Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, February 14, 1861, Image 3

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11 . Rl3
Thursday Afternoon, February 14, 1861.
SUDDEN MATH —William lonia died on Sun
day morning, at his residence in Greensburg,
after a short illness. He was in the employ of
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and held
the position of master mason on the road.. He
was interred with Masonic honors.
FIRE COMPANY 111strroos.—A special meeting
of the Citizen Fire CompanYvtind - an adjourned
meeting of the Good Will Fire Company, will
will be held in their respective halls this even
ing, at seven o'clock, for the transaction of
important business.
termed thie -month : Sprout liele 7 the kail or
wort then beginning in sprout. The month
has the fishes for its zodiacal sign. The Roman
Emperor Ildnia placed it-second in the calen
dar, and dedicated it to' Neptune, the lord of
waters. Spencer introduces February, sitting
In an old wagon,.
DAwn of two tuber+, for the seaman fitting, .
Which throggh the thof tinforo (ill softly elide,
Andawlra away ; yet bed he by hie side
His tileitgli and balms fit to till the ground.
THE CAVALRY SQUADRON will meet for drill on
the Park grounds next. Saturday afternoon at
two o'clock. As it is the design of the "Squad
ron" to participate in the parade on the twen
ty-second, we presume temporary officers will
be elected to take command on that occasion.
A large number of persons—mostly young men
of the adjoining rural districts—have signed
the roll of the company ; and from the energy
and zeal manifested by them in behalf of this
new military organization, we, are encouraged
to hope that there will soon be a Srst-class
Cavalry Squadron added to the military force
of our county. Forward ! gentlemen !
THE Larast—The spring fashions for panta
loons are already out in Philadelphia, .and rf
course will soon he introduced here by the
"ton." The favorite style is a narrow plaid, in
enormous squares. Our repOrtorial cotemporary
of the North American saw a sample yesterday,
which he thus describes : "One bar rests upon
the boot, the next at the knee, and the thi at
the hip, the fourth - forming the waistband.—
The legs of the gentleman sporting these trow
seriireminded us of the long loop-bole windows
in the front of the Eastern Penitentiary. The
color is alively brickiinscbarred with orange."
There's a fashion that is a fashion !
Tus OLD SOLDIERS of this city request us to
extend an invitation to all their formeAcom
panions•ic-arms reilding in the neighbOring
towns and villages, to visit Harrisburg on the
22d lust , and unite with them in the parade
on the occasion of raising the "stars and
stripes" to the dome of the CapitoL The vete
rens who rallied under the American Flag in
the second war of independence and marched
to the defence of their country, are the very
men who ought to participate in the contem
plated demonstration, and we .hope to see a
large body of them here. They will be heart . -
ily welcomed and hospitably entertained.
hanna river is unusually high at this time, and
still rising. Large quantities of icennd drift
wood passed down yesterday and this morning.
Last evening one of the spans of the Northern
Central Relirold Bridge lodged at the head of
Bridge Island, where it remained for some
time, but was finally swept away by the In
creasing' current. From the swollen and tur
bulent condition of the river, and the break
ing up of the ice in the branches and creeks
tributary thereto., fears are entertained that
considerable damage bas been done to the
canals and private property in the Juniata and
upper Susquehanna regions. We have no re
ports from the "booms," and presume they
are all safe.
WSDNESDAY, the commencement of the
religious fast commonly called "Lent," was.
observed .yesterday by some of our Christian
denominations, appropriate Forcipes being held
in the Catholic and Episcopal churches. Lent
itself is so called from the time of the year
wherein it is observed. The word is derived
from the Saxoe, and signifies Spring ; during
the last century it also had the meaning of the
Spring Fast. Ash Wednesday takes its name
from the custom, long ago established in the
Catholic church, of marking the foreheads of
the people ;l •in the form of a cross, with- ashes
made from the palms blessed the year previOuth
in commemoration of our
_Saviour's triumphal
entrance - into Jerusalem. The ceremony is
performed by the priests, after the regular mass
for the day has been offered. These words ac
company the act, expressive of its significance ;
"Me mento, homo, quod pulvis ea, et in pul
verem reverteris—Remember, man, thou art
dust, and shalt return;to dust." The gay sea
son, now-a-days, generally terminates at thin
period—it being deemed not only a moral of
fence, but also one againit etiquette, to indulge
in worldly amusements during the solemn fast.
The Catholic and Epiacopalian churches are
opened on Ash Wednesday, and in the latter
sermons suited to the . occasion are usual!,
preached. Fasting is observed for forty days ;
that is to say, until Easter Sunday. • The regn‘
lations imposed upon those who acknowledge
the supremacy of the4loman:See„ vary hr dif
ferent quarters of the globe, in plaint of sever
ity, and are, in all cases, adjudged by the au
thorities of St Peter's. The bishops and arch
bishops cause these instructions to be published
in every parish, for , the information of all who
are bound, by their allegiance to the Cabello,
faith, to comply with the precepts of the fast.
The season of forty days will, no doubt, be
observed with more than ordinary solemnity;
humility and prayer, because of the peduliar
circumstances of the times. "The prayers •of
the righteous availeth much;" kid weirust the
preservation Of our glorious Union may not be'
forgotten in the private devotions and public
prayers of thew who delight in serving the .
]duster in all the means ot grace.
PAINE HAVANA CHUM at Keller's Drug
RADISH.--We are indebted to Mr. Geo
Hynieka for several bunches of horse radish
raised by him 0 Lis "country seat," and finer
specimens we have never seen in this market.
We thank the gentleman for his kind attention.
Snaove TUESDAY, which occurred .this week,
was duly observed by many families, who in
dulged in the ancient custom of eating "pan
cakes." There are many other customs which
were formerly observed with regularity, such
as playing games, etc., but in this latitude no
Arttee of them remain.
Tae SCARLET FEVER is not confined to Dau
phin, where it has desolated numerous homes
within a brief period. The disease prevails to
a considerable extent in New Cumberl and and
vicinity, where many families have been robbed
of their "household jewels." We have not
heard of any fatal cases in our city, up to this
time; but it is to be feared that the "red demon
of the nursery" will-not pass us by. The vari
able weather we are now experiencing is decid
edly unhealthy, and parents cannot- be too
careful of their little ones. Colds are readily
contracted by insufficient clothing and undue
exposure, and often result fatally, superiudu
dug scarlet fever, croup and diptheria, and
other diseases whiCh baffle the skill of our best
physicians: All.ahonld act upon the old maxim
that "an ounce of prevention is better than a
pound of cure." *
FANNY FERN on Snorprao.--Fanny Fern has
been discoursing upon the afflictione of shop
ping. She bate s being compelled to buy any
thing against her will, but sometimes has to
submit. She says :
Enter the door, and three clerks immediate
ly opting from' the scabbard and ask--" what is
IL?" Ot course, you immediately, forget any
intentions you might have had of buying any
thing, and before you have time to recall your
senses, you find yourselves listening to a run
ning inventory of everything in that shop,
with the prices, from a cotton handkerchief to
a silken velvet cloak or dress. If you are not
a lunatic by that time, you make a feeble at
tempt to get out into the open air ; which
praiseworthy effort is frustrated by a procession
of clerks who accompany you down the store,
each with a pieee of gdods over one arm, which
they pat and stroke with caressing fingers, and
would be happy to know "if it is eleven or
twelve yards you will need for your dress."
LieION.•—A few mornings since an accident of
an unusual character happened to a freight
train on the Pennsylvania Railroad, while as
cending the western slope of the Allegheny
Mountain. At Lilly's station the coupling of
the rear car in the train gave way,- and beir4
heavily laden with coal, it began to descend
the slope, the speed gradually increasing With
the distance. The car continued its flight
without interruption to Wilmore Station, a dis
tance of seven miles. At this point an 'engine
was standing on the track, heading eastWard
ly., Two railroad men were quietly seated
upon the cow-caicqr discussing the news of
the day, when their atteaticui,was,
the rapid approach of the car. They hardly
knew what to make .of this singular visitor,
but it did not take them long to make up their
minds about leaving their comfortable seats.
When they got out of harm's way, they quiet
ly watched the collision, which was described
es one of the hardest bumps they ever heard.
The car was making at least forty miles an
hour, and both the car and the front of the
engine were badly damaged.
Us DYSPEPTIC. —Of the numerous diseases
which afflict suffering humanity, the most pre
valent in this country is that commonly known
as "dyspepsia; and of all miserable sinners
who grumble their way through the world, its
victims are the most miserable. They are to be
met with everywhere, id all conditions of life,
and among all classes of society. ffarrisburg
has its full share of confirmed dyspeptics, and
having been similarly afflicted; a "long time
ago," we know bow to sympathize with them
in their sufferings. A writer on the subject,
who evidently speaks from experience, says
truly that digestion is the very origin of life and
growth. Eating does a man no good unless the I
nutriment of the food is seized hold of by
the ingenious organs of digestion and transfer
red, particle by particle, to the blood, and
then& into every pertion of the kali t 4) supply
the perpetual, wear and tear , of the physical
system. There is virtue in eating per se.--
eefsteak undigestedidoes a man no more good
than it dklihe gridiron onwhich it was broiled.
On the contrary it does him positive harm. If
then the, digestive organs fail to perform their
appropriate functions, every part of the body
by degrees becomes feeble`and nerveless. The
repairs and supplies being cut of. every muscle,
nerve, bone and sinew, grows 'dank weaker.
Nor does the mind escape 'the general decay.
The reasoning powers gradually.loie their vig
or. and the memory becomes dull imkunrelia
ble. A man who was once a man is reduced to
half a man, and that half can only work with
half He native energy. 'This tendency to stu
pidity and inaction, in its turn still further im
pairs the digestive organs, causing "them to
grow more dead and useless, and the sad result
is a confirmed spiritless an4 , f4+llle dyspeptic.
But the story is tot all told Yet: Indigestion
not only allows the physical system: ;to 'go to
decay, and the mental powers to weir out, but
it demoralizes the whole disposition and tem
per. }Ake a sick ass overloaded with grain, its
victim is not only unable to proceed but grows
cross, surly, snarling and obstinate under his
misfortune.' A man may have the measles, the
typhoid fever, or even pulmonary consumption,
and still retain his amiability of temper. 'But
no man ever yet was troubled with bad diges
tion and kept good natured. The milk of hu
man kindness loses all the cream of its native
excellence, and actually becomes sow as a direct
result of indigestion. In fact, if it were not
grace instead of good works by Which we are'
saved, no dyspeptic would ever enter the Sing
dour of Heaven. In the soil of his heart not one
of the,cliristiari'virtues but thatgrnws,sciagged
and thorny. Bad, melancholy and misanthropic,,
wealth 'becomes useless, friends unappreciated,
and life itself a burden. To sum up all, It has
been said that dyspepsia is a physical purgatory.
Happy is that man who cap ; come out of: its,
Ares chastened and purified.
PettnoPluania mutt ehursbap /tfternoon, itbruary 14, 1861.
Pam HAVANA CIOARB at Keller's Drug
SENATOR LANDON FOR "Maim" —Nobody c m
doubt the position of Senator Landon, after the
practical demonstration be has given of his
"attachment" to an enduring and perpetual
"union." He was recently wedded to a fair
daughter of Wyoming county, said to be a lad3r
every way worthy of the gifted and eloquent
Senator. May the blessing of Heaven rest upon
"Union of hearts and unibn of Lauds—
EDITORIAL Viser.—Our old-time office "chum,"
John Nash, Esq., now one of the editors of the
Huntingdon Journal and American, honored us
with an unexpected visit yesterday. We were
pleased to find him in excellent health, and as
good loolcing as in times /atig,syne. - The
Journal a 'give", country paper-one of the
most readablet on- our exchange' ibit---got up
with a degree of-ability and tact highly credita
ble to Mr. Nash and his equally clever
ate, Mr. Whittaker.. May - large accessions of
cash-paying subscribers be added to theirlist.
ment has been effected with the Pennsylvania
Raibroad Company by which all military com
panies desiring to visit Harrisburg and partici
pate in payade on the 22d inst., will he
passed over the road FREE OF cannon. We
lehrn that several companies in Huntingdon
and Blair counties, one or two in Philadelphia,
and others in various towns along the line of
the road, are making preparations to come, so
that we may confidently anticipate the largest
and finest military display ever witnessed here.
The probability is that , a similar , arrangement
will be made with the other railroad companies.
A Goon Suctaitsuoiv.—Wi recently published,
"with an atfirrria tive recommendation," a bill
introdM;eil by eome - meinber of the House who
,the services` of the "boys who run
with the-thisheene," to exempt the officers`and
members of all regularly organized fire cord
parties froorthe performance of military duty,
unless in time of Retrial war. A cotemporary,
endoraing the measure, says that the "boys"
I devote !more time and• money to the pcotection
of the rights and property of olhbrs than all
the military companies put together, but mg
psis that the bill 'rbe so amended as to ern
brace only the active members and exclude from
its benefits the mere drones in the fire •compa
nies." We heartily second the amendment,
and. submit itto , the Consideration of our legis
lative .
PESSRTID VILLAGE.—One of the most in
teresting incidents in the history of Cambria
county is the settlement of the, village of Bue
lah, scarcely a trace of which now remains. It
was founded by a body of Welshmen, and lays
in a small valley on the. Blacklick creek, in
the township of Cambria, then in Somerset
county, but afterwards inoluded in the new
county of Cambria. They laid out streets, pub
lished a newspaper , called The Western Sky,
built a library and seminary, and seemed on
-She road - to prosperity,When the establishment,
of the town of Ebensburg took away every in
habitant, and the streets are obliterated,
and every house except a shaky wooden dwell
ing_ has disappeared. The county of Cambria
was wild and solitary enough, with its Moun
tain peaks and lonely water courses, but the
story of this deserted village adds a still more
picturesque interest to its scenery.
.Tus BLoomilerm MYSTERY.—The Perry county
Freeman, gives ' some further particulars of
Wm. Weaver, whose recent arrest on a charge
fo poisoning his wife, was noticed in'the TELE
GRAPH. The Freeman says:
'Wm. Weaver, the huriband of the deceased
woman, was living near Parkesburg, Chester
county in this State, and we understand came
to -Perry county about April, 1859.. Ho re
moved his family from Centre township to
Bloomfield in the'beginning of last November,
but he had been acting as hostler at Mr.Speak
man's hotel since August last. The sudden
death of his wife took our citizens by surprise.
His actions after her death—having married
another wife about lour weeks after' the death
of his first one, and gone off—the discovery
that he had purchased strichnine at Newport
and gave his receipt therefor—the return of a
couple of his daughters from Chester county,
whither he lead sent them, and their declare
Monk and various other suspicions circumatan
stantes--all seemed to fasten suspicion upon him,
him, and caused a, legal investigation to be
made.. -At the time of his wife's death, be had
the sympathy of our people, and one of the be
nevolent associations of our borough.paid the
funeral expenses, though it was subsequently
discovored that he had money enough to have
done =so himself. Dr. Lefever has gone with
the stoniach, &c., to Philadelphia, to have it
analyzed by a professional chemist ; and the
Inquest have adjourned until Friday, or until
the chemist% certificate shall be received, be.
fore they make their-Serdiet." -
LARGE Anurvar, or Naw Gooes.—Tim CHEAP
ser GOODS MID= Ysr.-2,000 yards Canton
flannel at 4 1.0 cents, worth 12 cents. 2,000
yards bleached 4-4 muslin at 10 cents, worthl2
cents. 100 Pe beautiful new'style. Hilt at 10
cents, worth 12 cents. 50 Pe print at 7 and 8
cents, worth 12 cents, wairmited fast color.-
1,500 yards of unbleached muslin at 10 cents,
the best ever made for the price. 1,000 under
shirts and drawers at 50, 62 and 75 cents.—
Socks and and ladies stockings a large variety.
Our, whole stock of winter goods, such as
Shawls, De Laines, Pant Stuff, Cloth, and all
kinds of Flannels I will sell off' at cost. Now
is the time to get bargains. S. LZWY,
Rhoads' old corner.
O .
WHISKY just received and for , sale by
"jaifi . 78 Market Street.
ONE rOli TWO::0ITY 'BONDS 'of $5OO
each. bearing 6 per cent. interest, being a safe and
good investment. Apply to
fetki Smd • W. Kt ,VERIIKKE.
D.E,N T T R Y.
;SURGERY, has returned And resumed his Practice
wait° street opposite the "Brady House," where he
will be pleased to Attend to all.whe may desire his ear
[sep27) B. 11: GILDER, D. D. S.
HERINOW, Plain and Figured.
At FRAS,lsin and Fi g ured.
oL3 L ara
Styles and Quality.
1415 Tlie g pr ST iera l K n ' all g al ß u L atn N v i TOno Sn ds 4 , W oireiamination, will
tdifelind "lower than ever,",at •
jan24 Next door to the Harrisburg Bank.
A unlan that none may sever."
COUGIIS.—The sudden divulges of our climate
are sources of Pulmonary, Bronchial and Asthmatic Af
fections. experience having proved that simple reme
dies often act speedily and certainly when taken in the
early stages of the disease, recourse should at once be
had to "Brown's Bronchial Troches," or Lozenges, let
the Cold, Cough or Irritation of the Throat be ever so
slight, as by this precaution a more serious attack may
be warded off. Public Speakers and Singers will find
thenkeffectnal for clearing and strengthening the voice.
See tAlvertisement. delo-d-swaw6m
THE ADVERTISER, having been restored to
'health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after
having suffered several years with a severe lung affect
ton, and that dread disease, Consumption—is anxious to
make known to hie tellow•sufferere the means of cure.
To all who desire It, ho will send a copy of the pre-
seriptioh used (free of charge), With the directions for
preparing and usibg the same, which they will find a
sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Ste. The
Only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription
Is to benefit the afiticted, and spread information which
he coneelvee to be- nvaluable, and he hopes every suf
ferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing,
and may probe n blessing.
Parties wishing the prescription will please address
Kings county, New York.
Infallible iu correcting, regulating, and removing all
obstructions, from whatever cause, and al•
ways successful as a preven , -
the doctors for many years, both in France and
America, with unparalleled success in every case ; and
he is urged by ninny thousand ladies who used them, to
make the Pills public for the alleviation of tho -0 suffering
froui.any irregularities whatever, as well as' to prevent
au increase of family where health will not permit it.—
Females particularly situated, or those supposing them.
selvest o, are cautioned against these Pills while in that
condition, as they are stir- to produce miscarriage, and
the proprietor assumes no responsibility after this edam.
ninon, although their mildness would prevent any mis.
chief to health—otherwise the Pills are recommended.
Full and explicit directions accompany each box. Price
21 00 per box. told wholesale and retail by
CHARLES A. BANNVART, Druggist, _ ,
No. 2 Jones Row, Harrisburg, Pa.
"Ladles," by sending him St 00 to the Harrisburg
Post Office, can have the Pills sent free of observation to
any part of the country (confldentialLy) and "free of pos
tage" by mail Sold also by S. S. STKVENS, Reading;
'JOHNSON, Houtnweir . & Gowns; Philadelphia, J. L. law
BRRUBIZ, Lebanon, Llxviin, B. BErranu, Lancaster; J. A.
Wats. Wrightsville ; E. T. Braun, York ; and by one
druggist in every city and village in the Union, and by
S. D. flown, sale proprietor, New York.
N. 8.--Look out for counterfeits. Buy no Golden Pills
of any kind unless every box is signed S. D. Howe. AU
others area base imposition and unsafe; therefore, as
you value your lives and health, (to say nothing of be
tug humbugged out of your money) buy only of those
who show' the signature of S. D. Howe on every box,
which has recently been added on account of the Pills
being . counterleited. ' deg-dwAsivly.
Cornelius L. Cheoseman, M. D,,
THE coibi
nnation of ingredients in these
. .
Pills-aro the result or a long and extenstre practice.
They are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting
all irregularilien, Painful Menstruation, removing all oh.
etructions, whether from cold or otherwlee, headache,
pain in, the side, palpitation or the heart, whites, all tier.
yowls erections,
ections, hysterics, ratigue, pain in the back and
limbs, &c., disturbed sleep, which arise from interruption
or nature
Or. Cheeseman's Pills are Invaluable, as they will bring
en the monthly period with regularity. Ladies who have
been disappointed in the use of other Pills can place the
utmost confidence in Dr. Obeesetnan's Pills doing all that
they represent to do.
There is one condition of the female system in which the
Pals cannot be taken 'asthma productug a PROULL4.It
RESIILI. She condition referred to is PREGNANCP—
the result, MISCARRIAGE. Such is the irresistible
tendency of the medicine to restore he sexual functions to a
normal., condition, ow ten the reproductive power ni
nature cannot resist it.
WatvauteAstwely vegelablo, and free from anything
Itijarionh, , lbWiteit direiiiiins, width ilionla be read, aa.
company each box. Price $l. Sent by mail on enclosing
$1 to Dit CORNMILIIIS L. CintIMEMAN, Box 1,531, Poet Office,
New York
geld by one _ uggist in every town In the United States
R. B. 11131.'CHINGS,
Boners] Ag , iit for the United States,
19 Broadway, New York,
o wham all Wholesale orders should be add, ..'e4
Sold in Harrisburg by O. A. Its:nouns.
Prepatea from a Prescription of Sir J. Clarke, M.
Physician Extraordinary to the Queen.
This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all
those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female
constitution is subject. , It moderates all excess and re•
moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be
relied on.
it in peculiarly soiled. It will, in a abort time, bring on
the monthly period with regularity.
Each loottk price One , Dol!nr, tears. the Oevernment .
Stamp of oreat Britain, to prevent counterfeits.
These Pills should not be taken by . 1 females during the
FIRST THREE itagTiTS of Pregnaucy,asyhey, are mire
to bring on Miscarriage, but at any other time they are
In all eases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain In
the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpita
tion of the Heft, hysterics and Whites, hese Pills wil
effect a cure when all other means have failed ; and al
though a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel,
antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitution.
Full directions in the pamphlet around each package,
Which should be carefully preserved.
N. 11.--$l.llO and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any au
thorized Agent, will insure a bottle, containing 50 Pills,
by return mail.
For Bah by C. A. DAMMAM lyo dawly
CD X DkT 6 1 1 " M. MI ZIT 'lll
This Ointment bears no resemblance to cy of ter ex
ternal remedy at present before the world. The mode o
its operation is peculiar.
t penetrates to the basis of the disease—goes to its
WY source—and cures it from the dub beneath to the
in on the surface.
- Other outward application! for Scrofula, Salt Rheum,
&c., operate downward, thus driving the disorder inwards,
and often occasioning terrible internal maladies.
Nowros's Ontxxxxr, OD the contrary, throws the poise
of the disease upward, and every particle of it is dis
charged arca the. pores.
Thus the cures it effects Is complete. Not only are the
sores healed—the eruptions removed—the swellings re.
duced—but the seeds of the disease are expelled from the
Sash ; consequently there can be no relapse.
Victims of ulcerous and eruptive complaints, who have
tried every professional mode of treatment and every ad
vertised curative without relief, here is a certain, safe,
and expeditions remedy for the evils you endure. A
ingle'box will satisfy you of the truth ol all that is here,
Since its first introduction, the_ properties of the Oint
ment have been tested in themost obstinate easec.-cases
hat utterly defied the best medical skill in the country,
and upon which the most celebrated healing springs pro
duced no eflect—and in every instance with every suc
Sold in Large Bottler--Price 50 Cents.
GERRIT NORTON, Chemist, Proprietor, New York
Wholesale Druggists, l 6 Beekman sc., N
Sold by Gso.lieuogzu, Harrisburg, Pa. •
Les.—These deservedly popular medicines have met with
astonishing success in the cure of erysipelas, king's evil;
ring worm, Bounty, scrofulous eruptions, and all MI : Ism :
matory diseases of the skin. Other preparations may
afford a temporary relief, but the , combined acti6u
these remedies Will by their detergent and purifying.
properties effect a radieal care in the blood and system.
Sold by all Druggists, at '25c., No. and'Sl per box or
New '2Umertizemtnts.
At the Ninth Exhibition of the Mass. Charitable
Mechanic Association, 1860,
AND MI ONLY 11111111:111,
HE UNDERBIGIfER has: opened , his
LUMBER OFFICE, corner of Thirdatreet and nick
berry alley, near Heres Hotel •
Athe—TWO ROOMS with folding doors TO LET, mita
ble for a l awyer's office. ressession can be Aunt imme
diately. W. F. MURRAY.
Ai o--HORSES AND CARiDAGIM to hire at the same
HEAD Queaures, 6th Div. P. V., 1
Balyishurg, Feb. , s, 1861. -
The Joint Committee of. the Senate and House
of Representatives have' appointed the under
signed, Officer Commanding and Marshal of the
day, to celebrate the anniymisery of the Birth
of Washington, and do honor to the Flag of the
Union, by.displaying it on this grand occasion
from the Dome of the Capitol, which Flag is
sanctified by Ms toil, Ms patriotism and the
glorious achievements of our Revolutionary
sires. •
The Governor, Heads of Departments, Offi
cers and Members of the Senate and House of
Representatives will participate.
The invitation is extended ta,all the military
of the State, Soldiers of the War of 1812, Offi
cers of the Army and Navy, Judges, Clergy,
Masons, Odd Fellows, Firemen, Civic Societies
and Citizens.
T. - The military will form on Friday, Febru
ary 22d, 1861, at 10 o'clock, A. M., on Market
street, the right resting on Third street, to
move, precisely at 107 o'clock, A. N.
Marshal R. A. Lamberton will form the so
cieties on the left of the military.
Marshal David Mumma will form the fire
men on Third street, right resting on• Market
street, facing east. The Menlbals will report.
at Head Quarters, for farther Orders.
11. The order of procession as followia
in three divisions :
Officer Commanding.
General Officers and Staff..
Officers of the Army and Navy.
Soldiers of the War of 1812, bearing the Stars
and Stripes
• Marshal.—R. A. LAMBEBTOL
Governor Curtin.
Orator of the day, Hon. R. M. Palmer, Speaker
of the Senate.
Joint Committee of the Senate and House.
Heads of Departments. •
Judges of the Supreme and District Courts.
Officers and Members of the Senate.
Officers and members of the House.
Masons. .
Odd Fellows.
Civic Socities.
Blendfft—Joima Cox
111. The veteran soldiers of the war 1812
will Mize the flag to the dome of the Capitol.
IV. Major Josaph F. KNIPE detailed com
mander of ordenance to fire national salute of
thirty•four gnus daring the procession, and
thirteen guns at the elevation of the flag.
V. The Cameron Guards,
Capt. Erna; will
perform guard duty at the Capitol.
Route—Form on Third and Market;'
down to Front, down. to Paxton Street,
out to Second, up to Chesnut, up to Third, up
to Market, out to Fourth, up to Walnut, down
to Second, up to Pine, out to Front, up to
State to'the Capitol.
Returning—Down Third to Locust, down to
Front, down to Market. Governor Curtin pass
in Review. Dismissed.
VII. All reports will be made at Head-
Quarters, Jones Howe, by the 15tli of February.
By command of
Major General WM. H. ICBM, -
Officer Commanding and Chief Marshal.
Feb. ' ,
Ouse Cough, Cour t . Hoarseness, Influ
' enza, any Irritation or Soreness of
QQ the Throat, Relieve the Hacking
IiRONGHIAL as c2tl,ler sum enaatr al
Clear and gra; ttrertgifeto •
I \4' oe <Cc? the vice f
- - -
and SINGERS. • •
Pow are aware of the importance of checking. a Cough
or "Common Cold" In. Its drat stage-; that which in the
beginning would yield t o amild reinedk; if neglected, soon
attacks the Lungs. "BROWN'S BRONCHIAL THLCH.F.B 3 '
containing demulcent. ingredients, allay Pulmonary and
Bronchial Irritation.
"That trouble in my Throat, (for which
the "TROCHES" are a specific) haying
made me often a mere whisperer."
recolnmend their nee - to - Public
Speakers." r rH.
REV. 11 , H. CHAPIN.-
"Have proved extremely- Aerviceable
for Hoarseness." -
"Almost instant relief in.the distthasing
labor of breathing peculiar to Asthma."
"Contain no Opium or anything bilnri
ous." DR. A. A. HAVES,
Chemist, Boston. .
"A simple and pleasant combination for
Coughs, Ate."
'Beneficial in Bronchitis •
' DR. J. F. W LANE,
• "I have proved then• excellent for
Whooping Cough."
'•Benefidal when compelled to Speak,
suffering from Cold,"
• St. Danis.
allffeetnal in removing Bierseneas and
Irritation of the Throa , t , , so common with
Speakers slid Singers.
. •La Orange, Ga.
.. Teacher of Hurtle, Southern
Remale College.
' , Great benefit when taken before and
after preaching, as they prevent Hoarse
ness. From their past drect, I think they
will be of permanent advantage to mo. , '
REV. E. ROWLEY, A. tt,
'resident of Athens College, Tenn.
da-Sold by ell Druggists et 26 . mutes box.
Heisery, Gloves, Gauntletts, la large quantities.
Great assortment of Embroideries.
Ladies Underwear, different sizes and quality.
Gentlemen's do do .do
Misses' do = -do ~ do
.Boys' do do do •
Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinettsvleans,
And everything for Men and Boys , wear.
Gentlemens' Shawls.
All goods, without distinction to style or quality, will
be sold at a slight advance, and less than cost of
importation:, •
dl7 . 1 !
- Ixrt . d ? ? 2
. 1 11 -ii• V E ... ll:7l f llib ar u k r e g4 . S4Ba-ink
... YOB,
ROUSEI3 dillerent parts of this oily. ,S bling . aV
tachea to some of them. Possession glven the first of
April next. 02-Bm] CHAS. G. RAWN.
Nttu 2butrtiatments;
A. Distinguished St. Louis Physician Writes
Sr. Loins, July 10,1860.
0. 3. WOOD, Esq.:.- Dear Sir ilea me the pleasure
and Bat Isla ction to transmit to you the beneficial. effects
of your Hair Reateraeve, after a trial of live sears I
commenced tieing your Restorative in January, 18 5,
since which Ulna I. have not been without a bottle on
band. When I commenced the use, my hair
. was quite
thin, and at least oneethird gray. A few applications
stopped its turning, and in three weeks time there was
not a gray hair to be noticed, neither has there been up
to this time. •
After my hair was completely restored, 'continued its
use by applying two or three times per month. My Lair
has ever c ntlnned healthy, soft and glossy, and my
scalp perfectly free from dandruff. I do not imagine the
fa 3121 above mentioned will be of any particular. advan
tage to you, pr oven flatter your vanity at this late day,
as I am well aware they are all known already and even
more wonderful ones throughout the Union. I have oc
copied my time in traveling the greater part of the time
the pastthree years, and have taken pride and pleasure
in recommending your Restorative, and exhibiting its
effecbs in my own case. In several instances I have met
with people that have pronounced it a humbug; saying
they have, used It and without effect. In every instance,
however, it provel, by probing the matter, that they
had not used your article at all, but had nrg.d setae new
article said, to be as good as yours, and aeng at about
half the price. M
I have noticed two or three articles my
self advertised as above, which I have no doubt are
humbugs. It is astonishing, that people will patronize
an article of no reputation, when there is one at hand
that has been proved beyond a doubt.
Apparently some of those charitans have not brains
enough to write an advertisement, as I notice they have
copied yours word for word in several instances, merely
Inserting some other name in place of yours,
I have, within the past Ova years, seen and talked with
more than two thousand persons that have used your
preparation with' perfect success—some for baldness
gray hair, scald head, dandruff, and every disease the
scalp and head aro subject to.
I called to see yau personally at your original place of
business here, but learned you wore now living in New
You are at liberty to 'publish this or refer parties to
me. Any communication addressed to me, care boix No.
1,920, will be promptly answered.
Yours, truly,
WARN&kers, Perry Co., Pa., June 7, 1856
Prof. WOOD, Dear Sir —I was induced . more than a
year ago- to try your valuable Bair Restorative for the
purpose of cleanaingmy head of dandruff. *I bad suffered
with it upon my head for years, and had never been, able
to get anything to do me any good in removing
though I had tried many preparations, until I saw your
advertisement in B,Harrisburg paper. Being there at
the time, I called at Gross -dc Kunkle's drug store, and
beught a bottle, and now am prepared to recommend it ,
to universal nee, for it has completely removedall dand
ruff from my head,. and an application once in two weeks
keeps it free from any itching or other unpleasantness.—
I must also state that my hair had, become quits units
in places, and, by the use of your preparation, has been
.restored toils original color. lam now SO years ot age,
and although I have used two bottles of the Restorative,
no one has.any knowledge of it, 84.1 allow a tew gray
lairs to remain.ln order to have my appearance com
port with my age. My head is now of less trouble to me
in keeping it clean, &c., than at any time- since I have
been a child. I consider your preparation of great, value,
and, although! do not like to expose Myself, I-consider it
my duty to do so. You can use this or any part of it is
any shape you think proper, if it is worth any thing to
you. Yours &c
IL 11. KITH:.
Ihoestuarrom, /ed., July 30, 1859.
Dean BfR : rhere send you a statement that I think
boa. are entitled to the benefit of. I am a resident of
Blosmington,and have been here for over thirty-years.
lam now ov er fifty years of age. For about twenty years
past my hair has been turning considerably gray, an."
was almeat entirely white and very still' and unpliant.
hadueeterranmbero[certtticates of the very :wonderful
.effect of your Hair Restorative but suposed there was
mor fiction than truth In them: but entertaining a strong
desire to haye my hair, "[possible, restored to R s origi
nal color and fineness, as it was in my younger days a
beautifitl black, I concluded I would mialte the experi
ment commencing in a small way: I purchased one of
your small bottles, at one dollar, and ccunmeneed using,
follovring - directions as nearly as 1. caul d. I aeon disco ,•-
oral the dandrulr removed, and my-hair, that eras
off in large:quantities, wascon.aidersibly tightened, nod a
radical change taking place in the color. I have contin
ued to use it, till I have used three of your small bottles
and jest begun on the fourth. I have now as pretty a
head of dark' brown, or light black hair as any man, or
as I had in - my yOuthhiliays, when a boy in the bills of
Western-Virginia: My head is entirely clear or daudraff,
and the hair ceased entirely falling off and as soft and
tine, and reels as oily, as though it was just from-the
hands of a French champooner. Many of my acquaintan
ces frequently say to me +Butler, where did lon get that
flue wig?" I tell them it was the ell'ect of your Restore - -
llyg,. It is almost impossible to convince them that it ie
the original hair of the same old gray head. -
Yours, truly,
Bloomington, Monroe Co., Ind.
WOme'S Hem itsonontvws has arquired a roputatiot
from actual test and experiment which cannot be ea
hanced by newspaper pun's. In our vicinity it has been
extensively used, and, we believe in every case with every
desired rosult,nndancelved the universal endorsement of
alt who have tried it. We therefore vecommendit as one
of those few nostrums which accomplishes all it profess
es, and all the bald and gray . oeuld desire.—Cittumid t
• Pam. WOOD'S HAM RESIVRAWYS.—tu aaothyr column
will be found an advertisement of tine well knows ant
excellent preparation for restoring gray kiir to its origi
nal color. The Hair Restorative else • cures cuttbeous
eruptions, and prevents the Lair falling oft We have
Seen many authentic testimonials in proof of thew, deser
tions some "of:--which are from gentlemen whom we have
known for many years as persona of the most reliable
character. .Bon't dye till you have tried this Rwtorattv6.
- Boston. Olive Branch. .
WOOD'S HAIR HRSTORATIVR.—We are wit in the habit of
puffing every new discovery, for in nine oases out ot tat
they are quack nostrumsc but we take ggiet,pleasure ill
raEommendingProfessot ifood's article alai! whose ha tr
totalling off or turning jgray:/,Our wag iitickiiii-„cqfitriliu
tdr; Finley Johnson,t*,:q., his osperierkatonosyeitalliot
its application, andttains-with us in speakrog of its crirkai33,
Lot alt try it, tunl,hald'hescts will be 'arises snoit_iaCt„
,summor.—BalliatorsTatriair. ,
> 7; se,
WIXID'S HAM iatlgATlVig. gkelirk4 sPecifi 6 gObik
is proved, by nut Milisiobabie evidech,ito,ipossess great':r
effleacy as a restorer of the haiito ifiihtliie vigor. Where
the bead had-licrolut aimkt .4 1 4 1 )&4V0
the Lae of ttiliquellelesthis produioedi itilean n ifitlfoWhri , ,ll tr
glossylalr.L It is? therefore Arid ble,prtparit-iFI
tion for all classes, Its ingredients are such as to effects
ally eradicates dandruff and lithlCitheisrities, which
operate so injurfopely to the hairy It also haunt - Ave
properties of anki&M. descrippm. In] many carif4pbp
plea and other disflgureuußbOttljapkid &tappet]: Wher
ever - disused. There to no fiakadhtiaclitim t 0 he trial
of his remedy, and its effects can only-be beneficial, 143
theeompoun&ifit doesinfikeause.a mirnifest]improve4
meat, is hicapabikor difing
menu are perfectly iimitnowi.--BoiA Transcript, Alia .
A Giant:NW Boom—ln our capacity as condnetiir 'of a
public journal, we are called upon to adveitismthe mire
ails of the day, each of which claims to bemnadolterated
Its composition and infallible in its curative effects.,
with whitjostice we leave our readers to deo:iv:hie In
one instance, however—Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative .
—we are so well assured Witte notable (instates of the
article; 'that we give it our Indorsement as all that its. is
venter and vender claim it to be. Its effect upon a ailing
bead of hair is universally known to ho magical.
lime or guano on exhausted land, it brings its era p ta-6604,
ever applied. Out own thatch is fortunately, Very Infttlmt
thy, but we advise our friends With sparwiy-grnwing,
hair to try the Re-torative.—Columbia Spy.
ALL HAM DYES ABINDOSse.--Word's Great Articre 71e/E
Mikan the Field.--Prorootor Weed stands on an eminence
no chemist, whose attention has been turned to InVenting
a hair tonic, has ever before reached. His fake is end.,
den Mit wOrld•Witie, and thousands who haveetvern Wigs
'or been bald for years are now, through 'therz'useitif bis
preparation, wearing, their own. natural_ and luxuriant
head cevering- Su much for chemistry, the chetnisify
of human life, and the laws which apply to the Ittnbtions
of the system. Prof. Wood studied out tie' human hair ,
its etutracter, its propertiewaud-diseases, and hgtv to re
store the decaying vitality to that ornament ;he satv, as
in his own case, that gray hair 13 unnatural unless the'
age et the individual iteeLeaolted four; -core, and ha be
lieved that the hair could
be naturally reritaliled. lie
tried his own case—itiMost bald rtn4 Wine gray, at the
age of thirty-seven—he restored his own hair in color,
strength ,ari, dluxttriatice, 'and the ,ardele he did it with
he gliVei *Vie world.'Obt'WOolYS RAM RESTORE- -
arid•latie else.treie York Day Boot.
•D IP-0 s
OPNO. 444 Broadway, New York, aria No. Ill. :
11' Rjorket street. St.. Louts, Diu.
Sold in liosion by' C. 'GO:AMIN CO., and M. S.
janl4-eoar . Sea