Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, February 13, 1861, Image 2

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    33ailD Cettgrap4,
Wednesday Afternoon, February 18, 1861.
The Committee appointed on behalf of
the Legislature will meet President LIN
COLN at Pittsburg to-morrow, where he is.
expected to arrive, and we have no doubt
that final arrangements will then be made
by which he will arrive here on the 22d
of this month. Preparations are already
in progress for his proper reception and
entertainment by our citizens generally,
without respect to party.
A Howl from Alabama.
Jeremiah Clemens, ox-Senator from
Alabama, has written a letter to a friend
since the secession of his State, expressing
dolorous foreboding of the result of re
volution. In the Secession Convention,
before the adoption of the ordinance, Mr.
Clemens warned his colleagues that the
act they were about to commit was trea
son, and that, if unsuccessful, it, would
subject them to all the pains and penal
ties of that highest of 'all political crimes.
He announced that he voted for the or
dinance under solemn protest. In his
last letter he indulges in these mournful
reflection,s after the deed is date:
" We are out; we have bid adieu to the stars
and stripes, and abandoned the high privilege
of calling ourselves American citizens. lam
not ashamed to confess that I could not restrain
my tears when the old banner which I have
followed through so many dangers was torn
down, and the flag of Alabama was raised in
its place; I cannot restrain them now when I
am writing; but the deed is done---a new era
has dawned, and all that I can promise is that
no effort shall be spared on my part to prevent
it from becoming an era of disgrace. Ifs we are
not already- involved in a war we soon will be.
Titre is no hope of peace, and he is but little
better than a madman who dreams of a long
exemption from invasion. I shall meet it
when it comes as a soldier should, and fight
through it as long as a hope remains ; when
everything is lost, as I fear it may be, unless
wiser counsels should prevail than those which
have heretofore directed us, I shall drag my
body to the nearest battle field, and lay down a
life which has lost its value."
NA.-A letter from Mr. Gilmer, member
of the House from North Carolina, ap
pealing for compromise, contains the fol
lowing striking passages:—
The free States now number eighteen, the
alavelitates only fifteen. The free States have
majorities in both Housei of Congress ' and - these
majorities soon to be increased. The free States
have the surplus population to settle and make
free States out of the Territories. The slave
States have no surplus. Comnion sense ought
to teach the people of the free States that the
chances are all on their side. They very well
know that if they were to grant all that the
slave States request, the laws of cliniate soil
and productions will settle the question at last;
that'the result will be precisely the same under
any of the theories about which the politicians
of the two sections have each other so much by
the ears.
0 0 0 We have only to have the people
—the industrious masses—look at these ques
tions practically and in their proper bearings,
and they will at once have this quarrel settled,
and the great ship of State again floating at
ease and in safety.
I would have them at once pull up' their
stakes and come pitch their tents around Wash
ington, and command their representatives to
adjust the difficulties which now divide the two
great powerful sections.
Honest Talk About Secession.
In the subjoined'expressions of regret
at the decree of the Georgia Convention
in pronouncing a formal severance of the
borid which unites that State with her
sisters under the Federal Constitution,
we- have the 'evidence of a sentiment
which we are assured would be confessed
by , a majority of the Georgia people if
only thb question of Union or Disunion
could be distinctly and directly brought
before them. We quote from the La
grange (Geo.) Reporter of a late date :
"The deed is done ! Our rights. are—not se
cured / We have been fled and drummed—and
voted out of the Union. We still love the Union.
We love our old Government, because it was
established by the strong arms , and the blood
of as true men as the world ever saw. We
never did have' any war to make on the Govern
ment, but always regarded it as a priceless in
heritance bequeathed to us by our Revolutionary
fathers, and we have adored the Union of the
States because that Union was formed and ce
mented by their blood. We have given them
up and have now left the sacred chambers of
our fathers. The action of Georgia may be right,
and it may be wrong."
WABEENGTON.—The gentlemen Who haVe
undertaken to get up _a , grand Union In
auguration Ball on thelourth of March,
have progressed , finely thus far in their
work, and it promisep to be a.'complete
success. A. plan has been prepared for
the temporary building to be erected for
the purpose on the occasion, on Judiciary
square, and the design is an'admirable one,
as it will afford ample accommodation for
a . large number of people. The site
Ahoßen is one just in front of the barracks,
recently erected near the City Hall for
use by one of the artillery companies re
condi stationed• there by order of Gen.
&lett. The-expense of the ban'is estima
ted atfrom twenty to twentylve thousand
Last summer the Democratic party al
lowed itself to be split in two and its
union dissolved at Charleston and Balti
more rather than grant a slave code for
the territories. Yet the politicians of this
same party are now encouraging Southern
treason by demanding that the Constitu
tion shall be mutiliated by having Crit
tenden's slave-code tacked on to it. These
dirty politicians contend that this slave
code, which the Douglas doughfaces re
fused even to put in a Democratic plat 7
form at Charleston, shall be made part of
the Constitution of the United States, or
disunion shall be permitted to do its worst.
Unless this be done they openly „assert
their determination to back the rebels
with their sympathies, Their money and
their arms . ! Such is the patriotism of
the politicians. With the people it is dif
ferent. Men who have not become cor
rupt and mercenary speak in different
terms. They say that this Government
was built by the shedding of the blood of
thousands, of as good men as ever lived—
that it is the best and freest government
that ever existed, and must not and shall
not be destroyed without a struggle.—
They are ready to pledge their lives and
all that they have for its perpetuity.
Correspondence' of the Daily Telegraph,
WASHINGTON, Feb. 12, 1861
Tennessee has responded to Virginia, by
nobly sustaining the -canoe of the country and
the Union. The election in both States indi
cates more than a mere' devotion to the Union
of American States. It portrays a people's
adherence to principles, at a time when their
prejudices and passions are sought to be aroused
by the demagogues in their midst and the fana
tics abroad, who, under the guise of professed
humanity and religion, are.yet the bitter foes
of a union and reciprocity ty which the sub
lime lessons and truths are inculcated and sus
tained. The/noble decision of the masses of
Tennessee was produced as much by the rancor
and precipitancy of the people of the Cotton
States, as by the manly frankness and noble
conciliation of the masses from the Middle
States. The course and assurances of such
men as Simon Cameron in the Senate,
had much to do with the result in Tennes
see. It gave, to the Union men in that
Commonwealth a starting point and fur
nished them with the very weapons with
which they have so completely demolished the
secessionists. When Simon Cameron declared
that he and the people of his State were will
ing to meet the people of the South on- fair
ground—that they were willing to do-them
justice where a wrong was perpetrated—and
that they regarded this Union as inestimably
more important thari.any of the issues now di
viding parties, it awakened the sympathies and
admiration of the people of the border States - ;
and the elections in Virginia and Tennessee are
part of the resiilt of these noble expressions
and manly invitations to peace. With such
words to quote, as uttered by Senator Camer
on, Andrew - Johnson could assure Ids constitu
ency. that the object of the Republican
party was neither aggressive to -the South
or a. direct interference with its peculiar
institution . ; but having constitutionally tri
umphed, it was the duty of every good citi
zen to insist not only on the inauguration
of Mr. Lincoln, tut to sustain him in all his
efforts to vindicate and enforce the laws. The
'shrewd men of the North must see the utter
impolicy of driving the conservative sentiment
of the South into a eripPort of the last mea
sores adopted at Charleston and Montgomery;
and seeing ;this, they .must be satisfied, after
the election in Tennessee and Virginia, that
Senator Cameron's course during the impend
ingot:lsis has been both sagacious and correct.
The good that he has produced in giving Penn
sylvania so much influence in the settlement of
our difficulties; will be discovered hereafter,
when Pennsylvania. asks for legislation from
the States she - has preserved from revolution
and ruin. Added to this; it has given to Re
peblicitnism in, the Southwest a tone and a
'tempe'r which it has never before possessed,
and which must gather to its ranks the ablest
business and professional men iMthat region.
I have just'seen a telegraphic dispatch from
Montgomery,. Ala., to the effect that South
Carolina.objects to the election of Davis and
Stephens, for President`and Tice President„re
votively, of the Southern Confederacy: Both
these gentlemen are imfavor of areconstruction,
(so this dispatch alleges,) and for thit3 reason
the Palmetto people protest against their elect_
ion. South Carolina will Submit
. to nothing
but absolute , and, eternal separation from her
benefactors, and therefore resists every propo
sition to re-adjust or forever settle the difficulty
WO which the precipitancy of that State 'alone
has plunged the nation. She now declares her de
termination to secede from the Southern Con
and make it a test whether they shall
compel her to join in the uncertainty and share
the responSibility of her own creation. Thus
early has South Carolina shown her dispositicin
to rule or `ruin in the new, as she did in the
:old - Union, and unless the State is placed under
strict surveillance, I would not be astonished if
she yet- accomplished -thee onfusion of the
Christian world.
JOUR A. Guar=
Henry A. Wise has announced that he does
not now, or never did, contemplate a descent on
Washington city at the head - ef a mob, for the
purpOse of taking possession of the public
building& ('en. Scot Vs decided movements
have had a decided influence on the conduct
of many other men, besides Henry-A. Wise.
The fate of John Brown, hung for invading
Virginia, is a lesson which Wise taught, and
which it would be well for Wise to-study, be
fore he attempts the invasion of the District of
Columbia. '
The city is fast AMing up, with strangers,
among whom / notice many Pennsylvanians,
The principal .hotels are-now densely crowded.
go that those to comoWill_ be compelled to act
mitt rough accommodations; or snbruit to many
hacoivordences. . Isoung,
Pennoplvania Zelegrapl), Webnestiap 'Afternoon, february 13, 1861.
Democratic Consistency.
Washington are very objectionable to
Gov. Wise's Secession Army, the latter
being only calculated to act as Infantry.
Taking possession of undefended build
ings is one thing, but marching up such
a long straight street as Pennsylvania
Avenue in the teeth of a battery which
fires twenty times in a minute, is quite
another and different one. When Wash
ington planned the Federal City, it
was remarked by one of. his officers that
no capital in the world was so admirably
arranged for the dispersal of a mob by
Cavalry or Cannon. The traitors who are
striving to undo all Washington's work,
execrate this as much as the rest. Gen.
Scott, however, appreciates and avails
himself of it.
_ TO TR&
The Capitol Guarded by a Force of Police
The Galleries of the House Densely
Thronged with People.
Eloquent' Prayer : for Peace and
Union by Rey. Mr •Stockton. '
Counting of the Electoral Vote by the
Senate and Home.
Lincoln and Hamlin Declared Elected
President and Vice President.
A strong police force was stationed in various
parts of the Capitol this morning, on the
in which the Hall of the House of Representa
tives is located, and some parts of the building
usually open to visitors were closed.
At an early hour the galleries of the House,
and all passages leading thereto, were densely
thronged, in anticipation of the counting of
the votes for President and Vice President of
the United States. Lord Lyons, Mr. Halsen3an,
and other foreign ministers, were among the
distinguished spectators. On no former occa
sion was there a more animated and exciting
HOWN.—The proceeeings were opened with
prayer by the Rev. Mr. STOCKTON, the Chaplain,
in which he. said: God bless the outgoing ZdMin
letration, xaai - itviono ita-labura-hcpeam;-wttli
out further violence`and without-any stain of
blood, and we pray for the incoming adthillif3-
tratiou that Thy blessing may rest on the
President elect in his journey hitherward;
may Thy good proVidence be around and about
him by day and by night, guarding and guiding
him at every step, and we pray that he may
be peacefully and happily inaugurated, and af
terwards by pure, wise and prudent counsels
he may administer the government in such a
manner as Thy name may be glorified and the
welfare of the people in all their relations shall
be advanced, and that our example of civil and
religious liberty maybe followed in all the World.
Mr. Samsun (Ohio) sent up a letter addressed
to .him from the Secretary of the Treasury
again urging speedy measures In view of the
pressing demands upon the Treasury. Mr.
SKI/amen accordingly reported a bill authoriz
ing the President, :in place of any part of the
loan, to issue coupon bonds of a denomination
not exceeding fifty:dollars, and bearing.not ex
ceeding six per centum inteiest, and running
twenty years, and 'to apply such bonds at par
to the creditors who may receive them, the en
tire amount not to exceed that authorized by.
the recent loan act. Mr. Smtmmen made an
explanation, showing the importance of the
Mr. GANNET?, (Va.,) opposed the reporting of
the bill, saying that the President elect had re
cently made a declaration of war and therefore
he (Mr. Garnett,) would throw every obstacle
in the way' f the trawled and military des
potism about to be inaugurated. [Suppressed
Mr. &mamas said that this government will
pay its debts atthe earliest moment. He moved
a suspension of the rules. - -
The SPEAKER said that this was not now in
On motion of Mr. Watemune (Ill.) a tamp
was ordered to be sent to the Senate, informing
that body that the House Was now waiting to
receive them, so that in joint hody the electoral
votes for President and Tice Presidentmay be
opened and the result announced. •
The Senators, preceded by their officers, were
announced. The. members of the House im
mediately arose and remained standing till the
Senators took their seats in front of the Clerk's.
Vice President BREOKINICID4II was conducted'
to the right of the Speaker, and the tellers-
Senator Trumbull ,and Representative Wash
burne, of 'lllinois, and Phelps—took their seats
at the Clerk's desk. - -
. Where order was restored Vice President
BRECKLYBIDOB rose and said :
"We have assembled pursuant to the Con
stitution, in order that the electoral votes roy
be counted, and • the result declared for Pregir
dent and Vice-President for the term com
mencing the 4th ol March,lB6l ; and it is
made my duty, under the Constitution, to open
the certificates of election- in the presenca of
the two Houses, and I now proceed to the per
formance of that duty.
Vice_President Basommtrome then opened the
package containing the electoral vote of Maine.
and handed it to the tellers when the certlft-:
cate was read and the Secretary of the Senate
made a note thereof.
The electoral votes of New Hampshire, Mas
sachusetts, McKie Island, Connecticut, Ver
mont and New York were similarly disposed of.
Mr. Donates suggested; and no objections
made, that the formal part of the certificate
and the names of the electors be omitted from
the reading. • '
The returns.• -from = the - various States were
proceeded 'with, the reading of the vote of
South Carolina being productive of a good 'hu.
mored excitement. The reading of the electo
ral votes was completed by the Tellers, who
reported the result. Whereupon the Vice Pre
sident, rising, said:
&matey LINCOLN, of Illinois, baying receiv
ed a majority of the whole-number of electoral
votes, is duly elected President of 'the United.
Stotes for the four years commencing' on the
4th of March, 1881. ' :
- He mein a similar announceinent as to Hew
xiaap HAMLIN, of Maine, for Vice President.
Enthusiastic Receptions by the People.
Important Speech of Mr. Lincoln.
INDIANAPOLIS, Feb. 12.--Governor Morton
Tailed on Mr. Lincoln this morning at the Bates
House, and escorted him• and a part of the
Presidential cortege to the Gubernatorial Man
sion, where the party breakfasted.
Mrs. Lincoln and her two sons arrived this
morning and joined her husband.
An immense crowd comn3enc..d gathering in
the vicinity of the Bates House at daylight,
and at nine.o'clock every available space near
the hail was occupied. The crowd in the par
lors, reception rooms and halls of the hotel
was equally as great as last night.
Previous to Mr. Lincoln's departure from
the Bates House, he was again introduced from
the balcony by Hansel Meredith.
ltr Lincoln said he had no speech to make.
If be made speeches wherever his friends de
sired; he would not be able to reach the Nation
al Capital at the appointed time. He thanked
the assemblage- fur, thtir reception, trusting
that they all might 'fleet aeain under one flag
of one Union, and bade them an affectionate
At 101 o'clock, MT. Lincoln and his suite.
were escorted by the Governor and a Commit
tee of the Legislature, to the depot, amid the
shouts of the multitude. Capt. G. W. Hazzard,
11. S. A., at the request of Mr Lincoln, joined
the party here.
Moms, (Ind.,) Feb. 12, 1.10 P. M.—The
train bearing the President and family and in
vited guests, arrived here without detention.
Large and enthusiastic crowds were assembled
at all the stations. The train stopped only at
Shelbyville and Greensburg, where Mr. Lin
coln appeared at the rear end of the train and
spoke a few words. Every precaution it taken
by the Railroad Company to insure the safety
of the train. Flagmen'are stationed at every
road and crossing, and half way between them.
They display the American flag as the signal
for " all right."
LAWBENOKBURG, IL. Feb. 12.—An immense
crowd was gathered at the depot here, on the
arrival of train, and lamps and banners
were, suspended across,the track. •Mr. Lincoln
appeared and made a brief speech. He hoped
that we were all Union men here, and friendly
with our neighbors across the river. He was
frequently interrupted with cheers The train
moved off amid the firing of salutes and in
multuouli cheering. The National airs wep
CINCINNATI, Feb. 12.—The train with Mr.
Wooln and party arrived here at the appoint
ed Urns. The foot of Fith street was literally
blocked with people, and the locomotive was
compelled to stop ; the crowd was so great that
it was impossible to get out of the way at the
depot, and it was found necessary to bring the
military and police forces into requisition to
clear the track.
This reception is an era in the history of Cin•
cinnati. The weather was mild and `beautiful,
and the streets were crowded with citizens and
people from this and the neighboring,States.—' through -- whictr- -am prt......aiva
passed had been crowded from an early hour
in the day, and the windows were filled with
ladies. The Burnett, where the Presidential
party stop, was handsomely decorated, and
every arrangement had been made for the com
fort of the distinguished guests. The stars and
stripes were flying from all the public bultd
ins, as well as from a number of private
stores and dwellings.
At halt past ten o'clock, the military, which
made - a• fine display,•and the Committee of Ar
rangements, were at the Indianopolis and Cin
cinnati Depot.
On the arrival of the train Mayor Bishop was
introduced, and he:welcomed the President
elect to the city in a few appropriate remarks.
Mr. Lincoln was escorted to the white house.
His appearance was hailed with deafening ap
plause front the vast concourse of people.
The' procession, which was under the mar
shalship of Miles Greenwood, then took up its
march, and passed through the principal streets,
amid•the cheers of men and the waving of flags
and handkerchiefs by the ladies, to the Bur
nett House, where it arrived at a quarter past
five o'clock. Mr. Lincoln entered the Hotel,
the hinds playing Hail Columbia and the Star
Spangled Banner. • .
After a few moments' rest, Mr. Lincoln made
his appearance on the balcony, accompanied by
Mayor Bishop, who made a short introdnctory
k' * r. * GO -- DD
Mr. Lincoln then spoke as follows
I have spoken but once before this in Cincin
nati. That was a sear previous to the late
Presidential election. On that occasion, in a
playful manner, but with sincere words, I ad
dressed much of whit I Said to the Kentuckians.
I gave my opinion that we, as Republicans,
would ultimately beat them as Democrats, but
that they could postpone that result longer by
nominating Senator Douglas for the Presidency
than they could in any other way. They tlid
not, in any-true sense of the word, nominate
Mr. Douglas, and the result has come certainly
as soon as ever I expected. I also told them
how I 'eirpected they would . be treated after
they should have been beaten_, and I now wish
to call their attention to what I then said :
"When we do, as we say we will, beat you,
you, perhaps, want to know what we will do
with. yon.: I will tell you, as far as lam au=
thorized to speak for the Opposition, what we
mean to do with yob. We mean to treat you
as near as we-possibly can as Washington, Jef
ferson and Madison treated you. We mean to
leave you alone, and in no way to interfere
with your institutions—to abide by all and
every compromise of the Constitution. In
a word—coming back to the original pro
position—to treat you, so far as degenerate
men—if we have degenerated—may, accord
ing to the example of those noble fathers—
Washington, Jefferson and Madison. •We
mean to remember that you are as good as
we'; diet there is no difference between us,
othei-thari the difference of circumstances.. We
mean to recognize and bear in mind always
that yokhave as good hearts in your bosoms as
other people, or, as we claim to have, and to
treat_ you accordingly."
Fellow-citizens of Kentucky—friends, bre
.thren—may I call you, such—in my new, po
eition I see no occasion and feel no inclination
to retrace a word of this. If it shall not ,be
Made good, be assured that the fault shall not
be Mine. • '
, These remarks , were received with , great en
Mr. Lincoln and suite left the Bernet House
at 8.30 this morning, accompanied by a large
number of citizens and the Committee of the
Ohio Legislature, for Little Miami depot. A
special train of , two cars left the depot at nine,
to - be due in cOlumbus at two. fdr. Lincoln
stolid on the plitform of the. rear car 80 the
_train went out of the depot, bowing a farewell
to the crowd, who cheered enthusiastically.—
Mr. A. Stager, general superintendent of the
Western Union Telegraph company, goes with
the Presidential party as far as Buffalo, with an
apparatus for making connection with the
wires between stations in case of accident to the
Buildings, Boats, Bridges, &c., Swept Off
by the Flood.
The ice in the river broke up this morning,
causing immense damage in thii city. Steam
ers, barges, and canal boats have been driven
up on the docks and into the streets. The
State street bridge is a complete wreck, and
the bridges at Hamilton and Columbia streets
are partially destroyed. Several' stores along
the docks have been demolished. Canal boats
with large quantities of lumber, staves, etc.;
and the offices located along the river, have
been carried off by the ice. A number of
buildings and boats are jammed together in the
basin in an extraordinary manner. The lose
will be very great, and the water is still rapid
ly rising, indicating that the ice is jammed be
low. Much additional damage is apprehended.
The telegraph wires to Troy have been pros
Flood In the Delaware Elver.
EtaToN, Pa., Feb. 13
There is a flood in the Delaware river, but
the_ water is falling at noon, and the canals are
all safe.
Destructive Fire in Portland.
PORTLAND, Me., Feb. 13
The block of buildings Nos. 33 and 37 on
Commercial street, occupied by Sherman and
Hall, and others, and containing a large stock
of tobacco, etc., was destroyed by fire this morn
Ntu) 2bvertizeintnts.
rile Buehler House Restaufant, with sale
of fixtures. 3t
All`persons indebted to the estate of.
Daniel Rhoads, Assignor, are hereby notified to call
upon the Assignee and make settlement on or before
Wednesday the 20th of March, as after that day the
books will be placed in the bands of A. J. Herr Esq., for
col'ection: EBY BIERS,
Assignee of D. Rhoads.
FURS.—The finder will be sintably'rewarded and
receive the thanks of the owner by leaving them at
Pergner's Rook Store; No. 51 Market street. 3t•
.. meeting of the Harrisburg Corn' Ex-
Achange will be held at the StorWtof Dr. A. Patter
son on Saturday evening next, (16th test.) at 7 o'clock.
Pcnctual attendance is requested as business or import
ance will be transacted.
The Subscriber having lately. purchased
the good will and Furniture of the White Hall
Hotel in the city of Harrisburg, opposite' the County
Court House, of which he will enter into possession - nu
April, Ist next, will, therefore, Orer at.public Outcry
KITCHEN PURNZTURE such as the best quell yof
QUEENSWA HE in - general, and many other articles
not bare numerated: • -
AND HARNESS, all of which will be sold on said day,
and if not concluded On that day said Sale will be contln
ned from day to day until the said property is all sold.
.lam The said sale will be held at .2'ffie FAKERS'S
ROTEL, (late Stahl's).
• Conditions will, be made known on the day of sale, by
ctaiwAs Proprietdr.
CHIEF FROM DOGS. Sennett .4 He if Ordained by
the Common Council of the City . of Harrsburg, .That any
dog or obit whichmay have been, of Shen hereafter, be
bitten by any mad dog or other mad anined,-sech dog
or slut eo bitten shall forthwith be killed and burled
sufficiently deep topreventanynnsanceitherefrom ; and
if any owner of any dog or slut so bittin,hhill refuse to
kill'the sime, and Shall permit the said dogor slut to go
at large thereafter, he r she or they so offending, shall,.
on conviction thereof, forfeit and pay for every suchtf
fence, the sum of eight dollars, to be recovered as other
fines are by law recoverable; and it enall be the drity of
the Chief Police Conitablei or suchperson, as he may an.
theriae, to kill and bury every such deg or slut, found
running at large.
Use. 2. - and be it further ordained, That if any owner
of a:slut shall hereafter permit her to run 'at large' nt
any time, (when in neat,) within the limits of the said
city, he, sb.e.or they so offending shall forfeit and pay
the sum of one dollar for each offence, fer the use of the
city, to be recovered as aferesaid ; and it shall be the
duty of the Chief Police *instable, or such person as he
may authorize, to kill-and bury any slut so found at
Sic , . 3. And be it further ordained, That the Chief Po
lice Constable shall be paid out of the City Treasury, the
sum of one dollar for each and every dog or slut whielt
may be by him killed, or caused to be killed and burled,
in pursuance of the directions of this Ordinance.
&to. 4. And be it further ordained by the authority
Vomit; That every doggolngat large within the limits
of said city, from the 20th day Of May until the 20th day
of September, in each and every year, shall have se
curely put' on a good, strong, substantial and. safe wire
basket muzzle, enclosing the whole month of saki dog,
so as effectuallyto prevent him from biting and snapping.
So. 5. And be- it farther ordained by the 'authority
aforesaid, That any andevery person owning a dog, and
permitting him to runat large without complying with
the requisitions : or We rough secticin of this Ordinanee,
Shall•be liable tea Aria Cr not lees than one dollar, nor
more than twodollatie, witli costs, at the discretion of
the Mayor; and it is hereby made the duty of the Chief
Police Constable to report all 'violations of said fourth
section to the Mayor, and in the event:of the saitiCore
Stable not able to Mid the owner of 'a dog so run
ning at large, he, or some portion employed by_ him shall take up, kill and bury said dog, for which mention
he er the person performing the service, Shall receive
the sum of one dollar, to be gild ont'or the 'City Trea-
Mso.. 6. Be it further ordained by the attihority ajtiret
said, That every dog going at large withinthei limits of
said city, shall have around its neck, at antimes &collar
of metal, or a collar of leather, with a metal ' plate, on
which metal collar or ,plate ehall be inscribed The Came
orthe owner or such dog; and any and every person or
porker's owning a dog, and permitting 2. to rim at large,
without complying with the requisitiout of this' motion,
shall be liable to a fine of one dollar for every dfence
And further, it is hereby made the duty of the Chief Po
lice Constable, or a person employed by him, to take up
every dog so running at. large; in violation of this sec
tion; and unless the said fine is paid by the owner there
of, od demand, or if no owner can be band; the eald,of.
ficer la hereby authorized and required to kilt the d7g)
or cause it to be killed and buried, for which servlemAte
shall be , allowed one dollar out of the. City Treasury..
Lisa 7. Be it . further ordained by the fauthorgy afore
said, That any person who shall binder or obstruct the
said officer, or any one by him appointed, from carrying
into lull effect and execution any of the provisions of this
Ordinance, shall berliable to, fort tit and pay a fine of
twenty dollars, which bne,.and all other lines and-for
feitures, Made payable by this Ordinance, shall be sued
for mid recoveren before the Mayor'or any b lderinna in
the manner provided by law.
President of Common Counolipro teat
Passed Nobiliary 6.1861.
Atteet : DATID - nABRIS, Clerk. A ,
pproved, Fob. 12 , 1861. '
WM. H. KEPNNH, Mayiv
A WHITE MAN for Waiter at the Euro
pean Hotel. Apply to
lINF2, Envelopes, ValentineO.r4 s and- Writers at
all prices from oneeent r•pwards, for eale wtolezale sal
jan23-dtf 51 Market Street.
- Baltimore, Feh. 11, 1861
holders of this company will be held at CALVERT
STAITON, on THURSDAY, the 28th of February next,
between the hours of 12 and 2 o'clock P. M., fur the
election of Twelve Directors for the ensuing year.
The Transfer books will be closed on the 16th of Feb
ruary until after the election. By order.
THOS. 8. HOLLINS, Secretary .
Patriot and Union please copy. feb 1-dte
ALBANY, Jan. 13
wile, understand that the next meeting
w for drill will be held at the HARR SBURG PARK
on NEXT SATURDAY, the lEth lost., at two o'clock in
tie afternoon, when it is presumed cfficers will be ap
pointed to officiate at the parade on the 'A i inst. .All are
uragd to attend promptly. feb/LEt
500 i„Bst 4 Rere. Es," ,sieutvoi:)krsAuit.P,ProLrEsel
limest nash'pride, by
FOR R.MT.The Tavern Stand on
/Edge Road, now occupied bpSsmuel W. Roberta is
offered for rent from the Ist of April newt, Enquire of
febo:dtf MRS. BCMTEEN, No. 30, Faisal! Street.
with considerable ground, and &STABLE attached,
on the west avenue of the water basin. Possession hay
be bad Immediately.
fei.7-2wd eRAS. .RAWN.
riIHE PARTNERSHIP heretofore exist
leg between MUCH & 00WPREITHWAIT, In the
Mercantile business, has this day been dissolved by mu
tual consent. AS claims against said firm, and'alt debts
owing to the same wit/ be proented for settlemeit and
paid to lIRICH & BOWMAN, who are authorized Unsettle
up the business of the concern, and who will 'continue
business at the old stand, corner or -Front' and Market
street DANIEL MOH • -
O 7E7' :AS: 3r-• -
'ETAS moved his office to the : National
AA_ House in Market street, opposite the Post Office.—
Be particular and observe the name on the window.—
Dr. Jones may. be consulted on ail diseases but more
`particularly dimes of a private natore. Dr. JONES
bas cured a number of private and quer diseases
in this city and elsewhere, and some of them had almost
giv.n up ell hopes of recovery, and was motored by the
use of his powerful vegetable remedies.
Dr. ;TONES offers the only safe and certain remedy for
Gonorrhea, Gleet,,Etriature, Liver Complahit, Dyepepata,
Cost"(renew, and an Derangements of the Stomach. This
preparation will cure Gonorrhea in from three to Aye
dole, and can bohad at any time of . Dr. JONEf3, at his of
fice, at One Dollar - per bottle, and one bottle in sufficient
to care a mild case.
' J. R. EBY,
'JOHN H. 1111 - A7Pic.
This is 'one of the worst of all dbleasel; Dr. JONES
plehipis himself to cure Syphilis in its worst &his. This
Ohmage. makes its appearencebt so taanydifesit toting',
theta single plan uf treatment will not reasktialn all
features ; soAt may require different remedies, according
to the nature of the case. Dr. JONES will blab) a Writ
ten' article ititit any one—NO DORE NO P.4lri "The re
medies used by_ Dr. DONE i esepurely vispifrible; and need
in:, change of. Wet or hindrance from brijnws. ,
• This habit a youth is indulged in While alone; and is
often 'learned from evil a:imps/110M Whenit School, and
if not oured will destroy both:mind:and. litidy..• Both
sexes fall victims .tothis disease. Om fOrPlOnut a r ° —
Pain in the Head, Dimness elf Sight; Ringing in the Ears,
Pimples en the Face; loatt of Memory, Frightful Dreams
at Night, Weakness in the Back, Pain in the Breast, and
Cough, (indicative of Consumption,) Dyspepsia, great
A/eras/gement of the Nervous System, ami r,eton fin Death
Puti sn.end is their sufferings. To such 'Dr, JONES of
fers a perfect restoration, with attehmibi and Balmy
Juices of Herbs, that will perfectly restore the victim of
this Distressing. Disease.
Those suffering from Colds, and Deirtingement of the
-Nervocui -leptons, can speedily be r nattered to round
health - and - . Vigo r; . -
Dr. JONES may be consulted at a'lthrteti at his Mince,
personplly or by letter, deserilfing all symptoms. All
letters must contain-e stamp to ensurithnsatee.
Address Dii . D W APNEA; '
of the FOUR STORY HRICK HODS No. 93 Wilma
street. Possession given on the Ist of April nevi_ 'Air
particulars enquire of [lena ]. J. B...SiltON.
for sale by O= =Gras,
ieb6 73 Maffei Stmt.
ALFRED F. ZI:1111111,31AE & 00: 1
O. 52 MARKETSTREET; Harrisburg,
Pa:, opposite HERR'S Horn; and . adjoining the
ROMAN Horn, having purchased the stook of E. F
Jennings, and added ;a large assortment of leffW JEW
KLRY, we will sell the same ; at the lowest cash price, and
solicit patronage
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neatly and promptly re
paired and delivered .
Having disposed of my stock of Jewel' y to ¢ P, Zhu
Merman & Co , I cheerfully recommend them to m y tor
mer customers as practical and fiXperiel/Ced Watch
Makers, and solicit for them a continuance of the.patron
age watch has been so generously =tended to me during
the last six years
Seled' Schoola . for - Boys aia. Elizitai
HE Fall term 4A - ROBERT 'IELWEE'S
School for boys, win' iapen on tire lest :Monday In
Aaron. The room is wenveptUate4cOmfortably .fur
abated, and In every. respect wall adapted for school
C4THARINB N'IILWEE° S School for girls, ocated In
the same lanildingi will open for the7All term at the same
time. The room has been elegantly litted np during. the
vacation, to promote the health and comfortof scholars.
THE STORE ROOM lima - To the Court
House, late in :the oconpanck of Mr. Glover. Pas
session given on the Hint of April. Enquire of - •
jan27-t -;;.- F. wyErH.
DT-ACCORDANCE O -with a -resolutiori adopted
by thaJoint Cominitti>3 of theSanate and House
of Representatives -of the. Commie:tweak of
Pennsylvania, appointed to make proper ar
rangenstettia for hieing the American Flag uPon
the dome of the Capitol, on the 22d of Feb
rnary, 1861, an Invitation II hereby extended
to all Military companies, Fire companies, and
other civie.associations, la the State/to join in
the proposed ceremonies. Major General Kelm,
of this city, has been appointed Chief Marshal,
to whom.. all ,companies and associations pro
posing to be present on the °Wagon, will please
report, °woe 'before the 16th - list.
febs-dawtd. ' Chafrman Committee.
CLOSING OUT our still large. assor t men
tion 6r doo .7l3B44 meDst 63n k Siblt Bettl °lr •
Handsome Dark Siberian Squirsid'Sette,
a tine atosk...or Rill:bids of low miaowing,
A Obisioe for Ikutem!tn Fine rase
• can stainasiss,
N 0.14 Nerkeilquare,
mita the Harzialtser,
NVI3 f2thtrtisementa