THE TELEGRAPH IS PußLisTign May DAY, (uNDA UcEPTID,) BY GEORGE BERGNER & CO. TERMS.--Surcus Stnisaucemon. . The DAILY TELEGRAPH is Served is subscribers in the ,:erough at 6.34 cents per week. Yearly subscribers* di be charged $4.00. . WEAKLY AND SENI-WEISLY TELEGRAPH. Toe. lutzarters Isaias Published twice a week during tte cession et the Legislature, and weekly during the re vsinder of the year, and furnished to subscribers at the .diewing rates, viz : Single Subscribers per year. Seven 44 14 Ten TIOI LAW OP NNWSPAPIRI. , I subscribers order the discbtitintyanos of their new t, . Fers, the pubileher may dontintielo 'mud them until arrearagoa are paid. If subscribers neglect or refine to take their newspa lers from the office to which they aro directed they are responsible until they har Nettl.4 the Ms and ordered them discontinued ' lJ~le~ital. • THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE DR. TOWNSEND'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA Is The Great Renovator of THE , BLOOD. • THE SOVEREIGN REMEDY FOR ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN, ULCER/VIED SORES, AND ALL FORMS OF CUTANEOUS • " DISEASES Those complaints can be speedily and effectually cured by the use of this WORLD RENOWNED S . 8 AP'A R L A Thousands have experienced its salutary „effects, and tended thousands have witnessed it, until it hatreeased to be a question among the intelligent portion of the cot munity. . • When the Blood becomes lifeless and Stagnant, either from the effects of Spring weather, change of climate want of exercise, the use of a uniform saline diet, Or a s z other cause ; this compound Extract of Sarsaparpla, maim the ]BLOOD, carry off the putrid humors, mem Monomania, REGVLAZE TEE BOWELS. And impart a Tone of Vigor to the Whole Body; TO THE PUBLIC. The public are hereby notified that the preparation Ea tenaively known as Dr. S. P. Townsend's Compound ex tract of Sarsaparilla is now manufactured under my di rection and supervision, from the original recipe obtained from Dr. S. P. Townsend; and I certify that it Is compost ed of Ingredients PURELY VEGETABLE, and WITHOUT MEt. MIRY; and also that the ingredients are judiciously co rer otuaded, so as to obtain from them their greatest medicinal effect. , , JAM IN R. CHILTON, M. D., Chemist. Divff. P. TOVNBENIVS Cosironsn Barium OP Buss reams, has a reputation among all civilized nations as the best preparation for Renovating and J Furifyingithei BLOOD which science has ever offered to man. In this resides Its .PECULIAR EXCELLENCE, and to this is'ue its world wide renown. • It contains all the vegetable principles which experi ence has proved useful in clearing the SYSTEM. from DISEASE, extracted and combined with the highest skill which the refinements of modern chemistry enable us to employ. Whatever may be said by mortified competitors or splenetic physicians, the fact that this niedicine is EVERY WHERE USED, and that its use creates an increased de mand, shows conclusively that it presages medicinal merits of the first order CAUTION. To avoid imposition it will be necessary to see that DR. JAMES R. .CHILTON'S CERTIFICATE as well as the SIGNATURE of Dr. S. P. Townsend, Is onibe outside wrapper of each bottle, BE VERY CAREFUL TO USE NO OTHER, Proprietor'a office, No. 41 Fulton street, N. Y. And far sale by every Druggist In this city: ap3o-d3taw FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING PHILADELPHIA FASHIONS. GRANVILLE STONES' ONE PRICE GIFT CLOTHING EMPORIUM No. 607 CHESTNUT ETREE7 A superb stock of fine French, English and American CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, and VESTINGS, For City and Country trade, with an unapproachable as sortment of RUDY MAIM CLOTHING at the lowest cash prices Apa-But ONE PRICE is asked, and a GIFT of intrinsic worth and use presented wish each article sold. Fern 'Alex attention paid to•theSustomer department, and garments 'made andsenfto order to any address. In inaugurating this new system of doing business, GRANVILLE STOKES would impress on the minds of the patrons of his establishment, that the cost of the gift Is deducted from, and run added to the price of the arti olo sold. His immensely increasing sales enabling him to act thus liberally, and at the same time to realize a remunerativ6 profit. ell articles guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. GRANVILLE STOKES' ONE PRIOECLOTHINGEMPORIUM 607 CHESTNUT STREW. ootl9-6md OATS ! OATS I ,00 fi BUSHELS ON HAND. A la prime lot for W H EELERve low for cash, by arAi. az. WHEELER Dealer in Coal, Wood, Powder, ans: ga-All coal deliveied and weighed at consumers door by the "Mont Welgh•Carts. Prices to suit the tinies. Wholesale and Retail. jaaa2 Desirable Property for Rent. A TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE AND zok„, STORE ROOM, situated in Market street, between Fourth and Fifth streets, In the Third Ward. ALSO.—A LARGE TWOBTORY BRICK MUSA Muted in pectrad street below Mulberry, in the First Ward. Lull—A THREE STORY BRICK HOUSE, situate in Liberty street, in the Fourth Ward. Apply to C. 0. ZHOIZERNALN, - No, 28 South Second street, Harrisburg, Pa. Janlo NOTICE TO CONSUMERS OF COAL. rjIHE PATENT WEIGH-CARTS tested and certified to by the SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Mr. JAMES M. WEssunt—Having this day tested your Patent Weigh Carts, and found them perfectly corm ct, I therefore put ply seal upon them according to law. FREDERICK TRACE, Sealer of Weights and Measures. Harrisburg, January 17,1661. . JIS JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER LOT Ok:tHOSE EXTRA FINE POINTED GOLD PENS OF NEWTON'S (formerly Bagley's) manufacture, warrant ed to be the best in material, the ihnot pointed, most durable, and ae, cheap as Any n market, for sale, with a variety of Gold and sliver Cases of various sizes and prices, at WEGNER'S C HAP BOOKSTORE, • 51 Market street. FOR Tith SEASON. FLAVORING EXTRACTS. Vanilla, beat In market, Rose, Lemon Pine Apple, Strawberry, Celery Pare Distilled Rase Water, Best English flaking Soda, Pare Cream Tartar, Rib's Pare Bpi Fresh KELLER'S DR I. d2O 19 k"tary 4 1 --. •\ • . . .\•vx'' \LX. hid, , .'. .• - :,:•,, • jr-1r.,,,,_ )--_-_, : :. • l-rl4' 1,, - ) . ------- ' . .. - ' ~--;:-.,:- , •'.-.-_----, -..,0'-' 4, ~I; ...._ ~ 1 , . , ..... 2.00 12.00 ....... 15.00 M vQL, my. istCLladi"s. CONCENTRATED LEAVEN, VOit MAXING • Bread, Tea-Cakes, all kinds ofPastr3r &o MANUFACTURED BY EDW. CHAMBERLIN &.C0.,, IYoiristOrt qf ...4114201u; C7lem . Jolt 'Works. No. 3 8 INDIA iflßEMT,llnaton• CNCENTRATER.LEATEN is the re sult of careful cheinkal research: All he ingredi.' eats are prepared% the'highestatateofpurity, ind nom pounded.with a , view to produce .bread of a far better quality, and in much less itime, any other pro cess ; and. by, the manufaeturers submit it, With' entire confidence; to the judgment of 'discriminating bouse-' keepers, bakers; he . Bread of all kindle m de by uslngToncentrated Leaven is lighter, more digestible and null:allow; haa an agrees, ble natural taste ; is less liable to sour ; will retain Its moisture longer than by ';any other proems, and the whole preparation for the oven need not exceed ten •It is.valualffehecansettis notperisbable, and may be rendered available' in places and. at times when yeast is net within reach,, as' at sea'. In all climates and under all circumstances, it may be adopted, thus obviating all difficulty ofprocuring yeast or other fermeLt, whish is frequently of an inferior quality, re' daring the bread More or less 'unwholesome. • ' It is aiso_valnable as regards economy, as it has been ascertained th at a saving ' is - effected in the flour of not less than 16 per cent. In the common nrocees. ranch of the saccharine of the flour is lost by being converted Into carbonic acid gas, or , spirit, and the waste is in curred solely for the purpose of , generating gas to raise the. dough. 'By using Concentrated Leaven this waste is avoided, and the gas obtained in a manner equally MU- CaelOttS. Fermentation, as has been stated, destroys a part of the flour or meal, end, in consequence, &barrel of flour weighing 196 lbs., which, by the common method, ordinarily makes about 250 Rs of bread. giveS by,this 'process 290 lbs , thus effecting the very important saving of 16 per cent, in the qUantity of flour.. By conformity to the directions on each package, any , person capable of ordinary attention may conduct the process, and the re- :, snit will invariably be highly satisfactory. MEDICATE FROM DR. EWES, :Assayer to the Mae of Massarldiedts. have analysed the Concentrated Leaven, Manufac tured by Messrs. Edw. Chamberlin & Co.,with reference to its purity and efficiency of action, in producing the et:, pet of yeast in distending dough,- and thereby rendering e fit for making bread. This article is skillfully com founded, from perfectlY pure material. 'lt nraises the dough Without consuming the migar or any other wind-. ple in the flour, perfectly; andthe same weight el flour will produce more sweet, palatable bread than can he' obtained through yeast; while for cakes and pastry it is invaluable, as- it saves all risk, and much time of the pastry cook. ~T he experiments truidelly me' &Infirm the statements made by the manufacturers, and proves this compound worthy of public approval and extended use. "RespeCtfully, A.`:041113, 11.D.,State Assayer, ~ 1 .6 Boylston street,. Boston, September 25,1860:" DIRECTIONS Bummer arm Tea ROIZELTWO or three teaspoonefal of Leaven. (according to the quality of the flour,) to one quart . of- flour; mix thoroughly by passing two or three times through a sieve ; ; rob, in a piece of butter half the size of an egg, : and make th e paste with (Mid milliar Water, (milk is preferable) barely stiff enough to permit rolling out: Much kneading should be avoided. Cut in= to de Sired form, and place immediately Ma hot oven and bake quickly. • `Lear.Baden.--'fbe same prorkirtlona of Leaven and flour sifted together as above; omit the butter, and make the paste stiff-enough to knead into a leaf, and bake int mediately in a slow oven. .. . Gassum Baum— Three teaspoonsful of one quart of ;wheat meal; sifted together ; add one•gill of mo= Lases and two eggs ; makethe 'paste thin with intiraild bake in 'a slow ovens . • ' .. Baowit Itssen.—Three.tpaspoopsfal pf Leaven to 9130 pint of llour,"and one pint of corn meal, all well sifted to gether; add two eggs and about a gill of molazieeecznake the paste thin with milk, and hake slowly. : Btrouwzotax.Cerni,--Plour and milk sufficient to make one quart of batter;add ens egg,-then three teaspoonful of Leaven; beat to a froth, and cook quick. Dtthremos..—.%ft together one quer tot flour and two tea. epoonsful ;of Leaven; rub in a-piece Of buttertalf as large as an egg; mix with cold milk or water, and boil ten minutes. Mumma SEREST ents.—Sift together two large cups of Hour and two teanpooneful of Leaven; main bad' a cup of butter and a cup and a half or sugar mix'. with tea milk or water to a atitfbatter . , add West° molt tbe,ociphi and bake Immediately. ' (Than= t3PONPU'Odiaa.. — Two - pupa :of white ,trugor beaten with the yolkrtistaixeggsi-Ithe whitniof alit eggs beaten to a froth; then beat all together ; add three cups of sifted flour, one cup ot water, 'and three teaspoonsfal of Leaven; flavor with two teospoonsfal of essence of le mon, and bake in a quick oven. Juroures.—Sift together one quart of flour and three teaapoonsful of Leaven ; rub in one teacupful of butter, add a cup and a half of white sugar, and spice to snit the taste; mix stiff enough to rolfirut, and bake quick. • ButorforrOmok—Onequertof flour and three teaspoons- Ail of Leaven sifted together ; add a cup of butter, one pound of currants, two cups of white sugar, and one tea spoonful of einnamon ; Mix with cold milk to a stiff bat.. ter, and bake In a slow oven. CoRN Casa.---0110 pint each of flour and Indian meal, three.and teaspoonful of Leaven, well sifted together; add one gilt of molasses and two eggs ; mix thin with and bake in a slow oven. Cue Ohm—Five cups of flour and three teaspoonful of Leaven s - Sifted together; add one cup of butter, two of sugar, and two eggs, all we ll beat together ; then add a cup of currants, and spice to suit the 'taste. Bake about half an hour. - Lamas! Cass. Three quarters of a pound of 'flour and four teaspoonsfal of Leaven Sifted together ;One *and of sugar .and six ounces of butter beaten to a cream ; the whites of eight eggs weltbeaten, and the`juice of one thou; MIX with milk Wes. C,Unr.—Five.out* of flour, three teaspoonsful Of LefiVen,llireiri cups of-sugar, one of butter, one of milk, and two 'eggs; fruit and spies to the taste. Bake about half an hour. Packed in Cases of 1,, 2, 4 and Six . Dozen Cans. For sale by Grocers and Druggists generally. WTLTIOLIi GULAGER ts BRO., Wholesale Agents, No. 69 ; North Front Street, Philadelphia. novl3-413m " - - BERGNER'S.CHEAP BOOKSTORE 51 MARKET STREET • : : • • . 4 SCHOOL BOOKS SCHOOL STATIONERY; Comprising all the various BEADING AND S.F'grr BOORS, ARITIIMETIOS.' ALGEBRAS!, GRAMMARS, ETYMOLOGIES, DIO2TONAREIVS, .BISSIORIF4 PEILOSOPRIE4 and . ell the Ealoot, BOOKS used M the various Public and Private Schools of tha City, together with COPY AND OOMPOSISSO:N DOOSS,II %MITES,' OAP and NOTB.P.A.P !Ina , BLARE BOOKS, SLATES, Min LEAD AND SLATE P.EINGTELV, . ! PENS AND MOLDER& INK • INKSTANDS, RULERS and the most complete ' assortment of SCHOOL STATIONERY Constantly on hand and for sale at THE LOWESTPRICIE OF Any TVA" in the city, at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, . Market Street. ,Liberal diecounts made to teachers and dealers. Any article , not, on hand promptly furnished without extra charge• eep24 SILVER PLATED WARE HARVEY FILMY, 10.125:2 Mirket Street, YISIGAMILIMA, Ifiumfacturer or fine NICKEL SILVER, and SILVER PLATER of _ PORK.% PPOONS, RIITIIIR KNIVES, 'cuttrtons i yßA arri z : . _take, Ki _rryL._EL„, WAIPRRS, BUTTER DistiES 10E FTWasn; EASEATA 00kfildNION WARE, CUPS, MUGS, GOBLWfS; &a., With a general assortment, comprising Bossard the bu quality, made of the WO manias and homily plated, con *Slating theM a . Seiviceable and durable 'article Poe HUlrla, ISTRANDMIE AND Pasysra Zunum• *a- Old Wartireliateo PAignier.. in! PT gareley. • .BLANS.I3OOIW (At' ALL natANA_BLE SIZES, PRICES; STYLE AND QUALITID3 on band and inannfintur of order at, the theaPast rbal sa iloommeas. y Herbs IRA et %net. "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS--NEUTRAL IN NONE." HARRISBURG, PA:. MONDAY . AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 25, 1861 ` TO OM fUNCSti cißbsB liiIVER.:I. " :: IGQRATOB BILITATES N.EVER D IT,•ia compounded . and has,become an ea tone, known endapproYnd and le how resorted 'Jai diatoms for winotit is re ' It bits cured thousands who had given up an bones iisOnefted eeridloaten in entirely from-Gums, Niched NC a Standard Modt. (by_ all that have uaed (.„. with confidence In all the UP commended. within the lest two yettil , of. relief , -wake nomerout mrpiosissioe tihtdot; ed to the . tentyiertoneot 01 need in each litandtiee 'es The dose must beadapt a j - tlietudlvldhal taking it,and n toactgentlyonthe bowels. a"; Let the dictates of your la WM of ilia Iran INVIG4I Eni Lhiß Communal; p iolhammona, Subs = OM- Iff SOUR &MACS, HeaIy CHOUIERA MORRO% CaOlllllA. JA.17211)I011, MOWS successfully as an Ommiss will cure EII3KHEADA m:1 rig is Timms' Morons, > P vital" Won at commencement ^ Au arm mastx um on , P 4 favor jadvientp guide , you Iklll3 BATOR,, and 16 - 1011 'auk AnAcus- Dynispine MAIN*" DaINDIRT :PROP. VAL COIVIVIMI L ' CHouo r INEarrnn,,PT.A am nos, aniiinnt, and inaq . 'Aid Used Fanitaa; libmoient. (as, thousands can _testify) on,Tanase InearoonacanAni attack ngo' their leastiniony to It' 111.1 z Water in th month with the In vigorator, and sWanoWboth together. TRION 02131 DOLLAR Pp A 30171,1. —A L'S SANFORD!*B - . cATEimmc FILLS . , COMPOUNDED, FROM . - . : PUKE VEGETABLE EXTRACTS , - AND PU . UP IN GLASS OASES AIR TIGHT, ; AND WILL KEEP •IN ANY ;CLIMATE: —.. . i. ', The. FAMILY, OATH/111 : ~.1. TIC PILL Is a spittle bo antive•Oatitart.tic which the WE proprietor hasused lii . hl prutiee more than twenty ..] years; ,'. ' ' • ' •The eminently increas. 7.. ingdeinandfrehitliess wbfi have.long used the , PILLS 14 and the satisfaction .which ilk, ellsesB in regard' to 1 1 th e ir ulief bus induced me to . pface thew within ft., re a ch of alt, The Profeselon well inow "7 4 that OiNie4catbaitiinia* on different tiortiobs of the ~„' f bowels. , ~. -., ~ , ....- . • ..1 .The FAMILY GATTI ‘if TICI PILL.b*A.,-wiih ' dente telancsio this well (stab. HI 10110 d-fact, been comp:ma. ded Aram a variety of th . Ei parost Vegetable Extracts, which act alike on ivery....• pit* of the. altinentary ca lm], and are good and tafe PS in all oasis . where a , ea. thartio is needed, such la id DqaMootonio 0) 819,1140, Sietydriess, Paine , in Mel 7 1 EackaidloiF,Ondulenus Pain and Bareness offer /tell baly,RdiftesiOiss,Pfeatiche or weight in the head, aft ... Innaminatory i seases' , Worm fiz Children, or Ad- i'm nib, , lfteumatina, a " great Purifier of the Mood, nand „ I s many .dlaeaseo to which flesh is heir. too numerous -4 to mention in this I Iry fasemelit. Doss, Ito 8. 0 ' ' - • , : 4 ': - • PRIOR 80 =TS. ~ •Tn Imre. Irsaaonssou can FAEULI Goma* to PILLS are retailed byDruggists generally,and sold wholesale by the Trade in , alfthe large towns. S. T. W. SANFORD; IL D., Manufacturer and Proprietor, je2o-dawyll 886 Broadway, New York. , JOHN ,B. • SMITH'S , : ROOT & SHOE - STORE; _ CORNER SECOND AND *AIiNDT,StS;;,I . : Harrisburg, ALWAYS on hand a large assortment of tBOOTS, , SHOES, GA:IMA% are; of the_ o.very - Itost 9?anties lox{ladie9, Tgentlemo, and. adpirone wear.—: Prices to suit pie4inals. o : iinfia ,WP4A AG : t#E, (IViER the , t d iltill i bg st o t t tror workipeu• - Y,VErt-dtf J JOtrif: B—EIKETH, Harriebarg." GREAT REDUCTION IN PEloEfil . ' 'WHEELER' & WILSON'S .; •' SEWING C HINTS T . NEW IMPROVEMENTS ' AT REDUCEDE PRICIt THE WHEELER. MaHEELER. & WlLSONnufito . Luring Co,mpapy,having ; vtined an their snits at law, with infringing manufacturers of Sewing Knehines, propose that the pubila 'should be — beiriefitted thhretiy, and have gicaordingly reduced the prices ottheir Sewing Machines: , After thlsldato.they Will be rates that will pay a fair profit on the cost of nuinufaciere, capital invested, and expense of making nips, ..,•'sniti.PriCes • I; will enable them to make first '' clatiethiaohines; 'and, as heretofore, guarantee them in everrparlicular: . in accordance, with the lumenvannent above I will sell their splendid Sewing Mahhines at prices from to"s9o for the Silo full Cateseachines.'' It in a well 'estali lbsbed fact that the • - . : . t Wheeler 41ffilson.Bewpg Whim Is the,best one in the market, the inntt made, most angle and least liable to get outer order and. they are now as low as the inferior machines. C all :'and see them a Third and Market. • • t. • L del'-em . : • .W.:0..41101K.011,..414. ALBITAIS'I IiIHRUIVIS 1 . 1. The finest aisOttment of ALBUMS' emir 'offered 'lir this city, rangiagia pito() from 50 cants to:$10 00 eackbotaid In all styles of Binding, at _ - 11F.BAN.gys q4.II.p , ,IIOOICSTOPLZ, 12n09 . , _ . • Mirk Street. THE , ATTENTION_OF MENERRS OF TRE.LEGIBLATURE AND ETRAIrGEIRE vthiting 'the City 1,1- balled to the .larged and finest as , liortment of r, Letter, Note and Cap Papers, Envelopes, Pelts and Holders, ': Inki . lnkstandsi'Pendls,_ • = • • /Wrlting fiend,. S,axid =Boxes - ; . • _Vetting Itoird:.an4,a hill :variety of all kinds of sziraorr, mut; wlilolt for pale . 'aileguelity cannot .be excelled; at' • • - ; ItKftllNEß'll:CillßalUtOlErt3TOßE, de29 • • • , ::61 Market ,Street., L. a() D D., PRACTICAL , Tuner and - .. Repairer of PialkOil, tlelOdeene; Ave:, Ace., receive ' wilt intent in future at WM. ICKPOI(VS Atuete.Store,92 Market street All ordere left at the above WiniecV,Okce,9r at We Buehler Douse, will Meet:witlf yetunpf, atteiallon. • First class PlAlitiif fOr [late !: tuapia•dly N'3.` v. FAMILY DRUG STORE • mHE UNDERSIGNED HAS . . OPENS]) a Wholesale and Retail Drug and Prescription LitoM In the Iron . Front Hailnlisg, No. 12S 411arket street,litely occupied by mi. Eby, .webre Sante road an entirenew stock of 'Freehand Pere Drags, Perfumery, .Soap 9 .COAT 014 COAL OM 'LAMPS, BurMng Fluid, Ala thol Patent Medicines, Stationery, Fancy ,Articles, Aro.; &c:' . . We hiie the agen cy , for; the sale of Etine , s Celebrated Arti ficial Teeth, to . Whicli We' would invite the attention Of Dentists.. . . By, strict attention to.buidusas, and &sire . to plea* we respectfully ask a shalt of Public Patronage.. N. 8.-4irime • Havana Segars and Tobacco constantly CITY •LIVERY STABLES' . BLACKBERRY ALLEY, 1-4 Fir OF HE undersigned has recommencedT livery business in his NEW and SPACIOCM HTA BLES located as above, with a largeand varied stock o nos-no, CARRIAGES and OMNIBUSES, which te wii hire at moderdte rates. . E.K. SWART& sep2B-dly • • HAVANA CIGARS I . . A tine assortment, comprising" Rearm, nen Fix . • Faaationarta m are, La Minx • .Of all sizes and qualities, in Aliarieri' 0401/.41 cti d s ate- t:4th boxes, just received and for Hale low; JOEiN H. 7. iSIIIBO • 78 Market rarest. Aisullanans., VALUABLE:. REAL ESTATE T .• PRIVATE SALE;, . p.E UNDERSIGNED will sell at private sale his valuable real estate; situate near,.Lingles ten, jower Paxton township, Dauphin county, contain- Acta melts oat.stlEt. ' The land is well . -improved,. with 'good FRAME DWELLING HORSE, frame Sam and other na Sesser), out•buildhigs thereom erected it'wlC dow , s dower, amounting to *l,BOO, remain on e property until her death. Persons, desiring to purchase, can 'obtain all the re (Piked infatuation from the undersigned, who resides od 'We -property:- • . CLEMENT B:. CARE. BUEHLER HOUSE ,: M A R.K ET - IQ 16 R E iIARRISBURG,'PENN'A. .GEO. J. ROLTON PROPRIETOR CARD' . . The'ab eve Well known , and long , established Hotel Is now undergoing a thorough :renovation, and being in a great degree newly furnished, under the proprietorship of Mr. Grown J. limop, who has been an inmate of the htinaOfor' the last three years, and is well' knoin to Thinkftil for the:, liberal patronage; abich It has en °yeti I cheerfully commend Mr. Bolton to the public' ror. fjeftwtfi da WILLIAM BUEHLER., ICANDLES! . H PARAFYINE CANDTAS, SPERIIECAND.LES, " - ADAMANTINE CANDLES, STEANINE CANDLES; STAR CANDLES; ; • - . CHEMICAL' SPERM CANDLES, ''• ;. ; • TAILOW CIANDLES. ,•• • - A large lot of the abovelia store indlor sale it the low est prices by . , • N : .. • .. wg. og. JR. & Ca t i jan2 , Oppoaite the'Court *use. - '.iTTENTION — OF 'GENTLEMEN is solicited to our very large assortment or Ustismatmni Axo DR/Mints or every size and quality. Gisrm'Jorrvist Km.Grevss, best article manufactured. All the di/Intent kinds of WINS= GLOW'S. Largest assortment of Hosnrav ttie city. Cluny!, SuBPISMBRB,AANDKIEROMEPS; Ready Hemmed. And everything In Gents' at , . ."••:: CATHCART' . .§, 2.1 jan Next to the Harrisburg Bank. CMITAGNYWIN - ES. Duo Ds MO NTRBEU:O, "" ' - ' • • HEIPSIZCX & AGO. ' . Cesium/ Ebnyekkik, • ANCHOR-4111X= lOU &MOE, f...FARICF.IIO3. MUSCILTer, MIIN/M . & CO, NIRO, V ERNS , z IE ". • rrsx's,ek itore and for Bale by JOIN VEGLER, dig I . : :73 lifirket Street. Mt- MI •M. C:A• • Mr" JO. I.a HARH ISBURG_ PA. moved his- office to •-the . National ~ , . nano in Market street, opposite tits Toettellee.— ; partidular and:observiii Memento on the leindear•— Dr. Jones may be consulted on all diseases but more Ipar D eularly, dieases a private nature: pt."Joias :has Mired a number or - private and other diseases , in this city and elsewhere; and some of them had ahnost ;given up ail hopes of recovery, and was restored'by the, lose of his powerful vegetable re medies. . GONORRHEA.. Dr. JONES otters the only safe and - certain remedy for Gonorrhea, Gleet;Oirietare, liver Complaint, D'ysp'epsia, Cciativoness, aid all - Derangements of the Stbmach. This preparation will cure Gonorrhea in from three to dim days, and can be had at. any time of Dr. JONES, at his:of• flee, at One Dollar perNAtle, and one .bottle is sufficient to cure a mild case. . SYPHILIS ..This is one of : the worst of alt diseases. _Dr. JONES pledges himself to cure Syphilis in its worst forms. This disease makes its apparanceinso manydifferent forms; that a single plan or treatment will not reach it in all its features, so lt may:reguire different remedies, according to, the nature of the case. Dr:JONII3 Will =Yea writ ten artiele pith any one—NO CURE NO PAY I The re-' mean used by Dr. JONES, are purely vegetable, and need noehange of diet or;hindrance-fromtimsinom, . . - • • • SPERVIATOBRIVS. • This habit of youth is indulged in while alone; ands often, learned from evil companion* when at sahoel and if, not . cured will destroy both mind and. body. Doth sexes fall victims to; his -disease. , The 'symptoms are- 7 Pain iit theltead,:Dinineas Of Sight, Dinging in the Ears, Pimples Garbo Face, Loss of Ilemory,,Frightful Dreams at Night, Weakness in the Dacki Pain in theßreast, and Cough, (indicative of Consumption,) Dyspepsia, great Derangement of the - NerfoberSyntem, and so on till Death puts an end;to their-spiferings. -To such Dr. JONES of fers a perfect testoratter; with such mild and Balmy Juices of Elerbe,fhat•will perfectly restore the victim of this DicffnettiES Disease. • • _ . . ITEMALI' COMPLAINTS. . Those suffering .lrom COlde s atAThkrangenle l 4 of the Nervous System, .ca4,apeedjly be fc?, l * t 4 iimk l l health and vigor. , Dr. ,lONAS maybe cOnsolted r et ht-liis office, personally or by letter, describing alksyniptorne. All letters must contain a [damp to ensure lamer. Address Dlt. D.. W. JONES 3, National House, Yebl Harrisburg, Pa. "OUR; GOVERNMENT.'! - - 4Lrifjgfl iiiii4 - CtGovernroc;fit, which con -11 Ono people ? is now dear to you."— VlrasitinglimPE'Parettlell...4ddress. d nationalltids 'essen tial to DIEL6 - endartng prosperity of our country. Tr...lllPa -triotisar must arise from knowledge. It is only, a proper understanding of our tirn . UtutitutSoni Riat can , induce strong and settled attachinent to Will , prlaclides, and impart ability foiNtheir-maintenanos,--,, HOUR 00yEB.N1dBNT3 An explantadry statement of the system bf Geferiiiiierd'oftlie BOuntry, 4 conMtns the tent of the. Constitution of the United States, and 1110•.C.on atitutional- provisions of the several States, with their, moaning and. opestroctioe, as - deterinined: by judicial" an thorn, yi and ' precedent and practice , practice, or derived from: standard writers; digeited and arranged for popular use Price =l.OO Qold by , ' del ~„ . . .Barrisburg Pa. . AUDITOR'S NOTICE. P IINDERSIGgED,Anditgr appointed! ' • IV dkitribthe'the'balande MAW) bands of Joseph Miller, Assigaee ofJOERP)TH. DAVIDSON, among Bradt.= tore, lair attend to ,:the duties :of MS anointment on THURSDAY, the 28th day of February, 1801, at 7 o'clock A. M., at his office, in Third street, Harrisburg, when and' where altinterested Mayittend if theythink proper JOHN S. DETWILER, foh6-81w Auditor. NOTICE: DETERS' MOUNTAIN ;TURNPIKE A ROAD OOMPAiTY.-4he President and Managers of the 'Peters' Mountain - Turnpike Road Company have this daydeolared. a sixty cents per share on the capital stock of Said company, say three . 'per 'ceht nee wino* and directedthe same to ne at this office of the stockholders, at the public, house of J. D. aorrif AN, in the city of Harrisbut to the stockholders or their le. gal representativr,ie after the 10th. fehe•Stoar* • ' NOTICE. • • PERSONS are hekeb _Banned that A LL We' y ' hap‘his day disposed of our entire" mannfac- Wring business Widows. MILLNR as 'HOLLINGER, Who will continue it .aaheretofore conducted by as, at the old stand.; corner or North and SPAned.treelso pp...e.books or the firm Iwo bein, Paced lathe bends' of lar.Joutrliwilic,-.nt., Stederetree bit'ween Filbert. and Mil, lbr lSalement; and allpenioim knowing them selves Indebted; And Shona having claims against ua, are requested to mate immediate settlement with Wm. , feb9-3tws W. D. MILLER & SON. ' BEM Nttri - 2Or„vatizattento. TREASURER'S ACCOUNT: ions . .. Pans, Treasurer of the want , of, Dauphin, Penn- SyWants, and ex-officio Treasurer of the House Employment and support of the Poor In , the county or Dauphin,. in account with the 'said couttV Am- the of use said Rouse of Employment, &c.-. RUCEIPTS=IBBO To Valencia in Treasury, due for the MO of the House of Employment, and of the .Poor in . the' cdunty of Dauphin, is .per settlement made by the. County Auditors, January 12, .. .. 888 51 To cash received from- the Demmissiciners of ; the 'count) , of -Gatiphin, Blithe use Of the ." . House, Sze., as aforesaid, : pnrsuent to regal. . 'actions by the Directors of the Poor, km, conformity, to law, dattsllasuary 2, 1860, ins Orders ihsizedby said COrnmissionersVio' = ' wits No. 528.0. ..,.,.. . . . .. .... .12,000 00 To cash received' from . the"lullowing• named' persons . ; derived, as hereafter stated, for the use of the aforesaid House 'of Employ:'.. ment, to wit : Jan. 24.—T0 cash from John Enders,Esq., • tines ... Fs 79 Feb. B.—To cash for Lints,from John . :.:Raysor.. :... 70 52 • , " H. Brown, 12 84 Aprlll7. - ..40 ;dash fOr rent onideldahan's . property ............ ....... '2O 00 ". To cash for . 1.20 April 4. ‘‘ ' from Brown itaid for paupersBB 00 laTo cash for Lime soi . d..te; D. .. ' : 31.52 April 21.—T0 cash for I.oge ' . . , 600 24. " frdm. 'Gee, Gillian, Esq., fines 10 05 May 2.-..T0 cash' for . .. 500 June 2. , Proceeds. of .114 25 June s.—To cash; Frederiek Gilbert. for support of an 62 00 Aug.l.s.—To cash - for-Boakd to Paupers 85 40 " 28. "4 Lime 00 " 30 . :... '' i i " " • Plititure ' 10 00 • Oct. 12.—T0 cash,,Proceeda of Mi11....130 00 for - Dui& from 'John Itaysor.. .. ' .21 50. ; Oct. 18 =To cash for Pasture 15 00 - Nov 22. , . " Board to Paupers 10 00 Dec. 4. - Lime ' 501d:'... . . . ' 00 • • ttul ) crs, Woos - ter county . 80 00 -.• ; ; . 58 To aggregate amount (81,057 04) off - orders is sued In and daring the,Yettr 1860, hy the Directors of the. POOP and HcitlSe of Employ meht for the county iof Dauphin, unpaid at . settlement ,made by the County Auditors of tbe county of Dauphin, Pa., January 11, 1861. Order No. 8, Tobias Hendricks No. 54, John McMullin.. cc No. 85, It. - Maguire • No. 88, George Westheffer " Mi. 109, Maryl Ann Gould .00 ct No. 112, Tobias Hendricks 2 00 do " •2 00 No. 281, D. Leonard... 4 00 a N0.,403; Marry .... 200 a No. 376, Manilla Sinklow 90 •No. 4.19,`1ary Sheets 2 00 No. 455, Mary,Waechter........ .2 00 Na. 488, Catharlite‘Yoting..:.`; - 2 00, No. 471, Mary Sheets.. ..... 2 00 _ a No.-610, MartWaechter:. .... .. 2 00' No. 918,-Catherthe Yourif 2 00 528, Mary Sheeti . . - 200 a No; '540, David .. .. ; 90 • No. 549, Widow Forney. .... 2 - No, 550, ;Mary Forney ; ., : ...... ; 200: No; 665,711 - irylraechter:.. 200' No. 573, Catharine Young... T.. 2! op, . we. 581, Mary Sheets..... 2 00 . No. 601,19100 w •• 90 No: 6848 , - Mary , 2 00 090, Admit Rrehmer....:... 200 4 . No. 490, GeOrge ........ 300 ci N 0. 7 -014, Widow, Forney,- _ 00 a No. 615, Miry Forney.- ...... 200 " 'No. 630, Mary :2 00 ca No. egg, 'Catharine Young 200 No. 654, Bridget .Boyles'' 6,00 No. 882, Widow F0rney......... 200 a No. 663, Mary.Foreey ! -2 00 a No. 703, nary Fleck 5 92 No.-706, George Smite._ No. 111, George-Trolllnger " No. 718 , John Matter.;.. .. 6, No. no John Lingel No. 719, Sloan at Boyd No. 721 , John A. Weir . N 0.122, jdnas Rudy No. 723, E. E. Zollinger ; • .1 -; . fL.„: ; • Balance due John Care, Treasurer of the coup- - ty of rauphin; and es-ofticte Treasurer of the Directors of the Poor and House of Employ- ment of said count, . .7g 3.8; PAYMENTS-1860 11? aggregate amount - -(8104503 OS) - paid and ,unpaid of hiders No.j i tp, Mallow inolusire, ' issued in and during the year 1860 by the :Directors of the Poor and liellSe -01-12,0111 " 0 10 - - •-•••- ment for the county of Dauphin, as entered :in :numerical _ order • and •detail Order Book of the - Directors aforesaid 13,603 08 By orders paid_ lasted bvtbei DireCtors as ' • aforesaid in 1859, unpaid at settlement made by the Comy-Anuditors, Jainiary 12, .1860, -• to wit Order No. 438, WidoW.Forney - 2 -09 No. 439, Mary Forney 2.00 4' No. 485, Widow Forner.... .. . - 00 - • 4 ' No. 486, Mary Forney . 200 cc No. 541, Widow - Ferny.;::...... - -2'oo - No. 547 Mary yorney..., ...... 200 2 00 . No. 588, MaryForney .... 2 90 • .I'. • _N0:•622; 'Aaron. 310Mitatigh.::. - : -; 98 .00 • "` No. 578, T,41 - . . 5 00 't . .. ." Nii:s29, John BaJsor .. 45 52 1.16:58300In 2 7 .:f.....7.11::=T3 50 cc No. 530,.5im0n ... 72 72 NO: - 510,-Michiellrerges -2 09 • No. 507, Thomas Herod . .. 200 • NO. 496, Bitinhel Gariserieh 200 " NO. 48.8„ •Jelisn Wa1b0rn........ 200 • No:l•los,•ThintiasHerod..'. .. 2 00.,. • 6 '. N0.,520, Joseph • o No. - 524, Joseph Clark -. ' ' 488 • ' $314 17 By Credit allowed - John 'Hare, present Treasurer -for the amount .Oral item on d tor side Of this account, 80i licippti/WROCiptippid ,blm by die.l4o TreSetwer, is consequence of a dn . • 0.14 y existing betweezi him mid •Nie Board of = Directcirs of Hui of EmPloyment, of which house said Directors !my°, the control and direction Commissioners allowed Tee:usurer; to wit : On receiving $127,44.07, of 1 per cent 15 95 On paying $188,17 g per eent.:4l3 06: /Vl3 947.7. We, the undersigned, Auditors of the . county of btu: pin ; peansylvinia,.eltetod,., appointed, sworn and;_af firmed according to ' law;Wport': that Ave Inet;'dittaudit; settle and adjust, rding tA-likiir, the foregoing.-a s count of John Garb; milt, 'Treasurer Of the 'Scanty of P O rma Yt v/4 .4 4, 1. 4,, P d :.PX -o,l 4o.'Trwarfcl House for the EMPleyment and Support alba Poor m the cc/114 1 Y et .1:044 P4 113 .' 1 - 4 , 4 9P 4 clut:with' iht.Bal/ 1440 44 for the use of' the Hoa gi eEmployme nt commencing ISO; and ending. Domober 1860, and that the account as above sated iscorrect, as entered in Settlement Boot or said Ifettee,of Employl ment, kept the Commisaleners Mae of the county aferessid,-atatthat ace And A% balance die: the Treasurer aforoaatd, the sum of seventy eight dollars and.thirteep In testimony whereof, we have 'hereunto set our bands at Harrisburg, this eleventh day ofJambuy, JONATHAN SPAYD, ; S t ir. auneaßroßp, . ' Aliattors - or thti County of Dauphin. MEM aosirn - - Clerk to County Aditors. A5?:06 , 46 : 24 of the Riefits and Eapditures of the Haase of Bmployment and asnprt of The Poi of the Onn#y - o Dauphin. t DETAIL ON NXNFNWRIRES. AttondlogSai, Bags Burying Paupers Beans Ettam tinting iffart. IL Having procured steam Power Presses, we are prepared to execute JOB and BOOK PRINTING of every description, eheaper that it an be done at any other en tekliehmenttri the matte?: RATIO or ADVJUMMTG• jirrour Hues or less constitute one-half square , liras or more than four constitute a square. Hail Square one day 5015 one week 7 I. 00 one month ". three months ........... .••e••• • 800 six months'i. . 4 0 ' one year.... .•04414 , . 0.05 One Square: exekdar. 50 ' ' " ' 'Die West. .. .. ... .... . .. '.;, ...400 . " one m0nth ... . .. .806 • , '- a - . threentonths . ........ :.. . ....',-;-.., 600 ~... sir. months.. ... ..... 9OO .- ' .% -!•i '' ' cone 'year ' —..... ............ 1000 : inserted in the Load column. cr • iiirikuliflers notices . before Merriigas and Deaths; TIVIS Mtn& PED LINA : or each insertion. , . nairtiarriages and Deaths to be chaired as ' regcdar advertisements. NO. 45, Blacksmithing Beef, ......... Coal„qiii9s Cooking ..:....... Costs in Bulie . Coate on Arbitraan..... ... ihrpenueiet w,orn ..... • . C0we'...... ' Cattle ,Conveylogramiers.... ........ 'Directors and Clerks, extra for settlement Zoe Br. Mellinger • • 'avenges to 'l'rexorton Elxfeg PnalP. . ... Farming Pußleinent.El On:merles ; :arresting Horsedootoriag Harness Hay, do., (ISMS) ...... Hats arLd Haps Hardware and Tinware Horses... 'gorses .ce and Cattle Issuing orders for ' jai:Loyal of Paupers ::".... " . ... /12 2691 8 19 2 J udgm ent.. •••• .-..• • • • • • .......... -- •••• • • " r 6 7 0 Labor - - Lumber.- . - . ...... 307 09 . • • .. • • .- Medicine 328 26 ,Merchandise".... 740 64 5h .em 0i3g rkt... " ....... : ,.....i.. .. ... . . ... ..... • 1 3 0 3 0 li Mas air ° 4 B; "Making Clothes Medical Attendance (oat-door 1tup . e . r5 . , ) .............. 1 42 42 0 _ 8 7 1 84 8 7 Plumbeeayforir.. . . ..... ... . - 365 SO Postage,.Stationery, it . o . , .... 2 5 78 2 58 :Repairireg ,Clock --.—--• . • • • • - .•• • • • 125 Repairs attliiills ...... ........ .......... ..... ..... 61 Road Tax.... - " 29 00 Support:et out-door i5:n.per5............. ..... 660 3 17 Shoal.: .. . ... . , .................. ....... .... 37 ' 131). Shop-woik and T 011....... ....... ......... 5 73' Surgery ' • • ; • - ' 105 00 Support of. Paupers in . other Counties 144 30 Shoess9 00 Support of Paupers in the Asylum 2210 45 ,Traveling•ExpenHeS - ' 108 25 l'ax• on Property 40 y ' •• • • 445 Veal: .'.*. ;,...". .• : .... - 27 ; 09 WheSt.,... .'.. WegonLwOrk . . "• " ' '27 08 David Fleming, Esq., Attorney's dider9 one year. • 40 G° :FORM, ' Steward's II .... .. 4 , .... , ' i 5 2 ,00 4i .t ' 48 00 Bomar, Director's.,. .... .... .. •• •• • • „„ :Daniels,. .... "... ............... "......" • 8 2 wv "Bishop, ,; . - • w w 43 50 . - Cailow, Clerk, salary six Months .25 00 J. W. Frantsi Clerk, salary ,twomonths ...„ •••• A Dr. Ilish,:Physicianotalary one year .. . OO Salary due , John Raynor from 1858 75 John Mien; attending Sick, and as Clerk.. 140 . ---- Amount of Orders i55ued......... 13,503 08 $2OO 180 1 60 STEWARD'S EM)LANATION _ PRODUCE OF PAM. 642 Bushels of Wheat— ......$1 10 $606 20 1,167 - ".- .., ..... Oats. • . . 30.... 850 10 350 " Potatoes 50. ...... 175 00 225 "' .', Turkips....... .. 25...... :.. ;,66 26 1 : 025 " - Corn in Ears:— 30.... .'. .... 677 50 84 • " : : 0ni0n5:. ....... '. 75......... , . 25 60 26 " Bed Beas 40. ...... ... 10 00 81 " Bye.. .... ... .... 70. ....... ~ 1 20 3,666 Beads ; of Cabbitle ...... .. 03........ - - / 06 06 1,466 Pounds of Butter 16 232 98 : 182. ~ Lard 12 .... 87 84 J.,062 " Tallow 09 94 68 '5lB " Veal .. CI 26 12 82 3£ " Calf aides.— 08 • 662 11,741 " , Beef . .06 704 46 1,654 ": _ Rides ' 0536........ 90 97 403 _ " . Pork. .... 07...........608 21 48 Loads ' of ' gay.— ... . . ....1.2 00..... ..... . 676 00 -- ...448 1 1.. TP4OLITRED /61 THE 110.U818. 31 pai r of men's slices, 34 pair, of women's stapes, 22 Pair.' of aildren'ts - shoes, -60 pair of inn's - pantaloons, 20 pair of boys' pants,,/57 Blasts, 98 chemise, 5 undershirts, 42 Pair of .stookintpl, 31.ronndabouts, 36 vests, X 23 pair of winter ,pantaltions, 49 women's dresses, 87 aprons, 27 children's froeks,.3l sucks, 27 women's aprons, 85 Sheets, 18 comforts, 21 ehalnags, 31 bolsters, 2 quilts, 48 pillow slips, 245 pounda hard soap, 14 barrels soft-soap, 75,000 bushels of lime burned 24.042 00 ........ 11928 16 00 5 60 ...... 695 96 8P 52. 38 68 PROCEEDS OF THE MILL, from the latof January, 1860,.t0 the Ist or January, MOLL IMAM AND ,FLOUR GRINDIZia, PER MONTH. January $163 00 February ............ . _ ... 155 9 0 March 163 61 160 04 May • 166 96 June 75 42 July... . ..... .......... ....... . 90 80 93 September . - 97 92 Ootobei.... 117.44 NoVeraber. 261 36 December ...... ..... ........... .123 68 $13,947 76 Cr. Income in full for 2860, . . . • • 1/7:2D DURING THE VICAR , Hepryffolaingay, ; (hangedi),-Pred: Shieler, Cbas. ROCS. grank,Siliger, thrie children (burled in one coffin,) SOie Ftliyi(coloredi) Begjaidnidinnick,Lucindlilittare obild,(colored,) hack Jack, Mary Hanna (colored,) Su ian:Signrilen.:(colared,): hlatyltiley, &colored: babk An ts, Jones (colored,) Harriet A. Davie (colored,) John Lcarley, Margaret Hap°, :Jdnenh Forney, Patrick Malown, Ellen Benin's child, ,Lucinda Zimmerman's child, John Bell , SchildAwo babes parted in rine dofthva babe' (col ored.)—Whole-number, 24. .. . • .." LIST OF COMERS AND 00ER3. January 243, Feb'y 243, MarCh'267,Apill 169, May ISO; June 272, July 123, August 109,.September ,163, °Mad NoVember 222,-.December 245. Total, 2366. 95,gzi a en. cane r 2,261 Foreigners. . CA It RECEIVED AND PAID OUT BY T STEWARD. . . Cash paid Ititoth . 43 Cash recedigESUarding Paupers, . utoireasiy. 00 33 op = Logs - • 6 ' 64 -Lime.... .•. • • .. . ...... .. 6 GO " Boarding Paupers 35 40 " " Limo.... ......... 45,00 I‘ Pasture' ' 10 00 1s 00 Boarding Patiriets - - 10 00 " " . .. .. - 24 oo IthNRY BROWN, Stiward. Attest : Clerk. - 4.l..wrimaitirs • - BY THE •• tiIIIZOTOILS, FOR THE : YEAR - 1261.. 1261 . - Henry Brown;Steieara ; DI. Goorie : F. MU, Phy4l. elan-, David Mumma, ett rney ; ; J. W. Frantz, Clerk. SIMOND 'ASTiEt4. - •• . - PETER .BISHOP, , . SOHN RAYSOR, : a Diiectoiiiiir4he Poor. Attest; -J. Cc CC il $6B 51 $6l 99 -..gI7BSCRIBUR3. offer at , Private' 21 Eight :Wheeled Boa Freight Oars ,good, Inhaler order; 7 Harsco, 2 Mules. 5 One Hortie Widow/ cadlEforoces,,J. large Spring Wagon, 1 Complete !Stone. Truok Wago n, l! Two Horse Carriage, 2'Franifitaiblim about•4oo - Two ! Bushel Sara, 704 Tees or Lyisetot Witt; G 8 gacire of Salt SSmaillife Proof Saki 'drone amountOf;ollice Fnraitere, and property connec ted with the foreiarding basiness; together- en' eiteigthre ReOttlYMattparattio . Also the undlidded . half part of 150 acres or Coidlakils , sigtale in the Shout T.ykem-,Vattenposiplito county, near , Gratztowe, the veins et Coaliirtai developed. Application to be: made to the iliideridndePberOre first day of March, 1861. C. F. InVESQH, fan2l mitmariAnignees of John Wallower&Son ygENS'.VALLEY ATM COAL !=For _ 12 "le "414 pet 6 7/. 11. /VPRED PATEM AO' A LL Cll - t- - DGTE faRIX , JAMES Y. W 11 ar Coal denverea-nvm both- paidd.,.l3:ll. ORANGES AND LEMONS.--- AORTY: - BOY.!-5,* Prim.ood9r, At 4 re= calm and for sow by wig WM. DOCK JR. & CO .... 27 84 10.00 3 90 ...... 15 00 Nti PRIVATE SALE. 249 32 8 60 • 38877 .... 341 26 • 38 eo 43 04 ... 1 25 168 14 606 26 • 116 GO 404 29 1'12;69 20 00 10 00 26.80 28<18 22 92 171 64 160 10 1211 14 . 3 75 . 9-02 . 3740 . 27 73 . 62 63 . 380 57 . 2885 B 34 250 00 10 75 71 40 1,583 74