Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, March 06, 1861, Image 1
THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY,. (animate wreeressj BY GEORGE BERGNER & CO TERMS.Maxis . pee DAILY TM:MUM is servetto settsatibtsi,...ln tle ; iforough at 63,‘ Mita per _ Yearli inboortheeli al be charged s4.oii; . • ~.„ WINICtS AND BthiAlizzur Titsassrs. The TILIGRAPH is also published twice a week dirhig' cn • ae1191013 of the Legislature, and weekly during the re mainder 01 the year, and furnished to slibscribere at the ollosing rake, viz : single Subeeribere per year • - • ' seven Ten iu Lay .ot NirrafkiitiVl7 übsorieern order the dhicondnititiee of their naive: ppere, the.putdMher to It ny_co.ntimmto . Benj.. them until . lar s r u ear bsog agea rnitl ar i e ll i ttl it o ' ' I ,.teits . i l i‘ "With* "Wei * ; ,era from th e ogee to ithie..h they are directed, they are responsible untlttliekhavieeWed tits tglbi and ada.ed , them discontinued _ ~tiscetlaiiwi~s. CONOENirLITEis LEAVEN, Bread, Tea-Cakes, all ofPastry, &o. MAIIII7.WAIRID BT EDW. OHAMBE LIN & CO hkagi Proiriagors qf , mut ras cal . : iiobrke.. No. 38 INDIA. fimutmr, mead's; • CONCENTRATED : LEAVEN tits -. emit of wend chemical research. MI lbt Ingredi ents are prepared In theidghest stateof purity, and core pounded with a view to produce brelid of a far better quality, and In much less; time, than by any otherpro• secs ; and by the manufacturers submit It, with enthe confidence, to the Intnment discriminating , house keepers, bakere,'/ro: '' Bread of an kinds made. , ,by using Chncentrated Leann Is Amok, and nuitritlous; has an apreea. We, natuae4 taste ; is less (l iable : o sour ; retain lie moistura , denger—thsfr-by any other process, and the whole preparatt2u ; Endathy . ° T ea 'mull: . not * . eFfeed ten minutes. It Is valuable because it is not peyishable, and may be rendered available in places and at times when yeaat is not within reach, as at ,sea. in all ollmatat Ind under all circumstances, It may be adopted, thus °Misting all difficulty of procuring yeast or ofher,ferma which is frequent* of an inferior 'quality; rat daring the bread more (Whets unwholesome: s It is also , valiable as regards economfils tiles been morainal that a saving: Is elfdbtso of the i~uar of root: less *sale per cent. Its the common piocom.ixiiian4 the saccharine of the Hour is lost ',by , beitig converted into carbonic . acid lasi or:hpirit, and the, nste:l6 lin=l curred solely for the puiliaeste gdahr' 'Atlas gas to raise the dough. By using Ckinetentrated Leaven this waste is avoided, and the gas obtainedites manners equally eft,-, melons. Fermentlitkini:aff bus'lVO :sate& sigstroys a part of the flour or nunl; ohditn egneeqinthea,loarrei of flour weighing 190 be. which, by the common method, ordinarily mak'es • abot 050 Ms of 'bread. gives' by this prooein 290 ba , thus e ff ecting the very important saving of per cent.' in the quantity Ofilour: By,confonnity to the directions on' each package, inyperstaz capable:fir ordinary' attention may tionguat eicPclaeret:. snit will Invariably behlehlysaustacto.. SiSt• - ;;;KdOk' . s t, jletepre to 0444(01# 7 .#(1104%*** "i; have analysed the CoulentritattiLSpeni-int i liffio.: tared by Ifeisrs..lldar Chamber to.,.wini 'rem to Its purity and elficieneY ic on in Medi:icing eg: pot or yeastkdiateodiyigilough,}md therehj s renderilig, o Ht r . / 114 00lie.lik a4te,X B i5:'& 1 ‘ , UP4)7.0 , 9 02- { founded,,laien enderfel. " rithlek,th,e doughlrithoet consnitlng the:sregat or any other , PriflOu' pia in the lionr,'prugatly; and the sante Welght t ar,fltiur_ will produce more . s w e et, lndatiblit hread thall• 4 0111 - lie obtained Abrooglt yeast; while for ashen and`pastey'ACia itilfaleible; as Itsaves t all risk, and much Sail 'craw rimy offolt. .The.exParlinazits, confirratha statemetila made by :the manufacturers, and proves this compound worth* of public approval and"extfbideel "- • ' 'ff , A. A. IMES . , et. D., State assayer, . 6 113 Boylatia,atteeto - AtatlientKOlnbt 25 , 1860 l.! 111111LOal1i0 KA. LyYr Bast&pagr tealllfeenOW_ of Leaveseksocordtag to thitAghty telebtoilear,)4o.4oe. quarto (CAM; mix thoroughly bh.lolesingtwlo-•0r-threfl tumetthroasbas ; rub hkeuplegePt baiter "Aalfralet slat or• ate eggi. and mate the Waste, watk:..o o ldanfik. water, (Milt.* . AMMO Pin 4tUr, Plreklar!ri* rolllog.oul. baeveided. • vet in to desired form, endplate* OM. telyin a hot oven amt. bake quietly. Lear BlIZAl).—The same proportions of Leaven and Sour alitaattogeektoras above; omit the butter,:abd:make the pastestifr mkt& to knead into aloar, and bate mediate* in a slow- oven.. . • - Gateau Haven.--Three teaspeonsful of Leaven boons quart of wheat, meal,'slittedeogether ; add one gilt oilino knee andltWo eggi make the ists*thin with:lank and bake in a slow oven. Ibiowir nallao.—Three teaspoonsful of Leaven to one 1 pint of flour, and one pint of cOrn Waken well sifted to:. gather; add two eggs and about a ALIO Matailealieuka the Matethia with , mittig.and.baltellaftiv.7:. an f.:.;d3;r2s. Booms., essna,,Wiour andfrailicniftkolost.tonask% one mad of hatter;add ono eiftfrtlatitthroP tesetammtat of Leaven; beat to skfirothi and cook vi 01.;.. , -.• f. • . ,: . fteionms—taift, mgethenonommptofilionn ma tWa Mat spoonsfanof Lesgentrlthdket,VsuaPliftitiebrbalfaitlatlei as an egg i mix. with ;gold milk o r water, and', boil ter! Windex. Omur' Brtufttr .osralOttethec via largo auPe. of flour unAtasitaMtdohstal of Leaven; Fain hair a OOP of bnitat,aikillidapAteila:"lntiflif inigar. ; mix With; ten. andmilk Of villuiric iiiffiffhatter t add spinet° suit'theyecots b r lieMediateri. Om .iti /*IanSIO CA —Two cum Of 'white aught; t 'boa t Itti the yolks ofaix eggs—the whites of str.egks bee :tit a ritnh; thinnest all together ; add three cups' of a 24 ' lieut., one cup of aftiftlf;.Anitthreetesepoonsful: of Lenvei4llaverelth two trakicsnnitel of monist, of:* men, pri,4:tiV a en)* oven.. .. . . , , , JoiMA - lbgethe one itout• 'shit three' teaspionitni f leaven , 'rub in one teiAtkpler of;, battik, , hpl add a cup and a half of w hite sugar, andile COro init We tasteimix stiff enough. to'rbil Mu; exyLbilko (Mick. Isidiio94 l3l lluariOrnautalidOreatliaatk i abi ll • ful ofleaven sifted together ;' hdd (cep of Witter; one, pound of corrode, two cops of white,BUMT, anti uile'Vali *Dunhill:li einnatikod; ;ruts with cold SOWbati ter and bate Iftti sloWbveft.' dm, Casa- , ..0126' pint each; of flour and Indian meal,' and three teaspooiddelof Ltieven, well sifted togellier ; add one gill orizoillisat and two eggs ; mix thin with. milk, and 'bakeinliftimaven.. - --- - - . , --_--_-:: Cur atiertlftiliemcd` Mu; amlithipirtessp of Leaven, eliteitlngitheil isiptpkitio,Clll sugar, and two eggs, ail welLbest tagatkarilli.r l / 0411 C rap of Currants, and spice to mit the , taste..'macelaholl 1 half an hour. . . . ' - .: 3 .-..: :. .i ft `c`.:. vs ..1 LADIES' CUM.—Three quarteriotakur out fourteens:x=ol of Leaven Sifted tOgiatherfObalKaad of Bum 424 six ounam oftbuttec.beateu to' Ai Creita I the whites of eight eggs well beateuoted theluies.otoneilib, monools with • WEBEIMILCIAWA-Milensi3 of flosiothive teaspooneftd of Lloaretythree-oups.of sugar c oat -of . latter, one..or milk, obit 'to p eggs l;f 41 0 4 , 111 # ;ISM t Pih, E D l ke ] about akin ' Packed ba Oaeee of 1,2, 4, 5uae1§4 . 00411....- for mle by Grocers mei DreggetoriOrePX.- e WILLIAM GULAGICM •B .koPalle w yet: No. 60 Morth,l'yont **lit Ay novlll.llllm , , BED:POWS OHE . AP. BOOKSTORE -61 - --M - ARKET STREET,- - IE THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN THE CITY TO OIIT SCHOOL 1100KEITz 'SCHOOL ErrA i rrOgßY Corn•_MiltbAxerMet • • 20014 all ' T ; , ° fAzywg,4 4 .sl the Ettfl „.„ , , „ • .0:114%-ct it OOL Mae asithit the various- Pub d I f rivateeehteer bride City, together mtillt , 7 . 4 ;,17; oppy VOMPONT/011kBOONAill 14 .7; 1121;:. • 4,111712,4:10 wed 41 7 0.111 PAE , "2.: ,<;.;) BLANK BOO.BB,IILATIN 1( r n 0 ARAD 4' ND MATZ PlrNaLLE4aawc: Pints AND.Hormiums4D77a , p INZATANDS, RULERS siski the moat complete 60111011Ment Of •MOW:f3TATIONIaIf. C 011111110.17 onitaWriciferei S to it 1 tr,WP RIM ar ANT Pula in tbe - eltrat • " tIaW.IKOMOM "-. 1 wriaiiend illeepeite medp.}Otiellateot Any *ilia& not ; on• boo .pigpici, tarloW "till Charge. , v otor . LvEIt.'PL T RD: , ; WAJR • HARVEY , FILL , No.uszt Market 13treet,'pn Manufacturer of One NIOKIEL MYER, end MYER PLATER of Kl a ci laPetoNß MAIM Etrrllla ICNIVIp, w m Bsexi 8 9 ta ruials, um .62 4 : 4 grns ; GGI GO Iro,• guivg: mown' assortment, comprising INSit bid MP 351( deorthebettiruitertals and Moody pfatadioold gliug,thirthipr • • ble and•durable artkde ea isalkedr4 Idotaxecume AND PINNED D'ANIUNi 'pa opp!ed fn the bed mane"; :3i'rt7 AtiIIDOKB , • gALL IMAGINABLE BLES, PRICES, 817 LI AND QUALIMe3 at band and leanethelue ee, it the • est n at : : • . .. ' . -- • \ I, : - • , . . . ..., " ti .i... r:LL i t;;>... i, ' I ,i m : ? • .'.. , ' "-' •, Ti: . i t e.... ~ :. i i. ' : :. ' . '.L . ... ..' - . 4:- -', -; . . ''.: ~,.. D\ '•., ,V N 7 " . , 11 t / i• zir2,‘l , ~;,.• ~ '' .•. • ,• f :.: ; 11 ' i 111 1 ! .: It • ' ~:v f .•. 7. . :- . TIE : „.: •? ' - I • r. - 7 . , ,'• 1 , . 1 , „,.. .... ••,. .. 1 . W••r — t* - 4k --7-r:-*':'' fr ' ---------" , • : ' : .:: .. •• • i , - . : :.• - ... , . . •, ' I . ~ t ~ ~,. - T • .. , 7- 1 ' .5. , 2:. C.. G am * ! • -..:•-,,,,,,,,,.;--,›.):•._.-- ---..-- . --'; . - ' ......... .. . i . • 2400 12.00 .. 10.00 VOL. XIV. liEll EOM THE ORIGINAL AND GAXIIINE DR.; TOWNENIIiFc COMPOUND . , EXTRACT t - OF - • S;&7 R 8 A'*,;4ll-rioXiAp fih e,Qr,eat 84novitter THE BOOP. . . • . , • :,.. THE SOVEREIGN REMEDY FOR 7 : ER ITPTIONAT_ - ;10Y, - -THE ; - :FORMS.' 'OF "GIIttiNEOUS Thesetumplainta can trapee9Orand afreeaually onnicl by the use ortnic ;'4; W.O R I;tI:.RKK9NN. SAE SATARILIA`. . salutarY offsets, .and L8;11 1 0 6 1' thousands haveleOnssftedlC4llll-0 cease d to he al question among tffelntelhgbut; 1•,!on -of the oom amity; : ~.t : - „ „ - - When the Blood becomes lifeless and stagnant, either frOni the effects of Spring weather, change of climate wank of exercise, thelaSkof - a unifbm saline diet, crttny 6016, bailie this compound pct . of tilaiitapar ll ia will amity the BWOD, carry off, ths,putrid;Mitiont,oasmut thes:lolUolis . • REGULATE. TIEN ; • .• • And , impart ~a.Toile tit 'Vigo r `: the whole• , Bodpt I TO THE' „ . .. . . , ft e' public are hereby hotifled , that the - preparation-Er tars vely known all Dr.: Ef. P. Tennisend's Compound 'vs , tract reflarsaparilla; is nowluanufectured Under my.. 41 r6tlion and supervision, frthrthe original recipe obtained Dui Dr. B. P. Townsend,• and I certify that it is compost ed'of ingredients PURELY VEGET.A.and WITHOUT HUI. CURYOInd also that the ingredients arejUdieklUsty aik l, -i ounded, so as to obtain from them their greatest _JAILS Do CHILTON:K.Ik, Chemist . •: De..S. P. TO'WEBEND'E 'COMPOUND Exact= ..or`thriau rasni.a, has a 'reputation among all civiliseduations: as the inst preparation for . ' k. , ...: Renovating and i Eurifilatgainil3lkOZl Whiclti science ass eVeriitaqi*roin: In Widis its n§ecrusa EXCE4F4ICW,*(I !el ltilkdtliiiteiguild ~ -II 'contains an the, yikkiPprinciples which experi ence iths:proved._ used lllariAt_itieifTiglltd froht DISEASE, extracted end job -0 ,the highest skill whi h the refinements a ;t..him kry enable us to ~,,,,Tever'thay he sag ‘iykitortited COmpelikiro 'or elate physicians, the fact that niacin(' is MIRY-, Wk s BE UtIED, 'and that . ha use dput , an lucre:Wed 'de-- Whthd, shows „conclusively thif IV eio* medlehial merits of the first order '•, ' , _ -• • . • - i C A-U-,,r_.!Llii...N___._-_... . Y'l avoid in/P re i r li Pr il l a"Wil t i lr i ." 44l , .. Tcmr J- I . 3 i it . ;J. e'4 4 ftk* .- G/ ...s tßz i- ,, ” I_.„' TIPIOATEas.Ew • s tue Ewa •of :C.v. , - Townsens, is oft.the outaidewreper t ef piuthbottle.• -. -. BtiVElW:Cattik . : Tlti USEKdAitIiER: . - ~ Propestots ogtooti,mB - o.2gua ' rt 4 rAttr, 4 T. ',.' Audlar sale by !Wm thnWsrulthis..._ ' spile.dBtaw - e - t - ' '- ' 7 ' BOOT CI WSTORE..; ALWAYS large;'assortment of BOOTS, SR of. the ye*. beet for: ladiev mnitiemeng ant ohtbir,ens!•ereap.--,. Moats to nit the times. All kinds of WORK:BADS ,TO' OEDXR Intim best st.7lol)ZslOPertor workmen. r i REPAIRING diitoiatilitirtmOtiote" , oetlo3-41tf 4013:Nr3LO1ITX,,Hirriiburg. ...... GREAT It* Drr - 1 4 ii VI:UMW! = ,oc, toi_aAri Wits 01" 4 5P : 1. , 1.:..:E it 4 - , .11:144 - 3). -1 .) .:IPtA r g i til frs , lt`Vik , tl .174 3,:11 ~: :4 , 1 : - . Iir.WIMPROgM Tt p- REDUCED 'p-REDUCED ' -PRICES. TI-4 --7 i r .i.fiE ede l l / 4 1LN - Vautrfact• - AL I turiog Com . Vag 1 ' qteiijulte at laW,l with infrln iii Via Ye o ybigithoblnes j . Redeem that the pub it raiktig bd. - Ai thereby,,, _and bore liedertibily"tbakiteorthe iirfaelof 'Mill gifting Mae bwo.q.:AftOrithiaAtato*berwta - Aev9 l 4;444okthite: Will A fair : wont op thp emit of A! kiwtotaaturo,eaptlal In and ii4eithe pr:imitribis •ipothei.euokp,thiati .e. ~ will - tile those; bi,thithicria,qialm„?bablifiiee,',*l4lM . 1 her 9.4OtiFOOtoo theof: ll OTatiYfieglie- M . 1.± 1 495040n0e *to:** ailnoktlilaillOot-olixiiik will' sea weir atiroiiiidth:feerlegAthitliteeciC prices fkom,44ll' to E10,...f0_._41_,9*± 1 44 1 101**9 1 #*14)4 1 :11 . * f 0 0 ,: ,: . giairmatiamo.N.P* b:1.77 4 I:fr ::•....,:: . ....: .. : .., --,... s::i :. MheelertE_Wilson.Bewing.Natthint'. .., .. As the best otticbrthiewir4o4 Ow tothikcaoSlathlei and least Ihibliothiretiolir tWebpik-tkew-luti low es ; _the . Meteor • mrilkig*„ . atd,m them a , 1 TWO. all hiaticet :.!.,..- Milt.. 4 ii. ..L1 i - : •-•;. ...: , , deem W. 0, rudeok, egiiii. ALBUMS 1 - The finest assortmentligAlXlMAt einftotronectiin thin fifty ranging in price from ito mita to $lO 00 cud', N Wand 10 Riligyhogkihi..o l4 tit t i s . 12nov - 7 , , :.7.!111 Mark ,fitreet. TTIF I QF _ lIIDEMBERs ornka , A NlFELlMirtriclea# *Wilzig the Oily is called to t A ... Wiest and fined as -8101 :4 113/ Note : _ Envelopes, Pens and Seldom, Inkstanda v renotts...-. : , Writintdaridliffaßexes, fall Blotting Board. and a rarietrot all idnda Blotting entkquality gannet be excilladvat ' i 3 I. BERGNIERM CHEAP BOOKSTORE, SI ; r; • • , r ; DJ) H. L. '; ;it I &64 &c 4 will rebels% 'cedars 4a are'itt!WAVlENOUlntrinittsia More 92 Market street ASders the attateettatetaleoe, or at, th e B ue hl er , Ero_ 'ilvethmievadttsprempt &Staab:lL '4l thee FTSNOS:forstale,,: Y'D LEs , 'PARAFFINS. VANDLES;j. • ' :' 1 2 12 Atlletithks • 44TEABINE CANDLTEIp STAB CANDLES, ,MALLOW 01.141=10 1 .= I ' , j 2 Alkorlet of the above inatore andSyr aalo ai r gie tow . i,„ , tba equft 40Plig ' 4 t fine a n C o i l iiu ng . ...; lin J. A 1 ir & m ai • -I Li 800, Lk B • 4 .41 33 16 , 4:4liiseliand qualtithYlirik*ki k. i 066 dtth a nd ode *I, boxes, pitrobeiifeiltaid , hrQ• 1 *ta r • • - 1 4.. 80 76. Marie r alpsfilt. *f - mAN 4 III,I mmf , f, t owarr-1: APPLE WHISKY ''-- :11 . 14,11 JERSEY APPLE I In store and for sale by JOHN H. KEGLER. b 7i mines tiltred. "INDEPENDENT IN ALL TIII,NGS -- NEUTIL-AL IN NONE• Ilitbitct i l. eeplB•dly • HARRISBURG,..PA., WEDNESDAY' AFTERNOON;. :,,'''!.'::,Sl,,il4,*': RR ?s Ef,OOpEL ! tir wa ; ana _}lll LUN,DERSIGNED,',' having ` leased ; this iieul knowiliiii ilbFulir hoilkin'the alkyl of : tg,tt netil , reattlute,:and , furnishing the pate 143".-PV/VSVP/A-In'Sho very- best m9dern et 71.0. it qquAgiiiii4, in ther•nUiCoititral'part of thi city, within a shoiti'lletunce l- of the dePots of fdtWallibrent railroad' anlistltuntessitbe Stateiße pitol buildings, -• . 1 , -' • t The Apse° iellarge :and. the sleeping apartments i are ',vet , 'Ad,' •,tvelf•Preitidett with ' ell ketuiebable a*, plat, • Laity is hrell , known' hrougiout•the',ttaWert .llavlng the best msfitet outside OttlittAllailthloitlsso t snit • etonseq . kutlyno,cempleinte than belmitde ealthat eeptfe4; -- • - The lt i his alsb undergone ehststes and kept stockdd‘ ' Itlithe beat and pareselltinerS Cu xliti country •No exertion will. be spared-to =Take:the traveler amid selotireSt comlbrtable in every respect:-St: continuance. isZtse.patronege of the old'otistenteric_togegAtr sllith new additions is respectfully:solfelted: ' ' . • •• • •• ' - • 3 d it;')iliillititl3 & filx . , „Etonian* Austad 284 f. • i Inti , t I :.,,.at I ..r.:. .t. 3EII - 1i717k ,; ; ; ; L FAMILY j)lajer i ' ) ,lSTOlM • • T HE gNitERSIGNED!,;;IELAB OPENED a Ineledsle and astaiLDrugandahreaeripticur v in t n,lron Front, Bufining, lie. /28, filaullge, 14 1 1 410 ri544 oncupilid byltr.lby;welire can be found an. entlienew stock of Fresh and Pure Drugs, Perfumery, Scutt .corr: O Medicines, - Scitroiiiity - 7 Faii - eiT'ArfinTes - 7ft, ~ ,filo. We have the agency for :thstaileofipfinks :Oelebinted Arti ficial Teetb, to which we would invite.tho attention of , By strict attention to business, 'and desire rtb r plea* wb respectfully ask a share of•Fublin•Pitrifinige. B.—Primn HavanaSegall iindloblmiMoonstarttly :APr 64 , 11 Y.. - , - ,:‘.9111t . , vi t . ~.._ .. . .. . , AI .:. unity of Governmentv vdnoltoon.... _, 3 ‘..astitntea,yonene4asopleilsnowsleartti ,TV ngton's Farewdi Address. A.nationalitria.:easeW tial to the endUring proeperityolVouroauntiy.! triotiam muat arise newt tiowledielt is only a proper .cmderatandlng of: onz'avil Institutions that can induce strong and:-settled attachment to their principles, and ;impart ability fur their maintenance. , ...... :oOIIR GOVERNMENT.:. : Alhessianstory .tadourtem of :the system of Government of the CoonSW„ , pontains the text' of the ConstitutiOn.of the United StUsa,sunhthe Con stitutional provisions of the several Gtat,ssovlththeir menning . and construction, as diterinnied thorlt yould . precedent and practice, - in"ilerived' from. atm:Ward *Merit ; digested and arrasiged.fol , pcitilei Prise $11:00:: , Vold by . • M. WIEENNEY,-- ... del Perri:den, Pa. CITY LIVERY STABLES::: • azAckwazitt ArzE.lti`zrst, 'tzg" laginesgOtzi: ; E nidersiglied has re•ciinaraansail the . I ' ilvdry bustnega-uhis-NEW-And-SEACIOUS-STA B,_ located as above, milk &large and ,vnied.stock o. ' U 0 Olt BULGES: ind • ONISIEWESi mbich•.be-wir. hire at moderate rates., - • • !F. - K. FV(.9.M.1 TER B' • matrkiTAili'llVANTElp.W Ix. Rao ,comPAirr,,--The Preekterit L ithe lirailigdra of thei'there! Itountela TerliC WWI Company have this ddideerared a dividend o Agy__Cants per anon on :the capital etheithriOd — com ' p er per awing - Awl directed the.luttoth.q., be - 011/ O FA M PLa' the stooktioldiro,;attho Itoviqo 440, utherlitAzi; cityt¢ the :pf iforilobiurg, - .xtbwitor.w464 - 4 . diai:ie: girrepraint4ttliiiigierlike • teb64110.1. -- , - DRUGS ' AND . 1 . DRUGS -AND•GITymTGALS...- DRUGS AND DHEidICALEC.- - Patent Medicine." Paint Medicines. Patent-idedielnes .r- --- -YanstirM es: edicin patent Medicitie&l ~, f;Anillfffisitifikei. Trusses, Suppor,terg, Shoulder Braces. Tcureal SunorferOila"*lder BFLIPII• TrltOeut 133 1 PWAkttgef Tirgeti , , '''' ! '. T , ; !:PERF. IMEBY. - 6 c ,- ; 1 . c. :o . ~.. ~( ?1 i iv , N ,• 61(. • ..,,, , Mll lOl, • ~ Ti .-: 4.. , ,.. 1 tui BNcreriApro ti , s,:r r. 440 P . RIME :.. . ... . t t p,..:4, pmeto; PRIME HAY - ~. room TOBACCO. PRlat AIt.YANd. i cictiwkrp2B4c.m.. l We Lmitu bilY,ana -P% 3140" ' "_9 1, MAY , piths ' , Inle - ind a1#3 1, -, 1 i • 1 q , .. 9 9i' - 15 11 store o . *Vialipistopivi litiprplitictse;Vmp ffli far p we , Xvi#4ll346lll;ria aldr x s i i iha,. o , , - 04 : ,`Intr i S i ) o .'" P--- / " -No 'w. mairAet T At - VW-TVA liOIT E Pi A S QII AR Ft," .1-±44TSPW:R FA" ! ' .7 . 4;4IkORPJAIOILz - . •• • . 1140 above welklitaitpWlol . • egjl — le nowfundergoing a trorough renovettotiomd being In a grad degree newly fundeloedvanderlibe proprinto :1 . 041 of Mr:flionenVii. t •Betion, erholat' a been antimate cethe hotmiggnnror- ih T l M Pthre ! - Nintr i k4rol l4l 4gM L , TUanl 1 for the hbert4Tiltigton it has en oyed, I cheerfully commend Mr. Bolton to the public Tor. Ele§:o3.l4i aItar44.F.ERVP: i Wet* ' AfitbWitaARIMQ.M.: . I OffOO.IZIEJEUNWESIC-F: ! Attre ,-, --- N-Wls :) . gl.t t --, • , OrtAutir JA ,.- "... JAMBS MENNEM 6 licni:-::,.., citr ha.- . ..4 - 1 - te1 . :13V3A. 1 ' 4 !.. ,(,t.. . ' -'- eitinta ItOft4l. I}WW:lif:: it :: itii: t i , afitirrtik-al; , cz..73OSICII...ZIMILItirk:' I natarkatAittiobt u• ; ~~ f.l. :. ....ifs? sale by .i..'i 17; i. ; ..7. 1.....:::::-... trittirrtiGElN & S fYDER . a Dare: 4 - Tinosmvr on 'woo icpwCtilit.cletrilL A e.cts '4 -4 64 4 44FP.M5&.12 vta ~ b •,u xEderk al kindecof-wixidangrivuig 'ietthztieaiity4-'eoiffeitiaii,itid;idhripaht„ - LC tiiiiana See ' .thttisheethionnif:ltbolt. Ilhastialkine.crßersohl eels dD t s, by Sandi orßagaarreotype. can I beett!..sHinvis atOollehhai-Vbalthers4Velitai , Welded ii,43toiree; Pateatt o iraithesil as eralLont pet , ' saasikaipmataa,74. :4:11 . Fieey Envelopes, Labels , Bill Headings, ihow Balk lialtinaineasineaa: and' othaeCeLeihi;: 'eagrairaii In the heet.st3ilivetaiti , and , at the lairesevilceat; • FOr. specimens - of , thhe. - eogratitegkateil L tha..lllneteated ITarittrat4 4 B. Lipptac;4l. , .Bo3utler hew. • arilayt -. • . I I :• . . : FOR':' tErf.7l;', - -, , f Aliattastitircri itidukt.. - gtotisk,llll). STORE Rooll,llltonte on Market street be lith and 6th atresta,:ad, wiird,'Vtialnilarriabarg. l Ala% a number of DWELLING HOUSE S lutqlbritkit t war for t h i ibitf:f Ayiply r ` •' • ! • t ` ••:' , 'D ': , ;llllollangeOffitii :6216 Rl!,-BoatilaitoadStractL =PM sIEIVAIIOPEING*TRA. :OTX&G Bldg. cialathigirnomber or newci~akiligent=4L. DM' Money Puna rood wallets. fine wortment joit recelvedand fprzge at CHEAP 8008610112, 61 rocket Snot. Allig‘ii*Otte g 4,4 iii' , V: J qll,Nal. , qi, ~ ,f .. _•1 R: NEWELL'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY NO. 724 ARON STBEF I T, • - paruftEepicm QAo l of the lergest_and „most complete (i . a . or ea n e United States, whiiralb:eheitllimitreti4o6/62 to the ' Photographic art, are taken at prices no higher I than are paid for miserable - Itaricattires. tAAPTI,94I , PHOTOBAPHER, :attends, personally,,eviry,sli tini—and allows no Platt:it %Phi tiiikrrianliei 'Allies perfect satisfaction..—. Daguerreotypes and Ambrotypes, of absent or deceased fiicilds,ancipgrkphed,to, any.required Mze, or taken on Oanrass, hie size, and pointed in Oil by the best artiste At this. Gallery pictures can be taken in any i itreather 7 . 7 mi . :perfect:ln cleady days as , uthiMAhe inn shines., , Person *hitting the city are iluiPectfallY tavywv to Mt: - amine - oar specimens, which to . e.price and quality defy competition. • iNrlnstrootiona gisren l in the art of Photography. NEW ery la ? • , . VI 724 Areb•Sneeti•lndraditipina. t.L.n t I COMMENDATIONS : " -in n& Non. .•• -; 3 llli",thillynndtfriendi ali ioneuririthe.. opinion that the (Newell). actureAgi. ere areakeAlaix anything Pe,Y. .ev,er eisT. ,Nylikewisejlta4 s heen, repeatedly liken by "different,Artienein'tdidoin 'waYs, but 1 laity never yet had ;obi td:nature;allthe•featuree and texpreeittewinictuintenanciettaililt. , 4l .• From,Hd, . . r . . te.llso. ' - , The exquiette Anith;trealitfatid sottnets'oryour por trafte, conjoined with their durability of eoior and faith. Minces as. likinekunonanot tail to commend them to the attentloe, ell4,llgttr4kager9 l .4 4 47w. 401APPrAG).440..:411, /I • : . • -Fran Col. Sumegfeage.r ; • for Poitrek piiiiiared"thitt Lfrem , **.: Bibett Newek of. the city al Ll'biladelphiiipar =WIZ, type igyoll 4intier gir.i.PoP.PrcquAisseuetXd _ bY, Nob apfdi takegrest pleasure in szpressiug the ,Sattsuietio,n threAutel 'tot oulf ace*seyet .the liVetest,' 'hut 'its artistic finish Id- all reStaietei eedirikoilkuiend him to the pateouage.otillioo dispused-to,etieeurege beau- P4C4111-• jan24yw 'SUPER-111:0$PItkl.E - 1:11 1 '...MIX1 1, - ,xmloparannum sir if:, .1: ~),1 :-.-:.: fail 13 kU...G*I - ; fB,i; ' 5* 0:N .K.• No. -, - S out - azwesi ...6........,.'111 1. : __,•;•-1:,1,1:11,-1:r1.. . t:Oti VaPtitiliiratd.434l49.l.o3o. 2 ' : 1 .-- _... - c: 0 ' •Cimi _,K2 . 1.4x1 1 ,;5A, jilt - i i bat) .M. 3- iir stgozier Big& AATIPAVE 3 ,R131; 148MEDIESER.h.., gi,4llol6,'Wfxelpo6l(fibiii i itiiiSiti4i,: 4 1 .1_,1,i f i( ~,i f irn:s.,.obroin-'4.1, '4 , l;eittafeegjbmaing.. I .194.tet em ... fiviriWilb i dtliiiiiithflitOregeratt6n ..0 -C r;. cr ..,: "; 4.lltisis itintiiis tafferuvAsklkkarukptoditatneifs 4 eases, 50 per cent. more. . .! ~ ) D.F..;':;...: t, , . Itctrl t i. i pef4on-1e55 0... . ~ ,„ IL '5. It IV e Me)) . te lone while yeti iiiii no ti".559M104 1 for it,t 2 -iii(cat9,atimee. • '': , ... ..1:32 4.11 k Ittittieke9LPrehtltelkoatietifeatU retraked) for„ the; A ro lliißS o .l . l*. 9.:,u..1 - ~ lion' s 1..:: ../!:; ...., ; 7: : ,..1..... e, 5. I periatmeMirtutprpires tne sod. L prbdOOMPla r rgsPiWet *raid, t':- ,11 V , 1,5 `,,:%, - 1 - 1. it4ifiMAitif the eitickelif*eams:4,. : :: 1..,_., i,..:1 ' s.! ILAN 49101114,114Atig0t1. ULU I A ta 14 )::;;.[,, , > •., J 9 ; The last reason whYpYo9.,sioP dose.h, Is thip• 14:ipcap mate a praolioefiettieito Viol} ittegt all 1104 M :asse r tions' •• It will Mita' bat Vtitle ioiliGilt ii.tfugl: ... .f. _ ..... ! -;, .:Ly -:;,, .; : r.” i • ...1... i'il - ii4Feff....l3 ii ~.,.,:f:',..:,..,i'l f.„,,:i 1 .5 1,1 4 1 4:k 3 P4 0 ..1.4PR 0 1.' "Gitol3 - M,'IRAWII3O,NIB? - ' . ~... ...„„.....,i...,„ V.: 4 M • ni'sfriliCE; $B5:PEre t 000 #Ol - 111)$ ' , ,Th.e, silloY4 ' tialtures"wii . ` warrant ' entirely fr ee from lolaltelattetieitit-ifittaltiettir" d ) Mider .jtiSeLperitonal ettperiaitilelieteofiene.of °Mt gat, i ,-,-.:: • , • 1 •,', 'I• - ' - • - IIi:9MA & :96\19. . 2 .' 3 ,0 , t , .Er=i7l .i , .:Li:) Li] .. S.. - - - r - . .. ,- .1 ii .. - 1, No.zur 809,14.WIntryea;ptilraerit. 1 ;orT_lale highest, Cash,Prlcopabil . loi-o,taltir 1. : ') ' ••• • .-fs: . 1 ; 1161204,1 - LI .12,aW.;;;;E1 .::, N:6l Flu !,i , ill i 0 4.4.:!. 1 ~ .s'''''''' 77 COAri i'OR 3 I3ALE..:'"i" . - pooRDER to close the business of John 1 Wallower lesorrttoreptcs6riMmlttrittdtverin any perttof the.otty. ot. Ilarriasargo first. viallty:o;l2lloENS rixi COAT', *lb tafarbiuti s SitetityAllid . eimita On; oar ;they Imill.seSSfrel - Rmttred Tow at a re- Jed mttoliiiithi ptlei. . " - I • • • , : lez,:r,h e., - ; . .7 1 . .:,:iti1,.1;....) &in 41 1' - OBr i r gSTßß, ',. .. 1 , ,:a. i'. , • ~ ~..„., ~,..„ ~:, , , ”.„ C. r i , S.I__ENCII,'; ._ wjap2P-1005tw• ."-• , -• , I . • , , u-- , .Assishees. - - -. I .2•97idittarttgicSatitinePt aopp.V h :I;_! . .;'.'• ''.:;,i,: ~., =EI :Dar 3 •; Dibald SrOtibeltrhereby:giv9A-Mtit Ififtf!.or Allakinu ci ccatkowa, , theqesta t0AT:E.415+36- Joakin;44. o fOn - :4o , otHirtiEibilit; 1110.6 bdtn-grf4l4a tb tne - Eniaeriignek-and , Okrtionl4ponine titremOyvest-iso Tfilebted in anywise estatni..irill ineisiianske '4l - 44 sq , yrttinti amaz *St kavyt.g.:Echoto *m it thtm golip , 9.49ldeed • (646 t ' ' 1 'AdnitntsCratkisr ' • . '154 tr=y. f; i AL'.;:,..)RET4344518N, ' AL4II;TEECI r gti :a- a 5 bUlt z rAITEl l .. BEI4S ' - tßil u rt ,t ll4:Pl o 2KutP4°.°M i t a PPfr , .sona. -1:414 09 - op, 5 4 * , l i P "9 14 : 11 1 1 Alsol , -:Ture•Disinfeatbd. .)11; , is - irked in•tight boy:, . i5t,741.; tcycluded wifarp Gray's Ferry.—(Uberal discount to Dealers. ainsinitcodissi AT i r 't " Pt it,RY — it s A D ' , BEidow.THE PHILADELPHIA, .'" Aim Aria ni t Er 1 : 1/610.11.1 3 )1 a J . eLoucpiarm e ; s; . •- • ;...r./treuch-RiolioAdo : 4: Co. .N:4th" Strokand go4k Avoiinb Sind - of • `Market Sfreet wag ,o• Offles of A. Peysoon, Library Street, 9oldimithisr , .4all, ; • 't • • - A. A PEYSSON &CO - COMMISSION MERCHANTS ,impor t to, order all :Mods ofiSeeds, Frolt /Pees; and Ag tiooltivat Fritece. feb274m FOR , TIER' SEASON. Ftiav v o . RlN iti f t Err estlii ßt i ov ielt, . Rose, Lemon, P.4 I . I O.APPIe, . v IRrsifberry, 'Celery,t NuSznegs, Parsley. Pare Distilled Rose Water ,1 licaa English BititingSAo Splodgy , Fxeah Ouguiry Herbs.: IeRLUDPS DRUG STORE, 191 Market Street: P. 1 0230-IXOI,I 13:X40. irWoll4B' - - 6 A- I a 1 . 95 r F.: an:Thiladiatqua r ::: yrjg. Wine, POrter, Mineral Watery iev e t eaeThe Drake of every discription. eedißyw 297 Soathli i iint IlteeWarle=e. MARCH- ._76 .- 1,!k36.t..,',,r.-':.':',' WEED j i -4: EMIE nir E, W1L1147.1 ' • WICTLINTi • LSof • No. 807 - , /WO* No. 807 Messar`: NO. 'Bo7lfilocir; No. SOT MAxickT, : " No. SOT MONaltet , - , PaturarOMAii_);: ..TREME.PakIRISIAIRRAF/C4p . _ . $.1090 3 ) ;00 OF-RNITELRY , ALL pox E4qg A Lirge:And SplondldrAhlortmontoltiewelry adulating CH .INSORACELETSi-CAMEOMIS I 1616 . • - , f, - Ahli:iidlll47,tetk of : French :PAW Thal* Gold:And. Plated Jewelry, '"We 40 04,11seere Pr iati - 0 10 74.11431/fted or fials'a.o.o.. goods. Ours Is *het are gold by !behest Jeweler as Gold Jewelry.- • We receive our goods Tom the beat titold JOwelry IdanordeturetohilhOttot64 .:• .WHO ARE FORCED TO SELL. , IrRO ERZEOROD TO r ,I3ELL: WHO ARE FORCED TO BALL. •WIim.ARE roacED•To SELL The 6 4 19 74? oßlYie-MttalKothiluri*Eßewooa. , TAKE YOUR CHOKE, FOR : 10 TaitYOURUCHOICE FOR - torso 21m i49plendid.CathooSets,'General Retell. Prices-- .... ......... . .. .2.8 to 06 ~ ' !do. do ro :;s0 • Do - do Carbuncle tlo - 80 Do-Ladles' do , 7 to" " Do • do and Carbuncle - 7to 60 To ,do , . do - Ito b 0 Do Gold Gloster Grape Setting sets do , 11;) to,: .0. 1 Do do da Ysee do oe — It) t0 ,.D0 ,.Do • do , . .do Jet Sets . : dto ! 8 3 Tap • .db Ajj• , :l3lieldldoisdo • ' dtk tO..' •Do do Gold Stone Hostile do 6to 1:2• Ab do Calico Sets do " " to go gibbon Twists, with brilliants ; !do. eto polrtiotoit Betf t inewlnyle " "dO -Itto ,4 DO EolunelekplAstv do , 'do, IN Gar ' ' 810 namond,pointed Gold P el m , !l ll 4.cffesc:). , !..! 8 10 —44 doz.Billeei Plated Sisk' ,09 Sllret PisteddaWL:t=r, v ,g€ i t ettco ovitFl;oool7lser meant styles Ladles' Jewelry; Me cliMlionlititstefej Pel:OrnttiltditliPen!lAtatsdsisfevary alesor nticat •` Gol d Pena, 1 4karat, with Silver Estensi oa Holder g fiencil#4 , ,6leasißotionejlitildsi did... -,_ - - COral; - I.ava, Cameo and Band Bracelets ; Gents , Teat Chains, warranted to wear ten years without ohantlig: /color% and will stand the acid—They are usually sold by ,Jewelers as solid - gold - okiiiracre - in - Patiti; You Aanitake yourjelmittrek 21 , 1xe02914d1wh48tiariste "'Guard Chains Si each, tingly sold by Jewelers at from $ 5 Stl4/tPlAti £O4 ( 8 4 1 dreitli3 1 0 1 V ' 4 44081: :',beattlrtit Ar mlets, ,enamelest and ruby atettleffal prides from to Every Style RAO...variety - Or leWekji.upSlSirliaitlivEtaide ZSAfocli. t ': Tots Sale, ar.the above p Ices w il l 'contutue bona etooooo :SO Off LOW'. IMMO I 5i6614 *hligC Was! knir:: .chaied at 'a greatßacritice from Manufacturers who have YaGedJ , ,• ' —E ati IT 1' 3: 1 b- I,lW E P r e l t i l l jt. ° A.LJ d LT; a: :act. NNW yonexanterritice Mlrjty,,anal. drid4i4fiettitsAde Mourn emolitur out l et' 1 1 , 4 ms 4 3. r • • =gust or wafers can be eastly opannaHbeosouteet. ,taken out land rebealed. Attend to WK. irii , ititt'uvral ' I4O 'I II S'F I . I 7 Iz ITCLi iluq =3l s D . ) !.. .I . I9IICIBIENTS I lArly arsori ff ibilAWaagfint, E litiwiiiegditi at tine Utah; w, 71 1 , 11 1 1 0XP atalrial9 4 s 1 if 11`k qr. .Aver • • .: 4 41. watch and the anew, serect!Arrom the abcvs Lti - t • acoNgitiogiql.A.A9l. - 15;b: - ... - 4 rations ordbring by man must und $1 and 15 cent, in ' Pieta/is stils l l4# ' ''''` 7 ! GIVE - US t 0 9 11 1.340a1k 1' _ _—— - • w. FLINT :LNe..tilddittket Stree; 4 —, Janso r _ &idlit(!e/PhiftPB* _ . ' PITBLIC - ' .1 . B.- . • ' it" XTOTICE is hereby gayeii e e 'l l l.44mVetiatiWtti.tagsti...,ofAUC, , irtdow,•lati of, oter township , Reap= county, theigiNkYeA ß Ml*tetitikithSll4l974o2/oeri:WhO to same topvnanip. Ail ,persolus having ciaims or du nruidElltSeiner,thelettettlehistixtedentlarthejehhy-011-: quested ,to make ,to the subscriber without,delar Ttal;Ll r Jau2B-6tw r!. 7,4 4 - nth- r.r; - • • ..-• 111.3:13111C,.;RDTAPA.-. : • "istkeiliCy that all per sons indebted to the estate of Jacob Kinard, late at ;Sennehanna toleepli_ipThatko,rdeed-g are 'hereby notified to pay the same tea subscriber, hp. 14 ~.te'vatti l f.tintiAkielfsidw'eAtigrZikm Tion raving calms against said decedent are er e re-, Allnittedta./REPAt. tkit9l thtiO'*therl:lWll4olll 4*.• Jar.; - DaNW. `' 5 19, 11§4!4;": LOP. ii,lingtikiWAtltliAllteiritZ.W. • • , ;1:.141 1 I-A.E.Er.iPizif.4%. , '-' , AVA: l lfEittalailY)FitEtßYSTOlik • afi/xibranifdianrottitrpme*,t•:- . ) '; , ..210. 148 NorthFleretobli r - ,l Bttrel3" 4 1 - 1 ginaillgit.•9o.l4/NATIMANSTBERETV`" • r• lrfa riIaiIiDERSIONIIIII4IIIIII EtlmMlPfVOlMOL l l7o4 , lo. l l.4sOP:Odriisof inASA4Cirdaltr alCaltneV,Z? Sir te #10 . ! .11ty Arlirchz-.lft..*-16161dtialigstrcih - , usicieYtolordei)tAr exfouiditschuttatyconfewellt er, 1 . 1 40 6 04- STPTUAISMettIigePP. 'Bait kflOP W a rt u4l 6 a 4Fl e k!?4, iroll,hisF - .WatOli dibrelry'Stor3. - •LlitirtollottiOna OVO.Nkatroa,raid , joitithor c witoils., patiiisicenersilyrg Amite& toiCall; orhero they will receive a gr arthble,torthethworteyt, AB On determined doS willbea'oldyerylow +$ LPaomeAeD Q mmt cm, ,, is tho:potto of flits establishment. o • - •"..14 1 ;W:4 1- ...ALIIR:00)111114,..; Fdrmerlyo. CONRAD , - 'No. 148 North Second St„ corner ' Q arry, Wits. P H Ortgeffirla PENA; (7. • ...L. _ . .Etefitedi Is4ti l tba:stYleiettitlVllllthielt . it;U:e C. G. CRANVEL. CiALLEIRIri . 538 Arch &TA Salt offitztliiiillo4/ : .LIRA Si X IN OW- A,1TD1 . 411p71 Ef i rtgEoB,ool : lo - fligifiliT& . 4 l. AmbL a tollstß a gmrlmhicaufoir:9*.w44ooo24 - . I . lol i m.4 3, :t". 6 17r i;,;slnl -13M.* - NofidYieboviatoEitive - - , - iTEtE PATENT WEIGH-CARTS tested. : . Nact ; certified .to by Ale EALIR, OR wnewre AND MEASURES. ? , tr• JAler H. Wffullul*? - AavitagAbill.daY,teabK, youe Patentlreigbe Carts, aidfound theta piiiedtiewiFe clo theretcre.pi! uty:ls4l4,uppn them aecontizyk,to,-**. , •• " - 4 FREDESIdir TRACE,' • . ; ~R44l%offflifigag andllefpuiies: - • parrisbbilir un a ry 'll 1861 - ' ' JlB JU A NOTE kit 'lt O'SE • EXTIIk . II7 4 Ir:POINTD: zrio isromfrftfel t AV7,IkIEWTSINearri# I 43I4 manuthatike, warrpt. ,49 tho bosun 'w4, now pointed, most i&ands n market, fbr sale, with a variety of Gold end -MVO! Cane of various sizes tr.*, at el6Re 'WGRICAP GOOGGIGRE, al Marketstreat. ,tsar griitting fffitt . Haying procured Alteant Power Presses, we Ira prepared to execute JOB and pool PRINTING of every description, cheaper that it can be done at any other es tablishmentin the country RATESOF ADVERTISING. ag-Four Ones or lent constitute one-hairsquar* dines or more than four constitute a square Half Sqtstre,huod.v. .. .. .•.. .. 80' " week.- 00 • onemeetho.te . three=cl 00 .. • eint One Snucnolliirday . . ... 8 . ' one rentb.... . 00 04 ; .;;-, ;.I,.theee =attn..: . ...... : St* a attx months.... 800 rf ,L - 4,onejear• + 10.00 i ' m Z•Business notices Inserted In the .Lecal column, at Ilitarliket to p& Deiiths;:rait C6lOB Lute 'Oi each Insertion. , . orlitentitnes and I:teathe lolbe charged re repose teltrerUsemeitts. ':~CliDit'a~. .SANFORt)'S 14.*ER - INVICAORATOR ,1 57 15,,1piry4 443.1:111.filT,ARELS * etitirkly‘frokit (Rune, Ithiluabbiktfin6leteU*.tusniatutt easseeeritiged ritztlci.mtara, bz u rzarr la w t lt it dbeimes for whith it.ta re: • commende d . at! Ella ChM WO Nlithhi thei laat two years who hitiketra hope. of relief, m the =woes umethilted iu s tor salimmitm dmvi ' "The deeeimet bi)adapt- •MI to the tam eat ei the hitatideattaltheg itiatt • reed imeb-gotottitoto ite`ttetihuttlyepihebo,W4P n 0.14 t. theAwetN-evyat jidgindgildi vela cage Y OA. MYR. umciqt Rem, and it win cure vaiirrimeni, • Artiehaiptiduat4thnum mantmex,== PT_ muff& ilteueteatfi e breaunut, PL.& NOll, ,AXIIII/11* Fan& maims and may be Nee d su—eimitelftea eu-,Queumz 4/Mtar Nuataum It Mill offitlaClCln (au thousands can testily) m mum% ifundmig IfiyWO} 0111pRZIITIFAIMMILIIRN =ECM commencemeni I • gawk. An into Um; Wet citv z um their teettemew tur hiivar „ WNW Wateie mouth *lth the vlttoraTer* 4 4 , 4. Prantor P•th TolPtiler puma oil-Mums Ise norm. :•.reALso-«- SANFORD'R r -WAMILY MEE .CATHARTIC PILLS iithoiiNDED FROM . PI3IIIIAiIiONFABLIC EWIIaCITEti - AND ea 1 : 1,15 g : ' : : PIMA 'AZEI TNIIT; ANR ..1 7 ILL mearix Ali ANY . CLIMATE: ,missators, *a PliL in :a genii(' D., ix_ !il 111 .. , . naounoitromntimnis ono ntrantibtaciion'obion "trui**4 l l ,l l"" " rblint au - ;ta l i , i tr il li a l wankbki% wilt! !AP? re Wiwi inotcbeencoompokui• PM* TmagiablitthitiJiniii, part of the allitiontirj ci• it 514k0105 4 0 1 tiblioa- ea. Dirifigeffeliti le SIC - MIA' ANCkenfi &AM, Owszawas bo4y,iitegonnas,Helfdacha iliseasas Itkeusnotian, 4 &aim. disown OW _ Id to munition in. min • Ivor- ' Agifi l ihili'atiV ,pnisticei m ' stai ti thec c =tt ir iootemt. JLT have I . " 'l , auoxialinow -W marl to to, *too WMM 011ie , AsPpteoopot.*elttnow itoi 3 Olftertint pbtrodo — Of the 'Llie-EE fogoici 4 to 4. W ft* welrestO I ded tom A vaoo3-4 _ irliloh act - into an vir - 001L0kr03900 3 4 1 a . ttitetid . lo potde4;_oooh to, t4 ciAr n - r er n fi l , or .art ift Nithadif.4.ll4 Worms* °Matron or,.i.di Purclaw Ostriot .8404004.4 oath le heiz..too namerply tlegiOlg. akill, 1,to!.8. PRICE ':ro , .• Tilie. biTzaosisconeshyilesiiiti &mug Ittra'are.Malled by Drugglekikenteally,and sold wholesale : by the TrAde An all the, large "1 I lr, ,z 1 10°X. OILD4 L.; ' 4I . IBII == SANNOBLI24I" 44OiIe VA. AT.XEN11.9.14, - Pri • ;iiiioltiliet; to our very largi N aTi of lifikomasintog:Uotioo .00*oy:alite.uuid w ydawg Pvvvi Kip Grovpa,bost r artiate manaraLtarod. All the AgroreitaltilitCorlfunlaci.aumat - Largestlloporfmtaitppgoanaav hithe oily. r thrives, every thin g it , l34tuts! wear, at 7 .11, c; • jiu!St • Next to the ,Harriaparg • ' 0 . 1 i•';: 1 ;Thy : EMERMAN ; • aIEbTRYJ'. VJEFFEB, • 'ortacz---THaw mew, gagri:s. ROW,) - ' NEAR' XARKET. . . . • - .lZeiii2eicii'aiiiinitt'AST . treet scar - .F . 'ourth - ' crtir; imakisiatisuita,"-rEiczea'. 14171 ? -11 t r . : 1 7 , rd. 'A NI IST (31. 0 - • 'NEO.AkA r eR z )filiV*4l2-1.130F **kW", trig ! lOreeiliticOuifiiii , 'Munoz , ittr,1 1 5 1 .0.1r4f4.. 0.14414 y 4:Z. i•V: • 09)4 hAvitarrottgaz een: RI V R ei . at • #0.4 1 : 4 4 S./ WI J.., ET • J ''•- 6 Iporbriejety• I, C ol7,figlamerraowatkr JAP. WEIMILLER,. • :71T 1 . 2 ,; 14 ,Domp In 516 4 ilf*All ft l - dellyered,:nd weighed at . oti e ntim t :ra . du . or bY thsl4)444kifelthitaittsli; Pikiei: to atilt tbnm Wb l oleaale and 1:..7 I Desirable ...14opertjt for Bent;: ISfOs ROOM eipteteg hi Marian ptreet; betwee4- *Ott3,q(l ann ieda,inakentrdiVard.F ;; ALSO.—A.LAWIETWQBTORY .13.11WEC„E0112.t . eipaitS liareconiketriet bblo* the hrilf 0. - A . THREE: ssoRY P9PiIE4-114114411111, Liberia street, - • • : Q O PAIMMA4.O., . , • • ••24e1:21VSeiitleMerioidiltre - et; • . Thwriabtng, Pa. e,• OHAIEBAGNEININE Si Hum= &•vo. , „Mums& Hinopoliat, , • : • filtu3Las & 034 " • 401030 / 1 -4 11 4E,•T AtOtragglif... • • Speiteutiebrtracitel; • 7.•••Mei!fri Arrr9 l ,- O L TO • ill - liketfirelind iirthite •o, 20111411: ZIEG ' "f.4 9 f 4 fjj,;,,l , r 1-- 0 74-)Sark.ItASMS.' BEE !tfI ATIDIMPRIOTION. mitmaiuditoi appointed 13Y" the ai~pn tsurt-fit,, , Ptal4 gotuitY.4o diate.bol94.balagoP. Rr'lnqno• Bait 'or Bn*StAlt, anStittn , Wit)lDrl PAtr,l?Xellig,,,late, of, Jo'3effl toodtattlptiy. , s 'bid-2,,dfdoo2.tiiityj wit te inieWeteetrit pr,AOlke clty: pr,Httrilsburg, 1 tilles 17n8D4 Agth day Mich' nOic'etlo o'clock A M., it ivlifoll' tinet tinst,tittico pet jnimby : tiotUled to attena and 11)1106hr tßeWelkime. .;••• 11: N. GRAYDON, rlggE khe.retil gited.thatratGaiSBoohl4,-,! - on is foretell for the purpose or ; estayittlang a otiiimsmAispa. tint guidi.deposittunfertba pkissiaftii t of6tha Act _ostablishhig a system or Free Banking ninlylmutia—siaitt Bank' t 0 tie called the ~T 9trt9: , 4i3ank,or Pennsylvania," to bell sated. at Erie Pq. with a capitalof ELFIN% ANIO DOLlAREcriittg the lileg" Of yrriall'ilpir . llol9, to . FIVO , Utlpared . Tkousand D o acc#,F.: . . ETTEttelen tanteittntyi ate this - entii, jj:bizcnAEL EHRlBKANdes:94.,late of Swatara township, Dauphin-county- 'BV the phdenlaned, all :parse* ‘havinc l eltdma-4, 1,00 Oaf.. late of the said liendest - are eegoostelo We*" known thopatoo settee:it delay,.and those brdabiedloadat odds! - aft - XelltboObi.oo Ismail payment 'before At r lst r Ay tFall . irk.- -No - tattier indolseasO can UT:2li. a w ?AT; !St r 9 . 891( DA14.1!..L 5AL14.151.5.1, jj' MSWELIaNG Ibis city. Mailing at 'ORANGES AMY U,„, w- mpoion ci er the Seat of VORTY" BOXES in pri i vol aRAwN j: solved and for salo by lag .