Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, February 20, 1861, Image 1

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The DAILY Twassitatn derd==ibtifraig:iti,
cor. , ugb at 63( owlet per week. Yearly „subscriber?
AtariftiicArazimi Tittnestera.
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,nainder of the year' and furuletied , te subscribere at the
'Mowing rates, • •
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) 2.4
.. . . 46.110,
t subscribers order the discontinuaneent WO news
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them discontinued
Pennsylvania Legislature;
TrucarkaT, Feb. 18,'1$81::,
The Senate met at 11 o' elppk,
SPEAKER in the Chair. •,‘
Opening prayer by Rev. P: 11 :•:1i0bP1iK).4.... ;:
The Journal of yesterlay,7,oBtreild.
The SPEAKERhuII. WO,i'e•thiliellaerilici
port of the Auditor Gerkeral and State Trgamer
on the claim of Jolm•Kentkedy, Sr., of Toewie T .
town, MI "'n county, referred to-them fur.the
Act of April 2, 1860. •
The report was read and laid on the ta
Also, a communication from the Attorney Ge
neral in reply to a resolution of the Senate,
calling upon him for informatiewas to the pro
gress made in the collection of tonnage tax due
by ;lie Pennsylvania Itailviad_company.
The communication was read ; and,,,,
On motion of 'Mr. PENNEY, ordered to be
printed in the Record. ;
It is as follows: Speaker ,
To the Hon. Robert 3f. Painter, I of,the
The resolution of the 'body, over Which you
preside, passed yesterday, calling uporkmgcfOr
information as to tbe,progrcw Whie has, :been
made in the collection of tonnage li
tax due 'the
Commonwealth by the
• Pstmtlylvania Railroad
company, was this morning received. Last
week, during my absence at home, a similar re
solution was passed by thellouse of Represent
atives, but under an expectation of my imme
diate return to the seat o f government, it was
not forwarded to me in tipap,to allow my an
swer to be drawn and returned before tk.?, , p"3 7
sage of the bill.
The answer was drawn andlorwirdedat'ifie.
earliest possible moment , after tinresolution
was received, and but for the 'eXtraordinary,
precipitancy with which the hill:Was &Assad,
would have been in ample, : time. _
On Saturday, the 16th lust., for the :first
time, and greatly to my surprise, I was infoimect
the bill was actually uponits pas Sage, but did
not fin; a moment sup Pose that final.action
would be pressed until the, information asked
for should be received.
A bill of such magnitude, InVolvingmillions,
of dollars, it was reasonable to expect, would
have been thoroughly.discussed, and very ma
turely considered, before the final vote, ould
be asked for, even by its warmest,friends. The:
unexpected rapidity ot its . passagc impreseed
me at once with the importance of repairing to
the seat of government immediately, ; so that I
might be in readiness to answer without into
ment's delay a similar resolution which pre-,
sumed would be passed by your body.
The information retiticatqd tilMfi.IXT, here
with resbeatfullysubtriitted;-to-Wit::
Two appeals from the settlement of two sop.
mate accounts' made by tho Auditor General
and State Treasurer against the - Pennsylvania
Railroad company, relative to tax on,tannage,
were taken by said company and entered, as,
provided by law,in the Court of Common Hem
of Dauphin county, to Nos. 197, April term,
1869, and 78 November terus.lo9.
The following statement from thp •recerd4 Of :
the said Court, will show the progress made in
the prosecution of said appeals, to wit ;-
The Commonwealth In the Court of Corn
of Pennsylvania I mon. Pleas: , of
vs. • }- County.% No. 197. Atilt
The Pennsylvanial Term, '1859. -
Railroad Company. J
Appeal, &c., from the settlement of the An=
ditor General and State Treasurer, September
1,1859. verdict and judgment for plaintiff - for.
$91,190 - 61 ; September 24, 1859, writ of error
from Supreme Court received and filed. Octo- .
ber 18, 1860, certificate from Suprerne Court'
received and filed. judgment (affirmed. • Fi. 'Ffi l .
issued to No. 82, November Term, 1860. Not
vember 1 1 7, 1860, writ of error to-Fi. Fa: from'
Supreme Court received and fil*F.
Same IriDauPhin Court of Cornmen Pleas,.
vu. No. 78, November Term, 1869.
Appeal, Ste., from the settlement of the iArt
ditor General and State.. Treasurer; Januaryi 25,
1860, verdict and judgment fivr.5164,276. 58.
Writ of error from Supreme:Court reiteivedind
filed, October -14.1860.-::.Certificate .from
preme Court received and _filed: .:Judgment'. af
firmed. issued to No. 81, .‘November
Term, 1860. November-17,1860, writ.of error.
from Supreme Court to Fiz . Fa. received Arai
filed. . .s f•
p In addition to the above:writs, of error .were
also issued out of.. the .Bupreme Court. of the.
United States.
The Fi. Fas. above mentioned.wereAevied
upon the, rolling sttxk of the company, t •
These are;the only, suits.of .which.Thaveanty
knOwledge instituted against the FennsylTiania
Railroad company to recover arrears due for
tax on tonnage,,in which judomenta i liaxe been
recovered, and. the 'above' -stiferneat 'shows
their condition at, he time Lentered..upw#te
discharge of ray official'- - iliitres..4•-ThileottlY
had made• to my predecessor. a.l.propesitian
which was approved by him, and on the 21st
of January, 1861, carried out bi nie 'hiriVlACh
the write of error in , he Supreme•Clurt.of•the
United States were discontinued, the liens upon
the levys made to remain without prejudice,
and the property levied to be sold mithout,exl
caption in, case of failare to pay. IQ stipulated,
to wit One hundred thousand dollars in nine
ty days, and fifty thousand dollars per month
thereafter, until binh of said judgments should
be fully paid. The levies, it will be observed,
were made upon rolling stock, and being of
doubtful validity, it was important, in my
judgment, to obtain the consent of the compa
ny that the same should be 6.9/d without
s n .
in the event of -a failure to - pay pO 7 . - for
in the agreement • • ' -
The delay attendant •uport•the trial'acau'see
in the Supreme Court of the United'Stattai was
also duly considered , ..irrmakingani,ar
mngement which I have every reasakte„be-,
lieve will be faithfully
_carried iv the
prompt payment 'of the money at` thecappo
ed time, unless the company, `ly the Y , ptir7
ference of legislation, should' be relerietiftliere-
In conclusion, then, allow me to suggest, as,
I did in my communication from Pittsburg .to
the House of.RePreseutattYtte, .thaP it.he .o.4gr
ments referred to, for, which a specific mtrOge
ment has been made, should not be embraced
inany legislation-slid:Limy-be had, but lhat
their payment should, =be left to depend upon
the agreement matle,'bk ivbiat!tlte faith of the
coinpanretands solemuli piedg,eid.•
Atforiugtiiteral; •
Harrisburg, February 19, 1136 g • •
mumurAmon I!IeIVADDITOR GaN3OIA.To ' .
The SPEAKER laid lw§foreithe,Senateiriao3m
InunicaUorritom the Anditor'General rehd
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• MOLirrar
:thepayiii ' 6f
tto Clerk of the Committee in
the:Luzerilii COlitity"&ntelitg, elation ettie.
communication wai.,read and ordered to
Ni Wafted:ln the Record ati` followS
Ammon' Eberattalt s Orrictil '
Irarri:744;,Fel*akty 19 1861.
Rb the ilitiorable;the Senate of Itrpsyleanta:
As-1 itolice by laefrOfficiatimblication of the
prOceedings of [your - Himorable , fitidy, on Thurs
day look dentrikked:y thtr Leditirdit)e Record,
that a;znillapPrebensi.cri t praiSpain regard •to
the manner diravhichrthe Clerk of the Corn-
Mittel:Orr the - of The contested 'election-offs
trieMber of iliLiNiiiiikjif',Rfp - reeentatives from
Le*erne eeu4tY.) , servicee l r re
speetfully,aski.leeve-te state, that no reeointion
tiaseea - hyflie legislature for the payment Of
the, ClerrekAiqiiiiiMittee. pas 'laid , before
me nor Ares any-- account for his services- pre
? i• •
seated - te; or settled by me.•'- If any errot was
coeunitted; net, - through any • action.
takenlnthiaPepartmer4in regard to thecom
pentation of the Clerk of?that. COmuilitee. As
the pliblickitiOn•Of the Seriater!s, proceedings on
Thuriidak liafOeen rhailik in 'the Zegisfative
Raked, whoeerePorteltraireis)gnieed as anthem.
dotl llectfully request that , this communi
cationlll4'l/e "brileted'to be printed' in the
same - .01 1 141 0 4 1 :0
• •
:Very,RespeetfullY, .
...Anditor General.
Mr. LAWRENCE. In connection with the
communication figit_tead, I "desire, to make a
LeaVe WAS kgranted.' . •
Mr.jkiiyfiEbT,CE. It Is very evident that.
the Auditor - General 'desires to call our atten- -
Until to some reinterlfa made, several dayasince,
referelice to' the Which - was - then' pre
sented, and',Whiela Pitieedrthie Stniata,lrubvid
ing for the payment-of coca-
nattes ticto6 itated electlikh caliehflizerae
county,. 'You trill-recollect, My,: Speaker, : that
ther were tlienlionnireflictions attempted
belcast'upon_certain mensbos ..of this. Senate,
because that bill had passed clandestinely- or
without proper "examination. .The Senator
[ Von" Beaver called up the bill, to which refer,.
ence is made, and :I nrgedits passage. _. I hold
a copy of the bill in my hand, which I received
from t he; State Treasurer and I find that it is
in the-exact words in which such bills are
usually couched.. I will read it, in, order that
I may more fully show there -was nothing con
tained in it thatwas Unusual, and thus set my
ielf right upon the record,. and at the same
time set the Accounting Officers right :
Resolver' by the BenertehrrEfouse of litimenta
fritia,,Tkat the State Treasurer , be authorized to
pay John Hall,...clerk to the committee in the
contested election cue of Lewis-rughe, the,
sum' of three dollars per day and - the usual
mile/4(P the nambor days to be certified to
by the Cisairman.!of the Committee."
That %Mall that was before us, and we passed
the bill in thatform. I have here also the bill
presented by Mr. Sidi biros/441k received ;from
the _Chairmen _of the Committee,;te which he
acted , iirclOit,(lßit:2llllita): On - the oCca
sion of the remark* made 'the other re
lation to thbr. same bill, lam represented as
having'said 'Something, wido_h_reileuted wen
the Treasuzy l DepAtmAnt e the remarks on that
occasion hafihNferuf..pratail tha!Bscord.
These gentlemen wbo takeylown-what we say,
- Sometimes, reprepent7us. saymg that Which.
We= did not utter.,,a am represented in the Re-
Corti as finding with the =Auditor General
arid State Trerinfrisi;Avery'rdan, either in
this or the other branch of tl e:Legislature,.
who knows these officers, surely has the fullest
bonfidenoi in them. I said that if there was any
thing wrong the Metter must be in _that
department, and not in'thehill. I am inforined
that the amount received-by the , clerk alluded
to was paid on the certificate of the Chairman
Of the ConnnitteC; and I Iniderstarni that pay-,
twist on the presentment of that certificate is
peremptorY: If therel is any 4hing wrong in
theinatter,l anVlbereforsWinclined - to believe
that tge fault mustexistin ,ef
the certificate by the Chairman, because the
Money " was paid on his order. I felt it due to
Myself and the accounting officers to make:
. Mr. WELSH. ' As I made some allusion- to
the bill t 6 which referiske has been Wade, in
the couraemfa debate. neon a.motion to _refer
a!billrelatiVe to anappropriation in aid of,the
p§opiti . bt,
,figiOas to the Finance Committee,"
tel a hlY;tlWSPA44er 4544 1 144itigt* refers
Mr. LAWRENCE. Certainly not.
Mr. WELSH. lilt irarrecesaary I will give
My reason's why.l referred at that time to thia
bill; as being iMeiiifAbbinatittir4hat would not
have 'met 'the' gglieliatioliqif ,Nut - Voinmlttee
on zFinanee,..or_of4 the_ Senate, if it, beeti
submitted for examination, . .
' I.deeira novito_explani Wily I Made-the state
niattkaf Oat, time,,l4ja well k nown that the
gentleman,who was noting sea clerk in the con
tested of ,Imaerne county camehefe
hi the bjgbiiiiiik.hrthe Beision,and id accordance
wit 3 C.'hgiC
rtedeteA:iecefvfid mileage as : a'
Clerk Pf ! A ilie:.7fLonie or HePreientatives,lrOM:
Washington .; ...and when:
the bilrwaspreiented to thellebate and Eons&
of Representatives, paying him for his services
as clerk in the contested election case referred
I th,
he. clatMed a second ;m ileage, which -was
, tod,hlol,hy,theacceuntingiileentef.thig.6%"4
monWealtikthbreby-twice receiving, mileage
fkota, l'reilhAttgh:er' `chanty to Harrisburg, and
back' egiihi"..:-If.4tili.lM-that_acconnt_thati i
made tlie - Weilligtg tilla i t thtchill il - wouldr not
have m4l - the aililrobletlOn. of tin t . &hits; if: it
had been properly exahline4 TThi)Ject.thet.
bills of this.: charactei.liall been:4ol*d before,'
Was no reason why, I the :remark made by my
self was not ajuittifielle One.' 'I 'ilk it now
time for ue teDirWitiip • tO,Te o n, of this
character, paying merks full in eage here and
liackAgliiiii and whed , they happen to be ern- -
ployed on duty:at the papital to give them a
secoßdmilAage., ,
1 . Hi: riELERCR.' ' ' •The Senator from York
made j‘iiiiiie t f, Statement. The Morley was
Paid•on the-cerlateate-of the-Chairman of the
Committee, who tneYitiothave been aware that
the gentlemen, had ,- ,..pPßlonsly received any'
Pulleage. Thig - ilari' be'ne'reflection in this
;ter eitlier,noA4.P.Pateor the accounting
cers of the Commonwealth:::. . 4
margions, awoppn4acars AND ?WORMS ?RH
'' - , I, r.=l ISENTBD.
Bli:1f (glit[X7iiiiiiii6 ..
4 ii - remonstrance,
idgmid By'elgiiiy:five citizens reaiding orvitfain
stree - t, , Fin i nkford, tightest the passage of :any
Act, acitlibriall* the use of steam , power on said,
B i °ll ße 'C L 4 to-the joriimittee•on,Billt oadil: . .
i Also - ,,,twopetitlons, signed by sizty-five citi-_
eiefhl;faierlitttie same • •
1 - oferred-to-the-Coinnittee-01}-Eldirateds.
! Also, two rillibnittrankesileigriediby 220 citi
zatullittil4(..War444-iihn Kiltr, cll l 23kladtk-,
l atte,oseinet , the .Wsion2 o f ..astin, WPM Tv
the golotiihiet,W26o ward.
i ....F.;.,e.:./..- rr r
g - 2
• Referred to the Committee on Eleetion)pbt. ,
tricto. ,
Mi. ;TAMER presented a petzitiotrof eitizeas
ot.Philadelphia, In favor ofibtarectiort ofpub
iic btiildiogeln said city. • : ,
~f r a id ow the table. . ".
"Vt. SMITH preaente'd: one of like import.
Laid one the = .
Mr. - PALMER,•a•petition , of: citizens of West
Brunswick townshiP;Schuylkill county, for the
repeal of a certain Act.of Assembly so far as re
lates to thatltownihip. •
Refeired Ito the •Cominittee on the Judici
ary. f. •
Also, the-petition , of citizens of North Matt
helm township, Schuylkill county, praying for
the extension of a certain road law to said
township. - •
„Referred :,to the Committee onßeads and;
Bridgese., , _
- remonstrance of ,clillene of :west
Brunswick township, Schuylkill.-comnty,againSt
a further eitenaion of the limits of. Vioboroog4,
of Orwigehurg. , , • •
' Referred-to the : ccmmittee on Election Dic;
Mr. SMITH. presented •a petit_lon,of ccgnicLY
sion merchants, receiversof„snd 'dealers tin,:
domestic distilled. spirits, in the, city - pf
delphia, asking for-such , a Modification,pf
inspectionlaws of fennsibrania as wiliponform
to the laws 4eWfforkeity, andp
eral laws of , the United States. . ,
Referred to
,the Committee on the ~.indici?
Mr SCUINDELL a petition of citizens
Nerthamptonicounty,fisking for the inoorporai
tion of , file Bethlehem ,: Eallt9atfacid4 ll ?*&
cemPutry- • . -
Referred to the Committee-On Corpoiationa.
Mr.CLI.9II4R,- a remonstrance sigoed . l?y;6oo
citizquu*Readi4,4g4init , PAssag , ;!;ol.
Act regulstipg the stdelof meat in:saittcoPPTl-J
Laid ; on ; he table. . .
Mr, MM, by•reqUesti : preseotedit lemon
of the i lst, - 2adand 3dpre
cincts of the sth ward,,PliijadelPhia; agiunSt,
1 -being, annexed to the•Ath ward. ;
Referred to the COunnittee diectiOn,4iti:•:
Mr. isiNDAIN presentedtWO:niAtions of eit-,
izens of Bradford - county, asking „kir "fuittier,
legislation .to faciliate the, collectfon ilitlM•
ages on the North Branch CatcaL - •'•”
Referred to the Comnitttee on Finance._-- ~j
Mr. KETCHAM presented eleven fetitiOni of
citizens' of ;fazerne county asking - for'tbe erec
tion-Of, a new county to be called Lackawaria.'
Referred to the Committed on New Counties,
Mr. GREGG-, a remonstrance of citizeris'Of
146m:dog county, against the re-annexing' 'o#'
any portion of Brady township, said 'bounty;
1 to Union county.' '
Referred to the Committee on - Neir Coiintfesi
Mr. BOUND, a petition of eitikeniotlierly
township, Montour.county, asking for a change
in the place of holding their general, special
And township elections, 10: het see Hotelirini
Referred to the Committee ortlll6ftibri;Eififj
tricte, • ' '•, - ' •
- .
Alio; too petitions. of l eitirientr !of ticeiakig ,
county, asking for authority to construatiafam
and Boom between Larriea CreeVariti-Vinci-'
Creek in the - Virest 'Branch , of the Susquehanna)
River at near Jersey Shore ' -
Referred to the ComMitted on atudili and
11011GilTeR presented ( a' remonstrance;
signed bylcitizeii , of Ifkisfts . Valley, Dauphnt
county; against the fermi of tonnage ta.a.
on the Pennsylvania Central Railroad. J•
Referred to the Committee mi.Fireince;
Also, the petition' ethe Oentrai Association
of ilanks, for the :suppiessiort:•of losunterfelif:
• ; 2
Referred to the Committee' on
WELSH, a rennimidrarice of ' citiserarof
, .
.Wegmoreland cotual; against the .. passage of:
the'Aeffor th'e cOmmutatiore of 'tonnage ditties.
, Releired to:the CoiniiiiiteeimiThittnhe. 7
Mr. WHARTON, three rernonArtin.Wcof citi
sena of .the bored:eh , of Huntingtionk , ' , like
inspcirt - . ' ' ' ,T +,.;
Referied tostime Ocimnartfee.`
Aiso •nigitiori of citizen's of Bedford countyl
in favor of the same: •
Referred- to same oMnraittee. ' • •
i MijOLLlta Presented the rernotistrarice of-the
kteontive:Cominit 'We of therlaikhratid Agricult
titral Society, of Johnstown, Cambria county
against the pastittge'Of the bill , ehiltlEato&stiP ,
piinient to.the'Act tdintiOrkxnatellan:Pinihsyl:
vartie'Stat'Agrienitttrai referring to ,
Societies Ofeehe fetid Cabibrhs chanties.%
. *ferred- to the Conimittekiori-Agrienltnieli•,
f Also; a petition 'of ns tag,
,CanahritV county; eaking for theopastage of •the
bill providing compensation' &Prominent' of. , fugi ,,
t.ive. slaves When' resoned; - etc..' !•,.
Referred' to 613 VotensitVde owthe Jfidiciair
Altio; twopetitionaldf tittils'ene`d Blair alouiith:
;of s elmiiar import : +•
Referred to. the Oniutitteelsithsi;JUdiciary.:
!Mr. FULLER, a•patiiicin rof i citizensrof 'Fay-
ette county;' in fever of the] Of 4he ton=
n i ge tizz y „ ,
Referred. to the Conlibittectut Tihan'ce ;-
•Mr= LAWRENCE ''presehted i .petition' of
eftikeils' of Philidelphim'asiOngifoi the *Wage
of dd. hill'intottiortiting Guatantet:Exprese
tob rel li a ify •
Referred to tO the Committee On Corporations.;
a petition of , eitiSeitsrof
Ifiipi . Greene• couhty, iisking that their annual ,
sehoor appropriation;-' Which kiaimienwithheld
from them, may be paid -
Referred to the Committee ow Education.
themernirialEof the Jefferson Guards,.
of -Washir,igto:nl _county; aB' tiV•lszi stricken
feoinVie regiment to which they are al present:
attached, and that the name of their company .
mayi tsechanged., . ,
Laid on ,the table. • ,
Also; a petition, signed : by, citizone, of the
birongh of Belleville and ; the township of gitst•
Jlethleheol. Waehltiermlo:,Kßaty,PMix.
change in the 'borough. 'Waite of ,said t horstagk
I I Referred to the OcannaittetiowEltiOtlott
trieks . •
, Also, a petition of Citizens of centre toivp
stdP,. Greene comity; asking for Nova_ to
four additional anparvieors. - •
Laid 'on! theLtable, •(*e the' iiiii,guktiting. !inch,
authority: passed the. Senate: yesterday)
Mr. PENNEY presented a remonstrance of
citizens of Pittsburg,. against -the repeal of the
law autherhdpgithe
~yildpßipz 9f, ytrgilk_4l l , l 7,
in said city. •
Referred t6 - the'coitraittee on the Judiciary.
, .
Also, et ternonStiattee nf citizens of 'Elisabeth
toaltshiry Allegheny. obuntyo against any law
Umiak &gain said township.::;, •
.Iteferredi to the .Connoittee ,on ,AiptuoltUret
Id&rr TRTRlTiorountedta anntaorint cif tax-pityt
ere itlilleghenyldounty,_ogainsti the repeal of
the; tOwitetax. ; . . •
- Ikiferr (440-thli-ClonuilitteotaZinaufet. .1- . Z
; .
.:1 =Mr. 110IIIM3Qbi_presented. a petition of citi-
tees of Mittel' county,- asking fin': ilitiiaiiige
of a law to encourage the.raising of sheep, and
Abe tatting of dogs in said county.
Referred to - the, POmmittee on Agriculture, : '
, Also; three memoria l s;-signed ! by citizens of
.ennsilsratilo;.!Tpraylifg.:.!for ' the passage: of,au
Act to secure the enjoyment of . personal liberty
to every resident not chatied with crime.
Aeferted bii.,thePOthiniOce.bri . .Tudiciarl; . . -- .! -
Mr. BLOOD presenteda fietithirt,'sigrieit by
Citizens of Saint Mary's;-Elk-county, praying
for`, the . repeal OfF. We -Im.r., prohibiting Judges,
Justices of the Noce and.Aidermen from
;oog4iiiiiie.,:iolie Ps,se!ot fugitiVedTobil . Tojior.; -
ttna::aiikiokfkiii . e restoration of a C - ertain . #ol.
of Mir&,1 . 17,80.,!,... i . 1... ;'.• : .... ! ' .. -,-
iiefeired to the 65miiiiitee'en the Judiciary::
i . '; PRI:Bit• 8 49 1 4 1 .47... q. WAGES • OF wrFl4B , - .
c.htri,Bo,l7Nlkpre o ioe(,petitio u s a - An ra f tr.,
ouSly, signed - byTworlxingrueu, and others, prey ! :
ing fora law ? tocompei.-the : iren: ; martetucturers
zot Montour: county to, pay f werking.nie a . weekly.
• i
Referred. to the-__J - Miiciarr,cp,mmittee.: T :.
Mr.BOUND: obtained leave to peke, a:state-,
,meat as follows : .
Althonglaithe prAyetof those petitioners can.,
04.31 e kiansweiecLiAithe manner indicated : in.
1 theid.lpetitlOng e yet I feel.,that..the. wants and ;
the Oecesaitie'vof the: laboxing !tnettin, - f ta! our
large manufacturing-;counties ; demorpt genie
measure• of tedtesty some guarantee, some :secii
44,1r.tiiii the opptessione and ; outrages which_
ate .4eaptud:npon!ltlXomi!•:.ri-laalfe a; letter frq P l.-:
! ;one Lot 1 the....:Aworiting,:.'..Men from whom, thos ;
pe t itions Come, an - extract of which I beg• .
letive•to read,in :•• this ,connection,; stating the'!
Ananueriluz•whick the Mlboremiandp&ratlyesin .. ,
and about large manufactnring,estelilislneets ,
Al* corporations of.2.4Kfaretit` descriptions; . are:
:Unposed upon. Their labor is ,-unrewarded,,
unproductiveimut unremuneraiive..•, ~ Mier:feel ;
,•that.theirt families- are' oppressed, and in" need, ,
,anil especially in times, like these when all 3 feej. .
;the imed of rueney,c end whem labor goesibev
„ginglor employment , ; when, strong:: men, with
:the-iron sinews . of - manhood, : who have : dun
plOylitelavare iitaiged!t9; - dutimit, ..-wittL:Ougoo,
; to ;take: orders-.ttpon :stores,' for , all-the'goods : and
:necessaries which their fel:Utiles require. A
',laboring man writes, in, his Aonneotion.: !`Out
side the stiite;:ive get' Ordeal !for - titer . 'Orders,
. meat ;,. ordarafer hoetkiinil- 7 shOes , ;:••arr-
IheinedfurtiOl.eake these diderSilexoeptlhefloiir
man, alto*'Oeiliogs.' - inkn,s'iteri tOtaility per
;cent' ' Novi 9 i l
f 'they '-iiiiirreti Odd Peofit after
leg so iiiiictif ',pleceilt; what' do• we, - Vie.
wOrldiwtheii, , iiiaktiV . . We'eleiti get' orders' ! fort
'Utedfoitie'f'iiiid 'fOe'tlie.doatatir'.
Ii f a their
.` I !dies
!we - iii , 6l:6'iiiiy 'Hit ivith• an' Order ,''', se. you
Ike we liye, die and are buried With' orders.
DO 'Yoh. not think . 'Cis's. iiiigilioe'ld'Airteriba?'
I. thinkter; Micl':thel - sooner 'such • a • proceed- . -
' '-' '-' ' ' - : - • '
S o ' o , !tir• - ., f lilpeaker i - rilthongh I. do' ot think
thii - T4egielatnre:Cari*Atkii . laNi . firilibring . anY
map7tir- set ofinen`-tc inekiWeekti painienti•Of
toilniki:,iititititl* kiiid'Of - aynient,asida end
. 41i ' &IWO' private : ' Caro reit, -Yeti: wish' to'
! Age: . 'bf4. r ' . 'llY.iliirkikilislatittf Oitthillit
1 ' Itclift 6 4 .' tied - it, faiaittiati&•iiiowidlai . 6o
1 _tigwovt • lalitoing iiiinClYtiatilifi.llpitidrer,
liilleb4t :le 14.-tlie -- iidlid . 'bitais'or ',Writh:lll'4V
iiialth'.'''"liiislibor•th at det , Cl6ol Yolk 'inter='
nal:iiiinufer/of :14E4 ibeiiiito'i . Mir mountains of
.cOtilioiptiEcot 'iron istidlirings forth therefitini
thd'oicermitdoted . treasnresliftreene' . 6entatiei,'
and that converts: those treasures into - hani'ifofi
iron grid stretches them every Sea-! .
!..tion ,I imir;bs l xiiiiii*bothittp.- Now, whildlabor!
is thillf neaeittsiir'idd'teridiici tdieteldit the' lik , '.
'tern4 feaduroes - cif the country, Why,thOuld not:
thelatkiring. Main -receive some guarantee' that:
.his; . rlght'will be' 'reePtieted‘. 'When' times 'like:
- the . present - *he; 'Whe4.'he''iihteinseeMPl. l3-;
Merit and - 'Weitei bib 'erieigibit," to receive' re*:
. cimermtion for that Waste . of'hiS best
powers,.ythat-tnaisintee ' is'intitetitlYelf dea
Mended:: • ' Although•llliirikthe'graYer- - Of' the
;petitioners c'. - tirdiszit lip answered, y et I treat thet
the biproiiii*eit Willy ftjelid 'frissi'TaYette
'Co:464 , R*. Volta,y,efiol .g
oa iticAat for the
better security of' the *ages of litlidrins,":Wilf
htleVtiltiridediSlo-itieet the wants and riedea.;.
.cities Of 'tlitilaboritig . iienOrrifile crisis, of titty.: ,
ilic i ff d rii ....... t;.,-....- . . . . : ; ... , • .., •...• • • .; . : - , ..,• ...::, , -:
11 1 1{ P9AT5 STAPP*G.9 O3 . 1 4 3 .
Mr- RlEl,' (Election Districts,) as com
mitted, Honed bill -.. No!-120, , entitled'' an Act
;to change the place of holding elections in the
tam:lBl4k Of 'Texas; Wayne county;'' •
Al* bestrnititted, , Rodse bill No.
,119; an ACe to Change' the plebe , of holding
4cectiens . id thi& township of -Canaan, • Wayne
. :.) , '•11 ,
Mr. NICHOLS, (same',with a ' negative. ie-
Connneiidation; an Act to Change the bottnda-:
iticivor th‘fcitirth-and fifth-Wards; city ef•Phila.
Mr. OUlVORti,'''(sime, ) as committed; .an'
Ahtici',Oliatigeilielilttce of bolding=alectiOns In
Mr. ItOBINSON; (sunle,t as - committed, an
'Act to ,chtuile Ai:lllE43li% 4 01 dinteel'eolingi in
Allegheny township,_Yettgigo county.
r.plEßßDtErt, i (Agrignlturp and Domestic
mantut4ititnes,Yav coinntliteVßPYtoi‘bilt-W
69, edattedY,e:;sukililideiit'to*ACtlitAing a
ISx on doglitrAfiebbrough`of Weet t Hester,
'and certain townships in-Chester county, and
fdr oilier spertidsese
iMr l %WARN PRlPl:!Pillf7} m
ace i a re
!pert, Whichiikread and pprbved.'
' stir:; Rasp's' piaci' •
I Mr. PENNEY read - in tdace - an Act relating
to the distribution of. the. proceeds of Sheriff's
Sias cif !teal , ea.t.ate..
14eferred, to the, cslinudttes Pujhe'
Mr. VISO, An Act xelative to executers and,
administrators, „
Referniiii.tnttle Pommitteefin the JridiolarY.
Also, RA Agt to incorticeate,tb_e Oakland Park
Referred to the . Conitnitcee on Corporations.
ROBINSONi'Iot the -Sesailm, , ried
place an Actite Set °frit portion of the borough
of Elittenitille, Bchilylkiff county, air aiepamte
Referred - to the Committee on Election Dip
octs.L , I
' Mri , PAßKEN' incorporate thellrdon
Rosseng%46llr9t.t4 0 4 1 410 1 V PlrhilikdoiPlAis•
Referred to; the tommittee on Railroads.
Rin• YARDLEY, an Act, relating to forged"
Referred• in tim,6 o Aunitie 6 on J the, .JudiciaY.
Also, an Act to,authorilm surviving executors
and administiators to execute deeds of convoy=
=ante in certain cases.
Referred, to the Co)
itee on the Tudici
VTA T l f iku i l H reLi:----1 7 7 1231111i4 ' J; 0i3itT4113113 c)c)--"Ixul-87. sia ' c li if arta . liV i C e li ti V , lt ri ß eithe l i d b o av th e e n *O ok P e leT esj3ed 4IxL!
/.. 11 1% or:ititheOliiiiriie leave to make a ! After thelatense excitement manifested , by
11, ..taialli.efit.Ve 611410 .
. 11i.:Speaker';1 deetTe at the Serietbi , from Berke- -with.`regard ' , .to _. some 1
Ems tl4OlO alak‘a qaeition of Chairman of ' aetionlbeiag. had ,upon a question, rtnow,Ahder I
'the 'ciimriiittee' on the' Judiciary :.' It . is' well consideration in the Judiciary Committee,_ lie"
')Enesiiii't,lifti at an' early period of our 'session now proposes' that we -. shell adjourn for twee
; eceilt'ilii , lifiegtfeiiif 'tetohlet:tite . 'fitetKisitlier weeks , at aitroo:too;swhen,•perhapecif some of
,lidiiitheitheteNrikh littOolitheitetutelsookire 'l l .ll 3 .4wilimarty..frierids ., e4m3d.••.aceomplish their,
AbliActit ' , 4 Clithillotbikitith!the'Constitlitioit not itmateekthoggyquximkt Ifingd t 00.454-1 1 4 4-
, 4.,.". ,:_L, ...,. ,A.,, z,...ti .4 airi 74 ... ; 0 ;,1 i:...a7,,i .
i ~ • ,-....11:. L., ii i •....=2ls.:-, - ..1;' ..1 .... , :zo. 0.1., , , , ,.....1.41,..: .1-.lii . .. , •
laws of ihelinited' Stites, Were coattnitte d to
that` CtiraMittee for hiVestigatieri.': Watidene
at the request, of thousands of Petitioners, Who
in a resileethil for and; manner petitiOnectthe
different branches tif the lieglelature of
itylvania that certain - pertiolurf;'of our - 'laws in
regard to fugitives teen-labor -mightbereperil ir
ed: “ritiolse theffviestiti.
what I believe to be a vastiziajority of the peo
ple of this State in-relationthereto. With a de
sire, sir e and with the intention oil the part
of this, &natc to; CoMPTY - iVitli this request,
this 'estiOn' (0. 2 -absorbing' interest in, the
people Of \thisq State; and to the'-nation at
large, was - relerreito that Committee, hi whose
judgment this Senateantithis State has, I be
lieve, 'fell confidence' "Wee Who desired to
healfroni this bouirnifteal babe nraited - i 164
Period rof-timei kingerthan it was 'thought ne- -
cessary ,to have allowed that, Committee, time. to
arrive at some; coadusion, have ...kart:led
'froth the priblleptlittar-and It has been tele
.graphid,; abfotid, thrhugh-Ithe ' length -and
breadth of this. land—that the Committer,. or tit
least.a majority of them,,hawarrived at a con-
CiUBIOn in regard to this , matter. I linow not
whether- this?. report"be true - or false; and I
deeite rat • Shia' -time r : in - this crisis of Our
conntryes danger,! to ask, the Chairman of
that. Committee whether such report is, true—
Whether - of - majority` Otthe COmMittee has anti
ed at anYlemicinsion. in 'regard to this question
.;•-arid it therhavis determined upon the , course
they intend to .pnrautr,, why. .thrit determination
not hitherto been reported to. this Senate
Tor its action : `Sir ; ' if they have arrived at the
'conclusion - I=have- intimated, I believe this
Senate, -casting elide - .alk other questions I of,
Juiportance, would s immediately, go to. work
and • Bettis: 'OW ,and lcirever this subject;
Which,' 'to everyman' irrithis Senate, is great
er and °tier ; more , importance than;"
lions- of any -Atate, now before it.
If they have not, arrived at that concluskin
would fact (dated; hi: order that,
`POssibly; the majority of this Senate may reach'
this4nestion by some more direct means than
through themedium of ; a, Committee.
,I .have
the utmost , respect for that Committee r for its
Chdrintinand every meniter Composing it, but
I do trust thet , thewaitirig -people of Pennsyl
verde, Andthe Waiting. Senators on this floor,
may no longer be deterred by_the inaction of
the Committee, from doik,what they believe
to be right-and necessary; - With"the - utmost
regard andrreipect for the , rights of the Judici
ary Committee„Lhave asked thia.question, but
.1 have, also fasked.-, it with a view .to . vindicate
the right's of the peOple Of this State.
IkENblEr. •I' am not surprised at the
manner-invhich the question has,been put:by
the. Senator ,front, Barks:. (kir.. Orrisaa:;) cer
tainly it was, it, rather -long ,question, and
involved. verY..ebrisiderable - speech.
Mr. .
Speaker,l-know 'not •by what right the
Senator, froth Seas; ors any. other Senator, is to
• assume any ppoltion in ,refereoce •to the Jrudi
ciary Committee, or any 'other Committee of
the - Senite, - from the 'militias thlegraiih reports
, thatniafbtitiredlited rtewgpapers: -
ll•haver no ,hesitation,, however,' th answering
theSenatfeeds question with, theutmest,frank
..ness. 'the subjeclttiWhichhorefere bit/kha/
iri the hands of - the Judiciary Committee for's,
considerable: thite. - .: Its = investigation; in the
first place,, was necessarily. delayed., ,COEIBer
ciii.n.cA of the, ahsence of two members, of the .
Committee,, who Were calliktlittme on busi
fleas. I can ' say, fertile infermation 'of `the
Senator from Iterksi however'and-=for-the
;Senate: generally, that the .qnestion has
been seriously, investigated . ,,by the Committee,
and a conclusion, peibripS,.rrried at by a ms
leirity of the Ccinimittee the report is in pre
. parationi t and will Made. Ido not know
to ,whet conclusion •the Senator ..from "Serial
refers, nor anything definite in regard .to that
conclusion ; nor al:lll4kirMitted - to' speak, for
the Committee ihregard to that matter: All
lihavedissay *that the Committee have invesi
ttgated the:question linbmitted to them, and
Will make, such a report fipen it as they deem
just` and right. ' • - ' •
Mr:Ar.iLtiMER. Ifivish• to , ask the Senator"
ticom Allegheny a question:;,, He •has;. in
formed the Senate that, it, majority. of the
committee have arrived et a conclusion. Would
libe trespimiiing on his' kindness td ask him to
inform theiSenate When that toriclu r sion will
bit reported to this body ? - • •
Hr. .PENbIEy., ./ presume it will be reported
in a feWdayii: • "
Mr. sPERTE7". ogeted the following• resolu
.tion : .
Ri...tolved, (if the Hoeg. of Representatives
Conair,) that when i theturb aconites 'adjourn
oh Friday, the.22ddrtst„:they !V. -adjourn to
nieet on Wednesday the 6th .of March at. 3
&clock, D 2.
IThe righttion het* twice ieed,'
Mr: 1F COME called fot- tin explanation of
itheAtarne.. . •
NT-.4.?4,.N . 54• oketed thP, resolution he
liming that it will he'adcipted,
solution', tinder' like • circuthstthiciti, hap been
adopted heretofore'. -1 - teisrvery weilknowwthat
Many members I a Cloth. Houses, during, the
coming FPekttild.thO .weeit liPooeedbagt wish to
be present in Viraahlikkien,i&oicteito attend the
htitigiaratiotkeeettionies - onlhe.4th- of March.
The`-purport the resolution is to afford, those
members an opportunitzot se doing. think
that. very little xbirte lost by an acViooro-
Mint' at this time. ,
Mr:13I1311I - E. r would like to inquire'of the
Senator- from_ Allegheny, • whether, after the
adjournment., we, are to meet in extra session?'
Air. PIINNEY. - The Senator may consider it
an' extra` session if he chomies. The adjourn
nient proposed is merely teinporary; • - •
Mr. cannot.. understand. the mo
tion-to. a.diP l 4 l l 2 . fgr - .Q.P.lengtk of Arle.-.etatedt.
4 0 ,,n0t seethe.necessity fol. it., There may
a, iirotriety'in an` iidjaPrearient about the
fourth of I March. • • s .
Mri CLrYbEIER., -Lam in favor_ok the Senate
doing, as ; much work, as any , Senator, on this
floor, ye ram in favor of this'idjournment:
I,do not‘thinkthe•people will lose anything by
an adjournmentobfitheiLegisiatire. •
000141:53E, Vag; ..iSonater
Berke taken into, consideration, the ,perilousconditioh the : Shite tindllie trembling Maid
*of the'Senate Witlifregard to Personalliberty
hilis r -when: he. prologut that we. adjourn for
*r. OLYILEAt'.. If the. Senator froirtlrenk-.
who lie' the ' peoPle'under his especial
charge, 'has no anafety,l certainly- need beve
Cam tinting fits.
Having procured Steam Power Presses, we ars
prepared to execute JOB and BOOK PRINTING' of every
description, cheaper that it can be done at any other ea
tablishmentln the country.
1/3rFour lines or lets constitute onehalf square. Ithe
/therror more than four constitute ganger&
Half Square, one day SO:
one week
oral month
• three months.. LOO
..... .. .
'f six months ..
One gunfire one day
is ono week
" One month ... .
three months . .
etx months...
• one year
_ .
ilarßasbiess n otices inserted In the L;2"coi . cottemo,
before Marriage* and Deaths, FIVE CHM PEE MN or
or each insertion.
NO. 41.
iiii-Maritsgai and- Deaths to be charged as regular
-.Mr. CLYMER. If I had been absent from
this Senate chamber duriug a.good portion of
the present session, I would possibly have no
desire to leave it at this tithe ; but I have been
here during the whole session, a portion of the
time confined by sickrie,ss. I have staid
waiting anxiously for something
to be done in regard to the matter to
which the Senator has alluded. But
nothing - has been done, and judging from
the past I doubt whether anything will be done
in the future. lam not responsible for the
legislation -done here ; neither are my party
friends. lam willing now to leave for a time,
believing. that the least done by this 'Legisla
ture willoip the leapt:: damage to the interests
of the State;
Mr. 111.'CLIIKE." I leave Harrisburg occa
sionally, but when I go I think I am not
greatly missed.. When Ido go away Ido not
expect that thirty-two Senators will follow me,
or that 11A3vheels of legislation must stop be
mime I am not present.
- Mr. PENIsIBY stated. that the adjournment
as propoSedVaa fixed atexabtly the same length
of time`as thlt - adopted‘by the Legislature in
1858. In the midst of the excitement attend
ing the inauguration at Washington,' he
thought that bat little businers would be trans
acted by the Legislature , should it remain in
session. .
TECLI:IItE moved to amend the resolu
tion-by making it read that the Senate adjourn
from Friday folkonday at three o'clock.
At:the *suggestion of the SPEAKER the
amendment,was withdrawn..
.' Opposed the adoption of the reso
lution oti •the ground that there was much im -
portant legislation yet to be transacted; among
other, matters was"the apportionment bill.
NT:LAWRENCE. Much as I feel , disposed
to: accommodate Senators in the matter in
hand,'l Will be constrained to vote against the
On the question, -
Willthe Senate agree to the resolution?
- The. yeas and .nays- were required by Mr.
irCLURE and Mr. PENNEY, and were as fol
loivs, yiz :
`Pmateesis. Blood, Boughter, Clymer,
Crawford ; Fuller, Riestand, Imbrie, Irish,Mere
'dith; Mott,' Penney, }3obinson, Schindel, Ser.
rill.and • ,
, .
NAYS—Messrs. Bound, Connell, Gregg, Hall,
Ketchath;tatidoir, Lawrence,M'Clure, Nichols,
Parker Smith, Thornpscm; Wharton, Yardley
and Palmer, Sp 16:
• So the qum.ton. was determined in the nega
tive. ' ' .
Senate hill, NO. :150;
: entitled "an Act for
the relief of john Mong,-of Somerset county,"
came - up in, order on its final passage.
On the question '
pass? Shall tfie'"bill:
The yeas and, nays were required by Mr.
GBEGKI- and Mr. WHABTON and were as fol
lows viz:: •
Ir:calk—Messrs. Blood, Connell, Crawford,
Faller, Hall, Ketclmm. Meredith, Mott, Sich
els,Yarker, Robinson, Schindell, Smith, Whar
ton. 744.
Nita:—Messrs. Boughter ' ' Bound, Clymer,
JHieataud, Landon, 11 . 01nre Penney,
Sarin, Welsh, -Yardley ; Palmer, Siieaker-12.
So `the gaeatibiL alte deternun' eln the affirm
House bill,. No. 76, entitled "an Act for the
.better Security of the wages of laborers," came
up in - Order on second.reading. ,
•, On motion of Mr. YUY:Tx7I., the bill was so
amended as to apply to Fayette county only.
On:the:question, , •
Will the Senate agree to the first section
The yeas and nays were required by Mr.
FULLER and Mr. PENNEY and were as fol
:ink—lß - 443ra. Blood, Clymer, Connell,
Crawford, Fuller, 'Ketcham, Landon, Lawrence,
Bieredith, Nichols, Schindel, Serrill, Smith,
Weleh,' Wharton and Yardley-16.
NAYS --Messrs Imhrie Irish, Penney Rob
SO the question was determined in the affirm
ative,: •
The bill then
Passed finally
Senate billy, Nu. 189, entitle& "an Act to in
corporate the Allegheny' Oil company," came
up in order on second reading.
Mr. IMBRIE movsd to amend bymaking the
bill applicable to Allegheny county only.
, Mr. BLOOD. lam in'favor of the amend
ment. There are many poor. men engaged in
the badness proPoSed to be engaged in by the
cOrporaforis.: :If:a company of this kind is in
corporate&withont being confined to a particu
lar locality, it will entirely a' monopolize the
entire business - of - poor. men who occasionally
acetunglatea competence in the oil or mining
business. ' • • - •
Mr. lIALL. T desire to ask the Senator from
Allegheny whether the general, manufacturing
law and snppletnents thereto do'not cover the
provisions contained hithis. bill.
Mr. MIMI, I do not understand, that the
laW4eferied - to covers this case; and if it did
I would not consider itaiprovisionssatisfaetory.
Mr. HALL. The objection I make to the
bill is that it incorporates_-Aunmber of indi
viduals—very respectable-men--,with a capital
of $259,000; not for "purpose merely'of re
gining,Oil, but t0..d0 that which the general
manufacturing law, with its supplements, au
thorizesthem to do. liiit'laiv Wag, Raised for
tie:livery purpose designed to be , accomplished
by the ,passage of,.this bill., My constituents,
object to and askine'to solemnly protest &gains'
this.speCiallegislation for the; benefit of parti
oular companies, as it conflicts with their fir
tereiti. • -
, Mrc FENNEY.. weII, known 'that the
Legislature every, year . passea many bills incor-
Porating priVate dompanieti. While I concur
with the,SenatOi from. :Blair- : (Mr. Hatt):.tbat
we should , observe a general manufacturing
Order to prevent this sort Cif 'legislation,
it seems,to,me to be the setkactog ,time cOlnuttm-
Ity, and certainly it lathe sense of the Legisla
ture; judging from its prasticti;lhite there- are
somethings in our - laW
that areloo unwieldy to be useful in their ap
plication. This fact has - given 'riadlto- special
legislation., I haVe!nilisaltlfs*Pmmeoced the
preparation_ of_ttgenerni,Ja annfacturing law
which will be, readylor ibti,..conshier_ation of
the Senate before . tke eib'Sd Be session: The
objection urged by tbeßeiiiithi from Blair, and
entertained bylds cOriatituemte, 'will' probably
be obviated by confining the operations of
the bill to a particular comity:
Mr. HALL said that thefact of 'the Senate
having Passedit sinailay bill, was. no. reason for
the. passage of the one before the Senate. If
the general inannfacturing law needed amend-
Ment 4t cold& bustmended in order to suit .the
Similar casein band, . The. clauses - relative
to'lttolivialtial liability end ,taxation: might be
fiamdilzy an, tb, , be.more
stri4entlium,theryould be. obliged:to sub
,- • ,
b 00
. 6 00