Algallantana E ME CP lir -AL L. DR. D. W. ZONES, HARRISBURG, PA., HAS moved hie office to the Nat'onal undid ;n Market street,,epposite the Post office.— bn and observe the name on the window.- 1 Jones may be consulted on all diseases but more articularly dieases of a vitiate, nature. Dr. JON h s eur,d a number = or. private and ot. er diseases In this city and agewhere, and some of them had almost piv n up all hopes of reei•very, and was , rest -red by the mid of Ms powerful :vegetable, tonedwa. GON =RRIIEA Dr. JONES Mims the only safe and certain -remedy for Concrrhea Gleet, Stricture, liver Complaint, Dyspepsia. nativeness, and all Derangements dam Stomach This preparation will -Cure Gonorrhea In from three to five d Lys, and can be had at any time of Dr. JON FS, at his of fice, at Ono Dollar per bottle; and one bottle is sufficient to cure-a mild ease. SYPHILIS This 14 ono of the worst of all diseases. Dr. JONES pledges himself to ours Syphilis in Its worst forms This _disease makes its appearance in so many different forms, chat a single plan of treatment will not reach ii In all its lest res s 3 it may require different remedies, Wording to the nature of the case. Dr. JONES will make a writ ten article anti any one—NO CORE NO PAY I The re medico; used by Dr. JONE 4, are purely vegetable, and need so change of Mot or hindrance from business. PEILMATORRHEA Title habit of youth is indulged in while alone, and is often learned from evil companions whan at school, and if not cured will destroy both mind and body. 'Both sexes fall viciims to this disease.' The symptoms are-- Pantie the Head, Dimness of Sight, ilinglog in - the Bars, I imples en the Face, Loss of Memory, Frightful Dreams at Night, Weakness in the Back, Pain iu the Breast, and Cough, (indicative ot.Comnmpiion,) Dyspepsia, great ihirangainvnt of the Nervous System, and so on till Death puts an end to their offerings. To such Dr. JONES of fairsi a perfe- Tes'oraiion,: with each mild and Balmy Juices of Herbs, that will perfectly re= tore the victim of this Distressing Dhease. FFMAII COMPLAINTS Tho e sufforing from Colds, and Derangement of the hervou, Fptem, can speedily be restored t 3 EOUnd health and visor. Dr. JUNES mty be consulted at al times at his office petsoually or by letter, describing all symptoms. Al Ibters most contain a stamp to ensure answer. Address , DU. D. W. JONES, National House, . feb7 Harrisburg, Pa FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING PHILADELPHIA FAITIONS. GRANVILLE STOKES' ',641.11 CLOTHINGVEMPORIUM No. 607 CHESTNUT STREET. A superb stook of Bee French, Englikh and American CLOTHS, • CASSIMERES, and VESTINGS, For City and Country trade, with' an unapproachable as surto:mut or MUM' RADE CLOTHING at the lowest cash prim Rut ONE PRICE to asked, and a GIFT of intrinsic worth and Use presented wi 11 each article sold. Partkular attention paid to the Customer department and garments. made antigen'. to order to any address. In inanguratine this new system of doing business, GRANVILLE STOKES would impress on the minds dl the patrons of his establishment, that the cost of the gift is deducted from, and NOT added to the price of the arti do sold. His immensely increasing sales'enabling him to act thus liberally, and at the same time to realize a remunerative profit. ' • All articles guaranteed to give entire Satisfaction. GRANVILLE STOKES' ONE PRICEOLOTHINGEMPORIUM 607 CHESTNUT STREW 0.A19-Bmd COAL REDUCED ! Common of Coal Take Notice I COAL DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF THE CITY MOM BY THR PATENT WEIGH CARTR, A 2 THE FOLLOWING LOW RATES, FOR CARE, VIZ LEMKE% VALI.= NOT COAL, at $2 00 per ton. " SNAIL fiat Com., at $2 90 per ton 4, LABOR EGq 4,- at $2 90 per ton " BROKEN at $2 93 per ton BALTIMORE CO.LL Co.'s WILKESBARRIE ETRAMBOAT, $3 00. BROKEN, $3 00. 1$ It Boa, $3 00. 11 • 41 Not, $2 25. Ream To emu (for Smith's use) 12X, cents a bushel. 2,600 bushels Olers for sale at lowest cash prices. A large let of superior HICKORY asn'OAK Woon, for sale at the lowest rates. Agent for Du Font's Gun and Blasting Powder, for sale at Manufacturer's prices. Coal dedvered from both yards, at abova rates, by /Watt Weigh Carts, which are certified to by the Sealer of Weights 8011 Measures. ` .4gPEvery consumer will please weigh their Coal on delivery, and if it ill short 10 periods, I will forfeit the Coal. A large, full and eomplete elector the beet kinds of Coal, always will be found on win": j29.1m JAMES M. WHEELER. IMOR RENT.—THE DWELLING PART of the FOUR STORY BRICK HOUSE No. 93 Market sued. Possession given on the Ist of April next. For . partioulars enquire of [}a^9• J. B. SIMON. APPLE WHISKY! DURE JERSEY APPLE ! In store and --atsrJale by JOHN H. ZIEGLKR, placed thereo rights, liberties, -p WATCHES, CLOCK'S, said mortg es age sb th ANCY GOODS, &C. or truste the several;{) F. ZIMMERIM & COI, therein Ape b e ,gf:4). 02 MARKET STREET; Harrisburg, I. I Ps. opposite Hiont's HOTEL and adjoining the houomr; Barn, having purchased the stock or E. F Jennings,, and added a large assortment or NEW JEW ELRY, we will sell the same at the lowest cash price, and ' snit& patronage. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neatly and promptly re paired and delivered. ALFRED F. ZIMMERMAN & CO. Raving disposed of my stock of Jewelry to A. F. Dm, merman & Co., I cheerfully recommend them to my for. =sr customers as practical and experienced Watch Makers, and solicit lbr them a continuance of the patron; Walsh has been so generously extended tome during it elk Yeti". • 2if Beloot Schools for Boys and Girls. FRONT STREET ABOVE LOCUST rpliE Fall term of ROBERT M'ELWEE'S School for boys, will open on the last Monday In Auguat.. The room ht well ventilated, comfortably fur. mislaid, and in every respect well adapted for school perposes.. • ' CATHARINE M'ELWEIrS School for girls, located In tboptaine 11)0041 WM open for the Fall term at the same LIMO. The room has been elegantly fitted up during the "Vacation, to prolnote the health and comfort of echelon'. janitb.dtf SCOTCH WHISKY. ONE PUNCHEON- of PURE SCOTCH WHISKY jot received and for sale by JOHN H. ZIEGLER, Sang , 73 Market , Street. CITY BONDS. FOR SLAE. ONE OR TWO . CITY BONDS of $5OO 04*, bearing 6 percent, interest, 'being-a safe and good investment. Apply to feb44llnd W. K. VAIRBEHE. • DENTISTRY. • THE undersigned, DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY, has returned and resumed his practice n state street opposite the "Brady Rome," where he will be pleased to attend to all who may desire his en visas. raep27l B. M. GELDEA, D. D. S. • REDUCTION IN PRICES! BIIIINORS, Plain and Figured. OASENFRUL Plain and Figured. ALL WOOL DI7AINFS, Extra Styles and Quality. BROCA LONGSHAWIN, different prices. .FIKR STOOL OF -BLANKET SHAWLS. Priesealn all the above Goode, on examination, will be fauns Kowa than ever," at Ca./ROAM' 7 4 Next door to the Harrhilitrg Bank. At the Ninth Exhibition of the Mass. Charitable Mechanic Association, 1860, MESSRS. °BICKERING & SONS FOR TIM BEST GRANO, SEMI•GRAND, & SQUARE PIANO-FORTES ; FOR THE BEST UPPIGHT PIANOS, Di KNOCEIE, BOLE 'AGENT FOR THE SALE OF .THESE PIANOS, No. 92 MARKET ST., HARRISBURG. febB•dtf 11HE UNDERSIGNED has opened his LUMBER OFFICE, corner of Third street and Black. berry alley, near Herr's Hotel atso—TWO ROOMS with folding doors TO LET, soles nle for a lawyer's office. Possession can be h.d imme diately. • W. F. MURRAY. Aiso—HORSES AND CARRIAGES'io taro at the same office. feb4 — . FRANK A. MURRAY. The Joint Committee of the Senate and HO of Representatives have appointed the Tinder; signed, Officer CoMmanding and Marshal of the day, to celebrate the anniversary of the Birth of Washington, and do honor to the Flag of• tisa Union, by displaying it on this grand occasion from the Dome of the. Capitol, which Flag is sanctified by his toil, his patriotism and the glorious achievements of our Revolutionary sires. The Governor, Heads of Departments, Offi cers and Members of the Senate and House of Representatives will participate. The invitation is extended to all the military of the State, Soldiers of the War of 1812, Offi cers of the Army and Navy, Judges. Clergy, Masons, Odd Fellows,-Firemen, Civic Societies and' Citizens. I. The military will form on Friday, Febru ary 22d, 1861, at 10 o'clock, A. M., on Market street, the right resting on Third street, to move precisely at 10 o'clock, A. H. Marshal R. A. Lamberton will form the so cieties on the left of the military. Marshal John B. Cox, will form the fire men on Third street, right resting on Market street, facing east. The Marshals will report at head Quarters for further orders. IL The order of procession will be as follows in three divisions : Officer Commanding. General Officers and Staff. Officers of the Army and Navy. Military. Soldiers of the War of 1812, bearing the Stars Marshal.—R. A. LAMBERTON. Governor Curtin. 'Orator of the day, Hon. R. M. Palmer, Speaker • of the Senate. Joint Committee of the Senate and House. - Heads of Departments. Judges of the • Supreme and District Courts. Officers and Members of the Senate. Officers and members of the House. ClergY. . • Masons. • Odd Fellows. Civic Souffles. Citizens. 111. The veteran soldiers of the war 1812 will raize the flag to the dome of the Capitol'. IV. Major JOSEPH F. KNIFE detailed com mander of ordenance to fire national salute of thirty-four guns during the procession, and thirteen guns at the elevation of the flag. V. The Cameron Guards, Capt. Errant, will perform guard duty at the Capitol. VI. Route—Form on Third and Market ; down to Front, down to Paxton Street, out to Second, up to Chesnut, up to Third, up to Market, out to Vourth, up to Walnut, down to Second, up to Pine, out o Front, up to State to the Capitol. Returning—Down Third to Locust, down to Front, down to Market.' Governor Curtin pass in Review. Dismissed. VII. All reports will be made at Head- Quarters, Tones House, by the 15th of February. By command of Major General WM. H. HEIM, Officer Commanding and Chief Marshal. Feb. Cure Cough, Cold, Hoarseness, Inftu ,::k...o .A I At, enea, any irritation or Soreness of Ct) - ' LP the Throat, Relieve the Hacking BRoNOHIAL C I I , 11,14117:, m gr' 13 74 ..\ 'PO e t\ ci c,- Clear and gin ! strength to the voice of PUBLIC SPBAIKLIIIS Few are aware of the importance of checking a Cough or "Common Cold" in its first stage; that which in the beginning would yield to a mild remedy, if neglected soon attacks the Lungs. "BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TIP CBES,' containing demulcent ingredients, allay Pulmonary and Bronchial Irritation, BROWN'S ==tl TROCHES BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S TROCILES BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S TROCHES ELMER F. JENNINGS. BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S Prof. M. STACY JOHNSON, La Grange, Ga. Teacher of Mimic, Southern Female College. "Great benefit when taken before and after preaching, as they. prevent Hoarse, nese. From their past effect, I think they will be of permanent advantage to me." REV. E. ROWLEY, A. N., Presidest of Athens College, Tenn. ini-Sold by all Druggists at 25 cents a box. nov2B-diwem TROCHES BROWN'S TROCHES El hOWN'S TROCHES MOURN_I.N.G .G 0 0 DS.' OF, .EVERY DESCRIPTION. Hoisery, Gloves, Ganntletts, In large quantities. Great assortment of Embroideries. litdies.Hnderwear, different sizes and di la lgy. • Gentle Men's dO ' " do ' do Iflasee's do do ' do • Goys) do do do •Cloths, Chesimeres, Satinetts,Jeans, And everything for Men and Boys wear. Getitleanensr Shawls. • Alf golds ; Without inclination to style or quality, will be it , yery slight advance, Land less than cost of importation.; • , - CATHCART & BROTHER , Hest door to the Harrisburg Bank dIR• - ' Market Square. - RENT. QETL'ItAL COMFORTABLE DWELLINQ HOUSRSIn different,parts of this city. Stabling at. Inched to some of there. Poseestdon_givsn the tired of April next. (j - April RAWN. pennovthania eCetegrapb, alontrap 'Afternoon, lebruarg 18, 1861. Miscellaneous. WERE AWARDED THE GOLD MEDAL AND IRA ONLY PREMIUM, A SILVER MEDAL, NOTICE. GENERAL ORDERS—No. 2. BEAD QUARTERS, 6th Div. P. V., } Harrisburg, Feb. 6, 1861. end Stripes Marshall--Jpier B. Cox Firemen. and SINGERS "That troulile in my Throat, (for which the "TROCHES" are a specific) having made me often a mere whisperer." N. P. WILLIS. "I recommend their use to Public Speakers." . _ REV. B H. CHAPIN. "Have proved extremely serviceable for Hoarseness." REV. HENRY WART) BEECHER. "Almost instant relief in the distressing labor of breathing peoullar to Asthma." REV. A. C. EGGLESTON. "Contain no Opium or anything injuri ous." DR. A. A. HAYES, Chemist, Boston. "A simple and pleasant combination for Coughs, &e." DR. G. F. BIGELOW, Boston "Beneficial in Bronchitis' DR. J. F. W. LANE, Baaton. "I have proved then- excellent for Whooping Cough), ItEV. H. W. WAR 1 1.8 , 766. 4 Beneflcial when compelled to speak, suffering from Cold." REV. S. J. P. ANDERSON, • • St. Louts ...Effectual In removing Hoarseness and I Irritation of the Throat, so common with Speakers and Flingers." fines of ICranet ransportatimi MI Alit LINE ROUTE TO NEW YORK ! SllilitTEST IN DISTANCE AN D s QUICREST i IN TIME W.TWEEN THE TWO CITIES k N YORK A N D Ia...A:RIZISE3T.TIZO- I VIA READING. ALLENTOWN AND EASTON. Nuz.NING IXPRESS, West, leaves New York at 6 A r wing at Harrisburg at 1 P. M, only 6% hours •Trwt.en the two cities. LINE leaves New York at 12.90 noon, and ar !vez LA Harrisburg at 8.15 P.M. i.NINO MAIL LINE East, leaves Harrisburg at 1.1.1 u a is., arriving at New York at 5.20 P. M. AFTERNOON EXPRESS LINE, East, leaves Harris rg et 1.15 P. M., arriving at New York at 9.46 P. M. Leauections are made at Harrisburg at 1.00 P. M. with the Passenger Trains in each direction ou the Pennsylva- Aa Cumberland Valley and Not thorn Central Railroad. ;II trains connect at Reading with train, for Pottsville Philadelphia, and at Allentown for Mauch Chunk, , aston No clause of Passenger Cars or Baggage between New York and Harrisburg, by the 6.00 A ki..Lin from New Vora or the 1.15 P. M. rom Harrisburg. For beauty of scenery, and speed, comfort and acoom mudation, this routs presents superior inducements to the traveling public. Fare between New York and Harrisburg FIVE DOE. ARS. For tickets an r other information apply to deol3 J. J. CLYDE, General Agent, Harrisburg PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAIL It 0A D . WINTER. ARRANGEMENT. OA' AND AFTER DEC. 12th, 1860. IWO PASSENGER TEAMS LEAVE HARRISBURG DAILY, (Sundays excepted,) at 8.00 A. M., and 1.15 P. '4 ' for Philadelphia, arriving there at 1 P. M., and 6 15 P. it RETURNING, LEAVE PHILADELPHIA at 8.00 A. hi., .1.06 3.30 P. IL, arriving at Harrisbvrg at 1 P. IL, and 4.15 P. M. FARES :—Yo Philadelphia, No. 1 Cars, $3.26 ; NO: 2 (In tame train,) $2.76. FARES :—To Reading, 21.80 and $l.BO. A L Reading, connect with trains for PottsvMe, Slivers. ville Tamaqua, Catawissa, &c. FOUR TRAINS LEAVE READING FOR PHILADEL PIMA DAILY, at 6A: M., 10.45 A M., 12.30 noon and 3.43 P. M. RAVE PHILADELPHIA FOR READING at:8.00 A. 11., 1.00 P, M., 8.30 P. 111., and 5.00 P. M. FARfin _Reading to Philadelphia, $1.76 and $1.45. lER MORNING TRAIN FROM HARRISBURG CON .ECTS AT READING , with up train for Wilkesbarre, ?Melon and Scranton. For through troketa and other Information apply to J. J. CLYDE, dealt-du General Agent PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAN WINTER TIME TABLE FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA• ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEMDBR 26th, 1860, .* The passenger trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Coil pany will depart from and arrive at Hatvisbajg and Philadelphia as follows-: EASTWARD. iII2.OIJGH =HEW TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 2.40 a. m. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 8.50 a. m. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 12 55 p. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.00 p. m. HAM TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 5,15 p. m., arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.20 p. m. These trains make close connection at Philadinpnia with he New York Lines. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 1, leaves Harrisburg at 7.80 a. m., runs via Mount Joy, and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12.80 p. m. ' BABRISRURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves risbnrg at 1.16 p. m., and. arrives at West Philadelphia at 6 49 p. m. . . , ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, leaves Banishing at 1,25 p. m.,rubs via Mount Joy connecting at Diller ville with MAIL TRAIN Matt for Philadelphia. • WESTWARD. 111801/GH W ESTWARD. 'UAW leaires Philadelphia at 10.60 p m., arrives atEarriaburg at 8.10 a. in. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 8.00 a. rives at Harrisburg at 1.20 p. m. LCCAL MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg for Pittsburg at 7.00 a. •m. FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 12.00, noon, arrives at Harrisburg at 4.10 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 2.00 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 7.35 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TR AIN, leaves Philadelphia at 4.00 p. m,, and arrives at Harrisburg at 9.45 p. Attention 15 called fo the fact, that passengers leaving . Philadelphia at 4.00 p. m., connect at Lancaster with MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, and arrive at: Harrisburg at 9.45, p. m. SAMUEL D. YOUNG . Rupt. Earl Disiaimi Pennsylvania Railroad. nov26 0-dtf Northern Central Railway 1 Apol. NOTICE. CHANGE OF - SCHEATJLE: WINTER ARRANGEMENT.. ! CIN AND AFTER . . WEDNESDAY, January . J 80th, 1881, the Piakenger Trilna of the Norther') Central Railway will leave Harrieborg aq . fellowa GOING} . . ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leave at.. 3.00 A. N. MAIL TRAIN will leave at., ... . . ... .1.00 P.lll. GOING' NORTH. MAIL TRAIN 6," ..... , . P. The only Trains leaving Harrisburg on gukulay wpfbe the ACCOMMODATION TRAIN Soyth al. 8, a, in. For, further informtion apply at the Wine, in Penna. , RaliToaq.ll4o3. • soHNW. HAIR Aga r$ Harrisburg, January 30, 1.860.--30-dtf EXTRA Bp GAR 0 uRN D Iroc sale-by. , ;_ oes22 Dais: ir, Altbital BOERHAVE'S lIOLLAND BITTERS. THE =MATED HOLLAND REMEDY FOR ~ , P0,1,k DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, FEVER4AND ACUE, And the various affections cotemitent upon a disordered STOMACH OR .LIVER, Such as Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky Paine, Hearthurns, Loss of Appetite, Despondenck, Cos tiveness, Blind and Bleeding Piles. In all Nervous, Rheumatic, and Neuralgic Affections, it hem in nameroua instances proved highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided mare. This is a purely vegets ble compound, prepared on strictly scientific principles, after the manner of the cele brated Holland Professor, Boetbave. Its reputation at home produced its introduction here, the demand com mencing with those of the Fatherland scattered over the face of this mighty country, many of whom brought with them and handed down the tradition of its value. It is now offered to the American public, knowing Mai its truly wonderful medicitud eiritteamust be acknowledged. it is particelarly recommended M those persons whose constitutions may have, men impaired by the continuous use of ardent spirits, or other forms of disetpation. Gen erally instantaneous in effect; ft finds its Way directly to the seat of life, thrilling, and• quickening every nerve, raising up the drooping spirit, and, in fact, infusing new health and yigor in thesystem. • . NOTlCE.—Whoever expects to find this A beverage will be disappointed; but to dm sick, weak and low spirited, It will , prove a grateful aromatic cordial, possessed of of singular remedial properties. BEAD CAREFULLY ! The Genuine highly concentrated Brerhave's Holland Bitters is put up In half-pint bottles only, and retailed at Oak Doman per bottle, or six bottles for Flue Donsxm— The great demand for this truly, celebrated Medicine has induced many imitations, Which the public should guard against puichasinti sirßeware of Imposition. See that our name la on the label of every bottle you buy. Sold by Druggists generally. It can be forwarded by Elpress to most points. SOLE PROPRIETORS, BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. & CO., MANTIFACITURIIie- Pharnso . elitists and Chemists. PIITSBURG, PA.' For sale in"V , e city of Harrisburg by D. W. GBOIN & Co, septlAlawly MUFF~T'iSi LIFE PILLS AND kitominc. Errrtas. THESE MEIACINES bave now been be ..,L• foie the public far arieried of THIRTY YEARS, and during that time have maintained a high character in al most every part of the 'Globe, for their extraordinary 'arid immediate power of restoring perfect health to per sons suffering under neariy every kind of disease to `which the human frame is liable- ' • ' 'The followingareamong•the distressing varietyof man diseases in which the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES ire'well known to be infallible. ErfesPEPSlA,'bk thcircnighly cleansing thefirst and second stomachs, and creating a how of pure heal ' el bile, instead Of the stale and acrid' kind'; PLAT 1 . Lapscv, Loa, of Appetite, HeratbqrnillieadachN Barr lessness, 111-Temper, Anxiety; fingnor and Idolaticholyi,". whtch are the genera ii).inptonis of _ ish as a natural consequence of its cure.. . 7 ; COSTWENESS, by cleatiking the whole length Of the intestines with a solvent process, and without vie lence; all, violent purges leave the bowels costive within two days. FEVERS of all kinds, by restoring the blood to a regular circulation, through the process of respiration in Such cases, and-the thorough solution of all intestinal ob. struction in others. The LIFE MEDICINES have been known to cure RHEUMATISM permanently in three weeks and. GOUT in half that thee, by removing local inflammation from the muscles anditgamezda of the joints. DROPSIES of all kinds, by freeing and strengthen ing the kidneys and bladder; they operate most delight.' fully on these important .organs, and hence have ever. been found a certain remedy for the worst cases of 'GRAVEL . Also .WORJILS; by dislodging from the turnings of the bowels the slimy matter to which these creatures SCURVY , DICERS, and INVETERATE. SORES, by, the peireet purity which Mese LIFE MEDI. C NES give to the blood,.ead'all the humors. SCORBUTIC? ERUPTIONS and BAD COMPLEX IONS; by . their alterate effect upon' the fluids that feed' the skin, and the morbid state of which occasions all eruptive complaints, sallow, cloudy, and other-disagree= able The use of these Pills for a 'Very 'ghat:thee Wit effect an entire cure of SALT RHEUM, and a striking im, .provement in the clearness 'of the skin. COMMON COLDS and. 'INFLUENZA will always be cured.* oneldese, or by two n.;tl3b Worst cases. PILES The original prolirietor of these medieinee;: was cured of Piles, Cif 30 Yearn sMUMMI by the use of the LIFE IdEDICINESadone: - -• w• FEVER AND AGUE.—For this scourge of, the Western country, these Medicines will be found a safe, speedy, and certain remedy. Other Medicines have the. system subject to a return of the diseasi3—a cure by theee Medicines is permanentt-TRY TEIBM, BE SATLIFIEB, AND BE CURED. BILIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER COM. PLAINTS.--Gmamat, Ostearty, Loss or Arreimm, and ssurtai or Instersethe Medicines have, used with thethost beneficial restate in cases of this tion :--Kings Bill and Scrofula, in its worst fornis,ylelds to the mild - yet poWerful action of there remarkable Medi,. clues. Night" Sweats; Nervous Debility," Nervous" plaints of all kinds; Palpitation of the Heart Pidnters , Ooli are speedily cured. ' - _ li e, zatuttaiLAL DISEA„SES.--Persons whose cOnstitu ions have'become .impaired" by the lebifficiona use of Mercury, will find.lhese Medicines a perfect'eure; as they cover fall to eradicate. front the ;systeny;alf the effects of MerenrY, itifinitelynooner than the Meatiestor ful preparatiOns of flariapirilla, Prep tarednod gold by.f` .W. B. MOFFAT, SR Broadway, New York. Fatale by all Druggists. - „ 'jy2l3.dewly . . . . . S YOg!, ' E 7 1 , THE DELAWARE' MUTUAL ,Safety- Insuratine-Vo. INCORPORAIIED CAPITAL AND ASSETS 8004.991L51., . " THAILISTIBAZICE CON2ANT Of N'orth .Atheriott; l : °P. PPELAPILPHIA. INCORPORATED 1794. CAPITAL AND'ASSETS ...... PE U NDER S I G NED,, as Agent, for thel above well known Companies, will Make htidrance against loss or damage by fire, either perpetually or ad.' nually, on property in either town or country. Marine and Inland Transportation Risks also taken. • Apply personally or by letter to WILLIAM BUEHLER, delmiewly: Harrisburg, Pa. JOHN MAEURER,. RASPBERRY ALLEY, witTWEitg.: CHESTNUT AND MULBERRY STREETS] HARRISBURO,PAL • • 10P ESPECTFULLY.Iaforms the public that; Jib he is located at the abovementioned,place, and hie has commenced the-WOOL DYEINGandCARPETWEAV ENG susnemsin its irariong 'branches. He is 'tore, pared to Ell all .ordemiaVilialithor test notice, and will . guarantee general iatisfaoUnn. His prices will lie ... Raving carried on the b . witness for 'many years in Germany, and over two years here,itatfalso laving Lad, an extended experience in this country, he is•fullY tit* petent to execute all work entrusted to him, and hoped" receive a reasonable share of @cetera from his fellow: citizens. general assortment of Carpets are always kept embalm and will be sold at the lowest rate. JUST ' REOUVER A . LARGE STOCK . of •BC()TGEf- BROWN STOTtl'and LONDON POMR: • For lade at g!‘ lowat rata sazao 7a Mit4iiet Ries*. • iftebical DR. JOHNSON, 33ALLITIMEOPLZI LOCK HOSPITAL. n B d d e i t r o t o . v . r r e e m d e he yi most the r e i r a t , speedy DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE RUSIN IN FIX TO TWILVE NOM. NO Mercury or Noxious Drugs lairA CORY WARRAIORD, OR NO CRASOIi t RF FROM ONR 10 Two DAYs.lia Weakness of the. Back or Limbs, Strictures, Pains In the Loins, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder Organic Weakness, Nervous Debility, Decay of the Physical Pow ers, Dyspepsia, languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Pelt station of the Heart, Timidity, Trembilngs, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Meese of the Stomach, Affections of the Head, Throat, Ncse or Skin—those terrible disor ders arising from the. indiscretion or Solitary Habits of Youth--those' dreadfultend destructive practises ,which produce constitutional debility ; render marriage impas sible, and deStroy both body and mind. -- 7- - .7 YOUNG MEN. iti te Yantis. men , chilly whdhave become the victims ol solitary Vice at dreadful and destructive habit which annually aw I. to - an untimely' grave thousands of young men of the moat exalted talent and brilliant intel lect, who might otherwise have. entranced listening Senates with the thunders of elegienCe, or *Amato eo taay the living lyre, may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE. Married s persons, or those contemplating marriage, be- Mg metre of physical weakielar, should Immediately con sult Di. J., and be restored to perfect. health.< ' ORGANIC WEAKNESS inwildiately awed arid fedi vigor restored He wbo places himself under the care of Dr. J., may religiously . conlide in his honor as a gentleman, and con, ildenUy rely suPOn hie skill as a physician. Sir Office 'No. 7 South-Frederick street, Baltimore, Md., on the left hand side going from Baltimore street, 7 doers 'from the corner, Be particular la observing the name or number, or you will mistake the place. Be par ticular for ignorant, Trifling Quacks, with false names, or Paltry liumbeig Certificates, attracted by the reputa tion of Dr. Johnson, lurk near. All letters must contain a Postage Stamp, to use on the reply._ DR. JOHNSTON Dr. Johnson member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, graduate from one of the mast eminent Colleges of:the:United aides, and the greatest part of 'Whose' life has been spent in the Hospitals of London, Paris, Phila delphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the most as tonishing cures that were ever known. Many troubled with ringing in the ears and held when asleep, great ner venetian," being alarmed at inaddennornadi, bashfulness, =with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derange ment of mind were cured Immediately, vrAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who having injured them selves by private and improper indulgencies, that secret and solitary habit which rains both' body.and mind, un fitting them for either. business or society. These are some of the sad and melancholy effects pro duced by early habits of youth, viz: Weakness of the Back. and Limbs, Pains in the Head, ,Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Paipltation of the Heart, Dye ' pep Elia, blervOus Irritability;•Derangement of the Digestive Functions, General Debility, symptoms of. iconanmp-. • MENTALLY. the fearibl effects on the mind are much to be dreaded :--Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, De pression of Spirits;EVil Forebodings, Aversion toSocie ty, Self-distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, dm, are some of dmievil effects. . Thousands of persons of all ages, can now judge what is.tha cause of their decline lu health, losing-.their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, have a singular appearance about the' eyes, tough; and. tiiinp ms of conaumption. YOUNG MEN who have injured themselves by a certain practice, in dulged is when alone—a habit frequently learned from companions, or at school, the effects. of which are 'nightly felt, even whehuileep,' and if not cured, renders manisge.impossible, and destroys, both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a young Man, the hopes of his coun try, the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life'by the consequences of deviating from the path of nature, and indulging in a :certain 'secret habit. Such persons must, Wont content. Plating. MARRL&GE, elidt that a sound mind andbody are the most necessary ,requiedtes.,to .prompte ,conntekhd happiness. Indeed Withhht these;.the journey thiongh.lite becomes ieweiry Pfigrinkii* th e 'Prospect hontly darkens to the view;the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and Ailed with the melaiicholY reflection that the happiness of another be .conembilghtext with Our OWII. DR. JOHNEOWS INVIGORATING REMEDY:FOR. OR 9" 10 7EAK:REAL: By this great and important remedy, Weakness of the Organs are speedily cured; and fell vigor restored. Thousands of the most nerving!'and debilitated who had lost aU hope, have been immediately relieved. AU impediments to Marriage, Phydeal or liental Dial/nail& estfori, 'Nervous,. Trembling, Weakness or Exhaustion or the most fearfhl t kind, speedily oared. TO STRANOMS, The many. thousands cured at this Instiution within the list twelve years, and the numerous important tinniest] operations .perforne4 by Dr. J., witnessed, byi the we 'porters of the papers, and many other persons notices of which have appeared again and again .before the public, besides his standing as a gentleman of character and re. liiMtthility, is a sufficient gitarantie totho afflicted. DLqw.s." RS OF IIdFRIIDENDE.—When the misguided and litnirndent votary of pleasure finds he has imbibed the seeds of this 'painful disease, fi lm often happened* an ill-timed sense of. shame or dread of discovery deters. him from applying to those who, froM eduCation andrre epectability can alone befriend him delaying ill the con.. stitutional symptoms of. this , horrid - disease make their appearance, affecting the head; throat; nose, skis, Sus., progrestdiag:on: With: frightfill rapidity,' till death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings-by sending him to "that bourne &rim whence no traveler returns." 'lt is a 'IIIOI - fact that thOusarids fall victims to this terrible disease, owing to the unskilfulness of . Ignorant pretend.. 'ersi'who; by the use of that deadly paten, enereary; tills the constitution aud.make the residue of life miserable. TO 'Fsa.iitusiterThe ' Doctor's Diplomas hang Xi-Letters must contain a Stamp to its en the reply - Siritemedies sent by Mail. , ifirND. 7 South :Frederick street, Baltimore. ' , GREAT ATTRACTIOiq . AT . THE NEW CITY 'STORE! URICH & BOWMAN, CORNER FRONT & MARKET 818. • NNOUNCE to• the oiiizene of Harris -btusiked the, Public generally, that they lutve,pmt, returned from the eastern cities with a large and well se- Actedetock of Fall' and Winter Goode, which therirlll sell St theme ry lowest, piece. DOMESTIC GOODE of every kind. Bleached;and Unbleached Muslin, Bleached and Unbleached Camas Flannels. • RED iPLARNELB OF EVERY DEMIIIionON. - A largsassor.tment Or Welsh Flannels for eldrtiAsl. An sisportike4DOrnestio Ginghana kanitheater Ginghams, " Ratlnetts andCatsimeree,l ' Back Cloths at an priees, • Cloths for ladles' 'Cheetettelcle, , 6 Beaver Cloths for the drab Cloaks. A FTNVAILRORTMENT OF 13LAIniarn A large assortment of Omer es, especially. adapted to. Boy 4t wear: assortment of Merino Drawers and On. 41ershIrts.. An assortment. of OarPeourreavl2 3 % eta a yard to $l.OO per yard. ALSO LATEST STYLES PLAID VALENCIAB, - : ; • . • • - VELVET - poPLINS, • • BTRIPED AND -PLAID • . RICH PLAIN , FDRIRIED -1 4EN&P§, BICH PLAIN AND FIGURED . • ' • ALT.,WOOL DWAIN-Es, , • . • - 'BUCK BILK 8; Am WIDTHS. A largeaisortmeat of Drool:01mA Blooket Shawls, 'a foil atzetOr tbe laleatioveltles. ' • • . Ilaiortzgentor.Plidd and Flaintid Oashmezte. PAWS OF, ALT..S broldaries . rertletuar attention'lianito drat vliees *Wary andlikn- An , ko.; • • asiorttpeat pt:Fpfge n t a wove troll 9rlng Skirt A33,-solamtiw4 of Ehrotaihwand Flannels. • mum' & Bolviiw," 'corner of Al at tind ~turkettStreete;-Efarrlpburg. Formerly oVcopied by JtA,-14cliert Act2o,-13.• PFTiI 'PPM!! . • PIR!...W! ;PRP*. CASEY & 13ROIVR. 1 - • ATTOItNIEITEIASLILVit - -.• ApvicNik:v -13CAVING: •aaseeiated together in. the of the attend Ntilfultremit, pfploptly to all profeas!onal beAlnesa entruste d tote, ~! -3 °moon Thad streettairePdaantAvtbilfttekot,„: OgiumitatlonsinEaglithudeqrazaq2 Ciottilantotto UDOLPHO WOLFE'S .41LPLcima a..Txcl SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS A SUPERLATIVE TONIC, DIURETIC, ANTI DYSPEPTIC AND INVIGORATING CORDIAL To the Citizens of New Jerse ,, and Penns—lvama. Apothecaries, Druggists, Grocers nod Private Families. Wolfe's Pare Cognac tsrandy. Wolfe'a Pare Aladerla, Sherry nod Port Wine. • Wolfes Pure Jamaica and St. Croix Rum Wotties Pure Scotch and Irish Whisky ALL IN BOYTLES. I beg lame to call the attention of the citizens of the United States to the above Wniss and Liquors, imported by Udolpho Wolfe, of New 'York, whose name ie fami liar in every part of this country for the purity of hi; celebrated Semmes Boartarrs. Mr. Wolfe, in his I ticr to me, speaking of the purity of his Wisas and LIQrOI4, Says : "I will stake my reputation as a man, my Etact mg as a merchant of thirty years' residence in the City of New York, that all the BRANDY and ir MU which I bottle are pure as imported, and of the beat quality, am: can be relied upon by every purchaser." Every has the proprietor's name on the wax, and a lac Eimi'e lOUs signature on the certificate. The public are re spectfully invited to call and examine for themselves.— For sale at Retail by all Apothecaries and Grocers in Philadelphia. GEORGR M. ASHTON, No. 832 Market St Philadelphia. Sole Agent for Philadelphia. Read the following from the New York Cow ter : .FirostsooB }IMAM FOB ONE NEW YORK JEIRCEANT We are happy to Inform our feroweitizens that mere one place to our city where the physician, apothecary, and country merchant, can go and purchase pure Wines and Liquors, as pure as imported, and of the best quality: We do not intend to give an elaborate description of this merchant's extensive business, although it will well re pay any stranger or citizen to visit Udolpho Wolfe's ex tensive Warehouse, Nos. 18. 10 and 22 Beaver street, and Nos. 17, 19 and 21, Mark etteld street. His stock of Schnapps on hand ready for shipment could not bare been less than thirty thousand eases; the Brandy, some ten thousand cases—Vintages of 1836 to 1856 . ; and ten thousand cases of Madeira, Sherry and Port Wine, Scotch and. Irish Whisky, Jamaica and St. Croix Rum, some very old and equal to any in this country. He also had three large cellars, filled with Brandy, Wine, he., in casks, under Custom-House key, ready for bottling. Mr. Wolfe's sales of bchnapps last year amounted to one hundred and eighty thousand dozen, and we hope In less than two years he may be equally successful with his 13rrndies and Wines. His business merits the patronage of every lover of Ma species. Private families who wish pure Wines and Liquors for medical use should send their orders direct to Mr. Wolfe, until every Apothecary in the land make up their minds to discard the poisonous stuff from their shelves, and replace it with Wolfe's pure Wm® and Liquors. We understand Mr. Wolfe, for the accommodation of small dealers in the country, puts up assorted cases of Wines and. Liquors. Such a man, and such a merchant, should be sustained against his tens of thousands of op ponents in the United States, who sell nothing but imlta lions, ruinous alike to health and human happiness. sonal.d.taie.mi C. K. Keller, 91 Market street, sole agent for this eft. ESIRABEL MOURNING GOODS. • Black and Purple All Wool Figured Meriaot, Plain Black _English Velone Reps. Black and Purple Tamize Cloths,Slik and Wool. Plain All Wool Cashmeres and Merinos. Black and Gras Worsted Poplins. Black and White All Wool Delaines. Black and Purple Figured Cashmeres. L'upin's Bost Bombazines. Superior Black Lnstres. • Lopin'a Extra Alpaccaa. • Nat Style Striped Mohairs. • Emellne Style Paramettas. 614 All Wool Detainee English ChinizeS. Madonna_ cloths. Plain Mobaire. S • UP/12111011 PLAIN BLaCK ENO. RCP. MOURAILNG ERIS. do Br.tctc. Ann. Warta do' do do Primus Ann Buda do- - do do PERBA Ozone, New and Desirable. Every article of the different kinds of DRESS GOODS in the BLACK and SECOND MOURNING line. Selected from the very best makers. Lopin's Square Thibbet Shawls, do Long do do • • Black French Blanket Shawls,l 2d Mourning French Blanket Long &awls, 2d Mourning French' Blanket Square do, English Crepe Veils, (every size), Grenadine Vette, (every size), • English : Crepes, French Crepee. SHROUDING casumEßEs, - SHROUDING FLANNELS, BLACK GAUNTLETTS, all kinds, BLACK GLOVES, all kinds BLACK BORDERED HANDKERCHIEFS, (all kinds). BLACK EMERY. (sill k SPLENDID AS S O RTS OF COLLARSinds), PLAIN BLACK RIBBONS. Anin3pection of our stoek will convince all. 'CATHCART & BROTHER, n 27 ,Hext to the 74n.hlhertEtstalt. Dyspepsia Remedy DR. DARIIJS . ,IIAI'B AROMATIC INVIOORA, TINGSPIRIT. This . .lifedicineltas teen used by the Public for six years, , 1 04. *creasing , Amor. k ts , recootonended to Oure Dy.sysse sin,Bervousness,ll an -hum Colic /tans' , Wiiectin - the Stomach, or Rens& the Bettie , seadache, Drowsiness, Kidney Om plaint.; Low Bpiras Dairies' Tremens, Intemperance. • mourn, Kninssarms, v WILL NOS /RTOXICATR OR SIR AdS A MEDICINE it is quick nd effectu al, curing trimmest aggravating case o Dyspepsia, ney Complaints, and all other derange ent of the Stomach and Bowels, in a speedy manner. It will instantly revive the most malar.ol ly and .drooping spirits, and restore the weak, nervous s. d ly to. health strength and vigor. • , Persons who; from the Injudlcions use of liquors; have become dejected, and their nervous *steins shattered, • coestitutions broken down, and subject to that horrible curse to humanity, - the Vacuole Taranns, will, almost Immediately, feel the happy and healthy invigorating efficacy of Dr. Ram's Invigorating Spirit. • WHAT, IT WILL DO. Doss.—One wire glass full as often as norossary One dose will remove all Bad Spirits.(, One dare will cure Heartburn. : Three;doSes will. cure Indigestion.. .One dose will give you a Good Appetite. One dose - lorill stop the distressing pains of Dyspepsia. One dose will remove the distressing and disagreeable effehis of Wind or klatulerice, and as soon as the stomach receives .thalcv Meriting Spirit, the distressing load ane all painful feelings,. will be removed. %Vim will remelts the mdst'disffiessing pains °MGM, either% the sto mach _ Or , beam's. A few doses Will remove all obstructions in the Kidney, Bladdeior Urinary Organs. • Tenons who are seriously, afflicted., With any Kidney 'CoMpiainfs • ere assured speedy relief by a dose or two, and a radical care by the use of one or two bottles. NIGHTLY- DISSIPATION. Peisobs.who, from dissipating too must. over night. and feel the evil effects of poisonous liqiiors, in violent head .aches, sickness at atOinaCti, weakness, giddiness, he, will End one dose will remove all bad feelings. Ladies of weak andsickly constitetions, should take the Invigorating'Spirit thrennitues a 4.*; it will make theta strong healthy and happy , remove all obstructions and irregularities from thomenstrual organs, and restore the Wens Of health and beauty to thescareworn face. 'During pregnancy it will befound'an invaluable medi ohmic 'rename disagree Able sensations at the stomach. All, the proprietor asks Isn. trial, and to induce this, be has' put hp the Invigorating Spirit in pint bottles, at 50 ceitte, , qharts SI. • Genetal•Depoi; 48 Water street, N. Y. Wholesale Agent; Philadelphia, D. YOTT, & co, and for' sale *Harrisburg by O. A. Bannvart, D. W. Gross & and all Druggists everywhere. • . PROF. ADOLPH P. - ITEUPSER, wQIILD' rospi3clf . ully inform his old ' - patrons and the poblie generally, that he Wilt continue to give tnittuctious on the PIANO FORTE, ME LODEON,VIOLLWand also in the edema of THOBOUGI I h iWe 'oniee at n itn e ho ur w‘tk deoarletunired, t or r: win puoi be ls n e t Te tb n en Et ''restdenco, ta•Third street, a few doors below the Germaannensrmed Miutelt. deels-Atf . - 4 • . AUGUSTINE CHAYNE. eARPENTEIr 'AND ' , BUILDER. Reskienie"No. g 7 :Worth Se and street. N. P.—JOBE:NW lITTNNoIIo TO All4 l / 2 BUT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers