Lines of trawl & tratteportatiots NEW AIR LINE R TO NEW: YORE.! SH 0 RTEST IN DISTANCY, AND QUICKEST IN TINW BETWEEN THE TWO CITIES I" NEW 7 YORK AND .12.1 . 83317 - 12,0- I VIA READINkt.. ALLENTOWN, AND._ VAST ON. MORNING , EXPRESik Welt, leaVes' New York ate A M., arrlifng at Harr : Murk at, 1 P. , M., 0i116r,.0X hOnis between the two cities., . • MAIL LINE leaves New - York at 12.00 neon, and ar rives at Harihtburic et 8.15 P.lf. • ottttlX(l3lAM 'LINE. East, leaves = Harrisburg .at 8.00 A. M., arriving at New York at 5.20 P. M. ' • ' AFTERNOON BYPItEBIBI..SE';';EIet, - leaves Han 'a bets at 1.16 I'. M., arriving at New• York at 9.45 P. M. , , Conntetions are made a% Ilarilaborg at 1.00 P. Et. with, the Passenger Trains in each direction on the Pennsylva... nia, Cumberland Valley and%Notthern CentraLltallrratt All trahiti bonnect at Reading with tralnefbr Pottuville and Philadelphia, and at' llentown for Munch .otilmk, Easton, No change of Passenger Cars or Baggage between New York and Harrisburg, by the 6.00 A. M. Line from New York or the 1.15 P.-M. rom Harrisburg. For beauty, of scenery, and speed, comfort and accsom modatton,-• this route- presents superior inducements to the traveling public. Fare between New ;York end . Harrisburg EWE; DOL, LABS. Per tickets and other information stip*. assl3 'CLYDE, Geneial 'Agent • * ~ a AND READING.; RAI_L ROA D . WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ON AND AFTER' DEO 12th, 1860 TWO PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE HARRISBURG DAILY, Mondays excepted,)' at 8.00 - A. and 1.15 P. M. for Philadelphia, arriving there at 1 26 P. M., and Ali P. RETURNING, LEAVE PHILADELPHIA at 8.00 A. M., and 8.80 P. H., arriving at Harrisburg at IP. M. and 8.16 P. K. FARES sSo Plaid : Mph% No 1 Cara $8.25 • No. 2 (in same•traln,) 82.76.-- ' ' • FARES :—To Reading, 61.60 and SL3O. A t Reading, notoitcaNsith trains for Pottaillte v Elners. Mlle , Tamaqua, Qlta a 4o _.... • FauItRAINS • LEA RNADINI4 FOR PHILADEL PHIA DAILY, .414 6A. M.,'.10.45 A M., 12.20 noon and LEAVE PHILADELPHIA FOR READING at 8.00 A. IL 1.00 P, H. 8.80 P. M. and 5.00 P. M. ' FARES s—Reading to Philadelphia, $1.70 and MAUL THE MORNING TRAIN FRAM HARRISBURG CON NECTS AT READING with up train for Wilkcabarre, Pittston and Scranton. ' ' For through tickets and other information apply to G J. J. CLYDE, A . • en4ral gent. deeiCdtt PENNSYLVANIA RAIL' ROM WINTER TIME TABLE. FROM PHILADELPHIA: ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26th, 1860, Philadelphia'as follows N— • • • E A - S . TW - A THRODGFEURBPRPRIO.TRAIN leavgaiiHatrishire at - 2.40 a. m. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.80 a. m. FAST LINK leaves Harrisbnight '1265 p. m.; and arrives at Wdit Philadelphia at 5.00 var.. HAIL TRAIN leaves Hgrrisburg at 6.15 p. m., arrives at West Phlladelphia it 10.20 p. m. • These trains make close connection at Philadcipnia with the New. York Lines.. • • . 'ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 1, leaTeo, Harrisburg at a. m., runs via Mount Joy; and arnves at West Philadelphia at 12 80 p. m. • , • BABREIRURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Mar risbarg at 1:16 p: m., and arrives at-West, -Philadelphia . ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, leavei Harrisburg at 5:25 P. m., rum via Mount Joy connedting at oilier. vile with MAIL TRAIN East for PhiLdelphia. , WESTWARD. THROUGH EXPREBI4 TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at /OM p m , arrives at Harrisburg at 8.10 a. m. NAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 8.00 a. m., HVes atHarrisburg at 1.20 p. in. LOCAL MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg for Pittsburg at 7.00 a. In. FAIR LINE leaves Philadelphia at 12.00, noon, arrives at Harrisburg at 4.10 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 2.00 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 7.85 p. in. • ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves fhiladelphyt at 4.00 . m l , and arrives at Harrisburg, at 9.45 Attention-is the fact; that paasengerS Philadelphia at 4-00 p. connect at Lancaster with , MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN; and arrive at Harrisburg at 9.45 p.m. 13.14iDIEL D. YOUNG, Srispi. Zan Division Paeuvitania Ralf/road. FAPJ./iND WINTER CLOTIONG PRELADELPHIA FASHIONS; OTCIILES' (coONE PRICE GIFT OL r T HING.EMPORIUM 16. 607 CHESTYCIT STAI27. A superb\ stock of AIM French, Batton and American OLOTHISi , . OASSIMERIA and,YESTINGA Poe City and ,_Country trade, with an unapproachable as sortment of Buzz Manx Curreatt at the lowest Oash prices _ alp-But ONE ?RICE is asked, and a GIFT of intrinsic worth alto presented writ each article sold. mai, attention paid to the Customer department, and garments made anthem. to order to any address. , In blenuratinz this new system of doing basinful, 6RAbiVILLIt STOKES would Impress on the allude ot the porous of his eitabliehnient,lbat the cost of the eh dedlieted from, and NOT added to the price of the aril ale sold: }lslminiTzikAf Tncrbtkihit to us Siva liberally, and at the same time to realize a rq • prt. . • . guaranteed to give entire satisfaction: • Oilta3TILL.Ft .STOKES I " • '• ONE PRICE CLOTHING EIIFORIPSt 04319.6md 007 WM= OMIT. UTE IMOLPHO WOLFE'S .42161:LC:02VE deLTIC, SCHJEDAR SCHNAPPS TONIC, DIURETIC, ANTI DYSPEPTIC AND INVIGORATING CORDIAL. To the . Jersey and Apothecaries, mroggialts, Grocers and Private Faniilir s.- Wolfe's' Pore .Cogoae israody. • Wolfe. Pare • Aladeria, , Sherry and Pori . WolfoN.P.uro,Jaznideamid St. Crotx Ram WodifeW Pore, Scotch ,mid. Arista 'Whisky. ALLAN BOVELES. - I beg leavelo:oall:the attention ot the citizens of the United States to tho aboMWMaittid LIQUORS, imported' lfy Udolpho Wolfe, of New York, whose name is fang liar in every part - of' for the purity of his Celebrated SmirMAWSOlntarra. in his letter to me, speaking of the purity of his Wire and LIQUOR% gays will stake my reptitatlon as a man, my stand ing as a merehrint ofthirty-yyears'residence in the City of New York, that all BRANDY and Wins which 1 bottle aroppre as imported,and of the beet quality, and can be reliedupon by evirypiirchaser.” Every , bottle has therprOprietor's name on the wax, and a fao simile oP his signature on the certificate. The public are re spectft'lly invited to call and examinefor themselves.— For sale at Retail by all Apothecaries and Grocer's in Philadelphia. - GEORGE IL ASHTON, ' No. 832 Market st. Philadelphia. . . Sole Agent for Philadelphia. Head th follo w in gfrom the New _York Courier : Fromm' 13csorzie ron Orli *JEW YORE We are happyto, iiiformotn fel ow-citizens that mere is one place in our - 614 where the , physician, apothecary, and country mer.chent, canigo•and purchase.pure Wines and Liquors, as prirewrimported,and of the best quality, We do • not intend to give an elaborate description of this merchant's - extensive bOBlllOl5B, although it will well re pay any stranger or citizen to visit Udolpho Wolfe's ex tensive Warehouse, Nos. 18. - 10 and 22 Beerier street, and N05..17. 19 and 21, liarketfield street. His stook of Schnapps on band ready for shipment could not have been less than thirty thousand eases ,• the Brandy, some 1 ten thousand cues—Vintages of 1836 to 1856 ; and ten thousand cases of Madeira, Sherry and Port Wme, Scotch and Irish Whisky, Jamaica and St. Croix Rum, some very oldand equal to any in this country. He also had three large:cellars, filled with Brandy, Wine, ho., in casks, under Custom House key, ready for bottling. Mr. Wolfe's Sales 6f bohnapps last year amounted to one hundred and eighty thousand dozen, and we hope In leas than two'yearn he may be equally successful with his Brrndies and Wines. His business merits the patronage of every lover of hie species. Private families, who wish pure Wines. and alquors for medical use should send their orders direct to. Mr. Wolfe, until every Apothecary in the land , make up their minds to discard the , poisonous stuff from their Melves; and replace it with Wolfe's pure Wins and We understand Mr. Wolfe, for the ac,cemmodation of small dealers 3n the country, puts up assorted cases of Wines and 'Liquors. Such a Man, andsuok a merchant, ihould be sustained against his tens of thousands of cm ponents in the United States, who sell nothing but Mite lions, - ruinous alike to health and human. happiness. C. H. Heller, 91 Market street, milnagent for this , cit.. MOURNING GOODS. Black and Purple All Wool Figured Merinos, Plain Black English 'Felon Reps. `Black and Purple !famine Cloths,Slik and Wool. Woonashmeres and Merinos. Bhuik and Gins Worsted Poplins. ADE& and White.A.llWool Delaineo. Black and Purple Figured Cashmeres. Lupin's Best Bombazines. •i• • Superior Black LuStres. - Lupin's .Fzitrig AlboOnits. • bleat Style Sniped Mohalrs. Elmeline Style Paramettas. • .* • - 014 All Wool Dehoinesj • Euglish•Chintzes. - - Madonna Cloths. ; LPlain Mobairs. mow. WOOS. Stnmazo4 PTA= BLACK ENG. Ego. MOMIGNG do But; Ann' Warn' do " do. do . Penns no Bann .• de * 40 ' do . Pioniz' Mores, New and Desirable. thm _Evers M_,, dgfe tbo ,reet gi l id 4 of DRESS Lupin's Square Thibbet Shawls, - • do Long do- 'do Black French Blanket SkawSt, 2d Mouruing French Blanket Long Shawls, 2d Mourning French Blimket Square do; English Crepe FCC'. (every Grenadine Velloy ( every size), • Elagash °cocoa, Freneki „Crepeo. aria Ranged Com SHROUDING CASHMERES, • S.OI7DING , ELANNEIR, BLACK GAUNTI-EITB,. all kinds, • BLACK GLOVES, all lauds, • - BLACK BORDPRED HANDKERCHIEFS, ' " BLACK 110113 Y. (all 141a4a), SPLENDID. ASSORTMENT OF DOLLARS, PLAIN_ BLACK -RIBBONS. Ark.inapectroK °roar stook'will convince all. ' • !CATHCAILT & BROTHER, _ 3127 , Neat to the Harrisburg Back. Dyspepsia Remedy DR. DARIUS;HAM'S AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT Thu Ned : • one has been sued by the public for ass rare, with increasing favor. It is, recommended to Cars 1- Velesut,Nervensesent, El art Born, 'nag in , he•alkmuich, or l'a ins en the Boum Nogigchealarrostnen, Kokes Bpsnts D kraus" Tremens, listemp.ra,ma system,Run/mars% BUT WU.L NOT INTOXICUTB OR SW. AS A MEDICINE it is quick nd effectu al, curing the most aggravating case o Dyspepsia, dney Complaints, and all other derange ant of the Stomach and !Sowell', in a speedy manner. It will instantly revive the -meatmelatioti ly ono drooping spirits, and restore.the weak, nervous ai d sic ly to health strength and vigor. Persona w ho, from the Injudicious use of liquors, halm become dejected, and their nervous systems shattered, constitutions broken down, and subject to that horrible curse to humanity, the Darker= Taunus, will, ahead Immediately, feel the happy and healthy invigorating efficacy of Dr. flani's Invigorating Spirit. WHAT IT WILL DO. wi/ e glass full as often as necessary One dose will remove all Bad Spirits.E One dose will sure Heart-burn. Three doses will cure Indigestion. One dose will give you a Good Appetite. One dose will stop the distressing pubs of Dyspepsia. One dove will remove the distressing and disagreeable effects of Wind or Flatulence and • as soon as th e stomach receives the Invigorating Spirit, the distressing load ant' : all Want feelings will be`removed. One dose will remove the most distressing pates orColic, either in the stomach.or bowels. A few doses will remove all obstructions in the Sidney, Bladder or Urinary Organs. Persons who are seriously afflicted with any Kidney Complaints are assured speedy relief by a dose or two, and a radical cure by the use done or two bottles. NIGIITLY DISSIPATION. Persons who, front'dissipating too much over night, and feel the evileffectaof poisonous liquors, in violent head aches, sicknese at stomach, weaknees, giddiness, dec., will Sod one dose will remove all baitleelings. Ladies of wifak and Maly conntituttOns, should take the Invigorating Spirit three times a day i make them strong, healthy and happy, remove all obstructions and irregularities from the menstrual organs, and restore the bloom of health and beauty to the careworn face. During pregnancy it will be fetuid an invaluable medi cine to remove disagreeable sensations at the stomach . All the proprietor asks is , a trial, and to induce this, he has put up the Invigorating Spirit' in pint' bottles, at 50 cents, General Depot, 48 Water street, N. Y wholesale Agent, Pidladelphia, D YOTT, & CO. and Tor sale id Harrisburg by C. A Flourvart, D. W. Grass A . Co. and C. K. /roller, and by all Druggists everywhere. jel4-dawly PROF. ADOLPH , P , .TELIPSER,-. iespectftilly intorin; oft TV. patroni and the public generally _that .he wib "contiliatO gibe instructions on the PIANO FORTH, RE. LODRON;.VIOLIN.awd also in the science of THOROUGH (BASS. He will w'th pleasure wait upon ptipibtir 'their homes atanyhour-desired;-or -lemons-will-he given at ,hla residence, buTbird , ntreetoifew. Soon below the Rerman fteformedZheith. ' decls-dtf 1 - AuGusmil en, CAtiPEtritir AND BUILD= Reaidence No. 27 North &mad area. N. Bp—JOBBING AIDED/E TO petutopluania Oak) arlegrapt), Oaturbag 'Afternoon, giant) 2, 1861. Illistellantous. A SUPERLATIVp, DESIRABLE filistellantoue. ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW! STILL SOMETHING WHICH RiS THE TEST OF YEARS AND STILL GROWS MORE AND MORE POPULAR EVERY DAY PROF. WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE. 9EB . WHAT OTHERS SAY OF IT. A instlnguhhed 6t. Laida Physilialn Writes Sr. Loins, July 10,1880. 0. J. WOOD, Faq : Dear Sir : Iles me the pleasure and satisfaction to transmit to you the beneficial effects of your Hair Restorative, after a trial of five Testa ' I commenced using your Restorative in January, 1815, since which Urns I have not been without a _bottle on hand. When I commenced the use, my hair was quite thin, and at least one-third gray. A few applications stopped its turning, and in three weeks time there was not a gray hair to be noticed; neither has there been , up to this time. After my bair was completely restered, f icontinned its use by applying two or three times per month: My hair has ever c ntinued healthy,, soft and, glossy, and my, at alp perfectly free irom dandruff. I do not 'imagine the fa its above mentioned will be of any particular Van togsad to you, or even natter year vanity at this lati day, as I am well aware they are all known already and even more wonderful ones throughput the_Union. . have oc copied my time in traveling the greater p.rt of the time the past three years, and have taken pride nod pleasure In recommending your Restorative, and exhibiting its effects in my own case. In seieralinatancee I have met with people that have pronounced it a humbug ; saying. they have used it and witbouteffect. In every instance, however, it proved, by probing' thilaatter,,that they hal not:used your article at all, but used some new. article said to be as good as yours, and selling at about half the price. I have noticed two or: three articles my.: self advertised as above , _ which I have no doubt are humbugs. It is astonishing that people will patronize an article of no reputation, when there is one at hand. that has been proved beyond a doubt. Apparently some of those charitans have not brains, enough to write an advertisement, as I notice they have copied yours word for word in several instances, merely inserting some other name in place of yours. I have, within the past live years, seen and talked with more than two thousand. persons that nave used your preparation with perfect suScess—some for baldness gray hair, scald head, dattdrutr, and every disease -the scalp and head are subject to. I called to see you personally at your Original place of business here, but learned you were now' living , In New York. You are at liberty to publish• this or refer parties to me: Any communication addressed to me, care box No. 1,920, will be promptly answered. Wars, truly, JANES Wallin, M. M. WARM SPRINGS, Perry Co., Pa., June T,1860. Prof. WOOD, Dear Sir —I was induced more than d I year ago to try your valuable Hair Restorative for tin purpose of cleansing my headof dandruff. I had suffered with it upon my head for years, and had never been able to get anything to do me any good in removing it, al though I had tried many preparations, until I saw your advertisement in a Harrisburg paper. Being there at the time, I called at Gross & Kunkle , a drug store, and bbught a bottle, and now am prepared to recommend it to universal use, for it has completely removedall dend• ruff from my head, and au aPplication once in two weeks keeps It free from any itehing or other unpleasantness.— I must also state that my hair had become quite white in places, and, by the use of, your preparation, has been restored to Its original color. •I am now 60 years of age, and although I have used two bottles of the Restorative, no one ban any knowledie of it, as rallow a few 'gray hairs to remain in order to have my appearance com port with my age. My head is now of leas trouble to me in keeping it clean, isc., than at any time since I have been a child. I consider your preparation of-great value, and, althoughl do not like to expose m'yoell', 'Smolder it my duty to do so. You can =a this Or any -part of it Is any shape you yon think proper, IP tt Is worth anything to you. Yours dw., "H. Brum. BLOONIZIGTON, Ind., July 30,1859. Nun But : I here send you a statement that I think you are entitled to the benefit of. I am a• resident of Bloomington, and have been here for over thirty years. lam now over fifty years of age. Forabout twenty years past my hair has been turning considerably gray,..and wasalmost entirely white and very stiff and =pliant: I had seen a number of oerthicates of the very wonderful. effect of your Hair Restorative , but supposed there wig more fiction than in them: but enter • f 4.. "desire to have my hair, tposolidst r a - anger days e I nal color and fhteathliilt tided I would make the expert; - nrerargothihencing in a small way, I puronased 'one hi your small bottles, at one dollar, and - conthientted following directions as newly as 1. could. I soon- Macey ered the dandruff removed, and my hair, that was falling' off in large quantities, was considerably tightened, , and reales! change taking place in the color.' 1 have contin.• ued to use it, till I have used three of your small bottle* and just begun on the fourth. I'bave now airpretty.n. head of dark brown, or light black hair as any.m'an,'or as I had in my youthful days, when .a boy in the••Wilco( Western V rgioia My head is entirely clear of dandruff, and:the hair ceased entirely. fatting off and is as soft and doe, and feels a- oily, as though it wa, just from the :bands of a French champooner. Many of my acquainted'. aes trequently say to me “Butieri where did ougetthat :dile wig?" I tell them it was the effect of your tulatora• ' 'ova. It Is almost impossible to convince them that it is the original hair of the oast t old gray head, Tours, truly, kRaDERICIE T. BUTLER, Bloomington, Monroe Co., Ind. ; WOOD'S Hem RISTORATIVS hits a - qulred,. a reputatiot from actual teat and experiment which cannot be en 11. Laced by newspaper.putfe,%,,Mser-vicluitylt has been :exterutively .used, and we bellev.ein every case with every, desired result, , end received the, *versa! endorfeemerit of :all'who bave tried 'Wiltlieretere ve&kianiend it as one of those few nostrums which accompllati.a all it profess `es and all the bale and gray could desire,—Columbia paw. 'Woon's Rata lissrorfarrys.—.ln another colt ran will be found an advertiseinent of this *elncriOwn and excellent preparation for restoring gray hair to its ort gl, nal color.. The Hair Itestatative also cures CIataIICIOUS 'eruptions, and prevents the .bair falling of. Welave. seen many authentic testimonials in proof of these ewer.. lions some of which are fro& gentlemen whom we hive known for many years as persons of the moat reliable Character. Don't dye tall you have hied this Restorative. Boston lift Branch. . WOOD'S Ham Itamosaxmt.—We are not in the habit.of puffing every new discovery, for in nine cases out of ten they are quaok nostrums, but we take great pleasure lit recommending Professor Woo d 's article to all whose hair is falling off or turning gral. Ott& Well known contribu tor, Finley Jahnson, Big., has experienced the benefit Of Its'aPplioatlon; and joins with us in speakiag of its virtues: Let all, try it, and bald heads will ,he as rare as snow:-in summer.—Baltimore Patriot. . WOOD'S Ham Bonootovo. llnlike moat specifies, this is pieced, by unimpe .obable evidence, to possess great a restorer ofthe hair to pristine vigor.'.Where the head had become almost bald because of sickness,. the use of thin article has produced a beautiful growth ci thick; glossy hair. It is therefore a - valuable prariii Lion for all classes. Its ingredients are such as to efertet ally eradicates dandrulf and other Impurities, Which operate so injuriously to the hair. It also has (finally° propettles of another description. In many oa ses , pint plea and other disfigurements of the skin disappesi whew- , ever it is used. There is no hazard attaching to thetrial of his and its effects can ••ohl y be- beneficial,' as the compound If it does not 'panne -manifest improve ment, 33 incapable of doing.harna, as its component ele ments are perfectly inisqueus.—Neaten Triznieript, April Galas .Boos.—Tn oar Capacity as hendnotorot public journal, me.are called , upon:toadvertise thither° , ails of the'dayi each of width' claims uttsdnitetwedi , its composition andlnfallible ha .eurativemjrects, With 'what *ince we leave our readera to , deterntine,',..h t . one install e, - however=Froth .W oo da: Hairs Restorative, arenoNiell mitred orthenotable , qtalitleicor. the , artichi;:that we give it our indorsement , asan that Ventorand vender claim h_tolbe..lts eireetnpon a failing heag oi hair is universally known to be: magicalo.m o . lime or View Onmahausted land; it brings itscrop when,. ever applied. Our own thatch is fortunately Tee' heal= thy, but we advise our friends with spanieljr-grinting hair to try the Restorative.—Coltiabie Spy. • • AM HAM Dim AnArbonan..— Word's Great Artide has Taken the Ikid.—ProfeasorNoed stands on an eminence no chemist, whose attention has been turned to Inventing a hair tonic, has ever before reaehed. His fame is sad. den but wo rd wide, and thousands who have worn or been bald for years itfo now, through the used,-his preparation; wearing their own natural and luxuriant head covering: So much: for chemistry, the chemistry: of human llfer, and the laws which apply tit theAunotione of the system: • Prof. Wood stedied.ont the human' hair; its character,lts properties and dbieasee, and hoW tote.) store thedecaying vitality to that ornament •; be saw, as in has' own case, Shat graphair is unnatural unless t h eage of the individual hes;eactind four score , and he be lieved that lienahurallireiltaliked. He tried his own case,almost bald and: gray, : at the age. of „—he restored his own hair Jacek', strength and luxuriance , and.,the.articiele did ' it with be f gavo to the world. WOOD7S Rijn AESTONtav, T 1 Bh and tags 0 1 4 1 f.*ki li re w ‘Ritif 1 )4.y # oo k4 , ; . b TO No. 4.14 'Broadway, New York, and No. —a- Market .treat, St. Lou* Mo. Sold in Boston by. O Q. GOODWIN & CO., and W. & BURR di CO. tjeultkaw-tat lEtbical BOERHAVE'S ROLLAND BITTERS. TEN CELEBRAMED 'HOLLAND . MIBRY BTSP DISEASE OF -THE- -KIDNEYS, LIVER COMPLAINT WFAEasfESS OF ANY 'Tan; FEVER AND AGUE' : And the affeitioinr cdniequefitimion a dlnorderol •StO:M . A.€II . ''OR _LIVER" - Saab as' Indleeetion,•••fieldisk'of the' -Stomach, CO lickg Pains, Heartburn, Loss of Appetiteo e spondency, pas tivenesi, Blind' and 'Bleeding' 'Piles. In all • ervesii, Rheumatici and. Neuralsio.affectious; it his Knomerous instances proizeikhlgtay beneficial, and in others effected a decided cure. • • ' This .is _purely - vegetable ,ccmpound, prepared on strictly ecteutillo principles, after the manner of the cele brated Holland Prefeesor,:Boet hive. its reputation at home produced its introduction here, the demand conk mewing with those of the Fatherland s , :iittterediovi3f-the face of this mighty. country, many Of whoni brought _with them, and.handsd „down the tradition otits value. If is now °feral to thi American public, Wens* twat its truly woiderfea medicinal' virtues ward be jr*Widject:' • it,is particularly recommended to thosinersoni•whOse constitutions may hair.) neat Impairedbythe centuraces. use of ardent . spirita s or other forms of dissipation. Gen erally inirtintanepus in effect, tt finds its'ailly directlY, to the seat'of life, thrliling and quickening every nerve, raising up the drOoplair spirit, and in fact, infnsing:new health and. vigor, In the: NOTICE. - Whoever expects to tindinis abeverage will be disapo9lrited; but to the sick, weak., and low Spirited. It will rprtive a grateful' aromatic foossoosed of -oriain g ulai.iemedial prof:write.. : .11EAD: oAlthrubLY: I. • The.genuine 'highly concentrated Ykerhaye's :Holland Bitters put no„in aalk - nint betties iMIY, ret a ailed at Qme forms pF.bottliii or SIX bOttlesTortlym The giant demand for this truly"crilebniteditfedlcine him Induced nunty,imitationa, which the nnblieshould gdard. moms, ruche/dug.. • Jai-Beware of Imposition: BM that our woe la on the label or every bean roe buy. Bold . by Druggists generally.. It can be forwarded by *iPP 3 i 3B ‘h?Plentlmillts,..; • . • • SqL,B J'It.9PEJ.BIOII. , BENTALI4III: 'FAGE; Z 11.:& CO. 11:INIIFletIIII;IING Pharmaceutists and Chemist,. • For Bale In tiv.eity. oG Harsleaarg by. D,: W. , Gaose4 Ckl • • . ••• :: • 1e3P4r.4v9.3r: 1ikt.'40.36: 1 1FP4A"?1,13,::!- - • tit/bits' oo THEE betin:bed fore the,pablle for. a perlod.e.T/ERTY :YEARS, and: daring that AMl.'..Mai , #ein( ( I high cbgrecter: most ever) , part of, :t he Globe, for their v extiollidhiitiji and :immediate power. of restoring:perfect:health kilter sons , saffertnt, &utter .peariy every ;hin,d, of; disease Act; which the human - frame is liable* . folloWinglitelttheng the distraiOng'variey'Aiiiii uie.4 . l disdases which the • ' VEdETABLE - LIFE-'oEralcANgs. Are knows to be Infallible. 'DYEIREPSIA; by thorinighly cleatudngliuS second etomacbs, slid creating a, tlaamt.pan?taal7bie, instead of thefatale end anrOk 4 II_KIkrL;.:LENCI,LOK ofAlpetih, aerathtrn y '349lwhi t . leidnesi;lll-Tenper, Anxiatiilinkatir and Malawi:holy; ;hieti:areithegeneral amnions ot i4tetaipaht.;will vow, las natural ' - sing the Whele length of ilelnteitinee with a 'solvent precdss,„"and without vio tence it y; Allou violent purges leave the Vowels , costive within wo: Prooou reggratl477.rh! ouch cases, and - the morougirsolutton of all intestinal ob. 'Wootton in others.: • • • The LIFE MEDICINES have... been . knoviri to acre. MA pernianently ill "three Wapiti `and GIOUTIin halftime thith,.l4:reincrettig local inflanthuttion: from the OnateliskaAllEatnega Orth09 111 , 1 .4::,1. :17 DIIO.IPeABS of alliduds,,b,y freeing and strengthen, utg the kldfieisand bladder"; :they epeAtcluSist tally on these hi:Torte:at organs, and hence have ever :Veen found a. certalit,remedy Ibrrthe •worsi. eases-fit GRAVEL "AtiaiWIEED/Irs; bk disloilailiroth the timings the bemiels the Slimy matter to ithioli,thefie Orestgeti:. SCURVY,.. viz Ens, and. ::INVETERATE: SORBS, by the perfect purity:which theseMEllii.F.Pll. 0 t ES give to the , blood ,. azekali ,„" • • •SICOBBUTI6 BRITIIIPIONS•ind CON : PDISX IONS; by their alterate effect:epoff I the fluids that hied: th e , AN, and the morbid ; state ; 4 &WNW eeefseliala eruptive :• mm 614 1 4 3, Cloudy , F 531 he.. able • . The bps of these -t'l4ilabbrtitineivitident . ith.eutire ogre of.:SALT.. RIDEITAE; and testrilringick iprovementth-.the : clearness of, ate X I . OOO NO :I ENZAi#W.r34 .9 1 . 13 .1 V ParkfOrt ; " one dose; Why ;Oro th.lheiierirt oases': ' ''• - •- • originittproprietor Of thee.) thedlOintisi :was oared of• Piles, of gli Insane Staiud/e131:7 the. ups Dahl"' LIFE mEmeiNEs idone. -• ,b , EirEgt AND "Aquz."=For'llifs ' , Scourge or the 'asten noimbi , ,theith Idediathes will be foundra safe, ;Speedy; andeertain reniedp.•: Other Medidineir hape. , the 1 1 .1iPectillettleet tow return OttleAlleekee—ailereth.Y. theta; 1 8 ! ler#aftept--Flty 14.E41,:8R-F4Tfa,Lt.Pr: IMU OUS ; WES - VERIVAIGY4srinneCOiS , IPLAIIIITS, 7 4themasz Dtum.rr, Eirta es tersrmyandl Dt fientee:os..Fratuse, - -• the Medicines .have been: used With lieneadial results' theageicofthiii,thitiorth,:. lon :—Aipp Evil and Scrofula, in Its trend feria, yields . to the ithd:yet powerful anthill oftliesti Dines; ..,blight Sweath,,Nervorui Debility, Nervous -00 m, tiala• °E. ail kin P ß, Pa Pi ts . g en,ef i . 9 10 , E YFS l ! l thil e rle. lereispoe . any cured: --- Etogouglaz Constutt enslave beelike unpaired by:theithitulbsionsil use tor !Wean' W)1 1 -fild IhellesitSdlelnee a Plirleak aurei , as.they never teillileiadicate front tlii.systemiith the effects of ilereirr, infinitely sooner than the mastpowen' (roupreparations of Etersapargm.. Prep tend and sold by W. B. moppwri, • • ••;- 885 Broadway, Neue-Yorw. ; /ensile by all Druggists. . • -.. jy2o•daw/y= um :( THE ..PELAWAkEreIfUTUAL • Safety Insurance ME INCORPORATED 105. cAPITAL . AND ASSETS, THE MULSSCE . CONPANY Of North America , OF PME,,tuutllP/IT.A. . • iNdonibRALTSD 1794. trAFITAL'AiII) AESWIS ' 4 1 : 2 / 9 - 4 Y 5 -114 11111 E 17141 : e tICSIGNED; . *slibiettoP the ktinwn Companies, will initka,ltiiiiiinciel figaißr ler or damage'bY lirNfelth q - P ex P e t . ua WP r 'Avt mufti; on preperty in either taint or'otrontry. adatifie, andLlnl and , Transportationatilo3 also Apply personally, or by letter to WILLIAM4A-damn : F. • ..Aarrbtbur g, .'ieTOttif rititirtrßE „ RASPBERRY • 111.1_rLTle'llirri'l caurzwirr mIILBEABY. a iTRA RTN BEf-PA. :IsrEcivtruar is at the above Place aad`h~ coranwirkewllhems lbed the.WOWAYAMiatdAL.RIVITAX, )31CBUnINMS In all Its various branches. Ile Le pre pared "btrhll:a.ttfdtidtnWnrlligMf!ititldic'iliid. *Dr guarantee dep o M - Isftlistactfon. r7flis spripus will be reasonable. . Having canted on .the busbies - 8 for man y years hi Germany, andorcter two years here, and Akio had an extended experience in this country, he 11 com potent to. execute all work 'entrusted to. him,' nnd hopes to receive a reasonable: share , custom , from, ME fellew • . ..agra4eneral.assortment of :Quiets are always kepi: onrhand And wall: sold at Abe lowest rale. . ' • . . - 77 - LAltil* STOCK of SCOMlEbiallid2 BROWN BTOI7T and LONDCYPORTRR. 'or male at the /meat ratan by ,JOBN =KR% Janlo , . 78 Market litrixot. rows .4 4vccw` ds 37 4 4* Nervous Headache - 4 4 /I CURE 6O Head g NOR By the ton of these Fills the'perladtc astute of - sous or Sick Headache. may etri ibe•ppeventedtdif taken a the commencement or an attack imme diate relief from pain and sickness may tiatilitahled:7_ They seldom fall to removing the'Hausetealatt - Headache to which females are so subject. _ They gentlyupouthe'bowels,.. 6 retnetMgCloSMl/ I l swe :For Zitergry, lifiss, - Studeetee. Dais& ;FerafttelliAte4 a l l persons of Sedentary habits, they are valuable as a Loa& .five, improving the appetite , glvingleem and WOO to the digestive ordl?#, and resu'r.h?g4 4e . 61 1. 4 . 4 4 7 . , ! a, 'Strength - of the whole sYMem , , VhoeFIFHALIO.FILLB , ere theresult of lougraiestir 'settee and condnesedexperiments, having been, M use hi - 'Man,* years, biting - Which limb they haVegrek vested relieved a vast ampunt of pets mtd,snirering from Headache, whether originating re the nereies us: ,tenier from 'a deranged state ofthe storiach.* ; 'They, are entirely,-vegetable in their composition, and, may be taken at , all ' tfmee with perfect safety Without' , making Any clutisprot- diet; and: he .absefseerofteig4iss.: 'preeabie taste renders it easy to them to children. BEWARE OF , COUNTERFEITS - I - The genuine have five signatures. of Henry C..Spedding :en each hex Sold: by. Druggists and:all other Dealers in Kedielltee• A Box will be slept, mairprepald on receipt of the PRICE '26 C ENTS. All orders should be addressed to HENRY O .S PALDINO novili pedar Street; New York. THE FOLLOWING E,NDOrtq:3I4,N7B. OF. S RA-Ii D..1 .- ....NAt, FP CEPHALIC PILLS WILL CONyINCE ALL: WHO SPEMP94I H E A - 0 ME spEADy AND •swuz CURE ••tllli v iThing THEIR; REACH. . AIL "Theielegiinimiall wire irnagteadly mr: spitzb - ING, IMO eigrard'imisiattetudAl~of4licifffi y of thig tr.ul wientiffe.# 3o =7 , ; - )4 11 9NiTuil ColitlL, Feb. 6 P 18..61.' . :242]; :r.L II 2 ].have tried your , QeLb# 1 ,.n18,1A4,X.. 1 1k 4 alerl 'Owe* Obit' want teiniirtne two dollarrifoitlkmokia, Parini' these are,forith#VllB.4lo"Viw1 1 9All San few out of the first box I got from yien. Send the Pills by mall, and oblige' Your ob , t. Servant, • • JAMBS SNNSSDY . Olivnaston; re., , .. Feb;.6, 186 h graP?r4lo, • livish you to mind toe onos more bpx4 your Sep*O, 7140,1:hew rec cited g great *U4' knoltf. frees awn. xoeis°reapeetllili7.• : - • 3142 . 7 ANAsTgrOMPUE II .• apparel Vaxiiii,HUOthigdoß.o o : l ,4l:rall Jana l 47 /8.1 K.O. SPA'lnice Yau'will please send me .two lries of iota' Ciplialio! Sits: - Bend them Minx' '... - • ItoopeOtfolllYOurs •._ • - -- ivs. -- -.:1 - figvia - 3 rolte, and.4134-Pier. ' • Pews Wagon, Ohio, Jan. 16,1861 /Unix C. Brat:tufo. E 4 l PleaselBi4enclosedBwentyitive.oenta, for which send hie another:box of, your Cenhslio FIR!. PithT/usat ever tried. • - - • - 1484 AMOyE, P.H. , BeUe Vern , yandotte, 0 . linvssitx,_iiass., Dee. 11;1860. H. 0. grAunsex, Esq. !wish for some ctroidaiilai large allow telleAr , btleg yenr,Ceptallo Plla more ,par, tionlsz y befora.,Ayausto blare. If yon Lavr anythin g of the Itind4iNsige rad to aaj.. , : _ t 4 I 3 Pne of Fay pustompra,..,lo t , to o ts subject, apvernlink iHeadaohe, (Seinltlise tati•days) siren' rztftekht Maher* IN VOur widoblii F9ht..beri 'l. 114 ,1 8 94 - Y Yhdru, I ' - • • -• 4 W. 11: laTinkassrand, • •..• Jelatar7,9, • J PM . • I itiMME 'Net4B:oeilar St.; Ns Y is• _ ..• ' • (.' Anarti Bulged - find its - nifty-Ilia ow* (20 - yi'dt tedoh en r d box ot•aodphißeTillet Beadle -radaretaarßoY47l4l. Filli?r,..lleynolilsbil% Franklin linnati, Ohio • Yaw Pitiiritqa Uket a iliariio—ruresdadaeliearinta "astantar.• f. ; • . TTTYIPII74I( t* FTLLEBt t; _ Itriitaan, 1861; Ma Sr • iolitainoa you for dbor oii Cepl ud PP* forthainara at thirliervotalleadaehe.andAaptveneusi and, game, and , they had so gelid an elect that zioastnalwato rentfOi 211.01* ' r .- . 3 -t jg WWI send by. re4rn,p4al.l., Direct to.. %C. R. wrazEint, I -• • {n4 .the Mxtuniner, Xorfolk, Yok : , Cekbej uocornplistb,the object for:erbicb. : _nbey: Were mad*, its : Cure of beadle:the jinn its PeAllialusiiiNorallk, 1 44 • : .- .t4They tire su hey° boss tei fed in mere than 5 h0215111 2855, th enccess. grime She Dem'ece %inn.] toll are, have been trontiled *th hei he, aenflTor it i bet i qtephilto Pillej so. that 1 31Xercuty bete 1 611.00 ;4 1. 1,1 1 ..P1Nkt,a :.! . : ;311: , ,•.! = : !!i. the-eidvedieenErairidenoCß. LThe Rekthalla boe, rem arlrellnereet, roiadtro - ctb. Vika die dr ittelity ret.yrb*yrozfreimeirroo'mplaintgyblbh:las*. O J T 1.. '• ..1„. - • r • , i , groln.the•WAtetterklL Ri flATIft 91144119en1A 04141 1 n i t, n 4mr k rr t E OP / I n gtft u 4 EalutwhiValley Star , 7pxtivf4,-*lit" wa iktfivire they-wi m pslieftee ' eho *lie Wl.' %Wirt *Mini* te'tlieth c''-; , % 6:- $904.907.51 Walki; Wapiti lietale:bt - f&AtaiggrePRBIPABJECI43O7B. dines:arf~ cave ten I?3624MIPPAYtIAL. i-,-SPALI AN -0-I B4REPARKW - G-LITEL.) !T.; ''L •'. •- ht - -,.8/41/15Wd'el PREP ATtsb •OrtiTgi, ; t.. • : ; SPA/JUN-WS PREDIAR4D--,GLITZ - .rv uo, . 4.,1 41101 . 10Pir '1! 'o@rfft 9 As ll :9! l Fat i. / 3 4Y3 1 1, f.F.F' " 4 511 . ots'fweidwas ccW 'beam is van Aorwata A v° Pao a i R e a m A;w4larti m a and pini da tedfa i I - glkliflAtiltrt . meets Ito .be fiVit#sl4 It, ikii‘6lWW .0410144411(49,44.41.11ieti1r. lug • - • - • • a t r aWiThil k ttEVEUYilliODEßM - B.—Altrisdi aiideunmaieseach bottle,. Prleelb. Address' ' - 0.4 '1 144 ' 1 " fr on a ens uspeatin g - PARED GLUM, I woad before purchasing, and see that the full name, WSPALDING'g PRZWUED GLUZ,.43, is on lta! the outside Wrapper;all other. are swindling cam. %de „ acryl4sPdawlrittalo finotellantous. DEE _THAT .'A DE. JOHNSON, LOCK HOSPITAL ITAFidisaveiedihemesteertaits, speedy _LA_ and effectual remedy in the irothifor DISEASES OF IMPEUDENCE. six= in Ea so TwaLvi amnia. No Mercury or Norton, Dings, Gard CORI WARB4NIND, OH NO , CEIARGE!,IIN 1.414)*.9242 10 Weakness' of the Back or' IhrktireN Tains in the Wu, Affeetions of the Kidneys and Bladder Ortarde Weaknesa,.Nervous Debility, Hecate thePhyalual ?ew ers, Hyspepeliglangnor, LolvSpliits,,Cimfordosiof Ideas. Pall nation of the . Heart„ Titulday, Trembibts, numeral of Sight er Giddhlett:"Diselise of the Affectbsis of toe Head, Throat; Nate or.Fltin—those terrible dLice dem arising from the indiscretion or Solitary Habits of Yonth—thoos dreadful and deStreclivo practises which produce.coustituthonal debility, render marriage impos sible, and . destroy both body and mind. . Voting men especially who have become the victim of solitary Vice, that dreadral _and deettinitirt habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thoonanda of young men of the most exaltedtahmtand brilliant intel lect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence; ch . waked to w hiny the living lyre, may ea odirftdl confidence. MARRIAGE. " : Married persons, or.thoseaontemjdating Waning% be• leg Zinn of physical weakness, shouldinunediately gen ,sult Dr. 1.; and be restored to perfect balith. • ORGANIC WRAIENRSI3 isinediately cuied cputfui/ vigor neared. He•who bites& =der . the of Br. J. may - religiously pordids in his honor as a gentleman, and eon, Adently rely upon his shill .10 - o Blue No. 7 South .F.etderiok street, Baltimore, lffd..,ron - the lea hand side going from-Baltimore street, 7 doors shtiVoinir. nartionlar in observing Me MlLtlaftarnum§er, or. ou wilt the Ohm. Ati Par ticular for Ignorant, ZAlttng essekr, te rt r ais e names, or /Ultra/ Humbug Patrm. , attract iby the reputa tion or Dr. Johnson, lurk near. on the Alf:letters must contain a Postage sum), time° DRJOEtNBTON; _ Dr. Johnson member of the Roy al , C ollege of 'Lendon_, grads from ' 0110'ortlifemegt _ of the limited !dates, and the : greeted , Peet 1!t hats of London, Par , ran& , life hes .been thc Be " 84g th e Mafia s . delphla an of in has eroded som e tonishing cures that were ever known. NDADY gmit ereeh iar ted with rin g ing in the ears and head when asleep. loneness, being alarmed at =demimonde, bashfulness, With frequent bihshinlGattooftleontetbselewl9tderaN. oared immediandY. Went u/ h 4 d . ivere cur 14 ./2 TAKE PA,RTICULAR,NIYTICB. Dr. J.' addresses till haohig em solves by private and 'Whop* indelfeelOser mind eeeeet and solitary habit , which ruitteNbottt body and , us fitting fitting them for either boidneedor 'society. o __ pro ducedflume tare some of the and ElfAhnellei , Pl ects of youth via w 0 3 8 O. the by early habla DOUAI' of Bt. Back and ' Limbo, Pais Us the li ef the veer; ne , e. Lon; of Muscular rower, /4414.441°4 oyurerggeilio peptilajtervoushlitabiZtYVerangint mas ons , , Generals Deb ility, IlYmPlereel ef . aPeese yierrAtax, • Ifilizarraux, the Andel ellithsiootistimlawith_te be dreaded 5.-Loss of liemory,_Conftision of Ideas, De: preseion of Spirits, WI Porebodings, everelon b ty, Self-distrust, Loveist Eiblitudit, 3 °oho espetfects. 4 i n i a wiA a vi t t e Thousands of persons`or au lathe catitiO Kiln& derlinellol44ll,,/.ll=arrelll becpmhyg wettir, , Dll o , nervous ;6„,igkoind'aspup ainguliii appearance about the eyes, . . YOUNG 114 ' k rioe, in whets - VI " themselverbr aiertiliiwifot delved:int when aluni—a habit : learn ed from eill.zompanions. or at school, the A ff ect or are lightly felt, even when lateen, audit not edged, randars /WOW imPoaldble, iend /1,1:!11; and body, should 4ply hfidedlately. tight* aipity that a Young rasi,AbbPDMßl'hle ema - UT. tiker 4 / 1 14 1 knitqfille Parelltitr elleuld.hP eqateleld trots all pmapwatither enjoyments'ofillb bribilkoilimuenoes Of deviating from the path, and Indulging in a certain snort habit. 811C4Pna must, before oo nta r, ' • , 31 4,Ratotai, „ elfeat.'that meta had add bodyaret lbertnoitneoresary opudeet to promote connubialhaPPlnete.. , ladled without these. 016.300= 1 er *monk life becomes a weary pilgrimage; the prospect hourly -dark*. twit* view - Otte mind becotausehariewSZAßM with VledPa *laneholy reflection th at happlnees a of notner es ponies bli.Ated4rith Our rorlistilOSPH INVlDalluTatimltn*DX FOR OR GAHM WitAlLNlal. • 13r Dili - great nnh ioiiurtini inn !lyeakaeesct tai Ocrp t a u t r u speedily Me: l ;l4d fan saes of the moat narrow and debilitated w ho hit& lost ill have:been lonedintelpielisied. Ali impeoimenie to r . Marriage„Physhid qr .blgOtaa ruquaut- Oldi oll ;Nervons,"Preinblitig.•Weelitftrbr Dihatiation or Ilscreastifssrfeihlntlittletellibern* ;.;:;) .- I• I {.• M l R l .4 3 sl ll Ni et t a i v i a • The many; thousands our this WS/Mahe tweiviavems,dpr the siumecouliti Sagas operations performed by Dr...J., eased, I. the re porters of the papers, and *any ; homes of !which have appe a red agabeasdageht before the public, ,_ e _____berirler elostbj e as 4fientfornara, character and re anoersouhh i ls a °lent "tuarelilkio the allifetdd. IDIrtsAL , .olc. DAPRDINDICSI-IThha., the misguided and bn - pkte coif votary l eas er 'he had Wend ihe seeds otthbpabilisi, itlxitolheabluipene_ DIAS an ill-timed sense of setunq or ttef,! _dhoorfary asters him froth applying thOseviiho,liontedamid-re ~V%iall Plorketherrken,_ „ d hifsta.., l lAsif9tbk_efle-,. stitutio symptoms of me hoires amass fume sear appearance, affecting the heati,lbsoar, MEV del rch:saing on , with frightful ,rapillfw, ;04*m m, :mod to his dreltdfal ahlierings by sandbag Wino from whence, no traveler Yethrible.Z., ' "VI !satchel) , fact that thousands fall victims to I . 'terlfb diee.Ae, owing to the inskilfilinnea:Worgar elei Idle, by, the.e4e of that , = d OWlrii t roZa b ruin the coastitution and ice the r' tie" IT° attuarruoit.--The Dronor'ihupShrias hfing In hie "Jripleliers - musiekuitahr illairilso is en` Me reply . 11 ...03T.BentedlettiteilkhYSeil.: 1 alt No 7 South Pr e c Frederick Street, . 44 _ zaprig%*43,:. .1" 01 L d C HI L ) E ... 1111 16101‘,. - TEETHING El '- ' "-- • - - itallaisanitt; - 'the st y tee s.gpidieirojerbyge tier pleens oll'or . 4 S".0011.111N. .S YRUP, „ at _ chndreit , which greatlyfacWfate. Ur ocens"Of teaks& DJ son” eNngtbegunur,reducing tlon—willallaY ALL Wahl?* 011atn0d10 Kltighelid;,.llt I . SURE. TO itmatUTA Ttcs taiwgra **a upon it, nifty trim gistri4efili ! sour 50170E03 rea t i, ye yin sty and this ,arlkls lyears;-and chUr irrroommiwrin ilerrtnarivs, lebin we naverer been ablo to wry, of taw-other nrediebus-' NEM' FAILED, wicatnalfLi MATtION TO InEwor *4ololl,oalian Litiaimilt -3 Never. did we 'he i ew , A l litanCP9rbyAnY one - who met dontrary,' eleinb *OW iteiWorik, - Irelkibild. egrig9ifeditNZ,== late: rasurri “Wasn -, -ww Ses6 rr? In cepa ten yelreniPe- Meneer.-9 110 Towinnamen llefwni ,or wine "Wir Inbar Wage. e itio@nttry' - iitinee ;whit& ere re be Mun Ii Mean or twenty,. 'ninnies after the gowidadontodmv:ir:ivottfinga,J.. IN* 1.,1*,,,*nd: Steen (mien arm zunsui 7914,11111"z)L-tiffi tlbilskr*onrcetfaiti 1 - e t :tlin Mak IV; WM: en gt as ~ 1 1 Mlibirreas I awill?/Q ilystekiP ,ziliww w7l., 40- ' coMO, alutroviaitin-;ems .IfrisnastiesWieete. 141idritkUurt.r. rovt.Atkid Isaias* 'woluc ircif • WOW ralit.Bak:..W,lt Aria* fr.3ra4lll/F4Tre 1101ilifig 610iii:litifter14rlio and tannin trbskinnYag eh* bear — lin O r to 12121=164' %f ar '9ll2. eer ut r sutterirstitho elistswins, It thoily•rulette' ' fie top itoodin r 7Z ElR ‘AWAtikiti 4;111- " - wrapper - • ctri 4 rT" ig-For Me In Harriesorg by D. W. Gras Narks: insist, J. Morph Inlay No. SD Market street, K. , No. IN limbos after*, below Ire..en. an D. W leles t i2s blarket•treet. • dawl • MEM Matta Two Dnf3.-act YOUNG soff.