CURS at girariel & aranspprtatimi Milli AIR LINE ROLTE TO NEW „ .ii: y r ckllK. ! AND - 01:7;pREST IN 'TIME BETWEEN THE TWO CITIES CM NEW YORK AND 11...A.:R,12.,15.13 - CTIZO- I VIA READING- ALLENTOWN AND EASTON. MOHNINO . iIiPRESS, West, leaves New York at 6 A' err] vine st-I3itr-ristintg .41 1 P. bl , only 6% boars ~tweet) the iwe YAil JINN 1049 , 48 \ew York. at 1' .00 sooti, lied ar Ives la ilarrisbarirat fi.46.P.'&11; t.t.raht444lll,e,r;iw Disk "gayer! Harrisburg at At IL, arriv tat , Neiw-Vork at 5.20 P. P.M. . • IaNT MEB:LINE, 'East; leaves amnia,- urg M.,. arriving at kow York at 9.46P:14: Culmeolone Harrisburg at I.OOP. MI with roa PaSeenger 'Praha is:each directieuonthe Permsylvw, Cumberland Valley and NottherA.Central AU trains connect at Pending with trains for Pottsville and Philadelphia. and. at Allentown for Mauch. Chunk, .stou . No change PasaenserCars or Baggage between New York and, Harrisburg, by, the 000 A Si. Din from New orirer.the 1.15 P. Si. rom Harrisburg. For Denuty orseehery, and speed, mimfortand aceom. modation, reute presents • euperior inducements to the iravelieg public.. FRO between New York and Harrisburg VINN LARS For tickets AFL) other information apply to decin; .1 . ..4.-OLVDE, General Agent, Harrisbnri. PH IL:ADELPHIA REAPING: ' : lath ' KO 4.-D-,-,' WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 0.11! AND AFTER DEC. 12th, 1860: . . TWO PASSENGER TRAMS LEAVE HARRISBURG DAlLV,lStindays excepted}? it 8.00 A. M.,' and 111.5 P. M., for Philadelphia, arriving there at 125 P. 3.141 ind O.IAP:4Fr • • itt.TURNING, LEAVE PHILADELPHIA at 8.00 A. M. mut 8.30 P. M., airliertik at' Harriabvrg at I P. M., as FARF,S Philadelphia, No. 1 Car 5,43.25 • No. 2 (la same train,) 8235. FARES :—To Reading, 81:60 and 81.80. • 1 Ronan& connect with trains for Pottsville, Mbiera vine, Tamaqua, Catawisga, ate.. • • FOUR TRAINS LEAVE READING FOR PHILADIEL. tIIIA DAILY, at 6A. 51., 10.45 A U.; 12.0 noon and 43 P. M. 1 FAYE PHILADELPHIA FOR'READING at 8.00 A. M. 00 P, M., 3.30 P. M., and 5.410 P. M. VARES t—Readiog to Philzidelphitt, Sl. 5 and $1.45. HE MORNING TRAIN FROM HARRISBURG CON • ELT'S AT READING with up train for Wilkesburr %Winn and Scranton. ' • ' • FOC thrOngb ticketseee other Information apply, to . J. a: CLVIA, Geoteiiit deeld du PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD I WINTER TIME. TABLE FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO. AND FROM" PHILADELPHIA OM AND AFTER . . MONDAY, NCYVEMBER 26th, -1860,• ,- The passenger trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Cora pony will depart from and &VIVO at. Harrisburg and - . Philadelphia as tollnws . EAST.WARD. • THROUGH EXPIGiku TRAIN leaves. Harrisburg at 2.40 a. In. and arrivea at West Philadelphia at 6.50 a. in. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 12 65 p. m.,. and arriveti at Weet Philadelphia at 6.00 p. m. MAJL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 5.15 p. at West Philadelphia at 10.20 p. in. , • • 'these traias nuticeelose connection at Phuadtunntewitk , he New Yorkiines. • ACCOMMODATION -TRAIN, No. 1, leaves Harrisburg at 7.90 a. in., runs via Mount Joy, and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12.30 p. m. • HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Har risbnrg at 1.16 p. in., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 0 40 p. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, leaves Harrisburg at 5.26 runs via Mount Joy connecting at Diller villrokith MAIL TRAIN East for Philadelphia. WESTWARD. THROUGH 'EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 10.50 p. m , arrives at Harrisburg at 8.10 a. in. MAILTRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 8.00 a. m. - riven at Harrisburg at 1.20 p. in. IRCAT. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisbrirg tot-Pittsburg at 7.00 a. m. FAST 1161Eleaves Philadelphia at 12.00, noon, arrives at Harrisburg at 4.10 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION . TRAIN leaver Philadelphia at /00 p. in., and arrives at Harrisburg at7.85p.m.•• ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Philadelphia at 4.00 p. m , and arrives at Harrisburg at 9.46 p. m. Attention is called to the fad, that passengers ,les,ving Philadelphia at 4.00 p. m. , connect at Lancaster with MOUNT. JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, and arrive at Harrisburg at 9.0, p. m. GAMURL D. YOUNG, dung. San Division Paansvivania Railroad u0v2680-dit • • Northern Central Railway NOTICE. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. (IN AND AFTER WEDNESDAY, January 80th, 1861, the -Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Railway will leave Hirrisbarg an follows GOING.SOUTII. • ACCOMMODATION TRAIN will leave it.. 3.00 A. RI MAIL TRAlN`will leave at.. ..............1.00 P. N GOING NORTH. ' MAIL TRAIN will leave at.: IL MI P. N. The only Trains leaving Harrisburg on Sunday wilibe the ACCOMMODATION TRAIN South at 8, a. m. For further information apply at the °Moo, in Penns.' Railroad Depot. ' ' - • JOHN W. HALh, Agent. Harrisburg, Jauriary 800.800.—soqur • BX T §"U‘G AR OURSD MA.I Mir sale by DOCK kiK; &CO Dct22 flennogluania Celegrapl), tliebtreebetv'Aftentoim, february 20-, 1861. filistttlannus. VW -I 'n_ time "" - tA eclA leatk e444 td.' CURE ea Nerve usHeflOaqe CURE AA Abuls H o t wae , .. i7NTC . ! . .Z.,t...1.u...Jt...3..1..1......1.... 0....! r .3.1,..: . ."....a. .. By the tee of -Chime s -4415e.. tlia-paiiohld , Net- sous or Sitelfoildaelt4vory Inimmtventql;mulff blitenia the, commencement of an attack immediate relief from . pain and,ellielifinthiaylbe Rita - Ma-11 1. I,£,_L.. „ Thetfaiddant fitillihreinaviarthelfausaisuldHeMbsche to whibitteillatitiaavelliihitahlect.4., , :,... ,_.).,:ti.. ' . ` : ... . They pct iati tly apt thelboWels , :-reknovhlit Caelvistotse _For iitiraro-.lfeniihiludentsi . Delicatts..Semales, and all persons of sedentary Wits, they are valuable aas.../asa. ties, Improvini , :the, , ,m;petite, giving loitaand vigor to the digestive orgalm;and restoring the natural elasticity and strength - oftlid whole system ThetIWHALIO:PILI.H are the,_resttlt of long - Invest] 'Ohba and carettilly,condoefed eimpit "having been In use in many years, during w hich time ey have pre. vented and relieved , axastamount of pain and suffering from Headache, whether`Originating in the nerteitur Ilya 'terror from a deranged,stale of the stomach., _ . They are entirely -vegetable In their-commxiilon, and may bataken at alt times with perfect ,safety without. ,making L any change Of 'Met; and the absence of any dila, strecabre tarts renders it easy to adminitterthem to dildren. r , ;HAWARE, Or,COUliTa I The genuine-levelly° signatures of Henry Q. Spalding Bold by Drugglstit and - all other Dealers In Medicines .a Box will be sent by mail:prepaid.on weeelpt otthe , PRICE 2Ei CENTS: All orders should be addressed to ' • ziovlb-dawly . 48 Cedar Street, New York , THE FOLLown.m. EIpQRSRIENT OF SPA.LDING-'S CEPHALIC PILLS WILL CONTINCE'ALL wrw-arntia FROM H E- A'l).:,;:A':Q.,lif:E., THAT A , SPEEDY AND' SURE CURE IS NVIITLIN THEIR REACH:' AU there. Sestimenialt mere .111.14mited IIVG, they afford ungwetiermbteprocf.of 14 di: cagy of this .truly scientifie.,4scovey. ifAeoirvecari, corm., e 18U.. ME. Branum - Air: i have tried your Cephalic Pills,, wa r tlike them so well that I want you to semi me two, dollars worth more. Part•of these are-fcir the neighbors,• to whom I gave few out of the first box I got from you. • Send the Pills by mail, and oblige Your ob't. Servant,•• JAMES KENNEDY. • HANILIiFORD, Pa., Feb. 6,1861. MR. SPALDING, • Sir : / wish' yori to send me one more box of your Cephalic ,Pills, Fhavereceited act r aeakle i r, from thm. • la a lf m oti l lironatausE. Brume SPXLIC, Huntingdon Co., Pa., 1_ January 18,,1861. f EL C., Seszsma, Sir , You will please send me. two boxes 9Y your CePkali m Pills. Send tbeimmedletely. - . • : .. llesp - ctfally yours, JNO B., , SIMONS. P. 5... , / Acme used o no 3tos of your Pins, andfindAsm, excellent. Bans Namara, Ohio,Jon. 16,1851. HENRY H. SPA DING; • " Please find =Mooed twenty-five conte, for wtiohoend me another bra of your - Cephalic Pipe: .214 are , tfuly the best Pills/have ever tried. Direct ♦. STOVEIIiT. it., Belle Vernon, Wyandot 00., 0. • BevARLIr. Mass.' Pgo. Alb 18 6 0 ., H. O. SrAueei, Esq. INrieh for come cirei4are or large show bille t to bring your Ceptudte. Palo more plipculai;y before niy elute mere. if youlave. anything. of tbeigiltd, "please send to me. . - , , OLIO of my customers; whorls sUbjebtto severe Sick Headache, (usually lasting,two days,) was cured of an allaokin one hearty your Pills,-ivhiSh-Leentimr. Respeetfully , . WILKFB. . -Rirrnowsunaa, Franklin Co. 0., 1 • .Tauter, 9,186'1. HOMY C. trunma,Vi . . • No. 48 Cedar At. , Eneleeedfind ilirentYjitrecerds; ( 2 5;) for 'Widen send b " "Co ll 4 l o.'Plas•!' ;BandlCod4reas of Rev. Wm. C. Filler, Wevfoldeburg, Frankjin ponty, - Ohto. Your Rite work Maid, charm—eure ' . Ereadaehd alrnoe Truly youro,' WM C. FILLER. liairn, Mich., Jan. 14, 1861 illt.gP/Unsct Not long 'alike I ienite of fonthe cure of the Nersbungeadttebe_litSd.-Cosflveness, and reneived Ana eaxne, a,U4 4101 . 40 2 4 2 . IP rod an fieg"haf !was induced to setedlor Moro.: Please send by return Difie tto • • - : YpaUquiddioh. [From the.Examtaer, , Norfolk, Va.] , Cephalic Ptlla. acoompilatt , the object for which they were made, vf.t Ciao of hetidache in ll its farms. [From th e . Examiner, Noriblk, Va.] ihey have beenlested tumor(' than athousand ones with entire success!. C10u4,14144 If you are, or have bean ttpubled with the headache, send for a box, (Cephalic ) eo that , you may have them- in ease of an attack.- - [Fromthe Adverlitter, Providence, B. I ] The. ClvitaXellihmoiletct to, be a remarkably effect lye remedy for the headaehe and pito of ` the very best for that very frequentiiihtlalit . .*Wh has ever been _ . [FFeal the, Weelere phicage,:ill.] We heartily enderm Mr ) Spalding, and Lip unrivalled. Cephalic [From the liaziwhakValley.Star, Harkawha,::Va:] We are alare. UM% p4tadraf aaferiag with the headache, Who try theta; -lain • JaNgle bottle of §PATiDINIP -IPIPARED CILIM Aral save ten times Its cost anncslly. p • • SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE 1 SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SIVE tHE 711 a. 1, 1 ECONOMY I agr"A SnICU /f f. els accidents Ali Mn, veell-regalatedfivailies IL; Is T,ery dealrable to haio dobia cheap and convenient Way for_repOlifrOar pilule, Toys, Crockery, iko. . „ srailontips.:rhErAnzn GLIM meets all imeti:i*airri4cl44lu4-110 ‘ 11,04WelrIg.- . can - afford to be without It. It la always ready a!al the etlck• • • "UMW IN EMIT HOME." N. IL—AL Brush'etefOrep-each ,Priee2l; cts Address 43.• SPALDING, 48 Cedar Street, New York. As certain iMprinmpihilpersonaartartampting to palm pff_oit the Mae - apectiag4ubbiWPOlPAlSt . IMP'S - P DIME; lt;trouldt:ttailUoitail 19 , :exautrrie iIL before purchasing, and,SCO thth n e;r4M l _ ina9s : t airSPALDINGII3 PREPAROMWIL-Sir- - is on thiiontable wrappenitp othemnsussrmanng Conn; tortelim . r no9ls4awly-rill'eblo litebital BOEII.IIAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS. L4:o' , Nl):o:4l: 4 ENC4.l.:(s)Winasji;l:436:44 . avity,l DYSPEPSIA, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, LIVER COMPLAINT, AV - EAKNESS OF ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE, And the various affections consequent upon a disordered [...-STOMACH OR LIQER, 17S:iibh as 'lndigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Clonal. Heartburn, loss of Appetite, Despondency, a/a liveness, RIBA' and Bleeding Piles: In all : ervous, Rheumatic, and Neural,gio Affections, it has in.numorous instances proved highly beneficial, and In others effected a denideff cure. - is a purely vegetable corimound, prepared_ on -strictly ecletitific prhiciples, after the manner of the tole-. likated Holland Prefessor,'Boeihave. Its reputation at ' home produced its introduction here, the dematid com mencing with those of the Fatherland scattered over the face of this mighty, iipuntry, many of whom brought with them and handed down the tradition of its value. .it is now orered to the American public, knowing that its truly wonderful medicinal virtues mutt be acknowledged. _ It is particularly recommended to.those persons *NM constitutions may have ueen impaired by the continuous use of ardent spirits, or other fez:moo:if-dissipation. 'Gen erally trufahlaneeittabioffect, it trifle lta - way_directly. to -the seat orlifei , Andiiiifiekening -evetfl,nethi,s. raising up the drooping apirlt, and, in fact, iufuliug new health and vigor in the system. • NOTIOB.--Whoever expects to find thls beverege will be 'disappialuted; but to the" sick; weak and tow spirited. It will prove a' grateful. aromatics cordial, r.possessied of of singular remedial properties. READ CAREFITLLY ..: The Genuine highly concentrated lherhaveta Holland glitters la put-up is half-pint bottles only, and retailed at Om _Doman per bottle, or six betties for Fifa DOMANI.= ,The great demand for this truly celebrated Medicine has induced many imitations, which the public should guard against purchasing. • -,• • ./Eg-Beware of Imposition. See that oar name is on the label of every bottle you buy. sold by Druggists generally. It can be torivarded by Express to most points. SOLE PROPRIETORS, BENJAMIN' PAGE - JR ‘X A A VP A DS V 1111'0 Phannacentbirta and Chemists. PI ITSBU . RG, PA. For sale In the city of Harrisburg by . D. W. Gyms & Co . atc4op.wipmBoryB . TAPE PlLlAA.lo)Pnoranx BITTERS. THESE MEDICINES have.:now been Vei Tore the pttblto fsr &period of THIRRTY YEARS; and dur tug that time have maintained a high character in al• mast every part of the Globe, for their extraordinary and immediate power of restoring perfect health to per sons suffering under nearly every kind or disease to which the human frame is liable, The following aroamong the distressing variety of hu man diseases in which the - . ' ' VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES ir3ll3cnown tube , . . . DYSPEPSIA, by thoronghly clausibig the Ent and' second stomachs, and.creating a So* of pure; healthy bile, instead of the .stale and. ; acrid kind; FLATU LENCY, Less etAppente, Heratbrum ; Headache, Best; lemon, lil.Temper, Anxiety, Languor and Melancholk,' winch are , the general - symptoms of Dyepepala, will van Itth AS a natnralconsequence of its cure. • COSTIVENESS, • by cleansing the whole length o f the intestines with a solvent process, and without Vio lence; all violent ptirges leave the bowels costive within two days. FEVERS of all kinds, by restoring the blood tO a regular cmoulatioh, through the process of respiration in such cases, and the thorough solution of all intestinal ob. structienin others. The LIFE MEDICINES have been known to cure RIIIEUDIATIaM permanently, itt three weeks and GOUT in half that time, by removing localinthimmation from the muscles and ligaments of the joints. DROPSIES of alt by fteelnand strengthen ing the kidneys and bladder;' they' ope ra te most delight fully ortthese important ;organs; and hence have:ever been found a certain remedy for the worst eases of GRAVEL :Also wciruns by dislodging from•:the; ; turnings the bowels the •ehter ,reatter to, which, theie creatures adhere. . . SCURVY, ULCERS,-and' ReVETER.A.Tir SORES, by the perfeet purity whichthetter LIFT REM ONES give to the blood,' andair the humors. ' SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and:BAD COMET= lONS, by their alterate erect Upon the fluids that feed the skin, and the morbid elate of which' Occasions all eruptive COMMEdUta, 131/110W,‘010111, and other disagree able'complexions. • The lonia these Pills fora very short time wit:inflect an entire cure of SALT RHEUM, ant a striking* Ointment in the clearness' of the - skin. COMMON GOLDS and lIITPLUENZA. will always be cured by one dose_or by two in the worst oases. • • • PILMS.—The original proprietor of these medicines, wall cured of Piles, of Wye= standingby the use of the LIFE MEDICINIId alone. : FEVER AND AQUE.-11br- this scourge of the Western country, these' Medicines wilt be -found a oafs, .Speedy, and certain remedy . . Other Nedicinenhiere the lkyetem subject to e return ofthe disease—acme by these liledichiewis permanent...TßYDM, EIATIMILD, : BILIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER • COX PLAINTS.Gxessen Dinuiarr; Loss or Armies, and Di suns or' Frataxsa—the 'Medicines . have - been-used with themOst beneficial result in cases Of thlwdescrip. tirst :—Bings Evil and Scrofula, in its worst formsaields tothe mild yetpowerful actionof these remarkable Medi:. nines. Night Sweats, Nervous Debility, Nervous Ora& ORM* of all kindsi Palmtationiif the Meart, Painters/ doe, ire speedily Oared:-• , ' -;: JIERCURIAL DISEASIBS , —Pennins whose dbastttu ions have become 'impaired by the laiudielous. use of Mercury, will find these Medicines a perfect cure, is they never fail to eradicate from the system, all the. effects of Mercury, infinitely sooner than the most power- Po preparations of Saraparilla.- : Prep tared and sold by , W. B. MOFFAT, 836 Broadway, New York. Female by all Druggists. • jy2o.dewly. IN S E—. A- G-EINC THE,DEI4W4t* Zir.1.11714: Safety: Insurance INCORPORATED 1835. . CAPITAL . ......... • ses.tioi,q THE 111BURAME.COMPANT Of orth A • . •OF PHILADELPHIA.:... . INCORPORATED 1794. CAPITAL AND rrHE VNDERSIGistb, - ,.as'Akent for : the above well known CompAlliee,will make Insurance t roseo datngge by ire either ptrpettlly or jn i r9. er : ol W Marinead e i=porl7lol= Apply "1/e r tgOgOgr ac.bYpkt;t.?"4"Lu M BUSHLEIt dal d . wly. ' ' • Harrisburg, - fia - AE . ' TIBER, J0HN..,,, . . . RAWDERRY ALLIt. B.WrYW.N; tHHETNUT AND MOLBERRIr STREETS,HARRISBURG, PA. commenced ihfottiii the pub*, that .I(e,lslcaited at the aboaemenacined place; and hp the WOOL DYEING and OADPEr WEAV.. ING,I3I:KNEES in all its various branches. De hi pie pared Willi all orders at the shortest notrce, and-will guarantee general satisfaction. His prices Willlie - reasonable. Having carried on the business fOr many years in Germany, and over two Years here, and also havinibad an extended experience in this country, he Is fully Min petent to execute all work. entrusted tolalnioxid hopes to receive a reasonable kbari? 54 custom item ' his, fellow . . ... ... Otfzeps. . . • 1 geiierat iseortment Oirpeteare alwayi im.handand will be sold et the- lqweld new. JUST RECEIVED. • GE% STOCK: - cd• BOOTOR ALES;• ,„ ait i; BROWN. STol77ased LONDON PORTNIL , : :For sale Alba lowest rates - 47 JOHN it mania, Jaiilo • "- -74 etrbett itlistellantana ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW ! STILL SOMETHING WHICH HAS THE TEST OF YEARS AND STILL MORE AND MORE POPULAR EV.EBY DAY PROF. WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE. OTHERS' SAY OF IT.' A Dlstinguisheti St. .1.0.1111 PhYstilan Mr dark - Ea; Loma July 10,1860; ` . O. if. WOOD, - Rsq :Dear sr- . the pleasure, and satisfaction to transmit to you Me Minefield effects of your Hair Restorative; after a trial seers . commenced using. your, Restorative " alt! a rY, since which titaS I have not been without a bottle hand... lirtren .commenced ; the useif4y-hair was it, :111 thin; and ut least one-third gray. A few applications stopped - its - turning, and "In three Weeks - time there:*as, not a gray hair to be noticed, neither has there been, up, to ibis Owe, Atter my Lair was completel&cistured, I ountinued its nee by, applying - two or threta,timesipur.month., My hair: h ag !eve r c hilutiad Irealthri;eliff - and - gliissY, and 'MY: s.algrperfec dandruff:ee.trian I donut. imaginiithe ra its.abov Moen will brir.of any particular advan tage id 4'en. flatter: vanity at this late day, as lam war,ettllidi.iirAidl r gapwn already Oxid.onNl. more won. jut ones ihrongMut the 't finer'. I hive oc cupied my Me in traveling the realer rt Of thii lima th.i past three years, and, ave taken pride,- and-pletraure recommending your dahltilting ti effects in niy oivrocase:::ln several histarienalliave Met with people that have pronounced It e:humbug; saying they Mirenned it'and wittioneetfant2- In every unitartie,‘ -however, it prover, by probing the maderr that they ha not used your article at all, but hat u iiisoaTe new article said; to as $9O/, as you - re,,aid selling at about . half the price - 1 hafo i iinticediWo or `three articles my= self advardsed -us -flihiAVes... 3 !..Noll 1. - liase - no doubt -sire humbugs, ,It is eatourshing that;, - Periple - patinnize an article 'of M:reputation, when there Is one an hand that has.heeh proved beyond a doubt. - _ APparentlY sontiMf those - chintaiii have - not - liraina enough to:write,an adytirthienunit,mg InOtien they have copied you're word for word in several instances, merely fnsertingarune other name s ' Ibavakteithlis Me l t/alit/We, yerita x ceen and talked with more than - tvri - thousand. pereons - that have' used - your prepatitten 'With 'pesfeet.'siccass. , some,ibr lialdniSts gray hair, scald head, .dandrat4 . and .every.,dise e ne, scalp and head are saimmt tcr„ - - - called to see you personally at-your original place of business.bere "but learned youN wore now, living in ew .yontarefaUllb,erty,W,pritolksti.lims-, , 0, terez:lartles to me. Any ccit9mUnication addreasectto lne, care box 1;920, will bekivoinpMy itailawafea, - ."• ,". Yoarn; truly, ' JAMS "WHITE, M. D. • Waaos &WNW, I'erry : cp., l ln.,,Jone 7, 1850. Prof. WOOIS; Dear was Induced more thin' year ago' ter :try yOur valuable; Hairßestorative.for the putpose of, cleansing my . head of dandruff. I had snifered with it ripon my`bead for years, and had neeer beentiblif to get anything : ; to do Ins anylood remoying it, al though I had tried Many 'Preparations, until I saw your adtrertisement in a Harrisburippaper. Being there at the time, : I called, at Gross , & Kunkle's drug ,store, and bought a bottle, and noW am prepared to rec ommend it to universal ioaeiLfior it hatecompietelyiemonedalt don't• litt_from head, and aft. application oncejstteso weeks . keeps it fiee"fionfany itshing or other implWantness. I *test ajmostate thakinY ;hair lid become quite places,. and, by the utie of your presaratiop, h as been restored to its original &dor: Ia In wow MlyeaM and although .1 have,nned:two .notifen Of the Restorative, no and has any knowledge"it; as I allew a few - gray hail to *khaki hi; Order to have my "itimearau6e coin- Port with my age. My head . Is now or , less boable to me In i kerinia#'it mean, arr., 'than et any tithe Woe° I have been a nhild.. I consider. your preparation of great value, and, althoughl do Lot like to expose myself, I consider it my duty'to do so. Yoe Can use this or any ' part'of It in any.. shape you think proper, if ; it it worth _any thing to you. Yours &C. & CO BLOOMINGTON, Ind., u y ,18511. DnutSpi. I here send you a statement' thatl think: you ;re entitled to the benefit of. I am a neident of Bles&lngton; and have been here for over thirty Yearit ; ' over fifty years of Om. For about twenty. ears. 'pest my,hair has been turning considerably gray, and wid:ilmeat entirely!Whlte and' verystiff arid tumilaht.:' I bad seen& number of certificates of the , fery_wonderful of et of your flair ltestorative' brit idle'. eatietlinteniis mew e fiction than troth in them: but enterninitigitqdrant desire to have my hair, if possiblerteetoreeto its origi naloolor /Ind fineness, as it, was. in mikyounger days a heautiftd - concluded V Would 'Make the expert- Menkcotemeselng,ln a small way, ^ - 1 korchased one of yOur small bottles, at one dollar, and connnxieed baltig; folidiringidlieotions es nearly as could. 'Emen`discov eredithe dandruff removed, and my hair, that was falling off in large elite:antes, was ebasiileTa r tily:ffghtetteil; Swift" radical change 'taking placeln Abe Color; I have cOn use, I haVe'ileeti three of your small bottles and`frist‘bgun ori - the fourth. I-hive now ae pretty a head of. ir* hrewn, er light black hair as - any man; er BS I bad, In my yeathfur days, when a boy M. the'hills of Waiters; Viten% head,isentirely'clearof dandruff, add the hair,cessed entirely falling inland is es soft and feels' hi. is though 'it wet fronr thel• hands ofa. grench etuttapoener. tasty of my acquidetan-, -0 040 , 1 000 W BaYAo me "Butler, where did, ou get that floe wigltell thine effect of your Restore ,ae, It is almost impossible tdconvince them that . it Is the eilezial heir` of the same' 6111 gray head; " . -Yours, truly; - • • I , IIKDERIPH. T. BUTLER,. Bloomington Monroo . Co ,Ind WOOD% 4418 REBTORA*2 has:. acquired a rePtliatlOL Amin actual test and experlinent Which catiiiot be `GM' *need by newgpapar puffs. In our. victidtrit:baneeen extenslyely used, and we believe in oyerynage With'isiery desired result, and received tlitiinglYersal endorsement of alliwhobaye.fried It. We thereforelecoramend lt as one Oftliose few Mistiming w'blailicconifillsliiiteall It profeke. r id all tho. bald and': gray could ilesire.--Voltimbis Pies. , vnor.—in anothercOluten .will be Fent of this.well known and ezoelleht Orel:kr:We ?ii4tOring griiy hair to its orlgf nal,oolor. •• Mize hair 44e2Onntivo :Men came ereptlone, and prevents the ban. falling off. We bare seen many enthentietwitinienlnls irii*oof efiheiefisser • ow( pogo of which are from- gtentemen whop we have known for thank', ears atipersontor the' most reliable nbakseter. iDonft dye till you Inive tried thieneeterative. - #9on, Qifte Bran"' • • ' Wdee's Hen' Riereiarnrs..We are not in the tablCor tpulling arry , .new : disc:pro; fur ; in nine sates! out , of ten liertiri quack nestrums, - but we take great plettspure in falling, offer n rgorteilitwopoutrAmoo,4l4 W.4. o Pcibi!Ar ojtoy turliillg gray. Our well known °entail. FinltiY 4 Johnecht, Esq44as-ektowleneed Ala benefit or. epPljePg9n4 I, ?if h l 4 . l 9ea‘ki?g:qi.ta v 414 -.Po• Let all try it, andst.rallrhaiiktirllline as rare As a snow in • hummisr..—.EtajfintirraPatriok - • • WOODlrliarn:Enstronarkl. alike Oast spectace,lhla is proved, bYmaitnpesobaltietivideittei pssulass.ireg igilicacy w i n restor e r of. the Mar, to,priatine vigor. whore. the head: had b eeinticialnicist'balittbenalise - of the use ofAlic;firtleittlnkallodnoc&l.v.boantifal gro,OttSE thick, glossy hair. therifore a ialidihte prepare. win ibralielittisen" effects, any eradicates den and other iln ,puritlq, which Operate so injuriously to the hair:" IMO properties of another descrilithnr: — ln many oases pim. pies and other disOgnrements of Weskit' disappear wher ever it is lAN: -- Meats nd hatiard attabbingto etrial othisierns4lindatagfecta3WO . , 902* ktlenethsialiAtt the compound if it does not mime a- mriairest, improve. *eat; is -inceriable of doinglatinifes its oairtpencinVeln , plgilts are PROOPRX4PIicoPOII4!"7Transo.n.P4APra 2:d 110. • 4... G iariiita Boosi-Qttour .capacity .ait.condactorot.ll; public Joutnal, we are Wig upon to h.dyfn:tiaa. the aura !la df each or which clainiito be unadulterated a n i jut . .aohipoattiohAnd infallible th its curative effects, Lwith what justice wiilaave tatt-itadert tiCchitirlArral e l ifitnitance, hiMrlioar-;-Prot. , Wixidtal Bair :Rinciratiiiii.". we i are au ; well: notable gnalitiee : o the ;sl 3 / 4 1cle,•tiiitt Idatiracnidileat all'that : In r mentor and shrider, claipa it to be. xta efilicrt,nrtmkapinj E g . 1 oof hair, LI. :iintoersally known to be magical. Mc guano on Cabintited bilagititatib p *her.: 1 aver appli,ok Coq own thatohla fortiatattalylary, bash. 414; .but advise our friendi latir toitry theabiaitoratlve.--Coltaitbk 41,r, HAM - 'Das Ate onxerii. , ;:wirra?, Great Artiaclusi Taken the Reld.—Prohneorlfied ehlekdp . ou mm i w , , Lc4 !no chemist, whose ittettfoirhasteentnniedle invehthit ;a hair tonic, has ever•beforewnehed. His fame Is sod. klen.hokWerld - Winns:P44 4 1 "::WditIsho have worir i wigs ;or been held for yeareire now, through 'the use or his lireparetion,:wearinir their tiwtf; natural. and ~ I tianstiat" head "head covering. 80 1=0 o. l, efestnts try, the chetaistr y . l orhamas - fife,' - and the lkweWhictratMly to the Intiotitais , of thasystem, Prof. Wood stneine z out the hu man „, hair, ciarecterAts.preperties and diseases, ad how to re 'storethe decaying vitalitt to thathruanieet ;he saw, as ewe case, tnet gray hair is onnatural he the, i age:of haS reaeliedledi score ' tad ' big' thaxthe hair could b anatnrallyreVi t tediZed., ACC =tried his.oWn 1it194.0.a 1 4 and quite gray, at the. age - of thirty.seveif e* - resterhd own hair in reedde,' ' 4treagth cell , luxuriance, end the .:article he; 4td. with he gave to the. world. WO - IiTYS - HAlg; EVITRX TLVA :tad- take 'nothing ehle.-4rete yak _ !ay 4*4 ItroadMmaki NgrifaritniAn NPi . M grkekre l 6l. l 4. •L0a1e , 4 19 .. MOW . Boston .ty „AlPoptcvnatigco ., :adl i t . Bvaa a • r = B aar WAfl Intititat. - D JOHNSON irmsitmermickuili LOOK ROSPITAL HAS discovered the most certain, speedy and efeetuat remedy in the'worla for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. FLEWS IN PIT TO IWRCTIC HOOSH. No Mercury or Noricum Drugs. &ea Coss Wattzwrreo, oft no Osman; TN FROM Osta TO TWO DATEIMat WeSO/Diea of the Back or Limbs, Strietttree, Pains In the Loins, Affections of thellidneys and Bladder, Organkt Weakness, Ikerious Decay of the Physical Pow ers, Dyspepsiai Lsegnef,'LoaaSgrltits; tionfimion of Idessi Pall Ration of the Heart, Timiditnlremblhigs, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of-the Stomach, Affections; of toe Head, Throat, Ncae or terrible dors arising from the indlsoritlettor::Bbiltstr *Alin of th.ohom dreadfutaitd destructive.praMlass which ,thice'Conakiatiimar debility, rendeemarriage Tl •e, and , destroy both - body:and ' Young men elPeclally who have becoine the victims ot solitary Vico, that dreadful and tir_tructive habit which annuatly sweeps . to an untimely grave thousands of yore men Of the nicelexalted-talenfatidhillliant Led, who mist t otherwise, have entranced listening Penrites, ith the thunders oreleariefice, or Waked' to eo laity the living lyre, may mat with Dill confidence: Married persons,M • those contempl&Ungiriage, ink aware of physical Wotiknesa, should Imim bendy con= . suit Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. , r , ORGANIC WRAKNIES Anstedfately culed . ,aßlittilWit restored. Ile who ' planar liimkW under the ofiliPal t may r eligtoltsly 'conllde,in his honor as & gentlemen, lum eon, fideatly rely opon his skill as a physician. N . 4 4 olllce , ito.t- SouihnreedeMok street; NaltiMorei , . Mu., on the left band gee going from BaltnnqilLetreetal doors froth the corner. TM - plit MAO& In iag ,came or or7onwiltinistaknAhe Place- .BsPar tictilar for - kn0re5t,, ,2 7414v,, 4 2*1_41, with 216nlie ), or Paltry Caltficaget; Meekest tisk the itephili. Dori of Dr. Joheetobl 3l r.k - nenr. • ' 7 T - • Alf letters must cont a in ' alestageStero;tko use ibe! . 1 1 3 1 114 0.T9Nti • Dr. Johnson member of, the Royal. College of Surgeons, London; "graduate fronfosie'otthe mast eminent' Oonegee of the linitedbitates, and the greatest part Of: whose l fffe - had lie,eu spent in the Efotipitals or London , Paris, ?Ida. delphiti+hd'iliewfiliti hits effected some of :the meat" s- • tonisbing puns.that were,evyr known.„,Marty-troubled, with ringing titbit earl anhitend when asleeti, great nor: - vousnees, being alarmed at sudden sound s, bashfulness,' With frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derange• mciA. or, mind irem • . ' Tionii ,- PAPTIPULAR.nopas. Dr. J.. addresses , all those who- having injured themt by'priioate and' itirrepor indrilgeticies; that secret and solitary haltitylilellkuiPaib9kkhodY atlei :fitting them for either businmsor society. . Tliesetite'Serae• of the sad end Melancholy effects' pro: duce-I by early,. habits of. youth, : via;. Weakness of the, Zack and Linibk; Pains ln 'Bead, Menem Of Sight, your, of:Musatilar' Powerl.Paipliation of-the Ifeart,liYa-, iiiipsia„.N.ervons Derangement of the Digestlye Funetions; 'General' • Mebitity, SymptotaS- :Conantrip; MENTAL ManiAtiv; tbe fearful effects on the 'mindere much to' be dreaded, ::-.LOss: of fdemory,Xonfusionforldems,'Do.,. 'Omission of 'Spirits, ; Evil. Forebodings, Aversion toSocio. ty; Self•dlittrust, LoVelifSolitude, aro., ire SCAM of the evil elfe . cts. • Thousands or peisoni - kull ages; can ribwjudge While is the' cause ofttheir decline in health, losing their ;vigor; becoming weak, pale, nervous, nd emaciated i , have, Nl - singulaappearance about the ' eyes, cough, and -aftsp: me of consumption. Wbo.have JO red themselves by a certain prictice, in Judped l in when filoiter— a, Thabit 'frequently learned et:11:-.Otenaakaitii, or .school, the effects of which are, ' lightly felt, even 'when asleep, and if not cured, renders . ' Marriage tmpossiblei and destroys both Mind And:body; ',Mould apply • Whale pity that a young man, the'hoptis'iterds-coun. the darling or hie-patents; `Mould be, :installed hem all promects and ; enjoyments of life by the consequences ,ordeviatingirour therpaiti nature; andindulging Ws' 'Certain:secret habit.' Mich persona mnst i before content. •••.:161lARRIAGEt• : effect that a limed mind and body are the most necessary. Jequthifek to • pidmore connubial happiness.. Indeed' I thout Aloe, the journey through lifehecomas a w e ar y , ii.grimagtit the prospect hourly gitrkiju k s:- a the. iliiir;the mild - becomes' ediadowed With deeffilsind Wed withtile melancholy, Irefleotion that the happiness of comes blighted with our own: ' ' ltd3tiSONl3 INVIGORATING 411 GANIQ r , my this greet and important ienieey, Weakness of the . Organs are speedily cared, and thll :Vigor reettned.-:- •Itetwande or, the moet.nervona and debilitated who kind IQstall hope, have been imMediately relieved. 411 •Inmediments to Marriage, PhytiiirMUrlblerital cation, „Nervous, Trombllng; iyonknesn or.Eximustion the m o st lurid, fearfnd apeedny cdred. • " ' TO - SiitAkIDERS._ ---- -'" l The many , thoneatids mitred attide.Tnstintioit within the 'last twelve years, and the numerous important S urgical operations -miriortned bY -- Drl.M;4:rkititesaeCbylthe tee porters of the . papqa,, and , zmuly other, personsotencetp,of detrheVit appearedagakintid - Mdb. tlefoiii the public,' esUiegrAttr skactiny , as.a , parittemanl otadicutet,;orati f r e.l rponseitey,, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted, , (DISEASES DIPBEIDEINDE integoldird , and impredent„voteryiornleaanrejlnda he. has , -4nbibmi t the Seeds M this, painful. detwe l tee'eften happens Dna' ankl=tirniat sense ofrihafief.*thead trttlisptftiy &MIMI 'l4tri from applylngdo thoserwho, from edtration,anAy,e r , • titbit* Motaremi - befriend•hint;delayingtill the con:. stituttinug;syniptonanof ;•tbbl hotridzilitalwwinoko tholt, .4pearaece,,,arec t ting the hoad,,throat," nose, akin„ progrtiiiiikgm . WitiefrighireliqlditrOtilliteathltpulta' perksd to kis ? I readrulangeringobx sending, bim.tollliud, bourne prom jilitaca'adtinferteretniiie , '"lt. mel Andiolysactaattthininands lalitvinlimwto thaense,, owing to.the.unektifnineas i oc ignorant pretend, ere; *Mr' biotite - use - of thiti mercury, ruin the conatittnion and make of We, miserable, • 1 To STHANCiitS.-716 Doctor's' Dipyoreia hang in Office. ~. . . 1 Kir Letters must oontaln aatamp-to us en the reply airaPla9dkett.e.eet beta -. • , ..., ~ 1 s2f-Nc4"issittlerlid - ' Telt:street, Balttniore. iePt: lB ' , :ltudy: ..J. , _•.5 ..-‘,,, ; ~. , . ~t,...- . 1. -. , . .- - :.- . ,- . ....• ..: jg m ita. 1 4 in experldwied,kursesud ankle* presents to :Mr° " , ' - DOTHIWG' • • 4 1 r. , nroiriachltition ..Teendi n t e _.,.__; l ~,...;r -c= : t he ' -:p roc e ss ~ ..-- B o lt:. ;Miceli greatly gottales of wishing, by Sittig th. gonscieduclagiahtflannailon.-willallay ALL . end speeinedie eetten. l l 3l 4.ili: .. • , •.; • -,. •• • , • ~, PAWO WW III3 .y.auLATE - u - K - BoVrfail. '' ryehit -upon*, tab - - At Willgtviargitiito yontoehres. AND, • DRE,M•r ,4,14711, TRIO. YOUR IRTARTS..,, 1 We have par up tiiid' keit Rai arilori Sir rover tar yeam,andiiisis twit' oretnessal arm Tama, what we have never been able to say_ of any other medielne— non , HAS IT 'MUM, INTL -fp(ILR MUMS TO RFFITOr- . WOINUIi *hen - IRWL aititti ;INA or `Ai& ire knPlyslielidanar.t. 1U4814410,g(WM11/4!.1!. K.' - On i C'eili 1 7,1 Di IWO - a • _ ~., lie_ ~. an* arid' . hr_ttunit of highest. -.. . i uft Lo t lie . , , 474,-1,0 0 14 = 1 , , r..,:c r 9_ .BP*l hi_ -witlxPiamir,'-; tratermrwitxpes Meek - v 0910,ARMAINIE8q2.1PLrVINS" Or- WHAT TO *ilks .., xescAns. ;In' lilpsost et* tasiss fffit.iiii the tbantis entrerlitt Oft iiiinVid ei:iii,lu4l43ll4- " L i " :4l. ' be l ifgr iII ' I NV - 5 1 i1f ,11 % mil lr," 4l , dil l "! - , th e mcji 'eta Ma: • J L - • i lIINA r TakAble preparation iht thelPresoilpten