THE TELEGRAPH PUBLIf3IIED EVERY DAY, (SVXD&n arasersio BY GEORGE EERGNER ' & CO: . . - SDNDONtimoN. 'i!De Mar TUNDRAPiI is servedto IDONDektOrN In tb ttorough M. 6,t4" cents per. week. Yearly, - eubecrib,ert in be charged $4.00. WIIIELT AND Nun-AV/LILLY TILZIOHAVa. TrAilligt A ra Disko publyeed twice a week during co, liesidOiCof the 'LOWlucre; 04 weekl - during the re• tnatuter or, they.eity, and to Inoollfets at the 9110%.. rated , ' Aingle Hannrib*De Der year -5•..v Do rtla LAW-. 1.19 NNwArertge. oubscrtuers order, itid otscOntinuaace of their netts. ~.Errs, the publisher may continue to send them until 1 arrearages are paid. It setscribers neglect or reuse to take their nem& •-era Wont the iWce to which they are directed, they Me responsible untittliee 'settled' the bulls and ordered them discontinued Pennsylvania Legislatore,. HOUSE OF REPRESEMVATIV=. TUESDAY, Feb.."l2, /TO.: The House' was called to ordenat : 10 o'clock, The,9l,. s.p_promedeid- co - rea4 the ;Journal of yesterday, When, - , FIERCE moved that the:further reading' of the same be diapeneed with. • The motion •Ivas iitreed to.:: Tom- TONNAGE TAX. The Speaker laid.before the House-a cdmmu nieation from , -.the Auditor general in reference to the tannage tax, which was read as follows ; Annrron Gssraer,'s Pebruary 12, .1861. To thalami . . B. W. DAVIS, - Spfxiker qf the Ha um of Representatives ° kr.: I anawer to - the resolution of :the libuse of Representatives, adopted on the -11th inst., by' which the Auditor General "is requested to" inform thalilimise - What is the amount of ar rears of tonnage tax f noiv dub and unpaid by lheyermaylvsuga Reilroad!company, and '.why the Same 'is' not paid,' 2 I have the.horfor to • ieport 1. The amount of said tax due and unpaid;is $561,158-94, ea follows Balance due:l6, .o**.y• to July 21,1 y 6'368 Amount "bf said tax from July -24 4868, to November 80, 1858, botlrldityaincl*lve, 4813er - settle 4Lerit,made rebruary 24 1869... Amount of said tax frdro. Dec. 1, 1858, to July 19, 1869; 'both days inclivabie, as per settlement made August 25,. 1859 Amount, of said tax, fromjuly .20, 069, tO-Novemller 80;1859; both t.laypincluslve,„ es per;settle ment made /military 17,1860: Amount of. Mid , . tax,ftora .I)ocetp-' 156 "1; 1859" 'to july 20, 1860, both days Inclusive, as i tker settle- - Mont made September 6, 1860 167,684'86 4iinibt of Said tax from July 21, 1860 to November , 80, 1860, both days luclusite asper settle silent 'made Decelberl2, 1860"'141,294 19 Total up to Dec. 1, 1860 $661,168 94 No settlement has been made of the account of the Pennsylvania railroad company`for UP nage since December 12," 1860, as the returns Are made to. his Department twice in.each year, one covering . the time from' December ist, 'to • Jiffy 20th; the other from July 21st to. Novem ber 30th, both days inclusive. The reason why this tax has not been paid is, that the Pennsylvania railroad company appeal : Ad.fronkell the above stated settlements_ ea colt, Vas made on thrr 17tIrday--:oVArahatil, 1850, and the 12th of December, 1880, to the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin county.-- A certified:copy of the account settled January 17, 1860, was placed in the hands of the At torney General on. the day after its date. A shuilar copy of the settlement made on the lei,; :of December; 1880; will this, - day be plead In the hands of that officer, the time al wed o for appealing having expired. Very respectfully, , THOB. E. COCHRAN, Auditor Genets]. Qn motion of Mr. IllabißLEY, the above re- C was oz4eved to be whited-in the Ifigiilatize TR& PRIVATE CAI4NDAR , Agree&Ay . tO order The House pniceecled to consider bills.on the • 'Private Calendar, when the folloWing were .passed and laid aside for a second reading : No. 142. An Act to -incorporate the Fislanlfr Creek Improvement company. No. 148. An Act to incorporate the American Nnilarkie and. Salvage company. _.. Mr. WILDEY ;Roved;to amend. by 4 1 4 4t 4 hq word ytwo" in the eighth line,; seeing l'-`four." - I The amendment was agreed to. • Sen. 16., Au Actingylintenfary to an Act to .v incorporate the'lxirbhgb. of Birniinghatn, in t e icounty•Of ALllegheny. - - ' No. 146. Au , Act to incorporate the t Sunlinry Act' idemy"in Butler county. _ . No. 148. An•Acti incorporatingUL4. littitins. Hose corn . '. ,y,-,number,orie, in the county L of u.serne, •e. ..., /*aft - ,1;,. , a ...] W.MB. erattindithert of Ada bill, it : is to exempt firemen from mili4 tint duty. Certainly the 11puito - Will not deem it Eger that, firdinen, the 'moat_ etkeientlhodY ofinieniniha country, should bethusyntempted: 1-trust.this bill will lie over. ' • ' The SPEA.H.I34t. Does the gentleman ,object to the bill ? , .. • • , 1141 r; WILSON. • I do, on tilt ground—not from, any other motive. No. 149. An . Act to incorporate ,the:Philadel. phirs Trirniemeinde, (Turner's society.) • N0. , 160. Supplement to an Aet, i nc orporate }the cemetery company; in All ghen'r county., • 1 - No - 164: An Act to tltefsllof the ,Pi'Whyteriati ofFranldakt ; aprprovetrifie, 9th dap of April, A. D. 1808. • AO : 156. A farther, supplement to the . Actitc, elite the tfairiaburg, FemaleSemina•fy', , • eighteenth day of April, one' thim-' eight hundred and fifty three. 167,,Ando,providing for copying:the , erid, Other lows in the county Surveyj duri . Office of Schuylkill county. 50..168. Ad Act to change the name of Samuel 31"I.eughlin. - • No. 189:• An Act *elatlrze to' Aka 'views for aammes—t. - 152#444 21, !JOA!+4 II county . ; „ • fir.WUW/C rentioved his, objections_ lo; mouse bill, NC. 148, entitled "an Act irmorprao tine the Pittston Hose company, No. I; in the 'county of Luzerne;:,POWilania, and the bill was „lewd and-leitl *de fOr 0190 W reading. o PP. • A suPPlerrento to an Act to ',provide @A. erection of. a house for the:employment! support the lvgl'• lik••tiret•Oomit,'-.• NR., 43tAtikP0 8 1 3 .4. the.ths l 44:daY , Pone . vionsauct eili*bwidred aprthistposte: , 140..10,, An. Act to change theAtiMCof.Ben.- jamw, Wel:k. • ~ ~,„ Vf0..1 0 44 1 ' ,An,,Aet to regyleteappealstronathe' ent Of. Aldermen, in tha , city •of Phila. delp • • • .! .1” 4 0 . 18 4. 44Aot,relliting to auction sales 4. l 4eLfimot9' of 1 7ni00.. '•:••,;" ' • ; •E' 4 0 - 189 : An Act re lating 11) evidence , , I : I3 2FAELthe citYi Ofi Philadelphia. AV,., 1 4. 02 An Act to vest the ‘'ascheatedies-! tatcrof:Lidia Price in her nephew Reese , . P. nh tn. A.IIIL • • STItONG moved to, amend by ing the following proviso ided, The same be subject to the meat of the'e , :i4terel inheritance tax, and the i payment of itlipeats and charges which may hays lagalb , r4Arcriiiid by reason of the same' hatinteaebektiittOlhe" - iltate. ' • . ._. . . . ............ • • „. . . *l\ iwi,„ c•• . . •• . ! , •: • , . .. .• .VI inins . 1... . : . ..:•'Ir*: ::-. ' '' -4 --',.. 4 . _ . • f f • ." - iwqMlMfTri 4n- ..-:.---.1,-T:.-:- E 2.00 12.00 16.00 `VOL XIV '`Thesionendnient was agreed to. ___. No.:171. An Etet,to Authorize the sale of the Walnut Eta schol,property, in the late town... ship of Byherry, twnnty-third ward, :Philadel phia. To - to, authorize the Trustees of the Methodist l'O`kpiscopal :church.of Bloody Run, in Bedford `ooonty, to convey certain real es , Sen. 80. Au4ct to authorize the Trustees of the society of .Friends, in 'Richland township, Bucks county, to sell certain real estate: - .No. supplenient to an. Act relative to the eicheated estate.: of John Chase, a riegro "rum, passed 18th April ; A... D. 1854; N0.:176. An.Aot authorizing William gall,- of Blakely township,'Luzerne , county, to sell certainireal estate: 'M. PUG moved to amend by striking out In the tenth• line-the:word "two" and inserting "thoe:!: •! ; The .amendment was agreed to. No. 376. Ati -- Act to authorize Edward Vail and , Morgan Catapbell, of the.ROdety of Friends, in-Fayette'cOunty, to sell and convey certain lots of ground. Sen. 81. An Act authorising the Directors of the mrand of the 'tense yotemployment for the county of Delaware, to sell certain real es- tate to the School Direators of the township of Ilfiddietown, in said.county. N0:483. An,Act:to lay out a State road 'in Clarion end Venting° counties. HOFFlDSimovtxl to amend by striking: out the name of R. Irvin, wherever it occurs,, and insey t An-lieu thereof the name of .Drashear. . $1,211,97 The aniendment was-agreed to. No. 185. Supplement to an Act appointing commissioners to lay, out ands road in a State in the counties:of Wiles/amid Elk, passed the 21st day of March, A. p; 1856. . , - No. 1.86. Supplement to an Act to ineorpo- 7 rate the Marietta and Maytown Turnpike Road company, approved Aprills, 1857.' Sen. 91. A supplemenkto the. Act incorpora ting the Lir:waster arltd Ephrata Turnpike or llank Road company. • No. 189. An Act - authorizing the ungifted - voters, of . Stoney Creek township, Somerset coun ty, to elect'one additional Supervisor. Mr. WILDEY withdrew his objections to Senate bill No. 37, entitled "a ,supplement- to the Act ineOrPorating the Spimieniteivn. sand Geshenhoppen,:and.the Steinberg - and Atilt:4rd Scitiare Turlipike road. coMparty: .Thebill then passedi - and - wastaid - aside - tor a second reading. No. 191. An Aet.te incorporate the Clearfield . and Bennett's Branch Turnpike _Road company. No. 19/ An Act tO . 4tend the charter of the Glen Bppe and NeW Washington Turnpikiind .Plank. Road company. • No. 193.. An Act appointing coniniisskatersto. lay oukOd open. a State road in the counties of M'Been;:Elk; Forest and Clarion. No. 195. A supplement to an Act to incorpo rate Vialielivei ra Preakilt . .) adAluiTurrwike Raid iiiiiiiiianyi-approliiptir2o, r. - 1371 - 851&" BlLti OBJECTED OW TUB-OALENDAR. 87,876 22 169,368 68' 104,879 18. The followinOillsVoire objeet&l off the Cal-. ender - _ _ 8.,1101, (PhilaaelPhia,) No. 146. ~An. Act to IncorPoknt.e, the Nnith American Oil cbm By gr. TA.YMPR, No. -147.:it napplernent to the:A4ineOFlOntanffPie Allegheny MOuntain 'Health /nititute: • • - By Mr. - NILSON No. 348. An Act'-incotid rating the klitikton itese'o6iqpiniyiinnber • one, in the County el' Luzern ', 'Pennsylvania. . ' By Mr. TAYLOR,- Ben. 40. - An. Act , to incor porate the Ardeseo 011 company. ' By Mr, r4.ol'oN,'Xq. 05. An Act to incor porate the Ewle'Ootf,on works:- , By Mr. BUTLM, (Crawford,) No. 162. An Act relative' timid - ion in 'the borough of Chester., By Mr. -TAYLOR, No. 16.3. -Am ct relating , to: he linistiteliiithat:and the 1 3 hili A delphia and WilicesbarrreTh company • Mr . Trff . T; la! , An; 194 4 an 4414 jedifre fieiii4toi'tiefxti33l34bility* eSitEdn:priblio4 officers in Schuylkill county,.. ap• : preyed; Pheil7th'llayt- February , A. '17111369 4 - seijekas relates tt4 thetOWilittAt WeetXiaen 101 - 00.6.7.litatihenti;:li:gagiqoutity of :Schuytt . Prix. WILD 4;tld. Au Act $ 11 4 1 4 td. reference iiiiiV.lltb%4o l : l 4" the : citY.44 I • county of • • • By Mr. WIf.XIBY„ Sen. 62. Supplement to an Act tOlitithOrisCrthe.9ooiiie'r to r incorporate Delawarethe' icOun.:4734rpp se ; load company. By Mr MOORE. •-s Au Act to compel these, signees •of the Bank tit'FttihriylVanie 'to audit asia'sittio Woe acco is• A suktlenient to an Act to and:Loris° the supervisors of Springfield township subscribe' to the, stock o:o2o44(o4 o l: l 4iFelliiis'. hall • association:of Centro, Square, and to authorize the Auditor GeUetat, tolv•OttX the .104itinta of the *iities t spii isY ;tile faBe of,the, Montgomery County Bank appiorid -the. April; • - • •.;••••• • By Mr. HELL,AS.:-Morau4rginvlemellt tgikuittotlxtoing444, rick and Cole; 1:ortlok :turnpike company to iextend theit road, ftons , oi , near-Boyertetl; iklkirks county, th*thl, line;of 'P034,140145e Jacob BOWier!a: m/.l,.i:safed the. twenty-exth , day of ApritiAnno-.Donlini one thousand eight "hun -, • , dred and flue By ortT;;*ti.,*l7.,.A figPftlaliieilt_ to, the Ad. incorPOrating -the gpinnerstown And Goshanhoppen, And•thelfiteinshingand'lifilfiird Square turnpike road . By Mr. tOLLER, No: lOC An Act to amend the general. turnpike ' , bridge-,and plank road law as to "Erie county. "-• xx. Act to motor *watt the' - rtia4.54,1 company: By Mr. GAStcruf.., Ben. 89. Afttrthersupte ment'tO Act szlxux?forirae . the /40144' la 141Darby' ailrotAs9msiti43% 41• AS follming billB, the calendar he t T t riday,:were 'read and disposed of amts;. NQ, 89 AP, tto r_efunsi ce}_tain moneys. , Passed and laid for second reading. N o 118 Air taxilig - the county of' ' ' • ' 114401.. second reading. Sen.. 88. An Actb) extend the provisions of an Act fe& the prOteetiaitt'sheetk and of;da Oi s e I:aunty 'Of ;BUJ*, to the county of CtaWford. Paella; and laid aside for second reading. Nib: 124: An Aet to chtige the place of hold- , ing the township *Owns ; in Tvdioahochen' township, Berks county: - . . Bir.• .SHETZP offered the following amend meat: 0 , • ,7 • , Jultb3kitte, sirike'Pat ilia woriPtoinithir iti4d hind "gMeral," lind in , the Bth linestrike Ode the' wad "towisihip" and' insert "gener 16. NAIR-L hope the;ani,endnient will not be agieed Thw I, lobel' bill, "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THONGS---NEUTRAL IN. NONE•" HARRISBURG, PA.. WEDNESDAY' AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 13 ; 1861. '541,7*112V BLISS baying reference to the county of Berks. T can not see what motive the' gentlemah can have in offering the' amembilent: - • Mr. , SELTEER. 'There are two sides to this question. The gentleman' has given one ; and 1-Will give the other.' It 'appears that in the township of Tulvehocken thdie is a difficulty 134 . tweett two landlords: One holds'the, general election. and the other the township election. The man holding . the' township election is; it appears, a Republican`, and on account of a little feud; some per Sons have hoped to „come. up ' here and insinuatingly. get -through 1 , po take the election: poll from him. titters hi 44 'been 'written to me in regard to this'subject. I' hope no good Republican will •faVor a proposi tion of this kind. This ariaendmerit haVe the effect of leaving the election poll ,where it is. I hope the amendment will preVail. Mr. BOYER. state for the information Of the House; that the:Petition for this change hi the place of holding 'electifins Inns Signed, by . three hundred and'fifteeii eitieeini of the taini ship, while the whole number of*voters ley ibnr, hundred and twentknine. We thus have con clusive evidemxi,that the pepple of :the, town ship desire this 'change.. Why the-gentleman from Philadelphia (Mr. SELTZER) desires*); non-' nect this subject with any political •question, I do not understand. Whether .the:: man who now,hold's thp election. is a Democrat or Repub lican, I; care not; but ihree-fourths-of the pee ple,of thg township desire this; change ; ..and !think their wishes, hould lbe regarded !by .thii Legielature. I hope the amendment willbeTB - The , SPDAT-CDR. Objections being made to the amendment, the gentlemanwill. have: to renew it on, second realib4g. The hilt was then piiiseir; and' hiid aside for a second , reading. 'No. 126: "Supplement to an Act, •eittitled an-Act'erecting part's' Clinton; 21k; ltean and Potter countiegifitolinew''oounty't 'be called Cameron,' appiotredMarolitWefity-Width, -Arno Domini one thousand eight h'undred' O ad :Passed, and laid asitte . tdi SeCof.uV, raiding. No. 182; ' 4 !Axt for the'relief of tlieltitre ties of Daniel Ze igler, lateireasiiret- Of 'Mifflin county." Passed, and jaid, Ode for a. second-reediei: EXPLANATION Bi.EAKEIt , Ettite . Th hair desires to that''the reason Why certain Senate bills, upon 'the Private ~ - enclar, are not printed, is, that Sri:L .are pagied by 'either House, without printirik, they are not printed by the House Where .thtry are last considered, unless specially.ordered. ~011MAIT gams PASSED. Mr. CRAIG moved that the Rouse proceed to consider Fenatelaill;- entitledt:" im , Aot-to incor porate thi3 K , ittaning water company.'!: >; ; The illation was - agreed to ; and &id bill wtif4 taken up,andi bill entitled " &farther stipplenient tb 6 blie. Act to ince:rporate the •Trenton Oity ,Bridge Col& The motion was agreed to ; and said bill,was taken .upand passedifinally, , . , Hr. BUTLER, (Crairtdrd;) rattled to consider, Stmate bill, eatitletPfian Actibilextentl-theipro vigor's of an Act for the protwtionz . of sheep, and taxing dogs in the county ofßlair tothecounty of Crawford.' • ' The motion; and said. bill Vois taken up wadi:mimed EXPORTS PROM CONIErITIMI. ' " • - Mr.' STRANG, fioin the committee ibtointed to CoMpare Billst . and present them to"tho t tieV-' ernor for his apprObationonade repoit,„ Which was reart• as follows;vii :• ' ' - ' ' .. That in Conbinctidn. withit 'similar Commit tee from the Senate; therhaVe dentiared, and, tty oroThursd, freseMed tiftlie GoVetdoi farlds approbation the 'bill da-follchiti; Ito Aiitt"l'' - - • Hbuselbill No: - .81.y:iiilet'to inoorbridn' the Masonic hitlrtieS46laliciti" of 7.80.1091#1.101° bounty of Allegheny l : , . - ' ----' ~ ' '• On Febinistiy Ifith, I8&1, House hill Not 86, tail Act to autliOi l iket.46viaorgifilOwklV ti' odaiiiiiny to erect a: . bridge beer l # e,ffiela' creek, in Clearfield-county„atlitident!'- ” t ' ' House-bill Ne. 71:An d /let in66,4drating the Ceinktinioners of Cameron corintt'ttp borrow House bill No. 91. An Act to clunigethe' ,plactr.of tholdinvelections •in , moon .mo m shy g , Beaver county.-... ,- . L ~ ...1, , , -, .1, • i ~ . House ,bw.g?..162. An ,Aot authorizing the IP.9 33 .Pa issioner l i of WfOtiiingi county to borrow • i „Laid on:01041e. . , , . . ; , ' , • 4fr•• B EfF4ToPl ' i9Tihre gill) xepprte4 from the coramittee-ont nyisml fEknil With . amendment, a bill seat At h r en -AO ,fc.r the c9m 41.944.40nit0f tte*Mlage 4n1194:1:,1 : .:., !E .1 Mr, BIIOIIFI - 91,i1). I. once ; me, MiTirs9aPPO ' ,published: In : t1te1914 , -og:ooo.ldPikillail9 ,.3,44 ' moat' Parts:o'ko9Dtc‘te,a StategMAthAttitto 2 44' bri ieration - to , this . ;Sunbiny and, PO Ilailpad, • I #, .Itleit in relation; to $4.9. PcmPlufationlor , the r O /9 11 Wo , t4,1,Passe 4 1. *9-C9Mmitteed of Ways ari4 Xfs!.94; 9 9tinimoisilY,., ,i - lkliknlSMlM ofigkat ie 6 ,,g4:4#991 , T-lek. 1 . fis•va jt.k , ..Sa.j4 , llatAaft MP* ' is incorrect, I, 1104 seTeral.: o * 9 lS . ,l 9Plsved' thos4 tills in CoMmittee t . and ,slitklloppose them before the Hawse .: . worm ammo Os MIS oar mks PRIVATE WEN : An motion of Mr.:BELTZPIt,_ the,Hotewprb! °aided .to •the iiticondtreaang, and , consideratio# ' .ofhilhr on the Private Caleaia, , ,11,r t, : i 1 , When thedblioudng. were considered and-dis. , posed of es stated:. ' , _ : - No. 142: An Act to incorporate the . 'Fishing Creek , improvement company:L.., ~ - . •,• ...Mr. , . ACKER offered . the following aniend ment, to come in as an; dditional section.. • That the" Said o p rpOration aliall - pet i a bOntis'Of one-half di:diaper denttnivolitie capitastOck `of aaidoompany,payable bikini *Winn' tui;yo3l4 Merits; the. first. *salient to be -•made in One liar from the :,:htte hereof ;•iiiel staillikk such; tat — on divldendi 'as telor May be tireVided by Alf. Hllltbi. • I'am . opposed to: the' ton,ei4J ment of the gentleman' Yrdia- - Chesteljfft.. Aokint) , ThighilVicatioirefidlfe6iisid y e b - the Cta n initte - on Ccifixiiatione did the airiinurt. of Ilatud; ,, ete4", to' be libldlepthe-obmPanY''Att‘ carefully restrieted by, the•Vensinittee at tol l ; 'suggestion. -thehill merelrpriivides-for'ini proving land which cannot be improved tik,itil 'divided *Hal in • the countr 'Now; while the general sentiment of the peOple ' 'Of . the ; CalintsllB- aedl*tainYiostiiditkOilainiiik43ur-, poses, where individual capital could be em-,, ployed with advantage, still; on ,could of the pe,eshar geological. fprmation of the county, it' is neoeps,Etv M certain cases, ,to . telve,ctmallstaies witli - ,c 9 ncentrated . capital to; wOrk 'tbte , vans : • Ndlel'e"ii. ll ' ol 4 l 4Ed cap i tal ca nnot ' he.effeetfkelY l eMployed,. ' ' : ~ , , ,- •, ~ , 1 'tthe pinion of the cOurq 4hire It is iiiii.;• 1 iafiejl:tel locate this 'p L, vi.e, altogFisili*,i.9r4llTpo venen t i R'rT;;*PY*l4veiOOiy!*,fo:,alowti 7ealeiieloetltti onliaptt@o' dor to'dpilio'ainbrareurcii 'Vi of the county—to aid in _the coal traffic of the county and'Of the State—it has become neces sary to concentrate capital and to form this company and some others of a- similar nature. If a tax be imposed bri'these companies, in ac cordance with the proposed amendment, the ef fect will be at once to deter any partiesfrom at tempting to mine coal in the county by means of incorporated companies ; it can have no other effect than epishing all cOnsblidation of caPital, and ass coneigjeAce deteatii?'s ilk* de welonfivnt 9142erixag *he comiWand the acrew:s - P1ig , 04:4 1 .*,..4.. Ofi the amendment of Mr. AellEft; The yeas -and nays 'were required by Mr. ACKER and Mr. M'GONIGAL, and . wereas fol lows, ciz : YEM.—Messrs. Acker, Alexander, Ander son, Collins, ..Craig, Disrnanti ' iFrazier .;Hill, Hood, Hofius, M'Gonigal, Myers, Robinson, stoneback, Taylor Teller,. Thomas, Tracy ; Valker, l . • NAYS. --Xessrs. Abbott, Austin, Bartholo- Men, Pii;e l , l3 lgrißliggilikuwiPreiule.rißrixlllead, Byrne, Caldwell, Clark, Cope, Cowan, Donley, Doug,lass, Duffield, Dunlap, Eilenbprger, Elliott, rGliblkiney,3Goelirifig, .1 - lappet, Heck, Hillman; Kline, Epch, Leisenring; Lichtenwalleri Lowther, litTotiough, Mani fold, Illoore,Xfullirt;paterhout, Patterson, Pierce, Preston, Puglie, Reiff; Rhbads, Ridgway, Rol ler, Shafer, Sheppard, Smith, (Berks,) Smith, (Bhihuielphia,)Strang, Davis, Speaker-51. deta - rinmedin the nega- The bill then passedfinally. Abt to•dn'corporate the American submarine.and Fasaed finally. Ban. 16 Act supplementary to an Act to incorporate ilia borough of Birmingham, in the county of Allegheny. Passed finally. ' • , • "Mo: ` 146. 'An Act '6 incorporate the West Sunbury acadeniY,""iiattitler county. ?Passe 4 l - fin' anY•f : No, 148. An Act; incorporating the Pittston hose company number- one,in the county of Lu zerne; Pennsylvania: Mr. HMV, moved to amend,by, stilling out the thiid section. The 'motion .-was agreed to; and, the bill passed finally .• • No. 140: An. Act 6.inepitoratp the Philadel phia Ttung•cmeindo, (To.yriers'society.) Pissed finally. •. •• • • N0..15P. Supplement to an Act to incorpo rate% the Hfildale ,cemetery company, in Alle-• Passid No. 15,4. An Act to.argend the charter of the Presbylerien church , of.,Friolger.d, approved the '9th day of April, A. D. 1808. • „ • Passed finally ;; . • - No. .pe. A her sulpleinetito the Act to. PicorPorate: the: gaiTiehurg feinPle; aero-itiarY, fifty three., Passed finally. • _ Nbq J 57. An Act providing for, copying the ,drlifte othgc . Parbere in; the, county, survey-. cars Office of Schuylkill , county. •-• , :IT'4 4( ;d-finalT.T. • " .M§ :15p: An ,A.ot,te changethe name of Sam .. Pissed finally.] No 158 An Act relative to road views for *ulna, • ges ip. Northumberland county., Passed' finally- - N 0,169 A supplement, to, an Act; to provide for •„the, erection house for the: employment nod:support pf the poor in the county-of Schnyl, Am, passed the fourth,day.oft April, one thous : and. eight. hundred and thirty-one.. rwatt,pidy. r moved that'aor the .purpose..of/ coneidering bills, on the- mane. calendar, :the, I gont,3e,will.. hold a special.session on Wednesday evening pormnencmg at-T:0/194. , • SI34PPATID-moved, to amend by adding `,.`Weipt„. the xalendar•ltas ,previOusly. been gone 00101, wAth„..." • • • : ,X l ,9 , ..alnepdment was Agreed , to, and, the mo port, apellded, was adopted. , Io 161 -: An Act to change.the name of lien jimin SVelsh .P.arpsect_fo.24•ll3'. • , , •- ' ' 1 4 P. An Act to regulate appeals from - the .i3i4gtoP49f,i4clerMenin the city of Philadel phia 04::• ameralt„by, inserting, after the word in.the first section, the word "merely." The Arnendment,ms agteedc,to, and the bill Llassf•d thallYt ' •• - '•• " • No. 166. An Act relating sales in, , the Rounty , of 1:Joion. ;1: 'Pasied finally. , • No. /.6 1 04n ILA:relating, to evidence in ac tiPlVlAti thecity • ~„ , . 170 An ACtlo;Vestlthe.escheated estate •Of,_,X , Yclief•l" l .l4lill horinPpliew Rees& P. , ‘Walter. rassed to Airdretifliogi when I • • Art'?":110, I . o..nicoved to postpone its fink., Cher consideration for the.present. •.1 The motion Yea agreed to: • . • • 1 • 1 o. 171.1 An Act to Authorize the sale ofithe Wilrint 'Bill school property, in the late, tolin-• sla of Byberry.„ Twenty-third , wards Phil ' aclel~, . Pawed finally.,to . • 1:, 24 A/ 1 4.0.. 0 4 1 1 6 110,rizel Abe trusteewbf methodist, Episcopal church of.l3loody4llini, in , 1 3 04 1 ford county, to convey certain real e.F;- as ed finally. . • ; : • omo.:M- , 4 11 Actto authorize the trustees' of I, l'4 l :gOotek:s"ta . '.Buckiii county, tq sell certain real estate. • ..kahlee4 174 . supplement: to an Act relative /to ‘ .P4CP l 4lelitedi *ate , of -John Chase, a -negro I.3th•April;,A. D._ 1854: `Passed finally. • ; 1101 An Act authorizing William Hall of eley tOrTiShiP, Logemo mOuntY7 to self certain real ; stnte.. • •i s . 'A No. 176. .Aii - ACt to authorize: Edward Tail ~ a,l 3, ll _ l 4 qrgakCemphell; of.the. Society of Friendsi itkf illYege,soonty, , tor sell and.' convey:certain lots of, Pasked. 41 . 311113 r, Act: anthorlaing .the;directors. of the ' poor the housttofe.mployment for 'the county of Delaware, to sell certain real-es tate to,the:school, directorsof the"townshiP of 11 4,4 1 ptomaL, i n said county, , • , « ' ,-No. tArk , Autto. lei out a State road ,,, in Clarion .aMl'VeMinigo !amid*. Passeg pruipy„ 1.1 , No. 185. Supplement to: an. Act appointing commissioners to ls,y;out and open a Blab:afoul 0 1 41:." 3 , o#4as o f . ,Kean and'Elk,passedrtha .marpti,4. D. 1856: :* qr . rageed4ll4l4,-f, , :-, - • - ,;,,r • No. 186. Supplement to an-ActutoliitoonW fLti . .etlAe.,AteirisAta=and- 141 aYthwIl t l in 4 Piker. , "a 4l l corn..,_MYl , 4l2l 3 XoYed 4rtrillb; + - 1 , - Passed finally. Sen. 91. A supplement to:the Act incorpontit. ing the Lancaster and Ephrata turnpike or plank road contpariy. Passe,d finally., No. 189. An Act authorizing the ~ qulilled voter of Stony' Creek.'toWnithikr,-Stiinerbet cma:- ty, to.elect oneitdditional sum-s , il'mr.. - Passed finally. Sin. , 87. A supplemimtle the Actincorpontt ing the Opinnerstown. and Goshenitoppen, and the Stehisburg and Milford Square turnpike road comPanide. - - • • , -Passed ;No. 191. An JAct to baccirporate the' Clear field and Bentett'S 'Branch turnpike road Ocun- Passed finally. No. =192. Aniacti4 extend the 'Charter of the Glen Hope and:New WIIBIIIIIOO4 turnpike and plank road 'company. Vmsed finally.: ' .No. 19,3. AnAct , to aPPoixa coicanissiop.eis tO lay'cat and open a State road' n the counties of McKean,- Elk„Forest mad Clarion: Passed finally.. . No. 195: A suppletiteat to an Act to incorpo- 1 rate the Bealref road and turnpike - 113 ad 4 :1 111 P 81 * 8 0..0.0iid :A. D.: /1358. gassed No. 89._ An Act to refund certain moneys. Passed finally. • N0.=113: An Act faith* dogs in the county of Erie. . Mr. DOI7GT ASS moved to amend by inolud-, ing the township of Elizabeth, in the county of Allegheny. ' The amendment was agreed to And the bill as amended passed finally. N0.:124.,An.Act to qbange the place. of the township . elections in Tulpehocken townshiP, Barka 'county. -Mi. SELTZER moved to amend by striking out. n the fifth line - the. word "township" and inserting "general." Mr. BOYER. I hope the amendment of the gentleman:from Philadelphia will not prevail. There is no person tern , by petition- askingifor any sack PrPvision ;, but the people of .. , Tulpe-. hock.en township have.petitioned- this Legisla ture to`change the place.of holding the:teivn• ship elections. - Their petition is signed bYthree hundred and fifteen of its legal voters, oat of an aggregate of four hundred and t*enty-nine ; so that the voice.of those most interested is-de cisivelY in favor Of th; change. -In regard'to the political 'question which the .gentleman from Philadelphia (Mr. SELTEria)has endeavored to, introduce here, I. would state that I haie been _Wormed by ,my colleague whd resides very neer this' township, that this 413 alcontest between' two •Republicane ; the" house froze which: the election poll is to be removed, is, kept, by,a , Republican, as is also that to WhiCh the removal is to be made. Therefore 'this - cannot be made a party matter. -The-question is whether we shall'recogrolse 'the git ofrpet a.,Lsay that-wheri-threcr ,dred and. fifteen in, an aggregate of four . Bred and twenty;nine of the people petition', the LegislatUre . of Pettil4dVarda Tor a change in