THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, (KINPAY.9 EXCEPTEP,) BY GEORGE BERGNER & CO. Braiscourrlos. The Daily TILKORAFII is served to subscribers in the 'trough at cents per week. Yearly subscribers ill be charged $4.00. WWII' AND :=VIII•WIMILLY TILIGAAPIL The im.mutsen is also published twice a week during ne session fthe Legislature and weekly during the re mainder of the year, and furnished to subscribers at the .01Mwing rites, via: SlOrle SOCCribtOre per year 2.00 t 4 F•rc , n 12.00 fen 0 16.00 Tilt 1../.1/ 04 NICWSPAMEL sebseribers order the discontinuance of their news .) trere, the publisher may continue to send them until VI a rrelrages are paid. Ii subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newepa ,ers from the office to which they are directed, they are responsible until they hoc^ settled the bills and ordered them discontinued illebica SANFO LIVER INVII NEVER DEB TT is compounded and has become an establii clop, known and approvcd;.; and Is now resorted to M+ diseases for which it is re ,l lo It has cured thousands,F.4 who had given up all hopes unsolicited certificntos i nlet The dose must be adapt-% the Individual taking lt,and4o to act gently on the bowels. Let the dictates of your; age or the LIVES INVIGO-0 1.4 Lives COMPLAINTS, BILLIOTIO ainls.issnoes, Solemn Cox- eorK &comma, RAIUT4 CHOLTRA MORHOS, UHOUTRA I JACNVICI, FINALS WMAIC-1 SUoCenqUlly (IS so °SPINA- C 4 will cure SICK fIEADACEIE'm TWENTY MINIMA IP TWO r RN at commencement of , p ALL ARO ERVT Aka OP7 tit ;• vor IFS az- fills Water in the mouth with the in viworii tor, and swallow both together. MCI ONIII DOLLAR TER BOTTLE• .--ALSO- SANFORD'S• FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS CO4II'OIINDED FROM PURE VEGETABLE EXTRACTS, AND PIT UP IN GLASS CASES, AIR TIGHT, AND WILL KEEP IN ANY CLIMATE. Thc FAMILY CATHAR- • active Cathartic which the practice constantly more than tty The l nccr ean, la have long used the PILLS:I.4 all express in regard to 114 to place them within the eL, The Profession well know "'" on diflorent portions of the , The FAMILY OATH AH. tier ferenco to this well °stab. 11 ded from a variety of the which act alike on every nal, and are good and tare ildd thartie is needed, snob %s Sleepiness, Pains in the —1 Pain and Soreness overt so pl or weight in the head, all Worms in Children or Ad- „, Purifier of the Blood, and Al flesh is heir, too numerous "• 1 Moment. Doss, Ito 8. 0 PRICE 80 CENT'S. Tna Liven INVIGORATOR AND Fammt CATn.►B I 0 Pius are retailed b,Droggists generally,and sold wholesale by the Trade in all the large towns S. T. W. SANFORD, M. D., Manufacturer and Proprietoi je2o-daswyi] 835 Broadway, New York. JOHN B. SMITH'S BOOT & SHOE STORE , CORNER SECOND AND WALNUT STS., Harrisburg, Pa. ALWAYS on hand a large assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, am., of the very beat tolditios for ladles, gentlemen, and children , wear.— Prices to suit the times. All kinds of WORK MADE TO ORDER In the best style by superior workmen REPAIRING done pt short notice. 0,.118-dtf JOHN B. SMITH, Harrisburg. GREAT RED I I •:1 [4: WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES, WITH r - NEW IMPROVEMENTS AT REDUCED PRICES. T HE WHEELER & WILSON Manufac turing Company having gained tat their suits at law, with infringing manufacturers of Sowing Machines, ' propose that the public should be benefited thereby, and hare accordingly reduced the prices of their Sewing Machined. After this data they will be sold at rates that will pay a fair profit on the cost of manufacture, capital Invested, and expense of making sales such prices 8 Will enable them to make Brat class machines, and, its her, guarantee them in every particular. In accordance with the announcement above I will sell their splendid Sewing Machines at prices from 346 to $9O for the fine full case machines. It is a well estab lished fact that the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine In the best one In the market, the best made, most smile and least liable to get out of order, and they are now as low as the inferior machines. Call and see them a Third and Harket. del-em W. 0. HICKOK, agent. ALBUMS! ALBUMS!! The finest assortment of ALBUMS ever offered in this eity, ranging in price from 60 cents to $lO 00 each, bound in all styles of Binding, at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, 51 Mark Street. 12nnt THE ATTENTION OF MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATURE AND STRANGERS • visiting the City is called to the tersest and dnest as. pertinent of Letter, Note and Cap Papers, Envelopes, Pens and fielders, Ink, Inkstands, Pencils, Writing Sand, Sand Boxes, Blotting Board, and a variety of all kinds of STATIONERY; which for price 111.1 d quality cannot be excelled, at BERGNER'S 013K4P BOOKSTORE, de29 41 Market Street. H. L. GODBOLD, pRACTIOAL Tuner and Repairer of Pianos, Melodeons, Ito., Ac . will receive orders In tame at WM. KNOCHE'S Music tore, 92 Market street Ail orders left at the above named place, or at the Buehler House, will meet with prompt attention. tint class PIANOS for sale. seplB-dly Z 1" 311111ii'Cr FAMILY DRUG STORE. 111IIE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED a Wholesale and Retail Drug and Prescription Store. In the Iron Front Bulb:dug, No. 128 Market street, lately occupied by Mr. Eby, wehre an be found an coil renew stock of Fresh and Pure Drugs Perfumery, Soaps .COAL 014 COAL OIL LAMPS, Burning Fluid, Ale (I°l Patent Medicines, Stationery, Fancy Articles, &0., ate. We have the agency for the sale of Kline's Celebrated Arti ficial Teeth, to kbleh we would Invite the attention of Dentistn. By strict attention to business, and desire to please, we respectfully ask a share of Public Patronag Ml e. MI W. N. 11.—PTIme Havana Segall and Tobacco militantly on hand. apre-dly CITY LIVERY BILABLEs BLACKBERRY Azasr, Ira T. F .A, REAR OF • HERZ HOTIZ. THE undersigned has recommenced the livery business in hie NEW and SPACIOUS STA BLES, located as above, with a largerand 'varied stock CARRIAGES and OMNIBUSES, which he wit hire at moderate rates. F. K. SWARTZ, Rep2B.dly lIAVANA CIGARS A doe assortment, comprising FIGARO, Fins FLY, FAAGICZANA, sznynts, LA Ihnr, Li Bizarre, Bei; Gamow. Of all sizes and qualitles;lo quarter; oaatlfth and One. tAatb boxes, just received and loess]. /oti by JOHN -albeit; laoBo TeMarket !Street • / VI • ....,_ ..(N \A_ I th,L 11,.. C l - , ... _ . 1 Vic - T - 4+e '... -- 7:_-• . ''. E.: „ ' ' , g yit 4Cill.t, ' v " , ' -- .,-- i - , -,? e 7w, " :. !G,,,...... -1, t . a _ , _ ...„..„.„.., __.__ VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE, THE UNDERSIGNED will sell at private sale his valuable real estate, situate near 'angles town, Lower Poston townobip, Dauphin county, contain uig Savaamr-Fivn ACRES MORS OR sass. The land is well improved, with a good FRAME ---,/ ' DWELLING LIDLISE, frame Barn and other no 1.4 cessary out-buildings thereon erected. A wi• dow's dower, amounting to $1,600, remain on - . 0 preportY until bet' death. Persons desiring to purchase, can obtain an the re quired information from the undersigned, who resides on the property. — CLEMENT B. CARE. n ov7.wi f RD'S GORATOR ILITATES :ntirely from Gums, shed tact a standard tdedl• thy all 11:nl have used with emilicleaen in all the Commended. within the last two YtiaTl of relief, as the numerotal my possession show. ied to the temperantent of 'used In anon quantities sr lodgment guide you in th ttAMR, and it will mire ATTACKS, DYSPEPSLOKROX. ?Lome, Ressromy, DROP. 041 Commas, Cuouc, Lemont, FL a To tuxes, assos, and may be used RV FAMILY IfIXDICISI. II (as thousands can tastily) OR TORII TIASPOONSTPULIL 111 attack. BUEHLER HOUSE, MARKET SQUARE, HARRISBURG, PENN'A. GEO. J. BOLTON, PROPRIETOR. lola their teetimoni i IN The ab eye well known and long established Hotel is now undergoing a thorough renovation, and being in a great degree - newly , furnished, under the proprietorship of Mr. Gamma J. Boum, who has been an inmate of the bonne for the last three years, and 18 well known to is mate. Thankful for the liberal patronage which it has en oyed„ coma:mod Mr. Bolton to the ppublic Tor. pea wtfl da • WILLIAM •B CANDLES! PARAFFINE CANDLES, SPERM CANDLES ADAMANTINE CANDLES, STEARINE CANDLES, STAR CANDLES, CHEMICAL SPERM CANDLES, TALLOW CANDLES. A large lot of the above In store and at the low est prices by WM. DOCK JR. & CO., jan2 Opposite the Court Roue. TIC PILL is a gentle be proprietor has used In hi years, ing demand from those who and the satisfaction w4lob their use, bas inducarme reach of all. that different CatharUea as bowels. THE ATTENTION OF GENTLEMEN le solicited to our very large assortment of USIMIRMINCII AND Daawmts of every also and quality, Gams' Jouvm Km Gwyn, best article manufactured. All the different kinds of WIN= GLovzs. Largest assortment of Heston In the city. CRLVATS, SMninumna, Emenassoinass, Ready Hemmed. And everything in Gents' wear, at TIC PILL has, with due re• limbed fad, been compoon purest. Vegetable Entracte, part of the alimentary Ca in all eases where a ca- Derangements of Bionsaels, Bark and Loins, Coalman* body,Badimmess, Headache lafiammalory Diseases, tate, Rheum:Went, a great many diseases to which to mention in this a Ivor. Jan 24 CHAMPAGNE- NINES. Duo Dia Iderrranzrze i Hianerrott & On. Cuanza HEW GUEILIR &Co, • AFICHOR—Sauey M01:180102, , EPAREMI .11ittlinttlity MIINIY & Co, arsC V MY; NYINS,AB In store and for sale by JOHN H. ZIEGLER, dl9 18 Market Street. NIL 311 MIX CI 17 8 IA • Y EAS moved his office to the National House in Market street, opposite the Poet Office.— particular and observe the name on the window.— Dr. Jones may be consulted on all diseaseit bast more particularly dleases of a private nature. Dr. JONES has cured a number of private and other diseases in this city and elsewhere, and some of them had alined given up all hopes of Kecovery, and was restored by the use of his powerful vegetable remedies. Dr. JONES often the only 'safe and certain remedy for Gonorrhea, Gloat,' Sithitnie, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, and all Detattgementa of the Stomach. This preparation wait cure Gionerrhai lit from three la five days, and can be had at any time of Dr. JONES, at his of. Ace, at One Dollar per bottle, and one bottle_bi sufficient to cure a mild case. This Is one of the worst of all diseases. Dr. JONES pledgee himself to cure Syphilis in its worst forms: This disease makes Es appearance in so many different forms, that's single plan of treatment will not reach it In all its features i so It may require different remedies, according to the nature of the case. Dr. JONES will make a writ= ten article with any one—NO CORE NO PAY I The re medies used by Dr. JONES, arepirrely'vegetable, and need no change of diet or hindrance from business. This habit of yoath is indulged in while alone, and s often learned from evil companions whan at school, and if not cured will destroy both mind , and body. Both sexes fall victims to this disease. The symptoms aro— Pain in the Head, Dimness of Sight, Ringing at the Bars, Pimples en the Face, Lees at Memory, Ilightrol Dream; at Night, Weakness in the Bsak, Pain in the Breast, and Cough, (indicative at Coninumption,) Dyspepsia, great Derangement of the Nervous Elysium, and so on till Death Puts an end to their aufforinta. To such Dr. JONES of fers a perfect restoratlor, with such mild and Balmy Juices of Herbs, that will perfectly restore the victim of this Distressing Disease. Those suffering from Colds, and Derangement or the Nervous System,- MI speedily be restored to sound health and vigor. Dr. JOMIId may be remitted at all times at his Mae, personally or by letter, describing all symptoms. AI totters mast contain a stamp to ensure answer. 66 E unity of Government, which eon s rtitptes you one imp's, is now dear to you."— Wa %tiptoe* Paresiell iddrest. A nationality is amen. tial to the enduring prooperity of oor.cotuatry. True pa, trlotisircmust arise - from knowledge. Iris only a proper UilderStanding of our civil institutions that can induce strOng end settled attadhraent, to their prindiples, and Impart ability for their maintenance. • . 44 01 JR GOVERNMENT.; An' explanatory statement of the system of Government of the - Courotry,tt contains the test of the Constitution of the; United States, and the Con 'Motional provisions of the States with their meaning and construction, o as determined by judicial om thorit y, and precedent and: practice, or_ derived from standard writers; digested and arranged for popular use Price $l.OO. Sold by M: jeg:Thifigy del . Harrisburg, it • AUDITOR'S NOTICE. bIiHE UNDERSIGNED,Anditor appointed to distribute the balance An the hands, of. Joseph a, Assignee of JOSEPH H. RAVIIIM/N, among creel , tore, will attend to the duties of hit appointment on THURSDAY, the 48th day of Fehruary a littii at 7 o'clock A. M., at his officts,, in Thad _street , Manahragt when and where all Interested nu attend it they think proper JOHN S. DMTWUJOR, fel:44W Auditor. NO CE. PETERS' MOUNTAIN TURNPIKE ROAD COMPANY',—The President and, Managers of the Peters' Mountain Turnpike Road fklmpany have this dardmilared - a divideigdof Witty Centkper shard on the capital ate* Cif"; midistmpanyi say.three% _per went Per annum, U and directed the same to be at this office of the stockholders, tile labile house.of 3. D. HOFFW, in the city of Darriebutg, to thee tockholders or their le- I gal representatives after the nth. tebe•Stwe J. 8. MEHARGUE, Treasurer. NOTICE. A IL-PERSONS are hereby notified that Cl we have this day disposed or our entire nianufack wring builnetette Mears. MILLHR & HOLLINGER, who will contlimeit saturate/We conducted"by as, at the old stand, corner of Ntiellvatill *rude ihgeets. The books of the foloiiiirbee*lgieedkEiltands,or mr.°,ft.w , llll.lolll4'JlL, titißtate street be aim= and Ebert, for settlement, and all perstine selvethldibted; awd tholes Writs dons mass us [me, yeausded to make anmedits istUtemeastitttildmlT iieetamm l > W. D. lII= ft 89N. "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS--NEUTRAL IN NONE." VOL XIV. illistellaneous CARD CATHCART'S, Neat to the Harrisburg Bank DR. D. W. ZONE®, 3IA TSBIt,='PA, 130NORIMEA. rM . M y~Il1t)4:iT?, FEMALN COMPLAINTS. address feb7 D.R. D. W. JONES, Natio=Mouse, Harrisburg, Pa. "OUR GOVERNMENT." HARRISBURG, PA., TUESDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 26, 1861. Pennsylvania Legislature. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. MONDAY, Feb. 25, 1861 The House was called to order at 3 o'clock P. M., by the SPEAKER. The Clerk read the Journal of last Friday. PETITIONS, 30., PRIM:MD. Mr. BURNS, a remonstrance of eighty-one citizentkof Allegheny county, against the enact men* of a law to prevent horses, cattle, sheep and swine from running at large in said county. • Referred to the Committee on Agriculture, &c. Mr: BLANCHARD, one from citizens of New Castle,. praying that the bill now before the Committee on Corporations, for ' the incorpoia tion of the New Castle Gas light company may contain certain restrictions. Referred to the Committee on Corporations. Also, one from citizens 'of Lawrence bounty, for a law to tax dogs. - • Referred to the Committee on Agriculture, &c. Mr. GRAHAM, one from citizens of Butler county, for the protection of fish:Slippery Bock Creek, in said county. Referred to the Committee on Agriculture.. Mr. CRAIG, a remonstrance Of citizens of Pittsburg, against the repeal . of an Act for widening Virgin alley in said city. Mr. mumra, a remonstrance from citizens of Cambria county, against incorporating com panies-for the purpose of sinking wells for oil, or erecting exclusive establishinenis for refinixig the same. Referred to the Committee on Corporations, Mr. BRILEY, one from citizens of 'Bucks county, for an alteration of the school law in regard to sending children out of one township into another. Referred to the Committee on Education. Mr. ELLIOTT, two remonstrances from citi zens of Tioga county against the passage of a law declaring the third fork, of Pine Creek, in said county, a public highway: Referred to the Committee on Roads, Bridges and Canals. Also, a petition of citizens of Pennsylvania, for a law to securepersonalliberty and to prevent the rendition of fugitive slaves. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, (general.) Mr. MOORE, two from citizens of the four lower wards of the - city of Philadelphia for a reconstruction. of said wards. • _ Referred to the Committee on Elections and Election Districts. ' ' Mr. MULLIN, one from citizens of Cambria county for the passage of a law allowing a fee in gross to each justice in cases where an order is obtained conveying a pauper to the poor how in said county. - Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary; (local.) Also, the resolutions of the Ezedutlia Com mittee of the Hi,ghland - Agriccdtnol . Society.of Cambria county, renionstiiitiiiieigginfillkpas sage of an Act relative to agriindtaral societies in the counties of Green.and Cambria. Read and laid.on the table. ,NEr. TELLER, seieraipatitlithifox the repea4 of the law taxing the New-York and Erie Bail- Referred' to the Ccanraltiee on Ways and Means. Mr: COLLINS, one from citizens of Bub3kin township, Fayette county, against the remitof the three mill tonnage tax. I ' Laid on the table. Mr. AUSTIN, one from citizens of Fulton county, praying that a State road surveyed and laid out from the Maryland line in Drake's ferry, be located. Referred to the Committee on Roads, Bridges and Canals. Mr. TELLER, one from citizens of Erie, to incorporate the Girard Cemetery, in the county: of Erie. ' Referied to the Committee on Corporations Mr. HOOD, one from inhabitants of Lame tar county, for an appropriation in aid of the sufferers in Kansas. • = - Referred to the Committee of Ways and Means. . Mr. ROMS, one from citizens of Mercer county, for the repeal of the law creating County Superintendents of Common Schools`in said county. : • • On motion of Mr. HOFIUS, the petition was ordered to tie published in 'the - .Daily Legislative Regard, as follows : - • To the Honorable the Members of the Senate and Roes. Qf Representative's of aennunoreala of •Potn .4ylvauid in Asiemblg met: The petition of the undersigned, citize4 ll of Mercer, county, respectfully, :represenk: That the office of County Superintendent of Common Schools is useless and burdenscime to your peti tioners ; that the examination .9f . tear -berg %In be effected in a much cheaper WaY by the pointment of one or two examiners in each county, requiring the applicants• for schools to pay saws "for UM examiination, which will ;thiii county S i mile' Sire of six hundred dolliti:i(aiid, 'enable us to keep our schools open hdger the year. We, therefore, claim "the right of being h.eard, with out regard to any opposition from those ;who are the recipients of our hard earnings under the law ; and it is of no avail to conceal from you:the fact that the great =mai of your con stituent; are opposed to office withits salary' imposed on them: We, .thereiore, ask for Its immediate repeal, and as in duty bound, &c: Mr. RANDALL, a remonstrance against the passage of an Act postponing the municipal election in the city of Philadelphia. On motion of Mr. RANDALL, the remon strance was ordered to be published in the Re cord, as follows: lb du Honorable Ow Members of the Senate and House of Represents fiver, of the State of Pentuyd- crania : The undersigned, citizens and , tax payers of the city l of-Philadelp y i, respectfully but earn fatly remonstrate agidn,t the paw of any law postponing the municipal election of said city to the time of the General Election in Oc tober. Ist. Because the time of service for which the present incumbents were elected, will ex pire at a designated time, which ought not to be`extended except by the vote of the people ; and their securities will be? discharged by any such legislation. 2d. Bemuse such a law is most unwise, in placing municipal matters in Subordination to national and state politics, whereas, by keeping them separate, the attention of the tax payers to the necessity of proper municipal represents lives oan•be better obtained. 81 Because the _tares and taxes of the city havei,WoraTt iiilarzejlictstien. the in terest ofitaso4aSteirO'ind: SS ithWiti 3113 "'elec tion: plmangadt malarial or AIM& ofamplbh opprosoldog rounicapol election will, tread fa:* these considerations, be much more likely to result in the selection of a better class of coun cilmen and city officers than are usually ob tained in the heat of partizan strife. 4th. Because it is in opposition to all experi ence and example thus to blend political and partisartsubjects with purely dornedic and lo cal interests ; other cities and States having, in almost eYerTinstanee, separated the, same; and such separation havAng. been foUnd to work most advantageously Tof the public good. f4ll. Because one of the principal purposes of consolidation--end-it is so enacted in the or ganic laar--was to separate Ike municipal elec tions from all others ; that thereby- a good lo cal government, so important to the welfare and interests of Philadelphia, might be more certainly secured.: For these -reasons the undemigned protest against the passage of any law changing the time of election; impairing, as it does, the, secu rities of the public, and tending to injure seri ously the good government of the city. And they . will ever pray, .Btc. Laid on the bible. ?dr. OALDWIIAL, one of like, import. laid on the.table. LFTBEtTRING, one of like import Laid on the table. • Mr. SPLIYMIt r a petition from citizens, of Philadelphia, praying for the passage of the Act erectinglpublic buildings insaid city. Laid on the table. Mr..rFl SHMIING, one of like import. laid on the table. Mr. THOMAS, one'of like import. Laid on:the table Mr. FRAMER, one from citizens of Liberty township, Susquehanna county, fora change in the place of holding elections in. said town- Referred to the Committee on Elections and Election Districts. • Hr. BOYER, one from citizens of Hamburg, Oaks: county, for the annexation of parts of Windsor township to said borough. Referred to CommitteeonNew Counties and County Seats.. • . . Alio, a remonstrance from citizens of Wind sor township against the same. Referred to Committee on;New Counties and ConutY Seat& • Mr. lOW, one from the citizens of Cumber-. land county, fora, law to authorize them to electetheir seyeral tax.collectors. : Befevred to the Committee on. the. Judiciary, .(lonal.) . • ,Mr. HECK,; one relative to. an .improved mode of lumbering and unlumbering field ordi-. Referred to the Committee on the Militia System: • • Mr. t3CEEtOCK, a remonstrance- from thir teen persons professing to be members of the German Lutheran Ohurch at Pine Hill, set county, agidustlthiy.panage of an Act an tbmising ihntrusteb 10:l *Rd kinds belong; ftg to said church. .leMoto the Cortnnitteti on Rota tes and sschelativ . • Mr. iI)I9INS, , S 'petition • from Citizens of Chi, ,rion cent*, leguiiiiting the' paw** of an Act cit it State road laid out in 1867; from Whiersbarg to l'ylersbrirg, in said county• • - ' Referred to the Committee on Roads, Bridges apd Canals: Also one from citizens of Clarion county, against the repeal of an Act, No. 419, passed seisdon of 1860, for laying out a State road from Corsica, 'Jefferson county, to Curlieville, in Clarion county. Referred to the Committee on Roads, Bridges and:Canids. • • Mr. one from citizens of Northam berland, praying,for a Change in the standard weight of oats from thirty to thirty-two pounds to the - 'Referredto the Committee on Agriculture. Also, one from the President and. Secretary of the Shamokin Valley and'Pottatille Railroad company for an sotto empower the *add compa ny to erect aline:of telegraph along their road. Referred to the Committee on Railroads. Mr BYRNE, three remonstrances numer curdy. signed, from citizens of Lnieme county, against, any division of said county. Bettered to. the' Committee on New Counties and County Beats. Alab, thirteen petitions of two hundred and fifty-ibur citizens of 'L'uzeme county, praying that the northern part of said , county maybe eirectalt into a new county to be called "Dacha- Referred to the COmmittee on New Counties and• County• Seats. • , • . Att% TRACY, one;from L. S. Case, a citizen ofHord county, praying for, the passage of a further supplement to the Act apptoved the 12th bay of April; A. D. 1859, entitled • "an Act for the assessment and recovery of damages vion4e North Branch and Wyoming, anls." Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary # 04 :414 • Also; One hum citizens of Wyalusingtownship, In 1410401:c1 county,lWaying for the passage of a . ,law,fox the taxing'of dogs in said township. • Referred to the committee on Agriculture. FRAZIER,Mr one honk citizens of sulque lutioie count , 'praying : for the. repeal of the tax " fiaixagxl upon the New York , ,Erie• Railroad Connally for the rlght of way through thls col:q -uick/IMO:4 Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means. Also, Pne from Joseph Webster, 'administra-, torto the estate of JOhn ROPaes praying for the passage of an Act authorising ',him to con- TeY• certain real estate- Referred to , the Coninittee .on Estates and Escheats. _ Also, a memorial of the New York and Erie Railroad Company asking:to ;be relieved from the payment of the $lO,OOO larunrity for the right of wayAhrongh this Commonwealth. Referred to the Committee on. Ways and Mr. ABBOT, a remonstrance of the creditors of the Bank of Pennsylvania against - thews:age °tan Aotto compel the assignees of -laid Bask to settle their accounts. Laid on the tall°. , Mr% ITIT.T.sf)W several remonstrances of: ci, tisane of Linen:Le county, against any division of said counisy.. _ Referred to the Committee on. New Counties and County /3008.. . , , -Nr. HAYES,. two petitions. from citizens:of Hartley township, Union county, relative, to roads in said township. .. . Referred to the Committee on Roads, Bridges. and Cane's. 1 1 Alec, one frOin A. Thomas, Committfw of Lewis H. Rig, a lunatic, for the.thumsge of an ena e the Court to re-ezainine the account of a forger committee. Referred to US. Committee on the .T'edictal,' i t. _. . . .. : • *% E 1,. iii RAO.) rl; MANIFO , , one from catiza o diem 4 0 township, York rusty, for a change bug. ortadlitgeleottkainsdubnalp . . -4, •• _ . ..: 1- , ,1-1‘ ....c'.) • ._, Referred to the Cowxdttee on Election Dis tricts. Also, one from 'citizens of Springfield town ship, York county, relative to the building of a chool house M said township. Referred to the Committee on Education. Mr. HUHN, one from citizens of East BrunsiTick township, Schuylkill county, play ing.for, a change in the place of holding elec tions in said township. Re.ferred, to the Committee on Election Dis tricts. TROMAS, one from citizens of Phi'add• phis, preying, for the passage of a bill , to take rom the, Supreme 'Wirt the "a " p"pointmentof member* of the 136ard of Health, , Board :of Guardkuni of the Poor t and Inspectors of, the Couiitk Prison. - • - Referred to the Commitlee'on. the Judiciary, (load.) • • Mr. HARVEY, threa petitions from citizens Iheixirougli of Chester; praying for thci re peal of that part of the - .Aet of March 14, 1860, which relates to' taxation in said borough. Laid on the table. Mr. D137F113:1M, five petitions from one hundred and seventy 0M16173 of property, and residents in the late borough of Frankfort .23d ward, Philadelphia, alking falior I& the run ning of steam oars - on the- Southwark- and Frankford Passenger Railway to its terminuiat Arra' Street. Referred to the Committee on City Passenger Railways. Mr. BRESSLEiR, one from citise,ns of Porter and Logan townships; in Clinton county; pray ing for the release of the. State tax in said , town ship to be used in the construction - of a public road. Referred to the Committee on Roads Bridges and Canals. • ' Mr. BEIFF, one from citizens of York county praying that a part of Morgan township be at tached to Carrol township, in said county: Referred to the Comutittee on New Counties and County Beata. ' • Mr. DAVIS, one from citizens of Venango, Crawford and Erie counties,:szking for the in ,corporation' of a Plank Road company from Titusville to the month of Oil Creek. Referred to the Committee on Roads, Bridges and Canals. Mr. 11.110 ADS, one from citizens of Windsor said-Perry townships, Berks county, praying.for an alteration - of the township line between said townships. Referred to the Committee on New Counties and County seats. Mr. BOYER, two petitions from citizens of Berks county, for the regnuudanent of the 10th,the Act: of, ,1,780,. fwhich pentitted onr'Sonthern friends to ' , visit Petmsylvania and Kilf 3 l4 ll ,amip.Elst I* for Mx months, with their . . Referred to the Committee on the Judichu7, .(genersl.) Also, a remonstawmAgainst the , supplement Ito the ( cluqter Ag,the eipy: of Rpapig, - 11. o w. be- Laid onSthe table. oraskir,lazsomp ricer . Mr. BARNSLEY Submitted the following : Resolved, :That 4,000 copies of tliiirashington's Farewell Address. togethel with the oration of Senator'BalMen 'and the speeches -of 'Messrs. Palmer,, Davis and Lincoln, delivered in -this hidronTriaay th'e . 2nd inst., be printed for the use of this House. . Mr. WILSOM . moped to:amend by providing that the Farewell Addrsmi be printed sepa The amendment was not. agreed to. Mr. GORDON moved to amend by striking out "5,000" . andAnsorting " 10,000.' Mr. BREWSTER moved to amend the amend ment by striking out "10,000" and inserting " 15 000 ' • The amendment to - the amendment was agreed to ; and. 1 The resolution as amended was adopted. Mr. HECK submittid thefollowing - Evolved, That 8;000 copies of •the - reports of the Trustees and Superintendents of the Perm- Olvania State Lunatic Hospital; be printed for the use of this House. -- The resolution was agreed to. THE FAXEN& IN, HAHELE The Deputy Seeretary of the Commonwealth being introduced, presented a message from the ,Govenior - enclosing certain documents - relative :to the flu:4We ill'lcAoStut,:whicil were read, and Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means. THE SPEAILER'S TABLE. The SPEAKER laid before the - House the Annual - Statement of the affairs of the Girard ,Oollete. c<• ~mid,on the table. LiALVI/ OF: A.B&BZWE . Mr. FRAMER asked i for obtained . .leave of absence forJ. W. - JON/18, one of the Assistant Mossenkefil'ofthe.llots3:: - • ~ - Mr. BLANCHARD asked for and obtained ain2ilar, leave for Mr. Borzua. Mr. GORR:RING asked for and obtained ar leave Icir Mr. Witruma. Mr. ARMSTRONG asked for and obtained simi lar leave for Mr. Sams, (Philadelphia). Mr. TRACY asked. far and obtained- similar leave for. Mr. /AVM s one of the Assistant Door keepers of the House. Mr. 13RESSLER asked for and obtabled similar leave for Mr, Dumas. .; Mr. MANIFOLD asked for -and obtained 'similar leave Tor Mr Mamas.- - Also, for Mr.- Lnurntawaumaa: Mr. COLLINS asked for and obtained leave ;to withdrawcertain petitions. REPORT OP A commrnm. Mr. TRACY, (Corporations,) as committed, an Acta,o incorporate the itxcellaior Steam Forcing Hose company of Philadelphia. BILLS IN PUCE. Mr. CRAIG, a further supplement, to the Act, regulating Banks. ' • • • Referred to the Committee'on Tarike Mr: WILSON; a bill , relatlvelo sales at • auc tion in:Beaver county: • . • ' Referred to the Committee on the,Judiciary, y (local. - • Mr. BOYER, a supplement to an Act to in corporate' the borough of Hambing, 'Berke. county. Referral to the Committee on Corporations. Mr. GhiUng, a pinto prevent the xratching of fish in Slippery Rock breeh, Butler county.: qieferred -to the Cinittloo;4l ' 4 B ;F i F elt e re. M.,ROBINSON, one to e*PoNer relssieuera : Of Beaver county, to:borroiy. money. Passed CM4 l 4_tt • Wime to authorize the 9=un.. etkirL of toinims against theCongnonweeltfi. • Beforred to thel Xeizgttmt on Chiba, itta 2 rinti 11 Vim Having prom:wed Steam Power Plossee, we are prepared to execute JOB and 8008 PRINTING of every description, cheaper that It ow be done at any other se tabliahmentin the country. RATES OF ADV2=2I/251. *fy-Four lines orient constitute one-hialiquare. Elit Ines or more than four constitute a square. Square, one day.... $ 045 one week • L 00 one month o threo months 3 00 66 six month" 4 0 one y 012.... Ai 00 . (inc Square one day 50 (f eno week.. .. 2 00 It one month ... . . 800 " three months. ,... 500 “ six months ........... ....... 8 00 .• m:da one year 10 00 form notices inserted In the Local cr belbre Marriages and Deaths, Inn CHM IVtem or each insertion. STrltarriages and Deaths to be charged ea regular advertisements. . . NO. 46. Also, one to authorize the examination of the claim of Jesse Hulbert. Referred to the Committee on Claims. Mr. BRESSLER, one to validate and ratify a certain contract made by the Anderson Creek public road and improvenient company with .Charlea Blanchard, George Craig, J4:8130 Lowe, John Duboice and E. S. Lane. Considered and 'Passed finally. Mach one to incorporate the Money boom Ri3feired to the Committee on Corporations. -JILL KIMEB, (Crawfoni,) a supplement to an Act to incorporate the borough of Titusville, Crawford county. Referred to the Committee on Corporations. Also, one to extend an Act relatiyo to coron ers in Berks and lancaster counties toCrawford county. Considered and Passed snally. , Afr,:lanN, one to prevent the destruction of trout, in Dauphin and Cumberland counties. CcMildmd and Passed finally Mr. LAWRENCE, one to incorporate the Brady Bend bridge company. Referred to the Committee on Roads, Bridges and Canals: • , • Mr TELLEB, one to incorporate the Girard beinetery. Referred to the Committee on Corporations. Mr. COLLINS, one for the better securing of the costs of 'aldermen and justices of the peace Pnappeals. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, Mr. AUSTIN, one to vacate a State road, (general.) leading from Drake's ferry to the Maryland Una Considered and passed. Mr. ALEXANDER, one to fix the place of holding elections in Brnshvalley township and Mechaniaiburg borough, in Indiana county. Considered and Pained finally. Mr. HUES, one to enable the Court of Com min Pleas of Juniata county to open certain accounts. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, Mr. ARMSTRONG, one relative to elections. of supervisors and overseers . of the poor of old Lycoming township , Lycomnig county. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, (local.) Also, a joint resolution to authorize the State Treasurer to pay the Peace Commissioners, which was , read. as follow : Resolved, bbyy the Senate arid House qf / . 4sirsersta- Uses of the ammomosalth of Peruny/vanut m Gim e* Assembly we, That the State Treasurer is horeby, authorised and directed to pay to the several Oionmiasioners appointed by the Gover nor to meet the. Convention of the- several States at Washington, on the 4th day of Febru ary, inst., the sum of onnirioussomi dollars. Laid over one day, under the 'ride. Mr. BISEL, one to, enable the Shamokin Valley, and Pottsville Railroad company to erect a telegraph line on their road. _Considered and pawed finally. Mr. THOMAS, one to incorporate the Union Junction Railroad company. Referred t the . Committee on Railroads. Mr. SELTZER, one to , release the Eagle Li brary, cOmpany, Philadelphia, from a payment of a, portion of the enrollment tax. Cotaidered and passed finally. Mr. WIIDEY, one relative to incorporations in this Commonwealth. • Referred to the Committee on Corporatione. Mr. DIIFFTEILD, cue to incorporate the Frankford'and Philadelphia Passenger Railroad company. Referred to the Committee on City Passenger Railroads. Mr. ABBOTT, a further supplement to the Act incorporating the city of Philadelphia—re lative to comptrollers. - Referred to the :Committee on Corporations. Also, a-further supplement to the Act con solidating the city of Philadelphia—relative to to the department of highway& Referred to the Committee on Corporations. Also, a supplement to the Act incorporating the Gi rard College Railroad company. Referred to the Committee on City Passen ger tailroirois. Also, a bill relative to liens on real estate. . Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, &wend,/ Mr. HIIHN, one to change the place of hold ing elections in East Brunswick, Schuylkill eounty. Considered and Passed finally. Mr. FR AMR, one to authorize Joseph Weh star to sell and convey certain real estate. Referred to the Committee on. Estates and Also one relative to the Nedr York and Erie railroad company. Refuted to the Committee on Ways and Means. Mr. HAYRS, one relative to the Commission ers of Union county. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, (load.) -Mr. COWAN, one to graduate the licencees of agents of Foreign Insurance Annuities and Trust companies. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, (general,) Mr. TAYLOR, one to incorporate the Liggo nier Bridge company. Considered and Passed finally. Mr. DVFFEEILD, (by request,) one relative to Windsor and Perry townships,. in Berko count'. Considered and Passed finally. Mr. HELL,. one ;making it obligaterY on the several banks of this Commonwealth .to keep their notes at par in the cities of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. Referred to the Committee on Banks. Mr. HECK, one entitled "joint yftiplutiop, relative to the pay of.fames V. Williams." COnsidered and Passed finally. ARMSTRONG, one to change the place of holding elections in Nippenose township, Ly Opining county. Considered . and - Passed finally. Mr. SELTZER moved that the House proceed to the consideration of Senate bill, No. 8101, gntltltxl asupplemeat to the Act to incorpo rate the Commonwealth Insurance Company of Harrisburg." The motion was agreed to ; and Salcrbill was taken up, and bawl oy' Oh motion. of Mr. ACKER, c ity. WSE,LbliLlugNaGt. The HOnse then . ~,boagiven the first of WAS. C. BELL PASS=
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