THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, (SUNDAYS ISCEPZIN,) BY GEORGE BERGNER & CO. TKRIIS.--Suonn Solusnurnees. The DAILY Tsineurarti it 'lifted toeldiscribela in the ,;oreugh at ex cents per - wok. Yearly - subscribers be charged 54.00. • WEIDILY AND Sinn-Winsia7Tainaaspa... The Taman% blab° published tales a :week during ;he session of the :Legislature = and weekly duringthe re mainder of thb year furni, andshed to subecrlbers at the allowing rates, viz : Single dulbscribers per year Seven 411 Ten 44 .44 UM LAW OP tntswe'Arsss.. subscribers order the diecontinuanee of their news papers, the publisher may continue to 'Send them until e 1 arrearagos are paid. ' If subscribers neglect or , refuse to taketheir IBMs :,ers from the office to Which they are directed, th are responsible until they hay^ Wiled the .bill's or d e red them discontinued ll~l~aicaL THE ORIGINAL AND Man DR. TOWNSEND'S COMPOUND S ARS ALFA R ILLA • Is The Great Renovator of THE BLOOD. THE SOVEREIGN REMEDY FOR ER lIPTIONB Oh . THE SKIN, ULCERATED BORES , AND ALL FORMS OF CUTANEOUS , • DISRA , SF2.; • These complaints can be speedily and effectually cured by the see of this - ' -WORLD RENOWNED SAAR SAPARILLA. Thonsandehave experienced its salutary effects, and tens of thousands have witnessed it, until it has ceased t° be a question among the intelligent portion of the .com mtutity. When the Blood becomes lifeless and stagnant, either from the effects of Spring weatheri change of climate want of exercise, the use of a uniform saline,dle4 or any other. cause ; this compound - Extractsf will MINIM the Boron, carry .olf the putrieltthibitSimsoors theocrats,. . REGULAIE .THE BOWELS.- And impart a Tone of Vigor to the ' Whole Body: TO TEE PUBLIC. The publio are hereby noticed that the.preparatton Ex tensively known as Dr. S. P. TOwnsendWOomponnd ex tract of Sarsaparilla is now manufactured under my tit reetion and' supervision, from the:Original:recipe obtained from Dr. S. Y. Townsend; and rairtify that his comp!: ed of Ingredients KEEP') TEGETAB,T4; and WITIIOIIT ME i MIRY; and also that the ingredients are Judiciously corn. ounded, so as to obtidn: from them their greatest medicinal effect. JANES R. : OHTLTON,III, Chembit Dr. S. P. TOWNSEND'S Coxvorrin ExTRACT or Saari. PARMA, has a reputation among all civilized nations as the best preparation for Renovating ands Purifyingfit,hei BLOOD which science has ever offered to num. In this resides iteRSCULIAREXCELLENCE,snd-to this% due its world wide renown. Ii contains all the vegetable principles which experi ence has proved useful in clearing the SYSTEM from DISEASE, extracted and combined with the highest skid which the refinements of modern chemistry enable tut to employ. - • Whatever may be said by mortified tempetitors or splenetic physicians, the fact that this medicine IS WRY WHERE USED, and that Reines create aft hgtressed de= mend, shows conclusively that it. posiessea medicinal merits of the first order . _ C A 11 T- I ,0 To avoid imposition it will-be-neOmintiy td See that DR. JAMES R. CHILTON'S CIERTIFIDATE as well es the SIGNATIME it Dr. S. P TOWDEOIad, is on the men& wraner of pech bottle. BE VERY CP,REFUL TO USE NO OTHER:, Proprietor's once, No. 41 Fulton street, N. Y And far sale by every Druggist bi th is city. apSO-dataw FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING PHILMELPHIA:FABbIoNg. GRANVILLE STOKES' ONE PRICE`.GIFT ' CLOTHING-EMPORIUM. No. 807 CHESIV72 7 VENNI. A superb Mock of fine Wench, English and American CLOTHS, CASSIKERES, and vEkkutictp, For City and Country trade, with an unapproachable as sortment of READY NADI CLOVOING at the lOwest Club prices Aar -But ONE PRICE is asked, and a GIFT of intrinsic worth and use presented whit each article aold. Part! ular attention paid to the Customer departntent, and garments made andsent to orderto any address. In inaugurating this new system of doing business, GRANVILLE STOKES would. Impress on the minds of the patrons of his establishment, that the oast of the gift is deducted from, and NOT added to the Price of the arti cle sold. His Immensely increasing salmi enabling him to act thus liberally, and at the same time to roans!) remunerative profit. All articles guaranteed to give entire sittistet GRANVILLE STOKES' ONE PRICE OLOTHINGEAPORIUM. 607 CHEST= STREET octl9-6md OATS ! OATS ! HELS 2,000 p ß r l i jB elt for iSe N very.lowto; ' ca m sri, by - JAd. m. wmmmitarm t . Dealer in Coal, Wood, Powder," am. ,All coal delivered and weighed at consumers door by tile Patent Weigh-Carts. Prices to suit , the times.— Wholesale and Retail. ' Ping Desirable Property . for 'Rent: TWO STORY FRAMESOUS,VIND 23. STORE ROOM, situated in Market. Menet, between Fourth and Fifth streets. in the Third Ward.' ALSO.--A LARGE TWOSTORY BIMOKHOUSIME , situated in Second street below Mulberry, in the First , Ward. ai,50...A THREE. STORY BRICK 'HOUSE, Situate In Marty, street, ht the Fourth Ward. Appll , to C. 0. ZI26IXERILiN, No. 28 South Second street,. Harrisburg, Pa. Jaulo NOTIUE TO :00140131)PIRS:OF - 00 - AL TIIHE PATENT - VETO ;CARTS tested and , certitied to by the; SLUMP. OP WEIGIVIS AND MEA7,Bl:lll.fig. . Mr. Jaime N. WsKetra—llailag this day tastes yarn. Patent weigh Carts, atid,fourLthem partictireolTAct, I therefore put my Beal upon them .g.RMDgRICIUSAHE,.. t3ealer, °Weights austAteasures. Harrisburg, January-17, 1861. •„ , JUST • RECEIVEEE ANOTHER I,OT, OF 'THOSE. EXTRA .FINE POINTED , GOLD -PENS • ONEWTON'S (foiMeiTy . 13,4101 7 6 manntacture, warranted to be the beat fa the finest pouted, moat durable and as cheap as any o market, for sale, with a variety of Gold and Mime Cason of various-sizes and prices, at lIGRGN . EWS CHEAP. BOGIIPTORB, Vatcfcet:Aitri?et. - • FOR TILE =SEASON. FLAVORING EXTRACTS. Vanilla, best in market, Rase, UMW; Pine Apple, SiraiirXsll7, Celery.,' • 2.lilitines i i-; Pulley; Pure DIMS:led Rose Water, Beat Digit& Baking. Soda, Para Cream. Tartar, Extra Paresppicea, Ereatt Callftry:Herba„ KIELLBWS.DRIIII STORE, : d2O . 1 . 91 Market Mimi. . -.-• • A / ..., . . . . . „. . 'V .. . 1 '',' ~t- A - 1 Y 4.4?4•.. .. . ' . - • - '‘ , V. , .1r! g.,„,?„2.. , - , ___ . .., : _...-•=-L.i) ________ - - _ ..- -. • • 1 • . -.-.: ~..„..'..',.':' :j . .i' '-' - : : t - - , ';• : -: 5: 7 ~;fll-j-,,.., , :.. -. .. . .: ...: .. '.'''. •:.-..: , -.! '.. I ' . ....- It ~..•,••:.,,, •.)-:-..-,- - • • - - - ••,----, ~.- " - -. , --.4.,_?..- , ~..0 - -t- '.4.4 -.- .. . . . . .. - ...A 100 .... 12m .... 15.00 VOL. XIV. %Inistellautous. OpNOENTRATED LEAVEN, HOE MAIMG Bread, Tea-Cakes, all kinds ofrastry, &a. BEANIYYACITMEID BY EDW. CHAMBERLIN & CO., Proprietors graduating Chessica/ Works. No. 83 INDIA liTlt&lff, Moslem nONCENTRATED"'ISAVEN is the_ re viesi stilt of oarehil Oheinical research. its Ingredi ents aro prepared in the highest state of purity, and Com pounded with allow to produce bread of a far better Quality, aid in much less lime, than by any other pro cess ; and by the manufacturers ;submit it, with 'entire confidence, to , the judgment `of discriminating bona°• keepers, bakers, - dm. Bread of s made by using Concontrated Leaven is lighter, more digestible and nuitritions; has an agrees. bie natural taste ; is less liable to sour ; will retain its moisture longer than „by .; tuiy,other _process, • and the whole preparation for the oven need not exceed ten ' It is valuable because it is not perishable, and may be rendered available in places and at times when yeast is not.witnin reach, as at sea. In all climates and under all circumstances, it may be adopted, thus obviating all Manny of procuring yeast or other ferment, whish is frequently of an inferior quality, rex daring the bread More or less:unwholesome: Rim also valuable as regards economy, as it has been ascertained that .4 saving is effected in the flour of not less than 18 per.cent. In, the common prowess much of the saccharine of the flour Is last by being converted intm carbonic acid gas, or spirit, and the 'waste is in curreMsolely. for the purpose of. generating gas to raise the dough. By using. Concentrated Leaven this waste is avoided; and the gas: obtained in a manner equally effi cacious. 'Fermentation. as has been stated,•destms a part otthe - tiour or meal; end, in consequence, a barrel of flour weighing 196 ibsi whielVby the common method, ordinarily makes shoat 250 The of bread, gives by this process 290 The , that; effecting the very important saving of 16 Rek.cent. in the quantity of flour. , -By gonformity the- directions OnlSenh liacitsge, any personloailable.of. ordinary attention may conduct theprocess, and the re sult will invariably;be highly satisfactory. - IMMTIFIDATE FROM DR. HATES, Aisayer to the State of Nastachusetts. 41 1 have analysed the Concentrated Leaven; manufac tured by Messrs. Edw. Chamberlin & CO., with reference to its , purity and efficiency of action in producing the er pet'of yeast in distending dough, and thereby rendering e fit for making bread. This article Is akillfidly coin founded, from perfectly pure, Material. It, raises the dough without consuming the sugar or any other princi ple in the flour, perfectly; and the same weight of flour will produce more sweet, palatable bread than can be obtained through yeaat; while tor cakes and pastry it is invaluable - as it saves allrisk, and much time of the pastry cook "The experiments made by tin confirm the statements mado by, the manufacturers, and proves this compound worthy of public approval and extended .use. "Respectfully, "A. A. HAYES, Si. D.,State Assayer, " , IS Boylston street,lhuden, Reptember 25,1860." DI.REC•TIONS Estrammtar Arm Ter Rona—Two or three teasPooluell. or LeaV.ea , (according:to the. quality of the ilour,) to one quart.' of flour; mix thoroughly by passing two or three times through a sieve ; rub.M apices, of butter ball the size,of an egg, and make, the paste- with cold milk or water, (milk is preferable;) barely still' enough to permit rolling out. htuph kneading ahould be avoided. , Cut in, to dealred form, emir** inimediatelyinkttot oven end bako quickly. :Lose Irartu).—The, Bathe proportions of Leaven and flour 'sifted tegether as above; omit the butter, slid, make the ,paateitiffenbitgh to knead into aloaf, and bake ,im• mediatoly in a aiow Oven. : , - (russet[ Bas teaspoonsfulAf LeayenAo one, quart of,wheat meal, sifted together ;,add onegill,ofwo, lesseeowl two.ggs ; make the paste thin with milk-ant 1141 4:1 4 .A 04T7.9Tea--- teit ' Veii4 :ant pint of flour, and one pint orcorn t meal; ell well sifted to gether; add two eggs ad about s gill of molasses; make the Pa§totblit Wittt Wakialnll*lce 510w1y,.. ... Bocci itad,milk sufficient to make, one quart of bitteiladd'ene egg, then three teaspoonefni of Leavel; . beatib a fieth, and cook quick: • DIMPII6B.--Sift together one quer tallow- and two tea , eipoonefol of Leaven; rub in a Piece of butterhalf as large as an egg ; mix" with cold milk or lister, and boil ten minutes. Mamma Maar Catni.—Bill together two large cups of flour and two bautpoonsfut of Leaven; Odin half a 'cup of butter end a cup and a half of sugar ; with tee mtlk'or water to a atitbatter, add spiceto suit tite,ocuits and bake immediately, - - - - - OINCINN/2f 01PONGII ', L C/AWL—Two cups _of white sugar. beaten with the - yolks of eixeas—the whites of six egge beaten to a froth; then beat all together , ; add three cups or . Oiled flOutl , one , cup of water; and three ttutspoonsful of Leaven; flavor with two teaspoonful of essence 'et In. Mein, and bake In ttquick oven. , Jrnonestift togetner one quart of flour 'led three tetiapoonsful of LetiVen . ; rub inCne:tea-cupful;ofbittter. add nom andu half edishite edger, and spice to suit the taste; mix stiff-pumas:tato follow, and bake.ila. lescrtionCiaa - .—One quarlof flour and three teaspoons- O ; il of Leavetesittedlogithdr ; add coup of butter, one pound of currants, two cups of white sugar, and one tea spoonful of stimainon; , mix With cold to a atilf bat, ten and.bake in n..filow oven:- = Co Cush—Cue Pint each of flour and Indian meal, and three teaspoomsful of Leaven, well sifted together' _; _add ene gill of mohnece and two eggs; _ tkOzt witu • milk, and bakein elow'ovan: ' • Cue GAEL—Five cups of flour and three tea.spoonsful of Leaven, sifted together; add one cup of Witter, two of sugar, and two eggs, all well beat together ; then add a cum of currants, and spice to suit the taste. Bake about half an hour. - r• . • ~. Lana' Casa.—Three quarters of a pound of flour and four teaspoonefellof Limvbit lifted together; one pound `of sugar and six minces of butter beaten. to a cream ; the whites of eight eggs well peatei l / 4 and the juice °Pone le mon; mix with Wilk. Warman Case r ,Five eups, of leer, three teaspoeneful of Leaven; three cups' of sugar, one of butter, one` of milk; and two ; fruit and spice to the taste. Bake about half an hour.; Packed in Cases.of 1,2, 4, and Six Dozen Cans. • For sale by Grecers and Druggists generally. WILLIAM GULAG= & .Bito.; Wholesale Agents, • .Nth. foil Worth Front Week, Phtiatelpinr. _ BEREINER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE _STREET •; ISTani CHEAPEST FLAO.E THE CITY SCHOOL BOOKS SOHOOLtTATIONEIIY, • • Comprising all the various - READING-AND BP.FrALENG Boait - 4 duilrizsiziwas GRAMMARS, ETYMOLOGIES, • DIOTIONA KIRK- RIS.TORIBN PRILOSOPMW: and all the SCHOOL BOOKS used ire this various Pablic and Private Schools of the City, together with COPY AND COMPOSITION-BOOKS, a L 322204 CAP ataci•NOTß PAMPA BLANK Booics,carams) LEAD AirDBLATIif.PAr PRNS AND KOLORRS, ,INKSTANDS; RST.NIZS and. the most complete aseortmeneof•SCHOOL-SUTIOISERY 'constantly on hand and for sale at TREPLOWFSP PRICER' 'or Air,macs in - the city, at . - AERGINE I O 'bb Market Street. Liberal diaconate made to teachers and dealers. • Any . artichr — not-om band promptly furnished . vrithott. extra' charge.: - _ sep24 81LVB P 1 4 ,44 D WA R -•- • - • • HARVEY r FILLE'f, • -N0.1222'1E41E4 Atreesipsi.LumultrA„. Manufacturer of >mq :NICKEL SILVER, and SILVER PLATER of FORPA_SRSPOONS, LAISki% BOMB KNIVI2. CASTO,MIS SCPSi_UENS, wan W,AMIES,4 • BUTTER DIMES, ICE P CAKE BASKETS, COMMUNION WARE, - CUPS, MUGS, GOBiITS, &a., With a general ansortienit, 'comprising none but the be) quality; mfd'e of the bestmaterfalsand beatify plaged,,gen.. Otte glhem a wikliableian&dur*Warthre •-• -' - 'Ton Forts, Siteinoare'arai - Tarreal•PAnnies. -- sar, Oniware:re-plateal the ben luunnar. rel?Wdb.W/X - - , 331,1ANK: BOOKS 1 usipWihougtroadaium oitandand - aosamfactur.. -0 or4ar at Aba.nbeaaatraxat t.,. , :nfiNeW,EAZIIOCiaST9 I I.Y. t 'Vga. II "INDEPEN))ENT .T.N ALL THINGS---NEUTRAL IN; Ni N' HARRISBURG, PA., SATURDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 23, 1861 TO O Inebitcd. SANFOJEW'S LIVER IIqVIGORATOR IfEVEA 'DEBILITATES. IT 'is oompcitinded entirely trom Gums,. and has become an estabilahad tact a Standard Medi. eine, known and approved and Ls non reaorted, to diseaSes for which it lire 'lt beienred 'thoriniids who had given up all hopes unaolicited, certificates; The'doie must be adapt the individual taking it,and to act gently. onthebOwina. `Let the dictates of your swot' the LIVER EMGO- Unlit Coml./nig, linnotis ialfainnunis, Bunion Com er Sons Bronson, Ream CtIONKRA Limnos, CRouaaA Upton* Dawn WEAK. succeeisftilly as an ORDINA , will Cure MK HEADACHE of Twiny Munroe, rs TWO TA at commencement o ALL arno num Aim enT favor, airAiLx Water . in kin:l - man* with_ the In vigorator, and swallow both 'together. riaca on DOLLAR nu Borim SANFORD'S r rAmitx CATHARTIC PILLS (MOO IrINDED FROM, : PIM/ vkituorx EXTMOTS _AND PU UP IN GLOSS 0.014.A,A15, •TIGHT f ilirD WILL BMX IN ANY. CLUELti:TE..: The iFILMILY cuartea-_ - • TIO PILL Is. a gentle :hi *olive Oaths/do which the UR .snprietor.. has used in hi practice than. tweet , yearn The constantly inoreas- Ingdsmiandfirointgsai who lupe long used the PILLS 14 and , the Satisgtotion - wldob -esi . psess in.-regard ! tow. Oieirttspik.isondeoecme to place lhein within thegik. reackof,all. ThePideeslon welt know ' I thitt dithitr*l3l)l4 ondifterintitortions of the sP • • - The FAMILY OATlttlit- Incomes to this well MO ded from variety of the which- act alike on orrery sal, and ace good and info &ark Is- , needed, such Bkepinen, rains tin . Poi Pain and Soreness over tie . or eatigy in the head,,aUl TIC PILL with dnere 1 4heitritekkeel)1 301 4PINW ppieieregetalgOilitracts e pini_or the " all dike , iihereta ., oa= ' Offiyowatumgc-orlatumfdy 4 / 4 # and P#A,R.ool.l..wgiac iq Wonsan Mares or . 411 7 - Purifiers of Lie Shod, and leek is heir, too numerous 71 tenement.'- Does, 1 to 3. PRICE 80 CENTS. Aisigiatte4 great linanY WWI - to WM) to mention In Me • Ivor. THEXII INVIGIORLITOR AND co Prue are retailed by, Dru ggists generally",and sold wholesale. by the pail° in all the large towns. - 8. T. W.- SANFO _A. RD. M. D Manwacture J 40: 4 4 1 1 - 441' ; 835grOtid • - enYorki 4w 1 JOHN 11 , 1311P11113 BOOT - &SIEOE STORE comort3Ecoxn'arm w.AI,Nt3 8 s. 1 Harrisburg, Pa. ALWAYS on .hand Ogg@ asquitineMoi tioOTS,.SROES,. GAITRES,, ft., Of the 1,41!1! tteiCloir, Ridies; geptlemeti, Meas. tb:lrctit *IS thug. • ; All br4EDRIVEADE' TO ORDER tha best :gtyle by overicetwoitateiti; i-; REPAIRING done at short. nptivoi 06110 tr - GREAT REDUCTION - INIMIGR t. EA _ • ° • wHEETYR `,WILSON'am ; S EWEN" ,M Aiu B-1,111 , S) : NEW IMPROVEMENTS AT REDUCEVPRICEV: WHERLEII, &, - IllapiiraP• taring Company hicilhg gained At' tkeiranits,at law, With infringing maritifacturtirs bf &Ming !daddies, propose that the public should be benetitted thereby, and , have accordingly reduced the prism' t or their. mowing, Machines. After this date%they will he iol¢ at rates thst Will papa fair iiroilt on the cost thailtifackir4caMfal Invested,' told expenselitimakihe 'Sides Octet p Mete will enable them to make first class machines; and; as heretofore, gnan t ntee Mom,* kve ry rticular. In accordance ivith — the anliddircement above I will sell thelkkilendld Milfg - ifactrgi 'till* $45 to $9O for the fine fell Case Mee cs.. It is a well estab lished fact that the j. •• • . neeler Wibtoil is the 13Ottone in Market, ihdbeat made, inosi;dol4 Vi and least liable to get out of orderoind theyere now as. low its; the dnferlor Machines: +Call -Mid see - theta t Third andalarket. . del-Om 0. ifICKOK, A at., ALBUMS 1: -ALBUMS 114 finest assortmeni otAtlarMeev r ei-iitieted city L ranglEff-in Nice 09 1 A -50X0118401/0 (Xtelich t bound. iu aL Ektyh?ts 011310aq, 4t r .. , , 12i104: 11 " 14 .. T THE ATTENTION OF MEMBERS MAZE „wan/aux • P• 1•: AND .8 TIC& 611 - E - Bat3' visiting the Chris maim' itp the targwit and thiaship sortment pf , Lotter; Note and Oak' ' Envelopes, tens andi/Edderso -Ink l'”vntan Wr dapPencils,-- , iting,W i„ en,,, SandEox ` Aill vaitietTorall hindePVREATIONERY; which for price and enalit7 cannot ,beexcelled v at . inawsprs:FivartliojcstoßC ' - • ..'" 17 61. 3 maikiesdiet. . . , de'29 L GO DAB OLD • •-• TtoncAr, 'Tuner and; I%ep p ~ ier PPiiiiSeive'orderit ntate;at icsotawsmitamsto . re;.92lfaiketiltiliell Allprthiraleft stittie,abaystaw444, placo,9rAktbtalucpor. gousp, will moot with ,prompt MU/44042. u; 016 Class PIANI)S for sa . k ."' ." . ~ FAN • 1)1 11 BT O " MEE UNDERSItaiR&•-41-A43 - -ISPENED a Wholesale andfintall i kmandOeseription Store, lathe Iron Front Bpilning r No. 4.28 Market ;street, lately occupied. brain , Eby; waive ace . Nina au entire new ofyresh and PardDragst Perfameryi - Soane.COAL ou4,,cqm, , OIL .I..a.kird, prow lilaid, ; Alc ntql Patent aloOichnis ' Stationery, Fincy,ArtAeles We haWn 'the agency for the Side fenite's''CohitfratenkArttl flopd.Teeth, to which ardifireuld • inditethe ideated of By strpt attention to btusinese,_ and. '44n4it to Plow, we reeler:Say ask delare of Pdblio:l l o*nene- lf..:—Prime`Efavana'Sepze Tobacco constantly itPTP•dIY • • . • - • ' • CITY LIVERY - STAB:10 _ ILLACKBERRY ALLEY, tiN THE ELLE .0.7 - fr4P undArfliVeAlhEMl. rO.A9))l9llol o 4the bie•rlaVtacuivialAinKßlAlK" IMES, la:acted bode, Ciettriariell deck: o ROBSAS, OARRIAMOsed OIibIIBEISES, which he hire s_kroderial rabsll. 7 F. k. :ppm% item•illy - HAVANA ;CIGARS! 4lineisisextelext, comprising .1 -• • - -". - - 'Alp; - - • 11 um TO, it . Ofellpbe*.axid. qualities, .bo illeaderp - hielitty andKeie. I !A* boxes, Jl,lst•xtoOtT 0 4A I KI i%te,tori latfi. La I— atoll •• tf.t 70 ." etiLIS,UI.I.; au VALUABLE REAL - ESTATE PRIVATE SALE, rCHE D'NDERBIGNED mill sell at -private A. e his . valuable real estnie;siivate near angles town, PAYsr Paxton toweshipiDauplthr cOunty,:contain- Bavaterr-Pnia ACRES moßs on prze. The land is well `,improved, 'with a good FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, frame Barn and other ne. I 1 0 1 l eesSarynut-buildings 'thereon erected. 'A wi. dow's dower, amounting to $1,600, remain on 8 property until-her death. IPersons desiring to purchase, can obtain all the re quired information from the undersigned, who resblea on by all that have need it, with: mundane° in all the commended. within the last twoyeara of relief, as the nnmeioli my possession show. • • ed to the temperament of used in such qualitiiies judgment guide you in lb RAMA and,lt will alir4 MUCKS, IfrassaituAnizon. NAVA Dintintesir; DROP. oat,.C.ceint- , CHOLIS Inseam* PIATIILENOII, einsia,tand_mny l he used ur FAmu.i MNS44 SI SL. thouundleinur WM) OMNI= TIARPOOMILSARt tbe_ProPertYr ovT•wtf BUEUtEIt HOUSE, MARKET SQUARE, HARRISBURGPENN'A. at**4 - 7 - I wo thelr,lestan.ony Lu 14 .The above well known and - king "established Hctel is now pndergotng.a thbrough renovation, owl-toping in a great degree newly furnished, under the proprietorship of Mr.:lGweiteiw J. BOLTON ) YaLotas been an. inmate of the Ouse for the last three years, and is well known to tergogete: ' : _ Thankfal for the liberal patrOnage which It has en oYed, I cheerfully_ comment - Mr; Bolton . tolhe public vor. Dos wtfl WILLIAM BUEHLER. CA . N'EIL E PIHAFEINE• CANDTMS; • SPERM •OINDLES, .= • ADAMANTINE CANDLES,. •STEA.A.T.NE CANDLES, STAR .CANDLES, CHEMICAL SPERM CANDLES, TALLOW CANDLES.. ~• A largo lot of the b above In store and for sale at the low • est prfeei - WM. DOCK JR. & CO, - OlipoSite the Cogrt House. , i k T ii T l L e . df g q Mf lity. TR'i.Eii.iiitiec ATTENT IONO n e large o °F ev as y G oi s .E tpi wi ' I"Ea Jov sEqm "D-DRl to w*Ri lbLf article - manufactured. • IAA GZNIB' KlD kin a d s o r wraps ,GaeVira• thi! are! 4, • tin the city. • Largest; usortmerit oil:100m Ready Hem Meta.: CRA7 ,12 4 ft r ailtußißß , 214 " 1132 9 Bm 1) pATROART'S, Ind'eferythink wear ; at Jari24 - ' •-; • • ' , text to the Ilartlsbaeg Bank. .00Doltoormousuro` - - olligioit.GlTE S PINES . 13,„D.E. & • : Vomouol BBasn Growl:lr.& CO, - 1 r mu 16 , a, • ai.11320 , V ITATZ, In store and for sole by JOSH H. ZIEGLER, dl97B.Harket Street. bit. E W YONEii AIARBISBURG, 1148,-*Ored,his office to thknitional . $91:1Be in Market street, opposite the Post Office. Ortioularractiapbeervwthffluune oluxvviindow.— w: Jones may be cousulted % On all diseases but mere .Partbnilarly: diessei ke:privide nature: -IC:JONES' bas cured a number .of private and.other diseases in tbilagyauld elsei*liere; . endsoinci Oftheim had:alincit Wen op all hopes ogreoevery n and was restored the use Olds us* erbal vetetlible r'elonedies. ' •SOZTOlilttlik. • Dr. JON 9 Ofieis the only sate and pertain remedy fOr fkamirhea, Glee; Striattiee,Liver Comnlaint, , Dyisp - epsia; : Cost*ones; and all Derangements of the Stomach. This Oreparistion Willi cure'arinetrhea.ln froini tlitee to'2thre days, and can be had at any time of Dr..TONIb3, at his of. flectit one DollsE fter ., biittlec'and'arctoottleis.kailloient to cure a mild case. , This is one or-the.worstoot All 'diseases. Dr. JONES Fledges himself to cure Syphilis In its worst rgrlns. This (Septum mitheillta arksitiranod flute delay' differ's= forks, that& single plan et treatment will not reach it in all its lOWA* it)siay reilyitricalirerentriithedieg, aactirding to the nature of the came Dr. JONES willtnake a writ, ten 149tibleIwIth anji one-NO.Orrilt.NOl'ilE I the re medies nse4 by Pr. JONESiltre Aurelymegettiby, and need no °halite of diet of hindiande tratn•tisinfts.- This habit oryOuthia indulged in Willa alone, and a often hiarned:fromovil companions „when at school, and if ins{ cured deetrok laith .Iloth .tiekta• fall victims to this disaiael aymptroms are -Papa itiittieZeadi Dimness of Sightilthiging. :the Ears; 'Pimples an the Face r Lees of gemory, Frightful. Dreams. at blight, Wealmens in 06140; Pain* the !treat, and Cougli;;T(itedicatiVe of CMiatimphoh,) .Dyatenshi,' great DersingeniintettlieiNeirVious gystilii, and so on fill 'Death fain an audit/Abair; suiforingstrtoTO.: imeh.Dr:JONY.,9 of. feta ,n,perfactAreatoratiorovith .suott ; p44lal4. Balmy Juices of Xforbs,rthat Till:pe - rfeatiliestortitlfe victim of thin Disfreasing Maass:" . - .. : • ;• .• FEMAI.F COMPLAINTS ThAe" suffering'triiin .. Colde and Derangementof , the speedily be ireatored to sound' tiealthdtnd vigor,:z 13 TE ,70 I '* pe:con4u4p4o at.;tits 4001 persgpalfyor 6y littiir;,descrlbing aIL .symptoms. .al lotion% Mild' contain a . to'enatiii . ;• r - -.7.,7:;_•Nationalloose; • • fetal, •. • MEI 6 frillHE unity of Government;whioh con- Mit ntes you onepeople; to now dear to yott.”— Trashilagton's Farewell ,i4defresi: - .17-rlisilorialitY:is Mien. Mal to the' enddrlig prosperity of our country. True pa. tilotism must oxlip from knowledge. It Is only a proper understanding .of. our civil. Institutions that penlnduce strong and-settled- attachment -to their principlM, and Impart ability fullthenflronintekance.. 4 91311 U9YEAN - T explanatory statement of the gyititita.Of*Goverrinfeati Of the Oaantry," csOntairw the lett of the Vonstituthiniotthe United Statee,and the Con ,stitutionai h provisiona :the leyerariSlates, With their meaning ruureonafrnotiekia determined by Judicial au- IhOrit y, and PrecenlinCault-praplika; or, derlied from standard writers; digestedand arraisedfor popular use Price $l.OO. Sold by - • M. M'SINNEY, : . del . Itarrielinig=Sar. AUDITORS -NOTICE: ITIHE UNDER:BIGNED,Anditor appointed A_ to dietribitte the :bilinee in the' hands'Or Joseph AssigneeofJOSEPHH. DAVIDSOg, - .sme4Aredi'l tors. will attend to' he'. 'ditties ot,-fils ,THURSDAY; the 28th dayfif rebruart;lB6l; at roVonli, X:, at hie office, in Third . street, Harrisbarg, 11 qc: lid where all interested may sttendif theythinh P r JOHN O. DETWHX4 ietiel,Thr ' Auditor. NOTICE.. E TERS MOUNTAIN TURNPIKE —ROAD COMPANY.—The President and Managers, of AbeTeters , Mountain' Ternpike Road Company have 'this day declared a dividend of sixty cents per share on the capital stuck of'' said wrap/my; say three: per cent. per annum; and' directed the. same to ; be at ace office of the stockholders, at the public' house of J. D. HOFFMAN, In thetitronfarrisbrog, to the stockholders or their le gal represerdativeSafter the lOth. f,eb6-Btwe J. 8. MEHARGIJE, %Yawner. N 0 1 1 1 .0.11" LL ERBONS are hereby uotified that we hnietbledity dlibeeed of our entire montane mein business to maim ILEILER &TlOLLftlf, 11, who V.lll continue It as heretofore osrtnocted . by un t _iit th_ e Old e eVoeis 11 4 n aac7:4, plaroddrt . theleut — de of lir. 30111.14.111111.1211; State:street betweenltibert. and Shoicfor.uulenismticamtraporsona knowhigthem- , Orneritidehted.mid WO 'hiving , °Mlle again& fis Afe , vivith Maw , requested tomrikeli 6 Igt # lThan am a coo ' starr4aUlLEß fCI 0, 71i.b-fr finiallmons. CLEU/ZaT.B..OAREI GEO. J. BOLTON, PROPBTETOR CARD SYPHILIS SPEIiiLS.TORR 4 'OUR (I,OVERNMENT." Nuo atunrtistinatte. TREASURERS' ACCOUNT. .4 . 11 N Qui ; Tiewarer of The .pounty of Ilaapblu, Penn- sylvanta, and ex•oftlatoslreaserer :of the Heneeltrf Ernploynoontand Support of the Poor In ; the county • otillauphan, in accomntArtth,the - sittli.cOunty, f4r:the of nee said House of Employment, . . , - • - P.EOLIPIS•IB6O. - To balance in Veasiury, due;fertho use-of the ' Muse of Employment, and : Orilla Poor In . the .countY- of rudtPlasfall Ter :siettietnent : ; , 0 made the-Connty ,Andlioirti;:januiry 12, ,If • s . si s • ts''SV•••••• $8.57.' To cash received from the OoinnYo' •• sioners of th 91 20, 0, Y. ec it. ) & 14 01 1 . 1 4 forint° use of the House, are, Ai aforesaid; pursuant,to regal. • Isit(Outt by litelDliectors of the Poor, Ate.; . 'conformity tp law, dated 'January 2, 1800,, on orders : is-mod:by ; said commissioners,-to:. f No. 528. . - 12,000 90 To cash received from the Mooed • _ • :L .. : peribes, ;derived; as hereafter stated, for , the or ; the ,afoiesaid,,Monee Employ Merit, f 6 Wit .• Jan.: 244—T4 cash from 4obu....Enderai, fig, .... „ 79 Feb. cash: for .............. - - - Raysor 70 52 ' 4, , ' " .:117.13r0wn," 12.84 April 2.- - To cash for rent on Mcilahan'ti • Fo2PertY:.• • 4 .. .1L--; .... . 20 00 ; - • 44 To cash for sundries 1 /20 • April 4. - • from Rif BrOWn Board . • for paupers, , 38.00 •• -TO cash for 'rime - - Shell 81 52 • ' 'April 21.—T0 cash for Logs sold . 24. " from. Geo.. Gilbert,. • Esq.; " 10 06 • - May 2.—To cashlor Lime sold- .. 500 June 2. - PrOceedi 0r:111.11......" .114 25F • • - June 6.—To cash, Frederick Gilbort-fOr • • ' • a ... lmport of tin. invalid. 62 00—To cash for Board to Paupers 35 40 28; 1 Lime Sold: 46`00 • 30.. • 4, ~ :Pasture. .. 00 • Oct.'l2.—To casl4,Prisceedit of :Pasture... 00 1 4 , for .Lisce.creril z ,Joltu • • • - • • •Itaiiter - 21`50 • - Oct.l3.—To cash for Pasture:..., ... 15 - 00 Nov 22. • .• • . . Beard to Paupers' 10 00 Doc. 4. ." .• " slime...sold. 24 00 • ' , " - 19. , "" Panpiti;_Lancaii c.t'unti'• • i• - ••! • • I`.: 80. 00 • To aggregate =Omit (21,057 04) ofprders ' sued in and derhig the year 1860, by, the Directors of Ihe.poor and Boom, mint for the county 'Of Dauphin, : Unpaid at _ SetlleMetOnade =by. the`. County Auditors • • of the county of Dauphin, Pa., January .11,5/861. L' ' ' ' - Order No. 8, Tobias HectOrless - $2 00 ." 'No. 54, Jobs 1 80 • 4 No. 85, R. Maguire. . 1 80 " 'Nd. 88;iGeorko Weatherer.' • 190 No. 109, Mary Ann .: Gould .2-00 Tobias Madrid:o ;2.00 - •• No. 168,4 do.-. do T 2OO - N0i261.; „.. ' .. 400 ~ No. 408, Mary_ , 2.00 4 , L .8765 , 1dataliti Ginktow - 90 •• No. 419, Mary Slscotsr:-. , 2.00 • .146.:445,11tarjr Watclater - 220 " No. 04, Catharine rooroz -2 00 " No: MY, 'Mary Sheets' - 200 • " No. 510, 200 N 0.218, Catherine . 00 " No. 626, Mary filheets.. ," 00 540, Davidißoyer gp ef No. 549, Wieling : 20 • ' - S.f• ' 4 f N 0.550, Mary Forney 2 . 00 .200 '4 , • NO. I- 57,2i Catharine .. '. '2 00 Va. 581, Mary. Sheets.... ;.; 00 ", .‘; No. en, moo* • 90 64 0, Mary s - ;2•4:10 s ' 9 'Ne. 690;Adam Brainier.: .. 2OO No.-490,94t0_rge .4 No.'Bl4,lVillow - N0meY.;.....; - 2 . 00 • 't, 15 '. 3 10ryfFmney,....:“..:;....-;`,- . :2 00 ' I u N6;230; Mary Waechter......... 700 " oNo., :2100 . No. 664; Bridget E0y1e5......... '6 00 ._No. 662; ffidow . Forney 4 .. 12 00 No. 663, Mary Forney 2 00. " No. 703, Nary Fleck 6E92 •' " No, 706, George 5n0150.... .. .. . 2 00 " No. 711, George - Trttllbigei 24 04 No. 718,,J0hn Matter , ... . . 119 , 28 - • • " LNo. 71e, /Angel ... 10'00 t • No. 719, Sloan di . 50. 4, Noe '724 JohnA Weir . ' • - 695 96 80' No. 72.3,`E. E. •Zollinger " ' 62 , , 64. Balance'dde John Care, Preasurer of the coon. ty epofficio Tr.easurer.Of the. Directors of the Poor and.Modse . of Employ ' Ment of said:county .•.. . . . . % 78 13" .$13,947175 • - • - tjAymENTB-18%). Cr. By aggregate 'ainoent (248,503 981Iiald and _ &Mire NO.l,•tri 725AbOth inclaidre, . issued toand during , theyear,lBBol by the Directors of the Poor end House; of ) }nploy .. :male for, the ehiiiitY - eflliCuphit:MOrdo red - in 'muneriettl 'ordee l and det'in Order . Book of the. Direetoteliforesitid-'% , : 18,563 0:3 By orders paid; ksseed by...theuDirectors es 1 , • • aforesaid 381859, unpaidatsett_tement made hy 'ttie doutitY'Auditorkdieuad 12; We, to wit - .Order N 0.488, Widow Forney 2 00 " No. 439, Mary F0rney,......„„_ _ 200 4 No, 485,Wfdew ''..00 Ne. 488, Mary Forney 200. _ No. 541,1Vidovkloiny -2 00 9 Ne.-542, Mary Forney—, • 200 'No. 587, WidOwlrerney".... • - '2 , 00 ' a No. 588, Mary Forney, .1 200_ ds2, Aaron ' '9B 00' No. 578, IT.Wilpon ••- 5,00 No. John Bayed. .. ' '7s' ' " NO. 62,9; Johnßayfier.. .. . t „;,. 4.352 - • 583,' Jelin Floor • go '72,72, • • Nc:sl:o,lßatiaterterg&s 2'oo :No. reyr,.„ThoptisAlerog . .. 00! Ne 2 403, 2OO " N 0 . 7438, Volla3B-,W888kirria.......4 ...` , 2 : 001 • , f • No.- 305 ; Thom a s Herod... 200 ' a 0 N 9 .5228 ..1. 6 81011 ..... . - 87 ;80 " N 0 .528 Joseph Clark. 14 88 ' $8141'17 , By: Crean allowed 'John .'Care, Esq., present forfthe" amount ' , of, - • Chirged against him em dehtor side of this account, Said' anc — ount-Upt-rif Plald.l3in the iate Tieesurer,, trt consequence 91t caity-existingbStweeinllttessid theßea r rd . of Directors o[ the How, of Employm ent, of „ *. tihiall'hoase saltDirectiishiive the cohtiel • t'"A . 41 Fe? 4 ?? ~= • • • * 6 ; B Commtastonersdowea :treasurer, to • wit t On ref? It** M. 4 . 1 . 07,31 of l Ptir cent /5 .04 On paying $138,11.25, 3f of 1 per eefit...46 06 • it:, 3 . 461.29 :3131/47-7 , We, the, nxidersigned„ the. county ,of Datt abla;Vennsylvantit,' elected; Undated, eiront; And' 'IV tintied according to law, re r • 411aptottnekdid audit, nettle and adjust, seno r din atii; the loregidiii ac t emim., Johe_Carp,, , Eatr Treasurer -of; tI,o county - or Dapphin, Peanaylirftiti, a d sir-diaciO Tretien' rd. the Bohm for, the AmploYetent. end. Sepport,ofithe.Boor , in the county of , account count", for the, use of -,the Wise 'of , Belpieeminit oferesaldi commencing January 2, atkand matt* 'Decetabei'Bl, 1880, and that the gaming as t abne gated ittgerkect,Lett entered In Settlintent Book A. of said Winne of Employ mwit, kept in the Commissioners office of the-.county. alciresaid, a9d, that welled tt,halance due the Treasurer aforesaid, the sum: oteeventy eieht::dollatiand thirteen cente, ". our. Intestimony ithere9; likee ' heitainto :set hands at Ilittiabon this elettanthlareJandary 1861. HENB7' Pdl2g," JONAELiNf • ' ' • I,i4rosiltoppcthe Ono , or Bauphia. ATrier : .fosanitlfritre•e , • abrk 36 - 063AVAbit;3;i: „ ft;dl,2 J Skilement of I the Rer,eipte andErrichtar:Arite Howe of iihnployinent Anct • swell cfo4.Poor rhway—orDcaw , siyt DiPATh OP' . lAtiendiagSloh.; - ' , 31 0 ••, • • •• • • '.'" • • Beetle ''' ''''''''''''' •... . ........ ..... rakll4 _ . 741M' - ftiam -- liiiliig ..-- fitt. Having procured steam Power Praises we are prepared to execute JOB and BOOK of over/ description, cheaper that it can be done at any other ea tabllehmentin the country. --...----- RATES OF ADVIOITIEGEO. AtapPour Snell mien constitute one-haffueltuffa Hg lines or more than four constitute a square. Half Square, one day $Ol5 one week • ~ , , .I. 00 one month 4C three menthe .800 U Mx months • . 4 0 one year ........ ........ • . 6 00 ^me day One . Pquare- one day • one week.....:. one T/4 1 . 1 lb- • • • • • " , '/0 iv o lePear - _ 1 - 0 00 airßustness • notlecei nsertedin the mow awe" or belbrellarrisiges and Deaths, lira OMB PER L 1 or oaoh lnserdon. r , - . girimap3ag as and Beata to be eßarged as regular '.4 4 /vAttlßeliflelita , • NO: 44.‘ Itlacksinithing• Coal, .. " .... "coots in 9nl . oOsto on Arbitration. Colthts .Corpenteral work Cattle ... .. • • • .. • .. • 10!joactors and Clerks, extrf for settlement, DdolityMellinger'a , torTrPT O F , 01 /•• - ; - - Fenna•lLaktng. >. Pa'rodog,lmploncento • , . ;.. .. ...... Hari eltthNt • •-•-• • jadree doctoring Harness Acc7i C/Ft s9 d. •.. ... ••••i• • • ..... •. • " liarditarennd - ... I ; 0red5......‘i:.. ....."......',-..:...: . . ... .;,..... 268 6 Horses and Cattle .. 261 92 nsurance Tax.: ...-..-.. •.:.... . _................... . 900 !suing orders for removal of Paupers. :... ..... 105 35 I:tido:neat. : .............. ...... :.. . - ...... :.. 46 19 :labor ' . 46 70 Lumber., : .' • . 307 09 Medicine 128 26 liMehmalise : ... .'' ....'......... ... : . 740.66 Mason's work.. :. .... ............. ......... . t 8 00 Making; 5h0in........'.......r. :.. : .... :.. ......... • 50 38 Making Clothes _ .106.18 Medical Attendance (oat-door:-Pittipernj....': .. .. - : 42 84 Phimber's w0rk...... -...—..........f.,...,...- •- • 42 77 .. Printing 185 60 . ... p.. , •.p..... , .. • • .• .... • !,....... • •r. PoStage, Statiortersre • '-'-'-- ,-'- - • . ........- 25 78 Repairing Clock. ..... .... ~... ............. . . 251 Repairs - M.IIMB . ' 4111 26 Road Tax..... -,... ....... ....... ...... 29 69 96ppiart of oat-door Pau pers 986 60 fierving Bnlapoetta, :......................... • 377 411 ;4 804 - '..,....... ' 17•00 ........ ilhoOlfork and,T0n.............. " •• • 'f. 6.78 3 61 1 81 1 ' • ' " ' - 105 00 Sppport of Paupers in other Counties 144 30 Shoos .. - 69 00 of,Ptrupers in the Asylum - .2210 46 Travel* Dpenses 108 26 Tax on property '' 446 .... Thu.,: . '........ - . . 21 00 -Wheat.; ' - .• ' - --- • . 1856 40 Vagfin trOrk - ... 27 68 David Paining' Esq. Attorney's salary onelear. 40.09' . " " -Brown; Steward'sls2 00 . Barer; Hirector's, ... : . ......:." ....".".... ' 43 99 Daniels,aniels, u• a .. u 82.00 Csalow s Clerk, salary six months - 26 . 00 'J.l7.,..Prtuatia, Clerk, siliry two monthi....: .... - '4 84 . Hr. Milk Physician, salary pne s yeer • - 260 00 Salary due:7olth Rayner from 1868, - 10 76 John Mims, attending Sick, and as Clerk . • 71 40 AtnOmit of Orders Waned 13,503 08 . . . .. . . . STEWARD'S , EXPLANATION. P:RODITOB . . . 642 Bus/leis of -Wheat.. $W 20 1;167 " • Oats • 30 ' ' 35010 150 Potatoes .. 176, 00 . ram Turnips:.:..:..2s. ...... • 55. 25 1,925 , . Cora In R are ..,. 30.... 577 59 44 - :•'Ottlotts. t 25 50 25 4 ' , ,:14(kBetta - ..40 ;30 00 =;,;51 •- • Rye:.... • ' '7O • ' 20 3,535 Meads ot, - 109 06 1,456 Pounds of Batter - 16 ' 232 96 732 41 Lard' -12 ' •, 87,84 1,052 cc Ta110w.....:..94 68 „.516 - 07......::. - : - 86 12 " • 08..„.„ r 6-62' 11,741 . 01 litier • - • 06 • 704 46 4054 Wes.- - • 90.97 . .4,408 " • • 'Pork , •-• •• ...1 - 308 - 21 • -;46 f l cside of 576 00 . . - MANUFACTURED IN THE 'HOUSE. - 81. P i n f 13 , 1 akii.* 3 4 Per Of women's shies, 22 • war ; b %igen Sahoes, 50 pair of men's pantaloons '2O pair b o y s ' paal4.-167-ahlrts,oB &mad, gundolohliets, 48 pair of stool/kWh : 3l roandaboats,lo:vests, 23,paie of winter(Peetebx.inet MP= Wall dresses, VP aprons, 27 obildreree frocks ,6l sacks, 27wometes aprons, 36 sheets,, . 18 comforts, 21 nhattthags. 31 tolsters,!2=Oulltai 4s4inow' slaps, 245 pounds peril soap, /4 barrels soft soap, 76,000 hushele of liton burned ' • - • • ' PROOF:EDO OF THE MILL, from tpe lst of January, 1860, to the let of . January, /861. : ,sr; 1 . TOLL caw' AND , Thol7ll, GRUADING,PPE X02(11Y. . January ...... 111 00 February ..... •••• • ......... •"1 5588 `.- 90 Akre' -` ' • lBB 81 .... ....... .. 160.04. .............. 186 96 June. ... ;lab" .. • .... ...... ....... 7L 99 .. . ..... ... . ''43o September9eptgBt.. 97 92 Coctoer,..;_ ..... .. . .... . . 1 . 17 44 November ... . , ..... ................ 201 S 6 December• • „.., 129 68 Income intuit for 1880 DIED, DURING: . THE YEAR, .13enryBoisiziger; (hialied;)"Pied Ehieler, dhaS,HOus , man, Prepic Singorollree,bldhlren (burled ill one collin,.) Sallie Finley (e , bibioa;)BeSjainir' i Minnick, FAcindartanl's pled (coloreQ ( BascieJacii t liamparneektoloire4 Sa sik Snowden • IcoTorixi,_') l 3.fiary Ailey, a:Colored babe, An na J0ne5...705013'W 4444 13 . 4,•ftElltiiis. - ,Ccaliscift,jlJobn Loxlsy, Margaret . Baps, Joseph Forney, Patrick McGassii, Ellen eicogind_wgimmenrsoil . .. cbildi• -John Bell's Child, Uro belies buried in one coffin, a babe 4col ored.),l9llols number, • . • or.,COME, RS • • AND GO*9. January 213, Pe/6448, Mairoh . 3s"/„April iskitay 139, ,11tue`.272,..101y423; Al goat I.oBi SaPtesltrer.l93l October 113; NOVebilierl22,lDeciiiiiller 248. Total, 2356.95 AMOII - 24:14.F91:0g110111i, _ . . 94101131;931Y.ED..AND PAM OUT .BY THE I:RW44IN 013hipablinto the Treasnrp . $l2 48 Cask recAtiir Rottedingtracipers, let , intolregialk: , ...,39 tin Lo gs _ ~ 800 Boarding ... Paupers2s 40 . —45. 09 •" ...... , 19. 00 ]; • _ , " . " " Boarding , ,00 HENRY -- BROWN; - Ste ward: BY THE putEcurong,.FOlt THE - " „Iketry Brown,* kteivark ; •••)r,;. GCeorge.;ll.-iftLeb,:.Pbyel eisn';.Dairta: Mamma; - Attorney ;John F. Peek, MlThir ; J. W. FrantrZerk. r- • • , . SIMOtr.D.4.IgEb, • ' PltEit -t • • - 4.0.1E1M RiViktit; • • Perestora of the Poor. :/t4te4t r dh. • • ... . .... . .. .... . T H E ;P ) 42%-: . 4.54..-.:..1 -- dißapaiiiiii:B.. of At :I'rivtie, .: i.‘ Sale:4ilLtiklitiiVele'd Sok rreiglit OatsleviWf - 1 musniog,e,r.iler. , %7 Horses, 2 Mala4s One., Huse , .Etkik_Elatuess,4.-hite 'SpenigtWegoe;l - *Ctifiiiihre:Sione - " Truck Wegeo n l:Rive , .Eforee,qarriage, l! 9 2.:Krane l bj, aboti 4001Wo 'MAW }igs; 700 TOM of a:PawsVl ft C 0 f 1 ,4434 0 ff0f Aqt, 2 594/ 41, WOK Ssrohe - I! ' . ,- anCunti.otonhe'Farnistre and'property connect ed siFith . She , foresardinc-hesWeeh,:fpgeshepirpotilo6.lllrig; ilbetityitii - kiviiititlit in abmpleTe order. - - ' Also, ow aadiTidpft brlptOrllsrhgteaa Grp: *nate in {he Sedit ]Mo unt ain; iti Lzkina Valley,Da uphi n tatowo the vm^. '0 • , .E . ll!lg . ned . befort the . 4 lre Y ll e eltiftit ' o a bv -.. .Eca i ii; iir l dg 44 - 13 " 11; " PO' ' - &it daymEldarcti qBOl - - ' - A • ...':. - .. . . , • A. IILESTEEL, ... ....„.,,,, , ; 1...,:..:,!:, , L.' - ';, ;.:..' . .,1 U. 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