iines at &ara & aranspartatimt NEW AM LIU ROUT TO NEW YORK ! SllO RTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUICKEST IN TIME BETWEEN THE TWO CITIES F NEW -YORK AND 11.A.1:2,1R,1513-C..TIZO r. - VIA READING. ALLENTOWN , AND EASTON. ti oRNING EXPRESS, West, leaves New York at 8 A. M., arriving at Harrisburg at LP. only 6% Weis: between the tete MAll. LINE leaves New Y0rk...11'12.00 noon, and ar rives at Harrisburg at 8.15 F.M. r: WINING MAIL LiNE East, leaves Harrisburg-at 8.00 A. at., arrivingit New - Yeirk at 5.20 P.M. AFTERNOON MEIN IJNE,. East, leaves Harris burg at 1.15 P. N., arriving: at Note York at 0.48 P. M. Connections are made at Harrisburg at 1.00 P..M. the Passenger Trains in ea:eh:direction on the Pennsylva nia, Cumberland Valley ands Northern Central ltailroad. AS trains connect at Reading with trains hir Pottsville and Philadelphia, and at Allentowh foe : Mauch Chunk, Easton &c. No Armee of Passenger Cars or Baggage between New York and Harrisburg, by the"o.oo A. M. flue from New Fork or the 3.15 P. M. .Torn Harrisburg. For beauty of scenery, and speed, comfort and accom modation, this route presents superior inducements to the traveling nubile. • _ , • Fare between New York and Harrisburg ElVa DOL- I ARS Ref tickets and other information apply to deci Li J. J. OLYDE, Cis:tarsi Agent, Harriabarg. ' PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAIL ROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. UN AND AFTER DEC. 12th, 1.860 TWO PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE HARRISBURG DAILY, (Sundays eisnepted,) at 8.00 - A. M., and 1.16'P. M., for Phlladelplila, arriving there at 1 55 P. M. and 6.16 P. M. RETURNING, LEAVE PHILADELPHIA at 8.00 A. M. and 3.30 P. M., arriving at Harrisherg at IP. M., and 8.15 P. M. . _ FARES :—To Philadelphia, No. 1 Care, $3.25 ; No. 2 (In same train,) $2.75. : • FARES :—To Reading, $1.60 and $1.80: A L Reading, connect with trains forTintsville, Miners rifle, Tamaqua, Oatawissa, , FOUR TRAINS LEAVE READING FOR PHELAN:Er PIIIA DAILY, at 6 A. M., 10.45 A M.,12.80 noon and, 8.43 P. M. • LEAVE PHILADELPHIA FOR READING at 8.00. A. N., 1.00 P, M., 8.30 P. M.. and LOG FARES :—Reading to Philadelphia, $1.75 and $1.45. THE MORNING TRAIN FROM HARRISBURG-CON.. NECTS AT READING with up trains for Wilkesbarre, Pittston and Scranton. '• . For through tickets and other information apply to : ' J. J. CLYDE, Gene* Agent. dol4.dil PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD! WINTER TIME TABLE FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA• ON AND AFTER ' MONDAY NOVEMBER 26th, 1860, The passenger ' trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany will depart item and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows E AS TWA RD. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 2.40 a, in. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.60 a. m. FAST LINE leaies Harrisburg at 12 66 p. m, and arrives at West. Philadelphia at 6.00 p. m, MAIL TRAIN leaves Hlrrbaburg at 6.15 p. m., BMWS at West Philadelphia at 10.20 p. 131. These trains make close connection at Philadelphia with the New York Lines. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 1, leaves Harrisburg at 7.:.0 a. in., runs via Mount Joy, and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12 80 0. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves liar rlebnrg at 1.16 p. m., and arrives at V est Philadelphia ate 40 p.m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, leaves Harrisburg at 6.25 p. in., rune via Mount Joy connecting at -Diller. villa with MAIL TRAIN East for Philadelphia. • lOW .E STWARD THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 10.60 p m-, arrives at Harrisburg at 8.10 a. in. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 8.00 a. m., ar rives at Harrisburg at, 1.20 p. m. LOCAL MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg for Pittsburg at 7.Q0 a. ta. FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 12.00, noon, arrives at Harrisburg at 4.10 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 2.00 p. in., and arrives at Harrisburg at 7,85 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, AIN, leaves Philadelphia at 4.00 . in., and arrives at Harrisburg at 9.46 p. m. Attention is railed fotho fact, that passengers leaving feriadelphia . at 4.00 p. m. sonnet at Lancaster with UNT JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, and arrive at risburg at 9.46, _ _ _ SAWN& D. YOUNG, Aug. Zug Division Pegmuivinsigg Railroad. nov26 604tf All Work Promised in One Week 1 O 4. PENNSY LV ANIA STEAM DYEING ESTABLISH/KENT, 104 Nark„et Street between 4th, and sth, HARRISBURG, PA., "('HERD' every deseriOtion of Ladies' V v and oentiemeas , Garments, Place Goods, dro., are Dyed, Cleansed and.nnished la the best manner and at the tiborla , t notice' :DODGE di co. , Ney3-dawly Frogiers laistellantous. UDO.LPIIO WOLFE'S .a.l=l.4:=olllE amisric, SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS A SUPERLATIVE TONIC, DIURETIC, ANTI DYSPEPTIC' AND INVIGORATING. CORDIAL To the Zifizeiticif New Jersey and .rem-ivautu . . . Apothecarlts, DruggistmArrocerfil and • Private - - • Wolteis-Pure-Gognae-nraudy.----.... Wolido Pure AtederkapShereT.,upd Port Wtne: tt. h Wollb's Pure Jantatea and,St. r obilturn Walla's Pare -Stsitch_suid : ALL I begleave to eall the attention of ,the °hasps of Ms! United States rto she above Wums and.Luploss, imports& by:tdolpho of 'New York, whimei name is pork llar in every rt 'of this:country. for, tke purity .-- of his oelebrited :,, sm.Stonterrs., Mr. Wolfe, la his letter speaking of the purity ofkilsitques and tlituois, says:; will stake my reputation as a man, my stand mg: as a merchant of thirty years' residence in the City otNewlYork, that all the BRANDY and Wilms which I . bottle are pure as iinporTect,Wl of th*TbVilltutlityi - tum • earthe relied upon by ,every parchaiter.'& Averyhottie :him' the proprietor's namecal,the wax,' and a fee simile of-his Signature on the- certitlelste.' 'The lie re- spectAilly'inyited to Cali and:examine for themselves.— For sale at Retail by all .Apotheilarles an&Grocers fa Philadelphia. ___OECtUGE.M,ASH.T9th - • --- - - No;1612 Market Et. Philadelphia.- - Sole Agent;for Philadelphia.. Read tile follOwing.from the Slewficek , Courier : &minima Branum viiß this Nina Yoniratinattata. We are happy to inform our felkiw.eitissenstbat tnere 3s one place in our city where the Pliyatelan,spottieearyl and coinatry.merehant, can go and purchase pure_Wines andLiguors, as pureestinported; and of the best quality: We do not Intend to give an elaborate dererhition of this merchant's extensive bnsinees,Although it will well re. pay any stranger or citizen , to.visit Udolpho.Wolth's ex tensive Warehouse, iNnelB. .1:0' and 2s, Beaver Street, and NoS. 17. 19 and 21,-Mart etiteld street. "-Rig stack'ol Schnapps =Baud ready for -,shipment could not have been less thin..thirty %outland mil; the ItrandKUM ten thousand cases—Vintages of 1836 to 1866 ; and ten thousand %main' Madenti,":Sherry :and _Port Mine, &iota and Irish Whisky, Jamaica and St. Croix Rum some very old and eaualto any'hithis country.. He Ids& hid three large cellars, filled with Brandy, Wine, ikc., In casks, under Custom Mouse key, ready for hotting.-hfr: Wialfe's sales of bohnapps last . year amounted to one hundred and eighty thousand dozen, and we hope in less than ,two years he may be equally successful with. his Brriidles and Wines. • - 'His business merits thepatronage of every lover of his species. Private families. who wish pure Wines and .Liquors for medical use shmild send their' orders direct to Mr. Wolfe, until every 'Apothecary in the land make np their minds.to discard the poisonous stuff from their shelves, and replace It with Wolfe's pure Wrens and Lumens. • ' - We understand Mr: Wolfe, for the accommodation of small' dealers in the country, puts up assorted cases of . Wines anti liquors. 'Such a man, and such a merchant, should be sustained againEt his tens of -thousands of op, ponents in the United States, Who sell nothing but imita Lions, ; ruinous aliketO ' health and *alien happiness. - _ , eerit.dawBmi C. K. Keller, 91 Market street, sole agent for.thie pit DESIRABLE MOURNING GOODS- Black. , and Purple All Wool Figured Merinos, Plain Black Bogllsh Veloue Reps. Bleu:: and Purple Tams* Cloths,Sllk and Wool. - Plain All Wool Cashmeres and Merinos. Black and Gray Worsted Poplins. Black awl White All Wool Delaines. Black and Purple Figured Cashmeres. Lupin's Best BontbazineA terlor Black Lustres.. _ . Lupin's Extra Alpaccas. Neat Slyly striped , Alohairs. Entetute Style raram • 61.4-AllWoolDeletnesi . • ' ' 'EnglisirChintzes; Madonna Woths.- - - Plain Mohairs. SCIPNRIOD Pielai Butz Etta. RIP. AfOIMNINQ Runk do Smolt AND War= do do - do Pusan arm Buck do do do Paean Cross, New and Desirable. 'Every article - tbe -difererre-lcinds-of- DRESS GOODS In the BLACeC and BEWND -MOURNING hue. Selected from the very'bost matter& • Lupin'a Square Thibbet elialrly, do Long do do Black French Blanket Shawls, 2d Mourning French Blanket Long Shawls,. 2d Mourning French Blanket Square do, English Crepe Veils. (every size), ' Gi4oadlne Veils; (every else) - Englieh Crepes, French 'OXON'''. SHROUDING OARIMERBS, SHRuIIDING FLANNEIS t BLACK GAIINILEITS, all kinds, BLACK GLOVES, all kinds, BLACK BORON RED HANDKERCHIEFS, (allkinds); BLACK BOWERY. (all kinds), SPLENDID ASSORTMENT GE COLLARS, PLAIN BLACK RIBBONS. An inspection often stook will convince all. , • 'CATHCART & BROTHER, n2l , Neat to the Haviisbnra Bank. Dyspepslaltemesly DR. DARIUS- HAM'S AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT. gears, with Medicine hag been toed by ihe Wait for six : Wars, with increming favor. it is recommended to Ours • Dyspepsia, Nervousness, S art-Bwrn, Odic thins, Wind in the ii&mtetch, or its nein theßowe Headache, Drowsiness, Kidney Com plaints, Low Spirits D /triton Tremens, intemmrance. mummy IManAitims, Ams, wna. nor 18eromang os Sin . . AS A MEDICINE it is linick rid effectu al, curing the most aggravating cede o Dyspepsia, AS Complaints, and all other derange ent . of the Stomach and Bowels, in a speedy manner. It will instantly revive the moat melanch ly atm drooping spirits ; and restore the weak, nervous aid alo ly to health, strength and vigor. . . Persona who, from the.injudicious Ilse of liquors,4utve become dqjected, end their nervous systems shattered, constitutions broken down, and subject to that horrible curse to humanity, the MEURRat Towns, will, eluvial immediately, feel the happy and healthy invigorating efficacy of Dr. Ham's Invlgorathur SAM - WHAT IT. WILL DO. Dona.--One wine glass full as often as necaasary One dose will remove all Bad Spirlta4i. - One dose will cure Heart-burn. Three doses will cure Indigestioh: One dose willgive you a Good Appetite. . One dose will stop the distressing pains of Dyspepsia-. One dose will removeithWfilfitressing and disagreeable erects of Wind or Flatubinte, andes soon as the stomach receives the Invigorating Spirit, the distressing loadent' all painful feelings wflibe removed. One dose will remove the most distressing pains of Colic, either in the Stomach or bowela. - A few doses will remove all obstructions intiteliOdney, Bladder or Urinary Organs. Persons who are seriously afflicted with any Kidney Complaints are assured speedy relief- by a dose or two, and a radical aura by the use of one or two bottles. NIGHTLY- DISSIPATION-- Persons who, from dissipating too numb over night, and feel the evil effects of poisonous liquors, in violent head aches, sickness at stomach, weakness, giddiness,. &G., will find one dose will remove all bad teelings. Ladies of weak and sickly constitutions, should take the Invigorating Spirit three times a day; it will make them strong, healthy and happy, remove all obstructions and irregularities from the menstrual organs, and restore the bloom of health and beauty to the careworn face. • During pregnancy It will be Mond an invaluable medi , tine to remove disagreeable sensations at the stomach. All the proprietor asks is a trial, and to induce this, he has put up the Inmgeratiug Spirit in pint bottles, at 50' cents, quarts - St. General Depott 48 Water street, N. Y.: ' Wholesale Agent, Philadelphia, D. YOTT, & CO. and for Gale in Harrisburg by C. A. Bannvart; D. W. Gross & Co. and C. K. Keller, and by all Druggists everywhere. jeld-lowly PROF. ADOLPH P.AEUPSER, WOULD respectfully inform his old •patrons and the publ c. generally, that-he wiL continue to give Instructions on the -PIANCLEARTE, ME• LODEAN VIOLIN and also in the science of•THOROUGE BASS. He will With pleasure wait upon'-pupils at their homes at any near desired, or lessons will be gtvenai his residence, in Third street, a few doors below the German Reformed Ghurcb. • deci&dtf . AUGUSTINE Le CEAYNE. CARPENTER Aft 43UILDE& Bakknea No. 27 /Oa StOtitraiet. E. N. B—JOBBItiG ITIIIINDED TO pennovlvania Maifp Qrriegrapb, Znegbap lftentoon; alarcb 5, 1861. JEWELRY, •WATCHES, CLOCKS, FANCY GOODS, &C. . , • ALFRED P.' ZThrM"ERMAN . 00; . No. 52 MARKET STREET, Harrisburg, Pa., opposite Ham's Horst and adjoining the EUROPLIN Hand; - having purchased the stSok of E.: P Jennings. and added a large assortment. NEW JEW ELRY, we will sell the same at the lowest cash price, and solicit patronage. , , Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neatly and promptly re paired, and deliTered ' ' ALFRED FAIMIARRIII AN & CO Havirg disposed of my stitck,of Jewelry,te.A. F. Zlm morthan & Co., chderfully recienmesdrthem to my fer nier Vustomers' as practical and experienced' Watch lialdeis, and solicit for them a continuance of the patron. itga frlslch has yteen.so generously extended tome during . thehiStnlki years. . .. jsn29ELMIR F. JENNIMGS. At the; Ninth Exhibition - of - the ,7 11tbse. - aharitable Ifeehanie Aseociaition,lB6o, *MESSRS. CHECKERING lz :SONS WERE AVirARDE9 THE GOLD MEDAL MIND, SEMI -GRAND, & SQUARE PIANO:FORTES; AND TB; OYLT TBE SILVER MEDAL, r 'FOR iRE. BEST UPPIGHT- PIANOS,' WM. KNOC'HE '- Ma AGENT FOR THE SALE OF THEM..PLiNOS, N0.,9R1 MARKET ST., RAIJARTSBORO. febe-dtf •THE : UNDERSIGNED lee - Opened- his Vain= OFFICE, comer of ThirdAßrect and BlaCk berry alley, near Herr s'antet' Atimd!WO ROOMS *lttifol ding doorsTO LET', ink& Me for n'Lnwyeroo F'ossagslon can be .Ind imme- diately. -• . W. P. MURRAY, Arso—HORSES AND CARRIAGES to hire. at the same . . . . . (hire Cough, add,. Hoarteniss, !Oa-, W I V. rasa, any Irritation or Soreness of . ,ClQThroat, Behan the Hacking the h 1/veering/us:loth Bros, ..- ~.. C3RoNCHI Al ': ' chitis, dirfAata, and a t :._ .- - V PUBLI . Ciao '1 ?0 o\.\( CS sPICA.BEI:Os i , and SINGERS. Few are aware of the importance of checking a Cough or "Coniinon Cold" in its- first stage"; 'that which In the begbiniag Would yield t o a mild remedy, if neglected, soon attacks: the Lungs. "BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TRQCBCFB,'. containing demulcent ingredients, allay Pulmonary and Bronchial Irritation.' BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S TROCtIES BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S VROCIECIAS TROCHES BROWN'S TROCHESI BBOWWS TROCIIES BROWN'S TROCHES! BROWN'S "Great benefit when taken before and elter . preaching, 'ae 'they prevatit Hoarse - . nese: - From their past erect, I think they will be of permanent advantage to ma." REV. B. - ROWLEY, A. M.,' President of Athens College, Tenn. MrSold by all Druggists at 25 'ovate& kik. n0626-dawfim l'itoClllo.S BR WN'S TROCHES Select Sohools, for Boys and Girls, FRONT STREET ABOVE LOOI7ST, THE Fall term of ROBERT M'ELWEE'S ; TSchool for boys, will open on the last- Monday In August. The room is well ventilated, comformbly :Pi:w elshed, and In every respect well adapted for school purposes. OdTMARINE M'ELWEE'S School for girls, located In the same building' will open for the Fall term at the same tithe. The room has been elegantly fitted up during .the vacation, to promotelhe health and comfort ok Scholara. jan3l-dtf U. S.. - FLAGS . O F Ati SIZES AND PRICES, on- hand oodth li anufactured to order. at. BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, • • feblB 61 Market dtreet. , SHAD, No. ' --• '- SALMON,No. 1, HERRING-, No. 1, COD FISH, - No. 1, • ' MACKEREL, No. .1. • • Of he above we have all the different sized packages from the sirs to the seas= in store and for sale at the 4/west MI/ kee febl6 FIRST 'CLASS GROCERIES 1 LARGE - AR-it I. VALI AVING YORT RETURNED from the N Eastern cities Where we have selected with. the GRUM! CARS a large and ,00mplete assortment of ..stb. perlor goods which embrace anything kept In the best city groceries, we - reepeettailys and cordially invite the pnblio to call and examine our stock and NOTICE OUR lebl6 . WIlf; DOOR JR. & CO; FRESH ARRIVAL Hoiorr, Burs, fietre, Garrrr, nom= - 95AEllat. 00121 MARBow LIT Haas e; , Wawa Pleas s &o., Just received and for sale at the Levu's. cuss nuts& 016 WM. DOCK JR. & CO. SCOTCH WHISKY. ONE PUNCHEON of PURE SCOTCH WRlBRYieekreeelyekatid for sale by 1610111. ZIEGLER, Janl .78 Market street. . . ... CITY . BONDS FO R ' SLAB. , lANR OR :TWO CITY BONDS of $5OO AL/ eaCti. hearing 6 per cent interest, being n este and good investment. Apply to feb4 amd ' W. 8., VERBEKEL DENT ,ISTRY . THE.itridereigned, DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY, has returned and rasumedhispractiee n State atieet opposite the ”Brady House," 'where he wlll be pissed to attend to all Who map desire his ear vices. Dep27J B. M. GILDEA, D. D. S. IdOI7RNING GOODS OF EVER! DESCRIPTION. Holsery, Gloves, Gattntlotte,ittlarge..quantdiee, Great assortment of Embroideries. Ladies 'Underwear, differ erdalses and quality. Gentlemen's do do do " Misses' do - do do Boys' do do do Goths, Casstmeres, Batinetts, Jeans, And everything for Mon and Boys t - sear. Gentlemens , Shawls. - • • All goods, Without distinction to style or quality, will be sold at a very slight advance, and less than cost of importation. B:__BROTHER, Next door to the Elanrisburg Bank dl7 - • Market Square. . . FOR 'RENT.! §EVERAI COMFORTABLEDWFT;raNO. ,11017SES hrdiderent-perfoof thee oily: Edeblineetwf. hed to some of them. ,14peoeoeion_gbren the first-td- April next. , D2-3m] wAS. C. RAWN. lalistritautous. NOTICE. FRANK A.;,MURRAY "That trouble in my Throat i (for which the "TROCHEEPk. are a 'gm itc) 'having made me often a mere whisperer? ), • "'I - recommend- their use to' Public Speakers?) . . "Have preyed extremely serviceable for Hoarseness." AENRIf WARD BEEOREP.. "Almost Instant feller in the distressing labor of breathing peculiar to Asthma." REV. A. 0. EGGLESTON. "Contain no_ Opium, or .AnytLingnduri ous." flat. A. A. HA Y ES, Chemist, Boston. "A simple and pleasant Combination for Coughs, &o." DR. F. BIGELOW, Booton„, '"l3eneficial in Bronchitis F. W. LAND, Boston. "I hays Proved their excellent for Whooping Cough." W. WARREN, Boston. "Beneficial when compelled to speak, suffering from Cold." REV. s., J.P. ANDERSON, , St . "Effectual In removing Hoarseness and Irritation of the Throat, so common with Speakers and Singers." ' - Prof. M. MACY JOHNSON, La en,mge, Oa.- Teacher of Haste, 'Southern Female College. - WM. DOCX,.JR. k 00 seat ?mei - Bann illebiral BOERHAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS. DTSPRPIM) DISEASE OF , THE MNEYS, LIVER COMPLAINT, NnAtistkss''d - F ANY BIND, • FEVER-AND AGUE, L ., And .the Marione affections consequent upon:Vilsordered; R is I«V E R), Stich 'as Indigestioni - Acidity of the Stomgch, ;penalty . Pains,'Heartbunis,,Less of Appetite, Deipendency, Coe - dimness, Blind . and- Piles,%-ln , . all , -,, , Mryoos, Rheumatic, and Meuralgic Affections, itPas in sterner:9es, instances proved highly benefictal;und in ethers greeted' a decided cure, t, • - This is , a purely vegetable conponed, - Prepared on. strictly scientillis principles, after'the manner of the ceba, bratiad ',Holland, Professor, .Boorhaye. - -• Its reputation at ,home produced its introduction Pere; the demeod dolti mencing with fhoiehr the Patherland stuttered over:MS faee of this mighty country, many of Wbombrouglat with them and handed dosSii the Us/Anion of its/ - "nelleeferedlo gla4M . orkzel , PetblitS /arming Oa* irt44' woraderfalsacdrinal virtues must be acknowledged. It is Partie&arly itleohlinended tath&dpziations.whese. constitutions nisay have neon Impaired by.the contlnuons, use of ardent spirits, or other forms of diShipation: - Gen= erally instantamemis , in effect,lt finds itsLway directly. to the seat of life, thrilling, and „quickening every nerve, Ufa dimoPineepirlt,"and, in iliet; , infnalrigmeW health and. migor. ietbeeyetem.:, - .• - :NOTlCE.—Whoeverects billed thiaabeyerakhasill be disappointed; butte sick, weak and low spirited, lt.will ;proyeut-,gratetul aromatic..eordial, possessed of or singular remedial properties: 'BEAU OA_BEFULLYI-: The Genuine highly concentrated Bosrhaye , s Holland Bitters is put up in half,-pint bottles taily; - and. retailed at Osx Mois'Aß her bottle, or six bottles for Pays imaxmos.— The geeat demand for this „truly celebrated Medicine hail inducearimany %Stations; which the public should guard against purchasing: 5• ASP-Beware of Impesition. 'Pee that our name is on the label or eYeigheitile you buy. ' • - Sold, hyean forwilfdia PR. Entrees to moat points. • - _ • 'WOIZE TROP'RIE'Z'OBS, BENJAMIN-PAGE 3R. & AM UP A CI 1,13-841141- Pharmaceutists and _Chemists. 1 TS B 1L13.0-4 For sale: in the !city of Harrislramby Gams Jk. IUtiLPMN3E".E9.T'Ieik LIFE PILLS LND PHOENIX BITTERS: pIIESE MEDICINES havellow been_ be.: X fore, he public far &period of TAIRTY YEARS, and ilur thattinie have Maintain( d - ir high character in' al most-every part. of. Ms Siloheyfor their - oatraorMimry and linmediate power& restoring perfect heaflb to.pet , Tone temifering under ;nearly. every kind ,- .of - disease-to which the humenfrpnn le liable; , The following areameng the distresstng , tin= man diseases - in.:which the ' - : VEGETABLE- :LIFE .MEDICINES 'Are Weil known to be Infallible. EllfSPEPSlA;byth'oranglilyelesesingthe first and second,tentchs, and oreatleg.a low of pare healthy , bile,. instead of the stale - and, acrid kind; j4ENCY ; lceivoLippetite, Heratburn, Headache, Rest , lanness, 111-remper, Ansluth Languor and Helanoholy, .which are general" symptoms' of Dyspepsia; will van - " labds'a natural giumequenoe Of Its QUre,::f_ •`:' ' ' • VOIA:TIVEN.ESS, by cleansingthe whole length Of the Intestirtes'with , a solvent , process ; and without Vito lence;laii violent purges leave the bowels costive within two days. pEVH.R.S of all kinds, by restoring the blond to a regular esrematloe, through the processof respiration hi suck cases, and the.Hterongh solution of all intestinal ob., stgeetion lkothirs: ' ' " ' The, IIIit.:IiEDICINES Mire . been. known' to core ;lIIIEURATI,sSI permanently in . three weeks and 'GOUT haitthairtime; kfrentovbig:iocalintlinultation front the muscles and pgameotenf thejoints. Dnopslies of all kinds, by' hoeing and iittrenithert. Mg the kidney's and bladder; they-operate most delight , - fully on these important organs, and hence- bays ever . been 'Nandi. certain` remedy for" the- worst met of GRAVEL Also WORSIS,:by• dislodging from the , ttirriings of the bbwels 014 i -slimy Matter -to- - which these Toreatures sctraVY, vEiriEtidieric SORES, 'by the perfect purity,' which these WIIMEDI., 0 )IES give to the , blood, and all the humois. SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS an'd'lMD 110MPLIEI • lONS, byttheir alterate effect mpon the, fluids that feed the . skin, eMd themorbid state of which ocautkins erupthe complaints, sallowioloutin and ether disagree able complexions. • The use M these Pills for ' v erya'Slitirt time`will Sleet' an entire ofSALTstriking..ith proiement in:the, clearness of the skin. COMMON COLDS and INFLUENZA millEalartiYe be 'Cured' by' cuteidesejor by two in the worst cases. - • .• EILES.-The original proprietor-of tiptoe 'medicines," -was cured of Piles, of SU years standing by theme) ofthe TIFT MEDICINSS alone. . -- FEVER AND AGI7E.—For this scourge of the, Western 'country; there Bediclnes 'will be fdund - a safe; speedy, and certain remedy: - :Othirldedicincis•have the system subject to .a return of the diseaso—e.cure by these Medicines is permanent—TßY TRECZEI SATLETELD, BILIOUS _FEVERS AND LIVER opm: I'PLAINTS.—Gsmoik. Ihrankv,-Ltes or; ASTMS; and Delouses Os Immure—the MedieMes. have „been .used with - inoßbeneffandivsults is cane of this' desCrip don :•-;•ffings•Evil and Scrofula; in its work, fermealMcls• to the , mild, yet powerfulae.tion of these remarkable Medi eines.-'Night' Sweats, Nervous Debility, - Ne rvous plaints of all kinds, Palpitation of the Heart, Painters' Colic, are speedily cured. ' BILERCURLILDISEASES.--Pereons -.whose , conatibi ions have becotne 'lMP:tired by the injudicious use of Mercury,' will thicithese liedielnes-a perfect- cure,. as they never , fail o eradicate from lboi system, all' the effects Ofldercury,`Milnitely sooner than the mcsdpitwer fta preparations of Sarsaparilla. . • ' Prep tared 'and sold _ ' MOFFAT. 835.-Brtmdway, New :York. • Foreale by all . Draigista• jy2o4llwly R THE DEEAWAHE-tOTITAE Safety . Insurance- Co,. . INCORPORATED '1.835. CAPITAL ANDASNETS . . . ... _ TILE 'INSURANCE COIEPANY . . Of North A merica , OF OP PIDILADF.LPHIA. • INCORPORATED 4794: 1 - •• .CAPITAL AND APSETS. .. . UNDERSIGNED, as Agent ,for the, above Well known Companies, will make Insurance against loneor dainageby lire; . either perpetually or an. loudly on propertyin 'either beniCernnanizY, • Marine and Inland Transportation Risks also taken. Apply personally or by letter to • • _ WITLTSIII III3EHLRE, derglawly• 10 Harrietitirg t pa:- JOHN MiLik,E.TYRER, RASPBERRY -ALLEY ' , BETWEEN GHIS3TNIIT 'IIIILBERItY STRRETS, HARRISBURG,. PAi RESPE' CTFULL'Y ilifornts.the public that he is located atAhe above mentioned place, and he has commenced the NVOOLDYNINGfend•OARPRIVEW BUSILVEii in all its. various :branches. ; •ga is pro. pared to till all orders at, the shortest notice, and will guaran tee . general sattsfaitton,irts priest' :von.. b e reasonable.. • • , , }tiring carried on the business foi' many years in Germany, ant over( two years tare, and also having ton - an extended esnerlenee in this .00untry he is folly tog potent to execute all work entrusted to him and hopes to receive a reasonable, *ere et custom from his fellow cit r ize tt io generaiar e always kept' assortment or Carpets a n band ; and be sold at the lotreet rat e . nov1180:3PA: • . . JUST- , RECEIVED. , • 4LA: RGE, , STOOK .6f, , SOOTOR • 41 Tiv.g,:. BROWIC STOUT ne.9spokrp narab, 'egite• it the loviest rai 3 / 1 Sy' • - /, JAMIRMLIMEMLIM,•I 73 Market Street. gligitUaluono. Arve syr ZAIRE .46L .fflieadoir4Nie CURE-‘1%111) Nervous Headache CURE oy _1 441 3 4 3 - 06 J He adarille. :By the nee 'or these PIUS't 6 periodic tittaolca -Ner. gout or Sick Retufaclge inerbe proventegf and irtatten.a, the , commencement of an attack Itiniellato relief fiom pain, and Sielinese may be'Obtaitiod; ! They seldom in removing the/fauna and to.which feMales are so inliject. They ackgentlyhpott thotarirels o rtimtritnpetetirestrah:. PorMiterare Men, students, Delicate, Temetes, and alL' i persons! of ltidenteri habitt;lhey are valeatiteiariiliaa ^- ' tied, improkingllicePpefftsi giving: tone. a , 4: l 49. 6 rl t nt he ' aigiiatfve Agana, and restoring the natural ejastlet4 , and strength Of ttie*hohielYtittint ,": -1 . E. 4 ' , Thii`CEPllALTO:ril?Lil.,are.the result of png.ipyolt! ; ,ginion,and-carefellydandietivrexperintente,liaving been use licnomyLyears;!drrringrwhich tuey-uvrllpte dented and relieved a vest amount of pain and snirwing iremileadache, whether originating in the tiviloiiir r ey*; tent Of from a deranged state ofthoLgowlech.. ;The Yiare sntirely vegetable in their composition, and may,be taken it . all 4 thnes "ivitif 4 tiertfeiit: safety withotit , Making any shame ,of diet, and aie absence of any Walk urinate qsLte.rendorf it easy a ridikaidisrfitliiie to' darns: • iehurnebitiO five signittuittot Hairy CtiSialdlng ort each box; liy Trice:gists and an Other Dealerd D 1 Medicines. Box"Will'boilentiby mail prepaid on receipt 'Attie R-11;LO 25 ._CAC Itt. l l`. . Ali Orden spiOnld addressed to I . • . EIENET o;SiAlidk(4__; ryivikdeorly-, 1:48 CedarStreet,,Nrow7Xork, THE FALLOWE(Q,EEPPMEUENTSiOF FEL t: CEPHALIC'? . . -Wl,LL'9oNyjNap ALL-WERSII7I : Ei FRO*. HEAD A - -[E, y- mhA y SURE:VITRE LS.: yIT~IDT ACAOgI3.. therehalitootiiaLs r .toste finsokeitcd. iy Mr . :I,IITG, they eresd proof of the sit. oacy of this trait =teal* disown*: -- Ilessoevrws, Conn. lab. 5 1861. Nit..Fstllntsdi! • , it - ILave tiled*ltikephaiiTill4 - 11- /Vet kei to todt Ahet I want yett to eeigt =re Wist dollargWorth more., • Part of theme are.for the nelgtihors to idiom I gave a few wirer thellrst frohioh.P t a 1 Send the Paia bY o 't. Servatt, : ' • Sir.. , . wilt . you Iciswid ma 60: inbrelgr" x Of:youi Cephalic niViltaolreg dna. Sc iTag,deaggrbenGra fro,ot addl , . - - xours, respOtrully, ' ' ' ' • MAIN:ANN ,STODIHOIJSE. Brava Cssgs, Hnntingdaa Go., Pa., H : • ' =• " 1 8, 18 . q. gou; t will please send me two , boxeS oC your Geo Pills; Send ' ' Rel3Praffi l l olls_ 4 4o • gS . ; A:- Z, tided offe ;WlO Oar Pals; mond mous • Itatia , Vitnnork Ohio Jan. 15.1561.. Elnartir.O.tireumsto,o4.,. • . • Piet:46lnd enclosed twerity-ifire'esafts;tWorifich sena trio inother box of ytharßeplutliol2lllB. , c They•are truly , (ke.besiMaLhove.erer Direct . . li t Belk ver!.unq :Wyaiidotteq • • f iltsvzsyrilibsai,.. l *.4 . 4, l 4(R.: • .ir• U. Di!Airang, Esq . • 1.. • • Iwish. for EOlllO etre - tilers er large idiew to Dring'` your Cephalic more nattiOnlirly beifore 'nireesto,: mere.' ttyonhave anything or the leind, , pleake sent to me One of. my customers, whoisstAtiea to 14 5 kif rDeadaelia, (rwttailltiating two d ay s ,') einc - otsied 'int. • afforicin one hour by your es Peg whlch' young remitter. : ' R*Ctiblly ~ tairrouuninio, ; „„onary 9,1851 i o::Fte:trzena,; ' • -: , . , - • Veal' Elr : Enclosed find twenty-ftve cents, (25,) for which send boic'ef..Cephalici.Plll3) , DentUto addresa.orDer;: - .Wirn: 0. Filler Reynoldsharg,• Franklin:county, Ohio. . tuorTe-Mg a churn—cure .ffeadizeke. almost'indanter. ' - Irtuy yours irli a FILLER. ',sfien.ant, Mich., J. 14,1861. 11. n. Rumen ' b ' lot long since Ifsent to youtota-box of Cephalic Pula lot the curd of the btervons Headache and costiveness and•reoeived the - sante, and Otesjitad so good4swefeotthai Iwa B itultVoifc,fetuPrAssrs , , • , .• -- .Please send bfietarn Ilan; Direct to A- R. ' YpEdlinti, Itlab. [Fre.* tha Ithuniner, Norfolk; W.] - Cepfintio accoiaplfsli the object for wilich'they were made, vitt: Corn othoadeohe in all its - . "[FRO the-tnuatheriNorfolic, : They iumli behn teeteek mom than nthoposbil muses; With ontlro ammem, .; . • [FriimiluiDel momitt,lit: Mud, Miima. If YOU are, or aye beeittronbied with th e:headache, Ind for a Aim, (Copt allio Ells,) go that you may licOe Mord id Ouse'et an-attack-. [From the Advetliser, Providence, R.l.] . • The 'Cephalic Pills are said to - he a remarkably ellbot-' lie remodylor the headaohe;.and one y[. the vdrylkest ior that very frequent complaint which has ever been' [From the Western R. R. Gssette, We heartily en4erse . Rr: Spahltnt; lour hiitinitvelist Cephalic. PAU. • - = [Frolik thelCanawhWalley BletrOrinikirluto'lrit..] peeaon9 witlatk attseite' ,We nie sure that persons's at -e e , wild try 4 10 41,:ltilratick t.l l lYmm. , .;;; jgarA elude bottle of ..-AuLdNal,r4uar.,...., *DX save tea tittles its abet ' • PREPARED GLUEt rREPAREDGLITEI 2- SPALPING'S PREFAIP46 • • _-• _• _ ECONOMY I ...,• ,II73PA:TCH I • ' ' .o®'°L ildrtiii ht - thin tails imus:".4e,' •ic accittfmts Pia hunon,- "en taissit4rogußitodfaistitei At is very desinthre to ayeehtinkOsid -tudelis way, ter repairiogYproltum ;my pilistfry, conv Sc. --- SPiLDINCPS, PREPARBIi 411,1r1 ,•• • =meets all B Ac l ieFkargesNhos; and no household can adhr,d to pointbe withqbt tt. it is always - ready and iiir 4,4 trie - strav tog ~- • . - ____.,-..' , • , , Kraut:lL IN INA% YIHOUSS-'7 _ N. R—A. Brush acoonspinAes eablrbottle. Plies 25 cal; Address , , • HENRY; O...IIIPAIDING, Bro. ditOedar StreetyliewYork.:o f , •.„ • ,z.., ~. ,-.11.11132 /0415:1,'.1:1 1....1 ~ - ... ' dit sertt l s cal ehud D i edyensuutareattemptins to pans cc oh thli " tisettok pubilt,iinitattone,oPntr'Pß ine It 'PAREDAWAvil lh t d onAliperfons to eza before porehasind, and see thattherod nista, , •,.--jearSPAlDDhalt I'REPARID UWEAfr'q - '. Is al the outside wrapper;all others are cop- Wits. lioTlb4swir Mg DRJOHNSON 33-ALLOMINEGSPEL3I2 9 LOCK HOSPITAL. HAS.discoverediliemost certain,peedy s and effectual remedy in the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. - rall,ra ni Elr an maws MIMS. No Nerenry or Noxious Drugs. ilEarApoNN Weskirmo, oN No Cruatos, mi ram ONN io Weakness of the Bank or Limbs, igrichares, Pains to tho Loins, Affections of the Kidneys and Hied der, Organio Weakness, lieryous DabLiity, Decay hf tbe Physical Pow ers Dyspepsia;LoW Pidrits,Conrakion of Ideas, Patitatiell of e Heart, Tiaddity, Iretniklings, Dlmr.eas of ..ght or Giddiness, Disease of the gtomeeli, Affections ' the Reid, Tbroit, Ili oir kin—thcee terrible Wier dere arisiog from the indiscratiop or Solitary Habits of Yentit--tlie:o &ward and •dtattractive practises which produce constituthical debility, render marriage impoe- Bible, and destniy both body and mind. Yeulig men especLdly who have becOine the victims°, solitary Vice, that' dreadful and destructive - tidbit which linnually : sweeps to an untimely grave , thimaande of .young ; men Of the most exalted talent andisillhint intel lect, who ?might. otherwise have entrance& listening . Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked, to eo- Msytlm liftelYie, May call WI It Thli isMildenee: . ,-!• - MARRIAGE.. 1- — Mardedlpersons, - Or those contemplating WUTiage: be ing awa*e of physical weaknea, abould immediately W Dr;: • - ORGANIC WHAIIHES3 - - , Immediately cured andialf vigor redote. He Ushio l pladettelf mak the care may rellgiorisly,emtide in-his : honer as algentiomm; ang, con, SdppUyirely upbe...hila skill as a phyelclan. "q 011160 , Scr. 7 , 3 South FrederiorAtrcet, „ Baltimore, .41.0.04 tlmieft.hand,side going from BaNsepre street, 1 deonflided 'OM corner. 'Be' partloblar leotaterviirs . the -nunib eri.or 3%FkwiU Intatiike,the 'Bgapsrr titular for Ignorant, Ting Quacks with false names, or-Pia/fry Humbug Certificates,,ettracjed by the reptite- Wu of Dr. Johnson; lurk near. All ..hittersinust contain a postege:HtlaMicefustron the replY, DR. JOHNSTON. Dr.l.Tolinfieh member ' or the'Roysti 'Collage „ of Buigeons; Landear i gnateftem one of thorniest eminent:S:so*es • et the ,States ~and the .greatest ParC9 l las been fir the Devil:aka et tendon/ Pt”- Pow-. delphie ehkeliewhere i hes elfected some ot sheintast ear - :trishibb*. cures that were ever known. litany troubledwith Kittle* in thibliniandlead , when asleep,. great her , : skariatelsa, being alermekat suddensounds,,bastataluesa, with, frequent bldshinCattensted semetiniesvrida meat or mind were cured immedisfelyr . OLEG Pihttbritax 'W(frICE. — Di: .1. 'addressesi;ill ,, these - *lei liiivibelithirlidlthiii ,BlilvestriTivate UM , Improper indulgenoiee, thatinamet and soli 3 , habit irhiehinini both body and mind; un fitting them for either lansinamor whey.; There are some of the sad and melancholy effects pro :Awed by early+ bald:Ant Back lint Matlikg.#l l4 the•Helv4 er *sealer Power, Padthetlon thelleart;Tye toPLlN Notvoutbrihtbility, Derangement of theAreitlive trunctions, General Debility, Byspetems of, oc.msomp• ftlia* tibfiarritax,' the" 'Meseta erects Oh tberniad &s i milar to to dreaded - , ,,Losti of llemoryieoafealoo of 11likelli De ,preseion of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Avereloh toSoole ' ty,"ffelf:afetn*Leve of Solittnie;lbrildityilisi:, We some of the bvllleffeto.- ; ; • • - •• -- Thcamands or Persons'af all' ages,can neeijadg,i , idasi the:eauke of thelr deal:nein health, loatngattele vtgoi, ,hecorng,weak,,pale r nervous and emaciated, have gpiulat ln :-Wisrance abota `the eyes, corah,rnef syrup- • _me dbotuiumpilon. - : , , . YOUNG tus. winhive injured tifenishlves by a certain iniatine didOed iu when alone—a habit frequentlyilearhed from. .evil zempanions. or at school,-4hcotroais of which are sightly s felt,.eveu when asleep, and if not. oared, renders luarriagiflinposs ink, and destroya both mind . and - body, shosibiapply.brunediaudY.. Wind a pity that . s, yonaginan, the hopen of bds noun try'sthe darling othWparents, should be snitched from Primfmcht: and , eiaormerkts by the consequences dinhatinikOnilhe path of nature' arid'ianniging in a ,certain bdcret habit. , Such persons must,before Gantent plaUng _ • _ effect:that ai'aptind mind and body rnostly requisites to *Mote connubial althea these, the journey through life bebontes a weary. pLigrimagcs the prospect hourly darkeni to the view;the 'wind-becomes shadowed with despair, and tilled with the melancholy reflection that the happinem of another be 'conies blighted 'with Our own. 'DE. JOHNSON'S _INVIGORITDeeItEXEDY FOR OR MINI° .IVEASNIBEI. .7.4.-tri tr.. • By this , great and important remedy,- W eakness of the Ornans' are speedily mired,' Mid full vigor 'reitorali tfhoicande of the most naivetes andsde at:sled who had lost all hope, have been immediately relieved. All inipatinnents to -Marriage, Physical or Mental Magma& canopy- Nervous Trembling, Weakuessor fpthatuttion or . the mose - fearful kind, s peedily Cured. - ' . • TO SERANGSRS: The many: inallY•thoosands _wed:at this Instin S tmerithintie :bet twhive years, and the inunerous important Surgical imerateisis porfornted hyrDr. 'J., witnessed:by, the re. portersof the papere, and manyother persons, notices of Nina heitappeared again and again - before - 11m public, intsitteihfa efatidaug as a pandestan: eaten:neer ware .Sixienejility, is asuMcient guarantee to the afflicted. . _DISUSES OP' IIIPIttrDSNOS ;misguided imprutkult votary et pleasnre, finds ha har imbibed ithe eeeds of this palatal disease , It trio often lapin= that ' an ill-tiniedeenshoffshameat dniattrotthicoverr deters him 'from applying to those who, from educentop ,and re .ams.saltilitynan atone befriend him " delayhitnll the di nib:atonal symptoms of this horrid discuss : Top,kjgpi r. appearance, affecting the head, throat, nose, skin, en, progreesing on with frightfol. rapidity till death, puts a - perkxl`tO his dreadrolstifferlngs by - bonrnethom Whence. no.traveler - It is a mel- Atieholy..fact that thousands fall, victims to, this terrible 'diseitseorwing to the unskilfulness of^ ignortinapretend -ere, ,who; by the use of thatdeadtg prison, meressrp , ruin -the constitution and make the residue of life miserable. "arnaemined—The - ;Dootur's Diplom= ;bang. In his • _. . Sinkattais mast contain a Stamp tons en tlas re p l y. AlleßtHamadleasent bridal. • : a ,‘ gar• No. T.South .Frmitoick s,troet, BiNntorva. ,,, :,, . lowly.. _ WI 11 S ,mff4ow, AiregkenepcedazuLFamaloPhytdolit P, to to the'atteOtion of mothers S 0- G . . . . For Vtindren Tce . . . . - • 'which grfmtly.fiteilitates the proata,otteetiang i by soft enintibe gunotcreducliig inflammatinill allay ALL PAIN. and spasm:Mb) action, and Is • • SURE TO REGULATE TILE BOWELS. Depend I:Li:milt, mothers, it will give rest to yourselves „AND, AND UN SI TH - TO: 'MOB ETAN'TS re. bales put-up - and .sold this ,, artlol‘ lei over ten yiwris and , coat asy,.i convince . = Arm reurv, what we newer' MOM 'able to say dr' ahk - othiir medicine— :3IAEILT:IIIAILED, IN *SINGLEINSTANCE TO 1 ./MECT . AMA when Week used. Never did we w u istrinstenzeof dfreoginfnot;wo.by any hue who 'mod D contrary, all_ure delighted ; mithota ems onk and speak: in terms of highest ,aninieidation of eireme and medical We speak in this matter "wags no anew,atter ten years' =pc rietce,'Ofb'risticriinnt iktiiii rog in:trauma arititron :ifikiznaggrAzuk:./IE almost every mance Nhers.thAinfamt is solrefin Ilona and palmation, re 41ef4f1114te *lid( minutes after the to Thin valuablefreperition iss the . pibisbriPtob, of one pt the inobtaIfXPERIZNORD: and :BKIILFUL NUBSEs in New :England, and has been used ,with Mir& PIIIING „ , THlgronamoy %ma, : -; „. II not only relieves the child from pale, but erite rtitiedi 'gni stomach' ind - bikrels; cor rects-acidity, and gives tone and e . n P r aPP:t4P system , 4141 11 al” on 'lnstinilY relieve !INIMNB AN Tag BOWELS,. -am. WIND . :COLIC, eta overcome ConVandons,.whigh, if not speedily reme diet%- end to death . 'ere 'believe Ifthe ins - and - smart Wsnaer .1111 WOE Wterfaa .trt all ,eseescf :DYfiacmilty AND 111.ARRHOLt. IN CHILDREN, whether it arises from -teethieroilecer say- other mane. --zWe would AV to .('very mother who hosShihi suffering, from any of the -tore Ike rale initnertatfoiacas; sou 4anZintorimes w.onswis, otescheisromyoussii.your sneering child end the relief that will be, SCIRE,,Yete li , sattrrimytoledlow *Susi, of this in e, At two." used.,_Full dlevitnia tbrllBil4,Wili accompany eack bottle. None genuine unless ' the 7Lo.eimile of RntrINk.PEINICINS,NefeYerk, Is en the initalde WroPPer. hold- 0y Druggists throughout the world.. cottoeft; re* Torli;'' ‘4. Wieibionlyz2lsl:llol4cllerAtaide: Sarßesaltlednlhervhftra D..W Groas.dtP o -IN° X"litarthirsts;l l l6. 2bn:it& street, 0 1 afrlEalleri:Nir.:o4 Mutat shoot, bo/owlkiiT9szandit. hes,l2lllMariet shred. dawly ' EltbitaL D.LTS."VtI YOUNG MEN •• FINE LEM