except within the Market i . quare, in Market street,
between Front - and Fourth streets, aid in Second street
between Wainat and Chestnut streets; and ail provisions
shall be exposed fer sale in said Square and streets dar
ing market hours, at the stals In the market houses, or
on the wagons, carts, sleigh., sleds or other vehicles In
which they may have been carried to market, backed up
Islam curb-Mimes along the -pavement of said Square
aad streets; or from 'a stand or station Ltd off by the
Clerk of the Market.
0 0 0
:3 °
o 00
EEC. U. Be it further orddieed by Mt authoiily afore.
Said, That nu persuit shall:are steelyards within tile mur
ketilimits,during market hours 3 nor shall sale b, ni de by
other weights and measurer than such as shall have
teen legally regulated and stamped by the Olerk of the
market. - -
6 OE
. 12. Be itfarther ordained by the authority. afore
said, That no horse or other annual shall be at any time
intoned to any of the columns, piers;or other fixtures or
the market houses; and if any person shall wilfully in
jure or deface any part or fixture, or impertinence, of
either of the market houses, he sltalf Incur a penalty of
Ave dollars; and shall, moreover; be liable to make com
pensation for the damage done; awl all persons attending
market shall be required to unhitch their horse or hor
ses and tie their wagnns or elsewhere.
" San 13. Be it further ordained by the authority afore
said, That if any , erase shall sell, or bring to the mar
ket for sale, any bread, butter, lard, fruit or other pro
vision, in, lumps loaves, tabs, vessels or parcels, as or
for a greater weight or measure than the true w.ight or
measure thereof, or shall simply any device for imposi
tion or fraud in the sale of any provisioh, the said article
so offered for sale shall be forfeited for the use of the
City. -
81:0.14. Be itfuither ordained by the authority afore.
said, That the market houses shall not be used for any
unlawful purpose, no, shell any one shake carpets there
in, or create or leave any dust, dirt or nuisance therein
of any kind.
0 0
o 0
Sze. la Be it further ordained by the authority at t ore•
tad, That no person shall, during market hours, buy, or
came to be bought, any articles of provisions, fruits and
ether wsmmodity whatsoever, for the purpose of reboil
ing or re calling the same.
Sze. 18. Be it further ordainai by the authority afore
said, That no huckster, dealer, or other person .whatso
ever, shall buy or cause to be bought, within the limits
in the city, any articles of provisions, fruite,vegetables or
other commodities intended for the market, for the par.
pose of retailing or reselling the same, between the hours
of,two o'clock, p. on Tuesdays and Fridays of each
and every week ; and nine o'clock, a. m, on the regular
market days heretofore established.
Sec. 17. Be it further ordained by the authority afore
said, That it shall bathe duty of the Clerk of the Ma . ket
to sweep out the market houses every ward day after
market hours, and shall once in each week during the
months of April, May, June, July, August, September,
October and November. cause them to be washed and
thoroughly,eleaueed by the use of the hose and hydrant
water; and it shall be his duly, moreover, to attend each
maraet day during market hours, within the market
lis, and at such other timesas may be necessary, and en
force all the laws, or ordinances end regulati ns, relative
.the markets, and shall eels, and prosecute for all
breaches thereof, and shall prevent all persons from oc
cupying stalls or stations without authority, or tea pur
posesnot authorized. He shall weigh, try and examine
all bread, butter, lard and other provisions purporting to
bo of a given o r acca.tomed weight or measure, and a-1
scales, weights and measures watch anfouud is themar.
ket; he shall examine all persons suspected ofunla stalls
pareha - sing, during market hours, articles for ret .11log,
and shall take nob order rearecting ail provisions and
Other articles which may be seized under the provisiona
of this law as the Council may direct, and shall ot ac
cept or take from any perstn attending market any do
nation, &e, perquisite or reward, under any prolate,
Sao. 18. Be it further ordsined by the authority afor
raid, That no regular butcher or other person
reedy or indirectly, purchase, or cause to be purchased,
from any farmer or other person, any fresh meats (e x
cept pork in the hog) offered for sale within tae bormde
of the city, and re-sell the same meats, or any p are
thereof, at wholesale or retail, under the penalty of five
dollars far-every offence.
Sim lg. Be it further ordained by,the author thefore;
said, ThatKahan be th e duty of the Clerk ofMar:
ket m attend' eVery Tuesday and Friday morning at the
Harriabdre bridge market, and see to it that all the pro
visions-of this ordinance in relation to the regular mar
ket on Wednesdays and Saturdays are duly observed
and enforced, so fares they may be applicable to this
market; and said provisions of this ordinance are hereby
made and declared to be in bill force, binding and ob
ligatory en all persons .attending the said bridge market.
Sea 20. Belt further ordained by uthrmity afore
said, That for any and every w
oninfractior vioiation of
any of the provisions of this ordloance, (not othiswise
provided for,) the °Vender or offenders shall be fined is
any sum not less than 3, nor more than 10 dollars, at the
discretion of the Mayor br any Alderman of said city,
before whom the offender or offenders may be proses
cited to conviction.
Sea 21. Be itfurther ordained by the authority Vora
said, That all ordinsnces heretofore Fused upon the sub
jeeta of the markets, embraced within the provisions of
this °Minims ere hereby repealed.
Passed ilareh a, 1881. T A. HAMILTON,
President cf Common Council, pro tem.
Attest : Dam Mosta, Clerk.
Approved March 14, 1861.
Made rift, WM. IL KEPNER, Mayor.
_ . .
3: Back *boo situate in Market street, below Fourth
in this city, and now in the occupancy of Wm. Parkhill
as a pltunbins establishment. They will be rented Se
parately or Jointly. iroeseselon given April 1881.—
Apply to [nals4t] =WM LIM. •
New 2hertistmenta.
HOUSES TO It wo convenient
Houses in Dewberry Alley, between Cherry and
Ulentnitt street Possession given on the Brit or April
ml 6 4t Fourth and chestnut strees.
BILLS. The finder will be Rowdily rewarded by
returning them to this iffice, or to JULIUS VOGLESONG,
Strawberry alley between, Third and Fourth streets. le
York, Pennsylvania,
EDWARD J EVANS & GO., Propri e .
tors Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Grapes, smili
fruits, Rhubarbs, Asparagus, Shrubs, Roses, Bedding
plants, dm., In great Variety.
Orders left with G. H. Small at the State Capital Bulk
will receive prompt snootiest.
Catalogues gratis on application.
marle-lcod&w G. H. suat,.
Independent Order of Daughters of Temperacce
a ut hold a FAIR IN EXCHANGE HALL, on Tuesday, the
12th, Wednesday 20th, Thursday 21• t Friday 22d and
Saturday 23d, for the sale of Useful, Fancy and Orna
mental Articles. The ptoceeds to be applied to the 11.
quldation of the debt upon their hall. The Council, Mang.
ful for past favors, earnestly solicit the attendance and
patromge of their friends and the public generally.
Doors will open at two o'clock and close at eleven
P. IL ran.l6.lwd
FROM One to Five Hundred Hollers
worth of CITY BONDS. Enquire of
marl No. 28 South Second Rtreet.
THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore exist.
ing between Jacob Styes and Hairy A. Weaver, in
the 'smithies business in Eummelstown, Was dis
solved on the With day of February last, by mutual con.
seat. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said
firm are hereby notified to make settlement to JACOB
S fYLES on or before the first day of Abril next, other
wise their accounts will be planed in the bands of a pre.
per officer for collection. "JACOB STYLES,
NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL, landing and em
busking rassengera at QUE NSTOWN, (irelond.) The
Liverpool, New fork and Philadelphia bteamship corn.
Roy latend despatching their full powered Clyde-built
I, on Steamships as follows :
ETNA, Saturday, 234 March ; WOO, Saturday, 30th
March; CITY OF s&LTISIORK, Saturday, 6th April, and
every daturday , at Noon, from Pier 44, North liver.
FIRST CABIN $76 o".'. . .$3O 00
do to London $BO 00 I do to L0nd0n...338 00
Steerage Return Tickets, good for Six Months -60 00
Passengers forwarded to Paris, Haire, Harnbttrg,
Bremen, Rotterdam, Antvrerpolto., at reduced through
Persona wisbhm to bring out their Mends can buy
tickets here at the following ra es, to NeW York: From
Liverpool or Qaeenstown • Ist Cabin, $76, $B5 anitslo6.
Steerage from Liverpool ' $4O 00 FrOM Queenitown
$3O 00.
These Steamers have superior accommodatiOns for
passengers, and carry experienced Surgeons. They are
built in Water-tight Iron Sections, and Dave Patent Fire
Annihilators on board. for further inforination apply
at the Company's Offices. JNO. G. DALE. Agee%
mlB4f 15 DroadwaY, New York.
Asecoid-band PIANO. An easy RE
MINING CHAIR. Several lame DESKS, &c for
sale cheap at S. WARD'II; Front street.
100 Shares. of Harrisburg Bank Stook
Will be sold at public auction at the
Jones House en Zuesday the 26th fest, at two
o'clock. 4.stda
Strawberry Alley between Fifth . and
Sixth Streets.
THIS ESTABLISHMENT is stoaktird with
which will be hired on reaeonableterna.
marl-8m ADAMS. agt.
GARRISON'S oslebrated household
Ai_ soap, la large and small quartiles by
mar9.4t* EBY & SUM.
40 boxes of Oranges and Lemons for
gala cheap, by
A THIRD STORY ROOM, in the brick
ri building, on Market street, below bth. Apply to
mar9.4t* J. R. aRY.
17 W. DOCK J. & CO
flud an assortment of fine Ladies' Traveling Satchels.
find a great variety of Walking Canes.
find an unrivalled assortment of Perfumery . , Ar
madas, Hair (Ills, Cosmetics, Soaps, &c.
find all kinds of Brushes—English Tooth and Hair
Brushes, Cloth and Leather Brushes.
find a fine lot of Gilehrlst's Pocket Cutlery.
lind a large stock of Portmomudes, Purses, Wanda,
and Segar Cases.
find a choice lot of Havana Cigars.
No. el Market Street,
feb.2l Two Boors East or Fourth Street.
CIE VERNE% : A romans of destiny.
By Oliver Wendell lloltnes.
GUADALOUPE : A We of Love and War.
By a Military gentleman of Philadelphia.
COUSIN WILLIAM : A tale of fuldonable
THE MISSISSIPPI, by the Rev. Wilburn.
JACK HOPETON ; or the adventures of a
Georgian. •
SONGS OF TRELA.WD, by Samuel Lover.
by Grace and Philip Wharton;
All the new books of the day for sale as soon as pub
Books not on hand, will be procured in a short time at
publishers prices, without additional prices, at
51 Market street.
Mar 9
ONLY • $1.75 PER TON.
Si 75 per ton, delivered by Patent Weigh Cate.
?eb2mown COAL;just received by care for sale b y
NOTICE is hereby given that letters of
Administration on toe estate of JourIATELB Posker
late of Lower Swot Ira to waship,Diughlo 00.,deed., have
!We d been granted to the subscribers. All Penlens b a l l -
Mg claims against the estate, are requested to Mato
known the same without delay, and personn knowing
themselves Indebted are !equated to make immediate
Payment to the undersigned. ADAM MUM,
POLLY 115055,
Aoltlo Alizoinianatorior emote JOnathao "Utter.