Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, March 09, 1861, Image 1
THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, (ECNPAY EXCRPTEFOO BY GEORGE BERGNER & CO• TERN —Sisof■ SrPciiurrioN. Tb. PAIL.' Tat shit.Arf! is served to subscribers In the rbr , oell at Ill; rent, per week. Yearly subscribers eliarcct $l.OO. %%UK! `• O 1 51.W1116.0 TIELCGRAPEI. 16L11001'17 published twice a week during tar SPRFIOII of the beginialure, and weekly during the re mnitier of the year, and,etied to subscribers at the folk , 1;4; r .roft, viz: , ; Subscribers per year =3 TON LAW OP NWPOIPAPIREI. I 4Ubscrthers order the discontinuance of their news parer., the publisher may continuo to send them until Ail arrearages are paid. If subscribers neglect or refuse to Lake their newspa pers from the °Mee to which they are directed, they are responsible until they her - settled the hills and ordered them discontinued .irliscellantons CONCENTRATED LEAVEN, FOR MAKING Bread, Tea-Cakes, all kinds of Pastry, &o. MANUFACTURED BY EDW. CHAMBERLIN & CO., Proprietors of Shnioniut Chemical Works. No. 33 INDIA STREET, Boston. CONCENTRATED LEAVEN is the re suit of careful chemical research, All its ingredl anti ore prepared In the higbost state of purity, and com poubded with a view to ',medico bread of a far better guallty, and in much Iris nine, than by nuy other pro cess and by the manufacturers submit It, with entire eeraidenee, to tho judgment of discriminating house keeper,, bakers, Sc. Bread of all kiwis made by usiugeonceutrated Leaven haus, more digestible and midrib ms; has an agrees. ' le, tcttural taste; Is leis liable to sour; will retain Its adore longer than by any other process, and the bole preparation for the oven need not exceed ten r. It 14 ruhiablo because it Is not perishable, and may be rendered available iu places and at times when yeast is not wattle reach, as at sea. In all climates and under all Instances, It may be adopted, thus obviating all difficulty of procuring yeast er other forme t, wbleh is frequently of an inferior quality, rot dering the bread more or loss unwholesome. It is also valuable as regards economy, as It has been ascertained that a saving Is effected in the flour of not less than 16 per cent. in the common process much of the saccharine of the Hour Is lost by being converted Into carbonic acid gas, or spirit, and the waste is in curred solely for the purpose of generating gas to raise the dough. By using Concentrated Leaven this waste le avoided, and the gas obtained in a manner equally a& cacious. Fermentation, as has been stated, destroys a part of the Doer or meal, end, in consequenca, a barrel of flour weighing 196 lbs., which, by the common method, ordinarily makes about 250 lbs of bread. gives by tide process 290 lbs , thus effecting the very important saving of In per cent, in the quantity of flour. By conformity to the directions on each package, any person capable of ordinary attention may conduct the process, and the re sult will invariably be highly satisfactory. CIOtTIFICATE FROM DR, 'MIN, Assayer to the State of Hasitetchusdre. "I have analysed the Concentrated Leaven, manufac tured by hissers. Iftlw Chamberlin & Co., with reference to its purity and efficiency of action in producing the en pet of yeast in dietendiug dough, and thereby rendering e fit for making bread. This article is skillfully con founded, from perfectly pure material. It raises the dough without consnmieg the sugar or any other pried. pie in the flour, perfectly; and the same weight of flour will produce more sweet, palatable bread than can be obtained through yeast; while for cakes and, pastry it is Invaluable, as It saves all risk, and much time of the pastry cook. "The experiments made by me confirm the statements made by the manufacturers, and proves this compound worthy of public approval and extended use. "Respectfully, "A. A. II &YES, M. D., State Assayer, . 1 110 Boylatou street, Boston, September 25,1560." DIRECTIONS Bassarser AND Ter Rms.—Two or three tertspooneful of Leaven, (according to the quality of the flour,) to one quart of flour; mix thoroughly by passing two or three times through a sieve ; rub in a piece of butter half the size of an egg, and make the paste with cold milk or water, (milk is preferable,) barely stiff enough to permit rolling out. Much kneading should he avoided. Cut in to desired form, and place immediately in a hot oven and bake quiekly. LOA/ BRIULD.—IfIte seine proportions of ,Leaven and Mar liftelltrinetber as above; emit the butter, and make the paste stiff enough to knead into a loaf, and bake lin medlately in a slow oven. GRAMM Baum—Three teaspoonful of Leaven to One quart of wheat meal, sifted together ; add one gilt of mo limos and two eggs ; make the paste thin with milk and bake to a slow oven. %tows Bumn.—Three AseelegiMiful of Leaven to one piniof dour, and one pint of Mint Meal, all well sifted to gether; idd two eggs and aboutu gill of moieties% ; retake the paste thin with miik, and bakeniondy. • Bermirean thoss.—Flour and Milk surdeleut tomake one quart of batter ; add ens egg, then three.teaspootteful of Leaven; beat to a froth, and cook quick. DIIMPU4IB.--SIII together one quer tor Dour end two tea• spoonsful or Leaven; rub In a piers of butter half as large as an egg ; mix s ith cold milk or water, and boil ten Minutes. ClWalla Etnilikt CARL—Sift together two large cups of flour and two teaspoonful of Leaven; patio halt a sup of butter and a Cup pad a half of sugar ; min with tee milk or water to a add batter, add speto cult the,ootpta and bake Immediately. OINCINNAT/ SPONGE CAKE —Two caps or white sugar beaten with the yolks of six eggs—the whites of six eggs beaten to a froth; then beat all together ; add three cups of sifted flour, ono cup of water, and three teespoonoful of Leaven; flavor with two teaspoonful of emetics of le mon. and bake In a quick oven. Josinsg.-811t together one quart of flour and three teaspoonful of Leaven ; rub In ono tea-cupful abutter, add a cup and a half of white sugar, and Spice to suit the taste; mix stiff enough to roll out, and bakoqulck. &INTIM CaMt..-One quart of flow and Orr* teaspoons ful of Leaven silted together ; adds cup of butter, one pound of currants, two oups of white sugar, and one tea spoonlul of cinnamon ; mix with cold milk to &idle bat , ter, and bake in a slow oven. Coast Case,—Quo pint each of flour and Indian meal, and three teaspainsful of Leaven, well sifted together ; add one gill of molasses and two eggs; mix thin with mint, and babe in a slow oven. Cyr Cum.—Five cops et flour and three teaspoonatql of Leaven, sifted together; add one oup of butter, two Of sugar, and two eggs, all well beat together ; then add a cup of currants, and spice to suit the taste. Bake about halt an hour. LADIES' Ctn.—Three quarters of a pound of - flonr and four teaspoonful Or Leaven sifted together; one pound of sugar and nix ounces of butter beaten to a cream ; the whites al eight eggs well beaten, and the Juice of one leo mon; mix wall milk. Winne Can.—Five cups of flour, three teaspoonsful of Leaven, three cups of auger, one of butter, one of mint, and two eggs ; fruit and epics to the taste, Bake about ban an hour. Packed in Cases of 1,2, 4, and Six Dozen' Cans F9r sale by Grocers and Druggists generally. WILLIAM GULAGRP. & BRO., Wholesale Agar No. 69 North Front iiitreel, Philadelphia. oov18•d3m BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE M MARKET STREET IS THE CHEAPEK' PLACE IN THE CITY TO OTT SCHOOL BOOKS SOHOOL STATIONERY, Comprising all the varione READING AND SPELLING BOOKS, ARITHMETICS ALGEBRAS, GRAMMARS, ETYMOLOGIES, DICTIONARIES, HISTORIES PHILOSOPHIES, and . 111 the E OllO Ol. BOORS used in the vari oat Public and Private Moots et the City, together with COPT AND COMPOS/7/0/1? BOOKS, .LEITER, CAP and NOTE PAPER, BLANK .1100/LS, SLATES, LEAD AND SLATE PENCILS, PENS AND HOLDERS, INK INKSTANDS, RULERS and the meet complete aesortmem SCHOOMATIONKRY constantly on hand and for tale at ME LOWEST PRIM or PLUM in the city. at BERGNER'S MEM. 1300KSTOREL 51 Market Street. sr Mere discounts made to teachers and dealers. Any article not on band promptly tarnished without extra charge. aen24 SILVER PLATED WARE HT HARVEY FILLEY, N 0.1222 Market Street, linmsnuritis. Manufacturer of fine NICKEL SILVER, and SILVER PLATER of PORES, SPOONS, LADLES, BUTTER CASTORS, TEA SETS, URNS, WATTERB, faL'TTER TIRES, 10M103,3 CAKE HAREMS COMMUNION WARE, C MUGS, GOBLETS, dm, With a gen ialssortment, comprising rum bra Om &a platy, made of the best materials and hate/4 plated, coo muting them a Serviceable and durable article 10..!Icorica, SILUIBOATEI IAD Pnivais Vanua ar Old Ware re-plated In the NW wanner. teb2o4awly BLANK BOOKS QF ALL IMAGINABLE SIZES, PRICE: y ernaNe QUALMIIi on UM sad raaauflaater order as mu otarta v rat ia misecm. VtititsDlb a S 2.00 12 AO 11,00 VOL XIV. illrbical. ............. THE ORIGINAL AND GINITIHR DR. TOWNSEND'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF S A It SAPARILL.A, The Great Renovator of THE BLOOD. THE SOVEREIGN REMEDY FOR ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN, ULCERATED SORES, AND ALL FORMS OF CUTANEOUS DISEASE: These complaints can be speedily and effectually cured by the 11130 of tills WORLD RENOWNED SAR SAPARILLA. Thousands have experienced Its salutary effects, and tens of thousands have witnessed It, until it has ceased to be a question among the intelligent portion of the com men IV. When the Blood becomes lifeless and stagnant, either from the effects or Spring weather, change of climate want of exercise, the use of a uniform saline diet, or any other cause ; this compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, will maw the BLOOD, carry off the putrid humors, masses thearesucti, REGVBA7E THE BOWELS. And impart a Tone of Vigor to the Whole Body; TO THE PUBLIC. The public aro hereby notified that the preparation Ex tensioely known as Dr. S. P. Townsend's Compound ex tract of Sarsaparilla, is now manufaanred under my di reckon and superriedon, from the original recipe obtained from Dr. S. P. Townsend; and I certify that It Is comport; ed of Ingredients PURELY VEGETABLE, and WITHOUT Id El CURY; and also that the ingredients are judiciously coal ounded, so as to obtain from them their greatest medicinal effect. . JAME 3 R. CHTLION, M. D., Chemist Dr. S. P. TOWNSEND'S COMPOWID EXTRACT OF Semis• realms, has a reputation among all civilized nations as the beat preparation for Renovating and I Purifying:thei BLOOD which science has ever offered to man. In time resides Its PECULIAR EXCELLENCE, avid to this is due its world wide renown. It coatains all the vegetable principles which expert epee has proved useful in clearing the SYSTEM from DISEASE, extracted and combined with the highest skill which the refinements of modern chemistry enable us to employ. Whatever may be said by mortified competitors or splenetic physicians, the fact that this medicine is EVERY WHERE USED, and that its use creates an increased de mand, shows conclusively that It possesses medicinal merits of the first order CAUTION. To avoid imposition it will be necessary to see that DR. JAMES R. CHILTON'S CERTIFICATE as well as the SIGNATURE of Dr. S. P Townsend, is on the outside wrapper of each bottle. BEIERY AWOL 10 --NE NO OTHER. Proprietor's !Ake, No. 41 Fulton street, N. Y And fm sale by every Druggist to this ,ity. ap3o-ti3taw JOHN B. SMITH'S BOOT & SHOE STORE, CORNER SECOND AND WALNUT STS., Pa. A LWAYS.CiIi ttrEe assortment of 71 04L r f BOOTS, wnOISIMAITwww,!: ~ of the' very best Cu the for ladietrogentleinen,laidt.ohildrens , wear.— Prices M stdt the amtle: All. Was obw ORK MAHE TO OHOMR in the beet Stiff by evertor workmen REPAIRING doneittlihort Oiled oetlEtdtf ' -JOHN .114. GREAT TION-lIPPRICES I WHE jtli tta t SEWING.'*NOWINESI NEW IMPROVEMENTS AT REDUCED PRICES. THE WUEELER & WILSON MannfaC- Wring Company hawing gained aw their suite at law, with infringing manufacturers of Sewing Machines, prop:tee that the publki • abonldbe tiettelitted thereby, and have accordingly reduced the prim of their Sewing Machines. After this date they will hasold at rates that wilipay a fair profit op the cost of manufacture, capital invested, and expense of making sales ; such prices a will enable them to make &et clue =aim, and, as heretofore, guarantee them in every particular. In accordance with the announcement above I will sell their splendidlieWing Illachinee at prices from $45 to $OO for the line fell easemechiaes. , It Is amen eatab halted fact that the Virheeler & Wilson" Sewing Machine is the beet one lathe market, the best made, most mile and least liable to gel ogtof order, and they are now es low as the interior machines. Call and see them a Third and Market. del.tim W. 0. HICKOK, Agent. ALBUMS ! ALBUMS ! The finest assortment of ALBUMS ever offered in this city, rang i ng price from 50 cents to $lO 00 each, bound In all styles orßluipos at liHRAP sobKaToßs, 12nov 51 Mark Street. THE' TTENTION OF' • i lEENBERG OF THE LEG • - ei. AND' STRANGE:RI; visiting the City la called to the largest and finest as sortment of Letter, Note and Oap Papers, Envelopes, Pens and Holders, Ink, Inkstands, Pencils, Writing Sand, Sand Boxes, Blotting Board, and a full variety of all kinds of STATIONERY; which for price and quality cannot be excelled, at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, de22 61 Market Street. H. L. Gp Dl3 0L D , RACTICAL :Tuner and Ri airer of PlllllO2, MelOsi &e., &0., will rece i ve orders to More at WM. ICNN'S Muedo Stare, 92 Market street e IE) All orders left at the above named place, or at the Buehler Howe, will meet with prompt attention, /Mit class PIANOS for sale CANDLES! PARAFFINE CANDLES, SPERM CANDLES, ADAMANTINE CANDLES, STEARINE CANDLES, STAR CANDLES, CHEMICAL SPERM CANDLES, TALLOW CANDLES. large lot of the above In 'tore and for lode at the low est prices by ICA.V.A.BIA CIGARS ! - A line aSsortment, comprising • Flow, Firm gr.r, • FARAGUANA ' gres.vms, Li Bun, Le Basun% BIRD, 11 CLPITO Of all sizes and qualilles, in quarter; one.ilith an d one : With boxes, Pia received and for sale low_ , by JOSH H. =GUM, ral lBo , Ts Market Stmt. APPLE WEISkY II LIRE TERSZT APPLE 1 In store and sorsalit ,m lff , ' JOHN H. ZIEGLER. b A 78 Market Weer. "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRAL IN NONE." seplB -dig WM. DOCK JR. & CO., Opposite the Court House HARRISBURG, PA., SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 9, 1861. Miscellaneous. HERR'S HOTEL! NEWLY REFITTED ! IHE UNDERSIGNED having leased this well known and popular hotel, in the ally of •risburg, Is now refitting and furnishing the same with NBW FURNITURE in the very best modern style. It Is located In the most central part of the city, within a short distance of the depots of four different railroad and also near the State Ca Wel buildings. The house is large and the sleeping apartments are a ell ventilated. The TABLE Is well provided with all seasonable arti cles This city Is well known throughout the State as having the best market outside of the Atlantic cities, ane consequently no complaints shall be made on that score. The BAS has also undergone changes and will be kept stocked with the best and purest Liquors in the country No exertion will be spared to make the traveler and sojourner comfortable in every respect. A continuance o. the patronage of the old customers, together with new additions Is respectiully solleited._ _ . Harrisburg, August 2341 .DT 3EII WV' FAMILY DRUG STORE. ~THE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED ± a Wholesale and Retail Drug and Prescription Store, in the Iron Front Bunning, N 0.128 Market street, lately occupied by Mr. Eby, wehre can be fbund an. enti renew stock of Fresh and Pure Drags Perfumery, Soot, COA. OIL, COAL OIL LAMPS, Burning Fluid, Ak cbol Patent Medicines, Stationery, Fancy Articles, &0., &c. We have the agency for the sale of Kline's Celebrated &d -enial Teeth, to which we would Invite the attention of Dentists. By strict attention to business, and desire to please, we respectfully ask a share of Public , Patronage. G. W. KELM. N. G.—Prime Havana Sugars and Tobacco corudantly on band. apr6tlly "OUR GOVERNMENT." 4.6 THE unity of Government, which con stitutes you one people, is now dear to you.”— Was ington's Farewell Addreu. A nationality is essen tial to the enduring prosperity of our country. True pa triotism must arise from knowledge. It is only a proper understanding of our civil institutions that can indnee strong and settled attachment to their principles, and Impa't ability fur their maintenance. ~O UR GOVERNMENT : An explanatory statement of the system of Government of the Country, contains the text of the Constitution of the United States, and the Con stltutional proyisions of the several States, with their meaning and construction, as determined by ludicial thorn y, and precedent and practice, or derived from standard writers; digested and arranged ter popular nee Price $l.OO. Sold by M. IPKINNEY, del Harrisburg. Pa. CITY LIVERY STABLES. BLACKBERRY ALLEY, rLY THE REAR 01 HERR'ESOTEL. BL undersigned has re-commenced the livery business in his NEW and SPACIOUS STA , located as above, with a large and varied stock o HORSES, CARRIAGES and OMNIBUSES, which be wit hire at moderate rates. F. li. SWARTZ. sep2B-dly NOTICE. DETERS' MOUNTAIN TURNPIKE ittitt/t.OO • of the Peters' Mountain Tp*plkd. this day dociarod a dividend it ins per abase an the oapital stack of said companyomy three per_'Oaltt per annum, and directed the same tote at this bMelk the stockholders, at the publio housed J. D. HOFFMAN, in the city of Earrisbreg, to thestookholders or their representatives after the 10th. • ' febe-Stw* J. a. IdEItAREIDD, Treasurer. DRUaS AND' CHEMICALS. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. DRUGS AND' CHEMICALS. Patent Medicines. Family. Medicines. 'Patent Medicines. Family Medicines. Patent Medicines. Family Medicines. Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder ;Braces; Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Bram. Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces. PERFUMERY. PFRFUMERY. PERFUMERY. FANCY AND TOILET. AkETIOLES. ' FANCY AND TOILET ARLICLESI FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES. PRIME HAVANA CIGARS, TOBACCO. PRIME HAVANA CIGARS, TOBACCO. PRIME HAVANA CIGARS, TOBACCO. We endeavor to buy and sell the very best of 'Very- Ihing in our line, and always have a good *ssnt in store from which customers may choose. And Wing at fair prices we do command a fair share of patronage. C. K. SELLER'S DRUG STORE, No. 91 Market street. BUEHLER HOUSE, MARKET SQUARE:, HARRISBURG, PBNN'A. GEO. J. BOLTON, PROPRIETOR. 0 41. It D The ab eve well known and long established Hotel is now undergoing a thorough •renoeation and being in a great degree newly furntahed, ODOR 01 wivortiP. of Mr. Gnome J. Belson; who has beekin , Anwate I a) house for the lain three yeard, and ht well kiovrn to ts guest*. Thankful for the liberal,petrousgs, which At ea oyed , I cheerfully tonatnend Mt..-Motten t. ww. fieSirtil de AL4 WILLIAM If•:"1 _ • -`JUST RECEIVED,, 1 'A LARGE AND WELL 'SEDEUTED, STOOK OF BRANDIFSJ COMIECUIG OF PINET, CASTILLION & CO. BLSQUET, TRICOCtib& CO. JAMES lIENNESSX„&CO. OTAIW, DUPUT:& CO. J. & F. MARTLE. JULES ROBIN & CO. MAIIETr & CO. For sale by JOHN U. =UFA 174 73 Market Street. VAN INGEN & SNYDER. / . . Designers and Enaravers on Wood' N. E. COIL lr ii - l'H & GIIESTNET SM., Philadelphia. EXECUTE all kinds of Wood Engraving with beauty, correctness and dispatch. Cklginal il designs furniahed for Fine Book Illustrations. now , wishing cuts, by sending a Photograph or Davie, can have views of Colleges,Churches, Biers Machines, stoves, Patents, &A, engraved a; weltpl.par... sonal application. Fancy Envelopes, Labels, Bill Headings, Sher BB Visiting, Business and other Cards, engraved to the highest style of art, and at tue lowest prices. For specimens of flue engraving, see the Mediated works of J. B. Lippincott & Co., E. H. Butler &Cs. i WM-Iyd . FOR RENT. 4 TWO STORY . FRAME HOUSE D 401. LARGE STORE ROOM, situate on Mark ' be; tween 4th and 6th streets, ward, city of .flarris art Also, a number of DWELLING ROUSES in Mired of the oily.- Apply to 0 0. ZIMMXRMAN - Jan 2 • No 23, South Second • • . _ A NEW LOT OF LADIES' SHOPPIOS_4 7 111,4TEVING GS I t Comprising a numlwr' ar.iteir MENIS , on LA.. MIMS' Money Purges sad Wallets. Sae • • • t. Pot received end tbesale at - • , • DIMISNMEPS CHEAP I• • 4 • 40. Mulimi • PHOTOGRAPH CALLER Y One of tho Finest and most complete Galleries In the United States, where the best Pictures, known to tho Photegraphic art, are taken at prices no higher than are paid for miserable caricatures. THE PROPRIETOR, A PRACTICAL PHOTOGRAPHER, attends personally, every sit ting—and allows no [Actin° to leave the Gallery unless it rives perfect satisfaction. Daguerreotypes and Ambrotypes, of absent or deceased friends, photographed to any required size, or taken on Can'ass, the airs, and painted in Oil by the best artists At this Gallery pictures can be taken In any weather— as perfect In cloudy days as when the sun shines. Persons visiting the city are respectfully Invited to ex amine our specimens, which for price and quality defy competition. —lnstructions given in the art of Photography. R. NEWELL. Gallery of Art, 724 Arch Street, Philadelphia. J. H. BENFORD & CO, My family and friends all concur in the opinion that the (Newell) Picture is mere lifelike than anything they ever saw. My Incenses has been repeatedly taken by different Artists in various ways, but I have never yet had one which presents so true to nature, all the features and expressions of countenance as this. The exquisite finish, beauty and softness of your por traits, con3oined with their durability of color and Faith fulness as likenesses, cannot fall to commend them to the attention and patronage of all who appreciate true rat. Having occasion for a portrait, I procured one from Mr. Robert Newell, or the city of Philadelphia, a minia ture In Oil Colors, under the new proem discovered by him, and take great pleasure in expressing the satisfaction given me, not only by the accuracy of the Intone as, but its artistic finish In all respects and recommend him to the patronage of those disposed to encourage the beau tiful art. JAMES PAWL I E: WM 33 .ds. GI- ME 7 SI RAW BONE SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME I MANUFACTURED ST BAUGH & S ON S• No. 20 South Wharves, • Philadelphia. CLEW PPICE, , $l5 PRE 2,000 The., IN STRONG SALIM FARMERS, REMEMBER I THIS article is prepared from Raw BONES, and contains a large amount of fert Sizing constitu ents, embodied in no other similar preparation. 1. It is superior to Peruvian Guano, producing, in some cues, 60 per cent. more, 2. It costntal perton less. IL ,al}„Aket tirtatmole *me,. while you lose no trinatoiree. iskrwlt .furnishea precisely the food required 'for the lag crop. 6., It permanently Improves the soil. 8. , It produces large crops of grass. V. , It prevents the attacks of worms. 8. It does not exhaust the soil. 9. The last reason why you should use it, is that then you can make a practical test as to the truth or all these assertions. - It willcost but little to give it a trial. WE AIR) MANUFACTURE AN ARTICLE OF "GROUND RAW BONES,' (Guaranteed Potreo CASH PRICE, $55 PER 2,000 POUNDS. The above Manures we warrant entirely free from adulteration, being manufactured under the personal saperintendenceor one of our Firm. B A lIG H & SONO, N 0.20 South Wharves, Philad'a. ,q -The highest Cash Price paid for BONES. feb2o -Sen COAL FOR SALE. I N ORDER to dose the business of .John I_ Wallower & Son, the subscribers will deliver In any grist of the city of Harrisburg, flmt quality of LIKENS VALLEY COAL, at Two Dollars and Seventy Five cents per ton; or they will sell Seven Hundred Tons at a re duced'wholosale price. A. 0. lITMITER, C. F. MUENCEI, jan29.3tdaStw Assignees. "Union" and." Sentinel" NOTICE. PUBLIC -NOTION is hereby given that letters of Administration on the estate of WILLIAM Jams, Ws of the city of Harrisburg, have been granted to the undersigned, and persons knowing themselves in debted to anywise to said estate, will please make imme diate payment, and those haring claims will present them to the undersigned. fB-wet Al. C. JOHNS, Adiniulstratrla. EMI To Farmers, Garth];3rs and Truckers A. PEYSSONS' DISINFECTED POURDETTE ! Especially Manufacted for Corn, Tobacco, Peas, Grass, Cabbage, and every kind of Crop and Trucking. PRICES:—SI6 00 ant) $l2 00 PRE TON, OR 40 canm AND 80 Capra yaw &um. Also :—Puriallatorected Night Soil, packed in tight bar rels -at sr 76, delivered only at A. Peyasou's Wharf, °rare yen7.--(lThernl discount to Calera. ig1137157TP? Ax GRAY, S F ELEA BELOW .1 6 1 8 / 1 1AMSIENAL. . • PHILADELPHIA, AND 1111 PeTrason's.iXarm. Woodbur , tßoad , iGLOUCEEEKR, N. J. Deems `:french Richards & Co., N. 4th Street and York Avenue ; John Craig, west end of Market Street Bridge; °Moe of A. Person, Library Street, Goldsmith's Nall, No. 12. • A. PNVSSON &CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO3. 2 and 4 GOLDSMITH'S HALL, Import to °reef an kinds of Seeds, Fruit Trees, and Ag ricultural Implements from France. feb27.3m • FOR TICE - 'SEASON. FuvoaiNG irritecrsi ' beat InMarket Rose, Lames t Pine Apple, . Strawberry, Celery,i Nutmegs, Pare Distilled Rose Water, Parsley. • beef KNOW' Ealing Ea*, Pure Cream Tartar, 4 Extra Pals Spices, Culinary Herbs.ENGLER'S DRUG STIIE, • d2O ' 91 Marke O t 'Street. pYOTVILLE GLASS WORKS, FNUFAUFIME dttlxiya, DeAjohns with Partar; Minelid Water, Pickle asdkreorve (Tory descalptil k G. W. apimmat 0 91V1 - 141F .4YT qe9tIMPO ,I We"; /101.940114016 Zritgtai). littioctUantous R. NEWELL'S NO. 724 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA ICORMENDATIONS : From Hon. Lewis D. Campbell, M. C., Oblo From Hon. L Joy Morris, late Minister to Italy From Cal. James Page WM. FLINT! WM. FLINT I WM. FLINT WM. FLINT I WM. FLINT I WM. FLINT No. 807 MARCH?, No. 807 Kumar, No. 807 Mama's, PBERADIMPIIId, PRELADIMITA, PIiFILLDELTIM, PA. PA. TREMENDOUS SACRIFICE $lOO,OOO WORTH OF JEWELRY, ALL FOR ONE DOLLAR EACH. A Large and Splendid Assortm eat of Jewelry, consisting of CHA INS, BRACELETS, CAMEO SETS, &C.; &C. And all styles of French Plated Chains, Gold "sad Plated Jewelry. We do not keep or soil any gilt, gifted or galvanized goods. Ours is what are sold by the beat Jeweler as Gold Jewelry . We receive eur goods from the bast Geld Jewelry Manufacturers In the F.tatel. WHO ARE FORCED TO SELL. WHO ARE FORCED TO SELL. WHO ARE FORCED TO SELL. WHO ARE FORCED TO nu,. The following is only a partial list of our immense stock TAKE YOUR CHOICE FOR SI EACH. . TAKE YOUR CHOICE FOR $l. Large Size and Splendid Cameo Seta, General Retail Prices $8 to 516 Do do Lava do 10 to a 0 Do do Carbuncle do Bto 80 Do Ladles' Enamelled and Coral do 7to 02 Do do and Carbuncle do 7to 1.0 To do and Ruby do 7to 80 Do Gold Cluster Grape Setting sets do 10 to 0 Do do do Vase do do 10 to !, Do do do Jet Sets do .5 to ...•3 Do do Black Mosaic do . 6 to "2 Do do Gold-Stone Mosaic. do 6to 1 2 Do •do Calico Setado sto 1 2 To Ribbon Twists, with brilliants j • do oto 1 2 Do Baguet Sets, new style •do Bto 1 6 En Enameled Cluster do .do 10 to _ 9 O Gold Thimbles, do 3to 7 0 Diamond Pointed Gold Pens and Cases, 3to 60 36" doz. Silver Plated Spoons, 2 0 0 Silver Plated Mugs, 4 00 Over 1,000 other different styles Ladles' Jewelry; Me dallions all styles, patterns and sizes; Lockets of every description ; Gold Pens, 14 karat, with Silver Extension Holder ; Gold Pencils, Sleeve Buttons, Studs, &c. &c.; Coral, Lava, Cameo and Band Bracelets ; Gents* Vest Chains, warranted to wear ten years without changing color, and will stand the acid—they are usually sold by Jewelers as solid gold chains—all made in Paris. You can take your choice for $1 each. Ladies , and Gents' Guard Chains, $1 each, usually sold by Jewelers at from SR to $3O each ; Ladies' and Children's Neck Chains, beautiful patterns; Armlets, brilliant, enameled and ruby settings; Crosses, plain and enameled, for Si each retail prices from 86 to 20 each. Every style and variety of Jewelry and desirable goods tor $1 each. This Sale, at the above prices, will continue long enough to sell off our immense. stock, which was pur chased at a great Sacrifice from Manufacturers who have failed. TAKE YOUR CHOICE FOR $1 EACH SPECIAL NOTICE HOW TO SEND MONEY.Iig lat., Write your Name, Place et Reaidemie, County' and State, plain and distinct, as we cab make aoAttny old of Post marks. Seal all letters with WAS, as Envelopes sealed with gain or waters can be easily opened—the contents taken out and re•soaled. Attend to this, and we will be re sponsible for your money. INDUCEMENTS TO AGENTS. Any person acting as agent, who will send us at one time, $lOO, wo will give a Gold Ranting Case Watch, extra. $5O, '. Gold Lever Watch. $25, " Silver Watch. A Watch and the articles selected from the above Liat at ONS DOLLAR EACH. Persons ordering by mall mud send $1 and 15 cents in patter stamps. GIVE US A VIAL. AU communications must be addressed to WILLIAM FLINT, ' No. 807 Market Street, Jan3o Onw Philadelphia, Pa. PUBLIC NOTICE. N , OTICE is hereby giyen that LettOrs of Administration on• the estate of Elizabeth Henry, widow, late of East Hanover ttliiihip, Dauphin county, decd, have been granted to the subscriber, who ming in same township. All persons baying claims or de mands against the estate of said decedent aro hereby re quested to make known the same to the subscriber without delay Jan2o.o3tw DAVID HENRY. PUBLIC NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that all per sonsil indebted to the estate of Jacob Rineard, late of Susquehanna township, Dauphin county, dec'd., are hereby notified to pay the same to the subscriber, be. tween this date and the first of April next, and any per son having claims against said docedent are hereby re quested to present them to the subscriber without de- DANIEL' SHEESLEY, Again for Widow and Beira lar. Jl9-w6t* PHILADELPHIA • WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE 0. CONRAD, FORMER OCCUPANT, No. 148 North Second Street, CORNER OP QUARRY STREET. TARE UNDERSIGNED has leased the 11 above premises, where be will keep a large assort meat of Gold and Silver Watches, of American, English and Swiss Manafacture of the mastmlebrated makers, In addition to which, will be found stator owhand (and made to order) an extensive variety oNewelry, Silver, and Silver Plated ware, together with a general assort ment of such goods as are usually kept in a first class Wetch.and Jewelry Store. 4e he hE trons of O. Conrad, and those of the subscriber, with the public genetally, are invited to call, rdi dy will receive a good article for their money.— dithrsitued to de strictly a cash business, goods will be eat vary lair: idanizz. Puma Awn Qinox is the motto of this ewbtliheht l LEWIS a. thaOMALL, Je2BByw ForniedirCONßAD, No. 148 North Second St., corner Q arry, hi'da. PHOTOGRPHY, In all its Brainlike, Executed in the best style known In the art, at C. G. CRANE'S 10ALLERY, 682 Arch 8610, East of itifeei, Ewa. LIFE SIZE IN OIL AND PASTIL. STEREOSCOPIC PORTRAITS, Analirotypes, Dagnerreotypce, for C 11.603, Medallions ins, Rings, wrc. novl4 wly NOTIOR TO CONSITILEMS OF COAL. „ , .arid PATENT WEIGHbCARTS COA L. and' (wedded to by. the SRALIIII ,w - mgys A.MMMSASIIMS: Mr. JAXSEI M. Wasnza—Having this day tested your Patent Weigh Carta, and found them perfectly correct, I therefore put my seal upon them acoordlnsto law. WACE, Sealer of Weights and*eastulst. Harrisburg, '.lanuary 17,1881. 118 JUST AFECEW . 4 1 r - ANOTHER , LOT• OF TROSE EXTRA FINE POINTED • nip PVNEs - • NEW %li'S ffon , neily Bgley 'a manna:tore, terra to be ti iP bestituma . pie finest pointed, moat durable and aa,ebeap a 8 any niarketi ibraale with a _variety' or Goki kid Sliver owes of various shies and price; ' BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, 51 Market street. tam Vtinting Having procured Steam Power Presses, we are 3repared to execute JOB and BOOK PUNTING of every iescription, cheaper that It can be done at any other 04 tablishment In the country RATES ut , AuYnatilSlNG. siy-Four lines or less constitute one-half square MI tines or more than four constitute a square. Half Square. one day .... .... one week one month... • a three Martins 11 six months one year... • • . 600 Ono Square one day Se •' eno week.. .. .... 200 41 one month-- . ...... ... ....... . 3 00 111 three months 5 00 ... six months • li 00 4 , . 0110 year 10 00 xis-Business notices inserted in the Lead column, or before Marriages and Deaths, FIVE CENTS PER UN or each insertion. _ . . NO. 56, iii - Darriages and Deaths to be charged as regular advertisements. No. 807 MMuter, No. 807 Mourn, No. 807 Elastoer. 01* . i i 2lilAvU - • : NEVER DEBILITATES. ris compounded entirely from Gums, and hen become an established tact %Standard Medi cine, known and approved ~,T, by all the have used It, and is now resorted to Ml with confidence in all the diseases for which it is re- 1911 commended. 1 It has cured thousands E i within the last two years who had given up all hopesg of relief, as the numerous unsolicited certificates' in my possession show. The dose must be adapt - 1 ed to the temperament of tbe ludlyidusu taking %muffin used in Bach quantities ar to eat gently on the b0we15.,. .."' Let the dictates of your liajudgment guide you In th use of the LIVER INTIGO-td, RA TOR , and It will cure rim Cownincra, 13muous p Amass, Dysrusu,Ctszon 101kalCIROZA, SIDINNI CO3lllO FLAMM, DTILINTILIT, MOP IN Soma Sromice,_ Hum UAL Coarmassin, Caouc, Cony= MORRO; MOLINA INFAIMUIt, FL• TULIN OS, JAUNDICE, FOLALI WILK- NUM, and may be uscd stememdially as an ORDLNA- 1:4 IT Farms hisDICIIMIL n will cure SICK BEADACHE i ra (as thousands can testify) IX TWIST! IiENUNIN, IT TWO 1-, OR TURIN FILANKKIN11118• IT usluesat commencement o f attack. g".... • - An WHO MIT JIM OITI ure their testimony in its favor, jar M lx Water In the mouth with the In elgorator, and swallow both together. CATHARTIC PILLS PURE VEGETABLE EXTRACTS, AND PU UP IN GLASS CASES, AIR TIGHT, AND WILL KEEP IN ANY CLIMATE. The FAMILY CATHAR-) • active Cathartic which the practice) more than twenty .a The constantly increm have long used the Pl= I. all express in regard to to place them within the n. iThe Profession well know •-• OD different perilous of the The FAMILY °Anita 0 ference to this well estab- P• 4 dedTrom a variety of the le which act alike on every no nal, and are good and tale P. 4 thartlo Is needed, snob eel i ll Bkepinem, Pains in file, Pam and Soreness oaer Dull or weight in the head, all .„ Worms in Ch il dren or Ad- el Purifier of the Blood, and a d flesh is heir, too numerous -. 4 tenement. Doe; Ito 8. 0 PRICE 80 'CENTS. Tun Ira INVIGOILISOR awn Faiata CAMAS 10 PILLS are retailed by Druggists generally,and sold wholesale by the Trade in all the large towns. Manufacturer and Proprietor, je2o-dawyt] 836 Broadway, New York. rtlEtE ATTENTION or GENTLEMEN is ootioiteit to Dot tfer"lingo ossartmest of - unmunumcs azu &taw= of avory size and polity. Cans' Joovnt KID Glom, bast artleleZnaitilkttaisid. All the different kinds of Werrsa Otovlim . largest assortment of Roamer in the oily. CRAVATS, SISSVISDERR, HANDRUCHUCKI, Ready Resumed. And every thing in Gents' wear, at Jaii2 I 'ALDERMAN HENRY PEFFER, OFFICE—THIRD STREET, (SHELL'S ROW,) NEAR MARKET. Residence, Chestnut Street near Fourth. CITY OF HARRISBURG, PRNN'A. myl2-dtf GLEANINGS FROM THE HARVEST-FIELDS OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND ART AMelange of Excerpts Curious, Humor. one and Instructive. Collated by 0. C. BOMBAUGH, A. M. M. D. The above interesting Work has just been received at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. STORK PRICK $126 OATS ! OATS ! ! . 2BUSHELS ON HAND. A 000, lot, ror sale very low for cash, by JAS. M. AVHEICLEM, Dealer in Coal. Wood, Powder, &c. Kdr All coal delivered:and weighed at consumers dune by tinsTatent Weigh•Carta. Priem to suit the times. Wholesale and Retail. jan2 • Desirable Property. for Rent. ATWO STORY FRAME ROUSRAND STORE ROOM, situated Ic Market street, between Fourth audYWRI streets. In the Third Ward. ALSO.—A LARGE TWO STORY BRICE HOUSE situated Second street below Mulberry, in the First Ward. ALSO.—A THREE SIORY BRICK ROUSE situate in lberty street, In the Fourth Ward. Apply to C. 0. ZIMMERMAN, No. 28 South Second street, HarNsburg, Pa. jamb) CHAMPAGNE OPINES. Doc Da MOSTKIIKLIO, EXID.SISCH & CO. CaJam U GEIALKR SI Co., ANCHOR--81LERT IdOUSSEUI, Fpaaairana MOZIOATIT., MITNIM & C 0.11160 V ERATi, NET'S,AI In store and for sale by JOIEN ZIECILillft,. d3B 78 Market..Btreet. THE Auditor appointed by the Orphan's Court of Dauphin county, to distribute the Wince remaining In the-tends of ABRAHAM BOWMAN, Adminis trator of SAMUEL Fa. K, late or Jackson township, in said county, dec'd., will meet the parties interested, at bis office, In the city of Harrisburg, on TUeSDAY, the 19th day of Lblarch next, at 10 o'clock A. M., at which' time and place they are heroby nabbed to attend and present their claims. H. M. GRAYDON," rebl9.ltde3tw Auditor , NOTICE. • NOTICE is hereby given that an asaocia . lion is formed for she purpose - of - establishing a Ir. Of issue, discount and deposit under the provisions of , the Act establishing a system of Free Banking In Pennsylvania—said Balk to he ; eemed the ',The sate Bank of Pennsylvania," to be It cat , initit Brie, Ps., with a capital of FIFTY THOUSA'Nft.iXtralftB, - with the pre vfiege of increasing the ; tame to Five liundred,Theuseurd Dollars; , , . de26.wthrt NOTICE. ETTERS testamentary on the estate of IA Simian EHRISMAN, dec , d., late, gwatar a township, Dauphin county, having been granted to the undersigned, alt personshaving claims, against the . 63. tate of the said decedent are reenes‘A to make known the saineDwithout oelay, and those indebted. to,ssaikestate arc mooted to make: payment before the Ist day or 'April, 1861. • No4onger. indulgence can :119 GEORGE EBRISW.O7; DANIgI. OHYEZILEY, 'Biteort4 jBo.6twe e.„ A:HUMES, AND LEIVI.0b101:; FORTY' BOXES in prime order just ie. oefvpd and for rale by $O:5 ..... 00 filtbitaL SANFORD'S PIICI ORM POLL 172 110T172. SANFORD'S FAMILY COMPOONDKD FROM TIC PILL Is a gentle be proprietor has need in hi years. big demand from those who and the satisfaction with* their use, his Induced me reach of all. that ME:trent Cathartics ace bowels. TIC PILL has, with due re. lished fact, been timpani. purest Vegetable Extracts, part of the alimentary ca. In all cases where a ca- Dartmgentents of Ransack, Beek and Loins, Chateau's boll a re aory mess, Headache Disea , p Ritetanatiett, a many diseases to ir Ich to mention in this • Ivor. S. T. W. 89NF011D, M. D., CATHCART'S, Next to tho Harriabailt Baak AUDITOR'S NOTICE. LwM, DOCK JR. al co. 3 00 4 0