Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, February 26, 1861, Image 4
+~.:: Lints of Tirane! & Cranoportation NEW AIR LINE ROUTE TO NEW YORK 1 SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUICKEST IN TIME • BETWEEN THE TWO CITIES OF NEW 'YORK. AND 11—A_RiXerIS33 VIA BEADING. ALLENTOWN AND EASTON. MORNING EXPRESS, West, leaves New York at 6 A arriving at Harrisburg at 1 P. M., only 6% hours between the two cities. NAIL LINE leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and ar rives at Harrisburg at 8.16 P.M. WANING MAU, LINE, East, leaves Harrisburg at 8.00 A. M., arriving at New York at 6.20 P. M. AF'XEIINOON EXPRESS LINE, Fast, leaves Harris burg at 1.16 P. M., arriving at New York at 9.45 P. M. Connections are made at Harrisburg at 1.00 P. M. with the Passenger Trains in each direction on the Pennsylva nia., Cumberland Valley and Northern Central Railroad. Alt trains connect at Reading with trains for Pottsville and Philadelphia, and at Allentown for Ranch Chunk, Fasten, are. No change of Passenger Cars or Baggage between New York and Harriaburg, by the 6.00 A. M. Line from New Stork or the 3.16 P. M. .rom Harrisburg. For beauty of scenery, and epeed, comfort and accom modation„this route presents superior inducements to the travelibg public. Fare between New York and Harrisburg FIVE DOL LARS. Fer tickets ana other information apply to deelB .3. 3. CLYDE, General Agent, Harrisburg. PHILADELPHIA READING RAIL R 0 A D WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ON AND AFTER DEC. 12th, 1860. TWO PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE HARIUSEURG DAILY, (Sundays excepted,) at 8.00 A. M., and 1.15 P. M. for Philadelphia, arriving there at 1 25 P. M., and B.lti P. M. RETURNING, LEAVE PHILADELPHLI. at 8.00 A, M. and 3.30 P. M., arriving at Hafrisbvrg at IP. IL, and 8.15 P. M. FARES :—To Philadelphia, No. 1 Cars, $3.25 ; No. 2 (in same train,) $2.75. FARES :—To Rending, $ 1.60 and $l.BO. Reading,, waxiest with train, for Pottsville, Miners villa, Tamaqua Catawiasa, FOUR TRAINS LEAVE READING FOR PEILADEL. PIGA DAILY, at 6A. If., 10.45 A 12.80 noon and 8.43 P. M. LEAVE PHILADELPHIA FOR READING at 8.00 A. N. 1.00 P M. , 8.80 P. M., and 6.00 P. M. FARIS :—Roadin to Philadelphia, 81.75 and 81.45. THE mamaTxAlN FROM HARRISBURG CON ITEMS AT READING with up train for Wilitesbarre Pittston and Scranton. For through tickets and other information apply to J. J. GLYDB, General *lent. deold-dll PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD I WINTER TIME TABLE FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA. ON AND'APTER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26th, 1880, The painlehger trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Corn piny will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg. and Philadelphia as follows EASTWARD. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 2.40 a. m. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.50 a. m. FAST LINE leaves Hallilfisburg at 12.66 p. in., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.00 p. in. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 5./5 p. m., arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.20 p. in. These trains make close connection at Philadelphia with the New York Lines. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 1, leaves Harrisburg at 7.80 a. in., rune via Mount Joy, and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12.80 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Har risburg at 1.16 p. in., and arrives at West Philadelphia ate 40 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, leaves Harrisburg at 6.26 p. in. runs via Mount Joy connecting at Taller villa with MAIL TRAIN East for Philadelphia. WESTWARD. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 1080 p. m., arrives at Harrisburg at 8.10 a. in. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 8.00 a. in., ar rives atElarrisburg at 1.20 p. in. LOCAL MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg for Pittsburg at 7.00 a. in. FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 12.00, moon, arrives at Harrisburg at 4.10 p. in. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 2.00 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg sA 7.86 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Philadelphia at 4.00 . in., and arrives at Harrisburg at 9.46 p. in. Attention is called fo the fact, that passengers leaving Philadelphia at 4.00 p. in., connect at Lancaster with MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, and arrive at Harrisburg at 9.46, p. m. SAMUEL D. TO Q, Stipt. Sot /Maim Pammanania Raaroad *Q12660-dtf KT RA. SUGAR CURED HAMS For We by war. DOCK J. &OD 00122. VisaHamm. Ac :10 N‘ c ylkeati CL ft tp)'" CURE el" Nervouslieadache CU RE /illias He adaeith. By the use of these Pills the periodic attacks of Ner ve= or Sick Headache may be prevented; and if taken a the commencement of an attack immediate relief from pain and sickness may be obtained. They seldom fall In removing the Itrataniand Headache to whichlemalee are so subject. They act gentlyenxin the bowels,..remcrving Chstiveness. Per Literary Nen, Students, Delicate Females,and all persons, of sedentary habits, they are valuable as a Laxa tive, improving the appetite, giving lone and vigor to the digestive organs, and restoring the natural elasticity and strength of the whole system The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of long invest gallon and carefully conducted experhnents, having been in use in many years, during which time they have pre• vented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from Headache, whether originating in the WOW= aye tem or from a deranged state of the etersaels. They are entirely vegetable In their composition, and May be taken at all times with perfect safety without making any change of diet, and the absence absencsW ant ditn greeabie taste renders it easy to administer Menlo cAudras. BEWARE OF COIINTERFIZITS I The genuine have Ave signatures of Henry C. Spalding en each box. Sohi by Dnrggists and all other Dealers In Medicines, A Box will be sent by mall prepaid on receipt of the PRICE 26 CENTS. All orders should be addressed to HENRY. G. SPALDING, 48 GedatStreet, New York imls-lowly THE FOLLOWLYG S PAL DING'S CEPHALIC PILLS WILL CONVINCE ALL WHO BUFFER NEM qIEADACHE, THAT A SPEEDY AND SURE CURE IS WITHIN THEIR REACH. All these lestimonials .wart unsolicited ly Mr. SPALD :ING, they afford senquettiernable proof of the di eacy °phis truly sand& discopeay. biescomus, Conn., Feb. 5, 1861. Mu. Wawa Sir: I have tried your Cephalic NM, and I like theta so well that I want you to lend me two dollars worth more. Part of these are for the neighbors, to whom I gave a few out of the first box I got from you. Send the Pills by mall, and oblige Your ob , t. Servant, JAM KENNEDY. Earwow, Pa., Fob. 6,1881. MR. &AIDING, unt I wish you to send me ono more box of your Cephalic Pills, .Thavereceiesd a great deal glom:A front Clam Yours respectfully, HAAT ANN EMI:REHOUSE. . : ISFREras Cassx, Huntingdon Co., Pa., ). January 18,1861. H.O. SPALDING, Sir: You will please send me two boxes of your Cephalic Pills. Send them Immediately. Besptctfullyyours, JNO. B. anions. P. s.--have mad o nt bay of your Pais, and find them excel/era.' BMX Plasm Ohio, Jan. 15, 1861. RIM 0 - ammo, &q., Please find enclosed twenty-five cents, for which send me another boa of your Cephalic Pills. They are truly the best Pals Ilusas seer tried. Direct A. STOVER, P. M., Belle Vernon, Wyandot 00., 0 Ihmumv, Kass., Deo. 11, BM. H. 0. SPALDING, Zsq. I wish for some circulars or ' large show bills, to bring your Cephalio Pills more particularly before my custo. mere. Hyatt have anything of the kind, please send to One of my customers, who is subject to severe Sick Headache, (usually lasting two days,) was cored of rum attack in one hour by your Pals, which I sent her. Respectfully yours, W. B. WILKES. liarrimussaso, Franklin Co., 0., 1 January 9, 1801. f Homy C. Sratonia, tie. 48 Cedar St., N. Z. Dear Sir : Enclosed find twenty-five cents, (25,) for which send box of “Cephalic PUbs." Send to address of Rev. Win. C. Filler, lleynoldsburg, Franklin county, Ohio. Your Pus work likea charm—cure H eadache almost instanter. Truly yours *if. C. MI ER. Ms. YristAsm, Mich., Jan. 14,1861. SPAIDING L isir Not long since I sent to you for a box of Cephalic Pills for the aura of the Nervous Headache and Costiveness, and received the same, and they had so good an effect that Iwas induced to send for more. meg Please send by return mail. Direct to A. R. WHEELER, Ypsilanti, hitch. (From the Examiner, Norfolk, Va.] Omhalie Pills accomplish the object for which they were made, viz : Cure of headache in all its forme. [From the Examiner, Norfolk, Na.) They have been tested in more than a thousand eases, With entire success. [From the Demootat, St. Cloud, Minn.] ' If youare, or have been troubled with the headache, sand fora box, (Cephallo pills,) so that you may have them in case of an attack. [From the Advertiser, Providence, R. L] The Ce?hallo Pilleare said to be a remarkably effect ive remedy for the headache, and one of the very best for that very frequent complaint which has ever been discovered. [From the Western R. R. Gazette, Chicago, 111.] We heartily endorse Mr. Spalding, and his unrivalled Cephalic; Pills. [From the Kane wha%Valley Star, Kanawha, Val We are sure that persons suffering with the headache, who try them, will stick to them. "WA single bottle of SPALDINGT PREPARED GLUE will save ten times Its coat annually:slft SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE I SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE I SAVE TH2 PIECES ECONOMY* I DISPATCH! SiT-"A arms Ix MCI sans mx1."..1911' As accident/ sew ha even iitteen-regedatedfaktilies ICU very deetra.tdo to have some cheap and convenient why fir repair': sr Furniture, Toys, Crockery, &o. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meets all such emergencies, mid no household can aflbrd to be without ii . It is always ready and up to the stick• tug point. IN N. 13.—A Eras h a ErlDl EVERY HOUSE." ccompanies each bottle. Price 26 eta Addreste • HENRY 0. SPALDING, No. 48 Cedar Street, New York. CAUTION. As certain nap rincipled personae attempting to palm off on the maul tooting calla, imitations of my PRE PARED GLUE, I ,would caution 4,11 persons to exandne before curatorial T., and and that thelall name, , • 4i - Ia ALL 'LNG'S lINIMIN)!Cf.I , UN,IIIW • UM 032 the °ma% a trapper;all otbera WIIIIIIenin• 111 14.411W/iq WO. Vennsplimitta Celegrapi), Ttteeitrq anatt - oft, Itbtitart - 26, - "Set HOLLAND BITTERS. THE CELEBRATED HOLLAND REMEDY FOR DYSPEPSIA, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OF ANY EIND, FEVER AND AGUE, And the various affections consequent upon a disordered STOMACH OR LIVER, Such as Indigestion Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky Pains, Heartburns, Liss of Appetite, Despondency, Cos tiveness, Blind and Bleeding Piles. In all n °rem's, Rheumatic, and Neuralgic Affections, it has in numerous instances proved highly beneficial and in others effected a decided cure. This is a purely vegetable compound, prepared- on strictly scientific principles, after-the manner of the cele brated Holland Professor, Soothe - re. Its repritation at home prpduced its introduction. here, the demand com mencing with those of the Fatherland scattered over the face of this mighty country, many of whom brought with them and handed down the tradition of its value. It is now efered to the Anwrican problie, knowing that its truly wonderful medicinal virtues mud be acknowkdged. 11 is particularly recommended to those persons whose constitutions may have neon impaired by the continuous use of ardent spirits, or other forms of dissipation. Gen erally Instantaneous in eXect, it ends its way- directly to the seat of life, thrilling and quickening every nerve, raising up the drooping tapir.% and, in fact, Infesting new health and-vigor in the system. NOTlCE.—Whoever expects to find this a beverage will be disappointed; but to the sick, weak and low spirited, It will prove a grateful art:matte cordial, possessed of of singular remedial properties. - The Genuine highly concentrated Bosrbavela Rolland Bitters la put up in half-pint bottles only, and retailed at Ore Doman per bottle, or six bottles for Prim Dousa&— The greet demand for this truly celebrated Medicine has induced many Imitations, which the public should guard against purchasing. myy-Beware of Imposition. See that our name is on the label of every bottle you buy. Sold by Druggists generally. It can be }omitted by Express to most points. SOLE PROPRIETORS, BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. & Phannanediata and Maoist& PITTSBURG, PA. For sale In the city of Harrisburg by 1). W. GROOS & Co septldavrly LIFE PILLS LID PHOENIX BITTER& THESE MEDICINES have now been be fore the public fsr aperiod of THIRTY TRAM, and during that time have maintained a high character In al most every part of the Glebe, for their extraordinary and immediate power of restoring perfect health to per- BODB suffering under nearly every kind of disease to which the human frame is liable; The following are among the distreseng variety of hu man diseases in which the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES Are well known to boUralltble. DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the first and second stomachs, and creating a Sow of puzehealthy bile, instead at the stale and acrid bind I ; FLATU LENCY 1468 olAppetite, Heratburn, Headache, Rest lessness, 111-Temper, Anxiety, languor and Melancholy, which are the general symptoms of Dyspepda, will van lab as a natural consequence of Its cure. COSTIVENESS, by cleansing the wholeleagth of the intestines with a solvent process, and without 'vio lence; all violent purges leave the bowels costive within two days. FEVERS of all kinds, by restoring the blood to o: regular circulation ; through the process of respiration in such cases, and the thorough solution of all letestinal ob struction in others. • , The LIFE TSEDICINES have been known to cure RIEEIIRATIAM permanently in three weeks and GOUT in halt that times by removing tonal Mitutunanon from the muscles and 'ligaments of the joints. DROPSIES of all kinds, by freeing and strengthen ing the kidneys and bladder; they operate most delight tally on these important organs, and hence lave ever been round • certain remedy for the worst oases of GRAVE Also WORMS, by dislodging from , the turnings or the bowels the slimy matter to which these creatures adhere. SCURVY, ULCERS , and INVETERATE SORES, by the perfect purity which these LIFE MEDI. CNM give to the blood, and all the humors: - SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and MAD COMPLEX lONS, by their alterate effect upon the fluids that feed the skis, and the morbid state of .whieh occasions all eruptive complaints, sallow, cloudy, and other disagree able complexions. The use of these Pills for a very short time will effect an entire cure of SALT RHEUM, and a strikingim provement in the clearness or the skin. COMMON COLDS and INFLUENZA will always be cured by one d o se,_ or by two in the worst cases. PS.—The original proprietor of these Medicines, was. ured of Piles, of 85 years standing by the use of the LIFE MEDICINES alone. FEVER AND AGIIEL—For this scourge of the Western country, these Medicines will be found a safe, speedy, and certain remedy. Other Medicines have the system subject to a return of the disease—a cure by these Medicines is permanent—TßY TBN6I; BR MAMMA AND BE CURED. BILIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER- 00X PLAINTS.—emarsirAL Damn; Lore of Agrimm, and Di mess or Fmterze—the Medicines have been used with themes& beneficial results in cases of this descrip tion :--Ifings Evil and &refills, in its worst forms,ylelds to the mild yet powerful actionof these remarkable Medi cines. Night Sweats, Nervous Debility Nervous Com plaints of all kinds, Palpitation of the Heart, Painters' Doliamspeedily cured. CURIAL DlSEASES.—persons whose oonstitu lone have become impaired by the injudicious use of Meroury, will find these Medicines a perfect cure, is they never fail to eradicate from the system, all the effects of Mercury, infinitely sooner than the most power !hi preparation of Sarsaparilla. Prep tared and sold by W. B. ROFFAT, 835 Broadway, New York. Forsale by all Druggists. jy2e-dewly N S R NOE -.A EN . C Y . TEE DELAWARE MUTUAL Safety Instrande Co., INCORPORATED 1835: CAPITAL AND ASSETS 5901.907.51 THE INSURANCE COMPANY Of'North- America, OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1794. CAPITAL AND ASSETS .. ....$L219.475.19. rpRE UNDERSIGNED, as Agent for the 1. above well known Companies, will make Immo. against Ices or damage by are, either perpetually or an. nually, on property in either town or country. Marine and Inland TranamortatiOn Risks also taken. Apply personally or by letter to Harrisburg, Pa. JOHN MAEURER, RASPBERRY ALLEY BETWEEN CHESTNUT AND MULBERRY slims, HAREmßusa, PA. asAESPECTFULLY informs the public thit he is located at the above mentioned place and and he commenced the WOOL DYEING and CARPET WPAY DIG BUsINEES in all its various branches. He is -pro. pared to fill all orders at the shortest notice, and will guaran lee general satisfaction. His prices VD be reasonable. Having carried on the business for many years in Germany, and over two years here, and also baying had an extended experience in this country, he is fully corn to execute all work entrusted to him, and hopes to receive a reasonable share of custom from his fellow citizens. M-.& general assortment et Carpets are always kept en band and will be sold at the lowiet rate. n0v21.604md . . . JUST RECEIVED. 4LA'RGE STOCK of SCOTCH A TiP44 BROWN STOUT and LormcWoßnat. - Ode at the lowest rate s by •- : -441. .. . , . loktr it'gßapol, • ..., illebital BOERHAVE'S 8.440.11:11 Di elfin* XANII7/kOTTIRING 311EC)F.F.ELT 7 g3 Stistellcmtons ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW ! STILL SOMETHING WHICH HAS STOOD 100:11:41111*1110)*VEVIIVIIIiiitifiii =1 MORE AND MORE POPULAR EVERY DAY 133 PROF. WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE. I= OTHERS SAY OF IT, A. Disunsubhed St. Louis Physician Writes Sr. Loma, J aly 10, 1880. 0..1. WOOD, Esq.: Dear Sir : Hew me the pleasure and satisfaction to transmit to you the beneficial effects of your Hair Restorative, after a trial of five years. commenced using your Restorative in January, 1866, since which time I have not been without a bottle on hand. When I commenced the use, my hair was quite thin, and at least one-third gray. A few applications stopped its turning, and in three weeks time there was not a gray hair to be noticed, neither has there been up to this time. After my hair was completely restored, 'continued Its use-by applying two or three times per month. My hair bas-ever c ntinued healthy, soft and glossy, and, my eralp perfectly free front dandruff. I do not imagine the fa As above nuntioned will he of any particular advan tage to you, or even flatter your vanity at this late day, as I am well aware they are all known already and even more wonderful ones throughout the Union. I have oc. copied my time in traveling the s rester p .rt of the time tho past three Years. and have taken pnde and pleasure In recommending. your Bretwative, and exhibiting its effects in my own case. In several Instances I have met with people that, have pronounced it a-humbug; saying they have used It and without effect. In every instance, however, It provel, by probing the matter. that they had not used your article at all, but bad uted some new article said to be as good as yours, and selling at about half the price. I have noticed two or three articles my self advertised as above, which I have no doubt are humbugs. It is astonishing that people will patronise an article of no reputation, when there is one at band that has been proved beyond a doubt. Apparently some of those charitans have not brains enough to write an advertisement, as I notice they have copied yours word, for word In several instances, merely inserting some other name In place of yours. I have, within the past five years, seen and talked with more than two thousand persons that have used your preparation with perfect success—some fbr baldness gray hair, scald head dandruff, and every disease the scalp and head are su bject to. I caned to see you personally at your original place of business here, bat learned you were now living in New York. You are at liberty to publish this or refer parties to me. Any counnunicaUon addressed to me, ears box No. 1,920, will be promptly answered. Yours, truly, JAMES WHITE, M. D. Want Grannie, Perry Co., Pa., Jove 7,1860. Prof. WOOD, Dear Sin—l was induced more than year ago to try yoor valuable Hair Restorative for the purpose of cleansing my header dandruff.,l had suffered with it upon my head for years, and had nver been able to get anything to do me any good in removing It, al though I bad tried many preparations, until I saw your advertisement in a Harrisburg paper. Being there at the time, I called at Gross & Kunkle's drug store, and bought a bottle, and now am prepared to recommend It to universal use, for It has completely removedall den& ruff from my head, and an application once in two weeks keeps it free from any Belting or other ruapleaaantness.— I must also state that my hair bad become quite white In places, and, by the use of your preparation, has been restored to its original color. lam now 60 years of age, and although I have used two bottles of the Bestondive, no one has any knowledge of it, as I allow a few gray hairs to remain In order to have my appearance com port with my age. My head is now of less trouble to me In keeping It. clean ; do., than at any time since I have been a child. I consider your preparation of great value, and, although I do not like to expose' myself, I consider it my duty to do so. You can use this or any part of it is any shape you think proper, if It it worth any thing to you. Yours do., l i i H. EFrER. Ittocumenter, Ind., July 80,1859. Deaß Put : I here send you a statement that I think you are entitled to the benefit of. I am a reddest of Bloomington and hive been here Or over thirty years. lam now over fifty years of age. For about twenty years Past my hair has berm tensing eosudderably gray, and was almost entirely white and very stiff and nupilant. I had seen a number of certificates of the very wonderful abet of your Hair Restorative but supposed there was more fiction than truth in them: bat entertaining a strong desire to have my hair, tt possible, restored to its °de- ItaLoolor and fineness, u it was in my younger days a beautiful black, I concluded I would make the experi ment commencing in a small way. I purchased one of your small bottles, at one dollar, and commenced wing, fitllowldg'direotions as nearly as I could. I soon discov ered the dandruff removed, and my hair, that was failing off in large quantities, was considerably tightened, and a radical change taking place hi the color. I have con tin uedlo tuse It, till I have used three of your Small bottles and just begun on the fourth. I have now as pretty a head of dark brown, orlight black hair as any man, or as I had in my you th nl days, when a boy in the Mlle of Western Virginia. My head is entirely clear of dandruff, and the hair ceased entirely falling off and is as soft and fine, and feels' at oily, as though was just from the hinds eta French ehampooner. Many of my acqedatan ceafrequently say to me "Butler, where dldyou get that fine wig I" l tell them It was the effect of your Restora tive. It is almost impossible to convince then that it is the original hair of the same old gray head. TOM, truly, FREDERICK T. BUTLER, Bloomington, Monroe Co., Ind. WOOD'S HAM BISTORATirra has acquired a reputatiot from actual test and exPeriment which clarinet be . en. hanced by newspaper purrs. -In our vicinity it has been extensively used,and we believe in every case with every desired result, and received the universal endorsement of all who have tried it. Welherefore recommend it as one orthose few nostrum; which accomplishes at it profess es and all the bald and gray amid desire.—Odumbis PROP. Woon's Ham Rusroxsivria—ln another column will be found an advertisement of this well lroown and excellent preparation for restoring gray hair to its Orig., naloolor, The Hair Restorative also cures cutaneous eruptions, and prevents the hair falling oft We have seen may authentic tedUmozitals in proof of these asser- dons Bement - which are from gentlemen whom "we have known for many years as persons of the most reliable @bander, Don I dye till you 'lave tried this Restorative. Bruton Woe Brunch. WOOD'S Ham MlSTozatrni.—We are not in the habit of pulling every new discovery, fir in nine naSes.o4t of ten they are quack nostrums, but we take great pleasure In recommending Professor Wood's article to all crtiosehair la falling or or turning gray. Our we ll known contribu tor, Finley Johnson, EA., has experienced the benefitet its applleation, andJolns with us In speaking of its .virtnea. Let all try it, and bald heads will ~be as raremkottew in summer.—Baltimore Patriot. . Wooo's Ham Horroaanne.•;--17nlike most specifics, this is preVed, by unimpeachable evidim ay tb poeseas gr eat aim* as a restorer of the:hair to priAlue vigor. Where the head bad become almost bald because of sickness, the use, of this article has predneed a beautiful growth or thick, glossy hair. It is therefore a valuable prepare,. hoe fbr all classes. Its ingredieuMere each as to (Meta ally eradicates dandrun and other impurities, which operate so injurimmly to the, hair. It also has curative properilee of. smother descrietbm. In many cased piad plei and other disegurementsof the skiiidinappear who ever it lensed. There is no hazard attaching to the trial of his remedy, arid its erects man only _ be beneficial, as the compound if It does not ovum a =ldlest improve; mem, is incapable of doing harm, as its component eta; monis are perfectly innommue.---.Bbston Transcript, Apra 22,1859. A Gamin floolt.—ln our capacity as conductor of a public Journal,,we are called upon to advertise thp cure ails of the day each of which claims to be , unadulterated in its compos ition and infallible in its curative effects, with what justice we leave our readers to determine. In one instance, however—prof. Wood's Hair Restorative we are so well assured of the notable (militia' of the article, that we give it our indorsement as all that Its In venter and vender claim it to be, Its effect hpou a falling head of hair is universally known to be magical. Lige• lithe or guano eta exhausted land, It bringsitsorop wher ever applied. our ow* thatch Is fortunately very heal thy, but we' advise Our friends with spiraoky-grewleg hair to try the R estorative. — CoituuKs SPY. ALL Hurt Dnes Murnsmmu—Word's Great Artiste has Aiken the Reld.—Professor Wood stands on an eminence no chemist, whose attention has beenturned to inventing a bair tonic, has ever before reached. ins fame is sud den but world-wide, and thousands who hive worn wigs or been bald for, years are 1:10W, through the use of his preparation, Wearing their eivn natural and lexurlint held covering. • So much hirchenidatry, the 'ehernistO of human life, and the laws which apply to tbefunctions or the systetn. • Prof. Weed studied out the human hair, its character, its properties and diseases, and how to` e . the dOdaying vitality to that ornamenf; be saw, as in'his elm case; that gray hair ' unnatural unless the age of the individual has Mar,hid, four score, and he be lieved that the hair could be naturally revitalized. He tripd , his own case—alnico, bald and quite gray, at the lige ortbirty-seven—ho restored hid own hair in color, itreagt,ls and 14 silence, and. the article 'did it with he-intee to the *Wirt (let WOOD'S. Hair Ramose -1117!, slid gake ggitthka Asecrifelo Tork Day Book, picPors 4 . 41! ihmwts:tar, Piz Yak, I t Iw. 14 .;_estitiogozi,brlOD.:Gol?Mti & /RP '4q11.! Altbital DR . JOHNSON, 13-etklaT'IlltICCOEL3ll LOCK HOSPITAL HAS discovered the most certain, speedy and effectual remedy in the world for DLSFA. FE OF IMPRUDENCE. sum IN NIX 70 TWEINN BOONS. No Mercury or Noxious Drugs Iw-A COQ[ WARRANTED, oR (O Oulu; IN PROM Oxi TO Two DAYB.IiAI Weakness of the Baser or Limbs, Strictures, Pains In tho Loins, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Ornio Weakness, Nervous Debility, Decay of thePhyslcal Pow ers, Dyspepsia, tangoes, Low Splsita, Confusion of Ideas, rail nation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight er Giddiness, Disease of the Stomach, Affections of the Head, Throat, Mt im or Bilm—those terrible didor dem arising from the indiscretion or Solitary Habits or Youth—thole dreadhat and destructive practises which produce constitutional debility, render marriage impas sible, and destroy both body and mind. YOUNG MEN, Young men especially Who have become the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the meat exalted talent and brilliant who might .otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eh:vine% or waked to ec tasy the living lyres, may cell with fell confidence. Ps Married persons, or those contemplating marriage, be ing aware of physical weakness, shouldlmmediatell oft' suit Dr. .14 and be restored to perfect health. . ORGANIC WELKNIES Immediately cared assdfdt vigor retard Ile who planes hilrolf under the care of Dr. J., may religiously confidein his honor as a gentleman, and can, lidently rely upon his skill as a physician. 'eparDffice Ivo. 7 :tooth Frederick 'trust, Baltimore, Md., on the left hand aide going from Baltimore street, 7 doors from the corner. Be particular in obsetriring the name or number, or you will mistake the place. Be par ticular for !prior . 27rplitig Qmlcks, with false namm, or Paltry Ittnabag , attracted by the repute tion of Dr. Johnson, lur near. AB lettere must contain a Postage Stamp, to use on the DR. JOHNSTON Dr. Johnson member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, graduate from one of th e meet eminent Milers of the United States, sad the greatest Tart of whose life bag been spent in the Hospitals of London, Paris, Phila delphia and elsewhere, bur effectelseme of the most as- Welshing cares that Were ever known. Many troubled with ringing in the ears and head when asleep, groat net' vousueek being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attendedeometimes with derange ment of mind were cured immediately, ,TAII PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who having Witted there selves by private and Improper indulgenclee, that secret and solitary habit which ruins both body and mind, un fitting them Stir either hustnessor Moiety. These are some of the sad and melancholy abets pro duced by early habits of youth, viz Weakness of the Back and Webs, Pains in the Mead, Dimness of Sight, Lass of Muscular Power, Pamltattou 9f the Heart, Dys pepsia, Nervous Irritability Derangement of the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of ,Conantnp- Son, &o. MENTALLY lidearrau.v, the fearful effects on the mind aro mush to be dreaded :--Lam of Memory, Conftsdon of Ideas, De pression or spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion toskele ty, Self-distrust, Love otSoMade, /Se., are some of the evil effects. , Thousand; or persons or all arm, can now Judge wind Is the cause'of their decline In health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, vale, nervous and emaciated,, have , a singular appearance about the eyes, cough, 'and symp ma of consumption. • YOUNG MEN who have injured themselves by a certain practice, In du/yed in when alone--a habit frequently learned from aril,mmpantons, or at school, the affects of which an rightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, renders marriage Impassible, and destroys bdth mind and body, should apply immediately. What "a pity that a young man, the hopes of his coun try, the Wiled of his parents, shoots be snatched trom all - prospects and enjoyments orlifb bythe consequences of deviating from the path of nature, and indulging in a certain Secret habit. Such persons must, before contem plating MARRIAGE, effeed that a 'MIMI mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote , connubial happiness. ; Indeed wlthout these, the Journeythrough life becomes awearr pilgrimage; the t rospeot hourly darkens to the tlew;the. mind becomes shadbwid with despair, and Mied with the melancholy relliction that the happiness' of snothet he conies blighted with our own. DR. JOHNSON'S INVIGORATING REMEDY :FOR OR• GANIO WELILNIONL By this great and important remody,Tealmoss of the Organs are IsPeodity cured, and full vigiir pistored. Thousands of the most . ZlOnVitB shedebnitlied bad lost all hope, have been bamedletely, relieve& , All Impediments to Marriage, Physical - I:1i' Mental Disltuallit.: nation, - Nervous , Trembling, Weaknosslor Rams* or the moat fearibl kind, vocally cured. TO RAN GRRB . The many thousands cured at this hnillutlon within fried last twelve years, and the numerous important lhirgical operations porfOrmed by Dr. J., witnessed by the 'To- Porters of the lapera, and mar other persons, nOthiee of which have app e ar ed.again an again before the pnblki; haulm his standing as a mamas 'tir amender aro! re. apearatility, is a aufacient guarantee to the Mated. DISEASES OF IMPRDDMICZ—Virtien the misguided' and imprudent votary of pleasure ands he has Imbibed the seeds of this painful disease it too often happens that an ill.timed sense of shame or tread of discovery deters' It4ht Piro applying to these Who . , fr om edOCatiOn 'attire spectaollity can alone befriend nim, delaying till the con stitutionilionplonis of this horrid Menke Snake their appearance, affecting the head, throat, nose, skin, ant i , progressing On with frightful rapidity, till death puts a period to his dreadful *offerings hf sendibf him to othat bourne from wbeoce no traveler retqrns. It la a mei. socholy fact that-thotottinds tall victims to this ; terrible disease, owing to the cussitlittilnema of ignoraotpretend ere, who, by the use of that dw4rpoimn feereury, ruin the cons ti tution and Mate the roddite Of life Mitierable, To Sramomar.—The Doctor's Diplomas hang in his Mir Letters Must contain a Stamp tote en the reply Nit - Remedies Bent by Mall. so-No. .7 South Frederick street, Baltimore.. aprl.3.dAwly TEETHINic .................___„,, MRS. WwSLOW, An experienceii . Norse and Isms.% Physician s presents to the attention of mothers her SOOTHING SYRUP, For Children Teeth, which greatly faoWtatee the prams of teetldng by soft e*ngthe gurna, reducing all Mtharnation—wgi allay ALL PADI, and ipariModic - action, and to SURF; W'REGULATE THE BOWELS. Depend upon it, maniere; it will give rest t o - AND, ;: , InMi AND BfALTII TO YOUR MANTEL Be have put up and mild this ayncilalbe over ten ara, and can my, in munmican Ant mann, what we have never been able to My of any other medlatne-.. NEVER BAB IT FAILEID, A - M4OLN DISTANCE TO likirßOß CURE, when timely need. .Never didi we know an instanced dimatbsfaction by anyone who used it. On.the centrum, an are deliglited with Its wan,. Ilona, and spa* In terms of hldhelt 'cominendation'of Its magical • Weida "and medical virtual. We .peak lip Ude matter "VIM we no anew, alter ten yMraPimpe. rience, AND TLIDINI one RIDERANNur"OI ZOD 117 union OP WAN wn traa =MARL In"iltnoat every Imams where tho infant ta ennui:giblet' Pale mad evhaemton, re lief will be found _Mafia= or twenty minutes after the syrup la cdcllclatiged• Thin vantahla sliralion_tur f pton of one of the 'molt Wi • OID NURSES in New England , and has been via maxima • THREANDS OE It not only , rMleveelhe child from 'pain, but Invlg mom the • stomach and bowele, • oorreets addil end • g i ves tone and energy to the 'whole apt". It • al. post blatantly relieve WHIM IN THE BOWELS, AND WIND COl2O, an ove come couvubdons, which if 'not 'rem& • died, end m death. We believe it the sum 'an •Crobset mots= nr» wosw, in all , cane of TiTagnigY•A.ND DIARRERE4 CHOLDIITH, whether it RIME tram teething or from any saffering from o wourd i y m7rcheclt an for egptinta— no Nor to punbAtME THE mango. echo. and pi MVe Mi iggo. Mond bet Ween you and your sd E—.4ffiti• BOLDTELY SURE_to Tolle* theyjp he AB ft m ess - dedg. ft timely used. Full diuca Ibrlaluhwillaetsbi=jpit each bottle. None genuine unless % Moidadie CIIDELIB PIREINE,New Yorkle `r. cm*, elds. 4101 d 'mapper% by Druggists throughout tip Priattpal Mae, No. 18 Dedirll.;lloldrt. ' ' ourg l l4:llrW. tiftbrp N Ill'Efiket • • Sale 4. - liares bilk se .atmaitatik , « ' 7 Viireitt 44lOrittlirthilamkNA . - • ITlisreilanfone UDOLPHO WOLFE' .49..X1.071dE ALTIC SCHIEDMI SCIINAPI), A SUPERLATIVE TONIC, DIURETIC, ANTI DANYDSPEPTIC INVIGORATING CORDIAL . To the Citizens of New Jertv Pennrivaniai apothecaries, Druggists. Grocer,. 4.,,t Private Wolfe's Pure Cognac Brandy . Wolfe's Pure !Naderla, Sherry Find P n , t Wine. Wollia's Pure Janinuca and St. r'roix Ruin Wolfe's Pure Scotch and Trial, . ALL IN BOTTLEN. I beg leave to call the attention of tae United States to the above Wurs and I.lqt by Udelobo Wolfe, of New York, we..„ Bar in every part of this eount:y for the p , celebrated Scommant Sortsarra. Yr. W, tfe. i, !d. to me, speaking of the purity of his WINIV aaf j says : "I will stake my repetition u a em,, Mir MR a merchant of thirty years' reirdirni, in of Now York, that all the BRANDY and WiND. tv bottle are pure as Imported, and of the to - et qu can be relied upon by every purchaser." err; has the proprietor's name on the wax, and 1 of his signature on the certittatte. The p i• specUtilly invited to call and examine for For sale at Retail by all Apothecarlie au . • , Yblladelptita. GNOME M. A l[ll No. 832 Market Fi , , Fhilaa il.: t Solo Agent for Pln;ad, • Read the following from the New York C n ;Nemo= Drumm root Ona New YORK We are happy to inform our tel ow-editions that one place to our city where the physktaa. avel 1 , and country merchant, Pa go and parches. , i ,, .r and Liquors, as pure as Imported, and of the We do not intend to give an elaborate meralhant,* extensive Dulness, although a ad. , r pay any stranger or citizen to visit Udolpho u", , ; teadve Warehouse, Nos. 18. :0 and Berrer and Nos. 11, 19 and 21, Varkettleld street H,..; . 1 ,. Schnapps on band ready for alignment could n. been leas than thirty thousand asses; the 8raz..11.. F ten thousand cases —. Vintages of 1838 to IStn thousand cases of Madeira, Sherry and Pert IV Scotch and Irish Whisky, Jamaica and Et. Crux some very old and equal to any In this country. bad three large cellars, filled with Brands., casks, under Custom-House key, ready for butt :4 II ! Wolkis sales Of bohnappt last year announvi u. hundred and eighty thousand dozen, and we 11 , 7.• than two years he may be equally successful Erma!' and Wines. nta business merits the patronage of every lover 01 species. Private fainlihne who with pure if ulquora Orr medical ase shank' send their Ord,N, to Mr. Wolfe, until every Apothecary in the len". rr o op their minds to discard the polsonoce emir from IL,r shelves, and replace it with Wolfe's pure Wiy.:4 .L! DUMB. We understand htr. Wolfe, for the accummo.luu-u small dealers In the country, puts up assorted ca-N Wluee and Liquors. Such a man, and such a roe , 111 should be sustained against his tens of thmsano.: potions is the United States, who sell nothing hut lions, rnbsous ink. to health and human har,:, pepe.o..vAtlim 0. K. Keller, 91 Market street, pole agent forth 4 DES IRABLE MOURNING GOODS Black and Purple All Wool Figured Meriao- , , Plain Black English Velone Reps. Black and Purple TAMIZe Gloths,Sllk and a*,,L Plain All Wool Cashmeres and Mauro. Black and Gray Worsted Poplins. . Black and White All Wool Detainer. Black and Purple Figured Cashmer Lupin's Best Bombazines. Stiparlor Black Unties. Lupin's Extra Alpacess. Neat Style Striped 80.. Ir, Emeline Style P..r.n 61-4 All WWI el taws English Chud - Madonna Plain Not atri -,/DINNIMIR PLAIN BLACK ENO. REP. NOIJRNING , 40 ELAM AND Werra do d • 41a Ptrani AND BLUM do do PERNA OLdiefi New and Des ir,bl3 every article a the different Mode or 130003 in the BLAOd. and SEta:l24l MOLT line. Selected from the very beet makers. Lu i F o ln's=7ro TiLlbbet Flarr, Black french Blanket Shawls, 2d Mourning French Blanket Lanz zobawis 24 Mourning French Blanket Squire do English Crepe Veils, (every rize), Grenadine Vella, (every size), English Crepes, French Crei 'SHROUDING CASH - KKR SHROUDING FLANNELS, BLACK GAIINTLEITS, all kinds, BLACK GLOVM„t all kinds, BLACK BORDUEO HANDKERCHIEF , . (all kinds). BLACK BOIRERY. (all kinds). SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF COLLARS, PLAIN BLACK RIBBONS. An inspection erotic stook will convince a 'CATHCART & BROTHER, n 27 Next to the Harrisburg Bar. Dyspepsia Remedy DR DARIUS HAM'S AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT. This Medicine has been used by this public for sac van. with Weer ' favor. it reoo9rulnended to ease DiADOP!* are-Dll7lk agic Ron+. wina in the Stomach, or Its ruin the Bowe Headache, Drowsiness, /Miner Com plaints, Low epttita D tireless Tremens, intemperauce. nrotives, kamikaze, I v • . . Ina rev Drammen on gal A MEDICINE it in quick anti eflectu al, curiae the mad aggravating case 0 PyaPer, I. dneyCMlNPlab litt and all other derange eel , 1 btomach and Bowen, in a speedy manner. It will Instantly revive the MOH meta. c ly ar, drooping s th pirits, and restore the weak, nervous •ly to heal, strength and vigor. Persons who, from the injudicious use of liquorg, her keaome and their nervous systems shatter , .:. conitiftdiona broken down, and subject to that hcrr curse-tie humanity, the Thum.' Tama,„,, will , ~,r zo Ft immediately, feel the happy and healthy invprat.r , : efficacy of Dr. Ram's Invigorating SWIM.. WHAT IT WILL DO. Dons.—One wine glass toll me often as necessary One dose will remove all Bad Bpiritsl, One dose will sure Heart-burn. Three doses will cure Indigestion. One date will give you a Good Appetite. One dose will stop the dietresilog pains Or Dlspe,g: , One acee will ranove the distressing and dLiacr , , ,, t , effects of Wind or Flatulence, and as soon as the toalact. receives the Invigorating Spirit, the distressing ,old all mallet feeling' will be removed. One dose will remove the most distressing pal es either in the stomach or bowels. d few doses win removed! obstructions in the iikfues" Bladder or Urinary Organs, Persons who are seriously afflicted with any g Complaints' are ensured speedy relict by a dose cr and a radical cure by the use of one or two bottles. NIGHTLY DISSIPATION. Persons who, from diesipating too much over night, at , feel the evil antra poisonous liquors, in violent head aches; sthimeas at stomach, weakness, giddinesi, s. will bid one dose will remove all bad feelings. Ladies of weak and sickly constitutions, should ha , ' tr.: Invigoralangtiptrit three times ' a dal ;It will make eating, heaithy and happy, remove all obs!rueu ° ' irregulsoidee from the menstrual organs, and rester(' I- , bIWID. "'health "d heed 47 to careworn face. Dating eY It WI be found an invaluable nic , l• c `" . "reeve ditagreeeible sensations at the E:0153M-r , All .the progekttor asks Is a trial, and to induce thL3• t , has put up the Invigorating Ipirit in pint betties, twnte, quarts SL General Depot, Water street., N. Y. - Wholeital±t Agent, Philadelphia, D. yOTT, 0 - • ar,! s for Saki in Zarrbberg 'by a .11. Bannra`rt, 1). W. co. and Q R. Keller, and by alt Druggists everyata Jel4-dirwiy _PROF. ADOLPH P. TEUPSEL NuOULD respectfully inform hie Old patrons and tne public generally, that ha 01 ,4' eto give instrucigons on the PIANO FORTE. ll' LODEON__ VIOLIN and also in the science of TIIOVE GH RAM. lie yin ieth pleasure wait upon pupils at thou homes at any hour desired, e e m oor , w ill b e g iro at his residence, in Third street, a few doors b 6.1. 7 ,1; IL' German Reibinied Church. dOcls-ur AUGILSTINE L. CHAYNE. OARPENZER. AND EIBIDEIL /4,lkkoce Na 27. Setand ,geed. 5 4 3— ' 1 9V 3 4T0,, ATTENDED TO MIE ATM, ACT