Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, March 09, 1861, Image 3
r Paitg Eetegrapb. HARRISBURG Saturday Alteration, March 9, 1891 Fog EsnuiNo MATTER, go to Bergner's Cheap Bookstore, 31 Market street, where are for sale $ll the late daily and weekly papers, magazines, ez , books, and ageneral assortmentof the latest publications, all for sale at lowest prices. A I LROAD ACCIDKNT. —The other evening Mr. • ford, conductor of a local freight train on reensylvanii Railroad, met with an emi t at Parkesburg, which resulted in the king of one of his legs. The accident oc ed by the limb becoming entangled in the • rope. CC= ANAL NAVIOATION.—The Pennsylvania Bail. Company are making arrangements for early opening of navigation on their canal. ing, the winter a large number of repairs improvements were made to the ditch, and 'n the water Is let in it will be in admirable ditioo to accommodate a largely increased IBM I RANGES.—The shops about the city are pro •ly supplied with oranges, which have been tight to our market in unusually large gimp ,es this season. Some of them sell for a fling per dozen, while those of a finer quail ontmand a higher price. A bad practice zi,(ted with their consumption is the throw of the skins upon the pavements, as they neatly cause unpleasant falls to pedestrians. ====:l TIIS CIIT HOSPITAL contained four lodgers last night, three of them trampers "iniearch of employment," and the fourth a victim of tan glefoot, arrested for disorderly conduct and threatening personal injury to his brother. hey were all discharged, the latter with a Severe reprimand from the Mayor, who threat ened to imprison him if he came there again n a similar charge. He manifested a contrite pirit, and promised to behave better in future. Cosmos COUNCIL was in cession last night re vising old and enacting new ordinances. Of• course the latter will be published for the in formation of the public. Our citizens cannot be expected to conform to laws of the existence of which they have no knowledge. We learn that among the new ordinances is one imposing a fine of five dollars upou all persons who de t posit coal ashes or other dirt upon the streets. We hope our information is correct, for a law of this kind is actually necessary to keep the streets of the city in good condition. -.1..-.. Too PicroaraL Parana are giving likenesses of Mr. Lincoln with his "new facial append: age" —whiskers. —whiskers. They make him look as much better than he does look with whiskers since he has been elected, as thee made him look much worse than he did look without whiskers before his elation. >aa doss the riswrauwehine brightly than the ruingsmi—but it is remarkable what a "multitude of sins" (in bad looks) those whiskers cover, in the fancy of the pictorial designers _.,~.___ DEAD MUM—Within the last week several "unfortunates," ascertained to be worthy ob jects of charity, have been carried over the Pennsylvania Railroad free of charge, upon the recommendation of Mayor Kepner. Cases of :this kind have occurred almost daily during the winter, and in no instance has the agent of the 'Company here denied a free ride to one of this 'class where the applicant presented an endorse xnent from the Mayor. The charity of the Company, in this respect, is more extensive than most people have any idea of. Boma Corz.—The shovers of bogus silver coin were "around" in market this morning, and victimized several countrymen. It seems to us that with proper vigilance and tact on the part of our police officers, these sharpers might be detected. For months past they have operated with impunity, swindling country people as well as our own citizens. We have reason to believe that the coin is manufactured in this city, and sold to parties who "shove" It upon the people. THS Maxim this morning was well attended by our rural friends, notwithstanding the "pelt ing of the pittiless storm," and the prices of produce ruled about as usual. There was an ample supply of fresh Susquehanna fish, in cluding eels and cat-fish, suckers and a few salmon. The hucksters exhibted a large quan tity of fine shad, which sold at prices ranging from two to three shillings each, according to size and quality. From the immense quanti ties disposed of in our market, we judge that "everybody eats shade," without regard to price. _ • • JUSTIONI 07 TUN Puts AND Aumminte.—ln view of the election to take place next Friday, we direct attention to the following section of an At of the Legislature passed two years ago: Stumm 1. That every person hereafter elect ed to the office of Justice of the Peace or Alder man, shall, witbie thirty days after the elec tion, if he intends to accept said office, give notice thereof in writing, to the Prothonotary of the Common Pleas of the proper county, who shall immediately inform the Secretary of the Commonwealth of said acceptance ; and no commission shall issue until the Secretary of the Commonwealth has received the notice aforesaid. Tun Neon CROP. —Few of our readers, wa presume, have forgotten the extreme severity of the weather recently, following the charm ing spring -like days which marked the close of February and the advent of March. Since then our exchanges have given disconraging accounts of the prospective peach crop through out the State. At first we were slow to credit the unpleasant reports, and hoped that they were exagerated. But now we find the worst accounts fully confirmed. The peach crop of 1861 has been nipped in the bud, and the peach growers in the State will loge thousands of dolittrs by this little freak of the . weather elements. We have not learned the condition of the peach trees in New Jersey owl Damara, but hope they are safe. PBREIONAL, —Rev. H. Grattan Guinness, the London "sensation" preacher, who spent sev eral days in this city last summer, is now in Philadelphia, where his discourses usually at tract large audiences, and are favorably com• mented upon by the leading journals. It is probable he will visit Harrisburg again some time during the session of the Legislature, and preach a series of sermons. A Piratic Sccom, Exclaim?' took place at Highspire a few evenings ago, in which the pupils of all the schools in the village partici pated. A large number of spectators were pre sent, and the ceremonies pawed off in such a way as to do credit to teachers and scholars. The several schools are well attended and in a highly prosperous condition, the teachers being young gentlemen well qualified for their re sponsible positions. TIME FIXID.—The Concert of Sacred Music by the Harmonic Society, is to come off next Wednesday evening, as will be seen by an ad vertisement in another column. The pieces selected for the occasion are the productions of the best authors, and will be rendered in the inimitable style which characterizes all the per formances of the members of the Harmonic Society. Of course every lover of good music will attend the concert. Tma Crrr Erscrum.—The Democrats of the various wards meet to-night to nominate can• Mates to be voted forat the coming municipal election. We hear of no movement on the part of the Republicans to nominate partisan tickets, except in the Sixth ward, where a meeting has been called for this evening. So far as regards Councilmen, Assessors, School Directors and Constables, we think the beat men should be chosen irrespective of political considerations. Let citizens of all parties who entertain similar views concentrate their votes upon and elect such men. The tax-payers of the city, especial ly, are interested In.having a Common Council composed of our most intelligent, sagacious and prudent men, and they should act and vote accordingly. A Fuorrrvg FROM Jusrrog Centram.—Some weeks ago a colored fellow, named James Mar shall, was arrested for assaulting and threaten ing personal injury to one of the sable sister hood, Mary Snowden. He had a hearing be fore Alderman Maglaughlin, who bound him over to appear at the April sessions, Tom Ben net going his security. No sooner was the fellow restored to liberty, however, than be betrayed Tom's confidence by sloping for other parts, to avoid trial and punishment. It hav ing been ascertained that he fled to Lewistown, he was followed and re-captured there, and brought back to this city yesterday. Chief Ba debaugh received James at the cars and escort ed him to the Walnut street institution, where he will remain until the April term. APPRAIAD.-Our readers are aware that com plaint was recently made before the Mayor against the Cumberland Valley Railroad Com pany for violation of the ordinance which re iulres thein to keep flag men stationed at the Second and Third street crossings, during the passage of trains. Wednesday last was fixed for a hearing of the case. The Company failed to appear, but several witnesses presented themselves and were examined, whose evidence fully sustained the complaint, whereupon the Mayor gave judgment against the Company for the sum of eighty dollars. Yesterday the case was appealed to Court, but how soon it will be reached is uncertain. There are now two suits of the kind pending against the Company, and the people anxiously await a decision in the matter. The ordinance is a good one, intended to protect the lives of our citizens, and the Rail road Company should be compelled strictly to ful fil its requirements. The first case was appealed some months ago, and it has slept quietly from that time to the present. The City Solicitor, who has charge of the case, is said to have an interest in the Railroad Company. This, if true, may account for the delay, (so generally com plained of,) in reaching a legal decision. A Fear Ann. This is emphatically an age of rapid progression, an era prolific in grand scien tific discoveries and useful inventions. To be gin with : In the animal kingdom we cannot be beaten in horseflesh, and we mayadd horse tamers. In the vegetable it is not speaking too boastfully to say we are some pumpkins. In the mechanic arts in most of its branches we have surpaisedllie world. The genius of our people is to go ahead. Slow coaches are no longer tolerated. Thum who lag behind are lost. As a people we are remarkable for every thing that is fast. We jump at conclusions, and do not pause to reason. We conceive a thing and execute it in the same breath. Bight or wrong we dash ahead and arrive at some result, be it for better or for worse. All tills wild race to win some great stake, and ac complish a vast deal in a circumscribed space of time, of course gives birth to a great many marked peculiarities. Not among the least of these, we may mention that curious biped, a fast boy. In fact, we entertain grave doubts whether such a thing as a boy nowa-days pos sesses a real and tangible existence. We ima gine we have a dim recollection that such a creature once was extant. But now it is mere ly a tradition of the past, a myth to puzzle and perplex the brains of future historians. A boy is a boy no longer. When he leaves the nur sery he springs at once into the manners and habits of a full-fledged man. For instance there Is a young Bullion, whose years scarcely exceed half a score, andlet in the very hey day of youth and on the threshold of existence he complains of a dizzy head and a shaky hand in the morning. Cocktails and cigars, as they are mixed and manufactured now-a-days, are not anfrequently too highly spiced even for the toughest old bummers, and many a toper's head snaps with shooting pains ; but when the boy Bullion, determined not to be outdone by his older comrades, 'wallows cocktails and limokescigans night after night, it is no wonder dt soon tells horribly on his nerves and makes him shaky on his pins. Boyhood is the season for innocent enjoyment, and it le always a la mentable spealnela observe yosith swerve from thP Aratllbtorrtard path of how and Outy, , t , t; Pennepluania Meg telegraph, eaturbap 'Afternoon, March 9, 1861. 1=0:=1 ..--......-.- REV. A. X. Suoraeraccdt will preach in the Court room (B rant's building) to-morrow morn ing and evening at the usual hours. =I RETURNING.—Many of the members of the Legislature who have been absent from the Capital during the past week, have returned, and the balance will reach here on Monday. No doubt there will be a full attendance in both branches at the re-opening of the session on Tuesday afternoon. The gentlemen having had time for rest and recreation, should now go to work vigorously, with a view to an early adjournment. The only really important mea sure to to disposed of is the apportionment bill, which has riet yet been reported by the committee. • NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD.—It is bad rolicy to "count chickens before they are batched." Not very long ago, it was recited with embellishments, in the Baltimore corres pondence of the New York Times, that J. W. Garrett, Esq., President of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, had negotiated or was about to negotiate for a sufficient number of Northern Central Railroad shares to give him and the interests he represented the control of the Northern Central road, whereby great results, not dimly foreshadowed, were to be accom• plished. It seems, however, that the votes necessary to consummatethe victory announced beforehand, did not forthcome at the critical moment, and so the majority vote that gives voice to the ballot proclaimed the success of that party which in lisavcann is called the Pszanarrxxiirs party, and whose defeat the Bal timore correspondence of the New York Antes, in a spirit of vainglory which often exposes Its own plans, innocently advertised in advance I The President and Vice President elect are both Pennsylvanians and residents of this city, and of the eleven Directors nine are Pennsylvanians. The simple truth is that Baltimore aimed at do minion too far into Pennsylvania as against Philadelphia, and to her own over•reaehing has succeeded her dispossession. Still, the interests of Baltimore have not been and will not be ne glected nor slighted ; but, on the contrary, as we apprehended, the operations of the North ern Central road for 1861 will exhibit a large preponderence of net earnings over the year 1860. Moreover, that; hereafter, the time tables of the Northern Central Railroad will be adjusted more satisfactorily than hitherto, to all the trains which run to or through our city, the great railroad centre of the State. Mumma! Mustms I Musurist-1000 yards of the very beet unbleached Muslin, 10 cents ; 2000 yards of beautiful bleached Muslin, 10 cents ; 2000 yards of the best long cloth Mus lin, 12i cents, which I will sell by the piece at 117 cents ; 2000 yards of remnant of Calico De Laine, to be sold very cheap ; remnants of colored Silk, cheap ; De Laines and other dress goods at cost ; Broche Shawls and other Shawls at cost ; Caasimere for pants; Black Cloth, Cassinetts, and a large lot of pants stuff at cost ; a splendid assortment of Cambrics, Jaco netts, Cambric Bands, Hemstiched Handker chiefs, which I will sell at auction prices; white and colored Flannel at edit. For chew, .goods cull at S. Lswr's, Rhoads' old corner. - M'ALLISTER'S ALL-HEALING OINTMENT I OINTMENT 1.4 04 TRY IT I TRY IT I, I Li A Radical Restorative of insensible Respiration. IT is a fact, beyond the power of contradiction, that It is infallible in the care of Burns, Scalds, Nervous Diseases, All Tumors, Piles, Scrofula, Erysipelas, ChUblalne Sore Eyes, Quinsy, Croup Rbieumattam, Colds; Cold Peet, Liver Complain Asthma, and ail DISEASES OF THE CHEST. It Is rightly termed All-Healing, for there ie scarcely a Disease external or internal that it will not benefit. For sale at the Grand Depot, N 0.143 FULTON SWUM, Nsw • c. rEi And by all Druggists throughout the Gni tato. in J. IdcA , sfi 143 Fulton Street, Y. Agents wanted immediately to Introdua4 It Into 04 families, who may receive it on liberal terms, for 14 pi cash. mar&dam POCKET BOOK LOST. THE UNDERSIGNED lost a pocket book In Harrisburg on the 22d nit, containing a note of Daniel Dalsbach for 8140, protested at the Lebanon Bank in 1860, and various other papas and .seoelpta of no value to any one but the owner. The Bader will con• fer a favor by returning them. J. L MMHG, milawd Pinegrove, Bobuillidll Co. A New Feature in the Spice Trade! IMPORTANT TO HOUBRICREP ERB! E. R. DURKEE &•0018 SELECT SPICLES ,e _... in Tin /bit, (Lined wit ,Paper ,) and'irli E Weight. BLACK PEPPER, GINGER acs , NUTMEG, WHITE PEPPER, ' ALLSPI ...._.- - . MACS_ CAYENNE PEPPER, CM NAM , tu f ovuu, =SURD. • TN THIS AGE of adulterated an'd taste ..l_ less bplcee, it is with confidence that .gratrodutte to the attention of housekeepers there and s enor genuine articles . We guarantee them not. y ABSOLUTELY AND PERFECTLY PURE, but ground from fresh Spices, selected awe cleaned by us expressly for the purpose, reference to cost.— They arc beautlfhlty packed in tin foll„ - (lined with pa per,) tp prevent injury by beeping, and are FULL WEIGHT, while the ordinary ground tiptoes are almost invariably short. We warrant them, in point ofearength and richness of flavor, BEYOND ALL COMPARISON, es a single trial will abundantly prove. Every package bears our Trade Mark. .Manufactared only by E. R. DURKEE acco., New Tort For sale by WM. DOCK JR. &CO. Mei 33111.4r4101E116. QUINCE, PEAR, CURRANT, PEACH, APPLE, BLACKBERRY, ORAN GE; RAMPRRY. Jost received from New York and we ' ted super Hue. Ifeb26] Wm. DOC: ,Jr., &Co. LYKENS' VALLEY NUT COAL I—For dale at $ 00 per ton. 'Or ALL COAL DELIVERED BY ,PATEN 2 WEIGH NAM JAMIE M. WEIMER. iirs- Coal delivered from both yards. • - aovl6 PUBLIC TN PURSUANCE of an order of the. Or pave Connor Dauphin county, will be exposed - to sae, on Sesame; the Did day of Hatch, 1861, on the premises : A certain lot of ground, situate on South street, between Yront and Second streets, in the city of Harrisburg, en which are erected a TWO STORY F RAM E DWELLING - - HOUSE, and Frame Back Sanding. Date II the estate of OHAFIBS J. DOSRai of the city of Harrisburg,Bec'd. gab to counnenteati. o'Clook, P. IL of skid day, Whfili attendance will be given and cenditions of sale mesh; known by ADELLI . II- . 1191U154 • . Jim ButiiicAmik, Clerk 0.0. Zwevilis Quaid &amok NOTICE. Covons.—The sudden changes of our climate are sources of Pulmonary, Bronchial and Asthmatic Af fections. Experience having proved that simple reme dies often act speedily and certainly when taken in the early stages of the disease, recourse should at once be had to "Brown's Bronchial Troches," or Lozenges, let the Cold, Cough, or Irritation of the Throat be ever so alight, as by this precaution a more serious attack may be warded off. Public Speakers and Singers will and them effectual for clearing and strengthening the voice. see advertisement delo-d-swsw6m HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT.—ERYBIPE- Les.—These deservedly popular medicines have met with astonishing success in the cure of erysipelas, king's evil, ring worm, scurvy, scrofulous eruptions, and all Inflam. matory diseases of the skin. Other preparations may afford a temporary relief, but the combine. 4 action o these remedies will by their detergent and purifying properties effect a radical cure in the blood and system. Sold by all Druggists, at 25c., 02c. and El per box or Pot WoOD'e Haut RBSTOR&TIVB.—Among all preparations for the hair that have been introduced as Infallible, none has ever given the satisfaction or gained the popularity that Prof. Wood's Hair Restorativ allow has. His Restorative has passed the ordeal of innumer able fashionable toilets, and the ladles, wherever they have tested It, pronounce it a peerless article. They find, wherever they have tested It, pronounce it a peer lost! article. They find, where the hair is thinned, that it creates a fresh growth—that it hilly restores the ve getative power of the roots on the denuded places, and causes the fibres to shoot forth anew—that tt dissolves and removes dandruff, prevents grayness, restores the hair to its original color when grayness hes actually su pervened, gives a rich lustre, imparts the softness and Ilexibility Of ei lk to the hair, and keeps it always luvri• ant, healthy and in full vigor.—"N. Y. Tribune." gold by all respectable Druggists de2l lm 4L03 ;1. , V. 1,10 %MVi:l7 %lo Cl Az, DR. CHESSMAN'S PILLS, Prepared by Cornelius L. Cheeseman, M. D., ff EW YORK CITY. pat combination of ingredients in these Pills are the mullet a long and extensive practice. They are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting all irregularities, Painful Menstruation, removing all ob. struotions, whether front cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, whites, all ner. VMS affections, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back and limbs, dm., disturbed steep, which arise from interruption of nature TJ MARRIED LADIES, Dr. Choeseman's PDIs are invaluable, as they will bring on the monthly period with regularity. Ladies who have been disappointed In the use of other Pills can place the utmost confidence in Dr. Cheeseman's Pills doing all that they represent to do. NOTICE There is one condition of the /male system in which the Pills cannot be taken without premium , g a PECULIAR RESULT. The condition referred to it PREGNANCY— the result, easaaaahtas. Such is the irresistible tendency of the niedwin' e to restore he sexual functions to a normal condition, that eren the reproductive power nalssre cannot rend it. Warranted purely vegetable, and Crag from anything Injurious. Naplicit directions, which should be read, an. company each bor. Price $l. Sent by mail on enclosing $1 to Da Commutrs L. Onus=Aur, Box 4,531, Post Office, New York City, Sold by one gglat in every tow HU MBUn In the United States R. B. GS, General Arai for the United States, 14 Broadway, New York, o whom all Wholesale orders should be oar •twd. Bold In Harrisburg by O. A. Itaximuse cosSflglawl BUY THE BEST. NORTOWS CP I N" al 3EI IV TOR SALT RHEUM AND SCROFULA, PERXANX:IIITLV CURED! SALT RHEUM, SCROFULA, SCALD READ, FEVER SORES, RING-WORMS, BAR BERS' ITCH, AND ALL ITCHING OR BURNING SORES, AND ERUP TIONS OF lar, SKIN. This Ointment bears no resemblance to ay of her ex ternal remedy at present before the world. The mode o Its operation le peculiar. t penetrates to the basis of the disease—gties to Its Tiey source—and cures it from the flesh beneath to the on the surface. .9Lhpr ..,i atward applications for Scrofula , Salt Rheum, and oWoilessionhig terrible Internal-maladies. Noumea Omnmarr, on the contrary, throws the poison of the Meeseupward, and every particle of is die &lived throe Uteptses. Thus the cures It effects Is complete. Not only are the sores healed—the eruptions removed—the swellings re• duoed—but the seeds of the disease are expelled from the flesh ; consequently there can be no relarse. Victims of ulcerous and eruptive complaints, who have tried every professional mode of treatment and every ad vertised Curative without relief, here Is a certain, safe, and expedition* remedy ftir the evils yon endure. A Ingle box will satisfy you of the truth of all that is here fated. Since its first introduction, the properties of the Oini- meat have been tested In the rriestotstlnato cases—cases hat utterly dolled the best medical skill In the country, and upon whlchtho most oelebrated healing springs pro. dueed no eireet—and In every instance with °Very em cees. Sold in Large Bother—Price 60 Cage. GERRIT NORTON, Oheatist, Proprietor, New York. REMUS= DZPOT PENTOLD, PARIERR 'dc MOWER 8, Wbolasale Druggist', Beckmanlst., N. 'I 'Sold by Duo.Drutorriut, Harrisburg, Ps. marl-dawly A CARD TO TO LADIES. DIIPONOO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMAT:PS, nfallible in correcting, regulatlng i and removing all obstructions, from whatever cause, and al. ways saccessibl as a preven tive. TiHESE PILLS HAVE BEEN USED BY the doctors for many years, both in France and erica, with unparalleled success in every ease ; and he is - urged by many thousana ladles who used them, to make the Pills , public for the alleviation of those suffering from any irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent an increase of family where health will not permit it.— Females particularly situated, or those suppesmg them selves so, are cautioned against these Pills while in that condition as they are sun to produce miscarriage, and the proprietor assumes no responsibility after this admo nition, although their mildness would prevent any mis chief to health—otherwise the Pills are recommended. Fell and explicit directions accompany each box. Thee $1 00 per box. Fold wholesale and retail by CHARLES A. BANNVART, Druggist, No. 2 Jones Row, Harrisburg, Pa. "Ladle," by winding him. El 00 to the Harrisburg Poet Office, can have the Pins sent free of observation to LAT Part of the country (confidentially) and "free of pos. tags" by mail. Sold also by S. S. Brame, Reding, JOICIIIPION, HOLLOWAY k oowntur, Philadelphia, J. L. Last. fie, Lebanon, DANTIL H.llhureattr, 'Lancaster; J. A. Wm:, Wrightsville ; B. T. lime, York ; and By one n t in every city and village in the Union, and by druggist sole proprietor, New York. N. 11.--Look out for counterfeits. Buy no Golden Pills of any kind unless every box is signed S. D. Howe. All others are a base iniposition and'unsafe thhfielbre, ae you value your lives and health, (to say nothing of be. log humbugged out of your money ) , buy only of thaw who show the signature of S. D. Howe on every box, which has recently been added on account of the Pills being oounterMed. de3-dwaawly. TEE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY SIR JAS" CLARkES CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS. Prepared front a Preteriplion of Sir .1. Clarke, Phyncitut itetrisordituiry to the Queen. This invaluable medicine is ungtillng in the cure of all those pandhl and dangerous diseases to which the female constitution is subject. R moderates all mesa and re- MVOs all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. TO MARRIED LADIES it is peculiarly suited. It will in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. Bach bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits. CAUTION. These Ft 74 shouldfnot be taken bkOrneates during the 7-LEST THRZE 1011727150 f Prqmoury,asitheyaresura to ; bring on Miscarriage, but at any other time they are se" In all oases of Nervous and Spinal .Ailbctiens, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpita . eon of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, hese Pills wil effect a cure when all other mews have Ailed ; and al though a Powerful remedy; do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or any thing hurtraito the constitution. Full directions . in;the penipiblet around each paokage t wlilok should be ouretallrpreserved. - L—sl.oo and pc knimataingi nocloped to any an- Warhol Agent, will insure a battle, !mita/004 60 Mg, by return up% Ogg *Obi! 4;7410:17.,,... hro dewly Misttllantoue POPULAR REMEDIES. NLLSRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING- SYRUP for children teething, and SPALDING'S CB PHA.I.IC P for headache. A fresh supply received at KEL LER'S DRUG STORE, ;where you can purchase all the saleable Patent Medicines of the day. 91 Market street, two doors east of Fourth street, south side. APPLES! APPLES ! ! 500 BARRELS of superior APPLES, Jn3t received from New York State, for sale at lowest cash price, by febll JANET M. WHEELER. FOR RENT.—The Tavern Stand on Ridge Road, now occupied by Samuel W. Roberta is °tiered for rent from the Ist of April next. Enquire of feb9•dtf MRS. BOSTGIN, No. 30, Fourth street. EDUCATIONAL. - ACONTROLLING ELEMENT OF NA TIONALITY is the system of education In a coun try. "In proportion as the structure of a government gives force to public opinion, that public opinion should be enlightened."—Washingfen4 Farman Address. To this end the people in general should be educated into a correct and familiar acquaintance with the nature sod principles of our government and civil institutions. "OUR GOVERNMENT : An explanatory statement of the system of Government of the Country, Ho. • MANU- L FOR SCHOOLS, ACADEMIES AND POPULAR USE," Is a work which, with proper historical notices, gives the construction of the provisions of the Constitution of the United States and of those of the several States, as determined by judicial authority, or derived from stand ard writers, including some references to administrative wa and practice, so as to show the actual working of our general system of Government. It is free from specula tive opinions, conservative in its tendency, and calculated to cultivate the love of our country. It has been used to a considerable extent, in the EDUCATION OF YOUTH in different States, and is recommended by Jurists, Statesmen and Presidents, and Professors of Colleges.— Price $lOO. Sold by M. 61%11'4101Y, del Harrisburg, ht. PUBLIC SALE. TN PURSUANCE of au order of the Or phan'a Court of Dauphin county, will be exposed to sale, On SATURDAY, the 9th day of MARCH, 1801 at Bitarr's HALL, in the city of Harrisburg, at 7 o'clock P. M., the following real estate, viz : A certain lot of Ground in the city of Harrisburg, aforesaid, fronting on Mulberry street about thirty feet, bounded by lots of &begat). Horner, Andrew Patterson, and running back from Mulberry street about two hundred feet to Meadow Lane; whereon is erected a TWO STORY WEATHER BOARDED FRAME HOUSE, with back building attached thereto, and a Stable on the back of Said lot. late the estate of Levi Houston's minors. Attendance will bo given and conditions or sale made known by ANDREW PATTERSON, Guardian of inors of said deceased. J,o. Risausn, Clerk 0. 0. STORE ROOM FOR RENT. — MBE STORE ROOM next to the Court House, late in the occupancy or Mr. Glover. Pos session given on the first of April. Enquire er Jnn27-t F. WYETEL STATE CAPITAL BANK. CAMERON, COLDER, EBY & CO. cORNER SECOND AND WALN772 878., li AB 13 IS BURG, PENN. COAL REDUCED! Consumers of Coal Take Notice 1 COAL DELIVERED TO ANY PART OP 27TE CITY LIMITS BY THE PATEN 2 WEIGH CARTS, AI THE FOLLOWING LOW RATES, FOR CASH, VIZ: LYILEN'S VALLET NUT Cost, at $2 00 per ton. " &LAIL Ma Coat, at $2 90 per ton. cc LARGX Eau " at 82 90 por ton. Beoxan " at 55 93 per . BAISIMORS COAL Co.'a WILKISBAIII STEAMBOAT, $3 00. it 44 BROICTLY, 83 00. 14 11 14 58 00. 46 88 26. Baoan To Coat (for Smith's use) 12K bugs a buahei. 2,500 bushels OATS for sale at lowest cub prim. A large lot of superior HICKORY AND OAK WOOD, for sale at the lowest rates. Agent for Dn Pont's Gun and Blasting Powder, for Bale at Manulacturer's prices. Coal delivered from both yards, at above rates, by Ftdent Weigh Carts, which fire certified to by the fielder of Weights and Measures. .Every consumer will please weigh their Coat on delivery, and It it fall short 10 pounds, I waz forfeit the Coal. A large, full and Immolate stock of the best kinds 01 Coal, always will be found on hand. .120-11 n JAMES M. WI/EBLEIR. ALL PERSONS WHO HAVE any Affection of the Lunge or Throat, or Chronic Diseases and wish to be eared should mink .ho has had many years experience in Mena lions of the UNIT= ELMO and GATIAD.A, and has eared caves which had been treated wtthent benefit by *hat are estee mad the best PirenICIANS LION) UMW. He has been bilfairieburg Pm many months and has restored to health, invalids whojad expended hundreds of dollars with Physicians and 'Patent- Medicines. He can refer to some of the best families In Harrisburg, and can give the names of persons In the elly and nearly all parts of the State, whom he has cured of almost every moo Disuse. de doesnot profess to cure all diseases after the man ner of some adeer/ising Neel; but Will give a candid opinion in regard to curability after examination. The medicines of Dr. Faro vegetable, aadderived from more than a hundred sources while traveling. In Luso aad THROAT MEWED he has had great SUCCORS by means el his CARBoN CUBE which may betaken by the Stomach and INHALED. Beware of Cavan and the Throat Burners or the old school. In COMPLAINTS or Fsmaza his success has been re markable, and he has cured &Hoodoos of the Err and EAR sold to be Incurable. Dr. STEWART solicits cues of the following, given up by otbere : NEURALGIA, REuRALTER, PVIOESILI, MOM, LIVER Conmanrr, :SwatianNsca, SEXUAL DEBILITY, DEEM, ULM FM, PRIVATE Dmamws, Imennew; . vit. Cancers removed by anew remedy prorated in Canada. When so requested Dr. &SWART wiIIVOL patients at their residence. .mitme X 016111412. In regard to gulthfic' atiosi Dr. S. tiers to Professors Paneoaat, Dungeon and Heim of Philidelphia. Ho also Itelprktiva to refer to StaatOre Chase andTugh, and Hon. lhothee Obritra, of Ohio. Patients or their Meads should call at the HUM= House from 9 a. tn. to 6 p. m. Letters promptly attended te . febl9•daw2w TOR RENT.-THE DWELLING PART of the FOUR STORY BRIM HOUSE No. 93 Market street. Posseetdon Oen on the Ilit or April next. For particulars enquire or Una. 1 J. R. SIMON. MADERIA. WINE. MTELSH, BROTHER'S OLD RESERVE WIN' .full bodied and fruity. In store and for gale by JOHN E. MAILER,: febl6 73 Market street. SSTORMISIefiTOR4GE ! TORAGE received at the Warehouse mums IL WHEELER. 131.64 ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. All perions indebted to the estate of Daniel Rhoads, Assignor, are hereby notified to call upon the Assignee and retake settlement on or before Wednesday the 20th of March, as after that day the books will be placed in the bands of A. J. Herr Esibi for. collection. EBY.BYMS, Assignee of D. Rhoads. feblB-taw-forBW GARDEN SEEDS. AFRESH AND COMPLETE assortment just MeiV434Ad for sale by feb2o W3L DOOR at. 131e0. BiEfIRA. SUGAR 013 RED HAMS PlldellY OCi22 WN. O$ 311. &CO ilisctilantaus. JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, FANCY GOODS,,&C. ALFRED F. ZIMMERMAN er CO:, N 0.52 MARKET STREET, Harrisburg, Pa., opposite Flssn'a Flom and adjoining the EUROPEAN HOTEL, having purchased the stock or E. F Jennings. and added a large assortment or NEW JEW ELRY, we will sell the same at the lowest cash price, and solicit patronage. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neatly and promptly re paired and delivered. ALFRED F. ZIMMERMAN & CO Having disposed of my stock of Jewelry to A. F. 'Am merman & Co., I cheerfully recommend them to my ter mer customers as practical and experienced Watch Makers, and solicit for them a continuance of the patron. age Which has been so generously extended to me derail the last six years, Jan 29 At the Ninth Exhibition of the Hass. Charitable Mechanic Association, 1860, MESSRS. 011.10KERrNG & SONS WERE A WARDED TEE GOLD MEDAL FOR TEN Ma GRAND, SEMI-GRAND, &- SQUARE PIANO-FORTES; AND THE ONLY PRINNIII, A SILVER MEDAL, FOR THE BEST UPPIGHT PIANOS, WM. KNOCHE, SOLE AGENT FOR THE SALE OF TIME PIANOS, No. OS MARKET ST., HARRISBURG. foba-dtf NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED has opened hie LUMBER OFFICE, corner of Third street and Black berry alley, near Herr 's Hotel Arco—TWO ROOMS with folding doors TO LB; suite Me for a Lawyer's office. Possession can bo had Imme diately. W. F. MURRAY. Azao--HORSES AND CARRIAGES to hire at the same Mee. feb4 Care Cbugh, OW, Hoarseness, /Win o pS)W4/ • ensa, any Irritation or Soreness of C 6". LP the Throat, /Wine the Haelang BRoNCHIAL anti rrh, / POO\ Clear and the voice of strength to PUBLIC SPEAKERS and SINGERS Few are aware of the importance of checking a Cough Or "Common Cold" in its first stage ; that which in the beghming would yield t o a mild remedy, if neglect, soon attacks the Lungs. " BROWN ' S BRONCHIAL TROCHBS,' containing demulcent ingredients, allay Pulmonary and Bronchial Irritation. "That trouble in my Throat, (for which the "TROCRES" are a specific) haring made me often a more whisperer." N. P. WILLIS. "I recommend their use to Public Speakers." BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S REV. B. H. CHAPIN. "Have proved extremely serviceable for Hoarseness." REV. HENRY WARD B/ZECHBR. "Almost Meant relief In the distressing labor of breathing peonliar to Asthma." TROCHES BROWN'S TUOCRZS REV. A. C. EGGLESTON. "Contain no Opium or Anything Wart• ong." DS. A. A. HAYS 3, BROWN'S TROCHES Chemist, Boston. NA simple and pleasant combination for Coughs, dm." BROWN'S TRCKIRES "Beneficial in Bronchitis '- DR. J. F. W. LANE, Balton. "I have proved thew excellent for Whooping Cough." REV. H. W. WARREN, Beaton. "Beneficial *hen compelled to speak, sintering from Cold." REV. S. J. P. ANDERSON, St. Louie. ZBROWN'S TROCHES )3/10ViTPS TROCHES BROWNS TROGUES ' , Wachtel to removing Hoarseness sad Irritation of the Throat, no common with Speakers and Singers?' Prof. M. STACY JOHNSON, La Grange, Ga. Teacher of Monde, SOutlttwn Female College. RROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S "Great bandit when taken before and after preaching, es they prevent Moans.. nese. From their past effect, I think they will be of permanent advantage to me." REV. E. ROWLEY, A.. E., Frealdeat of Athens College, Tenn. pa -Sold by all Druggists at 26 cents& box. nov2B-dawe m TROCHES BRGWN'S TROCHES Select Soho°ls for Boys and Girls. FRONT STREET ABOVE LOCUST. 111 HE Fall term of ROBERT M'ELWEEB School for boys, will open on the last Monday In August. Tho room is well ventilated, comfortably fur nished, and in every respect well adapted for school purposes. CATHARINE M'ELWEE'S School for girls, located in the same building( will open for the Fall term at the Ham time. The room has been elegantly fitted up during the vacation, to promote the health and comfort of scholars. janBl-dtf U. S. FLAGS 1 - I F ALL SIZES AND PRICES, on hand ki,lf and manufactured to order, at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, feblB 51 Market. &net. FIIEILISE 2 BRAD, No. 1, SALMON, No. 1, HERRING, No. 1, COD FISH, No. 1, MACKEREL, No. 1 Of be above wo have all the different sized packages from the MIT to tl3O BARRILL I o store and for sale at the mug mm ket rates, febl6 FIRST CLASS GROCERIES r LARGE ARRIVAL! HAVING JUST RETURNED from the Eastern cities where we have selected with the GiugsTar cuss a large and complete assortment of su perior goods which embrace anything kept in the best city groceries, we respectfully and cordially invite the public to call and examine our stock and 507105 005 YRICES. felt.: 6 WM. DOCK JR. & W. FRESH ARRIVAL .• OF Holton% Bean, BAKE, GRITIT, 11011021 Y, SHARER CORN, SPLIT PEAR, BARLEY, ?tteaeow Fier Beans, Wilma Pus, &0., Just received and for sale at the towns? OM MOW ebl6 rm. DUCK JR. dc CO. SCOTCH WHISKY. ONE PUNCHEON of PURE SCOTCH WKISKYjuet received and for sale by JOHN H. ZIROLRE, janl 79 Market Street. CITY BONDS FOR SLOE. ONE OR TWO CITY BONDS of $5OO each. bearing 6 per cent. Interest, being a rate and good investment. Apply to feb4 arnd W. H. VERBERE„ DENTISTRY. THE undersigned, DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY, bas returned and resumed bispraonee n State street opposite the ‘*.Brady House," where he will be pleased to attend to all who may desire his S . vices. [cep27] B. M. DILDEA, D. D. S. WOURNING• Cf 00-D8 OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. 1 Hoisery, Gloves, Gaunttette, In large quantities. Great assortment of Embroideries. Ladles Underwear, different sizes and quality. Gentlemon's do do do Misses , do do do Boys' do - do do Clothe, Cassimeres,SathiettkJeans, And everything for Men and Boye wear. Oentlemens' Shawls. All goods, without distinction to style or quality, will be sold at a very slight advance, and less thaw cost ol importation. CATHCART 84 BROTHER, Next door to the Harrisburg Ba nk Market 54,,,,Ve FOR RENT. SEVFIL&L COMFORTABLE DWELLING' lrousEs in different parts of this shy. Stabling au taolsid to some of thorn. Possession given the gist" of April next, . 02-3 ml CHAS. C. HAWN. EIMER F. JENNINGS FRANK A. MIJRRAY DR. G. F. BIGELOW, 8014011 WM. DOCK, JR.ok CO