Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, March 16, 1861, Image 1

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(81110.011112(0121116.,} ' •
. •
THEYS.64lkacus Stamosta;mx,
The Deux Tun=Ph is served to Imbieribors in the
eormigh at eV cents per week; Yearly aabaoribery
will. be otuirged $4.00.
The Ilitsautru is slat published_ tiviceu week during
the session of -the Wel:dare, and weakly during the re
mainder of tie yinn., and fu,rinali 'ed to itubsoribers at tin
following name, viz : ' -
Single • Nbserikere per
J. L .11 o ;; ;
las Law or enwrisalmmei
subscribers 'order.:the - discontinuance of their news
papernthe publbdier may continue to send them until
all arrearagee are paid. •
If subscribers neglect or refuse to' take their newspa
pers from the office to which they are directed, they are
responsible until they bay. settled the bills and ordered
Nl2 VEit. DE 111 L .I..Z.AI,Nis .- ' •
T id' oeinime . 41ed entirelyfrom G ' •
. n om time ,
--- einetharbecnme - atresteldishadtuts - TStaridard Medf.
e, known and•appnoved atist all the have used lt,
and la now resot tl'-to NJ LWAh confidence in all the
diseases for whlottit la r,e12 , 11 , eoranceindedi. - . . - -
It" has oared themsands, ,Vsilldif the hist two years
1 1E4
who had givennpailhopee :„k• of relief, as the numerous
uneollatted i:eleilifkiates in ` l 4 my possession show.
The dOiitirtntiSt belkdapt- A ed to the temperament oi
the htdividmtrinking lt, and r ef ilk? ci:in awl, eu au titles as
toaistgentlyensthewelle.rj: -
Let the 'Mates of your Vtl '
• of. the Irtrliallf VIGO- M
tirriteow~tamovii P.
S t . 8001 slo44Clit MOTT
CIICITI*4 *t° Bl gP B t - bi/OURA
Jametiol; lOWAN Wear.
itadensfully Isla Onexeis- ge
tam at commencement of p
h 4.3. wno nava _au ine It 4
" - favor
• Alir Nix Water In the month with kb.. In.
• Irtgorator, and swallow both together.
Til‘railtat tikaltdit
salve yttnntme which the
pinetfee, mayethan twenty
The et:lnstantly inoreas
have long need the p
all envies In reran to
to, place Ahem!. virithia..thp
'ThigolloloSyTell know
on difierbitt:POrtions,of the bowels.
' liiitIPAIMX. , OATHAR- V TIC PILL has, with due re•
04 Milted fact, been compoun
ded from a variety of the El: pereat Vegetable Extracts,
which act alike °mental part of the alimentary ca
nal, and are good and cafe Pt in all oaseswhere a ca
. tbartio:br nested, duch• viA Deisagenkente ,Of SiOlnaeh;
• Skiiigneli s Paint in fher" Back and Loins, Costeveno
Pant anaiStratess over tie pi body,.liertienentt, Franck.
or weight in the head, at4._ fV•mii, maim/ Ihseases,
Wore*** Cfliedrers-or Vl' ti.M; lThessinattin:tot unit
/he fflooo,:rmalManz thipagel34,o . sibtch
"zi'• tit Mention' h'i'thlie s leer ,
.3. 0 • - ,
Tea Levin INVIGORATOE AND rAbiwt.ciTiLut
..-io-Enze are-retailed by Drgggietggen - erally,and •
sold whelesale. b the Trade in all the large
t W. SANFORD, M. b
• — l 4Blligfactur
1112134"11.1 Pf•-*oaa ECard gr-OPTieta
. way, New York
. .
)burg, —III"7I;EYNDERSIGNED having leased
this well known and Popular hotel, in the city of
burg, is , now , Jetting =4 furnishing the . same
with PTIRNITURB in the very best modern
It hitoeted in the most central part' of the city; within
a short distance.. of the depots of fourAilfferent railroad
- tiiidtiliOnier the *late Oa pitol buildinAS. . 1
The house istarge and the sleeping-apartments are
sell ventilated.
Th ATUM is .w,elVprovided: with all. ifeationabletilirU
alai'"'This city is well known throughVethe Bigler-as
having thsheat market outside of the Atlaillo cities, and
..coneeqnently..noLeomplainte shalthirmadems that score.
The BAR has alieY,llkillergonti °hinges and will be kept
Stocked with the beet end purest Liquors in the country
• ~No exertion wilt be spared to make the traveler and
• sojourner 00MM - table in every respect.: A continuance
Of patronage of the old customers, together with new
additions 19 respectfully solicited.
Harrisburg, August 23-tt
cwhoielale Arid Retail•Thitkena Pregotivion More.
e Iron Front Itolhdogi No. 128 - Market !treat, lately
oedupled by.Mr."Eby,.wehre eon be found' ananti re new
stock of 'Wash and Pere Dings, Peritniiery, - So .COA:
011.1, COAL OMl4' ,14P8,, Burning Muhl, Ala hot Intent
Medicines, Mationeiry, Fancy : Articles, ho., We
have the agency, for the: sale of JilinoW Celebtated Arti
ficial Teeth, to which we would invite the attention of
Golatistu. • • ,
fly strict attention to bostries4 and desire to please,
we respecthilly ask :a share of Public Patronage.
G. 19: MEM.
M. Havana Sugars and Tobacco constantly
on hand. . . .
lifT B4 G7 . : . • ' •-" -•-• '
grimity of GciVernment; which con
rtltutes you one people, Is now dear to you."—..
Was slytltt'slittreseal Address; A natiomdityls anitin
tial to the enduring proeperity of bur country. True Pa=
triotisminust arise fromitnowledge. It Is only a proper'
Whilerstanding, of our civil'.institutions that Gan induce
nireng.euLnettleCattaehment - to - their - principlas, and
impart ability fur-their nutintenance.
"OUR GONIIIONT -An eiplanatori statement of
the system of Government of the Country," contains the
text of the Constitution of the tinned States, and the Oon
etituttonal provisions of the several. States, with their
Meaning and,ooninnuotiOn, as deteintimidby judicial an.
thoitt y, and precedent and practice, or derived from
standard writers; digested and arrasited;for popular use
Price $ l . OO . 'Bola bY M. IPSINNEY,
del . • Harrishurg, Pa.
;BLVlZaksaucr *LB. 'WV MB BEAR 0.1
" • - ItRan'SHOTEZ • '
EE tadbisigned hal re-commenced the
ilvery.bumess in his NEW . and . SPACIOUS ..STA
Ile larded air above, With a large and varied st ock
HOB •, CARRIAGES and OBINIBUSId3,, which. be wli
WO at mot** - - y. swAgrz.
tTIEHLER 1101JSE, - '
A - R E T Si kit TO A, ICE',
P, The ab °We:Weir known and long established Hatel is
. now undergoing a .thorough renov_atjsmArta being in a
great degree nelnynader-tbOtr.oirrietorship
of Mr. GeownC.l. Berscay,pirbp hak.beedazi.fumate of the
hone* far the' lest - three years v abll. ig cif known to
ta Linda - Y.; . J. •
Taankhil for the *Wel patronage Whhti , ,it has en.
Dyed, I cheerfallYconunend Mr. Belton -to.the rabbi
'or: flegwei di' • .WILLIAM' KUCHLER.
J. & F. MAIM&
78 Market Street.
For iolo by
• - - Nz.‘--`2` """. ' l 2 ' l ,'? '7l 7 --- . -'. , :l7 `'`u - .
..,.____,................ . ,
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Pennsylvania Legislature
FRIDAY, March 16, 1861
The Senate met` at 10 gt'clock, A.
Mr. PENNEY in, the: Chair.
The Journal was partly read.
Mr. CONNZIX presented. - the reriorutithis of
the Board of Directors of the -Eighth School
District of the city pf Philadelphis,:iiilayOr of
the bill remodelinirthe Board - q ;
The rem:Angora:were' ordered , to published
in the. Ritcoso•as follows : - :An
At `:a meeting of `the ;Board DireCtirra of
Public,Sehools, Eighth. Section, held this day,
the lollowing , resolutions were unanimously
adopted . a:
Resolved,,. That in' heOPiniti'Jn of this Beard,
experience has shown that the Board of Con
trol, as at, present lionstituted, is wholly Inca
pable of performing the important duties im
posed upon it in the,organization of the School
system of this city. . • • • •
Resolveci, That as the first step towards re
form, more Competent men should be , selected
to fill the - office of Controller, and as the bill
recently introduced =into the Legislature, pro
poses to vest ;the appointment of 'the *troll
ere in
.theqcurts and,'COuncils, we inge the
passag of the same, in hope of produc ing this
long.needed clusnge.
Resoked,'. That a copy of these resolutions be
sent' to * T . 'Connell, the Senator.:.:Who intro
duced the bill, and to Mr. Abbott of the House
of Representatives, with a request that the
same be presented to the Legislature.,'
• Very respectfully,::
Secretary Board, 14141; Section,
S. E. corner 17th and Wand Sts.
Hon. Eitonoe. `Cosixti .
Senate Chamber, Illipisburg, 'Penna...
judgoieat guide. you In th
BATOR, and: IX will curt
Arum, Ostiomme,Osacou
uex oosavirreass, Cuomo
lenturrtref, F L /Tr L CNC!,
NIDNIMOuId may be uaed
BY /Summit. II
(aa thousands oau testity),
ma their teadenony In It.
TW PILL is a gentle n
prnprleidt has used to id
rug dsinandrroMt.ti osi.who
and the .satisraotion which
their .use, has Induced me
reach - dt all.
that different Catbartke act
Referred to the Committee on Education
Also, a memorial citizens of. Philadelphia,
in favor of an Act:. for the better protection of
the wages of laborers. .
• Referred .to the Committee on the Judielar3r.
Mr. PARSER., one'of like import from citi
iens of Philadelphia. : • -
Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Mr. CONNELI alio, presented a memorial; of
citizens of Penizzylvarda, asking for an appro
priation to aid the Pennsylvania Colonization
society. _
Referiato the - Criikftee on
Mr Ta Presented one of like import
from citizens of, Delaware county. •
Referred to the Committee_ on . Finance.
THOMPgOI4; " one of; like'iMpert: from
citizens of thia - .
Referred 'to the FinitOe.COnnnittee
Mr. (21-BZW;Oueof Ithe
'Referred to the Fi11111163 Conunittee
Mr. CHLWFORD, one of like import; 11001
by citizens of Cninberlincrcounty, .
Referred to - the Finance 9thproittee. , ,
Mr. WELSH; two: of like import from citizens
Referred to the Finance Committee.
PALMER; . (theSnikkiiii,j 4 one,of IBrilm T
port from.citikenitotSchuylkillpontity',`. • ,
Referred to the Finance Committee.. •• ;
Mr. •COHNEJF.III iiso presented aremonstrence
numerously squid by citizens of Plriladelphia'
against the yassage of any law deprivingUdges
of the Supreme Wirt from the power of ap
pointing the Board of; Health, the Board of
Guardians - of the Poor end the' Imptlctors of the
Comity Prison.'
Referreiiti the COmmitbae on: the JudiciFy.
Mr. SMITH preseriteitona, numerously sp
ed of like import '• I ,' 2 •
Referred to the Coniiniitee on hie liidclitry.
Mr. SERUM, two petitigps of citizens of
Chester county; asking for a maiiiiitionktfthe
law relative to . .Constables fed
Referred to the: Committee on the Judicisay.
Mr. THOMPSON presented two petitions of
citizens of.Lyconiiiigivitrity, asking for & laW
to authorize the *Won Of,A boom ill the West
,blinch of the Siiivatiehiuma •river, at or near
Jersey Shore ' said county.: •
Laid uponthe,table. , • ,
Mr. GREGG presentwl three petitions of Bice
imPort, 'idtited I )3'
; Laid upon . the table. •
;Also, two of like import from citizens of Ti-,,
Laid npn the4hie
Mr. BOUND, one oilikeimport from citizens
of Tioga county
Laid upon the table.
• Also ; one Of similar import_, signed turpllOo._
Laid npon'tlie
Isl4 - AlRHGEtzpreseuted a petition , of citisenq
_of eentre county atikitiefOt &lave* the pro
-Notion: of deer in'aaid 4563.14 tit,
'Referred 44 f_Coininitte& ow , kgriculitire.
Also, a petition of citizens of CaMeron. ,cdinii
ty asking for a, imitp#, the site of tgli:Conntk
fieet.of said - ,
ak,,fdrke4,,, t 0 the :( fomm~ttee on New Counties
and uormsy,seats. . S:,ILTt.
Mr. ClNKlKEtiliresehtioili s teiiiiini tif
Of %di' north wist,. ward.Of the clip of Beading,
asking for additional eleqtion divisions in $!/44 .
city s
- Referred to the Comm4tte9
Also, a petition of citizena o£ the same Wad,
a"sk2lg'for a dirititol of Odd — NVaid' into election,
precincts, .and that the house of Hiram Baraby
maybe made an election, hbuse.
Referreatithe'couintittee Irle6f,lon
Abio i a petitien of citizens .of. Am* , county;,
aikingfOr arednotion.frilliii*onnt ; paid ,for
licenses to sell iikt!..:ceiby*liiirieF:iittantily thin
ferred -to the Committee onnuince.
Also, a petition , citizens of Ifeilut: and
Schuylkill comities ' Wilting• for a change the
boundary: lines betivem said counties. • ;
Iteferred to the Coirimittee:6ll New Cortnties
andCountv seats,'?'
'Mr; LANDON presented a petition of
wens of Bradford county, 'asking that the friend!'
of the Country maintain the National Ad:Min
istratibn, the ConstitUtion and laws as they
- Deemed' s tri:the Committee on ,Federal Bela
tiona. • i
a petition of citizens of' the North'
Pastern &Addles of: this., Statk'pmying - for the
release, 'of the $lO,OOO - Mi. imposed , upon , the
New York and Erie railroad company for
right of way through Pennsylvania.
Referred-to - the - eomndtOrdtt FOrinceT u .
Also,. a petitionn of citizens of
Bradftord'oceinty, that L.'S.L.Bingsberry
map be buthozedito lay out grormds and tom
straofiiitableappurtenances for, the truifilt* of
Rifoi 7 L . '
Referred to the Committee on Agriculture,
Also, a petition of citizens of Bradford county
for a coculty,poox house.
Feb; ;24thl
II . ,kRigSBURG, kA.4
'!':Edened the .fudi9lag.
" * BENSCIN - 'petition f lira " f War
Mr. , a o -ct ns o -
ren county, asking for a --ferry across the Alle
ghenyiriver at'Tidioute.
Referred to the Committee on Canals and Bk.
land Navigation.. .: a r
ld.r. BOUND presented-a petition of atm -.
of Derby township, Northumberland county]
asking for the extension 'Of the law relative gt 6
the - selling - Of the repairing of public roads in
Schnylkill,county, to said-township.; •
i Referred to the Committed on Roads and
Bridges. ' , , I.
Also, a petition of citizens of , Colunrbia COWL-,
ty, asking that the 1aw....cL1869 4 ..f0r the better`
security, of the waged, of laborers, may bed ex_
tended to said county. : , 1
litlferred to the Coireniitee on the Judie4try:
Also, a petition of citizens , of Derby township,
NurthumbeiFind eountic iiikirefor a taxi on
unseated laupe, for the sport the poortd
saicrcountyl ,
Referred to the Committee On the' Judicku7.
- Also, a petition of cititAlfs of the - same town
ship, in favor of a tax on dogs.
Referred to the Committee on Agriculture,,
of ' lurie
Also, a petition . gitmens of, co La
couiity, for the passage of a law ig e quiring ti at
dams-now being constructed and—those hdeat
ter to be constructed , be arranged so as to!
cilitate the passage of ftslf to the hied waters of
the Susquehawia _
Referred to the Committee on Agriculture,
Mr. WELSH pr4ented a remonstrance from ,
citizens of York county, against the passa6
a stay law.
liikferred: fahe Cbminlrt4 orilEI,JudiATY.
Mr. Mr RFATlkproseated a petition from
citizens of Indiana nouo.ty, in favor of an lap:
propriation - tcraid free i ncolded persons of - this
State to emigrate tn : LibtOa.
Reierred to-the Financet Cmxpiieee.
, )&r. BLOOD presemied_one inapOt
signed by citizens of this State.
Referred to the Finance Committee
Kr...LAWRENCE presented a—petition from
citizens of Greene county, in: fairor of a chaiib
in the school laws. • • ;
Referred to the Committee on Rdication. ;
Kr. ROBINSON, a petition from...eitizene of
Mercer county, for the relief of Robert King.
Referred'to the Committee oil Private Clainis
and Damages: .
Mr. PENNEY; presented Ave petitions frOm
citizens of ;Pittsburg, in favor of the bill era
tied "an act relating to Allegheny coanty."',
Laid upon.the table.
Also, a petition of members of the bar [of
Alleghenycountt, in faVer-Arf inemetl salaries to7.thil - ,Tudgesif the Courts of said county.
Referred to the Conanditen'on; the_hdiciaityr,
Also, a petition of numerous. : business men
and o_ther tsar payers of Pittaburg,,in; favor 4f
the p*esage of bill relating to tliksecuritie# ,
of, the Commonwealth.:
-:•laid-upon;V:fotable. -.:; ; •
KETCHAM presenffid kreto =Orme j '
se;oral hundred citizens of Euzeine -Connie
--against-any-division of said-county. ;
Refeggclt.9 gatamittee7,94LN,MP9Pulies and
.Cciunty: _Seats— _ _____________-- ,
:Ur. FINNEY; presented ;tiokremonstrances of
citizens of Clearfield count*, afgainatithe
- pf:th - e - ,TerieTY - Bhore boom :
Laid -npon the-table.
unarm ore STANDRick cOaugtO ; -
Mr. SHUR, (Finance,) comtted, an Act
relative-to theihiladelphis, Ger m antown and
Norristown Railroad company.
Mr. BENSON, (same) as oominitted, an Att
relative 'to the imposition di' taxes on'the Dela
ware division, Nest Branch_diVision, Susque
htuina, North Branch and Wyoming canal com
parties. :
Mr, GREGG, (same) as committed, joint reso
lutions to pay. James p
Mr. HALL, (Estates and Escheatsy as com
mitted,,an Act-relative to the
,estate of Samuel
(same)As committe‘an Act-to auth
ire the trustees of the Methodist Episcopal
Church,:. of Bloody Run,;-3311ford - - - .-sounty, to
sell certain real estate.
Mr: WELSH., .(Finance,)._as committed, an
Act for the more efficient collection of debts
due the Comnionweelth. I
Mr, BENSON, (Estates and Escheats;) as coin
ranted, an Act tel antoriZe_the trustees of the
Methodist Episcopal Church of Warren to con
vey certain real-estate: rS
Mr.: CLYMER, (WO) as dommiiad, an Act
to authorize qbarles 'Vomit-and Tames.M. Van-,
zandt to sell certain rhil estate.
Mr. 13013GETER, (Sitme)-4ea committed, an
Act to authorize Thomas Pattersen, executor of
William *alive, deceabed, _Sell-certain real
estate. '
Mr. MOTT, (Canals - and Inland Navigation,Y,
as committed, an Ackdeclaring the east branch
of Little Toby creek, in Elk county, a publiq
highway, , . .1:
Mr. BOUNR,Tdomfare : Bliis,) made a report
of bill which had beenconvared and presented
to the GOvernoi.
Mr.BFLLa RE'!+ll fl PLACE
a system of,wharfage bird charges 'at the port of
Philadelphia, and - for other - pui therein;mentinned.
Referred to the Judiciary boinniittee:
Mr. PARKER, a, supplement to an Act tol
confirm - the revised grade and survey regula
tions of the fourth. section of Surveys of West
Philadellibia, and part of thie late; township of
Blockley. i j
Referred - to the - judiciary'Comuzofei.
Mr. CLYMER L an Aot to authormi, the guar
dian of the minor children, ciellianca:A. parade,
deceaaed, to sell certain ;bank: dock ; and to
authorize the trustee of the real estate belong
ing to said Minors to mortga ge ; he same.
Referred to the Judiciary Committee.
Mr. BOUGHTER, an Act authorizing an ex
amination of the:claim of Burke and Gonder.
Referred to the Committee on Private Claims
and Damigee.
Mr. ROBINSON, an Act for the: relief of Ro
bert King, - of Mercer county: - •
Referred to the Judiciary Committee.
Also, an Act relative to the! claim of James
M'Keari and Marmaduke Rambo.
Referied-to the - Committee - on Private Claims
end Damages 2
I Also, an Aotto detablish a‘public ferry over
the Allegheny ..titer, near the mouth of Oil
creek in Vellango.Coanty: _
Referred toZhe•Committee on Canals =On
land Na, • to l i. ; • - ,
! • le' CO' an. Act, to, ,prPvi3O, for Ali
morOcOr‘iErniii.fattiful assessment Of; real .01*
tatein Bhikulelpidaz- ' . -
1{46 50 - 4 to f0gRa6.1404*44i,
1 89,vittr*Pit;19 Act;
"a 4 141**
she Ph i itAe p , Germantown and Norristown
Railroad company.
Referred to the Committee on Corporation'.
Mr. EGESTAND, an Act to authorize the
Chestnut Iron Ore company, of Lancaster
conntY, to borrowmoney and to secure the pay
meat thereof. ,
Referred to the Committee orx.the jaiciary.
. Mr....WKLSH, an Act - tuinpikciand
arra. Ciad.,,,comparnes..•. r';: z....r.; , .:. ! .. ; ~:n . ~,,
• ;'' 04/744 companies
Cortnnit*: one. Roads And
aid e 3 :4; ,qlt,- , 4 ',4; 4..•
I fp , ', " • p to: incorporate the
IS •, , ,A' , !r•-': - W '' ' ; .- Nil. 1, efßtininton;
Luserne.county. , ,
Referred to, the Committee.; on , Corporations.
Also; A' thippleniebt to an Act 115 'incorporate
the Wilkesbarre and Kingston Passenger Rail
road Corapany;.: I 1 '
Iteferredio the' Committee on Railroads. •
_ Mr._ LAWDON, .-a. - -supplement- to - the road
laws.of Rush townshipeasquehanna county. '• '
I' 'lttiferr&l" icT 'ibii . "'Committea on Roads and
bridges. ''' • t i
' Alio,,U `supplement tothe Act ;incorporating
the bort:44li Of , Montrose ;" AnsquPhanna coun
Referted - tOlbli;Cliiin - iittee on Corporations.
.' 4hCifill Aef.iii'ditinktitte place of holding
elections' Liberty . township, Suaqueharina
c...0u-AtT , - ' .. .. 1 . ....1 . • • • -.'''. : : ..
Referred to : the Committee on • Election'
Districts. ; .....- ;.--.B' cli .:,,..: :,' .., ..'1 . . .
Alao, an Act to incorporate 'the -, St. Joseph's
rernale• **Amp ,of •Susquehaanut county.
Referred to the Committee on 'Corporations.
Mr—FiNlTEYearkact-to-faciliate the collec
tion of „dabrs,,ilne,the the ; : Commonwealth.
Reffirt:W'toriheb6Letteg on` Finance.
.i. Also' v anutetrelative to filing opinions in the
5Y.P. 310 3e ,0 .9.Artt • -.; , :•.". ;..c.'•-.:
BarerriA Ito the Committee int:•the ;ndiciarY,
kr: PrZsiggic a supplement to an Act in
corporating the PittAirg, Manchester and Al
legheny Passenger Railway-company.
, ; Referred' to - itlia'dOnimittee on Railroad's.
Onie bill No'. 275; entitled "an Act relating
to , deeiln'the county of Oeutre,7 came up in
order 'third 'Mean*. '
On xnotiolief OREGG'; the bill was laid
:S ate bi1:1 Noy `l3 ientitleds ;‘'an. 'Act , reliting
to Alig-,§OOPlinfo - ....cif the. Delaware and Hudson
Canal company,"., came up in order on third
-- '
%Oft motion of= KETCHAM, the bill was
laid over-untillton4ayMx CONK LL moved • that .:
. ' s V P I .P I i RE CCWO-. 3 a,1 15) *
..tit! -Senate re
toruildiii the vote had on the final passage of
Senat.&bill No: 443 entitled "a supplement to
an Act toincentmAte, the North Second street
lfiarkitcompimy,of Philadelphia." •
was agreed to, and the bill laid
.IITeR on third wling.
. .
r. phrsugica4.Acsuro ON. •
nt4tr.t[tiAraiadeil p.Efraufe; hill No. 147
[ titlist:`-!`thi2 Actto - ineorPoTate . the Allegheny
flanntAin e llealtErAilatituta.
IKr.44:IREITAO moved that the Committee ;
on the'Xicliabiry eitaiga from 11A : atiiiiid=
station of bill pntitlpd, ‘!ari.Act to : antliptiFi the
Militant ?gtill',-Trim, company to 'hiorrriw .
[ jhonekiirtla seCeratha . pAyMenttherecif,! 'And'
that the'Birietetoreider the aarae,
'.: [ 1
Mr BLOOD called np Senate bill, No. .287; 2
etititlid;An. ACt:'4:4s e x empt the Presbyterian.
ClierCV' ram, ; towaship, Clarion
county ,'from - taxation • [
' Prated
. [The Clerk of the. House of . Representatives
*lnitritisidneed I:Fetiented'a, large number _of
bincfotl::oll — oithiel l o A A -
3,1r. - Cf.'ooairiaired that the,: C ommittee on
Estates and , EsCheats be 'diseharged from the
consklerAtiou of bill entitleOp : an Act .to Author-,
lie Ilreguardian - uf the minor olilliiiinOfJames
13anitAe,deteailerl, to , sell.certain.bauk stock;
to.Antbarlie the truestees of the real estate
belonging to to mortgage the
..tigicil to, and the bill, .
`Passed finally.
, Mr. WIT called up• House bill No. 331, en
'titled; a supplement to , an Act 'to incorporate
, the Big Black Greek Improvement company,
approved April 12th e 1855.
Passed Enallp.:
Mr. PARSER moved drat the committee on
Judiciary be liecharged,frem the consideration
a.hill e4tilled, appplement to van Act to
confirni:the - revised glade and survey regrda
lion of the 'fourth section of the survey of West
Philadelphia and a part of.the late township of
/31ockley, ;approved. March, 28th, 1860,P and the
Semite. consider the seine.
• The' 'tuition was agreed to, - and the bill
Passed finally:
''Mr. -- 810111NDlilf.i called np Rmise •bill, No.
351, ,entitled " ruiACt relating. to. the Easton
library Company, of ?Easton, Northampton
county ,1 . ,
Paged BnaIly• '
Mr. SERRELL called. up /longs bill, No. 224,
entitled: Han--Act...-to4noolporate the Green
Lawn Cemetery. Company :'.'
Passed linallyt,;
Mr:.ROI3II4PON - called { . up Howe bill, No.
478, intltled.," "an Act to suthorize the election
of*rtkidditiOnal supervisors in Shirley town
ship, Thmtingdon county.", Passed
Mr.. 2q10101.4 Called up House bill, No. 861,
entitled " incorporate the Niagara
Hese Company; o€ the city of Pldladelphia."
• - •
Mr., PRTNEY celled tip Senate bill, No •118,
entltled" .4 ' Act to"' incorporate the Lucesco
Oil Cotapii an i:7.
In the Consinittee of the Whole, Mr. LetON
in the chair • '' -
Mr. WEL:t3H, moved toAmend thcf fourth sec
tion by addint:in the ninth line, after the word
"authorised 7' the words "or heteafter Created."
amendment was agreed to.
The seventh section was read as folloWs
That the stocicholdas of said company shall
be individually liable, jointly and; severally, for
debts. due Mechanics, -workmen and laborers
employed-by saidemnpany, and'fOr coimtuy pre
visions furnished for said caraPanY, to be sued
for azict' Collected as is provided in the twelfth,
thliteenthand.fourteentlksectiona of-the Act in
corporating:the-Lanna,poal and iron com
apprOvidltha,l- eelt fifth day of April, Anno
Domini .0110 i thowtad eight hundred and fifty
thrett:'/Vortiea; That no stockhol der : shall be
individually 'for any, such debt; unless
Red for within six months after such debt
have been contracted - - -
afr.-pßmmy , moved' to amend ,
out thd''worl "country" before the Word "pro.
iliforis,;l'•third line 4 , and to strike out
at thirrenditif thifsectlonthe wordat-"have , been
contracts' and Insert "shall beoonie due and'
Mr. FULLER moved further to amend by
inserting- the word "all" before the words
"debts," in the second' line, and by striking
out therefop4lo the. word "compax2 o ; it, the
fourth - line: ' •
FULLETt stated diet the object of :this
amendment was rto make the- compeny 10,ble
for all debts " &nitrated, within six _months of
the time at which such debts:Went: sued ?for,
which was theusual wgrsenf proceeding with
bills Of this cliitrioter.
Its.• !Me / Setuttor is mistaken' in'
regard to the practice of the Legislature 134ing
'SO make companies of this kind liable( for all
debts., , Thehill as amended •byhirself,. bin
the samo.formiu whirl; others apt@ nature
I ltayetb say Lin:relatiori to this particular
company that it bash not an imagingy exist: T .
renceihnt , isione Possessing '"it lolal habitation
and a
_name," ancl „they have .:nnplied a
charter, considering such to be necessary under
the'ciicitiostancesin which they are situated.
The ,•giondtP-e l 4 €1.111x."F.1 was) ;not
agreed to, _ . •
And aniendrant proposed by Mr.
• •
Mr. NVITAA moved to amend ~in. the third
line by indeiting—iftei the word "'provisions,"
the word "a4d•nutto4l4 3 ,"'l .
`Agreed to, and .
Thdifectien as amended was agreed t 0..,
The.eighth section was, read.
Mr."l!ENkt7t moved'to amend, the same by
~inserting the word "twenty" in place of "fif
4reed to.
The Committee then rose , W and the bill'ibe
ing repoTted, as amended, tlie,saine was tarn
up and. considered. -
Mr. 'MUST. ineired "tci amend the fourth
section. by striking out all„ after, the. word
MIS" in the eighth - line, and inserting afolloirs:
"of one-lialf of one per cent= on the capital
stockrhereby authorised or hereafter created, in
foUr eilual,unnual installments, and such tax or
dividends as is or may b&proNided bylaw."
Mr. W ISH . Thq simple objeet of this
amendment is to compSl the company to pay a
tiou. upon their 'dividends. lam in favor of
having' this oil o,olOPany come under the, same
provision as ,do other companies throughout
the Cotrunonwealth.: • '
Mr. PENN - Ei stated fthat - he believed the
company would 'Make a very bad bargain by ac
cepting •the charter were =it amended as pro-
""On the amendment proposed by Mr. NY,KISH,
The yeas and nays , were required by Mr.
. and,.. Mr. I?MinsTRY., and wore as fol
low, viz : , _ .
YEAs=-Messrs:Blood,Clyrner, Crawford, Ful
ler-, got, Snifo,deliand Welsh-7.
IsTaTs-lMbisrs. Benion „ Boughter, Bound,
Connell, Gregg, Ifiestandy• Landon, Lawrence,
Meredith, Nichols, Parker, Penney, Robinson
Serrill, Smith„: Thompson and Palmer, Speaker
So thequeOlon wall determined in the negn
tiVePl'' •- • '" ' • •
,Thb section:Avail agreed to.. -
The,remsiningaections were then severally
read' sintagreed to. ' -
On the final passage of the billy•
The yeas and nays were 'required by Mr.
WFLSII tind"Mr. BLOOD, - and were as follow,
YEAS—Messra. Bensan,, Boughter,, Bound,
Connell, BidlerOlieitand,- Landon,' Lawrence,
Meredith,Aiehols, , Parker, Permey,
'Serrill, Smith, Thompson and Balmer, 4,az1r.6.;
NATIF-44eisra: Maid, , Clymer, Crawford,
Mott, Schin del *f.Welah-6.
So , the question was. detemained in the af
flnnative3. _ .
Mr. BLOOD moved that the Committee on
Canals and--Inland Navigation' be discharged_
from the consideration of House. bill No: 416,
entitled - "an Act declaring the west fork of the
•Clarion river a public highway," and the Sen
ate consider the same. . ,
. ,
Agreed to ;
And the - bill was taken up and
Passed finally
Mr BLOOD moved iliaCommiitee on
Corporations be discharged from the considers:
tion of bill entitled' '.a supplement to an Act
incorporating - thiboroUgh of • Saint Mary's, in
the count ., of •Elk, approved March 3, 1848,"
and the Senate consider the same. .
' And the bill vas taken up and
Passed. •
(at the request of Mr. Wwurros,)
mile& np-bill, entitled : a "further supplement
to anAct .to !incorporate the Bedford Mineral
• Spri'ngs company,.
Passed finally,: ' ' I
PEIsTNEY offered the following resolu
tion Which. was twice, read, considered and
agreed to ,[
2 4f olved, That.when, this House adjourns to- 'day, it adjOurn to meet On Afonday next, at 3
P.M. , . .
Afr.CONNELL.callednp Senate bill, No. 144,
entitled "Joint resolution regu:ucing the Secre
taiy'of the ConintonWealth , to purchase Colo
nial Itecords and Pennsylvania' Archlves."
The bill being before the senate on second
r g; • - ' ' •
- esoIi n SMITE mid,- I think. that the ; Senate,
from a spirit of liberality will be induced to
votes copy - of to the new memberi
of. the,Legislature, none, of whom., can obtain
such a copy unless this resolution passes .. iror ,
merasgisbitures ; have voted `- these books 'to
themselves, but the appropriation. has - run out
and Members of the present Legbilatiire cannot
obtain-the-works. .
On thefirst and only section of the,bilk
The yeas and nays were, required by :Mr
WELSH and Mr. CONNELL:and were as fol
YEAs—Messrs. Benson, Bonghter," Bound,
Connell, Crawford, Hall, Kmanilton; Ketcham,
Landon, Mott, Nichols, Parker, Robinson,
Schindel, Smith, and Pidraer,Spebker--16.
NATs —Messrs. Blood, Clymer, Finney, Gregg,
Eiestand, - Meredith, Penney, Eerrill.and Welsh
So the question was 'determined in the affirm
The . question recurring on the finalpassage of
the biii,,
The yeas-.and nays...were required by Mr.
EIESTAND - ancl"Mr. WEI.BH, and were as fol.
: • r
Ynes—Mesars. Benson, Boughter, Bound,
Connell, ' Crawford; Min, Hamilton, Ketcham,
Nichols; Parker Robinson,
,Smith, Thompson
, Palmer,.Spisaker r -14. •
NA:is—Messrs. Blood;' Cly Mer, Finney, Gregg,
Hiestand Mandon, ;Meredith; Mott, Penney;
Kehindel, -Serrill and Welah—l2.
So the 'question was deter Mined in-the affirm-
Mr. PENNEY called up House bill NO - . 96,
entitled "an Act to authorize the appointment
of additional Notaries Public in the city of Pitts
Passed finally.
One Euare one ...a0
Say year ..• • .6.• ........ ••• , • '-
q 60
0 ono week 200
0 ono month . 8 00
I{ three m0nth5........ -.. 600
" six months .600
- one year —.lO 00
go-Business notices inserted in the . Local 'column, or
before Marriages and Deaths, FIVE CENTS FEB LINE
or each insertion.
gE-Haulages and Deaths to be charged as regatta
Mr. PENNEY called up Senate bill No. 379,
entitled "an Act relative to the distribution of
the proceeds of sheriff a sales of real estate."
/rh. Committee of the Whole, (Mr. MITCH/Jain
the Chair,) the bill was agreed to, and on being
so:reported to the Senate, was passed over to
third reading and;
Laid over on the orders.
Mr: BOUND called up bill entitled "an Act
relating to the courts. of Unionand 'Snyder
counties." , - ~ •
Pissed' finallY.• ' ' "
Mr. SEMI:GM called up House bill No. 78,
entitled "a,supplement to an Act to incorporate
the Scranton. Gas and Water - Company, ap
preyed-Mix& lfith, 1854."
Passed finally
Mr. BIiINSON - callecilup . , House bill No. 80,
entitled authorizing Methodist
Eplicopal church , of Warren to: Convey , certain
real estate." - • , • .
ROBINSONMr called up Senate , bill, No.
804; entitled "an Act to repeal the,bdunty on
P:V e ts in the county, of Morcer?!, •
d; Snallyr
Mi. BLOOD- called up How : entitled
"an Act• to repeal an Act appointing commis
sloners to l ay:out and open a State road in the
counties of Mean and Elk, approved May
16th,. 1857.
Panted finally. .
Mr. CONNELL called up Senate bill, No.
388, entitled " a supplement to: an Act relating
to Corporations, etc, passed April 28th, .1855."
Laid over on third reading,:
Mr. BOUGHTER moved that:the Committee
on Corporations be discharged from the consid
eration of Senate bill entitled " a supplement
to en Aot incorporatingthe city ofaarrisburg,"
and the Senate consider the same.
Agreed to.;.end the .bill ---
Passed finally. • - • -
Mr. CLYMER called up Muse bill, NO. 184,
- entitled "a.further supplement to an Act au
thorizing the Limerick and Colebrookdale turn
pike oompany; to extend their road from or neat
Boyertown, in Berks oounty; to the township
line of Douglass township, near Jacob - Boweeo
Mill," Passed - April, 28, 18545: -
Passed finally. •
Mr. GREGG moved that the Committee on
Estate and 'Escheats be discharged from the
consideration pf bill entitled "an Act relating
to the estate of Samuel Grimes, late, of Centre
county, deceased," and that the Senate cortaid
er the same.
Agreed to.
Aid the bill
Passed finally.
Mr. BO,IIND, for theSpoudEer .MoViat that
the Committee on - Election Dietriets be die
charged , from the consideration of Simi
No. 469, entitled. "a supplement to an4et in
corporating the borough of NA Clinton and
for other purposes,. approved April- 15, 4 1850,
and. the Senate omsaler,the game.
Agfeed tb,
And the bill
Mr. CRAWFORD - called. up' Senate hill, en
titled to authotizei Charles Bower and
James Isl.,Yanzandt to sell certain; real estate.
Pawed filially.
The hour of one baying arrived the Senate
tering Company having gained ALL their Intim at
law, with-infringing manufacturers of Sewing Machines,
propose that the public should be benefltted thereby,
and have accordingly reduced the prices of their Sewing
Machines. After this date they. vollibesold aerates that
will pay a fair profit on the coat of manufacture, capital
invested, and expense of making sales such prices a
will enable them, to make first class. machince r and; as
heretofore, guarantee them in every parlbular: t
In accordance with the announcement above I. will
Cell Weir aguiddia Sewing Machines at 'prices frbralitfi
to NO for the - Anafull case inactitnee. - -It is a well eatah
lished fact that the . •
Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Maine
b the bait one in the market; ihribeitmaile, most supie
and least liable to get out of order, and they-are sow as
low as the inferior . machines. Call and see them a
Third and Market. . '
Ael-ent W. : O HICIIOII, Apra
Designers and Enarvers on Wood
Ph4adelgitl• - '
TIXECUTE all kinds of 'Pond Engraving
Jed -with •bea l itr„ correctness and disittai.h.,' 07110 111
designs furnished for Fine Book Ifliistrations. Persons
wishing cuts, by-
' oehding aTheingraph or Dagnerresitype,
can have visas or Colleges, Churches, Store Preens,
Machines .Staves,
• Ratextte,-80., engraved &well on &r
-earm" application. . .
Fancy EnVelopes, Labels, Bill, Headings, Show Bills,
Visiting, Business and other Cards, engraved. in the
highest style of art, and: at inn lowest *idea,
For specimens of Brie engraving,.see the , Mnetratia
works of J. B. Lippincott kiCo., B: H. Seder &Ca'
oct2s-I.yet .
Patent Medicines. ' lami/y Medicines.
Patent Medicines, Family, Medicines.
Patent Medicinal. Faintly Medicines.
Trueses, Supporters; Shoulder-Braces.
Trusses, Supporters,,Rhoulder Brame.
Trusses, Supporters, Shchil,der Bmcee.
We endeavor to buy and sell they very beat of (Ivey ,
ihing in our line, and always have a gobd assortment in
store from which customers may chase. And selling at
fair prices we do command a fair Amor patronage.
No. 91 Market street.
Haritibirg, Pa.
4 3 1aikci assortment of
BOOTS, SHOES,,GAITERS, of the; very beet
tuaritiee for ladies gentlemen, and children' wear.—
Prices to, suit the t imes. Alt kinds of-it OBK MADE TO
ORDER lathe beet style byhuporloi'worlimeo
•REBAIRINGI; &meat - abort notice.
octie:dif .7010i` • warriabirg.
PRACTICAL Tuner and Repairer O
f Maws, Melodeons, ac., &a., will receive orders In
future at WM . KNOCHE'S Music Store, 92 Market street
AU orders left at the above named place, or at the Buehler
will meet with prom% attention.
lie ge ••diy
First class PIANOS for sale.