pail g Etlegrap RARRIBBURG Friday Afternoon, March S. 1861. FIVB LEGGED Cana.—A calf with five legs lately made its appearance at Wescotville, Lehigh county. It ought to be a good traveler. Taut Maori Peal- a Ksintio will be held in the Presbyterian church, corner of Market Square, to-morrow (Saturday) afternoon, com mencing at four o'clock, as usual. NOT A CAIrDIDATB.—Mr. Joshua S. Royal re quests us to say, in reply to a communication in this morning's .Patriot and Union, that he will not be a candidate for Common Council in the Third Ward at the coming election. The Mum Cswer..—This improvement is fast approaching the completion of the repairs it has been undergoing the past winter, and is nearly ready for the water to be let into it for navigation. We learn that the canal promises to be in excellent condition for the season's business . It is anticipated that boats can pass through by the 15th instant. Moms Carroru—,Over 1800 bales of cotton ar rived in Pittsburg in one day, recently, for shhipment over the Pennsylvania Railroad to the eastern markets. Certainly the course pursued by the Southern or Gulf States is work ing to the injury of their internal improve ments. The fact that so much cotton has been shipped via Northern routes, proves that the cotton growers of the South have more confi dence In Northern transporters than in the men and institutions of the seceding States. BIFORS TUB MAlOA t —John Carver, who was remanded to the lock-np yesterday for a furth er bearing, on suspicion of being connected with the Lancaster party in stealing copper pipe and bed clothes, was again before the Mayor this morning, and upon a hearing was discharged, there not being sufficient evidence to warrant his further detention. He was, however, ordered to leave the city forthwith. The fellow Cosgrove, also had a second hearing, and was committed to prison for a still further hearing in the matter. The copper pipe, blank ets and comforts are still at the Mayor's office awaiting identification. —"SoousnaszlSM."—Oar item under this cap tion yesterday has led to developments which excite universal indignation in community. The insulted foxholes feeling a delicacy about appearing against the "lewd fellow of a baser sort" alluded to, is the only reason why he was not prosecuted long ago. A repetition of his infamous acts, however, will be followed by se vere personal chastisement, and the exposure of his name in print, notwithstanding his po sition in society. in this connection we deem it proper to caution parents not to send their little girls to the tiold Brewery" on Third street for yeast, or to allow them to pass by there at all on their way to and from school. Tan HARMONIC CONCERT.—The lovers of music will be glad to learn that the long con templated Concert of the Harmonic Society is likely to come off soon. We learn that, ac cording to present arrangements, this grand "soiree musical" will take place in one 'of our churches some evening next week.' Those who love to go "where music's stream can roll to soothe the heart and harmonise the soul," may confidently look forward to a rich treat; for the Harmonic is among the very best associations of the Mad iu the country, its membership comprising our first-class lady and gentleman amateurs, who have paid a great deal of atten tion to the cultivation of the "art divine."-- Of course the concert will be a decided success. Loom, Lgoistanos.—Among the bills now before the Legislature is one authorizing the Governor to commission auctioneers in this city. In order to save the public from imposi tion, irresponsible parties should be prohibited from operating in this way, and the business placed entirely in the hands of regularly com missioned auctioneers. Such. a measure is ne cessary here, and the bill, if properly, planned; ought to become a law, as we doubt not it will. The Governor has signed the bill relative to the official'term of the Commissioners, Prison Inspectors, and Directors of the Poor, of this county. We believe this bill fixes the precise time when these officers shall enter upon their duties after election. FUNERAL OF A FIREMAN.—The funeral of Mr. Nelson Hudson took place this forenoon, 'and was attended by the Mount Vernon /Hook and Ladder Company, of which the deceased had been a member, and by delegations from the other fire companies. Flags were displayed at half-mast on several of the engine houses, and the fire bells tolled, during the march of the funeral cortege through the city. The members of the fire department are to be com mended for these demonstrations of respect to the memory of men who have associated with them in their self-sacrificing labors for the public good. May our gallant firemen—the real "bone and sinew" of the city—the volun tary protectors of life and public property— ever cherish towards each other the most fra ternal feelings, and dwell together is unity. TEN HALLPAX Surcann..—We have learned some additional particulars relative to the sui cide of Mr. John Novlit, of Halifax township, who recently shot himself in his own barn. Sometime alter the deed had been committed, his daughter, Mrs. Musser, found him lying upon his face, and the rifle under him. A Jury was summoned by Esquire Brubaker, who ren dered a verdict in accordance with the facts before them—that John Novlit, with his own hands, deprived himself of life. .No reasons could be adduced for the rash deed he had committed, except that he had went security for a certain individual or individuals, and the claim or claims were about being pushed. Mr. Novlit bas been a worthy member of society, an excellent neighbor—in fine, an orderly and good citizen. He has left a widow and five children, with whom we sincerelyrsympathice In this dreadful calamity. THE FISHERMEN are doing a good business this season. Immense numbers of eels and cat fish are caught daily at various points along the Susquehanna, anirmany of them disposed of in our honte market at one and two shil lings per bunch. We•leain that eels'are bar reled in large quEintities and shipped to the principal cities, where they command ready sale at fair prices: ' ;.,.. Armin Max Krizso.—A few nights ago a man named Hight got upon a Pennsylvania Railroad freight train at New Florence to go to Latrobe, confiariin the , rules of the company. As the train did not stop at the latter place, he had to junap,off. In doing so he was whirled under the train, the wheels caught him, cut off one foot, stripped the flesh off the thigh and ground the lower part of the other leg. He died in a short time, leaving a wife and eight children with limited means. TEE SUSQUEHANNA. &viol continues in good rafting order, caused by the melting of the snow which was several feet deep in the Woods on the West and North branches. Within the past week some rafts have passed down, and with a continuation of moderate weather we may expect increased arrivals and a revival of trade in our market. An unusually large quantity of lumber was cut during the winter, and much of it is already rafted ready to float to market. Tasman STOCK TRAIM3.—On Monday and Tuesday mornings last, the first stock train on each side, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, was run through from Altoona to Harrisburgh with out change of locomotives or men at Mifflin, as heretofore. The immense shops put up at Har risburg are now nearly ready for the accommo dation of workmen and locomotives. When they are completed, which will bein the course of a month or two, all freight trains, with the exception of the local freight, wilt be run through from, Altoona to this city without change of men or motive power. CARD or STOVBEi AND PIPES. —When the stoves are no longer needed, they are quite frequent ly set aside in an out-building, or other out of he way place, with - no further thought, until again wanted for use. If neglected, the rust of the Summer may injure them more than the whole Winter's wear, particularly the parts of sheet iron. They should be kept as free from dampness as possible, and occasionally cleaned if rust be observed. An exchange recommends to apply a coating of linseed oil to the pipes before putting them away. It should be done while the pipes are warm (not hot) and kept at a low temperature five or six hours. This will impart a luster, and prevent rusting. Karam ON TaS Rimaos.D.—About five o'clock last evening the dead body of a man was found lying along aide of the Pennsylvania Railroad track some three miles below this city. His back and other portions of his body were se verely bruised, and one foot cut off. It is sup posed that while walking on-the track he. was run into by the passenger train from the east due here at four o'clock. He had in his possession twenty-nine cents in money and a receipt for a bill of lading of furniture, marked "John Fonlk, Lancast73r, Pa.," dated at Delaware, for shipment to °redline. Alderman Kline held an inquest upon the body, and the jury returned a verdict in accordance with the facts elicited. The remains of the unfortunate man were sent to the pauper burial ground at the poor house for interment. DIBTEESSING.-Mr. John Colder, of-Hunting don county, a gentleman well known and highly esteemed in this community, came here a fiiw days ago to attend the funeral of his brother, the late Wm. Colder, Br. On Wed nesday morning he took seriously ill, and yes terday his physical prostration was such as to unfit him for participation in the funeral obse ivies. The mourning relatives returned from the Cemetery to find him in a sinking condi tion, and to-day but little hope is entertained of his recovery. We believe his disease is con sumption, with which he has been afflicted for a long time. Mr. Colder was formerly con nected with his brother William in the stage business, resided for some years at Lewistown, is now a farmer in Huntingdon county, a gen tleman of considerable means, and enjoys in a high degree the confiden9e and respect of all who know him intimately. We sincerely hope that the skill of the eminent physicians attend ing him may triumph, and the suffering family be spared the double affliction now threatened. Cowmen TO Amos PIEMISON.--Our learned and popular President Judge, Hon. John J. Pearson, recently held especial Court at Wilkes barre, during the progress of which some Very important cases were decided. Of the impres sion made by him upon lawyers and people, our readers may judge by the following article which appeared in the Record of the Times, of that place : AMON PZABSON.—This gentleman presided at the special Court recently held here, and we but speak the universal sentiment of lawyers and laymen, when we say that he is an admi rable Judge, lie unites In a very high degree that quality of legal sagacity which makes the Judge self-reliable and prompt, with a suavity of manner and address which renders an ad verse ruling 'satisfactory even to the' party which suffers by it. Understanding thoroughly the principks of the law, the habit of his mind is to turn to these for the decision of legal queitions, rather than to cases already decided. This quality, united with patience and caution, makes him a most agreeable Judge. The en tire trial list, several important cases, was dis posed of before Saturday evening. No time was wasted in long-winded discussions with counsel, but points were decided promptly and clearly. Judge Pearson is just the man for this district. We don't , know what his poli tics are, and don't care. Let both parties next fall nominate him and elect him Judge of this Judicial District. We heartily endorse all that is said in the above article commendatory of Judge Pearson's legal abilities, but protest against our Wilkes tette friends nominating him for a seat on their benoh. He has proved himself to be "just the man for this district," and we can not spare him. As it would be ditricut tosup ply his place„our people prefer to "hold fast to.that which is good`," and, if the Judge de nims it, they will 'retain his services for another' Judicial term. This we believe to be the senti ment of men of all parties in our district. pennopth an i a tp ct up e t tegrapt), jfribap 'Afternoon, glad) 8, 1861. Um French distillers are now making brandy out of coal. —Exchange Paper. We trust the new article will be an improve ment on that manufactured of strychnine and rain water. LLOYD'S MINSTRELS. — In another column will be seen the advertisement of this troupe. The Philadelphia Bulletin in speaking of the Com pany pays them the following handsome com pliment 4 ,lizorns Missrani—A large and fashionable audience assembled last evening, at Musical Fund Ball, to witness the debut of this great troupe. From our personal knowledge of the abilities of the members of this great star com bination, we were led to expect a great treat, and our fondest hopes were more than realized. Minstrelsy has long been our favorite .amuse ment, and we never allow. an opportunity to pass by without witnessing the performance of at! troupes that - visit this city. We have heard them all, and are free to confess that "Lloyd's Minstrels," is the "Model Troupe •" they ap pear again this evening; let all who can ap preciate good singing and genuine wit attend. PAPER NECK Tras.—Why not? But a short time since we rejoiced in the lusty of paper collars, and there are still many gentlemen who have not discontinued their nse. Paper neck-ties have now been invented, printed in imitation of silk and gingham, with such ex actness as to defy detection, save on close in spection. With the advantages of this new invention, the "Bean Brummels" of the pre sent age can sport a "stunning tie," as often as their time or inclination will permit. But why stop here ? Why not employ paper in the manufacture of other articles of use and adorn ment, besides collars and neck-ties ? There is no reason why gentlemen's shirt bosoms may not be made of paper, and in either summer or winter they would be decidedly comfortable. In the summer they might be perforated in imi tation of. lace, and so.give opportunity for ven tilation, while in winter their texture would be firmer, and consequently warmer, and in some cases more desirable than linen. X °DERN CHOIR Snesuw.—A correspondeat of a religious paper, who urges the necessity of a reform in church music, says that our amateur choir singers are too fond of "executing" dif ficult pieces, and confounding common people with reverberating resonances. The Sector of St. Bardolph's takes off this style most laugha bly, in describing the singing of the following stanzas : "True love is like that precious oil, Whibb, poured on Aaron's head, Ran dawn his beard, and o'er his robes It's costly moisture shed." In the prodigious effort of this performance, the ear-splitting combination of the several voices hardly bore a resemblance to that oily current _poured on Aaron's head, and which " Ran down his beard, and o'er his head, Ran down his beard— his And o'er his robes— Ran down his beard—ran down his —o'er his robes— His robes, his robes,. ran down his beard— Ran down his-- - 0 er his robes, Ran down his beard— hi-s b-e-a-r-d It's costly moist— Ran down his beard— • —ure—beard—his-,beard—his—shed— Ran down his beard—his—down His robes—its costly moist—his beard —are shed—his—cost—his robes—nrc shed It's c-o-s-t-l-i-e moisture--shed !" The late Bishop Seabury, being asked that opinion of this performance, replied that he had paid, no attention to the music, but that his sympathies were so much excited for poor Aaron that he was afraid he would not have a hair left. MUSLIM I MUSLIM I MUSLIM I-1000 yards of the very best unbleached Muslin, 10 cents ; 2000 yards of beautiful bleached Muslin, 10 cents ; 2000 yards of the best long clpth Mus lin, 12i cents, which I will sell by the piece at 11i cents; 2000 yards of remnant of Calico De Leine, to be sold very cheap ; remnants of colored Silk,,cheap ; De Laines and other dress goods at cost ; Broohe Shwls and other Shawls at cost; Cassimere for pants; Black Cloth, Cassinetts, and a large lot of pants stuff at cost ; a splendid assortment of Cambrics, .Taco netts, Cambric Bands, Hemetiched Handker chiefs, which I will sell at auction prices; white and colored Flannel at cost. For cheap goods call at S. LBWVI3, Rhoads' old corner. 1- ELECTION PROCLAMATION: IN COMPLIANCE with the City Charter, notice is hereby given to the gualified voters of the several wards of the said city, that an election for per sons to 1111 the various cruces of the said city, will be held at their usual places, OH the Tame Fsmetor MAIN; being the 16th day of said month, am, between the hours or 9 o'clock in the morning and 7 o'clock in the evening of said day. In the FIRST WARD the lanlh lied voters will meet at the School Rouse corner of Front street andlifruy's al ley, in said city, and vote Tor one'person tor Member of Common Council, one person for Constable, one person for Assessor, one person for Judge, and two persons for Inspectors of Election or said ward, aid School Directors. In the SECOND WARD the qualified voters will meet on said day at the West Window of Herr's Hotel on Mar ket street, and elect one person for Common Council; one person for Constable, one person for Assessor, onener son for Judge, and two persons for hispedoro of Election of said ward, and School Directors. In the THIRD,WARD the:qualified vote is will meet on said day at the School House, corner of Walnut street and River alley in said city, and vote for one person Tor Common Council, one person for Constable, ene person for Assessor, one person for Judge, and two persons for inspectors ot Elections of said ward, and School Di rectors: - - In the FOURTH WARD the gnalitled voters will meet on said (fay at the School House in West State street, and vote for one person for Common Council, one person for Constable, one person for Assessor, onerperson for Judge and two persons for Inspectors of]Elections of said ward, and School Directors. In the FIFFH WARD the qualified voters will meet on said day, at the Dairy of Jno. Foster, corner of Ridge Road and North Avenue, and vote for one person for Constable, one person for Assessor, one person for Judge, and two persons for Inspectors of Election of said ward, and tichool Directors. . . . . In the SIXTH WARD the qualified voters will meet at the School House, on Broad street west of Ridge Attenue, and vote for one person for Common Council, one person for Alderman, one person for Constable, one person for . Assessor, one person for Judge, and two persons for In spec ‘or of Elections of said ward, and School Directors. Given ender my hand at the Mayor's Office. WM. 11. lIKPNIat, Mayor. MAR menuno, Feb. 295881. 128-eow St IN PURSUANCE of an'torder of the Or- . phan's Court of Dauphin county, will be exposed to sale on SAIIIRDAY, the 2 8 d day of March, 1881, on th e premises : A certain lot of ground, situate on Sonth street, between Front and Second streets, in the city of Harrisburg, en which are erected ' a TWO BTORY P RAM E DWELLING - HOUSE, end Frame Back Building. Late the.. estate of CHARLES J. DORRIS, of the gi ■ city of Harrisburg, deted. Sale to G emmel:mat l o'clock, P. Hof said day, whoa attendance will be given and conditions of sale made knot= by ADAM E. DOER" Executrix of said dammed Jim Ruimilm WM O. O. mains I== I=== PUBLIC SALE. NOTICE. COUGHS.—The sudden changes of our climate are sources of Pulmonary, Bronchial and Asthmatic Af fections. Experience having proved that simple reme dies often act speedily and certainly when taken in the early stages of the disease, recourse should at once be had to "Brown's Bronchial Troches," or Lozenges, let the Cold, Cough or Irritation of the Throat be ever so slight, as by this precaution a more serious attack may be warded off. Public Speakers and Singers will find them effectual for clearing and strengthening the voice. See advertisement. delo-d-swaw6m HOLLOWAY'S 111,L8 AIM OINTMENT.—ERIBIPE- Les.—These deservedly popular medicines have met with astonishing success in the oure of erysipelas, king's evil, ring worm, nervy, 'scrofulous eruptions, and all intlem matory diseases of the skin. Other preparations may afford a temporary relief, but the combined action o these remedies will by their detergent and purifying properties effect a radical care in the blood and system. Bold by all Druggists, at 25c., 82c. and $1 per box or pot WOOD'S Ham linsToßATrva.—Among all preparations for the hair that have been introduced as infallible, none has ever given the satleGuition or gained the popularity that Prof. Wood's Hair Restorativ enow has. His Restorative has passed the ordeal of innumer able fashionable toilets, and the ladies, wherever they have tested it, pronounce it a peerless article. They End, whereVer they have tested it, pronounce it a peer less article. They find, where the hair is thinned, that it creates a fresh growth—that it fully restores the ve getative. power of the roots on the denuded places, and causes the fibres to shocit forth anew—that tt dissolves and removes dandruff, prevents grayness, restores the hair to its original color when grayness has actually su pervened, gives a rich lustre, imparts the softness and flexibility et silk to the hair, and keeps it always hart. ant, healthy and in full vigor.—"N. Y. Tribune." Sold by all respectable Druggists de2l lm Icßzilkinrv,lokw*zoiewm,;cinatA DR. CHEESMAN'S PILLS, Prepared by Cornelius L. Cheeseman, M. D., NEW YORK. CITY. ITHE combination of ingredients in these Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice. T ey are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting all irregularities, Painful Menstruations, removing all ob structions, whether from cold or 'otherwise, headache, pain in the Mee, palpitation of' the heart, whites, all ner vous allbctions,.hystertes, fatigue, pain in the back" and limbs, itc., disturbed Bleep, which arise from interruption of nature TJ MARRIED Dr. Cbeesemade Pills are invaluable, as they will bring on the monthly period with regularity. Ladles who have been disappointed in the uae of other Pills can place the utmost confidence in Dr. Oheesemanki Pills doing all that they represent to do. NOTICE There is one condition of the female system in which the PM cannot betakes; without pr 0431;0;1;g a P E UL LE RESULT. The condition Werra to is PREGNANCY— the result, NISCARRLetGA Such is the irresistille tendency of the medicine to restore he sexual functions to a normal ceeuktion, that even the repreductttu power of nature cannot resat it. Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything injurious. Explicit directions, which should be read, ac company each bat Price $l. Sent by mall on enclosing it to Da Commas L. Onmannerr, Box 4,531, Put Office, Now York City. Bold by one l:'.vggistin everytown In the United States R. B. Innunims, • General Agent for Biel:lnked States, 14 BroadwaY, New York, 0 whom all Wholesale orders should be addr.led. Bold In Harrisburg by O. A. liszervesr 0v29-dSwl BUY TEE BE CT. NORTON'S 0 X MiT rA" M Me" "Z• POI SALT RHEUM AND SCROFULA, PERBILIMANTLY CITREDI SALT RHEUM, SCROFULA, SCALD HEAD, FEVER SORES, BING-WORMS, BAR BERS' ITCH, AND ALL ITCHING OR BURNING SOBES,ARD ERUP TIONS OF THE SKIN. This Ointment bears no resembhulee to ey of her ex ternal remedy at present beforethe 'world. The mode o its operation is peeldherr to the balitof in to piay courcend enrcitit beneath to the 14, iu on the stirfaze. Other outward applications for Setefula, oat Rheum, &e., operate downward, thus driving lie disorder inwards, and often occasioning terrible internal' maladies. NORTON% Gmenneem, Olt the contrary, throws lhe poison of the disease upward, and every particle of it is dis shove throe Mayoral. Thus the cures it effects is complete. Not only are the sores healed—the eruptions removed—the swellings re• ducitut the seals of the disease are expelled from the flesh; consequently there can bone relapse. victims of ulcerops and eruptive complaints, who have tried every professional mode of tiliatment andevery ad vertised curative wititout relief, here is a certain, safe, and expeditious remedy for the evils you endure. A Ingle box will satisfy you of the truth of all that is here tated. Sluce its first introduction, the properties of the Oint ment have been tested in the mostobstinate casm—cases hat utterly defied the best medical skill in the country, and upon which themost celebrated healing springs pro duced no etrect--and in every instance with every elm- &id in Large Bottle.l—.Prie4 50 Cents. GERRIT NORTON, Chemist, Proprietor, New York. wirous.ux DEPOT AT PENFOLD, PARKER & MOWER S, Wholesale Druggists, lb Beokman:st., N. gold by Gno.Butouries, Harrisburg, Pa. marl-dawly A CARD TO THE LADIES. DR. DUPONOO'S O LDEN PILLS • FOR FENTAT,Es. nialllble in correcting, regulating, and rem eying all obstructions, from whatever came, and al ways successful as a proven- . . THESE PILLS HAVE BEEN USED BY the doctors for • many years, both in France - and merica, withtmparalleled success in every case ; and he is urged,by many thousanu.ladies who used them, to make the Pills public for the alleviation of those suffering from any irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent an increase of family.where health will not penult it.— Females particalarly.situated, or those supposing them selves so, are cautioned: against these Pills while in that condition as they are mart to produce miscarriage, and the proprietor assumes no responsibility after this admo nition, although their mildness would prevent any mis chief to health—otherwise . the Pins are recommended. Full and explicit directions accompany each box. Prise $l.OO per box. Sold wholesale and retail by :CHARLES A. BANNVART, Druggist, . ' No. 2 Jones Row, Harrisburg, Pa. ' , Ladles," by sending , him $1 00 to the Harrisburg Post Office, can have the Pills sent free of observation to any part of the country (confidentially) and "free of pos tage" by mail. Bold also by S. S. 'ftams, Reading, JOlntso . Ft, HOILOWAT & Cowpox Philadelphia, J. L. Lex mrsesn, Lebanon, Denim H. Likrosoiti, Lancaster; J. A. Weis, Wrightsville i It.. T. Mugs ' York ; and lw one druggist in every city and village in the Union, and by B. Ft Rows,. sole proprietor, New York. N. 11.—Look out for counterfeits. Buy no Golden Pills of any kind unless every box is signed S. D. Howe. All others are a base imposition and unsafe; therefore, as you value your lives and health, (to say nothing of be ing humbugged out of your money,) buy only of those who show the signature of ,S. D. Howe, on every box, which has recently been added on account. of the Pills being counterfeited. . . de3-dwaswly. THE GREAT ENGLI'iII REMEDYi , SIR JAMES CVARKE'S CELEBRATED PWILWI PILLS. Prepared from a Preset*lion of ,Sir J. Clarke, M. D., Physician keiraordinary to he Queen. This Invaluable medicine is unildhrtg in the Imre of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitution is subject. It moderates all excess and re moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. TO MARRIED LAMES it Is peculiarly suited. It will in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. .""."" - Bach bottle, price One Dollar, bears tip Government Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits. CAUTION. Then Pals shoulffinot be taken bilaterale* during the FIRST TERRE ROIVTIISqf Prebnastell, a*Aeg are sure to) bringynMisoarriage, but at any other time they are In - In all cases of Nervous and Spinal affections, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Yatigie on slight exertion, Palpita tion of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, hese Pills wil effect a cure when all other means have hulled; and al. though a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or any thbijrniurtful to the constitution. -Full dirictions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be earefully preeernaL N. 8.--$l.OO and 8 postage stamps enclosed to any au thorised Agent, will insure a bottle, coutalning CO Pills, by return mail. Foßiiilabir Q. A. DARIMUIT. POPULAR REMEDIES: -Y RS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP for children teething, and SPALDING'S CEPHALIC P LS for headache: A fresh supply received at EEL LER'S DRUG STORE, where you can purchase all the saleable Patent Medicines of the day. 91 Market street, two doors east of Fourth street, south side. APPLES I APPLES ! ! 500 j ß us l t ß re ß cePr ij ec i efr o o f m:l l 2l ri or o k r Stater fa L r E el at lowest cash price, by febll JAMES M. WHEELER. FOR RENT.—The Tavern Stand on Ridge Road, now occupied by Samuel W. Roberts is oitered for rent from the Ist of April next. Enquire of feb9-dtf HRS. BOSTGEN, No. 30, Fourth Street. EDUCATIONAL. - ACONTROLLING ELEMENT OF NA TIONALITY is the system of education In a COllll - "In proportion as the structure of a government gives force to public opinion, that public opinion should be enlightened."—Washinpres Arewen Address. To this end the people in general should be educated into a correct and familiar acquaintance with the nature and principi6s of our government and civil Institutions. "OUR GOVERNMENT: An explanatory statement of the system of Government of the Country, &c A MANU ...L FOR SCHOOLS, AOADEMIES AND POPULAR USE," is a work which, with proper historical notices, gives the construotion of the provisions of the Constitution of the United States and of those of the several States, as determined by judicial authority, or derived from stand. and writers, including some references to administrative wa and practice, so es to show the actual working of our general system of Government. It is free from specula tive opinions, conservative in its tendency, and calculated to cultivate the love of our country. It has been used to a considerable extent, in the EDUCATION OF YOUTH in different States, and is recommended by Jurists, Statesmen and Presidents, and Professors of Colleges.— Price $lOO. Sold by M. M' KINNEY, del Harrisburg, Pa. TN PURSUANCE of au order of the Or phan's Court of Dauphin county, will be exposed to sale, on SATURDAY, the 9th day of Mance, 1881, at Dwarfs Him, In the city of Harrisburg, at 7 o'clock P. the following real estate, viz : A certain lot of Ground in the city of Harrisburg, aforeeald, fronting on Mulberry Street about thirty feet, bounded by lots of Abagall Horner, Andrew Patterson, and running back from Mulberry street about two hundred feet to Meadow Lane; whereon is erected a TWO STORY WEATHER BOARDED FRAME HOUSE, with back building attached thereto, and a Stable on the back of said lot. Late the estate of Levi Houston's minors. Attendance will be given as conditions or sale made known by ANDREW PATTMON, Guardian orMinors of acid deceased. Jao. Itnonerro, Clerk 0. O. febll-Std-allw STORE ROOM FOR RENT. TIRE STORE ROOM nest to the Court House, late In the occupancy of Hr. Glover. Poe. session given on the Ant of April. Enquire of Jan27-t F. WYETH. STATE CAPITAL BANK. AMERON, COLDER, EBY & CO. caRNER SECOND AND WALNUI HAR RIB BURG, PENN. Consumers of Coal Take Notice 1 COAL NEUTERED 10 ANY PART OP THE CITY LIMITS BY ME PATENT SUNOS CARTS, AT THE FOLLOWING* LOW RATES, FOR LIMON VALLLY NUT Con, at $2 00 per ton. 4 " Sxsu Sao Com, at $2 90 per tea " Laos Etta " at $2 90 per ton " BROKEN " at $2 90 per 'BALTIMORE COAL CO:B WII3EBERME STECEBOAT, $3 00. tf " BROKEN, $ 00. 11 Eaa, IS 00. .1 Nu; $2 25. BNOAD To CoAx. (for Binith'e use)l2% cents a bushel. 2,500 bushels OATS for sale at loisast cash prices. A large lot of superior Thozoity AND OAK 'Weer), for sale at the lowest rates. Agent for Da Pont's Gun and Blasting Powder, for sale at ldanniacturer's prices. Coal delivered from both yards, at above rates, by Itstent Weigh Carts, which are certified to by the Sealer of Weights and Measures. si-Every consumer will please weigh their Coal on delivery, and If it fall short 10 pounds, I toal forfeit the Coal. A large, fall and complete stock of the best kinds of Cold, always will be found on band. J29-1m JAMB M. WIMEELER. WHO HAVE any Affection of the Lungs or Throat, or Chronic Diseases and wish to be cured Should MOO, Da. STEWART, who has had many years experience in different sections of the UNITED STATEB and OANADA, and bee cured eases which had been treated without benefit by what are esteemed the best PHYSICIANS in the Mum He has been in Harrisburg for many months and has restored to health, invalids who had upended hundreds of dollars with Physicians and Patent Medicines. He can refer to some of the best families in Harrisburg, and can give the names of persons in the city and nearly all parts of the State, whom he has cured of almost every CHRONIC Muss He does not profess to one all diseases after the man ner of some adroertisitm quacks, but will give a oaudid opinion in regard to curability after examination. The medicines of Dr. S. aro vegetable, and derivedfrom more than a hundred sources while traveling. In LUNG and TEROAT DEBASER he has had great success by means of his CARBON CURS which may be taken by the Stomach and Daum. - Beware or ammo and the Throat Burners or the old school. In 00311 SAINTS OF Firamse his success has been re markable, and he has cured affections of the Era and Fen said to be incurable. Dr. Slzwart solicits cases of the following, given up by others : NsintALM., RIONFILATISM, Scaosusa, Mom, LITEM COMM.% SWUM Nam', Ssztrat. Dinutuv_ , DROPSY FAUDIG Frrs, PRIME MMUS, DYSPEPSIA., Glum. Cancers removedby anew ?weedy procured in Canada. When so requested Dr. &Immix will visit patients at -their residence. In regard to qualcations Dr. S. refers to Professors Pancoast, Duttglison and Meigs, of Philadelphia. lie also begs leave to refer to Senators Chase and Pugh, and Hon. Thomas Corwin, of Ohio. Patients or their friends should call at the Bosnian HOWE from 9 a. M. to 6 p. m. Letters promptly attended to E=:l OR RENT.-THE DWELLING PAM of the FOUR STORY BRICE. HOUSE No. 93 Market etre t. Possession given on the lat of April next. For particulars enquire of [jan& ] B. SIMON. . MADERIA WINE. WELSH, BROTHER'S OLD RESERVE WINE fall bodied and fruity. In More and for sale by JOHN H. ZIEGLER, febl6 73 Market street. SSTORAGE ! STORAGE! ! TORAGE received at the Warehouse JAMES minors= ul6-t ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. A H persons indebted to the estate of Rhoads,lhtiniei Assignor, are hereby notified to call upon the Assignee and make settlement on or before Wednesday the 20th of March, as after that day the books will be placed in the hands of A. J. Herr Esq., for collection. ERY Rims, Assignee of D. Rhoads. feblB-taw-for3w GARDEN SEEDS. A FRESH AND COMPLETE assortment ZL. just received and for male by feb2o WM. DOCK JR. & ed. EXTRA SUGAR CURED HAMS For sale by fyi dAwly iffiectllantous PUBLIC SALE. COAL REDUCED I CASH, VIZ ALL PERSONS WIC DOCK J. &.00 act 22 1.0 # 02.8. JEWELRY; -WATaM-CLO-CES, FANCY GOODS, &C, ALFRED F. ZIKIKER ;;•• N°P.a. • 0 52 p 3d. po t it RK H, .B ER T ie. S Enemas Hann, havin g purchased the. sloe* or E. F. Jennings, and added a large assortment of NEW,JBW ELRY, we will sell the same at the lowest cash price, in& solicit patronage. watches, Clocks and Jewelry neatly mid promptly id paired and delivered. Raving disposed of my stock of Jewelry to A. F. Zim merman it Co., I cheerfully recommend them to my ter mer customers as practical and experienced Watch Makers, and solicit for them a continuance of the patron age which has been so generously extended to me during the last six years. jan29 EIMER F. JENNINGS. At the Frith Exhibition of the Mast. Charitable Mechanic Association, 1860, MESSRS. OHICKERING & SONS WERE AWARDED THE GOLD MEDAL • FOR Tat MT GRAND, SEMI-GRAND, & SQUARE PIANO-FORTES; AND INN ONLY !NNMIUM, A SILVER MEDAL, FOR TEE BEST UPPIGHT PIANOS, WM. KNOCHE, SOLE AGENT FOR THE SALE OF THESE PLLNOS, No. 95 MARKET ST., RARRIMRIB.G. febS-dtt" THE UNDERSIGNED has opened his LUMBER OFFICE, corner of Third street and Black berry alley, near HerrFs Hotel Also—TWO ROOMS with folding doors TO LET, suite ble for a Lawyers office. Possession can be had imme diately. W. F. MURRAY. Liao—HORSES AND CARRIAGES to hire at the same Mee. feb4 Cure Gough, OA Efoctrzeuess, Infix -o,ZWill • dna, any irritation or Soreness of Q3` . I,P The Throat, Rd,ieve the Hacking @RoNGHIAL Cough in annesthma, amnd ptim, Brou- A Catarrh, cc?. Clear and gins strength to , ?Oe fhe voice of - \ PUBLIC SPEAKERS ew are aware of the importance of checking a Cough or "Common Cold" in its Mut stage ; that which in the beginning would yield t o a mild remedy, if neglected, soon attacks the Lungs. "BROWN'S BRONCHIAL MOMS,' conthatch ialtaining dlrrita emulc n ent ingredients, allay Pulmonary and tio "That trouble In my Throat, (fbr which the ' , TROCHES , are aiirscide) , having made mo o ft en a mere whisperer. I' N. P. WILLIS. "I recommend their 11110 to Pablo Speakers." ROCHES BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S BROWN'S TROCUES BROWN'S V i BROWN'S TROCHES aBROIVet3 TROCMCS BROWN'S TROCHES 811,0 *NT puq.1.,:.:41 BROWNS TROCHES BROWN'S "Great benefit when taken berme and after preaching, as they prevent Hoarse ness. From their past effect, I think they will be of permanent advantage to me." REV. R. ROWLEY, A. It ., ' President of Athens College, Tenn. larSold by all Druggists at 26 oents a box. nov2B.dawSm TROCHES BROWN'S I* :1:4=1 Select Schools for Boys and Girls. FROST STREET ABOVE LOCUST. THE Fall term of ROBERT II'ELWEE'S School for boys, will open on the last Monday in August. The room is well ventilated, comfortably fur. nished, and in every respect well adapted for school purposes. CATHARINE M'ELIVER'S School for girls, located In the same building will open for the Fall term at the same time. The room has been elegantly fitted tip during the vacation, to promote the health and comfort of scholars. jant3lAtf U. S. FLAGS OF ALL SIZES AND PRICES, on hand and manufactured to order, at BKRONER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, feblB 51 Market dtrcet. M I .ICS3IEE SHAD, No. 1, SALMON, No. 1 , HERRING, No. 1, COD FISH, No. 1, MACKEREL, No. 1. Of he above we have all the different sized packages from the wrrr LO the HARRELL in store and for sale at the °tout marled rates. febl6 FIRST CLASS GROCERIES I LARGE ARRIVAL! HAVING JUST RETURNED from the Eastern cities where we have selected with the GREATIIIIr CAMS a large and complete assortment of su perior goods which embrace anything kept -in the best city groceries, we respectfully and cordially invite the public; to call and examine our stock and AMOK OUR MOM. febl6 WM. DOCK JR. & CO. FRESH ARRIVAL Roxorry, BUNS, &KT, Germ, licesterr, SHAKE:R.OOBI% $T TT - PEA* , BARLEY ; MARROW FAT BRAM, Wawa Pas% &0., Just received sad for sale at the LOWEST CASH PRIC. able WM. DOCK JR. & CO. SCOTCH WHISKY. ONE PUNCHEON of PURE SCOTCH WORRY An received and for sale by JOHN H. ZLEGLNR, 73 Market Street. febl9-daw2w Jul CITY BONDS FOR SLAB. ONE OR TWO CITY BONDS of $5OO each, bearing 8 per cent. interest, being a safe and good Investment. Apply to fetid 3md W. S. VSRMIKIL - DENTISTRY. THE undersigned, DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY, has returned and resumed htspracuee n State street opposite the "Brady House," where ho will be pleased to attend to all who may desire his ear vices. [sep27] B. H. GILDEA, D. D. 8. MOURNING G 00 D 8 OF EVERY DESORIEMON. Hoisery, Gloves, Gauntidle in large quantstiea. Great assortment of Embroi deries. Ladles Underwear, different sizes aryl quality. Gentlemen's do do - do Mses' do do do Boys' do do' do Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinette,Jeaus, And everything for Men and Boys wear. Gentlemens' Shawls. . All goods, without distinction to style or quality, will be sold at a very slight advance, and leas than cost of importation. , FOR RENT. LEVER AL COMFORTABLE DWELLING HOUSES in different parts of thisAity. Stabling m od to some of them. rennet= given the drat of Aprit next. ' , 02-3m] CHAS, C. HAWN. ALFRED F. zoinummaN & co Kiwrim FRANK. A. MURRAY and SINGERS REV. E. H. CHAPIN. "Have proved extremely serviceable for Hoarseness." REV. HENRY WARD BEECHER. ' , Almost instant relief In the distressing labor of breathing peculiar to Asthma , ' REV. A. O. EGGLESTON. iVontaln no Opium or anything Wert- DR. A. A. HAYES, Chemist, Batton. "A simple and pleasant combination for Coughs, &o." DB. G. F. BIGELOW. • Boston "Beneficial in Bronchitis." DR. J. F. W. LOH, Batton. "I have proved thecr excellent for Whooping oough." REV. H. W. WARREN, Boston. "Beneficial when compelled to speak, suffering Prom Cold." REV. S. J. P. ANDERSON, St. Louts. in removing Hoarseness and Irritation of the Throat, so common with Speakers and Singers. Prot M. STACY JOHNSON, La Grange, Ga. Teacher of Maio; Soldßern Female College. WM. DOCK, JR. & 00 CA'iTICART 8c BROTHER, Mead door to the Harrisburg Bank Market 84.1 Are MEI