inisttliantous. TOM AIIEILOAJLAroN OP LANOtreOps.—There is a grew-e loft tendeney in this age to appropriate the most satires stye words of other languages, and idler a while to in corporate them into our own ; thus 'the word Cephalic, which la from the Week, signifying "tbr the•head,'" . ft now becoming popularised in connection with Mr. Spald ing's great Headache remedy, but it will soon be used in a more general way, alid,t,ho*Or.V.CEpaciyowLwoirie a- common ae Elmtri typo end M*Wretlieit ethciiirrdis•- , room as foreign words boa beenoirarn away toy com o.or u aye natal they seem 'costive and to -the - manor 'artily Realized: . . hi 'ad 'a 'orrible ieadoche this . 410h:room; • luto the hapotheearies hand says hi to the man, "tau 4,,U Mita° me of an Nuelikeher , ' , Nee it 'urd P O° ' O . " B.4ooidlinglY,"JillYaillifith.d.i.hliiiittihit NI re% e me a Crephalic Pill, hand 'pen me 'peer it . mired ihe au quick Sled 1 'ardly l'ealLsed Pad 'induct's. isgrileansigill le the favorite sign by•which smiths imam. akOwn any deviation whatever from the natural watt ca the With, and viewed in this light it may be soused on as a safeguard intended to givenotiee of disease which might otherwise escape attention, tattoo lath to be ronediee; and its indications should never be neglected. illeadatsheetnay be classified under two names, viz: ' ay 11l ptomatio and Idiopathic. Fyitiptornatlis Headache is exceedhigly common and Is the•preeursor of a great va riety of diseases, among which are Apoplexy, Gouty sinnnaggla grid Mt febrile diseases. Is firrneivutuf form it hi sympathetic of disease-of the Stomach denial ming sick hodacle,. of hepatic diselthe Constituting-Ml blows headachi, of 'Worms, conitipation- and other disor.r. dorm of the haling& as :well as renal and thrigine Elfebt-' tuns. IfigeaSioPthii• btgilit•areyery lietpiently attend, ed with lie...ditithes, Anitaitht and plethora are also ides.' tens which Ithquentiy- eletesibli headrighe. Uaudache also *tit 'tOnnbon, being venally •• Mafia; ui.hed by . the bane Of Iseicetrit• headaehe i seinetfinen coining on itidilerilYib it-slats otapporently sound health and prostrating, at, need the mental and physical. energies ; slid other instanter:eh conies on'slowly; herald/id:by esp. aeon hf:aphits or Itherbitraf temper. , lit most le: , hutch it 'emu, s on' slowly, heralded by depression of plrlla or acerbity of temper. In most linaariges the pain tF ta the front or the head over One or both eyes, and sometimes Er/inking vontiting; tinder this class may MO Le ..ained'hiettralpfts. • , • Fur the treatment of either class of llegiagehe the CO. , pti.liC Ville have been found .'sure and. safe remedy, rd lit ring the Mott acute paths in 'a' few mirinteg, andby Its zubitle i owes eradi‘ting ,the Mil ediseases 'of *blab Read:- eke Is the unicring index. - ' • • ; PRZOONI.—)II2BOi wahis you if! send her a box • of .Ce ',belle Glue, no, a' bottle of Prevered lilkirbut 'Linking hat's toot,littitat neither; but perhaps )I,ll'lo atu, or knowing what it is. Ye see she'S nig . "dead cud go, e with the Sick headache, and' witiattsome mote of th.t same as relaiyed her beiore. 81V.You must Mean Spelding'S cetthaiie —och I sure now and you've Bed it, here's' the quintet. and giv me the Pills and don't be all day about Constie , ation or. Costiveness. No one of the "many ills flesh is heir b" is so -preys. lent, so little understood, and so =Leh neglected' as Cos. tiveness. °heti oriel sting in . ..masks. snessiwr 'seden tary habits ilifigaidedtabSielightslisorder•of two MU cunsequeattetW:excifesinlietyi while invectilitylt is tbo precursor Sind-onnininion cC teeny of, Witty , of the most fatal and derigerinik:dfseniseit,:. and unlebs osrlyeradica , sod It will :bring the ihilitirer tO en r untimely grave.i- - - Among the fighter evils of whichooetiveneter theueual. attendant:rWHeadeohnipllo,ltheurnatbnn Foul Breslin; Piles and O th ers' or like•riaturk•witiliwit: long trek , of frightful dhkolimeg sdan US fahlldnanc rovers; Miscues,- Dysentery; -- Thearliteli?, Dies&Pey; :Apoplexy,. ltpileptiyi Paralysis, HySteria; Hyrwohoridriiieisy.lielaneholy:aini• insanity, first indicate -theirpiesentedn. Ind ilyeteln:Aly tuts alarming symptoms. llosimireqqessoyilhe;dtseasea named originate in Constipation!, but ttar.O.:tin , litdo;•• Pendent existence unless the cause. IS eredfcatad .In•an wage. Prom all these consideratiOnalt•tollows that: the disorder should receive iminedintenttemtion when ever it occurs,. and no person should neglect td gets twit of Cephalic Pills on the first apPeasinee of the eomplaint4 as their timely use the Melanesia approach w disease and destroy ; this dangerous :f•ss to human . ifit.•• • A Real Blessing: Mrs. Jonesehow fa that headache? Ara 10111,...—G0ne I poctor,.all gone I the pill you sent cured me in just.twenty tribuoloaokod;/ with you would tend more so that I can hays ewe:handy: Phystalas.—You can get.thetazt.anY„Sisk for Cephalic Me r l .find they nev.e.t. hill, Olio*, mend tam la all cases:of Readuche...:, e - Mrs loses—lshell sled for ii-.13.0ti ditindlye Wu_ . ball : , tell all my suffering friends;for theyare amid. oferemp. ;Nun , mgac k aa es Datidnintrati.446,Spaldhup has . wild two willitins ot bottles of his celabratad.Prepared (Hue and iris estimated that each botthisaves at fekatten dollars worth of broken ftunllore, thtismsking an sum, armpits of 4ntenty millions of donarareclahnediromtataL loss by ibis valuable invention: 'Hating mado.his Glue a househilid *Did, he nOW proposeil (we the World atii outer sitrvlee b'7 ainingall the aching. 'wadi with bis Cephalic Pills, and if they are as good4te lit Glue;.-}lead &await' soon vanish away hire MOW in July. itgrOven Excrnatorr, and the mental care .and angle ty Incident to close attention to, busitleas or, study, are among the numerous causes of Nervous lleadaebe. The disordered state of mind and body incident to this .die- . treating complaint is a fatal blow to all e n ergy and am. bitten. Sufferers by this disorder can, always obtain speedy relief Pram these distressing attack/oy, using one of the Cephalic' Pills whenever. he amides*, appear . It quiets the overtassued brain, and eeetheaitheAttairieff and jarring nerves, and relaxes the ; tension ofthe, sto. moon which always accompanies and argravateita dia. ordered condition of the brain.:. Fain WORTH ICHOWlNO.—Spad;nea.Ceptialio Fills are a certain cure fur Sick Heads he, BUlioua Headache, Nervous Ettadache,,koativeneso and Gencod Gnat DiMfirthst.—Among the most important of ail the great medical discoveries of this; age may be con sidered the system of , vaccfontitimx fine protection. from , small Pox 'the, Cephalic FM for relief of Headache,- end the use of *LWOW for the prevention of Fevers, either of which is a sure specific', whose benefits will be experi enced by sabring humanity long after their discoverers ggirDto you ever have the Sick Headache? lib you re member sue throbbing temples, the fevered: brow, the loathing and disgust at the eight of food'. How totally anis ypu were for pleasure; courersatlen or study. One of the uspnslls Pala would have relieved ritifrOm all the sudering Which you then esperienced. For., this and other purposswyon should always have &box of them on hand to use as occasion reaulres. Xlll, 1' . l'' , .. ~..a.. . Nervous Headache evRE „A • Sy the NC of these Pills the periodic attacks of Nei yoga or MI: Seadaphe may be prevented; and if taken a the eotapatipoeinent. of AA attack immediate rellet fro pain and. delotem may be obtained. . iThey-nehkintiall in removing the Nausea and Headache to which ftenahs exelosubjeot.. EMM= Der Lifertiry 110;8hedenis, Delicate rendes, and all peneni eriphoicim het* they are valuable as a Lava- ties, improving the appettle, giving andvtger digestive-organs, end resteritig the natural elasticity and *trims* of the whole system I • The *PRAM TILTS are the result of long invesik piton and cimetully conducted experiments, having been vie hi mfiriY Mrs, during which-timelbey have pre ventedan4 relieved a vast amount Of lain and prom Wallach% 'whether originating the noisietc. fWe tem orison' a deranged state °me stomach. They areintirely , vegetable in their ,compositkin, and may betaken itt time' NWlth perfect ' safety ylthren matog any change of diet, and the absence of any dicer „ no w gadeoqmfhosit emy to admhteiter Own to cAddroa.' *WARS OF commuters I Tbrgessetutvelbre idennitliros of Renry C. BO "whim Bold le r //vials* end otier . Aluefil mfireilidindir. Allos win bel'sentbr maUprepatd on receipt of the, PRICE 26 CENTS. All coMini oholifikho 488 rented to • • '" ' / 118*(461 . 1413Vga; . . , . 48 Cederetsect, New Yor k, sods-dotly Pennsylvania Illicitly, dielegrapl), putobax ... Afternoon, iebruary :1661. ttisteltanteus. THE ORIGINAL AND Gr.NITINE Des „TOWNSEND'S COMPOUND Eitelt-OF !' R,l4,4fri lit k ix. A I - s Tie Great Renovator of THE BLOOD. THE .SO REIGN REMEDY ,Fat E1i.3 . 1 , 1101y,14, -9)7 .SKIN, • VIMEIt4tEtS " "s ax**; ` A-N.- 6 . ALL -FigilrB "eUTANEOUB • Tbetie conipinints speedily and efiliatualli cured `by thei use of flue WORLD RENOWNED • SAR AP,A Oionsands have experienced its salutary - ellecte, and. tens of thousands-have.witnessed It; until it nag Ceased to be a adestioulimong the intelbgent totted 'of 'the ,com nttailty. • • `! When the Blood becomes lifeless and stagnant, either Irdm the eXects, of §pkipg *Taber:, change; of olizna4 *ant of exercise, the nee ofuntil:Um saline diet, or any ethit cause • thislaimpotind i axtract of Sareapurilla; will 111*290 tbo.lsl.ooDr4i!i!rry-sor-liii..putrid.....bninors,. =ANSI Pett lO ,MAC/ 8 1'? 4 aff 4•l RtortAiiill:E . B O WEL S t r ' "1.01 Tone , Of; Vigor to the ' ! Whole Body. -2. - TO VIZE,,..r 4 0134ta; • itieani.4lto Aro 4crehif DOttff(4 that the preparation ex teneively known as Dr S l'4X9Wneend'loo,ol),*4 Ec tztki - tnf „noir - manufactured nadir my , di reOtonisha Ittrplitirltiantlfrointthe original recipe obtained • from Dr, 8. - -.:P.:-Toirnscriilland I certify that it is tempos, ed,ot ingredients REA/XL VEGETARIA; and WITHOUT; rtd,„alsolhat.the'ingredients,are judiciously' cot. Onided,so 'Obtain 'irony tlikit their greatest : medicinal effect. • ' , , , JAMS R. CHILTON, Chemist. "Dr. T0W193.14ND11 Coireousn Elena-WI OF SA.II.9A MU:4A; hai a' ftiatithan arh . mit civilized nations as the best Preparatioa fir . . Res#Vating,and , risiiyitigabe ELCOD iciennkbas:eVeriedied tO' Man. "ba this resides Ate DECUlilikE-EIDETEENCE, and tolhisisdue its world Wide *mpiyuci" • = • it C(110i0 1 lb? ,:vegetable principles which.exPeri- MMe hie preyed useful in 'eleitrillg the SYSTEM from DISEASE., eXtracted, and combined with the highest skill whieir tifeabffhemitnts of modern &ministry enable us to employ 1. WbaterirMiy be said by mortified coMpetitors or splenetic phyfiemns;the fact thatibianiedicine is EVERY WHERE USED, and thatits teMereaten aniteressed de mand,: shows'. rionalushiely zhatit ipossesses medicinal merits' of the that order , . To*verithimpiwition it willheruicessarylosee, that .. DR. 'JAMES It - -CRILTON'S • CERTIFICATE Its well SIGNATURE Of 'llr. S. P. Townsend, Is on ttigontnido *refiner of eacli bottle: BE VERY CIREFUL TO „USE NO OTHER." i. Proprletor'eadce,;Xo. 41 Fulton street; :::And: far sale by evserYTaliggbd in ibis .. . . . , .... . . . • ..._ .. , i:. . . . -"Ktallaii, "1,'.......-..--.6-1,..) • ..:-. ' i..... -: - . I . . - ' ' , ' ':'..., , Op , : 1 1- Y :,1-,:!..'2,•..... Baßs. : rovOt • • • An everteneedittiiiiiretikeiiiietaiiii;P;eseetete' the attenttee'of mothers SOOTHING__ • For Children : e thing, .1111141( greatly %senates the proddis,. of totalling, by soft °Wag the gams,reduoing inflandiation—will allay ALL rdlN, and spasmodic action, and. in , .SURE TO REGULATE-THE BOWELS. Deperid upon it, mothers, it will give iteet to yourselves AND, AND HEALTH TO YOUR WARTS. • We have pploipAna bolt for, over tel years, and els ,:dgeftaNdl ND norm, what we have ,never , been - able toter ;Of arrYlotArr. medicine-. NEVER . FAILID, INAIN*PLEINSTANOE TP LIM A CURE, , .when theelk 'useA, Never. del we know' in 'lnetaireoof dineettitsalontkio One who' need it. . On the contrary; all are delighted with. its opera. Mons, and' , speak in tenntrofhighesSftommendation its magical erode and medical virtuea.i ypAspeak in matter."waar rrA DO:IrpMW, alter ten year deuce, 'eke 'reamer mot !Wirormarin `till or lam , ' We Biel micasstil ,Inualtabst story thstanbe where the infant is suffering font painane eklapetien, lefgßl bq r ln MAR or P7F t AY , -. /3 4 n-t4ul syrup had. , This vale le sprepiratlimqv Me' prescri.pten or one fot UM most' EXPMIENCF,D and EfIiILLFUL - NUIP101:11n NOW Rolland„ fwd bee .110214 seed, yid* mores 74WArg ot cesmi. • ” It not only relieves the child from paln, but in ther.stomach., and bosioels,: . wrests' acidity, and: gives tone ,and energy td2,4i . e whole stem. : sy lt will al , . . . most instantly relieve GRIPING IN nix pawns, Alm Imp- °am,. ~ and overcome boevillsions,'Which.4 not speedily: reme died, end in Matte . ..". Stil , helleve Mihail= and. sum= , 1 lIIIIEDT IN TON WORM), in all cases of DYSENTERY AND DIARREEEA IN AffitILDREN,.. whether_it arises from 1 LeOldig or. froatAny ,other ' came., , ,We would say to. I ovary mother..wha.lme.a eldidinikiMcfrom any of the . 1 foregoing complangs,w.wonALit veva YammOao,..a.mor, UR PILWIZIDICOS OX 141311101/1, j Maud between you.eo4;':fr .. 1 suffering childeadihelrelltd,that rejlflie SURE -4 • ' ~,4 INMDTELY SUBlE—stoNfollow the use of this m " ;„ It timely used. FIX Mir:league for using will &octal:OW1 earl. bottle.:Yoe igenrdne •-naleas facAsnlfilir of'; CUM & PERRlNSiNewyorki is ootheeutside wrapper. . EOld .by Druggists throughout, the world .. - vrtheiPal;Olnae; N0.../2 Cedar St, New : York. Priesvoidy WS Gantt Der .Bottle . . air Tor EleM lbwrebork• by D, W. Grow & Co., No 19 Market street, J. Mart% Luta., N0..22 Market street, C. B. Keller, No. 91, Market street, below Fourtb, and G W, Wes; 128. Market street. aug22 dewly MEM .101 EN B. SMITH'S BOOT &SHOE STORE CORNER 'SECOND AND WALNUT STS., Harrisbuig, Pa A LwArs on band.a large assortment of A BOOT' t, '6110E9, GAITERK - 'do.,wf the very best 'militias for btiMek'gentlenien, cbildrens , wear.—, - Prices to suit limes. All kinds of WORK MADE TO MDR In the besestjloi by thiperior worktden REPAIRING done at short notice. ontl&dti JOHN B. SMITH, Iforrisburg. .17KENS'i VALLEY NUT COAL I—For gale at $2 00 forgot'. Aft`ALL ' (COAL , DELIVERED BY PATENT WEIGIt CARTS ' - • JAMES. M. WHEELER: . WO Coal delivered from both lards., BERGNER'S .011EAP BOOKSTORE • 61 MARKET 'STREET, IS THE CEEAPEST,PLACE IN TEE CITY ~.TO OST SCHOOL 800 S, SCHOOL STATIONERY, Comprising all the various READLNO AND SPELLING BOOKS, ARITHMETIC'S ALGEBRAS;• , • ;GRAMMARS; ETYMOLOGIES, • IBIOTIONARIES,- HISTORIES, PRILOSOPIIiES, and allthisSCHOOL BOOKS used in the tartans Publle. arid Private Schools - ef toe City togethei with Aivp cvatrastrioN Bpoxs, • CAP and 4ior2f-PAZERt. .11RAIV.K4If/dA7,^ 7 .SZ I x . • LEAD • AND sLA 27. e itriverzr..s, PENS AND'NOLDERS,'INK INKSTANDS RULERS a , the most complete assortment of SCHOOLEITMIO4ghT constantly on hand and for eels at TEE LOWESTpltltdgi or ANT 1110 In tberty. at BERGRItit'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, t 1 Market Street. MiirLiberal discounts made to teachers ard : geelerg. Any article not on-band promptly. furnished.without eitra: charge. see*, A NEW AND FINE r , ASSORTMENT ttiArtrESk TRA VELLING -- _ _ AzirP XIS)'P,P :13 A G S 01d At 191,41 ; 3 P 4 tOr: l l OrirAP 4301MEgrOns Z SPlfiiiket ,13400 t L • :41 lIIM liiistellazzeous - UDOLPHO WOLFE'S ..A.XLC,3%I a.wxci SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS A SUPERLATIVE TONIC, DIURETIC, ANTI DYSPEPTIC 19M1 INVIGORATING CORDIAL To the Citizats of. Ne* Jere end Penns-lvania. . . Apothtettries, 'Drog4lats, Grocers , and Private' Famines., Wolfe's; Pure Cognac lirandr. Wolfe's' Pure liladeritt Sherry and Pori Wine. ylolfe's Pure Jamaica and Si. Croix Rum Wolfea Pure Scotch and Irish 'Whisky, ' ALL INI3OIP.PLES. I beg leave to call the attention of the citizens of the United States to tho above Hums and LIQUORS, imported Gdolpho Wolfe, of New York, whore name is fami liar in, every part of this count,ryjor Pe.pority of his celebr4ed SCHIRDSM SOSNAPP R . Mr. Wolfe, Jn his letter ro to e; Speaking of the parity - of his Wilias'and betboss, says : millptako..Joß epotallop as.a zna,n,,zoy,stand mg as a insrelliiit of thirty years , regideneeihf-theTity Hof Ned' York, that all tlie AliftsSchich I bottle are pure as imeoited;aiiiii'Pf theliesPonality, and can be relied upon .by every purchaser.". Everybottle has the proprietor's name on the wax, and a lac simile of his signature on the certificate. The public are ie. spectfully invited to call and examine for themselves.— For stile atiteiad by ail Apothecari s, and Grocers M Philadelphia. GEORGE H. ASTON, No. 832 Marktt 111,. Phimmiphia. Sole Agent for Philadelphia. Read the following from the Rew York Con i it : Farostmons Bominiss son Oinf Nzw ' We are happy to inform our fel ow citizons that mere is one place in our city where tho physidian, aputbecary, and country merchant, can go, and 'purchase pure Wince and Liquors, is pure as imported; and of the bent quality; We do not intend to give an elaborate descriPtion of this merchant's extensive badness, although it will'well re pay. any stranger or citizen' lo vigit Udolpho Wolfe's Mr; Musty° Warehouse, Nos. 18. 0 and 22 . Beaver street;' and Nos. 17. 1p and 21, Marketfield street. His stock or Schnapps on hand ready for shipment cent& not have been less than thirty thousand cases; the Brandy, some ten thousand cases—Vintages of 1836 to 1856 ; and ten thousand 'eases of Madeira, Sherry and Port Wine, Scotch and Irish Whisky, Jamaica and St, Croix Rum, some very old and equal many kith's country. He also had three large cellars, tilled with Brandy, Wine; &e, in caslcsomder Custom House key, ready forbottling. Mr, Wolfe's 'sales of bchnapps last year amounted to one huitdri d and. eighty thousand dozen, and we hope in less than two years he may be equally successful with his Brindles and Wines. • . • His business merits the patronage of every lover of his species; ' Private families who wish pure Wines and itiquors for medical use should send their orders direct to Mr. Welfe, until every Apothecary in the land make up their minds to discard the poisonous staff from libeir' shelves, and -replace replace it with Wolfe's, pure Wutuf mid LIQUORS. , -We understand Mr. Wolfe, for the .accommodation of small dealers in the country, putri . up assorted cases of Wines.and Liquors. Such a man, and such a merchant, should be sustained against his tens of thousands of op ponents in the United Statue, who sell nothing but imita tions, ruinous alike to health and human happiness. sep6:daw6mi' C. R. Keller; 91 Market street; sole agent for this cit. DE §IRAI3 LE MOURNING GOODS. BLack and. Purple. AR Wool. Figured Merinos, , . Plain Black Englich Veloue Reps. Black and PurpliTamize Cloths,Sllk and Wool. ; Plain All Wool Cashmeres and Merinos. . Black and Gray ;Worsted Poplins. Black and White All Wool Delalnes. Black and Purple Figured Cashmeres. Lupins Best Bombazines. Superior Black Lustres. Lupin's Extra Alpaccas. Neat Style Striped Mohairs. Emeline Style Paratnettas. - 614 All Wool Delaines EngliZh Chintzes. • Madonna Clothe. Plain liohairs, Snpsaton Puss Bunn Ewa. REP. 1101/ENINa &ED. do Bung AND WMTE do. do do PIMPLE AND BiAcir do do ; do PsitaL CLeans, New and Desirable.. Every article °l...the different kinds of- DRESS GOODS in the BLACK and SECOND MOURNING line, Selected from the very best makers. Lupiti's Square Thibbet Shawls, do Long do do Black French Blanket Shatvls,l • 2d Mourning French Blanket Long Shawls, 2d Mourning French Bkinket Square do, • i • ,Boglish Crepe ;4eitery , • Grenadine Veils; (ovary Mao), ' - ;English ,Crepes; French tCrepes SHROUDI.NO CASHMERES; .1 _ . , • SHROUDING FLANNELS, • BLACK GM:INTL:EMI; all kinds, BLACK GLOVES; allkiada, BLACK-BQRDEREfi HANDKERCHIEFS,: . • „. (allkirida): • ••• 1_ BLACK BOWERY. (all kiridS),- • SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF COLLARS, • PLAIN BLACK RIBBONS. • • • Aritrapection Or, our stock will convince nil. TATEIOART & BROTHER, u 27 ' „Neat to the Harrisburg Baitk. yspepsia Remedy • . 'DR DARIUS HAM AR . OMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT. This itexlidne has been used by the public for 149 years, with increasing favor. 11 is recommended 10 Ours Dyspepsia, Nervousness, ll art-Burn, &Unities, Wind in the Stomesch, or Fegou in the Dow , Riaciache, Comm Drowsiness, Sidney - plaints, Low Spirits. Delirium Tremens, Intemperance, nrourns, Rumouring, t v WILL nor ligromosm oa ,Sotr A S A MEDICINE it is quick nd effectu• Cl al, Miring the most aggravating case ' o Dyapepsia, Kidney Complaints, and all other derange ent of the Stomach and Bowels, in a speedy manner. '• • ' It will instantly revive the most- melauou ly and drooping spirits, and restore the weak, nervous a, ' d sic ly to : health, strength and Vigor. Persons who, from the injudinions _ pee otilguors, have er become dejected, and their nvinie Opiteins shattered; 'conatitutiorts broken &Own, and subject to;iliat horrible curse to humanity, the beuunni Tssttsxs , will, almost immediately, feel the happy and healthy invigorating eflicaey of br. Ham's Invigorating Spirit. , WJIAT IT WILL DO. Does. One wh:e. glass full as ceten as n'erassary; one dose. will remove all Bad Spirlis.f, One dose will mire Heart-burn., Three doses will cure Indigestion: One dose will give you a Good:Atpetite. One dose will stop the 'distrestaing pains of One dose will remove the distressing and disagreeable effects of Wind or Flatulence, and as soon as the stOthanh receives the Invigorating Spirit„ .the • distresslog load are all painful feelings will be removed. One dosevill remove the most distressing pains oftolii, either in the stomach or bowels. , . , , A few doses will remove all obstructions in the Kidney Bladder or Urinary Organs. Perions who, are seriously . afflicted with' any Kidney Comrdaints are assured speedy relief by a, dose or two and a:radital cure by the use of one or tw,o.bottlea. NIGHTLY DISSIPATION. Persona who, from dissipating too mach over night, end feel the evil effects of poisonous liquors;, In vielent head. ached, sickness at stomach; weakness; giddiness, &c., will find one dose will remove all bad feelings. • Ladies of weak and sickly agifititiltlODß, should take the Invigorating Spirit threolimes a day; it will make them strong, healthy and happy, remove all obstriktions and irregularities from the menstrual organs, and restore the bloom of health and beauty tolhocareworn face. During pregnancy it will be found an invaluable medi-' sine tb remove disagreeable sensations at the stomach. All proprietor asks lea trial, and to induce this, he has put up the Invigorating Spirit in • pint bottles, athe* iota°, quarts Sl. General Depot, 48 Water street, N. Y. .. Wholesale Agent, Philadelphia, D. YOTT, & CO. and for gals in Harrisburg by C. A. Dannvart„ D. W. Gross & Co. tuad C. K. Keller, and by all - Druggista everywhere. Jel4-dawly PROP. ADOLPH . .P. , TRUPgER., W • OULD respectfully ' in form but old 'patrons and the public generally, that - he will continue to give instructions on the PIANO FORTE, ME LODEON nouN and also lifthil science of 'Ell9lol/031 134153, ,He will w'th pleasure wait upon pupils at their nobles at any hour 'desired, or lessons will be &mat' his residence, in Third . street, a few doors below Abe (lerman-,Reforree. Cliuren: , . decls-dtf AUGIJSTINE CHAYNE: CAAPE - NTRII _ MW ~BrirlEDEte. izaidenes .No. 27 North Semi and.. N. B--JOIII3.ING ATTENDED TO. Eints at arartl gransportatimi NEW AIR Mt :ROUTE TO NEW YORX AND QUICILEST IN TIME BETWEEN THE TWO. CITIES , 0 F - N - v; : Nv i : :y0,„T.,:..: D 1-11k..RRISITETRG - I VIA. READING': ALLENTOWN AND EASTON. , - 4t ORIONG !AFROS, West,leaves New York at A arriving at Harrisburg , ut , IP. , only , 8-linurs, iietween the two elites. , ' 'arAn. LINE le , ves 'New. York at 12.00 noon, and -ar ;Ives it Harrisburg at 8.15 P:18. - AoRNING -MAIL' LINE SAM,' Heivisburg: at g:aa k, 11 4 fancies NeW -York AFTERNOON REPREki L 1 E, East, leaves Harde ners at 1,15 P. it.; arriving at New York at 4.45 P. • Rmsneetions.anYinade;tit'lle.trisburg at 1.00 P. IL with the Passenger Tralne in each direction on the Penneylrt ma, Cumberland Valley and Noithern Oential .inroad. AU trains connect at Reading with trains forPottawille and at Allentown for liauch Chink, iaston, he; • = ' • • • o change of Passenger Cara or Baggage between New . York and Harrisburg, by the 6.00 A ki. Lin; from New York or thells P. W. rim Harrisburg. Forneautyof scenery,.end speed, comfortand accom modation, this route presents superior indaements, to the traveling nublic. • r Fare between New ;York and .Harrisburg gm DOL. LARS: Per tickets anti Other inftwmatlkin apply to , deol J. J. • OLYDN, Geileral Agent, liarrlabarg Pr-lI,L.ADELPHIA AND READING RAIL ROAD .• LARRANGFAIENT: • . • 01V AND AFTER.DEC 12th , 1860. TWO PAR3EN . G.EII TRAINS LEAVE H ARRISBURG DAILY, - (Sandapa exceptOd,) at 8:00 . A. 64 . 1.15 P. • M., for. Philadelphis;arriving there at f 1.26 P.:111.3 and 615 P: , - RETURNER}, LEAVE PIIILADELPELe atil.oo tI at. and 2.30 p. E., arriving at Harrishorg at I.Y. M., and 8.15 R. M.' FARE:S:UAW Philadelphia,MO: TOars, 0.25 ;No. 9 - On same irain,), $2.75. FAR® :--Toteading, $1.60 and $l.BO. A t Reading, connect with trains for Pottsville, Mimi- Tamaqua, Oatawissa, ' FOUR 'TRAINS LEAVE •READING FOR PRI:LADED eine! Dexpri - at, m., 10.43 A. x.,19.30 noon, and 3.43 P. M. . LEAVE PHILADELPHIA FOR READING at 8.00 A. M., Lp, M. 8 . 80 P. M. and 6.00 P. N. FARM to Philadelphia, sl.7sand $1.45. IHE MOONING TRAIN, FOOM ELIREISBURG CON NECTS AT READING with up train for WilkesbiSrri; Pittston and Scranton. - . • r For through tickets and other-information appito dbef4-d4 a D , moral - gent. - . PENNSYLVANIA_ RAIL ROAD I NyINTER Timr TABLE.' ,FROM PHILA ; DELPHI . A• i • • ON. AND AFTER , • iMONDAY, , NOVEMBER 28th; 1860, . . , , The aaisengeetrains of the l'etirieybranti•Railromi ann. patty/ depart from Mid arrive at Harrisburg and PhilMielptda tutfollowe I' ' EASTWA , RD. TridOdGiliZliPlllo32.TßAlli leaves Ilatirlabarg at 2.40 a. m.l . Philadelphiaand arrivseat Wes at 5.50 a..m, i , d . /W LW/I:leaves Ilerrlsberg di 12 id P. ni., and arilat West Philadelphia-at 5.00. pl in. li: i , • ,• , • TRAlN.leavesllarrillhiirtatdls. p,..m., arrives v Ta L at es e'Phila ileinbileat 16.20 . p! in. '''. • ' ' , ' These traissMaliebiosebddi` 'ectionatilhiladeitinia with; be New Wilt Line . , .... ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. I, leaves . arrlsburg -at 7.00 a m,, runs Ada Mount Joy, and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12,30 p. m. . ~.. , ,- ktatIWITURG AMI:i19110.15/ilIddi TRAIN leaves liar. rialniretit , l36 p. rd., and arrives at tei!. Philadelpbia 1it 0 340;p:m:.. 3. ,' . :., ~ ` - • ' , 2 ' datOMMODATION Tilatlß,'No. 2, leaves Warrisbnrg at 5.2 d R. M., runs vie Mount... Toy ; connecting , at Diller villelwith•ll4L T.F . 4.131. East for Plilaitelphin. . • • , ' ' i - • IFY ES WW A 11,r*,' . • TEIROUGR EXPRESS TRAM . ThibldiMbla. a 100 m o ,.a.rrlyas,at P.lO. a., m. HAIL TftAIN leaves Philadelphia, 8:O,a. 12.1 ar rives atHa}ritl arg at 1.20 F.. m. . . • LOCAL IdApi TRAIN leaves Harrisburg for Pittsburg at 7.00 `a. ni. FART LINE leaves Philadelphia' at 12.00, noon, arrives at Harrisburg at 4.10 p: m. - ' . • HARRIORINVir ACCOMMODATION . TRAIN , lawns • 2.00 , ;. P.; tui, - andlirriveis at Harrisburg at ACCO,V.MODATHRITRAIN,Ieaves tillidelphia at 4.00 p. so., and 'arrives' at Harrisburg at 9.45 p. m '• Attention id eallealTd tie fad, that Nisseugerir leaving Philadelphia at 4:00 pg m. coolest at laileaster with MOUNT JOY: ACCOMMODATION ?THAW and arrive at. HarrisberCa 9 9 4 0 , ROD. - - • . . . RAHCRI. D. , Votria • kaaraal; ATM, BIM All Work Promised in' (hd Week ? i i,,' . 7 . . • „. ..... 7 .7,--,„,--,-. • T. ' 1.,,,,'''- 40 ''' 3. 0 4 .; ' • -iP ENN SY L - V .6.11L1 it k STEII3I -DYSINEI ESTAIDBEEKEITI 154 Market arqet between' 4th and sth, i -11 ARRI B3 II - 54 0 :1,4'.4.; and H EPanttu .E. 4 erl a rl erri Pr i LUW(t NI r G Cy Cleansed and Dabbed in the .b mann!rasid'ed Ake 8 orteat notice , iv r , ; 1 . , Lk vtr ' . •,. ...:Propfleiglr). • " 11 X I R 4. 5 , 11.. G 11.1*B1);,:ItakMES. ipct.l2 DR. JOHNSON, lELALLTICIIOCPI 2 3.37 • LOCK .HOSP.T.TAL lioitnbet certain, speedy H A aZd iljiB effe C era e l r r :medy in the world for • • DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. REIM IN PLY.%) lABLVE UOURS. No Mereary or Noxious Drugs Come WARR/00RO, ON NO Masa*, IN FROM ONN TO Weasn, se of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Pains to the Loins, Anselions of the Kidneys and Madder, Organic Weakness, Nerveus Debility, Decay of the Physical Pow ers, Dyspepsia, iangnor, Low Spirits, Cohlisdat.of Ideas, Pail kaftan of the Heart, TimidityiVremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddinent, Disease of the Stomach, Affections of thellead, Throat, Igt se or balm—those terrible disor ders arising from the indiscretibdor Solitary:Habits of Youth—thoo dreadful and .destr u ctive prenthie !Vetch prodnce constitutional debtlitY„ . render marriage DifiX 36= sible, and destroy both body c u d mind, . . , . :YOUNG MEN Young men especially who have become the victims ol @Wintry Vice, that dreadful and destructive habitwbioh annually, sweeps ; to untimely thousands ,of young men of ihd most exalted talent and brilliant intel lect, who nag it , otherivilwi hits° entranced 'natal** Senates As ith the , thunders of eloquence, , ynaroft tatty the living lyre, may with fill confidence*. . itekmear. -; , married persons , or th oacco , tem pliu ng maTatage,lbe leg aware of physical weekneee t ebouldboepled 1. ! (! ly ;ea r cult Dr: .14 eild be Teilteeed'to ' • - 'ORGANIC WEilttdia* bnaudiately cured amdfull vigor Samba places hinntelf .undenthe care oL,Dr. Jt.i may r eligionely , confide in,bis bonor anligentleatan, .na eon, fidently rely upOnlifil akfll atit physician. ' • „ifr Office No. South Frederick , street, Baltimore, Md., on the left bend Side gobig here Baltlmurilstra42 7 doors 'from the corner. Be.par denier in obeervina toe name 'or number, or you will mistake the place...Be par-. ticulai ter ignorant, Tilling Quacht, with false' tomes, or Paltry humbug Certificates, attadavl by the reputa tion of Dr:iJohnsTilurlr:near.t.-il. , i ; i All lettere MUStContain a POfte Sts reply; A t- 4-/ to Ue on tlni . Dr, Johnson member of.the RoYal.CoUege of ilium= London, graduate from one of the meet eminent 1111884 of thellnited'etates, and the greatest part of whose life itas been spent. in thegospitals of London, ,Pagis, „Ridla delphia and 'elieWhere;luts.effeated Boone of the, most as tonistdrig'OureS tbit'werWaver known: Many tiviibledy with ringing In 'Oaten' and head idles asleep. greet nor vonsnees4,*3ing AlsrmedA tuddensiami4o, bashfulness, with frequentbl risidng, attended sometimss with 44 1 9,1140" matt Of "iiilid - were cured lininedititfri," 'J, Dr. J. addresses all• those witipbactettoluredllnd , selves by.prionte and imrroper thdulgenoten, that secret, sEd solitary babit which - suing .botti body a1!.14,1n 4Xdr.Rai . . httinetfteOl'air either bikttiatsol.sOcitity. • Theist are Are& or the sad arid niebicht4y Areas tiro= deeediby early habits. cif 4otatsels;: weakness et the. Back anduiPnbPdt4ng theJte4 ll ,DinineSSo.BlB44' Loan Of *ocular , :Power, Palpitation bl the, Heart, Dys ; pepabi, iger+6`ustrittatiility;berangeitentot ttie Obtoilline Funettcara, • Geberala Debbity,. Byorptioini — ollernainitp, tlert,4o., ._ - • • .. ..; I listorrattr, the fearful effects Globe mind are mush to dreaded, r--Loos - of Memory, Confusion„,ot. Ideas„De preasion of Writs', Evil Forebodinge, 'Aversion teSeele ty, getbdistruM;Love of Solitude, iiniidity;du.,areSome Milieleyll effects., . . I . ThOusenda Of Arsobs'of all ages, can now judge what •', 'hirtheeanee of their decline in hoalth, losing tpeirsigor, becoming nerybas aniaclateff, hive a Angular . : atimaraneec anent the; eyes; coney:and MY mpz l ma of consumption. - , YOUNG MDT Who have injured theinadvek by 'a: certain' practioe, ' dalgea: tu when alone,-it habit: frequently teamed• from evil companions, or at school; the effects of which aro, nightly 411# even When- asleep,. d not oared, renders marrlage,MmonMisle..and,destroys.hoth mind and hodyy nhonld apply immediately: ' " . What it.pity_Shit a_young•nian; the hopes, of his .eoum try; the darling of his parents, should be snatched item :allpristpacii ant enjoyments or life by this censiquenceit of deviating from the path„of nature; and lititelgilbliA-A• certain secret thicli portions must, before content,, platmB'.ti ;a MARRIAGE - f Mkt' that a sound mind and bOdy are the most necessary resit:shin:a to , promote connubial ,happiness. Indeed Withqufthesii, the journey thiorigh life bettomesliweerY -pilgrimage; the erospect hourly darkersato,the tview;the mind• becomes shadowed with despair , Manila with the melancholY reflection. that the happiness of , atrothet.:bezi comes blighted: ith our own. JOTENSON , S TNVIGOMA.TING REMEDY ,FOit . . MARIO WkantilMit: -Bythis great and important remedy; Weakness of the aro speedilymiredi and full vigor:ye:stored., . Organshousands pf themont .nersous and. debilitated who hadlostidi hope, bevel:reed imme diately relieved/ All lmeespiments to Marriage. Physical or, Mental , :phninalift• cation, NeriOus, Trembling, Weakliest or Mihauetkin or the most fearful.ldnd, speedify.ourest,.:• • • 1 • TO STWIGIIRB: - - The many thousands Mired ittildShistfulionwithin the last twelve yettrs, and the numerous important Murgical• operations porn:wined by Dr. ivitilessiad'hy there port*g thelpaPers, and many other peraons,T.ucticeli Of Which have appeared again and again before thepublici, • bee Mer ilandwit da• &peel/mean •ofnharactist- and -ie.' symmtffrihty;ispeulholentipsieran, tee nkt4ooir.ted, DISEASES 'OF IMFMUDWE —When the" raheilded and bnprtidentvoterg of pleakikellnde he has imbibed Ake,sheds of this.pitlufal disease, it too often happens. that an 111tiblial. Sentient sliannior dread of dishoVerY deters him from allidndi. to theeemhsi r from edecalion and re, spectatillity can alone befriend him, delaying tlll the . eon atitallaiii3 symptoms his Thiniild , disease' make-their' aPParancer Weak% the: emi r throat' . nose, Sc., preprinting on ;With frightful rapidity, till Veetti..pitts a perkidmr dreadfulinfferings bynenditurkhlin to , Mhat bourne, from_whenoe no traveler returns." steel. inchMy Thathat thenisanda fall vintlnurbk his terrible 0/24 1 ase s 0 ' 11 1 ) & 49 = 1 kt Wi dll)4l °* B PFilffil at~tpretend er`e,wayho,bytheuseofthatdeadlly. potton„msicusy rein the . cOnsiltnikinlatid)riailre Miners:Me. , • ''' T°lrB " (4B q , r ,T Ak e-Dc ' e f i fsl.:i l l4 4 " l,4l- Dg. in Ss-Letters nidstecatall Stamp to us on the _ _ MlTBemediee lent by Mail. ftioah Frederfotiitteet ; Baltimore. r . 4.1 , GREAT ATTRACTION 4 AT, TO '',INW:OfTY St ( j4 . ! 4.::.EOWMAN coRNER Egon & MARKET 918 . • NITOUNOE to' ' the ci birg.ard. :the public generally,' that they NOB Joel re.terued:Crom the eastern eldest with a large and well se lected. stock or Fall . ablrWiliter Geode, which they . will selllt Idt[a%ve ry lamisterici* DOMESTIC GOOD,S at every kind. , • Bleached 'and tableaehed , Bleachedsuagshhwehed Pardixl.Flannels. RED F[ , ANNELB ' OF'EVER ESORIPIIO4. • A large:lissortment'ofVfabillanneis for Bktrtlng An assortment ` Domestic Ginghrms... Ipaioheiwte Glifg-mobi ; Ittth!stisk.hl*Pll:4l4oser ' es,l Cloths at all r prlces„ ••„. Cloths. for Wiles*. Cheitailelds ; 4 , 4 . ' Heavercgm. racott a A i mAti z tni = A A larpersasortmeat Boy's wear. An assortment of *slim DraarciA land II deratiirts. 'Ari-ussOrtratiat of Carpel liom . l.2)( ctiga YOrd Per Y9r9..1 , SA 141 15 4igaL*)ll ATEST STY ** " LES. 41 - kcw ' - t PLAlDtiramthis; r l VIIENEP POPLINIS,I - •i LSITILPIM . - AND PLAID. / ' 11 c4 . 01, 444 T. 4 1 5 P 4MUIPP * MED* ' - ' • IacHITAIR ANtltirditigg r e.,:... ;4 :I; ALLLJWOOL DErdatagb re. • ' • • )SLACK BIGIIB, ALL - XV - IDI3IO, large Wetoroment of Brpche did Blanket gaq olll 6 4 with lck of-the latest " Ao ofpgrtra94.o.(PlaM,aod XlgurM C990749f. 9 9., IRMO ,idairlar Weal& 'atria-NW aid - ?.rmgelri% , Phsr,: Ag assor tm en t ; agent e woye trail spring ekl t pat. tarn extension 3 An assortment of.s.ArouCing and.Flanneis„ r . ; - Ullloll' ds - BOWitAN carton ef Fronfsia _Market Straets4Banisha ug4 ' " iroirmerly °copied bJ. L. Miler, !., ly . pf0p1,117:4413#r t S 49 4 : Aa r . A- M919 r ,11 CASEY ,& BROWN ` . 51 ' AT TORNEITSLAT=LIANT , 0.4110414ga Tr .1014 .;P:iintke Atoori locipain“.l associated totetherain-t4hio ' A fflreaWil wir4 2 6 "M li ger s I prow 0 1000 en to 73 . ." ' .Lutif'ittCl hes, Lo2,o:AirT,4:r ,~ :#v<, ifitbiccu Tivo D4.YL' 11► e TAICE PAfTCIA:aIt-N0T1146. MbNTALLY filebitat BOERHAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS. TH3 ORLABP.ATED HOLLAND „REMEDY FOR BTORXESEC DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, LIVER COMPLAINT, AVEAICNESS OF ANY KIND, 'FEVER AND,ACVEg, Lind the vitrinetganbctions consegnent r nitmi disor deredd sto,DtAcft OR, LIFER, tidigestion, Acidity of the; Stomach, !Conniff Pains; Heirtbon*Loss of= Appetite, DesimnidenCy, COs timing, Blind and Bleeding Piles. In an erroae, Rheumatic"; and Netirsigic directions, ft basin numerous instances proved highly beneficial, and in others erected a decided cure.' Ude is a purely vegetable compound, prepared on strictly sciedtlflo prtneiples, after the manner ofabe cele brated Holland , Pinfamor, - Boethave Its reputation et honieiproduced its introduction here, the demand rem nienchig with those of the Fatherland sfttterett over the face of this, mighty .country,,numy of whom brought with ttiem mid handed down ihelraditiety of its value. ft is now arere4 IQ .41 k Afierims guldic,,,kewwing that its huty wiesderfui tiedfciankitirtias sunk be aelotoWedp. . It ie phnieularly recommended to those pecans *base indistituttimepayhave neen.impaired by thecontanuous use of ardent eldrits; fir Other forms of illosipstlon. Gen erally, blatant:wed& in effect, finds its wapdirectly to the seat of life, thrilling and quickening ep ry nerve, raising up the drOoPhig spirit, and; in &di:Waging new health and,viggrpinthesystem. • iNOTlClL'Whbever month to find this a bevei r Ogffinll be.disapixditted; - built° the ancli;weak and Mirelpialted. It will prove It rinteful aromatic cordial, fca!arcd ; o f, ofsiugMar' retinal's! Properties. • ' BEAD? CAREFULLY ! The Genuine highly.concentrated Itturbaveht golland Illtteril le put 1M In balf-pint bottles only; and retailed at' Oss Dontit.per ;bottler or six bottlee-Coralva Domast&— Nbe great demandfor this.truly Melelnuted Me,dlcine has Induced Manieludiatletut, , whlob the publialsbould- giardtt 'against purchasing. , •••., aiirßeware of Insiosiiinn: S ee tibia our name is 'On the i label or every bottle you buy. "Bold bg Draggles gem:y*ly. lacan be forwarded , tor, :111iPias to inOst=points: , ' - ' ::13.0LE-PII,OIPRIETORB>,! • i.e . I PPM/ARO:DT PAGE ; CO.y 41if tr . f C T cr: Raw Phannieentists. and Ghardaia, 'P f. tt-TBAI3 ILE G, P 4k... !. ' ,, , , , ; - 't. . ''' For in-. tr atty. of Ha rrisburg by .I:l,N.L43anarrit. . . . . . Septlllawly . i t , i ; -- fifl a ti:oo l 4 l i liP iEl •'' tatE•PILLEPAND PHOKNIXBITTERii. fliiitESE; l iiikrlODllia•liiiiitt i nblVilihell'ireL forkthe putblieftr ii petit* of THIRTYIYESITIontd : during that time have maintaineda high character .in al moat every Of 'fru; Globe, forAbeir extraordinary latiff Immediate power, ef , Feliprlng, perfect healthbolocr. sans t suffering under nearif every kind ` ' or (Weise to Which the human frame is liable; tt , • T hiefol lowing aseamong . the distressing variety .19kU- . A in 1 man _Olean Which the • Vt.:at tiLt. 'KIF I E memiciNts • iji_tellitiAiiisnlie fidthlife, -, '' t t . , •'5 ., Jr 7 -:' , ! '' a;0 w B RearmalkbPamirOuttOrolessaingastilrit sad second Stoinichi;,and _creating a. flow of pure - , healthy oihf,i hateirdi of 414 'astir lad , teed liln.dEtALW LINNCY Loss clAppetits,Meratburp,Aleadneko,_Rest leisneint;lll-TerdPer, AraletY;Lifignor anfi Melancholy w hicht arelheithueriflTOltrolleitrilmTebl:dotta vikri , telt; as a natural consequence obits,pre„. 4 .... A1%0. 1 COSTIVENESS, by Cleanshigihe'WhOS I dr • thelinpntisee r.wliVitt,:solvent :process, and • *Use._ _. , lents; all vielett purges leave the bowels, costive within - iiff EMS of all kipds„. by restoring a regitiiii'ardrilelifth; through the'pelcess of respiration In sunlit omen amt. the thorough ehlutiatefit aintasunalob *ruction I:others- . • , • The II SE MEDIENES 'have been ''llifoiritt ..„ " go atria BITEUMATInftII pertrytutintly -lo: Orfieis‘Nalol„and SOW In half that time; by remoO;Ogiticarinflawaration fronethe muscles and llgamehMorthe Rains. !, iDRORFILE S. of - *lidera, hylreetog aneistrengtbes tiethellanhys and bladder, therriperat '' Ostilellglit folly tin:these Important oatiekithd.'hehtie Nave .ever beed found a qualm. rem edy for .9 , v . wwisi crie s of DRAVINV . -'.• ''' ' • AIso..•IiVQHMS, hF Asio4Blng rcom th e• leggioso of the. one* tlns.eliroy matter to w tett these creatures ~., yiffghilry. .17LCED.54. and IN MISTEEATE SORES, bri de perfect purity which dash LIFE MIDI. C'hidi.give tot the biood,. antballthe hailers.; •.` __'. ThICODISOTIC.ERUPTIDFIS and Bp COYPUS. lONH, bi• their iilierateeffeett7 tipeethe'letdillint 'feed the' nidnount.the morbid state, of,,sopien: oceintynis all ,eruptive conkPlithits, Sallow, cloudy, AO other disagree.: able noriepiationiJ . .:-: :a ~, : •, ai ::: ,v ~:-a-t.,- ~; .:,,,Thkuo3e..of . t4ese 'Pills for.* very short times,* enact MI entir e - mire of SALT - .lt - DVIIY3I, and B._._Lairtklaghti liiintellielli 10 the. nlearnees • of the: altin. t CONEOR COLDS andINTI.IIENZA will always be cureSby oili; dose, orSy two In the worst cares. , %".. -- . .- i 1 ....PILES.- F lia original proprietor of these tnedleink, : was cured of Piles . , of 35 years- sanding bythe use of the . LIFE ILEDICDTINUiIoriaI .. .-..- : ....,‘, ... .. . •..- , ; NEVE AND AGiliih.--Fer tills lidolisSO of the Mesterirc M onititiliese ladidnes will be found &Safe, -Sifted'', and certain remedy. Other Medicines have) the ,nyetem subject to a return ofthe disease—score by these Medicines is per menet:it—TlM THRIF, - BE SATIbTIND, Asa OfirCURED.... . . .. . _ .. .. ~ BI ' aiND - LIVER ioOI!4 PLAILIIITS.443BaiskAi-liaiairry;Lost ro v,-Ammte, and Dip9M,,-PoraPiunt•the Mediainps :have beep used lid most •lfereetclar restate 10. eases of 'thin ditscrip ti - i+SingnSTO;and forofohn In its worst formeatelds to,kbenilld.ret powerfun action of these ritinarkable,Medi. CNU. , --Night hweetsi''Nervctuil Debility Nervind ,Com tloaint..-gt i ip t-ZONPttakOox , i'he WeltrAr,Paintera' . li are •' T 'cu red Pt " •' ' :-.::-; MILIAL ADLYEASES,—Pirsais whose .9SW:ha lOnarilaive become impaired by Pe istindiatous use of Mercury; Wailed these Medichtetin perfect cure, leather nevnrfall to _entailnitel from the nyetern„ all the effects of Mercury, in fi nitely sooner than the meet power fethreidiretiothoihnittipidelif,,';; '. -', ',- •-•- ; .' , litep,tiqed lull sold py , - , W. B. liciewair, 3..4 Weeaviity, New YOrlr. trl Sbitsido by all Diugglids. : .; . -jy2o-dately, I Si OtE :A ..a.griet - •-•iTIEEDELAWARE MUTUAL , - 'StiretritiSuranCO . CO. INcoRPoRkTE.II.II33O.•.: CAPITAL AND AsAls. , , $904.907.61 TaripuattbroompAlri Ott h America, F P HILA DELPHIA. 'INCORPORATED 1794. iIAT!TAI; AND ABBlsls. :,$t.210.476.19. rTIHE , UNDERSIGNED ; as Agent for the yj Owe MAI-00,11Annivitdes wake Insurance against toss or damage by 'dry; either perpetually or au nuallyi'dniffroperty in QUO , tattit catimantry. Miniße.V. 4 / 011,1, 4 Tnull 3 PorfaOloOlislor also taken. Apply`pers nay or' brlider ,l dtw2y.. 71 1 ,:; ; . , ISIDLUAIft IBDEBLER, ,Ermieburg, Fa. -.;..;: 4013. N. MABURER, " I ta:WJEtavir STiMfiraßuArf,pv AND li3rEaDß Ilittfoimethil- while, that [1144 p aha }pis lufattut skthe_aWe meatisonii place, an WEAV bad continent - cud the woOG - 11.11,10 and OARPET tiMailliluEugabnalbiht Various branches.. He is pre „parptt,to HL: all, orders., at the shortest notice, and w in vusisirtneVenaral” aatisriteabiti ' - nts' - prices win be . 1. Aa 8 1 ) 4 11 1.1 0 4. ;I: s i 0. . ,..; • ..- .•• ;1, ~ ,;.: • • H 4 114 9frTled o n 'the business Poi many years la -Oa igfaild (yea two years here, and also having had got, ea experience irt tits country, be is fully cola t ' Vieuoto at work *minima to min, and now la Anise 'a, trhuroßabb ) share of eustont. from Jilts lenOW Het ..- 011 lgrittutnanditeteirtment af Qtrpeta are sways kg , * ir4,„. : ll 4lslam% . ,,miLitu l asi t t at the intreaurt4e, orfd. mama I ,:t ri Vff RECE D. *a t go t i b igv,PpLrYrcll ALES, Aiwa; tileiewere a r:6?„‘ 1431tTER. 4 17; „34Pati H . ZIEGLER. , 73 Marta. Street. 4 '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers