THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, (sonnets EVEP7I2),) By GEORGE BERGNER Ss CO. TERll9.—Sneers nunisconswoli. Tbc Duty Tamura is Served to subscribers in' the Borough at 6 cents per week. Yearly subscribers . will be charged $41.00.. - . _ WinnU.r aN StittfrWzmax Tian.444l- ' The TILEORAPH isabse published iviien a - week - daring Ma session of the Legtalataye;and weekridriiing the re mainder of the year, and fernished to subscribers at the Wowing retail, viz : single Sebsorlbers per year. Seven 41 I Ten /1 TIM LAW OF zcswarsesze :I subscribers order the discontinuities of their news pasers,.the publisher :may Continue to 'seed , them until all arrearages are paid. If subscribers neglect or refuse to. take their newspa pers from the office to which they are directed, they are roaponsible with they har settled the bilis and:Ordered them discontinued Pennsylvania Legislature. SENATE. MONDAY, Feb. 25, 1861. The Senate met at 3 o'clock, P. M. Opening prayer by Rev. Mr. Kamm, of Philadelphia. The Journabi of Friday were read. • rearms or swamis° ' _ . Mr. IMBRIE, (Election Districts,) ab, com mitted, an Act to change the place of holding elections in Sidsbury township, Chester county: Mr. CRAWFORD, (same,) as committed, House bill No. 226, a supplement to 'the Act to extend the limits of the borough of Prompton, Wayne county. Mr. IRISH, (Private Clairra and Damages, as committed, House bill' No, 266; entitled. "an Act to compensate ileorge Jordon for injuries sustained in the public service:" Mr. HALL, (Estates and Escheats,) as com mitted,' an Act to authorize the sale of the Walnut Hill school property, in the late town ship of liybary, 28d ward of the city of Phila delphia. BILLS READ IN PLACE Mr. NICHOLS read in place,a further supple ment to the Act to perfect the charter. of the Samaritan Benefinial Society ;of Referred to the Committee on Corporations. Mr. CONNELL, an Act to authorize the"erec tion of a free bridge over the river. Schuylkill at South street in the city of Philadelphia. Referred to the Committee on 'Roads and Bridges. Mr. GREGG, an Act to incorporate the Bald Eagle Valley Railroad company. iteferred to the Committee on Bei!roads. Also, an Act regulating election districts in Lycoming county. Referred to the COmmittee on Election Dis tricts. Mr. PENNEY, a supplement to an Act incor porating the Monongahela water compitty., Referred to the Committee on Corporations. Also, an Act relative to voluntary deeds of trust. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Also, an Act for the relief of the heirs of 'St. Clair Detiney, deceased. Referred to the Committee on Private Claims, &c. Mr. IMBRIE, an Act for the more efficient collection of debts due the Commonwealth.. Referred to the Committee•on Finance. Mr. BENSON, an Act for the collection of additional' taxes in Homer township, Potter county. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. IRISH, an Act for the removal of a toll gate of the Lawrenceville and Sharpesburg Plank Road company, from the borough of Lawrenceville. Referred to the Committee on goads, Bridges and Canals. Mr. FULLE,R,,an Act to change the name of Mary Atli Margaret Eighen. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. HIESTAND, an Act to incorporate the Oxford and Peach Bottom Railroad company. Referred to the Committee on Railroads Mr. WHARTON, a further supplement to the Act ki incorporate the Bedford Mineral Spring Association. Referred to the Committee on Corporations. Mr. SMITH, a further,supplement to the Act incorporating the city of Philadelphia. - Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. The Deputy Secretary of Comraonwealth being introduced, presented a message from the Governor, with accompanying documents. ORIGINAL RESOLITTIONS Mr. DEBBIE offered the following resolution, which was twice read : "Resolved, That, if the House of Representa tives concur, the Clerks of the Senate and House be directed to prepare and have printed for the use of the Legislature twenty thousand copies of the proceedings of the celebration of Washington's birthday at Harrisburg, and Washington's Farewell Address, the addresses to and replies of President Lincoln, and the or ders of the day." Mr. WELSH. I move to strike out the word "twenty," before the word. "thousand," and insert "ten" in lien thereof. Mr. PENNEY. I suppose that the difference in the amount of cost between ten and twenty thousand will bo -very small. ' The number named is designed to supply both Houses. Mr. CONNELL. Under the resolution, as originally proposed, I would not get half as many as I need of those documents. On the question, Will the Senate agree to amend as proposed? The yeas and nays were required by Mr.- WELSH and Mr. IMI3RIE, and were asfollOws, viz: INAS —Messrs. Clymer, Hamilton, Mott and Welsh-4. , NaTs---lifessis. Benson, Blood, Bound, Con nell, Crawford, Finney, Fuller, Hiestand,. brie, Ketcham, Landon, Lawrence, M'Clure Nichols, Parker, Penney, Robinson, Serrill Smith, Thompson, Wharton, Yardley and Pal mer—Speaker-28. So the question was determined in the nega tive. The question recurring on the original reso lution, It was agreed to. _ BEELIKE MR THE PEOPLE OF KANSAS. The SPEAKER laid before the Senate a mes sage from the Governor, transmitting comm.: nications received from the Legislature of Kan sas territory; which were read. On motion of Mr. PENNEY, the same were ordered to be printed in the .Record. Mr. EIESTAND, on leave being given, presented a petition of citizens of Upper Lea cock township, Lancaster county, praying for an appropriation teith - diriffrriiig people of ran us, which was also ordered to be -published in the Record, as follows : lb the Legislature of Transylvania The undersigned, inhabitants of Upper Lea cock and East Larnpeter townships, in Lerma, ter county, respectfully petition, that, in view of the urgent and immediate wants of our fel low countrymenli E" . . sae, so pressing, as ,to prevent, in a measure, the slow relief of private subscriptions, you will be pleased to make a speedy appropriation for their benefit, Suited to the wants of the suffering multitude, and .to the means of the great State of PermsylVania. Referred to the Finance Committee. sascrioN oa Puma) BUILDINGS IN PHILADELPHIA. Mr. SMITE, on leave, presented a remon strance of citizens of Philadelphia, against the passage of an Act for the erection of new pub lic buildings in the city of Philadelphia. Mr. SMITH. I ask, in order that justice may be done to the gentlemen remonstrating against the passage of the bill alluded to, that the re monstrance be read. The paper prat; then,read by the Clerk, and laid on the table. • Mr. NICHoLS on leaire, presented a petition foitizens of Philadelphia, praying for the pas- . • .. ...... • . t .• / , ..... . V. •-,.,i,. I,t• '-' , . :• , ..). ,- - . .. ..: • . . - . . .•;,...... :•;•.,. '..',:. . .. -8,-,-.•4R,)k-4 :.2...74..-.' 4 -, , f11r1,3 i , /-i . .. , - 7?klr--t-,,:: 7, ? '! ‹, ' - ' , i ;. r_ - ,' r - . ' .s ,-• , - -> . • ,, ; ,-_4--7 --i,:-,-J'---:-,r76;-_•-• - ---., ,4----'- . --• .• .• -. e •(• ':' • 'l il . l• b-•• • - 11-- • •.. .•. .. .• •• • • .• II 2.00 124* 16.00 VOL. XIV. sage of the bill providing for the erection of new public buildings in the city of Philadel phia. Laid on the table. Mr. WELSH, .on leave, presented two remon strances of eitizoigt of, Philadelphia,: against the passage of the bill providing for the erection of new public buildings in the city of Philadel phia. Laid on the table. Mr. CRAWFORD, on leave, presented a pe tition of similar import, asking for the passage of said bill. Laid on the table. Mr. CONNE.T.L r im leave, presented a copy Of the resolutions adopted by the,City Councils of Philadelphia, rolatixe to , passage-of the bill providing for the erection of new public build ings in the city of Philadelphia.: - The resolutions were, read by : the Clerk. On motion of Mr. SMfilji the . Senate pro ceeded to the consideration of Senate bill No. 70, entitled "a supplement - to an Act to provide for the erection of public' buildings in the city Philadelphia, approved April:2fid,lB6o," which Was upon second reading. The first section of tile bill was read aslol owS Sacrum 1. Be it enacted by the Benateand House Representatives of the Corinna:wealth of Pennsyl vania, in General Asembly' met, and it is hereby en acted by the authority of the same, That Alexan der Henry, Theodore G l uier, Charles B. Trego, George M. Stroud, Oswald . Thompson, Joseph Allison and James R. Ludlow, the commission ers who have entered upon the discharge of the duties, prescribed : by the. Act to which this is supplementary, be, and they are hereby con firmed in their said office, and further, , that they be, and are hereby authorized and rected to continue in the discharge of their said office until the duties prescribed`by this Act, and the Act to' which this is a supplement, shall be com pleted, and the buildings provided for by the same are completed and furnished ready for ac tual occupancy, by the several. Courts and pub lic offices of the city and county .of Philadelphia. Mr. PENNEY. If the Senator from Phila delphia has any speech to make on the bill I should like to hear it now. ' Mr. SMITH. I" do not propose to make a speech. I made a lengthy speech when this bill was considered in Committee of the WhOle, some days agd. l will remark now that it is necessary , in order,to. keep alive an Act of the Legislature, passed ast session, with much unanimity, providing for the erection of public buildings. Some, difficulty was thrown in the way of the erection of the public buildings in Philadelphia, by persons who were anxious to have them located on any. other site than :that now occupied by the public buildings •in that city. The question was *lento the Supreme. Court of the State where a' deCision .was given in favor of the bill generally. But this con struction was given to that Act, that it requiv cd the `assent of Councils to confirnithe_action of the nstruction destroyed the Act itself—all the Legislature and the Commissioners had done, under that Act. The City Councils have, for the last twenty-five years, successfully resisted every effort for the erection of public buildings, uni versally acknowledged to be so'much needed in that city. I need:not say to any person Who has visited the city, of Philadelphia that we re quire new public buildings. I need not say to any Senator on this 'floor who has ever seen public buildings, "that there is not one county, in the State which is not better supplied in this particular than that which I, in - part, represent. Those councils' baveleen for twen ty-five years engaged in, a Consideration of this question. We have never yet 'succeeded in making any public improvement of this charac ter without the passage of a bill similar to the one now before us. In the project for the erec tion of our county prison, after a contention of years, it was necessary for the Legislature to take the matter in band, and appoint Commis sioners for the purpose of carrying-out-a speci fied pl:at. If that had notbeen done, we would still have•had one of the county jail; locatea at Sixth and Walnut Streets, and the other at Broad and Arch streets. Owing to the preference of the people residing in different Parts of the city with regard to a location of the now buildings, the city councils have been unable to fx upon any one site. The common council would agree to the location of the buildings at. a certain place, but the select councils stand in the way. I have done all that I can in order to allow the ()Notation to this bill to be heard, and have presented every me morial received by myself front those persons who remonstrate against its passage. In every instance when we have asked whether councils would act hi the matter, should we consent to lay thisi bill over, we have been answered in an evasive manner. They say, "we object to the doing of the work ; we will not do it ourselves, nor will we, allovi you to do it. The people, of Philadelphia are in favor of the . erection of these public buildings upon the site designsted in the Act;of Assembly passed last year ,and they are in fiver, of every measure' calculated to promote its - success, and hope that a bill will be passe' here which will not allow councils:to embarrasi the erection of those buildings so much needed in that, city." Why, Mr. Speaker, our Court houses are so contracted that it is 017 most impossible for any,man to, have &fair trial in those Coints. They are" mall rooms, scarcely forty by forty feet, in which our Courts of justice are required to sit—not one-third ,the, size of this Senate, as my colleague (Mr. Nice ors) remarks—in which witnesses, jurorsiplaint iffs, defendants and lawyers are required to sit together, because there is no place of ac commodation for them. I say here now, that there is'not one county in the State with so mean accommodations for public offices as our own. We will never get these buildings unless the Legislature provides for their erection. I would not willingly run COUnter.. to the judg merit and general feeling of my constituency, and if I knew that this Act would be unpopu lar in the city of Philadelphia, I would not ask for its Peseage; but I, know to the contrary. There have been objections made to the passage of the bill by persons living in the locality of Independence Hall. These ...objections come. fA4n2 fossilated lawyers, who were born and have lived in that neighborhood, 'from tavern keepers and from the Public Ledge. Mr. PENNEY. Ido not wish to be upder stood as objecting to the bill if" the Senators from Philadelphia, and the people of that city, desire its passage. I think, however, it contains an extraordinary provision. Mr. CONNP.T , L. I have to, differ.with my colleague (Mr. SMmI). While,_l adinit the ne cessity for the trectiMi of thesebtadings, in or der to provide fiCco - min - Odatiouty Jos:, our;courts, juries and witnesses, _ are entirely insuffi cient, and:while I admit that. !entertain the highest cenfidatice in !Au , commission who have awarded thCOutrait lil'Axtlikos` well as in that gentlemanl' for his skill Bs ail . architect' and the sufficiency of his plan, yet, in obedience to what I consider to be the public "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRAL IN NONE." HARRISBURG, PA.. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 27, 1861. sentiment of Philadelphia, I must oppose -this bill. When it was printed I sent about seventy five copies, and subsequently twenty-fiver more, making one hundred, to some of the leading men in my district. ,:When I received any answer, it was a very decided instruction for me to_ oppose this bill. I know of, but one gentleman throughout the whole of my senatorial district, out of the nine thousand voters who cast their suffrages for me, who has asked me to vote for this bill. lam not here to carry out my own views of expediency but the will of the people. lam the represents tive of residents of the rural districts, the owil ers of brOad lands, and they have asked nie to, oppose the bill. I have received a large num ber of letters, one of which I will read to the Senate. It is as follows : Efmroxvrus, Feb. 4, 1861. GEO. CONNELL, Esq., Senator. Dear Sir: We haveseepherewithienneaurprise thatyour honorable bodyis abouttoacoammodate the lawyers of our city with a magnificentcourti House and public offioes, eilhe - triflini cost - of a million and a half of money; without even so mochas saying to us,"byyourleaye; sirs." Nay, more, that you intend to lock up in jail instant er, any of our city officials who shall say "no," or dare oppose any obstacle to your decree. We admire your.assurance, or .if the word be . not deemed offensive,. the sublime impudence cf the act,andifyouestablislitlie - piebellint.bYlidi6r-: bag through the projectedmeasureAwebeg leave to suggest to you as our finmediate Representa tive, that as soon as the policy.(if Legialstiie usurpation is inaugurated, you should proceed to develope it more fully and to its broadest extent. Badly as the lawYers wanted the new Court House, (and we sPopose the sympathy of the members of that learned and useful profession in your body will go far to' induce them to' vote their distressed brethren that house,) our chil dren need school houses still:More. , You your know.the wretched condition of our school shanties in this village, as you interested your: self to procure an appropriatibn 'frdni Councils for the erection of a suitable • bitilding 'for :the schools of this neighbohood. Our Primary School, may remember, is situated at a street crossing, where there is great danger .of the children being injured by passing - Vehicle's, while their small play ground is tjiree fourths of the year under water. Our neighborhood is rapidly becoming densely populated. The crowded state of our school rooms in many parts of our city, makes them breeders of Pestilence. Verily, it is "the slaughter of the innocents." We have appealed to. Councils vain for years pait. Our own members from this.ward have coaxed and begged, without success. , -The rural wards are always snubbed and out voted. They pay their fair proportion ofthe•• heavy taxes, .but in the appropriations the - non share is always gobbled. up by the hungry crowd - Who hill from - the middle and lower part'a the Now we think that if the lawyers of the Quarter Sessions and their clients .. ,:Whis enrich them, are... C o —lie provideirstrairianlYWitli - gor geous palaces,the youthitd ! - Clulit" - . .itrand. the large and industrious and intelligent class en geged in teaching, have at least equally strong claims upon. you for similar legislation. There fore, we say up here, go it!' Bring in a bill and make commissioners build schriol hones wherever needed. through , out all the county away up to the Bucks county line ! A million of dollars, or. more, - ,could'he r Well spent for this purpose. Fashion your bill on Senator Smith's pattern, only. more .so! the bonds will not sell, force xriaterjal-men and workrnen to take them, just se your . preidecesi-' sore in. 1780 made the Continental currency pay for butter and eggs, and- punished the Simple_ fanner whovins green enough todernanditiecre: Go it strong, for strong legislation is the . 4r4ir of the day. When the schoolihonsel commis- , sion is started, get up another to build bridges over the Schuylkill and Delaware. Take 'the Chestnut Street bridge out of the hands, ef , Councils. They have been already as long bungling over the job as Jacob served for each of his wives. We must have more bridged; Say ten over the Schuylkill at an average cost, of $260,000 each, and one over the Delaware, say half -a million more, making the round $8,000,000 in all—a small sum 'when we con- ider. how easily the bends can be numufec sured, more espechdly nowthat yourhonorable body has incorporated the Engravers' COM paw, for the express purpose of furnishing; in the highest style of art, and in unlimited quan tities, those seductive representatives of*values. Then that Almshouse must come down !. It is a nuisance. Clear it out. let palacesdiring . up where it now frowns in hideous uglintse . Let a commission move it miles` away;. din's LUMP will be an old fogy. concern com pared with the modern invention of commis awns ; yes, as far behind conunimiothi as the old fashioned mode of packing salt over the mountains oh horseback, is surpassed by rush-• big.trains of the Central Itai.lroad. Go on then with commissions ! Louis Napelenniie delphia , Make _her ;the - llans of the _New. World. 1111 a twelve month. -' "Don't look behind' —remember Lot's wife--Yon may be petrified.. Don't stop to count the coeitii* yeti'''. brain May grow dir;zy. Don't strip under fifty millions additional debt, and if yoncan make it a hun dred, so much the better. , - One word more and I have done, - namely 4 Just.put me on all the commissions, and then I' shall be Everlastlingly yours. - 0.00 aorta 8.--In the accomplishment of so many maznificent projects, 'don't forget to 'remove the Capitol here. You may recollect we Hes *liens 1 offered, last -winter, te..ten of our finestocres for the site.... Our 'timid . Conn-. cils hesitated about erecting the.. necessary buildings at 'the expense of the city, andthe. bill failed. ' Now you haVe — the secret (dew cess in the magic word- --Bozos I Already we have a spacious Hotel outhere, well kept and or derly, where I doubt not those members of pour honorable body who wish to sleep at night can do so; which, I hear, is difficult to do in Harris burg. - I have gratified my curiosity by referring to the Act to which my correspondent; alludes. will read it. It was passed in 1789 16 Wharear, - the - practice of buying al:Kr:selling the necessaries 'of. life and other commodities withhard money, or specie,_is tine"of the means of depreciating the continental bills of credit "Be it therebre enacted, !That, from and after the passing of this Act, .no person or per Sons whatsoever,,Aiithin this; Commonwealth, sball buy or sell, or offer to buy or sell, any of the necessaries:of life or other commodities, ,with' or for hard money ; and if any person shall be connoted of hiving- or selling- or 911042 - to buy and, sell, any merchandise,- commoliitieai , or:any of the.necessaries of life, ofr,...jeuting of houses or lands, for Wird ipurley‘, 4 ' i eigirlo this Act, he or Ow so offending, shall forfeit ppyi for the use of thiii-state ; pourids; and the value of the things so bought, or of fered to be bought for =chitin/A or lands." It is very similar to - olieeflthe sections'of the bill proixsecill Mr.Spea_ket4heritlitth*leattUir.tu'end? have read thia letter' because I - COnaidered it to be pregnant with - meaning, - or as Senator Ben ton once said of ' .a clause in Judge_ ,Douglas' Kansas Nebraska bill, "it has a speech in its belly." If we take the step proposed by this Act, it will be followed up by others. There is the same necessity for others as for this. In the.biß oflad:session I have-only_ to say. that it has already produced-hopeful action in our Coulicils; onliharice has' ragged each branch of that body-in relation to the subject, though it has been impossible to obtr.M. nu en tire agreement in regardtO the cost of those new huildings ; • one branch apprepriating the sum :of four hundred thousand .dollars, the other a, larger' amount.- pnij' love full confi dence that Councili will surmount this difficult); and be able to agree - Matter: -A few days ago We liaised a bill reducing the number of • ourdoiincil"from ninefy l six, clowniOabont half : that liiiniber which I have no doubt will prove • a - wo :Frig bOdy" and will 'do all that the people want • ,this matter. This, .too, is not the time to asli. -for the of this bill,whenhalithe peoPle. 'or Philadelphia' are crying out for the pastage of a stay law, when embarraannent, ruin and d is tress per vade the whole community, when; there is actually $900,000 of city war -rants imitstanding, With no fundi in the treasu ry____, no ,incoming. retenne'to provide for them, We afereqUiled by this bill to create an addi tional debt of an unlimited amount, .because, as the bill now stands, there is no ; limit to the • amount' to be expended by the passage of this bill 'At any other tune its intreduction might be excusable; but now I say it is not. - I hate beside, Mr. SPeaker . ; an insuperable objection to this bill. :I take it that as :by. the First Section of 'Article Ninth of the COnstitii.- lion; the Legislature is' 'forbidden to impose. a debt upon the State 'Cif greater amount than $760,000, ,body ;cannot impose upon the people of ;anY portion of the Commonwealth a debt exceeding, hat amecuit. AlthOiigh not in direct violation e of the letter:it is in, direct con flict Witlithe spirit of the 'Constitution. Mr. SMITH. Ilmve lint one word to say in reply to my colleagne's - remarks. In. the first ! place; vairsny that ;had chosen - to read a letteron the alibied, 1 worild'hate ditch'inhint ed between those that were respectfully ad dreasedto the Senate, and those that were not. So much for theletter. _ I wi ll r e mark withregard to the prospect fen the passage of the bill for the erection of pnblip build ings in the city of .I"qadelpliiit, by theemMella of that city,' in thee Vent Of a reductibii"cf their number, that we hg4.1.12. the city of •Thilidel phia, think, less : Mita" twenty • nierbi)era 'of. .Councile for the twenty ,years prior to a late :change in the It has only been with in thti last six years that the number of niem.- bera cparilis of Philadelphia ' bLig been 113 7 cretby 'the - `Act` consohdation. , - During up from e :the citizens.of P favor of the eredtiOn of 'nett pubhc buildings As -long !ago as twenty five the Repple publiC tiMidings - ori the 'Very spa now proPeped, as the iocation by the Commis-, gion. Thg buildings , cann ot be erected by the douncilti 'of the city. becaus e' it is iinposidide for, them, ti agree on the Chatter They cone here. said .us this. The ; . rnOnbera Councils' have been here this Winter have invariably - 01.1 ; w :that that body cannot agree 'on this:Sub-. jest., TheThe'v ry men who voted in favor Of the regOlUtiork which bate been read'at the Clerk's desk hate 'told' us, in this sgnate tharaber, .r.wheri we proposed to therm to liave this passed, limiting the expenseof tbb erection of -the buildings, -(which pro Pose to do by the third Section); - that the public will ;be satisfied,: and a matter which it is impoSaible__fortliern to settle disposed of They . neverWlll give 'us . public buildings until .thew now in' use tumble down about their ears. ' Our reenda; league (Mr.' Comma) lmOws very Well, are in secure. They ate the records Of two Centuries, and. ,my colleague does not Irnov ishether;the Mends of. the property-he, holds , 'are - safe. — It is universally Admitiedti the - CW:of - phia, - that nerecords of the' property in that great "pity: are, secure. , When they Accumulate, 'they are carried-down' into , the Cellar,:inone department .of are' cellected; the' dogs captiired by -the 'dog-cat6l.l.o.s''pf eity,'and in thei.other: the reentletif 'the - City. " ' he'only queS ion aheut 'which we have any troriblp'iti that • - tif lo4flon. If it Were ,fixed upon to be made at old' Independenee &there; that spot'Orso much interest to the people of all 'the State, there would be no objection made to it' by those persons who now object; these would be'ne'cry here Third street' if agreed to appropriate;three' r er'four hUndred thousand dollars to - build:an old' cotton factory on Inde pendence. Square.. Mr. 'CONNEI,/, Would my colleagVe'rdlPW me to remind hinf tiu4tlito ppt represent ,the people of Third street;lnit - those Of `the s itiral. wards. Mr. CLYMER:It:I4B F not' been4ny habit, •Mr. Speaker i du.ipg the short- time I have had the honor of beinglinieMber of . this body, to interfere-With /9eza 449cgion, tinder Ordinary. circumstances. Benaters rePiesenting: districts mrelhoronghly EMI accuiatelY wa• nts anal necessities their own constituents than others cen`peasibly do. As a general rule we should be guided by theirWialus and:ideas in relati94 to matters purely loCal bit, sir, when we called upon, 1 )3 4 10* vote to sanction an enactment: whiCh ignores one , of the great hindaraental principles of all free governments, the right of the people to regu late their awn domestic .‘ af •s—wherk we are called upon to deprivea greif citY, powerful;` _intelligent ana l liberal, . - (4 ' , the:control bf its monerand its property, some overshadowing and ii&essity thorild be shOwn. To my mind,. sir, hornand edu'catedamobgSta pee ple tenacious of their personal and municrpal nightii, the idea . is abhorrent that we - in: this Senate,Strangers to - tlie'WentS and s neceasi ties and to the- views and Wishes Of • , should be'= asked to legislate upon' a subject of •such vital interest to them, should be asked Inf4ee upon thn measure • Which affects rights of 'petson'- and of property-Lthat, 'in fine, We sheilld be calledupon to treat Phila delphia as a captured--eityrwhoisl•revenuer are ours to plunder,.whose property js ours, to de stroy, and whose very liberty exists only in the breath of ourincitrils; 1' say ; sir, that to me there is for:nothing' revolting in this attempt. I look von it as Aeliberate, premeditated op .pressfon. I denounceit as an act of wrong and injustice which, established as a precedent, may carry 'dismay and destructibw• - into any and 'every district represented on this floor. _ Whether. the city of Philadelphia needs new public buildings:at is not „for :us 'to inquire, nor 'fol.= to :decide ..If: her .!owrccitizens,- re- ' preliented lie: her :councils; ,deeril fthat- th 6 sent it,coononeditionsfaie ampleidhat thereon& AMMO, surely it is no concern of ours. They alone are interested—they alone are affected.— If, on the contrary, they have or should decide that new ones are required, is it for:us to say where they should be located r' Do you, Mi. Speaker, does any one:: Senator, saving perhaps the them from the city, (and even amongst them there is a difference of opinion;) have a Clear, well-donfirnied opinion as to Where in all great city the-proposed buildings should_ lie located? I certainly have no suck opinion. I have,had no Means uponn which te base it. It is true, sir, I might, with map _be fore me, ascertain what is the geopraphical cen ter of ; Philadelphia might.possibly with the census returns determine, with some degree of accuracy,' its center of population; but, sir, geographidal centers,, centers of population, do not, with unerring exactness; .determine the will and Wishei of the people: There are con siderations of habit, othatom,. convenience and buSitiess necessity, to" which we are and must, be strangers:: These are controlling elements in the question of loeation, before:Which the two patent facts which - We might possibly ascertain, sink bite linaignificance. They are elements which we do not now nor ever, can understand; and even if we did, we have no earthly right to decide,loi =the clear, slinple and unanswerable reason' that it is none of our business. To do so would be to dead& upon a question which be longi to; the 'people of Philadelphia alone. It would beanfusurpation of poWer never contem plated, which would be discreditable to us as legislators, and which, if submitted to, would .humiliate . and degrade. I have, sir . ; the_pleas ure to knoii Many of Ake _people of that city. I knoW them to be honorable, high minded and independent men;Kid, sir, I have much mis taken their Character, if -they will tamely sub mit to a yoke which jr:3 not only galling, grOing: • Again, suppose, for ,the sake of argument, that we had thp power,:justly and fairly, inac-. cordon& with the opinions of a vast majority of the people of- hiladelPhia, to deterinine the question of, location, there still remains the greater enormity, the greater wrong, to be exe cuted. We, sir, place it in the power of the commissioners, to be appointed by this bill, to tax the people of Philadelphia to, the amount of Millions, if they deemproper. We grant to them the arbitrary exercise of the most dangerous and most odious power known to a free peoplethe right to._, tax without representation. Their immediate representatives, the councils, have no power to interfere, ' their taints have no power to relieve-i-a,free people are bound hand andiciot., person and property, liythe uncontrol led and .rinControlable poWer of an irresponsible commission, constituted by strangers to their feelings, their views, their wishes and theirin terests. 'When, the'people of these States' were colonies and but five times -greater . 1 in number than thOse now inhabiting. Philadel phia, they fought a seven yea& "war for IC) greater .grievanee Of a like nature, than that threatened:in thiS bill; and. would it bewonder- 'ful if you attempt - to: force AM -descendants of ' those triot- rebels ; a similai yolie that Ixo-1461,a s Atr-bracr 7 - "'• - I you arm your_commission4ith -the terrors of the law ; that you give them power' 'riot Only over the: property of 4ltepeeple of Philadelphia, but that you also ciotbeitlion with the terrible right todepriVe.the 'representritivett of those people of their . pentorial. liiberty Should they' disobey .your commands/ Yet, it is also true.; and:l ask you and the Senate to retrain her, thatitliepectle arethe bOuteeof all 'power, all authority;: and that yon canna- coeree Mad eirslike the free - people free City. They know theirirights, andl doubt 'not they -11;1_1.1 dare maintain thent. • If they 1 'do not they would be unworthy of :that 'ancestry whose blood Courses hi their veirtS:4 To show that I have not • misinted' or= overdrawn the feeling of deenindignatilin,mad 'of determined resistance:to this bill-which exis' ts in the minds of the people of Philadelphia; Ihave* only to refei the Senate to the-143110ring :extract from the last:annual message the Honorable Alex ander Henry, Mayor of thatcity. ' "Whilst it is 'believed that the erection of suitable public am be best and most , economically effected , . through' & - commission, and that loxil jetildrudei3 May , long retard . the faVorable action of Ocenicils,...-the 'direst inter ference of 'State legialatker. a. Matter fully within the cogrdzance-and-authotity of the mu nicipal government, cannot be too strongly re prehended. . up "The power conferred upon the Comm*doners in the recent 'Act, .by which . they- may add :whatever sum they Shall diterruine tothe fund ed debt of the city, and may "reciuire the levy . of arr.edilitional ;laic to‘ prcivide for tiad interest and:principal of the loair which, they Shall au thorize without regard 'to, the : wishes of 'the community, is dangerous as a precedent, and is oppretaive as a measure Of goverwnent.' He, sir, Imam these people Well; he is high in their confidence and esteem; and this delib-. errte expreSsiim as to the policy'of this - rocas ; ure shotildnet be t rirdieeded'by this body. He speaks :for Phladelphia. - I feebly re-echo - his sentimentS,'ind :t;believe - the sentiments of the vast majority of' that 'people, when I' enter my; solemn protest against the paisage, of this Act. 'Again, ' sir, I cannot divest. my. mind of the suSpicioti—indeed, sir, I had *Rost said 'convidion—that this 'whale bill is, but the transparent veil, which Conceals an wornpus fib or contract, out ofwhipli`Certabi,w ilea are to Make vast fortrehm it:the - expense ,of their fellow. citizens. Di nAntaining this Sus- Picrion.,Or'eOnviction, I "disclaim any intention to impugn the integrity or motives , of the ho norable Senator who has Alie bill'in charge. I know him toe well aneesteeni: him too highly even to entertain, any' such opinion ; but, sir, I fear he is unwittingly; and therefore, I know unwillingly, serving the -ptirposea of Selfish in ditidual interest. The whole bill is framed • .upon the principle of a close corporation ! unjust in conception, unfair in detail and wrong in principle. It strikes at, the very root of self government; it ignores the great principle of thei,conomritant rights of taxation and repre sentation, it endangers, property end threatens 'personal liberty . and'"may serve 'an instru ment of wrong, injustice and oppre,s - Jdon. 'Mr. SMITH. I rise to explain. I dislike to. interrupt the Senator'in his speech ; but he has asserted that the design of this bill is to give anericiimous job or contract to 'somebody. That 'assertion applies to I,he very' gentleman to whom he luis,referred,land,in whom he has expressed so much confidence, The. gentlemen named in this bill are Alexander Henry, (who has been so highly euliigilded in the remarks of therSeuator from Berks t and in all whose eulogy I concur;) Theodore CuYier, President of Select Connell, Charles B. Trego, President of Corn nnin-Ctsincil, George If Judge of the District Court of the ,c 1 -of Philadelphia, Os witid-Thompsen, President, Judge of the. Court Of ConimorkPleas,'Xoseph Allison and james R. Lirdlo*, Assaelate Rid& Of that Court. Yew, will=the Senatorsay that these gentlemen have been g0t.9.1 0 f. 113 #. Lade! 1 7111 91 1 .4e 3 3 0.-institi, •tiIdraICEYMER. I int'Ve most astonishing fact is patent to the people of this state that one of the Commissioners maned gttam n 1 art 4 Haying procurel — Steam Power PreMee, we are prepared to execute JOB d BOOK NUM% of etery description, cheaper that Itcan be dohe at any other ea tablishmentin the country. RATES OF ADVERTISING. - .OW-Four lines or lees constitute on&halfaquare• Eli Ikea or more than four constitute a square. Half Square. one day. ....... • one wee k.. ,, one month three menthe 3 00 six months ...... . ........ •• • ••••t 4 o one year:: Ono Fquare one day 60 4( one week........ 200 ,‘ one month . . .. . . 300 three ........ ..... o oo u six months..... .......... 0 00 One year 10 00 Ittehteee notices inserted in the Lead esieswor I,o3firo Marriages and Heaths, FIVE Cllns PER LINM or each.lnaerlion. NO. 47. Sir Marriages and Deaths to be charged as regular advertlaementa: in this bill asks that this Senate should not Pais ,it. 'May be that that gentleman has been overruled in his views of right and' aitice; and it is a notorious fact to the people of Pidia .delPhia and to the people of this State, that the contract foi execting.the buildings.has heen-ap, proved by a majority of the Commission.; . Mr; SMITH. By every man compokang the Commission. Mr CLYMER. I care not for that. But it is notorious that the'Commission has antho rited • the contract which was not awarded to. the lciwest bidden and itisequallypatenttothe People of this'State and of timt city that to, contract was awarded =der circumstances which precluded men—honest and practical.w.orkmen --in the city of Pidladelphici, from offering bids under those specifications. They were:made in such a loose manner ,that it was impossible for any man who intended to • live up to those spe cifications. ,Itis the concurrent testimony of every architect or contractor who has had any thing to with them that those 'specifications were of such a nature as to mislead anybody who is not in that "ring." Mr. SMITH: I will inform the Senator from Berks, who take& such an interest in this that that contract was signed by Alex. Henry, Theodore Cuyler, Chas. B. TregO, George M. Stroud, Oswald ihompson, Joseph Allison and James R. Ludlow—all 6f the Commissioners named in the Act to which this bill proposes to be &supplement. - ' - Mi. CLYMER. I certainly have had-thates timony of some of the most noted architects and contractors of the city of Philadelphia, setting forth that under the specifications laid before them by the architect first employed by : this Commission, it was utterly impossible for any man to understand those specifications. Ihave" almost the direct proof, and certainly the pa tent insinuation, that those specifications were gotten up for the purpose of enabling one set of men to secure this contract. I certainly can present the proof of the other startling factthat this contract was awarded to a person who was not thalowest bidder. • Mr. SMITH. It was never intended that' it should be so awarded. Mr. CLYMER. I have the' other patent fact which I present for the information of this Senate if it is not already known to its Inem , bers, tintt when this COMMMOIL called upon the contractor to whOm the contract was awarded for his bail, that that bail consisted of the sureties of sub-contractors of the city of Philadelphia. Everything points to the fact that this - whole proceeding, from . the day the specifications were first laid before the.public, up to the hour - when the contract was conaum mated, was but :a plan whose consummation was tb put this contract into the hands of pan. ticnlar parties. But the worst feature of the whole thing is that the contract has no limit ; that the people of Philadelphia in the long years it-will take to build: no .these enormous piles of whicli we . • occroneatter anotner put before us in the Senate, Will be called upon to pay not .only the original contract price, (and there is: no'llthit to that,) but an arnount pf fdur, or perhaps five millions of dollars . - It has been well said thatby - an amendment ti the Conatitation it is wisely declaredthat we shall not increase the debt of this State beyond, the sum of $750,000,' except to defend us in* case of war; to put _down startling .llVlthiOlt insurrection. this great State cannot in crease her indebtedness - beyond the sum of $7.50;000,' is, it right:fox-We body to bind_upon an unwilling city a debt which may amount to five 'millions of dollars ? I have no right, con-,. stitutionally, by my vote, to impose any such: burden upon the people of that City ; and. I never will impose that burden upon the people of any city or county. I trust, sir, having been led into this digres sion, that I may be permitted to close the ar gument I intended to make. I know, sir, none of the parties for or against this bill. lam not interested directly or indi rectly for any location, or for any .character`of structure. Ido not own one dollar's worth of property to be affected by it. - I have considered it merely as an abstract question of right and of jistice. I have endeavored to place myself in the:pcisition of those who are to be -directly affected by its provisions, and with:no other purpoge than to secure and advance the general Welfare. I have here given to the Senate my reflections of this'question. It is or that may, in some form, affect hereafter the rights and interests of the constituencies of every Senator on this floor—and if they do. not desire to be taxed without representation, if they do not wish to be'bound by the ixreversable decrees of a commission not self-imposed, if they are even unwilling; to be taunted as conquered and sub jugated provinces, let them destroy a precedent Which ina,y.impose all these evils upon them. Mr. SMITH. I have but a few words to say in reply to the able speech made on this subject the Senator from Berks, in order to contradict the statement made by him that therewere parties specially and: pecuniarilY in tert4ted in this Matter... There is; justify such a statement. Mr. CLYMER. I desire to ask the Sena ter a question; will he be kind enough :to 'mane to me the securities of John MoArthur? Mr..SMITH. They can easily be named, but lappialto my colleague, (Mr4.Colunixr,i) to . every '. one'who, knows John McAtthur„-whether that gentlemaii Would, for the stike . of - Obtaining the' whole amount which would accrue from the performance of - such - contract, be guilty of, a mean or dishoneat act? "- - Mr: CONNELL. It affords roe great, pleature to _saithat I laelieve there is no _more high ininded and honest man in the city of Phila delphia than. Mr. -John-McArthur. - Mr. CLYMER. Will the Senator from Phil adelPhia allow me to explain ? I intended to cast no such aspersion upon John McArthur.— - I say that the fact that he is a higher biddor thairothors' Makes it'patent to the world that - he was, hem* hi. hia intentions in regard td this eontract ; and the fact that he has the names,_ of welliknOwn contractors of Philadelphia of- fered as l lii sureties may be a mere coincidence. They are well known names, and though a stranger in the city, I recognize amongst them the names.of those who are widely. known as contractors. If they are all his bail, is it sur prising-thatthe bail of the principal might `at least furnish• him with stone, iron, work on stone, when it is known that Mr. McArthur him. self is an architect and has never been a con ' tractor ? , .. Mr. SMITH. I would remark that the first name given as the security of Mr.- McArthur is that of John White. The notoriety whichtthat gentleman has achieved is vastly to his credit. No contract which he has undertaken has ever failed, and no injury has resulted'to the city of Philadelphia so far as he is concerned. The , nest:name is that of William Struthers. I.can. .51:r. ~. . t°mycol e-- CL YMER. now Mr. Strut els p er 'acnadly., He is a marble mason. Mr. SMITH. The name of the next gentle [arginued on Fourth Page.] 66 , e; .. :691:11•J• 00
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers