THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, (SNDAIB ax ,) BY GEORGE BERGNER & CO. TERMS.—fiumu 21:0111KRIPII0111. The Danz Tau:GRAPH is served to subscribers fn th doreugh at 63g heats per week. Yearly subscriber gill be charged $4.00. WEINCLT AND Sain-Wszalar Ts:TAGRAPEIT The TILIGRAPH is also .published twice d week during cite session of the Legislature and weekly during the re mainder of the year, and furnished to subscribers at the followiqg rates, viz : Single Subscribers per year Seven Ten . . .... IBA L A W OF srwareprs. t subscribers order the discontinuance of their news papers, the publisher may continue to send them until a'l arrearages are paid. If subscribers neglect or cohost to take their newspa• ;sere front the office to which they are directed, they are responsible until they hay^ settled the bids end'ordered them discontinued filiscellautous. CONCENTRATED LEAVEN; FOR MAKING Bread, Tea-Cakes, all kinds of Pastry, &o MANUFACTURED BY EDW. 011AMB:ERLIN & CO., PreirieforeqrShawmut Chemfca/ Worka. No. 33INDIA STREET, Boston. C"EI'ITRATED LEAVEN is the re sult of careful chemicsi researcb. Ail its isffredi• outs ere iirepnied in the higbest state of purity and com pounded With view to produce bread of a far' better quallty,.and 1n much less time, than by any other pro class ; and by the manufacturers submit it, with entire confidence, to the judgment of itscrinkinating house keepers, bakers, &c. Bread of all km. a made by using Concentrated Leaven is *bier, more digestible and nuitritious; bas an agrees. me natural Wide ; is lets liable to tour ; will retain its motture longer than by any other process, and the 6.6 ti- preparation 'for the oven need not exceed ten Minutee. Itis valuable because it 18 not perishable, and may be renddavallable in places and at times when yeast is not fiftin reach, as at sea. In all climates and under circumstances, it may be adopted, thus obviatingall difficulty of procuring yeast or other ferme t, which is' frequently of an inferior quality, ret dering the bread more or less unwholesome. • it is also valuable as regards economy, as !Chas been ascertained that a saving is effected in the flour of not less than 10 per cent. In the common process much of the saccharine of the flour is lost by being converted into carbonic acid gas, or spirit, and the waste Is in curred solely for the purpose of penerating gas to raise the dough. By using Concentrated Leaven this waste •Is avoided, and the gas obtained in a manner equallyefti eacidus.,. Fertnentation: as has heed stated, destroys a part of the flour or meal, end, in consequence, a barrel of flour weighing 190 IDs , which, by the common method, ordinarily makes about 250 lbs of bread, gives by .ibis process 290 lbs , thus effecting , the very important swing or 10 per cent. dithe quantity of flOur. By conformif, to the directions on each packagelituty person capable of ordinary attention may conduct the process, and the re sult will invariably be highly satisfactory. • CERTIFICATE FROM DR. HAYES, Assayer fo the Safe of Alassizehteselle. have analysed the Concentrated Leaven, maniac tared by Messrs. Edw Chamberlin & Co„ with reference to its purity ar.d efficiency of action In producing Misa st of yeast in distending dough, and thereby rendering e fit for making bread.' This article is shilifitily coin. founded, from perfectly pure material. It raises the dough without consnmiug the auger or any othdr princi. - ple in the flour, perfectly; aid the same welgbt al flour will produce more sweet, palatable brdad thatt can be obtained through yeast; while for cakes and pastry it is invaluabie, as It saves all risk, anti much time of the pastry cook. "The experiments made by me confirm the statements made by the manufactCrers, and proves'this compound worthy of public approval and extended use. 'ltespectful ly, 1 -A. A. HAYES, M. D., State Assayer, i , 16 Boylston Street, Boston, September 25,1860." • DIRECTIONS Dar,ASFASI ian TEA Rous.—Two or three teaspoonful 9f leaven. (according to the quality of the flour,) to one start of flour; mix thoroughly by passing two or three brae, through a'slate ; rub in a piece 'of butter-half the Gyro of an egg, and make the paste with cold milk or water, (milk in preferable,) barely stiff enough tonere:tit rolling out. ' Much kneading should be avoided. Cat in- to desired form, and place iminedititely in a hat oven and bake quickly. Lam BREAD.—Tbe same proportions of Leaven and floor sifted together as above; omit the butter, and make *erie stiff enough to knead into a loaf, and bake im-* Gamut Beaux—Three terisponsim quart of wheat meal, sifted together ; add one gill of mo lasses and two eggs ; make the • paste thin with milk and. bake In a slow oven. Barium Baum: Three teaspoonsful of Leaven to one, pint of flour, and one pint of corn meal, all well sifted tol gather; add two eggs and about a gill of molasses; Metter ' hie paste than with milk and bake slowly. Buctrwagas amis.—Flour and milk sufficient to make one quart of batter ;add ene egg, then three teaspooxisful of Leaven; beat to a froth, and cook quick. LaThwuris.—gitt together one quar tof flour and two tea spoonaful of Leaven; rub in mil k of butter half aster& as an egg ; mix with cold or water, and boll ten minutes. Mamma Braker et= —4. lit together two large cups of flour and two teaspoonsful of Leaven; polio half a cop of butter and a cup and a half of sugar ; mix with_ tes milk or water to a stiff batter, add spiceto suit the,ocipte and bake immediately. COICINSari Pones Cuce.—Two cups of white sugar beatene with the yolks of six eggs—the whites of idx eggs beaten td a froth; then beat all together ;addthree cups or sifterfffeeir; one cup of water, and three e ssen ce of Leaven; Raver with two teaspoonsful of essence of le. Mon, and bake Ma quick oven. Junius—Sift together one quart of dour and three teaspoonful of leaven ;rub In one teacupful of butter, add a cup and a half of white anger, and spica to suit the taste; mix stilt enough to roll out, and bake quick. ' lialkmnoisCiks.—Aine quart of flour and three toaspoons-' ml of Leaven silted together ; add a cup of hotter,-one pound of currants, two cups of white sugar, and one tea spoonful of cinnamon; mix with cold milk to a stiff , bat ter, and bake In a slow oven. Com Cialt.—Oue pint each of Hour and Indian meal, and three teaspoonsful of Leaven, well sifted together; . add one gill of molasses and two eggs ; mix thin with milk, and bake in a slow oven. Cur Csxs.—Five Cups of flour and three teaspoonsfid of Leaven, sifted tOgether; add one cup of butter, two of sugar, and two eggs all well beat together ; then add a Cup Of currants, andspice to suit the taste. Bake about half an hour. • • Lune catim:—Three quarters of alibind of flour and four teaspoonsful of Leaven sifted together; one pound of, e• sugar and six ounces of butter beaten - to a cream, ; the Whites 01 eight eggs well beaten,• and the Altai of one le mon; mix with milk. Water= Cum.—Five cups of Hour, three teaspOonsful Of Leaven, tbreb cups of sugar, one of butter, one of - Milk; and tWo eggs ; fruit and spice to the ltaste. Bake about half an hour. 'Tacked in Cases of 1,2, 4, and Six Dozen Cm: "Ur sale by Grocers and Druggists generally. WILLIAM GULAGER & BRO., Wholeaale Agents, NO. 69 North Front str eel, Philadelphia. novl3.4lBin BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE 51 MARKET STREET• IS THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN THE CITY TO WIT SCHOOL BOOBS AND SCHOOL STATIONERY, Comprising all the various BEADING AND SPELLING BOOKS, AIuINNETIca ALGEIIMAS, , .GEAMKAILS„,ErretoLoGnes,_ DIGITONARIES, JELISTORM, PHTLOSOPHIPA and alI the FOBOOL BOOKS used in the various Public and Private Schools , of the City. together with COPT AND COMPOSITION BOOKS ' arid NOM ?AAR, BLANK :BOOKS, SLAM LEAD AND ELATE PENCILS 'PRIM AND HoLDEES, INK INKSTANDS, RULERS and the most complete assortment of WHOM EITATIONNST constanUy on band and for side at THE LCIWEST PRIM ; or ANT ruca m the pity. at • I3ERGNRItni CHEAP BOOKSTORE , Market Street. Ns-Liberal discounts made to teachers and dealers. Any artiste not on band promptly furnished without airs dame. aeri24 SUTER. PLATED, 'TARE HARVEY FILLET, N 0.1222 Market street, Paaasama, Manafacturer of doe NICKEL MYER, and SILVILKPLATER of BOMB, SPOONS, Lamm . purr= Ktirna, CASTORS, TEM BEM WEB, KETTLES, WAIMd, BUTTE!. DISHES, ICE moms, O r RAME, COMMUNION WARE, CUTS, MUGB, GOBLETS, &c., With a general assortment, comprising nestled the be. (Ntallty, wane or aka, boa vaderfeal and heavily Onto; Goa 'Muting them a Serviceable and thimble 'article Ton Scare, SIM:BOLTS AND PEIVATI fAxams. Old Ware re.plated in the best manner. fib*.daarly ORANGES AND LEMONS. DARTY BOXES in prime order just re. JIL:' aired WO' sale by WM. DOCK JS. & 00, . ..-; .•\ , . ta ~,, „,,,,,, . .... :, . ........_,..„,„_,,,,..._____ ___,,,_____ 7 7. : „. . 1fi,.:....:f ~...:,-„,.,,,,; , „2„,„ „.„„.,...„ .; . .... . „ $2.00 12.00 15.00 VOL XIV. THE ORIGINAL AND GaTUINE DR, TOWNSEND'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF S AR S4PARILLAI The Great Renovator of THE BEOO-1),•. THE SOVEREIGN lIEMEITY FOR OF THE , tiEIN S ' ULCERATED SORE, AND ALL FORMS OF COTANEOUS DISEASES. nese complaints can be speedily and ell4claally cured by the um of Ibis WORLD RENOWNED SAE SAPARILLA. Thousands have experienced its' salutary effects, and tens of thousands have witue, eed it, untill it nos ceased to betopiestion among the tidelbgent portion Of the' corn inanity. When the Blood becomes lifeless mid stagnant, either' fteld the °bete or taring : weather; change of climate *lnt of exercise, the tugerot's uniforni saline diet, or any other cause ; this, minis:inn& garacror Sarsaparilla, still ram the BLOOD, atil7 off the putrid humors, OLILLDBI 'obrixiott, REGULATE TEE.BOWEES. -AM impart a Tone of Vigor to the Whole Body; TO THE PUBLIC The public are hereby notified that the preparation ex, It - lithely known as Pr. B. P. e Townsend's Compound Ea trait of Barisiparillicia nOwrnanufactured solder my di redtion and supervisiOn, from the original reel& obtained fn . .= Dr. S. P. Townsend,* and I certify that it is commis( ed of ingredients PURELY VEGETABLE, and wgnour E ,CURY; and also that the ingredients are indtolpahly calm =Wed, so as to obtain (tom them their greatest Medicinal effect. . . JAMES R. CHILTON, M. D.; Ohembit. Dr. S. P. TOWNSEND'S Conning. Elsossac OF Sant 'tumor, has a reputation among 'nations as the beat preparation for • • • Renovating and Purifyinglihe'RUlOD which science has ever offered to man. Tp ,iesidee PROULIAREXCELLENCE; and to this is &dyne world. wide renown. It contains all the vegetable principles which (OM' once has proved useful in clearing the SYSIEE from DISEASE, extracted and combined with the highest akin which the reiinements of modern cheinistry ehablems to employ. Whateyer may be said by mortified competitors or splenetic phrichins, the fact that Ms Medicine is BURY WHERE USED,. and that its use createli ipiihereaied de mand, shows conclusively that it poestanteemedicinal merits of the first order CAUTION. To avoid Imposition, It will be necessary to Mee that DR. JAMES R. CMLTON'S CERTIFICATE as well as the SIGNATURE of tkr.. S. P. Townsend, Won the teitside wrapper o each,' *tie. ' BE VERY ' CIREFUL TO USE NO OTHER. Proprietor's office, N 0... 41 ration street, Atid.fsi Sale! wrery:Druiplief' In the iffy. :apB64Beaw - " e• JOHN 11.-13ICITEVS BOOT it Sub t ORE, COSNER SECOND 'AND WALNITTSTS., Harrisburg, Pa. ' A LWAYS on hand a large assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, &c., of the very best finalities for ladies, gentlemen and ebildrens , wear.— Prices to suit the times. AU kinds of WORK MADE TO ORDER in the best style by etiperior workmen REPAIRING done at short notice. ootl6-dtf JOHN B. MUTH. Harrisburg. LDIENS' VALLEY NIIT COAL I—For sate at $S 00 per ton.' air ALL COAL DELIVERED BY PATENI WEIGH 'CARTE , . JAM M. WHBBLMEt. W Coal denvarodtram both yards. novio (}SEAT -REDUCTION - IN . PRICES I WHEELER , `Be ViLSON'S SEWING. '..MA CHI N E S, , ~,, . . . NEW IMPROVEMENTS AT REDUCED PRICES. THE WHEELER -Sr' W.lig(iN Mannfac- Wring Company hiving-gabled Au, their suite at law, with infringlug manufacturers of Sewing Ma obiliea r propose that the while should be ,henelitted thereby, aud.havoaccordingly reduced the prices of their. Sowing Machines. After this datelbey will be sold at rates th at will pay a fair profit on the cost of intinufactere, capital • invested, and. expense cif ' making sales ; such prices is will enable them to make first class machines, and, as heretortize; guarantee.them in every particular. , • - In accordance with the announcement above I will 'sell their splendid' &Aides. Machiaes at prices from $46 to $OO for the Ane full,mtse machines. It is a well estab lished factihat the . . Wheeler & Wil s on Sewing Machine . .•• • Is the best one in the market, the best made, most suple and least.liable to ket out of order, and they are now as low as the inferior machines. Cell - and see them, a Third andlilarket. , .W.. 0. : . . del-6m maws, A est. L _ _ . _ • ALBUMS 1 ALBUMS 1.1 • . . . The . tbiust arilsortinsat of-A LBUMS . ever ,otrered in this caw, ranging. in pricefrom ; 54 ? cents to $1.0,00 each, bound in all styles titHinitingi at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, 01 /dark street. EZM THE ATTENTIOpI' 1.11 MEMBERS OF ''THE -LEOIOL/ITURE AND - STRANGERS , visiting the Oily le ca ll ed to the largest and II neat ali• I sortment of .. • an . .. , Letter, Note nd cap Papers, • Envelopes, Pens and Holdera,. In , lnkstands; Pencils, - Writing Sandand Boxes Blo t tlng.Board, and d _. . . full variety - of all kinds of STATIONEERY; *Lich for pride and quality cannot be excelled, at ' • • 13ERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, 51. Market Street: de29 ' H L GODBOLD PRACTICAL Tuner and Repairer of : Pianos, Melodeons, ke„ &c., trill reedy° orders in Annie at Whi. 11.1i9CHVSMusto More, 92Idarket atreel - Aworderpleft at the above named idacelerat the Buehler .. EOM; WIIIICkeet with prompt locution. , Fina duo PUNE* kw sale.:: seplB.4ly * 0 A N:D...1.= E ' PARAFFIN'S CANDLR3, SPERM CANDLES; ADAMANTINE' CANDLES, MARINE CANDLES, STAR. CANDLES, CHEMICAL; SPERM • CANDLES, TALLOW 'CANDLES. large ip,t of the In store and for sale 4 the low. eit prices by WM.1)0,01 &, Ja ll 2 _ , HAVAMP. 'O'Gara; 1 A. triesssortmesi, cokiiptishig • . pauiot; aizigA; Ste Au ILirj-61:74,.. . ~ • , , 1 : ' Beni,' ' •. ,' . • .al!° 11( !. - tall Mersa/ qiugities,:in quartan oneMltn'and one tenA Pg•Testillit received and r o rr raiiii:;;;" "I"NDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRAL IN NONE•" HARRISBURG, PA., MONDAY ,AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 18, 1861. HERR'S HOTEL! MBE :UNDERSIGNED having " leased this Well knewn and popular hotel, in the city, of *Harrisburg isnot* refittlog -and furnishing the same I 'with NEW f URNITUft2 in the very best modern Stile. It Ls located in the most contra! part of the city,-within 'it Short distance MAIM - dniois of four t ilferent railroad , and 'also near the State Ca pitol buildings. The house is large and the sleeping anartmeala are well vendlated. The TABLE is well provided with all seasonable aili eles This city is well known throughout the Mat& ea having the best market outside of the AtlaMic consequently no complaints shall be made oh that se it." The BAR has also undergone changes and will be „pi, stocked with-the best and purest Liquors in the conntk No exertion will be spared to snake the traveler and ecOourner consfortable in every respect. • 11. contimvhde o: the patronage of the old customers, together witifneW additions is respelatfiilly solicited. J. IL BENFOBB & CO. Harrisburg, August 234 FAMILY DRUG STORE: THE UNDERSIGNE D H.M3 OPENED a Wholesale and Retail Ding and Prescription More; In the Iron Front Bullning,..No. 128 Market street, lately occupied by Mr. Eby, webre-can be fthind an anti renew stock of Fresh and Pare Drugs,.eritunery, SPri COAL 011.,COAL OIL 'LAMPS; *bid Patent Medicines, Etationeyy, Fancy Articles, Ac. We have 'the - agency, for' the sale d'ithnet'Cildebiated'AOl tteial Teeth, to wilbich we would- invite the attentlen , of Dentists. attentibit to buelne O ' h 111111 y ask a Wire of Pebtle?Patzoinidoli,ie . • . 0, Mt 11114D3. ‘, p. -4gitine - mtviuleKegati and Tobaaftradistitutly L••,, ACONTROLLING ELEMENT OF NA. TIONALITY is the system of educatien in a corm try. "In proportion as the structure of a government gives force to public epinion, that public opinion .sholifil be 'en li ghtened."—Washing'on's farinern 4diress. To this end the people in general should be educated into a correct and familiar acquaintance with the nature and principles of our goveromenhant frailitutlonV "OUR OOVERNMENTI4Aii explanafory Staten:fent 'of .tlie **stem of Government of.the Country, & e A MANU: Ai . FOR SCOOOLS, AOADVIIISAND POPUIARTSE," is a optic Vilely Fitt* ; proper notices, glies the' ctonstinction of the prolislims of the ' 'Constitution of the United Magee' and of 'those of the several Stitteti, as .detennbied by judicial authority,Or 'derived from stand ard writer;, including some references to administrative aw and panties, so as, to, show theactnal working of our general system of Government. St Is free from specula: tive_orinions, conservative In its tendency, anciesifitdahi to cultivate the love of , our country. It has been used, le a considerable extent, in the EDUCATION OF YOUTH, in: different States,- and Is recommended by Jurists, Statesmen and Presidents,,end Professors of Colleges:— Pr ice $lOO. t3old by AIPIINNEy, T del Annie burg, "OUR - GOVERNMENT." 4 011 HE unity of Governraentisvhich eon -11 stitutes you one:people, !snow dear to Washington's Airmen Address. A nationality Is cue*. tial to the enderingitrOeuerhyJoit oaf country. True par,l triottsm must,arise front knowledit It Is Only a proper nttprstasang of our civil ioetttotta that can inch rynrircinl4 • tioIcEIiNICENT.: An the system of Goitinnietit .54thel.,'ountry,"ect,atairis teat. of the Constitution o itif 'the Ifidted - Stittee; and Ile Con siltutional provisions ot the seVeril 13tates, with their Waning. efid,conetniution, so:deterndubd. by judicial an. thorny, and precedent and . practice, pr. derived. from 'standard writers; 'digested and arranged for popular use Price $l.OO. Fold by del. Harrisburg, Pa. CITY LIVERY STABLES. BLACKBERRY 4LLET,,,tor i3:igßipsserzz. ?TIRE undersigned:has re-c liveryJ' blueness. in his NEW an, BLES, located all above, with a large , soasEs, OARRIAGES and °BEIM hire at moderate rates. sep2B-dly - • AUDITOR'S N ritHE UNDERSIGNED ,At to distribute the balance'-in Miller, AssigadeoUoBEPllll. DAY torsi will, attend to the; Reties of THURSDAY, the 28th !ley' Ftibrl A. , 11L, at his iillkse - amt where all into PETERS .ROAD.CO,MI of „the Peters , Moi this day declared thenapitat neck o. per annum, and dir4 'the stockholders, at Cn fne - eity of Harr gal representative feb6.Btws lin iltt ellanebus. NEWLY REFITTED ! EDUCATIONAL. feb6.3tw DRUGI DRUG! DRUG! Patent Mee Patent Xedii Patent Nee Trusses,= I Trusses, Trusses, FANCY FANCY FANCY. PRIME EU, PRIME RA' *PRIME HA" We endeavor thing in'our line; store from WWI hdr Ohms we II( NED, niST A LARGE AND SMOTED ANDII'S STOOK OF rwr, casTrmo H15Q1.111712, TELCO JAMES HEN , OTABD, II J.& & CO ;Y& CO. ,&:CO E&BOBIN & CO. MABETT & 00 JOHN .11 HINGLEN, 78 Market Street: Far sale by 17d OT OF ; • . A. NE LADIES' SHOPPIff e Conaprising a number DIES' Money Purses Just receivedand for sale rogaGN RAVELING BAGS styles GENTS' and LA. I eta.' fine assortment PO, 4 TWO STORY Ad. LAME STORE,ItO tweeit 4th and 6th 'tree Also, a Immtier of to • bribe city. NT.. - • (ME HOUSE AND Se on Market street be ard, °IVO rb o o B b9ro. g ; OUSEB Inaferent.parte IO..ZIMENIUUN, ,onsaniPOllko, • kouth B?c?nftP,!'"i', jan344 SOMETHING MORE VALUABLE THAN • SILVER OR GOLD, IT WILL RESTORE THE WEAK, REINSTATE THE BLOOD IN ALL ITS ORIGINAL • ' VIGOR AND PURITY. RESTORATIVE CORDIAL, BLOOD RENOVATOR. Is precisely what its name indicates ;!br, while pleasan to the taste, it is revivifying . , exhilarating and strength ening to the vital powers. , It also revivifies; reinstates, and renews the blood in all its original purity, and thus restores and renders the system invulnerable to attacks of disease. It is the oily preparation over offered to the world in a popular form so as to be within the reach or So chemically and skillfully combined as to be the most powerful tonic, and yet so perfectly adapted as to act in perfect accordance with the laws of nature, and hence soothe the weakest stomach, and tone up the di gestive organs, and allay all nervous and other irritation. It is also perfectly exhilarating in its effects' and yet It is never followed by lassitude or depression of spirits. It Is composed entirely of vegetables, and throe thoroughly combining powerful tonic and soothing properties, and conseqUentlylban never Injure: As a sure preventive andend cure of. . CON'SUEPTION, 'BRONCHITIS, INDIGESTION, DYS PEPSIA, LOSS OF APPETITE, FAINTNESS, NERVOUS IRRITABILITY, NEURALGIA, PAL PITATION OF THE HEART, MELAN CHOLY, HYPOCHONDRIA, NIGHT SWEATS, LANGUOR, GIDDINESS, AND ALL THAT CLASS OF CA- RES SO FEARFULLY FATAL CALLED FEMALE WEAKNRE AND IRREGULARI TIES. Also, Liver Derangements or Torpidity, and Liver Complaint, Diseases of the Kidneys, or any general de rangement of the Urinary organs. ' It will not only.cure the' debility following CHILLS and FEVER, but prevents all attacks ariaing from liffasmom Influences, and cure the dlseares at once, if already at tacked. TRAVELERS should have a bottle with them, as it in fallibly prevents any deleterious consequences following upon change of climate and water. es it prevents costiveness strengthens the digestive organs, it should he in the hands of all persons of seden tary Naito.. . . .. • LADIES not accustomed to out-door exercise, should always use it. . • MOTHERS should use it, for it is a periect relief. Taken a month or two • before the final trial, she will pass the dreadful period with'perfect ease and safety. TIIR CORDIAL IS AIL WEI CLAIN FOR MOTHERS, TRY IT And to you we appeal; to detect the illness or dettine cot only of pod..daughters before it be too I ite, but also par sous and lmsbanda, for while the former from false delicacy often go down -to a Premature -grave ,rather were not for yonithey teo,wordd, the same 'doinvkard path until, it istoo lato to arrest their fetid TAIL • Bat the...pi - other is alswiya vigilant, and to you we confidentlyappeal ; ;for erasure ' your' never-falling ageetien,will unerringly point you _to Professor , WOOD'S REeTORATIVE CORDIAL AND BLOOD RENOVATOR as the remedy which should be always on. band in time of head wbat the. Press say after thoroughly testing the matter, and noon cari have a doubt. , . , . • • . , . PROF. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL: It Is tee corded in claseics that Payette was °nee sent to a climate warmer than the West Indies to procure a sample of the heauty-of, Prokerpine• in a -box.. After some delay the messenger returned, and as soon as -the lid of the box was removed out flew all the ills that, flesh is heir to.-. Fortunately hope-tater found In the bottom of the box. Prof. Wood's Restorative Cordialrevivel the recollection of the story, for it invigorates the blood, aids the organs of digestion, imparts stirengthto the nervous system, and Ilertities the citadel of health, so as to bid defiance to the assaults of disease. It is a healthy took., composed en tirely of vegetable productions, and while it is exnilara ting as pure wine; no injurious results ban possibly follow its use. It is a 'desideratum inthe medical world, and those who are afflicted with loss of Atipetite, Dyspepsia, Consumption, Faintness, giddiness, Neuralgia, Papilla. Eon Of the Heart, Atc., willhere find anutfallible panacea. L'St. Louis Daily Expreint. l ' • PROF. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL and BLOOD RENOVATOR is, without doubt, the best Tonle Cordial in tha world. To those who are suffering from general-de bility we would recommend its use; for, while ills pleas ant to the taste, it is strengthening to the system, and will at once tend to remove all impurities of the blood, and eradicate all traces of disease. It can be taken by the weakest stomach, while those in good heath will at `once 'belts exhilarating power. We are confident that after using one bottle of this cordial none will be for a day without it.—" New York Leader." REAR 07 , . nienced 'the .SPACIOUS STA , d varied dock 0 which he wit F. K. SWARTZ. MEM i or appointed a boas of Joseph SON, among areal-. s appointment. : do y,1361, at 7 &cloak Harrisbutv, whew , think-proper "IL Auditor JRNPIKE ••Managers 'ploy have it share on a per cent. this office of HOFIeIdAN, or their le- . , A' PURE, HEALTHY TONIC, .and one free from th deleterious and injurious effects sure to follow those in ordinary use, has long been felt to be a desideratum in the medical world. hush a tonic, and one so skillfully' Conbliied'from the vegetable kingdom as to act in per fect ettordance with the lairs of nature, and thus soothe the weakest stbmacb, and at the same time allay ner . Yens and other irritations, and tone -up all the organs of which the human body is composed, is offered in Prof. Woi:Wil/tekitorative Cordial and Blood Renovator. Hence, it to perfectly adapted to cld and young. Reader, try it, Thotwands have already done so, and the testimony is universal in its favor,— , ..New York Atlas." - PROFESSOR WOOD'S RESTQRATIVE CORDIAL AND BLOOD BBNOVATOR,for the core.ot General Debility, or 'Weakness arising from any range, also Dyspepsia, Nerv ousnesil, Night Sweats , Incipient Consumptioe, 'Liver • CoMPlalitts, Biliousness Loss of Appetite, Pamela Weak twos, in all itsetages, also, to, prevent . the contraction - of disease; is certainly. the best and most, agreeablevordial tonic and- Renovator ever offered to the afflicted and so „chemically.combinedas. to .be the most powerfel tante ever known to medical science. -Reader, try it. Is WILL no sou GOOD. We have no hesitation in recommending it, since we know it to be a safe, pleasant, and sure re medy for the &reason enumerated.—" Now. York Dia 311i_toh Before noticing a patent medicine, we have to be oar Win' `that it will prove Itself to be all that it 11/ recom mended:; And we would say that. the Restorative Ccir • diar and Blood Renovator of Prof. Wood will stand the teot,fully, and; in fact, it is without any doubt the first article, in market for purifying the Blood and strengthen ing the system. We have no hesitation in recommending its 1186 toull.'—xThe New-Yorker." !!3191 1.8. teilleines. (edicineg. edielnes. traces. Imam. traces. ax. s. Las; %Es. IBACCO. WACO°. IBACCO. or every 3ortment in d selling et , arena/le. STORE, 'cot street. „L00K.%) YOUBRELF IN THIB.—How many in conse nnence of a false delicacy suffer from suppressed, pain. Jul, or obatnMted mensuration, and think because they are young that by-and-by nature will work itself clear from obattlicliona, and - all come in right in the end, little dreaming that the seeds of - death are already-germina ting in the system, because the vital energies are im paired, and the entire animal economy deranged, debili tated; and yet, careleas of themselves as they are, if a remedy were set before Diem which would restore all the functions of the system, and reinvigorate the body, they would take aulithas be to SA to atria their Parents, think or this, and at once give them a bottle of Prof. Waal% Itestoritive Cordial andßlood Renovator.- - "The - New York Courier.” 0.3 WOOD,: Propriethr, 444 . Broadway, New York, and 114 Market street, St. Louis, Mo. - 'ffirAt No. 444 Broadway, all the Family and Patent Medicines.constautly on hand, always fresh and genuine -Ford- & liar,omber, Washington Avenue, Sole agents for Albany; Dr H. Snell, agent for Schenectedy. Sold also by A. B. Sands & Co., corner of Fulton and _William streets. jan2seo grew DR. T. J. MILES, SURGEON DENTIST • 800 STORE, M.rket .Stre et OFFERS his services to the -citizens, of Harrisburg and its vicinity. He solid* a share-of the publielatronage, and gives assurance' that his best endeavors shall be given to render Satisfaction in his pro, feasiort. Being an old, well.nried dentist, be kels safein Sitting ihe public generally to call on. him, assuring I(e4 plat they will not be dissatisfied with his services; r'Orcello. 128 Market 'street, in the bailee formerly o.oi =plod by Jacob R. Eby, near the United States Hotel: Harrisburg, Fs. - ' 1/1y8413, Jirebirat BEGLIFSB PROF. 0. J. WOOD'S THERE IS NOTHINU ns EQUAL no mistake about it. iirtletlamus. PRIVATE SALE. THE SUBSCRIBERS-offeror at Private. Sale 21 Eight , Wheeled Box Freight Cars in good running order; 7 Horses, 2, Mules,6- One Horse Wagons and. Harness, 1 large . Spring Wagon, l. Complete Stone Truck Wagon, 1 TWo Horse Carriage, 2 Frame Stables, about 400 Two Bushel Bags; 700 Tons'of LykoM Talley Coal, 68 Sacks of Salt 2 Small Fire Proof Safes, a large amount of Office Furn iture , and property connected with the forwarding business, together with an extensive Rectifying apparatus in complete order. Also, the undivided half part of 160 acres of Coal lands situate in the Short Mountain; in Lykena Valley, Dauphin county near Gratztown;tho,veins of Coalwell developed. Application to be made to the undersigned before the first day of March, 1861. A. 0. MESTER, ' C. F. MIIENOH, Assignees of John Wallower & Son lan2l4td-wtmarl mnims BIBLES ! ! A Large and thoroughly complete stock of , COMPRISING KvERY VARIETY, From the Smallest Pocket to the largest 'sized and finest FA - MILY BIBLES, Has just bow purchased and received from the Fall Trade Sales. Having.purchised these at . • EXTREMELY LOW RATES, they w,lll be sold at a very small advance. Please call and examine the stock at' BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, • 61 Market Street. BUEHLER HOUSE, MARKET SQUARE, HARRISBURG, PENN'A. GEO. J. BOLTON, PROPRIETOR. ()ARO .The above well Imovhi and long established Had is now undergoing a thorough renovation, and being in a great 'degree newly furnished, under the proprietorship of Mr. GYORGE J. Bemis, who has been an inmate of the house for the last three years, and is well known to is guests. thankfhl for the liberal patronage which it his en— oyed I cheerfully commend 'Mr: Bolton to the public yor. ließwtfl da WILLIAM BUEHLER. BLANK BOOKS F ALL IMAGINABLE SIZES, PRICES, ‘ . .1 STYLE AND . QUALITIES on hand and manufactur o t order at the cheapest rates, at BERGNMB'S CHEAP BOOK STORE. NOTICE TO. CONSUMERS OP COAL . ruHE PATENT WEIGH-CARTS tested 1. and certified to by the SEALER OF WEIGHTS MID MEASURES. Mr. J.&Ans.M. Wearies—Having this day tested your Patent Weigh Carts; and found them perfectly correct, I therefore put my seal upon them according to Law. FREDERICK TRACE, Sealer of Weights and Measures. Harrisburg, January 11, 1861. jIB JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE EXTRA 'FINE POINTED GOLD PEN'S co NEWTON'S ( formerly Bagley's) ix.44 l sifacttirea:tirartanto be the best in material, ' t •• est pointed Cusei various si zes a ri oarietP.stdkidd and Silver MIRA c C e l; ' & Boossmas, 51 Market strati. .1 1 0.11,•THE SEASON. FLAVORING EXTRACTS. Vanilla, beetlir market, Rose,Lem Pine Apple, Strawberry, Celery. Pure Distilled Rose Water, Rest English Baking Soda, Pere Cream Tartar, Extra Pure Spices Fresh Culinary Herbs. KELLER'S DRUG STORE, d2O 91 Market Street "GET THE BEST." WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY. NEW PICTORIAL EDITION. rpHis DICTIONARY is acknowledged to 1 be the standard wherever tbe,English language is spoken. It is a. work of extraordinary merit and value, and no scholar hould be without it, as . It is the best'do fining dictionary of the English Language, and a neceseity_ to every educated man. The NEW EDITION has many improvements over the old, containing in addition to all previous editions, NINE THOUSAND NEW WORDS, ONETHOUSAND FIVE HUN DRED PICTORIAL ILLUSTRATIONS EIGHT THOUSAND BIOGRAPHICAL NAMES, TWO THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED WORDS SYNONYEISED, and other new fea tures contained in no other dictionary published, 'making it decidedly the most complete and the best in every respect. One volume quarto, bound in SHEEP, BUFF LEATHER, ARABASQUE RUSSIA and TURKEY HOROCCO BIRD THUS, including all the styles manufactured. Having re ceived a large invoice direct from the publisers, I am enabled to otter them FOR BAIR wuouStun AND RETAIL AT MEDI mass, at BERGNKIVB CHEAP BOOKSTORE, 0m032 51 Market Street Wid. J. EITEEE., • . OAR.P.E.DITER AND. JUBBER g ccaraw wazdvur AND FRONf MAKE= OBBING of all kinds - done at short notice. in good style. and on renconesse terms. ALARGE ASSORTMENT OF FANCY SOAPS, HAIR 01143 POMADES, COLOGNES, =TRAM'S, are selling very cheap to dealers by the dozen. ' Prepare for your Holltday.Saleaby bnyhigaome opihe above arlielez, at HELLER'S DRUG AND FANCYSTORE, 91 Market Street. . dell NEW FIRM. NEW GOODS NEW P RICES • THE SUBSCRIBERS having succeeded to the WHOM STE AND RETAIL GROCERY MD NESS of Messrs. GROSS & KUNKEL, at WALNI3I STREET WHARF, would respectfully announce to tine citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity, that they , are prw pared to offer for sale a large and complete assortment id Groceries, Provisions, Fish, Salt, . Gram, Flour; ' • RoPest in great variety,' Ropes, Paint; Oils,• - ' Glass,. - Nails,, • • ,Oennen Our Large SPRING STOCK, purchased in Phibtdelphie. and New York, and now arriving, has been 101E4,4 with nine& care, and will present great inducemeito to elose.bnyers. We intend to keep FIRST7CLASS GOODS, and WILT NOT BE UNDERSOLD, and hope by honorable dealing to merit and receive a shame of patronage. • Imarswthr • - ROBINSON Sr OS ALDERMAN' HENRY PEFFER, OFFICE—THIRD STREET , (SHEL'S BOW') , NEAR, ,BLIRKET. . . , Residence, Chestnut Street near Potogh, orrr OY Asiuo9Btiau, rEsx's, -1432-littr • Csam tint* Mart Having procured Steam Power Presses, we are prepared to execute JOB and BOOK PRINTING of every description, eheaper that it can be done at any other ee tablishmentin the country. BANES OF ApV&RT181110. ,Wa - Four Hues or less constitute one-half squaru Sir imes or More than fear constitute a square. Half Square, one day... one week..... one month. three months six months • one year..... ..... „ (Me Square one day 16 . eno week........, it one month 14 three months_ six months.., one year... air/holiness notices inserted in the Local column, or before Marriages and Deaths, FIVE DENTE PEE N or each insertion. sarMarriages and 'Deaths to be charged an regular advertisements. NO. 39. LIVER INVIGORATOR NETER DEBILITATES. IT is compounded entirely from Gums, and has become an established fact %Standard Medi cine, known and approved' a by all that have need it, and is now resorted toi. 2 s with con fi dence in all the diseases for which it Is re- commended. It has cured thousands / E4 within the last two years who had givenup all hopes ,s of relief, as the numerous ' ' in .. 41 my possession show. =solicited rem— The dose must beadapt thelndividualtaking Mand to act gently onthe bowels. 'Let the dictates of your use of the LIVER INVIGO- Ur= Oommmorrs, Brumes tolhammosa, SONY= COM sY Sous Sromtom au= Cans= MOBBIA CHOLERA ! TAUNDios, PILULE WILK SUCCeN3MIy as an OREM siIIcoyeSiCKHEADACHE IX rind= limns, raw.) TAKEN at commencement 0 .1 xi-Mx Water in the month with the In 11*orator, and swallow both together. MOM ORR DOLLAR PDS DOTAL --ALSO— CATHARTIC PILLS PURE VEGETABLE EXTRACTS, AND PII UP IN GLASS CASES, MB TIGHT, AND WILL KEEP IN ANY CLIMATE, A.l The FAMILY WEAR, _...• active Cathartic which the igl2 practice more than twenty a , The constantly biomes- . have long used the PILLS 14 all express in regard to 114 to place them within the ft. The Profession well know 7 on different portions of the ~,,, The Fiimitlr OATH h.l Terence to this well estab- 1•1 ded from a variety of th E i which act alike on every mil nal, and are good and cafe MI thardo is needed, snob as, t il Bleefineq, Pains in Purl Pain and &mem over fie: m er might in the head, aU.,. Worms in Children or dd- CI Purifier of the Blrxd, and „gt flesh is heir, too nosserous •-% tsiement. Dona, Ito 8: 0 PRICE 80 CYSTS. Tim Lrvn INVIGORATOR no Few= amn ia Petra are retailed by Ihmggiste genesally,and sold wholesale by the Trade in all the large towns. S. T. W. SANFORD, M. D., Manufacturer and Proprietor, je2o-dawyl] 835 Broadway, N=w York. E ATTENTION :OF GENTLEMEN .II_ Is solicited to our very large assortment of UNDEBISHUM am) Daman, of every-size and quality. • Grisive JOuvne gm Gums, best article manufactured. All the different kinds of Wm= (nova. Largist assortment Of HOSIERY in the city. ...i.ns..--lEttrntorsomitsnjteady Hunted And everything ' in Gents' wear, at Jan 2 W.. A.BATCH:E . LOWS HAIR DIE! THIS: SPLENDID HAIR DYE has no equal—instatnaneons in effent—.Bettetigni Pack of Natural Biewnno staining the skin or iejuring the Hair—remedienthe absurd and ill effect of Bad Dyes, and Invigorates the Hale for life. None are genuine unieiti -signed W. A.: Batchatair.” Sold everywhere. , CHAS. BATCHELOR, Prop:Meter. rl' Rawly, ER Haralay Street, New York Nutmegs, Parsley GLEANINGS FROM THE HARVEST-FIELDS OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND ART ! A Melange of Excerpts Carious, Humor ous and Thstructive. Collated by C• C. 806113,413G8, 6. X. M. D. The above interesting Work bas just b EAP een received BER STORK PRICE $1 26 2 Afl BUSHELS ON HAND. A 'Out/ prime lot, For sale very low for cash, by JAS. DI. WHEELER, Dealer in. Coal, Wood, Powder, kc: Well coal delivered and weighed at consumers door by ine Patent Weigh-Carta. Prices to suit tbe times.-- Wholesale and Retail. • . jan2 Tesiritote Property for Rent. A. T WO STORY.FRAkE HQUSE AND Ll_ STORE ROOM, situated in Market street, between Fourth And Fifth streets; in the Third Ward. ALSO.—ALARGETWOSTORY BRICK HOUSE, situated in Second street'below Mulberry, in the First Ward. AUO.—A TIMER STORY BRICK HOUSE, situate In Liberty street, in the Fourth Ward. Apply to C. 0. ZIMMERMAN, No. 28 South Second street, Harrisburg, Pa. Julio :CHAMPAGNE NUKES, Duo DE Aioppep,Ku.o. MUDBIECIL & CO. CHARLES .11EIDSIECK, Custate Co., ANOBOR--BILLERY ',?PARELING Muses's; Mosta ' VKRAY7., , . 12 store and for sale by JOHN H. ZIEQLER, 419 73 Market Street. THE Auditor appeinted by the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin, county, to distribute among' the creators of Leonard 3: Makks, the balance remaining In the hands of DANIEL KlfldElt, Adminis • ire* of Marks D. l'f.hihnask dec'd., who -was the As- Signe° dead Mirks, will meet.the parties interested, a t his office in the city of 'Herrlsbu -g, On Friday, the first day or March next, at 10 o'clock A. M., at widen time and place they are hereby notified to attend and make known their claims. 11. Di. GRAYDON, 'fetWitdastw Auditor. ETTERS testamentary on the estate of _ MIORAEL EHRISM*N, dec'd..; late of. PWata ra vsynkalnp, Dauphin. county, haying bedu grahtelito the ttpdersigned, all persons haying claims against the;es tate, of me said decedent are requeste^ to make. known the same without clay, and those indebted to said:estate are 'requested to make payment before the Ist day of Apr% 186.1. No longer indulgence can glum . GEORGE EFIRIBRAN, DANIS& BEIEEBLEY L'aecutors. JBO-6tw• • • NOTICE.. .NOTICE is hereby given that an assooia lion is farmed for,the purpose of establishing a hank of issue, discount and deposit under the proVilions of the Act establishing a system of Free Banking in Pennsylvania-said. Bank to .be sailed the iiThe State Bank of Pennsylvania," to be 'heated at Erie, Pa., with a capital of FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, with the pre vilego of increasing the same to Five Bundred Thousand DiAiy44,. ‘ de2ll-wem STORAGE ! STORAGE I ! S TORAGE received at the Warehouse o f t 0.44 • §PAEM:CANDLES ! • A LANAIHI SUPPLY. MVP azogrvirao pl 7 WM. Dolor.- m. eico SO: . , .„ t. 00 ineNcet SANFORD'S 4 : I Y Pu led to the temperament ei used in such quantities ae judgment guide you In lb BATOR, and it will ears Armen, Dasmeste,Camon- MUNN, DITUMTIM, DROP UAL • aniMMINEMI, Caouc, INTAIMTA FLA Tin inir es, man; and may be used aT Palmy Kamm. It (as thousands can testily) TEaaa tir-MPOONYMBA ST attack.; ma their testimony In its SANFORD'S FAMILY COMPOUNDED FROM TIC PILL Is a gentle o a proprietor has used in hi years. ingdamandfrom those who and the satisfaction which their use, has Induced me roach of all. that different Cathartics set bowels. TIC PILL has, with due re. Milled fact, been compoun• purest Vegetable Extracts, part of the alimentary ea, in all eases where a ea- Derangements of Stomach, Rank and Loins, Costmeness God gratzeisness, Headache matery Diseases, Rheumatism, a great Many diseases to which to mention in this s tvOr- CATHCART'S, Next to the Harrisburg Bank OATS ! OATS ! ! AUDITOR'S NOTICE NOTICE. 3 00 0 600 2 00 300 6 00 8 00 10 00
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers